#Still mad that I worked so much to get this Sliders to work
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blooodymoon · 3 months ago
A "RETURN of the Number of PERSONS FLOGGED in the BRITISH NAVY, in each of the Years 1845 and 1846; specifying the Name of the Ship, the Offence, the Sentence and the Number of Lashes Infficted." Parlamentary Paper, Number 661 of Session 1847
So after reading the Post about Jopsons Flogging by @handfuloftime I went down a research rabbit hole because I wanted to see if their exist sufficient & specific enough Data to accuratly compare his punishment and put it in the historical context.
I found this Website, which features the two tables from the Parlamentary Papers and their Source.
(Note: The tables on the website are incomplete and inaccurate in certain places. I compared it from top to bottom to the original source and corrected/added the informations in my table.)
I used that as a basis for my own table, where I also added Averages and Sliders so people can search the Informations!
(Apparently Sliders don't work on Mobil, and I don't know enough about Google Sheets how to fix it :/
If anyone knows or if you find a some kind mistake please let me know.)
This week I visited the University Libary, which has access to the Parlamentary Papers Online, to see if such tables also exist for earlier years but sadly 1845 was the first year where they went into such Specifics.
(I hope to add some of the Years after 1846 to the table, when I can.)
Earlier years only had these Informations per Year:
Total Number of Punishments
Total Number of Lashes
Highest Number of Lashes Inflicted at One Time
Lowest Number of Lashes Inflicted at One Time
This Information for 1839 - 1846 under the Cut.
Also under the Read More are some Graphs, Medians & Averages about Flogging for Drunkenness Alone, seperated by Seamen, Marines, Boys and Everyone!
Hope that someone find this useful/interesting !
Corporal Punishment for Drunkenness Alone
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Lashes Sentenced Median: 32,75 (1845: 36 | 1846: 31,4)
Lashes Sentenced Average: 31,07 (1845: 31,13 | 1846: 31,02)
Lashes Inflicted Average: 30,8 (1845: 31,02 | 1846: 30,58)
Lashes Sentenced Median: 36 (1845: 36 | 1846: 36)
Lashes Sentenced Average: 34,37 (1845: 34,62 | 1846: 33,86)
Lashes Inflicted Average: 34,33 (1845: 34,41 | 1846: 33,86)
Lashes Sentenced Median: 31,4 (1845: 32 | 1846: 31,4)
Lashes Sentenced Average: 30,8 (1845: 31,09 | 1846: 31,09)
Lashes Inflicted Average: 30,8 (1845: 31,09 | 1846: 30,69)
Lashes Sentenced Median: 24 (1845: 24 | 1846: 33)
Lashes Sentenced Average: 26,22 (1845: 24,4 | 1846: 28,5)
Lashes Inflicted Average: 25,33 (1845: 24,4 | 1846: 26,5)
Number of Punishments: 2,007
Number of Lashes: 59,341
Highest: 60 | Lowest: 3
Number of Punishments: 2,026
Number of Lashes: 60,302
Highest: 48 | Lowest: 1
Number of Punishments: 2,066
Number of Lashes: 61,669
Highest: 50 | Lowest: 2
Number of Punishments: 2,472
Number of Lashes: 71,024
Highest: 100* | Lowest: 1
Number of Punishments: 2,170
Number of Lashes: 63,985
Highest: 60 | Lowest: 3
Number of Punishments: 1,411
Number of Lashes: 42,352
Highest: 72+ | Lowest: 6
Number of Punishments: 1,070
Number of Lashes: 33,511
Highest: 48 | Lowest: 3
Number of Punishments: 1,077
Number of Lashes: 32,360
Highest: 50* | Lowest: 3
*By sentence of a Court Martial.
+By order of the Commander-in-Chief for theft, in a shop at Chusan, and violence to the natives.
Sources: A "RETURN of the CORPORAL PUNISHMENTS inflicted in the ROYAL NAVY, in each of the Years 1839 to 1843, both inclusive, stating the highest and lowest Number of Lashes at each Time, and the aggregate Number of Lashes in each Year [ ]" Parlamentary Paper, Number 308, of Session 1845 + ABSTRACT of Total Numbers of CORPORAL PUNISHMENTS inflicted in the NAVY, and the Total Number of LASHES Inflicted, in each Year up to the 31st December 1846 [ ]. Parlamentary Paper, Number 661, of Session 1847
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beuxwhoyouare · 4 months ago
Raised You Better
My son Jasper was a good kid. He was a star soccer player in school and got a scholarship to play in college, so I only saw him on holidays. I missed him so much and looked forward to our quarterly reunions.
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Well that was until his most recent visit. He was being so distant and when I finally inquired why he was acting differently, he finally admitted he actually dropped out to pursue being a personal trainer.
I was shocked. He's always been a model child and did all me and my husband expected of him. Maybe it was all our time away working? Maybe I should've been home more instead of being at the lab. It felt like a punch in the gut. I mean sure he knew what he was doing thanks to all his time training for soccer but that's not a way to build a life?
My husband and I did it right. We met in college and supported each other through our advanced degrees and worked our way up in an international pharmaceutical company. Personal training is just so...surface level. He's supposed to be better than us. That's what you want for your children. No no no this is no good. I'll have to set him on the right path.
I knew of a special program at work that was rooted in natural medicine and meditation with a mad science twist. I set up Jasper with the "Sports Nutrition" department at work but it was actually our new experiment. It looked like a TENS muscle stimulator on crack. Several wires shot out of a relatively large dark grey box with a screen and several sliders on one side. I sat connected on the other side of the wall connected with the pads all over the top of my head. All I had to do was wait for Jasper to get hooked up. We sold it to him as a scientific way to curb cravings for sweets and unhealthy things, like an ozempic shot for the brain. In reality, I was told that the machine would take positive attributes from one source and strengthen them in the weaker mind.
I saw the lights flicker and anticipated that he had already been hooked up to the machine. I just laid back and rested while focusing on the importance of getting a quality education. Eventually, I must have dozed off because when I opened my eyes again it was all so groggy. But I was sitting facing the opposite direction. I lifted my arms to wipe my eyes and gasped when I looked down. My boobs were gone and replaced with sizable mounds of muscle escaping a tiny white tank top. My arms and thick thighs now filled with tattoos....no?! This isn't supposed to be how it works
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I told the lab techs who I am and that I was actually Meredith. They both looked at each other spooked but judiciously jotting down notes. After answering a few security questions, they agreed to believe that I was indeed not Jasper and it must be an unforseen side effect from the treatment.
That's when they explained the problem....When my body woke up, it also said it was Meredith. Could the experiment have basically overwritten the memory of my son with my own? I felt like I basically killed my own child. Grief swept over me. But then so did a bravado, a confidence, a giddiness? The two lab techs handed me a towel as they shyly avoided looking down at a tent forming in my shorts. Oh I guess the excitement led to a physical response.
In theory I get it as a scientist. I did in fact instill positive traits on my son. Granted, that also erased him seemingly. But also it's a chance at a new life full of new experiences. I'm a man now. And what a man indeed. I walked into the shower facility at the lab. I took off the outfit Jasper donned to the lab, if I was still a woman it'd be called skimpy and slutty. Tiny shorts with underwear built in and a virtually see through tank top. In two swift moves, I had taken everything off. I had seen my son naked as a child but this is different. He looked so much like his father....well I guess I looked so much like MY dad now. His genetics graced me well as I placed one hand on my pecs and another on my new dick. I squeezed both recoiling from the newfound pleasure. This was wrong right? Like I shouldn't be doing this....I felt disgusted with myself. No. This is for the betterment of Jasper's life. I'm going to let go of my past life....I'm Jasper now.
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And what a life it will be. Years of playing sport and training, whew. I wasn't going to let him throw it away, I'll let it be a side job, maybe I'll own a business with a bunch of trainers under me but I won't be hustling like that. Not yet. I gotta learn the new me. I used my hands to trace the curves of each new tattoo, then moved on to each muscle. I poked and prodded before squeezing, then I remembered I had business to attend to. I took one hand and gently took hold of the warm fleshy rod under the steamy water pulsing down onto me. I pumped back and forth for a few minutes. Jasper was not sensitive at all...I shoved aside my reservations and gripped myself firmer and began jerking harder and faster. Eventually I introduced my other hand....oh he was girthy in the best way. I mean I am thick in the best ways. Harder and faster, it felt like I was floating outside of myself as my muscles took over almost like autopilot.
The steam radiated off my new musculature when it felt like I saw a flash of light. Shot after shot came out of my new rod. The lab walls had likely never seen a show like this but I was happy to christen them. The autopilot kinky thoughts continued to take over my new mind and body. I squatted down an licked the nearest wall as my cum dripped down. I knew Jasper was queer but I didn't know how he would respond to this kind of kink. I think he was a little freak because there was not one single butterfly in my stomach from this action. I quickly toweled off and headed to my apartment. I figured "Meredith" could find her way home.
The apartment smelled like a young male in college. A musk twirled around sweat and strong cologne. Foreign to me, but familiar to my new body. I couldn't control myself and ripped my clothes off...literally. My strength made it obscenely easy to tear them off in ways they weren't intended to. I wanted to try on all my new clothes. This body made everything look good.
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My phone buzzed. It was one of "my" bros asking if I was coming down to the shoot. I played it off like I forgot and asked him to send me the "deets" again.
I threw on the nearest random shirt and bottoms and made my way to the warehouse address given. I guess "I" had agreed to help with the photoshoot to launch "our" new clothing line. A nearby table had Jasper's name on it and I quickly assumed the position taking off all my clothes and putting the skimpy clothing on. I channeled my new swagger as my bros began taking pics.
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Oh I think I'm gonna like this. Hopefully I can find a cute twink or something soon. I really wanna put these thighs to work plowing someone's son or two.
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cina-full-moon-xanadium · 7 months ago
Heisei/Reiwa Kamen Rider Bike Riding Time research
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Hello there! Does anyone remember from a little while back when this image was going around?
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For a while, at least in fan communities I frequented; this was quite infamous for showing just how sharp a decline Kamen Rider's namesake had become in the last few years, with the absolute nadir of the Heisei 20th anniversary Kamen Rider using his bike for a total of 47 seconds (and also, on the other end; just how much Kuuga would not get off his bike)
Obviously, it's been a few years since Saber now; and I've found myself wondering from time to time exactly how the Riders since then have fared, especially since both Geats and Gotchard have garnered a reputation of sorts for putting a bit more emphasis on the bikes and feeling like they have more screentime than your Zero-Ones and your Sabers.
So! I went looking and found the source. This extremely dedicated Japanese poster called Yamashita Radio who of course I will be basing the majority of this on, including his rules and his counting. And when I say 'dedicated' I mean that at one point he lost all his data so he just counted Kuuga through Saber all over again. MAD respect for this man! I highly recommend a full readthrough of this 5-part post at one point because it's very impressive and interesting stuff in my opinion
One other interesting point is that that chart there? That's main rider only; and also includes any riding they did as civilians. There is a separate chart for all motorbike riding in the show as a whole; including other riders, including monsters, including even just random civilians! For posterity, I think it's important to post that chart for comparison with the main rider one -- I've colour coded here so that red is Heisei 1 (Kuuga-Decade), green is Heisei 2 (W-Zi-O) and yellow is Reiwa (Zero-One onwards). Main rider only on the left, all biking on the right.
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Up front there are some absolutely fascinating observations to make here - Zero-One had the least bike scenes of any show! Brand new era of Kamen Rider! - but I think I've talked about the past enough. With all this said and what I feel is a very important plug to make, let's get into the meat of this -- how do Revice, Geats and Gotchard compare to previous shows?
... okay, yeah, sure; let's quickly establish a baseline first. As I'm going off of Yamashita's work, I'm also going by all his rules; it's a good thing I agree with all of them because I kinda didn't want to completely redo the count of every season!
TV Show ONLY! No movies, no TTFC specials, no HBVs, no V-Cinema, none of it. The main reason given is that, uh, Paradise Lost has a 100+ bike scene near the start so that's too much of an advantage -- fair enough! Personally I also think it's more interesting, because movies generally have more budget and allowances for bike scenes so those tend to be the same. Maybe a separate count would still be interesting, but I think including movies would flatten out the times too much and make the data pretty uninteresting
No openings! Agito has too much of an advantage
Non-transformed states count the same as transformed states. Godai riding a bike is the same as Kuuga riding a bike.
All motorcycles are treated equally! Mopeds and even CG scenes and bikes are allowed
Other vehicles such as cars, trains and even bicycles and hoverbikes are excluded. Two big exceptions are made for Drive and Revice as they do not have a main motorbike otherwise, but this does exclude things like Gaim's Dandeliner, many of the Oni in Hibiki's transport vehicles, Den-O's Den-Liner, Gotchard's Steamliner and Madwheel and Decade's Agito Slider
Transformations of the bike still count as long as it's being ridden. The Boostriker turns into fox mode while you're riding it? That's fair game
Flashbacks and other repeat footage ("previously on" segments etc) don't count of course. But in cases where it's clearly stock footage but it's still a new event, like the many Ryuki Rideshooter scenes, that's still counted
Count from the moment the bike is straddled to the moment the bike is gotten off, and everything in between. Scenes where the bike isn't technically visible - such as close-ups of the rider's face, or cutting to another character's reaction - are still counted if it's all the same scene
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3m21s (2m23s for Revi only)
Oh lucky me, this was actually done for me! Yamashita made a small update after Revice finished to add this. I just went over and double checked it.
At 3m21s, Revice is at this point the series with the 2nd least amount of bike riding; above Zero-One and below Zi-O. For Revi alone he's in 3rd least; above Zero-One and below Saber. Happy 50th anniversary!
An interesting note here is that Ikki never rides Vice Ptera untransformed -- concerns over the actor's safety, maybe? Daiji also pulls in 58 seconds for the show on his own motorbike, but abandons it completely after episode 13; only bringing it back for the summer movie (which is also the only place he rode it as Live). Interestingly, the 12 seconds he rides it with Sakura in episode 13 is the only time he uses it in the show after becoming a Rider. The skateboarding scene in episode 7 for Jackal Form goes on for over a minute, but unfortunately can't count for this...
I think most people expected Revice to place quite low, though. So let's move on to a show I think a lot of people expect to place higher.
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4m05s (3m45s for Geats only)
I keep repeating it, but this is a show where it seemed a lot of people got the impression of the bike having more importance than before. I think there's a lot of aspects that come together into that -- the bike being tied to a specific 'special' item that's even part of the main rider's main form, the upgrade forms going off of that, and the bike being used in prominent scenes including in the first episode. Geats even arrives on it in his Revice summer movie cameo!
But ultimately if you look at riding time, Geats ends up in 3rd place for overall bike time; above Revice and below Zi-O, while for main rider only Ace ends up in 5th last; above Saber and below Decade. As such he ends up being the main Reiwa Rider to use his bike the most.
This is where I started splitting main rider and untransformed rider in my personal tracking charts, just for fun -- I actually couldn't do that for Revice because as said Ikki never rides anything untransformed except his bicycle. Until episode 11 Ace actually just slightly edged out Geats for having more bike time which was enjoyable to see.
A very interesting thing happens in regards to the Boostriker's transformed state. I decided not to include finishers involving it unless the Rider is specifically riding it -- and the one and only one to do so was Buffa in episode 6, accounting for every single second he rode the machine. He had a penchant for using the buckles' weapons in ways he wasn't supposed to, and he kept up that rule even when the 'weapon' was a bike.
Geats spends a decent amount of time in the final episode sitting on his bike while talking to Regad and the other Riders, and that really saved the show's overall times.
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5m09s (2m32s for Gotchard alone)
According to production blogs, Gotchard had a stated aim of using the bike more. Unfortunately it seems this didn't manifest itself in a very major way... but I think we did see more interesting uses of it! Spanner has his own bike (that like Daiji, he never rides transformed!), there's a version of Golddash from the future, other characters including Golddash itself ride rather than Hotaro at multiple points!
For 'others', the 3 seconds in Episode 2 is when Minato rolls up to deliver Golddash to Hotaro personally. Episode 9's 5 seconds have Renge (with Sabimaru in the back) riding it to deliver Hotaro's cards to him in Kyoto.
Spanner shockingly saved the series' overall time here in a similar way to final episode Ace, by sitting on his for an extended period of time during his conversation with Lachesis at the start of episode 47.
While it's not a very long scene nor did it change anything for the rankings, the bike scene in the final episode that just aired is notable for an extremely rare instance of a Rider Machine being ridden by a Kamen Rider's final form. To my knowledge this has previously only been done by Agito, Den-O and Revice (the latter in a movie). Fittingly for a show where part of the direction was inspired by Agito, both Agito and Gotchard do this Final Form bike scene in their final episodes.
And now, for the final count...
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Gotchard ended up in 21st for overall bike time between Zi-O and Saber, but this was largely due to other characters; so Hotaro alone ended up in 22nd between Revice and Saber.
Overall we're now 5 shows in instead of 2, we can indeed see a very large dropoff in the Reiwa Era -- including Zi-O, the most recent 6 shows are all at the bottom of the list. This is especially notable when The next most recent series, Build, had 12m31s; almost double that of Saber's -- and this wasn't uncommon, with Ghost and Ex-Aid sharing similar times.
This was the main thrust of my research... but what say we go on a little addendum? Because when I mentioned Yamashita updated his post to include Revice in 2022, there was... one other series he saw fit to do a count for. One that was only halfway through, but nonetheless saw an impressive amount of bike riding time. He only got halfway, but what say I finish the job out of pure interest?
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It is "Avataro Sentai Donbrothers"
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The extremely normal 2022 entry into the Super Sentai series has a number of bike scenes. Some you may expect from Don Momotaro riding his CGI Enyarideon on his Palanquin for much of the first cour. Some of you might say that CGI shouldn't count, it's easy enough to animate together a scene than deal with road laws and such -- but does Kijibrother not count? Does Inubrother not count? Do none of the mech scenes count? It's a festival, people. Let's enjoy it.
Even aside from the CGI, Yamashita noted halfway through the show; that can't quite account for everything else. Sonoi has a bike he rides in multiple episodes, every time with a wheelie. Inuzuka twice within 4 episodes steals a bike and almost runs people over with it, as is perfectly fine for a hero. Don Kaito shows up with his own motorbike to promote his new book, which you should buy. For a show where it's not even in the name and for recent Sentai, there's an awful lot of riding going on.
Yamashita in his post speculates that part of this is Inoue's own habits -- as a man whose Toku experience largely consists of regularly writing for Kamen Rider in the 00s, it's natural to expect he would be inclined to write something like "Inubrother escapes the scene on a motorcycle..." as if it was second nature; as if that's nothing special for a modern show.
And I would be inclined to believe that... as such a habit is something that would likely get ironed out after a while; and sure enough, while bike scenes are frequent for the first half of the show, they disappear entirely from episode 23 to 43. It is at this point in my own count I thought we would simply never see a large bike scene from the show again, and the sheer fun of counting up Donbrothers would be lost.
And then... he appeared.
My saviour from the future.
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With a full uninterrupted 1 minute 15 second bike scene
I could hardly believe what I was seeing. I remembered the future episode but I had completely forgotten this was a part of it. When I started timing this episode I was leaving the house fairly shortly and I figured like the past 20 episodes this would be easy enough to count, and I was utterly bewildered. I should never have disbelieved for a moment.
With all that said... where does Donbrothers end up in full?
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7m21s (4m23s for Don Momotaro alone)
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This overwhelming record easily puts both Donbrothers and Don Momotaro in 20th place of their respective charts; beating all Reiwa Riders and Zi-O -- with Don Momotaro even coming close to dethroning Kamen Rider Decade's riding time!
This is where we stand, my companions. In an era where Kamen Rider's biking time is lower than ever before and shows no sign of significant recovery, Donbrothers swoops in to steal its glory. Never lose faith. The festival never ends
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withahappyrefrain · 11 months ago
For the ship ask game!
48. …out of habit + a bob of your choice!
This prompt screams secret relationship, and what better Bob to do that with than Cobalt Eyes & Sweet Smiles Bob?
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Bob knew he shouldn't be jealous. You weren't paying Jake any attention as he bragged about the latest air maneuver he mastered. Your eyes were focused on putting together a burger.
Soon enough, one of your fathers' old Top Gun classmates would whisk you away, no doubt to marvel at how much you had grown up, reminiscing on how you used to toddle around at this yearly cookout.
The worst part was Bob couldn't even be mad at Jake. Because he told Jake that all that happened after you two met was that he walked you to your car.
Which was partly true. Bob did walk you to your car. And then exchanged numbers after making out in said car. Which led to going on a date, which led to Bob secretly dating you.
Turns out, dating the daughter of your bosses is complicated.
Once the current mission was over, it would be easier to come forward. And decidedly less weird to think about.
Though Bob was still worried that once the secret was out in the open, he'd wake up the next day to find he's been deployed to Australia.
So all Bob could do was sip on his diet Coke as he tried not watch Jake fail at hitting on his girlfriend.
"I'm going to go...." Your eyes lingered on Bob. God, he looked so good in that blue shirt, it was unfair. But wouldn't that be too obvious?
"Somewhere that isn't here," you finished, walking away before Jake could even speak. The temptation to tell the blonde pilot you were dating Bob grew stronger everyday.
But Jake also had a big mouth and seemed like the kind of dick to mention something to one of your dads, if not both.
Technically, you weren't breaking their rule. They said no pilots and Bob wasn't a pilot. He was a WSO.
But it certainly made things awkward as Bob was working with Dad. And Pa was his boss.
Well, wanting to get away from Jake Seresin wouldn't raise anyone's suspicions.
Bob tried to hide his excitement when you stood next to him. He tried to act casual, but nothing could hide that smile of his.
Not that you mind. In fact, his sweet expression sent warmth throughout your body.
"Got tired of hearing how much better he is than everyone else?" Bob joked, causing you to nearly choke on your burger.
"The best don't brag, they let their work speak for themselves," you explained, a sly smile on your face. It was so hard not to make eye contact with him. Truly unfair how he had eyes bluer than the ocean, deeper than the sky-
"Is it too much if I asked you to accompany me to the Hot Dog station? Figured it would be nice to have someone who understands all the toppings." With that lopsided smile, how could you say no?
"It is an intimidating amount of choices," you chuckled as you led him over to the station.
"Alright, so I know it sounds weird, but the Olivier-Russian potato salad- that Pa makes is actually pretty good. The chili Slider makes is good, but unless you have a stomach of steel only take a little. Oh, and Hollywood says the candied jalapeños are mostly sweet but that's a lie. It's mostly spicy."
Bob couldn't help but be memorized as you rattled off facts about the various condiments. Whether it was about work, a personal belief, or yes, even hot dog toppings, you always spoke with such passion.
He loved it. He loved you, but that conversation is still a few steps away.
For now, Bob was happy to settle for counting down the days until he could hold your hand in a gathering like today's. Even if it terrified him.
Yes, technically, he wasn't a pilot. But considering who your dads were, a technicality didn't bring Bob much hope.
According to Bradley, the idea of you dating someone in the military, much less a naval pilot, had been vocally met with disdain.
But today Bob wouldn't focus on that. Instead, he focused on your bright smile and how cute you looked in that sundress.
"What's your go-to?" He asked, ready to take the valuable information to heart.
"Chili with some of the candied jalapenos and a dash of ketchup."
"No mustard?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
You had to stifle a laugh, "No mustard."
"Alright, I trust ya." His words, laced with a slight twang sent warmth throughout your body.
Without saying a word, you took the ladle from the chili bowl, serving it onto his hot dog. You gave him a sweet smile as an explanation, one that Bob took happily.
"Thanks darlin'," He leaned in to peck your lips, neither of you thinking about it.
It wasn't until he broke away to grab the ketchup that you both froze, realization washing over you.
"I'm gonna, um, go." You said quickly, grabbing your plate.
"Uh yeah, good idea," Bob quickly put down the ketchup, turning around to walk away from you. His face was bright red as he practically ran back to Mickey and Natasha who were currently chatting up with some of Pete and Tom's old classmates.
You looked around, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. No one standing in shock.
Alright, good. That was a good sign.
"Hey, did you see that?" You asked Bradley, who had been roped into grill duty.
"See what?" Your pseudo-brother shrugged, his eyes remaining on the grill, unaware that you were on the verge of having a panic attack.
"Bob and I kissed. It was an accident, like neither of us thought about it! It just felt natural and we forgot where we were!" You hissed.
Bradley was the only one who knew. The first time Bob spent the night at your place, the universe decided that Bradley should be the one to pick you up for family brunch. In hindsight, better he than one of your dads. Thankfully, you had enough dirt on Bradley to buy his silence.
"Oh," Bradley shrugged, as if it was nothing. Truthfully, he didn't know why you two insisted on keeping it a secret. It wasn't like you were dating Hangman (thank fucking God for that).
"I didn't notice anything," He said, which accurately reassured you.
"Although...." His words made the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
"Although?" You gritted through your teeth.
"I mean, that would explain why Slider was running into the house. I thought he just had to piss."
God. Dammit.
"You good Bob?" Mickey asked upon seeing his fellow WSO, beet-faced and nervous.
"Huh? Oh! Me? Yeah, I'm great. Swell actually!" Bob said, unconvincingly.
Natasha knew Bob was dating you. It was obvious when you showed up to one of the beach football games. How anyone else failed to notice was beyond Nat.
But she knew not to say anything. Instead, she gave Bob a raised eyebrow. Whatever it was (concerning you), she knew it was better to ask in private.
"Lieutenant Floyd? May I speak with you in private?"
Bob's blood ran cold as he turned to face Captain Mitchell, who had his arms crossed.
"Um, I..." He could pretend to pass out. There was no current or former medic here. So he would just need to play dead as if his life depended on it, because it did. Claim it was from the heat. Yeah. Blame the sun, he was pale enough to do so.
But his knees were locked. Bob couldn't run, couldn't pretend to pass out. Fuck, it was too early to fake food poisoning.
So instead, all he could muster up was a weak nod as his legs carried him inside the Mitchell-Kazansky house.
He was fucked. Utterly fucked. He should just leave now so he can go pack up for Australia. Would he even get that far? He had been sneaking around with their daughter, death was probably the only option.
Even if your dads didn't kill him, your honorary uncles will. Fuck, was his will updated? Would you even get anything? Well, Bob did tell Bradley to give you the ring in his drawer should anything happen to him. It was his grandma's, given to him so he had a ring to propose and-
Why was the Admiral whose callsign was literally "Iceman" hugging him?
"Thank God it's you. We thought she was seeing Seresin."
That explains a lot.
"Um, no offense sir, but you raised your daughter to have better standards than Seresin," Bob barely got out, now receiving a hug from the much shorter Captain.
"We knew she was seeing someone. We're all glad it's you."
When you ran into your childhood home, you were expecting many things. Mainly Bob's head on the floor.
Receiving hugs from your dads was not on the list, but man was it a welcoming sight.
Bradley shrugged, "I don't know why you were so worried about them knowing."
You rolled your eyes, "The same reason why you haven't told them you have a fiancé."
Wait shit, that was not supposed to be said out loud.
"You have a what?"
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lil-gingerbread-sims · 5 months ago
🎃 Simblreen 2024 🎃
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Dr F. & Tobor
With the announcement of the MySims Cozy bundle for Switch, I got the determination to do something I wanted to do for a while: make sims of some MySims' characters, especially MySims Kingdom, as it was my favorite game growing up. I don't know how many I will have the time to make, I'm very busy this year and I'm already a bit late, so don't expect much.
My first time playing/making a servo, and it was awful. You cannot choose their likes and dislikes, and you cannot change their sexualities. You have less freedom with the personalities of robots than humans in this game. I finally used a mod to change a sim into a servo. And here they are, Dr F. and Tobor. Also, another issue is that I made them father and son, with a difficult relationship, but it seems that the game sometimes erases their family status. So, beware.
I gave them likes and dislikes, skills, sexualities, attraction, but no pronouns, as the French version of the game doesn't let you. You can change anything once you have them download. If you don't have one of the packs I used, just replaced what's missing with something else.
All the cc used is included, even tho I know not every creator likes that, it's just easier for everyone. I try to have all the CCs of the same simmer in one folder, so they are still classed by creators. I use skin and eyes overlays, so I will not include these in the download, but the links are there if you want to try/have them.
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🎃 Name: Dr. F
🎃 Age: Elder
🎃 Job: Scientist (Level 9 - Mad Scientist)
🎃 Aspiration: Nerd Brain
🎃 Traits: Genius - Cringe - Erratic
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🎃 Name: T.O.B.O.R. bot
🎃 Age: Young Adult
🎃 Job: None
🎃 Aspiration: Master Chef
🎃 Traits: Outgoing - Clumsy - Neat
🎃 Packs used: For Rent, Discover University, High School Years, Island Living, Cottage Living, Snowy Escape, Seasons, City Living, Get To Work, StrangerVille
🎃 Skin: ARE WE ELECTRIC by Pyxis (Infant version by Incandescentsims)
🎃 Eyes: Intuition by Simandy & size slider by Marsosims
🎃 Download 🎃
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chil-aglia · 2 months ago
(I really need to start spell and word checking these things. And this is for Adriaen and Ronin)
So, you may be wondering why you are here again
What do you think of Leo?
ᴬʳᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗᵃˡᵏᶦⁿᵍ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵐᵉ?
ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃʳᵉˢˢ ᵒⁿᵉ ᵐᵃⁿ... (Actually, it's two but were not at The Hidden City Job yet)
Anyway, what do you think? And be honest. ᴮᵉᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᴵ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ˡᶦᵗᵗˡᵉ ᵇᵉᵗ ʷᶦᵗʰ ᴰᵒⁿⁿᶦᵉ ᵍᵒᶦⁿᵍ ᵒⁿ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ʷᵒʳʳʸ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵃᵗ.
(I found a song that I thought Echo and Ronin would vibe with. Or just Ronin. https://open.spotify.com/track/08KTQSs3ickNki7FFTb6fY
And my ADHD is making me hyperfixate on your OCs. First it was Adriaen and now it's Ronin. I can't wait for Gio's turn.
At first, Echo was going to be by themself in their part of "Tales of the Hidden City" but now I want Echo to help Ronin on a job and get caught and arrested. You don't have to take this as prompt but I guess it has a bit of potential as a Reader X)
Adriaen blinks, a little wide eyed at the question. “Um…Leo is fine?” He replies, sounding a little confused himself. Even though he couldn’t tell if anyone was watching him, he still felt eyes on him. Making him feel a little self-conscious as he shifted slightly in the chair. “Okay, okay! I’ll give you more….in depth answer.” He sighs, leaning slightly on the table as he stared at the camera. “Leo is….well, he’s an annoying idiot for starters.” He huffs in little amusement before softening his eyes, “But he’s important to me. He found me as a little kid and brought me to his family. If weren’t for him, well, I’d probably be dead.” He lays his head slightly down on his arms that he brought up to rest on the table. “He’s just…I don’t know, he’s important to me. Helps me when I get mad, when I’m stressed. Scared….” He mumbled as he realised, he was slightly trailing off. He blushed slightly in embarrassment and shakes his head to focus. “Well, that’s the best answer I can give.”
Thank you, Adriaen. You’re free to leave.
Adriaen gets to his feet, rubbing the back of his head. He walks but stops and turns around to look around the room. “These interviews aren’t shown to the others, right?”
He nods with slight relief, opening the door and leaving.
Ronin had his elbow on the table, having lean his face against his palm, as his free hand taps against the wood. “What I think of Bluey?” He snorts in amusement, smirking. “He’s fun to rile up.” He informs as he thinks more about the slider, “A little slow on working out his portals but with training and time, I bet he’ll be basically a master at it.” He leans off his palm, staring into the camera with a grin, “But he’s mostly just fun to tease. But I guess I can respect him too; with the whole pirate ship fiasco I was kinda dragged in—“
Didn’t you agree to help him willingly?
“Dragged into. I can see him in a new light. Sort of. He’s insecure, scared. Which I admit, didn’t see that coming. But props to him for being so open with someone he claims he doesn’t like.” Ronin crossed his arms as he leans back into the chair. “I guess that’s my answer? I mean, my mind is kinda all over the place, but for Leo, he’s mostly a joy to watch and poke fun at. Plus, the guy has some serious issues on his whole position in the team.” He stretches out his arms and legs, before smiling lightly into the camera. “Well? Satisfied?”
Thank you, Ronin. You may leave.
Ronin gave a little wave as the feed cuts.
Also thank you for the song! I was listening to it and realised how much it suits Ronin 😂
Also I’m glad your ADHD brain is getting hyperfixate on my OC’s cause same. I love my boys so much.
Now, for that lil prompt you had below, if you want me to write it as an x reader or even as OC X Ronin, just make sure to send it in as a separate ask with more details to it. And if you want me too make it into an OC and Ronin fic, just like, message me more about your OC so I can get an idea of them!
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callsignthirsty · 1 year ago
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this request was made as a part of my 801 follower celebration on another platform and I'm crossposting it here.
nonnie — if you ever end up on tumblr, here it is again.
Pairing: Ron "Slider" Kerner x F!reader Word Count: 897 Warnings: mentioned/alluded p in v Minors DNI
Smut Prompts #1 & #53
Slider isn’t one to waste time, so you’re not startled when he pins you to the wall the second you both make it into your place. It’s been a long nine months since you’ve seen each other, so you’re not complaining as you thread your fingers through his hair and rock onto your tiptoes as Sli pulls you closer.
The hand not in his hair holds him tight enough that your fist aches, knuckles bleached white. Loathe to let him go so soon after he’s gotten home. Slider isn’t much better. Once your lips are suitably kiss-stung, he sets about making you look as indecent for your next shift as possible. Worrying the skin of your neck between his teeth. Your breath hitching as he sucks a deep bruise right over your fluttering pulse.
“Mmm,” you groan, tugging on Slider’s hair to try and dislodge him from your neck, but it only encourages him to move his lips lower, nuzzling the collar of your shirt to the side so he can litter your collarbone with matching marks. “Sli, that’s enough.”
The first hint of stubble adds to the blush-like hue of his affection on sensitive skin. “You know, you look so much better when I mark you up,” he rasps.
You drop to your heels without warning, his lips unable to follow the sudden change in your height. From beneath thick lashes, you meet his eyes and lick your lips. “Want you to kiss me.” He cradles the back of your head in his palm and grants you your wish. Stealing your breath with eager kisses, tipping your head back and letting his lips wander lower once more when he gets your shirt off. Incorrigible.
“I’m gonna look like a leopard with all these spots, Ron,” you whimper. A trail of splotchy red hickeys mark Slider’s path down your abdomen—your nipples teased to stiff peaks, one haloed by the indent of overeager teeth. Then, as he lowers himself to work your pants open, you huff: “How come I’m the only one getting naked?” Slider isn’t the only one who’d been lonely all those months.
“I see myself naked every day,” Slider purrs, pressing a deceptively soft kiss below your belly button. “I’m much more interested in getting you out of your clothes.”
Your eyes slip closed. “Sweet talker.”
But Slider is startled to a stop when he begins to tug your panties down. You yelp, eyes snapping open with the sharp sting of elastic when he lets go of your waistband. His thumb absently rubs over the imprint from your panties while he does a double-take. “Is that a tattoo?”
The thing about deployments is that they’re long.
There had only been so much distraction the diamond on your finger could supply. So when the season shifted from winter to spring, and the reality of buying a house with Ron steadily crept closer, you’d gone a little mad and cleaned your small apartment both for peace of mind and in preparation for your move. During a particularly productive round of spring cleaning, you’d come across a stash of letters that you and Slider had exchanged at the beginning of your relationship and while he was deployed—the stack from his most recent stint on the Enterprise in a box by your desk.
It took you a while for your fingers to brush a well-worn envelope. You opened it carefully, the paper brittle with its well-loved edges and beginning to tear at the folds. Your favorite part sits about halfway down: I love you. You still remember how it felt to read those three words for the first time. The lightness. Warm tears tracking down your cheeks as you giggled. The warmth of knowing your feelings were returned. How you’d immediately run to your phone to gush about the letter and its contents to your best friend (who also screamed). So wrapped up in the phone cable and the euphoria of it all that you were dizzy.
The nostalgia caught you in a chokehold and hadn’t let go. In hindsight, it may have been a rash decision, but you’d brought the letter to an artist in downtown San Diego and gotten those three words permanently penned into your hip. A place no one else had seen until this moment.
A smirk cracks your lips. “Look familiar?”
“Looks hot.” Slider runs his finger over the script, then his lips. A ghost of a touch. Tender. But the tattoo, long since healed, is untextured. Supple like the rest of you. “Is it the real deal?”
You cup his cheeks, tilting his head back to meet his eyes—they’ve still got that twinkle in them, but they’re softer now. The urge to press a kiss to his forehead flickers at the forefront of your mind. “Real as the ring.”
Slider groans, pressing a kiss to the inside of your wrist, then your hip. Nipping at the thin skin next to his penmanship before soothing it with his tongue as if he could taste the ink embedded in your skin.
The night is spent not-so-slowly taking each other apart. Lips and teeth and tongues. The passionate slip of sweat-slick skin. Slider’s muscles bunch beneath your touch as you’re filled repeatedly. And through it all, he holds you close—grip tight enough to adorn you in finger-shaped, ruby-red bruises—and runs his thumb over those three words.
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calkale · 1 year ago
Okay because i put my thoughts in the tags the first time heres some of my spn au thoughts
Also disclaimer i am changing the supernatural story so dont get mad at me for not including things or changing things you like this is my house and i write the au <3
Characters: Dean -> Mav, Cas -> Ice, Sam -> Slider, John Winchester-> Duke Mitchell, Mary Winchester -> Slider’s mom (her name is also Mary in my Slider lore so), Bobby -> Viper, Ash -> Goose, Ellen -> Carole, Jo -> Bradley (he’s like a teen in this but don’t worry theres no Jo and Dean content 🤮 thats his godson) 
-slider and mav aren’t actually related, they were both 6 (mav older by a few months) when their parents got married, duke was a widower and mary was never married 
-Getting this out of the way although i love the chevy impala i am a truck freak so mav drives his dads black 1990 toyota sr5 with an extended cab 
Backstory: -viper and duke were both navy pilots now “hunting buddies”, they took mav and slider out hunting occasionally but whenever they went on long “hunting trips” they left slider and mav at home, that’s because these hunting trips were monster hunting trips
-the same thing that happens to sam and deans mom happens to mav and sliders mom but when they’re both around the age of 10, since they’re older and not stupid they have a lot of questions that duke can’t just bullshit answers to so he tells them about monsters and what he thinks took their mom (because he doesn’t actually know at this point)
-since they no longer have a house they stay at vipers or go on the road with duke 
-once they both start high school slider wants to stop hunting and stay with viper to focus on school, his relationship with duke gets weird after that because duke wants him to keep hunting to find what killed his mom but slider wants to do well in school to make his mom proud, they come to an agreement where slider stays with viper but once a month he has to come hunting
-slider leaves for university (idk what hes studying), mav graduates but stays with duke, he starts hunting on his own 
Now time: -This au starts in 2005 like the show
-duke picks up a lead on the thing that killed mary but is super vague about it when telling viper and doesn’t tell mav anything, he says he’ll be gone for a week but a week and a half later theres no word from him, viper refuses to go after him because “he’s gonna get himself killed” and “ive been telling him to let it go for years” but mav still has to go look for him
-mav finds slider and this basically carries out exactly how it does in the show, he agrees to help for one day, when he gets back his gf is dead, agrees to ditch school 😎 to come help look for duke
story wise thats all i've got so far, i want ice to come into the story a lot sooner than cas does in the show and i dont remember when ash, ellen and jo come in but i want them to come in sooner too. hopefully ill actually work on this more but i hope you guys enjoy
Character descriptions:
Mav: -has the classic dean necklace given to him by slider
-dresses basically the same as 86 movie mav but with flannel 😎
-does wear his cowboy boots but he’s normally wearing work boots
-eyebrow scar eyebrow scar eyebrow scar!!!
Slider: -wears his mother’s wedding ring on a necklace, duke gave it to him after she died
-dresses like early season sam, carhartt jacket, hoodies, tshirts and baggy jeans
-silver eyebrow piercing 😎
Ice: -exactly the same as cas but with a dark grey trench coat
-his eyes always glow a little, not enough that its noticeable unless its in the dark
-has a grey hoodie and black jeans for when he needs to look a little less “formal” 
Goose: -has a mullet its a key part of ash’s character so 
-just think mater from cars personified mixed with goose idk
Carole: -dresses exactly like ellen 
-her classic curly meg ryan hair stays tho
bradley: -just a mini goose
Duke and Viper: -they look pretty much the same, just some dad with a mustache and flannel
-only difference is duke always wears his wedding ring
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nani-nonny · 10 months ago
Obligatory Attached au angst post (1149 words)
(This post goes in hand with this past post, although chronologically I’m not sure which goes first hehe it works both ways I suppose :D)
[Prompt: Mention of Raph’s death :( and Leo’s horrible way of coping until he snaps]
Donnie walks into Leo’s room, not bothering to flick the lights on. He stops three steps in, his eyes softening upon seeing Leo standing at a table, bracing the edge like his life depends on it. His brother’s head hangs low, staring at the ground.
With another look, Donnie notices Raph’s red bandana in Leo’s hand. The fabric is crumpled in the slider’s vice grip, the tails hanging enough for Donnie to see the stains trapped in the cloth.
Donnie clears his throat, raising his arm to pull up a hologram of a timetable from his tech-arm brace. “Greetings, brooding leader of the resistance, we have a meeting in the next 30 minutes. People have been wondering where you’ve been.”
Leo doesn’t respond, but his hands grip tighter to the table causing the material to groan under the pressure.
Donnie looks around awkwardly for a second, uncertain with what to do in his current situation. He tries to make small talk, “I’ve noticed you haven’t marked off on the roster for the past three days. Have you gotten your much needed beauty sleep as of late?”
Leo turns his head away from Donnie’s direction. His shoulders tense and he takes a deep breath.
Donnie takes a few more steps in, causing the door to close to automatically close behind him. He still doesn’t turn on the lights, but he flicks on a soft glow from his arm brace. It illuminates the room with a purple glow, barely revealing Leo’s disturbed features in the dark.
The softshell frowns when he sees the dark circles under Leo’s eyes. He had heard from Mikey that Leo was showing concerning declination in health, especially in the form of lack of sleep. He was too busy to check in on Leo, taking over for Leo when necessary and organizing just about everything when it comes to running the resistance behind the scenes. And now, he regrets not taking even a mere second to check on his twin.
He hadn’t seen Leo since his twin declared he’d make the decision on what to do with the infant. But he didn’t think it would prove difficult to this extent. Or, perhaps he had hoped it wouldn’t be difficult for his twin who always managed to come up with a plan. Maybe he believed Leo would make the right choice, and they would move on from the krang infant like an everyday occurrence.
It was a simple decision in Donnie’s eyes, or as simple as it seemed for Leo to make. He trusts Leo would make the right decision. He didnt think it would affect Leo.
“Is it… is it about the infant?”
Leo clenches his teeth. He nods.
Donnie can see the frustration in Leo’s expression, it was deep and churning. An expression even he would be able to discern. “You don’t have to make the decision on your own, do you want to talk to me about it?”
Donnie’s eyes flick to the red bandana in Leo’s hand again, and adds, “Do you want to talk to Raph about it?”
Leo’s mouth twitches open, but nothing comes out. Donnie sees this as an opportunity.
“Why don’t you talk to Raph about it? I’m sure he’d love to talk to you. Mikey can even set up the whole ‘ghost ceremony’ for you so it’s easier to contact the fam’. You know, as ridiculous as it is to think about. Raph’ll know what to do, Leo. You know Raph, he’s dependable on hero decisions. Come on, let’s go to Mikey and we can figure this out together.”
Donnie frowns, “What?”
“I’m not, I’m not going to Raph. I’m doing this on my own.”
Donnie crosses his arms over his chest, “Oh, really? You seem to be doing a real good job so far.”
“Shut up,” Leo grumbles and leans on the table slightly.
“Enough of this, one-man hero spiel Leonardo. Let’s just go to Mikey and get this over with. Raph won’t be mad that we’re bugging him—.”
Leo slams his fist on the table suddenly, his demeanor snapping and his voice raising to something akin to a roar, “I’m not taking this to Raph’s ghost!”
Donnie pauses in disbelief. Near shock, even, at the change in Leo’s voice. “Wha—you know it’s not really his ghost, right?”
Leo slams his fist, this time the hand holding Raph’s bandana. His mouth quivers as he yells, “I know, it’s not Raph’s ghost. I know that. But that’s not what I need! I need Raph. I need to talk to Raph, here! —in the now, —in the flesh! I need my brother, not his ghost! I need him!”
Leo swallows, shutting his eyes tight and he raises his fist again, but he slowly lowers to the table. His voice is strained, strangled somehow, “I don’t want to talk to Raph through the Hamato ninpo. I don’t want to take this to Dad either. I just… I just want to talk to my big brother. I want to look him in the eyes, and I want to hear his voice. I want him to take Casey’s baby from my hands, and tell me exactly what we’re going to do with It.”
Donnie watches as Leo crumbles, mentally and physically, when his twin’s hands leave the table to hold Raph’s bandana. Crumbling to the floor as if holding onto that table was the only thing keeping him standing.
Leo holds the bandana to his chest as his voice comes out as nearly a whimper, “I want my brother alive… is that so bad? Even if I can contact him any time I want, I want him here with us. Not through some ghost connection we have with our ancestors… not as something I can’t even hug.”
Donnie doesn’t know what to say, or rather, he’s not sure how to say anything. How can he think of anything when Leo’s pleading desperately like a child? A small, small child who wants his big brother to tell him everything’s okay?
He always thought Leo was strong for taking up the responsibilities Raph had left behind in death. He thought Leo was strong for being able to move forward after Raph’s death. He saw Leo’s strong back and the confidence exuding from his twin and used it as his own strength to overcome their brother’s death.
But seeing Leo now? Small and curled over and trembling shoulders? Leo’s silent cries as he crumbles before him?
Donnie sits beside Leo and opens his arms. “Come here.”
Leo swallows and wipes his tears before turning to Donnie and hugging his twin. He buries his face in Donnie’s embrace as he continues to cry silently.
Donnie reaches over Leo’s shell to message Mikey, Get over here quickly. He sends his location immediately and returns to hugging his twin.
Mikey nearly breaks down the door ten seconds later.
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jackiequick · 2 years ago
How Buzz met Wraith | Top Gun Maverick AU Fanfic 🖇
Top Gun Maverick AU series
Summary: What happens when you met one of the citywide grumps?
Platonic Pairing: Captain Santos ‘Buzz’ Garcia & Captain Nicolas ‘Wraith’ Martin
Other Characters/mentioned: Mickey ‘Fanboy’ Garcia, Hollywood, Maria Garcia, Maverick, Sunset, Viper and etc.
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In 1998, Santos ‘Buzz’ Garcia was sent to meet the new recruits that Captain Slider brought in from Texas.
He wasn’t too happy about it, since he just spent all of last night trying to figure out understand a math problem for the puzzle his wife gave him. Math wasn’t his strong suit, so he was pretty tired but luckily the coffee helped.
He swung open the door to the lobby, rubbing his eyes and walked in. He winked at the lady, Mary, at the front desk greeting her as she gave him his paperwork for today. He thanked her and was on his way.
The moment Santos walked into his shared office with Hollywood, he was met with the face of a very tallLatino. Fresh face as if he shaved that morning, tone arms like he’s been working, causal clothes and a soft smile then soon turned neutral the second he walks in.
‘Oh shit.’ He thought, especially seeing the man stand up from his chair. It made him feeling kinda short, especially with the look on his face. God damn, he was attractive and intimidating. His wife would probably leave her for him, and honestly, he would not be mad about it.
Buzz cleared his thought and smiled his classic goofy tone, "Hi! I'm Lieutenant Buzz like the action figure?"
"Hmm okay." Hummed the man with a nod noticing the look on his face holding out his hand to shake, "I'm Wraith."
He jokes, "Oh like a ghost!"
"Yeah or that's at least what my pals say at home." He replies with a dry smile, finding this guy to be an idiot already.
"I guess we are working together, right Holly?"
Hollywood nodded with a grin, "Yeah you are! I will bet up with you later, I gotta go see Chipper real quick."
His partner just walked out, leaving the door open. Buzz smiled handing over paperwork to Wraith trying some small talk.
"So where are you from?" Santos asked taking a seat across from him.
"Here. I grew up here." Wraith said dryly.
"Yeah, right sorry buddy."
"It's alright. I'm guessing you didn't grow up here."
"How can you tell?"
"The smile. The relaxed shoulders. The sorta tensed up, the way you saw me earlier."
"That obvious huh?"
"Sorta. Your also, not good at hiding your goofball grin either."
"It comes out naturally. Force of habit you know?"
"I don't know."
Wraith could tell he was getting under his skin, he was here to work on papers and fly planes. Not actually to make many friends, but this guy seemed nice. He guessed, he could've been a whole game he plays when he's around people he doesn't know.
Buzz headed him some papers into a file, placing a few folders onto the desk. He used to fly often, but after having his son in 93' he decided that paperwork would be easier, he still got to teach as well. That's what matters most, being near the planes.
The day went by pretty slow. Calls, meetings, signing paperwork and teaching a few recruits, such as Wraith the building. The whole time Wraith was giving a comment or two, a half smile, a witty remark and mostly a few glares. Eventually Wraith went flying with the other pilots as he stayed back chatting with Hollywood.
"So what do you think of him?" Hollywood asked grinning, "I like it! Has a edge to him, kinda files with Mav actually."
Buzz half smiled and made a face, "He's so so I guess. I don't think he likes me very much.."
"Dude, you're a buzzing bee for a reason. Makes sense why not everyone would like you."
" No shit! But still you liked me right?"
"You grew on me after day one."
"Okay fair. But this guy, he kept glaring at me, snapped at some of the students in the air and clearly knows better than anyone I met."
"Give it time."
"Why couldn't you be paired up with him today?"
"Because, I had meetings and someone needed to show him around. You're the best guy to do so!"
"You owe me!"
"You'll do great!"
Hollywood walked away with a smile, knowing that him and Wolfman would be laughing about Buzz's poor day later on over drinks. Also knowing that Audrey would slapped them for being mean, but was worth it.
"Rick Neven, come back here! Rick!" Santos called out but came no response from his friend.
However the man of the hour heard him and scoffed, "Tough break, huh?" Said Nicholas.
"You would say that..h-how much did you hear?"
"Only the last line, saying 'You'll do great'. Look man, I'm only here to work, hit the bars and get a paycheck. You're nice I guess, but you lack focus."
"Yeah. It's like your mind is racing 20 miles an hour! Good in the skies, but not good on land."
"I get that."
"I notice you didn't fly up there, why?"
"Someone needs to make sure everything is balanced down here. Besides I'm a good pilot, but I read your files. You're great."
"Uh, thanks? I'm gonna hit the showers. And uh next time, don't talk too loud. I can hear everything."
Wraith turned and walked away, cracking a small smile that no one saw as he headed to the showers. He even let out chuckled. To him, Santos was loud, goofy and unfocused on certain things. Sure he's only here to work and enjoy the nice new place filled with sunny skies, but a part of him actually found it charming.
Buzz sighed, thinking to wrap this day up and go home.
And that’s exactly what he did. The moment he walked into the house, he was met with the smell of moro de gandules y pollo. A bright grin lifted his spirts. He slides into the kitchen as the smell grew stronger, then he found the face behind that delicious smell.
He slowly wrapped his around her waist, playing with the loops of her jeans and rested his head on her shoulder. The smell of her simple perfume made him grin more. Her curly brown hair tickled his face.
His Spanish slipped out as he said, “¿Qué trama la dama más linda de la casa?”
“No sé, ¿qué tal si le preguntas a ella?” She replied with a tease, turning her face to kiss with him. The flavored taste of her lips, tells him that she was taste testing their late lunch.
“Hmm! That taste good, how was your day?”
“It was good. My mami called today, she says that she good. Also, I was cleaning the cabinets earlier and found my missing earrings.”
“I can see that! Te ves hermosa with them on.”
“Thank you. How was work?”
“How so? Who did you piss off?”
“I thought that was Maverick’s job to piss someone off?”
“Maria, I didn’t piss anyone off or so I think?..anyway! I was given the opportunity to work with a new recruit today, who i thought was a transfer from somewhere else but he was, i tried to lighten up the mood with a joke and or try do small talk. But nothing works! He kept glaring at me and making witty remarks..”
If there one thing Maria knows about her husband is that he can be very inpatient and get annoyed easily. Get cocky even. The man expects things to always turn out a certain way, and can get carried away most of the time.
She sighed turning off the stove since the food was already to be served, walking over to him. “Baby, you gotta take it one step at a time. You will buzz off and knock into a wall if you don’t.”
“I won’t—” He recounted but was cut off.
“Not everyone is like yours friends or like us, who fell for your charm quickly. I bet he’s just tryin’ to get used to the place.”
“Not even a smile, babe! A real smile, not one of those loose half smiles that your dad likes to give to people who annoy him. He probably doesn’t even like me..”
“I bet he does.”
“How are you sure?”
“Because that guy likes you..a lot.”
She point behind him to the said ‘guy’ with a smile. The moment he turned around, he was met with the almost toothless grin of their 5 year old son. Mickey Garcia. Dressed in his Star Wars shirt, dark brown shorts and blue sandals. His dark brown curls were much starting to form into tighter ones. He was holding up his Wolverine action figures as well.
“Hi Papi!” Yelled Mickey with the sweetest grin, running into his daddy’s arms.
He scooped his son up in his arms, showering him with kisses as the boy tried to escape from, yelling for his mother’s help while in a fit of giggles. Mickey Garcia was all smiles.
“What did you do today?” Asked Santos catching his breath, placing another kiss on his cheek bouncing him.
“Today we class, our science teacher put on Magic School Bus and we learned about the flowers.” Replied the boy.
“Really? How about you tell me more as we go wash up for lunch, huh?”
The boys went over to the skin to wash up their hands as Maria served everyone’s plates. She laughed at how much they sounded sometimes, it was crazy.
“Okay and oh we played Soccer today in Gym Class and i was on the red team.” Mickey says drying his hands and hands a paper towel to his daddy.
“Thank you, buddy. Did your team win?” He asked, drying off his hands now, leading him to the
“Yeah we did. We got 8 points! The yellow team got 6.”
“Nice one!”
Maria handed Mickey his plate with a smile, “Okay, disfrute de su comida.”
“Thank you, mami!” He says returning the smile and headed off to the table.
After lunch, homework was done and dishes were washed. A few hours later, they all watched a quick Disney movie, showered, had dinner and then off to bed.
It took some protest but thankfully both parents, as always tucked in their giggly boy. Told him a story and kissed him. Turning on his night light, that was race car themed, and went off to their room.
His wife, wife was watching Tv by the time he returned back from checking downstairs for the second time in a row. Santos layed down in bed and sighed with a grin, “You know our son is pretty great.”
“He is.” She replied glancing over at him, then back at the time.
“How about we make another?”
“No senior, we agreed on one child.”
“I don’t remember that. But imagine, another one! Another sons, maybe twins girls?”
Maria hummed with a teased, “One girl, named Sasha or Julia.”
She inched over and played with his shirt. Santos hummed in agreement liking that idea, way better. He inched over, pulling the cover as capturing his lips onto hers chuckling as she tried hushed him, giggling in the process. She gripped his hand playfully, dishing a few more kisses and smiled brightly.
When suddenly…
“Mami! Papi! Can i have some more water?” Yelled Mickey from his room, as you can hear the footsteps in the hallway.
Both parents laughed.
“We can always practice instead.” Maria laughed pecking her husbands lips and called out to their son, “Of course, honey! I’m coming.”
“We should buy a mini fridge and keep it upstairs.” Santos jokingly suggested watching her leave the room.
The next two days nothing changed. The 4th day, Mickey wanted to come see the planes on the field. It’s been a while since he went. Thankfully he had no school, so he decided why not bring him to work for a bit.
Everything went smoothly, they saw the planes and he sat him down in a cockpit, see a few rooms where cool meetings took place, they saw a wall full of pilot’s pictures and Mickey happily took it all in. Buzz laughing, even using his camera to take a few pictures of them
It turned out to be a nice Take Your Son To Work Day. Everyone enjoyed seeing kids at the building, so they didn’t mind.
Buzz was talked into a General’s office real quick to confirm a few enlistment forms recently imported into the system. Mickey stayed outside the room sitting in a bench, playing with his toys talking with Sunset and Maverick for a bit before they were called back to work.
He was soon left alone to his own devices, using crayons extra to start coloring in his drawing that the nice secretary gave him.
Wraith was walking past the halls after handing in some paperwork to Viper, grabbing some packages for a officer then he noticed the little boy. He had to do a double take, not expecting to see a child here today or at all in the building for that matter.
He watched the kid for a moment, became curious. ‘What the hell?’ He thought. Wraith sighed rolling his eyes, wondering where this poor boys parents are. Maybe he’s lost?
Nicholas slowly walked over awkwardly fixing his baseball cap and asked, “Uh hey kid.”
The young boy looked up from his drawing not recognizing him and furrowed his eyebrow. “Hi.” He replied.
“A-are you lost?”
The boy shakes his head ‘no’.
“Okay um, where are your parents?”
“My papi is inside talking with someone.”
“Oh okay. Will he be long?”
He shrugged, “I don’t know.”
“Can i sit with you until he arrives?”
“Yeah. You wanna draw?”
“Sure. Uh, what’s your name, kid?”
Wraith took a piece of paper and crayon, drawing a few cars, a sun and bears with smiley faces. He showed them to the boy who smiled a almost toothless grin, in result Wrath smiled. Mickey showed his drawings as well, pretty random doodles.
However Wraith thinks he noticed a character or two.
“Is that—is that Chewbacca?” He asked smiling, pointing to the brown tall character on the paper.
“Yeah!” Mickey smiled, “And that’s R2.”
“You like Star Wars?”
“Yeah! My daddy and I watch the movie.”
“Who’s your favorite?”
“Nice choice! I like Han. Darth Vader is cool too.”
“Yeah he is! My lunchbox has Darth Vader on it.”
“Pretty cool, kid. You got good taste in characters too.”
Less than half an hour went by, when finally Buzz stepped out of the office, holding some files and nodded, “Thank you, sir. I’ll be checking them out later, don’t worry.”
The moment he turn, shutting the door behind him carefully he heard the sound of laughter. But not just any sort of laughter. Any parents is bound to recognize their child’s voice, especially the sound of their giggles picturing the smile on their face. It wasn’t an odd thing, the kid always tended to laugh at something.
But that made it odd, was that he didn’t recognize the voice laughing with him. He leaned against the corner of the wall about to make a turn to see his son, curious as to who’s laughter that belonged to. Then he saw it.
His new partner. Nicholas “Wraith” Martin, was smiling. The man was laughing. Within the four days he knew the man, he hasn’t seen a different facial expression at all. But the moment he hung out with Mickey, the man was smiling and laughing. Honestly it made Buzz smile brightly seeing the change of effect on the guy. Maria and Hollywood were right, give it time.
He walked over to them slowly but surely, not wanting to distract or distribute the moment too quickly. He decided to play it cool.
Mickey was talking with Nicholas about The Flintstones cartoons when noticed his dad and shouted, “Daddy!”
“Hey buddy! What’s up?” Buzz replies with a matching smile, ruffling his hair once he reached the bench.
“I made a friend, I think? Me and Nicholas are talking.”
“Wow, I can see that! I see that your drawing too.”
Wraith on the other hand was taken back, not expecting to see Buzz today. Matter a fact, see that he has a son?! He wasn’t expecting for him to the father. It must be a dream. He guess he saw the resemblance in their facial features in cheeks and hair, but mostly betting the boy looked more like the mother.
“Uh, he’s your kid?” He asked, feeling kinda stupid about the question.
“Yeah, yeah I’m his dad. I’m sorta young I know.” Buzz replies simply.
“No, no it’s completely fine. Just wasn’t expecting for you to his dad, more like his uncle.”
“Yeah I get that a lot. But last time I checked, I’m the father. Besides, I think his mom deserves all the credit.”
Nicholas looked over at Mickey for a moment and then back at his partner, “Haha, I bet. Wow. Nice kid by the way.”
“Thanks.” Santos tells him with a smile fixing up the SpiderMan backpack, “Thanks for watching him. I hope he wasn’t any trouble..”
“No trouble at all. We bonded together, right kid?”
Mickey looked up and nodded smiling, “Yeah we did!”
Santo smiled reaching for his son’s hand, in which Mickey gladly took noticing that it’s time to go soon, so the boy decided to waving to Nicholas grinning softly. The boy and him exchanged drawing happily.
“I wish we can could stay and chat but the mrs. Garcia would be mad if we’re home late.” Santo said call apologetically with smile.
“No it’s alright. I get it.” Nicholas replied holding his drawing and chuckled, “You should get going then.”
“Actually, we’re free Saturday afternoon. You can home over for Barbecue with Mav, if you like?”
“I’ll like that!”
“Okay cool! Mick, say adiós to Wraith, buddy.”
Mickey smiled and sillily said, “Hehe adiós!”
Both men laughed and waved at each other walking away knowing they meet up again that week. It was good, real good. Yeah sure Wraith can be a bit tough and stronger than expected when it comes to his actions, he’s a good man. It just took Buzz a while to see that.
Thanks for reading! 🌼 I hope you enjoyed it
Tag list: @t-nd-rfoot @topgun-imagines @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @msrochelleromanofffelton @drspencereidhotch @rooster-84 @levijeanqueen @luckyladycreator2 @withakindheartx @comfortzonequeen @blackheart-beauty @starkleila and etc.
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thecrossoverwriter15 · 1 year ago
What If Leo Didn’t Convince Raph in Time?
RoTTMNT Movie Fanfic - TW! Blood, Death
Get ready cuz this is a another tragic story! If you have trouble trying to imagine what the scene looks like, I recommend the 2 part Tik Tok post by: ERROR_404 (@page_n0t_found) | TikTok1
Leo’s eyes drifted towards the floor. His mask tails whipping in the wind, decorated with cuts. His eyes shut tightly, “I don’t want to fight anymore.”
He stood up, watching his Krang-infested brother stomp towards him. Behind him, his tech savvy brother and orange masked little brother struggled to free themselves from the black vines.
“I was fighting you because I didn’t understand you. But now, I get it.”
The squeamish roar of the infested Raph jumped up, whipping his pink lash at the Red-Eared Slider. Despite the constant attacks, Leo continued confessing.
“I always figured you were mad because you didn’t like the way I did things.”
SLASH! A sudden whip of the tentacle caused Leo to fall onto his shell. The tentacle then wrapped around his neck, lifting him into the air. Struggling against the tightening gooey rope, Leo implored with desperation, “But when I see what’s happening to you..”
He looked over at his brothers, “And what’s happening to them, I realized it wasn’t about me.”
Raph clenched his knuckles together, sharp claws forming.
“You didn’t yell because you were mad, you yelled because you were scared,” Leo said, his eyes growing at the sight of the sharp talons aimed at him.
“It’s scary to be responsible for the lives you protect. Your team, your family..”
Mikey’s eyes watered and let a single tear trickle down as he stared at his brother in fear. He prayed, hoped that Raph would listen.
“But we do it anyway because that’s what it means to be a hero.”
The Red-Eared Slider’s eyes clenched together as he gave out one last gasp. He released his grip on Raph’s whip, letting his head and the tentacle be the only thing holding him in the air. His voice was soft, yet held the buildup of emotions, “If this is it, I want you to know that I finally understand.”
“And that I’m sorry.”
Raph only stared, his eyes twitching. Leo thought he had gotten through to him, until he felt hard claws break through the skin. The pain only lasted for the second before everything went dark. He could feel his soul going cold under a few seconds. He couldn’t see anything, nor feel or hear anymore.
I love you guys so much.
Raph’s bright eyes opened. He felt his mystic powers retuning. The Krang infection begin to disappear. He was back. He’s back!! The happiness only lasted for a second as a horrifying image crossed his eyes.
Mikey and Donnie didn’t say a work. They only stared in shock. Their bodies shivered in fear as the scene played out over and over in their heads. Donnie’s voice finally let out a single word, “Raph..”
Raph couldn’t move for a moment, but when he did, he fell to his knees. In front of him, his loud, energetic, sometimes annoying little brother laid on his side, his bright, lime green skin now holding a slight grey tint. A single opening on his plastron led all the way through his shell with dried blood that cassated down his chest. What’s worse was that Leo’s face was no longer filled with so many emotions. It was still, silence with a thin trail of blood dripping from the mouth. Raph whispered at first, but his emotions got the best of him.
“No….no, no, no, no, NO, NO!”
He was panicking, crawling towards him. He flipped Leo onto his back, his hand resting on the Slider’s chest.
“Come on, Leo. Wake up. Just open your eyes, for us. For me please?”
Leo didn’t respond. Raph, out of desperation, gently lifted the body using his forearm. Leo’s head only swung toward the ground as his brother held him from his shoulders. Raph gently shook him and tried again.
“Don’t worry Leo. Raph’s got ya now. How about we get out of here, yeah?”
Still, no response. Raph tried to shake him again, this time begging, “Leo, COME ON! Just get up, please??”
When the dead silence met him again, Raph broke down. He pulled Leo’s shoulder against his chest so the Slider’s head rested sideways under the crook of his neck. He was in denial, clutching the cold corpse tighter. How?! He wondered. If only I could have listened to Leo…oh god, Leo. I’m so sorry.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry..” Raph mumbled, resting his cheek on Leo’s. Ever so slowly, he began to rock the body back and forth, just like he used to when Leo was a tot. He couldn't speak anymore, How could he? He just killed his baby brother. He couldn't bring him back, no madder how hard he tried. So, he just sliently sat there on the bridge, gently cradling his brother for god knows how long. After what feels like an eternity, Raph began to set the body down, trying to make sure he was as gentle as he possibly could. If Leo was breathing, he'd probably be joking about how caring Raph was acting. But, this wasn't any act. Leo wasn't breathing anymore.
Still latched onto the vines, Donnie stared. His eyes were wide in fear. He had always been the genius. He was the one who could handle anything. That's what people though anyway. But this, this was different. He was tied up, watching his older brother cradle and rock Leo’s dead body. Voices kept playing in his head: no, no, no, no, no, no. He shut his eyes…
Donnie awoke from that dreadful sleep, shaking. As he calmed his breathing down, he grabbed his phone to called his brother in blue.
“Ah, it was only a dream.”
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happylittleaccident05 · 2 years ago
Tumblr media
I was working and this design grabbed me by the damn throat until I drew it lmao. If you couldn’t tell, this is Jennika in the rottmnt style lol. I love her so much
She is a red eared slider like Leo as a nod to her origin in the IDW comics (which is pretty similar to her origin in my AU). This would be before she eventually gets surprise adopted by the Mad Dogs and is still part of the Foot clan.
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lunar-lair · 2 years ago
busts down the door fuck it. off the cuff gender/sexualities headcanons for the rise boys/whoever else i decide. i havent fully considered these/written these out so it might be a hot mess have fun (its also 1 am this is your warning)
see leos a little Special. surprise trans leo is my fav thing ever so what I like to do is ambs (assigned male by splinter, he didnt know the cloacas were in different areas or to start squinting when leos shell got more concave. no i did not know those facts before surprise trans madness/my egg doc i made a whole cloth new however the fuck you say it reproductive system for this fucking turtle so he and his bunny boyfriend could have kids and i could torture him with sliders being oviparous. thank you less-depresso-more-expresso for your leo egg post in december it changed me fundamentally) -> oh . those are eggs. ok *whistling sound as he continues w his life* -> wait gender is a construct. maybe this is a gift -> genderfluidity slaps the kid in the face when theyre abt 17. also hes gay cause it feels right. so does some form of demisexual or romantic but i have a lot of opinions on how his dating life would go and how it would impact his character (rhinocio gets it if u know them. were besties u see) so i think that woudnt hit until more like 18 or smth like that maybe idk
in much more basic terms. genderfluid gay leo ftw we love a trans leo in this house. this goes whether or not you believe in Egg this kid is not cis mark my goddamn words
raph has always screamed she/he to me as she has to most people. im feeling bi. double bi also feels both very right and very funny his siblings would have a ball w that
if mikey doesnt use neopronouns whats the point. gender is a game and mikey is winning. sexuality is also a game and mikey is Still winning. goes w pan but literally would nebulously date anyone as long as they seemed cool and he liked them well enough. they and leo are shaking hands except leo is hoarding like she, he, they, and maybe a couple other neopronouns meanwhile mikey is like im everything all at once fight me abt it. so nonbinary in the everything kind of way. maybe. i have no idea what the name for this is but i know exactly the kind of vibe im talking abt
and ofc donnie is in the absolute opposite direction. he/they, more nonbinary than anything else. rise apritello star lastknownstatus-alive has allured me with aroflux donnie and considering i know like two things abt the aro and ace label existence im absolutely listening. definitely think hes on that spectrum though, it just fits. think hed look at the sexuality thing and go ...none of these are right. and then forgo it entirely. their sexuality is whoever is hot and whoever they fall in love with die abt it
this is where i say that trans man draxum means everything to me and also that man simply isnt straight nor is he allistic (i mean allo as in like hes definitely on the ace/aro spectrum and i didnt realize until rereading a while later but he is also not allistic tbf)
also splinter is bi i rest my case. pretty normal gender on that rat though, even with the gnc everything
april is so . that gender is so everything. hoarding genders like mikey but less so and also less aggressively. less everything all at once and more somethings sometimes and sometimes not other things. shes a solid inbetween of mikey and leo. my brain clocked bi but i honestly dont know why. help i dont know that many names and also i havent been in love in 4 years idk how the sexuality half of this works
also as a disclaimer we as a system (not in our bio bc Fear) identify as genderfluid (not that i know what the flag looks like . look i keep forgetting to look it up ok) but thats because its easier. a lot of us are sort of genderfluid or use multiple pronouns but remembering those gender experiences is HARD . accordingly any discussion of gender and the experience might be totally fucked bc were only so many genders bc there are so many people in this brain. ok im getting off the stepladder w my megaphone where i make separate points now onto casey
my baby my little guy. think the fam wouldve given him the opportunity to explore that stuff as much as he could in the apocalypse. im feeling he/it. thinks gender is a construct. too busy to find a label. would probably like bigender or genderfluid. kind of like mikey, technically works w pan but would date literally whoever whenever wherever as long as there was a preexisting relationship. dont tell him but hes probably demiromantic
and casey sr!!! my girl my lady! i could go either cis or transgirl on her, or even she/they or she/they/he, she does whatever she wants any day of the week. absolutely a lesbian though thats undisputed. also feeling demiro And demiace
this is your last warning that i sussed half of these out based on vibes Right Now. except for leo theyre on my mind 24/7. and mikey mikey felt patently obvious. same for donnie but only gender wise
ok im done now prommy. may or may not fuck around and make a background + oh yeah! thats me!! style fic for these guys if i feel like it. probably wont come out during pride but hey. you dont stop being gay when june ends yk. either way tada ill come back if i decide i was talking bullshit and correct myself later. bc i usually decide i was talking bullshit eventually lmao. probably partially cause im like 18 its a natural side effect of growth occuring at a faster rate due to my younger age. anyways this has been your twice annually actually long and headcanons/fun filled luna post. ill see you in like, october probably, unless i get ballsy, see you then either way lmao
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twilightpony4 · 1 year ago
Backwoods: 2. Bouncin' Around
Nobody really knew when they were born. Splinter had always known his age given the biological qualities of a rat and a person in comparison. Whatever age the boys were was all a guess. They were barely crawling upon mutation; he assumed they were barely a year by human age standards and guessed as they went through developmental milestones. The only way they could determine a birthday was by calculating when red eared slider turtles would hatch after the breeding season. Henceforth, the family would just celebrate their birth on the first day of June because babies of their breed would hatch in the early summer. It wasn’t approximate but it was a time for them to collectively celebrate their new coming of age. 
The sun was out and peeking through the cracks of the sewer. Usually at least one of them would be up in the early hour given that their prime time had become the night when they would work, but they truly listened to the NYPD’s wishes to enjoy their time off from work and indulge themselves for the day. This time, the two usual cerulean-banded sliders were sound asleep in their own rooms. However, sleeping in was a disgrace in one’s eyes, especially since he was well known in this field of irritation and annoyance. The orange banded turtle woke up with a passion as he turned on the faucet water to wash his hands.
“I can’t believe they still sleepin’ when they know our birthday is today.” He mumbled to himself, turning off the water. “I got something for them though.” He huffed. From the kitchen, he grabbed a metal pot and ravaged the drawers for a wooden spoon. With each in hand, he set off for the main hallway. How they arranged their rooms was different this time around as they continued to update their home for the ever-growing children. On the opposite side of Splinter’s quarters, the rowdy bunch were stashed in separate rooms within a T-shape hall. No longer were they in open rooms or up in their circular, lifted quarters, but now a garage door gave them the privacy they wanted when they needed it, much like their old bathroom. They were grown enough for it anyways. However, they normally kept it cracked open up to their calves so that the family could alert them if there was an emergency, but Mikey had a different use to go through. Leonardo was in the first room down on the left side, so his door was opened up first. Every loud, creaking industrial noise a garage can make while being violently pushed up as produced. Michelangelo had no intentions to be quiet at all as he went through and opened up  next. With his door lifted up, Mikey began to scream and bang the spoon on the pot. “Ey! Ey! EY! Wake up! Get up! Get up! Get-Up!” He screamed, then he made a break for the other side of the hall to open up the rest of their doors. “Get up! Get-Up! I ain’t get no sleep so you ain’t gonna get none either!” The last room was Mona’s and he entered hers since Raphael’s large body was missing from his bed when he went into his room. Without fear, he approached her bed and banged loud against the head of his sleeping brother. Due to the size of the mattresses and how they’re able to sleep on them in the first place, his body engulfed hers as his arm pinned her down in slumber. It was actually pretty comfortable for the both of them despite how large he was compared to her. He cracked an eye open to look up. Mona sounded disgusted and tried to hide underneath his body. “Get up! Get up! Get-up-get-up-get-up-get-up-get-up!” Gaining a response, the orange banded terrapin stopped briefly.
“Bro, I know you lying.” Raphael groaned under his forearm.
“Ya’ll just nasty.” their brother replied in disgust.
“I fell asleep.” Raphael defended why he wasn’t in his room for the night. The young turtle ignored him as he jumped over the bed. His foot touched down on the mattress, shifting the two sleepers to that side and growing even more mad than before. No permission, he opened up her drawers and began digging.
“Guess what I got for yall….” From them, he pulled out the recognizable pink garments she wore on a nightly basis. “Clothes! Get up!” He threw the two-piece at the two in a ball. The young turtle sprinted out the room and began doing the same thing to everyone else. “This is what you wearing.” To not waste time, he only threw shorts or pants (whichever was easier to find, he just wanted them to get dressed) at his remaining two brothers and sister.  “This is what you wearing.” He came back in Mona’s room. Raphael was sitting at the edge of the bed, handing Mona her stuff although she’d rather throw her blanket up over her head. “I got something for you too.” Mikey pointed at his brother from the entrance. Then, he threw a pair of his black shorts at him before disappearing again. “Come on, and wake up!”
“I wanted to sleep in. That was my dream for my 18th.” Donnie muttered to himself. His upper body slouched over till his elbows hit his knees. Sitting at the edge of the bed and contemplating why he was listening to Michelangelo in the first place kept him there wondering how long he would choose to sit there till he got up. I mean, dude’s tired. Why don’t we not get up and just sit here like this. This is fine.
“Wellllll MLK,” Mikey stuck his head out from under the doorway. “that don’t fit into mine! C’mon! Get up! Angel finna be here to turn up so get up.” The turtle scooted to his room to do whatever else he could to make the morning more obnoxious. Before he disappeared, he gave a little hip swinging dance with his arms above his head and swung them abruptly. “My best friend finna- get up right now!”
Leonardo got up first (surprise, surprise).  He hopped off the steps from the hallway and towards the kitchen.
“Sensei!” He called. Dad!” A little louder. Nothing came back. Not a word or a subtle appearance.
“Ah, he left to go shoppin’.” He jumped when Michelangelo grabbed his shoulder and hung off of his older brother. His weight pushed him forward into a stumble.
“Getting stuff for us? I’d hate for him to go alone and carrying stuff around.” As he should. Aside from being a mutant, sensei was getting up in his years every year. Yes, he could definitely take on his sons easily (less as time goes on), but a son worries about his father just as much as the other way around.
“He got picked up by Casey. Don’t worry, Angel came too so they’ll have some muscle.” He winked and gave him a knowing click of the tongue before pushing down on his shoulder to jump off of him. The eldest brother smirked and followed the family into the kitchen.
Donnie and Venus were promptly joined by Michelangelo at the table. When Leonardo walked in, Mona Lisa sat atop the counter as she watched Raphael open up the kitchen cabinet.
“We did it boys.” Raphael spoke loudly which startled the crowd. 
“Huh?” Donnie placed one earbud over his ears to dampen his tone. The rebel turtle closed the cabinet he was getting into and pulled out a new box of Lucky Charms.
“We actually lived for another year.”  He pulled out a bowl and poured over half of it inside. He was a growing boy afterall.
“For real, the stuff we be doing I’m surprised myself.” Mona nodded in agreement, then took the box and grabbed a handful of the cereal before stuffing herself. Raphael began to list as he ventured over to the fridge:
“Guns, thugs, poison gas, evil magicians-.”
“ alien invasions, manhunts, robots, and potential health concerns…” Venus finished before getting a collection of confused stares. “Don’t tell me he doesn’t eat too much pizza.” She pointed directly to Michelangelo. The turtle felt attacked as he gasped softly while clutching his chest. However, the air hung for only so long until the family agreed.
“You right.” They agreed in differed responses.
“Speaking of….!” He sang. In no time he tiptoed away with his back arch backwards slightly. “I’m gonna go dial the place to serve the ‘death of me’.” The young turtle picked up his phone and began dialing but not before sticking his tongue out at his so-called “family”.
“I’m gonna use the livingroom to meditate for a sec. That alright?” Leonardo asked as he got to fixing himself a kettle of tea.
“Sure, go for it.”
“I was gonna back back for a nap anyways.” At the end of his sentence, Raphael yawned. His hands went over his face and rubbed his brows up and down, avoiding to keep his nose out of his bowl.
“Me too.” Mona added. Michelangelo yelled: “Ya nasties!” much to their dismay. 
The clan began to disperse. The lovebirds returned to Mona’s (with that unfinished cereal), the besties kept in the kitchen, Mikey was still on the phone with the pizza people (which is crazy since they’re open in the morning anyways), and Leo took himself to the living room. The rushing water from the slide was always loud but it had noise-blocking capabilities from the family’s shenanigans as Splinter discovered. The match cackled as he lit it up and placed the flame on a few select candles. It would take time for the aroma to even make a hint of its appearance due to both water and sewer smells, but that was not their job anyways. It was all for the mood. Splinter had so many candles because he would often stare into them to reach his point of relaxation. The movement of the flame entertained him and slowed down his body functions into a state of relaxation. For now, Leonardo used it as mild stimulation as listening to subtle, environmental sounds kept him in a spiritual state.
He kneeled down on the rug that sat at the epicenter of the arrangement of candles. His legs intertwined with one another as he sat down. To start himself off, he began with deep breathing. The first held breath refreshed him as he exhaled. Inhale, exhale. His system began to slow down and his focus sharpened.
“Lucali! Yeah, I wanna whole pie plus the calzone.” Leonardo’s body twitched. His right eye cracked open and began to search around. Far out of his eyesight, Michelangelo was on his shell-cell.
“Lemme tell ya, how ‘bout you put all the toppings on.” The eldest brother shook his head, closed his eye, and tried to tone his young brother out. “Nah fam, for real, put everything on it. I swear, it finna be good.”
“Mikey.” Leonardo muttered to catch his attention.
“And no anchovies, and I mean no anchovies! You tryna be funny and put anchovies on it and I’m deeming you dead to me.” Suddenly, a tall candlestick holder was hurdled towards the orange banded turtle. He shrieked as the holder smacked him on the arm.
“Michelangelo!” Leonardo’s voice echoed throughout the entire lair, making everything stop and stare. Mikey kept the phone to his ear as he locked shocked eyes with his eldest brother.
“That’ll do.” He continued in a shaky voice before hanging up the phone.
“Please!” Leonardo pleaded. Mikey surrendered and began to back off.
“Yeah, yeah. Do your thing. I’ll join you in a bit, how dow dah?” 
“Huh?” but before he could get an answer, Mikey had already high tailed out of the room. His answered confused him, but he needn’t dwell on it too long. Time to take advantage of the silence. Inhale, exhale. Multiple times needed to bring back that refreshed feeling. Inhale, hold, exhale.
“Bouncin' around, bouncin' around, bouncin', Bouncin' around, bouncin' around, bouncin'
Scrunchin' their eyes with your name in their mouth and Bouncin' around, bouncin' around, bouncin'...” From the moment the music started, Leonardo’s trance was fatally interrupted by the booming of the speakers. His eyes locked onto the weird sight in front of him. Michelangelo was not not alone as he and Donatello danced vivaciously to ‘Lemon’, taking no care to Leo’s previous demands.
“Do y'all not see me trying to meditate?” He asked rudely, but with good purpose.
“This is like meditating!” Mikey mocked.
“It’s our birthday,” Donnie insisted. “get off your high horse and get over here!” The eldest turtle grouched, sinking into himself. He let out a big groan. Then, he got up and joined them.
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monster-lili · 3 years ago
Haunt Couture diaries
Clawdeena on Instagram read all the diares and these are the most important parts:
All diaries write about their fearleading practice, Cleo cancels it two times
Shopping at the maul
Organising a fashion show called February Frights, to help fund the new fearleading uniforms
Clawd and Cleo are in bad moods
They take a care package (scare-package) to Cleo
Her telling them that she and Deuce broke up
Cleo helping Frankie figure out the dress printer 
They are wearing their HC looks at the fashion show
Their bios are the same, except for Draculaura’s age which is 1600 (still 1599 on the MH website)
I think the font is the same they used in the old diaries
Clawdeen’s diary:
Instagram is mentioned (as a pun, Instagrim), her username is @howlcouture
Draculaura and Clawd post pictures from their dates on Instagrim
Her Mom, Dad, Clawd, Clawdia (who is still in Londoom) and Howleen are mentioned
She wants to update the design of the fearleading uniforms
Clawdeen and Draculaura studied together at Drac’s place
She secretly liked the vegan sliders Draculaura made
She gives fashion tips at the Maul to random monsters
She spent a lot of money on her Back to Ghoul fashion trip, her Dad is still growling about that
She loves full moon nights with her family, her Dad grills, she races and plays casketball with her siblings, there’s s’mores and campfire where her parents snuggle :)
She says Cleo makes her mad, but she is her beast-friend :’)
She is running the fashion show
Cleo designed a fire(?) outfit, which Clawdeen loved and Cleo was smug about that
“There’s always fresh drama brewing in the couldron at MH.”
“Scares and scandals ahead.”
Frankie’s diary:
She has a crush on a guy who she calls Seven, who is a football player and has a cool accent (he is a character who’s only mentioned in diaries)
Her Mom, Dad and Watzit are mentioned, Frankenstein encourages her to make something for the science fair 
She is losing limbs, being a klutz as usual :)
Draculaura gave her the idea to make a printer that prints clothes
She can’t figure out how to make the machine work
She zapped Deuce’s locker, “who was weirdly distracted and the door narrowly missed his snakes and they hissed in annoyance”
She dropped out of the science fair, as she couldn’t make the printer work
Her favourite monster is her Dad :)
Nefera is mentioned, she’s still mean lol
“If I ever get a sister...” Alivia doesn’t exist!
“Being in or out of a relationship doesn’t define any ghoul.”
Cleo gave her Godess Tayet’s thread which made the printer work
Frankenstein fistbumped Cleo “which did not go over well” lol
Mr. Hackington and Ghoulia are mentioned
Cleo designed her skirt
"A not-so-secret admirer” tucked a note into her locker saying: “I love the way you’re put together. Lass(?) Hoping to fang out soon with the prettiest ghoul ever.”
Draculaura’s diary:
She still writes in the MH newspaper, which is still called The Gory Gazette :’)
She wrote an article about plant based meat
Count Fabulous and Dracula are mentioned
She cooked a lot of things
She caught Clawdeen taking a second bite of the vegan sliders “hehe”
VAMP: Vampires Advocating Meatless Proteins
Clawd and her are still together
Draculaura senses that there is something going on with Clawd
Dracula ate her vegan vampire chili by accident and got mad at her for not labelling it properly, but he ate the whole thing lol
Clawd refused to tell her what’s wrong, saying it’s private and he promised he won’t tell
Count Fabulous collected bugs to cheer her up
Deuce told Clawd about the brake up, Cleo and Deuce asked him to keep it a secret
She met Clawd at Coffin Bean and they made up
Headmistress Bloodgood is mentioned, she liked the fashion show!
So far it seems like they completely threw out the reboot MH story and characters and are working with the 2010-15 og MH lore!!!
I’m very excited to read Cleo’s diary, it’s going to explain so much!!!!!!
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mythica0 · 2 years ago
Could you please do a story where one of the turtles loses at a game with one of his brothers and the other one decides to do something with his sour attitude? I don’t have any specific characters in mind.
Btw, your stories are amazing! Keep up the great work!
Make lemonade
🧁: Leo
Summary; Leo loses at a game and gets all sour about it. Mikey decides to flip the attitude!
A/N: fun fact, in my house when someone is all sour we call them lemons, if someone is angry we call them spicy lemons. And if they’re really tired or sick we call em dehydrated lemons. Thank you for the request! Enjoy!
Make lemonade
There was currently an epic video game battle going on.
Leo vs. Mikey. A classic competitive duo.
They had almost finished the round and Mikey was ahead by a long shot.
So, it came to no surprise that the box turtle won.
He may have been expecting it, but that didn’t stop Leo from being a little upset that he lost. He wasn’t a sore loser though, so he congratulated Mikey on his victory, even though he was pouting the whole time.
The two youngest brothers continued to talk, and although Leo wasn’t mad at Mikey, it quickly became clear he was still sour about it.
Mikey decided to point it out and do something about it.
“Hey, Leo, why are you being a lemon?”
Leo’s expression grew confused. “A- a lemon? Huh?”
“You’re all sour!”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. I’m not mad at you or anything.”
“I know! And I have a way to fix this!”
Leo raised an eyebrow at the exclamation. “You do?”
“Yup! You know what they say, if life gives you lemons, you make lemonade!” And without waiting another moment, Leo was tackled to the ground.
Mikey waisted no time scribbling against his brothers plastron, where the stomach would be.
“Hehehey! Whahat!”
“I’m squeezing the juice out right now!” Mikey spoke, changing to rapidly squeezing Leo’s knees and lower thighs.
This of course, caused Leo to fall into very loud laughter. Cause man did that tickle a whole lot!
After Leo’s laughter grew silent, Mikey stopped for a moment to let him breathe, before poking all over his sides and ribs.
The slider fell into laughter again, much less loud this time.
“Time to add the sugar!” Is all Mikey said, smiling widely at his older brothers laughter.
Eventually, Mikey got off of Leo, and went to the kitchen.
He came back with a glass. But instead of water, it had lemonade in it.
“Fresh Leo-lemonade!”
Leo chuckled at the joke. “Freshly squeezed.”
“Yup! It wasn’t hard at all to take the lemons and make lemonade!”
———THE END————————————————
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