#i need to get better at coloring orz
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zrllosyn-art · 8 months ago
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Pocket hoshinyas! From this morning but colored in a lil bit (th idea is mainly from th kn8 discord, thank u all for fueling this lmao)
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batbabydamian · 6 months ago
Omg did you see Damian's story in the super pets special 😭?? Like on the one hand it's cute (WIGGLES THE DRAGON NOW CANONICALLY NAMED WIGGLES THE DRAGON LETS GOO) but also so sad?? Between this and the dex-starr story the super pets special had no right to get to me lmao
was bag n boarding comics and thought of your ask, so read Super-Pets: Bitedentity Crisis again 🥺
“Refuge” still makes me wail especially with how Damian addresses each of his pets with sm regret 😭
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PKJ needs to bring them back bc i can’t live with this being their last appearance by losing trust in Damian orz THOSE ARE HIS BABIES
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Dex-Starr in “The Little Cat” was nice for similar somber reasons BUT i just did a small dive into who exactly Dexter was bc HUH it sounds like it’s better when knowing his history! AND OK YEAH I GOT MORE SAD 😭 TY FOR MENTIONING HIM BUT AWGH 😭
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Green Lantern (2005) #55 Dexter swearing revenge on the one that killed his owner…his lil tears… he tried to protect her too!! i feel ill
context for others: Dexter’s owner was killed in a home invasion, and after Dexter was pushed out into the streets, he’s grabbed by randos to dump him in a river for fun - became a red lantern mid-drop 💀 HE’S A GOOD KITTY 😭
also been really into Christopher Mitten’s dreamy style with Dan Watters more storybook-like writing in this and “Aleasa”!!
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first and last page of Detective Comics (2016) #1080 backup…phew
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qloof · 1 month ago
I need to know what is going to happen with Ashton? grabs your shoulders!!
you are infecting me with the Ashton beyblade brainrot, i think about him an unnecessary amount /pos
GAHHH ASHTON BEYBLADE GAHHHHRHRGGAHHA i have been unwell for the past 2-3 days all my thoughts are consumed by ashton beyblade…..mostly about his backstory and why he becomes really cold before and during the new Team Dungeon vs Team Canada tournament (i haven't figured out a name for the Canadian team yet orz). I've already sent it to you earlier chalk but im gonna talk about him and his brother here since i dont think I've talked about it on tumblr yet.
Ashton's older brother (i dont have a name for him yet </3) was a regular member on the Canadian team years ago during the first world championships. his bey was based on the Rangifer constellation. the first team they battled against was Starbreaker, and Ashton's brother went up against Damian. that battle broke his brother Ryuga v Hikaru style he quit blading altogether and cut beyblade out of his life completely. Ashton was devastated by this. not only did he witness such a traumatizing battle, but the thing that bonded him and his brother together the most was severed. despite his attempts to cheer his older brother up, he never came back to it. determined to one day get his brother's blader's spirit back, he carried an image of what was once his brother's blader's spirit with him in his training and it manifested into the other half of his bey, Dancer Wapiti. the blue half of Ashton's bey is a reindeer, while the orange half is an elk.
Ashton of course has fun with Beyblade and makes relationships through it, and not all days blading before the second vs-USA tournament was he reminded of that battle, but the hopes of one day bringing his brother back to beyblade was one of his biggest motivators, and when he got wind that the WBBA would be hosting another world tournament for the first time in almost a decade it almost became his only motivator. The emotions of sadness, anger, and resentment that had been buried for years swelled back up again. Ashton believes that if he wins against Team Dungeon, his brother might be inspired to pick blading back up again.
He and Alban come across Jayce and Voxel before the tournament day, and Ashton acts coldly towards them in their battle, so much so he ruthlessly sends Voxel's bey flying into a wall behind him and Jayce. Vita is able to interrupt the battle before anymore damage is caused and anymore blading secrets are revealed. (Vita mentionnnn Ashton and vita are familiar with each other actually they battled in mini tournaments between the USA and Canada when they were younger).
skipping a little bit ahead ashton beyblade does break free from his mindset during his battle against vita :] during it, the reindeer half of his bey spirit disappears and is replaced with the other half of his elk (still blue though <3)
OTHER THAN HIS COLDNESS TOWARDS THOSE 14 YEAR OLDS…..ashton can be a pretty stoic guy, intimidating even if he doesn't mean to be, but he does have a soft side esp when it comes to his teammates (even if they call him mr. no funny business <3),,and esp Alban...even though half of the things that fox does would annoy him if anyone else did them lmfao
anyways ! i have this incomplete sketch i doodled today,,it's probably a little hard to tell without color but i tried drawing wapiti's halves. i need to get better at drawing elk and reindeer adjdjdjdjdj their facial structures are different. there's also a second doodle that i drew a last year before i thought about the split deer idea ! wapiti holds a hoop bcus ashton is a hoop dancer !
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hapfish · 8 months ago
Hey! I'm making a F!Leo cosplay and I was wondering if you have any advice for how to do the shell? The plastron, specifically. Yours was amazing! Ty xx
Yeah of course!!! Luckily the rise plastrons are very geometric so its pretty easy to make a pattern from it! I dont have pictures of early steps so pls bear with me <3 info n pictures below the cut
First thing i did was make a pattern of my torso with plastic wrap and tape so i could see the curve of my stomach and chest. Cant say this helped a TON, but i cant imagine things in my head, so it helped me conceptualize the size and dimensions i would need the front panels to be to cover my torso.
Next i started sketching small patterns for what the cut outs may look like. DEFINITELY make a paper pattern, this took a lot of trial and error and you dont want to waste too much foam. I cannot for the life of me find my paper patterns unfortunately, but hopefully you can see part of where im coming from with the detailed pictures of the plastron!! I made patters for 1/2 of the plastron, and flipped the patters over to make the other half mirrored and symetrical.
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Now the cutting. I used .7mm foam (i think?? I got it from micheals. Joann fabrics has some but only small sheets. If you want less seams you should get the bigger ones, or buy massive sheets online. EVA foam isnt too hard to find, but make sure your density and width is appropriate for what youre making. When actually cutting the pieces out, some cuts will be flat while others may work best at an angle. I used mostly 90* and 45* angles to make clean edges and corners.
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Bear with me bc the pictures in this next part are kinda uglie </3 ill explain why later.
For matching the curve of the body, i used a fresh blade and made shallow triangle cuts on the backside of the foam as can be seen here:
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It would have worked better if the chest pieces were also vurved by i was on a time crunch and didnt have the time to make a 3rd or fourth plastron (yes this was a second fully completed attempt orz). Im also a bigger dude so it may be easier if your torso is smaller. I also had the benefit of making my pants from scratch (using a demon slayer uniform pattern that i altered) so i made the waistband big enough to tuck the shell into, which helped with keeping it curved around my body.
(This but only applies to future leo and i did post gluing the pieces together, but for his Top Surgery Scars™️ i cut into the chest at a 45*angle, then glued those pieces back onto the back side to seal the cut)
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For gluing, i tried a whole lot of types but jothing worked as well as cement glue. It is toxic tho so make sure you do it outside or with good ventilation, and wear gloves/a mask. I did two layers on each edge then stuck the edges together, 3 if i noticed the foam absorbing it to much. Make sure you take the gluing slow and really put pressure on the pieces to lock them together. Follow the instructions and youll do fine.
For painting, i did 2 layers of modge podge, 1-2 priming layers (depends on if foam is white or black to start), and then whatever layers you need for a smooth coat of color. I topped it off with modgepodge again to seal it, but that may not have been the best idea for the following reasons....
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Well. It didnt always. Turns out when youre wearing approx 3 laters in the summer then cover your body with insulating foam, the heat and moisture makes the modgepodge MELT. and like i said before, this bottom portion was tucked into my pants so it did not breathe. I have yet to even try to find a solution but just keep it in mind when making your cosplay (and if you find a solution PLEASE LET ME KNOW! My one idea was tryna find a sealant that wont melt (obv) but idk what that would be)
And FINALLY. how to secure it to the body suit!! I used snaps!! So easy and nice (besides the melting issue but thats a different thing entirely.) They never came off or gave me problems (minus the melting) and made the shells easy to transfer/travel with and put on.
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(Heres a pic of them on the suit sewn in by hand, and above you can see them on the shell itself.)
All in all, The plastron was so so hard and im honestly still not happy with it, planning to remake it before i wear him again. Please show me your cosplay when you finish it, id love to see!! Please lemme know if you have any other questions!! 🐢💙
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nabaath-areng · 6 months ago
People I want to get to know better
(Was tagged by @semper-miles and @sealrock, thank you! ♡)
Last Song: 'Fat Fetishism' with The Piass (don't look up without lowering your volume first just in case LOL) (Random tangent but seeing them live will forever be one of the best things I've ever experienced... I need to frame the stickers I put together on my old calendar cover. Honestly I'd love it if I ever got another chance to watch them perform, seeing that they've only done lives since the one I went to back in... oh my god 2012 what IS time—)
Favorite Color: Pinks, preferably light and pastel though I do love hot/neon pink too. Other people usually expect it to be black considering the way I've always dressed IRL (which is to various extents reflected in my OCs), and I do like black! But what I like to put on myself vs what I like to surround myself with (like my room, personal belongings, everyday items etc) differs and therefore I'm overwhelmingly surrounded by pink lol
Currently Watching: ... Honestly I tried to start multiple things many months ago but my ADHD makes watching anything an actual nightmare and if I finish a whole series, especially if it's long? You can bet that I'll barely remember anything orz So I guess in order for me to answer the question should be "what's the last thing you tried to watch" which would be Heavenly Delusion (hoping to finish it but I can only watch things properly in my gf's direct presence and we're long distance sooo...) (Though last year something possessed me and I watched the entire SVSSS donghua start to finish several episodes in a row without losing focus even once and I'm still riding that high. I suppose it helped that I'd already read the whole novel lol)
Last Movie: Movies are a bit easier for me (due to them having a very clear cut run time for me to mentally prepare for beforehand) but they're still subject to the same problems as the previous question... and I think the last one I watched was Ghibli's Castle in the Sky about a year ago or so (my favorite movie also)
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Love all three, could never pick just one!!!! And for that matter, LOVE sour.
Relationship Status: In a relationship with @amberwound !!!!
Current Obsessions: My new desktop and the fact that I can have more than one game installed at a time on it. I've also been stuck in HSR cause something about the combat just scratches my brain in a way I can't explain...
Last Thing in my Search History: 'Svenskt lejon' to show friend lmao
Tagging: @fourfoldfires @amberwound @captainqster @ahollowgrave @mythandral @witcherbatard @apheliondusk @yloiseconeillants @tsupertsundere @draculas-husband @neoma-eltanin @ffxivtribehydrae @tinolqa @magicalyams @unfotp @cytherae-rubin (I bet more than half of these won't actually get properly tagged with no way to correct it cause this always happens when I tag people and this website might just hate me--)
+ anyone else who wants to! Consider yourself tagged by me!
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grief-worn · 7 months ago
munday: getting to know you ! ! !
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Respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
ROLEPLAYER NAME: addi, or sometimes i go by glacier.
MUSE NAME: on this blog; shadowheart.
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: gay hand-holding and parallel play. alternatively; here on tumblr (asks/dms/etc) or on discord if we're friends/good mutuals!
EXPERIENCE: i think my very first roleplay was on gmail chat, pfft. but i also did stuff on deviantart, IRC chatrooms, forums, skype/discord, and this one roleplay site i will not name because it's genuinely awful. (no it's not f-list). i have pretty limited experience writing on tumblr. just recently got back into it here after having a kinda meh experience in the resident evil fandom.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: not sure if this means like ... 3rd person? or like ... paragraph length? or what, but i'm open to pretty much anything! i'm super open-minded. i don't even dislike the infamous 1st person writing style, as someone who hungrily consumes reader insert fanfics.
PET PEEVES AND DEAL-BREAKERS: kind of a hard one to answer, but here's what i can think of off the top of my head:
guilt by association: dealt with a bit of this in another fandom. just because i'm writing with someone doesn't mean i'm aware of their issues. curate who you follow and what you see on your dash for sure, i will always understand quietly blocking to maintain your own peace, but i've gotten mixed up in some weird stuff just because i ended up writing with the wrong person.
heavy formatting: this isn't like, that big of a deal-breaker, i just specifically have poor eyesight and difficulty reading/processing words if there's a bunch of different fonts, and font sizes, and colors, and whatnot. definitely might be something i ask people to tone down, but it doesn't really make me mad haha.
soft blocking instead of hard blocking: i'm pretty stupid. please make it obvious if you don't wanna interact anymore! otherwise i won't realize and i'll probably accidentally make it worse orz.
vagueposting/sub-tweeting: that stuff is kinda mean and weird. i don't like seeing it!
PLOTS OR MEMES: either one is awesome, but they both definitely have their contextual uses! sometimes a bit of talking beforehand is nice, sometimes i like just winging it. they're both fun!!
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: again, they're both fun. long replies are sort of harder to get to since they take so long to write but sometimes that's exactly what i want; to get lost in a reply for like 2 hours straight. not sure if i have a preference, it's just that short replies are faster and therefore fit better into my daily schedule, but that doesn't mean i don't love dumping my text walls <3
BEST TIME TO WRITE: unfortunately i've found that writing at 4am when everyone is asleep is a WONDERFUL time for my creativity hehe. i wish i could write as good in the daylight hours lol !!!
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE: yes and no. personality wise; not really. we're both kind of goofy deep, deep down. and i project a lot of myself onto her, but i think that's just because her story and trauma resonate with me very strongly! i try not to like, overwrite her character and inject too much of my own stuff. i honestly just have the biggest, fattest crush on her and i need more of her in whatever way i possibly can have. i guess we both love animals. but i'd never have such ugly bangs. ew, shadowheart.
tagged by: @astralrogue (thank you very much!)
tagging: whoever wants to do this :3 it's sharing a lot of ooc info so i don't wanna pressure peeps!!!
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xenomeowph · 2 years ago
okay im gonna pony up and actually do this, but i need some help fairly badly
at the start of april a feral cat crawled into an engine and in my efforts to get it out, it bit me on the hand something gnarly. to save face i’m not gonna post pictures of the wound itself but rather the notes from my medical visit
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anyways, what this summarizing down to is that i have 5k in medical debt because i got bit by a cat
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as such with my current payment plan i am paying 200+ dollars a month in order to pay this off, my insurance already drained me of 600 dollars earlier this month in regards to a DIFFERENT medical bill.
i’m a bisexual trans man living in the middle of nowhere, im working on getting a better job in the city but as of current i will need to drive 40+ miles every day to get to work, and many jobs out here only are intaking with experience in specialized fields or pay less than what im making now (12/hr)
i’m not looking to pay this off entirely on mutual aid, but at least pay it down some so that i don’t have to lean on my parents for the next couple months, because i will be expected to pay them back twofold if i do so. if i can get this down to 100 dollars a month that would be infinitely more manageable. in addition i have two cavities i need to get filled at the end of this month (june) so truly anything helps!!
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i only get about 400 dollars a pay check right now so this would totally wipe me out!!! if you want sketches, or small colored commissions in trade i can do that, please ask for examples and i can share orz
my vnmo is @ djslime and my csapp is $internetwizard, if you only have paypal please dm me and i can send you mine- it has my deadname attached!!! if you need more proof feel free to dm too
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chalkythetalkie · 21 days ago
10 people I'd like to get to know better: tagged by my dear @yamcat!!!
Last song: Not Like Us by Kendrick Lamar
Last book: Hour of the Star by Clarice Lispector. I didn't read much this past year (really want to rectify that in 2025 tho!) but this one is always a comfort read
Last movie: went to the theater yesterday with my bf and we watched My Favorite Cake, by Iranian directors Maryam Moghaddam and Behtash Sanaeeha. These filmmakers are currently paying a high price for their bravery in making this daring movie (arrested under multiple charges, prohibited from work/travel). It a lovely, deeply moving, at times very funny film, and I enjoyed it so much.
Last TV show: i think it was Unorthodox, the Netflix miniseries from 2020. It was alright, but i didn't feel much stirred by it.
Last thing I searched: "Bloom's taxonomy" bc i'm currently on a government scholarship to become a preceptor for future family medicine residents, and the subject of this month's module is andragogy/how to teach adults... honestly it's a pretty heavy workload orz but at least i'm getting paid
Favorite color: i LOVE yellow!!!
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: used to have a huge sweet tooth but lately i'm more of a savory/spicy girl
Relationship status: it'll be my bf and I's 1-year anniversary on February 28th!!
Looking forward to: I'm looking forward to presenting my final paper tomorrow and graduating residency at the end of the month FINALLY 🙌🙌 I'm also moving in with my boyfriend this month, which is very exciting! (his apartment needs a lot of repairs but we'll handle it)
Current obsessions: i've been crocheting a LOT (mainly out of stress but it's all very useful household items that are needed in my new home) and watching so many history documentaries on WWII for some reason
Tagging: anyone who sees it and wants to take part in it!!
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sketchehm · 1 month ago
after initially not liking bbd!sapnap much, he grows on goncho a lot. goncho's actually the one to give him most of the golden apple slices cause the adults are low-key worried about effects on the toddler but goncho doesnt really think this through. this makes sapnap ofc go insane whenever goncho's around (pavlovian response) but also in general like thats his big brother.. there's smth cooler about being w your big brother than one of your million dads come on. you know in that saving Christmas event where goncho died at the very beginning? well for like the entire hour before that sapnap and goncho were like. glued together which was hilarious bc although sapnap is mechanically quite capable idt either of them had a clue of what was happening. I imagine that that's basically their dynamic in the bbdau.
anyways I also like to imagine spreen getting really aggravated that this little goblin creature is also stealing his son now. and of course shadoune serpias and farfa dramatically going ohhhh I see I'm not cool anymore 😔.. the hypes worn down 🥲🥲.. im just not as exciting as I was :( my son fucking hates me.. (insert the miette tweet here 😭😭)
I can really imagine when like those mission pops happen baby Sapnap is thrilled just cause he likes the noise and the colors of the roulette, but then a giant paragraph will appear and it's just his "Como??"
He'll look at Goncho and Goncho will also shrug like, idk kid let's ask Conter pfft
Like a funny situation I imagine is Goncho not knowing about needing sunscreen(and no one tells him cause he can like....actually read that it's needed) and the baby is like >:0!! You can't go outside without this!!! Goncho will be like....why???
"Uhhh.......No se! Shadouni said!!"
"Ah pues no lo necesito, cosas de bebe seguro"
Anyways I think the baby would be very entertained by Goncho having a severe sunburn, just poking him and seeing Goncho yelp pfft
Baby sapnap will also always want to help Goncho put on his sunscreen after that hehe and Goncho in turn will help the baby put on his own sunscreen too :3
But I do imagine a silly relationship like....the baby is somehow more keen on things than this older "grown up". Like I can't tell you how many times my own younger siblings just knew better than me pfft I think it really helps identifying each other as Equals if that makes sense heh
Cause I'm also significantly older than my siblings (8 and 13 years older to brother and sister respectively) and I do spoil them more than my parents pfft Like I'm always giving them cookies I buy for myself cause I want to and now it's them two just entering my room randomly and asking for cookies pfft(when I have none too) like despite being Older and Adult, I am still Sibling so I am one of Them pfft
I can imagine that's how it is for baby Sapnap and Goncho with the golden apple slices hehe Its Sapnap constantly excited by the prospect of something yummy :3 Sapnap will want to share with Goncho too and give him back one slice so they can eat together!!
Also, Spreen going a little insane seeing everyone slowly fall in love with this gremlin thing. He is just a grown man jealous of a toddler and it's endlessly entertaining for the guys to witness. It's not until the guys ask Sapnap who he wants to hang out with on a particular day (shadoune thinking he's got this in the bag) and it's a very surprising "GONCHO :D!!"
All of them. Distraught.
Them: oh. Haha. Oh ok. We'll just....go die in a corner over there haha. If you need us....We'll be there...........
Goncho: please don't do this, it's just for today
The guys: the baby hates us fr fr orz *despair*
Goncho: guys....
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nyannerpudding · 5 months ago
I'm really not used to this stuff, but @nighternex tagged me in one of those "get to know me better posts"! I'm really happy a mutual would like to know me better so, here we go! ;v;
Last Song: Come Along - Cosmo Sheldrake
Fav color: Greens, creams, and caramels!
Currently watching: I haven't watched a series proper in a long time, but recently I've been into long-form youtube videos! Stuff like Pointy Hat, Tale Foundry, and Jacob Geller. They're wonderful to listen to on the background of whatever you're doing and I've learned a lot of interesting stuff through them.
Last movie: Kung Fu Hustle
Sweet/spicy/savoury: Sweet for sure! I actually enjoy baking a lot and have a big ol' pie cooking up as we speak.
Current obsessions: DCA (bigtime), DnD (I'm finally in my first ever campaign), FFXIV, Pokémon, writing exercises.
Tea or Coffee: Tea. I really can't handle bitter flavors orz
Last thing you googled: Rhabdophobia (a friend was playing Fear and Hunger and we needed to figure out what the heck that meant)
I won't be tagging many people, but I encourage anyone to freely pluck this up and try it out! However, I am gonna slap @muttonbones with this because I want y'all to meet my gorgeous bae u3u
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rollychan · 1 year ago
Tag Meme
Tag people you want to catch up with/get to know better
Was tagged by @illwynd :D Took a bit to sit down and do this but here it is!
Last song: let me quickly check my VLC player on the phone cause my memory is a sieve orz Oh, it was A Kind of Magic by Queen. I tend to not listen to music a lot because my living situation currently is such that the TV in the next room is on basically all day and that's more sound than I can bear so no additional sound for me, which includes music, unfortunately.
Last film: uuuuuh it was probably Elemental when I was visiting my brother and his wife, it's actually not bad, nice family dynamics in there, but also nothing special if I'm honest (it did make me tear up a bit because the emotional weight was definitely there, or maybe the main theme hits a bit too close to home, Idk, but yeah)
Current/last read: I am embarrassed to say that I'm still on Blow-Up by Cortázar (a book @illwynd actually gifted me, double RIP to me) because I'm an idiot who can't move her ass to read anymore even though I've absolutely fallen in love with the stories, especially Axolotl. I really need to sit down again and continue.
Currently watching: my computer screen. That's sadly not a joke because, well, I'm a software dev and also currently working on my final thesis in Augmented/Mixed/Virtual Reality, so most of my time is spent in front of the screen. Other than that I'm not really watching any series (what the question is probably about?) though I'd like to try the One Piece live action show at some point because it actually looks good. Knowing me I'll probably watch it in five years or so lol (late-to-the-party syndrome, I have it)
Current obsessions: ironically, despite my problem with too much sound currently, I have started playing the (classical/acoustic) guitar in August (minus quite a few weeks because I just can't get rid of being ill, I hate it and I just want to be healthy pls), which is a lot of fun, and the history of the instrument is so interesting that I ended up learning about so many string instruments, it's not even funny lol I watched a more than 2-hour long video about how a classical guitar is built and am preparing for watching how an electric guitar is built (another 2+ hour video). I may have a problem. On another note, I got into Paleo Pines, which is a really cute 3D farming sim with dinos. Can only recommend, befriending dinos in different colors is very good for my mental health because they're very cute (especially the pride flag colored ones).
Tagging @iamnmbr3, @iamanartichoke, @tanelorn8615, @firethesound, @papercactuss, @derjemand, @j2stwincestiel, @autheane, and last but not least @kael1030 (only if any of you want to, of course) and also everyone who sees this and wants to do this (I only tagged my mutuals, and also feel free to put me as the tagger if you want!)
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yooptheyotewe · 2 years ago
tagged by @skeletood to get to know ppl better !!! Omfg i used to love these thank you so much
rules: tag 10 people you want to know better!
Relationship status: Taken and happy ^^
Fav Color: GREEN hooray!!!!
Song stuck in your head: Soramimi Cake by Oranges & Lemons
Last song you listened to: Samba de Orfeau (from “Black Orpheus” by Breno Mello and Marpessa Dawn !! Not really sure what its from but discover weekly hit this week
3 fav foods: spaghetti bolognaise, tikki masala & Sweet and sour chicken ... they never miss, though i had a real hard time choosing between tikki masala and yellow curry. 
Last thing you googled: "html style element” ...orz
Dream trip: i need to take all of my friends where i grew up but it needs to be all seperate trips because i dont want to mix groups
Anything i want right now: more time oh my god i do not have enough time to do things
Currently watching: Chugging through Kodocha, and also the azumanga daioh anime at long last! I used to love the manga so im suprised it took me this long. 
Currently reading: A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara! started it a couple months ago but got busy :(
Current obsession: homestuck ocs....
@mechanical0hands @trickstermoon584 @yougotsstyle @mimegrime @pawsypop @g4stro @smoresinlondon @psyhcic @fenmizer @cosmichampster
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zhekiel · 12 days ago
10 people i'd like to get to know better tag game!
tagged by @sasheneskywalker
last song: GTG by Freddie Dredd on repeat because im fucking obsessed.
favorite color: depends on the day but i love dark reds
last book: Currently reading Hunger Pangs by the resident @/thebibliosphere
last game: Wuthering Waves, im not burnt out on that game and im trying to catch up on story and leveling so i can do combat events lmao orz
last show: ... do youtube shorts count? uhhhh. I don't watch TV. The last time I really watched a show was probably more than 8 years ago.
sweet/spicy/savory: spicy. I need more peppers in my life i just keep forgetting about them orz
relationship: engaged haha. Technically long distance atm
last thing i googled: common sowthistle (ID'd with seek). was doing the yard today and pulled out a bunch of these guys from the front lawn. Love them a lot <3 but my neighbors do not so they had to be sacrificed to my leaf mulch piles.
tags: @spellwell @melodyofthevoid @ hmm hmm idk i dont know who's up to doing these tbh. im trying to keep it dc-ish adjacent (lol mel) because uhh that seems to be my blog direction but @ whomever tbh
blank below the cut because this is kinda a pain in the ass
tagged by
last song:
favorite color:
last book:
last game:
last show:
last thing i googled:
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cyanoceans · 1 year ago
Tag someone you want to get to know better! Or just check in with.
tagged by @sparrowmoth ❤️ thank you, i enjoy doing these
favorite color: turquoise and pink
last song: actually the one you listened to because i checked it out hnskhfs (and liked it a lot) but before and after that rush by troye sivan because if i find a new song i like i need to loop it for at least 8 hours before i’ve had enough 😭
last movie: the barbie movie 🌸💕
currently watching: uhm… do cooking shows count because i’m watching school of chocolate and the ukrainian masterchef version with mom currently, our tastes differ so much that cooking/baking stuff is what we usually settle on. oh and if youtube counts, i’ve started watching a dnd campaign hsnnsbs the bg3 influence….. orz
other stuff i watched this year: shadow and bone s2 obviously oh and i really loved yellowjackets but i still have a few episodes left to watch of s2. rewatched a couple seasons of x-files which i need to get back to as well
shows i dropped this year: not sure if i can say i’ve fully dropped anything, more that i didn’t feel interested enough… i might still come back if i need distraction idk,,, but that’d be both the new witcher and heartstopper season
last book: well 🙃 i took quite a break so the last finished book would be crooked kingdom,,, but i’m currently slowly making my way through the gates of europe by serhii plokhy and dark rise by c.s. pacat
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windydrawallday · 4 months ago
This is a nice way to poke around peeps, batty buddy! Thanks for leaving this open to grab (I hope what I'm doing in replying like this is fine)
Alright, let's unpack:
Currently, I'm working on 6 sequential artworks for my usual rarepair because I have a month without doing something for them and since the past year I have this thing dated to be posted on 11/11 (tomorrow).
Tho, a few hours ago I finished setting up a cardboard box to be my new photoshoot lightbox... tho I will need to delay the testing of it because I discovered my trusty lightbulb lamp broke u_u
This was quite a sunny weekend! Today the sun was so strong it helped to dry clothes and of course, the glue and painting I applied to the cardboard box I mentioned before x) So, it was a productive weekend with what I can manage in my current creative energy.
You already know what project and why I'm excited about it coff ISAID-
I doubt you want to know how many WIPs I put off for years. LMAOOO, there are too many to count, but if I need to pick one, it's making a Meet the Artist sort of presentation (I have the sketch, but I haven't inked it… since February orz).
My color scheme to go is usually the Magenta/Cyan/Yellow combo, LOL, but I like to pick other colors from this palette!
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Show finished recently: Batman Animated Season 01! It is one of my oldest visual inspos, with the clear sharp grimdark + art deco mix that characterizes the cast and mature themes it shows. Show started recently: Scooby Doo Mystery Inc; I'm taking so many screenshots because the backgrounds with those grunge textures and abandoned feel is hella rad!
Comfort characters: I've been with the same rascals you know for three years right now. Four? LOL It's difficult for me to get attached this hard and for a long time to fictional characters. Though I can't call him a comfort character, I enjoyed the Penguin on Batman Animated! There was an EP where they let him show such an awkward and gentlemanly side that I just WANTED TO SQUISH HIM.
Books read: AFTER THREE YEARS I FINISHED KING'S DANSE MACABREEEEE. I saved lots and lots of QUOTES I will be citing and using in my work for decades to come MUHAHAHA coff I want to start reading NEXT YEAR Frankenstein: I left it half there idk why so, I will need to start over. It's for the better.
Someone that inspires me… Y O U The end
Re-reading/Rewatching: in my bookcase, I always have The Little Prince and Lovecraft Anthologies (quite the contrast, eh?). Now if we go very personal-intimate: Neverending Story will always be absolutely groundbreaking to me, it really deserves its in-book title of "the book of all books". In the movie department, I'll never get tired of Scooby Doo's animated movies between 1990-2000s, the animation and storytelling were top! In a memory stick, I have tho Treasure Planet and Atlantis: Los Empire for similar reasons.
About the rewatch/re-reading effects mmm I think it affects me but to certain games: movies and series are unilateral in interaction, with games the interaction depends on you and I admit even if I like a game with all my might… there's always a level or part of the story I loathe to do again orz
Collecting wise: I never was into it until robot hell tackled me and it made me brave to spend and be more versed in buying this or that figures and toys was quite an experience. Out of that… I print official artworks and plaster them in collages around my journal, that counts? xDU I don't live in a place where merch is easy to get. And yes I draw fanart so technically I printed my own merch too skdfhskjdhf
Laughing is a rare thing from me daily I'll refrain from replying because *explodes*
I personally see my art better as stickers and postcards in format… I never designed art for t-shirts and such… or even tattoos idk, I feel a tad uncomfortable in general to take my art in such bold ways? Something rare because I worked before doing logotypes and such mmmm
I'm stupidly multifacetic x'D From drawing traditionally and digitally with inks, watercolors, and acrylics to then sculpting with clay, and cold porcelain to then designing maquettes for packaging (I'm learning to use the cutting plotter) without counting baby steps knowledge on game coding… I would LOVE to sew my own plush toys but %D I don't have that level of patience… same with SCULPTING IN 3D??? Idk, that's witchcraft to me!
… Too many hobbies you can guess from what I said before this point HAHAHA Aside from character design and goofy worldbuilding mmm Board game design? Big dream of mine.
Something new I learned: using the cutting machine!!! Was like going back to my Illustrator era roots sdkfjhsdjf On a personal level… I turned back to my witchy side and created my first magic servitor, my first spell on the 31 of October and I'm excited to try more things during rituals!
I think I have enough of this year? Even if at times I feel like it won me over… it wasn't so bad. But I need to take action in setting more habits I left aside like walking more frequently and respecting my sleep schedule (I slipped bad so many times in the year, I think that's why I'm feeling so sleepy lately).
That's all I think! I hope you find it educative entertaining haha
Thanks once more for the opportunity x)
To bring a bit more social into social media…
Tell me what you’re working on!!
How’s you’re weekend going?
Do you have any projects or plans you’re excited for?
What’s one thing you feel like you need to work on but keep putting it off? (could be a wip or practice with drawing backgrounds, house hold chores ect.)
Do you have a color / color scheme you are obsessing over right now?
Have you watched any shows/movies you really fell in love with?
What is your favorite comfort character right now??
Have you read any good books lately? What cute characters in there made you laugh or smile?
Who is someone that inspires you?
What is a show / movie / book that is so precious to you that you keep reading it over and over again?
Can you reread / rewatch a beloved thing over and over or does that bug you?
Do you like to collect merch from favorite shows, or are your favorites so obscure you have to make your own??
What’s one thing you’ve seen online recently that has made you laugh?
Do you enjoy making your work / pieces into wearable art? (making merch ect.)
Do you like to do artistic things? ( Draw, write, music, sewing, jewelry, scultping, crafts)
What hobbies do you have?
Have you learned anything new this year?
If you could learn one new thing this year what would it be?
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swiftsaltsweet · 4 years ago
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I wanted to try a different type of coloring technique, try to take a manga/light novel illustration and make it look more like an anime. So I chose one from Twilight (I think this is from the Breaking Dawn light novel). 
So here’s a comparison for my coloring (background not mine), and the original picture.
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