traceyc-uk · 1 day
#MCtober Prompt - Alternative House Faction AU!
Since I dug myself the hole of him being houseless to make any difference, this is AU with the baddies as an Ashwinder - the nicest Ashwinder there is 🌸💕
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#MCtober Prompt - genderbend spell
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thursdaymoonrise11 · 2 days
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Getting sad writing about Phoebe being cursed and unwell so here she is being very cutesy, very demure✨
~ chapter 4 of In Pursuit of Evocation is up hehe ~
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mongeesemeese · 1 day
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I realized this didn't actually publish and was stuck as a draft for like 4 days so - MCtober week 2 prompt 3 (late edition!).
Jeanne and Sebastian! It doesn't take long for these two to warm up to each other and create a pretty close bond. I figure Seb found her incredibly interesting after she kicked his butt in their first duel and, much to her annoyance, Jeanne found him entertaining and charming. Thus the abomination of their friendship came to be! Filled to the brim with sarcasm and chaos! Hopefully nothing terrible will happen as a result and we'll all be happy in the end!
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lamieboo · 28 days
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✨✨ MCTOBER 2024 ✨✨
This year I wanted to make my own prompts for October and knock out some exploratory ideas with my MCs and OCs.
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myokk · 16 days
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my first attempt at digital art (never again🥲) for mctober💘
Eloise Babbit✨
5th year
favorite subjects: arithmancy & ancient runes
least favorite subject: beasts (animals make her nervous🥲)
hobbies: reading & thinking (IT’S A HOBBY OKAY??)
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syaolaurant · 17 days
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Week 1 - Introduce your MC, their house and year
Violette Laurant - (New) 5th year - Hufflepuff 🦡💛🖤
My 2nd Gouche attempt. I'm getting better (I guess...), still having a hard time figured out how to use it. My husband told me maybe I would work better with gouche than watercolor cuz my paintings are always too thick 🥲
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moonstruckmoony · 6 days
MCtober2024 - Introduce your MC!
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I'm well aware I'm one week behind but this is literally the earliest I could finish this.. (moony crawling from the depths of irl problems) lol better late than never right? I'll try my best to catch up! · · ─────── ·❄ ❅ ❆· ─────── · · Winter Blackstone A 6th-year Ravenclaw, Winter Blackstone is quite the name at Hogwarts—mainly because she enrolled very late, took down a troll on her first day (as one does), and is known to mysteriously disappear between classes. Where to? Only Merlin knows. She’s also credited with helping stop Ranrok’s plans, though how big of a role she played remains a bit of a mystery to the students.
Winter’s mother, a Slytherin and skilled Curse-Breaker, tragically passed away when Winter was just 9 years old. Her father, though a Squib, is deeply knowledgeable about the wizarding world and has ensured Winter never felt out of place when it came to magic.
FAVORITE / HATED SUBJECTS? Winter’s top subjects are Potions, Ancient Runes, and Magical Theory—no surprises there for a curious Ravenclaw. But if you ask her about Arithmancy? That’s where you’ll hear a groan. While the concept and the theory behind it intrigues her, she absolutely avoids anything to do with numbers.
“I’m already so late to the world of magic, and now I’ve got to deal with numbers too? No, thank you!” she’s often heard saying. Yet, despite her complaints, Ominis constantly reminds her that she’s never scored a P, D, or T in Arithmancy—something he can’t say about his Potions work.
Her favorite professors? None other than Dinah Hecat, Aesop Sharp, and of course, the late Eleazar Fig.
SCHOOL CLUB Because of her late admission, Winter has little time for clubs—though she makes an exception for Crossed Wands. It’s the perfect way for her to sharpen her dueling skills, and she relishes every moment. PETS Winter has two cherished companions: Khione, her Barn Owl, and Snowball, her playful white golden retriever. Snowball was a gift from her father when she was 11, meant to lift her spirits after she didn’t receive her Hogwarts letter, leading her to believe she was a Squib. Little did she know, her letter would come at age 15, changing everything. Thanks to Professor Fig, she was given a nab-sack to sneak Snowball to Hogwarts, keeping him close even in her busy schedule. After a bit of help from Sirona at the Three Broomsticks following the troll attack, Snowball found a cozy spot to stay while Winter was in class. But when Professor Weasley introduced her to the Room of Requirement—well, Snowball ended up with a far more magical home within Hogwarts! Naturally, that little secret is kept under wraps. HOBBIES Winter has a passion for cooking, especially dishes from all around the world. As a child, she traveled extensively with her mother due to her mother’s unique Curse-Breaking work. Everywhere they went, Winter was enchanted by the local cuisine, jotting down recipes and experimenting when she got home. Now, in Hogwarts, she often recreates dishes like baozi, frikadeller, paella, oyakodon, and to Amit’s delight—Indian curry.
She frequently invites her friends to the Room of Requirement for her culinary experiments and is always on the lookout for rare ingredients. Thanks to her mother’s connections scattered in different parts of the world, Winter manages to have specific ingredients occasionally sent to her via owl.
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dom1re · 12 days
Introducing my MC
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Thank you @lamieboo for the wonderful prompts! I'm taking advantage of #MCtober to finally make an introduction post. This little guy deserves a proper character sheet but alas I just don't got the time this week 😔😔 Someday!! For now plz enjoy some Sunan facts 👇
He was born in Nov of 1874 in a wizards' quarter near Whitehall. He was the only child and grew up pretty close to both his parents. That was, until he was sent to a Muggle boarding school at 13. He kept in touch with his father, but his mother not so much.
His middle name is Ernest. He never thought it suited him.
While at the boarding school he dyed his hair brown to fit in. Reverted it as soon as he returned to the Wizarding World at 15. He still does sometimes when he needs to evade the Rookwood Gang, but hates it. Reminds him of his time as a squib.
The gray hair runs in the father's side of the family. The asymmetrical dimple is from his mother.
Has a small golden pocket watch with him at all times. He fidgets with it when he's bored or anxious. It was a gift from his mother. He won't admit it but it's one of his most prized possessions.
Another one is his broom. He fell in love with broom-flying the moment he took laps around the castle with Everett. When he's not working on homeworks with Sebastian and Ominis he can be found on his broom trying new techniques, or playing two-a-side Quidditch with Everett, Nellie, and Natty. Secretly enjoys watching them bicker over rules and fouls.
He's active and always hungry. Often carries sandwiches or fruits with him. He will eat anything except slimy foods (and durian). Why is jellied eels a thing anyways?
Has a bossy little owl named Oliang, or Oli for short. The brown hawk owl was his father's gift upon his start at Hogwarts. She will ignore you if you don't have treats. She will peck you if you have them but don't give. She can always tell.
He doesn't know his Patronus yet. Perhaps he'll find out soon.
He's not as mature as he thinks. He believes he's done all the growing up after narrowly avoiding death many times during his first year at Hogwarts. But really he's still got a long way to go.
(feel free to check out my fic and learn more about Sunan 😌)
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vienguinn · 14 days
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Reintroducing my babies for #MCtober2024
TYSM @lamieboo for this fun prompt💕
Pearl is the only MC here because I placed them in the same world/universe, and I want to give her a family so she may have a place to call home and a purpose in life 💕 (and for the family drama plot ofc HAHAHA)
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sanschips · 10 days
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#MCtober2024 Week 2 - Mari is a pretty average student. she excels in subjects she likes, but more or less is barely passing in the ones she neglects.
books are definitely not her strong suit 😅 thankfully she has Natty to hang out with afterwards!
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traceyc-uk · 9 days
#MCtober prompt - Draw them during History of Magic class
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dwightschrute11 · 17 days
@lamieboos MCtober day 1 with my pookie calypso 😔💗💗
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theravenchild · 13 days
MCtober 2024
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Week 1 - Introduce your MC
Meet Hellendil Melinae! He was sorted into Ravenclaw on account of his intelligence, curiosity, desire to learn and openness/acceptance of others, though he also has a fair bit of Hufflepuff traits as well and occasionally sulks about not being sorted into Slytherin. He is 5th year in game and ficwise, but 7th year for RP purposes.
Favorite subject
Hellendil's favorite classes are Potions and Care of Magical Creatures. He finds peace in the focus needed for the careful measuring and preparation of ingredients in potion making, but also enjoys looking for said ingredients when he's out exploring the Highlands. Magical Creatures were something Hellendil had little experience with before Hogwarts since he came from a mixed family, but he always enjoyed them in the picture books his grandmother would read to him as a child. Being able to interact with them and care for them brings him joy and brings back those cherished memories.
Least favorite subject
His least favorite classes are Divination and Arithmancy. He's super skeptical about any of it actually meaning anything, no matter how fun it is to look for shapes in his tea leaves. He drops Divination after fifth year, but continues with Arithmancy just in case his chosen career path doesn't pan out.
Favorite teacher
Even though charms isn't his favorite class at Hogwarts (he really enjoys most), Professor Ronen is definitely one of Hellendil's favorite teachers. His way of teaching makes the class fun for just about everyone and it was a great introduction to classes on his first day. Professor Ronen is one of the professors Hellendil feels most comfortable confiding in and consulting for guidance.
School Clubs and Hobbies
Hellendil joined Crossed Wands at the behest of Professor Hecat. He's not normally very competitive, but he keeps at it because his friends are involved and he enjoys spending the time with them. Being a big reader he also decides to start a muggle literature club with his friends so he can share his favorite novels and penny dreadfuls with them as well as read theirs.
In addition to reading as a hobby, Hellendil also enjoys being physically active and exploring the Highlands in his free time. Care of Magical Creatures isn't just a class for him, it's also something he just enjoys doing, especially caring for his thestral, Sepulchria. He spends a lot of time in the vivarium with her and the other thestrals, brushing them and watching them play. He's known to hang out and help his friends with taking care of their creature companions as well.
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lamieboo · 12 days
Week 1-2: MCtober2024
Fav Subject, Professor, Least Fav Subject
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I’ve also added their grades (lol NERDS and average Lamie)
For the report card template, link to the original >> x
Prompt List Below
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myokk · 5 days
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Eloise is VERY studious but it’s just because she needs to prove herself. She’s very insecure that she started at Hogwarts so late & studies like crazy to catch up & so nobody can ever doubt her😤😤 She HATES some classes though and will do the bare minimum for them and is fine with getting a possible T in her OWLs (Beasts), unless she deems the subject important somehow (Divination), but with subjects she LOVES (Transfiguration and Arithmancy) she does a lot of extra work outside of what’s necessary.
She’s never been able to stay awake longer than 2 minutes in History of Magic🥲 she swears Professor Binns infuses his voice with some sort of somnolence charm…
Her two best friends are Imelda and Anne😇🙏they drag her along EVERYWHERE with them
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syaolaurant · 13 days
#MCtober2024 - favorite & hated subjects
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Violette's favorite subject is undoubtedly divination, she has good relationship with Professor Onai & usually comes to her classroom to discuss about the subject.
Not-so favorite subject are Potion & History of Magic. Still she could get good grades in HoM bc she could learn from books (and prof Binns is just boring not intimidating), she struggled with Potion as she's not the type who would carefully follow instructions..
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