ohgodimafraud · 1 day
will never not be hot for muffling sneezes into sweater paws
someone hitching and hastily tugging their sleeves over their hands to press a sneeze into
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ohgodimafraud · 2 days
anyways. gojo with pathetic little itchy sneezing fits and he’s jealous of his friends with like. nice masculine sneezes. idk i feel like he would be whiny and petty about stupid shit* like this
*stupid shit to people in jjkverse… not to me… never to me
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ohgodimafraud · 3 days
fall sickfic prompts 🍂 🍁 🍄  🌾
It was chilly this weekend, which means fall is finally here, and I am thinking about every soft fall thing I like around this time of year so… some soft fall prompts, if anyone wants to send some + a ship, or use them yourself!
1. Flannel
2. Pumpkin patch
3. Apple cider
4. Warm drinks
5. Blankets
6. Sniffles
7. Windy
8. Cozy
9. Allergies
10. Colds
11. Changing weather
12. Sunny afternoon
13. Rain
14. Chilly evenings
15. Fevers
16. Holding hands
17. Crunching through leaves
18. Bed and breakfast
19. Long drives
20. Sweaters
21. Cold hands
22. Farmer’s market
23. Tissues
24. Raking leaves/fall gardening
25. Scarves
26. Flushed cheeks
27. Reading together
28. Bonfire
29. Cat/dog/pet snuggling
30. Candles
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ohgodimafraud · 3 days
need you to consider: season-long sneeze challenges
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Posted the other day about making a sneeze writing/art challenge that lasts a season rather than a month, so HERE is the final product! Totally tag me in any creations you have for this if you choose to partake 👀Challenge ""officially"" starts on September 22nd 👀
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ohgodimafraud · 4 days
horny thought for the day:
a sneezy partner who has been hitching and sniffling but unable to sneeze all day and they’re walking around the house whining softly until their partner finally tells them it’s time to take care of that poor nose.
the two go lay down together and A pulls poor sniffly B into their chest and presses a kiss to the temple and says “I know you need some release baby, so do I.”
A hands B a clothing tag and snags a couple of tissues before instructing them to start inducing to get the sneezes out. B immediately obeys and the hitching starts again but this time A is there to coach them along. “Good job baby, I know you need to sneeze, go ahead, right on me honey, let them out.”
It’s only a moment before B is *finally* sneezing and they’re desperate and wet and B is moaning softly with each one. Once they get going they don’t need to induce anymore as the sneezing is happening on its own. Every sneeze earns a bless you and some praise from A, “that’s it” “you feel better now don’t you?” “I know you’re not done baby I can see that nose twitching—there it is, good job.” “six in a row is a lot for you, wow bless you.” “i’ll hold the tissue don’t worry sweetheart just keep sneezing into it.”
Now of course, A has a sneeze fetish and is helplessly turned on by all of this. One hand is holding a tissue for B while the other is between A’s legs while they get themself off. B is just as turned on but is now in the midst of a breathless rapid fire fit. Once it’s calmed down though, they’re in A’s lap and the pair is rutting and grinding on each other as B’s sneezes continue.
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ohgodimafraud · 5 days
new intro post!!
Hi, I'm Nas. I'm in my mid-twenties, queer, and use she/her pronouns. I am an adult and this is a space only for adults. I ask that minors not interact with me in any way as this is a space only for adults. Anyone I see engaging with me under the age of 18 will be blocked. Anyone I see behaving in a dangerous or destructive way will be blocked as well. This blog is for sneeze kink stuff including writing, wavs, thoughts, memes, cringe etc. Anything unrelated to the kink will be tagged #notsnz
I loveeee reading and writing fanfiction and am really into anime. I try to tag my stuff as #my writing , fics I like with #snz fic recently started using the tag #friends writing too for my faves.
My fics are pretty much all on here as well.
To paraphrase Mr. WW if you're off that it means you don't mess with it, if you love that it means you do mess with it.
I'm Off That:
responding to people who immediately try to get more jerk off material in my dms, snzblr discourse, having private self-referential on-topic conversations in my dms with people i don't know.
I Love That:
talking anime (snz or not), making friends, reading fics, writing fics, fun asks, snz, snzfics, sickfics. snzblr, memes, snz art, n/intendo,
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ohgodimafraud · 5 days
hi it's nas im in a new era again <3
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ohgodimafraud · 5 days
autumnal oc snz asks
🍂 how do they feel about fall? does the weather bother them, or do they like it?
🕯 do they have any sensitivities specific to autumn (whether those be actual allergies or just particular common scents that bother them)?
🍎 if they woke up sick the day they were supposed to go to a fall festival or go apple picking or do some other seasonal activity, would they be more likely to stay home or go anyway and push through it?
🛁 what's the most comforting thing they can do for themself (or someone else can do for them) on a chilly night when they're not feeling well?
🤧 what's their worst cold symptom during the fall? is it any different from other seasons?
🌾 what about their allergies? do they show up differently from other seasons?
🧣 do they have any specific items of clothing they wear when they want to feel warm and comforted?
☕️ what's their go-to drink when their throat is hurting? is it homemade or store-bought?
🥣 do they have a specific soup they like when they're sick? or do they prefer something that isn't soup?
⛺️ how would they feel about participating in some kind of outdoors activity like camping or hiking or a bonfire as the weather gets colder? is it fun, or does the cold start to bother them?
🥶 how cold does it have to be before their nose gets runny, they start shivering, etc.?
🤒 do they tend to catch more colds in the fall or winter? do they expect to get hit harder with worse symptoms during any particular season?
🎃 is there anything they might do to cheer themself up (or that their partner might do) if a cold ruined their plans for Halloween?
🛏 if they're spending the day home sick, would they rather watch cozy movies or scary movies?
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ohgodimafraud · 5 days
5x r/eigen sneezed incidentally and 1 time he did it on purpose - m/ob p/sycho
r/eigen x s/erizawa, kink!s/erizawa
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 +1
Serizawa was used to Reigen’s quirks, his fast talking, his wild gesticulating, and his questionable claims and methods. He was even desensitized to his sudden yelling and general intensity. The things that used to raise his anxiety to sky high levels were now routine and mundane.
“Hh- huh’EUSHh’ewh! …Ughh… hehh…hh!-…hHEDTSCHh’iew! -huh.”
That was another story.
Serizawa held his breath and looked away as Reigen blew his nose into the same tissue he’d used to catch the pair of violent sneezes. The polite thing to do was to ignore it. Easier said than done, considering it was just the two of them alone. Maybe he should’ve said bless you instead, but he was pretty sure he’d already missed the time window. And now he was certain.
“Sorry, ugh. That lady’s perfume was rhh-really, ahem, strong.” 
Serizawa nodded. “Yeah.” He could smell that client from the moment she’d opened the door. Older women tended to really like Reigen, and this one had been particularly handsy with him throughout the consultation and in her wake had left a cloud of sickly-sweet perfume to slowly diffuse throughout the room. Knowing those particularly wrenching sounding sneezes had a cause did things to Serizawa that he’d prefer to only acknowledge in the privacy of his home. 
“Excuse me,” Reigen said, snatching another tissue and glancing up at the light for a moment to help the itch in his nose surge past the point of no return. “heh…hh…EUSCHhiu!” 
The tissue was visibly soggy, and Reigen pulled a face as he discarded it and rubbed hand sanitizer into his palms. 
“...Are you okay?” Serizawa asked.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” he said, waving one hand while his other pinched the bridge of his nose and massaged a few circles into his skin. The explicit squelching sound that followed the action echoed a few times in Serizawa’s inner ear in spite of his best efforts to disregard it. He discarded the tissue and let out a noise of discontent. “Ugh.” 
If Serizawa had learned one thing about Reigen it’s that he could hold a conversation with a brick wall and not run out of words. And right now, he was sure he could only focus on one subject.
“I was trying so heh— so hard not t-to hheh… w-wait… hh… hehDSCHh’ew!” This time he wasn’t fast enough in bringing up a fresh tissue to catch the sneeze and ended up spraying his fist instead in an attempt to cover his mouth and nose. Belatedly, he grabbed a few tissues for his nose which was already scrunching with irritation, and he managed to get it up just as his nasal sills began to glisten in the light. He blew his nose gently and rubbed his nose vigorously before tossing and replacing the tissue.  
“Ugh, god,” he bemoaned, pausing to sniffle and wipe the droplets from his hand with the fresh tissue, “Anyway, uh, at least I didn’t sneeze on her when I was performing that exorcism.”
Upon further inspection, Serizawa could see a speckled dark gray pattern on the sleeve of  Reigen’s jacket. His ears went hot as he tried to shove this exchange into an imaginary file cabinet within his mind for later. 
Reigen blew his nose again. “God, like, it’s in my nose, it’s in my ch-heh- damnit!—H’GSHschhu! -guh.” He rubbed his nose again through the tissue and groaned. “It burns like hell.”
“I’ll, uh, open a window.”
“Thank you.”
Serizawa figured this would help the both of them solve their respective problems. He was about a minute into somewhat successfully willing his dick to stop standing at attention to stand by instead when he turned around and realized Reigen was staring at him. This couldn't be good. Could he have noticed? 
“Are you alright?” Reigen asked. 
“I'm fine, thank you for asking.” Serizawa winced at the way the words tumbled out of his mouth and cleared his throat.
“Oh,” Reigen murmured, giving him a closer look, “Was it bothering you too?”
“Yeah, I—I have a headache,” he lied, though, at this ratte he was sure he really was going to have one later. 
“I see. That sucks” Reigen’s brow furrowed. “Well, sorry for all the noise, I’m sure it’s just making things worse.”
Serizawa could feel the heat rushing to his face as scanned the room for an out. He looked at the empty cup on Reigen’s desk. Maybe there was a god.
“Not at all. I’ll make some more tea.”
Thankfully, Serizawa was facing away from Reigen because his blush only worsened when Reigen made a poor attempt at stifling another sneeze, letting out a shuddering breath afterwards. “hGNKk’ch…huhh…” 
Oh shit. Was he doing that on Serizawa’s behalf? Yeah, there was no way he’d be able to turn around from the kettle anytime soon.
“I’ll be right back,” Reigen said, followed by the familiar sound of tissues being pulled from the box. 
After about fifteen minutes in the restroom, he returned with a red nose and watery eyes, but had managed to stop sneezing for the rest of the day. He also suddenly had a lot less to say than usual, and for the rest of the day Serizawa felt a twist in his chest every time he saw him pinching the bridge of his nose.
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ohgodimafraud · 6 days
illness mention, self ref
ive been feeling so off the past 5 days and like by yesterday i was so congested and uncomfortable and it's continuing today. testing neg daily, no fever, no coughing, just like brain fog, sinus pressure, and like constant feeling like i need to snz but it's ok i have it under control and have like j cancelled as much stuff as possible etc. im like please please please let it go away. at one point today my body was just like flooded with panic and im tryin to j chill rn and focus on what i can control
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ohgodimafraud · 7 days
ill open the sneeze fic doc like yeah this is gonna be so good and start typing w the same energy as s/pongebob writing out what not to do at a stoplight by s/pongebob s/quarepants THE
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ohgodimafraud · 7 days
loudly going "YOU'RE GOOD YOU'RE GOOD" to myself to ward off the memory of every embarrassing thing i've ever done
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ohgodimafraud · 7 days
A snz kinkster desperately telling their partner not to sneeze too much or they’ll finish too quickly — but the subsequent teeth-clenching holdbacks are super hot and they end up finishing to them anyway 🙂‍↔️
Snzfucker is embarrassed as hell, and their partner’s like, lmaoo whether I sneeze or not you cum either way, not my fault you can’t contain yourself 😏
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ohgodimafraud · 15 days
Does anyone in the snz community like m*b p*sycho? I really wanna write some stuff with r/eigen and s/erizawa on here!!
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ohgodimafraud · 15 days
I love that when I’m bored my brain can be like let’s j think about r/eigen a/rataka sneezing. It’s the best like every year or two I have some anime man that takes over my brain like a parasite and I get a break and get to put them in situations what a time to be alive
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ohgodimafraud · 15 days
How my brain chemicals look when I imagine r/eigen having the worst allergy fit of his life. Like the kind that starts out tame and spaced out but picks up momentum until each sneeze is absolutely rattling his frame and tearing at his throat and he just can't stop:
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ohgodimafraud · 17 days
Sneezing While Hiding: The Game RELEASE
Here she is! One of the craziest projects I've ever undertaken... and I can't wait to make more!
Disclaimer: This is my first-ever attempt to develop a game... I've literally never done coding or anything before, and this was created in Scratch... that means this is FAR from perfect. There are glitches and issues that I am aware of, but it's at a point where I'm happy releasing it. None of the issues should be game-breaking, but please let me know if you run into any serious problems! Minor glitches though... yeah
ANYWAYS! The game itself is pretty simple. You're hiding in a closet but you have to sneeze. You can choose to stifle, muffle, or holdback your sneezes, but you have to watch the clock and avoid letting your nose get too tickly while keeping quiet enough to stay hidden. There's a brief tutorial option in the game that explains the mechanics in more detail!
This game features nearly 100 sneeze-related sound effects, hand-drawn animations, and a lot of time/effort, so I really hope you enjoy!
PS... I had some super expensive vet bills for my beloved kitty last week, so I'm opening up a ko-fi. Don't feel ANY pressure to donate, but if you want to thank me for my time or commission a custom video check me out: https://ko-fi.com/disastersnz
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