ohgodimafraud · 5 days
5x r/eigen sneezed incidentally and 1 time he did it on purpose - m/ob p/sycho
r/eigen x s/erizawa, kink!s/erizawa
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 +1
Serizawa was used to Reigen’s quirks, his fast talking, his wild gesticulating, and his questionable claims and methods. He was even desensitized to his sudden yelling and general intensity. The things that used to raise his anxiety to sky high levels were now routine and mundane.
“Hh- huh’EUSHh’ewh! …Ughh… hehh…hh!-…hHEDTSCHh’iew! -huh.”
That was another story.
Serizawa held his breath and looked away as Reigen blew his nose into the same tissue he’d used to catch the pair of violent sneezes. The polite thing to do was to ignore it. Easier said than done, considering it was just the two of them alone. Maybe he should’ve said bless you instead, but he was pretty sure he’d already missed the time window. And now he was certain.
“Sorry, ugh. That lady’s perfume was rhh-really, ahem, strong.” 
Serizawa nodded. “Yeah.” He could smell that client from the moment she’d opened the door. Older women tended to really like Reigen, and this one had been particularly handsy with him throughout the consultation and in her wake had left a cloud of sickly-sweet perfume to slowly diffuse throughout the room. Knowing those particularly wrenching sounding sneezes had a cause did things to Serizawa that he’d prefer to only acknowledge in the privacy of his home. 
“Excuse me,” Reigen said, snatching another tissue and glancing up at the light for a moment to help the itch in his nose surge past the point of no return. “heh…hh…EUSCHhiu!” 
The tissue was visibly soggy, and Reigen pulled a face as he discarded it and rubbed hand sanitizer into his palms. 
“...Are you okay?” Serizawa asked.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” he said, waving one hand while his other pinched the bridge of his nose and massaged a few circles into his skin. The explicit squelching sound that followed the action echoed a few times in Serizawa’s inner ear in spite of his best efforts to disregard it. He discarded the tissue and let out a noise of discontent. “Ugh.” 
If Serizawa had learned one thing about Reigen it’s that he could hold a conversation with a brick wall and not run out of words. And right now, he was sure he could only focus on one subject.
“I was trying so heh— so hard not t-to hheh… w-wait… hh… hehDSCHh’ew!” This time he wasn’t fast enough in bringing up a fresh tissue to catch the sneeze and ended up spraying his fist instead in an attempt to cover his mouth and nose. Belatedly, he grabbed a few tissues for his nose which was already scrunching with irritation, and he managed to get it up just as his nasal sills began to glisten in the light. He blew his nose gently and rubbed his nose vigorously before tossing and replacing the tissue.  
“Ugh, god,” he bemoaned, pausing to sniffle and wipe the droplets from his hand with the fresh tissue, “Anyway, uh, at least I didn’t sneeze on her when I was performing that exorcism.”
Upon further inspection, Serizawa could see a speckled dark gray pattern on the sleeve of  Reigen’s jacket. His ears went hot as he tried to shove this exchange into an imaginary file cabinet within his mind for later. 
Reigen blew his nose again. “God, like, it’s in my nose, it’s in my ch-heh- damnit!—H’GSHschhu! -guh.” He rubbed his nose again through the tissue and groaned. “It burns like hell.”
“I’ll, uh, open a window.”
“Thank you.”
Serizawa figured this would help the both of them solve their respective problems. He was about a minute into somewhat successfully willing his dick to stop standing at attention to stand by instead when he turned around and realized Reigen was staring at him. This couldn't be good. Could he have noticed? 
“Are you alright?” Reigen asked. 
“I'm fine, thank you for asking.” Serizawa winced at the way the words tumbled out of his mouth and cleared his throat.
“Oh,” Reigen murmured, giving him a closer look, “Was it bothering you too?”
“Yeah, I—I have a headache,” he lied, though, at this ratte he was sure he really was going to have one later. 
“I see. That sucks” Reigen’s brow furrowed. “Well, sorry for all the noise, I’m sure it’s just making things worse.”
Serizawa could feel the heat rushing to his face as scanned the room for an out. He looked at the empty cup on Reigen’s desk. Maybe there was a god.
“Not at all. I’ll make some more tea.”
Thankfully, Serizawa was facing away from Reigen because his blush only worsened when Reigen made a poor attempt at stifling another sneeze, letting out a shuddering breath afterwards. “hGNKk’ch…huhh…” 
Oh shit. Was he doing that on Serizawa’s behalf? Yeah, there was no way he’d be able to turn around from the kettle anytime soon.
“I’ll be right back,” Reigen said, followed by the familiar sound of tissues being pulled from the box. 
After about fifteen minutes in the restroom, he returned with a red nose and watery eyes, but had managed to stop sneezing for the rest of the day. He also suddenly had a lot less to say than usual, and for the rest of the day Serizawa felt a twist in his chest every time he saw him pinching the bridge of his nose.
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sneezysapphic23 · 6 months
Does anyone in the snz community like m*b p*sycho? I really wanna write some stuff with r/eigen and s/erizawa on here!!
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Und trotz allem hinterließt du eine Lücke.. und egal was ich versuche, nichts kann diese Lücke schließen..
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meinlieblingsmensch · 2 months
Und dann liegt man wieder nachts wach..kann nicht einschlafen, der Schlaf meilenweit entfernt..
Jedes Mal das gleiche..sobald er auch nur eine Nacht neben mir lag, kann ich ohne ihn nicht mehr einschlafen.
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cutguitarstrings · 1 year
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this is how mob thinks reigen looks when he’s looking for clients
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heartyearning · 6 months
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over dichters en dobbelstenen
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smolfangirl · 2 months
Nun kann ja jede*r zum Gendern eine eigene Meinung haben, aber heute hat's dann tatsächlich den Vogel abgeschossen bei mir.
Da habe ich für die Arbeit Literatur gesucht und bin auf ein Buch namens "Frauenpower. Mentale Stärke für Frauen" gestoßen. Sogar mal von ner Autorin geschrieben. Nett, ist ja nicht selbstverständlich. (Grüße an den Typen, der Frauen mithilfe eines "Arroganz-Prinzips" helfen will. Weiß drei Tage später immer noch nicht, ob ich das lesen will)
Aber dann. Letzter Satz im Vorwort. Der Einfachheit halber würde im Buch die männliche Schreibweise verwendet werden.
In einem Buch, das sich so explizit an Frauen wendet, dass Frauen gleich zwei Mal im Titel erwähnt werden, nimmst du nur die männliche Form? Ob du den Arsch offen hast will ich wissen??
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unfug-bilder · 4 days
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Jede/r darf ja einen Text eigener Wahl über ein Bild legen.
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air-rising · 1 year
New ellie and daan articles 🥹 can you post it please
Google translated as per usual.
’Ik ga waar zij gaat’
Liefde tussen Daniëlle van de Donk en Australië-ster Ellie Carpenter overstijgt alles
'I go where she goes'
Love between Daniëlle van de Donk and Australia star Ellie Carpenter transcends everything
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Daniëlle van de Donk (r.) straalt op de foto met haar geliefde Ellie Carpenter. De twee kunnen elkaar zomaar tegenkomen als opponenten op het WK.
Daniëlle van de Donk (r.) shines in the photo with her beloved Ellie Carpenter. The two can just meet as opponents at the World Cup.
Het was een geweldige shock voor Australië, donderdagavond in Brisbane. Waar niemand rekening mee had gehouden, geschiedde. De Matildas, outsider op het eigen WK, werden in Queensland pootje gelicht door Nigeria (2-3), waardoor plaatsing voor de knock-outfase een zware kluif gaat worden. Daniëlle van de Donk voelde een paar duizend kilometer verderop in Wellington met haar vriendin mee.
Natuurlijk had Van de Donk na de Australische nederlaag een vreugdesprongetje kunnen maken. Tenslotte: de Aussies zijn net als Nederland een kanshebber voor de wereldtitel. Maar zo zit Van de Donk niet in elkaar.
It was a great shock for Australia, Thursday night in Brisbane. What no one had taken into account happened. The Matildas, outsider at their own World Cup, were lifted in Queensland by Nigeria (2-3), making placement for the knockout phase a tough hit. Daniëlle van de Donk felt with her friend a few thousand kilometers away in Wellington.
Of course Van de Donk could have made a leap of joy after the Australian defeat. Finally: the Aussies, like the Netherlands, are a contender for the world title. But that's not how Van de Donk works.
De liefde voor haar Ellie overstijgt het WK. „Ik hoop dat mijn vriendin ver komt”, zegt de verliefde Oranje Leeuwin na terugkomst uit Wellington, waar Oranje en de Verenigde Staten een waar spektakelstuk hadden opgevoerd. „Natuurlijk wil ik dat. Ellie heeft er keihard voor getraind. Zij is net terug van een kruisbandblessure.”
The love for her Ellie transcends the World Cup. 'I hope my girlfriend gets far,' says the Orange Lioness in love after returning from Wellington, where Orange and the United States had staged a true spectacle. “Of course I want that. Ellie trained hard for it. She has just returned from a cruciate ligament injury.”
Ellie Carpenter is mateloos populair in haar geboorteland. Op vijftienjarige leeftijd maakte de rechtsback haar debuut voor het nationale elftal, een jaar later was ze de jongste deelnemer aan het olympisch voetbaltoernooi. De vonk tussen Carpenter en Van de Donk sloeg over in Frankrijk, waar ze samen uitkomen voor Olympique Lyonnais.
Ellie Carpenter is immensely popular in her native country. At the age of fifteen, the right back made her debut for the national team, a year later she was the youngest participant in the Olympic football tournament. The spark between Carpenter and Van de Donk spread in France, where they play together for Olympique Lyonnais.
In de armen sluiten | Closing in the arms
Ze konden elkaar een paar weken terug in Sydney nog even kort in de armen sluiten, vertelt Van de Donk, die in de uren na het duel met de VS een ware hit was op social media vanwege de zwarte badmuts die ze de laatste paar minuten van het duel moest dragen.
They were able to embrace each other briefly a few weeks ago in Sydney, says Van de Donk, who was a real hit on social media in the hours after the duel with the US because of the black swimming cap she had to wear for the last few minutes of the duel.
Voor aankomst in Nieuw-Zeeland verbleef Oranje negen dagen in Sydney. „Daar hebben we elkaar nog een uurtje kunnen zien”, zegt Van de Donk. Carpenter was op doorreis naar Brisbane, waar de Australische selectie haar tenten heeft opgeslagen. „Ik moest allemaal spullen voor haar meenemen, proteïnes en zo. Het kwam toevallig zo uit dat we elkaar konden treffen. Hoe kort ook, ik was hartstikke blij om haar te zien.”
Before arriving in New Zealand, Orange stayed in Sydney for nine days. 'We were able to see each other there for another hour,' says Van de Donk. Carpenter was passing through to Brisbane, where the Australian selection pitched its tents. “I had to bring all kinds of stuff for her, proteins and stuff. It just so happened that we could meet. No matter how short, I was very happy to see her.”
Staan vol achter ploeg | Are full behind squad
Het is dat Van de Donk zelf actief is op het WK, anders had ze alle duels van haar geliefde op de tribunes gezeten. „Ik vind dat ze ook een heel leuk team hebben. De mensen in Australië staan als home country vol achter de ploeg, de stadions zitten vol en breken records. Daar moet ik ook achter staan. Maar dat had ik vorig jaar op het EK ook bij Engeland. Die zijn ook op de juiste manier aan de weg aan het timmeren. Nou, dan heb je mijn support al. Want ik wil het vrouwenvoetbal ook alleen maar verder helpen”, meent Van de Donk, die na haar loopbaan het trainersvak in wil. „Sommige trainingspapiertjes heb ik al.”
It is that Van de Donk herself is active at the World Cup, otherwise she would have sat all the duels of her lover in the stands. “I think they also have a very nice team. The people in Australia are full behind the team as a home country, the stadiums are full and break records. I have to stand behind that too. But I also had that at the European Championships last year in England. They are also working on the right way. Well, then you already have my support. Because I only want to help women's football further,” says Van de Donk, who wants to enter the coaching profession after her career. 'Some training papers I already have.'
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Daniëlle van de Donk in haar outfit van het Nederlands elftal. Dinsdag wacht de groepswedstrijd tegen Vietnam.
Daniëlle van de Donk in her outfit of the Dutch national team. The group game against Vietnam awaits on Tuesday.
Afgelopen zomer bezocht Van de Donk voor de eerste keer het land van haar vriendin. „Dat was na het EK, uiteraard met zijn tweetjes. Ik had een hele goede reisgids aan haar en heb hele mooie dingen gezien. Zelf komt Ellie uit het binnenland van New South Wales, op vijf uur rijden van Sydney. Ze woonde er op een boerderij en weet zelfs hoe je slangen moet killen. Verder was er daar helemaal niks te doen. Gelukkig wonen haar ouders nu in Sydney.”
Last summer Van de Donk visited her girlfriend's country for the first time. “That was after the European Championship, of course the two of us. I had a very good travel guide with her and saw very beautiful things. Ellie herself comes from the interior of New South Wales, a five-hour drive from Sydney. She lived there on a farm and even knows how to kill snakes. There was nothing else to do there at all. Fortunately, her parents now live in Sydney.”
"’Ellie woonde op een boerderij en weet hoe ze slangen moet killen’"
"'Ellie lived on a farm and knows how to kill snakes'"
Elke dag contact | Contact every day
Natuurlijk heeft ze contact met haar vriendin. Elke dag. Ze gunnen elkaar sportief het allerbeste, weet Van de Donk: „We willen allebei dat de ander ver komt. We kunnen elkaar pas in de finale tegenkomen. Wat een finale zou dat zijn.” Niet ondenkbaar: ze zouden elkaar in het veld zomaar kunnen tegenkomen. Van de Donk, stellig: „We gaan niet voor elkaar uit de weg. Oh nee, we gaan er gewoon vol op. Honderd procent.”
Of course she has contact with her girlfriend. Every day. They wish each other the very best sportingly, Van de Donk knows: “We both want the other to go far. We can't meet until the final. What a finale that would be.” Not unthinkable: they could just meet in the field. Van de Donk, firmly: “We do not shy away from each other. Oh no, we're just going full. One hundred percent.”
En na die, vooralsnog imaginaire finale, zal het vast wel goed komen tussen de tortelduifjes, vermoedt Van de Donk, die zich wellicht ooit nog eens met haar Ellie in Australië zal gaan vestigen. „Het zou kunnen, maar niets is zeker. Het is best gek. Ik denk nu eigenlijk: ik ga waar zij gaat. Ze is een stuk jonger dan ik, dus ik denk dat zij langer blijft voetballen. Uiteindelijk zal ik dus wel mee moeten. Zo staan we er eigenlijk beiden in. Of het nou Australië wordt of Nederland, of van mijn part Italië, we zien het wel. Als we maar samen zijn.”
And after that, for the time being imaginary finale, things will probably be fine among the lovebirds, suspects Van de Donk, who may one day settle in Australia with her Ellie. “It could be, but nothing is certain. It's pretty crazy. I actually think: I'm going where she goes. She's a lot younger than me, so I think she keeps playing football longer. So in the end I will have to come along. That's how we both are in it. Whether it will be Australia or the Netherlands, or of my part Italy, we'll see. As long as we are together.”
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Steckbrief: Harley Quinn
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Name: Harley Quinn Geburtsname: Harleen Frances Quinzel Alter: 34 Sexualität: Polyamorie, asexuell Partner: Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane) & Adam Caleb Smith & Poison Ivy Ex-Lover: Joker Wohnort: Gotham City Diagnosen: DID/OSDD, PTBS, Soziopathie, Psychopathie
Beruf: Kriminielle, Bloggerin für Psychologie Anmerkung: Mix aus Original & eigenen Ideen, ich verkörpere eher meine eigene Harley Quinn ⸺ Harley Quinn with DID/OSDD (Multiple Personality Disorder)
Ich suche:
Familie: Eltern, Geschwister, Cousinen/Cousins etc (Geschlechter, Sexualität ist mir vollkommen egal :) Die Namen der Eltern muss ich nochmal nachgoogeln habe ich gerade nicht auf dem Schirm und ihr Bruder hieß Barry meine ich. Ihr könnt auch erfundene Geschwister. Dachte mir dass ihre Eltern sich haben scheiden lassen, so könnte jedes Elternteil einen neuen Partner und noch weitere Kinder gehabt haben.) - Bei Interesse meldet euch per pn und wir besprechen alles dann
My other 2 Blogs: https://littledemonlilith.tumblr.com https://venusisabellelina.tumblr.com
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B a b y g i r l / DDLG 🩷
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montagsgedicht · 1 year
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B l a c k O u t P o e t r y   –   2 5.   S e p t e m b e r   2 0 2 3
Einladung zum Montagsgedicht
An jedem Montag um 16 Uhr gibt es auf dem Wortspielplatz Texte zum Stichwort. Nach Sonett (ganz früher) und Haiku (auch schon eine Weile her) wieder einmal eine formale Vorgabe. Wer will, kann mitmachen: Am Montag die eigene black out poetry in den Blog einstellen und mit ‘montagsgedicht’ und ‘black out poetry' taggen.
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ohgodimafraud · 18 days
a fraudulent claim - m/ob p/sycho 100 r/eigen
summary: r/eigen comes to work miserable and s/erizawa speaks his mind
The first thing Serizawa noticed when his boss walked in an uncharacteristic twenty minutes late wasn’t the tardiness, but how disheveled he looked. His hair was sticking up like someone had aggressively rubbed a balloon over it, his tie was crooked and loose, but worst of all eyes were still visibly sunken in spite of the cakey layer of concealer he’d applied under his eyes in a flimsy attempt to mask his lack of sleep. As Serizawa approached him, he could see that Reigen had used the same technique on the underside of his nose, so even before he started audibly sniffling, Serizawa had figured out the nature of his boss’ physical state. 
“Here, hopefully this batch is better,” Serizawa said, setting a cup of tea in front of his boss. 
“Ah, smells great,” Reigen said, though it was another automatic lie as evidenced by the audible congestion in his words, “Thanks, Serizawa.”
After one more moment of consideration, Serizawa finally spoke up as Reigen took a sip of the hot tea. “Excuse me for saying this…but you don’t look well, sir.”
“Hm?” He rubbed the tip of his scalded tongue, against the backs of his bottom teeth and snapped his fingers. “Oh, yeah. My allergies have been a bitch lately. Probably built up too much of a tolerance to these antihistamines at this point.” He pulled the box containing the medicine from his pocket and shook it lazily.
Serizawa frowned. He’d heard Reigen mention his allergies a few times, but outside of him rubbing his eyes or occasionally blowing his nose, they seemed well-managed. “I could get stronger ones for you at the drugstore,” he offered. 
“Ah, you don’t have to go that far.” Reigen waved him off and sniffled again, only to realize too late that he had been unwittingly playing—and was now losing—a round of Russian Roulette each time he avoided blowing his nose. His hand automatically went to his breast pocket to fish for his handkerchief as the sharp tickle shot to the back of his nose and pulled his focus from the morning conversation. 
“I really don’t mind.”
“Heh…eh-excuse me,” he held up a finger and in a snapping motion brought the handkerchief to his nose in time to catch a particularly violent sneeze that left his nose with a burning sensation. “h’EDSHH’iuh!”
 Serizawa hesitated as Reigen sniffled into the handkerchief. “Bless you,” he said, wringing his hands, hoping he hadn’t insulted his boss by saying the phrase slightly too late, or god forbid for saying it at all.
“Mmph, thank you.” Reigen sounded even more congested than before, and now when he retracted the handkerchief, some of the concealer had been rubbed away and in its wake exposed a distinct pink patch of sensitive skin around the rims of his nostrils. He cleared his throat and took another sip of tea. His beautifully crafted webpage was beginning to put a strain on his eyes and though he was reading an inquiry, it took a few tries before he could understand what it was saying. 
Before he could fully decode the message that he’d later realize was junk mail, a customer walked through the door. Reigen jumped into his well-rehearsed spiel and did the hard work of having Serizawa perform a curse removal. 
“I’m glad you stopped in ma’am. Please remember that if anything like this ever happens again, I, Reigen Arataka, will handle it promptly.” He proudly handed her a business card. 
She smiled. Reigen matched it until his nose betrayed him by ignoring his orders to ignore the tingling sensation that had been plaguing it all morning. He quickly turned to the side and readied his handkerchief just in time to—
“hhH- KMPHt’shheww! Hahh…’scuse me, sometimes tiny remnants of the curse linger in the air trying to—snfft—uh…find a new host. But please don’t worry. It’s far too weak to do any damage now.” Reigen scrubbed the side of his nose with his knuckle and hid the hand holding his handkerchief behind his back rather than return it to its resting place. “Right, Serizawa?” 
The customer seemed even more appreciative as she wished them both well. 
Only when she finally left did he give into the rest of his sneezing fit. “h’Ktshhhu! Hahh…ehGHtSHhyew! Sorry ‘bout that, Serizah-heh…heDTzshh!” It was too early in the day for him to have used up the last dry patch on his handkerchief, but the reasoning did nothing to change the fact of the matter. He couldn’t even open his eyes, never mind, stop himself from giving into another indulgent sneeze. “Hgt’ehSCHhhu!- sndf…Phew, sorry, swear I’m done now.” 
“Bless you. Uh. Will you really be alright?”
“You don’t have to keep saying that yanno.” Reigen turned away from his wide-eyed employee and pulled some tissues from the nearby box. He wiped a tear from his lower lash line and put them to better use in pinching off the remaining buzz and wicking away droplets of moisture from his nose, inadvertently taking  the remaining concealer with it. Such an unfortunate thing was unavoidable with how much wear and tear his nose was incurring. When Reigen opened his eyes, he noticed a change in Serizawa’s posture. Perhaps all of his obnoxious sneezing was putting the man off. That tended to be the case in the rare cases Reigen wasn’t able to ward off such an onslaught. “Actually. Would you mind picking up a better box of antihistamines?” Reigen himself had to cringe at how horribly his congestion had mutilated the word. 
He shuddered as it echoed in his head over whatever Serizawa had said.
“Absolutely, sir.” Reigen processed it only after Serizawa had left. He spent the next while trying to shoo away the rare humility that had infiltrated the fortress of his mind. 
When Serizawa returned, Reigen was already looking significantly worse for the wear. He’d only been gone a half hour! He kicked himself for dawdling in the store and picking up items his boss hadn’t even requested. Reigen slowly lifted his head as if it had been replaced by a bowling ball. It lolled uncomfortably to the side, and his neck was at an even more concerning angle.
“Serizawa, hey,” he greeted, his voice cracking. 
Serizawa quickly offered the bag to his boss. 
“Oh thanks,” Reigen said, massaging the bridge of his nose, “I’ll uh…compensate you at a, um, later time.” He peeked in the bag and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He sniffled again and cleared his throat before attempting to speak again. Having his voice crack once was enough for him. “Okay, uh…pretty sure I didn’t ask for all this.”
“I’m sorry sir!” Serizawa bowed. “I ended up picking up some extra things in case you need them later. Please, I don’t need to be reimbursed.”
Reigen waved him off. “You didn’t have to go that far but I appreciate it.” His ears went hot as he noticed the cooling pack under the cough drops. Why would he need that? 
“Sir…I think you should go home” Serizawa blurted out, averting his gaze.
“Wha—? It’s barely noon, Serizawa!” He cleared his throat. “It’s just allergies, y’know.”
Serizawa rubbed the back of his neck. “Uh…sir…y’know how you said I should speak my mind?” Reigen nodded and subsequently held in a wince. “I think maybe you caught a cold.”
“Respectfully, uh…you’re really pale…and uh…I looked it up and the pollen count has been down the past few days. I still got the antihistamines, but…also it’s gonna storm later and…well…I think it’s gonna be really slow anyway.”
Reigen didn’t say anything as he tuned out Serizawa’s rambling and swallowed a dose of the new antihistamines. Now that he was thinking about it, he felt like he’d seen this kinda tablet before. Then he read the label. “Oh shit. These are the drowsy kind.”
The color immediately drained from Serizawa’s face. “I’m sorry! My apologies, sir. They said these were the strongest—”
“Not your fault, I shoulda chehh…” Reigen trailed off and rubbed his nose vigorously with the back of his index finger, grimacing slightly when he finished. “Ahem. Should’ve checked first.”
Serizawa glanced down at his feet and in his peripheral vision noticed that the wastebasket was already nearly full of tissues. Then he noticed that the thermostat had been raised. He’d only known Reigen a short while, but from what Serizawa could tell, the man was frugal in areas unrelated to having food delivered. “Still, I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”
Reigen waved him off. “You worry too much.”
“hh’KMPftsch!” Reigen muffled another sneeze into a tissue. He let out a small but pained noise before blowing his nose. He was beginning to sweat to an extent where it was visible on his forehead. 
“Bless you,” Serizawa said only after Reigen had finished blowing his nose.
“Is it too hot in here for you?”
Reigen hummed and sniffled. “The opposite. I think the heat’s on the fritz. Gotta c-call a guy later.”
Serizawa gritted his teeth as he looked between the thermostat, the wastebasket, and then his boss who upon further inspection was shivering under his suit. The flush over his cheeks had darkened and he was back to propping his head up with his hands.
“I think you might have a fever.”
The room went silent sans the hissing of the heat pouring through the radiator. Reigen seemed to genuinely consider the suggestion.
“Huh.” He put his own hand to his forehead. “Dunno, it doesn’t feel hot to me.”
“I don’t think that’s an accurate way to check,” Serizawa said with a sigh. Maybe he should’ve purchased the thermometer after all. In retrospect, that would’ve been infinitely more helpful in this situation than the chapstick he’d added to the purchase.
“Really? Eh, I’m sure it’s nothing.”
Serizawa shifted his weight. “If it’s not overstepping, I could check for you.”
He hadn’t expected Reigen to comply. Awkwardly, he approached his boss and covered his forehead with a gentle hand. The heat immediately registered on his palm and he frowned. “How did you get out of bed this morning?” he murmured. “You’re definitely burning up.”
Any hopes of spinning this, died on Reigen’s tongue at the sight of the genuine concern etched across Serizawa’s face. There was probably a time not too long ago where he would’ve wished for someone to care about him like this, but having it right there in front of him made him want to crawl under the table. Instead he cleared his throat again and closed his laptop.
“Guess you were right, Serizawa. Besides, I'm already starting to drift off. In another twenty minutes I'll be pretty useless.” He took in a breath to tell him that this was all another test he’d passed, but was ambushed by a coughing fit. Damn. Serizawa watched for a few moments before deciding to pat his back in what he hoped was an acceptable way. Reigen’s shoulders dropped as a tension he didn't know he had released. “You should mhh-move-!” He grabbed another tissue and crushed his nose against it before sneezing into it, doing his best to contain the mess the sneeze threatened to make of him. “KXT! h’GXt’ch!” 
“Bless you.” Serizawa had reached his limit on questioning his boss, though if he had it in him, maybe he’d ask him to not hold back. It was clearly hurting him. Instead he asked if he could see him home.
And all the better, he’d offered, because Reigen had forgotten his umbrella, and by the looks of it, it had already started raining.
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melviships · 10 days
Started The Great A/ce A/ttorney Chronicles, sure hope I don't have another R/eigen moment !
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Ich glaube, du hast nie verstanden, wie sehr ich dich geliebt habe..
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meinlieblingsmensch · 4 months
„let us shine together like colorful lights"
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techniktagebuch · 4 months
Seit 2007
Die Kommandozeile für das WWW
Oben im Browser, in die Adressleiste, da kann man ja nicht nur URLs eingeben. Man kann auch einen Suchbegriff eingeben und kommt dann direkt zu der Seite mit den Suchergebnissen bei der eingestellten Standardsuchmaschine, meistens Google. So spart man sich den Zwischenschritt, bei dem man die Startseite der Suchmaschine aufruft und sich dort erstmal zurechtfinden muss – sicherstellen, dass der Cursor auch im Suchfeld ist, usw.
Nun gibt es aber nicht nur Google, sondern eine Vielzahl an Websites, die Suchfunktionen anbieten, und bei denen ich genauso wenig Lust habe, mich jedes Mal auf ihren Startseiten zurechtzufinden, wenn ich etwas suche. Deswegen habe ich bei mir im Browser als Standardsuchmaschine nicht Google, sondern trovu.net eingestellt. Dadurch muss [1] ich zwar jede Suchanfrage in der Adresszeile mit einem für Uneingeweihte kryptischen Kürzel beginnen. Ich habe dadurch aber eine Vielzahl an Websites at my fingertips. Je nach Kürzel werde ich sofort zu den Suchergebnissen auf der entsprechenden Website geleitet. Selbstredend ohne dass ich meine Finger für eine Sekunde von der Tastatur wegbewege, denn Ctrl+L bringt mich direkt in die Adresszeile. Zumindest für einen Unix-Nerd wie mich ist das ideal, quasi die #Kommandozeile für das WWW. Dieser YouTube Short veranschaulicht das Prinzip.
Trovu wird von Georg Jähnig entwickelt, wie schon die Vorgänger Serchilo und FindFind.it. 2007 stellte er Serchilo auf der von mir mitorganisierten Tagung der Computerlinguistik Studierenden (TaCoS) in Tübingen vor. Seitdem habe ich Serchilo und seine Nachfolger durchgehend verwendet. Seit ca. den 2010ern lassen sich auch mobile Browser und Such-Widgets für Smartphone-Homescreens entsprechend konfigurieren. Trovu ist kostenlos, quelloffen, datensparsam und werbefrei und finanziert sich durch Afffiliate-Links, d.h., wenn ich über Trovu z.B. bei Amazon was suche und dann was kaufe, kriegt Georg eine kleine Provision.
Eine Vielzahl nützlicher Kürzel ist vordefiniert, man kann aber auch eigene definieren und damit auch vordefinierte Kürzel für sich selbst überschreiben. So bin ich 2024 von Google zu DuckDuckGo gewechselt, mein Muskelgedächtnis musste ich aber nicht umtrainieren: Das Kürzel g ist weiterhin für die Websuche zuständig, ich habe es mir einfach so umdefiniert, dass es DuckDuckGo aufruft, entsprechend gi für die Bildersuche. Entsprechend habe ich mir 2013, als Google Reader eingestellt wurde, r so umdefiniert, dass es nun Feedly aufruft. In diesem Fall und bei anderen Webseiten, die ich besonders häufig aufrufe, verwende ich meistens gar keinen Suchbegriff, sondern benutze das Kürzel wie ein Lesezeichen. Trovu ruft dann in den meisten Fällen die Startseite der jeweiligen Website auf, aber auch das lässt sich konfigurieren. Das Bearbeiten der Kürzel erfolgte bei Serchilo nerdig über ein MediaWiki, bei FindFind.it über eine Drupal-basierte Website und bei Trovu wieder nerdiger, indem man eine Konfigurationsdatei auf GitHub pusht.
Hier ist eine subjektive und willkürliche Auswahl meiner 5 wichtigsten Use-Cases für Trovu und der zugehörigen Kürzel:
Ein Wort in einem zweisprachigen Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen. Will ich zum Beispiel wissen, was Zahn auf dänisch heißt, gebe ich den ISO-639-2-Code für Dänisch, da, als Kürzel ein, gefolgt von dem Suchwort: da zahn. Trovu leitet mich zu einem deutsch-dänischen Online-Wörterbuch, denn es weiß, dass meine Standardsprache Deutsch ist. Will ich stattdessen in einem englisch-dänischen Wörterbuch nachschlagen, präfigiere ich das Kürzel mit dem entsprechenden Namensraum-Kürzel, was quasi meine Standardsprache für diese Suchanfrage zu Englisch ändert und mir eine andere Auswahl an definierten Kürzeln liefert: en.da tooth. Gebe ich fr zahn ein, komme ich auf ein deutsch-französisches Wörterbuch, LEO.org. Will ich stattdessen dict.cc benutzen, so gibt es auch dafür einen Namensraum: dcc.fr zahn.
Für viele meiner eigenen Websites habe ich persönliche Kürzel definiert, sowohl mit Argument zum Suchen als auch ohne Argument zum Aufrufen einer Seite: vw für das Wiki der Gesellschaft zur Stärkung der Verben, vv, um direkt zur Liste der gestorkenen Verben zu kommen, vf für das Forum der Gesellschaft zur Stärkung der Verben, lt, um bei Freut euch des Labenz! ein Stichwort aufzurufen, ls, um dort alle Definitionen zu durchsuchen, tn, um mein Tweetarchiv zu durchsuchen, tttt, um mein Blog zu durchsuchen.
Die verschiedenen Funktionen von Kleinanzeigen (früher eBay Kleinanzeigen) navigiere ich mit Kürzeln: kaz zum Suchen oder zum Aufrufen der Startseite, kazn, um direkt zu den Nachrichten zu kommen, kaza für die Liste meiner Anzeigen, kazm für meine Merkliste und kaz+, um direkt zu dem Formular zum Aufgeben einer neuen Anzeige zu kommen.
a durchsucht das Angebot von Amazon, ao meine Bestellhistorie. Würde ich das Formular auf der Website benutzen, würde ich ständig die beiden Suchfelder verwechseln.
Lauert hinter einem URL eine Paywall, ein unbenutzbar formatiertes Kochrezept oder eine verschwundene Seite, gibt es oft einen speziellen Dienst, der Abhilfe schafft. In Kombination mit Trovu muss ich nur in die Adressleiste springen und den problematischen URL mit einem entsprechenden Kürzel präfigieren: atd schmeißt ihn in den Paywallentferner Archive.today, ckd in den Rezeptaufbereiter Cooked.wiki und wbm in das Archiv Wayback Machine.
[1] Muss ich gar nicht. Wenn meine Suchanfrage nicht gerade mit einem Wort beginnt, das in Trovu als Kürzel definiert ist, leitet Trovu mich einfach zu meiner in Trovu als Standard eingestellten bevorzugten Suchmaschine DuckDuckGo weiter.
(Kilian Evang)
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