#uhm i was gonna say smth else but i forgor
allegedlyfunny · 3 months
i used to (still kinda do) have a huge fear of OOB area/mostly empty testing worlds(in a similar way to how people feel about classic "liminal spaces." (which didnt even scare me)) for seemingly no reason noclip was such a scary concept (like if you have a shitty pc and when a game loads and you start falling further from the white load box until the game loads never fails to get a reaction out of me)
so like, imagine, booting MAYA or Blender and getting the sanity damage EVERY SINGLE TIME. noclip was such a scary concept (i feared falling OOB in games so hard as a child)
Especially in more realistic games (which i dont really actually play), when graphics glitch out and character models do things they shouldn’t, I get freaked out from it. This is also true when I accidentally clip through buildings and see the vacant underworld because they didn’t model what you don’t see. Or when you noclip and go to far off scenery objects and see how low res they are up close.
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