#an apple a day keeps the doctor away
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vee-lo0 · 11 months ago
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Laws not a good doctor
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glitchy-across-aus · 3 months ago
haven't done an interaction between them in a while
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Mango belongs to @its-a-me-mango
Tyler, unfortunately, is mine/j
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thechibilitwick · 3 months ago
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catzui reveal
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catzui....... his greed sickens me....
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dudukbazaar · 1 month ago
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Apples Value ●○○○○○ ; Size ●○○○○ Doctors hate them. To make an apple tree fruitful, you have to place a cemetery stone taken on Great Friday on the starting point of the branches.
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okaydays22 · 5 months ago
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drrretro · 1 year ago
Have an apple
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Meowow aowaw! Purrrup! Merrup mew :3 Meoow mew memow mrp! (What a crazy random happenstance! Purrfect timing! This is just what I needed :3 I hope you aren’t trying to keep me away!)
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tocamochi · 6 months ago
What if Snow White didn’t actually “die” from the apple being poisoned?
What if she was secretly a doctor, and apples are poisonous to her as a result?
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sakurasfallingstar · 2 years ago
ShiSaku Week: Day 3
Sakura could only sigh as her training with Annabeth was interrupted by one of her siblings. Especially after they told her "favorite patient" was waiting for treatment.
"You'd think being one of the fastest sons of Hermès, he'd be less injured," Annabeth said.
Rubbing her temples, the pink haired girl apologized the daughter of Athena. Of course her sparing partner understood, as this kind of interruption was not uncommon between the two. It's just on of the many flaws of being head if their cabins.
It also doesn't help that Sakura here, has medical abilities that could rival her father's, Asclepius. It made her a very popular request in the infirmary. It was got the point, that she put a ban on her patient load unless it was really serious (i.e. an arrow to the eye).
However, there was only one person who somehow alway managed to get her to heal him. That man, Shisui Uchiha, son of Hermès.
He was one who didn't let any of her cabin members come near him. Especially when it came time for his vaccinations.
At first she thought it was because he had already known her, being that dhe was childhood friends with his cousin, Sasuke. Then he just became problematic for her siblings. All the way from using his winged shoes to pinn himself to roof, or using his enhanced speed to evade them. In other word he was her siblings worse nightmare of a patient, and the newcomers to her cabin were quick to presudade to dump him on her.
Thus there was a rule in in her cabin; no matter what, whenever Shisui Uchiha showed up at the infirmary the youngest would be sent out to get her to rein him in.
"You know Sakura ," her sibling began, as they walked to the infirmary, "if I didn't know any better I'd say he has a thing for you."
She could see the concern on her siblings face at how fast she turned her head to look at them.
Of course Sakura was shocked at her sibling's hypothesis. In her mind, it seemed preposterous that Shisui would have taken a liking to her. In fact, thing far back as to when she'd be over at Sasuke's home to play, he'd alway pull at her pink locks, and say the most observed things to get a reaction out of her. He'd also poke her forehead a lot which he knew she was self conscious about.
" Trust me when I say this, Shisui does not like me. I am just a familiar to him. The reason being that we knew eachother when we younger, and that's it. Nothing more. Nothing less," she made clear.
Her sibling only shrugged and just came to the silent conclusion that Sakura was oblivious.
By now, every camper knew of Shisui's infatuation with Sakura. That is, every camper besides the woman of his affections.
They'd all seen the way he watches her at she trains with the daughters of Athena. They way he always made room next to him during celebrations.
Even during their interaction with each term, he'd be dropping hint, obvious ones and they'd just go over her head. It was painful to watch for all campers.
Percy remembers when Shisui used a funny pickup line on Sakura, and well, it got her to laugh. That was about it.
Later on he'd find out from Annabeth, that her half sister, Ino, repeated said pickup line that Sakura told her. Though, Ino made it clear that Sakura one hundred percent thought it was a joke.
After telling Annabeth who Sakura heard the pickup like from, let's just say she was pretty annoyed.
Pretty much every camper wants them to just kiss and end their missery...
Walking into the infirmary room that contained the Uchiha, Sakura crossed her arms. There he was, laying down all comfortable in the bed, with messy bandages wrapped around his head.
" So Shisui, what bring you intoday," she asked, as Shisui sat up from the bed.
Now despite, everything Sakura is very fond of the Uchiha. Don't get her wrong, he can be annoying, but he always made her smile in the end.
"Well Doc, you see I was helping the children of Demeter harvest their apples."
Oh no. This us going exactly where she thinks this is going.
Sakura could not help the smile that grace her lips.
"Well, one of them dropped their basket full of apples. The apples where going to hit their sibling holding the ladder steady, and I just couldn't let them. "
"So your in here cause you got clobbered by apples," she said, with amusement.
"What can I say, Doc? I'm proof that an apple doesn't  slways keep the doctor away,' isn't true."
With a chuckle, she walked over to his bed. Allowing her plans to glow green, she placed them on the side of his head. Her eyes closed, as she concentrated; scanning for any for and signs of head injury.
Shisui couldn't help but to relax in her touch. He even brought a hand up to clasp one her own.
It startled her to open her eyes, and for once it felt like they where really seeing eachother.
Time stopped.
Emerald eyes locking with onyx. Their heart beats somehow becoming in sync. Then suddenly they where leaning in, lip centimeters apart when-
"Sakura! We got a code 33," one of her siblings informed her, bargaining into the room.
Sakura had quickly pulled away from from Shisui, and a silence had settled into the room.
"A-am I interrupting something," they asked, looking between the blushing duo.
"No. Anyways, lead the way, and Shisui, you're good to go. I'll see you later at dinner," she said, rushing away to her next patient.
Meanwhile, Shisui was grinning like a fool.
By the end of the day, everyone knew what transpired between the two. So when dinner finally rolled around, and the two were holding hands; the whole camp lost it. Ino even fell to her knees as the rest of the camp cheered.
It was about damn time in everyones opinion.
I want to thank @athelise for their imput on who Shisui's godly parent should be. It really helped a lot.
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*runs up to you*
What's ur opinion on apples? :D
tbh I don't really like apples that much
I used to like green aplles when I was younger but now I just...don't as much. I'll deffo eat them if somebody were to give them o me, but yeah
they're great for throwing at people tho!!
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gavrannoir · 8 months ago
ID: Tweet from @mdmd2024 says, “Decided to include this joke in my MD grad photo shoot and I don’t regret it in the least.”
This tweet is followed by two photos. The first shows a bearded black man in glasses, a button up shirt, and slacks stopping short and looking over his shoulder at an apple which is in the foreground of the photo. The second is a portrait mode photo with the in-focus foreground showing a white person’s hand holding up an apple between thumb and middle finger. The blurred background shows the man from the first picture recoiling in horror with an arm flung out protectively.
Below these images is another tweet from @mdmd2024 which says, “Dang, can’t believe I only get to enjoy apples for like 3 more days”
/end ID
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druidofsuburbs · 3 months ago
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Rest awhile and stay warm. 🐲🌳🍎
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washyourheart · 5 months ago
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isopodonanescalator · 7 months ago
so glad i had an apple for lunch theres this doctor that’s been trailing me all day 😨 pulled out that apple and he’s GONE! let’s friggin go
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pawoooon · 10 months ago
Maybe I'm chronic pain because I don't eat apples
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imadumbshark · 2 years ago
Not being able to eat in a doctors waiting room feels like a ploy to reduce patients via starvation
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medantahospital606 · 2 years ago
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An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away| Medanta Cares
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