#although he's American
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Although he’s an American actor,
Travis Richey pretty much nails the RP accent during his run as the Inspector.
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bananafishdepression · 3 months
Life is so unfair there are so many shitty shows out there with a dub and Banana Fish never got one and its been 6 years now
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melit0n · 9 months
As someone who grew up primarily in Britian, seeing non-British people (especially Americans) say 'Sleep Token is so British' always makes me giggle because Vessel has one of the lightest British accents, at least when he sings.
If he had a hard Cockney accent or a general Northern accent, I could understand you guys, but seeing people say they sometimes struggle to understand what he says because of his accent flabbergast me a bit. I guess it's just because I'm completely use to the accent, as any person who grew up anywhere is, but it's still funny.
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hanzajesthanza · 1 month
my attempts to avoid thoughts of geralt's hanza continue to fail, as sapkowski talks about them in front of my face.
(from manuscript, on the subject of the hero and the quest):
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On this expedition, the Hero (Simple or King) is accompanied by others who are stereotypical-canonical fantasy characters, in other words - clichés:
Wizard-Mentor (the aforementioned MERLIN, Obi-wan Kenobi, Gandalf, Allanon, Belgarath, Sephrenia or Moiraine, who supports the hero with advice and help); Faithful Servant (in the case of the King, literally, in the case of the Simple, rather a childhood friend, Sam Gamgee. He serves the plot to recite wise folk maxims and prove that the simple people are the most morally healthy; or to save the ass of his master/friend where magic and a sharp sword will not help, and common sense and a strong, faithful arm will suffice). Good Knight (charismatic LANCELOT, always loyal and ready to fight, sometimes with some dark secret in his life); Worse Knight (always with some dark secret in his life, ambitious like Boromir, in the clutches of Evil, secretly collaborates with Evil, regrets betrayal, undergoes catharsis, perishes); Trickster - Conniver (see LOKI in "Materia Magiczna"**), cheerful, but can cause trouble, which attracts like a magnet; Damsel in Distress, who is saved from danger on the way and included in the team. Usually a princess in disguise. For several volumes of the cycle she does not like the Hero, in the last she becomes his wife.
* Type A = Percival, a hero who does not have power and is searching it, and Type B = King Arthur, a hero who has lost his power and wants to regain it. in other words, Type A = Reynevan and Type B = Geralt :)
** another chapter of the book, "Materia magica, or the Little Magical Alphabetical Lexicon," it's a glossary of various myth and legend. in loki's entry, he recounts some myths of loki and equivalates him with other figures across various traditions: Odysseus, Pryderi, Bricriu, Mordred, Alyosha Popovich, Coyote, Anansi, Maui). then he lists a few fantasy/spec fic characters he categorizes as trickers: Cugel (Dying Earth), Kickaha (World of Tiers), Coyote (Coyote Blue), Peter Lake (Winter's Tale), Moonglum (Elric of Melniboné), Nifft and Haldar (Nifft the Lean), Random (Chronicles of Amber), Saruman (Lord of the Rings), Shimrod (Lyonesse), Silk (The Belgariad and The Malloreon), Gray Mouser (Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser), Talen (The Elenium).
my thoughts:
pretty obvious assignments here, for the most part.
regis is the Wizard-Mentor, but, as he soon loses his mystique, his intellectual, philosophizing manner becomes mundane and irritating than providing magical provenance. he advises incessantly, answering questions before they're asked, giving guidance when no one asked. he only appears to be omniscient, and the others may think he's so smart because he's hundreds of years older than them, but is really just a guy, a middle aged man with a troubled youth which he learned from. his advice is not magically guided and for this reason is fallable, mortal, human. maybe the cliché is also played with in that he's a vampire, not a wizard, sorcerer, or priest, "‘I see.’ The poet sighed. ‘Is Regis a sorcerer?’ ‘No. No, not a sorcerer.’" ... as vampires are typically evil and regis is decidedly a force of good. (on this topic, @wampirzielarz once compared-contrasted gandalf and regis and it was super interesting :))
dandelion is a combination of the Faithful Servant and the Trickster. he's geralt's best friend, and doesn't fight alongside him with sword but his presence is necessary to our hero for moral support, that all makes the first part an obvious assignment... and... sapkowski lists a wide variety of tricksters of various moral alignments, but amongst them are some heroes and some best friends of heroes (and anti-heroes). and asides from being geralt's closest friend, dandelion is, after all, a rascal, who uses words and good looks to get what he wants from people. "a cynic, a lecher, a womanizer and a liar." (also, because i think szarlej also fits this double-definition as well, i won't hesitate to give them to dandelion, as they serve pretty similar functions alongside their respective heroes).
milva is the Good Knight, "always loyal and ready to fight" describes her perfectly, and her 'dark secret' was her pregnancy and plans for abortion. (though, the attribution of lancelot... well, maybe this is why some keen eyes saw a potential in yenva). anyhow, the playfulness with the cliché comes from the fact that she's a woman, which is supposed to be surprising that the hero's strongest ally is a woman. i think the "charismatic" attribute is also supposed to be played with here, as milva is simple and not too well-spoken, only so in her cursing. in other words, she's a peasant woman, and not a born-and-bred nobleman. also, for her gender, she is a play on another trope sapkowski mentions a couple of pages later, but i can't go into it now because it's too funny.
cahir is the Worse Knight, though perhaps in reverse, for all of his associations with Evil was in the past and shed like sports colors when he changed teams. he has no betrayal, "I will never betray you, witcher," all of his ‘betrayal’ was before he was even allied with the hero. but of course, for these sins, he "undergoes catharsis, perishes".
the Damsel in Distress is evidentially angouleme, being "saved from danger on the way and included in the team." the rebuking of the cliché, of course, is that geralt is "genuinely angry, genuinely confused, genuinely embarrassed" when she offers her "gratitude" to him. also, that she is no princess in disguise, just an ordinary girl, though she is confused for the princess they're after (who also happens to be another play on the damsel in distress cliché). and again, like milva, i think angouleme is related to another specifically female character cliché sapkowski calls out; but i'll save it for another post.
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Hankcon wedding and Connor retracts the synthskin from his hand when Hank puts on the ring 🥺
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softquietsteadylove · 3 months
thenamesh has rotted my brain so much that 4th of july fireworks spooking my dog obviously made me think of how thena would probably get spooked by them too — so of course i had to bring it to you as a prompt! maybe featuring our sweet jack and some comfort?
Thena squinted as yet another firework went off. Terrible, incessant things, she thought. They were loud and made a mess. But ever since their conception - for which they had all been present - humans loved them.
They had declined to attend the show at its source, mostly out of consideration for the Eternals and their heightened senses. Thena, especially, although she did offer to attend for Jack's sake.
In years past, Phastos and Ben had taken Jack to all of the typical Fourth of July festivities, as Americans wishing to take part in the celebrations. They went to the parade, they attended things in the city or had backyard activities at their home for the neighbours. They had also declined that, this year.
It was determined to be too much, the possibility of strange kids running around and screaming with water guns and sparklers. Phastos and Gil did cook on the grill just for them. They had all attempted to lure Jack outside with the promise of baseball and soccer and football. But all day, Jack was busy inside making a fort.
By this time it was taking up most of the living room, constructed with couch cushions and the futon from Phastos' home office and plenty of pillows and blankets. It was somewhat hard to navigate, but Jack was adamant that it not be disturbed all weekend. Thena had defended his magnum opus.
Another one went off, and even Ben and Phastos admired the twinkle of it, each with a beer in hand. Ben looked around their chairs all lined up on their back deck to see the display at a distance. "Jack?"
Phastos shook his head. "He's still working on that fort."
"He's missing the show," Ben frowned.
Gil leaned forward in his own chair, mindful of Thena in his lap. "We told him it was starting, but he said it was almost ready."
"Ready for what?"
None of them knew. Phastos was especially put out that his son was seemingly over the childhood wonder and joy of the fireworks show. "This is how it starts. Next, he's gonna be in his room all day and night and we'll never see him except-"
"Habibi," Ben chided his husband, reaching over and rubbing his hand. "We have discussed this."
"Yeah," Phastos sighed heavily, though, taking another swig of light beer. "Just wait, he's eleven now, but he'll be thirteen before we even know it."
Thena pressed her ear more firmly against Gil's chest as another one burst in the air. She blinked rapidly at the red colour of this one. She was doing respectably well, though. She had the odd moment of swearing she could smell gunpowder and smoke, but she could still correct herself. They weren't witnessing the slaughter of Tenochtitlan, they were visiting their brother's family in America.
Gilgamesh ran his hand over her hair, whispering soft nothings to her to help her weather the storm. "You sure you wanna do this? Jack isn't even here."
As with most other things, she had agreed for Jack's sake. She was still overly conscious of potentially ruining any fun for him because of the gentility with which she needed to navigate human life. Of course she would deny it, but it did melt her heart completely every time he showed concern for her state of mind.
She gripped the lapel of Gil's shirt, but nodded with her head under his chin. "I'm sure he'll join us. If I go inside, he'll just offer to keep me company."
Gil chuckled, kissing her temple. She was right, and he knew she was.
Phastos looked at his watch, "well, if he doesn't get out here he might miss the end of it."
Thena lifted her head from Gil's chest. "It is odd for him to be so reclusive. I'll find him."
Gil let his hand trail down her back as she lifted herself from his embrace. "If he doesn't wanna come out, you two can have fun in there."
She smiled at him, letting their hands drag apart reluctantly.
"Sure, if she goes he'll come right out. If I do it, it's 'Dad, I'm busy!'."
Thena ignored her brother's lamenting over his child's growing independence. She slid the patio door closed behind her. "Jack?"
"In here!"
She walked into the living room, finding the lamps were on, illuminating the truly impressive sprawl of the fort. She tilted her head before bending at the waist. "Jack?"
"Aunt Thena, in here," he whispered, a hand sticking out just to wave.
She crouched down, bending her knees in her skirt so she could crawl into the small tunnel leading to his domain. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, it's finally ready!"
What was finally ready? Thena crawled on her hands and knees over the carpet and into the fort's main body. Never before - and never again - would she have to crawl like this. It was unbecoming of a warrior. But this was for her nephew.
"What do you think?"
It was actually quite remarkable. The far 'wall' actually was connected to the large window of the living room, offering a glimpse outside that looked in the direction of the city's epicentre. The rest of the fort was cushioned by thick blankets and using the plush structures of couches and chairs and automans.
"This is rather well done, Jack," she praised with a smile. He truly was a remarkable human--nothing short of brilliant, the son of the Fabricator Eternal.
"Here," he said gently, sitting himself on a pillow set up by the window. There was one beside him, which he patted for her. "The view is perfect."
"The view?"
But Jack was right. It was possible to see the more distant fireworks that were being displayed over the city harbour. They were more distant, therefore not as bright against the dark sky. And within the house, they were much quieter.
"Is this what you've been doing?" she asked as she watched the tiny but still beautiful display within the window.
He nodded, also watching, captivated. "Baba said there were two fireworks shows, this one just started."
She gave her young nephew a look, attempting to appear stern with his utterly adorable face. "Did you construct this just for me?"
"Well," he cast a sheepish glance to his sock feet, wiggling his toes and twisting his lips.
"Jack," she frowned. "You mustn't worry about me so much. You should be enjoying the fireworks with your fathers as intended."
He looked at her with big, pleading eyes, shrugging his shoulders. "But I can't have fun if I know you're scared."
She sighed. Such a sweet boy, with such a big, human heart. She put her hand on his head gently, not quite patting his head and not quite ruffling his hair. "It is not your place to quell my fears. And discomfort is not a fear."
He scooched a little closer to her pillow. "Can I tell you a secret?"
She nodded, leaning down for him to whisper to her, even within the protection of the fort. He moved her hair out of his way, his little hand feeling barely bigger than her ear.
"The fireworks are too loud for me, too. But I never wanted to say 'cause Dad and Baba like watching them."
She watched him sit back on his own pillow again. The thought crossed her mind if he was lying in order to spare her feelings, or her pride. But Jack wasn't a very good liar (she had seen him try to lie about reading comic books after bed time). "Is that so?"
He turned his attention back to the window. "We always go, ever since I was little. But it gets cold, and they're cool and all, but they kinda look the same except for the start and the end. And they're really loud if you're too close."
Thena looked away from the lights display to her brother's son. His maturity and knowledge of himself never ceased to impress her. She truly thought human children were less intelligent than this. Although it was possible Jack was an exception among human offspring. "And here I was, out there so that you wouldn't feel the need to stay inside with me."
He looked at her, illuminated by the far off show. "I like being inside with you."
She put her hand on his shoulder, allowing him to lean against her arm. "I like being inside with you too, Jack."
The boy went quiet, perhaps bashful of the quiet affection passing between them. But he made himself comfortable against her, as affectionately as a boy his age could allow.
She held back a laugh as she heard a small yawn escape him. "It has grown late."
"That's okay," he excused, although he was leaning more heavily on her by the second.
It was indeed late. The summer made the sun set so late that the fireworks couldn't start until rather close to Jack's bed time anyway. Thena moved her arm, allowing Jack to fold himself against her more comfortably. This was also something she never imagined herself doing as the Warrior Eternal. But as the boy's 'Aunt Thena', she would be quite capable of anything.
She continued watching the display, checking every few minutes if Jack's eyes were still open. Perhaps partway through the display, he was completely asleep. She ran her hand over his forehead, resolving not to move and disturb his sleep, no matter the cost.
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anamericangirl · 1 year
I think it's safe to say Mike Pence pretty much alienated any potential voters after his interview with Tucker Carlson.
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
sometimes in academic-focused discussions about the concept of celebrity and parasociality and whatever I'll often see people use Miku as a framing device specifically as a hypothetical Perfect Celebrity, a virtual celebrity who can never do wrong and never gets tired, she will always say what you want to hear, etc. etc. and LIKE I UNDERSTAND why people are so engrossed in that idea, it's kind of what Crypton themselves push instead of focusing on software LOL (sorry im a little mean to them... well maybe things will change come august. crypton i am waiting. crypton i am waiting.)
but I feel like focusing so much on that is kind of buying into marketing a little too much? i really dont think that miku, from a media studies/visual culture/art historical standpoint at least, is akin to like a little digital lady gaga we can puppet for our own desires. i think that's missing the forest for the trees. in a visual culture sense, miku is much closer to that of like, a singing mickey mouse with much looser copyright restrictions LOL
the amount of videos ive seen and essays ive read that describe miku as like some kind of pawn that secretive anonymous actors force to speak for them and im like. okay i know this is rich coming from the guy in the miku jacket with the miku bag and cannot go 3 hours without googling a vocal synthesizer just to look at them BUT LIKE. i think we're overhumanizing her in this context like she's just a mascot you guys... its fun to think about some spooky scifi transhumanist concepts with her, but in the end she is a cartoon character representing the vocal equivalent of a piano VST in a DAW that regular people (not secretive anonymous actors with nefarious intentions) use to make their music and art
theres a lot of really interesting discussions on capitalism and all that with her as a framing device but like we neeeeed to focus on the real ass people making songs with her, illustrating her, manufacturing her merch, programming her software, etc. if we're talking about that 'cause like. again i am the person sleeping with the miku blanket with miku keychains attached to everything i own but like. she doesn't have feelings my dear academics. its okay for fans to focus on her emotions thats just what we do but my dear essay writer i found on jstor i need you to understand she is 1s and 0s. she is a mascot character. why are we focusing so much on her personal psychology.............. she doesnt have a braaaaaain..........
AND thats not to diminish the cultural impact of mascots, hell with my aforementioned mickey comparison i think we can realize just how much power a small illustrated character can have - its just i think you cant talk about a mascot the same way you talk about celebrity yknow... i just think theyre a little bit different even with some overlapping aspects and i think mascots need to be taken as they are, rather than pushed into a different media studies narrative. if that makes sense
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manyrandomfandoms · 5 months
oh my god Charles had a CRICKET BAT
I have never seen a cricket bat before and until this moment thought he just had a two by four strapped to a stick or something ready to whack people with
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reanimatestar · 8 months
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boy next door moments <3
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readingfolklore · 30 days
@jainaymadden doesn't seem to be the type of blog you'd follow.....
they're not usually, but we do talk every day and he's now one of my very best friends. 😊 he's actually a pretty great person once you get to know him.
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arabian-batboy · 1 year
Today Khalid officially joins Damian, Talia, Adrianna, Amon and Stephanie as the only DC’s characters I have read every single issue they have ever appeared in.
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spring-lxcked · 10 months
wait coming back just to add that i was thinking abt the generational element of the af.tons just being a fucked up family line and i'm. fine. i swear i'm f
#—— ✧ ooc »#˖ ✧ headcanon » ( the demon to his demons )#william's partially a shitty father because of who he is but also partially because of his own upbringing#tries to escape it but either overcorrects or falls into it anyway#terrified of becoming his parents and both passes and fails to escape becoming them#geninely honestly despite everything wants to be better then them and can't and won't#and his parents were shit to him and jayne because they were following social roles#didn't necessarily want kids but It's Expected & although william would never admit it they instilled that in him#& he DID want kids but in many ways the family he tries to build initially is The Stereotypical American Dream#suburb house white picket fence small town wife and three children both sons and a daughter etc etc etc#doesn't let this idea go until late-stage and by that point he's already unintentionally destroying it anyway#i know i made a haha funny joke abt his ideal fam of henry & the son he loves/hates & 2 robot children#but unironically him realizing that he can & should choose what/who he wants BECAUSE he wants it/them#would have solved so many problems if he'd realized it earlier#not all of them but lmao#(not implying that he didn't love elise/mrs. af.ton but he didn't go into or HANDLE the marriage how he should have)#(everything was about appearances not abt actually being prepared for like. Married Life.)#(very much thinks 'okay i'm married. hard part's over. no more effort required' & obv ends up divorced because of it)#(which to be clear he is prone to in ANY ship if they're not willing to beat him over the head w/ reality HARD)#there's SO much more to say abt this like it's very complex but i'm gonna go chill and then go to sleep lmao
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blenderfullasarcasm · 2 years
new fic drop!
Jack Callahan doesn't know what he's expecting when he stumbles down the stairs of the rickety old townhouse that doubles as both his home and his practice to answer the knocking at the door at two in the morning, but it certainly isn't Martha Kent clutching a small bundle of cloth to her chest.
His night gets more confusing from there.
(featuring baby superman and weird kryptonian biology)
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
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I love Mr. Kimball.
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waugh-bao · 11 months
Keith talks about his journey with loss and grief in the wake of Charlie’s passing (2023)
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