#dorks being octopus spiders <3
ndostairlyrium · 29 days
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I was mean to them, so now they can leave the pit of doom to just cuddle and have some sleep <3
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stem-sister-scuffle · 8 months
Dr. Olivia Octavius (Spider-Man Into The Spiderverse) vs Ms. Frizzle (The Magic School Bus)
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Dr. Olivia Octavius is a Quantum Physicist and Roboticist!
Ms. Frizzle is a Science Teacher!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Dr. Olivia Octavius:
""If you stay in this dimension too long, your body’s going to disintegrate. Do you know how painful that would be, Peter Parker? You can’t imagine. And I, for one, can’t wait to watch." I love deranged evil women she is the character of all time to me"
"Dr. Olivia Octavius, also known as Doctor Octopus, is the secondary antagonist of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. She's also known as 'Liz' by her friends, one of them being Peter Parker's aunt May. She is an evil scientist, CEO of the science research & development company known as Alchemax. She's the scientific advisor for The Kingpin's inventions to open up portals to other dimensions. She's an evil woman in STEM girlboss."
"feral :)"
"Oh I heard you like mad scientist girlies???"
"I know she’s evil but I love her shes so cool. Have you seen her. I support womens wrongs <3"
"MILF. Evil. What more does she need? wowza"
"shes not the best shes the worst and she owns it. milf i mean. who said that"
"I mean. just look at her. she has the robo arms, the awesome hair. also if I recall, she's also been in science educational videos for kids"
"Proves herself as a competent fighter able to take on multiple spider-men at once, plus rocks the mad scientist look"
"Successfully works as a kids' science show presenter while also being a supervillain and working on sketchy projects. Is an absolute dork about her work and about cool phenomena in a way that's really endearing right up until she threatens to lock someone up to slowly die so she can study the phenomenon that's killing them. Probably put bugs in the microwave as a kid to see what happens.
Yes she did get hit by a truck in the fight and disappear but I fully believe she lived and ended up in some other universe.
1. She's a supervillain, she's definitely been hit by a truck before. 2. Out of everyone fighting in there she's had the most experience with this sorr of thing. While missteps are possible she would be going into it with some idea of what the risks are and how to deal with them. 3. Isekai truck trope 4. If she did end up in another universe she would totally find a way to keep herself stable there. She's got science knowledge and robotic limbs built for crime. 5. I like her and I think it would be really funny.
Why did I make this part mostly ""no she isn't dead"". It'd still be funny even if she was dead tbh.
I cosplayed her once and that is irrelevant to the poll but idk. She's fun."
"it's so rare to have female mad scientists in media like her, she's a role model to girls who want to commit crimes against the spacetime continuum everywhere. she's very important"
"She's really cute, too bad about all the murder and stuff :/ Women's wrongs, amirite?👍"
"She has a "For Science!" attitude that makes most male mad scientist look sane and safety minded. I would gladly be her intern/minion. <3"
"is only here to do science for Nefarious Purposes. science without any regard for moral cost. idk i love that this character type gets to be a milf for once. we love to see an evilgirl winning"
"mad scientist lady. cool as hell hair. evil girlboss."
"She's evil. She's evil and I love her"
"Evil milf with giant robot arms that loves chaos."
"Mastered multiple disciplines, managed to break barriers between dimensions, which even in superhero realms is a bit impressive. STEM girlies should be allowed to go a little evil/feral/unhinged. as a treat."
"She is evil! She is sexy! She employs usage of soft robotics into her prosthetic tentacles, is the head scientist at Alchemax, and quite literally built a machine that creates a portal to alternate dimensions! Get you a girl that can both make educational science videos and also rip open a portal to alternate dimensions under dubious moral conditions."
"she's sooooooo cool"
"She is a girlboss she tried to make a portal and while she’s a villain she isn’t the Evillest out there… babygirl head scientist Her glasses are shaped like octagons :3"
Ms. Frizzle:
"*gestures at entire magic school bus series*"
"Embodies the true spirit of scientific discovery: barely-contained chaos."
"She is very knowledgeable about a wide variety of sciences, and uses that knowledge to further the educations of many people. Teachers deserve the world; they do so much for so little in return. (shout out to Mrs. Goates)"
"She loves science and loves teaching kids about science. I love her. Idk I saw she only had one submission and that made me sad so now im here submitting her"
"She is an icon and has cool earrings"
"SHE'S SO COOL!!! She's so smart and so fun and genuinely just an icon. ALSO she has a little lizard on her shoulder. I saw an ask abt the submissions for Ms. Frizzle and the sender was the only person who submitted her.. I couldn't let this go. ALSO one of my professors irl called herself the irl Frizzle and she's a doctor of biology so make of that what you will"
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jolikmc-thoughts · 5 months
I really need to do more reports regarding what I've been watching…
I recently finished watching Ultimate Spider-Man from 2012. It starts off kind of annoying, since it ditches the whole "Spider-Man doing his own thing" pretty early. It also kind of tanks in the middle of Season 3, but I'll get to that.
The initial premise is "what if S.H.I.E.L.D. made a team of teenage heroes and trained them to their 'ultimate' potential?" Well, Nick Fury does exactly that, tossing an eclectic team of Spider-Man, Nova, White Tiger, and Iron Fist head-first into training and being super. I wasn't on-board at first, since I kind of prefer how other series did Spider-Man and his day-to-day life, but it didn't take long for the other characters to grow on me.
Nova is a dork. White Tiger is pretty cool. But Iron Fist? He's simply the best of the team, aside from Spidey. He's the best of both a "surfer dude" and "zen martial artist" and is often the voice of neutrality when problems within the team pop up. He has his issues, of course, but he's just a joy to have around!
So, around the middle of Season 3, the series shifts dramatically and starts focusing almost exclusively on the "Web Warriors" of Iron Spider, Kid Arachnid, Agent Venom, and Scarlet Spider. And… the show quickly goes downhill from that point on. There are still a few good episodes here and there, but the shift to the "spider-clones" just makes for a really uninteresting and unappealing show, to me. Why they thought this was a good idea is beyond me. 'Cause it wasn't.
Anyway… while it's not as absolutely amazing as Spectacular Spider-Man or even Spider-Man (2016), it has its charms. For example, it absolutely loves… loves… to make shout-outs to Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends from the 1980s. I was kind of surprised Iceman and Firestar didn't show up at some point, even if just for a cameo. They did bring back the worst villain from that series: Swarm, but made it way more interesting, so there's that. Beetle is there, too, though I don't think he originated from Amazing Friends. I digress, though.
Flaws aside, it's a pretty decent watch and I'd recommend it. Just don't let this very strange interpretation of Dr. Octopus turn you away too hard. It's… unique.
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leighlikescartoons · 7 years
Marvel's Spider-Man "Osborn Academy" (Review)
"{Gasp} Is that Gwen? I bet that's Gwen."
Much like the two before it, Episode 3 starts with action! Ya got spidey swinging through Manhattan next to a police chopper in hot pursuit of... The Jackal? Ok so it seems like Marvel's Spider-Man is trying to take a step away from its predecessors. We've yet to have any of the standard villains show their faces, the closest being The Vulture. While Vulture is a pretty prevalent member of Spidey's gallery of goons, even showing up in the Sinister Six more times than most, I just find him to be lack-luster.
So far we've met Vulture, Scorpion, and Jackal. Each episode has also introduced a pre-villain... Er, well villain. The Shocker, Doctor Octopus, and now Green Goblin have all shown their civilian faces. Which makes for half heavy hitters (Vulture, Ock, Goblin) and half lesser known (Scorpion, Jackal, and Shocker). What's exciting is they've already established the over-arching baddie plot line, but from the feel of it, it looks like Norman is going to hold that title.
Speaking of... We have new character designs to whine about! Norman Osborne. Much closer to the comic version than I expected! As things have been going I expected something to be a little off about him, but everything seems to be in order. Being a fan of the cartoons and not the comics I have to say, seeing Norman Osborne with such a strong jaw instead of the sharp one from Spectacular is a little disconcerting. He just looks a little too heroic with a strong jaw like that. Plus his widow peak isn't as dramatic as previous incarnations, but I think he looks better that way.
Gwen! Her hair is... Interesting? Unless the hair sticks turn out to be a pen and/or pencil, which would be perfect for a science dork, I just don't understand the design choice. It looks cute I guess. The bright pink ads a great splash of life to drab grey and beige New York and further my hopes for Spider-Gwen to make an appearance. I was a little disappointed that Gwen didn't show up in the first 2 episodes, but I think her part in this one more than makes up for it.
Marvel's Spider-Man is doing something that I loved in Spectacular (which is my gold standard for spidey toons) in that it's setting up its villains. You have the Shockers weapons in this episode. You have major villains' alter egos existing in the storyline. You have heroes' alter egos hanging around and talking mad trash to the Web-head. It's really shaping up nicely and I'm excited for next weekend.
Plus, John Jameson, son of J. Jonah Jameson, made a small appearance! Where are those pictures of Spiderman!? It makes sense Peter's Daily Bugle job got cut though. Everyone has a camera in their pocket and it'd be kinda hard for spidey to get shots of himself without anyone noticing. I get it... but I don't like it.
On a scale of 1 to Spectacular I'd give episode 3 that scene from Green Lantern the Animated Series when Saint Walker throws the green lantern ring to Razor.
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