#sotwk ocs
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sotwk · 2 months ago
Hello! I was wondering, since Círdan has something of a place in the sotwk au, whether you're intending to write anything featuring him? (I ask casually, with very normal feelings about Old Ship Elf McGee)
I. LOVE. CIRDAN. If I ever stop being intimidated by the Silm fandom, I would LOVE to write a Círdan fic someday! XD My writing will never reach the exquisite quality of most of Silm writers I know (that includes you, @hobbitwrangler), but hey--maybe someday I will drum up the nerve to take the leap!
Círdan has more than just "something of a place" in the SotWK AU; he's a significant player! He participates in the lives of Thranduil's family many times throughout the ages, so there are plenty of storytelling opportunities. The Lord of the Falas and Master of the Grey Havens was never an idle bystander, and he was certainly not a lonely, solitary old man. In the SotWK AU, he had family from the very start.
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Círdan's Roles in the SotWK AU
Círdan the Husband: He did love and marry someone--Eäriel, a granddaughter of Olwë and cousin of Galadriel, a headstrong and adventurous elleth who also crossed the Helcaraxë with her cousins. She soon realized that the destiny that called her to Middle-earth lay with Círdan, who loved her from their first meeting.
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SotWK Fancast: Olivia Hussey as Eäriel
Círdan the Father: Círdan's beloved son and only child, Eärondir, was the gentlest and most reluctant soldier to perish in the War of Wrath. Although his tragic death caused his mother to fade, it did the opposite to his father; Eärondir's self-sacrifice inspired Círdan to remain and devote his life to the service of the Valar and the peoples of Middle-earth. Círdan's fondness for both Eärendil the Mariner and Elrond Peredhel was because they were deeply good-hearted, and reminded him of his son.
Turhir Thranduilion is said to look remarkably like his grandfather Eärondir in both face and figure, which gets him just a tiny bit of favoritism from great-grandfather Círdan.
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SotWK Fancast: Alexander Skarsgård as Eärondir; Sam Heughan as Turhir.
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Círdan the Grandfather: Círdan transferred all the love he had for his late son to his daughter-in-law, Laurinwen, and surviving grandchildren, Maereth and Calinondo. When Laurinwen sailed for Valinor, Círdan took over guardianship of her children when they chose to remain in Middle-earth. Even after Maereth and Calinondo left the Grey Havens to pursue their own destinies, Círdan continued to guide them from a distance throughout their lives.
Círdan advised Maereth through her hesitations surrounding Thranduil's marriage proposals, and even traveled all the way to Eryn Galen to attend their wedding.
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Círdan the Great-Grandfather: As the great-grandfather of Maereth and Thranduil's children, the Princes of Eryn Galen, Círdan found himself in a special position of power. At any time and for any cause, he was able to seek military aid from Thranduil and his sons, and could always rely on a swift and valiant response. No other person in Middle-earth, not even Elrond, could boast of such an alliance. And a handful of Thranduilions were an army all on their own!
Círdan's influence was responsible for the participation of the Thranduilions in several historic battles during the Third Age, most notably throughout the centuries-long Angmar War. Whenever they answered their great-grandfather's summons, the Princes fought under his command and the banner of Lindon, so there was no historical record of Mirkwood's participation in these events.
When Turhir left Mirkwood in TA 2601 (after the deaths of Mirion and Arvellas) with the intention of sailing across the sea, Círdan took him into his home and counselled him for many years about where his true destiny might lie. (Hint/spoiler: It was NOT in Valinor. Yet.)
tldr: Middle-earth owes a great debt to Círdan's wisdom and foresight, and his unique influence on Thranduil's family is just a small part of it!
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Thank you again for the ask, @hobbitwrangler! <3 I know this was WAY more information than you asked for, but it felt good to write it all out. Hopefully some of these will turn into fics someday.
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quillofspirit · 1 year ago
2023 fic recs
If there's one thing to know about me, is that I love to read! and I love to share the good fics, so I figured I would put them all on one list💚
pssst! it's my first time doing anything like this, so if you have recommendations for the format, please do leave them in the comments or drop me a message! thanks xx
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Key 🍬 fluff 🧯 spicy 🌡️ smut ⛈️ angst 🌪️ all
For people I have tagged, please let me know if there is anything you’d like me to add or remove — like a link to another account. It’ll be my pleasure☺️
Lord of the Rings (and related)
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⛈️🧯Fuck the Forbidden pt. 1 by @entishramblings
Boromir x mermaidfem!oc Teens and Up but read the warnings carefully 9,500 words
Now I want mermaids in everything. why aren’t there mermaids in everything? The descriptions are so well done, everything is so vividly easy to visualize, oh I just loved it.
I am so hyped for pt 2!!
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🍬⛈️ Healing Touch by @ass-deep-in-demons
Boromir x fem!oc Teens and Up 4,350 words
My film studies degree was very happy about the descriptions of movement in this one - it’s a little specific but hear me out. It’s much easier to see the actors playing the scene when it’s described this well! THAT ENDING, I have to say I joined Legolas, and I don’t have excuses.
I cannot wait to read the rest of the adventures of Joanna!
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🍬 I Might Need to Kiss You by @fizzyxcustard
Thorin Oakenshield x fem!reader 400 words
I was squealing, this is so sweet. like the perfect little pick me up when you need a reminder, and Thorin is nothing if not a good king to his subjects 😇
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🍬 Sweet Conversations by @glassgulls
Haldir x fem!reader Teens and Up 5,360 words
did I almost break my mouse when I clicked on this? noooo
Would I do it again? approximately 5 times since ☺️
Who doesn’t love sneaking around and kissing pretty elves, especially when they propose the idea so nicely… Just read it, you’re welcome
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⛈️🧯Transformed by @sotwk
Thranduil’s son OC x fem!reader Teens and Up 2,400 words
There are at least two werewolves! When I tell you I read it three nights in a row, just to truly catch all the little things that made me go absolutely feral this so lovely to read. Yes, there’s gore (only a little bit) and there’s angst, but there’s also dialogue that would be made into gifs were it a movie.
Pirates of the Caribbeans
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🌪️Catch the Wind by eriathiel (@esta-elavaris)
James Norrington x fem!oc Explicit 418,000 words
101 chapters of epic, pirates, and sweetness. The definition of you will suffer and you will like it. I finished this in like two days, because I couldn’t put it down, like a child on Halloween night going through their whole bag of candy.
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⛈️🍬 Fallen Through Time by eriathiel (@esta-elavaris)
Catch the Wind AU Mature Ongoing; 34,000 words
12 Chapters so far, but it’s probably going to make me want to read everything about Theodora again. I am very normal about this character. 😌
Other fandoms
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🌡️One of Those days by @capricornafterdark
Jason Todd x fem!reader Explicit 750 words
Sometimes you need to be taken care of, and sometimes its easier to take care of others.
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🍬Patience by @velvetcloxds
Charlie Swan x fem!reader Just straight cuteness 600 words
A cute yet serious conversation with Charlie
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🌡️That Takes Trust Darlin by @capricornafterdark
Jason Todd x transmasc!reader Explicit 1,950 words
It takes a lot of trust to tell a person about your desires, and even more when you spend your time catching villains.
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🌪️ What Happens After You? by StrengthBeforeWeakness
Ominis Gaunt x fem!oc Mature 219,000 words
A badass Ravenclaw, sweet sweet Garreth, and dark!Sebastian. I am tempted to say it’s almost a Hogwarts Legacy AU because the lore in this fic is so incredible, it feels new again.
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These are my headers and dividers, please do not use them.
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fellowshipofthefics · 10 months ago
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Thranduil (Tolkien)/Original Female Character(s), Thranduil (Tolkien)/Original Character(s) Characters: Thranduil (Tolkien), Legolas Greenleaf, Legolas Greenleaf's Brother(s) Additional Tags: Family Drama, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Romance Summary:
The Elvenqueen is caught in the first orc attack to occur in the Woodland Realm in centuries. King Thranduil gathers his sons to discuss the incident and what they intend to do about this unexpected new threat.
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cloverkingsmith · 2 years ago
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girls who are summoners and have an armored form >>>>
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estethell · 2 years ago
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Adar and Kathet, commission for @ladyk8tie ✨
Congrats again for winning @sotwk 's 400 Celebration!!!
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sotwk · 1 month ago
PSA to anyone seeing this post: Behold all the essential things you ever needed to know about Theodred, Prince of Rohan, wrapped up in the most BEAUTIFUL fic.
INTO THE BREACH by @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras
@dancerinthestorm Laura Dern is indeed so lovely, and Dr. Sattler such a kickass icon! I wish everyone on Tumblr were as sweet and receptive as you are! (If it were so, then so many of us wouldn't suffer from anxieties about interacting! Lol.) We haven't been Moots for very long, but I can sense a kindred spirit very quickly. :) I would happily swap fic and OC recs and simp over mutual blorbos with you any day! <3
Hello friend! I noticed your reblog(s) of Jurassic Park / Dr. Ellie Sattler gifs, which leads me to suspect that you're a fan of Laura Dern on some level??
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And since I'm a giant busybody, I thought I would bring to your attention that the lovely, (younger) Laura Dern is actually the face claim of @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras's OC, sweet and brave Eadlin, betrothed of Prince Théodred. She is one of my favorite "OCs of friends", and since I know you're also a fan of Coffee's fics and writings, I wanted to take the chance to recommend "Into the Breach" . Fantastic reading in honor of Théodred's "anniversary"!
No pressure at all and I hope I'm not overstepping! I'm just always on the lookout for people to potentially simp/stan blorbos with me, whether it's canon characters or OCs! :) Have a great last week of February!
Hey @sotwk ! Thank you so much for asking about the wonderful Dr. Ellie Sattler!
I first came across her in the 1993 movie and the book by Michael Crichton when I was neck deep in my early teen’s yay-dinosaurs/I-want-to-be-a-paleontologist phase. She was such a cool female character to look up to back then and I still have a huge soft spot for her. (And Laura Dern still totally rocked the 2022 JP movie!) So I can never not reblog posts about her 😁
I already knew (and am still utterly delighted) that @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras shares this love for her. What I absolutely did NOT know until today was that she had a freaking Laura Dern Tolkien OC! Ahhhh! How did I not know that? Seriously, @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras ? How did we never talk about that? I mean: I love your Tolkien worlds! I adore your fantastic OCs! And Ellie/Laura Dern! Why do I have to find out about this from our excellent friend @sotwk? (to whom I now surely owe a life dept for telling me about Eadlin!) Aaah!!! “Into the Breach” will definitely go on the reading list for the weekend! Expect incoming frantic screeching either here or in your AO3 comments!
And @sotwk: Thank you so much for telling me about this story! And please never hesitate to recommend fics you love or talk blorbos with me! Be it canon or OC! I keep seeing so many wonderful and eclectic occasions for mutual simping on your blog; one of these days I need to make a list to be able to prioritize because one lifetime will simply not be enough ^_^ (Thranduil, Boromir, Eomer, Bucky, Oscar Isaac, Cassian Andor… eeek!)
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sotwk · 1 month ago
Éomer & Signyr
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Commissioned art made by the wonderfully talented @beelzeebub
SURPRISE FANART!!! Sending Valentine love and appreciation to all Readers of my Éomer x Signyr (oc) fic, "TAKEN"!
I've been saving this piece forever, but with my Tolkien writer's block still firmly in place, I wanted to give you guys something for all the love and support you've shown this Éomer x OC pairing! It remains my most popular fic to date and (not to sound like I'm accepting an industry award or something), it's all because of YOU! XD
I swear, even if it takes forever, I'm not giving up on the promised sequel WIP that is "Change the Stars". Thank you for continuing to believe in me and waiting so patiently!
((I can't even tell you what scene exactly this is drawing supposed to capture, but hey--it's raining again! That's usually a good thing, right?? Oh the things they still have to go through. Thanks for rooting for these mutually-pining-idiots-in-love with me!!!))
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ladyoflindon · 6 months ago
Across the Seas (Ereinion Gil-galad, Rings of Power)
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Author's note: My OC, Itarille, is the younger sister of Elrond and Elros. Gil-galad has just asked to court her recently. Takes place way before the events of Rings of Power. Can be read as a reader insert, and either as a standalone or part of my upcoming Tolkien fic series. From @sotwk "Comfort Fic Writing Challenge".
It was a nice day, Itarille thought to herself. She was sitting on the windowsill in her chambers, overlooking the sea. Her ears picked up the faint sound of the ocean waves crashing against the shores. Her grey eyes, so like those of her older brothers, drifted back down to the book in her lap.
Adûnaic, the language was called. From the land of Númenor, Elros' kingdom. She was reading a book about the island kingdom's history with the sea.
“From the dawn of Númenor, our fate has been intertwined with the sea. It guides, it judges, it endures. The sea is always right.”
It was a longstanding belief of the people. Itarille glanced out of the window once more, her eyes fixed on the blue waves of the ocean. It seemed calm, serene, steadfast. Just like how Númenor should be. How the Eldar should be. How she should be, considering that she would soon marry the High King and become Queen of Lindon.
She flipped the page, deciding to move on from the poetic passage. On the next page, there was a portrait. A man, regal, with high cheekbones, gazed back at her with eyes so familiar. His raven hair was mixed with streaks of white, and age was so visibly shown on his face.
Elros Tar-Minyatur, the description below the portrait read. Founding King of Númenor. Itarille hadn't gazed upon a painting or portrait of her brother in so long. It had been too long since his passing, but for her, it felt like yesterday.
The day Itarille had received word of Elros' passing, it was as if the floor had collapsed from beneath her feet. When she'd heard it, Itarille was at dinner with the High King. The news was delivered to him by a messenger, then him to her. When the last word had left his lips, Itarille stood up abruptly and fled. She remembered the look in Gil-galad's blue eyes. Those blue eyes, blue like the sea.
She and Elrond grieved. He did his best not to show it, maintaining the stern facade of the High King's Herald, but Itarille was different. She had locked herself away in her chambers, sitting on this very windowsill, gazing out at the sea which Elros had sailed away on the day he decided to be counted amongst Men.
She had known that day would come, but it didn't hurt any less.
A knock on the door brought Itarille out of her reverie. Wiping the tears from her face hastily, Itarille spoke softly, "Come in."
The door opened gently, and in stepped Gil-galad. As usual, he was the picture of elegance and serenity, clothed in robes of a deep blue, a departure from his usual gold. His gold crown of leaves was nowhere to be seen, and his deep brown hair tumbled down his back in waves.
"My lady," Gil-galad spoke in that velvety voice of his, bringing Itarille's hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to her fingers, "how I've longed to see you so. This day has been dreadful without your presence at my side."
Itarille didn't respond, her mind still whirling with the memories from Elros, the memories that reading that book had stirred up. Gil-galad noticed her silence, the lingering tears in her grey eyes. He was about to ask if everything was alright, when he saw the Adûnaic book on her lap and he understood.
"You were thinking about him, weren't you?" Gil-galad asked quietly. Itarille gave no verbal answer, only the nod of her head. After a moment of silence, Itarille finally spoke. "O-oh, Ereinion," she sniffled, a fresh wave of tears falling down her face. "I miss Elros."
"My love." Gil-galad pulled her close, pressing a kiss to her forehead. For a moment, they both said nothing, Itarille's sobs speaking for her. She pressed her face into the crook of his neck, her tears staining the fabric of his robes.
"Why does it hurt so much?" She looked up at him, her eyes glimmering with tears.
"You loved Elros deeply. He was your brother, and like Elrond, your protector. Your closest confidante. It's natural to feel this way about him." Gil-galad exhaled. "It's alright to grieve, melda."
"But," he looked down at Itarille, wiping a tear from her cheek, "Elros wouldn't want you to cry for him. He loved you deeply and would wish for you to be happy. He'd want you to live a happy and long life. So, please, do not weep, my love. Live, for Elros, for Elrond. For me."
Outside, the flowers bloomed. The birds chirped. In the distance, the waves lapped against the shores. Somewhere up there, Itarille sensed that Elros was watching. The grief was still fresh, it would always be, but for now, in this moment, Itarille felt at peace. Gil-galad's arms tightened around her, the High King murmuring words of reassurance and love in Quenya, the language she adored.
Everything would be alright.
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frodothefair · 2 days ago
One thing I've realized as a terminally long-fic person... I may be good at character development, creating OCs, worldbuilding, etc, but ain't no one actually going to see all that unless they commit to reading a 100-200k piece.
Since this blog exists in part to supplement the world created in the longfics, as well as for general fandom shananigans, I have a question - what would people want to see more of, and what would make sense to showcase my abilities as a writer?
Please reblog for a wider sample.
@konartiste @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras @sotwk @emmathefanficgal @dilettantefeminist
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sotwk · 1 month ago
Ditto regarding "Where I Am Needed Most" -- FANTASTICALLY written, with all the Eomer warrior hotness (and mutual pining, of course, can't forget that) you could ask for! Asta really is a wonderful, likeable OC.
If you feel that we were robbed of Eomer action at Helm's Deep, this fic is your chance!!!
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Hey there! I saw you reblogging Sotwk’s beautiful idea of dishing out some well deserved love to the amazing writers one this site.
Please have some fluffy cute stuffies 🧸🧸🧸!
I haven’t had a chance to read many of your stories yet but “Where I am needed most” is and forever will be one of my all time favorite short stories. There isn’t a single thing I do not love about it and Asta will always be one of my favorite OCs of all time.
Thank you so much for creating it (and all of those other stories I still have on my „to be read“ list) and for sharing it/them with all of us!! 💕💕
Omg thank you so much!! I usually feel like that fic kind of flew under the radar, so it means so much that it's one of your favorites!! It was a lot of fun to write.
This was a lovely Valentine's gift, thank you <3
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fellowshipofthefics · 10 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings (Movies), The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Thranduil/Thranduil's Wife, Thranduil (Tolkien)/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Thranduil (Tolkien), Thranduil's Wife Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Romance, Drama & Romance, Family Drama, Family Feels, Elves, Middle Earth, POV Second Person Summary:
On the evening of his coronation, a heavy-hearted Thranduil prepares for the ceremony with the help of his wife. Takes place in SA 3441, seven years after Oropher's death and shortly after the end of the War of the Last Alliance. 2nd Person POV is Maereth, Thranduil's OC wife in the "Sons of the Woodland King" series.
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hi i saw @sotwk do the 'most likely to' meme for her ocs from this post, so this is me wondering if you'd like to do it too and expressing my interest if so! no pressure! <3
Aw, thanks for this! ❤️ I really enjoyed @sotwk ‘s answers about her Thranduilions, and I may send you an ask back because I’d love to see YOUR answers about some of your Dol Amroth or Umbar or Dunland crew!
You may be the single person that this response means the most to in terms of knowing who my various OCs are! I used adult Rohirrim OCs plus Guthláf and Wíd, who (right or wrong) I consider to be mine. Most likely to:
kiss and tell - Théopryte
'forget' to text back - Edlenniel
not realize that they are being flirted with - Wídfara
lose their keys repeatedly - Hyhtgife
apologize first - Guthláf 
leave a party early - Tadiel
cheat while playing a game - Edlenniel
survive in the wild - Brytta
sing when they think they are alone - Hyhtgife
be someone's wingman/woman - Lithcynd
plan a romantic date - Mereliss
start blushing - Wídfara
get arrested - Eadlin
talk during a movie - Mereliss
say I love you first - Théopryte
be a cuddler - Guthláf 
always wear the same outfit - Lithcynd
not be able to keep a secret - Tadiel
defend their friends in a fight - Eadlin
drag the others to the dance floor - Guthláf
fall asleep first at a sleepover - Brytta
*Edlenniel, Tadiel and Théopryte are sisters of Théoden; Mereliss is Éomer’s wife; Brytta is Háma’s wife; Lithcynd is married to Dúnhere; Eadlin was the love of Théodred’s life; and Hyhtgife is Elfhelm’s wife. Of course they all have personalities beyond their relationships with various men but it’s still probably easiest for people to shorthand ID them by linking them to a more recognizable, established character.
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hobbitwrangler · 15 days ago
WIP Whenever
thank you for tagging me @imakemywings! <3
Have a snippet from my modern AU Eothiriel Valentine's Day fic. It is so self-indulgent, featuring multiple OCs, various shenanigans and a surprising amount of violence (in the true spirit of Valentine's Day). All the stuff I've written for the main Eothiriel plotline is either spoilery or bullet points so here's Gamling looking at all the physical damage his grandson has undergone and deciding to add some bonus emotional damage.
Cenric’s  eyes bulged, his face taking on an unhealthy green colour as he glanced frantically between his grandfather and said grandfather’s impending sexual partner. “Yet?” he breathed, his voice loaded with dread. Ivriniel’s hand leapt up to cover her mouth, partly realising what she had implied and partly to hide the smile that was threatening to break out across her face. I really should not laugh but he is so unreasonably sweet. She had not considered that the poor boy might perceive her words as less a reassurance and more a looming threat. Gamling meanwhile was staring at Cenric, wondering how he had failed to notice that his grandson was such a prude. Heledd seemed perfectly fine, in fact she was looking far too amused for his liking. Coming to a conclusion, he said, “Ivriniel, how about you take Heledd upstairs to get cleaned up while I try to knock some sense into my grandson.” “I think I’ve had plenty of sense knocked into me for one evening, thank you very much,” said Cenric, glancing balefully at Heledd. “I know where the bathroom is,” Heledd huffed, ignoring him. “Yes, but you need someone to help rinse the worst off your clothes,” said Gamling. “In a hurry to get me out of the house?” Heledd prodded, raising a meaningful eyebrow. ‘Yet’ indeed. Cenric looked as though he might well vomit.
tagging @emyn-arnens @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras @dilettantefeminist @sotwk if you have anything you'd like to share!
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sotwk · 2 months ago
OOH THAT IS BEAUTIFUL!!! I wish I could have a copy too, but thank you for sharing! :D
I'm so thrilled that you thought of me and the Thranduilions! I'd have to say that would be Gelir, specifically, even if the hair color is off. Best animal handler in Eryn Galen, (which is saying a lot) with a special affinity for elk. And of course, the Elven ability to snooze on an animal's back without falling off.
Thank you again for sharing--this really made me smile. :)
I got a postcard with my recent book order. It’s so beautiful and I thought it portrays one of the Mirkwood princes of @sotwk AU
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two-white-butterflies · 5 months ago
Choose five of your favorite ocs (be it yours or another) and pass it on to 5 different people! Spread oc love
I haven't read a lot of fics with OCs lately, but here are my (few) favorite ones. (some of these are not OCS)
Queen Maereth from @sotwk. I love how motherly and feminine Maereth is. She is Thranduil's perfect match. I reread all the fics/headcanons about Thranduil and Maereth every month 🥺 I love all their sons. I could finish this post by naming all their children. If ya'll love LOTR/TH/ROP please check out sotwk's blog because it is the epitome of Tolkien loving.
Princess Saera Targaryen from coaxed you into paradise. This is a shameless self-plug in. I wrote her during a time where I was still honing my fanfic-writing powers. She isn't the best flawless OC, but she's the one closest to my heart ❤️ I'm a sucker for kind and feminine OCs, so I made her out to be everything that her sister isn't. Whereas Rhaenyra had to put on a strong front as the heir apparent, Saera had the freedom to be kind and flawed.
Reader in @youvebeenlivingfictional 's Bad Faith (x Harvey Specter). This is the best Harvey Specter fanfic in the ecosystem. You can insert yourself shamelessly in the reader part, as all the characters seem to act their character. There was an amazing characterization of Harvey, Mike and Jessica. The words that the author used, I can imagine being uttered in Suits. I LOVE THIS FANFIC SO MUCH!! 10/10
Reader in @edensrose 's When Darkness Reigns (x Thranduil, x Mairon love triangle). This is also one of my favorite fanfics. Constantly lives in my head rent free. I love how sassy Mairon is, but I also enjoy the characterization of Thranduil as he is corrupted by darkness to protect his people. Really dances will with Tolkien's motif: goodness cannot be determined by the destination, but the means to get there.
Theradis in @mismaeve 's Long Live The Queen (x Thranduil). Yes, I'm obsessed with Thranduil. I love the theme of corruption portrayed in this fic. Reminds me of that one episode in Encantadia where Mine-a was brought back to life, corrupted by evil, and forced to fight against the people that she loves. I love that even when fighting against each other, they can't ignore the pulse of love.
That's all! Thank you anon.
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art-by-moosie · 5 months ago
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My first ever commission for @arcadian-dragon-riding is complete~! This is their Trollhunters oc, Allexis Lake, and it was such a fun challenge to do~!
Art tags: @estethell @ilovedainironfoot @sotwk @lathalea
If you would like to commission me, the information can be found in my pinned post. And if you would like to be added/removed from my art tags, just lemme know~
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