#Next time get a potato and an apple tyler
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glitchy-across-aus · 3 months ago
haven't done an interaction between them in a while
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Mango belongs to @its-a-me-mango
Tyler, unfortunately, is mine/j
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fanficmom94 · 5 months ago
His Second Chance Chapter 4
Boone's POV
I flip through the channels on the TV and look up as Tyler walks in smiling which was a good thing "how did it go?" He takes off his hat and sits down then begins to tug off his boots. "The date went really well I"m just feeling so conflicted about Kate." Maybe it was better to talk about this sooner than later I sigh and lean forward. "I hate that it didn't work out between the two of you she would have been good for you and our team but you can't hold on to her forever she's gone back to New York you need to let yourself be happy with someone else." He stares at me for a moment I sit and wait for him to speak "maybe you're right about that?" Great I could say a little bit more. "Take her out on another date, take her on multiple dates really give Heather a chance we don't have to rush back home right away." He nods and pats me on the back quickly. "Thanks Boone." I relax he took that really well.
Tyler's POV
I linger behind as the others leaves after breakfast as she walks over to our table time to talk about our second date, I smile as she stands next to me she was shorter than me I liked it. "what time do you get off today?" I only work until Three this afternoon." That was great we could track the weather for the biggest part of the day and see if we are on track for the big event at the end of the week. "Good so I was thinking maybe we could have a picnic and then after that a surprise?" She nods and smiles "I would like that a lot I"ll make something good for us." Home cooked sounded really good it was something I didn't have that often I couldn't wait to see what she made for us. "can't wait I'll pick you up around five?" "sounds great I'll see you later." I nod then squeeze before walking out to find the others.
Heather's POV
I move quickly through my kitchen as I place things in the picnic basket and work on the food as well I hope I had chosen something that Tyler would like I really wanted this date to go just as well as our first one had. I fork up the pieces of fried chicken and place them in a container before placing it in the basket on top of that I put the bowl of mashed potatoes and corn on the cob I take a deep breath to calm myself as I check the time. I still had time to work with I peek in the oven and check on the biscuits once they were done I could bake the apple pie I go to my bedroom and start searching for something to wear he seemed interested in the picnic but I was very curious to see what the surprise was I knew he wouldn't tell but sometimes surprises made me nervous. I settle on a pair of black jeans, a light green tank top, and a pair of black sandals it was nice but not over the top. I go back to the kitchen to finish the biscuits and start on the pie.
Tyler's POV
I watch the wind blow her hair lightly as we sit on the blanket out in the middle of the field I knew we wouldn't be bothered by anyone out here I lean back and bite into another piece of chicken. She bites into a biscuit and looks up at me "is the food okay?" I lick my lips and wipe off my hands "it's amazing it's the best food I've had in awhile." It was the truth I hadn't had anything this good in awhile. She smiles and sips some of the sweet tea she had brought for us "I'm glad you like it I wasn't sure what to make for you but I wanted it to be different from the diner." I was impressed and flattered that she had made such an effort into something for me on our second date. Maybe Boone was right about what this could be with Heather he said they wouldn't mind staying here longer I could do it and really give this a shot with her and see what happens between us. First I needed to be sure that I was ready to move on.
Heather's POV
I help him lay blankets and pillows in the back of his truck as other cars start to pull in the drive in I look over at him as he puts a few more on the other side. "This is my first time coming here I"m excited." He grins "I haven't been to one of these in a long time my friend Lily helped me pick the perfect movie for us to see." I wondered what kind of movies tornado wranglers normally watched but I was happy to be here doing something like this. I go to the end of the tailgate he takes my hand and helps me up in the bed before climbing in himself. I sit back against the pillows and adjust as he gets comfortable I look up at the screen as the music and intro begins and I'm surprised to see one of my favorite movies. HIs friend had recommended Dirty Dancing he tilts his head "is the movie okay?" I nod and smile "I love this movie thank you for bringing me here." He nods and squeezes my hand.
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kochlandhomestead · 2 years ago
Wow did September really just fly by like that? Feels like just 2 weeks ago I was doing this for August but heres my self accountability post for the end of the 9th month of 2022
Lets start with the ol resale business. Historical Days was a big success. I got rid of a lot of my old stock from the shed and made a nice profit on the weekend. Really wish I could get to more festivals and markets. That was a goal for this year that I am failing at. eBay had gone cold since the first week of September but I had 3 sales this week. With 4th quarter starting now hopefully it will be getting even better. I learned a lot last week at eBay open, lets see if I can transform that into sales. I also am looking into a booth at a local flea market that is open on Fridays. Possibly going to open there in November. Its a risk and a big step but it just may be time.
Classes started Monday in my Ag science and organic growing classes. Its been a challenge this week but I feel im back in the flow. I even got my first week assignment done early, y'all know thats a big one for me.
Things around the Homestead are winding down into what I refer to as hibernation time. The garden is ready to be put to bed, hopefully I get to that nexg week. Pears and apples need picked. Gotta dig potatoes yet and see how that harvest is. Lots of little things but its about over.
I didn't have a single Wrestling show this month. We did do our company picnic last Saturday but besides that nothing. The quiet is killing me. October has a couple but November is really bare. Gotta do something about this.
My TV back log has gotten worse. Im weeks behind on Wrestling. Its really ridiculous lol. I haven't watched any of She-Hulk or House Of Dragons. Seems everyday I add on another episode or 5 of the network shows that I try to catch as much of as possible like FBI or Law & Order. I haven't even seen the new Thor yet. I am caught up on Andor of course and am still working through my rewatch of Fear the walking dead. For someone that completely cut the cord this list is nuts!
Speaking of cutting the cord lets discuss my "off grid" life as it is. So many projects and ideas I had for the summer went unstarted. I really had hoped to have a little wood stove set up but not even close. I did get a bucket washing machine built for hand washing and of course my water collection system grew nicely. But still im way behind even though im far better than I was last year at this time.
My health has been good and ive really been doing well at eating. Im near my calorie goal almost everyday. Cooler weather really helps as does less time spent working outside. Now to finally start regular workouts again.
With just a month to go its time to start really planning and working on the upcoming holiday season here and at the Santa House. All while trying to enjoy spooky season too. Its a juggling act sometimes.
The personal life thing is pretty much as wacky as always. Mom and Dad have both been doing good. Dad has a bum shoulder but he says it is feeling a little better. Tyler has been coming around a little bit more now that he has Whiskey to take out. She sure is a cutie and becoming a good pal of mine. I been thinking again about a new cat or dog. Maybe near Christmas? My special person and myself have had a difficult time of getting together. Always seems to be something come up. Its hard with busy lives and a bit of a distance between us. We have plans for next Saturday so hopefully.... It was great to hang out with the Wrestling family last week, tomorrow I get more of that plus the Town Meeting crew. Having a small social life is sad at times but it makes me enjoy it more when it happens. A goal for 2023 is more interaction with friends and family and less alone time!
I think thats enough for tonights book. If you made it through thanks for reading. These things are always kinda hard for me to do but I really feel that they along with you who do read help me keep myself in check.
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thefirsthogokage · 4 years ago
I am watching worst cooks in America.
Season 6, Episode 1 - SPOILERS
One lady killed her dog with the her awful food. I almost slipped this season because of that.
"Is this an onion or a potato?"
"Does any see the goose fat." Can't find it, thinks GUMMY BEARS will be a good equivalent and make her dish a "showstopper" and show that she is artistic.
Woman is trying to cut the gummy bears.
The male chef: "Christina, do me a favor. I'm a [unintelligible] that-that knife has a sheath on top of it. Right? Take it off. Take the knife guard off. There's a knife underneath that."
Christina: "I was wondering why [unintelligible and laughing] there wasn't a blade."
Female chef, sarcastically, but upbeat: "She's a smarty."
Christina, trying to cut the gummy bear with the WRONG EDGE OF A BREAD KNIFE.
Female chef: "Turn the knife over!"
Male Chef: "Turn your knife around." (x2)
Christina: "For a sharper cut or what?"
Male chef: "You want to cut something with the sharpe end of the knife. That's just my opinion."
Christina: "Ok."
Female chef: "and you wonder how these people get along in life."
David: "I've got a french bulldog. She'll eat her own poo, but she won't eat my own food."
Female Chef: "David's fascination with meatloaf animals is...a bit perplexing."
Female chef: "oh look the first thing she has on her board is a bottle of wine."
Oh, the person she's talking about is an art teacher. Some things are making sense now.
Sarah, this woman, proceeds to pretend to be Julia Childs.
Sarah: "I don't really follow directions. I base my cooking time oh how many glasses of wine it might take me - OMG SHE POURED WINE INTO A LADLE AND DRANK IT - to finish a dish. I love cooking with wine!"
Still holding the ladle: "Half the bottle for me. Half the bottle for...sauce?"
Her bench partner, Genique, comes over and gets a sip from the laddle.
Genique, whose cooking is "like the G-spot,": "Wait until I get the gravy-oh I left a piece of paper in there." (It was a piece of plastic)
Jason, right on combining the flavors of applesauce with mashed potatoes...
He is cutting the apple poorly.
Jason: "I think my cooking is very creative. The goal is to make it edible."
Stephanie: oh god, problem child.
I took a break and took a shower. I am at most 15 minutes into this.
Stephanie, sweetie, you do NOT know how to make a fried egg. Then again, I don't either, I just know THAT is not a fried egg.
Aww, the male chef thinks Leo has a nice high step.
Leo: "they took Leo from Rio, but never Rio from Leo." Atta boy Leo!
"My cooking is very very very very bad."
Male Chef: xI swear to God, I have no idea how Anne does this everyday."
So, I the female chef's name is Anne. I think I saw her compete on Guy's Grocery Games. God I love that show.
Male Chef: "This is a very very special place."
He's not digging this job very much.
She not looking forward to tasting their food.
"what kind of oil is Canola?"
What's her name...must rewind...Kristen.
Turned out the guy who called the female chef Hon.
Susie who doesn't eat the thing she's cooking, but her husband apparently loves it.
Chef Anne: "microwaving a potato in a plastic bag? That's priceless." Can't remember the girl's name, but she said she learned it from the male chef, who's name is apparently Tyler.
Oh, btw, they are going around and trying these dishes. I don't envy them.
I'm surprised you have any taste buds left too, Chef Tyler.
How is there potential in any of these people?
Oh god, these people are insane.
And now they will be learning to cook.
Ahhhh, they're going to be cooking with aphrodisiacs.
Oh good for baked potato girl, she recognized the dish with French. But she couldn't recognize filet mignon as beef. She thought it was a fish.
I can't remember who this girl is: Chef Tyler cut the mushroom, and she is genuinely bewildered: "how did you just do that without cutting your thumb off?"
"Because I know where my thumb is."
Ahh, she's "scared to death of knives." My gods.
Chef Tyler is making something more complicated then Chef Anne. Asshole.
And off they go!
Teddy Bear Meatloaf Guy: "I've have no experience with actual food."
Ahh, Bagged Baked Potato girl is named Courtney (spelling?). I'm not goin. To remover that. I've already forgotten everyone but Christina.
Christina tasted her whatever is was, and dumbed the rest back in in front of the chef. She has to start that bit over.
I need to eat the food I've made, but I'm too shocked by all this.
Drinking lady is drinking again. Her brother is a chef.
I can't do this to myself, omg. Why am I doing this to myself? WHY?!
Courtney is calling the herbs trees. I
I might have to stop watching this show.
Oh thank God, they are done cooking.
I hope this turns out to be a happy story, I really do.
OMG SARAH (CRAZY ART TEACHER) COOKED HER MEAT THE BEST! And Chef Tyler was spot on about her focus.
I think Chef Anne's team is doing better that Chef Tyler's team.
Side note: for the fourth time in ... For the fifth time in 3 minutes, I have to get my cat's toy out from under the TV stand.
Oh good! Norman won on Che Anne's team.
Aww, the two contestants are holding hands.
Poor Christina. I was hoping she would last longer.
Poor Jason, but he doesn't listen.
Ok. That, was something.
Don't know if I'm going to do the next episode or not.
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nataliedanovelist · 5 years ago
GF - Where the Crop Circles Grow ch.5
Summary: When things get out of hand at the Pines’ family farm, Ford asks an old college buddy to assist investigating anomalies and Stan hires a farmhand. Who knew asking for help would actually get you somewhere?
For @lemonfodrizzleart. Part of her Farmer AU and featuring her OC, Jackie Asante.
Ao3 link here.
ch.4 - ch.6
Jackie was folding laundry on the porch to enjoy the nice weather. Soft, fluffy, warm towels made the farmhand feel proud of her work (the towels were kinda scratchy and stiff when she first came a month ago). Her eyes averted from her folding up ahead to her boss, who was chopping woods on an old tree stump.
His shirt was almost completely unbuttoned to help his sweaty body cool down. A golden chain just barely grazed his thick chest hair, showcased by the created V. His stance was strong and his arms tightened his muscles as he swung the axe down on a sorry piece of wood. Occasionally he had to bend over to place a new log on the tree stump, giving Jackie a very pleasant view through his jeans. After a few minutes of Stan’s show and of Jackie not getting anything done, her hands frozen on a towel in her lap, Stan stopped his work and turned away from the sun as he wiped his forehead dry of sparkling sweat; Jackie barely looked away in time and if it wasn’t for Stan’s eyesight adjusting to the lack of sunshine, he might have caught his admirer.
Fiddleford came out with a glass of sweet tea in his hand and breathed in the wonderful late-afternoon air. He noticed at once that something was slightly out of the ordinary, and one look at Jackie’s glossy eyes and Stan’s half-exposed body as he picked up the lumber told the Tennessian everything he needed to know. The second Stan entered the house to put the logs where they belonged, Fiddleford gently elbowed Jackie as he stood next to her rocking chair. “Well, kettle my corn, somebody’s in love.”
Jackie rolled her eyes and smiled smugly up at her friend. “Yeah, right. Stan’s just a cool guy. It’s not like I lie awake at night thinking about him.”
Jackie laid on her back, staring up at the ceiling, tucked into her bed with one arm draped over her chest, and her eyes wide with energy. She could feel a rock being plunged into her stomach as it dawned on her that Fiddleford might have been right. “Uh, oh.”
Stan was whittling a small piece of wood in his hands as he sat on the porch, rocking in his chair. The sounds of laughter made him glance up from his work and he smiled to see Jackie and Tate playing. It was a basic game of tag, but they were both laughing joyfully and Tate was grinning like it was the best day of his life. For a few minutes Jackie purposely went slow, but then she sped up, caught Tate in her arms, and plopped down on the ground to tickle his ribs. Tate squirmed and squealed as Jackie laughed alongside him, hers less force than the boy’s.
Stan smiled and watched them from the corner of his eye as he whistled a tiny tree; Tate seemed to enjoy the toy train he had made for him, so he was secretly working on tracks and trees and houses and people so the kid could build a village for the train to ride around. It was something entertaining for Stan to do in his free time and he knew it would make a good birthday gift or a present for the holidays. As he worked and watched Jackie play with Tate, his thoughts reverted back to his feelings for the farm-woman.
Was it wrong for him to be crazy for his employee? Probably, but who cares? They hardly had a boss-worker relationship; if anything it was a firm friendship that just came so easily it was like they had known each other for years. With Jackie, it was just so easy, but that didn’t mean it was predictable; Jackie was spontaneous, passionate, and different, everything Stan valued in a person. Not only was she a hard worker, but she was really smart, creative, the best cook he had ever met, and really really beautiful. Anyone would get a crush on her, so why should he? For the time, Stan was content that a woman as amazing as her would never have a crush on him, not in a million years, so with any luck his little crush on her will die and no one important will get their feelings hurt.
In the middle of May Stan and Ford told Fiddleford and Jackie about a hoedown that took place at the end of May to mark the beginning of summer. It was hosted in a huge barn and everyone pitched in to help with the food and there was music and dancing and everyone had a great time; word on the street was that it even beat the Northwests’ annual fancy shindig. So the weak of the party Jackie was excused from work on the farm so she could spend more time in the kitchen, meaning Ford and Fiddleford had to pitch in and save their investigations on the unicorns for another time.
It wasn’t a fancy party, but people usually dressed up a little bit, almost like going to church. Ford went for his blue t-shirt with green flannel and clean jeans and he polished his black shoes that clicked on wood beautifully. Fiddleford went for a more casual army-green floral shirt, a favorite from back at Backupsmore, and he put Tate in a red short-sleeved button-up. Stan opted for clean jeans and a light-merlot button-up, but Jackie was perfectly happy to wear a plain white dress that went down to her knees and came with noodle straps. She decorated the outfits with black heels to match her curly hair, which she somehow managed to control without losing its breath-taking fullness.
Stan found himself staring for a creepy amount of time, but she was too busy trying to get her food together to notice. The Diablo was packed full with food so Stan and Jackie drove in that car while Ford, Fiddleford, and Tate rode in the newly repaired blue truck. The large barn sat a few yards from a huge lake and at the top of a hill, a smaller barn filled with hay to the side and a white fence establishing the boundaries of the property. Already the barn was busting with music and laughter and vehicles and even two horses stood outside the party. Stan and Ford helped Jackie with the food while Fiddleford held Tate’s hand and had his banjo over his shoulder, and they entered.
The newcomers awed at the hustle and bustle. On a stage a bass, an acoustic guitar, a cello, a harmonica, and some spoons were being played by some townsfolk. Many more were dancing in the wide open space care-free. Kids Tate’s age were holding hands and swinging, Toby Determined was doing a lonely tap-dance, that dweeb Durland was spinning a lady too fast and making her cross-eyed, and Ma and Pa from Dusk 2 Dawn were holding each other as they danced. Most people were doing a big group dance together, but some were over at the long tables filled with good food. 
Susan was stirring hot apple cider and spooning mugs full for people, Manly Dave had brought his family recipe of Cages Full of Meat, and there were platters and bowls filled with delicious ham, turkey, cobblers and pies of every berry and fruit that existed, green beans, collared greens, salad, macaroni salad, potato salad, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, fried okra, smoked ribs, smoked pork, boiled peanuts, jugs full of moonshine, and barrels full of taffy and candy. Jackie happily added her Lemon Meringue pie, grilled chicken, fried chicken, boiled potatoes, yeast rolls with cinnamon butter, cranberry sauce, spinach dip and crackers, and a huge pot filled with jambalaya made with Cajun sausage, onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, and rice. All that food could feed three New York Cities, let alone little Gravity Falls, but with all the dancing and activity going on the food was happily accepted and the night was off to a wonderful start.
Jackie happily chatted with Susan at the long tables while the men dispersed. Fiddleford was invited to play with the others on stage, Ford began to play chess with some of the old men in the back of the barn, and Stan happily took Tate out on the dancefloor and let him stand on his boots to lead.
The sun was soon gone but the night was lit up by not only the huge light fixtures in the barn, but the strings of lights on the walls, and rustic exposed lightbulbs at the door, and the little lights on the grass to highlight the walkway from the party to the rides home. Fireflies buzzed around as well; a few kids left the loud party to play among the bugs and let the flickering lights crawl into their outstretched hands.
As the moon got higher and higher into the sky, the part continued to be very enjoyable. While Tate was busy making quick friends with Tyler Cutebiker, Stan dragged his twin out on the dancefloor and made him dance. Fiddleford took a break from playing his banjo and somehow ended up dancing with Susan. Jackie happily danced alone by the tables and enjoyed the blissful music. As much fun as the party was, her energy was running out and she could do with some quiet. She decided to go outside and watch the kids play.
Out in the cool late-spring air Jackie breathed peacefully as she watched the children run around, but soon she wanted to be alone and explore her new surroundings. That smaller barn was a ways away, so she slipped into the shadows and ventured towards it. Jackie quietly slid the door open and smiled to find a single lantern hanging on the wall and the barn filled to the brim with blocks of hay. It smelled clean here and it was quiet and lovely, so Jackie made her way to a wall and sat on two blocks of hay, taking off her heels to rub her sore feet. No blisters, thank goodness, but standing and dancing for so long will make your feet ache.
In the silence and with nothing better to do, Jackie resumed her thought about Stan. Was it wrong for her to fall for her employer? Probably, but who cares? They hardly had a boss-worker relationship; if anything it was a firm friendship that just came so easily it was like they had known each other for years. Stan was just so easy to talk to, so comfortable to be around, but that didn’t mean he was predictable; Stan was spontaneous, passionate, and different, everything Jackie valued in a person. Not only was he a hard worker, but he was clever, considerate, a true-blue family man, and really really beautiful. Anyone would get a crush on Stanley Pines, so why should she? But Jackie could swallow that a man as amazing as him would never have a crush on her, not in a million years, so with any luck her little crush on him will die and no one important will get their feelings hurt.
The door opened slowly, still managing to make Jackie jump a little, but she smiled and relaxed at seeing Stan at the entrance.
He had been having a lot of fun at the party, but he had planned on dragging Jackie out to dance, having noticed that no one had danced with her (she must have danced with at least of one of handsome guys here and Stan just didn’t see it, there’s no way a girl that pretty had resorted to wall-hugging all night) and he planned to fix that, but he soon noticed that Jackie was nowhere to be found. Checking to make sure she didn’t get eaten by a mountain lion, Stan exited the big barn and watched the kids for a minute before guessing she was in the smaller barn away from the crowds and noise. He smiled when he saw he was correct and leaned against the doorway. “Hey, whatcha doin’ over here?”
Jackie shrugged casually. “Just needed some alone time.”
Stan nodded and drastically changed his plans to give her what she needed. He let his arm fall from the doorway and said, “Gotcha, okay, I’ll see you…”
“No,” Jackie said too quickly and felt herself go red with embarrassment. “I-I mean, I can be alone with you.” She quickly explained and then swallowed nervously. That didn’t make any sense, she wasn’t making any sense! But the way this guy made her feel didn’t make sense, either.
Stan saw her nervousness and smiled at it; the best dating advice Ma had ever given him was to never a date someone who wasn’t nervous around you; if they’re nervous that means they like you. He made a mental note to not put up too much of a brave front and then he entered the barn and closed the door behind him. “Whatever you want, sweetheart.”
Jackie smiled, not as nervous now, and watched as Stan plopped himself down on the hay-coated floor, resting an arm next to where Jackie sat. He popped his neck and yawned, comfortable and relaxed, one leg bent up and the other laying flat. He turned his head to look up at Jackie, resting his square jaw on his knuckles, and asked, “So whatcha thinkin’ about?”
Jackie leaned forward so her elbows her on her knees and one hand was just under her chin. “I was thinking how this has got to be one of the best parties I’ve ever been to.”
Stan snorted. “Really? Guess it ain’t so bad. I’ve never missed a single one. Great graduation celebration or a ‘welcome home’ event for college students. One year Ford n’ I snuck out n’ went over to the lake to swim, but Shermie caught us n’ tried to pull us out, but we dragged him in n’ we all got in trouble for it.” He chuckled.
Jackie giggled along with him and commented, “I’ve actually never been to a lake. I’ve visited a beach, but not a lake yet.”
“We’ll fix that.” Stan said. “The beach, though, huh? Always wanted to see one. Where else’ve you been?”
“Everywhere.” Jackie said. “I was a bit of a traveler before stopping here. Never been outside the country.”
“What was your favorite place?”
“New Orleans.” Jackie answered quickly. “They had the most delicious beignets and seafood and the jazz was beautiful, and the ocean was so beautiful. I really liked southern California, too, the beach was amazing and I made a lot of Hispanic friends there.”
“Any reason why you left?” Stan asked; with such good friends and great places, the farmer couldn’t help but wonder why didn’t she stay.
“Too busy and loud.” Jackie said. “I love the occasional crowds, but I wanted some place quieter and easier to find work, so that’s why I came up here.”
“Well, I’m glad you did.” Stan said earnestly, in such a deep, meaningful tone that it made Jackie’s face hot again and she looked away as she gently shook her head.
“You give me too much credit, Stan…”
“No, Jackie, I mean it.” Stan swallowed nervously, making his Adam’s apple bobble, and he went on with his eyes on the beautiful girl above him. “I’m not just butterin’ you up, I think you’re real pretty, n’ I mean it when I say you’re probably the best thing that ever happened to our place. Even without your killer cookin’ n’ extra help, I’m just really happy you’re around. I don’t know how I can make it up to you, but I’ll think of somethin’.” He had carefully worded his compliment so Jackie could take it as a friend making a friend feel good if that was all she wanted, but he had meant it as so much more and wanted it to be so much more, so it was all up to Jackie now.
She noticed the nervous look in his soft brown eyes and smiled. Was there a possibility, a teeny tiny possibility, that he liked her the same way she liked him. She could be dead wrong, she could lose everything she had worked for the last few weeks and everything she had grown to love. Goodbye, Dot. Goodbye, Tate. Goodbye Pines farm filled with some of the best people she had ever met. But she took a gamble, tried to ease her nerves as discreetly as possible, and she said quietly, “You could kiss me.”
Stan’s eyes grew to the size of dinner plates and his brown eyes sparkled adorably. Jackie bit her lip to keep from laughing at the look on his face, her heart relaxing and her nerves settling as she realized how much he wanted to kiss her. His grin was the last thing she saw before he stretched up and she leaned down and they met for a soft kiss.
The amount of sparks that flew only through lips touching was unbelievable. As a strong hand cupped Jackie’s cheek and a smaller hand landed on the back of Stan’s head, the kiss deepened and it only got better. Holy Moses, it was far better than anything Jackie could have imagined in her head, all those night daydreaming about this moment, and more, and it was better and full of more bliss than she thought it would be. She was putty at Stan’s touch, and as another arm wrapped around her waist and the kiss included it’s fair share of tongue, Jackie slid down from her little seat until she was sitting on the ground beside Stan.
Warm chuckles of pure joy leaked from their lips and for a while it was nothing more than hugs and kisses, but it was everything. Stan was blown away that such a beautiful woman wanted to hold him and kiss him, of all people, and he knew better than to question a good thing. His heart was roaring like a lion in his chest, his face was warm despite the goosebumps on his arms, and while he was beyond grateful for just a kiss he wondered if he was lucky enough for more.
They separated for air and Jackie rested her head on the cushion of Stan’s arm, his free hand on her knee. Stan’s cheeks and ears were rosy pink, his five o-clock shadow unable to hide how the girl in his arms made him feel. Jackie smiled at him, unable to believe she was so lucky, and put a hand over his heart to enjoy his heartbeat, but then she slowly unbuttoned his shirt a little to let his chest hair be showcased by a proud V. At the same time, Stan’s hand slowly went down her bent leg, closer and closer to her hip, pushing her white dress up. With a gleam in their eyes and one sure smirk, they both knew what they wanted.
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(If you want smut, CLICK HERE! If you’re not comfortable with that, then keep reading.)
There were still some stragglers at the party, mostly drunk men singing their hearts out, but Ford and Fiddleford were ready to go. Tate was asleep so Fiddleford gently tucked him in his car seat as Ford looked around for Jackie and Stan. It wasn’t a big deal to leave without them, they had brought two cars, but still. Curiosity had grasped his mind and he generally wondered where they were. Fiddleford cleared his throat and suggested, “Maybe we should go ahead home, Fordsie.”
“I suppose so,” Ford said casually and nodded in agreement. “But if they get arrested for trespassing, I’m not… SWEET LORD!” Ford put a six-fingered hand over his mouth to stop his screaming, but his other hand was pointing at the couple who had hoped they could emerge from the shadows undetected, but that clearly wasn’t going to work out.
They were covered in hay. Both Jackie’s long black hair and Stan’s brown mullet were frizzled and out of control, like someone had shaken their hair wildly. Or grabbed it tightly. Jackie’s white dress was missing, but she held Stan’s button up around herself tightly to preserve what little dignity she had left. Stan, shirtless, had a dopey grin on his face with hazy eyes, like he was sleepwalking. While Stan was oblivious to his twin’s scream, Jackie’s face was scarlet with embarrassment and she rubbed the back of her neck as she gritted her teeth.
Poor Ford was a mumbling mess. “B-B-B-But… you… you two… you… and you…”
Fiddleford patted his shoulder and instructed gently, “Stanford, get in the truck.”
“I know, I know, just get in. Leave ‘em be.” Fiddleford guided his best friend into the car and even closed the door for him. While Ford buried his head in his hands to try to collect himself, Fiddleford gave the happy couple a thumbs up before entering his vehicle and heading home.
Jackie wanted to disappear and never reappear.
Stan, however, was far too busy repeating a single thought in his head to even register what was going on in front of him. “I’m gonna marry her.”
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beanfic · 5 years ago
Pairing: Tyler Joseph x Reader
Word count: 2114
Warnings: Some mentions of alcohol and fluff!
Author’s note: I decided to write a fic in honor of thanksgiving! You know, friends just being thankful for each other and enjoying each others company! Hope you enjoy!
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“TYLER!” you shouted from the bottom of the stairs with your arms crossed and foot tapping as you waited for your boyfriend to come peeking around the corner.
“Yes, my love?” 
“The turkey is still not defrosted and people are going to be coming over soon! We are in charge of the main dish!” You were flailing your arms around as you were speaking frantically. You and Tyler had decided to host a Friendsgiving and because you were hosting that meant you two were in charge of the turkey.
“It’s going to be fine! I have it all under control! I really need to take a shower, okay?” He stood at the top of the stairs in just a pair of sweatpants, his black tattoos contrasting against his porcelain white skin. 
“You need to tan,” you giggled. Tyler shook his head and disappeared back into the bedroom. The turkey sat on the counter just mocking you. It was a 20-pound turkey and you had put it in the fridge about five days ago, but you should have put it in earlier apparently. 
“Alexa, how do you defrost a turkey fast?” you called out to your Alexa that was on the kitchen counter. 
“You can try a quick cold-water thaw to defrost your turkey faster,” it said in its a monotone voice. You had never even heard of that, so you did a quick google search. It seemed like it was going to cut it close, but it was better than not having any turkey for Friendsgiving. 
Tyler was still upstairs getting ready while you were putting the finishing touches on the decorations downstairs. The dining room table had a gold tablecloth on it and you had cut out leaves to decorate the table. 
You checked your list of what everybody was bringing. Josh and Jordan were in charge of bringing stuffing and mashed potatoes, Maddy and Brett were bringing pumpkin pie and vegetables, Zack and Tatum were bringing cranberry sauce and rolls, and lastly, Brad and Mark were bringing some appetizers. Jay was invited but he had plans with his girlfriend. 
“How do I look?” Tyler’s voice called out, making you spin around. He stood in the entryway to the kitchen with his arms held out to show off his outfit. He was wearing a red and black flannel with black joggers. His hair was still wet from his shower and he smelled like aftershave.
“Handsome,” you answered. You gave him a quick peck on the lips as you headed up the stairs for your turn to get ready. “Make sure to follow the instructions I laid out for the turkey!” 
“I will! You can trust me, Y/N, this isn’t my first turkey!”
“It’s your first twenty-pound turkey!” 
“True, now go get ready!” Tyler shooed you and you couldn’t help but laugh. You couldn’t understand how Tyler was so calm about hosting the dinner. You were a nervous wreck, but hopefully, the shower would help ease the nerves. 
Once you got out of the shower the savory aroma of a cooking turkey filled your nostrils and your mouth began to instantly water. You smiled to yourself knowing that Tyler had successfully dressed the turkey and put it in to cook.
Thanksgiving called for a burgundy sweater with jeans, something casual but nice. You styled your hair so that it was out of your face and you with a finishing touch of chapstick you were ready to head downstairs. 
“Look at you!” Tyler’s eyes lit up when he saw you enter the dining room. He rushed over and wrapped his arms around your waist and smothered you with tiny kisses.
“Ty! Stop!” you giggled, trying to escape his hold.
“I just can’t believe you’re mine!”
“Well I am, can you please let go of me?” 
“Yes.” Tyler released his hold but gave you one last kiss on the cheek.
“I’m so thankful for you, Ty!”
“I’m thankful for you too, Y/N. You are truly the best thing to happen to me!”
“Not true,” you said stubbornly. “Josh is the best thing because without him there would be no twenty one pilots!”
“You do have a point but you both are the most important things in my life!”
“Good,” you smiled. “The turkey smells so good!”
“Right? I’m starving, but people should be showing up soon.” Tyler looked at his apple watch. “Josh and Jordan said that they are almost here.”
“Good! I’m going to go light some candles so that the rest of the house can smell good too!” You grabbed a lighter and went on a lighting adventure. 
The doorbell rang while you were towards the back of the house, and you quickly recognized the voices at Josh and Jordan’s. 
“Y/N!” Jordan called out as he met you halfway in the kitchen. “How are you!” 
You wrapped your arms around him for a hug, “I’m good! You?”
He shrugged, “School has been rough but it’s almost winter break!”
“That’s true! Where is Josh?”
“Tyler and he were getting the food out of the car. I have to pee so if you excuse me I am going to go find the little boys room.”
“You do that,” you chuckled. Tyler and Josh finally reentered the kitchen, now with food. 
“Hey, Y/N!” Josh greeted you with a side hug as he was still carrying the food in.
“Hey, my dude!” Once he put the food down you gave him a fist bump, your usual greeting. Josh was probably your closest friend. 
“These mashed potatoes are delicious,” Tyler mumbled with his mouth full.
“Ty-LER!” you groaned, giving his shoulder a swat. “It’s not dinner time!”
“Thanks, I made them myself!” Josh boasted.
“Doubt it,” Tyler responded.
“Yep,” Josh ended the tiny argument. You just rolled your eyes as you headed to the front door. You had heard a car door, signaling that more people were arriving. Mark and Brad were walking towards the door, so you swung it open to welcome them.
“Happy Friendsgiving!” you exclaimed. They followed you to the kitchen where everyone hugged and welcomed each other. Jordan was back from the bathroom, popping open a beer to drink.
“Does anyone want apple cider?” Tyler asked.
“I want alcohol!” Mark snickered.
“Alcoholic apple cider,” Brad added.
“That sounds good,” Jordan laughed.
“We are not having anyone drinking and driving tonight, so if you aren’t having apple cider make sure you have a DD,” you said. Tyler caught your glance and gave you a thumbs up. The doorbell rang once again, but Josh was the one to go open it. It was Tyler’s siblings and their significant others. They all shuffled into the kitchen to place the food down, which included the appetizers.
“Food!” Josh announced and everyone clapped and cheered.
“Don’t get too full because dinner will be in about an hour!” Tyler chimed in. 
Conversations filled the room, some about the excitement of the tour that might be happening soon, others about Christmas, and Jordan and you were having a detailed conversation about the best Christmas movies. 
“Tyler! Come on over here,” you called out to your boyfriend. He excused himself from the conversation he was having with his brother and sister-in-law to join you and Jordan.
“What’s up?”
“Jordan here thinks that Home Alone is superior to Elf!”
“Which Home Alone exactly?”
“Home Alone one of course!” Jordan smirked. “The best movie to ever exist.”
“I’m going to have to go with Y/N on this one, Elf is the number one Christmas movie.”
“I can’t believe you! Elf is so cheesy!” Jordan insisted.
“And home alone isn’t cheesy?”
“I mean, yes, but c’mon!”
“Jordan, it’s okay,” you giggled. 
“I just can’t believe!” you both laughed about the argument, finally agreeing to disagree.
Tyler and you set the table and got thanksgiving dinner ready with the help from Maddy and Brett, which also allowed you to catch up with them. You hadn’t seen Maddy in a long time, and you had missed her. She was like the sister that you always wanted, and you definitely went to her anytime Tyler would get on your nerves. 
“Dinner is served!” Tyler boomed. He looked pleased with himself when he would look over at the dining room table. The turkey sat in the middle, some of it cut already, and the stuffing inside it. A bowl of boxed stuffing was also available too, right next to the gravy and mashed potatoes.
You sat down with your glass of apple cider, and you quickly served yourself. It was nice to have everyone sit around the table, passing along the food, and having conversations to get caught up with each other. 
About halfway through dinner, Tyler took his fork and tapped it a few times against his glass to get everyone’s attention. 
“I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for coming out for this Friendsgiving! You all mean so much to me, and I’m just so thankful to have each and every one of you in my life!” 
“We love you Tyler!” Jordan sang, lifting his glass for a toast. 
“To Tyler and Y/N!” Josh added. Everyone repeated it and took a swig of their drink.
“Now, for tradition, everyone will go around and say what they are thankful for this year!” Tyler ordered. “Y/N, you go first!”
“Okay,” you mumbled. “I am thankful for my family and friends, my house, and this sexy man I get to kiss.”
“Disgusting,” Maddy teased. 
“She’s right, I am pretty sexy,” Tyler wiggled his eyebrows.
“That’s enough,” you giggled. “Tatum you’re next!”
“I’m thankful for meeting Zack so I could join this crazy family and make such amazing friends!”
“Zack is pretty cool,” Tyler added, but you embowed him to make him be quiet.
“My turn?” Zack asked and everyone nodded. “I’m thankful for joco hope and how the business is growing!” 
“Joco hope is pretty cool too!” Tyler, once again, added. 
“Tyler! It is not your turn!” you groaned.
“Maddy you’re next!” you said, trying to hurry it along.
“I am thankful for my job, my dog, and will!”
“Wow, what about us? Not cool!” Tyler frowned.
“Shuddup!” Maddy chuckled.
“I’m thankful for family and friends!” he said shyly.
“See! Will is cool!” Tyler threw his hands up, almost knocking over your glass of apple cider.
“Careful, Ty! Okay, Jordan your turn!”  
“I am thankful for so many things this year but I think the biggest one is all my fans on social media!”
Josh laughed, “Those fans are from us!”
“But they still support me!” Jordan shot back.
“Doesn’t really matter where the fans come from, as long as they support you that’s all that matters!” Brad added. Everyone nodded with agreement.
“See, this is why Brad is cool!”
“Tyler!” you buried your face in your hands. He was going to drive you mad. 
“My turn!” Josh announced. “I am thankful for Tyler, he is one cool dude, and I am thankful for the clique, of course, and I am thankful for golden retrievers for existing!”
“Heck yeah!” Tyler shot his fist in the air with triumph.
“Brad, your turn!” 
“I am thankful for everyone's cooking,” he said with his mouth full.
“That’s it?”
“Alright,” you giggled. You looked over at Mark.
“I’m thankful for cameras.”
“Wow, you guys are very thankful this year, huh?” Josh teased and everyone laughed. 
“Okay, Tyler, your turn!” Everyone turned and looked over at him. He had this smug look on his face, and you were worried about what was about to come out of his mouth. 
“I am thankful for my family and friends, of course, but this year I want to put an emphasis on the band. I truly wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for Josh and the music and the clique. I know this is cheesy, but I really needed to say it. They keep me going and I couldn’t be more thankful.” He looked over towards you and you nodded with a smile. You were so proud of him. 
“Another toast?” Jordan asked, breaking the silence.
“To Tyler!” This time it was you who shot their glass up first. Everyone followed and said Tyler’s name in unison. 
“This was a good thanksgiving,” Tyler whispered into your ear as he lay next to you on the couch. Everyone had left for the night, and it was just the two of you now. You had put on pajamas, and turned on a movie.
“Yeah, it really was.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Tyler.” You rested your head on his shoulder.
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elle-greenaways-wife · 2 years ago
The Rose And Her Thorn
Next part!
Word Count: 1050
Part 5.
Esmeria wasn't meant to be at the Weathervane Cafe. But she was bored, so anything Principal Weems said had zero effect on her brain. She sat in a little booth with her hot chocolate, one away from the door, in her attempt to people-watch.
It was getting boring, but then she saw something in the corner of her eye. Wednesday Addams sliding down the water pipe outside Dr Kinbott's office. She glanced at the car containing Larissa Weems, and quickly walked across the road. Esmeria watched Wednesday bump into a man carrying a crate full of apples.
The apples fell everywhere, and Wednesday's head flew back so fast it was almost at a right angle. The man started collecting the apples and Wednesday's head snapped back forward. Esmeria could see the man say something to Wednesday, who stared at the man for a second before rushing towards the Weathervane.
Esmeria moved over to her friend Tyler, who was fixing the coffee machine. "Still working on that?"
He sighed. "It really doesn't wanna work with me today."
She laughed, moving behind the counter, still clutching her cup. The machine suddenly let out a large gust of steam, making Esmeria jump. Tyler jumped as well, but it was at the fact that Wednesday had appeared in front of him. "Holy crap! Do you make a habit of scaring the hell out of people?"
"It's more of a hobby."
Esmeria looked up and smiled. "Hey Wednesday!"
Wednesday nodded in acknowledgement. "Hello Esm��."
Esmeria tried not to blush at the nickname as the other two began speaking again.
Tyler raised an eyebrow. "You go to Nevermore. Didn't realize they changed the uniform."
Esmeria shook her head. "They didn't."
Tyler glanced between the two girls in confusion as Wednesday spoke. "I need a quad over ice. It's an emergency."
She sighed as Tyler opened his mouth. "It's four shots of espresso."
He blinked. "Yeah, I-I know what a quad is, but, spoiler alert, the machine's having a seizure, so all we have is drip."
Wednesday tilted her head, confused. "But drip is for people who hate themselves and know their lives have no real purpose or meaning."
The three teens glanced over at a man who had been pouring himself a cup until, upon hearing Wednesday's statement, looked down sadly and walked away. Esmeria chuckled. "Well, I don't work here, so I'm gonna go sit back down."
She walked out from behind the counter, smiling at Wednesday as she did so. She sat back down at her previous booth, opening Twitter.
Guys, drip is for people hate themselves and know their lives have no real purpose or meaning💀
9 Rᴇᴛᴡᴇᴇᴛs 2 Qᴜᴏᴛᴇ Tᴡᴇᴇᴛs 43 Lɪᴋᴇs
Enid🐺 @enid_the_vlogger
Replying to @dead_inside
What did you do this time?
Mira⚰️ @dead_inside
Replying to @enid_the_vlogger
Literally nothing! Why do you always think it's me?????
Enid🐺 @enid_the_vlogger
Replying to @dead_inside
Because it usually is lol🤣🤣
Esmeria looked up from her phone to see Wednesday sitting down across from her. "What'd Tyler want?"
Wednesday looked down and back up. "I need a ride to the train station so I can get out of here. Tyler's willing to drive me, but not until his shift is over."
Esmeria opened her mouth in an 'o' shape, remembering that Wednesday had said something about 'escaping' a few times. "Can I come with you? Just until the station. If I went with you, my parents would probably find me anyway."
Wednesday thought for a second and nodded. "Ok."
Esmeria smiled and looked back at her phone, trying to get Enid canceled on Twitter. She came out of her trance upon hearing voices that she really didn't want to hear.
"What're two Nevermore freaks doing out in the wild?"
"This is our booth."
Esmeria rolled her eyes. "I don't see your names on it."
Wednesday almost smiled at Esmeria's comment, until something else registered in her mind. She looked the boys up and down. "Why are you dressed like religious fanatics?"
"We're pilgrims."
Wednesday tilted her head. "Potato, po-tah-to."
One of the boys stepped forward, sliding a flyer across the table to Wednesday. "We work at Pilgrim World."
Wednesday glanced at the flyer for a few seconds, then looked back up. "It takes a special kind of stupid to devote an entire theme park to zealots responsible for mass genocide."
Lucas -the leader of the posse- scowled. "My dad owns Pilgrim World. Who're you calling stupid."
Esmeria groaned. "No one even cares, Lucas! Literally just shut up, and leave us alone."
Lucas's scowl deepened as Tyler walked over and started speaking. "Guys, back off."
Lucas turned to Tyler. "Stay out of this, Galpin."
Wednesday stood up. "Yes, stay out of this."
Lucas moved closer to Wednesday. "So tell me, freak, you ever been with a normie?"
Esmeria's eyes blazed with anger and she immediately moved to get up, stopping only when Wednesday looked at her with an 'I can do this' look on her face. Esmeria sighed resentfully, sitting back down. Wednesday looked at her for a second more before responding to Lucas. "I've never found one that could handle me."
There was a pause. Then Wednesday leaned towards the boys. "Boo."
"Hey!" Lucas called angrily, lunging at Wednesday. She took them all down easily, except for one, who moved to Esmeria as she sipped her hot chocolate. Mid-sip, Esmeria held her hand out, palm facing the boy. He stood still in confusion for a second until a Venus Flytrap shot out from the middle of her hand. It's mouth snapped shut in front of his face, teeth scraping some skin off his nose.
He fell backwards, crying like a baby. Esmeria laughed as Tyler turned to Wednesday. "So, where'd you learn those kung fu moves?"
Wednesday looked at Tyler. "My uncle taught me. He spent five years in a Tibetan Monastery."
Tyler raised an eyebrow. "Was he a monk?"
Wednesday slightly shook her head. "Prisoner."
Esmeria walked forward to join them until she saw the sheriff walking towards the shop. Her eyes widened and she turned to the other teens. "I have to go! Remember-"
Tyler cut her off. "-Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold?"
Esmeria nodded and rushed under a table, melting into the shadows.
0 notes
patrick-ships · 5 years ago
Everything is Blue (Ethan Nestor x Male reader) [part 8]
the following days were a blur, I was so fucking happy to have Ethan. He was my everything, and I was going to make him mine, for as long as he would love me. Every minute I thought of him, I was like a love sick puppy. I'd never been happier in my life, every time I looked at Ethan, my love only grew. Ethan and I had started to plan the wedding, it took more time and planning than I thought it would. We set the date for September 12, it was only two months away, we were trying to quickly get things in place.  Amy and Mark went with Ethan to help him pick out a tux, and Tyler and Katherine went with me. We had decided on a beauty and the beast themed wedding, so blue and yellow would be pretty easy to come by, right? Fuck no. Yellow turns out to be very hard to find, let alone one that isn't for a fucking child.
Ethan's POV
The tux I picked out was very simple. It was a white shirt with navy blue pants, a patterned blue jacket, a matching bow tie, and blue shoes. I knew (M/N) was taking care of the flowers, and on Thursday we were going to look at possible venues, which (M/N) already said he had one in mind, so that was good. And then two weeks after that, we were looking at apartments, because ours wasn't currently big enough for what we wanted to use it for, but we could take our time on picking one out. Mark was driving, I was to distracted to focus on the road. My mind was swirling around in incoherent thoughts.
"Ethan," Amy said, "are you okay? You seem upset."
I smiled at her, "I'm just nervous. I've known (M/N) for so long, we've been through so much as friends, then dating, a-and I guess I never really thought I would be doing this. Planning a wedding and all."
Amy smiles and squeezed my shoulder, "it will all work out, okay? I see the way he looks at you. Even when he's angry, he softens when he speaks to you. When (M/N) is upset, just the sound of your voice fixes him. He's always there for you, he's there all the time, even when you don't want him around. You fit together perfectly, and everyone can see that." She paused, then continued. "When you came out to us, you were so scared and adept alone. But when Mark brought (M/N) in for a video, you clicked with him immediately. And you never really notice the small things he did because you were too nervous at first."
I looked at Amy puzzled, she only chuckled.
"He would make sure there were you favorite snacks around, he would run errands for you, even when he didn't need to, even when they were way out of his way. He was un-afraid to comfort you when you were upset, even in public. Just all the little things." Mark glanced at me, then continued. "One of the biggest moments to me, was when you fell asleep after a live stream, and he carried you to his car, drove you home, and put you to bed. He didn't have to do that, he could have waken you up and made you find your own way home. But he didn't, he's always been so gentle and kind to you."
"That was the night we got together." I paused, smiling to myself, "I was a mess. I'd woken up after he lugged in my phone and it beeped. I grabbed his hand and asked him to stay, and he did. A-and he thought I was asleep, and confessed his feelings. I made him jump when I said I felt the same." I knew I was blushing, but I didn't care.
"So that's what happened," Mark said smiling, "neither of you told us exactly what happened. But that's what me and Amy mean, he didn't have to stay the night with you. And I know he had been nervous, he had been planning to tell you all day. But then you fell asleep, and I'm guess he got so nervous he could only confess to you when he thought you wouldn't hear it."
"(M/N) was there when I thought everyone wouldn't like me for being gay. I thought he was always just an ally, but then I found out he was gay too." I smiled, looking out window and blushing. "And then I found out that his family didn't accept him like mine did, and I couldn't understand how he could be so happy all the time. A couple months after we had been dating, I came over to his apartment to surprise him. He'd just gotten off the phone with his mother, s-she'd said so many awful things to him. It was the first time that I ever saw him cry. I'd never seen that side of him, he'd seen me crying so many times, and it didn't phase him, he always treated me the same. And I guess it made realize that I didn't that side of him, I didn't know much about his family. We spent a couple days after that, just telling each other whatever we could think off."
"See, through everything he's put you first, both of you are there for each other. Your a perfect match." Any said happily smiling.
"Yeah, your right." I said, beaming at her.
~~~~~~~~~~~~at the cake/food tasting place~~~~~~~~~
Tyler, Katherine, and me were stuck in LA traffic. If you've never been in that, it's fucking hell. The people are polite, but it takes hours to get anywhere. I was currently driving, but kept getting distracted because my hair kept falling in my face.
"Hey Katherine, can you put my hair into a bun so it's out of my face." I said holding up a hair tie.
"Yeah, also, Mark's car is next to us, Amy and I have been filming each other through the window."
Katherine then proceed to put up my hair into a manbun. I could see Ethan turn red. He loved when I put my hair up, I've always teased him about it, which only made it worse. I winked at him out the window, which caused Mark to laugh as Ethan turned even redder. After a couple more minutes, we were at the catering place.
After parking the cars and grabbing the stuff we needed, I slung my arm around Ethan's waist, pulling him close to me. I felt his hand grip onto my flannel, he always did that, I've never known why, but made me smile even more. We walked up the steps, and entered through the door, and a really fucking loud rang, and Ethan jumped. Mark and Tyler had to stifle a laugh.
"Hello, You must be (M/N), right? " the lady behind the desk said, "follow me."
We followed her to the back of the shop to a little patio, where we all sat down around a big circular table. The lady first brought out a platter of different cake, icing, and filling samples.
"We took extra care in making sure all the ingredients we chose did not contain any of the food allergies listed."
"Thank you for that." Ethan said, still holding onto me. We then started picking out flavors we liked there was:
Red Velvet
and Blue berrie
Mark and Amy wanted the pumpkin, Katherine and Tyler. I liked the blueberry, but we let Ethan decided, and boy, was I happy. He ended up choosing pumpkin, with yellow icing, and pink flowers. Turns out, he had already been looking at cakes and knew exactly what he wanted.
He'd drawn it out last night, it was amazing, and we all agreed on it.
The lady, Margaret, then brought out different drinks:
Spicked apple cider with cinnamon
moscow mules
honey crisp apple singrias
hot apple cider
cinnamen rosemary old fashionds
and Coffee
none of us could really decide, but we ended up settling on coffee, hot apple cider, and spiked apple cider with cinnamon.
we chose sweet potato fries, tater tots, and bacon rapped carrots for appetizers.
Then Ethan chose steak and asparagus, snow crab, and cheese ravioli.
Amy and Katherine picked out the desserts. They chose vanilla cupcakes, candy apples, and apple pastry puffs
After that we all headed back home to get some sleep.
0 notes
wobblywibbly · 8 years ago
Thank you to fleurdeneuf, and licieoic for tagging me for this!
Name: Mary
Nickname: Smary/Captain/Murr
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Leo
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff! I took the test and when I told my boss, she said it made perfect sense :D
Favorite Color: A couple variations of purple; I love lavender but I also like it a touch darker too. Not that bright, pinky-purple, just nice, faded purples.
Favorite Animal: Cats :D 
Time Right Now: 2:30 am (whoops)
Average Hours of Sleep: I try to get between 8-10, which, if you can believe it, is an improvement. I’ve always been the most tired of beans, needing one or two naps a day. Just recently, I was informed that I had a common disease, and have been taking medicine for it. Now, I have more energy, have committed to taking my vitamins and apple cider vinegar mix, and boy, I can’t believe I was ever as tired as I used to be. 
Cat or Dog Person: Cat person, for sure. I love all animals, and generally get really excited when I see pups on hikes or in town; but I think cats are super intelligent, and if my kitty was bigger, he’d probably eat me, but I still like cats more than dogs, and would probably thank my cat for swallowing me whole if he could.
Favorite Fictional Characters: The Doctor ~~suuuuurprise~~, Rose Tyler, Donna Noble, Hermione Granger,  Killian Jones, Captain James Hook, Jocelyn Hook, Felicity Smoak, Elsa, Lilo Pelekai, Georgia Nicholson, Damon Salvatore, and Blake Hook (I know this last one is my own character, fIGHT ME).
Number of Blankets I Sleep With: It depends on the weather, really, but I generally enjoy drowning in blankets. I currently have seven blankets on me right now, but the numbers go up and down throughout the seasons. 
Favorite Singer/Band: This is really hard ;~; but boiling it down to two bands, I’d have to say Twenty One Pilots or Arctic Monkeys, I can’t decide. 
Dream Trip: Driving cross country to California so I can see all my amazing writer friends and go to Disneyland, and explore Los Angeles. And then maybe hopping on a plane to visit Kauai, because that is one beautiful frigging island.
Dream Job: Other than becoming a writer, I’ve recently become super interested in working in a publishing office. That could change by next month, so who knows, really.
When was this blog created: I made this blog about a week ago, but I first joined tumblr back in 2011.
Current Number of Followers: 32 lovely followers! I’ve just started this blog up, so I don’t have too many followers yet, but I adore every single person that follows my blog omg
When did your blog reach its peak: I’ve just started this blog, so I’m not sure it’s reached it’s peak yet! My one right before this, frozentardis, had a couple milestones that I still can’t believe. After a couple gifsets/aesthetics/drawings, a bunch of people followed me, under the impression that I would post cool things all the time, and make fun gifs, only to find that they actually started following a potato that occasionally did tricks. 
What made you decide to get tumblr: I actually used to be on deviatart all the time in my spare hours the first year of college, which is when I found the incredibly talented viria! I loved her work and followed each update, and tHEN, I discovered she had another sight where she posted more work, and that was the beginning of the end, my friends.
Tagging some people below, but honestly, if you see this and wanna do it, please do the thing and tag me so I can see it!
hardythehermitcrab, rexalexander, youre-a-huggylostgirl, blonde-osonic, lilmonsterharlequin, harlequinashes, nottheleastbrave, summertwentyone, quite-right-too, illeganandhauntedcactus, kelkat9, thelostprincessfaith, swwhovian, julibellule, whoinwhoville, peasoupprincess
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koreanpike3-blog · 6 years ago
Real Women Approved: 30 Tried and Tested Fall Recipes You’ll Love
Velvet leggings: Spanx–one of my favorite pairs of pants in the winter! I never take them off! They run true to size–such a fun alternative to regular leggings, and so warm! Turtleneck: J.Crew’s tissue turtleneck…duh..when am I not wearing one? I own one in every color (and pattern!) They run true to size! (I always get asked what size I wear–the one I’m wearing here is size small, but I also have them in XS…it just depends on how you want them to fit!) Cardigan: this one is old from last year, but similar here, here and here! 
What are you cooking this fall?
Happy Friday, guys!
I can’t believe it’s already been a YEAR since I originally published this post! With so many amazing recipes, I decided I had to refresh it for 2018 again! So–that means, even MORE recipes to make this year!
I asked for your submissions on Instagram and got sooo many incredible recommendations! I tried my best to include as many as I could! This post (originally published last fall) was actually my second installment of my “Real Women Approved” series (where I round up YOUR recommendations on varying topics) and it was really fun to see how many more posts we’ve published since then! (Find them all right here!) These are some of my favorite posts to create because I think the best ideas come from you guys, and I have so much fun collaborating all together!
A change in seasons always re-ignites my excitement to get back into the kitchen (I’m always partial to warm winter recipes! I think everything tastes better roasted, braised, or cooked in a dutch oven!) I’m always on the hunt for new recipe ideas (aren’t we all?) so I figured this would be an awesome topic for my next reader favorites roundup!
I might be a little biased, but I think you guys have the best recommendations around! 😉(Like your book recco’s for example? LIGHTS OUT! Or your most praised all-purpose totes for work and travel? AMAZING.)
Personally, one of my favorite things to make in the fall and winter is lentil soup–it’s so simple, rustic, and delicious.
The best part about lentil soup is that you can really go any way you’d like with it–I always start with this classic base recipe and then riff off of it based on what I’m feelin’ that day. (I love to finish it with a squeeze of lemon and freshly grated parmesan cheese!) Lentils are so good for you, so I love this soup when I want a detox but want something heartier than a salad. Despite the fact that it doesn’t have meat in it, it’s one of Neal’s favorite soups! (Sometimes I add kale as well!)
If you’re feeling a little indulgent, add bacon when you’re sautéing the veggies, and a bit of wine while the soup is cooking. You could also give it an Eastern twist adding spices like tumeric or curry powder, and a splash of coconut milk. It’s so easy to make your own and is perfect for a cozy night in!
Now, even more fun–below are LOT’s more fall recipes recommended by my favorite gals–you guys! Get ready for pumpkin and butternut EVERYTHANG. (And make sure to follow along on Insta stories so you can weigh in on our next reader roundup topic! I always love to hear all your opinions!)
Fall Recipes
TJ’s Cauliflower Gnocchi Hack:
Melissa says, “I’m obsessed with this TJ’s Cauliflower gnocchi hack from Kai and the Kitchen! It’s a bag of frozen gnocchi, rotisserie chicken, mushrooms (I buy them pre-sliced, obvi), butter and sage. Best weeknight hack that is good enough for the weekend!” 
Fall Chicken Skillet
Jean says, “You have to try the Fall Chicken skillet from Well Plated! SO good with apples, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts yummm!” 
Veggie Fall Casserole
Reader Molly loves this broccoli cauliflower brown rice casserole for fall! She says,“it’s great for when you need to use up extra veggies or want something meatless!
“Pumpkin Stuffed with Everything Good!”
Suddin says, “We make ‘pumpkin stuffed with everything good‘ every fall. It’s bread, cheeses, herbs, etc stuffed into a pumpkin and baked. I look forward to it every year. I usually grab a small pumpkin from Trader Joe’s and it’s the perfect size for two!” 
Roasted Tomato Soup with Everything Grilled Cheese
Tina, who also has a great food blog, Shredded Sprout–says soup is her fall go-to, especially roasted tomato soup with everything grilled cheese. YUM!
Oven Roasted Chicken Shawarma
R says, “Just made this oven roasted chicken shawarma last night and it was super simple, but so easy and so tasty! The notes at the bottom give good tips on what to include so I added bell pepper along with the chicken as well as homemade pita and rice pilaf! 
Autumn Glow Salad
Kimberlyn says, “This is a delish salad perfect for fall. It has sweet potatoes and apples (AKA the Fall faves!) and keeps well for 3-4 days in the fridge so it’s perfect for meal prep. I usually make one big batch on Sunday and eat all week!”
Chipotle Pumpkin Soup with Chorizo
Laura is hooked on Halfbaked Harvest’s has chipotle pumpkin soup with chorizo! She says, “It has all the warming fall flavors you need and you can use soy-rizo/cut back on the cheese to make it healthier! I am obsessed with it 🔥”
30 Minute Thai Peanut Chicken Ramen
Carly says, “I made 30 Minute Thai Peanut Chicken from @halfbakedharvest via Cooking w/ Liz (@lizadams) last week and it was delicious! Plus, it was also quick, easy, and such a cozy meal.” Side note, if you don’t follow Liz, you definitely need to! I know you will love her–she does an Instagram live series called “Cooking with Liz” and it’s always so much fun!
Creamy Squash Rigatoni
Hannah says, “This pasta recipe has been my go-to fall recipe for YEARS! It’s basically like an inside out butternut squash ravioli! I’ve started using canned pumpkin (not the pie filling–the plain, unsweetened kind) instead of roasting the squash when I don’t have time!” 
Chicken Chorizo Chili
Karen describes this yummy Chili as “Spicy, easy, and a different take on chili. Such a cozy dish for a cold weeknight. And anything topped with cheese and sour cream is a MAJ victory IMO.” 
Salted Caramel Apple Pie
Cat says, “Okay, so this recipe takes some work, but I kid you not, everyone in my family is now OBSESSED with this pie an dI HAVE to make it every Thanksgiving! All of Sally’s recipes are so great because they give you small tips that you wouldn’t otherwise realize so just be sure to read the entire thing before baking!” 
Spiced Pork Tenderloin
Kathleen says, “For the past couple years when the weather gets juuust crips enough, my husband and I have a lightbulb moment: ‘IS IT SPICED PORK TIME?!’ We use this recipe just as a guide and basically dump tons of the spices onto the tenderloins for maximum fall flavor. It’s very quick easy, and low cal for a busy weekenight, and it’s absolutely delicious!” 
The Best Creamy Chicken Soup:
Helen says, “For this recipe, I use leftover rotisserie chicken and substitute half and half for heavy cream but it smells amazing (thank you, celery!) and it freezes wonderfully so you can eat it later in the season. My boyfriend and I love to eat it with crusty bread or homemade grilled cheese!” 
Panko Crusted Chicken Thighs:
Emma says,  “Right now, my favorite is this Bon Appetit Panko Crusted Chicken with carrots. It’s UNREAL. So fast, so easy, so cozy on a cold night. It’s comfort food for me, plain and simple. And pretty inexpensive. Usually I use chicken breast instead since that’s my go-to. Whatever floats your boat!” 
One Pan Autumn Chicken Dinner
Bethany says, “I love the One Pan Autumn Chicken Dinner by @cookingclassy ! It’s easy, makes the whole house smell amazing, and goes perfectly with a glass of 🍷!” 
Instant Pot Short Ribs
Clementine loves Tyler Florence’s ultimate short ribs with parsnip purée. “Omg so good “ she says, and shared her time-saving hack: “I did it in the InstantPot in under an hour last week if you aren’t into using a Dutch oven!” 
Thai Butternut Soup
Charmain says, “this is my favorite go-to recipe for those comfort food days and it’s really so simple to make. Everyone I’ve made it for always raves about how tasty it is and then is shocked at just swapping out milk for coconu tmilk and adding a few unexpected spices turns ordinary butternut soup into something amazing!” You can see the recipe posted on her instagram right here! (Plus, her feed is so pretty, too!)
Crock Pot Zucchini Lasagna
Do you follow my friend Lauren from Lakeshore Lady? She shares TONS of amazing recipes–but her crock pot zucchini lasagna is one of her go’to’s for Fall! “Super cozy, and once everything goes into the crock pot, you can forget about it until it’s time to eat! Stress free!”
Quick Apple Turnovers
Whitney says, “These apple turnovers are SO simple and made with ingredients that most people have on hand during the holidays. They taste best when hot from the oven and served with vanilla ice cream!” 
Winter Vegetable Chowder
Katie loves Rachael Ray’s Winter Veggie Chowder–she says, “I made it in a Crock-Pot on high for four hours. It’s easy but there’s a lot of chopping–just throw veggies in the crock and heavily salt. HEAVILY. )You think it’s too much but it’s not–because it will draw the liquid from the veggies, which is where your borth comes from!) I just let the veggies sweat it out in there, and then add the remaining ingredients!” 
Skinnytaste Pumpkin Chili
Lee recommends this pumpkin veggie chili from Skinnytaste–“My husband who is a total meat-a-tarian (you know what I mean?) even says this is his favorite chili. Seasonal, delicious, lower guilt, even more delicious as leftovers with some shredded cheese and tortilla chips.”
Pumpkin Spice Latte Protein Smoothie
Do you guys follow Morgan on Instagram? She’s a Chicago fitness and health blogger and she’s my go-to for EVERYTHING healthy and workout related! I might be her most annoying follower with how many questions I ask her on a weekly basis. Example: she actually didn’t SUBMIT this Pumpkin Spice Latte Protein Smoothie recipe for this post roundup, I saw her post it on Instastories and pestered her for the link so I could include it 😂 I’m really lazy so let’s be honest I probably won’t ever have Medjooll dates or multiple kinds of nut butter on-hand so my version will likely never be quite as healthy or as delicious as Morgan’s, but hey, include what you have and I’m pretty sure it will be fantastic.
Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Muffins
Haley says, “I LOVE pumpkin muffins, we use the yellow Trader Joe’s pumpkin dry mix and add in chocolate chips. Voila! Muffins!” 
Winter Corn and Squash Veggie Chili
“This is my favorite plant based chili,” Allison says! “It’s healthy (from my favorite magazine, Cooking Light) easy (either slow cooker or on the stove), flexible (you can throw in whatever you have around.) I always add in some cinnamon, because I don’t think you can have chili without it! It’s also freezable (because making soup for one person is difficult!) I swear by the recipe and make it several times each fall. It pairs amazingly with homemade corn bread!” 
Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Cinnamon, Butternut Squash, Cranberries and Pecans
Jessie calls this roasted brussels sprouts recipe “the most delicious fall dish EVER!” If you’re in charge of bringing a side dish for Thanksgiving, I think this one would be such a great one to try out! Different than every other Brussels sprout recipe I’ve ever seen, but still with traditional fall flavors. Yum!
“Too easy” Pumpkin Waffles
Nina shared the most genius hack EVER. “My newest fall thing is pumpkin waffles. I make them the easy way. I follow the directions on a regular box of waffle mix and then add in pumpkin puree! It’s so easy it feels like cheating!” HAHA I like Nina’s style!!
Spiced Pumpkin Coffee Cake
Lindsey raves about this recipe for pumpkin spiced coffee cake (UM. YUMMM?) because it’s 1. Idiot Proof. and 2. Uses a boxed cake mix, but tastes completely homemade! Sign me up!
She says “I took it to a weekly group meeting and received so many compliments! Also, I live on a TINY island in Washington state and none of our grocery stores had the pumpkin spice pudding mix, so I used regular vanilla pudding and added a tablespoon of pumpkin pie spice! Delish!” 
Butternut Squash and Bacon Soup
Carley says, “this soup is so flavorful and delicious! It’s my husband’s favorite dish and I took it to Thanksgiving last year and it was a hit! If you enjoy this, her blog has a ton of great recipes as well!” (Jess’ note: I agree–Damn Delicious is one of my favorite food blogs!)
Pumpkin Alfredo
Rachel recommends Pinch of Yum’s Pumpkin Alfredo! “It’s definitely indulgent (not healthy at all) but it is so so yummy. It’s rich with lot’s of flavor. Also, surprisingly, it only has 5 ingredients and is ready in 20 minutes! It’s the perfect weeknight meal when you’re craving pasta!)” 
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
Laura’s go-to recipe for fall is this one for pumpkin chocolate chip cookies! “They are super easy and always fly off the plate,” she says. “My friends and family love them!” 
Pumpkin Maple Pecan Granola
Kaylee says “this pumpkin maple pecan granola tastes like fall and is super easy to make! I love eating it on Greek yogurt with a little bit of honey or even just a snack on its own! It’s delightful!” 
  Bon Appetit! What have you been cooking lately? I would love to hear your reccos! Tell me about your favorite Fall recipes below (links are even better!)
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Source: https://thegoldengirlblog.com/what-are-you-cooking-this-fall-13-reader-approved-fall-recipes-to-try-this-season/
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