#am i the asshole LMAO
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enchanted-moura · 9 days ago
My mom offered to do my hair instead of me going to the salon, she said she has been learning on YouTube. I feel a way because she's been judging me for going to beauty school but these are million dollar skills. Anyway she used me as a test dummy & it looks nice, but I think i'm willing to spend money on peace & relaxation elsewhere instead of letting Maleficient do it idk
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cityfreak · 2 months ago
mama raised a quitter
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wanologic · 9 months ago
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reminder to take care of your loser human body
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krysmcscience · 10 months ago
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Call this the Whoopsie AU (it's barely an AU)
I mean. Narinder never explicitly SAID the Lamb would stay dead... :3c He probably should have been more specific. >:3c
Part Two:
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Well. The Lamb tried, but...sorry, Nari, the crown hates you now. Shouldn't have been so quick to lend it out, I guess. :D
Aaaand Part Three:
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'Isn't he just adorable?' -The Lamb, probably, while their followers smile and nod and internally scream at the brand new hellcat they now have to share living space with...
Anyway, nothing says 'Dead To Me' like following a person around to loudly remind them of how dead they are to you. Right? Right. Narinder's got this all figured out. <:]
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zrllosyn-art · 8 months ago
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Pocket hoshinyas! From this morning but colored in a lil bit (th idea is mainly from th kn8 discord, thank u all for fueling this lmao)
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thesora · 1 year ago
The Murderbot Diaries are finally being translated into my first language (Finnish) and I was super curious to see how ART’s name was going to be handled. So, I finally read Artificial Condition, and its name is Aivan Raivostuttava Tutkimuspaatti which translates to an Extremely Annoying Research-boat !
And it got me wondering how other translations have approached ART’s name. Has there been an effort to preserve the letters A, R and T or has ART been given a completely new acronym? Or has the original English name been kept?
Please let me know!!
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stellarknightz · 10 days ago
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Shoutout to Magneto mains 🙏🏽
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nobodybetterlookatme · 3 months ago
Saw asshole earlier today and he sneezed bc it was dusty and my immediate response was "lmao gross" as it always is, but then he fucking goes "some people get off on that, you know" and naturally I was horrified 😭 but he laughed at the face I made probably bc he though I was scandalized, and he doubled down with "yeah some people think sneezing is sexy so you're welcome" LIKE DOES HE KNOW. DOES HE KNOW OR IS HE JUST MAKING FUN OF ME
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utilitycaster · 6 months ago
Still thinking about Ludinus but also like, quite a number of other characters past and present in CR and other actual plays and something that really continues to baffle me is that a very common theme in D&D actual play is "hey, if you are really brash and obnoxious and unpleasant towards others, they might not like you," and most of the fandom usually gets it because we teach this in preschools and kindergartens around the world. but a small percentage are like "ah but what if they are righteous in their reasons for their unpleasantness and had a bad childhood" and it's like "well that's not really relevant because they're still being unpleasant to people so because of people still might not like them," and they do not get it. Like just a weird incapacity to understand that if you are sufficiently shitty towards people for a sufficient amount of time they will probably not want to spend any more time around you, regardless of the reason for your behavior.
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AITA for abandoning my party in the middle of a notoriously tough dungeon?
i (26m) was playing ffxiv and had just unlocked a new dungeon. all my friends were asleep and i was too excited to wait, so i decided to go against my social anxiety and run it with randos.
the scant handful times i'd run dungeons with randos before went great - earlier that day after another dungeon i'd even gotten player commendations from two of the players in a party i was healing for - so i was more or less confident this time would be fine as well.
boy oh boy was i wrong...
i got matched with three players we will simply call tank, healer, and dps (age and gender unknown for all three). i went in as a bard (all my other jobs were too underlevelled), filling the remaining dps role.
things went awry almost as soon as we set foot in that dungeon. i died in the first room to some enemies that aggro'd on me and ganged up on me. the rest of the party left the room pretty much immediately after all enemies were dead.
i politely asked to be resurrected, to which healer reluctantly complied. they told me to "just rez next time", which would've sent me to the beginning of the dungeon. in hindsight that would've prolly been fine since it was only the first room.
after i caught up to the others i once again got swarmed with monsters. this is gonna be a pattern if you couldn't tell. after i'd died to this pattern a couple times tank yelled at me for "constantly pulling everything ffs".
for those who don't know, tanks (at least in this game) have a special ability that basically acts as an aggro magnet. i have a strong suspicion tank wasn't using said ability considering how often i got swarmed, but we'll never know for sure.
now the mid boss was where it truly went to shit. no matter how much of a distance i kept from that damn thing, no matter how well i evaded its aoe attacks, i just kept dying over and over again. one time the rest of the party even got sent back somehow. i'm not sure how.
and why did i keep dying you may ask? because healer never healed me. not once after they resurrected me at the beginning did i notice my hp go up aside from when i used hi-potions or my one (1) healing spell, both of which have a very long cooldown. i think they were glued to tank the entire time, completely neglecting me and dps.
and yet, i was the one taking the blame for everything. for pulling the enemies tank should've pulled. for constantly dying, which i couldn't help because healer never once touched me after that first resurrection.
it was really starting to affect me so after i let my dead body be sent back to the beginning of the dungeon i finally put my foot down and left the dungeon. this disbanded the party, not only kicking everyone from the dungeon, but likely also penalizing all 4 of us because of my actions.
i will clarify that this wasn't just any old dungeon; it was aurum vale. it's a dungeon you need to be at least level 47 for. while i don't know much about it myself, judging by the way my friends talk about it the semi-universal verdict is that it sucks major balls. it' would's not be a fun dungeon to have to redo, that's for sure.
i was on the verge of tears for well over 30 minutes afterwards, both from the emotional afterquakes of fear and anger but also from the guilt of abandoning these people like that.
so, am i the asshole? am i too sensitive? should i just have sucked it up and kept going?
tldr; i felt like my party of randos were blaming me for being the weakest link while doing their own jobs poorly, and decided to prioritize my own feelings by leaving the dungeon, dissolving the party and forcing the others to start all over again
Oh no. Oh honey. I am so sorry Aurum Vale is just like that. I'm gonna put the poll here and some extra INFO/advice under a readmore because it's a bit long, but please read on before voting.
First: don't let leaving bother you too much, it didn't kick everyone from the dungeon, that's not how it works. If one person leaves, the queue just refills the party with a new person and the dungeon continues like normal, or everyone else now has the option to leave without penalty.
Aurum Vale's first room is a motherfucker--basically it's an older design with lots of wandering monsters, so on the first room especially you need to hug the left hand wall as tight as you can to aggro as little as possible. Let the tank go first and grab aggro on mobs. Don't pull for the tank, especially at this level range. Let them do their job. I can't say for sure whether they had their aggro-generating stance on, could go either way, but I can see why they got annoyed at someone pulling stuff they weren't ready for yet. While wall-to-wall pulling is pretty standard in this game, that's the tank's call to make, not the dps's--and some of these older dungeons with funky level syncing or enemy pacing make wall-to-walling more difficult and not for everyone.
(BTW, as an aside, tank stance works as a personal buff, not a magnet--they do still need to hit things to grab their aggro, sometimes more than once if someone else has already established on them. If they already have a pack they're working on and you grab something way on the other side of the room, you'll have to bring it over to them so they can take it off you!)
If you do die to mobs between bosses, sometimes the best thing to do is just release and respawn! If you get a rez, you'll have a debuff that makes you weaker for a while. Definitely if it's the very first room, releasing is the move most of the time.
As for dying to bosses: was it definitely the mid boss, the cyclops? Because the other two (the plant and the morbol) both have mechanics that make you take slow damage over time unless you eat a fruit to get rid of it. You want to eat a fruit every 2-3 stacks of the debuff that you get because that's where the damage starts to get more severe; before then, the healer can probably handle you.
Basically, it seems like this party mistook inexperience for malice and was rude to you in response. Not healing you, for example, is absolutely inexcusable. You did some things suboptimally that made the dungeon harder for the group, but honestly we were all there once, don't let it get to you too much. Try it again with your friends bearing the stuff I mentioned in mind, and it'll go much better! But as an aside it SUCKS to heal, if you have a more experienced friend you should let them handle it haha
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altschmerzes · 1 month ago
seen one too many snide posts about this in the last week or so but did you know that if you don't enjoy scenes in smut establishing consent or checking in then you simply don't have to read them and you don't have to go online and whine about how they're Consent Posturing and Purity Culture and Sanitizing Everything and God Just Kill Me Now. like you can have a preference without making it into a three act morality play, which is ironically what you are accusing other people of doing.
the same goes for like, detailed content warnings on fics. or content warnings at all. you can just skip those. they're not a sign of Purity Culture Gone Too Far or Those Damn Puriteens or whatever. you can dislike things without being an asshole about them or implying they're Taking Away What's Good And Correct About Fic Or Creativity.
#gav gab#sex ment#there's a running thread in the L2L cinematic universe shower sex fic#about consent and checking in and like. being cautious and careful and Aware of the other party#and whether they want to be doing what they're doing#and it is there for a reason and it is extremely meaningful to the context of what's happening#and if i see one more post mocking the entire concept of addressing consent in a fic#i am gonna heap my lid#i really do think 'consent posturing' is one of the most enraging phrases i've ever seen online tbh#and there's some stiff competition#like. wrow. lot going on THERE.#i just hate that i'm so anxious about this part of this fic#i mean im anxious about the whole thing for various reasons but#seeing those posts some of which have been reblogged by people whose opinions i do respect#has made me really embarrassed and worried about honestly one of the most Meaningful parts of this fic#and i feel like i need to pre-emptively go on the defensive or else people will think it's Bad and Stupid and He Would Not Fucking Say That#etc etc etc#like i have to pre-emptively defend myself against accusations of bad writing#and i know the answer is just to care less about Posts On Line but i would like to cordially suggest perhaps the answer is also#stop being an asshole about a preference and asserting it like it is not in fact a preference#but is instead you speaking some kind of Good Take onto the stupid brain rotted puriteen masses or whatever#i am doing better about not letting the ocd win and caring less about Posts#whatever it may appear lmao i Am doing better with that#but that doesn't mean those posts arent still mean and shitty#and generalizing a lot of weird shit into things like#'establishing consent in a sex scene' which apparently is Inherently Boring And Annoying
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teddybeartoji · 7 months ago
i love love love when suguru is some lovesick sweetheart buuut... the temptation to make him into a piece of shit is soo strong lmao IT'S JUST SO FUNNNN OKAY he can be so awful<33333333333
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romanaxe · 3 months ago
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I did a "Alastor in your current outfit" prompt a while back, and now here's a Lucifer version
[one w/ v simplified version of my tattoos below cut]
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sunscall · 1 year ago
my favourite thing about macdennis is their weird domestic habits like wdym they rented all their furniture for more than two decades instead of buying them. they rented the predator movie each time too even though it's their favourite movie that they've watched 30 times in the last two months. mac peels dennis' apples for him and dennis isn't allowed to eat apples with them. they have monthly dinners that they look forward to where they dress nicely and go to fancy restaurants. MONTHLY. mac only knows how to cook boxed mac and cheese and dennis screams at him for this but doesn't consider taking up cooking himself ofc. they make a room in their suburbs house a trash room and paste fresherners all over the room bc they don't know how to just take out the trash like normal people. they need two rooms and two bathrooms at minimum as a home, and bc they can't find that, they'd rather sleep with dee and an old man in one bed in a house with only one bathroom. the fact that basically nothing in their house before the fire belonged to mac, and dennis supposedly hates living with mac and yet still does even though they're pushing 50. they seem to share their finance, and dennis tells mac to stop buying the rock drinks using it. dennis lets mac massage his pecs and dye his hair. they do all this and yet dennis acts like mac is insane for acting like they're a couple.
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aita-blorbos · 3 months ago
AWTA for cursing a rival wizard group with a wicked migraine spell?
We (Group of wizards) have been outdone yet again by our rivals, so we decided to sabotage them with a migraine spell, impeding their ability to look at screens
The other wizard groups complained that we went too far and should have stuck with something more harmless, like draining their devices of power or infiltrating their headquarters with bugs, but our leader thinks our curse left no harm done.
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incipientdreamer · 1 year ago
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