#also thats probably an actual phobia
allegedlyfunny · 3 months
i used to (still kinda do) have a huge fear of OOB area/mostly empty testing worlds(in a similar way to how people feel about classic "liminal spaces." (which didnt even scare me)) for seemingly no reason noclip was such a scary concept (like if you have a shitty pc and when a game loads and you start falling further from the white load box until the game loads never fails to get a reaction out of me)
so like, imagine, booting MAYA or Blender and getting the sanity damage EVERY SINGLE TIME. noclip was such a scary concept (i feared falling OOB in games so hard as a child)
Especially in more realistic games (which i dont really actually play), when graphics glitch out and character models do things they shouldn’t, I get freaked out from it. This is also true when I accidentally clip through buildings and see the vacant underworld because they didn’t model what you don’t see. Or when you noclip and go to far off scenery objects and see how low res they are up close.
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koolades-world · 8 months
Ok so I've randomly had this genius idea and was keeping it in my head for a month or so. And i for some reason had an urge to find someone to make this thing. And YOU got unlucky to be in my FYP with open requests! Poor you, now you are cursed with this request! (Also ur writing is cool, but im suck at giving compliments~)
Imagine being a one of the most powerful demons in entire devildom, falling from heaven, going through a war.. and you just meet a human, who is crying because of a paper scratch! That's the request!:
Brothers with Pain-sensitive MC/MC with Algophobia if you prefer.♡
Ahem🤓👆, Algophobia is a phobia of pain. No one likes getting hurt, but algophobic person is afraid of it more than normal ppl. Also Algophobia makes all pain feel even more painful because if the fear🤓👆
These two are pretty much the same, but Algophobia one has more angst potential than just "Pain-sensitive"
This thing sounds just so hilarious in my head, imagine after MC does something bad Lucifer wants to punish them, but then he remembers that this human uses cooking gloves to drink coffee because "its way to hot" and ends up with existential crisis because all of his punishments will turn Pain-sensitive MC into dust😭
I saw a lot of ppl headcanoning that demons are like "well, humans are fragile and easily will die!" and starting to think that human is dying when they broke a bone. Thats funny, but imagine what would happen if it ACTUALLY were like that. Mammon wants to get MC to the casino, but then sees how they slip and fall to their knees and the crying because "FFFFF MY KNEEEEES HURT😭😭😭" And he is just like..."Damn, bro, how u live like this" and ends up way to afraid to bring them to the casino bc of "eeevil demons that would eat them!".
Also i imagine that Levi would do something similar, but, lets agree that him asking MC to go somewhere is an impossible scenario. I think he will do a good job tho.
Satan and MC hanging out in the garden with cats and this dude, who can easily broke the entire house if he gets angry, casually watching this piece of human struggling to pet a cat bc of their shaking hands. "Come on, just pet it, u got it, MC." "but cats have claws and claws are paaaainful!!!!"
Asmo is probably the only one who will have no problem with that, lol. This dude loves saying about being gentle. Yeah, not surprising that i simp for him. But dynamic between Devildom's biggest slut and a Human, who never kissed with anyone because "well, if i am kissing someone, I can't tell if the person is not gonna get a knife a d won't stub me! and stubbing ppl is painful!" sounds hilarious.
Beel is a big cinnabun, we all can agree. But yhis cinnabun is so big, that it can easily hurt MC accidentally! Even average people often cause ain-sensitive MC pain, and someone as big and strong babyboy like Beel? Damn, poor big man and MC, who waits for hot food to cool down for 15 minutes before eating it because "hot food is painful!"
Belphegor probably will do okay.. i mean, if we ignore 16 lesson.. he is pretty gentle boy so i guess he won't do anything bad. But, i can still imagine how this dude might hurt MC in his sleep and when wakes up and sees them, ouch-ing and rubbing their cheek, because "you were asleep and accidentally hit my cheek.." while this dude was just changing his sleeping pose.
So you can make something fluffy with brothers trying to not-hurt Pain-sensitive MC accidentally, you can do it in memes, you can do some angst with Algophobia. You can do whatever you want, i give the idea, you use it if you want!~
Damn, this think came out like a whole ass post. But i hope you didn't got bored halfway, lol.
Have a nice day tho!~~~
hi! haha I didn’t get bored you understand me!! I absolutely love when someone is just as excited as me about an idea :) this is exactly what I do when I have an idea I love so much I want to squeeze it in a good way
glad you like my writing 🥺 <3 please enjoy!
Mc with Algophobia
he knows right off the bat because it was on your paperwork (creepy) but makes accommodations where he can (loving)
essentially baby proofs the house right after you arrive once he realizes you’re being serious including padding on every sharp corner
always has a first aid kit on hand because he’s worried about you and won’t hesitate to offer you all the time off you need
finds himself unconsciously making sure you're ok
didn't take you seriously at first until you almost started crying upon reach into the freezer to help defrost Goldie yet again
wants to help you with your fear, and unveils all of his stupid fears to you, including his fear of public water fountains
when you're not together, he has his crows keep an eye on you for him to make sure you're ok
often opts to stay home with you if it makes you more comfortable
so so chill about it since he himself is afraid of many things, and while not paralyzing, goes out of his way to avoid all these things
lets you know the door to his room will always be open for you if you need a place to relax for the hour or day
protective of you in a way he never felt before
ready to listen to your woes and try to help resolve them for you
to some extent, he understands what it's like to be misunderstood and he goes out of his way to boost your confidence
knows some amazing professionals that might be able to help you out if you want
works on himself and his outbursts to keep you safe and unafraid <3
holds your hand as often as he gets the chance to reassure both you and himself that you won't get separated and avoid any potential problems
100% finds many excuses to kiss your booboos
finds all sorts of fun cute ways to make sure you don't get hurt and stay happy
if you get hurt around him, he's on top of it and upset too since he hates to see you unhappy
whatever you need, he's got you covered. he carries some of you things in his handbag that he always has with him in case you need it
doesn't understand at first, but is more cautious around you
he knows humans are fragile but he severely underestimated your fear
however, he's willing to do anything that you need from him
he knows his strength and always finds himself moving slower and more protective around you
at first, he couldn't have cared less but after he got to know you, he felt extremely guilty about what he had done
does everything to make it up to you and prevent you from getting hurt again
expect lots of gifts that include nice blankets and cute bandaids
finds his way to your room in the middle of the night often to make sure you're fine and then stays (he's totally not just sleepwalking)
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freakenomenon · 11 days
Hi friend :] I want to understand Ellen as a character better and you seem to have a good grasp on her, so could I ask about your ideas for her? No pressure though either !
OKAY to start off. the biggest thing i noticed about her in particular that is pointed out better in the manual than it is displayed in the game is the fact she would rather run away or ignore a problem than actually deal with it and heal. and if you combine this with the fact she usually reacts to ( and CONFUSES ) her own fear with anger. or hostility.
stating herself that she hates crying because she knows she doesnt feel "sad" ,, she just wants to kicks someones ass. which is probably a trauma response. considering she grew up in a rather unsafe neighborhood, which resulted in the death of her brother and cousin. IM JUST RESTATING CANON HERE BUT MY POINT IS.
i feel like if in the game they reeled in the part of her character that is very clearly avoidant, distant and even frequently disassociative. they'd have. a character.
alongside the fact that it's implied she very clearly cannot grasp the concept of not being able to handle something. she's overcome almost everything in her life, but the moment she can't understand another humans feelings. or why another human would treat her the way. most of the people in her life have.
she's more familiar with algorithms than people after all. not to mention that nimdok ( ugh. ) says that ellen is honest to the point of being offensive. first of all fucking. Jesus autistic much. secondly this could also be due to her isolating herself and feeling more at home with her work and electronics than she is with people. a computer is easily fixable if she ends up fucking something up.
its not like you can remove a rom chip on a person and reprogram it to not feel insulted if you tell them they look like they have a dirty microwave. that is probably an oversimplification of my thoughts on that part, but you get the point.
now. to. just. get this part of her character out of the way. just. warning for mentions of rape , miscarriages and other nasty things ahead.
i am not saying that in the situation where someone were to rewrite the game. you have to completely remove the aspect of her being a victim of rape. i simply just think it could've been approached in a better way. as I've stated many times. personally i don't even know where to start with rewriting this aspect of her character??? the most i have is replacing the maintenance man with someone she might have known. just to add more to what I have. maybe a boss or coworker she was close with who exploited their position above her both in the workplace and within the more obvious racial bias of society at the time. using it against her as an excuse to break her boundaries, break down her defenses, and eventually take advantage of her. something like that. just so it has more of an impact on her as a whole, and make her relationship with intimacy and relationships with humans , platonic or not. more strained. having to scratch and fight with the core of her being that wants. and deserves proper intimacy and general care. to keep herself safe. to prevent herself from being violated like that again. her vulnerability is what caused her to end up in that spot. she cant let that happen again. she cant be a hopeless victim again. not again.
yknow because thats how trauma works. it actually effects the victims life in ways other than just ending up with fucked up trigger and a fucked up phobia. wow.
now to the other part of this. I'm. going to be so honest. I would just scrap the miscarriage stuff and the existence of eddie as a whole.
it's so meaningless and minuscule in her character that i bet my pinky toe that half the fandom would look at you like you just said something TED levels of crazy if you brought it up without further grueling context.
.. that's. actually all I've got for now if you trim off me just asking to further establish aspects of her character that i think are interesting. if you've got any questions ill be more than happy to answer! <3
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Are request still open? Can I have Reader x Caine Jax Ragatha and Kinger with a Reader thats a Centipede? Like Upper body is humanoid but Lower body is Bug?
Caine, Jax, Ragatha, and Kinger x centipede!reader !
requests are still open! theyve just been slow and the ones that have been sent in i had to delete due to them blatantly(?) rules ive repeated loads of time (mostly NSFW) </3 hope you like this anon! couldnt think of many romantic ideas for ragatha unfortunately </3
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he thinks you look cool! probably tries to count how many legs you have to see if youre truly a centipede, more so does this for display rather than actual curiosity though... i think if you have any cool colors or patterns on your bug bits he might change his suit to match with you! probably makes you climb along walls in order to come get him... in fact i can easily see him making IHAs that utilize your climbing ability! legitmately gets mesmerized when he watches you walk because of all your legs just. smoothly... moving. yeah moving! if you have antennae i think he would lightly inquire about them and if they actually function... probably gives you bug based nicknames !
writing ragathas piece first but i think it should be obvious that in the beginning she would be a little put off by you for... reasons.. dont get me wrong i think she would feel bad for avoiding you... i mean shes still kind and polite to you when you guys do interact. i think overtime she either gets used to you or you bluntly ask her if she doesnt like you.. which may or may not make her feel even more guilty for her avoidance...
as for actual relationship stuff? simply because of ragathas fear of centipedes it would take her a while to warm up to you, and even longer for a relationship to blossom. usually for characters with long bodies, id propose cuddles where they wrap themselves around their partner... but i think that would genuinely make ragatha panic.. not many ideas here for romance since your form is a constant reminder of her phobia; even if its not your fault
another one that give you bug based nicknames but the way in which he says them has a mix of... mischief...? teasing...? something like that, whereas with caine he mostly says it with full adoration. jax... isnt much of a lovey dovey person.. probably messes with your antennae by poking them... kind of smirks if they involuntarily move away from his hand/finger. sits and does that for as long as you two are sitting next to one another; pulls the "im not touching you" thing if you (light heartedly) ask him to stop. imagine you were already in the circus when the pilot occurs and when jax brings up the centipedes he was referring to you... implies youre locked in ragathas room during the pilot oblivious to everything going on/j idk this was funnier in my head.. probably uses you as a running gag for that with ragathas whole... centipede thing
also counts your legs but actually does it for curiosity probably really impressed if you actually have the appropriate number of legs for a centipede! probably tries to figure out what kind you are if you mirror a real world species! ...would it be weird to ask you to go look for bugs with him..? probably awkwardly pets/rubs the top of your head between your antennae, probably lets out an airy chuckle if they flick from his action.. oh please please wrap your body around him when you guys cuddle...! it makes him feel so secure when you do that, plus the added weight around/on him helps him wind down after a chaotic day in the circus! weighted blanket but its your partner, how sweet
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some-mari-thoughts · 3 months
im ootl, whats up with the manga? i havent been reading
Nice! Probably its best u dont
From ok to bad:
Events have been rearranged to unknown extent to adapt to faster pace.
We start with the christmas memory dream instead of headspace, and we are introduced to everyone that way. The dream is very very short.
We then go to start 3 days left skipping the phobia fight for its unneeded at this point, and see kel, basil and aubrey (no mention of their friend groups)
Sunny freaks out and leaves to white space right upon ending Aubrey fight (after seeing a photo of Mari) and thats where we meet mari properly
That said, Mari. In the dream/memory she is introduced via visual horror, stress rising as soon as she comes into frame and when we see her face it is already kinda terrifying! Her name and sight alone continues to scare sunny into panic for the entirety of chapter. Almost as if he is scared of her rather than anything else
We dont feel any easier as we meet Dream Mari either because she sneakily guilt trips us about taking too long and making her wait
Sunny is treated a bit better but he is freaking out almost the entire time we see him and his reactions seem a bit misplaced. I am also pretty sure he doesn't even get to throw up the steak. He does get several gay tension moments which shippers are extatic about but for me doesnt make it literally any at all better or easier. Just raises my brow higher. Seems like its the only place where manga will have any success. The sunburn lovers are also happy bc in the dreamworld omori gets to help aubrey out instead of kel
Other events have been slightly changed. We start with not seeing any of the hooligans which leaves us with aubrey alone. So she alone is doing a lot more bullying than she originally was doing. Then she also focuses on bullying sunny alone and verbally hitting where it'll hurt, also reminding him that mari is dead here instead of church (which causes him to collapse and then slice her with the knife)
What does not help is the artist consistently fails to make a good line of motion or guide the viewers eye where it needs to go, so 90% of people will first miss that 1 - aubrey doesnt hit basil in the head with her bat, but trips him instead; 2 - she then seemingly misses at kel and aims to hit sunny straight across with the bat; 3 - Easily missable detail that sunny stops freaking out as he handles the knife, either bc of smth abt him or bc of omori (unclear, sunny is the one drawn there), 4 - Sunny looks like he is trying to kill Aubrey; 5 - Unclear who is panicking and thinking "no" as Sunny readies the knife
The manga is not at all beginner friendly and in theory can only be enjoyed by a member of the fandom. Well. It fails at that too bc only very specific ppl will be actually happy abt this retelling. (Shippers. And another subset of ppl who are there for different reasons)
The artstyle is making anyone with good internet background tense and for good reason too (shotacon/CP classic artstyle) People have spoken out about more evidence to the manga's artist drawing messed up things (including for OMORI fandom) not too long ago. Omocat's rep is once again in shambles and i cant and wont defend her til we get a goddamn good explanation
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onionsronion · 7 days
edit: i was so fucking brain fogged from exhaustion while writing this a lot of it is very poorly worded upon reflection
just finding out that people are under the impression that kurt and ram’s fake suicide pact is completely and totally homophobic…?
first of all: we can’t apply todays moral standards to the fucking 80s, obviously there is going to be some distasteful scenes/jokes. the point of the movie is to be uncomfortable and unsettling its about teenage suicide ffs.
second of all: i’m gonna be frl, i think the suicide pact represents the struggle of the community at that time. it wasn’t even hard for people in the film to believe that kurt and ram would have killed themselves in order to be together publicly, because being out and proud wasn’t seen as normal at that time. it speaks to the weight of being gay in the 80s and the pressure gay men felt to hide themselves from the world.
third of all: did anyone watch the funeral scene? where they literally say “i love my dead gay son” …? it’s supposed to represent the acceptance of who your child is only after its too late, also it’s heavily implied (directly in the musical) that kurt and rams dads are actually gay and their homophobia speaks to the projection that closeted men often push out.
lastly: where are the media literacy skills? i’ve watched the film multiple times, and in no way is it implied that veronica and JD hate gay people and want them to die. they just needed a reason for the two of them to be dead at the same time, and being gay was taboo.
obviously at the time of creation it probably wasn’t supposed to be this deep insight into the struggles of gay men and was more than likely a “haha they’re so straight that they’re actually gay!”, but like i said earlier when consuming old media you can’t apply todays morals, otherwise you’re gonna have a problem with mostly every film put put at that time. just look a smidge deeper beyond the surface PLEASE, rather it was intentional or not the suicide pact has so much to it that speaks to the actual gay experience if you just get past the insensitive 80s humour of it all.
there are, of course, some homophobic elements to Heathers. thats how the world worked back then. idc if that sounds like an excuse, its the truth and some of you really need to grow up when it comes to shit like that. there is also, very intense fat phobia in heathers. its a movie about teenagers being cruel. yeah. there’s going to be cruelty.
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glitched-dawn · 4 months
General blog info
Since I said I would do this (actually I am just bored and no one knows wtf is going on in this blog) Imma make a masterpost with the general info of the blog and what's going on here. and also a little info about myself because ppl need more info abt me to send hate anons:
im a writer, obviously. im also a demiromantic apothisexual transmasc. i like baking, going out in the woods, writing (obviously), drawing and making art, playing instruments and singing, and im also a big fan of either napping half the day or staying up all night.
im not in very many fandoms but i like hollow knight, inmost, lethal company, terraria, bramble the mountain king, and ive recently gotten into heartstopper (in other words i began watching it with my more or less heartstopper-obsessed cousin, she is very sweet and yes i think the show is pretty cute too). other than that, im gonna watch more horror movies and series as that's what i write too.
(DNI is very small. do not interact with me if your intentions have anything to do with sex. thats it. i am SEVERELY sex-repulsed and will be triggered by anything that society has made sexual. its easier in text but for the fucking love of god do not send me pictures.)
now, onto the content:
writing snippets
aspec posting
stories and poems
a little bit of venting/storytime/complaining
talking to ma homies
a little bit of art
a series of writing snippets called "new/out of context quotes and quips"
probably something else i forgot
(also the reason i dont have a venting blog is bcuz hot topic i think ill keep everything in one place cuz im one person and i feel different things lmfao (yes i am also surprised by the fact that i have emotions apparently))
now a masterlist of my writing:
Novels and works-in-progress (AKA everything i write):
My main novel series, Broken Promises, currently contains ten novels:
Breached Containment
Twisted Betrayal
The Final Hunt
The Madman's Strive
Broken Strings (AKA Bring Us To Life)
Pinky Promise?
Too Late
Welcome To My Mind
A Last Promise
and here's the main characters, main cast and the main side characters:
Ambrose Blackthorne
Ace Dawn
Caleb Whitlock
Dylan Hunter
Jason Godfrey
Juan Moreno
The Shadow Reaper (he has a name but its revealed in the seventh novel so im waiting with it)
Zafirah Satar
Kierce Cadell
Joseph Clayton
Blake Campbell
Steven Zhai
Silly Sally
James Forest
Phoenix Loughty
Rahmah Abdullah Aziz
Rick Davis
Zane Hawklum
Gabriella Roseware
Alicia Wood
Rose Andersson
Eleanor Dawn
Michael Godfrey
(there are probably a lot more that are either family to the mcs or minor side characters, so im not including them here)
other than that, i have a few standalones that i work on every now and then:
Misplaced Faith
One Last Time (AKA Your Memory Will Live On Forever)
That's Me
Missing 4II
DRAMA (with my cousin as a co-author)
Blades of Rose (with several co-authors, including @ang3lic-t3ars and @daredevil-arty)
We All Eventually Drown (with one co-author)
then, of course, i have a bunch of smaller projects, most of them related to my novel series:
The Solic AKA the new bible
GUTS AND GLORY - a collection of every gory scene in BP
Realms of Selinc - A Beastiary
Memories On Paper - a collection of every letter/hand-written text in BP
A whole lot of music. just a doc named Music
The Anomalies, the start of a horror skit yt channel
PHOBIA, a video game that im not working on at the moment
I Was Born With A Gift - a prologue to the animation channel where I will animate my novel series on streams and such
All of the Darkrimm, Lumancyid included (hell and heaven lore)
A bunch of rituals. Do Not Question
Two D&D campaigns, one a homebrew and the other just. heaven and hell from BP (the novel series)
And since im extremely bored ill make an ask game so yall can ask me abt stuff (mostly the writing i gotta get more active in that)
have me tell you about one of my novels/works
ask about a character
ask about something you've seen in a snippet (specify)
wait actually you could just ask yourself from what youve seen and then ask extra info if youre curious about something
yeah acc just know my inbox is open for absolutely everything except stuff that goes against my DNI so u go ask stuff homies and thats it
well thats all i had to say so buhbyeee
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ohgodimafraud · 4 months
hey, thank you so much for engaging with sickromancer’s totally weird responses to the “drama”/“discourse” about… uh… vulnerable chronically ill people daring to discuss traumatic experiences during a pandemic! I really liked their writing, but a while back they posted this, so… not shocking that they don’t actually know the difference between Hot Fantasy Contagion and Hot IRL Indifference
listen im not into cancel culture or whatever. i think i'd like to clarify my thoughts one more time tho.
if i disagree with something strongly enough ill say it. i think taking care to keep others and yourself safe is important and ik how serious it is now. covid can disable healthy people and with each reinfection that risk increases. thats not me fear mongering, thats ive read this and have had it 3 times and each time has been worse. it's a real gamble bc you dont know how your body will react to it. theres one client i have who is immunocompromised and every time i enter the home i wear a mask and they wear a mask and there are air filters on and genuinely it's the only place ive felt consistently safe in the past year outside of my own home.
we're all shaped by our own experiences and i sympathize w her situation like my family friends grew up with a parent with extreme untreated ocd and theyd be hours late to everything if like the toilet paper touched the wall wrong and theyd have their own special gym equipment and all of the kids turned out different. one of them became like an anti vax incel alt right guy. i had issues w my parents growing up that im working thru and like i def am more prone to anger than the average person. taking your trauma out on other ppl isn’t okay either though
if youre sharing food or drink w friends, both of u have consented and great. partner to partner = consent. not being worried about germs is a privilege though and not being able to understand that is whats like confusing to me esp after 2020. it's not that disabled people have an irrational fear of germs it's like...survival, genuinely. and even if people do have a legit phobia why are we shaming them
also to clarify, i am not disabled unless u count asthma/probable copd (but literally i can do all my tasks so i do not) and have had so much carelessness at work including a horrible absence policy and have loved ones who are disabled. live your best lives, i think if you're sick you should try not to get random people sick on purpose and thats really my main piece idc about consensual situations or any type of fantasy.
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praxieserver · 1 year
🎹 💀🍎 for Azi 👁👁
AZI! For reference, this is Azi, full name Aziraphale Page (soon to be Aziraphale Page-Pearce). Basically I gave danwil an ambiguously gendered bird child. They use any pronouns so go crazy!
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Now to the questions!
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Wilson has probably played the violin for them, and they've probably asked him to teach them, so they probably play violin. Actually between the 2 of them, Azi used to be the only one that played the violin, but I also liked the image of Wilson playing the violin, so now there's 2 motherfuckers who woefully play the violin when they wanna angst.
Unironically probably enjoys reading. Not like as book connoisseur, but like. Just reading. For fun. She'll sit on and armchair and read the newspaper like an old man and go "Ah yes. Peak entertainment."
She does the usual Hogwarts shenanigans such as duelling, going into the forbidden forest, making a club to ship your teachers with, the works!
Lastly, he probably also cooks fairly well due to Daniel's influence.
This is all prone to change aince Azi isn't as well established of a character compared to Wilson yet, but thats what I have on them at the moment! :]
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Again, core character aspect I haven't thought through that well yet. However.
She probably has a very strong dislike of the feeling of not being in control/having no agency. (Like father like son amirite guys kekeke—)
Basically intheir Traumatic Backstory™, they're robbed of their personal agency, denied of their humanity, played as a puppet. So after escaping that, she'll definitely place a huge importance in being in control. Thus they'd probably have a really deep-rooted hate of the prospect of being pulled along a string/being caged/being used. This sort of manifest in an interesting matter since they end up coming off as manipulative themselves. As a little kid it's more them bossing around their 'minions' so they can make their favorite teacher slash canon but it probably gets a little more concerning with age. Nothing that bad though. Probably.
I phrase it more as something she hates rather than something she fears, but I feel like she just hates it more than she fears it. It's something she's willing and ready to face, even if scary.
So, for something she fears more than she hates: Showing vulnerability to someone she trusts, but getting that vulnerability taken advantage of.
🍎 - What is the OC's relationship w/ their parents like?
Very close and very good! Because Daniel as a single father who is also a good father is super sexy.
Ok but in all seriousness, they love Daniel lots. They're extremely grateful for him since he's the one to save them from their abusive situation, so she's uber protective of him and wants to return the favor of Daniel taking her in and caring for her. In the "Hey! Only I'm allowed to talk shit about my Dad!" kinda way. She thinks Daniel's a bit overbearing (and to be fair, he is) but she'd sooner peck your eyes out for so much as breathing at him funny than hating him for it.
They have that Parent Trying to be Strict and In Control vs Silly Shithead Asshole Kid kind of dynamic going on basically.
With """""Uncle Wilson"""""" who is definitely not having a decade long will-they-won't-they dance with Daniel that Azi definitely doesn't see at all, they're a menace as a pair. A pain in Daniel's ass. And face. They've drawn on his face countless time while he's asleep. They're also a pain to house, having nearly burned his kicthen down multiple times.
Wilson is more or less the fun """""uncle""""" to them and she lets her get away with things Daniel doesn't. He's basically a second father to her and a part of the family. And in fact she will get him into the family by making him marry her dad. Modern problems require modern solutions.
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swoosbadfuture · 6 months
ian and erin headcanons . hi im sane
Barely scraping 5’7
Half Canadian on his mom’s side
Bisexual, male pref
Straight A* student all aside from literature in which he barely has a B. Do not mention literature to him ever he’ll go mad
superiority complex . start the clown music . he needs to prove he’s the best always because if he isn’t the best then he’s automatically the worst
Very very autistic + low empathy. Prefers logic > emotion . Has a kind of “im not the weird one everyone else is weird I’m the normal one” view by accident
Complete Mama’s boy. you would never expect it but he is her little boy through and through
Gets along well w his dad too but they have very similar personalities and kinda clash a lot . Similar ideals just both very argumentative n stubborn . But god they will sit and listen to music for hours and just go full autism mode over it
Both his parents are very chill though. They are also both goths n r very proud of Ian
He's an only child
Voice breaks the moment he shows any emotion he’ll be talking normally n then get emotional n his voice just 📈
Speaking of which he is overly emotional and very bad at expressing it . very volatile person
Loyal to a fault and very justice oriented but also kinda holds these values to everyone without realising not everyone has the same morals . He doesn’t quite Get that not everyone is the same as him
Overprotective in a way that sometimes comes across as possessive . He’s not possessive he just has issues okay 💔
Phobia of the ocean and everything in it u will never see him on a boat ever he’d rather Die
Was good friends with Jason in kindergarten but kinda drifted apart from him as Jason got closer with Kevin. Kevin and Ian have never liked eachother insult eachother mercilessly. Poor Jason had to sit there and watch as they tried to beat eachother to a pulp. You can tell Kevin hates Ian because he rarely ever calls him by his first name
has a boyfriend in secret. Very much denies it. Only Erin and his parents know and he is trying so very hard to not let the secret out
Wants OUT of McKinley so bad . doesn’t even care abt changing his last name. I imagine McKinley is probably a bit of a small suburban town thats a bit of a bedroom community. The theme park is probably more well known than the town itself. Ian knows that if he just moves a few towns over then the name association will Go Away
Wanted to do astrophysics at college :) thinks space is cool as fuck
Resting face is worse than bitch he looks like he’s about to commit a murder in cold blood . Cold stare 0 emotions. And then suddenly he smiles and he’s just :D
Must stick to a consistent sleep schedule or else he’s a delusional nightmare
Stronger than he looks but would also probably crumple into 1000 pieces if he stubbed his toe
Likes horror movies but is lowkey a bit squeamish . would never admit it though. His favourite movie is Saw 2004 and he has to look away at all the gorey parts
5’8 and uses this 1 inch she has over Ian for Everything.
German ancestry on her dad’s side but doesn really know much about it besides that It’s There
Bisexual w pref for girls .
She/they nonbinary
Dyed her hair blue once and the ends are still kinda stained . Doesn’t care to cut it off because she thinks it looks cool (it does (it absolutely does))
Actual straight A* student and again uses this against Ian and teases him about his many struggles with Shakespeare
Collects bones n skulls n animal pelts and etc. Owns a few taxidermy animals .
Also very autistic n relates a lot to Ian bc of it
Is actually fairly good at socialising! just hates people
Parents do not understand the whole goth thing but are trying their best . Yes they did freak out when Erin brought home a taxidermy rat she got while out with Ian at an arts fair but oh well what can you do
Used to do figure skating when she was young !! still very confident at ice skating n likes to show off whenever she goes compared to Ian whos constantly falling on his ass. Let her have her moments of glory she deserves them.
The one who does the nail polish. Hence why hers is always perfect and Ian’s is always chipped bc she can always touch hers up whenever she needs to and Ian Cannot
Very aware of Ian’s superiority complex absolutely humbles him every chance she gets
Kinda obsessed w shitty low budget horror movies and indie films
Absolutely adores the art of SFX and fake gore / blood / etc n loved doing it herself. Halloween was her favourite holiday and she’d always go all out with it. Or would grab Ian and make him sit there for 2 hours. “come here sit down I need to see how realistically I can make your hand look like it’s been mauled” “Erin ew what the fuck”
Crush on Wendy that she’d never ever admit to. Only Ian knows and they have a deal where if he doesn’t spill about her crush she won’t spill about his boyfriend. Problem solved (they’re at eachother’s necks over it)
Makes friendship bracelets for her friends. Rest in peace Erin Ulmer you wouldve loved the Loom Bands craze of 2014
the both of them
Social rejects but they own it ™️ . Will literally take in anyone who’s also a bit of a ‘weird kid’ and convert them to goth subculture
Unfortunately this happens never it really do just kinda be the two of them vs the world huh
Dated for like a week once in sophomore year. Broke up immediately after their first kiss and decided they’d just pretend it never happened and that that 1 week of their lives just doesn’t exist. Did not happen ❤️
That being said though RAAAH WHAT ARE THE BOUNDS OF FRIENDSHIP. They hug and cuddle and hold hands and kiss cheeks constantly even if only as friends. Very physically affectionate though partially kinda to fuck with people who can’t seem to understand what the hell is going on with them both
“Oh yeah look at us nobody thinks we’re queer” “Ian we’re goth we might as well have it tattooed on our foreheads” “Fucks sake I can’t have shit in the 21st century”
Friendly banter is fucking insane they are just straightup insulting eachother. You know that one Gumball meme where Gumball is in hospital after being hit by a bus and he gets a card from Darwin saying “that bus should’ve ended you. love Darwin” that’s them that’s them that is them
They care eachother so much they are just bad at vocalising it so if they arent sitting there hugging they instead feel the need to be aggressively mean to eachother in loving and caring way
Erin is way more grounded and has more common sense than Ian who meanwhile is batshit insane at times and will 100% do crazy shit for the hell of it
Both of them rockin up to the town next door w their fake IDs to buy a months worth of R rated movies (fool proof plan (Ian almost got arrested once))
If only they had been around when Vine came out …. they would’ve been famous i tell u
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angelkitty54 · 2 years
Shower thoughts, inspired a little bit by a discord conversation I had!
So, I like the idea of Raph having a mild phobia of rabbits thanks to Mrs Cuddles. Mikey decides to help Raph conquer his fear via exposure therapy. Or at least thats the excuse he and Leo use when they come home one day with a cute little pet bunny rabbit.
Everyone else is immediately suspicious of the fact they bought it from a pet shop in the Hidden City. Like there's no way this is a normal rabbit if its from the Hidden City, right?
Well, technically they'd be right, coz that particular shop sold animals with the souls of ancient warriors! And this little bunny contains the reincarnated soul of the great samurai warrior Miyamoto Usagi. Not that anyone knows it tho, given that he thinks, feels, and behaves like an ordinary, if not highly intelligent, rabbit. He may have been a samurai in his past life, but right now, he's a humble bunny rabbit.
Anywhizzle, Mikey and Leo were supposed to share the responsibility of caring for their bunny, but it very quickly becomes Leo's pet more than Mikey's. We all know Leo's into magic and that rabbits are magician's assistants right? Well, the first time he tried teaching their new bunny to do a magic trick, he instantly understood the assignment and performed magnificently, and Leo has been enamored ever since. He is now a proud and doting rabbit-dad.
Mikey is only a little upset that their bunny also seems to like Leo more than him. He thinks Leo cooing over this bunny is the cutest thing ever, so he can't really be too mad. Oh, and Raph has actually made some progress with his phobia, in that he can be in the room with Usagi bunny for an extended period of time without freaking out. Provided they are not alone that is.
Should also note that Usagi bunny always looks competently serious all the time. Just imagine this cute little bunny performing all these fun little tricks, or getting cuddles and kisses, while having this dead serious resting bitch face.
Now, am thinking about how there are probably still a bunch of Draxum's oozesquitoes still flying out there. And thinking about how in the 2012 series Raph's pet turtle accidentally got mutated. Welp, we can all probably see where this thought is going... ;)
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waffliesinyoface · 8 months
sticking this under a readmore because its literally just notes & me talking to myself about character relationships. all of it is subject to change
Hasami's initial opinions on other genin, and their opinions on her:
Naruto - avoids because he's The Main Character and she doesnt want to fuck that up, but also. he's actually really annoying. yes she has sympathy for him but also oh my god dude. / naruto is somewhat friendly with kiba but if you pressed him he could not tell you her name. dog girl??
Sakura - okay look she wants to like her, because she is cool. but also. they really dont click that well as kids. its no ones fault. maybe tries to push her to be a little rowdier in the academy, because sakura SHOULD punch out a guy for being annoying. doesnt really interact with much until chuunin exams where she promptly sticks her foot in her mouth because apparently when sakura graduated the academy she started buying scentless shampoo, on kakashi's recommendation. she did not know that it was specifically dog shampoo until hasami pointed that out THANKS. sakura warms up to her a little more during the exams because teammate bond and also because hasami is one of the few people whose reaction to sakura being able to punch down a tree is "that fucking RULES holy shit". eventual friends
Sasuke - listen. she knows he is a dick, and also will defect and also doesnt care about anyone other than naruto. unfortunately he DOES have uchiha pretty privilege. even if she didn't have adult memories crammed into her brain she wouldn't be a fangirl, but like. she understands where they're coming from. / Sasuke does not give a single solitary shit about her, obviously.
Ino - ino is very likeable and charismatic, not in a "Shes my friend" way but in a "everyone in class can talk with her easily". shes the queen bee of the class. also from an adult perspective dear god her crush on sakura is obvious. immediately after the academy she runs down ino and asks for her help in choosing an actually good shampoo because apparently her entire family is insane. Ino laughs at her the entire time but also does point out a good brand. Post chuunin exams theyre friendlier on account of Hasami being on good terms with Sakura, but they're not super close. friendly colleagues, sorta.
Chouji - good natured and easy to get along with. I figure the reason chouji being called fat is a berserk button is because it was probably a routine insult in the academy, and hasami therefore gets friend points for A: being one of the only girls who doesnt care about his weight at all, and B: trades snacks. she will go halfsies on some homemade jerky if you share your bbq chiiiippss~
Shikamaru - as a character he's cool, especially in shippuden. as a person, he is. grating. can you be normal about women, please. / she's a girl, therefore, probably a pain.
Kiba - cousin! not exactly sibling but inuzuka clan is familial enough that sleepovers are a semi routine thing. they noogie each other. (kiba noogies her more when he gets his growth spurt) lots of playfighting as kids, ESPECIALLY when puppies get involved. becomes more involved after [spoilers]
Hinata - they just dont have much in common, frankly! tsume and kurenai have the teams be sparring partners occasionally, buuut thats it
Shino - bug phobia is slightly lessened and ninja training helps her to quash it but also jesus fucking christ dude there is a beetle crawling out of your eyesocket bWUUGHhghhg. she doesnt have anything against him personally its instinctive im sorry. / she hates bugs, therefore he does not like her. he will take it personally, thank you.
Tenten - no interaction in academy due to year difference. she might show up on a random C-rank…? it takes very little time for hasami to go "oh shes got like slight autism and a special interest in all things stabby. good for her." (this is based on her reaction to legendary weapons in the war arc and how she acts in the mirai short.) tenten uses SUPER BASIC fuuinjutsu that begins and ends with storage scrolls. despite this, hasami asks her about it once and the explanation still makes zero fucking sense. what math are you talking about that is all kanji. what the fuck?? / tenten likes hasami's knives and how their shape makes them stronger for close combat but ill suited to throwing, can she borrow them
Lee - bro you gotta rein it in a little bit / lee finds her training regimen (tsume setting dogs on her) inspiring!! when they return to konoha, he will fasten himself a harness made of sausages and do the same!!!!!!!
Neji - literally only meets him AFTER naruto has knocked some sense into him. he's still abrasive but he's not EXCEPTIONALLY rude unless he has a reason to dislike you. they might get partnered up on a mission that involves tracking, because they can cover weaknesses. (ie: he has precision up close, she can track things that are no longer THERE)
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tutut2597 · 4 days
My dad bought keychains that usually cost 15 bucks each for me and my sister... HE GOT THREE HERE FOR ONLY 10 BUCKS BRO!!
This proves that my city sells everything overpriced./hj
i took the sakura keychain out of the 3 even though i have never even watched naruto once.. but she was pink so thats good!!! (Besides, they never sell keychains of the two animes I actually watch.. which is Urusei Yatsura and Mob Psycho 100 😭 you can find mp100 keychains at a dedicated store tho, but urusei yatsura is so damn rare to find)
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Also, since I forgot to post about what happened yesterday, basically...
Me, my sister, my nieces and my father went to a museum.. unfortunately my mother couldn't come because she had to take care of my nephew which causes destruction to anything he sees..
After that, we went to yet another mall !!!
We just ate burgers.. and uh.. went to one store only. I bought socks and a keychain, meanwhile my nieces decided to buy three things each..
Now, about the burger part, my 9 year old niece literally ate only chicken.. cause idk bro she probably has a vegetable phobia/hj
While we were going back to the parking, my dad bought some pastry and I liked it, but I can't eat too much since idk bro pastries make me nauseous.
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haven-of-trash · 10 months
ALRIGHT MY LOVELIES!! IT'S FINALLY HERE!! although it's not completely done, it's mostly done.🍞
i'm still wokring away at it very slowly cause i'm also working on another thing at the moment. this one is for fire emblem three houses, depending on how well that goes, i may just sell it instead, who knows probably not tho.
I'm also working on an entirely diffrent fire emblem campaign thats gonna follow my own ruling, so i still need to figure that out as well, so my attention is really divided. for the actual new FE campaign draft, i do plan on selling that one, and actually making it look nice like an actual dnd book you'd buy.
for the ones that i'm doing as a passion project it's just gonna stay in the docs :)
anyways, feel free to comment on what needs to be done (i do know i gotta write the other stat blocks, but that takes so long)
love ya! 🍞🍞🍞
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Can I get Centipedes x Ragatha? (it’s a joke)
Ragatha and centipedes
jokes on you im going to entertain this because im feeling a little silly. going to be all over the place since its just a bunch of random stuff tying in with the general centipede idea future admin here VV did not think i would need to put a cw on this but this genuinely made me feel bluuuuuugh and yucky so uh. CW on talk about bugs and vague talk of infestations because the admin tried to make a hc on why ragatha is scared of centipedes in particular (admin realizes their phobia of bugs is worse than they thought by the end of writing it they just thought they had arachnophobia LMAO) not even going to bother to tag this
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i think its centipedes specifically that ragatha doesnt like. shes okay with spiders, shes fine with flies, hell shes okay witih silverfish (which arguably are just as gross if not grosser than centipedes). its something about centipedes in specific she hates. maybe its the legs. its gotta be the legs
or maybe theres something else? honestly i can see her getting her little fear of the things from a prank by jax gone terribly wrong, or perhaps even an in house adventure
or maybe she experienced something with them in her real life that, despite her losing her memories, she fears the bug down to her very core. something that shook her so deeply, engraining itself into her psyche, enough to carry on even after losing everything that once made her her when she put on the headset
okay jokes aside, originally i was going to go on a tangent about how that maybe her fear came from a really bad IHA.. but now that i think about it, the idea of her going through something in her real life makes more sense. plus as much as i write about jax putting centipedes in her room i dont think he actually did... but what i have cooking in my brain far exceeds the cruelty jax would dare dish out
i dont know about you but infestations can quickly instill a fear in you. i would know personally because when i was younger roaches and silverfish were common in my house hold, especially during wetter times of the year. also crickets. and woop the admin hates all three of those bugs, deeply. can you imagine going into the bathroom as a small child, only to get up and see a roach as big as your hand just chilling in the toilet bowl. do you know what that does to a person
cue that one post where op said they were taking a dump and they poked a weird spot on their wall only to watch in horror as a hoard of silverfish started spilling out of it
genuine fear of mine i hate silverfish kid me used to avoid the bathroom because of them
so anyways with the power of my self projection, im going to apply the same idea to ragatha. maybe she lived somewhere where centipedes were common. sure they might not have been the huge gnarly ones that we all think of when we hear about these things, but i think even the smaller ones would do her in after enough time. could be a large amount of house centipedes but as stated above, it would probably drive you insane after you see enough of them for long enough
okay psychological torment aside i dont think theres really any curing her fear if we're following this hc, like maybe you can help her build a tolerance to having them around but to actually get rid of it fully? yeah no thats going to take a lot more than you can give her in the digital circus
will NOT pick up a centipede you try to get her to hold, you could have the best intensions and it can be the cutest one ever in existence
i was going to add a lot more to this post and make this comically long but my skin is crawling (pun intended) at the images ive just put into my head. genuinely feel yucky inside
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Alright its time to introduce the first character of the "main group story". And even tho all the characters in the group are obviously Main characters, if I had to point at just one and say "thats the Main one" it would probably be her. Since she is the one who went on a quest and just "adopted" these other idiots on the way. So she is kinda the driving force. And the only one who consistently has a brain cell. So without further ado its time to write down some Information for our favorite "Angel of light"
General Information
Name: Rúnya Calanoré
Nickname: Angel, Sparky (By Lucina), Oversized Bird (this one, tho it might sound like an insult is actually meant as a funny term of endearment. Kallista is the only one that sometimes uses it as an insult or with a threat)
Age: 25
Race: Aasimar
Class: Cleric (Light Domain)
Pronouns: She/her
Romantic Orientation: Aromantic
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Physical Appearance
(You can also check the included pictures)
Eye color: Bright Orange (seems to glow a bit)
Skin color: Moderate brown/tanned
Hair color: Black
Height: 1,70m
Weight: 75kg
Body type: Broad-shouldered, muscular
Tattoos: Has the holy symbol of her goddess tattooed between her wings (picture at the end)
Scars/Birthmarks: On her middle and lower back old, faded scars from a whipping
Other distinguishing features: Wings on her back, a slight glow surrounding her (less noticable but her body temperature is slightly higher than average)
Fashion style: When she isnt wearing her armor she mostly wears vestment or similar clothing of her temple. You will pretty much only see her in bright yellow or orange colors
Accessories: Wears the holy symbol of her goddess as a necklace.
Other notes: Her wings play a heavy part in her body language (for example when she is mad or tries to be threatening she involuntarily spreads them out. Stuff like that)
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Drawing made by me
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This was a commission done by becks_art on instagram
Psychological Traits
Personality: Kind-hearted and good-natured, always ready to help those who need it. But if you mess with her or her friends she wont hesitate to pay it back in kind.
Temperament: Most of the time she is very patient (just look at her babysitting a group of chaotic idiots) and tries to solve problems in a diplomatic manner. Very slow to really get angry, but if you do manage to piss her off, she can become quite aggressive and violent.
Hobbies: Between the quest given by her temple, her desire to help people, and her having to babysit the other five idiots, she doesnt really have much time for any hobbies. However she started writing a sort of journal, documenting her adventure, writing down new information especially about demons and such. So in what little free time she has, she works on that. Also often collaborates with Elari and in rare cases Kallista, to make her scribbled notes into something decent.
Morals/Virtues: She is compassionate and empathetic, always trying to help people and do what is right.
Phobias/Fears: Secretly is afraid, that she wont be able to live up to the expectations everyone (including herself) put on her.
Angered by: People being unjust or unecessary cruel. People messing with her friends.
Pet peeves: When people randomly touch her wings without asking permission first.
Routines: Prays to her goddess at least once a day
Bad habits: She has a habit of trying to fix peoples trauma or other mental health issues, even when those people tell her, they dont want her help.
Secrets: The scars on her back and the Story behind it. She doesnt activley keep it as a secret, but its Not something that comes up in conversation that often and unless you See her without a shirt, you wouldnt know about the scars. So her group didnt know for quite a while.
Abilities etc.
Physical abilities: Great physical strength, flight
Magical abilities: Innate ability to create and wield fire and light; healing magic and other magical abilites gifted to her, by her goddess
"Special" Ability: Can deepen the connection to her goddess, which increasea her innate fire powers. The more she deepens it, the stronger they get. Hoewever her mortal body isn't designed to hold that much godlike power for a long period of time. If she takes too much for too long she starts burning herself up from the inside out. The highest point of this ability lets her turn herself into a small Supernova, which would kill her but also incinerate everything around her in a good radius.
Languages known: Common, Celestial, Infernal
Partner/Significant other: None
Parents/Guardians: Irene Calanoré (Mother, deceased), Henri Calanoré (father)
Key family members: Her great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother (sorry about that one) is the goddess of light and fire, Kaida
Best friends: Her childhood best friend from her temple, Lucina
Friends: The rest of her group, she is closest with Phi
Enemies: Any demonic or shadowy creature
Mentors/Teachers: In early years her father, later The priests in her temple
Temple/Goddess: She is a devote follower of Kaida and a priestess of her order
Other notes: When she was sworn into the service of her temple, she took a vow of celibacy and abstinence.
Short overview of backstory:
As mentioned above, she is a descendant of the goddess of light and fire Kaida (it runs on her fathers side), however through the years the divinity was "watered down" so her father and grandparent etc. Had so little of it, they were considered regular human
For whatever reason the divine spark flared up again with her, enough to cause her to be born as an Aasimar with wings (even tho thats quite rare)
Unfortunatley there were no magically gifted healers nearby to save her mother, so she died shortly after giving birth to her
Her father never blamed her for it and made Sure she didnt either, but her mothers family did
Growing up she had no control over her fire abilities and tended to sponaneously Set things on fire
This eventually escalated in a scenario that i will probably write a short story about so we are not getting much into it now
All you need to know is that thats when she got her scars and she and her father had to leave their village afterwards
Her father decided to bring her to a temple of Kaida, hoping they could help her to control her abilities
So from that time on she spent her time training and learning the rituals of the order, and to deepen her connection to Kaida to be able to fly, etc.
It was at this time, that she became friends with Lucina
At the age of 16 she Was sworn into the order as a priestess and made her vow of celibacy (she knew for years she wanted to do this, so she kinda "trained herself" to become aro/ace)
The order also tries to bring light into the World and fight of demonic or shadow creatures and due to her heritage the high priests decided, she Was the Most suited for the task and started an extensive training for that to later send her on the quest
And thats kinda what she is doing, why she is out in the world in these stories. Anything else that happens after is more "recent" and will be put in writing.
The symbol of Kaida (her goddess):
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(Drawn by me, could have been better but its "just" a symbol soooo...)
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