#also this would give Legolas more of a personality if he was part of a duo to start
brunhielda · 3 months
I am currently watching through The Lord of the Rings again (as you do).
I love these movies. I will show them to my children (or nieces/nephews) and grand children and great grand children. There are quotes from these films that see me through dark days.
(Reason I can accept the flawed Hobbit films is that they too have quotes that stick around)
That said, as I watch with my parents and thier even older friend, I am listening to them react to Boromir the same way I did the first time I watched it. Knowing what I do now about the back ground of canonical Boromir, it hurts a little bit.
If you are a fan who has read the books, or even is involved with the online fandom- you know. Boromir is a good man- the best of men. He is supposed to be a shining example of the best of us, and his fall to the Ring is meant to show that it could happen to ANYONE. It is meant to be a message to us all that you are not your worst moment, or your worst fault.
And yet because of all the foreshadowing and arguing over choices to make during the quest, we the audience of the movie see him as someone just one step away from betraying everyone. His attempt to take the Ring is not a surprise, or even a tragedy, but a confirmation. The surprise is his redemption in death.
I think there is a version of “The Fellowship of the Rings” that I would have liked to see.
Indulge me:
Part of the problem is that Aragorn is falling into the spot Boromir could be filling. He’s just too epic to allow any other man next to him to look impressive. 🤴🏼
This not only does a disservice to Boromir, but to Aragorn himself, who could be having a much richer personal growth.
So, imagine this.
Strider leans more into his “Ranger in the Corner” persona. He is quiet, terse, filthy, mysterious, and comes across more like your traditional rogue than anything approaching Kingly.
Legolas is the only one to call him Aragorn, he does it exactly once when defending him to Boromir, and never again. Legolas himself is a little different- a few more sarcastic quips, more friendly and forward, the sunshine to Strider’s gloom. When they get to Lothlorian, the elves there acknowledge “Strider the Ranger” as someone known to them, but Legolas of the Woodland Realm does the negotiating. The vibe is “ah, yes… that human Elrond adopted. I suppose we should bid him welcome…” 🫤 (Obvious exception of Galadriel. She knows all. It just makes her seem more out there).
There are a couple less references to his lineage, and every time they do, the feeling from the audience should be- “Really? THAT guy?”
Arwen is clearly in a rebellious stage and looking for a bad boy. Him telling her to go very much has that angsty teen feel of “you could do better” and “I am poison to you.”
Elrond is clearly trying to get through to him, but do we think it is going to take? He remains quiet and moody. Was he the first to volunteer to go? Yes. But it was less a declaration and more of an ernest whisper meant for Frodo. Legolas’s immediate follow up is less “I am inspired” and more “My pet introvert will not survive without me, but I am so proud of you for asserting yourself.” 😂
Meanwhile- we have Boromir. Now, I love me some Sean Bean, but I need him at his most joyful. Most jovial. Give him a big old beard. Pad him out with thicker armor to give him a broader chest.
Boromir is supportive. Boromir is playful. Boromir is everyone’s big bro, ESPECIALLY the younger hobbits. I basically want every scene he has with Merry and Pippin expanded to everyone.
I want the sword drop to feel less like a stranger being disrespectful, and more like a himbo being clumsy.
I want him to talk about the path to Mordor of all the concern of the older sibling who has seen and been, and his dismissal of Aragorn to feel justified. “Yeah… sure, put that guy on the throne. Uh huh. I think we dodged an arrow there.” And I want the end of it to be a bit of a laugh and a clap on the back, and “no offense meant, Strider Ol’ chap, but you don’t seem the type!”
I want every disagreement with Gandalf or Gimli about which way to take to feel like him advocating for everyone’s safety.
I want him to slide into the role that Aragorn currently has, protecting everyone, especially Frodo, and to have Strider fall back into a quieter rear guard position, only to really speak up to sharply tell someone “don’t disturb the water” “Hide!” “get them up.”
Strider will speak on historical landmarks or lands we are entering, which always makes Legolas smile in support. “See, he knows cool things. I am telling you, you wanna be friends with my guy.”
Instead of Strider or Gandalf sending Gimli or Legolas chastising looks, we see Boromir, the peace keeper, laughing at both of them. “Come now master dwarf, the Elf will love trees as much as you love Rock, it is to be expected! I myself would be weary of being out in the open so often, and also loathe to spend as much time under ground as your kin, yet I have been known to be grateful for either tree or rock in a rough spot or two (chuckle) As I’m sure you would find the open forest or the dwellings of men far too open for your liking, but would not begrudge shelter in either when when the rain sets in. To each their own way, as my brother would say! You would like him (directed at Legolas) he speaks your poetry much better than I in any rate! (Aside to Gimli) I am more for the drinking songs myself. Speaking of, have you heard the hobbits tell you about their little place? Master Pippin- tell us, how do Hobbits live?” He just keeps cutting off rudeness with rambles about something his brother said or how the hobbits or men are like both of them, and really, do these fights between dwarves and elves matter when they have Sauron to face? Come! We are brothers in arms! There are moments they bask in it, and moments they are bonded by the annoyance of it. Either way he wins.
(In Lothlorien, they are bonded in grief, in appreciation of Galadriel, and in the strangeness of Boromir being too caught up in his own musings to try to fix them)
I want Galadriel’s speech to both Strider and Boromir to feel like a deepening of characters we are already starting to like, not confirmation of things we suspect. I want her to tell Frodo- “You know of who I speak” and have the audience to go “What?! WHO??? Who is this crazy woman talking about? Oh, she has those seer powers- what does she know?!”
I want every reference to Boromir starting to fall to the Ring to be less obvious foreshadowing, and more a sympathetic look behind the jovial curtain.
“What ails you Boromir?” “Oh- never mind me. My mind has gone back to my brother. I was meant to lead the armies you know.” Strained smile. “Now it falls on him. It is a heavy burden, but he is equal to the task. Probably better at it than me!” Laugh. “It will be well. When I see him again I will have to congratulate him on defending our people so well. And he will chastise me for being away so long to leave him to pick up the slack!”
Far away look. Any of the company gives him a questioning look. “We are not far from the borders of Gondor- she is just over that mountain.” Strained smile. “Forgive me, I have not before been so long from home. I did not realize I would yearn for it so. Perhaps that is why I keep trying to turn us that way- feet always point home, do they not?” (This would be poinant with Sam, Legolas, Gimli, or Strider)
At any of these moments, he glances at the ring. A glance. That is it.
If there are obvious moments of temptation, I want one for every single member of the Fellowship (the movie is long enough, there is room). Gimli admires its make, for all that it is wrought with evil. Dwarves know a thing or two about jewelry, you know. Very good craftsmen. Legolas speaks of the rings of the elves, How they never passed to his line- he isn’t surprised. Surprising bitter moment of saying his Father is one of the weakest of Elves. Gandalf interrupts his musing by talking about his ring. (Could be a moment of bonding with Gimli too) Strider tells Frodo he should preserve his strength- can he not put the Ring in a pocket or pass it to another hobbit? (He does not ask to take it, but music implies the question). Merry and Pippin keep talking about “I know it’s evil, but you have to admit, it has a nice shine to it, doesn’t it?” It is playful and flippant, but there none the less. Boromir might ONCE mention it’s use as a weapon, speaking of what Sauron was able to do with it “They say it was the Ring that allowed him to grow in size and strength- he could kill 8 warriors with one blow!” Only to back track when Strider or Gandalf give him a chastising look. “Forgive me,” he says with a laugh, “I am at heart a warrior, and see everything as a possible tactical advantage. Of course it would only do damage should anyone try to use it.” Gandalf turns away, mollified, Boromir whispers conspiratorially to Merry and Pippin “But imagine! Eight feet tall!” (Chuckles all around- foreshadowing to the two growing to be the tallest hobbits) The whole thing should be told around the fire at night like a good story- again, even in his weakness, we see him as an excellent big bro figure.
The point is, I want to get to Galadriel saying someone will take the Ring and the audience is suspicious of EVERYONE.
Then we arrive at the moment. We all have our suspicions. Strider has gone off to find Frodo. There are implications of everyone being out looking. We saw exactly one glance of Boromir’s shield. Out of everyone? The money is on the creepy mysterious Ranger who might have a heart under there but only seems to snap at people.
Then Boromir tries to take the Ring.
The context is wildly different.
The shock of Boromir taking the Ring has the gasp effect of Hans’ betrayal in Frozen.
Strider turning down the Ring has us all feeling guilty and weepy, because he’s just quiet and concerned damn it! He has always meant well!
Boromir suddenly realizing what he has done has us sobbing “He didn’t mean it! He didn’t mean it! It was the Ring!” And then he immediately turns to defend Merry and Pippin. There are no dry eyes.
We have seen Strider fight- he has precision and skill. But this fight suddenly feels like he is proving something. Like he is standing up for this man who cannot. That is Boromir, Prince of Gondor you struck down, and he is NOT undefended! Something has shifted. Strider is rising, and it shows in this fight against the leader of the Uruki.
Boromir’s final words to Strider, he calls him Aragorn. He calls him brother. He calls him king. It feels less like a shift in view to culminate a redemption, and more like placing a mantle, more like giving final support. Boromir would have been next to lead the people of Gondor- he is giving it to his friend. Vibes of : “You tried to hide, but I saw you. The elf was right. You will be a great King.” Even at the end, he is the Big Brother we all want.
The last moments of the movie when Legolas sees the hobbits across the river is a shift. “Aragorn!” He calls “they have reached the other side…. You mean not to follow them.” We suddenly realize that Legolas was never leading his quiet anxious introvert around, he was always (more subtly) following his lead. Aragorn (as he is called for the rest of the films) is standing tall, and assertive, and making a decision for the group. And they follow.
People rewatch the Fellowship 3 times its first week in theaters, just to catch the moments that warn us that Boromir will fall, and the moments that hint that Aragorn might rise. There are cries of “No spoilers! Let your friends and family find out for themselves!” People break scenes apart to analyze this dynamic for years to come.
Going forward:
Because of this shift in context in Fellowship, the rest of the Trilogy feels more like watching Aragorn come out of his shell and taking on bigger and bigger rolls.
Meeting the Rohiren is suddenly the first time Aragorn speaks for the group. He does so because these are men, and because his friends are being idiots. 😂
The rebuff of Eowyn’s affections feels like more of the same from his relationship with Arwen- he does not feel he deserves it, even now. She is a leader of her people, and he is not yet sure he can say the same. By the time he can, it is clear Arwen’s heart is with him and his with her. It also feels as if he is leaving Eowyn room to pursue her own destiny, to be a leader in her own right. Arwen is supportive, where Eowyn takes charge- perfect for a fully supportive Faramir. 👍
His approach to Theoden feels less like shrinking away, and more like feeling out when he should lead and when he should step back.
Disrespect from any character feels less like a fault of theirs and more like “I mean, I get it, he’s a bit grimy, but he knows what he’s talking about! You don’t know him! He could be a king!” Theoden’s refusal to listen to him feels more like a tragedy, because how else could it have gone?
The entire Two Towers plot becomes a discussion of leadership. Gandalf swoops in and out, and expects people to listen to him. Eomer is direct and aggressive, but only leads warriors, not a kingdom. Theoden has many under his protection, he must weigh risks and lean on older wisdoms. And then there is Aragorn, still figuring himself out, helping Eowyn to do the same. (With every step he takes, we wonder how Boromir would have fit into this discussion- would Eomer have recognized him? Would Theoden have listened more or less to the leader of Gondor’s armies? Would Boromir have stepped back as often? Would he have insisted, in his still jovial way, and would it have caused conflict? Would he inspire men in the same way? Would it have worked as well? We have no idea how he would have handled Eowyn, besides stepping in as a brother since her’s is out fighting. Suddenly this thought of Boromir is on Aragorn’s face with every decision) What Aragorn figures out is that he himself is honest, ernest, and relies on the support and help of others. The conclusion of The Two Towers is the understanding that Aragorn does not need to be a King to be a Leader. That has always been in him. Has he not lead his group this far? Does he not make friends everywhere he goes? Does he not inspire men and elves alike? (Gimli is but one dwarf, and we do not get further examples 😂) He is not Boromir, or Eomer, or Gandalf, or Theoden, but still, he leads.
The Return of the King is an obvious end to his journey, but it feels more fulfilling, since we have seen Aragorn come farther. The moment he claims his birthright with the ghosts under the mountain is a moment that elicits cheers. His speech at the Black Gate brings tears, not just because of his words, but because of how far he has come.
When he is crowned, his reunion with and acceptance of Arwen’s love means more. His moment of humility in front of the Hobbits make us all see how he HAD to be a Ranger to be the Great King he has become. Pride swells.
And we give credit to Aragorn’s growth to the leadership of Boromir in the first film.
We are also struck to the heart when Faramir announces himself as Boromir’s brother. THIS is the brother he spoke so highly of? Did Boromir that bias towards his own flesh and blood, to think THIS man, who captures hobbits and tortures Smeagle, is someone to be proud of? But by the end of Two Towers we are proud too.
At the end of Two Towers, Faramir has seen Frodo nearly fall to the Ring. Did he believe them when they said it drove Boromir mad? Of course not. We didn’t believe it. And we only had one movie with the guy. No one who knew him would buy that. But then there is Frodo, with a sword to Sam’s throat- “Don’t you recognize your Sam?” And there is a horrified recognition on Faramir’s face. Is it what he knows his Father may someday do with or without the Ring? Is it the recognition of how, even in the best of him, his brother could be like his Father? Is it a vision of himself in that position, his brother over him, because he came back with the Ring as their father asked? And does he admire Samwise that much more, because he handled the aftermath of that so much better than Faramir would in his place? (“Something worth fighting for” indeed- Boromir gave the speeches, not him. He must have LOVED this sunshiny little gardener)
When Sam tells him he is of the finest quality- it means more. They are passing on a message after all.
There may be another line from Frodo- “He spoke of you. He knew you would be a good commander. He was anxious to be home and congratulate you. I am sorry it is me here instead of him. He would be so proud.”
Maybe it is Pippin who mentions it. Maybe we get a flashback to another scene between the two of them. “You remind me of my brother- curious, adventurous, but educated, mannered. Much better mannered than I, as it has often been said!” Loud laughter. “The two of you would make for good friends, should you ever meet.”
“Don’t worry for him too much Merry. I have known one as curious as he. He just wanted to understand the world, as does your cousin. It has served him well- he out grew the recklessness of it, and there is no one I trust more.” “Your brother?” Laugh “How did you guess?”
I want us to love Faramir not only because he is good, but because Boromir loved him, and he loved Boromir. I want us to think of Boromir and what he would say to his brother every time he is on screen. I want us to see the love of Boromir direct all his actions.
The parallels of Eowyn and Faramir hint at thier future relationship more clearly in this version, because the connection between Boromir and Aragorn as different leaders of Gondor continues to shine through. Boromir’s brother could not defy his father’s wishes because he loved him and almost died for it. Aragorn’s student (she feels like a sister when he puts her to the side) does defy her father figure, again because she loves him, and is victorious in battle. Both thier fathers die in the battle. When we spot them together in the houses of healing it is not as much of a surprise. It feels right. They have much in common. Also… as Eowyn is seen to grown into a leader as Aragorn does, she also gets her supportive soft romantic partner.
I want Big Bro Boromir to be there in all but flesh throughout the entire thing. I want Boromir’s bracers on Aragorn’s arms to not only be the first thing we notice in Two Towers, but something to feel so right as to be obvious. I want “Then I shall die as one of them!” to feel like a chastisement to Legolas- “Boromir was human too, and he would want us here.” I want “Gondor will answer” to feel like a certainty, because Boromir would. I want Pippin’s rescue of Faramir to feel like a keeping of a promise to love Boromir’s brother as much as a rescue of a new friend. I want us to see the bracer on Aragorn’s arm as much as the sword in his hand when he says “I am Isildur’s Heir.” I want Theoden’s ride to Gondor to tie back not just to Aragorn, but further back to Boromir- a promise has been kept, and inspiration has come to bloom. I want us to see the white tree flags on the battle field of Mordor and feel like Boromir walked in after all. I want us to cry that Boromir is not there to greet Frodo as he wakes, as much as we cry for everyone else’s happy ending.
It’s just an image I had tonight. A beautiful image. Big Bro Jovial Boromir. Laughing down warmly at everyone from heaven. Making us proud to be of the race of men before Aragorn could.
Like I said- I love these movies. But ah, what could have been.
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entishramblings · 2 months
The Innocence of Brutality Pt. 9 [Legolas/Reader]
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A.N:  I want to especially thank @tiny-and-witchy for giving me such motivation to write this chapter. Your messages of encouragement were so helpful. Also, this chapter is very....interesting. I wanted to focus on character development and the development of learning behavior in a new world. Additionally, as this story follows the events of the lotr films, I didn't want it to be entirely too repetitive. We have all seen the movies and I personally find myself getting irked when I read and re-read the same scene over and over...hence why I wrote certain scenes certain ways. but fret not, there are plenty of things that I included in this chapter that are not a part of the films heh!
Request: none
Pairing: Legolas X Fem!Reader
Summary: The Reader is Rámaitë Mahtar, a warrior spirit race, and she meets the fellowship on their quest to destroy the ring.  
Disclaimer: Any mythology relating to the Rámaitë Mahtar is not canon as I made up Rámaitë Mahtar. Also, all elvish was translated from a translator site—it may not be accurate.
Word Count: 5.6k
Warnings: mentions of war, mentions of torture, violence, fluff, hurt/comfort, blood, injuries, gore, nudity, things get spicy, discussion of sex 🌶️
MASTERLIST | AO3 | WATTPAD | The Innocence of Brutality Masterlist | HERE for OC format
(Y/N) sat still upon a large rock, her eyes fixated on Boromir’s motionless form, as Aragorn and Gimli prepared his funeral boat. Her wings, once radiating power, were now punctured and bloody, Legolas tending to them with care. Still, the pain that rippled among each feather was nothing compared to the suffering and hopelessness in her heart.
The silence among the four was profound, each absorbed in their own grief. Aragorn's face was painted with stoic sorrow, his hands moving with gentle precision as he placed flowers around Boromir's body. Gimli, usually gruff and unyielding, worked the same task with a rare tenderness, his eyes showcasing the break of his heart. With each blossom they laid upon Boromir's chest, a silent tear slipped from (Y/N)’s eyes, running down her cheek and falling to the earth as she once had. The forest, who bore witness to Boromir’s bravery, seemed to mourn beside them—for the trees rustled peacefully, creating a soft song for the Gondorian.
“It is time,” Aragorn spoke softly.
Slowly, (Y/N) stood, her injured wings slipping from Legolas’ healing hands. She approached the boat that now cradled her companion. The Rámaite Mahtar reached for his cold hand. With immense care, she gently unfolded his fingers, confirming that her opal rested inside his loose grip. Blinking back tears, as little rainbows reflected upon the pale skin of his palm, she closed his fist once more.
“Goodbye,” she whispered. 
With a solemn unity, the group pushed the boat into the water, their hearts heavy with grief and reverence. They watched it float away, carrying their fallen comrade to the halls of the gods, praising his bravery and sacrifice. 
In that profound moment, they forged an unbreakable resolve to save Merry and Pippin. They would not let their friends perish to the evil of the Uruk-hai. Therefore, with fierce determination, they embarked on a relentless race across Arda.
As their feet pounded into the soil across the plains, (Y/N) tried to conceal her struggle. Her punctured wings, open and unable to fly and resistant to motion, held her back. The relentless wind battered against them, intensifying her pain and forcing her to push harder than the others, stealing her energy. It seemed to howl in laughter at her suffering. It mocked her. No longer would she let the wind's whispers taunt her. Therefore, despite her injuries, she folded her wings into her form, leaving no feather upon her back, only smooth skin. 
Legolas sent her a look of concern as they ran but she only shook her head and said two words: “The wind.”
He seemed to understand, but kept a careful eye on her as they sprinted. 
Despite this concern, it appeared to be a good thing that she hid away her wings because, only hours after, the group was standing in a circle of men who were high upon their horses with spears drawn and aimed. Legolas assumed that, if they saw her wings, those spears would be through their bodies, for often men fear what they don’t understand. 
The elf was quick to push the Rámaite Mahtar behind him, into the center of the tight, small circle Aragorn, Gimli, and himself formed.
The leader, seemingly so, approached them. “What business does an elf, man, dwarf, and woman have in the Riddermark? Speak quickly.”
Gimli was the one to snip back a snarky reply, “Give me your name, horsemaster, and I shall give you mine.”
The man dismounted, a sneer upon his face as he moved closer towards the dwarf. “I would cut off your head dwarf, if it stood but a little higher from the ground.”
Drawing his bow Legolas replied forcefully, “You would die before your first stroke fell.”
Aragorn was quick to push down his arm, interrupting the interaction. “I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn, this is Gimli son of Gloin, and Legolas son of Thranduil.”
The man contemplated the Ranger’s words for a moment, before he dipped his head towards the final member in their group who had not been introduced. “And the woman?” 
The Rámaite Mahtar stood straight, confident, and strong. 
“(Y/N),” she replied simply. 
He inched closer, a frown upon his brow. “Do you choose to be in the company of these men, Miss, or is it under force?” 
She tilted her head, not understanding what he was trying to imply. Her subtle anxiety, slipping her hand into Legolas’, did not go unnoticed by the Rider. 
With her action, he seemed to relax. Nodding towards their folded hands he spoke again. “I apologize, Lady, I did not realize you were the wife of the elf.”
(Y/N)’s brows crinkled in confusion, not entirely sure of the meaning behind the word “wife.” The other three hunters did not dare try to correct the Rider’s assumption for it could initiate a conversation of (Y/N)’s origins—which is something they knew shouldn't be shared. 
Aragorn cleared his throat. “We are friends of Rohan and Théoden, your king.” 
“Théoden no longer recognizes friend from foe,” he gruffed in reply. Taking off his helmet, the spears of his men retreating, he spoke again. “Not even his own kin. Saruman has poisoned the mind of the king and claimed lordship over his lands. 
(Y/N)’s lips parted as a small whisper of recognition left her lips, no other besides Legolas noticing. “The Man of Saru.” 
The rider continued. “My company are those loyal to Rohan and, for that, we were banished.” He then stepped forward, his demeanor changing, showcasing pent up anger and hidden fear. “The white wizard is cunning. He walks here and there, they say. There’s an old man, hooded and cloaked. And everywhere his spies slip past our nets.”
“We are no spies,” Aragorn interjected. “We track a party of Urk-hai westward through the plain. They have taken two of our friends captive.”
“The Urks are destroyed,” he replied. “We slaughtered them during the night.” 
Gimli, his voice wavering, spilled out anxious words, “There were two hobbits! Did ya see two hobbits with ‘em?”
“They would be small, only children to your eyes,” Aragorn added, almost desperately. 
The man paused, solemn. “We left none alive. We piled the carcasses and burned them. I am sorry.” 
The air then changed, transforming the once-refreshing breeze into a suffocating, oppressive force. Thick and heavy it felt, marked by grief and confusion. No longer did it hold hope or whispers of encouragement, only despair. 
(Y/N) glanced between her friends and the horsemen as she processed what the rider’s words meant. She watched as her fellow companions’ faces contorted and twisted, unsureness and shock upon them.
The Rámaite Mahtar’s lips quivered as she blinked back tears. With a breaking voice she spoke again. “No, b-but no. N-not again.” A sob escaped her throat as she desperately whipped her head around to look at her friends for a different answer. “N-not the hobbits.” 
“(Y/N),” Legolas said.
Another loud sob reverberated through her chest, echoing among the air.
“(Y/N),” the Elven Prince repeated, his voice tinged with urgency as he grabbed her and pulled her into his body. Her form practically slammed into his with such a force of sadness, almost knocking the breath out of him. She immediately buried her head in his chest, inhaling deeply as the familiar scent of pine and honey filled her nostrils. Desperately, she clung to him, trying to find solace in the comforting aroma as she struggled to breathe through her heartbreak.
Seeing this desperate sorrow, the Rider whistled, bringing two horses forward. “May these horses bear you a better fortune than their former masters.” Mounting his steed, he added to his statement, “Look for your friends, but do not trust a hope. It is forsaken in these lands.” He then turned to his men, calling out an order. “We ride north!”
With that, the four hunters stood, numb and confused, allowing the feelings to sink in further. 
Eventually, they pulled away from each other. Their bodies moved through motions their minds did not command with urgency, resigned to the belief that their friends were dead and they were only going to retrieve their bodies.
As if in a trance, they mounted their new steeds and took off toward the pile of carcasses, dread gnawing at their hearts as they anticipated the remnants of the flames—and their friends. Each hoofbeat echoed their apprehension, the stench of charred, decaying flesh growing stronger with every step. The eerie atmosphere was marked by the distant crackling of dying embers, reminding them of the devastation they were about to face.
It was then a haze of despair, hope, promise, and relief—an internal turmoil of change.
As they found the hobbits’ small belts, (Y/N)’s throat turned raw from her cries of despair.
As they found the little ones’ tracks, (Y/N)’s lips quivered and her hands shook with hope.
As they found the wizard in the flesh, new and whole, (Y/N)’s heart skipped with promise.
As they found the knowledge of the peace and prosperity of their friends, (Y/N)’s breath steadied and relief ran through her veins. 
There then was direction—purpose—as they rode to Rohan. 
The remaining members of the fellowship, reborn and filled with renewed hope, rode through the town of Rohan. Despite the wind, the air felt stale and eerie, as if it were sick and diseased. The townspeople fared no better; they appeared worn and weary, their gazes filled with suspicion as they watched the group trot by. Their eyes lingered on the group’s strangeness, noting the many races and the woman with piercing eyes.
“Why do they stare?” (Y/N) asked.
Legolas, one hand on the reins and the other around the waist of the Rámaite Mahtar seated in front of him, replied softly, “They have lived in misery for too long, never seeing anyone but each other.
“You’d find more cheer in a graveyard,” Gimli gruffed out, earning a look from Aragorn.
When they approached the halls of Théoden, they dismounted and were greeted with that same suspicion. “We cannot allow you before King Théoden so armed, Gandalf Greyham, by order of Grima Wormtounge,” the soldier stated.
Reluctantly, the men began to disarm, (Y/N)’s curious gaze filtering over this action. As her friends handed over their weapons—having to take extra time to disarm Gimli, for the dwarf had hidden quite a few—the men of Rohan’s lingering eyes filtered over the Rámaite Mahtar’s still form.
“And the woman?” the soldier stated.
(Y/N) frowned, tilting her head.
It was Aragorn that spoke. “You believe this woman holds weapons?”
The fellowships’ eyes shifted. She was the weapon.
“I apologize,” he stated, clearing his throat. “I was ordered to confirm every member of your party was disarmed.”
He then turned to Gandalf, “Your staff.”
“Oh, you wouldn’t deprive an old man from his walking stick, would you?” he retorted innocently. 
At this, (Y/N) raised a brow. 
The man huffed, but stepped aside, leading them through the vast doors. 
As they stepped upon the stone, Legolas sent a side eyed look at (Y/N). “Don’t kill anyone,” he whispered. “Only incapacitate them.”
(Y/N) frowned. 
While Gandalf addressed Théoden, a pale and slimy man, Grima, whispered into the King’s ear—likely spilling lies and manipulation. The men of Rohan cautiously crept around the fellowship as they approached; Grima confronted them in the center of the room. It took only a brief exchange between the ghastly man and Gandalf before Grima ordered his men to swarm the fellowship; however, they defended themselves swiftly. One soldier went to (Y/N) directly, likely thinking to take her hostage in his arms and use her as leverage; but, oh, how wrong he was to assume he could. (Y/N) grabbed his bicep and, with a quick motion, flipped him hard onto the ground. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli immobilized the others, allowing Gandalf the opportunity to pull the poison from King Théoden’s mind. 
All watched in stillness and nervous anticipation as Théoden spoke, his voice carrying the tone of another. Gandalf, his face etched with determination, used his staff to push the King’s body backward and pull Saruman’s poison from Théoden’s mind. Though it took only moments, it felt like hours until they saw the years melt away from Théoden's face, the lines of age and weariness vanishing. It was as if new life was being breathed back into him, Saruman's evil influence violently yanked from his very soul.
A young woman, her face pale with worry but her cheeks burning with renewed hope, rushed to his side to provide aid and comfort. Her hands trembled slightly as she reached out to touch the newly revived king’s cheeks.
“I know your face. Éowyn.” 
A large smile blossomed upon her lips as she wrapped her arms around her uncle. 
Those around them appeared visibly relieved as well, for the King of Rohan, now revitalized, was eager to restore glory and prosperity to his halls.
(Y/N) stood in a large bedroom in Rohan. Sunlight flooded through the open windows, casting a warm, golden glow across the room. The gentle breeze coaxed the cream-colored curtains into a graceful dance, while the scent of fresh grass, wildflowers, and the faint aroma of earthy soil and distant smoke wafted in, enveloping the room in a comforting embrace. Yet, to (Y/N), it still felt empty.
"But why?" she asked Éowyn again. "Why can I not be with the others?"
"Lady (Y/N), it is not proper for a woman to stay in a room full of men during the hours of night," Éowyn explained.
“But why?” (Y/N) persisted. 
The Lady of Rohan sighed, retrieving an elegant dress from a large cupboard on the far wall and draping it over a vast wood-carved mirror. "That's simply not our way of life here. I understand it may differ from where you come from." She paused, then inquired, "Where exactly is that?"
(Y/N) simply shrugged. “Far.”
“I see,” Éowyn responded, sensing (Y/N)'s reluctance to share further. Changing the subject, she continued, “Let’s get you out of those travel clothes, shall we? A bath, perhaps? Then this lovely dress and some food. I do make quite a good stew.”
The Rámaite Mahtar huffed but followed the woman into the adjoining bathing room. At the sight of the steaming basin, (Y/N)’s face lit up, for she seemed to take joy in the comforts of water. She quickly pulled off her leather breastplate, followed by her tunic, indifferent to Éowyn's presence. Quite frankly, she still was not accustomed to Arda's perception of nakedness.
Éowyn started to avert her gaze but halted when (Y/N)’s back came into view.
The Lady of Rohan gasped, horror written across her face. “(Y/N)! You’re back–it’s–it’s entirely bruised!” She rushed forward, her gentle hands extending along the woman’s spine. “This–this could be internal bleeding,” she whispered, more so to herself, with worry.
With that, she rushed towards the hall, hollering for a healer, before returning to (Y/N). “Come, come sit,” she ushered, guiding (Y/N) towards the edge of the bed and pulling a folded blanket up to cover the woman’s chest. “A healer will be here in just a moment. Don’t you worry. You will be taken care of. You will be just fine.”
The Rámaite Mahtar frowned, standing up despite Éowyn‘s fretting. She walked towards the mirror, taking the blanket with her. She twisted and turned until the bruising came to her sight. Her lips parted, for she wasn't expecting such a thing. 
It was at that moment that the healer arrived. 
“By Eru—” he whispered, seeing (Y/N)’s back. 
Quickly placing his bag on the bed, he approached her. Extending his hand, he was met with a fierce snarl from (Y/N), causing him to immediately withdraw.
“Lady,” he began cautiously, “I understand you must be in pain, but please know that I am here to help you.” The healer reached out again.
She snapped at him. “Do not touch me!”
“Lady,” he insisted, his fingers extending once more.
(Y/N) spun towards him, one hand clutching the blanket to her chest, the other reaching toward his throat. Her fingers closed around his neck, lifting him up.
Éowyn shrieked in alarm, taken aback by (Y/N)'s sudden aggression.
“(Y/N)!” a deep voice called from the doorway. 
She turned at the familiar voice of Aragorn.
“Release the healer,” he commanded firmly. 
Her intense gaze met his sincere gray eyes,  and she immediately complied, trusting his judgment in this unfamiliar world.
Aragorn nodded at her, a silent understanding passing between them. He then addressed the servants who had gathered, “Please, get the elf,” he stated. One of them ran off at his word.
He approached (Y/N) with no unease. The trust they held as travel companions was evident to Éowyn. “May I take a look, (Y/N)?”
She nodded, turning her back towards him.
Gently, he examined the bruising upon her form. Tracing her spine lightly, he spoke, “Does this hurt?”
She shook her head. “No,”
He continued to run his hand further up her back. She remained stoic until he gently grazed the spot between her spine and shoulder blades—where her wings would normally have protruded. Only then did she wince.
At that moment, Legolas appeared in the doorway. “It’s her wings,” he stated plainly. 
(Y/N) and the elf locked eyes in the mirror. 
He approached her, taking Aragorn’s place. “(Y/N),” he said with a nod, indicating to her that it was safe to extend her wings. 
With that, she slowly began to unfurl her wings from her back, each movement causing her to wince as they stretched out. Dried blood and greenish goo clung to each circular wound where arrows had mercilessly pierced her moments before Boromir’s death. As she extended them fully, her wings spanned at least half the length of the room, their impressive size and the remnants of battle obvious.
Gasps were heard from those in the room who knew not what or who she was. 
Unfazed, Legolas moved to examine her wings. “The wounds must have become infected when you folded them in.”
“They were getting in the way,” she retorted. 
“I know, Starlight. I am not blaming you,” he reassured softly. “I can treat the infection, but they must remain free while they heal.”
“Alright,” she agreed. 
The Prince of Greenwood then took to the healer’s bag, not bothering to ask the man gaping at the Rámaite Mahtar. He was quick to sort through the herbs and other supplies to obtain what he needed. He dipped his head towards (Y/N) before motioning to the bed. 
She obliged to his nonverbal request and sat upon it, her injured and infected wings stretching wide. 
Legolas began gently cleaning the wounds. 
Aragorn, on the other hand, moved towards the healer. “Your assistance is no longer required.” With a nod towards the door, he ushered the healer and the curious eyes of the servants out of the room.
He then turned to Eowyn, who was still fixated on the Rámaite Mahtar. Her soft lips were parted and her eyes were wide with curiosity. Unwavering they were...until she sensed his gaze.
“I apologize, Lady of Rohan, but you too must leave,” Aragorn stated gently.
Éowyn nodded in understanding, gracefully making her way towards the door. Just as she was about to slip through, she glanced back at Aragorn. “What is she?”
Aragorn inhaled through his nose before responding with two simple words. “Rámaite Mahtar.”
With that, he closed the wooden door, its hinges creaking softly. Leaning against the wall, he watched as Legolas tended to (Y/N)’s wounds. He stood guard at the door, for he knew that news of the winged woman they had brought into King Théoden’s walls would soon spread.
The following morning, a small group convened in the mess hall to discuss the future and the whispers of the 'disturbance' echoing through the halls. Present were King Théoden, his guards, Éowyn, Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, and (Y/N).
(Y/N) was keen on wandering along the room, her partially wrapped wings dragging lightly upon the floor. 
In a hushed whisper, mostly laced with curiosity and concern, Théoden spoke, “But what is she?”
With arms crossed, Aragorn replied, “She is a Rámaite Mahtar. 'Winged Warrior' in the common tongue. The Valar created them to cleanse the land that came before us.”
The King of Rohan’s brows furrowed. “So, she is not human, nor elvish.” 
Aragorn nodded in confirmation. 
“Is she—“ Éowyn started, “Is she dangerous?”
Aragorn’s eyes shifted, unsure what to say. 
It was Gandalf who answered. “Yes, probably the second most dangerous force currently existing on our plane.”
“And the first?” She asked. 
“Sauron,” Gandalf replied, his tone laced with trepidation. 
“By Eru,” Gimli gruffed. “Ya make it sound like the lassie is gonna be the next thing to get us! Fret not, Lady, lover boy here—“ The dwarf smacked Legolas’ ass, causing the elf to jump. “—has taught the girl well.” He paused, before clarifying. “She’s on our side.”
“I see,” Théoden stated, suspicion still evident in his tone.
It was then that (Y/N) called out. “Legolas, what do these images mean? The ones made of little colorful stones?”
The King raised his eyebrows, caught off guard by her question.
“Tis a mosaic,” Legolas replied. “It tells the story of the men of Rohan.” 
She turned to look at him. “What is the story?” she asked. 
Surprisingly, Éowyn stepped forward and spoke. “It tells the tale of how we claimed and cultivated our lands. I can share it with you, if you’d like.”
(Y/N)’s face lit up. “Yes, I would like to hear the story.”
Cautiously, Éowyn approached the Rámaite Mahtar and began recounting the narrative depicted in the artwork along the walls.
“A curious creature then,” Théoden stated, simply. 
“Oh, you have no idea,” Aragorn replied, rolling his eyes. 
The King cleared his throat. “It will be best to keep her indoors while she heals. I do not want her to frighten my people. They are already scared enough.”
“Understood,” the Ranger replied.
The group dispersed, some settling down to eat breakfast, others going about their own duties. Éowyn sat with Aragorn and Gimli, while (Y/N) practically drug Legolas by the hand to re-explain the story Eowyn told her. 
In a hushed tone, Éowyn spoke. “She doesn’t seem so dangerous.”
“I wouldn’t take you for one to underestimate a woman,” Aragorn said, sipping from his cup. 
“I wouldn’t, but the way you all described her—as if she was a vile beast.”
“Oi, Lassie, she is,” Gimli stated. “(Y/N) over there could cut ya and half ya men down within a second.”
Éowyn ‘s gaze shifted. “And the elf? Could she cut him down too?”
Gimli nodded in confirmation. “She could cut us all down.”
“Yet he still loves her?” she asked with parted lips.
“Hopelessly,” Gimli grumbled. “Entirely hopelessly.” 
Éowyn turned her head toward the pair. She watched as the Rámaite Mahtar smiled up at Legolas in pure delight, and he returned the affectionate gaze. 
How in a time of war, they could find such love? 
A couple of weeks had passed since their arrival in Rohan. (Y/N)’s wings had fully healed and were now neatly folded back into her form. She spent her days with her friends listening in on conversations and debates of war—not that she truly understood. In addition to her time with the others, she found herself assisting Éowyn with various tasks within Rohan’s walls. She learned to bake bread and prepare other provisions in the kitchen. (Y/N) also helped select sturdy fabrics for the men preparing for war. She even assisted in organizing Rohan’s swords and spears—though, admittedly, she only slowed the process for she asked many questions. 
Currently, it was late in the night as (Y/N) wandered through the echoing halls of Rohan. Tomorrow morning, they would depart for Helm's Deep to seek refuge. She was determined to absorb as much as possible about this place before moving on to the next. Aware that war loomed on the horizon, she craved a brief taste of freedom.
For nearly an hour, she had roamed the silent halls, peering into open doors and descending stairs. It was only when she heard unfamiliar sounds that her brow furrowed in concern. The faint echoes of hushed moans and muffled groans drew her curiosity, prompting her to cautiously follow the source.
She followed the noises until she came upon a small, long, narrow window that was covered in intricate bars. Peering in, she saw a vast room adorned in fabrics of pink and red. Soft cushions and beds were scattered about, where men and women laid together in various pairs, two or three people at most. They were bare, their bodies intertwined in intimate embraces, eliciting sounds of pleasure and the music of skin upon skin.
(Y/N) squinted as she watched, unsure of what she was seeing. 
Though as her gaze lingered on their bodies moving together, she felt desire. She bit her bottom lip as warmth began to build between her legs and her limbs twitched with eagerness. 
“Lady (Y/N), what are you doing down these halls?!” A female voice chided in a hushed tone. "I've been searching for you since a servant informed me that you never returned to your chambers."
(Y/N) turned to see Éowyn, then returned her gaze to the window. “What are they doing?” She asked. 
Éowyn frowned. “You do not know?”
(Y/N) shook her head. “Never have I seen people do such a thing.”
“Haven’t you been around for eons?” she asked, confused. 
“Well, yes, but my people did not do this—this…what is this?”
Éowyn awkwardly cleared her throat. "We may go to war in a couple of days. These men, these soldiers, are seeking their last pleasure before they march to their deaths."
(Y/N) frowned. “I don’t understand.” 
The Lady of Rohan pressed her lips together awkwardly. It appeared that she would have to be quite blunt with the Rámaite Mahtar. “They are having sex. This is a brothel. It is where men go to pay women for such things.”
“I have been told that it feels good,” she explained with embarrassment. 
“You have never—?”
Éowyn interrupted her. “By the Eru—no, of course not. Those men in there are perverting an act of love. Sex is an act meant to be between two people who love each other dearly and are wed. Often, it is done in hopes to create a child. I am a Lady of Rohan. I must keep my honor until I am married and fulfill my duty to produce an heir.”
“This is how babies come to be then,” (Y/N) clarified. 
Éowyn nodded. “Yes, sometimes.”
“My kind have never needed to have children. We were all made as we are. Made to kill,” (Y/N) remarked, glancing at Éowyn. “I was told that having babies is why we women bleed.”
Éowyn nodded, trying to understand. “Yes, yes it is. I—I am surprised no one has told how such a thing comes to be.”
(Y/N) shrugged. “Legolas, Aragorn, and the others…they haven’t talked of this sex before.”
Éowyn shook her head, her tone taking on a low level of disdain. “Men. You have only been traveling with men. Of course, they haven’t told you of such a thing.” She inhaled, taking a moment to recenter herself. “Such conversations are between a mother and daughter.” She paused, before awkwardly glancing into the brothel. “Come, Lady (Y/N). This place is not for us.” 
With that, the Lady of Rohan gently tugged the Rámaite Mahtar away from this window; however, (Y/N)’s eyes were reluctant to leave for she was a curious creature indeed—eager to understand the ways of this new world. 
Éowyn sensing (Y/N)'s lingering fascination and being rather uncomfortable with it, swiftly ushered her back into the quiet stillness of her chambers.
The air was heavy with the weight of impending war, yet (Y/N)'s mind was filled with questions. She lay on her bed, unable to find sleep, her thoughts consumed by the scenes she had witnessed at the brothel window. Curiosity gnawed at her, yearning to understand the allure of this intimacy that men sought before their deaths. What made it so compelling? Was it truly their last wish—their last desire?
Her thoughts then shifted. Eowyn had said it was to be done with someone you care for with your deepest heart. She bit her lip. Legolas. 
With that, (Y/N) cast her covers aside, the white fabric tumbled and rumbled carelessly. Her bare feet were cold on the stone floor as she silently slipped out of her wooden door once more—ignoring the previous persistence Éowyn had held in her tone when she had told her to stay put before she left. Stealthily, (Y/N) made her way towards the chamber where the others in the fellowship slept. She peered in, careful not to wake them. Immediately, she spotted Legolas sitting upright with his back against the cool stone wall.
Sensing a presence, he opened his eyes. “(Y/N)?” he whispered. “What are you doing here? What is wrong?” 
“Nothing is wrong,” she replied as he stood rather quickly. “Come with me.”
Curious, he stood and his feet led him towards her. Pausing in the doorway, he gazed down at her, trying to read her expression.
She grinned up at him, desire burning. “Come,” she whispered again, taking his hand and leading him towards her room. 
As soon as she turned the knob and closed the door behind them, she pressed her body against Legolas'. Her lips eagerly met his, savoring the familiar taste of pine and honey that always lingered on him. He responded with gentle caution, lifting his hands to cup her face, unsure where this insistent passion of hers was coming from, nor what it would lead to. 
“(Y/N),” he mumbled against her lips. 
She playfully nipped at him, pulling him towards the bed. With a swift motion, she pushed him onto it and climbed up herself, straddling him.
“(Y/N),” he began again, “What are you—“ but her lips silenced him once more. 
She settled onto his lap, weaving her fingers into his hair and matching her mouth to his. She then started to mimic the movements of the women’s hips that she had seen in the brothel, rolling them in a slow deep motion. It felt good. 
“(Y/N),” Legolas moaned in pleasure, trying and failing to pull away.
She pushed him down, his head falling into the pillows. The Rámaite Mahtar eagerly pulled at his tunic, desperate to get it off, as she continued to grinded on him, feeling a hardness form in his pants. Oh, how she enjoyed the feeling it caused between her legs.
“(Y/N),” Legolas forced out, his lips parting, followed by a couple breathless elvish curses.
At the sound of her name upon his lips, her wings snapped open—a reflex—tearing through the white fabric that cloaked her. 
“(Y/N),” Legolas practically growled, grabbing her hips and pulling himself upwards, his mouth only inches away from hers. Gently, he spoke, “Stop. Please, stop.”
She halted her motions. “Does it not feel good to you?” she asked. 
He closed his eyes, his chest falling and rising quickly as he tried to regulate his breath. “It does, Valar, believe me, it does feel good. But we shouldn’t—we shouldn’t do this. How-how do you even know of this?”
She frowned. “Sex?” 
He opened his gaze, staring intently into hers. “Yes. How do you know of sex?” 
“I found a place. Éowyn called it a brothel. She told me of sex. She said they did it because it felt good and they knew they were going to die.” She paused, “Éowyn said that you’re supposed to do it with someone you love. I love you.” 
Legolas leaned his forehead against hers, still trying to calm his heart rate. “I love you too, (Y/N). But this—we can’t do this right now.”
“You do not want to?” She asked genuinely, pulling her head from his ever so slightly.
“Oh, gods, (Y/N). Of course, I do.” he paused, closing his eyes for just a moment, as he felt her hot breath on his lips. “But you and I are not yet wed.”
“Éowyn said that the people in the brothel were not married,” she breathed out, her mouth just barely grazing his. 
A light chuckle rumbled in his chest. “No, no they were not. That is prostitution. Men pay for sex. In a brothel, they treat it as a service, not as love.” He gently cupped one side of her face, making eye-contact with her. “I was taught that sex is not wrong in any means when it comes from love. You and I, (Y/N)—we do have that love. But, in my culture, elves do not have sex without being wed. And I am a Prince. I have rules I must follow. And you, you are not yet accustomed to this world. I will not take advantage of you.” 
“It is not taking advantage of me if I want it too,” she replied. 
He gently rubbed his thumb upon her cheek. “I know, my starlight, I know. I just do not believe this is the right time.”
She breathed in and nodded slowly—thinking. “Okay. If you want to wait, then we will wait.” 
“Is that alright with you?” 
She dipped her head up and down once again. “Yes,” she replied definitely.  
He smiled gently at her before pressing a soft kiss to her lips then pulling her into a tight embrace. 
“I love you with every ounce of my being, (Y/N). Never forget that.”
She buried her head into his neck and wrapped her wings around his form, as if she were shielding them both from the outside world. “I love you too, Legolas.”
Like that they stayed, feeling safe in the comfort of each other’s arms. 
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Everything Tag: @lea----b @aredhel-of-gondolin @princecami @the-fandoms-georgie @jazziwritestolkienprimary @swimming-in-stardust @elvish-sky @red-riding @hey-its-nonny @mirclealignr @laneynoir @straysugzhpe @runningfeather @awarwithinitself @finallyforgotten @kaiawrites @commanderawkward @xxbluestrifexx @slytherinambitious @redbirdbluebird333-blog @haylee-e @atokirina-tsuki @misshale21 @calypso888-blog @merlinbtch @lovelybaka @rilezra @sotwk
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The Innocence of Brutality: @carojasmin2204 @therealscarletpumpernickel @noodlenerd101 @acupnoodle @altheanightingale  @altheanightingale @casedoina @goosy-goose @hitherethea
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live-laugh-legolas · 1 month
Thanks for your headcannons! How about a sketch where Gandalf, for example, helps fem! reader to cope with anxiety/insomnia and how the rest of the fellowship react to it (but only if it's not difficult for you)
I’ve just focused on the anxiety part of this prompt because I have struggled with anxiety my whole life so I feel more comfortable writing about it
I feel like some of these just turned into me giving advice based on my own experiences so please remember I am a very unqualified unprofessional and I love my therapist and suggest everyone get themselves one (as a little treat, you deserve it 💕)
The Fellowship x reader w/anxiety
-He is very understanding and patient
-Doesn’t let you be embarrassed about your worries
-If you brush off your worry by asking questions about something similar that feels more “reasonable” to you he will gently call you out
-“what are you actually worried about?”
-Your anxiety might not be rational to others but I feel lol anxiety rarely is; it’s still valid no matter what and he makes sure you know this
-He doesn’t fully understand it
-And by that I mean he doesn’t understand why some people’s brains just don’t work quite right
-Why would your brain trigger a fear response when there is no threat? Is that a mortal thing?
-Although he is confused a bit he will never judge you for being anxious
-He doesn’t even really think twice about what your anxiety is about; he just wants to help
-He quickly picks up on the fact that sometimes there isn’t really anything he can do except be there for you
-Awkwardly brings you water
-He will keep you company if you can’t sleep because he doesn’t sleep anyway
-He will tell you that he will fight any thing that worries you
-He kinda takes an approach of “I’m going to be over the top so they can see that it not something worth worrying over”
-This is not a mocking sort of thing; I want to make that clear; he is not going to tell you that there is nothing to worry about, he hopes you will come to that conclusion with his comedic support
-He will also give you pep talks like he gave himself before going into the Paths of the Dead (I think that was what it was called; the cave with the cursed ghosts)
-I love his softer moments and I think he would lean into this and be a teddy bear and a solid rock ya know?
-He suggests drinking ale if you can’t fall asleep but you have to tell him blacking out isn’t a healthy way to fall asleep (personally I don’t like the taste of alcohol but it does make me really sleepy. I am of age though; don’t underage drink even if Gimli offers it to you)
-“well what is the worst thing that will happen if (insert worry here)?”
-He takes the approach of “this is your worry and this is every way we will handle it should it come to fruition”
-I know this might not be a particularly great way to handle anxiety but I will say to myself “ok the worst thing that happens is you die. Welp if you die then at least you won’t be stressed anymore and don’t have to go to work in the morning”
-It has just allowed me to find some peace with things out of my control
-Basically he will help you find things you can control in your life and help you accept the things you can’t
-He is a really calm person in general and he is also super patient
-He will listen to any and every worry you have even if you have repeated the same worried question multiple times
-He will remind you to bring something of comfort with you; like your favorite hoodie; if you are going to do something out of your comfort zone or that might trigger your anxiety
-Sam is prone to anxiety at times and he has learned how to help him get out of his head a bit and he does the same for you
-I think he will just hand you something to fiddle with as a small distraction and to get a little energy out; and if nothing is available he will give you his hand or let you play with his hair
-He takes a very hands on approach; and by that I mean he knows your common anxieties and helps you to avoid anything that will bring them on
-Will throw a heavy blanket on you if you start to panic
-He’s a little stressed while trying to calm you down just because he wants you to feel better
-He also has some anxiety so he sympathizes; you guys can reassure each other
-If you take meds he will make sure you take them even if he has to hold you down and pill you like a dog
-My parents always told my sister and I that “they will tell us if there is something to worry about”
-Merry does this
-He tries to “train” you like a dog with a treat to come and ask him if you should be worried so he can tell you yes or no
-He obviously won’t do this if you don’t get a laugh out of it; he doesn’t want you to think he is making fun of you
-And he will be honest; if it he doesn’t know he will check it out before confirming if you should be worried about it or not
-He teaches you breathing techniques and grounding exercises
-This hobbit is super empathetic and will pick up on your anxiety really quick
-He’s subtle with his comfort though
-Will make excuses for you both to leave a situation without putting any attention on you
-He can be oblivious at times, but never to your emotions
-Does the “nose boop” or something silly to catch you off guard if you start to panic which can help pull you out of that headspace
-Will tell you some wise shit about how everything experiences stress and how everything ends up working out
-“You are more than your fears. Don’t let your fear control you”
-I just think about the scene when he is talking to Frodo about wishing the ring didn’t come to him
-He will pass you his pipe because he smokes his troubles away; but how’s that going for ya Gandalf? *insert scene of him choking on the smoke but he keeps going despite Pippin looking like he thinks he will die any second*
I have realized I talk a lot about myself and reference my parents and experiences when I’m writing these. Do y’all find that weird or annoying to read? I have found it sometimes is the easiest way to explain where the headcanon idea came from. But I also don’t want to bore anyone with my wordy explanations
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The king's toy - Thranduil x fem!reader
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warning : smutish, use of wine, possesive, some degradation, obsession
Summary : The Elven King Thranduil, ruler of Mirkwood and his pretty toy. A human woman, no more than a second of beauty in the king's infinite life. But with every second they spend together, he consumes her more and more. In the end, she had no choice but to obey her king.
Info : So Thranduil or the Hobbit mini phase you could say has taken hold of me after I saw some scenes with my mother this morning. So have this little slightly more dark thing for the elven king
°,,From this day forward, you are nin múl," said the king of the mirkwood. He looked down at her from the high throne made of deer antlers and wood. She was his beautiful human wife, actually a traveling singer in a group from different parts of the world. But with money, precious stones and the command of a king, her "companions" were worth more than her. Now she knelt before him, her gaze undecided and fearful, knowing that she belonged to him. But this fact, this absurdity, frightened her even more. His gaze let her know that he would bring her to so much more.
°He had not called her my slave for nothing. She quickly learned not to disobey his orders. His guards, his own son, had recaptured her from the forest within a few hours. No matter how many times she was carried away, the ropes closed around her body, precisely encircling and yet holding her tight. Her pleas were met with a pitying look from the prince. ,,Don't struggle...it makes it easier," he said to her as he brought her into the throne room. The rope on her hands was loosened slightly by Legolas, but she would not get out of the hall.
°,,Again and again! Understand at last that you belong to me," he demanded, gesturing to his son. She did not see the hesitant look as he knew what this would mean. But another look was not necessary as he gave his father his well-formed staff and disappeared with a dismissive look. The footsteps faded and it seemed dead silent between them. ,,Please, Your Majesty, let me-just let me go," she tried, wincing as the wood of the staff settled under her chin. He forced her to look at him and she flinched as his cold fingers laid on her cheeks.
°In the time she had been here, she had quickly learned that he was not purely interested in the physical. No, there was the night when he lost himself in her, wanted to hear the sounds she made, wanted to let everyone hear them. He took her body as he wanted, used her as he wanted and yet his eyes flashed in the mirror again and again when he took her. But just when their eyes met in the mirror, she saw his obsession as he pulled her close, his hands exploring her crown. He saw her beauty, the thought of holding her in his hands and having her for himself.
°Another thing besides the punishments from the blows with his staff, sword or hand was his emotionality. When he looked at her he was calm and almost happy, but when she used her talent to play the harp she was better than the elves. She was Thranduil's personal songbird, playing for him while the king looked at her, read a book or hummed along. It was the only time she blossomed and felt at ease when she played the harp. But it was then that she felt the pitying gaze of Legolas. But her father saw it too.
°He saw his son looking at the pretty creature. He imagined that he also wanted to give her something. Love and devotion. Something the king could not allow. Under other circumstances, he would have let his son have fun with it. But those would have been different circumstances. Now it was different and perhaps it was the rise of evil, the dwarves, the dragon and the ring. Maybe it was the loss of his wife, the emotions or it was all together that made him become so obsessive.
°She only became even more his perfect favorite, his pretty star in matching clothes. Initially white hip dresses with bright gemstones, robes and blouses that hid her body underneath. Only visible to the king in his bedroom when the wine flowed over her, wetting her skin and turning the white a dark red. It was a favorite of the king to kiss and lick the sweetly tart wine from her bed with the finest steel. Forged to leave her in place. Until at some point it went so far that her body was covered with the most necessary. Silver threads threaded with diamonds barely covered her nipples, a simple crown of wood with white roses on her head and a white, almost transparent fabric wrapped around her midriff. Her fingers were adorned with precious rings, gifts from her king.
°Whenever she saw him, she was nestled against his leg on the throne. Playing the harp, her gaze blank and evasive, resigning herself to her life was the harp that kept her alive. Before he pulled her onto his throne whether there were guests in the room or not. Who was to stop him for he was the king of mirkwood and his actions were right and proper. His son would not have the opportunity to mess with his diamond and everyone else would be honored to be in his presence.
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wordbunch · 2 years
how the fellowship reacts to you singing...
a/n: this was requested - how the fellowship members react to you singing for the first time. It will include the fellowship boys + Faramir, because I adore him and he needs more love. let me know how you liked it! 💗💗💗 (it will be longer than you think lol)
+ tagging my beloved @entishramblings
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at first he wasn’t sure whether his ears were deceiving him
but he stopped and listened carefully, eventually realizing it was you
then all his attention went into listening to you
he very much enjoyed it, but waited for you to finish your little performance before saying anything (didn’t want to interrupt you, nor make you feel awkward)
he wouldn’t be giving you elaborate compliments and praise, just something short and to the point, but you’d see in his face that he genuinely loved it
he likes to listen to you sing, but also sometimes loves to join you and sing together!!!
wants to learn all the songs you know
with his excellent hearing, he picked up on you humming tunes quietly as you walked, many times
and he found even that very pleasant
but when he heard you fully singing for the first time he had heart eyes, basically
he thought you have the most angelic, soothing yet powerful voice
he would never ask you to sing anything for him and wouldn’t want to push you, but he would enjoy it so much when you do
he wants to know where you picked up all the songs that you know
his absolute favorite thing is when you quietly sing while braiding his hair!!!!!
an absolute fanboy of yours, openly
as soon as he hears you singing, he wouldn’t only divert his attention only to that...
but he’d make sure to point it out to everyone else as well
I diagnose him with singing off-key, butttt he still wants to share some dwarf songs with you, and you appreciate it
would be the kind of person to be like “now [Y/N] will sing something for all of us” skhssdhgsh
you know it’s all with the best intentions even if you feel self-conscious about your singing
but this guy right here would hype you up so much that eventually you wouldn’t even care how your voice sounds to others
he compliments the heck out of you (for singing and everything else)
however he would try not to openly praise you for it to everyone everywhere bc he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
keyword: he would try not to
he cannot sing so he appreciates your talent all the more
can’t help smilingggg whenever he hears you!
very grateful that you’re comfortable with sharing that part of yourself with him
if you ever actually sang in front of a crowd at some celebration or special occasion, this man would combust of pride
can’t help smiling as soon as he hears you, and he immediately recognizes that it’s your singing voice, even from further away
will sneakily approach you so as not to startle you
but he definitely wants to hear more
very curious about where you learned to sing and how you picked up all the songs
it’s a safe haven when you sing something to him, he will literally be in seventh heaven
loves to write and he would be beyond thrilled if you sang some poem that he wrote, but he wouldn’t actually ask you to
enjoys singing together with you
is generally easily captivated by beautiful and magical things, your voice absolutely being one of them
will ask you countless times to sing again (but he will be quite shy about it every time)
gives you ideas on what you could sing about
he gives you cute little compliments but wishes he could express all that in a much more elaborate way
it brings him incredible joy to hear you singing from somewhere while he’s gardening
he swear it makes everything grow bigger and more luscious
God forbid anyone makes even a slightly negative comment about your singing, he is ready to throw hands
jaw drops to the floor when he hears your singing voice
this boy is captivated
smooth compliments that make you blush
why can I see him dancing/trying to dance to whatever you’re singing
potentially he’s not THE best singer out there but oh my does he love singing with you
especially spontaneously, out of nowhere
yes actually he would totally dance around when you sing, and he would dance around with you and spin you around until you’re so out of breath that you can’t sing anymore but instead just laugh heartily
generally worships the ground that you walk on, and that also implies all your talents and abilities
absolute heart eyes as soon as he hears you singing
(he already loves just listening to you talk, let alone anything else)
ADORES when you two sing together, but initially just a bit shy to suggest it, or to just spontaneously join you
will he come up with songs for you? absolutely
songs for you two to sing together? ABSOLUTELY
would never, in any way, push you to sing in front of everyone else, he actually enjoys it being like a lil thing between the two of you
+ bonus FARAMIR
he heard your voice echoing in the Gondorian halls as you were carrying out some tasks
he was almost convinced it was a sound from heaven
but he followed the sound of it and found you! 
you were a tiny bit embarrassed but he complimented you immediately
he finds it very relaxing when you sing to him and it’s so intimate to him
he will occasionally write poems and cautiously ask you whether you can make up some melody for them and turn them into songs
not the best singer, but loves to join you sometimes
+ bonus bonus character GANDALF
“[Y/N], stop with the unnecessary noise, I am trying to think”
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erathene · 4 months
LOTR Themed Tag Game
I was tagged by @softboiledwonderland - Reblog with your own answers and tag three or more people you want to get to know better!
- How old were you when you were first introduced to LOTR? I think I was around 12. I have two distinct memories from that time; seeing Gandalf on a cereal box whilst I ate my breakfast and being very confused by Gandalf the Grey/Gandalf the White (wondering whether or not they were the same person, or if they were twins LOL), and borrowing my cousin's extended edition DVDs to watch (we borrowed a lot of stuff from him including his PS2 with Final Fantasy X).
- Favourite LOTR character? Aragorn hands down because he's a filthy ranger and I love that I feel he's a well-rounded character in the movies. I see him as a bit of an adventurer, a do-gooder and not afraid of a fight, but also someone who has his own flaws and struggles. He's certainly interesting to write about and explore as a character.
- Books or Movies? Movies 100%. I'm trying to read the books.. honest..
- Which location in Middle Earth would you want to visit? I think Rivendell would be my top choice, but honestly any location would be amazing. I would love to see Rivendell for its architecture, its open and breezy spaces, it just oozes relaxation and a place to get away from it all. And maybe I'd run into Aragorn there HA 😂
- Favourite Movie? The Two Towers! Because FOTR sets the scene, ROTK wraps up the story, but TTT is where some shit starts to go downnn.
- Favourite scene? I love the fellowship fighting off the orcs in Khazad-dûm; the anticipation of the orcs breaking through the door and Legolas/Aragorn being cool enough to shoot arrows through tiny cracks, Boromir being sassy ("They have a Cave Troll🙄🙄🙄"), Sam fighting orcs with literal frying pans, Aragorn and Boromir giving each other The Nod™, the teamwork to bring down that cave troll, running like hell afterwards... I just love everything about that scene in the movies 🤩 Everything up to Gandalf's fall of course...
- Favourite quote? "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us" - it's like a hug that reaches out to you, telling you that you'll be okay 🥰
- What Middle Earth race would you like to be? Probably an elf! I'm 5ft7, a natural redhead, and would love to let time slip pass without worrying about things not getting done because I have literally fucking centuries to live haha.
- Favourite LOTR ship: Similar to @softboiledwonderland I don't really have one?? I'm just an appreciator of blorbos 😅
Tagging @emmanuellececchi @sonofarathorns @fishing4stars @nocompromise-noregrets - if you guys fancy taking part feel free, if you're busy or don't want to then no worries! If anyone else sees this post and wants to participate, consider yourself tagged!! 😉
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edges-of-night · 1 year
Hi! Was trying everything i could, but i just can't find any Gandalf fanfictions, when i found your page. And it is beautiful, truly. I was wondering if maybe you could something where the reader is Gandalf's wife/so or something like that, but no one knew. And when she joins Thorin's company they are like surprised SURPRISED. I understand if you can't, it appears no one thinks of him as they think of elfs, so if you are uncomfortable it ok!
Thank you anyway ❤️
Thank you for your kind words ♡ At this point I’m not writing for the Hobbit characters, but I did the Fellowship’s reactions and some bonus headcanons of mine instead.
The post was very fun to write (more Gandalf love!), so I hope you’ll enjoy it just as much!
・゚✧ Aragorn.
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Surprisingly, Aragorn knew absolutely nothing about your relationship with Gandalf. While Gandalf is generally a rather private person, you’d think a ranger – a friend, no less – would’ve picked up on the little clues of yours. It is needless to say though that Aragorn would accept you quickly and with a big grin. Anyone who is with his old friend Gandalf is trustworthy to him as well!
・゚✧ Boromir.
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Realisation would dawn on Boromir very, very slowly. Once he understood that the new companion was, indeed, the spouse of Gandalf the Grey, he’d fall silent for a few days at least, maybe give a nervous smile or so. He has immense respect for you, perhaps is even a bit afraid. Someone as powerful as Gandalf would have a partner that is just as mighty. It takes him time to accept that you are just as friendly as your husband, too.
・゚✧ Frodo.
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While surprised, Frodo would be absolutely charmed to meet you. Gandalf is an old friend of the family, after all. Frodo would treat you just like that, though he would not immediately trust you as much as Gandalf (which, granted, is a whole lot of trust – hard to live up to!). He’d show great interest in who you are, what you do, etc. He would also tease your husband about how long he had kept you a secret and, depending on how said secret was lifted, that he wasn’t able to keep you hidden forever.
・゚✧ Gimli.
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I think much of Gimli’s view of Gandalf would change once he met his spouse. He’d be curious about who you are, where you came from, and how the two of you met. He’d probably try and find quiet moments to shower you in questions. Since he is such a fan of partnership and a little romantic himself, Gimli would encourage the two of you to be more open about your relationship. And since he’s also so mischievous, he’d definitely put you in a ‘stuck in a closet together’-sort of situation! His enthusiasm gives your relationship to Gandalf a whole new spark ♡
・゚✧ Legolas.
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Legolas would weigh his reaction depending on how his Fellowship reacts to finally meeting you, with a healthy dose of care and caution at first. It never would’ve crossed his mind that Gandalf would be in a romantic partnership. But because of Legolas’ easy companionship and friendly demeanour, you two would quickly form a bond. Maybe he’d ask you about stories he heard of Gandalf, wanting your confirmation on whether or not they were true – and if you had anything to do with them, of course!
・゚✧ Merry.
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Though surprised to meet you, Merry understands perfectly why Gandalf would’ve kept your relationship a secret. It is dangerous, being with a powerful creature such as him. He’d be very polite around you, almost uncharacteristically so. He wants to get to know you better, testing the waters, so to speak, before he dives in more meaningful conversations.
・゚✧ Pippin.
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Pippin would initially feel a bit betrayed, I think. How could Gandalf, such an old friend of the Hobbits, keep such a secret to himself? Over time, he would understand the reasons as they are presented to him, be it against danger or simply for privacy’s sake. If Pippin had any negative feelings about how this unfolded, none of them are directed against you. On the contrary, the playful Hobbit gets along with you very well! Part of the reason might be that Gandalf doesn’t call him a fool when you’re around, but that remains to be seen once you join Pippin in the little pranks he likes to plan…
・゚✧ Sam.
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Maybe you wouldn’t be such a surprise at all to Sam! Somehow, he’d just always assumed that Gandalf must have someone, because that is his flowery worldview. He’d congratulate the two of you for having such a wonderful partner to call your own. He’s so charmed by your sweet relationship that he’d have to be reminded to not go tell the world about it! Sam is also the perfect person to craft the most elaborate flower gifts with you, so that you always have the right present for any occasion – even if you and Gandalf aren’t keen on presents.
・゚✧ Bonus: Faramir.
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Being Gandalf’s pupil, Faramir has spent a lot of time with your husband. However, learning of his mentor’s spouse came as quite a shock to him. It is needless to say he’d carry your secret to his grave if he was asked to, because he would not want either of you in danger because of him. He would be extremely respectful and gentle toward you, as he always is. He’d sometimes ask your opinion of something he learned from Gandalf, or small talk when he sees you, but overall, he’d keep your friendship almost professional. That said, he is really happy for his mentor to have such a wonderful partner and always happy when he gets the chance to meet you.
・゚✧ Bonus Bonus Headcanons.
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Though not 100% lore accurate, I like to imagine Gandalf with someone just as ancient as him, a fellow “wizard/witch” who he can confide in. Two Istari living their best lives!
Alternatively, I also love to think of him as the magical adviser to a kingdom, where he eventually becomes the secret partner of the lonely ruler who would go through fire and water for their old wizard.
Anything with Gandalf is all the “old married couple” sweetness you can think of: sincere terms of endearment, gentle and not-so-gentle bickering alike, knowing the other inside and out etc.
You could spend hours in silence with him and never get uncomfortable.
Gandalf is a very playful partner. He’d be the type to pretend he forgot your anniversary/birthday/name day when in reality, he has an entire party/special date planned just for you!
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sotwk · 1 year
SHEJEKSUEIRU I’m in love with the 5 brothers head-canons! And i was wondering how affectionate do you think each one is, and if any favor like one of his siblings!
Ahhh dear @quickslvxr I am excited by your excitement, and so appreciative of your interest, so I'm gonna ride the roll I'm currently on and answer this quickly. <3
The Affection Between Legolas and His Brothers
Brothers. They could be violently wrestling each other one second and then back to drinking and laughing together in the next. As "sophisticated" and "cultured" as these half-Noldor, half-Sindar Elven princes are, they are definitely... interesting and entertaining when together as a crew.
One thing is for certain and remained the unshakable truth across many centuries: they had deep love for each other, and remained fiercely loyal to their brotherly bonds, to their last breaths. (*small cry*)
For fun, here are the brothers ranked, from the least demonstratively affectionate, to the MOST affectionate.
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Rank #5: TURHIR
The "tough guy" of the family. When it comes to temperament, he takes the most after their father, King Thranduil. He is more likely to punch various parts of his brothers' bodies as a sign of affection than to give them a hug. But he is also the most protective of his family, and is prepared to go to war over even the smallest slights committed against his brothers. He will commit violent (even criminal) acts for his loved ones without batting an eyelash or breaking a sweat.
He is closest to Mirion, whom Turhir respects and admires the most in the world, and to Arvellas, whose gentle and pacifist nature causes Turhir to be extra protective of him.
Rank #4: GELIR
Gelir just has weird, random ways of showing his affection. He is definitely not one to express it in words, but even his actions tend to be confusing and questionable. He enjoys teasing, ribbing, and cracking jokes instead of being upfront with his love for his brothers; humor is his love language. However, he is the one to be counted on to always be there, to always have their backs, no matter the challenge or danger. Even when he thinks his brother is wrong, or being "an idiot", he will support them, keep them safe, and just give them a hard time about it along the way (and for years after).
He is merely two decades older than Legolas, which is nothing in Elf years, so they are closest to each other and were very much partners-in-crime in their younger years.
Rank #3: LEGOLAS
The "baby" of the family carries the burden of being the most closely watched and the recipient of the most well-intentioned advice, wanted or not. However, Legolas has tremendous love and admiration for his elder brothers, and views them all as his idols. He is openly affectionate with them, and refuses to be dissuaded even by the prickly attitudes of Turhir and Gelir. He enjoys spending time with them more than anyone else in the world, and thus learns a great deal from them--resulting in him being equipped with countless abilities.
Legolas is closest to Gelir due to their closeness in age and shared interests. He seems to understand Gelir's odd quirks and tolerate his wild manners better than anyone else in the family.
Arvellas is the middle child, and is referred to by his parents as the heart of the brotherhood. He is calm and wise and compassionate and caring--basically so darn nice. However, he is also extremely busy with the many tasks and responsibilities he has taken upon himself, because his life goal is to serve his family and kingdom with his many talents. He would not hesitate to tell his brothers how much he loves them, and although he might not always be immediately available to them (he is usually the one to miss out on random adventures, since his work makes him a bit of a recluse and bound to routines and schedules), he is recognized as the best person to come to for sound advice, even by his parents.
He is not noticeably closest to anyone, and spends time with all his brothers almost equally.
Rank #1: MIRION
Mirion is the hugger of the family and is both the most verbally and physically affectionate. He has very strong paternal instincts, and he cares for his brothers as though they were his own sons. He travels frequently and has many duties as Crown Prince that require his daily attention, but he makes it a point to regularly spend time with each of his brothers individually, imparting as much knowledge and training to them as he can, as their father did with him. He is the "Prince of Princes", an official title and rank that gives him command and responsibility over his brothers; he is literally sworn to protect them and ensure their well-being. He is usually the one who arranges activities and trips for them to come together as a group. Mirion is the top choice of all the princes to turn to for a sympathetic ear.
He is not necessarily closer to any brother over the other, but he spends more time with Turhir and Arvellas because of the nature of their shared work--military duties with Turhir, and diplomatic duties with Arvellas.
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For more Thranduil/Mirkwood headcanons: SotWK HC Masterlist
Tolkien Headcanon tag list: @quickslvxr @laneynoir @auttumnsayshi @achromaticerebus @tamryniel @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @blueberryrock @aduialel @glassgulls @ladyweaslette @klytemnestra13 @creativity-of-death @heilith @fizzyxcustard @absentmindeduniverse @lathalea @tamurilofrivendell @jordie-your-local-halfling @ladyk8tie @scyllas-revenge @asianbutnotjapanese @conversacomsmaug @lemonivall @ratsys @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @entishramblings @stormchaser819 @freshalmondpandadonut
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aquaburst3 · 4 months
Not sure how popular this is as a hot take. I still believe that Vil being human doesn't make any sense.
In canon, Vil has an intimidating allure about him that ironically pushes others away from him. That’s great and all. But, every single character in the canon is inhumanly beautiful minus Grim and Ortho, so why would Vil be the only one to have this issue and have a wholeass complex about it? That makes no sense! Wouldn't all other characters struggle with that if that's the case? I get that he can be a bit…much, and even people in the fandom commented about that, but that doesn’t seem like it would be enough to cause all that in universe.
Typecasting is very much a thing. Plenty of actors in Hollywood and elsewhere have struggled with that very thing. Him being typecasted as a villain is realistic. It seems like something that would happen, especially since Vil comes off as rather intense and I can't see him pulling off an everyday hero type of role like Neige. (I see Vil shining in more antihero/complex villain roles like Cardan from Folk of Air, Lucius Malfoy from Harry Potter or the Darkling from Shadow & Bone. Or even beautiful princely types like Legolas from Lord of the Rings.)
However, I think the extent of how it is painted is hard to buy if he's just human. In the game, it seems like people automatically turn their noses up at him and even bully him thanks to his looks and him being casted as a villain. That seems like an over the top reaction for just being an actor playing villain roles.
Yes, a similar thing happened to the actor who played Joffrey from Game of Thrones where people thought he was an asshole in real life when he really wasn't. Here's the thing. I think he's more of an outlier than the rule, because he's not conventionally attractive. Don't get it twisted. I'm NOT saying that he's ugly. But he's not a total knockout either. Pretty Privilege is very much a thing. There are load of scientific studies done proving that people tend to like you more, think you are automatically a good person and give you the benefit of the doubt if you are hot. (x) That's why criminals like Ted Bundy were able to get away with their crimes for so long, because they were considered handsome and people gave them the benefit of a doubt. So if that actor looked more like Ben Barnes or Henry Cavill, I doubt that would've happened in the first place, because people would think the best of him thanks to his looks. That same logic applies to Vil. If the game was more realistic, people would be thinking the best of him, because he's hot.
Plus, we learn in Vil’s Birthday Bloom Card and the Tapis Rouge Event that Vil has no idea who his mother is and has no interest in ever finding her. Usually in fantasy stories characters with that same backstory as Vil are either long lost royalty or a half supernatural creature of some kind, and the latter makes the most sense with Vil. You think something would pop off with that information, but it doesn’t. It’s fucking bizarre. 
I also think this is partly an issue of Yana leaning too much on the original source material without considering the ramifications of such a choice. It's implied that the reason why others are so frightened of the queen, despite her being just human, is because she's a witch. She applied that same logic to Vil. That's not the case in the TWST universe. People being so frightened and intimidated by him based on that makes no sense, because in canon at least one tenth of the population are mages and it's seen as normal. Applying that same logic as the Evil Queen to Vil doesn't work. It's a different universe, different rules. (I'm NOT accusing Yana of plagiarism. It's a Disney game, and that's part of the appeal. However, her overreliance on references and callbacks to the original work are an issue that pops up time and time again.)
He should've been a half fae. If that was the case, then that could all be explained away by supernatural reasons out of his control. His fae allure could've been what made people instinctively afraid of him. It would also make the information about him not knowing his mother have a narrative payoff instead of something tossed in there for no reason. Plus, he has all of the hallmarks of a fae personality wise. He’s rather harsh, domineering, stern, can be quite impulsive at times, has a cruel temper and is overly just very…intense, for the negative. On the positive side, he’s fair, just, kind to those dear and genuinely wants to help others in his own ways.
While I think there are a lot of other issues with the writing in Book 5 like how it mainly focused on "Wah, I'm always typecasted as a villain :(" instead of his more relatable problems like his creative envy over Neige and constant need of validation, never having the characters call out Vil for his fucked up actions like the whole cake thing, Neige being just a piece of cardboard for Vil to sneer at and all of the pacing, making him a half fae would've been a start. Same with making him and Neige stepbrothers. Eh, whatever. Fixing that up in my own rewrite and that's what matters.
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Terrible Fic Ideas #20: LotR, but make it First Age!Legolas
I've been slowly falling back into the LotR fandom and I have to say that, although there is a lot to recommend the idea of Legolas being one of the youngest elves we come across in the series, I personally love the idea of him being one of the oldest - older, in fact, that Elrond himself.
Hear me out:
We have absolutely no idea how old Legolas is in canon. All we know for certain is that his father, Thranduil, was born and lived for at least a few years in Doriath before the Second Kinslaying in the winter of 506 FA.
This could mean that Thranduil was just a child at the time, but I love the idea that he was a young adult of no more than 500, because that would make him old enough to have 1) a child fight and die in the Sack as a young recruit in the city guard, and 2) for his wife to give birth to Legolas literally as they're fleeing the destruction. (After all, Legolas, green leaf, sounds like something you'd name an elf child in the immediate aftermath of tragedy - the elven version of hope.)
So this gives a Legolas born in the ashes of Doriath, whose day of birth was the day his older sibling (and possibly a great deal of extended family) died, 26 years before Elrond and Elros are born.
This Legolas would also, perhaps, have been old enough to fight in the War of Wrath. He would have lived through the rise of Sauron and the forging of the rings of power, fought at the Battle of Dagorlad and seen his grandfather Oropher (and who knows how many other kin) die, seen the Wizards come to Middle Earth in 1000 TA, and Sauron take up residence in what had once been his grandfather's capital.
The upshot of all of this is, at the Council of Elrond, Legolas would be roughly 6544 and been part and party to all of the same major events as his host, albeit in a somewhat more minor role.
This changes very little, except the entire Fellowship is peppered with these comments that make everyone wonder. The slight digs he makes about famous Nodor elves? Just the traditional animosity of the Wood Elves towards them and absolutely not the result of Legolas having known them in life. Celeborn says something about greeting his young kinsman? The rest of the Fellowship never hears the I'm only twenty years younger than you and that stopped being funny after our third millennia that follows. Legolas occasionally talks about famous historical places and events like he was actually there? That's just the way of elves.
I'm an inveterate Legolas/Gimli stan, so I imagine that as their relationship develops Gimli comes to understand just how much this seemingly young elf has actually lived through, but nobody else does. Not until the conclusion of Battle of Morannon does anyone know the truth - and even then his comment of "it makes a nice change to leave this battlefield without leaving so many kin upon it" is misinterpreted until he goes on to mention something only someone who had been there would know.
The revelation is a bit of a shock, because how is the knowledge that the elf you thought was a couple hundred years old at most is older than Elrond not be a shock? But, again, it doesn't change much.
Except the dynamics of Legolas and Gimli's relationship, because how can it not when Legolas was born in the ashes of a city sacked by dwarves? When Legolas himself has seen the rise and fall of Moria? Rather than overcoming inherited racism their relationship becomes one of I have seen the best and worst Middle Earth has to offer and choose to love you.
Bonuses include 1) Legolas saying some things that really only make sense if he was an older elf, but the rest of the Fellowship running rings to explain them away because there's no way in their minds this particular elf is even 500, 2) Gandalf knowing of the misunderstanding and encouraging it because it's harmless mischief, 3) Legolas being really unimpressed by most of the major figures in Middle Earth history as only someone who knew them as a moody teenager can be.
And that's really all I have. Feel free to use the idea, just let me know if you ever do.
NB: I've expanded upon this idea somewhat here.
Other Legolas Headcanons: First Age | Second Age | Third Age | Half-Maia | Half-Elven
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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exercise-of-trust · 11 months
(springboarding off this post: i started writing a tag essay and then a reblog essay and then partway through quoting a large section of the hobbit i began to genuinely feel bad about derailing a fun post into *gestures* this shit, but unfortunately my single brain cell decided this was the only thing we were gonna think about all day.)
i think... the original post is tapping in to an acute dissonance in property-law-intuitions between these groups, and i think the dwarves would definitely have been inclined to take the feanorians' side. but i don't think the dwarves, or at least the dwarves of the third age, would be *confused* about it - this is (allegedly) the whole issue at the heart of the nauglamir business. they've had to deal with it too. (allegedly because we only have the narrator's word for it, but whatever*)
ignoring all the extraneous description/assumptions about motives: the stated argument of the dwarves in claiming the nauglamir is that thingol has no personal claim or connection to it. the dwarves gave it to finrod, who has since died and whose kingdom is in ruins, and húrin found it there ("took it as a thief") and gave it to thingol. but it was never meant to be his! and this is a common argument in fandom today on why thingol has no right to the silmaril and should never have demanded it (and certainly should not have kept it upon receipt). the flow is exactly the same: this item has found itself in a contested state because the original owner isn't currently capable of retrieving it; someone else brings it to thingol, who considers himself entitled to keep it because it was abandoned (the nauglamir) or owed (the silmaril) (kind of**).
but all of that to say - the dwarves have been dealing with the same shit, with even more disastrous results, for nearly as long as the feanorians, and they're well aware of it. in fact the nauglamir incident is pretty clearly what's being referenced in 'flies and spiders' in the hobbit, in what's probably the most even-handed retelling: "in ancient days [the elves] had had wars with some of the dwarves, whom they accused of stealing their treasure. it is only fair to say that the dwarves gave a different account, and said that they only took what was their due, for the elf-king had bargained with them to shape his raw gold and silver, and had afterwards refused to give them their pay." a little further down: "all this was well known to every dwarf, though thorin's family had had nothing to do with the old quarrel".
so - to the dwarves, the fact that non-noldor (or non-feanorian noldor) have weird takes on stolen property isn't just an academic or theoretical issue - they're on the feanorians' side because it's their story too. (which really makes the period of collaboration in hollin, and its eventual fall, all the more tragic).
but legolas and gimli go to fangorn, and to the glittering caves, and after a long-ass time of the feanorians (and eol) being the main point of contact and alliance between elves and dwarves based on existing common ground and common interests - gimli and legolas have nothing in common at all. but they love each other and they go west together and they learn to understand each other anyway, and i'm extremely emo about it.
*on the one hand it's no fun ignoring the text entirely when you're doing meta but also, on the other, the silm does have an in-universe writer with extremely obvious personal biases? so it becomes a matter of discretion when you want to ignore the parts that seem to be a result of unfounded prejudice or wild conjecture.
**in the most generous light i can see how the silmaril could be considered forfeit due to c&c's actions against beren and lúthien. that is THE MOST generous reading and i still have issues with it, namely a) thingol was explicitly hoping the feanorians would kill beren for him even if he made it out of angband alive, b) thingol... very much also did imprison lúthien for an extended period of time, c) iirc historically a weregild was a set price codified in law, or something agreed upon/voluntarily offered by the guilty party; you didn't just... take someone's stuff and say "weregild!" when they asked for it back. yes i know isildur and the ring, whatever, that is not generally how weregilds worked and isildur's claim appears to be invalid anyway (c.f. council of elrond; frodo says "then it belongs to you, and not to me at all!" when aragorn's descent is announced; aragorn responds "it does not belong to either of us"). this is a long tangent but in conclusion FUCK THINGOL
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 months
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
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It feels like every single fantasy film has been building up to The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. This sprawling world of myth and magic is a landmark achievement. The special effects, characters, art direction, score, scale and faithfulness to the source material make it the kind of picture that will shape generations. It’s big, wonderful and epic but also small, intimate and emotional. This is a labor of love and it shows.
In the Second Age of Middle-earth, the Dark Lord Sauron forged the One Ring. With its power, he was poised to conquer all. Defeated through sheer luck, his evil dissipated. 3,000 years later, the One Ring is discovered in the possession of a humble hobbit named Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood). To save the world, from Sauron's return, the ring must be snuck back into the shadowy land of Mordor and thrown into the volcano where it was forged. On this quest, Frodo is accompanied by his friends Samwise Gamgee (Sean Astin), Pippin Took (Billy Boyd) and Merry Brandybuck (Dominic Monaghan), his mentor, the wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellen), and representatives of the free races of Middle-Earth: humans Strider (Viggo Mortensen) and Boromir (Sea Bean), dwarf Gimli (John Rhys-Davies) and elf Legolas Greenleaf (Orlando Bloom).
To get us up to speed, the picture begins with a history lesson that’ll knock you off your feet. The armies clashing seem immeasurably large. Sauron effortlessly radiates evil despite having no dialogue. You can feel the thousands of years of culture in the fighting styles, weapons and scenery. Middle-Earth feels real. The scale is immense, which makes director Peter Jackson’s decision to focus the plot on an ordinary hobbit a genius move. In a story with caverns so large our civilization could never dream of carving them, elven cities that seem to grow from the trees that surround them, seamless towers of black stone and all sorts of monsters, it would be easy for audiences to feel alienated. We’d all like to think that when push comes to shove we’d be great heroes but in reality, there’s no way. The best a tiny person like you or me could hope to do is stay brave, which is exactly Frodo’s role.
Several times throughout, we hear that “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” There couldn’t be anyone smaller than Frodo Baggins - except, perhaps, his friend to the end, Samwise. The hobbits are humble little people who have lived peaceful, simple lives free from adventure and are now thrust into a journey that will be the stuff of legends. Their joys are simple: warm meals, fields of brightly-colored vegetables and parties with friends & family. One particular scene that shows you just how small they are comes towards the end of the story. Sam and Frodo are traveling down a river. In the distance, they spot these enormous statues, the kind that would make the Statue of Liberty blush. Like us, they gaze at them in wonder, wondering who could’ve built them and who they represent. None of the other members of the Fellowship seem to give them more than a passing glance - and yet, these simple people prove themselves just as brave and reliable as the seasoned guardians they are traveling with. It’s awe-inspiring in so many ways.
By focusing on Frodo and his part of the journey, the film has a strong emotional core. The Fellowship of the Ring knows it has this time-tested story that’ll enchant audiences but before doing anything else, it made sure to get the basics right. Even if it hadn’t, it would’ve been an impressive production. Surrounding the inspirational battle of good vs. evil are incredible visuals, standout special effects and exciting action scenes. The film contains elements of horror in the form of its shadowy Ring Wraiths and scenes set in the deep mines of Moria. It’s got comedy to lighten the mood when necessary, chases so perfectly paced they should be shown in film school and battles that remain exciting whether they feature millions or a handful of fighters. There are so many great lines and iconic scenes you’ll love to quote it to your friends. The score by Howard Shore is this powerhouse that immediately sets up residence in your mind.
Though it ends in a "to be continued", The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is the kind of movie you need to watch just to be part of the cultural conversation. Don't worry if you're weary of following trends; you would fall in love with this film even if you discovered it on your own. (Theatrical version on Blu-ray, April 26, 2022)
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Hello! I was wondering whether I could ask you how you came up with your headcanons about Maudie and Auriel?
hiiiii! and yes, of course! I always like rambling about those two, I love them so much!
So, Maudie just sort of strolled on in and took over while I was writing Empty Vessel - all I knew about her at first was her name and that Bard had loved her to distraction, but gradually she grew a little more fleshed-out, and by the time Bard told Thranduil a bit more about her, I knew that she was very little but with a very big personality, and probably would have climbed Thranduil like a tree given half a chance. XD And then I started writing Break You But You'll Mend, in which she is an actual character, returned to life in Valinor because Auriel gave the Valar a piece of her mind (which tells you a lot about Auriel :D ), and she really started talking. I woke up one morning with an image in my head of her curled up against Thranduil with him curled more or less completely around her, given that he's about a foot and a half taller than she is, and then wrote the chapter that led to that - in which she flirted enormously - and it all kind of went on from there. The lovely @mihrsuri has also been giving me all manner of ideas about her which I'm still percolating, but suffice to say that if anyone ever crosses her, especially when it comes to Bard, Thranduil or Auriel, or her children, there will be Trouble with a capital T.
Auriel, meanwhile, is more than half the creation of my fabulous beta reader @lemurious - when I started out, again, I only had her name and the knowledge that losing her was absolutely why Thranduil is Like That in the films, but lemurious came up with her backstory - she is the adopted daughter of Thingol and Melian, and her biological father is Celegorm, although she will not thank you for bringing that up. She is, however, Fëanorian through and through, much to her chagrin, she has a will of iron (see: standing up to the Valar), does not put up with any of Thranduil's ridiculousness, and loves him and Legolas to no end. She's developed gradually as well, and it is an endless joy to find that she and Maudie are really rather smitten with each other - hence the Valinor OT4, consisting of the two of them and their very lovely husbands, who are of course also each other's husbands. :D
Their modern AU counterparts, Katy and Anna, are rather less well-developed in my head, but that's mainly because I haven't really had the chance to meet them yet, but I'm hoping that one of these days I'll get that opportunity. I do feel bad about killing them off, but I feel like widowerhood is a really important part of Bard's and Thranduil's characters, given what we see of them in the films (I am unashamedly movieverse here), and it's not the same for me if they're divorced. I also don't do well with conflict and relationships that end badly, so for me I'd rather write them as beloved-but-gone than as no-longer-beloved. One of these days I probably ought to write a modern OT4, which would solve the problems quite nicely. Not sure how it would arise, but...well, we shall see what happens. As always I am at the mercy of the characters - I write what they tell me when they tell me it, so I discover the story as I go along. I'm definitely a pantser rather than a planner!
wheee, thank you so much for asking, this was huge fun! <33333333 if anyone else would like to ask me about any of my fics, I will always be delighted to answer!
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live-laugh-legolas · 1 month
hii!! so your previous crush-post (xD) was so. cute! may I ask for some more romantic fluff and the Fellowship (and Faramir and Arwen, if it's okay?) proposing to the reader?
I added pictures of what the rings might look like because I have a Pinterest addiction and figured I could put it to use
How the fellowship proposes (+ Faramir & Arwen)
-To be completely honest, I don’t see him being particularly traditional about it
-And by that I mean he doesn’t make a big thing of it and doesn’t do the whole kneeling thing
-I imagine him proposing just happens in a loving conversation that is pretty casual
-But honestly every conversation with him feels kinda intimate so it’s still very romantic
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-He is restless
-He plans it to be thought out and to give a little speech
-But it just kinda comes out
-Not in an awkward or rushed way; but he is just so in love he can’t wait any longer
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-Actually shitting himself
-I really think he would have planned to propose on multiple different occasions but got too scared and chickened out
-It’s not because he isn’t sure about it, or thinks you won’t say yes; he just wants it to be perfect
-He covers for his anxiety with a forced confidence that is frankly adorable
-Blushes profusely
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-Very traditional
-I’m talking secluded paradise with rose petals and candles everywhere
-He spares no expense; no he’s not extra…he just wants to show how much he loves you…that’s it
-Down on one knee giving a honorable and sweet speech about how you are the best thing in his life and how he will spend eternity loving you
-Definitely gets a little emotional but for the most part he keeps it together (the same cannot be said for your wedding)
-He had Faramir help him find a ring because I refuse to believe Boromir knows anything about fashion, let alone jewelry
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-He’s a bit restless, but in a giddy sort of way
-He’s just so excited about the idea of marrying you that he isn’t even thinking too much about the proposal
-He knows you will say yes
-I could also see him putting the ring somewhere you will find it; maybe on your pillow, and hide in the next room all giddy like a little kid as he waits for you to find it
-This is what my dad apparently did and I think it’s cute
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-Ok I know I said Gimli is shitting himself; but this guy is actually having the squirts
-But he’s nervous because he gets very down on himself at times and he worries you might say no
-Logically he knows you will be so excited because you have talked about marriage before; but he can’t help but worry
-Doesn’t take you anywhere too fancy; he keeps it kinda casual but romantic
-Maybe in the garden
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-He has had this planned for months
-He has one of his friends distract you for the day while he sets up a romantic picnic dinner
-Like a surprise party that you are kinda expecting because the person getting you out of the house is kinda sus
-But it’s so sweet and Merry is dresses so nicely
-Seriously a dapper little hobbit
-He has practiced some speeches to Pippin, but he doesn’t end up doing any of them
-Instead he opts for just a natural conversation that is sweet and to the point
-Big expensive gem
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-He has been pretending to propose for a while
-Well not really pretending, but you know it’s not his official proposal
-That being said every “proposal” he does comes with some sort of offering; he once did it with your dinner plate
-All his fake proposals were to have some fun with it, but mainly to get over his nerves; he’s practicing
-Will continue to fake propose even after you are married just for the fun of it
-Likes to see people’s reactions (plus maybe get a free cake slice at a restaurant or something idk)
-I wanted to add a joke picture of a tiny with three plastic carrots but alas you are only allowed 10 pictures apparently so just imagine I did a funny thing
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*Bonus Faramir
-He is just the sweetest and I love this man
-He seems like the type to propose pretty early on in a relationship
-Not because he’s rushing, but he just knows you are the one
-Surprisingly calm about it; or at least he appears that way
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*Double bonus Arwen:
-She is probably the most confident of them all
-She is just so sure spoken
-She makes sure you both are dressed in your best clothes and will take you to a beautiful secluded place in Rivendell
-Idk why but I felt strongly that the gem would be blue
-(sorry hers is short, I wasn’t particularly inspired idk why)
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Just a little reminder that Gandalf isn’t included because I don’t generally write him for romantic prompts unless specifically asked
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leohttbriar · 1 year
Choose violence 8, 10, 24 for Tolkien? :)
<3 when i saw you had sent me an ask, i blushed so hard i'm pretty sure i gave myself a mild fever. omg hi <3
also, so sorry but i def employed some tolkien-esque verbose-ness in answering these lol. especially the last one, whew. like, im embarrassed.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
what’s funny with the tolkien fandom is that the movie fans and the book fans have whole different spheres of bugaboos and Annoying Habits so it’s easy to vacillate between either camp when you keep encountering the Nonsense.
that being said, i one hundred percent consider myself a “book fan” and think movie fans are more annoying than all of us literates. like, they can’t help it—the movies are the source of most their ills— but as a rule movie fans are wrong about like all of the characters. as in, legolas isn’t mister stoic badass, sam isn’t More Heroic, aragorn isn’t pathetically reluctant, elrond is much prettier than hugo weaving, and denethor is not nutso (to name a few).
i would say, though, that book fans are generally really bad at figuring out what parts of the movies to pick on. like for years i’ve been so baffled by people still being angry over glorfindel’s exclusion in the fellowship movie and no offense to people who have read the silmarillion and the fellowship…but that was not only the best adaptational change but it also improves on the book. in that, sending arwen to guide them to rivendell and to physically hold frodo to her as she defended the last homely house with water horses, is an genuine story improvement—not just because lotr is a sausage fest and that Sucks but because it foreshadows arwen giving frodo her passage west, via a flight east, it lets arwen actually parallel luthien riding across middle earth on huan, which in turn gives arwen an equal sort of challenge in living up to a legacy, something that can thematically help aragorn live up to his, doing that thing tolkien does best and telling the same story over and over until the song finally scans and the rhyme resolves and the Big Story ends.
of course, the movies left out the arwen-giving-frodo-the-evenstar-gem thing so in terms of Sexism both media are equivalent.
i think book fans in general are wayyyyy too like faithful monk readers of the bible. and not even like medieval monk readers, where there’s a clear delineation between various interpretive approaches, going from the literal to the poetic in degree. no, tolkien fans i think have mistaken a rich creative world for something near perfection, to the point where they don’t really know how to explain why the amazon series is bad beyond “amazon is bad” and what makes tolkien’s fantasy unique. tolkien fans, in terms of pedantry, are worse than dune fans.
but yeah. everyone is wrong about glorfindel in fellowship. he is Not as interesting as arwen as a character and does Not really fit in the story.
10. worst part of fanon
definitely the freaks who treat genuine baddies as misunderstood kittens. like, i don’t feel very sorry for maedhros? also, why is the elrond-considers-maedhros-and-maglor-as-dads caucus in the tolkien fandom so loud??? look, there’s no arguing these are tragic and pathetic blorbos, and i personally love stories in which they seek atonement, but elrond had a dad. if i were elrond or elros, i wouldn’t even be considering letting someone else slot into that position. especially not with my dad constantly being in the sky, like a particularly unfair reminder. maedhros can be complicated and alluring, but i hate the fanon of him or maglor genuinely adopting the baby half-elves out of untainted goodwill. it softens them in a way that makes me like them less.
also, the fanon of people being like “tolkien wasn’t sexist. look at melian.” does that count as fanon? if so, i hate that too.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
i feel like this goes for all fandoms, but by far any sort of accusation of racism in the work or in fan works is the most grenade-like kind of accusation one can lob.
with tolkien, i see a lot of people often focused on tolkien’s own opinions on “allegory,” and to be quite honest, anyone who uses that to say tolkien isn’t as racist as you might assume, is dumb as a rock.
tolkien’s frustration with "allegory" is the concept of 1 to 1 relationships. he didn't like when people were like "rohan is anglo saxon england" or "aragorn is [insert historical figure]" or any sort of reductive comparisons of lotr to real life figures and struggles in world war ii. (interestingly, however, he has said that dwarves were very inspired by jewish people. like, to the point that saying tolkien's dwarves are jewish is as accurate as saying shylock in merchant of venice is jewish--in that, they are characters in a story written by a christian who didn't really understand a whole heckuva lot about judaism. but that's a whole other topic.) and while that might tempt you to think that he therefore was not trying to represent any person or civilization from the real world in his books, unfortunately the core tenet of analytical reading is to assume deliberation over every single detail. you do in fact have to choose an idea before you write it down. and tolkien wrote the word "swarthy" one too many times for any of us to assume good-faith.
of course, there's also the claim of lotr not being as racist as the man (tolkien) likely was because art and the artist are not the same thing. and yeah. but again. "swarthy."
there is no easy answer to the whole death-of-the-author debate and questions over how much biography should be allowed in critical readings--at least no easy answer that doesn't just boil down to the simple demand to "think critically" (which isn't all that simple, in the end)--so i'm definitely not going to try to arrive at one now. but when it comes to tolkien's little made-up world, there are certain tropes in the fan interaction with it that make me somewhat queasy? like tolkien was so demonstrably inspired by real-world mythos and folklore that it is so easy to fit some of his characters and stories into real-world folk art and aesthetic. and to me there's a sliding scale of acceptable inspiration to maybe-we-shouldn't(?) inspiration. like when i see fan art that is labeled "indigenous tolkien," with no tribe or even geographic region specified, i find that weird.
and the reason i find that weird is the fundamental reason that i think discourse in fan circles over racial biases can get so rancid (unlike the discourse in non fan circles! just kidding, fandom discourse has nothing on a medievalist conference with a panel on white supremacy in the field, lol), and that reason is: tolkien's made-up world is not as made-up as the immersiveness of his world suggests. it is very rooted, and deliberately so, in the histories and folklore of western-european people (in particular) and thus the stories, the characters, the aesthetics, the ethics, and the themes are all off-shoots of these traditions. there is a missing element of material recognition in the interpretations of tolkien as really one thing or the other. material culture plays a much bigger role in the whole of all his arda-tales than is immediately obvious.
people want to give fantasy a pass when it comes to certain biases and they use that annoying allegory quote to do it with tolkien's work. because they are enlightened and do not project white supremacy and other legacies of colonialism onto a "made-up world." but tolkien would probably be the first to say that his work was built off fairy-stories, as a contribution to the genre.
he even goes on this relevant tangent at the beginning of "on fairy stories":
It is perhaps not unnatural that in England, the land where the love of the delicate and fine has often reappeared in art, fancy should in this matter turn towards the dainty and diminutive, as in France it went to court and put on powder and diamonds.
whether or not he's right about this distinction between english fairies and french fairies, this still shows that he considers the fantastical an expression of real and observable culture. therefore, despite the fact that it is bad-faith to read anything in tolkien as 1 to 1, he was trying to represent our world with his because he doesn't see the fairy/monstrous/supernatural as entirely separate from the physical/metaphysical or the human imagination. he was just trying to tell the same story that has always been told, from creation and onward.
so yeah. it is entirely valid to call aragorn's Specialness as a Special Sort of Human kind of fascist.
(and just as the rooted-ness of tolkien's fantasy world means that his work cannot escape accusations of bias, the rooted-ness also opens the way for a specific kind of progressive reading that is less about plugging one's ears to the bias but leaning into it. the real-world is more complex than one man can imagine it and when that one man is trying his hardest to represent the world, as any good writer would do regardless of genre, things will slip in to the story that the man chose but may not have understood. eowyn's speech about staying in the burning house is feminist thought even if tolkien would probably never have claimed it as such. the love between legolas and gimli is canonically transgressive and metaphysically-challenging--aspects of a love that tolkien probably would have assumed of gay love, in his time. if that makes sense. his biases don't define the art, even if they are present. especially since he was a very good writer and reader.)
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gorgeousgalatea · 2 years
Can you just like do everyone in the fellowship of the ring for the character thing XD
Oh...boy. Lord of the Rings was a fandom where I deeply appreciated the canon more than did a lot of coming up with headcanons or personal takes and also that’s nine characters oh my god but I'll do my best XD
Sexuality Headcanon: Hmm, demi bordering on aspec
Gender Headcanon: I admit I’ve never put much thought into the Fellowship but trans Frodo would be interesting
A ship I have with said character: Sam
A BROTP I have with said character: The hobbit quartet
A NOTP I have with said character: A dark part of me knows that Frodo/Gollum must exist and I respect those people and their right to get weird but I think reading it would break me
A random headcanon: Not even my headcanon but I am deeply tickled by the ‘Frodo doesn’t even know Legolas’s name’ theory from the movies
General Opinion over said character: I grew up with Tolkein and I love his protagonists. And I’m very into the subversive element of the Ring wearing even him down despite how long he endured it for. And he still gets a happy end despite of it!
Sexuality Headcanon: Demi and deeply devoted to Rosie and Frodo
Gender Headcanon: Cis
A ship I have with said character: Frodo but I respect the canon
A BROTP I have with said character:Bill the pony
A NOTP I have with said character: I’m just gonna reiterate the Gollum thing
A random headcanon: I want him to publish a gardening book that’s a breakout hit throughout Middle Earth but that is a bit indulgent
General Opinion over said character: Such a sweetheart really. Stalwart, loyal, and very badass about it.
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi
Gender Headcanon: cis
A ship I have with said character: None come to mind
A BROTP I have with said character: Eowyn. Okay also Pippin
A NOTP I have with said character: None come to mind
A random headcanon: He doesn’t enjoy the fireworks the way he used to anymore :(
General Opinion over said character: Dude helped kill the Witch King. He rocks.
Sexuality Headcanon: pan
Gender Headcanon: trans
A ship I have with said character: None come to mind
A BROTP I have with said character: Merry
A NOTP I have with said character: None come to mind
A random headcanon: He and Merry visit Faramir and Eowyn a lot. This could even be in the book epilogue it’s been so long @_@
General Opinion over said character: Deeply chaotic little dude who grows a lot with the help of consequences and world saving trauma. He’s great.
Sexuality Headcanon: Arwen
Gender Headcanon: cis
A ship I have with said character: I’m fine with Arwen. The bb crush was cute
A BROTP I have with said character: Legolas and Gimli
A NOTP I have with said character: I never got into Aragorn/Legolas...
A random headcanon: Nothing specific but bb crush shenanigans is a cute concept
General Opinion over said character: Any time the guy with the most Chosen One traits is a supporting character and mentor is a good choice to me. Aragorn has his doubts and flaws and own narrative arc, but what he’s got going on doesn’t consume the narrative. It’s just a part of it!
Sexuality Headcanon: just gonna slam my aroace emotions into this sad man
Gender Headcanon: cis
A ship I have with said character: Boromir/life ;_;
A BROTP I have with said character: I mean. He has a brother. Who misses him terribly. But admittedly also him and the hobbits.
A NOTP I have with said character: None comes to mind
A random headcanon: When he was able, he would delegate the delivery of good news to Faramir and he would deliver the bad, hoping to turn his father’s favor
General Opinion over said character: Heck yeah, give me all the tragic and doomed characters destroyed by their own nobility. Am I sad he is dead? Yes. Do I respect and appreciate the path his arc took? Also yes.
Sexuality Headcanon: bi
Gender Headcanon: [insert a long and rambling discussion on how formative Discworld was and its relationship with dwarf gender and politics without ever actually answering the question]
A ship I have with said character: Legolas. What can I say, I like rivalry and contrast
A BROTP I have with said character: Aragorn
A NOTP I have with said character: None comes to mind
A random headcanon: All of the Discworld dwarf traits I can get away with
General Opinion over said character: How can you not like Gimli? Gruff but soft and swinging at every enemy kneecap in sight
Sexuality Headcanon: pan
Gender Headcanon: gender neutral no matter what the Hobbit trilogy tried to pull
A ship I have with said character: Gimli
A BROTP I have with said character: Aragorn
A NOTP I have with said character: I guess also Aragorn
A random headcanon: All of the cat coded traits I can get away with
General Opinion over said character: I admit of the races I’ve always found elves less interesting but the woodland background and fratboy vibes are endearing
Sexuality Headcanon:Gandalf
Gender Headcanon: Gandalf
A ship I have with said character: Ga--he and Saruman have some of the narrative foil dynamic I would later deeply enjoy in a lot of my ships but I never got there with them in actuality
A BROTP I have with said character: Bilbo
A NOTP I have with said character:The flirtation with Galadriel in The Hobbit trilogy deeply weirded me out
A random headcanon: He came back in white to dunk on Saruman about the many colors thing. This might just be canon expressed in a really dumb way, it’s been a while
General Opinion over said character: He’s a cranky goodtimes cheerfully cryptic wizard, what’s not to like?
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