lucianalark-blog · 10 years
You...I...you love me, Jackson? Really? You aren't--um--you aren't just saying that?
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…So have I, Luciana. I…love you, you know.
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lucianalark-blog · 10 years
If...if you're okay with it, baby, then yes. I--I'd like that a lot. I've wanted it for so long now, Jackson...
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…Wait. Wait. Really?!
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lucianalark-blog · 10 years
I...I do, Jackson. I really, really do.
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Can we...can we go all the way?
…Do you want it to be below your waist?
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lucianalark-blog · 10 years
"I try and stay away from the internet! Stupidly, when we first started I looked up something on the internet and it was bad. So I’ve taken a step back. If there’s anything people are or aren’t happy with, you kind of end up finding out about it some way anyways."
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lucianalark-blog · 10 years
...All over me, Jackson? Does that included...you know...below my waist?
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I love your costume, little Lark. Then again, though, I’ve found that you’re always gorgeous…regardless of what you are (or aren’t) wearing. And handsome, hmm? Keep talking like that and I’ll have my hands all over you.
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lucianalark-blog · 10 years
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I think as a woman it’s in our nature to nurture someone else. Sometimes at the expense of ourselves.
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lucianalark-blog · 10 years
So you...you do like my costume, Jackson? I wanted to make sure that I looked the part, especially considering how handsome my king is proving to be all dressed up like this.
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…I won’t lie to you, Luciana. I like the sound of that.
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lucianalark-blog · 10 years
Oh, I--thank you so much! That's very sweet of you to say. I...goodness, I can't imagine what the heat must have been like in New Delhi; it's already so warm right here in California! I'm glad that you're liking things so far; this must have been such a huge cultural shock for you...but I'm sure you'll end up fitting in just fine. Alright then, right this way--we'll go through the park! I...I really, really like it here at Briarwood. I've made some amazing friends, and even found a boyfriend as well...and I was lucky enough to be graced with the best roommate in the world! I think that this is an amazing place to grow and flourish and learn...and the wonderful people you get to spend time with are just an added benefit.
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Thank you, love! You are sure to make a perfect teacher. I’m sure there aren’t going to be any troublemakers left at the end of the school year in your class! Oh well, I guess that gives me more of a reason to hang out with you some at some point. Yeah, New Delhi is quite different. For example, I’m not sweating like hell all the time. It’s a nice change, for sure. A walk sounds lovely, and America…hmm. It’s new, and constantly alive. Everything’s always changing, and I find that simply fascinating. I also love the accepting society around here! The lack of strict restrictions and norms is definitely a welcome adaptation I’m making around here. What about you? College is foreign to everyone, immigrant or not. Thoughts about the place in general?
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lucianalark-blog · 10 years
...There won't be much for you to take off, Jackson, because...um...well, I went out of my way to make sure that my outfit was...for lack of a better word, very risque for you. So much so that you might not even need to undress me when we go back to your dorm at the end of the evening.
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…Does this extend into when we head back to the dorms? Because…I really like the outfit you’re wearing and would like to…ah…take it off personally.
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lucianalark-blog · 10 years
I--good luck, okay? And if they're rude, or if they continue to make any of those horrible comments...just come back and find me, and I promise to give them a stern talking to! Oh, yes! That would be wonderful! I'm not sure, though...fashion and early childhood education are unfortunately rather separate on the spectrum, though it would have been so lovely if you and I had ended up sharing a class together! New Dehli...you've come such a long way! I would love to walk for a bit and show you the campus, and while we're at it, you can tell me all about how you're liking America so far!
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Trust me, this is one piece of paper I will not be losing any time soon, darling. You’re anything but an irritance! In fact, I think I might just head back to where I was hanging out before and give those jerks another chance. Well, if you’re a freshman, then there is definitely a greater chance we may have some classes together! I’m a fashion major - think we’ll share any classes given your major? Yes, this campus gets quite large, but I’m sure it won’t be as confusing as the streets of New Delhi. Nevertheless, who am I to deny a walk around a beautiful campus with someone who is practically the epitome of elegance?
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lucianalark-blog · 10 years
And I'm--um--equally as stoked to be your queen for the night, baby!
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Not gonna lie, I’m pretty fucking stoked about going to a party as Hades.
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lucianalark-blog · 10 years
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lucianalark-blog · 10 years
Oh, I--goodness, you’re sweet! You can most definitely have my number, as I’m really not on Twitter all that often...here you are! It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Alaina! I’m glad that I’m not too much of an irritance compared to the...um, less friendly students you’ve encountered so far. I’m a freshman as well, but I can still show you around! I barely knew where I was going at first, but I’ve gotten much better...care for a tour?
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Thank you, but I think all that rudeness is more than made up for by kind souls like you! Well, if you ever want to grab a drink or just chat, feel free to find me on twitter. Or, since you are absolutely mesmerizing, I could just hand you my number right now! I’m Alaina, it’s a pleasure. I’m pretty new, I guess…I just moved in, so you should expect to see me around a lot more! So, are you a freshman like moi or can I get you to give me a tour around here?
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lucianalark-blog · 10 years
...Oh dear. Oh dear. That sounds very, very offensive, and I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with those sort of comments! I--I'd love to hang out with you! You seem absolutely wonderful...my name is Luciana, by the way! Are you new around here, or have we just not run into one another before?
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Yeah, I’ve heard one too many comments about curry for today. But on a happier note, that is so incredibly sweet of you! And if I don’t meet any nice people soon, I’ll be sure to hang out with you, since you are just adorable!
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lucianalark-blog · 10 years
Oh gosh, um, have you been--running into a lot of unfriendly faces? I'm very sorry to hear that! I promise that there are plenty of lovely people on campus, and hopefully you're able to get in touch with them soon!
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Is everyone on campus a total prick or am I hanging out in the wrong places?
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lucianalark-blog · 10 years
@littlelark: constantly finding sprinkles in my hair...........
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lucianalark-blog · 10 years
I...I want you, Jackson. I want all of you.
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I can do absolutely anything you want, Luciana…all you need to do is tell me what you want.
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