#americans got one thing right and that is voting for everything ever
muirneach · 2 years
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> “the senate is democracy”
> the senate is appointed not voted in
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Thinking about Project2025 and how it's at every level and branch of government. How entire cities are now under their thumb.
How Biden is saying "Israel has a right to defend itself" while calling Cop City protesters terrorists for not wanting a more deadly police force to be trained. But didn't stand with rail workers when they demanded better treatment when it was freezing and trains were being derailed.
How an epidemic on par with HIV ravaged the globe and Biden allowed pharma companies to exploit the world with price tags after promising it'd be public access.
Thinking about how in all this Israel and the USA are said to test tactics and weapons on Palestine.
How the USA stands with Zionists and how many people have told me, a native American, that Palestinians are in the wrong.
How the last 75 years don't matter. Only the last 2 weeks.
And real fucking talk?
For all the "progress" liberals pretend we made how are we here?
Americans and several of the Allied countries would not hesitate to conduct Manifest Destiny 2.0 and have blatantly stated as much.
Americans are saying things that my great grandmother heard about reservations and then later about native liberation. They're saying things the pilgrims told us before that. We're animals. Savages. That we are to blame. That when we die out it'll be because we didn't fight hard enough. That we don't deserve to even be here.
And you know what, I would hope this post would reach some of them but I genuinely feel as if liberals are as far gone as MAGAs are.
They will read this and just go and on and on about how bad the other guy is.
How justified they are to keep voting blue. Just like MAGA's whine until their privileged lives being "ruined" by "woke lies" justified them voting for Trump. Just like Israel is justified. Like every fucking war criminal ever has been.
I implore you to STOP trying to fucking justify everything! Nobody fucking cares about the reasons you use to support a genocidal war monger who's legacy before this was signing one of the most racially marginalizing bills in US history.
How about you try justifying taking a fucking risk, instead?
People in Palestine are being bombed every fucking day and you want to twiddle your thumbs about NOT voting for the guy who said it was okay and for what? Because your life might not be as comfortable as it is right now? That's your concern from your home with a roof?
Call me a fucking conspiracist but I haven't been wrong yet: Biden is a fucking Project2025 plant. And him and Hillary both have done nothing but make the democrats more and more conservative by catering to the "centrist" votes for decades.
Now we're here. They've compromised so much and want to look so "fair" that a genocide is being paid for on American tax dollars and what are liberals tellings us, what are they saying? ITS JUSTIFIED???? AND TO VOTE FOR BIDEN AGAIN
Y'all are so worried about everyone voting blue to avoid republican fascists that you don't even CARE how bad the people youre voting in are. You haven't even noticed the fascists you put in office yourselves.
You forgot your boundaries.
And isn't it funny how rad/fems and TERFs got mainstream around the same time? You know, the white supremacists based ideology that seeped into the mainstream because nobody was critically consuming or gatekeeping what was "empowering to women" for fear of being 'cancelled'?
Why? Cuz if you hate them you hate women. Just like if you criticize america then you're an anti-american Russian/spy/plant. Like if you support Palestine then you hate Jewish people. If support BLM then you obviously hate white people.
And that's it, isn't it. That's what it all boils down to.
White supremacists are and have been manipulating & gaslighting us en masse.
You know your friends that learned to gaslight an audience with therapy speak? The one that makes you afraid to call them out cuz they're better with words than you and could just as easily turn everyone against you if they use enough buzzwords?
That's the tactics white supremacists are using.
"I must be quiet so I don't say something wrong and look like a bigot" "if I speak, I may say the wrong things" "I may say the right thing the wrong way"
They have made you AFRAID to speak against genocide!!! Wake the fuck up!!!!
They aren't event trying to hide it! The IDF made a post that straight up says "you are an anti-Semite if you speak against Israel"
WHICH IS JUST STRAIGHT UP UNTRUE!! So may Jewish people have come forward against Israel and against Zionism and to support Palestine!
Israel's government is Zionist and that is not an inherently Jewish trait! Making you you believe otherwise is part of the propaganda and manipulation so you Stop speaking up. You can support Jewish people and Palestinians both.
Israel and the USA want you to believe that it is one or the other and that's not true.
The only people who benefit from trying to make you choose between which humans get to live are the white supremacists who cheer when this rhetoric starts to normalize conversation about which people are more worthy of living than another.
You have been gaslit into supporting genocide.
Gaslit into going down a white supremacist pipeline.
Gaslit into giving your silent consent.
Snap out of it.
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crabonfire · 1 year
Stupid and dumb tf2 headcannons cause I somebody do these on tiktok and they rile me up
Pyro regularly goes to strip clubs and he would fucking clap at the strippers like "😊👏👏" because he's a weirdo and I love it, demoman and Soldier would go too, both wanting to have a good time but soldier would probably be more impressed at how flexible they can be instead of everything else
They have movie nights where they vote and scout chooses action every single time while most mercs would want something else, they accuse him of being scared because he never ever chooses horror and he's like "pfft, no! Horror is just...lame to me." And engie snorts and was like "Yeah okay buddy." So they watched horror that night to prove it to him and surprisingly he was composed during it, but he didn't sleep that night, or the coming nights until he finally convinced himself it was just a movie and nobody was living in his closets.
Spy is a little too into weapons. One time when they all got a crate of weapons they had all been wanting when it came to his crate bro was practically SAVORING the knives and guns he was holding, he was sputtering French compliments while he was CARESSING those weapons. Everybody was so weirded out Sniper had to tell him to cut it out. He simply said that he was "impressed" by the refined beauty of said weapons. (if he starts moaning over those guns don't be surprised)
They also have game nights, it was scouts idea. Usually only Pyro, Engineer, Demoman, Soldier would join, while others would be spectating. They always go the same way, the game starts out simple, Engineer starts arguing with Soldier because he's not playing right, they start fighting and it turns into a bet to see who will win this time. Pyro and demoman will continue the game with Scout because they are so used to this, while Medic will cheer and egg them on. Spy would be like, "Look at you two, fighting like a bunch of children." But he finds it sooo entertaining.
Barbecue nights with engie!
Sniper smells like ASS. Anytime he's at the base, somebody has to remind him to shower, and he gets so embarrassed he's like, "Shit. Sorry." And just speedwalks to the shower rooms. When he comes back, he uses an insane amount of shampoo and cologne, so he actually smells really good afterwards. He's used to his own bad smell so he never actually notices.
Spy has greasy fucking hair. Like seriously, does he even wash that baklava? I don't think so (that voice line from Ms pauling proves me right) he's a man thay takes care of his physical attributes yes, but he doesn't ever find a need for his hair because he never takes that damn thing off, only when he showers and sleeps, that's it.
If for example, your dating him and after a while you want to see him without it, he's handsome yeah omggg so cute but GOD FUCKING DAMNNN THAT FUCKING HAIR MASHAALLAHHH brother wtfffff you have to shower with him and clean out his hair from him. He's like "it's not that big of a deal seriously" but after you wash it and it becomes soft and conditioned he becomes embarrassed realising how bad it really was. (Also, he probably has mask lines if it's been hot and he's been wearing it for too long)
Engineer has a shameful addiction of sweets. Like, I feel like he stress eats especially when his inventions go wrong and I have a headcannon back in uni when he was studying, since he was already so smart the MOMENT something was not perfect he would freak the fuck out and start eating chocolate so aggressively like
"What's wrong with this damn thing om nom mommmfh fuckin- mmmomom"
After he graduated and became a merc, since he got better and perfected his craft (for the most part) this rarely occurred, when it does tho, just know he's stepping out of his workshop, going to a gas station and buying so much candy. (This only happens when it's REALLY bad though.)
Heavy actually really likes American food. He thought he'd hate it, but he doesn't find it that bad. He likes cheeseburgers and steaks, very yummy. Medic doesn't like it when he eats them because they can be a tad bit unhealthy, but he's happy that it makes him happy.
Medic got into birds when he was young, feel like he had a bird feeder as a kid outside his house and would like to observe them from his window, when it got cold he'd offer them a place inside and ended up having bonds with them. Archimedes and his doves reminds him of childhood, a simpler time.
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eonars · 1 month
THE WHINERRRRR I've been at this summer training program half a day and I already hate itttttttt
When I first got in a couple of them (fellow phd students in the doctoral network we're a part of) were asking me about my background and stuff because they'd all just been talking about their background in embryonic research and reproductive biotechnology and what fucking ever and I was like yeah um I did environmental consulting for proposed development projects and was also a math and science tutor for kids and got a fuckin LOOOOOOK from them bro :/ and like genuine surprise of oh so all this stuff is new to you? You're gonna learn it all here? Like YES? THIS IS A SUMMER TRAINING PROGRAM NOT A SUMMER ALREADY KNOWS IT PROGRAM. And then they were like you only brought that backpack with you? And I was like yeah my supervisor booked my flights and only got a carryon but it's whatever and they were like wowwww my university got me a checked bag I could neverrrr fit everything into a backpack like that. Poor you. Then one guy was like what's that fish you have tattooed? And i was like oh it's m.zebra I did my bachelor's thesis on them and he was like ugh. I could NEVERRRR have something *work* related tattooed on me (he has no tattoos but told me all about how he's perfectly planned two sleeves of japanese motifs on one and nordic runes on another) and then when we got in I was like you know I might just hand wash a shirt or two bc by the time I get enough stuff for a load of laundry I'll be out of clothes and this girl was like omggggg I just feel SOOO BAD for you with that tiny backpack I don't know how you did it. And then tattoo expert was like honestly if I went to America when I was 20 and they told me I couldn't drink a beer I'd GO CRAZY how come you guys can join the army and vote and do all this stuff before getting a beer?? And I was like you're aware I have no power over this right? And then later on in the night he was like yeah I see those videos of Americans making mac and cheese with like bricks of cheese and stuff it's fucked up and I was like no yeah I'd come home from work and fry a whole block of velveeta every day. And then he was like that are those runes on your hand and I was like they're not runes. Also every time we smell weed he's like haha look at her the Californian she's so excited. Anyway I kinda hate it here I wanna go home four of us are sharing one bathroom and the shower doesn't drain at all and the whole thing floods and I feel like everyone is being so patronizing to me cause I'm some dumb inexperienced American and they keep making snides about how I got into a really good project and how norway has the best pay out of all the European countries associated with this program and why am I being so cheap and taking public transport from the airport when I'm getting the norway pay?? Anyway I almost cried in bed last night. Onwards and upwards I'm here til next Wednesday.
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velvetvexations · 4 months
I'm not engaging in whataboutism when I see someone who has "death to the USA and Israel" in their header and go like, "you know there are other bad countries, right?" because I am literally just trying to ask, no seriously, why are you not concerned about literally anything else that doesn't directly affect you?
Like it sucks hard to have been so concerned and vocal about Saudi Arabia and Russia and China and Israel, for a decade now, just to see exactly one of those go viral to the point of tunnel vision.
That doesn't apply to everyone who engages in pro-Palestinian activism or critiques liberals, obviously. This doesn't even apply to everyone who hasn't gone as hard on, like, supporting Ukraine. Like, I do get that people don't have time or the capacity to talk about everything all the time. But it's just so conspicuous, you know? Where were all these people when Russia first invaded Ukraine in 2022? Actually, where were all these people when Russia first invaded Ukraine in 2014? Because I was there and it felt like no one else in the West, at least not that were my age, could care less. The support Ukraine got from us in 2022 was somewhat encouraging, but it certainly wasn't a youth movement. It certainly wasn't the hardcore crowd that still dreams about a Russian dommy mommy even though the Russian Federation is the greatest example of capitalist parasitism that's ever existed.
One might say that to an extent, Israel is different because the US is tied to it. But like, we're increasingly tied to Saudi Arabia day by day, and if you want to hate Democrats, Biden shook the prince's hand - you know, the guy who famously ordered the brutal assassination of a journalist in a shockingly grotesque and gruesome way? Republicans have greatly affected aid to Ukraine and the results of the 2024 election could be game over for them if we let it.
But for as long as I've been alive foreign policy was just grown-up politics while the people who are all "voting blue means you only care about Americans" now completely ignored everything outside their window, and continue to ignore everything except this new thing that's completely taken over their brains as being what you absolutely must prioritize above all else, even doing things that would keep that issue from getting even worse.
And is that even accelerationism? Because I keep thinking "fucking accelerationists", because that's what they claim, they give it an accelerationist window dressing, but I don't think that's what it is. I think it's people who have their heart in the right place being led by lazy insincere grifters who think it makes them look smart to brag about the privilege of not having to vote because nothing will change for them personally.
So like. I want everyone to keep talking about Israel and Palestinians. I just wish they'd talk - I wish they'd give a damn - about other things too.
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Home, Sweet Home.
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AN: As voted for by my followers, my next series update is for Cali, Steve and Bucky. After the fluff of the last part I gift you a bucket load of smut. And to the Nonnie who has sent me a request for these three- that will be coming soon! I’m not ignoring you.
Beta’d by: the glorious American, tits as big as her heart, @yarnforbrains
Dividers by @firefly-graphics. Moodboard and banners by me.
Masterlist | Series masterlist | Previous part 
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Relationship: Steve x Reader (Cali) x Bucky
Word count: 4.1k
CW: Poly relationship, fluff, feels, Smutty smut smut (Oral- M and F receiving, Rimming, bit of cum play, Vaginal sex, Anal fingering, Double penetration (in V and A)), cheeky banter. Bucky is a menace (d’uh!) Steve is intense, Cali is practical, even in the heat of the moment.
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As you put down the box you’d been carrying and stretched out your aching back, you heard the sound of van doors closing, before it was followed by the sound of its engine starting.
Everything had moved quickly once you’d agreed with your boys that the house they’d picked was perfect. Bucky had packed up nearly all of his belongings and put them in storage, moving in full time with Steve. A few weeks later you’d done the same. You’d all agreed it would be far easier to coordinate the move from one place, as opposed to trying to leave three separate homes on the same day. 
It had been tense to say the least, but now you were standing in what would become your office and private sanctuary, you had to admit it had been worth it. Of course it would take weeks to get the room sorted out just the way you wanted it, but you were giddy at the thought that you could do what you wanted and not worry about a landlord inspection.
You were just considering the best place for your desk when a pair of thick arms dusted with golden hair wrapped around your waist from behind. You relaxed back onto the sturdy frame attached to them, leaning your head against his collarbone.
“Hey, Steve. The movers gone?” 
He dipped his head and nuzzled into your neck, his beard tickling your skin.
“Mmmhmm. Bucky’s just moving the last of his boxes to his study, and then, my darling Cali, he will finally allow us up into the master suite. I can’t believe how early he came over here this morning - just to ensure that our bed was all set up for us to sleep on this evening. Or that he wouldn’t allow either of us to see it.”
Steve’s musings were interrupted by a set of jaunty footsteps, and suddenly you were yanked from his embrace and twirled into Bucky’s beautifully mismatched arms.
“That’s cos I’ve got my priorities straight, punk. We’re gonna start this thing off right, sorting out our space first. So come on. I’ve got the suitcases of clothes up there already and our bathroom stuff. And wait until you see the bed!”  
He dropped a hurried kiss on your lips, then let you go, only to cup Steve’s face with his work-roughened hands and kiss him as well. You smirked when you saw Steve’s hands grasp Bucky’s ass and give it a little squeeze, but then Bucky was jogging away up the stairs to the top floor - your new bedroom. You looked at Steve, and he gave a little shrug in return. The two of you broke into grins at the same time andfollowed Bucky up the stairs.
Steve let you go in before him, being the gentleman that he was, but you almost regretted it when you came to a sudden halt, and your statuesque boyfriend ran into your back and almost sent you flying. There, in front of you, stretching almost the full length of the back wall was the biggest bed you’d ever seen. It was more than enough space for the three of you if you didn’t feel like cuddling up. It was rare that you forwent the cuddingling, but it was nice to have the option. In the middle of it all was Bucky, lying spread eagle on the bed with a puckish grin on his face.
“What are you waiting for? Come try it out!”
With a squeal you launched yourself at him and the bed. He deftly rolled out of the way, and you giggled as you bounced on the sprung mattress. Bucky quickly covered and pinned you, pressing sloppy kisses all over your face and neck. You playfully batted at him but didn’t really make any effort to push him off and away, and therefore, you weren’t really surprised when his kisses got a bit more hot and heavy. 
He dropped his hips onto you, unashamedly letting you feel his arousal. In response, you wrapped your fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck and gave it a little tug, provoking a deep moan.
“I like how you managed to get all the sheets on…” You arched as his lips trailed down your neck.
“Well, gotta make sure it was going to be comfortable for my best girl…” he lifted his head away from you and turned to look at Steve, who was still standing in the doorway, leaning on the frame with a smirk on his handsome face. “... and my best guy. What’re you still doing over there, punk? This doesn’t work without all three of us.”
Steve pushed himself upright, and as he stepped towards the bed, he pulled his t-shirt over his head and revealed his chiselled chest and abs, sprinkled with dark blonde hair. He toed off his shoes and popped the button on his jeans before climbing onto the bed beside you and Bucky. There was a feral gleam in his eye as he caught Bucky’s lips. Their kiss was more feral than romantic, both of them moaning into it, and you could feel your desire pooling between your legs, the way it did any time you saw your boys loving on each other.
You reached your free hand up to the back of Steve’s neck, so you could guide them back down to you. You were greedy for both of them, and you didn’t care. They effortlessly drew you into the kiss, three pairs of lips and three tongues coming together in a tangle. It was messy and erotic, and everything you wanted.
Steve continued to kiss you as Bucky broke away, his hands inching their way under your top and pushing it up as his body slid down yours. He greedily tugged at the cups of your sensible cotton bra, freeing your breasts and immediately latching onto one with his mouth and the other with his fingers. Steve swallowed your moans and pulled your top further up, only letting go of your lips to pull the fabric over your head and throwing it to join his t-shirt on the floor. He yanked down the straps of your bra, making it easier for Bucky, who - from the sounds he was making - was enjoying devouring your sweet flesh. You pulled Steve back in for more kisses, your blood on fire under the ministrations of the two men you loved.
As Bucky travelled further down your body, pulling your yoga pants off you, Steve’s hands roamed. His thumbs played with the wet peaks of your breasts, keeping them pebbled and sensitive. You were sucking in lungfuls of air, dizzy on sensation. You registered Bucky’s warm breath on your thighs, in between them, and then he was devouring you again. Your fingers, still lodged in Steve’s short blonde locks, tightened, making him hiss as you whined.
“Bucky making you feel good, Cali? I know how much you love his tongue. Don’t blame you, baby. It’s a talented tongue. I want you to let yourself go. Be as loud as you want. You’re in your own home - your home with us, and we can do whatever we want. Wanna hear you scream as he makes you cum. Can you do that?”
Your eyes were screwed shut, hands still clenched, but you nodded. Bucky knew exactly what to do to get you there. Sometimes he teased you, keeping you just under the plateau of your pleasure until you were begging him, begging Steve. But other times he just went for it, keen to feel you cum on his face, over and over and over, until you were limp. Today it appeared he was going for the latter. 
His tongue plunged into your pussy; his thumb drew circles on your clit.
“Bucky! Fuck!” You shifted your legs against the cool sheets when they were suddenly lifted up in the air, and thrown over Bucky’s shoulders. The man himself was on his knees, chest flat to the bed, large body pressed as far between your thighs as possible, almost burying himself in your folds and folding you almost in half. You could feel your approaching orgasm, and it was obvious that Steve could tell as well, because that’s when he lowered his mouth to your breasts. “Steve! I… I… oh God!”
The pleasure crashed over you, waves and waves of it lifting you up so you were breathless, then pulling you down and tossing you around so you didn’t know which way was up. 
Cool air hit your chest as Steve pulled his mouth off you. Your eyes opened again in response, just in time to see him lean forward, drag Bucky away from your cunt, and smash his lips against his boyfriend’s. 
They pawed at each other, Bucky pulling off his shirt and pushing down his jeans and briefs in one go, so that his cock sprang free. Steve immediately wrapped his hand around it and gave it a few tugs, making Bucky whimper into his mouth. You watched them with hooded eyes, as amazed by their beauty today as you had been the first time you’d seen them together. 
Somehow, Bucky pulled back from Steve’s lips and removed the hand from his weeping cock. Bucky gave the slightly taller man a light shove in the shoulder and with a smirk, Steve allowed himself to fall back onto the mattress, the springy surface bouncing as he landed down next to you. Bucky yanked at Steve’s jeans, dragging them off him as though they offended him, which in this moment, they probably had. You knew how Bucky got when there was something between him and his prize. 
Steve was commando under his pants, and you swore you saw Bucky’s eyes light up as they zoned in on Steve’s cock. He shuffled forward, hovering over Steve’s crotch and then, looking up into his boyfriend’s face, allowed a string of saliva to fall from his lips to land right on Steve’s tip. Both you and Steve moaned at the sight, and Bucky just grinned.
“Were you a bit jealous that our little darlin’ was getting all of my oral skills? Cos it sounded that way.” Bucky wrapped his hand around Steve and rubbed his thumb in the puddle of his spit, smearing it as far as he could reach. “You know all you gotta do is ask, punk.” He slowly started to move his hand up and down, and Steve gasped, his long eyelashes kissing his cheekbones in a way you thought should have been illegal.
“Got a question for me, Stevie?”
You repressed a smirk. You loved it when Bucky got a little cheeky, a little dominant with Steve. You didn’t know why, but seeing Steve in a more submissive position always got you a bit hot and bothered. You weren’t naturally dominant in a bedroom setting, but every so often you got the itch. Today, however, you were happy to watch and go where your boys led you.
“Bucky… please…” Steve was going whiny now and it made you shiver in anticipation.
“You need my mouth on you, blondie? Need my tongue to drive you wild? Then you gotta ask. Ask for where you want me.”
Bucky tightened his grip, drawing another gasp from Steve as he tried to form words.
“I… want you to eat me, Buck. Please!”
Bucky smiled. “Now, was that so hard, Stevie? Hands and knees for me, big boy.” He let go of Steve’s cock so he could roll, and then shifted his gaze to you. “Need you to slide under, darlin’, and give that beautiful cock of his the love it deserves.” You smiled back and shimmied yourself into position, not being able to resist the urge to lick right over his tip, and taste his musky, salty essence.
“Cali, Bucky - You’re killing me.” A glance revealed his trembling forearms as he anticipated the pleasure to come.
“Oh, baby, we ain’t even started yet.” Those were the last coherent words you heard from Bucky for a while, as he pushed Steve’s thighs wider apart and leant forward. Your own position didn’t allow for much of a viewing angle, but the sound that left Steve’s throat and the small flex of his hips let you know when Bucky had started his second round of tongue gymnastics. You shifted again and wrapped your lips around the head of his cock, and started your own task.
“Oh… fuck. Fuck!”
You suckled and swirled your tongue and attuned your ears to the whimpering coming from Steve and the lewd, slurping sounds emanating from somewhere behind him. You could see the tension in Steve’s body, the tendons and veins in his arms all pronounced, his abs clenching and relaxing. You moved your hand up to his balls, cupping them gently and massaging them, before pressing your fingers against the spit slick patch of skin just behind them, rubbing over his prostate from the outside as Bucky tongue-fucked Steve’s hole and you tormented his cock with your own tongue.
Steve was breathing heavily, desperately trying to hold back, but he was fighting a losing battle. He might have stamina and determination, but Bucky and you were more determined. When his legs started to tremble along with his arms, you readied yourself, hollowing your cheeks and pressing your tongue onto the fat vein on the underside of his cock. He came with a shout, spurting thick ropes of cum into your mouth with such force some seeped out around your lips and ran down your cheek.
“C-Cali… you need to move…” Steve’s voice was strained, but you heard him, and letting his cock fall from your mouth, you shifted out from under him so he could collapse forward onto the bed. He turned his head to look at you as he regained his breath, eyes wide and glassy as after-shocks of pleasure darted through his body.
You looked over to where Bucky had come back up onto his knees. His eyes were black with lust, his face shiny and wet from a combination of your juices and his own saliva. You spread your thighs and held your arms open as he knee-walked across the expanse of the bed and pressed his weight down on you. He licked the errant drops of Steve’s cum off your face before kissing you passionately.
“Want you to fuck me, Bucky. I need you.”
“I know, doll. I know. Need you too. Need you both.”
It took only a moment for Bucky to line himself up, and then he was being enveloped by you. Your fingernails scratched at his shoulders and you cried out. 
The mattress shifted beside you, and you turned to find that Steve had moved closer. He kissed you, hard and deep as Bucky fucked into you at a steady pace. Unlike when he’d been eating you out, it was clear that Bucky wanted this to last. He knew how to angle himself to caress your g-spot and hasten your orgasm, but he wasn’t doing it, at least not yet. He wanted you aroused and desperate. The teasing bastard.
Steve pulled his lips from yours and leant across to Bucky, whispering something in his ear as he pressed kisses to the brunette’s jaw line. Bucky’s eyes twinkled and suddenly he flipped, rolling onto his back and taking you with him, his hands firm on your hips, finger tips digging in and likely to leave small marks of possession for you to look at in the mirror later. Steve leant over the side of the bed, rifling around in the pile of discarded clothes for something, before he moved up behind you, between Bucky’s now spread thighs his feet planted flat as he thrust upwards into your wet heat.
Steve pressed his firm body up against your back, and you could feel that his cock had recovered; you’d always been in awe of his stamina and recovery speed. His hands, with fingers long and slim, skimmed down your side and covered Bucky’s, helping to move you a-top him.
“This is how it should be, isn’t it? This just feels right, the three of us here, like this. The pair of you are so beautiful, and fuck, if I don’t just want to spend the rest of my life watching you.” His hands slid back up to cup your breasts, rolling your nipples between thumb and forefinger, and you gasped, your head leaning back on his shoulder, his ocean blue eyes mesmerising you. “Fuck! I love you both so much.” He kissed you, messily, and then pushed you down towards Bucky, who took over the kisses. 
Steve cupped the globes of your ass, jiggling the soft flesh and pulling on them, watching Bucky’s cock, now copiously covered in your cream, slide in and out of your pussy.
“Bucky’s filling you up so much, but how would you like to be fuller?” The fingers on one hand shifted and brushed over your tight rear hole, making you shudder and clench down. Bucky groaned into your mouth and then tore his lips from yours.
“Do that again, punk. She liked it.”
“Of course she did, she’s our beautiful, dirty girl.”
He curled over your back and pushed his thumb into Bucky’s mouth. The engineer sucked on it eagerly before letting it go, only for Steve to rub it over the ring of muscle.
“Oh God…” It felt so deliciously taboo.
There was some rustling, followed by the sound of a packet being torn open, and then you felt cold lube being drizzled over your asshole. Steve pressed his thumb against you again, smearing the lube, and pushing the tip of  it inside. 
Both Bucky and Steve had fucked your ass before, but never like this, with one of them already stuffed deep inside your pussy. You were 30% anxious, but 70% eager, and lay down flatter on Bucky, spreading your knees even wider to ready yourself. Your fingers clung to Bucky’s shoulders as he rocked gently under you, allowing you to concentrate on what Steve was doing.
With a little more pressure, his thumb tip popped into your ass, and he gently fucked it in and out. When you heard him chuckle, you realised that you were already moving your hips to help him along.
“Ready for more, sweetheart?”
Steve carefully pulled his thumb from you, and you let out a whimper of disappointment, despite knowing that the empty sensation wouldn’t last for long. He applied a bit more lube and then slid his index finger, slimmer but longer than his thumb, inside of you. He only pumped it a few times before you felt him add a second finger. The pair of them, combined with Bucky in your pussy, were making you feel so very full, and a bit light headed. Bucky pressed kisses to your brow and petted your hair, still moving softly.
“That’s it, darlin’. Just relax and let Stevie in.”
You nodded, your cheek rubbing against his thick and hairy chest, and then let out a gasp as Steve added a third finger.
“You can’t come yet, Cali. You gotta wait until I’m inside you. Need to feel you squeezing us both. Can you do that for me?”
Your eyes were squeezed shut, and you bit at your lower lip, the sensations so overwhelming already. “Hmm-hmm.”
Steve growled at your noise of agreement.
“I need a colour from you, baby. I need words.”
You dragged a ragged breath into your lungs, trying to get your brain to work.
“G-green, Stevie. So green.”
“Good girl.”
His fingers left you, but were swiftly replaced by the head of his cock. You urged your body to relax as he pushed in. You keened, stars dancing behind your eyelids as you felt fuller than you’d ever felt in your life.
“Fuck!” You let out your exclamation as Steve bottomed out within you with a grunt. Bucky’s hands slid up and down your sides in a soothing motion.
“You good, darlin?”
“Peachy, Buck. I just need a moment.”
You took a few seconds to process how you were feeling. Warm, full, but overall, loved. Bucky had already felt this, connected to you and Steve so intimately, and Steve also to some extent. You’d even had your own little ‘taste’ of this, but what you were doing now was so very different, and while not totally overwhelming, it was still A Lot ™. Your whole body throbbed and you realised that you were on a hair trigger, so close to coming, but annoyingly still too far away.
A little whimper escaped your lips, and you tentatively moved your hips, making the boys shift inside you. All three of you gasped.
“Fuck, Stevie. I can feel you inside her. Cali, please, can we move? I need to move!” Bucky had threaded the fingers of your right hand with his left, and you looked at the tattoos that decorated his arm. 
“Yes. Please. I need you both to love me.” You turned your head to look over your shoulder at Steve, who smiled gently down at you, and then moved his right hand to cover yours where it held Bucky’s, joining you all together in another way, and one that felt more poignant.
“Not a problem, sweetheart. Not a problem.”
Steve started to move first, small, experimental thrusts that pushed you onto Bucky and filled you to the brim with both of them, and you couldn’t help but start to move yourself, helping to control the pace. The feeling was so strange inside you, feeling them both moving, but in different directions and in different places, but as you got used to it, as you all got used to it, you all became more frenetic. Bucky kissed your mouth; Steve dusted your shoulders with his own lips, and all you could do was get carried away on the pleasure. It rolled through you in waves, cresting and dipping, but never quite ever disappearing. You could feel the wetness seeping out of you around Bucky’s cock and dripping down onto his crotch. You could hear the lewd sounds from where Steve was plunging in and out of your ass, his body curled over your back. Sweat rolled down your body and your legs and arms shook from your near continuous orgasm.
Bucky came in you first, his movements getting faster and more uncoordinated, so Steve held still, to give him room to do so, hips snapping up into your spasming cunt.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck. Cali! Steve!”
Steve lent further over you, pushing you down onto Bucky, so he could kiss him over your shoulder. It was awkward and a bit messy, but you loved hearing Bucky whine into Steve’s mouth as continued to fill your pussy.  As Bucky regained his breath and composure, he held you tight to him, letting Steve have the chance to find his own end within the tight embrace of your body. He was feral, fingers gripping your hips hard, adding a second set of marks to match the ones Bucky had placed on you earlier.
“You’re mine. Both of you. Love you both so goddamn much. Oh fuck, yes!” 
The feeling of his hot cum filling your ass, along with the whole filthiness of this session of loving with your boys, triggered one last orgasm in you as you lay sprawled on Bucky. Steve collapsed over you, although he took some of his weight on your arms. You liked the feeling of being a bit squashed between them. You all exchanged soft gentle kisses to wherever you could reach.
Eventually though, you all needed to move. Steve rolled off of you in one direction and you rolled off Bucky in the other. You turned your head to look at your dark haired lover.
“I definitely approve of this bed, Bucky. 10 out of 10. But I hope you’ve got a lot of spare sheets for it.” You looked pointedly at the wet patch that had formed around and under him. “And a lot of mattress protectors.”
“Ever the practical one, ain’t ya, darlin’?”
You chuckled, and Steve snorted.
“One of us has to be, and it ain’t you or me, jerk.”
Bucky reached out for one of the pillows and launched it towards Steve’s head.
“Speak for yourself, punk.”
You rolled your eyes in affectionate dismay, before pushing yourself up and off the bed. You sashayed towards the en-suite, eager to clean the cum from your body, but stopped in the doorway and looked coquettishly over your shoulder.
“I’m going to try out the shower. First one to find me a towel gets to join me. The other get’s to start changing the sheets.”
You smiled as you walked into your new bathroom and pushed the door mostly closed, listening to the sounds of scrabbling and friendly rivalry from the other side.
You were home.
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jyndor · 2 months
I'm not gonna punch left ever. like yes do I have both strategic and ideological disagreements with some leftists? yeah obviously since leftist infighting and disagreement is the feature not the bug.
I'm still not saying I'm voting for kamala but I do think she will be a better opponent than trump. I believe in strategic voting so tbh if your district is a swing district, if you are in a swing state, I think voting democratic is smart because they are at least able to be beaten into some concessions from the left when we are organized. one big issue is the liberals who see any criticism as support for the republicans, and they're gonna be annoying as hell but I do think more people are aware that the democrats suck now than they did during the obama years.
that said, it is totally understandable for people in the global south to be hostile to any us president. and it is reasonable for them to hate us for anything we do politically because all these freaks have done material harm to millions of people globally. so I'm not offended as a white queer us american woman that a third world maoist might hate that I am considering voting for kamala harris. it's cool, they're not wrong to be angry with us americans' selfish politics.
and at this same time imo there is no real path forward for a third party candidate in the us. and it's deeply frustrating to me that so many amazing activists use their time and resources on what is to me a herculean task, running for president as a third party candidate and not even for a party like the greens which has name recognition. I'd rather they focus on local politics and even statewide politics, where they have more of a chance. I also don't think they're wreckers though, I just don't agree with their strategies. and they can call me a liberal or whatever for saying that, that's fine whatever lol I'm not going to punch leftists doing important work.
it is one thing to disagree on strategy, even on ideology and politics. but to assume that they are not genuine in their politics... it's just gross and dismissive. you do not know what you're talking about. I don't love the PSL for a few different reasons but I respect the activism they do, and I'm not gonna disrespect leftist activists doing far more than I ever will, even if I don't agree with everything they do.
tumblr is full of white liberals who might in fact have access to financial resources that many others do not have, and that's important for us to understand because it does impact how we view politics. it does. it's so easy for you vote blue folks to call ANYONE who criticizes democrats bots or russian ops or whatever. it does you no favors politically. you do not want to negatively polarize potential allies by constantly treating them like they've got ulterior motives for not supporting the democratic party.
but most people who for instance supported the uncommitted campaign and who were working to get biden out of the race all these months are likely doing so because we WANT to vote against trump. not that everyone in the free palestine movement is a democratic voter or even is in favor of electoralism, but a lot are in the states. so... it's weird to me that liberals treated us like ignorant wreckers who don't care about abortion or queer rights or voting rights etc, or somehow PALESTINIAN RIGHTS LMFAO I mean I'm trying to stay nice and call these libs racist cunts for speaking down to voters of color in particular but that's what it is.
do you really think the people who are the most tapped into politics are not going to vote??? really???? some won't but most will. especially those in swing districts. do you think that someone like me, who has been politically active since I was TWELVE, does not understand the utility of voting???
as always, your job is not going to be speaking down to people so politically engaged that they are threatening to WITHHOLD THEIR VOTES BECAUSE OF FOREIGN POLICY. IN THE UNITED STATES OF NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT FOREIGN POLICY. they're doing the work you should have been doing this whole time. you will have to sit with your complacency at some point.
your job is going to be getting off your ass and convincing everyone you know who is not registered to vote because they don't care about politics or don't like politics or whatever that they need to be invested in our political system.
bad news: you will not do that by shaming them for being ignorant or apathetic.
good news: a lot of people are very easy to get on board with shit like rent caps (which biden was just talking about the other day, 5% caps on rent federally! that's amazing and would help so many people - we should pressure kamala to adopt that policy) and reproductive justice. a lot of apathetic people care about this shit, they just don't know how it impacts them or where to start engaging with this shit.
do not pull the smug liberal shit, do not speak down to them, meet them where they are at! ask them about the things that they are bothered about, things like potholes and shit. that matters to people. get them registered, drive them to the polls. you will do more good than shouting at lefties on tumblr dot com. otherwise you're just preaching to the choir.
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
Still venting about my mom but didn't want to take over OP's post any more than I already did. So this is just going to be a big ol' oversharing mess.
Seriously, though. My mom insists that she just recognizes my skills and I'd be a good fit for her company. But she has no idea what I do. Just that I'm good at computers.
The only thing she's ever been able to say about my abilities is that I "type fast, but not as fast as me, wink."
I type 119 wpm. This is a woman who needed me to come to her office once because "The window is supposed to be big. Like, the entire screen, big. But it's just this in this little window now. How do I make it big?"
No shame meant for people who aren't super experienced working in data. But I'm going to need some convincing before I believe that her repeated, insistent job offers are really because she understands the value of my work and not at all because I'm her kid.
During one of my refusals to come work for her, she once actually said to me, to my face, "Everybody has a price." No hint of irony or self-awareness at all.
When I started becoming more politically aware, I'd try to have conversations with her about the things I was learning. Because she was my mom, and I loved her.
As I spent more time living in the lower-class and got to know the experiences of being poor and listening to minority voices and exploring what it means to be neurodivergent and LGBT, I would bring what I was learning to the table. Because I was discovering things I never knew were there, and I thought she didn't know either. I thought she was as ignorant as I was discovering myself to be.
She was not. She had the typical conservative rhetoric in-hand to stamp down on everything I tried to share with her. Drugs. Crime. Welfare.
The day I gave up on her, the day I realized who she really was, was after Trump got elected. When she told me to my face that she voted for Trump because of a Hispanic family down the street that has a nicer truck than hers. "It's not fair, because those people don't have to pay taxes." So she wanted Trump to come in and deport them. For having a nice truck.
I don't even know if they're even immigrants. I don't think she knows either. I think it'd be pretty hard to afford an acre of land in rural America and a nicer truck than a rich white woman's if you were working undocumented migrant wages. So I'm like 80% sure she's racist-ing at documented American citizens.
And it's still not okay even if she's not.
That was the day I realized that she isn't just uneducated about these issues. She is a hateful bigot. She thinks civil rights are over because we solved feminism, the only civil rights cause that matters. And she thinks we solved feminism because she, personally, has a cushy job and plenty of wealth and can live on a horse ranch where she never has to see other human beings again.
My mom has always loved the idea of me. She's proud of having a son. Of being a mom. But we've never had any shared interests or activities. She's upset because she tried to get me into horses when I was a kid, and I didn't take to them.
She warned me when I was five that you shouldn't go behind the horse because it can kick your head clean off. And from that moment on, that's all I could think about any time I saw a horse. Dangerous animal can take my head right off. I did not enjoy any attempt she made to put me and horses in the same space.
And she's always kinda held that against me. That I didn't take interest in the activities she enjoyed, so we never had anything to connect over.
But like. I was a child. It was her responsibility to take interest in the things I cared about. Where was she when I was playing Power Rangers with my friends and getting into roller blading and learning that I loved writing and analyzing and dissecting media.
Where is she now when my family is struggling and all she has to say is, "I don't give handouts. But I do have this nepo-job for you if you're interested. Don't worry, it's because of your qualifications, I promise."
My mom has always wanted to love me. But only on her terms.
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New Rule: The War on the West | Real Time with Bill Maher
New Rule: For all the progressives and academics who refer to Israel as an "outpost of Western civilization" like it's a bad thing, please note: Western civilization is what gave the world pretty much every goddamn liberal precept that Liberals are supposed to adore.
Individual liberty, scientific inquiry, rule of law, religious freedom, women's rights, human rights, democracy, trial by jury, freedom of speech. Please somebody, stop us before we Enlighten again.
And since one can find all these concepts in today's Israel and virtually nowhere else in the Middle East, if anything, the world would be a better place if it had more Israels.
Of course, this message falls on deaf ears to the current crop who reduce everything to being only victims or victimizers, so Israel is lumped in as the toxic fruit of the victimizing West. The irony being that all marginalized people live better today because of western ideals, not in spite of them.
Martin Luther King used Henry David Thoreau's essay "Civil Disobedience" to help shape the Civil Rights Movement. The UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights owes its core to Rousseau and Voltaire. Kleisthenes never showed up for a sexual harassment seminar, but without him there's no democracy. The cop who murdered George Floyd got 21 years for violating his Fourth Amendment rights, an idea we got directly from John Locke, who no one in college would ever study anymore because he's so old, and so white, and so dead, and so Western.
Yes, that's how simple the Woke are. It's never about ideas. If it was, would they be cheering on Hamas for their liberation? Liberation? To do what? More freely preside over a country where there are no laws against sexual harassment, spousal rape, domestic violence, homophobia, honor killings or child marriage. This is who liberals think you should stand with? Women there should be so lucky as to get colonized by anybody else.
And for the record, the Jews didn't "colonize" Israel or anywhere ever, except maybe Boca Raton. Gaza wasn't seized by Israel like India or Kenya was by the British Empire. And the partitioning of the region wasn't decided by Jews, but by a vote of the United Nations in 1947 with everyone from Russia to Haiti voting for it. But apparently, they don't teach this at Drag Queen Story Hour anymore.
Now it is true that for too long we didn't study enough Asian or African or Latin American history. But part of the reason for that is, frankly, there's not as much to study. Colleges replaced courses in Western Civ -- boo! Eyeroll! Dead white men, am I right? -- they replace that with World Civilization classes, which is fine in theory, but what it meant in practice is you read queer poetry of the African diaspora instead of Shakespeare. And I'm sure there's value in both, but as usual, America only ever overcorrects.
And so, we're at this place now where the words "western civ" became kind of a shorthand for "white people ruined everything." But they didn't ruin everything. No, they didn't live up to their own ideals for far too long and committed atrocities. But people back then were all atrocious, not just the white ones depending on who had the power.
But it was the western Enlightenment that gave rise to the notion that the law of the jungle should be curbed. Henry David Thoreau. John Stewart Mill. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Three-named dudes. It was all about three-named dudes. Three-named dudes like that were the OG social justice warriors. The ideas that came through Athens, Rome, London, Paris, and yes Philadelphia, are what make life good for most people in free societies today. That the individuals have value, and even the powers that be must submit to the rule of law. That punishment should not be cruel and unusual. That accused people get a trial. That there is such a thing as a war crime.
Why is it that every other culture gets a pass, but the West is exclusively the sum of the worst things it's ever done? You think only white people colonized? Historians estimate that the very non-western Mr Genghis Khan killed 40 million people, and that was in the 13th century. He single-handedly may have reduced the world's population by 11%. On the other hand, he kind of made up for it, because he was such a prolific colonizer of vaginas that today an estimated 16 million people are his direct descendants.
So, stop saying "western civilization" like it's a contradiction in terms. It's not. You're thinking of "moderate Republican."
The people who snarl "western civilization" went to elite universities with air conditioning where they used their MacBook Pros and iPhones on extensive Wi-Fi networks.
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can-of-w0rmz · 4 months
No but rich people (especially rich Americans) are ACTUALLY fucking mental, and not even on big scale shit, but on really small everyday stuff too. Like it’s crazy, I fully saw a video that was one of those ones where it was like, “THIS is not a healthy amount of food”, and then it was a few varying portions, some of them were pretty small, some were really really normal and average, and then “THIS is healthy :)” and then it’s the most fucking MASSIVE bowl of food with the biggest portions you’ve ever seen in your life. Am I insane or is that crazy patronising???
Like ok yeah, I get people struggle with food, and if you’re purposefully eating teeny tiny portions even though you have more because of psychological reasons, of COURSE that’s unhealthy, but the amount of food these people eat in these kinds of videos is actually insane. It might just be because they’re American, bc American portions are massive, but there’s something absolutely mad to me in these posts that they go “oh so you know this perfectly average meal? This very affordable normal amount of food to eat for a meal? You should be eating this instead :)” and then show a medieval king ass feast. OR, “here’s what I eat in a day! (Realistic <3 bc social media isn’t real)” and then it’s a sandwich the size of her fucking arm.
It’s not even just food too, it’s overindulgence in everything, and it��s such a weird fucking thing, and imo it leads to this weird Americanised sense of entitlement sometimes??? Like there’ve been a few times as a kid where I’ve tried imitating these American ass trends, which are ALWAYS framed as “this is healthy” or “this is realistic”, and ofc every time I’d get my ma laughing in my face with some variation of “what do you think I am? Made of money?” or “are you some kind of princess now?”, and she was 100% right every time, and as I started getting older and having more of an actual concept of money, I ALWAYS thought “it’s crazy how Americans can afford this much shit.”
I REALLY fucking hate the Americanisation of everything tbh. You can’t escape it. Election season comes around, a thousand videos “we have to vote guys!” ???who the fuck is “we”. Also in shit like general culture too, ideas about culture and race which are only relevant for America. Not to say that racism only exists in America, but this “you can’t be racist towards white people/ahhhh oh no that’s cultural appropriation you can’t do that!!!!” stance on racism. I’ve lived in Ireland my entire life, not that it really matters bc being Irish is not really a “race”, it’s a nationality, but my ancestors were all celtic, I have a culture. And even tho personally I don’t think being Irish is a race (aka: I don’t think if you’re American and your great grandad was Irish, you’re Irish, and I also think a black guy or whoever else who’s lived here his whole life and fully understands Irish culture has just as much of a right to call himself Irish as someone like me with Celtic heritage), the English sure viewed us that way! “You can’t be racist towards white people”? In the 1800s they depicted us as rats and drunks and tried to starve us. But sure go whine about cultural appropriation and then go dye the rivers green this St. Patrick’s Day!
I just really hate the Americanisation of shit in general fr. And I don’t even hate some American stuff that much, southern gothic shit is cool, the old west is interesting asf, you’ve got some cool shit, but this weird rich elite corporate social media America shit is fucking everywhere, and it’s just infuriating at worst and kind of sad at best. Feels like everyone’s forgetting where they come from and why they act how they do to fall in line with some looming corporate capitalist American idea of “progress” that erases every shred of art and love and differing experience and history and culture and beauty. Americans will whine about colonisation, and that’s real, it’s true, it’s horrific, but they’re doing the exact same shit psychologically.
Anyway I hope trump wins the election not because I support any of his policies but because it think it’d be funny to watch. Also democracy is a lie constructed by the government to give the illusion of individual choice don’t bother voting it just encourages them. Communism is fucking stupid and idealist but so is the idea that individuals can have true choice under a democracy fuck the government and go love and make art thank you and goodnight
Also since we’re talking about our individual culture and how much I hate corpo Americans spreading their weird shit everywhere have some cool selkie art I found and a silly wee selkie ballad I like
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
as a young person who is also very fed up with online leftists, it’s so frustrating because i do understand where a lot of my peers are coming from. i was born in 99 and i feel like american politics has just been nightmare after nightmare throughout my life. we weren’t quite old enough to understand what obama was up against during his presidency, and when we did finally start tuning into politics, it was during the trump era of clownery and everything has just felt so much more panicked and urgent (a lot of which is manufactured, i’m aware) since. i understand people being sick of things taking so long to change, i am too, i just don’t know how they think not voting or claiming both sides suck (which diminishes how dangerous the gop is) is going to put us in a better position. they may think it sucks right now under biden but it sucked a lot more under trump and would suck even worse if the gop took the presidency in 2024
Like... yes, to an extent, I understand. You guys came of age right when things really went off the rails with Obama Derangement Syndrome, everything got a lot worse and a lot scarier overnight, and it felt like the current system was so laughably inadequate for the problems at hand that of course it needed huge and immediate changes. Which, like! I'm not disagreeing! I wake up every day and I see something else terrible and/or stupid has happened and I occasionally just wish for the meteor too! But I am also a grownup who recognizes that that's not going to actually fix anything, and that life beyond echo-chamber leftist Twitter exists. So yes, we all have the "just give in and blow it up" moments. But that's... not actually a political strategy, certainly not a humane one, and it continues to baffle and infuriate me that that's just Online Leftist staple rhetoric.
I know that it can be difficult for people of any age, but particularly young people, to conceptualize anything outside of their own lived experiences/personal memories, and yes, you have the misfortune of coming of age in a particularly bad political moment. Again, nobody's denying this! But if someone's response to that is to insist that only they know anything "true," history and/or culture and/or the besetting problems of America for its entire 250-year existence either aren't real or could have been solved by the Democrats already if they just Tried Hard Enough, then those of us who know better are under no obligation to take this BS seriously. It gets even worse when these people start acting like they're the only authority to ever be trusted, everyone else is wrong and/or evil, and their twisted immature ideal of "revolution!" is the only way forward.
Humans, and human society, politics, culture, history, etc., are complicated. The world does not exist in a neat black-and-white, zero-sum moral vacuum where one choice is totally right and the other is totally wrong. Attempts to impose the Most Correct Ideology, of whatever stripe, have always ended terribly and done a lot of avoidable damage. But "things got really bad in four years and Biden hasn't fixed that + every other problem in America since its founding, therefore he and the Democrats are actually worse than Trump!" is just straight-up clown magical thinking, and it offers absolutely nothing useful for anyone, especially those who sanctimoniously claim to want to fix it. So, yeah.
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kharmii · 3 months
I just saw a post for the upcoming election you americans have and while they tried to promote to vote for Biden they (at least to me) promoted Trump even more by pointing out all the things wrong with this country right now caused by Biden.
I'm not american but Biden is a walkin senile laughing stock of the world. I doubt there is anyone taking him seriously.
I always was sceptical of Trump, thinking that it was odd for him to go for president. But after observing one presidency of Trump AND one of Biden... I know that the elections are going to be heated with lots of whining and bitching AND most likely some weird stuff going on in the background.
I feel things in the world need to change. 100 years ago the far right has been dangerous... nowadays it's the far left with an even more disgusting danger. You gotta be blind if you don't see it.
I just want this to be done and over with... and have fairly "normal" politics. Not stuff that belongs in an asylum being a daily occurence in modern day politics
Amazingly, Trump used to be a smug New York Democrat. Black people loved him. There are pictures all over of Trump shaking hands with civil rights leaders, and the name 'Trump' is thrown out in a lot of rap songs. He was the host of a popular game show called The Apprentice. That's why I thought he was a joke candidate when he ran in the Republican primaries during the 2012 election against Barrack Obama.
I was extra surprised when he ran again in 2016 and won the primaries. A lot of people were into him, but I voted for Ted Cruz still thinking Trump was a joke candidate. Ted Cruz wouldn't have won though. The guy has no charisma and even sounds annoying to some people. He has a used car salesman look. Anyway, when Trump won the primaries, the fix was in. The media kept putting out their usual fake polls saying that he had no chance against Hillary Clinton, an actual nasty character.
When Trump won, there was more hate in the media than I'd ever seen against a single person in my life. He wasn't supposed to win. We were given orders via constant media propaganda to vote Clinton and 'make history again' with a first woman president. Trump might have once been a Democrat, but he wasn't one of their guys. He wasn't a career politician who could be bought by the lobbyists. He wasn't perfect, but one of the first things I remember him doing was rewriting the income tax code so that working class people got a huge boost for married filing jointly or for the child tax credit.
He also pushed us toward greater energy independence by approving more drilling permits and pipelines. Gas was under or around $2/gallon. Food was cheap. Everybody's 401K was increasing. Interest rates were low for a loan. Everything was so good that all the people opposing him could do was call him racist and stir up the race and gender hustlers. There was a lot of rioting, and they are openly admitting that if Trump wins the 2024 election, a lot of people will die, and there will be lots more looting and rioting.
Trump should have won the 2020 election, but the media and government used the fake Covid scare to steal the election through the mail or through rigged voter machines that would show Trump in the lead until 3AM when suddenly Biden would instantaneously in a minute gain tens of thousands of votes. There was no accountability with the paper votes, and most people figure a lot of fake ones were thrown in. Biden somehow got more votes than Obama during his first term when people were excited about 'hope and change and the first black president'. (We got change alright, but it was all bad, like how his administration wrecked our health care). People were that excited about Biden. Nobody knows anybody who was excited about voting for Biden, but it must have been true.
About the time they should have been pushing for some meaningful audits in the mail in voting system and protesting Biden's suspicious 'win', the Powers that Be manufactured the January 6th 'insurrection' where Republican protestors who were heavily seeded with FBI agents posing as protestors were deliberately let into the capitol to mill about and basically do nothing. A woman named Ashli Babbitt was shot in the chest for no reason, but the cop was able to get away with it for being a black person shooting a white person. Since it was obviously shenanigans, it took years for the surveillance footage of the capital 'riot' to be released to the public so people could see it was nothing like they described.
That's where we are in the US. I'm not sure it will do any good to vote, but I'll get out and do my civic duty on the second Tuesday of November. Again, they'll say that 'voting for Trump is going to hurt gay people and Muslims and (insert victim class group)', but realistically, cheap cost of living is good for everybody.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 4 months
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Suckers, Morons, and Other Types of
Trump Supporters
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific morality.
            America may be the greatest country in the world, but its patriots are the dumbest people in the universe! What did P.T. Barnum say? “No man ever went broke overestimating the ignorance of the American Public.” Trump may be the first canonized patron saint of the Protestant Church. He became the first convicted felon, former president in the history of the USA; and what do his supporters do? Send him money! Lots of money!! One of them posted on X that he’d canceled his vacation and sent the money to Trump to help fight his legal battles. Five thousand dollars!
            Then there is the religious factor—the docile followers of Christianity in small town America. The pastor behind the pulpit, the direct line from God, that his flock believes, unquestionably, everything he says. The pastor who gets visited from God, every night, and receives instructions directly from Him. If you dare to question his word, you are a demon from hell trying to sabotage the word of God! Would that be me? I am from hell, otherwise known as East Hollywood. Nah!
            People who are brainwashed, particularly those in cults, have minds impervious to truth. You can show them factual evidence, photos, recordings, documents, and they still don’t believe that which is real. What can you do about it? Not much. Truth be known, Trump donated millions to the White protestant church with the proviso, “Tell them God sent me.” His suckers believed it, hook, line, and sinker! I’ve said it a million times before: that is why conservatives are anti-public education. They’d rather your children sit in a Christian classroom, watching Prager U videos; that or adhere to home schooling. Yeah, that is a rich concept. Having stupid parents teaching their naive children to be ignorant, like they are! Keep them stupid, Jesus! That’s the stuff! What is so hilarious is that Trump tells them, right to their faces, that they are idiots. And they think he’s correct! This is the relationship between the oppressors and the oppressed. The oppressor metes out punishment while the meek assumes masochistic pleasure from the master’s whip. Deep down, however, they don’t enjoy getting whipped; they are conditioned to be masochistic. When you substitute normal sex with violence, you get one decadent, fucked up society!
            Now, this thing that progressives and liberals are whining about, losing our Democracy to Fascists, I beg the question: Did we ever have democracy? Ask the Native Americans. Ask the former slaves. Ask the women who were told to shut up. Ask the workers who got shot by anti-union thugs while picketing their factory. Ask the victims of Gay bashing. Ask millions of victims. Fuck you! America did have its victims.
            Now, my main message here is: I am from the far, extreme, fringe, hard core left. Some pea brain righties think that equates to communists. That shows what ignoramuses they all are! As an anarchist, I ask: do you really think that we, on the extreme left, would cry ugly on the chance that Trump gets elected? On the contrary, we would celebrate by smoking pounds of weed! You just don’t get it! The sad fact is that Trump had four fucking years to establish a fascist state. Did he? Hell, no! Will he succeed next time around? No. Never. He is too stupid to conceive of the essence of a fascist state, let alone create one. He is a slave to his overblown ego. He would never garner the support of the U.S. military or the American people to actualize it.
            If you don’t vote for Biden, the lesser of the two evils, then fascism will certainly be worse under Trump. Biden fascism will be a moderate fascism. But go ahead, vote for a third-party candidate, or vote for Trump. See what happens.
            Now something unforeseen could occur before election day. One objective factor for your consideration is that average life expectancy for a man is 72 to 74 years. Both candidates are way past that range. There is that. Then, there is the mid-east crisis. That could devolve into the Third World War. And let’s not forget the Climate Crisis, which is rapidly escalating as you read this. Tornadoes could wipe out Texas, a flood could bury Florida beneath the sea. Let’s not ignore the possibility of assassinations, or a viral pandemic, either of which may cancel the election.
Hopefully nothing catastrophic will happen and all will proceed as normal. Biden gets re-elected and then dies of natural causes during his term; Vice President Kamala Harris becomes the first woman to become president.
So, over the next few months, enjoy life. Go on vacation instead of giving your hard-earned vacation money to a candidate.
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these are the states i think Trump will win in November and these are my two scenarios
scenario 1: Trump wins Georgia then New Hampshire, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Nevada and barley win Pennsylvania but still win and when he does win the state by 2 points they will accuse him of rigging and i don’t believe he will win Michigan or Arizona because of multiple factors of corruption
scenario 2: he wins just enough states to get him to 273 or 275 because of how much rigging they will do but still win and they will cope over his win and claim “HE LOST VOTES!” Even though he got 275 like they did in the primaries
those are my predictions and I believe it will be one of those two scenarios
He's not winning Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Arizona, those states are lost to voter fraud. Georgia's a possibility, they've been doing things to shore up their elections recently. New Hampshire? Seriously doubt that ever goes to a Republican again. Virginia is a possibility. So is Wisconsin, though not likely. But with Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Arizona out of the game, I don't see a path to victory for him. I don't think we ever see a Republican president again unless something magical happens to clean up Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Arizona's elections, or California loses a whole bunch of electoral votes and Texas and Florida gain a lot more.
The best way to mitigate the damage is to keep congress far away from Democrat hands, which isn't a perfect solution as long as people like McConnell and Co stick around, but it's better than the Democrats controlling everything. Big enough majorities in the House and the Senate effectively bypass the president anyway, and I think that's more likely than cleaning the national elections up enough to elect a Republican president. The main thing the presidency gives us is Supreme Court nominations, which is important, because the Supreme Court is one of the last institutions that still tends to defend our rights (though not always, as we've seen), but a solidly conservative senate can block the worst nominees a Democrat president can put forward.
But no matter what happens, we're coming to the end of the American Experiment. The "whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government" part of the Declaration of Independence is about to become very relevant, very soon.
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mlobsters · 10 months
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supernatural s12e4 american nightmare (w. davy perez)
was that pointed, longing look at the mom and her son just him being upset over mary or something more plot relevant
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oh, dean, honey.
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DEAN Cass is chumming it up with Crowley. SAM Hmm. DEAN They're hunting Lucifer together. That's right – one's an angel, one's a demon, and apparently, they solve crimes.
very cute
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sam is looking extra beautiful today, i think part of it is the messier hair (and length). good lighting and coloring. lovely. oh oh, lame excuse for his more questionable haircuts. i too know the hazards of the random supercuts haircut that he must get on the road. let's blame it on that. maybe they advised him on the sideburns too
(oh god that reminds me. i think the worst haircut i ever got was before my mom's funeral. it was long at the time and i just wanted a trim because it was kind of scraggly, so i was moderately presentable for the funeral. i was in phoenix from out of town so i went somewhere random. and i got a very bad version of a Rachel haircut! in 2012! talk about insult to injury.)
SAM You sure? 'Cause ever since Mom left, you've been a little, uh... cranky. DEAN Cranky, huh? SAM Yeah. I mean, to the priest, to Carl. Heck, on the way here, you wouldn't even make a pit stop. DEAN So now your tiny bladder is my problem?
tell him, sam. stop taking it out on everyone else, dean-o
BETH You don't make a lot of friends when sometimes what's best for a family is to split them up.
little on the nose there, show :p also that is one fancy cps office
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DEAN What about her? What, she took some cash, she took a cellphone she doesn't answer, and she bailed on us. SAM I mean, think about what she's going through. After everything, she probably just needs some space. We've been there. We've both had times where we needed time apart. DEAN And we both came back. SAM You don't think she's going to? DEAN I don't know. She hates the way that we were raised. She hates the fact that we're hunters. Maybe she starts walking and she doesn't stop. You know, she obviously has zero interest in keeping this family together. SAM Well, you know, sometimes families do better after a little time apart.
dean upset and jumping to conclusions, sam being calm and the voice of reason. wondering if instead of brother angst, we get mom angst? because if i had to choose between the two, i vote mom angst a million times over (sorry mary but i've had enough sam and dean angst to last a lifetime) also that red sweater on sam looks great. grandpa cardigan on dean is leaning in to costume maybe a little too much :p
ABRAHAM The things you do for family.
i snorted. one of those episodes where they're gonna repeatedly bonk us over the head with a parallel
SAM So what happened to your daughter, was that God's plan? GAIL Yes. SAM She didn't have to die. She was sick. If you had taken her to a doctor – GAIL God does – SAM God doesn't care what kind of life you live. Trust me. And God didn't kill your daughter. You did.
you're not wrong, sam, but i think that's better kept to yourself in this situation :p
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were they selling supernatural candles?
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man, she's gorgeous. and dean was being legit creepy. glad we got things cleared up without any shooting. was half expecting him to slide into flirting with her
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this scene with magda in the basement with sam is heartbreaking. also the irony of knowing exactly where the devil is and 100% not in the poor abused girl
SAM Magda... You're not the Devil. You're just psychic. There are others out there like you, like – like me. I have powers, too. I'd get these visions sometimes and – and I could move things with my mind. MAGDA You can do that? SAM Well, no, not anymore, I don't think. But that didn't make me the Devil. It – it – it just made me who I am. MAGDA Then you are evil. Mother says I'm evil, 'cause I hurt people.
not that we've really touched on it in a long ass time but it's also nice to see sam confident in being one of the psychic kids does not make you evil or a freak. back in simpler times that was definitely a struggle
ok mom i don't think you're going to heaven what with the killing your husband thing, not to mention the violent abuse against your daughter. this whole, tying him up at the dinner table and mom going all murder rage, kind of like a less grotesque more jesusy benders situation
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oh, my heart
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DEAN Yeah, you were right. This whole mom thing, it's... I mean, we get her back, and then she leaves. I hate it, but I get it. I do. I guess I just...still working through some of that crap. I'll try to be less of a dick about it. SAM Deal.
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look at us being adults and dealing with (some) feelings. good job, boys. and dean gets his reward directly after with a reply from mom
okay, little pissed that in order to establish how cartoonishly evil the british men of letters people are, they had to kill magda. i think the horrific torture was enough to establish that, thanks. she didn't survive years of torture to get that cheap and pointless of a death.
good moments and lovely production value this episode. little shaky on the story but i'll take it
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tleeaves · 11 months
alright had to ask, what is it about australia or living here that you don’t like?
Okay, I apologise but this might be nonsensical (and totally political). Also, I get pretty heated in some of my discussion. Please know that it is not directed toward you, this turned into something of a vent/rant.
I point out the obvious right now based on current events, how Australia failed our Indigenous population by the "No" votes succeeding in the referendum for the Voice, and how disappointing that is. Let me paint a quick picture of what it looked like the day I voted: outside the town hall, there were three elderly folks holding signs and loudly telling my father and myself to vote no right on the steps of the entry. We walked straight past them to the one lone old woman who had pamphlets for the yes vote in hand, heads held high, and took two pamphlets with grateful smiles. I come from an immigrant family on both sides. This land was never ours. At least half of my heritage is made up of people and cultures that my British ancestry have historically oppressed too. The Indigenous peoples of this land are the rightful caretakers of it and always will be, no matter the people that come here. I gladly voted "Yes" and would have done it hundreds of times over if I could.
Unfortunately, it seems my long-standing suspicions have come true: many Aussies can be some of the most ignorant, lazy bunch of tall poppy syndrome mob-followers I have ever had the displeasure to know. Many voted against the referendum simply because they were uninformed and misinformed about it. I'm sure there's a great number that just did not care, because "what's it got to do with me? What if it affects my life negatively? Just say no to change to be safe and be done with it." It is appalling to me that apparently so many people are willing to just bury their heads in the sand and call it a day; not doing the research, not inquiring, not even appropriately weighing up multiple reliable sources to determine how best to vote. This is not their country. If I could, I'd tell those who voted "No" to leave it. Just leave. "Go back to your country" and I don't give a fuck if they were born here since this is the kind of argument white as hell ignorants tell every one who doesn't fit their picket-fenced lives.
Because that's what Australia feels like to me. Just another version of that illusory "American dream". We follow the footsteps of America in a lot of things, I've noticed, particularly in politics and media. We have more freedoms, yes, but how long will that last? I do not trust this country, especially now. We cannot seem to escape the ghosts of British colonisation either.
And do you know what I have also learned while researching Britain for many years (primarily for writing purposes and settings)? Australia is pretty much a watered down version of it, from our houses to our laws. It makes sense. But we are a pale, ugly shadow. Australia was built on by and for the convicts, not European elegance. I keep seeing in my mind the country town I used to live in. Those houses are uniform, old things commissioned for the immigrants and whatnot that came to work at the power station and mines. You can see echoes of English culture. But that's just it. Only echoes. That is Australia. I do not see anything recommending this place even aesthetically, anything particularly unique. In Victoria it's dark and rainy and can get icy, and you're basically in Britain. Melbourne is New York, as @faithfromanewperspective has pointed out, and so we are also American-influenced. Queensland has been referred to as "the Florida of Australia" by Americans and Canadians I've met. Everything contemporary Australia seems to be, is just a melting pot of Western culture. Our own politicians laud that we have so many different cultures from all across the globe, but I do not think some people realise that Aussies are not an accepting people historically, and many of those who were around when immigrants from Southern Europe and the Middle East first came here for work in the decades that followed the world wars are still alive and still allowed to vote and campaign.
And look, I'm almost definitely not the first person to point any of this out. But it's all this knowledge that's been a thorn in my side for a great deal of time. I cannot truly like or love Australia, not when there is also all of this.
Onto more minor things: the public transportation? Pretty good, I can't really complain, and it's especially good in Victoria. The weather? Can be really nice in certain parts of the country. We so far have not reached the insanity that is America, and we fortunately have no border-neighbours to war with (though I admit we are neglecting our Islanders and their well-being in at least a few ways, and I think we may be able to expect rising tensions after the "No" votes won). Personally? I prefer colder weather and would move from here if I could -- maybe in future -- back down south or overseas. Our environment can be beautiful, thoroughly enjoyable and peaceful, but the bush and even rainforests are not exactly my favourite. There's something so dry and alien, even about the plants here. And the rainforest/tropical areas here are good for carnivorous plants, which I tend, but the constant weather changes haven't been very kind to my bones (or to my plants, actually, and I have to wonder about the role climate change is playing in making the environment increasingly harsh, even for Australia). Also, I hate humidity. The air? In summer, it makes you wonder if there is air. I've had panic attacks because I feel like I can't breathe, that everything is too thick, too close, too everywhere, if that makes sense (keeping in mind I have water-related trauma). I don't like that places outside of the cities have such small Balkan populations and so I struggle to meet many people with the same life experiences and culture that I do, which makes carrying on language and traditions passed down in my family feel like a losing fight. Really, I just do not want to live here in Australia. It is both home and not. If I have to stay here, I'll go back to Victoria or might even try out Tasmania (gone on trips there, but have not lived there before). But that's if I truly have no capability of leaving the country.
One more thing: something about the places I seem to live in this country is very anti-knowledge and learning. Especially Queensland when compared with Victoria. Everything is so fitness and sports heavy, there is simply a general lack of respect for education. I'd talk more on this but I've run out of brain juice.
Anyway, that was my long-winded, rambly rant of things I don't like about Australia and living here. I'm pretty sure I have more to add but this is mainly the stuff at the forefront of my mind currently.
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