#alternate hogwarts house sorting
ravenclaw-draco · 10 months
How I Think Ravenclaw Draco Would Work
~five minutes into Draco’s sorting~
Sorting Hat: I heard you the first hundred times, child, but your value for wit and intellect is just as compelling as your value for ambition and—
Draco: Oh sod off, you crusty old artifact! Just put me in Slytherin before you wither away completely!
Sorting Hat:
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Draco, a minute later at the Ravenclaw table: >:(
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sureallavnder · 8 months
stupid parties - Theodore Nott
p : gentle!theodore nott x anxious!fem!reader
s : slytherin always throw the noisiest, stupidest parties and even though you were sorted into said house you cant normally handle them as things get intense
w : fluff, shaking, google translated italian, theo being a softie, not proofread
a/n : just a softie theo moment don’t ask me how i got this out but not my 200 follower fic
prompt : person b holding person a’s hand while shaking
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You were dreading tonight.
As per usual for the slytherin quidditch team they decided to throw a massive party to celebrate their 5th win of the season.
Something you always struggled with was crowds and noise and lucky for you, you got sorted into the house who throws the loudest, craziest, most unhelpful (in your words) parties.
Theo knew this and always made sure to keep you calm and safe even when he sometimes wished he was partying as it was one of his favourite hobbies.
You and Theo had been dating since he asked you to the Yule Ball in 4th year. But as most, you had crushes on each other since 3rd, and maybe just maybe there was some kind of connection from when you first met. Although you didn’t get close until Christmas break of your 2nd year when you both stayed behind at Hogwarts.
Your family had decided it was best for you to stay in school and focus on furthering your education a little bit, but you always wondered if it was because they liked not having you around.
As for Theo, he never really liked going home. He’d lost his mum when he was young and his dad wasn’t the best of people, a death eater. So it was typical of him to stay at Hogwarts for the holidays.
Theodore Nott. You’re boyfriend of 2 years. He would always spend the party cuddling you and cradling you on his bed, he had absolutely no alternate intentions. He loved looking after you. This time was no different.
It was about 10 minutes before people would normally start to pile into the slytherin common room and just on time Theo came into your dorm room, scooped you up, and carried you to his bed, setting you down. He went and picked out one of his baggiest hoodies and helped you put it on. Guiding your arms through and pulling it over your head making sure you didn’t get stuck. He swooped you into a massive cuddle singing softly into your ear. Arms wrapped tightly around you.
About 20 minutes had passed and you could tell this time felt different. The noise seemed so much more intense and it scared you. That’s when the shaking started. It wasn’t intense, but just a little. It was noticeable to you and Theo.
Theo immediately sat up and turned you so you were facing each other. He held your soft face in his hands. He spoke in italian knowing it calmed you down the quickest.
“tesoro, va bene, starai bene, sono qui” he muttered desperately trying to help
baby girl, it’s okay, you’ll be okay, i’m here
He gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead knowing it’s your favourite. You smile lightly trying to appreciate the help he was giving.
Theo then held your shaking hands and traced his thumb over them to soothe you. You turn around so your back is against his chest, not letting your hands separate.
He places a kiss on the top of your head. Thankfully this calms you down enough to block out the noise of the party on the other side of the door.
Before you knew it, it was the next morning, you had drifted off to sleep in Theodore’s arms. He had layed you down in bed and wrapped himself around you. He didn’t let you go all night.
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polaroidcats · 4 months
On the Origin of Gayness – Are All Gryffindors Actually Gay?
(another pseudo-scientific paper by cat)
This paper examines the question of Homosexuality in the Gryffindor House, drawing from previous research as well as collected samples and interviews with several acclaimed marauders scholars, using mixed methods. Much uncertainty still exists around the relationship between Gayness and Gryffindor, so in this paper I will once again commit to the bit and evaluate scientific scholarship on tumbler dot com for your education and entertainment.
This research was prompted by my esteemed colleague and collaborator @lynxindisguise who revolutionised the scientific community by asking “what if gryffindor is just where you go if you’re gay [?]” (lynxindisguise 2024), daring scholars to “name a straight gryffindor” (ibid). Several highly esteemed scholars such as @plecotusauritus (2024) and @kaleidoscopexsighs (2024) agree with lynxindisguise on her thesis, @werewolfenthusiast (2024) even went so far as to comment that this "would explain a lot" while acclaimed marauders scholar @spindrifters is asking lynxindisguise to “pls”, not elaborating further what they want lynxindisguise to “pls” do, leaving the reader with more questions that this paper hopes to answer.
This paper systematically reviews the data gathered from the popular blogging website tumblr.com on this topic, aiming to provide more insight and clarity on the question of what I have coined “Gryffindor Gayness”.
The overall structure of the paper takes the form of two parts: the main part is 1 The Gryffindor Ideology, Theses on Gryffindor, focusing on the question of Gryffindor Gayness, providing an in-depth analysis and discussion of Gryffindor Gayness. Part 2 Can the Slytherins be Gay? can be seen as a call to action for other Hogwartian Sexuality scholars to consider doing research in this promising field.
1. The Gryffindor Ideology, Theses on Gryffindor
1.1 The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Gryffindor
This section of the paper aims to give a quick overview of the history of Gryffindor Gayness. The term “Gryffindor” tends to be used almost synonymous with “Serving Cunt”, which can be seen as synonymous for “Gay”.
To answer the question “What the hell is a Gryffindor?”, readers are encouraged to also familiarize themselves with previous works on this topic (cf. The Sorting Hat 1997, 2000, 2003; The Scarf of Sexual Preference 2009, 2010, 2012).
The Sorting Hat, leading expert in all things Gryffindor, has done extensive research in various closets, stating “I’m the Hogwarts Sorting Hat, And I can cap them all” (The Sorting Hat 1997), and “You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve and chivalry, Set Gryffindors apart” (ibid).
To fully understand this, additional context of the song is important to note: whenever the Sorting Hat says brave or chivalrous, or daring, most scholars agree that these can be read as synonyms for “gay”, “homosexual” and “serving cunt” respectively. With this alternative reading of the Sorting Hat’s song, Gryffindor Gayness starts to make more sense, but in their later work, the Sorting Hat elaborates more on this, referring to Godric Gryffindor as “the bravest [the gayest]” (The Sorting Hat 2000).
@wanderingdonut (2024), a certified expert on vibes of all stripes shared insightful and important scholarship on the inherently homosexual symbolism of swords, and was the first scholar to draw the connection between the sword of Godric Gryffindor and Homosexuality, stating:
“as everyone knows, swords are the gayest accessory (the point is designed to penetrate? Please. And we all know everyone is gay for a woman with a sword), so really, it was godric who set everyone up for gayness.”
Further proving that Homosexuality has been connected to the House of Gryffindor from the beginning, as was intended by its founder. Wanderingdonut (2024) then goes on to say:
“There is nothing gayer than being bonked on the head with gayness at a deeply inconvenient time and Godric wants that for all his children”,
again stating explicit intent of homosexuality by the founding daddy of Gryffindor house, Godric Gryffindor.
Marauders scholar @fruityindividual also indirectly refers to Godric Gryffindor’s intentional mandate of homosexuality by describing the accommodations for Gryffindor students as having “cosy beds” and forcing proximity, thus leading to Gryffindor Gayness.
1.2 Gryffindor Trouble: Gayness and the Subversion of Identity
In this chapter I will give some examples for Gryffindor Gayness, illustrating why the initial assumption that all Gryffindors are Gay (cf. lynxindisguise 2024) is such an important, one could almost say revolutionary addition to this field of science.
1.2.1 The Weasley Family
The Weasley Family are one of the most prominent Gay/Gryffindor families, making them ideal subjects for this study.
Molly and Arthur Weasley have both been known to be into swinging, often asking couples to be their third and using rubber ducks in many creative ways, setting a good example for their many gay children (cf. polaroidcats 2024).
Fred and George Weasley are both known to have dated Lee Jordan at the same time, “Lee thought he was only dating one of them but forgot which one and was not brave enough to ask” (polaroidcats 2024), which makes Fred and George both perfect examples of that mischievous flavor of Gryffindor Gayness the Weasley family seems to be known for.
However one of the most prominent examples for Gryffindor Gayness in the Weasley family is the youngest child, Ginevra (“Ginny”) Weasley.
Wanderingdonut (2024) claims that “everyone is gay for a woman with a sword. Particularly if it’s Ginny Weasley with a sword”, calling her a “lesbian queen”. Similarly, plecotusauritus (2024) states that “Ginny had a new girlfriend every two weeks but it never got mentioned since it wasnt [sic!] important part of Harry's journey”, introducing not only Ginny’s tendency to fall into her parents’ promisingly promiscuous footsteps, but also highlighting an important aspect of her relationship with Harry James Potter.
@kaaaaaaarf (2024) elaborates further on this idea of compulsory heteronormativity in relation to Ginny’s relationships:
“That girl [Ginny] is a lesbian and I will not be convinced otherwise. I think half the reason her and Harry were drawn to each other is because they recognized (even subconciously) that the other gave off queer vibes, and therefore was a safe person to be with in a heteronormative society. I truly believe that eventually she met a woman and fell in love”
The Homosexuality of the Weasley family is well-documented and widely accepted among scholars of the field. One more example for this can be found in the next section of this paper, discussing the compulsory heteronormative tendencies of certain Gryffindors.
1.2.2 The Golden Trio and Compulsory Heteronormativity
In this section I will explore the parallels between Harry and Ginny’s relationship and Hermione and Ron’s relationship that I have found in my research.
Plecotusauritus (2024) raises the point of “Ron having a major crush on Krum” and elaborates that Ron eventually decides “that he was actually jealous of Hermione and not Krum, and commiting to the bit so hard they end up married (but will eventually find a way for them both to act on their queer tendencies)”, bringing up the idea of compulsory heteronormativity.
This sentiment is mirrored in kaaaaaaarf’s (2024) description of Harry and Ginny’s relationship, where the scholar states that “when [Ginny] finally talked to Harry about it [falling in love with a woman] he wasn't really upset at all. This sent him on his own spiral, realizing that he might not be as straight as he thought he was...”
When asked about favorite Gay Gryffindor moments, scholar lynxindisguise (2024) replied with: “harry being unable to talk about cedric or sirius without mentioning them handsoming [sic!] handsomely down the stairs”.
Likewise, the scholar kaaaaaaarf (2024) replied to the same question as follows:
“I think every time Harry made some sort of comment about how attractive other men were/his obsession with Draco. No straight person is that obsessed with their same sex arch enemy, I'm sorry.”
Scholar @greengrug (2024) also refers to Harry’s obsession with Draco Malfoy, stating that he “takes a permanent residence in the love-to-hate you part of the brain. Two powerful emotions combined to create an unwavering obsession that can't be forgotten.”
Greengrug (ibid) also points out the inherent heteronormativity of the love triangle between Harry James Potter, Cho Chang and Cedric Diggory, elaborating on Harry’s feelings of jealousy and mourning leading him to participate in the classic comphet ritual of kissing your dead lover’s ex girlfriend next to his picture:
“Harry is jealous of Cho being with Cedric! Why else would he kiss her next to his picture next year? Anyone else can see how horridly inappropriate that is. Clearly only a mourning gryffingay could be driven to that point.” (ibid).
1.2.3 The Marauders
Before evaluating the individual Gayness of each member of the friend group known as “the Marauders” (see also my previous work on their crying practises, polaroidcats 2023), a common thread in the gayness of all four members is, as marauders scholar fruityindividual puts it “the scantily-clad special alone times in the sheesh shed”, raising the important question of where the wizard’s clothes go when they change from their animagus form back to their human forms, an area that has been overlooked by science thus far. There is little to be known about it, but it can be assumed that most time any of the marauders has spent in the “sheesh shed”, as the expert calls it, must have been spent naked. Further research on this topic is encouraged. Sirius Black
The added context of Gryffindor Gayness allows for a much more interesting reading of Sirius Black being sorted into Gryffindor. Acclaimed Sirius Black expert plecotusauritus (2024) states that “deep down his [Sirius’] parents knew that this might happen. It was still bit of a shock to this notably straight family.”, referencing the Black family tradition of Slytherin Super Straightness. Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin is one of the most interesting examples for Gryffindor Gayness, proving simultaneously that being Gay is and is not a choice. According to lynxindisguise (2024), Remus “chose gryffindor because he immediately fell in love with sirius on the train and then felt bad when he saw him get sorted into gryffindor and look scared”, proving that being gay is a choice. In my own previous research, I have stated that “Neville’s first crush was Remus Lupin” (polaroidcats 2024), to which spindrifters (2024) has since added the important addition that “remus lupin was also dean thomas's gay awakening”, stating that “there is canon evidence for this across like 3 books”, proving once and for all that being gay is not a choice. James Potter
James Potter is another fascinating example of Gryffindor Gayness, because he was in what the scholars call a “bi4bi” relationship with Lily Evans, another Gryffindor Gay, proving that Gryffindor Gayness is inclusive of Bisexuality and possibly also other queer sexualities. Further research on this topic would be necessary to find a definitive list of sexual orientations that can be subsumed under Gryffindor Gayness, but James Potter and Lily Evans are probably most if not all of them at the same time. Peter Pettigrew
Peter Pettigrew is still the nastiest skank bitch I have ever met, I do not trust him and he is a fugly slut. He was also in love with James and fandom would be all over that Gryffindor Gayness if Peter hadn’t been portrayed as unattractive, but that is a different topic for another paper.
1.3 Gryffindor Realism
This chapter illustrated different examples of Gryffindor Gayness across various generations and genders. There are countless more examples that I encourage scholars to explore. One could argue that there are also straight Gryffindors, but one would be wrong, all Gryffindors are gay. The last section of this paper examines the question of why some non-Gryffindors are also (seemingly) gay and provides further questions for future researchers to consider.
2. Can the Slytherins Be Gay?
The question of why there are also non-Gryffindors who are gay can be answered by referring readers to section 1.2.2 The Golden Trio and Compulsory Heteronormativity. Children are sorted into these houses at eleven years old, so some children might develop their Homosexual tendencies only later in life, or they might try and hide them from the sorting hat. Black family scholar plecotusauritus (2024) also raises the important point of Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black) threatening the Sorting Hat so bad that she got sorted into Slytherin instead of Gryffindor.
3 Conclusion
Previous studies of Hogwartian Sexualities have failed to identify the precise reasoning for students of other houses also showing signs of Gayness. In this article I hope to help close that research gap by focusing on Gryffindor Gayness, but further research into Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw Sexualities would be necessary for a more systematic approach. With more time and funding, I hope to address these issues in future research.
Future research questions that could be asked include “Why was Gilderoy Lockhardt in Ravenclaw?”, “Who are the Slytherin Super Straights?” and “What the hell is a Hufflepuff?”.
The most obvious findings to emerge from this research project are the confirmation of Gryffindor Gayness in all members of the Weasley family, the Marauders and the Golden Trio, as well as other Gryffindors, and the exploration of compulsory heteronormativity as a possible explanation for Non-Gryffindor Gayness, as well as atypical Gryffindor behaviour. Considerably more work will need to be done to determine the precise circumstances of phenomena such as Slytherin Super Straights, Hufflepolyamory and Ravenclaw Aces, and I hope to be able to do research on these soon.
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
So I was looking at this old post of yours (in your fandom meta tag) and has anyone else noticed that Hogwarts AU fanfic and meta about if this or that character from another fandom would be Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw has completely disappeared? I assume that this is related to JKR’s transphobia making her (understandably) persona non grata to a lot of online queer people of the kind who dominate fanfic fandom at least on AO3 (I’m less familiar with Wattpad or other corners of fandom that are overwhelmingly cishet and writing het, and the Bridgerton drama has taught me a lot about just how out of pace a lot of them are with even elementary queer stuff, yeesh). but I was wondering if others have noticed that. It did seem to really start to crater around 2019-20 when she stopped being coy and blaming it on “middle aged moments,” and started openly making transphobic tweets and writing essays about it rather than just “liking” others’. Like when I was into Yuri on Ice circa 2016-18, it was still all over that fandom, even though people were already souring on the actual official franchise stuff such as those terrible Fantastic Beasts movies.
So I’m mostly active in anime, JRPG and Western genre TV fandoms so I was curious if this was also happening elsewhere. I’m also wondering if the fact that actual HP fandom seems to be increasingly divorced from canon (like fanon pairings of characters who never interacted in canon being the most popular lately) is related to this too.
Cuz having a Hogwarts AU used to be a sign that a fandom had Arrived. I remember in 2016 you saw people doing house sortings for the people on the frickin 538 political podcast. Now I never see any of that even with huge fandoms.
It’s interesting to me given that it feels like her transphobia hasn’t dented much of her popularity with non online nerd culture. Like the third Fantastic Beasts movie failed but those had never been good and had been declining in box office numbers already. But the Hogwarts Legacy game sold really well. You still see HP in stores all over the place with other nerd culture staples like Star Wars and Marvel. Still constantly see brands doing collabs. I often find non online friends and family, including many who are genuine allies to the trans people in their lives, who have no idea about her transphobia. Or they’ve only heard a little and assume it’s some weird insular online culture thing that is just fans nitpicking, maybe having heard about some other Twitter “canceling” over nothing and figuring it’s like that. They’re always shocked and horrified when I tell them what she’s actually saying and doing.
Interesting question.
For me, as an Old, it just feels like Hogwarts AUs are part of my childhood, and why wouldn't they be less common now? But realistically, if they actually are declining, it does mean something.
There's no way for us to know if the "Would X be a Hufflepuff?" posts are really a thing of the past. That could be a question of whom one follows or of fans leaving one's platform. But we can at least poke at some AO3 tags and see if they show a pattern.
The relevant tags are Alternate Universe - Hogwarts and its metatag Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting.
There are 21,426 works in the metatag. Obviously, not everything uses the tag, but it's a starting point. (Some cursory playing with filters on big tags makes me think that maybe around 3/4 of HP AUs are actually tagged with a relevant AU tag.)
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If we look at the AU tag itself, the numbers have come down in the last few years. (This year is obviously only half over, so we'd expect those numbers to be smaller.)
But we have to take into account how big the archive itself was. It's been growing significantly since it opened to staff accounts in late 2008 and then more widely in late 2009, so the overall rise doesn't mean much, but the recent drop might.
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It does seem like there's a downward trend lately, but it doesn't look like it's falling off a cliff.
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starslovechasers · 3 months
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
They sat in silence. How else are you meant to sit with a boy you once loved so much that it hurt to breathe? But no, James and Regulus were more than that. Their love story wasn’t simply painful, it was a normal Romeo and Juliet story. It was wretched, rotting. Cursed longer than their souls had existed, cursed before their bloodlines started. There was no universe or alternate timeline in which they ever had a happy story, that didn’t stop them from both wishing they did. In their most impossible dreams, they pretended like it was. Yet neither of them would ever admit they were smart enough to know the truth.
James sat on the bench, his hands intertwined. If you looked close enough you could see he looked distant, in his thoughts– like, maybe he was pretending one of his hands wasn’t his own.
Regulus was sat next to him, avoiding eye contact. As always. So Incredibly close to James he could feel the warmth of his skin, yet he still seemed to be just out of James’ reach. James had always hated irony. If you followed Regulus’ gaze you could see him sneaking glimpses at James' hands, and at moments like these– maybe just maybe Regulus was pretending no different to how James was.
The war had ended a few months prior. Although Sirius had begun to forgive Regulus, mind you– slowly, James refused to enter a city with him in it, let alone share a bench with him until now.
Maybe it was something about this spot, about Hogwarts that made him softer. James wished it was strong enough to make him able to forgive, but yet some things aren’t even that strong.
James opened his mouth, Regulus prepared for the slap.
‘’You did some things that I can’t unabsorb.’ James’ spoke, each word careful. Eggshells.
Regulus deserved that he did. The mark on his forearm would forever be a reminder of that, and James. Oh pure and loving James Potter, even he had limits.
‘Well, you turned me into an idea of sorts.’ Regulus ground out. A defence mechanism, always. James had learned to know that type of response all too well, and yet despite the weight his words held, they didn’t hurt.
James let out a shaky laugh. ‘At least I won’t have to wonder if you’ve changed, still forever the same snarky git I fell in love with.’
Regulus’ heart flipped, but that feeling couldn’t erase the bitter tone that lingered on James’ words. They’d both changed. They both knew that, perhaps James’ fleeting joke was a final attempt to reminisce, Regulus didn’t overthink it.
Regulus’ gaze flicked to James as James leant back against the bench. Shuffling and adjusting, James took a box of cigarettes out of his pocket. Regulus didn’t dare scoff, he didn’t know James’ anymore. Why should he be surprised?
James flipped it open, carelessly– he placed a cigarette between his teeth. Slipping the pack back into his pocket and fumbling for a lighter. Each movement slid together like clockwork, the marks of an old habit. Regulus wondered when it started.
‘You know what I’ve always wondered.’ James spoke, clicking the lighter. ‘If I sell my house, and you have some kids with some pureblood witch, will that make your memory of my hands fade?’ James' voice was cold, passive almost.
Regulus struggled to recognise the boy next to him. He couldn’t resist it anymore, so he turned to look at him. James met his eyes. Gone were the bright brown eyes of James Potter that Regulus had once loved so deeply, instead empty dark ones stared back at him. Lifeless, eyes that could only be found in someone who had seen so much loss. Regulus wondered which loss did it.
‘That was cold of you.’ Regulus mumbled weakly. Stupid, he scorned himself. You ruined him, yet you are the one who cowers at his presence, how awfully poetic.
‘Well, If you want to break my cold cold heart, you know what to say.’ James' voice came out bitter, he lit the cigarette and took a deep inhale. Slipping the lighter away, Regulus averted his gaze.
‘What, that I loved you? I do.’
James took the cigarette between his fingers and exhaled.
‘You didn’t,’ He laughed, tapping the ash away. ‘You may have needed me, but you needed them more. You just expect me to watch that– all of that happen, and believe that you still loved me?’
Regulus didn’t have to ask who he was talking about.
‘They’re gone James.’
James shrugged.
‘Big fucking whoop. What does that change? That may be true but so are other things. Like, you should have left with Sirius, but you didn’t. I should have stayed away from you, I didn’t. They should have been better parents, they weren’t.’
Regulus tried to ignore the feeling in the back of his throat. He couldn’t understand how sweet, good, James Potter was speaking to him like this. Not that he wasn’t wrong, He missed his James, and he hated himself for turning loving James into this person.
‘Why are you here James?’ Regulus somehow found the strength to say.
James looked at him, really looked at him.
‘You know that I loved you the way that you were? Why wasn’t that enough?’
James had always been stronger of the pair of them, but in that moment– He was the one who broke eye contact. He couldn’t bear to see Regulus’ eyes brim, no matter how much he hated him.
‘I don’t know, but I want to be better.’
‘It’s a bit fucking late for that.’ James took another deep puff, before chucking the cigarette on the floor before it burnt too close to his fingers. ‘You know what one of the worst parts is? For me, It was enough just to float in your orbit. Just being around you– I thought that it was all going to be okay, that whatever was going on would work itself out.’ James took a shaky breath, a fracture in his facade. ‘I wish that was enough for you.’
Regulus squeezed his eyes together. ‘You were enough James,’ He breathed. ‘You’ve always been enough–I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to choose you.’ James used that moment to steal a glance at him.
Regulus heard movement. Warm breath. Cinnamon. He let his eyes flutter open, James was watching him, carefully. His cold eyes had relaxed slightly, watching Regulus ever so intimately. Regulus resisted the urge to run his hands over his own arms.
James and Regulus had moved closer together, naturally. The space between them on the bench seemed to shorten with each breath. Regulus may have been too weak to choose them, but that didn’t mean James would ever stop being weak for him.
‘You’ve had too many moments of weakness, It’s not fair, I deserve one.’ James mumbled, eyes on Regulus’ lips.
‘Please, James.’ Regulus breathed. He was innately aware of his pounding heart, he had missed the smell of James, his touch. He ached for just a moment with him again. A certain type of release that could only be found through the embrace of James Potter.
The last thing Regulus heard fall from James’ lips sounded like a pained ‘God forgive me.’ but he wasn’t sure, he didn’t care, because James had broken the distance.
What started as a simple, gentle brush of lips turned quickly into a violent collision. A tongue feeling familiar to a gentle I miss you, evolved into passionate I hate you.
James’ hands fell to Regulus’ waist, gripping so hard he might have marked him, James though. Good. Let me mark you like how you have marked me. You’ve altered me body and soul, let me leave a small bruise. Please. Although the thoughts remained unsaid, it was as if Regulus already felt them in his bones. James and Regulus had always known each other so deeply, it was as if they could communicate through simple hums, rhythms that buzzed in each other's bones. They had always felt like one.
Regulus melted into the touch, the taste of James’ tongue euphoric. God he missed what it had felt like to be loved by James Potter. Hands in hair, an entanglement of limbs– that was always how it seemed to go with them. They still touched each other as if each touch was the last, if only they had known when they were younger that that feeling held some truth. Would Regulus have lingered a little longer? Would he have told James he loved him before it was over?
Regulus shut off his thoughts, and allowed him to revel in the feelings of James’ soft hands, which had made their way up to hold Regulus’ face ever so carefully– as if he was scared he’d break him. How sickly ironic, Regulus– a weak deatheater who’d succumbed to the sins of his parentage, weak and pliable in the hands of a boy who kissed and touched like the sun, a boy who represented everything that was left of good in the world.
The heat of the kiss has died down, and changed into gentle kisses, dampened by salt and the ache of what could have been.
James was the one to break it, leaning his head against Regulus’, neither of them dare open their eyes.
‘Will I always have to wonder, Regulus? Or do you think as a part of this being better, you could give me an answer?’
A beat. Regulus wanted to be better, he did that much was true, He just didn’t know how to.
‘I don’t have an answer for you James, I don’t think I ever will.’ Regulus whispered, his eyes didn’t move, frozen– clenched shut. Hiding. At that moment, James knew Regulus would always cower, he would never be able to be better, despite no matter how much they both wanted him to be better.
‘Guess I’ll always wonder.’
Regulus was left alone with only the sound of his own choking breaths. He didn't open his eyes till the air he breathed felt clean, he wasn’t sure he would ever stop missing the smoke. Guess he’d always wonder.
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shinobi-illuminator · 4 months
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Cursed Child redo
Just started over from scratch since our new bad guys are from the Lovecraftian school Miskatonic in the US. Plus, give us some Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff rep!
James Sirius Potter: Eldest son of Harry and Ginny. A braggart who is proud of the legacy he holds and wants to be the best-- especially in Quidditch! As a result he assumes the other houses are not the best and he picks on others like Albus and Scorpius. As a result of this bullying, Albus lashed out and cursed off his eye. Harry was furious, but Albus narrowly escaped getting expelled and was punished through alternative means. James was beside himself, he wasn't always like this. A combination of pressure to be perfect and his closeted homosexuality were something that was weighing heavily on him. Then his father went on a mission to the US to uncover the secrets to a strange school called Miskatonic University where allegedly students of a wizard or muggle background were enlisted together. But something wasn't right, students and aurors alike were going missing.... and Harry Potter hasn't returned either. James enlisted himself under Ilvermorny's exchange program in hopes of finding his father. However the cocky Gryiffindor was going to be in for something much bigger than mere kidnappings.
Albus Severus Potter: Middle child of the Potter family. Albus was worried about what house he'd be sorted into. Gryffindor or Slytherin. But the hat noticed how much the young boy would over think about everything and spat him out in Ravenclaw. Albus was stunned and felt unsure, nothing was going to plan and he worried if something was wrong. Feeling lost too he befriended Scorpius Malfoy. Despite their families complicated history he found Scorpius to be a good emotional rock in his life while they both related to things not going to plan. Eventually they embraced their house despite the earfuls they got from their families. One day Albus had heard about a portrait that was left empty. That portrait was of Severus Snape, dubbed hero of Hogwarts much like Dumbledore and immortalized. His painting was supposed to be a sign of good luck now that the curse on Defense Against the Dark Arts class was lifted. Feeling the need to meet one of his namesakes he tested fate and introduced himself to the painting hoping Snape would appear. At first he was disappointed and was about to leave when suddenly a voice told him to stay put. Snape finally came into his frame. He was amused that Harry had named one of his sons after him, even with a middle name. Albus would confide in Snape's portrait and share his thoughts and troubles to him. In time he saw Snape more like a father than Harry. He was easier to talk to and relate to. He battled with worries that he wasn't living up to his father's expectations. Snape softened up around him and would give him words of encouragement, especially after he accidentally cursed off Jame's eye. As soon as his father went missing-- followed by his brother, Albus felt the need to rescue them both to prove himself. But he would not be going alone.
Lily Luna Potter (Lily-lu for short): The youngest of the Potter family. Taking after her granny, Lily loves to make friends and saw the good in just about everyone she meets. Her best friend being the demi-giant Hibiscus Hagrid. At home she acts as the peacemaker to try and sooth the heavy arguments James and Ablus get into. The results are mixed, given that she's the youngest and seldom anyone listens to the youngest of the family. That is until she plays her wizard lute. She quickly found she had a talent for music and this would make everyone in the room feel better. She can't stand conflict and feels music helps a lot. With her brothers going abroad to find their father she and her friends are now faced with the equally scary task of uncovering students from the US trying to body snatch hogwarts students.
Teddy Lupin: So of the late Remus Lupin and Tonks. Godson to the potters. In his youth he'd frequent between his grandma's domain and the Potters. Until his grandma's untimely death, Harry and Ginny took Teddy as their own. He became a sort of foster big brother to James, Albus, and Lily. He was chill and liked making others laugh, but he knew how to settle conflicts over a nice batch of chocolate. He graduated from Hogwarts and is now the head of Hufflepuff house acting as a TA for the new Professor in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Trocar the vampire. During his time at Hogwarts he fell in love with Victoire and upon graduation they're now engaged to be married soon.
Hibiscus Hagrid: Daughter of Rubeus Hagrid and Olympe Maxine. The two half giants were on and off again until after the conflict of the wizarding war blew over and they got married. Hibiscus was one of the only half giant students going to Hogwarts. Her mother would fly back to France for her school and Hagrid would still tend to the beasts on the castle grounds. Hibiscus like her papa loved animals. When trying to find a familiar she couldn't pick one and ended up with 5. 2 cats, 2 owls and a toad. Seeing as Hagrid's house is close by she'd always trade out her critter between classes. That way no one feels left out. She'd always make time to have tea with her papa and soon Lily-- or Lily-lu she'd nickname her would come along. One day she discovered a dragon's egg in a poacher's camp and it hatched. Unsure of what to do she kept the little dragon in her pocket, seeing as it was the size of a salamander at the time. She'd feed it marshmallows to help keep her belly full for classes. She named the dragon Willow.... and Willow was getting bigger. She dreaded the day she'd have to turn the little orphan dragon loose.
Rose Weasley: Daughter of Hermione and Ron. Being the daughter of the minister of magic, she expected nothing else than to be in the exact house her parents were in. To her horror she ended up in Slytherin. She about had a fit, but the hat dubbed her worthy as one and she was ushered into her house. Rose thought this was the worst thing ever and worried how her parents would react that their witty girl didn't get into Gryffinfdor. But as it turned out she found some of her cousins there too. She became friends with Erin who helped her adjust and see things from a different point of view. Slytherin house was very different from what is was in the past. Where as she heard stories about pure blood extremists she found very clever and insightful people. Perhaps not all Slytherins were bad.... But her prejudice flared up when she saw her cousin befriending a Malfoy. She'd shout and tell Scorpius to back off thinking he was going to send Albus down a dark path, but slowly found that wasn't the case. Once again Rose began to contemplate that in her fears of finding bullies she ended up being one. She eased up on her temper and found a healthy spot to be in over time. But as soon as her uncle Harry went missing she turned to her father. Ron was once the Watson to Harry's Sherlock, they were a great team until Ron got into an accident and a dark wizard got away. He stepped down to recover and would work with his brother at Zonko's Joke shop. Once his leg healed Ron felt like he had the fight taken out of him. Was he just slowing everyone down? Should he just be a stay at home dad and watch the kids? The man was in a state of doubt and it sparked some tension in his and Hermione's marriage. Rose worried if she screwed up it would make her parents get divorced. It wasn't true, but it worried her to death. Something her little brother didn't seem to catch. Still she got word about Harry going missing and told her father she, James, Albus, and Scorpius had to go and find him. Ron was hesitant to get his daughter and nephews involved, but he vowed he'd watch over them and bring back Harry Potter. He could finally prove himself he wasn't an old fart who lost his spark.
Hugo Weasley: Son of Hermione and Ron. The scruffy joker of a boy became fast friends with his cousin James. He'd act as his hype man at every turn. But when he wasn't in James's shadow he was tending to his house elf friend, Yo-yo. After his mother freed the house elves from bondage, there had been a new generation of house elves who were born free and wore clothes like the wizards and goblins. Yo-yo couldn't get a wand-- didn't need one really, but he wanted to go to Hogwarts like all the other wizards. So Hugo had him hide in his book bag so he could see what wizard life was like. Hugo despite being a touch naive himself felt the need to protect Yo-yo. This would get them into danger sometimes.
Scorpius Malfoy: Son of Draco and Astoria. Scorpius was the first Malfoy in generations to end up anyway else but Slytherin. Given his family's reputation Scporius is used to having people assume the worst in him. But seeing as he got sorted into Ravenclaw he was hoping to prove everyone wrong. And to kick it all off he befriended Albus. The two got into Astronomy and would spend hours at night trying to spot the constellations in their dorm. Scorpius was cool headed and clever and as soon as Harry went missing he jumped at the chance to help his best friend. He has a crush on Rose, but it's gonna take some time before she'll like him back.
Griselda Trelawney: Daughter of Sybill Trelawney and Omar Amid. Her father died when she was little and her mother supposedly saw visions of something dreadful befalling Griselda. From her two colored eyes, the star birthmarks on her back, even her beauty mark. All of these were supposed to be signs for different outcomes. As a result it left her with a lot of depression. No one could tell if her mom was telling the truth or was just old and senile. She confided in her partner Dominique who could somehow pull her out of her funk and be happy for once.
Hilda Longbottom: Daughter of Neville Longbottom and Hannah Abbot. Being the daughter of the current Herbology teacher and the Land lady of the Leaky Cauldron, Hilda became a feisty Gryffindor. She was aware of folks poking fun at her softy of a dad-- despite him slaying Nagini-- and would sick her cane toad familiar at students she felt needed to be taught a lesson. She didn't care if she got detention, she had 0 tolerance for bullying. Hugo has a huge crush on her.
Lysander and Lorcan Scamander: Sons of Luna Lovegood and Rolf Scamander. Arguably the new Weasley twins in spirit. Despite being sorted in different houses the twins act in sync almost like stoners. Being related to the famous Newt Scamander they both gravitate to the care for magical beasts. They want to be wizard vets when they graduate.
Molly and Lucy Weasley: Daughters of Percy and Audrey. Also fellow Weasley's who got sorted into Slytherin. Molly is their current prefect and head girl, she sets strict rules and expects everyone to follow them. Her twin Lucy, being a fellow prefect is more lax about the rules and even encourages them to be broken. This results in massive heated debates between the two sisters.
Erin Chang Campbell: Daughter of Cho Chang and a Muggle, Mr. Campbell. Erin was a quiet girl who was gifted with potions. She helped befriend Rose while she got situated at Slytherin and showed her Slytherin wasn't so bad to be in.
Victoire, Dominique, and Louis Weasley: Victoire is a Ravenclaw graduate and fiance to Teddy Lupin. She acts as an assistant for Minerva McGonagall. She's an animagus who can turn into a swan. Her siblings and cousins would joke she's the swan princess from Swan Lake. Dominique is a Gryffindor senior and is transitioning from girl to boy. Currently dating Griselda. And Louis is a werewolf. He accidentally got bitten by his father but tries to not let that hold him back. Best friends with Jahnu.
Freddie and Roxanne Weasley: Son and Daughter of George and Angelina. Two cunning pranksters who are trying to bring some fun back into Gryffindor. They befriended Peeves and are on the lookout for their uncle's ghost who apparently haunts around the clock tower. They hope to find him so their father can have some closer.
Harbeth and Apus Finnegan: Sons of Seamus Finnegan and Lily Moon. Both are of Irish and Korean decent. Apus loves food and wants to work at Honeydukes when he graduates. Biggest of all he wants to add more flavors from Korea to his confections to make brand new wizard candy. However his confections still have a lot of progress to go. When they're food, they're really good-- when they're bad things tend to go BOOM. Harbeth is his designated taste tester, often accident prone but willing to try-try again. Both are on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. Both have a tendency to raid the Hogwarts kitchens while no on is looking.
Freya Onai Wood: Daughter of Oliver Wood and best keeper in Ravenclaw's Quidditch team.
Jahnu Thomas: Son of Dean Thomas and Parvati Patel, best quiddich player for Slytherin house and rival to James.
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serpentsillusion · 5 months
⚜Jessica Garyn Burke⚜
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Slytherin baddie breaking social standards since 1890
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House: Slytherin
Birthday: October 16th 1875 (age 15)
Blood status: Half-Blood
Wand: Hawthorn wood, Dragon core, 12 ¾" and slightly yielding flexibility
Special abilities: Ancient Magic, Hand to hand combat, musically inclined, excellent cook.
Pets: Mackerel Tabby Cat with white paws (Oliver)
Favorite subject: DATDA, Potions, Beast class.
Amortentia: Sandalwood, Lemon Zest, Rosemary and Dragons Blood.
Enjoys: Slayin' Gobs, Punching Rookwood, hanging out with Sebastian and Ominis, practicing hand to hand combat with her father when she's home, dancing like a moron for her friends, making people laugh, teaching Sebastian secrets about cooking, throwing parties at her house with the crew, Making music with Ominis.
Dislikes: Imelda Reyes (doesn't like bullies) Sometimes Leander, unsolicited advances, Ranrok, getting rocks stuck in her boots, giant spiders.
Traits: Incredibly intelligent; but insanely goofy. Very outspoken, blunt, cheeky and opinionated. Hot-headed but sensitive around Sebastian. Actually is very friendly and kind hearted. Is really good with foreign languages, History and Science. She loves animals and healing.
Appearance: 5'2" and sassy. She has fair skin with a small amount of freckles speckled about her face. Chestnut/Ash brown hair, usually in a messy/twisted bun. Bright ocean blue eyes. Naturally wavy hair when she has it down. When she's not wearing her proper Hogwarts uniform, she likes to dress down and comfy, usually in edgy and alternative outfits.
Favorite colors: Green, Blue, Purple
Patronus: Husky
Family: Father (David Burke *brother of Caractacus Burke*) is a Pure blood Gryffindor but definitely also probably should have been sorted into Slytherin because his daughter is JUST like him. Her mother (Ramona) is muggle born. She has two slibings; An older estranged brother (Roderick) that served in Azkaban but was released later on, an Older sister (Seraphina) who works directly under the Minister of Magic at the Ministry. Jessica and her family are American but Moved to London after her Father was transferred because he worked in the Wizarding Military Force under the Ministry. She grew up in Georgia and has a slight southern accent. They were in London long enough for both of her older siblings to attend Hogwarts and also be sorted into Slytherin but Jess didn't have magic yet. Her brother is 9 years older than she is and her sister is 7 years older than her. They eventually were transferred BACK to the USA where Jessica continued to grow up and attend Ilvermorny for only a couple of months before they were ultimately transferred BACK AGAIN to London where she started 5th year at Hogwarts, which was her very first year of having magic (she's a late bloomer) *Hints* opening game where she doesn't have a wand of her own, and is incredibly surprised by the amount of magic she sees at Hogwarts where she obviously meets Sebastian and Ominis who become her (truely real) best friends.
Usually found: in the undercroft learning how to play gobstones with the 2 Slytherin boys, sneaking into the kitchens after hours cuz she internal chonk, sneaking into the restricted section with Sebastian, in the front garden at the summoners court or in the clock tower participating in crossed wands. Sometimes in Feldcroft with Ominis taking care of Sebastian after his uncle dies suddenly and mysteriously 👀 (Sebastian technically owns the property after that)
Future career: Ancient Artifact Collector, (claims ownership of Borgin and Burkes later on) and Healer of sorts.
Spouses: Sebastian Sallow (Married at 18 years, almost immediately after graduating Hogwarts)
Children: Samuel Johnathan Sallow and Abigail MaryAnne Sallow (Twins) *of course* 😉
Inspiration for post by: @quinnsallow 💝✨
Photo creds: Lensa AI, NightCafe, Google images, image creator.
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sakuplumeria · 9 months
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Moriarty the Patriot / Yuukoku no Moriarty Ask Game - Alternate Universe Edition
Choose a number for a character and an alphabet for a scenario, and put it in my ask box! I’ll answer the question. Feel free to reblog if you want to answer questions too :)
Pick a character:
1) William James Moriarty
2) Albert James Moriarty
3) Louis James Moriarty
4) Sebastian Moran
5) Fred Porlock
6) Zach Patterson
7) James Bonde
8) Jack Renfield
9) Von Herder
10) Moneypenny
11) Sherlock Holmes
12) John H. Watson
13) Miss Hudson
14) George Lestrade
15) Mycroft Holmes
16) Irene Adler
17) Henry Antrim (Billy the Kid)
18) Mary Watson
19) Wiggins
20) Adam Whiteley
21) Charles Augutus Milverton
22) Favorite character
23) Other character (mention in the ask)
Choose a scenario:
A) Lives in modern times. What kind of vehicles does the character ride?
B) Goes out to space. What does the character miss the most from earth?
C) Turns into an animal. What animal does the character turn into?
D) Has magical powers! What powers does the character have?
E) Creates a Tumblr account. What does the character like to post?
F) Is in the orchestra! What instruments does the character play?
G) Spends time in the theme park! What attractions does the character play?
H) Lives somewhere outside the UK. Which country/city/place does the character live in?
I) Bodyswaps with another character. With whom does the character swap with?
J) Signs up for an RPG. What is the character’s username?
K) Signs up for an RPG. The character can be a rogue, a warrior, a mage, a trickster, an archer, and a priest/healer. What class does the character choose?
L) Lives in modern times. What phone does the character use?
M) Has elemental powers (for example fire and water), Which element does the character control?
N) Is in a restaurant/bakery/coffee shop AU. What does the character do?
O) Is in a hospital/medical AU. What does the character do?
P) Goes to Hogwarts and is currently wearing the Sorting Hat! Which house does the character get?
Q) Is a serial killer in the modern world. What weapon does the character use?
R) Is suddenly the most famous person in the world. What is the character famous for?
S) Is forced to have a date for a prom. Who will the character ask to fake date?
T) Is in the Olympics sports AU. What sports does the character play?
U) Is a solo traveler. What things does the character always bring with him/her?
V) Lives in a parallel universe where London is peaceful and doesn't have social gaps. What does the character do in such a peaceful world?
W) Is born from a Greek god/goddess. Who are the character’s parents and does the character have any powers?
X) Is a mythological creature. What creature does the character live as?
Y) Is created as a droid. What does the character programmed to do?
Z) Is a YouTuber. What kind of videos does the character upload?
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Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy
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Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy
Nicknames: Malfoy, Scorp, Scor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: 3/4 English, 1/4 Swedish
DOB: 03/07/2006
Parents: Draco & Astoria Greengrass
Siblings: N/A
Godparents: Blaise Zabini & Pansy Parkinson
Best friends: Albus Potter, Rose Weasley, Noah Zabini, Yves Moreau, Sasha Briggs
Started Hogwarts: 2017
House: Slytherin
Wand: Phoenix Tail Feather, Rowan, 11”
Patronus: Brown Hare
Boggart: Forced to curse someone
Ex curricular: Slytherin seeker
Best subject: DADA
Worst Subject: Potions
Hair: Platinum blonde, straight and short
Eye colour: Blue
Build: 6ft, slim
Favourite music genre: Indie, Alternative, Folk
Favourite artists: Bob Dylan, Mumford & Sons, Mac Demarco, Cage the Elephant
Favourite songs: Like a Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan / Come and Little Closer - Cage the Elephant
Health: OCD, C-PTSD
Career: Auror
Future: Scorpius marries Albus Potter aged 25 (2031). He seen how nervous Albus was after being sorted into Slytherin and decided then and there he would be at his side no matter what. (also, selfishly at first, he wanted to prove he was not his father). They live in Kensington, London, England and have 2 children via surrogacy:
•Felix Orion Potter (male, b. 2033)
•Toby Castor Potter (male, b. 2036)
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ravenclaw-draco · 10 months
So I've been having this Alternate Hogwarts House Sorting AU cooking in my brain for forever where Ron is Gryffindor, Harry is Slytherin, Neville is Hufflepuff, and Draco is Ravenclaw because of a slight change to how everyone gets sorted, but it's made clear that both Harry and Draco were hatstalls for how well they fit into more than one house (Red/Green and Green/Blue respectively) and on top of that, every dorm room has at least one person from each house to encourage inter-house unity so all four of them are roommates, causing a pretty significant change of fate because they're no longer in these like-minded echo-chambers, meaning that most of the blood purity-obsessed Slytherins are eventually steered in the right direction, even if it doesn't prevent the second wizarding war, and I have like reasoning to back it up and a serious take on it and how it would realistically work and not work, but also?? I kinda just wanna post my fun little drabbles about Ron, Harry, Neville, and Draco being little shits together and causing trouble while living their best lives
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greenerteacups · 5 months
ravenclaw harry is probably the house I find hardest to reconcile with the rest of the canon story. would love to hear your thoughts bc I totally agree that he would have made himself fit into any house as a first year. slytherin harry has a lot of fanon exploration which has had interesting results for sure! hufflepuff harry resonates with the sense of belonging and warmth he was likely yearning for….same actions seem likely to me still. but ravenclaw harry and the friends he’d make (or not make! outcast ish harry being friends with luna and the other alternative-esque ravenclaws?) not sure how that would go! intriguing for sure
housing 11 year olds based on personality is strange business (and all the main characters being in one house is just eh) which is why I love works like lionheart switching that up!
First and foremost, if you want an excellent Ravenclaw!Harry, may I recommend this fic by one of my favorite HPfic authors of all time? It's not quite a Sorting AU, but it's still immaculate, and it's my favorite R!Harry of all time.
I think Houses are first and foremost tools of community and socialization — they're a way to get a bunch of terrified eleven year-olds to make friends, and to break down the immense project of getting to know [INSERT MYTHICAL HOGWARTS DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTIC] people in your cohort at once. The point of doing a Sorting on the basis of personality is to find the place that's going to suit you best; for Slytherins, that's the place that represents their community, their heritage, and their own (fucked up) social set. For Hufflepuffs, that's a really friendly place that focuses on personal development. Gryffindors are adventurers, trailblazers, and explorers; Ravenclaws are inquisitive and interested in deep thinking. To that extent, I can understand why you'd set all of your characters in one house early on, but as the story goes on, it becomes apparent how much the failure to socialize between Houses hurts inter-House relations. It creates much stronger "types" than you might if you just let everyone socialize together.
When Harry is Sorted, we don't know a lot about the dude. We know he's pretty resilient, amicable, and overall nice to people (is immediately on-board and makes friends with Giant Dude Who's Basically Kidnapping You, even though in fairness, he's getting rescued from an abusive home, so — not surprising!) but for the most part, it just gives Normal Guy. It takes a while for Harry's specific brand of introverted weirdness to manifest in the story, and even then, because we're in his POV, we don't see how incredibly awkward he actually is — rereading his dates with Cho is a gauntlet of cringing. He locks on to the people close to him and integrates himself with their group, then basically maintains trajectory until something forces him to stop. He's a really passive dude; 9/10 of the series his him going "what fucking NOW" and running off to put out whatever fire is happening that he's inexplicably implicated in. (He's still heroic, ftr; he does make the choice to risk his life for people, and he does the right thing. But you get the feeling that he would be much happier if he could take a break once in a while and let some other Chosen One take on the serious stuff.)
Apart from the one rec'd above, I can't think of many Ravenclaw!Harry fics that actually take the Sorting as a character challenge. Ravenclaw gets flattened to "the smart House that does great in school" in a lot of fanon — which is kind of strange because the two nerdiest characters, Hermione Granger and Ernie Macmillan, are a Gryffindor and a Hufflepuff, respectively. The few Ravenclaws we do get to know, Cho and Luna, are much more defined by their passion for their chosen hobbies than by any scholarly aptitude. Of the few Ravenclaw Sorting AUs out there, a lot of them end up being those Redditor-beloved "Harry Potter but the characters make decisions I think are smarter and then reward them by artificially making those solutions 100% effective" fix-its. A.K.A. fics where the real point is for the author to flex about how smart they are for "getting" the "science" behind a magical storybook world. (No, I don't have strong feelings about these at all, why do you ask?)
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in-class-daydreams · 1 year
King of My Heart (Sebastian Sallow x Reader)
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x Fem!Reader Chapter 1: ...Ready for It? Synopsis: Hogwarts Legacy if Sebastian's Relationship Quest was the main quest. A telling of the in-between, the late nights sneaking around the castle after curfew, sitting on the second floor of the library listening to Sebastian ramble about a book he read, stealing cubes of melon off his plate during breakfast. How we got from "not bad for a beginner" to "there was nobody else, I came alone" to "no matter what happens, I'm glad we met." Alternatively: How your love could pull Sebastian Sallow back from the brink. Told in the style of Percy Jackson, in first-person and with sarcasm. A/N: Starting a new project without finishing the old ones, are we, Aya? Yes. Yes, we are. TW: A lil swearing
Listen, I never wanted to be a witch.
I apologize to all of you romantics who think that the whole thing - Hogwarts, ancient magic, regular magic, being British, fantastic beasts - is all about feeding puffskeins and brewing amortentia. Might I add that the love potion is a bastard to brew, because if it was that easy, it wouldn’t be the most powerful love potion in existence, would it? That, and it’s somewhat unsettling. I, for one, do not always smell like jasmine and citrus. And during my fifth year at Hogwarts especially, I was constantly running through spider-infested caves and fighting dugbogs, and if my soulmate or whoever caught a whiff of that smell, they just might retch.
Speaking of my fifth year, I started off that year like any other new student entering a boarding school where everyone else already knew each other: terrified beyond measure. Of course, I made sure to never let Professor Fig see that. Not that I didn’t trust him, but I was determined to never let him see me slip. Not when he was the only person who ever believed in me.
After everything that happened on the way to Hogwarts from dragons to goblins (I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors about that, right? ) I expected a bit… more? For lack of a better term. I arrived at the Sorting Ceremony late, nearly had an aneurysm on that stool with all those eyes on me, nervously chattered with the magic hat, and sat there, willing myself not to fidget too much.
I sat there feeling like I was somehow sitting incorrectly when the Hat hummed to himself (itself?) and made general thoughtful sounds. He spoke of how I arrived with expectations and preconceptions, and perhaps he was right, though I cared less about the house I’d be put in and more about not standing out too much.
“Ah, a difficult decision, indeed. It is quite different, sorting a fifth-year. You know more about the world and less about yourself than a first-year. And yet, you have a certain sense of – hmm – what is it?”
“Is it ambition?” I offered quietly. “I may seem single-minded, but it is important to go after what you want from life.”
The Sorting Hat made another indecipherable grunting sound.
“Is that how you see yourself, child? Not my first impression, to be frank, but other factors considered, I’ve made my choice. Between the two of us… You would have done well in Gryffindor.”
Would have?
I might have dwelled on the passing statement further had the Sorting Hat not interrupted my thoughts.
Slytherin in all caps! Honestly, I understand that he shouts for the benefit of the enormous room, but the ringing in my ears lingered long after I got it off my head.
I expected a sleepless night after that. I lay in an unfamiliar bed and my mind kept replaying the day’s events like a moving picture show. Behind my eyelids, I kept seeing the carriage crack in half, the swift appearance of the thestrals soon after. My first thought was that they allowed themselves to be seen until I realized they appeared to people who had seen death. I may not have seen the blood and limbs disappear down the dragon’s throat, but I had seen death that day. Looked it in the eye. Watched it wink at me and stick its tongue out as if to say, “If I wanted you, I’d have you.”
I don’t know when I slipped into a dreamless sleep, but before I knew it, it was morning. I blinked my dry eyes and sat up to take in the large, circular room around me. It was neat, thankfully. I didn’t know much about wizard boarding schools, but they sure took color-coding very seriously. From green tapestries to green four-poster beds, at least I would never stumble into the wrong dorm.
I quickly noticed I was alone and, not wanting to be the odd one out even more than I already was, I put on my school uniform. Not to sound uncultured, but I had never had such fine clothing before. Not new, anyway. It took me a while to figure out how to layer everything to sit just right. Placing a hand on my trunk, I took a last look at the ugly yellow coat I wore exactly once. I would never touch it again. Not because it was ugly, but because it was Professor Fig’s present to me. The school had provided school supplies and the like, but Fig took it upon himself to give me something just for me. Color be damned, it was the most beautiful thing I owned.
I stood up from the bed and smooth out my new robes, not a patch or stain to be seen. Taking a deep breath, I made myself a set of goals for the day. Step 1, have your uniform on correctly. From what I could tell, my vest wasn’t on backwards and my skirt wasn’t tucked into my waistband, so I could reasonably consider my first task a success. Step 2, introduce myself to someone. No, Slytherins were ambitious, I would introduce myself to three people minimum. I grimaced at the prospect. But no matter, I had already thought the new number into existence, so three it would be.
Even the hallway was fancy. It had elaborate metal railings on the way to the common room. Crossing the threshold, I reminded myself not to pull a face at the much more crowded than anticipated common room.
Back straight, chin up, shoulders relaxed. Play mysterious, but approachable, I told myself. Starting at that moment, I would begin building my reputation however I pleased. I was a blank slate and I’d be damned if I let such an opportunity go to waste.
“Is that the new fifth year?” someone essentially stage whispered.
“The one that came in late with Professor Fig?” another said.
I resisted the urge to turn and run back into my room. Gossip was apparently popular anywhere. I didn’t know how I could ever have thought otherwise.
“Wow, she’s–” A boy to my right cut himself off when his friend nudged him with his elbow. A moment later, a girl chastised everyone and suggested they give me space. Of course, all this happened as if I couldn’t hear them, but I appreciated the bossy girl immensely.
It was time for me to get on with my self-imposed to-do list and introduce myself to some people. I gave myself some leeway by excluding the rumor-mongers from my list of candidates. There was a boy with a book by the fire, whom I made a beeline for.
Damn, I thought to myself, he’s reading. Why would you walk up to one of the only actively occupied people in the room? To my further dismay, as I got closer I heard the boy muttering to his book, annoyed. Actively occupied and agitated. Excellent choice, I thought. While I racked my brains for an excuse to abruptly change course this close, the boy looked up and snapped his book shut, placing it on the couch beside him. The fireplace to my left did nothing to keep my hands from getting clammy.
“Can I help you?” the boy asks testily.
Here we go.
On the bright side, he didn’t have to put down his book just to talk to me, so that was a good sign. Maybe he was just one of those people that sounded annoyed all the time. Yeah. That.
“Ah!” he said, the furrow in his brow and frosty tone dissipating immediately. “You’re the new fifth-year! I’m Sebastian Sallow. Welcome to Slytherin.”
Interesting shift in demeanor, I remember thinking.
“Thank you,” I said as cooly as I could muster before introducing myself.
I won’t lie, I blacked out for a lot of that conversation. I could still hear my housemates muttering behind my back and this Sebastian fellow was being very friendly - complimenting my bravery, saying he’s glad I’m alright. He also asked how Professor Fig and I escaped the dragon, to which I replied that it was all a blur, which was a half-truth, and therefore acceptable. I didn’t know how much time I’d be spending with Sebastian Sallow then, and I’d like to say I was enraptured by him since Day 1, but truthfully, as I walked away, I forgot all about him.
Despite having a raging pureblood fanatic and probable woman-hater (he just seems that way, you know?) as a house founder, the Slytherins put me at immediate ease. My next introduction was to a bossy, outspoken girl named Imelda Reyes, a girl with a thick Scottish accent who insisted that she knew more about flying than our professor. From anyone else, it might’ve seemed like lame adolescent bravado, but based on her confidence, I was inclined to believe her. Unlike with Sebastian, I made a conscious effort to memorize Imelda’s name and face. At my ripe age of fifteen going on sixteen, I’d come to find that people that are a pain in the ass make the greatest friends.
After Imelda, I was drawn to the back wall of the common room by a floor-to-ceiling window that gave us a glorious view underwater. A few of my housemates that looked younger than me were pressed up against the glass, excitedly chattering among themselves about mermaids and such.
“Doubt mermaids find us that interesting.” To my left, a posh British accent broke me out of my infatuation with the view. I turned and was immediately struck by how pretty this boy was. He had a soft air about him. Something gentle. Maybe it was the bluish light from the window casting down on him, illuminating his beauty marks and long lashes, but I’d never found anyone of any gender so beautiful before. He had high cheekbones and perhaps most striking were his cloudy gray-blue eyes that did not move like anyone else’s. Framed by lush, light lashes, his demeanor made it seem like his clear blindness made him more perceptive than the rest of us, not less.
His eyebrows raised. “Ah, based on all the chatter when you entered the common room, you’re the new fifth-year. I’m Ominis. Ominis Gaunt.”
I thought that his parents must’ve been quite vindictive to name their child something like that. As my friendship with Ominis progressed, I’d come to regret how right I was.
“Well, you certainly had a memorable arrival,” Ominis said in a conspiratorial tone. I smiled despite my original nervousness. Then he asked me the generic questions about my trip to Hogwarts. Maybe it was because he was blind, but Ominis had a way of making you feel like you had 100% of his focus. Like nothing else mattered to him while he was talking to you. Something about that, along with the soothing cadence of his voice, set me at ease. I never forgot what it was like talking to Ominis Gaunt for the first time. Eager as I was to finish my third introduction to cross it off my list, I found myself asking him questions about himself. Not because I didn’t want our introduction to be awkwardly brief, like I did with the other two, but because I wanted to know more about him. I didn’t have much to go off of, so I asked the first coherent question I could think of.
“Were you expecting to be sorted into Slytherin?” I asked. Hopefully originality wasn’t a graded subject at wizard school.
“Most certainly,” Ominis replied, sounding amused. “My family on my father’s side are direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin - one of the four founders of Hogwarts.” That last bit was common knowledge for most. Not for me, of course, but it didn’t feel condescending coming from Ominis. When he told you things, it was like the information levitated in the air for you to take for yourself, should you want it, rather than him forcing the information on you because he thought you were ignorant.
I figured he was rich. He looked rich, from his aristocratic face and expensive pomade in his hair. And, of course, the posh accent. My past experiences with people from families like his - that is, powerful old money families - were either neutral or bad, usually leaning towards the latter. Never anything traumatizing enough for me to hate the accent, but enough to make me notice how nice it sounded coming from him. I had to remind myself to focus on what the boy was saying, rather than how well words fit in his mouth.
“Not something I’m proud of, mind you. He was obsessed with blood status. A pure-blood maniac.” His tone turned self-deprecating, as if the bigotry of his ancestor was his cross to bear.
I allowed myself to linger on ‘blood stay-tus’ for a single, indulgent moment, before pursing my lips to keep from smiling too hard. I only allowed that one moment, considering how inappropriate it would be to smile at something so personal to Ominis. Not that he could see it, but I decided then that I would never hide behind his blindness for anything.
“Unfortunately, most of his descendants do not fall that far from that tree,” he said softly.
This time, I let the small smile I was holding escape.
“It must’ve been hard growing up like that, but,” the words had burst out of me before I could stop them, but now that I’d said them, it was time to follow through, as I always have. “I’m glad to hear you’re different.”
His eyes widened. “You are?”
I shrugged, not because I felt casual or because I forgot he couldn’t see it, but to keep myself from getting too intense about the family matters of a boy I’d just met.
“I grew up in--” I pursed my lips, but was determined to pay back the personal snippet he’d given me “--less than comfortable circumstances, so I’ve never cared about bloodlines and all that. I think the choices we make are what make us, wouldn’t you say?”
Ominis smiled boyishly. Soft, tentative. “I completely agree.”
I flushed, suddenly shy under his grateful expression. “Yeah, I’m big into the whole ‘free will’ thing. I think we always have a choice.” I did my best to sound more casual as to not let on just how strongly I believed in the power of autonomy, but felt like I failed.
Ominis looked like he wanted to say something else, but I’d already been too intense for one day, and was worried I’d put my foot in my mouth eventually, so I changed the subject.
“Did that student say he thought he heard a mermaid?”
To his credit, Ominis took the subject change in stride. He laughed, sounding just the slightest bit embarrassed and I quashed the stream of funny things my brain dug up just to hear that laugh again.
“Yes. But I’ve never heard of a mermaid showing up outside our common room window,” he replies. I look out the window. “It is fun to play along, though. Been known to keep some of the first-years on the lookout for hours.”
So the rich boy had a mischievous streak. I smiled. He had a gentle, serene aura, and yet was already one of the most vibrant people I had ever met.
I then realized how fast I was being dragged into his orbit. To keep from rendering myself useless for the rest of the day, I thanked Ominis and said, “Very nice to meet you.”
I’ve heard worse understatements. The ocean has a lot of water in it. People breathe air sometimes. My first day at Hogwarts was somewhat eventful. See? Worse.
While I was grateful to Professor Weasley for introducing the Floo to me, it made me super dizzy for the first several months. Travel magic was not for the tin tummied, to be sure. Not to mention Ignatia Wildsmith hollering a foot away from me every time I used it. She was a happy, friendly woman who made my life easier, so I was grateful to her, but every day I prayed that she would be just a bit quieter.
The Field Guide was useful and prevented me from wandering around the castle with my nose buried in a map like a lost tourist, but even with the guide, Hogwarts was a labyrinth. By the time I reached the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower, I was breathing deeply through my nose so no one could hear how hard those stairs made me fight for my life.
When I entered the classroom, everyone seemed to already be present. The first thing that caught my eye was an enormous winged skeleton suspended from the ceiling. A bit of a safety hazard if you asked me, but I figured wizard school must’ve had some pretty good safeguards for these kinds of things.
The second thing I noticed was a lanky redheaded boy wearing the Gryffindor colors having a duel of sorts with someone from my house. Someone broader, looking much more relaxed than his opponent. The brunette closer to me deflected the spell easily.
“Is that all you’ve got?” he taunted before whipping his arm around and shooting a bombarda spell at the Gryffindor, who got his shield up in time, but, in my opinion, really should have been able to counter such an obvious move much sooner.
Don’t start, I told myself. Being judgemental was not a good way to make friends. Until you find equally judgemental friends, which is infinitely better, but I didn’t want to show my cards too soon.
The spell was deflected upwards, knocking the large skull loose onto the redheaded boy. Part of me was worried for him, but the other part of me said, “See? Safety hazard.”
Instead of, you know, using magic or moving two steps in literally any direction, the Gryffindor opted to squat down on the floor at the sight of the oncoming skull. For some reason.
At the top of the stairs stood an old woman with short white hair, holding her wand out, having caught the skull like it was nothing.
“Professor Hecat!” a girl cried from somewhere in the throng of students.
“Perhaps you’d be good enough to blast each other to pieces on your own time,” she said matter-of-factly. “I get new students every year, but I only have one Hebridium Black skull. It was a token from the Great Poacher Raid of 1878. No doubt you’ve heard of it. Now, you may be asking yourself how an old woman like me single-handedly took out the largest poacher ring in Eastern Wales and lived to boast about it.”
Absolutely, I thought. I want to be like you when I grow up. 
“Knowledge,” Professor Hecat supplied.
Was that like a potion or a mutation or the answer to her question? Are all spells in Latin?
Professor Hecat informed us that age mattered very little in the face of knowledge. I was inclined to agree, and my professor seemed to imply that while being old didn’t equate to being feeble, being young also didn’t equate to being ignorant. She lectured about an important spell that she used during her time against dark wizards, and I took a step forward so I could cling to her every word.
“Levioso?” the redhead whined. “A levitation charm?”
You mean the one you weren’t able to use? The one that the Professor just used to save your bony self from getting crushed by actual bones?
“Levioso!” The boy levitated several feet in the air. “A surprised opponent is a weak one. Care to defend yourself, Master Prewett?”
Ha, eat a dick, Prewett. Then I told myself to be nice, even if the guy seemed like the type to run home to mommy if he could.
From the movement in the corner of my eye, I could’ve sworn that the brunette that had been dueling looked back at me, but I assumed it was a trick of the light.
Professor Hecat let us break off to practice levioso. Professor Fig had taught me the basic spells, and obviously I’d already had my fair share of practice with them. My first spell at Hogwarts was bound to be harder, right?
I mimed the wand movement once. Twice. It was oddly simple. I gestured one more time and said in a clear voice, “Levioso.”
And the feather obeyed without protest. I stared at the floating feather, baffled. There was no way. Basic cast, protego, those were simple, natural spells. They felt like breathing. Other spells had to be more complicated, right? At least, hard enough where it took me more than one try to get it right. Maybe the ancient magic was helping me?
I lowered my wand. Professor Hecat approached on my left and had a whisper of an approving smile on her face.
“Now, let’s try something a little larger.” She summoned a practice dummy over and cleared all the desks. Then she gestured for me to face the dummy. Not one to argue, I stood in line with it and saw a shimmering yellow haze around it. Professor Hecat bid me to strike it with a basic cast.
Okay, but. There’s a forcefield around it. I– You know what, never mind.
I did as she asked and, sure enough, my spell bounced right off.
“See how the dummy deflected your cast?” Professor Hecat asked and I nodded. “This time, cast levioso first, then the basic cast.”
Easy enough. I imagined the end result and let my wand and body guide me through. It moved through me like water, the levioso followed through straight into my basic cast. With the spare energy I had, I whipped my hand back and forth for two more strikes. The dummy flipped in the air before flopping back down with a thud.
“Well done!” Professor Hecat said. “Very good. But!” Because there’s always a ‘but.’  “The best way to practice is by dueling. Well start with you two.”
I looked over to where she was pointing and I finally put two and two together. The tall, broad Slytherin boy that was dueling earlier. Sebastian, I recalled. In my defense, I couldn’t be expected to recognize him from behind after only meeting him once. I fought the savage grin that threatened to rear its head. My blood thrummed in my veins at the prospect of a fight. Something awoke inside me at Gringotts. The surge of power in my veins, the feeling of that final finishing blow, how each movement flowed into each other one after the next. The experience was addicting. For a time, I was worried that I wouldn’t get to feel that surge again.
Sebastian smirked at me. I took note of the freckles scattered across his face. His brown hair was mussed, probably from his duel, but the slightly unkempt look suited him.
“Time for a proper Hogwarts welcome,” he said and took his place across from me.
Oh, it was on.
“Now,” the floor raised below me as Professor Hecat spoke, “I want a fair duel using levioso, basic cast, and protego.”
Damn. I was hoping for a free for all. I wanted to see how my defenses held up against that bombarda spell he used. No matter. With a level playing field, I had the ‘fought for my life less than 24 hours ago’ advantage.
That was the dilemma. I had a reputation to build. Would I absolutely own this boy, bruise his ego, probably make an enemy of him because of it? I would gain the respect of the rest of the class and the professor if I did. Or I could let him win so as to not make waves? I’d have to be careful, as I suspected our wise professor would see through poor acting if I threw the match too hard.
“You may begin.”
I spread my feet in a defensive stance. Sebastian, on the other hand, looked completely relaxed. Waiting for me to make the first strike. Was he being a gentleman or underestimating me? Either way, I’d make sure he never did it again.
I got him up off the ground. He didn’t even have time to try to block it. I hit him with a chain of basic casts before he dropped back down to his feet. Sebastian launched his counter attack. Quick, precise, forceful. Prewett deserved more credit for lasting as long as he did. Sebastian’s arm reared back and time slowed. I interrupted him with a cast of my own, then levitated him off the ground only to blast him off the back of the strip with a dull thud, papers flying around everywhere. The class went up in cheers and I hopped down to weave through the crowd.
Sebastian was still flat on his ass. Any number of reactions were possible. A scowl, a glare. Maybe even tears of embarrassment. Instead, I was met with a wide grin and eyes sparkling with interest. Before I could approach him, he dusted himself off and approached.
“Not bad for a beginner,” he teased. He was trying to seem aloof, but the smile twitching at the corners of his mouth said otherwise. “You give as good as you get.” Then he hummed and walked past me.
Professor Hecat called me over to praise me for a job well done. I stood in front of her, pleased to have her approval.
“I demand excellence from my students. They are capable of achieving it, and they must achieve it,” she said with passion. I had the feeling that Defense Against the Dark Arts would be one of my favorite classes. With the thrill of the fight and an invested instructor, it was everything I could have asked for in an education. She gave me more words of praise and I thanked her before she informed me that she would reach out soon with additional assignments. I couldn’t wait to absorb the vast pool of knowledge she had to offer.
As I made my way to the door, I found Sebastian standing there alone. I suspected that he had matters to discuss with the professor and nearly walked past him.
“Nice work,” he said.
I stopped and turned, surprised.
“I enjoyed that,” I told him.
“That duel was quite something!” he said. “Everyone will be talking about it.”
Why did he look so happy about it? So far, I’d been reading Sebastian Sallow wrong at every turn.
He put up a good fight. It wasn’t his fault he hadn’t had a trial by fire practice. Opting to remain humble, I replied, “It was certainly good practice.”
Sebastian leaned in. “Practice?” he exclaimed. “Felt more like I was dueling an expert!”
My face warmed at the enthusiasm behind his praise.
“Didn’t expect a new student to be so deft with a wand.” He gave me an appraising look, his tone turning conspiratory. “Then again, perhaps this wasn’t your first duel.”
“I’ve dueled enough. Consider yourself lucky I held back.” Something about Sebastian made me want to push his buttons. My track record for getting him all wrong continued, however.
“Fair enough,” he matched my tone. “You owe me an honest duel when you’re not.”
My blood pulsed once more at the idea of another fight.
“You know. You might be a perfect fit for a certain exclusive, unsanctioned dueling organization,” Sebastian said.
Getting into trouble was the last thing I wanted to do, lest everything snowball and I find myself expelled from Hogwarts and back to where I was. Anything was better than that, but I suspected, though, that Sebastian knew exactly what button of mine to push. He had me pegged before I did him, and I found myself almost frustrated at the prospect.
“Exclusive and unsanctioned?” I said. “Count me in.”
Sebastian looked pleased with himself. “Excellent. Knew I was right about you.”
That made me frown. He was indeed. Yet, I’d been wrong about him since the moment I approached him in the common room. 
“If you want to get the most out of your time at Hogwarts, you’re going to need to break the rules now and then,” he continued. “Whether it’s joining a secret dueling club or sneaking into the Restricted Section of the library.”
Damn that look he gave me at that last bit. He wasn’t saying it to brag. He’d already figured out what made me tick.
“You just have to be clever enough not to get caught.”
“Thank you, Sebastian.” I said coolly, having had enough of his watchful eye for the moment. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
He gave me that knowing smile again. “Good. Pleasure chatting with you. I’m sure I’ll see you soon. Perhaps somewhere unsanctioned?” The emphasis on the last word told me he was sure I was on board. “We’ll see if your performance today was sheer luck or actual skill. Look for Lucan Brattleby by the clock tower entrance. If you’re interested.”
I tried not to scowl too hard. Of course he’d act like he was letting me think about it, knowing damn well what I was going to do. What a cheeky bastard.
A/N: "Hey, this very much looks like a Sebastian fic!" Yes, reader, it does! And this first part is very much yours and Sebastian's love story. But! (Because there's always a but) I make no promises for the endgame. Maybe the fact that Sebastian needs you doesn't mean he deserves you. We'll have to see.
A good chunk of this will follow canon, but I change some scenarios and conversations entirely, and after a point, it'll diverge from canon completely.
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hpanimagiweek · 5 months
🦉 The masterlist is finally there!
This masterlist officially (and sadly) marks the end of HP Animagi Week 2024. 
I'd like to give a huge thank you to everyone who took a chance in this fest. Whether you participated as a creator, a beta, a reader, or a cheerleader, this fest wouldn't have been possible without you all, so thank you! Everyone interpreted the prompts with originality and wildly different pairings, it was a delight to read all your stories!
Creating this fest and moderating it was a real joy for me, and a long-time goal I finally got to realize. Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to see it through!
I hope everyone had fun participating in this fest, and I hope to see you all next year for another edition of HPAW!
- From your mod @nihilisticnomad
And without further ado, let’s take a look at the fest’s masterlist!
📜 We had a mindblowing total of 29 fics submitted for this fest, and about 32 725 words written!
1️⃣ Day 1: Nook
Furry snuggles (Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Potter, 2.1k, G) by SiobanHazel
Scorpius is enjoying visiting his boyfriend Albus at the Potter's house, and this afternoon he's brought a little present. (Magical alternate universe)
Cats and dogs (Arabella Figg/Minerva McGongall, 359w, G) by Elvira_Kamgut
Minerva is as fond of water as any other cat could be. Which is not at all.
Enjoying the sunshine (Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 365w, G) by ftmshepard
After a fight, Harry finds Draco sunning himself in a nook and they cuddle.
Lightning crashes (Regulus Black/Tom Riddle, 409w, M) by eggmett
Tom wants to be an animagus, but not if it means being a rabbit.
2️⃣ Day 2: Aurors at the door
What have you done (Regulus Black/Tom Riddle, 624w, M) by eggmett
Regulus knows Tom is up to no good. But he still doesn't expect what's coming.
Whines, Knocks, Shouts (Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, 3.1k, E) by SiobhanHazel
A bit of afternoon delight at Grimmauld Place for Sirius and Remus, until...
Vigilante Tabby (Arabella Figg/Minerva McGonagall, 349w, G) by Elvira_Kamgut
Minerva takes matters into her own hands which results into an impromptu meeting of the Auror Department at the door.
What being in love means (Poppy Pomfrey/Minerva McGonagall, 2k, T) by sky_watcher_rose
An unexpected visit from the Aurors leads to a confrontation between Minerva and Poppy.
Dog days of summer (Harry Potter & Severus Snape, 3k, G) by ftmshepard
Harry asks for more occlumency lessons, and that changes everything.
Or: (Harry moves in with Snape over the summer after 5th year, gets better at occlumency and also discovers his animagus form.)
The Magpie Song (Lee Jordan/Fred Weasley - Fred Weasley & George Weasley, 200w, G) by lumosdrabbles (lumosatnight)
Six years after the war, Fred is still missing.
3️⃣ Day 3: Lost
When it's lost (Regulus Black/Tom Riddle, 597w, M) by eggmett
Love had no place in his plans. But Regulus was his lifeline to any sort of humanity. Now Tom was lost.
Lost & won (Sirius Black/James Potter, 1.4k, T) by SiobhanHazel
Sometimes, James and Sirius take off into the Forbidden Forest for some fun of their own.
Kitten on the run (Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/Severus Snape - Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Severus Snape, 632w, G) by Elvira_Kamgut
Sirius Black is the father of masterful ideas, and disastrous plans.
4️⃣ Day 4: Soothing touch
The cruelness of peace (Regulus Black/Tom Riddle, 921w, E & Dead Dove) by eggmett
"There was something in his aura of melancholy and his unwavering devotion that Tom craved. But it didn’t stop Tom from destroying him. Cracking him into pieces over and over again, just to rebuild them in a way that better suited Tom’s plans."
Or: Tom tries to find comfort in a fleeting moment of intimacy with Regulus.
Hanami (Cherry Blossoms) (Minerva McGonagall/Eileen Prince, 511w, G) by SiobhanHazel
Did you know there are cherry blossom trees on the Hogwarts grounds?
A brother's touch (Regulus Black/Sirius Black, 381w, G) by cassetteinability & GoldenBi
A hard day had Sirius shifting into Padfoot, desperate only for Regulus’ soothing touch.
Protector of the Queen (Fleur Delacour/Hermione Granger, 115w, G) by Elvira_Kamgut
Once an Animgus disappears into the wild it is almost impossible for them to return to Wizarding Society.
5️⃣ Day 5: "I'm sorry, you did what?"
Horcruxes and Heartache (Regulus Black/Tom Riddle, 1.2k, M) by eggmett
Regulus found it harder and harder to remain quiet as the days dragged on...More often than not, Tom was returning home covered in blood that wasn’t his own. It would have been so easy to magically whisk away any evidence first, but it was almost like Tom was proud of it.
Nibbles (Sirius Black/Severus Snape, 1.1k, G) by SiobhanHazel
Severus wouldn't say living at Grimmauld Place with Sirius equals domestic bliss, but they have their moments, both sweet and not-so-sweet. It's just natural that Severus gets irritated at Sirius.
Into the unknown (Helga Hufflepuff/Rowena Ravenclaw, 2.6k, T) by sky_watcher_rose
Rowena has been acting strangely all week, and Helga is determined to find out why.
Moose on the loose (Narcissa Malfoy/Mrs Zabini - Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape, 278w, G) by Elvira_Kamgut
Some animagi are a lot more convenient for indoor activities than others.
6️⃣ Day 6: Injuries
The price of devotion (Regulus Black/Tom Riddle, 860w, M & Major Character Death) by eggmett
Tom returns to the sea cave, but doesn't leave the same person. Time doesn't heal all wounds.
Hidden whiskers (Narcissa Malfoy/Mrs Zabini - Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape, 271w, G) by Elvira_Kamgut
Lucius is very hurt by the fact that no one cares that he got hurt. Really does no one care about him anymore in this house.
7️⃣ Day 7: Free prompt
The truth hurts (Regulus Black/Voldemort - Voldemort & Nagini, 439w, M) by eggmett
Voldemort stared into the fire, watching embers crackle and fly around the hearth. He wasn’t sure how long he’d been staring into its depths when Nagini slithered into the room to curl at his feet.
Lightning Strike, Loving Squeeze (Harry Potter/Ron Weasley, 3.4k, G) by SiobhanHazel
Harry and Ron have been Auror partners for over a year, and the Auror animagus programme leads to developments in more than just their careers.
Lectio Draconis (Fleur Delacour/Hermione Granger, 371w, G) by Elvira_Kamgut
Hermione has a wonderful surprise for Fleur, it is a bit more surprising than Fleur was expecting.
#️⃣ Joker 1: In the library
A long time coming (Sirius Black/James Potter, 2.1k, E & Dead Dove) by cassetteinability
“You don’t wanna tell Remus that you put your cock in my mouth… so I won’t make you,” Sirius assured him with a questionable wink. “Keep quiet, Jamie,” he added, just seconds before he slid down his seat and underneath the table.
Or: Sirius is sexually deprived, and James can’t say no to Padfoot. Not even in the library.
Laughter in the library (Regulus Black/Voldemort, 464w, M) by eggmett
Tom finally asks Regulus to join him on one of his forbidden trips to the Restricted Section.
#️⃣ Joker 2: Firewhiskey
Fiery Sniffles (Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, 2.1k, T) by SiobhanHazel
Scorpius is back at the Potter's for the Christmas season, and he and Albus get up to some mischief. (Magical alternate universe)
And that's it for the HPAW 2024 masterlist!
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dobbydore · 1 year
recommend me some harry potter fic rec accounts to follow pls?
hi! I’m new to tumblr and was wondering if anyone could please recommend some Harry Potter fanfic recommendation tumblr pages that I should follow? And any other cool HP fan accounts that are recommended for meta essays, fanart, fanvids and edits, and other interesting Harry Potter fanfiction, character, & plot analysis, etc?
Stuff I like to read about: gen fics, friendship fics, action/adventure stories, Romione, Ron-centric, Hinny, Canon-compliant and canon divergent AU stories, Ron/Pansy, other Ron/Slytherin pairings, all Ron rare pairs, Dramione, dark fics, horror, tragedy, angst, humor, crackfics, Dark AUs and Voldemort Wins AUs, dark character AUs, alternate house sorting AUs, Harry-centric, Dursley-centric, rare pairings, post-war, time-travel, dimension-travel, slice-of-life, redemption fics, Weasley family centric, stories about Percy, Ginny, Petunia, Sirius, Dumbledore, Pettigrew, Tonks, house elves, Tom Riddle, stories about any Hogwarts students, teachers, or ghosts, Draco/Ron, Ron/Harry, Pansy/Neville, Pansy/Percy, Draco/Pansy, OC fics, Dead Dove fics, etc.
I’m basically open to pretty much any kind of fic rec actually! But I’d prefer to avoid Weasley/Dumbledore bashing stories and Harry/Hermione fics unless they’re different from the usual type of story in those categories.
I’d love recommendations for tumblr pages that post about those kind of fics or fanart or any fests or masterlist pages! So far the pages that I know of are: ao3feed-harryginny ao3feed-romione ao3feed-rarry ao3feed-jily , jilyarchive, and dramioneasks. Are there any more tumblr pages like this for all the other characters and pairings out there?
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usagirln12003 · 5 months
Muichiro Tokito: Hogwarts AU
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Muichiro Tokito is a Pureblood wizard that was born on the 8th of August 1978 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1989, being sorted into Ravenclaw house.
Muichiro had a Hazel wand with a Phoenix Feather Core.
He has a Non-Corporeal Patronus.
His favorite subject is Defense Against the Dark Arts and his least favorite subject is Potions.
Muichiro is an air-headed individual who seems to constantly wander off in thought and is unable to focus on anything. Impassive and, at times, obtuse, he tends to think only for himself and operates on logic alone, never letting emotions guide him, making him seem seemingly apathetic and indifferent. However, Tanjiro Kamado sensed that Muichiro wasn't being apathetic on purpose as he didn't emanate any animosity. Despite his mostly uncaring and unserious demeanor, he has been shown to become serious when it is required and is devoted to his dream to become a member of the Werewolf Capture Unit. Alternatively he seems to display a cold and arrogant side; as shown by him violently shaking down Kotetsu and calling him stupid, saying his studying time was important, more so than his own, and that all that the others could do was to stay out of the way. Despite this, Muichiro doesn't seem to be indifferent towards Kagaya Ubuyashiki, most likely due to his immense respect for his wannabe boss.
However, before the death of his twin brother when the siblings were eleven and about to start at Hogwarts, Muichiro's personality was that of a much more compassionate and optimistic individual, the polar opposite of his current disposition. Having originally taken after his father, he was shown to display a higher level of kindness and understanding, believing he should aim to do good for others if he wanted good to be done for him. When told by Amane Ubuyashiki that they were descendants to the Tsugikuri brothers, Muichiro became excited at the prospect of being able to protect people like they did.
After his brother was attacked by a werewolf and witnessing his final moments and death, Muichiro subsequently lost his memories and has held an omnipresent rage deeply suppressed inside of him that inevitably drove his future, intense studying. After this memory loss, he started exhibiting the indifferent attitude of his twin brother he is now known for by his classmates. Following his battle with Gyokko and reuniting with Tanjiro after the latter's battle with Hantengu, he warmly thanked Tanjiro for helping him regain his identity and showed concern for his wellbeing.
During his later interactions with Tanjiro, Muichiro started regaining his memories of his past, causing him to behave more maturely and seriously, even choosing to help Kotetsu when his life was in danger instead of ignoring him. After his memory was fully restored, Muichiro began expressing more emotions and became more confident in himself and started caring more for his peers at Hogwarts. He also started exhibiting emotions common for someone his age, particularly childishness and immaturity when interacting with his friends. He also appears to be evidently biased towards Tanjiro after his duel with Gyokko, as his cheerful demeanor when around him was replaced by a cold indifference when around other students. However, he was shown to be more aware of himself and those around him, evident when he realized that Obanai Iguro had a crush on Mitsuri Kanroji, which surprised Gyomei Himejima. His kindness also aided him in building friendships among his fellow Ravenclaws and making happy memories like the ones back when he lived with his family.
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legacygirlingreen · 11 months
June 1891 // Farmer Sebastian Sallow x Reader (part 8)
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Part 8, full master list and descriptions here
Warnings: Solomon death, Anne Leaving so Angst and death
Word count: 2000
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And it's fine to fake it 'til you make it
Her first year attending Beauxbatons had gone incredibly. From loving the school grounds, making friends with her classmates, as well as loving her professors. Upon entering the school she’d been sorted into the same house as her father had been in: Ombrelune. When she wrote to Sebastian telling him the news he admitted that she might have had a chance of ending up in his house after all, since Ombrelune is known for Ambition as well as Intelligence, despite suspecting her desires for knowledge to be the key reason she ended up there. 
They had briefly seen each other during Yuletide and Hogmanay given they both were back home for the holidays, and spent most of it catching up on lost time. She was surprised to learn that a student started Hogwarts as a 5th year - a boy transferring from the school in America due to unknown reasons - and that he had befriended Sebastian. 
Sebastian told her about how the new student had a unique connection to ancient magic, and that he’d been attempting to help Sebastian locate a cure for Anne, given the girl had fallen much more ill since she left. 
Had she not been so fascinated by academic pursuits and hadn’t known him for so long, she might’ve been concerned when he explained how the new 5th year, himself and Ominis went into Salazar Slytherin’s secret scriptorium, and discovered an old journal detailing artifacts. Having taken care of Anne herself, and seen the girl wither away literally in front of her own eyes, and understanding Sebastian’s fears of being left alone, she was more caring towards the matter than others. She knew deep down, if it was her in the situation, she likely would do the same… 
Solomon, sick of hearing about it, had all but kicked Sebastian out when she got home. It surprised her when he knocked on her mother’s door, asking for a place to keep warm during the night since Solomon not only banished him from the house, but also confiscated his wand. 
Ever since that moment he’d found refuge in her home when he visited Feldcroft. The holidays had been wonderful, but not long enough. Every morning Sebastian would wake up with her younger brother, the two coming out of their room since her mother was insistent the boy was too old to be sharing a room with a young lady like herself, before they’d both help out with the younger kids in the house. 
She shouldn’t have been surprised at the boy’s easy ability to deal with younger children, especially considering how kind he had always regarded her despite them having few years between them in age. 
When it was time to return to school he gave her a large hug and a promise to keep writing and updating her as the search for a cure got closer to answers.  He spent much of his free time in Feldcroft with her attempting to crack the coded language the journal was written in, the two getting further to answers around the time to leave. 
She hadn’t returned to France without anything. Sebastian, annoyed with his Owl’s reluctance to go to another country frequently, searched for better alternatives to communicate. This came in the form of an enchanted mirror he found exploring a tomb nearby. The mirror was broken, with the shard of it nearby. Sebastian discovered that the shard and the mirror were still connected despite being broken. Gifting her the broken mirror - elaborately encased in a golden frame that was lovely, he kept the shard inside his pocket watch. 
They’d used it for months after as he continued exploring answers for his twin. He told her how he found a relic that could reverse dark magic curses inside a tomb near the hamlet, and that Solomon was going to leave Feldcroft. She got so worried every time she’d catch him looking into the shard, the two of them quietly whispering into the glass in their beds after hours to each other. She cared less about Sebastian going too far, and more about him winding up hurt in the process. Regardless, she continued to stand by him, even when Solomon started to get more and more aggressive and downright violent.  Even when Anne begged Sebastian to stop, she continued to be the only voice in his life saying that she understood his intentions and was there for him regardless. 
Things had gone dark right before the school year ended. When word reached Beauxbatons that Hogwarts had been attacked by Goblins, she panicked, staring into the mirror for hours on end, hoping he was okay. He stopped returning her letters, no matter how many she sent. Her owl was still delivering them, but he never once responded.  Sebastian had never left her hanging that badly without a word. The moment she made it back on UK soil she couldn’t get home fast enough. Storming into the hamlet the second she got to a floo flame, she went rushing, neglecting her mothers open arms instead demanding to know where Sebastian was and what was wrong. Her mothers sad eyes looked towards the home and she tore off without warning. 
As she approached the home she saw a freshly dug grave outside, immediately feeling sick to her stomach. It couldn’t be Sebastian.
When she was finally close enough to read it she almost sobbed in relief reading “Here lies the body of Solomon Sallow, loving brother and uncle”. Rushing back to the home she could tell that someone had occasionally moved about the space, and the old trunk Sebastian used at school was inside but there was no sign of Anne. Her things were gone, as were Solomon’s. Nor was there a sight of Ominis Gaunt - the Twin’s friend who often would already be in the hamlet instead of with his family. 
On the kitchen table she found a note, addressed to Sebastian from Anne, and had she not been so worried she probably wouldn’t have read it. However, with the lack of word and the fact his uncle was dead and no sign of Anne she disregarded the respectful way to proceed: 
Too much has happened. I needed to get away from here for a while. 
I miss Uncle Solomon. 
I need time. 
I will always love you, but I don’t know if I can ever forgive you. 
What could the girl mean? How would she even be well enough to be on her own? What happened to Solomon Sallow? Who’s tears had stained this letter? 
Setting it down she left the home, taking the short walk to the fields and the pasture. All of the animals were accounted for and she couldn’t find Sebastian working. She only knew one other place he’d likely be. 
Heading towards the willow she was relieved seeing him laying under it, a stack of letters in his lap and the handkerchief she’d given him the night Anne was cursed clutched in his hands. 
“You’re alive” she sobbed, rushing forward only for him to barely glance up at her. 
He didn’t say anything as her small arms wrapped around his body. He didn’t make a move to remove her, nor did he move to return the hug. 
“We heard about Hogwarts being attacked and you stopped responding. I was so worried.  My mum wouldn’t tell me anything and I saw Solomon’s grave… Sebastian what happened?” she asked and he shook his head. 
“You’re starting to scare me Seb-” she started and the boy raised his voice, something he’d never done in front of her before, much less at her. 
“Good! I should scare you. Who I am, what I’ve done should scare you. How you can even stand to look at me - the way you’re looking at me right now, as if we are somehow still friends, after all the horrible acts I’ve committed… you should hate me!” he seethed and had she not been so worried as to why he was acting this way she might’ve been overcome with fear and run away. However she was not the scared little girl he’d met two years ago. She was now much older, and much more confident. 
“Sebastian… your uncle… did you…” she trailed off. She remembered the anger he had at Solomon’s intent on hiding Anne from her twin, and leaving Sebastian orphaned and alone. She remembered the book’s warning of a dark sacrifice and she wondered for a moment if Sebastian would’ve knowingly sacrificed his uncle to save his sister. 
“It all went so wrong” he cried out before burying his head in his hands, sob tearing from his throat as he shook. 
“Sebastian you went to the tomb didn’t you. With Anne and that relic. What happened?” she asked, finally piecing it together. The note from Anne, the grave, the pieces of information he’d told her. 
“I went there, started to use the relic. Ominis agreed to get Anne there. I don’t recall much when I first started to use the relic but I was easily able to raise an army of inferi, as well as control them. The new 5th year arrived, and just when he did my Uncle showed up, destroying the relic before attacking us. He threatened to go to the headmaster and get us expelled, possibly even thrown in Azkaban. He promised me that I was never going to see Anne again and I don’t know, I just snapped. My uncle hurled a few dozen of the unforgivables at me in anger, and I returned them. Suddenly he fell to the floor the same time Anne arrived. She destroyed the book and fled with his body. I haven’t seen her since. But he’s gone. Because of me…” he explained somewhere between the tears as she stared at him, shocked. 
“Sebastian, your uncle attacked you. He threatened you. He might’ve killed you. You acted in self defense” she tried to reason but he shook his head. 
“No. No I didn’t. I had to want him dead. That’s the thing with the unforgivables. You have to mean them. I just kept thinking how awfully he’s treated me. How poorly he speaks of my father. How much he’s terrorized even you. I wanted him dead. And now he is… it’s my fault it all went so wrong…” he cried and she tried to calm him the best she could but there was no signs of him stopping. 
“And I did it all for nothing. I didn’t cure Anne. Turns out it wasn’t even a Goblin that cursed her: just a dark wizard named Rookwood… she’s out there, possibly dead already and I’ll never be the wiser. Ominis said he knows she’s fine and safe but she refuses to speak to me. They both agreed that the guilt I’ll have to live with is enough, so they aren’t turning me in for murder… that’s one good thing I suppose, but a small part of me thinks I deserve it.” he said bluntly and she shook her head no.
“Sebastian… I am so sorry for what happened…” she tried to reason and he interrupted her again.
“You should be repulsed by me. I killed my own Uncle for Merlin’s sake. How do you not think I am a dreadful person?” he asked.
“Because I know you Sebastian Sallow. You are kind, far too kind for your own good. You had no reason to be so gentle and welcoming to a little girl like myself in a strange land. You made me feel safe after my father died. You knew where I’d be after Gran passed. You are so intelligent and wise. You care so profoundly for your loved ones. We all make mistakes, albeit this is a large one, but that’s not who you are. You’re my best friend…” she said looking down as she ran a hand up his arm. 
Sebastian looked at her, shocked by her words. He looked back at her tree, the one she sprouted upon getting her magic. 
“You once accused me of running away, leaving you…” he said quietly.
“And you haven’t. Not once.” she explained and the dam broke. He pulled her close, burying his face in her shoulder. 
“Please don’t leave me. I don’t have anyone left.” he cried.
“Sebastian, I shall always be with you, even when life puts up an ocean apart. I am always going to be your friend. As you will always be mine.”
“Promise me” he all but demanded without looking up and she just shook her head in response.
They sat there for a long time, and she watched the branches of their hideaway sway, letting the boy grieve as long as he needed. 
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