#always reblog the husbando
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poesdaughter · 5 months ago
Ohhhhhhhhh you KNOW the hyperfixation is coming back and DIGGING ITS ROTTING CLAWS BACK IN when you begin scheming a fanfic and haven't written for ANYTHING in an AGE AND A HALF
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linory1 · 2 years ago
I'm laughing while reading the tags confused ppl with spn nicknames left in sth I reblogged about Castiel from MCL aksjak
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serena-hart-09 · 3 months ago
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Eat my wings to make me tame.
[I've been enjoying rougher pencils for my work lately]
Reference: The Fallen Angel by Alexandre Cabanel
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py-dreamer · 9 months ago
Macaque is big spoon
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Lol the old men be snoozin and snugglin
(I was about to say sleeping but my mind is too dirty for that unfortunately-)
Y'wanna know why he big spoon?
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The sun and moon thingy they have going on and...
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Ehh, ehh? Y'see what I did there?
I hate fabric so god damn much.
TO QUOTE MY PAST SELF: "his true evil power is how hard he can be to draw"
Regardless, I'm still really happy with how the drawing came out like the lighting and stuff (just don't look at the fabric-)
Wukong couldn't give less than a flying f*ck if his pajamas matched. Like he's at home, let him be as much of a fashion disaster as he wants!
Heck, back in his day, he was prancing with a leaf skirt and that was acceptable, let the monkey be damnit.
But he would own something very funky like those peach shorts but specifically wear them on break days or in private
(Mac definitely made an inappropriate joke bout it; he has a mark you could read the king's fortune off of, on his right cheek-)
Mac loves his clouds cloudy king so sure, slap them on his pants I think he'd have those long fluffy or silky pajama pants and he like has a couple he switches out for every now and them.
Wukong struck me as a big shirt, short shorts guy
and Mac'doodles as a small shirt, big pants
On a more angsty note, after death I think he'd be a lot colder like its harder to generate body heat naturally so he'd be a lot more cuddly with his toasted marshmallow king cause he was literally toasty fried for 49 days in heaven (49 earth years if 1 year in heaven is a year belief is true)
I was really debating if they'd be in a tree like normal monkeys or in the stone palace cause like that's a whole thing.
Wukong is not only a king in name, he's got riches and a whole ass stone mansion, I want my boi to one day overcome his guilt and indesire for self care and move into the big boi house with his husbando...one day.
But until then, a girl can dream.
Cause come on, that'd be cool. I understand it'd feel real lonely without the stalwart generals and brotherhood but like he has new company and rekindling with his warrior might help with that.
I also think they'd rather sleep in a cozy lil alclove or like the beds in historical c-dramas that are kinda built in and they build a mini nest of sorts.
I was going to draw the monkeys but tbh, just wasn't feelin it...
Also wanted their tails to make a heart but the lil pointy bit always bugs me so I tried to make it into a more plausible scenario
And irl updates, I have been like formally rehearsing for a performance all week (as in a play) and practicing all day, just watched the 1st cast do it and its my turn tomorrow so wish me luck!
(btw I'm working with young kids, like 8-12 young and they all congregated around me when they saw me drawing like I was a glorified babysitter
And the amount of times I had to put the message on Mac's shirt on a different layer and hide it like bruh. The kids are lovely and all and I'd be happy to show my work but as you can see...not all of my works are...100% PG)
(pls reblog and feedback and stuff, I worked hard on this plss I beg...)
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dragonsoulage · 4 months ago
I know probably no one sees this at all, but that's fine xD I recently decided to post my fan stuff that I usually don't share because I think it's not that good but on the other side...I have so much fun doing this stuff I probably Just should share it so here we are guys.
And since last year anime took over my life I will post fanfiction and stuff to that. Not that I am not into fantasy anymore but I love my husbandos ok? ☠️🤣 And I didn't wanted to make a whole new blog so we just need to live with the fact that even when I will post some anime related stuff that I had reblogged tones of other stuff before xD
So idk, it's so long ago since I posted anything...well I am Ro and I am 25 (still feel Like a fucking kid lol) and I am married lul, that was the guy who made me addicted to animes like... it's all his fault that we are here.☠️🤣
So I enjoy writing or in general being creative. It's not like I would have an upload schedule I can't write that much because of unnecessery things like work 👁️👄👁️
but everytime I wirte or do something I will upload. So when you have ideas on what I could write it's appreciated and I like to have some inspiration but I can't tell you if I always have the time doing so. 🥺
Neither way I am happy to kinda show what I do, even when it's bot much at the noment 🥺 so idk pls be kind I am sensetive ok? All my emotional attachment is by Geto 🤣☠️
English is not my first language so you will find mistakes no matter how often I will proof read anything xD so forgive me for that.
To what I want to write?
So of course about nimes like JJK, Naruto some Demon Slayer and Attack on Titan even a few others when I notice there is husbando potential 🌚🤣☠️
And I am into gaming so there might be the case that I randomly drop like a Final Fantasy 7 headcanon or something about an horror game anything that is like falling in my hands that I am thirsting over 🤣🤣☠️
So thank you, when you ready this
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astrology-bf · 4 months ago
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
Ooh, a fun one! Let's see.
My husbando, first and foremost. One would not think a relationship forged in the lewd crucible of Goldshire roleplay would turn into a lasting irl relationship but I dunno what I'd do without him, lol.
Cats, especially my own son. They're god's perfect little murder machines and I want to smooch them on their little heads.
Fiction. Whether it's myths and folktales or modern fanfic, human creativity has always been a source of joy for me.
Fiber arts. Textiles, fashion, and anything to do with clothing has to be one of my favorite elements of history, and sewing/knitting are also things I do for fun irl as well.
Sauces and condiments. Whenever I think back on a meal that's really made me happy the peak point is usually it having a really good seasoning lol
Thanks for the ask @emet-selch-apologism
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dollwrites · 1 year ago
i know notes are important to many writers, but i hope your numbers on fics you write for smaller fandoms don't deter you from writing more! your recent dio fic was the best dio fic i've ever seen!! and your other jojos ones are so wonderful too, i'm starting to read works of yours for fandoms im not even in! thank you for your diverse and great writing!!!!
notes I would say are probably important to all writers in some degree, but for me it’s more about hearing that people enjoyed the work rather than having a super high note count ( even though that’s always a confidence boost hehe ! ) just because I need head pats in order to feel like I did something right. I’m literally like a loyal puppy, and if you like what I do and want more, it’s so easy to manipulate me into giving it to you all it takes is for you to be like “I really enjoyed this” and I’m yours SOKSKSKS and when it comes to a fandom like JJBA, that I’ve been writing for for like a year now, I expect lower notes just because it hasn’t been buzzing as much as it was. And that’s okay! I have certain characters that I’m pretty sure I’ll probably always write for, and dio is one of them 🥺
my most recent dio fic was a bit different, so I’m not exactly surprised that it hasn’t garnered a slew of notes, but the people who have talked to me about it, or reblogged and left tags, have had nothing but good things to say about it and honestly that makes me so happy!!
But yeah!! That’s the gist of it, I really appreciate your message 💚💚 and don’t worry, I enjoy the smaller fandoms that I write for, even if it takes longer for notes to build up, and another thing about dio is not only is he my #2 husbando anyways, but I’m actually super confident in the way that I portray him so !! Yeah he’s not going anywhere heheh
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magicalink · 1 year ago
Hi, I just wanted to say that I love your blog because of your writing, your fic reblogs and your feminist reblogs 💜 It has a lot of things that I like, it makes me feel like I'm not alone in my opinions and that maybe I can find someone that shares them and my interests! You don't need to post this if you don't want to, but thank you for your blog (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
Omg, this has to be one of the best messages I ever received! 😭
Honestly I get some shit and hate thrown at me for being feminist, as any feminist does, especially in this blog that is focused on erotic content because of the nature of the majority of the community 💀 So receiving messages of other women and girls who also enjoy videogames and erotic fanfics while also having feminist ideas makes me feel finally not alone 💜
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It means the world to me, truly. Because in feminist environments I always feel like I will get called a pervert for liking Genshin and writing smut about it, but in gamer and fanfic environments I get called a prude or a feminazi/transphobe for not complying to the gender ideology that dominates the field (and politics all around the world except for China and Russia) So I'm always caught in the middle. I'm a person who cares a lot about politics, economy, but fundamentally about human rights and especially the human rights of women who are trampled all the time. (Shout out to WDI for making a manifesto of women's sex based rights that is slowly getting support and being signed by women all over the world despite having the queer lobby trying to crush it down with the full force of the political machine they move) But I'm also a person who enjoys having hobbies, like any other. And those hobbies include videogames, reading, writing, and this blog is the space I reserve for that. But of course we people are a whole so my writing and this blog reflect the things I'm most interested in, that's why it's centered around of heterosexual and bisexual female main characters and their desires and turmoils regarding men, misogyny, masculinity, shame, desire of freedom, etc. In some fics like Better Find Husbandos the mc is deeply traumathized because before arriving in Teyvat, she lived in a misogynystic world like ours, and it's reflected on her thoughts about men and sex. In others like Catboys in the house, the main character lives in a mathriarcal society that doesn't oppress men, somewhat like the Barbie movie, and the conflict is placed in other things while her relationships with men are pure comfort, and this is a way of escapism. Assembled Love is a bit in between, the setting is in a world like ours, but it won't depict explicit forms of abuse like Better Find Husbandos will, the main character will suffer sexism at school but not its extreme and more violent ways.
I'm working a lot on my blog this new year and preparing a special post talking about why I started this blog, which has everything to do with this, with my struggle with sex, with being female in this pathriarcal world that I started suffering from a very young age. Of my journey from the deepest depths of internalized misogyny to the battle I'm fighting against it nowadays.
I was scared to reblog feminist content in this blog at first but I decided to stay true to myself. And what a pleasant surprise when I found other Genshin fans reblogging it as well! It was so worth taking the risk and face my fears. I found that very much the same as it happened to me, when other people read feminist takes well explained they find out they completely agree with them, that it was just that the media was painting feminism as something horrible without even letting them know what it really was about, because they know that when women are allowed to discover what it really is about, we dive right in! 💜 I used to hate feminism as a kid because I was completely misled about what it was about, like the majority of women out there. I found it on accident, and I feel it's so unfair I wasn't exposed to it as a kid before the damage to my mind was done. I feel I found it really late, at like 20, but the worst part is that other women find it even later and some women are completely deprived of it. It only changed my life for the better. It's painful, no doubt, to realize the injustice and abuse I and all women are subjected everywhere, as Andrea Dworkin said:
Many women, I think, resist feminism because it is an agony to be fully conscious of the brutal misogyny which permeates culture, society, and all personal relationships.
It is as if our oppression were cast in lava eons ago and now it is granite, and each individual woman is buried inside the stone. Women try to survive inside the stone, buried in it. Women say, I like this stone, its weight is not too heavy for me.
Women defend the stone by saying that it protects them from rain and wind and fire. Women say, all I have ever known is this stone, what is there without it?
And it is a brutal agony. But I find it worth it because even if being conscious of it makes me feel powerless and depressed, when I compare my life now to how it was when I had no clue what was going on, I see it's much better. Being unaware of the oppression didn't make it disappear, it made me even more anxious and depressed because I didn't understand what was going on, I thought I was doing something wrong, I thought it was my fault, I hated myself, I hated my body. Nothing changed my life more than one day at like 18 finally realizing that the problem wasn't my body but society, and that was like 2 years before discovering feminism. Like, REAL feminism, as Andrea Dworkin said, "not the fun kind". When I discovered that women before me had the same ideas I had been having centuries ago, that the could articulate them way better than I did, that they wrote lots of books about it, that there was an entire movement that was discretely and deliberatedly HID from me that I only found it on accident by finally daring to talk with other women on tge internet about my traumatizing experiences was MINDBLOWING. Yes, it made me FURIOUS that I had been kept away from thia treasure my whole life. But I also felt relief in the sense that I finally felt that I was not alone. I had never been alone. It is like Simone de Beauvoir expresses in The Second Sex, very academically but overall saying that women are raised to be loyal to men and to hate other women and be wary of them like they are the competence so that we don't recognize ourselves as a social class and we are unable to lead a revolution. We are raised to think that we are alone. Helpless. That the other women are bad, are shallow, are inferior, are competence, thst "the worst enemy of a woman is another woman" instead of the men that oppress us, so that we turn our backs on other women and seek safety and protection from a man because it feels it's inevitable, it's the only way. But it turned out, it was just another lie in the wall. I was not alone. And that, along with discovering that there were words to describe what was being done to me: for example, discovering the term "gaslighting" changed my life because I had a ruthless male bully during hisghschool that made me feel like I was crazy, a bad person, humilliated me in front of everyone, spread rumors about me and made me look like the bad guy, etc, and I could never describe the twisted mind games he played with me, no one believed he bullied me because he never punched me or groped me. If I had known what he was doing I wouldn't have spent my teenage years wondering WHY I felt something was wrong and feeling like I couldn't articulate my feelings and experiences with words.
I genuinely love you 💜
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imbibitorlunaetic · 1 year ago
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About Page
❥ aerin || 26 || she/her
na server • tb66 (?) • putting the loony in lunaetic /j
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🔞 hsr sideblog for art, memes, lore, fics, etc.
> started a hi3rd player, ended up a genshin addict, then fell down into the hsr 🐇 🕳
> very dan heng biased ..but you wouldn't have guessed that, i know. (i also adore himeko & jingliu, cause i love bad bitches too) a lot of the content i reblog will likely be danstelle centric, as that is my current hyperfixation ( ᵕ̳ з ᵕ̳ )و 💚
> not interested in diskhorse. as previously stated, i'm basically just here to bask in all my preferred fan content.
> don't worry about a dni list cause the block button exists and if/when i need to use it, i will do so.
> speaking of however, this blog may include adult/nsft content from time to time and as such, mdni, please & ty.
> not a whale (anymore) but also not fully f2p (monthly/bp usually). i do not believe there is a right or wrong way to play this game, at the end of the day it's just a game and not even pvp, so let's all please remain cordial.
> whether you're a meta slave, crack build enthusiast, waifu/husbando enjoyer, casual player, lore/theory enthusiast, irdc. what i do care is that you treat myself & others with respect, otherwise you'll be getting the boot 👢 plain & simple <3
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Blog tags:
#aerinposting // #imbibitorlunaetic (my posts)
#aerin.txt (text posts)
#aerin.jpg // aerin.jpeg // aerin.gif // aerin.mp4
(posts with images / personal images / my gifs / my vids)
#lunaetic.milestones (account milestones)
#lunaetic.gacha // #lunaetic.pulls (my pulls)
#lunaetic.teams // #lunaetic.builds (my builds)
#lunaetic recs (fanfic recs)
(Fanart/comics are usually just tagged as "art" or "comics" respectively. Remember to blacklist and filter any tags or words that may make you uncomfortable, happy scrolling!)
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*** Tags will be typically used accordingly for things like spoilers, leaks, etc. as my blog is not always free of these. Please consume content at your own risk, and blacklist any tags as you deem necessary, thanks! ***
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poesdaughter · 5 months ago
Oh by the way
Pretty sure all my Betelgeuse/Lydia posts and art from Back in the Day™️ are under the tag "BEETZ"
Because before I knew about "Beetlebabes'" that's what I had called it
(And honestly I'm not really a fan of "Beetlebabes" as a term, sorry!)
But if you want to find my old posts you can find a lot of stuff under that, Beetlejuice headcanon, and "Always reblog the husbando."
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jedimaze · 2 years ago
about me
hi everyone! yall can call me maze (she/her/ella), late twenties, from the lovely island of puerto rico so my native language is spanish.
once upon a time --in the early 2010s-- i had another tumblr blog(s) while i was on high school and early uni years. life happened, uni got progressively worse and i stopped using it. i used to post and reblog stuff from all of my special interests, mostly star wars and books and shows that i was obsessing over at the time.
i recently got nostalgic and decided to open up another blog cuz i lost access to my old one (boohoo), so here i am getting reacquainted with the world of tumblr again.
what i love:
star wars -- i grew up with the prequels so they have a special place in my heart, ahsoka supremacy, mando-verse, the last jedi is a masterpiece
books -- love me some spicy romance (contemporary, fantasy, paranormal, rockstar, why-choose/rh), acotar/sjm-verse, latinx representation
dnd -- i met my partner/husband playing dnd so roleplaying games are always going to be a special interest of mine
metal -- my music tastes go from heavy to heavier
birbs -- birbs are cats with wings and they give zero fucks about anything and i love them
husbando -- he's the love of my life and i'm gonna post about him and brag about him whenever i can
i have many other interests/hyperfixations that may make appearances. i also would like to document my daily life and thoughts here.
i'm always open for questions so ask away if you want.
thank you for reading! may the force be with you!
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cloudy-dayys · 5 years ago
man y'all just love me and alex's stupid shitposts and arguments huh
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peculiargamerlady · 2 years ago
I can totally relate to this, and it's so upsetting.
y’all ever see a piece of fan content about your favorite character that is so horrifically different from what you personally believe and you just
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astridthefearless · 6 years ago
Just FYI since httyd is over, this is a personal blog now, which means I’ll be rebloging/posting anything I like other than httyd
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vemuabhi · 4 years ago
Welcome home Y/N - Part 1
Annyong Haseyo!!! I wanted to write small drabbles for Genshin husbandos reactions where, their S/O comes back after a long mission. 
Team 1 : Kaeya, Childe, Zhongli (Seperately) with GN! Reader
Team 2 - Diluc, Albedo, Xiao (Clickable)
Genre : Fluff!!!!! Absolute fluff, except for Kaeya, that man had to do something to make Y/N embarrassed in the end.
A/N : First time writing for my main husbando Kaeya and our angel Zhongli. I hope you like it. Reblog and comment please!!
copyright © vemuabhi
Please support me if you like my writings.
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Kaeya - 358 words
After a long mission near Dragonspine now you came back. As you opened the door to the Knights headquarters, there your eyes met with the eyes of the cyro captain. His bored look instantly changed into an excited one. His visible eye widened as he got up saying, “Y/N!? you are back!”
“Yes, I thought of coming back soon and surpri-”, before you could complete your sentence, you were engulfed in a tight hug by the cavalry captain. He hugged you so tight as if his life depended on it.
“It’s the wonderful surprise I could ever ask for”, he said as he squeezed your sides. Your face turned red because of your lovers words. You nuzzled his shoulder and inhaled his scent. He always smelled so nice and you missed him so much.
“I missed you Kaeya, you smell so good. Damn these days were so dull without you”, you replied. You couldn’t see his face but, his cheeks turned bright red at your words. But he couldn’t control his heart beat and you could hear it. You smirked knowing it made him flustered.
“Are you blushing?”, you asked without even looking at him making the latter gulp.
“N- No, ofcourse not. I know you missed me dummy”, he answered holding the back of your head in place to make sure you don’t look at him.
“Oh! So the captain is shy now. Your heartbeat cant lie Kaeya so give in”, you teased him. It was his job to make you flustered not the other way around, so he instantly came up with a thought as he noticed the door knob opening. Jean just entered the room and it was the right time for him to make you embarrassed.
“Ah~ Y/N don’t squeeze my ass. Its work place”, making you and Jean blush at the same time. Just when you were about to accuse him of lying you heard a soft voice.
“I’m sorry, Imma leave now”, Jean said as she closed the door behind her.
“YOU JERK!!”, you hit Kaeya’s shoulder as you ran after the acting grand master leaving the laughing Captain in his office.
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Childe (Tartaglia) - 370 words
“I’m back Childe”, you said as you opened the door of your shared place. you just returned after finishing a big commission given to you. Normally your boyfriend would jump and hug you but today it was weirdly quiet. It was 9 pm and you knew Childe wouldn’t sleep at this time if he wasn’t wounded or tired. So as he didn’t reply, you got a bit worried.
‘His shoes are in the shoe rack, is he okay?’, your thoughts ran as you went towards your bedroom and saw the orange haired man hugging your plushie in his sleep. Your once worried emotions were replaced with the ones of over whelming happiness.
You smiled at him and went towards your closet without making a sound. Taking some clothes, you headed towards the shower. After a quick shower, you saw that he was still sleeping peacefully. So you silently slid under the covers and slept beside him. After sleeping for a while you heard a scream.
“Ahhhh!”, a high pitch scream woke you up. You turned to your boyfriend who was on the floor and asked him, “Babe! Whats wrong?”, to which he didn’t reply but kept staring at you.
“You are back?”
“Ah… yes babe, I am”, you smiled as He swiftly got up and tackle hugged you.
“Oh my!!! I actually woke up and saw you beside me. Then I was thinking it was a dream until I touched you and you actually moved in your sleep. Sweetie!!!!! When did you come back? You could’ve woken me up! I’m so happy that you came back!”
You placed your hand on his back and looked at the time. It was 2 am. ‘He just woke up from a deep sleep. How is he having this much energy and talking nonstop’, you sighed and patted his head.
“Baby, you were sleeping. So, I didn’t want to disturb you”, you said trying to snuggle him.
“I missed you”, he said as he looked towards you and pecked your cheek, making you giggle.
“I missed you too. That’s the reason why I completed the mission as quickly as possible. To… Come back to you”, he blushed and showered you with lots of smooches.
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Zhongli - 440 words
“Honey I’m bac-”, you couldn’t even finish the sentence and then you heard a loud crash inside your shared house. You kicked your shoes off and ran inside but the man who was way too excited as he heard your voice, couldn’t stop his feet and ran towards your direction.
You saw Zhongli coming towards you but you both couldn’t stop your feet in time and crashed against each other, falling on the ground. But you quickly sat up and asked Zhongli what was the cause of the crash.
“It… It was because, i… I heard your voice and couldn’t stop myself so… I might’ve accidentally fallen down”
“Oh my baby!!! You fell down twice today! You need to be careful”, you hugged him as you kept stroking his head.
“I didn’t hurt myself though. So don’t worry”, he replied as he wrapped his arms around you. Snuggling close to you, he seemed so adorable to you.
“I missed you love”, you said pecking his forehead. To which his cheeks turned pink. “I missed you too”, he replied as he tugged tighter on your shirt.
“Aww sweetie, you know I saw something that reminded me of you and brought it for you”, curious eyes looked at you as you continued, “So I brought it, wanna see it?”, he instantly nodded making you giggle.
You placed your hand in your pocket and pulled out a beautiful bracelet made of cor lapis. You showed your hand to him, which had the same bracelet. As you placed it onto his hand, you said, “Its like couple bracelets now, isn’t it?”, his face glowed in happiness.
“Do couples do this?”, he asked with the slight blush on his face.
“Yeah… kinda”, you replied as he smiled genuinely looking at the bracelet. “Its… nice to be in love. I’m glad that I fell in love with you”, he said as he flashed that dangerously beautiful smile at you. Making you almost have an attack.
“You, you are so adorable”, you said as you kissed his lips. Placing one of your hand behind his neck as the other travelled down to his waist. He cupped your cheek with one hand while the other slipped into your hair. After a while you both pulled back for air. “Dear, you need to eat. I already cooked, it’ll get cold”, he said making you smile.
“Okay, lets eat”, you smiled as you pecked his nose and got up. You offered a hand to him to help him to get up.
“They look good”, he complimented looking at the bracelets as he laced his fingers with yours making you smile.
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copyright © vemuabhi
Comments and Reblogs are always appreciated.
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levisgirll · 4 years ago
hi it me uWu I read your first headcanon and can I just that I am surprised that's your first headcanon?!??? Because it's honestly SO good and you sound like a pro at this!! I want to request a headcanon with Kakashi if possible please (sorry I'm not a levi girl haha). I want it to be kinda like a domestic affectionate husband role while I am like a workaholic wife who always never seems to get a break from life. I look forward to what you will write!! (lmk if you need more details)
𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
text: Omg hey!! Thank you so much for your sweet words 🥺💙and yes it is my first headcanon post I have made and I'm so glad to hear that you found it good!! 😭✨. Well, I did say I am open to any request (but the things I post personally are usually Levi or other AOT characters but anyone is free to request a character!!) so sure thing Kakashi Hatake is it! (I really enjoyed writing this so ty for this request). now I'm simping for husbando kakashi- Also note I made it more like focusing how both y/n and kakashi are like a married couple and what they do/say to each other so hope that’s alright too ^^
synopsis: kakashi hatake is y/n’s husband, while you, as his wife, being a workaholic and how is both of your lives are like in a modern AU. (incoming some adorable headcanon-)
comedy and cute fluff ♡—
First off, you and I mean Y/N is the ONLY one who can see Kakashi without his mask. He feels that his wife is the only person in the world who is only allowed to see him without his mask and cause he loves and trusts you a lot. He feels only comfortable showing it to his amazing wife and no one else, not even Guy sensei (even though they were buddies since they were kids). His love for you is strong.
He would send you random messages during your work saying “Yo! make sure to take care of yourself alright?....Also, do you wanna order food tonight?”
You both work and I definitely see Kakashi in a modern AU with a job as a teacher and he would brag to you about his students. Especially Naruto (won’t shut the fuck up in the class) and Sasuke and how they always fight, making him slowly gonna lose it with them one day.
Also, he would talk to you about Shikamaru being such a rascal that gets on his nerves whenever he corrects him in class, or sleeps and whenever he says “Sensei, going to your lessons is such a drag..” and his friend Choji eats a lot of snacks at the back of the class but Kakashi secretly takes one of his snacks without him knowing.
Whenever he mentions them to you during dinner time, you feel at ease and even chuckle and start to relax. And he knows that cause he has seen you been so busy lately with work and he wants to always see you laugh and not tense up.
You both have the same timing of your break time so, you being such a workaholic, you try to even work during the breaks but someone stops you by doing that. Your awesome husband. Kakashi literally rings you even 5 minutes before your break from a video call.
You guys would defiantly match clothes and he loves that so much.
Kakashi catches you sometimes wearing his mask and he finds that so cute, it melts his heart. “Haha, you are so adorable!” and he would give you his happy face smile and hug you as you blush. You always get embarrassed and shy whenever he throws in comments such as “you look hot”, “you are my sweetheart” and etc.. and he knows that! but does it on purpose cause he likes to see how you get all red and especially in public ;)
During the weekends, he knows you wake up early to work and so he decided to change that and make the weekends to bake! Every morning in the weekend you guys would bake cookies and muffins and they smell and taste so good. (you eventually forget the load of work you had to do and Kakashi notices that and he gets happy lowkey-)
Okay, he is a big fan of reading, and so he loves reading comics and fanboys about it to you!
During your work, as you wait for the next customer you would get a random message from him and he would send screenshots of the comic and he’s like “Omg dear, did you read the latest chapter?!”. You know he is all excited so you texted him back. “Hm, No why?”. “Quick!! Go read it before I spoil it!”
Would chill and vibe with you for sure whenever you play some music and both of you are sitting at the balcony, stargazing.
He is in charge of cooking most of the time cause he knows you have more work than him and whenever he cooks, oh...it’s amazing and that’s one of the best things when you get back home after a long day.
He would brush your hair every time whenever you go out to work which is usually earlier than him
Whenever you sleep together, he would cover you up with the comforter while you sleep and would later hug you around your shoulders, he does that to hold you and also to shield you (it’s a habit of his and its cute)
He would give you also a thumbs up all the time before you leave and say “Good luck dear with work!” (it’s now your lucky charm before you leave work). Oh, and he would always remind you to take your lunch that he packs for you every early morning and he would usually put a cute little note there saying ‘Don't overwork yourself!’
I feel like he would get another small tattoo on his wrist after marrying Y/N.
During breaks if your work place is near his, you guys would have cafe break dates and he would literally recharge even if he sees a glimpse of you.
You guys have his pet dog, Pakkun, one of his smallest cute dogs who is usually grumpy but ever since Pakkun met you, they loved you instantly and listens to you instead of Kakashi. Ha....This damn dog. He would think and twitch his eyes as Pakkun is all over you. (The dog is doing that on purpose to piss Kakashi off).
Makes you stay up with him late at night reading comics and the stories you both like to spazz about it and he loves doing that with you.
All his students thought he is a lonely sad man who lives alone with his dog and reads comics.
He once caught Naruto using his phone in class and he was going to give him detention but....he was shocked to find him reading the comic that Kakashi and his wife liked the most.
Kakashi: “Naruto! I told you not to use your......Oh.” Damn he is in chapter 34 already?! I need to caught up, this little kid is fast.  
“Hm...Sensei?...WAIT! YOU READ IT TOO!” Naruto would scream and get up from his seat. “Naruto, shut up you are being loud.” Shit.
He would text you immediately after that. “Omg...Y/N! Naruto reads our favorite comic!!”
Y/N: “NO WAY! Bond with this kid, he seems cool.”
After that, his favorite student is Naruto and they become pretty close but still finds him annoying, although Kakashi finds him as a good kid. And when they have parent teacher conference, Kakashi wouldn’t mention to Minato and Kushina that he uses his phone during class or skipping some classes.
Alright! I hope you enjoy this and you liked it :,) And if anyone else did do leave a like and reblog ♡ (I really had fun with this-)
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