comfymoth · 6 months ago
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i just think they’re neat
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nin-jay-go · 7 months ago
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yesandpeeps · 9 months ago
may i request art of aether and swiss? :3
Their asses are NOT listening‼️
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mxtxfanatic · 6 months ago
Fandom Gripe #23: I know that fandom is in some deep denial about its treatment of female characters that are canonically involved with fan favorite m/m ships, but do y’all realize that when you disappear female characters from the narrative wholesale to push the idea that your canonically straight fav was “secretly gay all along!” you’re making several bad implications? That 1) bi men don’t exist, 2) bi men do exist, but those who have genuinely loved a woman before cannot genuinely love a man after that (therefore bi men don’t exist in practice), 3) women cannot inspire genuine love and devotion in men, therefore any relationship with a woman is “lesser” than the one they later have a man (see previous parenthesis), or 4) to acknowledge the existence of a lovable woman who isn’t a terrible person, where if a relationship previously existed, it did not end because of “incompatibility,” is enough to destabilize the present relationship between two queer men?
Because why is the tgcf fandom allergic to acknowledging that He Xuan had a whole ass fiancée that he loved? Why does no one ever seem to remember that the kidnappings and murders of He Xuan’s sister and fiancée were the final straws that sent him on his rampage, and he still keeps a shrine to them in the present-day of the story? Why is her entire existence and significance to He Xuan as a man, character, and to his character arc disappeared in favor of pushing Shi Qingxuan—the brother of the man responsible for his fiancée’s death—into that same role, as if to say that her impact on He Xuan is significant... just not when it's from her? Why does He Xuan’s life in fandom essentially begin not just after her death but because of it?
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albaharu · 9 months ago
bridgerton perhaps..... for the art asks !!!
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For the girls kissing... them :>
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emry-stars-art · 11 months ago
Emey can I change you and ask for number 5 with Seth/Allison? I understand if not considering you don't draw Seth often <3
Maybe not but that is not to say I won’t draw him 😘
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Requests are open until the end of Dec ‘23 💕
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navajja · 2 years ago
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I wanna talk about Ty Lee/Suki so badly!! They ideas are definitely there but studying and work got me posting sketches only. They are girlfriends btw😌💕🌻
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moroser · 1 year ago
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angela and scarecrow wife.
been in a shippy mood so i have drudged up these stinkies.
[image description: on the left moira bends to look angela in the eyes, she has her hands on her waist. angela is holding a cup of something, has glasses on. on the right, moira looks down, as she puts a bandaid on her head, at angela who looks up at her lovingly, her hands are in moira's back pockets. (risque) ]
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atlabookshelf · 5 months ago
a primary characteristic of a good polycule is the ability to perform a professional-level heist at a moments notice.
This is why Sokka, Suki, Mai, Ty Lee, and Zuko would work really well as a polycule. In this essay I will-
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lunalikestowriteanddraw · 1 month ago
Less than an hour into episode 6, and we already got internal shipping. I love it.
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strawberii-symphonii · 10 months ago
What could’ve been 💔 (based off of one of the concept arts)
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snekverse · 1 year ago
characters to make ship art of??? *trips and falls down the stairs* um uh dante and travis 🥺
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just a couple a' guys bein dudes
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the-genius-az · 6 months ago
I'll send you longer asks about the topics we were already talking, but I'm making a headcanons list. You see, it's alpha!Azula here, omega!Azula there, where's beta!Azula?
- Ash 🔥🍌
ASH!!!! I thought you had already disappeared! I almost called the police, even though I know they wouldn't do anything.
AZULA BETA!!??...You're right Ash, I haven't talked about Azula beta.
She would probably take advantage of the fact that she is immune to pheromones and that there is no heat/rut, she is lucky!
Or not?
"Unfortunately" she has an Alpha and Omega as girlfriends, and she has to pass out in the library to do a lot of research on the dynamics, I bet she knows a lot about Mai and Ty Lee, never mind that she's a Beta!
Maybe I'll do a post about Azula Beta and her girlfriends.
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necrotic-nephilim · 1 month ago
i love your fics and the ideas you describe for the ask games. i'm especially fond of your takes on the rarer pairings and i always smile when i see your posts in the ship tags <3
and don't stress too much about not posting anything, real life is important and participating in fandom should be fun, not something you have to force yourself to do. god knows fandom burnout is real, especially if you feel like people are expecting something from you. just keep doing what makes you happy :)
ghgfhgjhkjhjhg this was so sweet, thank you so much! i *love* talking about rarer rarepairs, especially if it gets other people to ship them too. the popular ships are fun and all, but i truly love spreading rarepair propaganda.
that's very reassuring, thank you <3 i've loved everything i posted here so far and have not felt pushed to post anything i haven't enjoyed, but sometimes i forget i can like. use this blog for whatever i want and not *just* headcanons/fics/mets/etc lol. and i also forget i don't have to rush myself. it's annoying to want to write and either not have time or not have the words work. i used to run a fandom blog in my teens that got very large and felt like a chore and i was so stressed about the need to perform and the numbers and all of that. like if a fic didn't do well i saw it as a personal failing and forced myself to write popular headcanons just for the numbers game. was not fun or sustainable in the long run and i think it contributed to me no longer having any taste for the ship i primarily wrote for. so for too long i treated existing in fandom like a job lol. i've mostly gotten it through to myself that this is a space for me, but i occasionally forget when i'm so caught up in all the things i want to get to for this blog. my to-write list is a mile long and i need to be bonked with a paper towel roll, i think. so it's very kind of you to say this bc the reminder is nice <3
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tragedry · 7 months ago
i'm gonna consider this an ashler moment, bc ty literally scolds aiden like how a dad scolds thier kid by using thier mom's words on them lmao
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this-is-a-podcast-fanblog · 6 months ago
Night Vale Obscure Ship Tournament
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art by @mudstoneabyss and @cowboyinternist respectively
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