#ambassador tos
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capan-deveraux2 · 5 months ago
Why do I get crushes on the most obscure characters?
Like Anthony (the angel of death) on Touched by an Angel
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Look at this cutie patooti!! How can I not love him!!
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Or Chris Halliwell from Charmed
He’s a smart ass and I love him for it! He just wants to save his brothers soul
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Or Ambassador Tos from Star Trek Enterprise
Why are there no GIFs he’s adorable
Or Judge Harry Stone from Night Court
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Or Dan fielding also from Night Court (the second guy in the above gif)
Or Jenkins from The Librarians
But to be fair I might just have a crush on the actor
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Or Dr Phlox also from Enterprise
He’s a family man!! He got 3 wives and so much love to give, towards the end of the series when he can’t save T’Pols, and Tuckers baby’s life he cries and says it hurts like it’s one of his own. So much love in this man that when his friends hurt he hurts
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And he feels insulted when Tucker doesn’t want to sleep with one of his wives after she pursues him so we know he’s good with sharing lol
Or Ringo Langley from X-Files and The Lone Gunmen
(The blonde one in the middle here)
He’s such a sweetheart cutie pie!! How can one not love him! He plays dungeons and dragons and dresses up like his character when he does and writes for a newspaper. He matches my freak lol
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Or Graverobber from Repo the Genetic Opera
He’s so dramatic!! I love him. He sings ! And I love his hair!
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Or Odo from Deep Space Nine
And finally (at the risk of being called a furry
Why is the no reader inserts for Skimbleshanks, Mr mistoffles, or Rum Tum Tugger!!!
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But look at my boi mistofflees hop and dance, he’s a tuxedo cat that’s also a magician!!
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And look a tugger go! He’s a bad boi stereotype
I ran out of room for gifs but those are the main ones anyway
I’m gonna have to make an appreciation post for each of these guys individually, hell I used to write fanfic for a couple of them before I got locked out of my old tumblr account
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deepspacedukat · 2 years ago
The Forgotten
Nobody asked for this, but I was in a mood and wanted to write some fluff about a background Vulcan. So uh...here ya go.
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Tos (ST:ENT) x Reader
[A/N: I know he seems kinda biased against humanity, but if the right person showed him Humans weren’t so bad, I think he’d be soft under that prickly exterior.]
Warnings: Getting stood up, emotional hurt/comfort, kind Vulcan saves the day, pining, mutual pining, they both think it’s unrequited but it’s not, they’re idiots your honor, idiot/idiot, Tos is a sentimental sweetheart, she’s sad and it’s unacceptable to him.
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Tos had never seen her looking so forlorn before. Normally, she’d at least make a few jokes with her waiter or some familiar fellow patrons, but this time Soval’s assistant was utterly silent. Her chin rested in her palm, and she was tracing the rim of her glass with a single fingertip as if the action alone could summon whatever it was that she sought. Her whole countenance practically drooped like a wilted flower.
It wasn’t that the Ambassador watched her specifically, but...well, he couldn’t help but notice her. Though she was Human, her beauty was undeniable. Whenever she was in the embassy, Tos could pick her out from the largest crowd, because she practically lit up the entire building with her smiles.
He’d made sure to become acquainted with her after the first week of distractions that she’d caused him. As their friendship formed, the Ambassador realized that they had a lot in common. They even frequented the same small restaurant. More than once he’d caught himself foolishly entertaining the notion of presenting himself to her as a prospective mate. That wasn’t feasible, though. He was much too old to be anything more than a friend to her. But he wouldn’t let that stop him from being the best friend that he could possibly be.
Tonight as she sat alone, it occurred to him that he would throw everything, even logic, to the wayside if only he could bring her out of this low mood. His internal debate lasted only a moment before he found himself standing and moving to her table with a swish of his robes.
She looked up and a flash of recognition and surprise crossed over her features.
“Forgive me for interrupting, ashaya. May I join you?” He tried to keep his voice steady and strong so that he wouldn’t show how rapidly her eyes drilled right into his brain and robbed him of all but a sliver of his control. Silently, she nodded her head, and Tos took the seat across from her. She tried to force a smile, but he knew her much too well to be fooled by it. “What is troubling you?”
“Oh, it’s nothing. I was supposed to be meeting someone today, but...it looks like he forgot. Again.” She must be talking about her suitor. From what she’d told Tos, the man didn’t seem fit to be in her presence. A jolt of protectiveness thrummed through Tos’s chest, and he had an idea.
“Would you consider allowing me to keep you company this evening, k’diwa?” Her eyes widened, and her lips spread into a small, teasing smile - her first of the evening from what he’d seen.
“That depends. Are you finally going to tell me what ‘k’diwa’ means?”
At least she was still in high enough spirits to tease him. Allowing her a dramatically raised eyebrow, Tos acted as though he was thinking it over, just as he always did.
“...Perhaps tonight I shall,” he murmured, and the wide grin she gave him was enough to make up his mind for him. He should tell her. He would tell her, but first he had to make sure that the pain that she had been made to feel tonight was thoroughly wiped away. “Allow me but a moment and we shall depart.”
He made his way over to the waiter, who was more than happy to assist a prominent Vulcan Ambassador such as himself, and made a very special request. The man looked at him oddly, but he ultimately agreed, which was good enough for Tos.
Instead of returning to his seat when got back to the table, he offered his lovely companion his arm. Receiving a smile that made him stand a little taller and  - dare he say - prouder, he led her on a walk around the Embassy grounds. His little surprise would doubtless take a bit of setup and he wanted to allow ample time for its completion.
“Where are you taking me now that you’ve rescued me from the jaws of boredom, Mr. Ambassador?”
“First, for a walk, and then to do something you have expressed a keen desire to do.” He knew his answer was cryptic, but he didn’t want to spoil the surprise. For the moment, the idle conversation between the two of them flowed easily. He savored every little smile she gave him, because not only were they something he already enjoyed, but they were a sign of her improving mood, as well.
Tos caught sight of Ambassador Soval as they began to make their way inside, and the two men exchanged a quiet ta’al in greeting. No doubt Soval would have a few questions for him the next day about the familiarity of his contact with his assistant.
Once they reached the upper level, Tos entered his access code in the panel by the observation room door. She would normally never have cause or authorization to be here, but tonight was an exception.
“Close your eyes,” he ordered, and she followed his direction instantly. The trust that her actions implied made Tos mentally preen. Guiding her inside, Tos brought her right to the edge of the area that had been set up for them, then he made his way over to the control panel. Inputting the correct data for the display that he wanted, he looked up when a low, electric hum buzzed to life.
Perfect. He then moved back to her side and placed his hands on her shoulders, whispering for her to open her eyes. She blinked slowly as she did so, and Tos gestured for her to look upward. A gasp slipped from her throat as she took in the lowered lights and the ceiling which now displayed an exact replica of the stars above Vulcan. Typically, this room was used for strategic planning for travel through star systems or for potential defense plans, but tonight its use was purely recreational.
“Tos...Oh, Ambassador, this is wonderful!” Her amazement drew him alarmingly close to smiling, and the way she said his name...Then she spotted the picnic that he’d had the staff arrange for them. If he had been uncertain about her reaction before, the way her eyes glittered with unshed tears of gratitude made her feelings exceedingly clear.
“A picnic beneath Vulcan’s stars. You expressed an interest in stargazing on my homeworld approximately forty two days ago. As I cannot take you there this evening, I thought it logical to bring Vulcan’s sky to you,” he explained, and with barely a pause, she threw her arms around him. His eyes went wide, but he embraced her in return. Such exuberance was rare from her, and he assumed that were he to reject her now, she might feel even more crushed than she had earlier. He would not tolerate that after the pain that her former suitor had caused her. Former would be the appropriate descriptor for him, if Tos had anything to say about it. Her lips met his cheek, and that was where she seemed to catch herself.
“O-Oh, I’m so sorry, sir!” She seemed mortified by her behavior, and she even began to pull away, but Tos grasped her waist to keep her where she was. No, don’t leave. You need not be embarrassed. His instincts urged him to hold her closer, to reassure her.
“There is no need to apologize,” he promised as he tried to tamp down the blush that was no doubt coloring his cheeks. Having her this close was more than he’d ever hoped for. Her lips had been warm and gentle on his cheek. Beneath his logic, the Hunger that all Vulcans kept hidden preened at her affectionate gesture. He had no right to, but he enjoyed every moment with her on a level that, truthfully, he really shouldn’t.
She looked up at him and the soft openness of her expression bored straight through the last of Tos’s mental barriers.
“Beloved,” he breathed before he could stop himself, and at her look of confusion he elaborated. “You have asked me many times what ‘k’diwa’ means. It means beloved.”
The Ambassador had never seen her so surprised. His Hunger drew back as anxiety crept in. Was he really so inadequate that the mere possibility of his affection was a shock? He should not have revealed the truth. Illogical old fool.
“I apologize. The use of such a familiar term of endearment is highly inappropriate. I intended no offen–” He was abruptly silenced by the feeling of delicate heat covering his lips.
It took him a moment to determine what was happening, but once he did, he realized that she...was kissing him. Allowing his mind to touch hers for barely a second, he confirmed that she did not hate him...that in fact, she felt a depth of affection for him that rivaled his own feelings. By the time they broke for breath, they were both blushing.
“Nam-tor ri thrap wilat nem-tor rim,” she murmured. There is no offense where none is taken. Surak’s wisdom from her lips was the sweetest gift she could have ever bestowed upon him.
Beneath the simulated light of Vulcan’s stars, Tos cupped the back of his love’s head and kissed her so tenderly that even the deepest, loneliest depths of his Hunger purred in satisfaction. When she hummed against his lips and looped her arms around his neck, the Ambassador was certain that her former suitor would soon be all but forgotten.
Vulcan Words:
ashaya = love
k’diwa = beloved
Nam-tor ri thrap wilat nem-tor rim. = There is no offense where none is taken. (Surak)
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novice-crow · 3 months ago
I'm not the first, and with out a doubt not the last, but I edited Amanda and Sarek into a bunch of vintage paintings/illustrations your welcome. (I made way too many but whatever lol)
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The Whitman's add is my favorite but I think all of them turned out pretty okay.
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ncc-1701-uss-enterprise · 4 months ago
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and they’re all autistic
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dykespirk · 6 months ago
10/10 funniest Spock moment is when he accidentally tells everyone he went blind bc he forgot he has an extra set of eyelids.
he ACTUALLY thought that HE, himself, was permanently blinded before going, 20 minutes later, “OH FUCK! I can see again”
normally that’s something Spock would do just to fuck with everyone but this time he also had his ass handed to him because he couldn’t remember HIS OWN NUMBER OF EYELIDS
best Vulcan ever. I know Starfleet is still telling stories about him to this day
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abbycadoodle · 10 months ago
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I think about Amanda and baby Spock quite a lot actually ,,,
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starberry-cupcake · 3 months ago
love love love all of the shenanigans in the voyage home and how they went like "time continuity? not altering the future? no time for that, we've got to save the whales!"
highlights of jim and bones trying to encourage spock to explore his humanity
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and his parents being like *gently push him towards his friends in the playground*
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bonus: jim's little fruity stand waiting for spock really got me
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not pictured: a hospital heist to save chekov, scotty building an aquarium inside a klingon ship, uhura infiltrating a military vessel, sulu charming a guy to steal a helicopter
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lichqueenlibrarian · 6 months ago
Reading Star Trek novels, expectation: will enjoy fun adventures, probably a resurgence of a teenage crush on Spock.
Reading Star Trek novels, reality: massive crush on Sarek.
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groovy-lady · 19 days ago
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Spock my T’hy’la!
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ccxssi · 8 months ago
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Father in law😔🖖
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schn-tgai-saavik · 4 months ago
Thinking about how Spock, during his ambassadorship, worked on the reunification of Vulcan and Romulus.
Thinking about Saavik, half-Vulcan and Romulan, a captain in Starfleet, accompanying him on diplomatic missions as Starfleet's representative.
Thinking about how we could have gotten Robin Curtis as Saavik in Star Trek (2009) if I had written it and decided that no, Spock isn't going all alone deliver the red matter to the supernova.
Thinking about Robin Curtis in her Saavik costume at STLV in 2019 with Ethan Peck.
I have many thoughts.
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wiz4rdkiss3r · 8 days ago
Do you think Sarek ever asked Amanda to peg him
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raisins-n-space · 6 months ago
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i can’t find a better quality version but like. young sarek and amanda. do u see my vision ya
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novice-crow · 6 months ago
Okay this has been rattling around in my brain for a few days.
So, Spock calling them marshmellons is really friggin funny and adorable, but I don’t think Sarek would let his kid walk around saying the incorrect word for something.
Which means, either Amanda gave Spock marshmallows as like a secret “don’t tell your father” treat,
The subject of marshmallows never came up, thus Sarek never corrected him,
Sarek was feeling un-Vulcany and thought it was cute and let it run on for too long,
or Sarek also thinks they are called marshmellons, possibly because of misreading/misteanslating Earth Standered and Amanda never corrected him, thus leading him not to correct Spock.
Idk any thoughts?
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starrylol · 2 months ago
If you draw anything with Spock and/or Sarek and/or Amanda celebrating Channukah I will literally love you forever I'm so serious
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Well I finally managed to get round to drawing this, don’t mind that it took a year ANYWAY, happy holidays everyone!🎄🕎
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dykespirk · 1 month ago
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“I am what I am, Leila. If there are self-made purgatories, mine can be no worse than someone else’s.”
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