#also they deserve naps
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prince-peachie · 1 year ago
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Sleepy boys
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allisonjamaica · 2 months ago
rewatching 6x06 and i Love that in the iconic s6 scott/lydia/malia trio it’s scott who gets relegated to the backseat
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he protecc, he attack, but most of all he sits in the back
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lukazade · 2 months ago
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These kids are NOT studying rn
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hualianschild · 1 year ago
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laroldtheheralddd · 7 months ago
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Gathering Storm
Made another animation this one starring Olivier! I’ve been wanting to illustrate Olivier’s weather abilities for a while now since they’ve always looked so darn cool in my head whenever he used them.
Anyway this was a lot of fun to do and provided the opportunity for me to experiment with different rendering techniques for animation. Gradients and blended stuff overall takes some practice to learn how to move without looking choppy.
The effects also took a long time, I did a lot of experimenting with those to figure out what looked the best. The version up above is certainly the most dramatic looking but I also ended up with some calmer ones.
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months ago
thinking abt kon getting hurt/upset about something big and clark bundling him up in his cape... ouuhhhhh souperfam save me...
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pencilofawesomeness · 1 year ago
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It's Team Erza’s turn for the Friendship Sleep Pile
Whoever laid down first is a mystery. Lucy's bed probably shouldn't be this large, but that's the magic of friendship.
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somegrumpynerd · 1 year ago
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Sssshhhh the stars are eepy
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ndostairlyrium · 7 months ago
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I was mean to them, so now they can leave the pit of doom to just cuddle and have some sleep <3
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st4r-t3ars · 1 year ago
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In the Wreckage of the World
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somepsychopomp · 2 months ago
Drabble suggestion: Eurylochus and Polites meeting newborn Telemachus for the first time? Thank you 😊
Okay so this was interesting because I normally wouldn't write something like this on my own but here we go! Also sorry if this is heavier on the Eurylochus side, I just like writing from his perspective more.
There was an electric current racing through the entire palace, as if Zeus himself had cast his very own lightning upon them. All for good reason, though; Ithaca's youngest heir was arriving at last.
A full day and night had gone by since either Eurylochus or Polites had seen their dear king, as well as most of the women in the palace. None of this came as much of a surprise to Eurylochus, who knew his wife was tending to Penelope during and after the birth of her first child. And Odysseus...
Oh, how his dear brother's every thought was utterly consumed by his wife and future child.
In the months leading up to Penelope's labor, both Polites and Eurylochus listened to endless debates hosted entirely on Odysseus' own, largely about the merits of having a first born son or daughter, and a name for each. They both knew the King of Ithaca desperately wanted a girl, a little Penelope to spoil and have run around his heels. After all, he'd spent a great deal of his own childhood tending to Ctimene.
Now, the moment was at hand and it'd fallen to Eurylochus to keep the palace running smoothly while his brother was surely engrossed in the euphoria of becoming a new father.
Organizing the daily schedule and staff was the easy part. He thought he could keep his feelings under control, but Polites though...
"When do you think we'll know?" he asked, keeping his voice low.
It was very late into the night, or quite early in the morning. Neither of them had slept yet, too subsumed by the electric charge running through the palace halls. Any moment now, they were sure, they'd hear the news as to whether Odysseus was father to a boy or girl.
The throne room was cool and silent, illuminated only by a few torches as the king's closest allies kept vigil over it. Eurylochus was seated at one of the long tables used to hold council, running an oil-soaked rag over the blade of his great sword.
Polites continued to pace the length of the hall, asking once more, "When will we know?"
"Whenever the child is born," Eurylochus said, trying to keep his voice even-tempered. Caring for his blade often calmed his nerves, but tonight he felt like a fool for doing anything else but pacing like Polites. His whole body was taut, as if he were on a hunt or aboard a ship facing a great swell. "All we can do is wait."
Polites' face shone in the reflection of his blade, warmed by the orange torch light. He leaned down, eye-level with Eurylochus, and smiled. "What are you hoping for?"
Eurylochus chuckled softly, "Not this again."
"I've told Ody from the beginning, I think it'll be a boy."
Eurylochus pretended to inspect the length of his sword for any blemishes or nicks in the edge. He said, "You know what he wants."
Polites snickered, "But could you imagine it? A second Odysseus running around the palace?"
"Dear gods!" Eurylochus exclaimed, "I should pray for our souls if that happens."
The two of them shared a knowing look between each other. Polites cracked first, falling onto the bench alongside Eurylochus and laughing with a child-like glee. He threw his arms around Eurylochus' shoulders, shaking him.
"Our brother is about to be a father!"
All the talking up until now had been exactly that- talk. The speculation, the jests. But tonight, it was finally happening. There would be no more hypotheticals moving forward.
Eurylochus set his sword aside and wrapped an arm around Polites, rocking them both. "We're going to be uncles!"
"Indeed," a new voice said.
They both jumped and leapt to their feet, turning to find Odysseus standing in the entrance to the corridor behind them. He wore a tired smile, having gotten as little sleep as them, if not even less. His eyes were red from having obviously been crying.
"Is the child...?" Polites began, clearing his throat, "Ready?"
Odysseus said nothing, only gestured for them to follow.
Polites and Eurylochus shared a look before following. Eurylochus had more energy than he thought he did, for he was so anxious to meet his brother's child that he vaulted over the table while Polites walked around it.
Ody said nothing on the way to the nursery, but the silence between the three of them was a welcomed one. It reminded Polites of all the times he and Odysseus would sneak out of bed past curfew as boys. It reminded Eurylochus of the solo hunting or sailing trips they'd go on, just them and the stars.
Odysseus placed his hand on the nursery door, glancing over his shoulder to give them a smile, before pushing it open.
A number of candles illuminated the cradle that awaited them. Odysseus leaned down to scoop the swaddled babe in his arms.
"My brothers," he said softly, "I want you to meet Telemachus."
The breath caught in Eurylochus' throat. Polites gasped.
"A boy," Polites said.
"A boy," Odysseus agreed, holding his infant son so close to his chest, it'd be possible to mistake them for one being.
And in that moment, in that room, there was no such thing as a king or prince. Before Eurylochus and Polites was a man and his son, a man so overcome with the sight of his son that he swayed on his feet as he pressed his forehead to Telemachus'.
Eurylochus pulled Odysseus into his arms, letting his brother rest against him.
"Congradulations, Ody."
Polites rubbed Odysseus' back, leaning his chin on Ody's shoulder as the three of them gazed down at the sleeping prince.
"My sweetest joy," Odysseus said.
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buwheal · 10 months ago
I try so hard to be nice. Seeing spamton so distressed makes me feel awful. I wanna reach through his screen, give him a hug and tell him it’ll be okay. But I’m nothing but a letter to him. Words on a screen he can easily ignore.
I want him to be happy, I want to whisk away every single bad ask and wrap spamton up in a blanket and give him the warmth and love he deserves. I really, really wish I could.
I suppose for now sending this will do. Thank you for the amazing stories, bu ❤️‍🩹 you’ve genuinely broken my heart for this poor man, I cannot wait to see more
But he hasn't. He doesn't ignore what you guys say. He really really cares about what you say, in fact. Easily ignorable, but he is paying attention. Anyways, thanks :-)
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waspgrave · 2 months ago
My wife and I are planning for THE nap tomorrow by washing all our bedding and pajamas in the nicest smelling soap, planning a big breakfast that will make us content and sleepy, and doing skincare and even shaving our legs lmao so that when it's time to snuggle down for The Nap, we'll be at maximum coziness. it's the little things
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m0thlegs · 4 months ago
maybe the real Viktor arcane season 2 character arc were the friends we made along the way
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months ago
I keep imagining lucanis getting an accidental faceful of arterial spray during a job that didn't go so much awry as just slightly awkwardly right at the end, and having to get hosed down outside before coming home to the lighthouse. emotionally I feel the cartoonish blood splatters of dragon ages past and lucanis' resulting deep sleep-deprived peevishness in this chili's tonight
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indecisive-dizzy · 5 months ago
alright here's a silly headcanon for yall
Eddie routinely takes an after lunch nap every Sunday when the Post Office is closed.
It's such a habit now that he always gets quite sleepy after lunch anytime of the week. But he only naps on Sundays. It's unprofessional to sleep on the job ya know. /lh /silly
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