#also side note for those who sent me the holiday treat prompt
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corcnaiism · 2 months ago
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;-- alrighty so i have come to my decision. i will be moving my oc and my gf muses to another blog bc i feel like there is so much lore ive created and will be creating that will require its own blog for me to dump everything in without feeling like im clogging the dash.
i also been feeling like this blog has run dry and i need to start fresh again. i will keep it with the other muses i have just in case i get inspo to write them, but so far ive been nose deep in gf, especially with my oc that is heavily involved in that verse, so i feel like i just need another blog for me to throw all that stuff into.
i also just haven't been feeling comfortable in this blog anymore even with the things ive tried doing to make it easier for me to be around. it's like ive disconnected myself/been disconnected from the rest of the community, and i honestly just need to go somewhere else and start anew. even tho i might not get a lot of interactions for gf stuff, at least i won't feel like i'm blowing someone's dash and feeling annoying or something. sure, people would've just unfollowed/block me, but still idk i just feel uneasy speaking about the things ive been super passionate about lately. i might not get much traction either once i move blogs, but at least it'll feel like i'm throwing my ideas out there to those who genuinely want to see me yap my brains out or even just to myself without feeling awkward doing so.
i blame my low self esteem tbh. i just have zero confidence in myself when it comes to putting myself out there, and sometimes it gets to me that i don't have someone to talk to about things or feel like im being ignored/annoying. it's honestly just my own fault tbh and giving myself a hard time, and this is just something i deal with on a day to day basis whether it be online or irl.
so yeah ill just stop there before i get into trauma-dumping territory but uh yeah so ill most likely be creating a new blog and pouring all of my gf stuff on there with my oc and my other canon muses. i just feel like that's the better option bc like i said there has been so much ive written and still have to write about the worldbuilding for that universe where my oc exists within the gf realm that i feel it deserves to have its own blog. ill be turning this blog into my secondary blog and come back to it every now and then when i get muses for other fandoms. i feel like this will just be better for my own mental health too and stay away from feeling isolated.
if you read this far and you have written with any of gf muses, oc included, i will be moving our threads over to the new blog and tag you appropriately if you wish to continue. i'll post something on here whenever i've moved to the new blog so you're aware that it's me tagging you just in case you're confused as well as sending dms. i'll probably have this new blog up and running after the holidays and my trip, so expect an update or two on the upcoming new year.
and another note if you've read this far, i wanna wish you all happy holidays and please make sure you do what you can to stay safe. i love you guys and thank you so much for giving me another lovely year <3
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wicked-hg · 4 years ago
Love, The Weasleys || g.w.
Day 12 of @jamilelucato and @whack-ed Very Harry Potter Christmas.
George Weasley x muggleborn!reader
Prompt: Writing Christmas cards
Summary: George never knew about Christmas cards until you.
A/N: This ended up being more about Christmas cards in general than writing them. Hope you all enjoy! I’m thinking about maybe writing more.
WC: 2.3k
Y/H/C- your hair color ; Y/L/N- your last name ; Y/H- your house (except Gryffindor. Sorry. I didn’t realize my mistake when writing this. You’ll understand at the end. Forgive me.)
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First year George wasn’t expecting anything from you during Christmas break. You were a muggle-born he had met one day running away from Filch after getting separated from Fred. You two became friends as you became a silent partner and helped with their escape plans. George didn’t realize you had an owl. 
George opened the envelope and stared at the strange letter that had a picture on the front with reindeer pulling a fat man in red robes in a red cart. The front read “May all your wishes be granted”. George curiously opened the strange letter. A still photo of your family stared up at him. He moved it to the side. Printed inside was “Happy Christmas with lots of joy!” Signed underneath was The Y/L/N Family. On the opposite side was a note from you. 
I hope you have a Happy Christmas with your family! I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything in time. I promise to have something for you on the train. Miss you lots dear friend!
“Mum, Dad,” George asked. “Do you know what this strange letter is? My muggle-born friend sent it to me.”
“That’s a Christmas card,” Charlie piped up. “We learned about muggle Christmas traditions before break. Muggles send cards out to family and friends during the holidays. Sometimes they send pictures and longer notes to catch up with people. It’s just a way to celebrate the holidays. Professor Quirrell didn’t really understand them.”
George nodded and stared at the card. He looked over at the picture of your family. You were in the middle with a giant grin and a red sweater. Peeping up from the bottom of the photo, he swore it was the beginning of a gold G. “I like these strange letters. Christmas cards you say, Charlie?”
George stared out of the window in hope. Fred watched his twin while he sat on his bed and worked on pranks for their shop. “She doesn’t even know we’re here, Georgie. How can you expect Y/N to send you a Christmas card when she doesn’t know where you’re staying?”
“She will!” George argued. “She always does.”
“You didn’t tell her, did you George? It doesn’t matter that she is finally your girlfriend after you both finally got it through your thick heads.”
George shook his head. “I didn’t tell her. She knows we are not at the Burrow. She thinks we’re staying with Aunt Muriel. I told her to send the letter to the Burrow. Errol is there waiting for the trade off. Told her it was too far for Sova to fly the whole way.”
Fred shook his head. “You’re letting Errol deliver your happiness? Oh Georgie. You’re doomed.”
George stuck his tongue out at his twin before turning back to the window. Soon, he thought, Errol should be here soon. As if by magic, the shadow of Errol appeared in the distance. George scrambled to grab the owl treats he had waiting on the window sill. 
“Cmon, you stupid old owl. Come get the treat and give me that letter,” George almost shouted. Fred shushed him. The last thing either of them needed was for someone to wake up and discover what they are both up to. “Incoming, Freddie! He’s coming in hot!”
Fred quickly stumbled out of bed and grabbed a pillow as George made the window wider and grabbed another pillow to go under Fred’s. Errol blasted through the window and hit the pillow at Fred’s chest before falling onto the pillow George held underneath. George laid the treats next to the owl and snatched the letter. This year glittery snowflakes adorned the front with “May your life be full of flurries of happiness”. The inside read similar like every year with something about having a happy Christmas, the family signature, and the family picture. Just like always too, there was a note from Y/N. 
Darling George,
Give my love to your family. I do hope your father is okay and recovering well. I also hope that the hag of an aunt you call Muriel is treating you all well too. It was a bummer to end term without you, but alas I know I’ll be doing it once more. One of us has to have a diploma, even if I will end up working with you. Don’t throw a fit, my darling George. I know I can do more with my life, but this is what I want. I already made that clear to my parents. They’ve accepted my choice. Back to end of term. It was okay. It would have been better if Umbitch wasn’t there. She did leave me alone though...unwillingly. Somehow she kept getting fed your nosebleed nougats and lost quite a bit of blood. Hmmmm. Who knows how that happened. I certainly don’t, and neither do Peeves or that elf Dobby your brother knows. Mum and Dad and those idiot brothers of mine say hello. They’re all glad I finally officially have you as mine. Apparently they’ve always known too. Perhaps I should tell them the truth about our Yule Ball last Christmas and we went as much much more than best friends. I’ll give you your present on the train back. Take care, darling. Do enjoy your break. Miss you tons, but I love you more. 
Love always,
George grinned at the card. “She’s brilliant, Freddie. Absolutely brilliant.”
George was nervous as he handed Fred the card. It was still early in the morning. The Hogwarts express had gotten back the day before, which meant the holiday rush will be hitting soon. Y/N was managing the store with Verity while George and Fred were going over some inventory in the back. Fred stared at the envelope before gingerly opening it. He smiled at the card with a fireplace wishing him a warm and festive holiday. “Well finally, Georgie boy,” Fred grinned. “I was wondering how long it would take for you to tell the Y/L/N to include me in their list of Christmas card receivers.”
George didn’t say a word and just motioned for his brother to open it. Fred opened the card. Staring back at him was a muggle photo of Y/N and George. Both were grinning in the midst of pine trees. George’s arms were wrapped around Y/N and she was leaning into his chest. Fred moved the picture to be greeted with the typical Y/L/N family picture, but he very quickly noticed his twin was a part of the family photo. Moving the photos he saw the card was signed by The Weasleys, but it was in Y/N’s handwriting. On the left side of the card, Fred was greeted with the familiar sight of George’s writing. 
Y/N told me I didn’t have to write you a note updating you on my life because we live and work together and see each other every day. But where is the fun in that? I want you to have a true Christmas card experience! We’ve been through so much this year, Freddie. I’m just glad I got to experience it with you along the way. As you can see, I’m a part of the Y/L/N Christmas cards now. Y/N is my everything. I have to thank you. Thank you for giving me the pushes to make her mine. It’s no lie written in the card, Forge. She’s gonna be a Weasley. Will you be my side as I celebrate my new life? There’s no one else I’d want. Let’s celebrate Christmas with a bang. 
Fred immediately looked up. “You serious, Gred?”
“Absolutely, Forge. There’s no one else for me, and with the war and her being a muggle-born. It’s just going to be a quick muggle ceremony. Once the war is over, we’ll do the real thing.”
“Why muggle?”
“She’s read about wizard tradition. She wants to experience that and have her family see it too. Besides, if we did a quick magic ceremony, her family wouldn’t be allowed to come. With a muggle ceremony too, if anything happens she can easily blend right in and be taken care of.”
“You sure about this, George? I’m not talking you out of it. I know she’s perfect for you, but I want you to be happy.”
George smiled and hugged his brother. “I am, Fred. I have everything I want right now. Her. You. The store. I just want to make her as permanent in my life as you are.”
Fred chuckled. “Well I am amazing. It’s only a given. But George, have you told mum and dad yet?”
“They’re getting a Christmas card from Y/N and I. All the family is. They also got one specifically from her family.”
“I meant do mum and dad know you and Y/N are getting married?” George stayed quiet. “Oh Gred. What have you gotten yourself into?
George found you at the kitchen table writing a list. “Making a list and checking it twice, darling?” George joked. 
You smiled and kissed him. It was good to hear those little quips from him. When the war hit hard and Fred was killed, you worried he wouldn’t laugh again or joke. You feared the store would stay closed and layers of dust would settle over the products. It took George a few months, but they got the store up and going again. You knew he wouldn’t be the same without Fred, but it was good to see him somewhat the same again. “It’s what he’d want, Y/N,” he told you when working on cleaning up the store. “He wouldn’t want me to give up everything we’d ever hope for.”
“Very funny, George darling. I’m making a list of who we need to send Christmas cards too. My mum called and said the prints were in. Which reminds me, you need to make a list of which friends and extended relatives you want cards to go to and get their addresses.”
“We’re still doing this?”
You gave him a funny look. “Of course, darling. Why else would we have taken pictures with my family and gone to Selfridges to buy cards and some decorations?”
“Well I knew your family would still send cards out and that’s why they needed us there,” he answered. “They haven’t gone through a war.”
“But isn’t that why we should do this?” You asked. “So many people have gone through pain and sorrow this year. Let’s give them something to smile about, George darling.”
George gave another weak smile. “Fred loved the cards,” he whispered. “He always got excited when I got them and started bugging me 3rd year that he wanted to be in on it. He was so excited when I gave him his first card. I don’t know what I’ll do this year.”
You brought George closer to you. “You can still write him a Christmas card, George. The box is down stairs that you guys started your business out of. You can keep all the Christmas cards you write to him in there. It might sound weird, but I think it’ll be good for you. Include the pictures too. What do you think, darling?”
George kissed your cheek. “You’re an angel. You know that? You don’t think it’s weird?”
You shook your head. “I wouldn’t have suggested it if I thought it was. I think it’ll be good for you, George. It’ll be therapeutic in a way.” You pushed a card and envelope towards George. “This can be his. Why don’t you go grab your coat. We can go pick up the photos and then grab some lunch at the fish and chip shop down the road.”
“Maybe on the way back we can stop at that bakery by Flourish and Blotts,” he suggested. “I saw you looking at those cauldron cakes and strawberry trifles the other day.”
You grinned and kissed him. “Of course, Georgie darling.”
“Y/N!” George shouted. “Where is the box? I have Fred’s card done.”
“Check the office, darling!” You answered. “I put it there so we didn’t lose it. I’m off to the station now. I’ll be back in a half hour.”
George entered his office and found the orange box he stored Fred’s Christmas cards in. A mouse wearing Christmas tree sunglasses and a Santa hat. He stuck the picture inside the card before putting it in the box. No longer was the photo of Y/N’s family included when sending out cards. Instead the photo was of George and Y/N wearing their Weasley sweaters. In front of them were two smaller red heads and a light haired Y/H/C also wearing their Weasley sweaters. 
George smiled as he put the box back on the book shelf. “Until next Christmas, Forge.”
Dear Forge,
It’s been a crazy year. The last of this Weasley clan has joined Hogwarts. It’ll be interesting to see if the twins follow in our footsteps. Anya is in Gryffindor and Fred is in Y/H. Part of me is glad Fred isn’t in Gryffindor. It would’ve been cool, but this way I hope he will be able to forge his own path. Forge. Hah! Get it? Clara is studying for her OWLS this year. I found some of our old charms, defense, herbology, transfiguration, and potions notes. I let her into our little secret that we are quite smart but just never turned our assignments in. She was thankful. She’s definitely my daughter. She acts like me so much, but she’s definitely loud like you with that Gryffindor bravery. I miss you, brother. Y/N was right though; this has definitely helped me. Hopefully you get these wherever you are. Happy Christmas, Freddie!
Love, Gred and his Weasleys
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hikari-writes · 4 years ago
Fluff Oneshot
Winter Wonderland Collab
❝ Cure For A Broken Heart ❞
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Pairing: Goshiki Tsutomu
Warning: Cheating ex boyfriend, past toxic relationship
Genre: F L O O F
Words: 3.6k
A/N: heres another piece for the winter wonderland collab feat baby boy goshiki :3
Winter Wonderland Masterlist
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You stomped your way through the shopping district full of couples making out, anger seeping through you as you tried very hard not to yell at those strangers. 
It was hard to contain your anger towards happy couples, especially since you had just broken up with your cheating boyfriend. 
Definitely not a good way to start your Christmas evening.
You rubbed your eyes to get rid of the tears that were welling up in it. You tried to get your mind off of things as you thought on how Oikawa would react when he finds out about your breakup. 
He'll most likely nag you for hours, saying that he knew that your (now) ex-boyfriend was bad news all along. You couldn't help but to heave another sigh. 
Not that Oikawa hadn't warned you about your ex before. He warned you multiple times, even. But you were too blinded by what you thought was love for your ex to even pay any attention to Oikawa's warnings. 
As you kept walking and walking without any particular direction you were heading into, you finally found yourself in an unfamiliar side of the shopping district. 
The place wasn't bustling with as many people as the center of the shopping district you were in just now. There were fewer shops, and the things that were being sold in them weren’t as eye-catching as the ones in the busy part of the shopping district. 
Just then, your feet stopped at a shop that appears to be a cafe. You looked at the shop sign. There, written in a beautiful font, was the shop’s name.
“...Shiratori Cake House.”
You stared at the picture of a swan on the sign board logo. Fits the cafe’s name to a T, you thought. Seeing as how the place is void of any visitors, you figured that there won’t be so many customers in the cafe and decided to enter the cafe to treat yourself to something sweet and take your mind off the aching pain in your heart. 
Truthfully, you could’ve just gone to the cafe Oikawa worked at, since you’re more familiar with that place and you might even got to ask for a bit of a friend discount from him. But since it was CHRISTMAS, the place will undoubtedly be flooded with customers, who were mostly Oikawa’s fangirls, and you didn’t want to be suffocated with so many people while your mind was in total shambles. You needed peace, quiet and a little bit of a sweet treat to mend your broken heart at the time.
As soon as you stepped in, however, you realized that your previous guess was completely off. 
The cafe wasn’t lacking in customers.
It didn’t have any customers to begin with.
You looked around in confusion. You even thought that maybe the place was actually already closed for the day. But you were definitely sure that the sign read “OPEN” before you entered just now. See, it wouldn’t have been weird if business was running slow if this was any other day. But it was CHRISTMAS. Every cafe, bakery and cake shop in the town was swarmed with customers, especially considering the fact that there weren't as many shops like that in your town to begin with.
Your confusion was cut short when you heard a male voice called out to you.
“Welcome, dear customer. A table for one?”
You turned around to see a guy with a black haired bowl cut wearing what you presumed to be the cafe’s uniform greeting you. You sent him a nod and followed behind him silently as he led the way to one of the tables. Considering the fact that he was serving you, you took it that it was still business hours at the time. 
“Take your time, and just call me whenever you’ve decided on an order.”
He handed you the menu and you took it with a curt nod. You didn’t spare a glance at the menu as you stared at the waiter. He noticed your gaze and looked at you with confusion evident in his eyes. 
“Is there something wrong?”
At his question, you found yourself opening your mouth to say something that even you yourself wasn’t expecting to come out of your own mouth. You guessed you could say you said that on the spur of the moment, but what exactly prompted you to say that was unknown to even yourself. Who knows, maybe the stress and sadness you were feeling after having just broken up with your ex made you lose some of your brain cells.
“Can I get a smile from you?”
You asked with a straight face, as if you didn’t just ask a question that might as well be considered as a pick-up line. After blurting that out, you realized how much you actually sounded like Oikawa. Guess being friends with him had made his habits rub off on you too. You internally cringed at what you just said, and was about to apologize to the waiter when you saw his reaction. 
He looked extremely surprised at your sudden request and he was blushing extremely hard, you could even feel the heat he was radiating. He kept opening and closing his mouth, as if trying to say something to you but the vocabularies in his brain just disappeared. It was apparent that he had never experienced being hit on before. His reaction seemed to be contagious when you found even yourself blushing at his reaction, and you were left with an awkward silence as the both of you continued to hang your head low. You gotta admit though, he was pretty cute so that just became another factor as to why you blushed after what you just said.
Not too long after that, another waiter stepped in and pushed the black haired waiter away. You snapped out of your flustered state and looked up at the waiter who just helped the two of you get out of that awkward situation. He had copper-colored hair with a….unique hairstyle.
He heaved a sigh before meeting your gaze.
“Please excuse him, dear customer. Although, I must say, you did break him after what you just said.”
At his statement, your blush grew darker.
“B-broke him, you said...”
You quickly averted your gaze and stared intently at the menu in front of you, trying to distract yourself from the unbearable awkwardness. 
You skimmed through the menu and took a quick glance at the cakes displayed in a window glass. All the desserts looked delicious, sure, but you couldn't buy all of them. Finally, you decided to go with the easiest solution.
“Say, what do you recommend? Do you have any special menu that you specialize in?”
You turned to the two waiters who, oddly enough, were still standing near your table instead of just waiting at the counter until you called over. 
At this question, the black haired waiter perked up, and he seemed like he had finally been snapped out of his embarrassment. 
“If you're asking what we specialize in, I must simply mention our tea! While the tea leaves aren't anything fancy or anything of the sort, the way we *cough* I *cough* brew our tea is enough to bring the full flavour of the tea. I'm sure you'll enjoy it!”
He seemed rather enthusiastic about it,but the other waiter just shot him an unpleasant glare. The black haired waiter quickly shut his mouth up. From the way he said it, you could pretty much deduce that the aforementioned “tea that they specialize in” was brewed by the black haired waiter himself. Nice display of confidence.
The other waiter cleared his throat before speaking. 
“I'm pretty sure she meant what sort of DESSERTS do we specialize in, Tsutomu, not drinks. And to answer your question, we do pride ourselves in our chocolate desserts. I highly recommend you getting the Black Forest cake, but since it IS Christmas, we also have Strawberry Shortcake to offer, if you'd prefer that.”
You contemplated on what to order for a moment. In the end, you decided to go with what he recommended (since he did go out of his way to mention that).
The waiter displayed a small smile that probably meant “Oh thank goodness I didn't waste my time recommending that cake to her,” as he jotted down the order. He didn't say it aloud obviously, but his smile just kinda radiated that vibe, y'know?
You then turned towards the black haired waiter, Tsutomu, you presumed, and gave him a small grin. 
“And I also would like to have this tea that you specialize in.”
His face lit up and he seemed to be blushing a bit. He nodded enthusiastically while the other waiter just gave him a distasteful look. 
The two walked away and you took the opportunity to look around the cafe. It seemed to have a pretty good interior design, and the cakes being displayed also seemed to sparkle brightly. You wondered why there was no customer at all. Probably because of how it's located in a pretty deserted part of the shopping district. 
Meanwhile you were busy looking up and down the shop, the two waiters who were serving you just now whispered to one another. 
“Before you start, let me just make one thing clear. She obviously wasn't actually planning to hit on you from the look on her face, so stop acting like a high school girl who just got herself a boyfriend.”
The copper haired waiter, Shirabu, started. Tsutomu seemed a bit disappointed at this, but he quickly furrowed his brows at him. 
“But still, I was still being hit on by a really PRETTY girl. It's probably a Christmas miracle or something.”
He sighed with a small blush adorning his face, to which Shirabu just replied with a disgusted look. 
“I wonder if she has a lover or not...”
He quietly asked the question out of curiosity. Shirabu looked at him for a moment before glancing at you. 
“Think about it logically, Tsutomu. Today is Christmas. It's basically a holiday for couples to spend their time together. Meanwhile our dear customer right there is, as you can see, alone. Plus, why would she wonder around this part of the shopping district alone if she wasn't preoccupied with her thoughts. She probably either is definitely single from the start and wanted to get away from the busy part of the shopping district which was full of couples, OR she had just broken up with her lover.”
After explaining his guesses (Thanks, Sherlock), Shirabu seemed to realize something and turned to Tsutomu almost immediately. 
“Don't tell me you….you wanted to ask her out or something?? Tsutomu, it was just ONE pick-up line, for God's sake.”
Shirabu frowned at the younger male, expressing his disbelief with a sigh. 
“That's not it!”
He hissed in defense. Tsutomu turned to look at you again who were staring off at the shop's window, silently admiring the falling snow outside. 
“It's just...she seemed sad and I was just wondering if she has a special someone who she can confide in….or something.”
Tsutomu softly explained, his eyes still fixated on you.
“You know what people nowadays call you? A busybody. Why would you care for a stranger anyway?”
Tsutomu gave a silent glare towards Shirabu as he finished brewing your tea.
“Well then, Shirabu-san, if I'm a busybody then you're a jerk. It's called being KIND and maybe you should try it sometimes too.”
“Alright, then, go take this cake to her, if you're SO kind. And DON'T scare her away, you hear me? She's our only customer today and we don't appreciate you blabbing unnecessary stuff at her and making her leave.”
With that warning, Shirabu handed Tsutomu a plate with a slice of Black Forest cake on it. Tsutomu just grumbled as a response and made his way towards you. 
“Here is your order. Please enjoy it.”
Your train of thoughts was interrupted when Tsutomu came back with a tray of your order. You nodded and mumbled a small thank you before picking up the cup of tea. It was freezing cold outside so you figured the hot tea could keep you nice and warm.
As soon as you took a sip from it, you were completely stunned by the flavour of the tea. 
Turned out he wasn't joking or blindly bragging about the tea he made. It was, without a doubt, extremely delicious. The coldness you were feeling was gone in an instant and it felt as if your entire body was filled with the warmth of the tea. 
“It's really delicious.”
You commented and looked at him with a genuinely warm smile. He tried to hide the smile that was forming on his face but the blush on his cheeks was enough proof to know that he was completely pleased with your compliment. 
All of a sudden, you were washed with feelings of nostalgia. Now that you thought back on it, you also always tried your hardest to brew the best tea for your ex-boyfriend. All of that memory seemed like a blur to you now that you know that he probably didn't mean any of the compliments he gave. Heck, you even caught a glimpse of him pouring the tea you made into the sink but you decided that that was just your mind playing tricks on you.
“Urgh, this SUCKS. I came here to forget about him but he still somehow managed to wriggle his way into my mind...”
You closed your eyes and your brows were knitted together in frustration as you thought that. You inhaled the scent of the tea and thankfully, that managed to calm your nerves down. 
“Are you alright??”
When you heard the panicked voice of Tsutomu, you opened your eyes and only then did you realize something sliding down your cheeks.
You touched your cheeks to inspect what it was. Well, even if you didn't, you already had a pretty good guess as to what it was. 
Tears were running down your cheeks in an uncontrollable manner. It was as if the more you tried to wipe them away, the more they came flooding down your face.
Tsutomu was panicking so hard, he felt as though he just lost ten years of his lifespan. Meanwhile Shirabu was glaring daggers behind his back, thinking that Tsutomu had said something to make you cry. 
“I'm terribly sorry, I….”
At this point, you had buried your whole face in your hands, ashamed at yourself for crying in front of these strangers. Just then, you felt a comforting hand being placed on your back, softly rubbing circles on top of it.
“It's alright if you felt like crying. Just let it all out.”
Those words were all that you needed before streams of tears started to pour out of your eyes and a few sobs to escape your lips. The fact that you suddenly remembered how your ex-boyfriend would always tell you to not cry in front of him because he claimed it’d be “troublesome” made you realize how toxic your relationship was.
After a few minutes had passed and you had calmed down, you pulled your hand away from your face before facing Tsutomu. He noticed this and looked at you with a concerned look. 
“I’m really sorry. That was shameful of me to cry in front of a total stranger. Thank you for giving me the chance to let all that out.”
You smiled at him and he retreated back his hand that was on your back. 
“Uhm...if you don’t mind, you can tell me your problems. I believe that it’s better to have someone you can confide in rather than keep it to yourself.”
You looked at him for a moment. Most people won’t really care about a stranger’s problem, so Tsutomu offering that came as a bit of a surprise to you. But if he had offered that, then it’d be nice to accept it.
“Thank you for the offer...Excuse me for bothering you then.”
So you told him everything from how you were burned out because of your work and were hoping to have a nice, relaxing time alone with your ex….and how you discovered he was cheating on you when you went to his place uninvited. You stormed out of there, and walked and walked and walked...trying to get as far away as possible from his place. Then, before you knew it, you found yourself in front of this cake shop. 
Tsutomu listened so intently, nodding his head every now and then to silently reassure you that he was listening. It warmed your heart when you saw how considerate he was being. For once, you actually felt as if a burden had been lifted off your shoulders. 
Shirabu who was sitting at the counter was silently listening to your story too. He made his way to your table and put down a slice of Strawberry Shortcake, claiming that that one was on the house.
“It’s hard to see the truth when you’re too blinded by what you wanted to believe. I’m sure that’s what happened to you too. Whoever that guy was, he clearly is a jerk that doesn’t have any respect for people. How can he be so disrespectful to someone as beautiful and kind as you?”
Tsutomu huffed out in frustration. You smiled at him for a moment before realizing what he just said at the end of his line.
“What...was that?”
You asked with an awkward smile and a small blush adorning your cheeks.
“Huh? I said he’s such a jerk---”
Before he got to finish the sentence, his eyes widened as a realization dawned upon him about what he just blurted out and before he knew it a deep crimson blush was already dusted upon his cheeks.
An awkward silence came upon the both of you and Shirabu who was watching the whole thing heaved an exasperated sigh as he thought on how hopeless the both of you were.
“A-anyways...thank you for hearing me out. And the food here is delicious too. I’ll definitely come back here again and bring my friends as well.”
After finishing your cakes and tea, you got up from your seat and went to the counter to pay for your orders.
“Ah, it’s already so late so uhh.. I think it’s best if I accompany you until you reach the main part of the shopping district.”
Tsutomu quickly got up from his seat and walked towards you. You honestly didn’t want to trouble him any further, but he simply assured you that he wanted to do it himself. Shirabu also nonchalantly encouraged you to take him up on his offer. At last, you did and walked out of the cake shop side by side with Tsutomu. 
The rapid contrast of the temperature from the heater in the cake shop and outside of it made you involuntarily shiver. As you exhaled, you could see your own breath in front of you. You’re definitely curling up under your kotatsu tonight.
The both of you walked in silence, admiring the colourful decorations being put around the district. When you finally reached the more busy part of the shopping district, the both of you stopped in your tracks.
“Thank you for everything today. You’ve been a great help…..Uh….”
You stopped mid-sentence as you realized that you didn’t know what this stranger’s name who had been so kind to you was.
“Just call me Tsutomu.”
He replied as if he knew what was on your mind. You smiled and nodded.
“....Tsutomu, thank you again for today. You can call me Y/N.”
You didn’t know whether it was because of the cold or because he was blushing, but you noticed his cheeks being dusted with pink hues. The same could be applied to you as well as you felt the rising heat in your cheeks. 
You bowed one last time and was about to continue walking when he called out to you.
“Uhm! Y/N...now that I think about it...I uh... I don’t think I caught what your phone number was….”
The both of you stood there in silence, your blush only grew deeper as moments passed by and you quickly responded to him by taking out a piece of paper from your bag and scribbling down your number.
You handed him the piece of paper and hung your head low, too embarrassed to face him. He took the paper and held it close to his chest.
“....I’ll be sure to contact you.”
He whispered under his breath, barely audible to your ears. You nodded and the both of you shared a small, content smile before making your separate ways to your house and back to the cake shop respectively.
That Christmas had been very hectic and you were drained out, but spending your time at the cake shop was an experience you’ll never forget. After all, the cute, black haired waiter there did help mend your broken heart at the time. 
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Oikawa totally wasn’t having it when he knew you gave out your phone number to a total stranger. In the end, he nagged you for hours about the danger of strangers and also how he was going to kick your ex-boyfriend’s ass after that. (He, Iwaizumi, Matsukawa and Hanamaki brought you cakes and some games to cheer you up so you weren’t all that bothered by his continuous nagging.)
The End
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Gen. Taglist: @vventiis @laylahoran @whootwhoot @mirakeul @kiyorei @instantmiya-main @ourvisty @tamaguchi @cadenceh2o @hidehaskak @yamagucji @ynainnit @tsukisemi @that-chick212 @bakuhoetoedoroki @alysken @ineedsomefoodpls [Join my taglist here!]
Winter Wonderland Taglist: @aii-channn @peteunderoos @jungtoast @nekoclysm @our-tall-slytherin-queen @isabella5 @slippinglasses @yhyucklee @rowley-with-ackerman @lilacnoodles @ineedsomefoodpls [Get into the winter wonderland taglist on this post!]
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softheartedscorpio · 4 years ago
can you do 7 and 14 for drarry from the winter prompts? also, I really liked all your autumn writings
Winter/Holiday Prompt #7: Visiting family that doesn’t know they’re dating.
Pairing: Drarry
Background: This is a world that didn’t have Voldemort so Lily and James are alive. It’s Harry’s sixth year and he’s been sorted into Slytherin. Draco and him have been friends since the beginning since Harry was given a hard time being a Potter in the Slytherin house. Please enjoy the chaos that will ensue ❤️
You can find prompt #14 for Drarry here. Thank you for your submission!
“Welcome home boys,” Lily’s bright smile sent warmth through everyone who had seen it. “Your father is in the sitting room with both Sirius and Remus.” Harry nodded as he tried to ignore the butterflies in his stomach. ‘Your being stupid,’ He thought to himself furiously. ‘It’s just Draco visiting for Christmas. Same as it is every year.’
But it wasn’t the same. Last year, Draco wasn’t his boyfriend. Harry’s eyes drifted to the blonde haired teen who was making his way towards the stairs with his luggage floating behind him. They started this tradition their first year, Draco would come for the first half of the holidays, then they would spend Christmas with their respective families and the rest of the time was spent at Draco’s home together.
Things, at first, were tense. But that was natural considering their fathers were enemies...or something. Harry didn’t really understand the feud, but decided not to get involved. He wasn’t a Slytherin for making stupid choices after all. Their mothers got along extremely well, which was a bit surprising considering Lily was a muggleborn and Narcissa was a pureblood. But it had been a pleasant surprise.
“Haz? You coming?” Draco’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts, he nodded as he grabbed his own bag and made his way up the stairs to his room. “Hey,” Draco gently touched his arm. “Are you okay?” Harry sighed as he spun around, “I’m nervous. They don’t know we’re...” His cheeks turned slightly pink as he looked at the floor. “That we’re dating?” Draco teased as he put a finger on Harry’s chin and lifted it, “Well we are and we have been for a few months now.” “I haven’t even told them I was gay,” Harry groaned as he flopped on his bed.
“It’s not like they won’t accept you. I mean Sirius and Remus are together,” Draco said logically as he sat on the bed in a more graceful manner. Harry shot him a glare, pushing the hair out of his eyes, “Yes but it’s different. I’m their son. Not their best friend.” Draco wanted to point out that it wasn’t really that different since they were accepting and open-minded, but felt like Harry just needed his panic moment. He wasn’t in the mood to argue anyway.
“Well,” Draco muttered as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I think they’ll love you either way.” Harry blushed before pushing him away, “Come on. I want to say hi to Padfoot and Moony.” Draco raised an eyebrow, “Not your dad?” Harry shrugged, a slightly mischievous grin that was reminiscent of his father’s on his face, and bolted from the room. Draco sighed before following at a more relaxed pace.
“Padfoot! Moony!” Harry yelled out in excitement as Sirius immediately jumped up and was tackled into a hug, “Prongslet!” Sirius yelled, just as excited spinning his godson around. “I missed you. How was school? Classes going well? Pull any good pranks? Giving Snivellus hell?” Remus smacked his arm, “Pads. No name calling our godson’s professors.” He scolded in a tired way that suggested that this wasn’t the first time this conversation happened.
Sirius ignored him as Harry began to talk, “School is school. Although I am in the top five,” He said proudly as he was passed into Remus’s arms for a hug. “Classes are reviewing material still so it hasn’t been new. I finally pranked Mrs. Norris.” This was met with cheers as the Marauders knew how difficult that cat could be. “And Snape-“ A look was given by Remus. “Professor Snape,” Harry amended with an eye roll. “Still hates me.” “Childish bast—” “Sirius!” “Bat! I meant bat!” Remus shook his head before ruffling Harry’s hair, “I’m glad to hear you’re doing well cub.” He said warmly as Harry scowled and fixed his hair.
“What am I? Chopped liver?” James complained as he finally interrupted. “Where’s my hug, brat?” Harry tapped his chin in a thoughtful way before he was snatched into a hug much to his laughter. “I missed you dad,” Harry said quietly as he hugged his father back. James grinned broadly, “Missed you too mini-me. It’s so boring driving your mother crazy without you.” Harry snickered as he pulled back. “If Sniv—” Remus cleared his throat pointedly. “Snape,” James rolled his eyes in a similar fashion to Harry’s. “Keeps giving you a hard time, let us know. We’ll handle it like we did last year, and the year before, and the year before...” He trailed off as he and Sirius shared a grin. Harry laughed, “He always leaves me alone after you guys show up so maybe I’ll call in the reinforcements.” He joked.
“Leave my godfather alone,” Draco chimed in as he leaned against the wall. “He only hates you so much Harry because you won’t stop pulling pranks.” Harry gave him a look of disbelief. “Okay,” Draco admitted with a chuckle. “He would hate you either way. But still,” He said with a cross of his arms. “As his godson, I’m obligated to defend him a bit.” “And as your bo-best friend, you should be taking my side,” Harry said, flushing as he remembered they were in the company of those who didn’t know they were together. Draco seemed to realize this as he smirked at him in amusement. Remus’s eyes seemed to narrow and flicker between the two before Lily called for dinner.
“Something’s going on with the cub and Draco,” Remus murmured into Sirius’s ear as the two were the last ones walking to the table. Sirius gave him a confused but interested look as he studied his godson and his best friend, “I’ll keep an eye on them.” Draco gave them a calculating look as he noted the whispers but sat next to Harry without saying anything.
“This is so good Mum. I always miss your cooking at Hogwart’s,” Harry said delightedly as he filled his plate. Lily beamed, “I’ll pack you up some treats before you go back and I’ll have to send some more food during the year.” Harry agreed wholeheartedly as Draco chuckled at his boyfriend’s antics. “So Harry,” Sirius said casually as he ate. “Go on any dates lately? How’s that Cho girl you were into?” Harry choked on his bite before clearing his throat as Draco patted his back, silver eyes shining in amusement.
“Oh-Uh...we didn’t work out,” Harry’s eyes didn’t leave his plate. “What a shame. Anyone else you’re seeing these days?” Remus caught onto what Sirius was doing. “I...uh...no?” Harry said nervously as Draco bit his tongue to keep himself from laughing. “No?” Remus’s tone was the embodiment of innocence, “No one?” Harry shook his head and took another bite. “Not even a...boy perhaps?” Harry immediately dropped his fork in surprise. James paused in his eating as he glanced between his son and his friends. Years of friendship had given them the ability to communicate silently and with a few looks from Sirius, James was practically caught up.
“Oh Harry!” Lily said gently, “We don’t mind if you like boys or girls.” She noted how Harry’s eyes flickered to Draco and how Draco was radiating smugness. “Yeah,” James agreed as he leaned back in his chair. “You could date your best friend and we would be okay with that.” Harry’s mouth dropped open as Draco finally lost his composure and started laughing. “H-How did you-?” Harry stuttered before banging his head on the table. “Fine! I’m dating Draco!” The Marauders exchanged smirks of triumph as Lily squealed in delight.
Draco patted his boyfriend’s shoulder consolingly, “See it wasn’t that bad.” Harry’s glare was laced with a hidden viciousness that reminded Draco why his boyfriend was truly a Slytherin, “You’re right. Now we just have to tell your parents.” Harry said in a sweet tone that had Draco paling as he suddenly remembered that his parents didn’t know about them dating either.
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 5 years ago
FFT: second one to know, adam page
This is another fake fic title ask sent to me by @adampage​ on my old writing blog (which is now my main) It’s part 1 of a 2 part thing, so the second part will be posted right after this.
Giselle and Adam are best friends. Also helplessly, hopelessly in love with each other. Giselle gets dumped by a shitty boyfriend and is left without a date to go home for the holidays. Enter Adam. 
Adam Page x OFC, Giselle
Uhh, none.
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“Now princess, don’t get upset. I told you from the beginning when you asked me to… Do that.. That I might not be able.” Sean stared her down and took a few deep breaths. Just the prospect of her getting upset and making a scene and making him look like the bad guy.. When he saw her tearing up, he grumbled. “Don’t make a scene. We’re in public for God’s sake, have some class.”
Giselle stared up at him, a hand in her hair as she took a few long and deep breaths. When he told her to have some class, she gave a hollow laugh because suddenly, it hit her.. He was just saying that work was the reason he couldn’t make the trip to meet her family. In reality, he felt like he was better than her family. Better than her.
Suddenly everything he’d said to her became clear as crystal and she realized she was essentially nothing more than a plaything to him. She was a rung on the ladder of his career. Having her on his arm drew him attention, gave the illusion that he had his shit together and he was what a successful company needed.
“Have some class, hmm?”
“Giselle, don’t start. I don’t have the time or the patience for one of your tantrums. Now I’ve said I’m sorry. And you need to accept that. In relationships, we compromise.”
… no, I give and give and give and forgive and you do NOTHING… the thought as it hit her prompted her to finally say something.
“I don’t accept it. And what we have isn’t a relationship, Sean, c’mon..”
“It is?” Sean eyed her, a brow raised and an irate look on his face as her voice raised just a hint. Giselle stepped closer and she snatched at the necklace around her neck. “Go find yourself a new fucking toy to play with.”
She turned to walk away, intent on finding her friends or finding a quiet place and calling her mom to explain what happened -and hear her mother say those dreaded words, and as she did, he gave an amused chuckle. “Are you really breaking up with me right now?”
She tilted her head slightly and pretended to think it over. “Yeah. Actually you holier than thou piece of shit, yeah I am.”
“Just know that I set the bar. You’re never going to find anyone who can bring what I do to the table.” Sean called out after her but she continued to walk, shoving through the crowd as she focused on keeping herself reasonably together until she could find a quiet and private area to fall apart in.
She felt drained and yet, somehow as if a huge weight had been lifted off her. She wasn’t dreading his excuses or lies anymore. She wasn’t having to listen to his little casual remarks about her or her upbringing or her job or anything he liked to nit pick about.
“How the hell was I so stupid?” she wondered aloud, shaking her head sadly as she sank into a seat.  She bought her knees to her chin, listening to her flight boarding and yet not rushing to it immediately.
… I’ll get a later flight, it’s not like I don’t know what they’re all gonna say when I show up without Sean anyway… they all told me he acted like he was too good for me…
Hangman tensed as he watched the whole thing go down. He stood there a second or two, torn between going after her and going after her now ex boyfriend and throttling the guy.
“Don’t waste your time on him, buddy.” Kenny spoke up, nodding in the direction Giselle disappeared to instead.
“Yeah, go find Giselle, she looked really upset and they’re calling her flight now.”
Adam took off after his best friend rather than go pull her ex out of line for his flight and beating the guy senseless. He found her sitting in a lesser crowded waiting area, staring out the window and for a second or two, he worked on calming himself down.
… if she were with me that would never have happened… I’d never do that…
… well, man, here’s your shot… you gonna shoot it or stand here and think about shootin it all night…. That last thought spurred him forward and he made his way over to where she sat.
After a few seconds of just sitting there, he put his arm around the back of her chair, resisting the urge to comment on how soft the jet black curls were as they brushed his arm.
He cleared his throat, trying to think of just the right thing to say at the moment. She shifted to lean against him and wiped at her eyes, laughing and shaking her head. “I can’t believe I ever thought that guy was the one.”
Adam shrugged and muttered something about the way love makes people crazy sometimes because he couldn’t think of anything else to say that wasn’t the truth.
“Yeah well there’s crazy and there’s plain stupid, Hangman and I’m afraid that right now, I fall into that second category.”
“C’mon, hon, don’t say that. I happen to think you’re pretty damn great.” Adam leaned in, wiping at her eyes with his thumb. He noticed that the flight she was supposed to be getting on was already departing and he swore, quietly.
“It’s okay. I’ll just.. Take a day to pull myself together.” Giselle shrugged as if it were nothing, and Adam nodded.
“At least call your family. Tell ‘em.”
“Don’t remind me.” Giselle gave a weak laugh as she took a few deep breaths and then stood. “C’mon. I’ll walk  you guys to your flights.”
“We’ll walk them.”
Giselle eyed Adam and he stared right back at her. “I am not gettin on a flight and leavin you here alone.”
She bit her lip, starting to protest, but Adam plugged his ears. “I’ll stay until you get a flight. We can get a hotel room and have a sleepover or somethin’.”
“Okay, fine. But I’m gonna warn you now. I’m probably not going to be much company.”
Adam chuckled and gave her that grin of his as he shook his head. “I’ll keep ya entertained. Promise.”
Somehow, Giselle didn’t doubt it, but she still felt guilty, making him delay his own plans to return home. “You don’t… have to do this.” she tried again to protest, to talk him out of staying behind just because she was. But Adam wasn’t hearing it, pressing a finger into her lips and cutting her off mid sentence. They wandered over to where Cody and Brandi stood talking to Kenny and the Bucks, saying their last goodbyes before their flights departed.
Kenny flashed a knowing grin as he set sights on them. “Finally.” he mouthed as Hangman gave him a warning look and mouthed back, “Not right away, damn.”
Adam slipped his arm around her and despite herself, she leaned against his side, staring up at him. It didn’t surprise her at all he was doing this. Adam was just that kind of man.
“They’re calling our flights. See you around, Page.” Matt and Nick gave their friend a hug and Kenny eyed Giselle and Adam. “Don’t both of you have flights?”
“We’re catchin a later one.” Adam answered as Kenny chuckled and nodded, stepping up to hug Adam and using the hug to whisper to his friend, “ If you keep waiting on the perfect time, you’re gonna miss out, buddy.”
Adam nodded and then turned his attention to Giselle as their friends boarded their flights. Clearing his throat, he nodded to the parking lot. “If we want a hotel room, we might wanna leave now.”
“Yeah, true. I just hope we can find one.”
Her cell phone rang and she eyed her mom’s number, finally sighing and muttering “Best to just get this over with.” as she stepped away, answering her mom’s video call.
“Darlin? Why are you still in the airport, hm?”
Giselle honestly meant to answer her mother, but before she could, her mother was swearing under her breath and then sighing. And naturally, her mom went there.
“That guy of yours blew ya off. See, this is…” her mother started to say it but Giselle spoke up calmly, “Yeah, look. I missed my flight fighting with him and breaking it off between us, so if you’re about to say I told you so, get it over with because I am so exhausted, Mama.”
“Where are ya? You’re not alone, right? Because you don’t make the best decisions…”
“I’m with Adam right now. He missed his flight too, so we’re going to catch the first ones out in the morning I guess. What the hell do you mean I don’t make the best decisions? Nevermind, mama, don’t answer that. I… I’ve gotta go. I don’t want to argue with anyone else tonight, especially not a literal brick wall.”
She hung up and Adam chuckled quietly from behind her as he dragged his hands through his hair and eyed her in concern. “You okay, Ele?”
“My mama being herself, of course.”
“Yikes. Let me guess, they adored that jerk?”
“Oh, no, she hated him. Hindsight being what it is, I can’t hold that against her, but you know how she is… Treating me like a child no matter what I do. It’s a mess.. Can we just.. Go now? Please?”
Adam nodded, picking up her bag as he slung his across his shoulder and Giselle went to take the bag from him. He shook his head. Their hands brushed and Giselle stared up at him, biting her lip and staying totally silent for a few seconds.
“What’d she say that got you all wound up, hon?” Adam asked as they walked out of the airport and towards the rental car that luckily, she hadn’t returned earlier. Giselle sighed and looked up at him, giving a sheepish laugh. “She’s right, I mean.. I don’t make the best decisions.”
Adam stopped them in the doorway of the airport and looked down at her, shaking his head. “She’s not right. You just thought ya loved the guy. There’s nothin wrong with that.”
“I think she was referring to all my other so called mistakes. She gets like this when my sister comes home with all the grandbabies, starts trying to meddle in my life because it’s not EXACTLY what she wants it to be.” Giselle sighed and shivered in the cold. Adam held out his jacket and she eyed him. “It’s freezing out here, are you insane? You need that. I’m fine, the car’s not far.”
“Take it, woman. Stop being so damn stubborn!”  Adam chuckled, holding the jacket out again. This time Giselle took it, snuggling down into it, letting the smell of her best friend fill her nose because he always smelled so good and it always made her feel better somehow. She pressed into his side and peered up at his phone as he muttered, “There’s a hotel not even a block away. We’ll try there. You eat anything tonight? I’m starvin.”
Giselle’s stomach growled almost on cue and she shook her head sheepishly. Adam eyed her and she admitted with a shrug, “I was running behind. I thought I could just grab something when they came around on the plane.. Then get actual food when I found a hotel on my all night layover.”
“Woman, what the hell? Look, we’re goin to find an Applebee’s or somethin.” Adam chuckled, shaking his head at her as he put his arm back around her and they walked towards the yellow Challenger she’d been so excited about snagging when they all rented cars earlier in the week. Giselle put the keys into his hand and Adam unlocked the car, opening her door. As she went to lower herself into her seat, they brushed against one another and Giselle found herself just… Sort of staring at him.
She took a deep breath. It was that feeling she seemed to get a lot lately around him. The one she couldn’t quite pin down. The one that had her tingly all over.
Adam caught her gaze, fingers tucked beneath her chin to make her look at him. “Hey… it’s gonna be okay, darlin. What you did was the right thing.”
“I know. Honestly? It doesn’t really hurt. I’m… More disappointed in myself than anything. Like… how did I not see that about the guy?” Giselle shook her head and sighed, taking a few long breaths as Adam pulled the car out into traffic. They were pulling into the parking lot of an Applebee’s near the airport and he snickered quietly, realizing that she’d just really started to doze off. Reaching out, he tapped her shoulder and cleared his throat as he leaned in.
“Hey.. we’re here, Ele.”
Giselle sat up, rubbing at her eyes and stretching. Adam was getting out and walking around, opening her door for her and again, as she got out, she wound up standing close to him, the jacket he’d given her to wear beyond big enough to swim in. Adam laughed when he caught her staring up at him, making the joke that he had to have something in his nose and she shook her head, choosing to stay quiet.
“We goin inside, or?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Adam couldn’t help but ask again and Giselle shrugged, but gave a half smile. “I don’t honestly know right now but I think.. Maybe.”
Truth be told, she just felt relieved to an extent. It hurt, but at the same time, it didn’t. Then again, she reminded herself, this is just the night you finally had enough. There’s no telling how you’ll feel about this in the morning.. When it actually sinks in.
She tried not to think about it. Just like she fully intended to continue doing. She didn’t want to think about any of it, from how stupid she’d been to choose a guy like Sean to begin with, to just how blind she’d let herself become while she’d been with him, to how more than likely everyone -from her family to her co workers, could see right through him.
Adam nodded, staring at her intently while also trying not to do it. “That’s good, darlin. I mean it, you’re gonna be okay. You’ll see.”
“You say that like you don’t know what a mess I am.” Giselle hugged against him for warmth and Adam tensed slightly, arms tightening around her. His nose lingered in her hair and he took a few deep breaths. “You’re not a mess.”
“I kind of am.” Giselle argued. Adam shook his head at her no and she sighed. “Fine. I’m starving. Let’s just go in and get food.” it was her way of changing the subject because suddenly she was picking up on this heavy lingering tension and realizing that tonight was not the first time it had been present.
That it seemed to hang heavily in the air whenever she was around Adam.
Something Riho said earlier in the month, when they’d all gone out for Halloween, it came rushing back to her.
.. no, that’s not it… i mean, i am attracted to him but like… that’s all it is, it has to be, I’d know if it were more than that, right?… she thought to herself as they found a back booth and scanned the menu.
“ I will… Never try to eat that much again, fuck.” Giselle groaned as they stepped into the hotel room they’d just gotten. Adam’s lack of a laugh at her comment and the way she went about being overdramatic about it immediately drew her attention to what he was currently fixated on.
The room they’d been given only had one bed.
Giselle’s mouth opened and closed and before she could stop it, that feeling was back, fluttering through her insides, making her heart race a little. She dragged her fingers through her snow dampened hair and opened her mouth to say something but Adam had apparently been thinking the same because he blurted out with a shrug, “You take it, darlin. I’ll be fine, I’ve slept on worse than that couch thing.” he nodded to a loveseat that despite it’s upscale design, looked about as comfortable as a boulder.
Giselle started to shake her head, but Adam was grabbing a pillow and stopping in front of her, a hand lingering close to her hip as he stared down at her. “It’s fine. Take the bed.”
She didn’t argue - it wouldn’t have done a lot of good, Adam was a stubborn guy, she knew it from experience as his best friend, and she flopped onto the bed, letting out a long and slow breath.
“Are you sure? I mean..”
“Darlin, it’s fine. I’ll be fine.” Adam reassured her, even as he sank down and grunted because the little two person sofa gave… Nothing at all. The so called cushions felt like brick covered in black pleather.
And given the fight he’d been in earlier at the arena, it wasn’t the best feeling.
Giselle tried to settle into the giant King sized bed after wiggling out of her clothing, but watching him toss and turn and try to get at least a little comfort left her feeling guilty because what the sofa lacked in the way of comfort?
The bed was like a cloud covered in pale blue sheets.
After turning out the lights, she tried to go to sleep and she just… Couldn’t. Everything from the day so far was rushing through her mind only to fleet just as she’d try to grasp one solid thing, one tangible thought.
Until the most unexpected one of all crept in..
… You’re both adults and Adam is not comfortable over there… Sharing the bed… Nothing has to happen and you do feel really comfortable with Adam…
This was the one solid thought she grasped onto and as if she were on autopilot, it’s the thought that had her sitting up in bed and reaching for the switch to the lights. Adam grunted, shielding baby blue eyes from the harsh flourescent overhead lights because he’d been just about to finally fall asleep.
“Everything okay over there, Ele?” he called out.
The tone of his voice half asleep had her gasping quietly. She sat there a second or two, trailing her fingers lazily over the thin blanket on the bed. “No. It’s not. I…”
“Yeah?” Adam was on his feet and making his way across the room to her, sitting just at the edge of the bed, his back to her.
His eyes met hers and she swallowed hard, nodding to the bed. “We’re adults and watching you over there barely fitting onto that fabric covered boulder.. I’d just feel better if you slept on the bed too? Please?”
Adam eyed her. Everything inside him insisted that he should protest -especially given the way he felt about her and what she’d gone through earlier, but one look into those eyes of hers had him nodding. “Okay, fine.”
She smiled and patted the empty side of the bed and Adam pulled back the sheets getting in and getting as comfortable as he possibly could, all things considered. He tensed a little when she slipped her leg between his, an arm going over him as she cozied right up to him from behind.
“Y-yeah, hon?” he stammered out, taking a deep breath, trying to resist the urge to roll over and just kiss her already, no matter how shitty the timing might be for it at the moment.
“Thank you for being there. Thank you for being my best friend.”
… Darlin if you knew just how much I wanted to be so much more than that… The thought came and Adam tried to push it to the back of his mind. After a few seconds, he answered quietly, “You deserved better anyway. As far as tonight, and bein your friend.. I want to because you’re an amazing person. You don’t have to thank me.”
“ I know,” she yawned, her cheek nuzzling right against his bare upper back as she moved even closer, “but I wanted to. Because I.. You don’t know how much it means to me. How much you kinda mean to me, Hangman.”
“Night, darlin.”
“Night, big guy.”
Adam woke up to the sun streaming in the windows and to discover that during the night, he’d rolled onto his back. And that apparently, Giselle draped herself across his body. He took a deep breath and watched her sleeping for a few seconds. He carefully reached out for his cell phone on the nightstand and when he caught sight of the fact that the sun was so bright for a very good reason, he sat up, rubbing his hand through his hair.
On the one hand, she was sleeping so well.. As upset as she’d been the night before, he’d honestly been afraid that she’d have a rough night full of tossing and turning.. On the other hand, they both had flights to get on.
… or A FLIGHT.. Because it’s not like you have anything in particular to go… the thought snuck in before he could stop it, and he shook his head at himself.
He leaned down and gently shook her awake. “Hey, Ele? We have exactly ten minutes to get dressed and get over to the airport for check in.”
Giselle shot up in bed, biting her lip as doing so as fast as she had led to the sheet wrapped around her upper body very nearly falling down. She blushed a little and Adam turned his head.
After grabbing the shirt she’d taken off at some point during the night and tugging it down, she tapped his shoulder and yawned. “I was sleepin so good. Parts of me are really dreadin this whole goin home thing..”
“Well.. I know how my mama is.”
She fidgeted and Adam felt his breath literally catching hold in his throat, found himself hoping despite it all that she was about to hint at what he felt like she might be.
Giselle took a deep breath and caught his gaze. “ I don’t.. Nevermind, it’s dumb.”
“No, no.” Adam tilted her chin, making her meet his gaze.
“You’ve probably got plans and the last thing you wanna spend Christmas doing is hangin out with me..”
… you couldn’t be more wrong if you tried… he thought to himself as he chuckled and eyed her, a teasing hint to his voice, “Ele, are you tryin to ask me somethin?”
“I was, yeah.. But it’s dumb. I mean you’ve already done this..” Giselle gestured to the room they’d spent the night in and she took a deep breath. “It’s just I… When you’re around, I feel better.”
… and maybe I just want to… i don’t know, give myself the chance I’ve been too afraid to take before and get to know you better….  She realized she’d gone silent and she added quickly, “We don’t have to tell them we’re dating or anything, I promise..”
Adam chuckled, staring at his hands as he pulled himself together. What she was asking was… a huge deal for him. And there was something a little different about her this morning, in the way she kept looking at him, and all the little touches.
She leaned against him and sighed. “Sorry.” - followed by an awkward but cute laugh. Adam chuckled and turned to the side so that he held her gaze. “You don’t have to be sorry. Yeah. I’ll come back with you.”
“Wait, huh? R-really?” it caught her off guard and she bit her lip, catching his gaze, feeling relieved when she saw that smile of his.
“That bein said, darlin.. We’re kinda down to 8 minutes.”
“Shit.. But I don’t wanna get out of this bed.” Giselle pretended to whine, pouting even as she looked up at him as he stood. She turned away quickly when she realized just how little happened to be covering his body.
Her cheeks heated in a blush and despite looking away, she may have peeked through her fingers, sucking in a sharp breath.
“It did feel really comfortable.” Adam sighed and gazed at the bed -and her, as he grabbed his discarded jeans and tee shirt. He’d just finished dressing when she slipped out from between the sheets, grabbing her own jeans, tugging them up her legs. It called entirely too much attention and Adam had to turn around completely.
Even that did no good because the mirror over the dresser gave him a view. He coughed and called out, “About done, Ele?”
Giselle tapped his shoulder and waved up at him, nodding to the door. “Yeah. We should get going now.”
“We should.”
In her hurry to get dressed, she’d grabbed one of the tee shirts he had out the night before. He chuckled and she looked down, palming at her face and quietly groaning before giving a mumbled “Fuck it. I have zero time to change. And it’s comfy.”
“Looks cute on ya too.” - it came out before Adam could stop it, making her blush all over again. They stood there, migrating closer and closer for a few seconds until finally, Giselle grabbed for her backpack.
“ You can’t say I didn’t warn you in advance. My family is a little.. Out there.” she told him with an amused laugh as Adam smiled back at her and held the door open for her, “I can’t wait to meet them.”
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queen-of-deans-booty · 5 years ago
With Just A Little Effort...
Characters: Briana Buckmaster x Reader, minor characters
Word Count: 1,524
Warnings: some relationship/long-distance angst, but fluff at the end
Summary: Briana is always away on tour, and you’re stuck in the office at work. Will you two make it work, or will your relationship crumble under the intense pressure of long-distance relationships?
Beta: none
Author’s Note: If you have any requests, please send them in!
This is the December 3rd fic for my 25 days of RPF Christmas with the prompt: Won’t Be Home for the Holidays
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
Tags at the bottom
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There was a time when you and your friends went on your annual hike, and the mountain was so steep that it almost knocked the wind out of you. You came home after that trip with blood in your shoes from how much they hurt--well, it felt like your feet were bleeding. Now that trip was hard just like the time you ran a small marathon. It was nothing like the big leagues, but something small for breast cancer awareness that you absolutely loved even if you were so sore afterward. It was also very hard for you when you got into a minor car accident a year ago when some woman wasn’t paying attention to her surroundings and crashed into the back of your car.
There are many more events that have been hard for you, but all of those pale in comparison to what you’re going through now. Your girlfriend, the beautiful Briana Buckmaster, has been away all holiday. She’s on tour around the country with some of her good friends, and you couldn’t be happier for her. Hearing about her success over the phone brings a smile to your face, especially when you think about it. The hard part is seeing her smile on the photos she posts, hearing her laughter through the videos she sends and watching other people embrace her and tell her how good of a job she’s doing.
The hard part is realizing those people are doing what you’re supposed to be doing. It’s supposed to be you hugging her and congratulating her. It’s supposed to be you who gets to hug her and kiss her when something great happens. Instead, she’s with her friend and having the time of her life without you.
Sure, she calls and Facetimes every night, but it’s not the same. She’ll ask you about your day, and all you can say to her is how your boss said something rude, or how you had a computer jam and had to do all the paperwork by hand. You ask her about her day, and she goes off on a tangent about how fun it is to be on stage, how her supporters (she hates calling them fans) are always cheering her on, and how relaxing the end of the day is. You can’t help but get jealous of her. She can see it in your eyes even if you deny it all the time. You try to be happy for her, but sometimes it doesn’t show.
She offered you to come with her, and under any other circumstances, you would. However, your work doesn’t allow you to travel and keep your job at the same time. It definitely puts a stressor on your relationship, but you try not to let it win. The Christmas holiday is coming up, and soon she’ll be in your arms for a little longer than a month. She should be calling you about the details of her flight any minute now, so to pass the time, you start playing home videos of the two of you. Your favorite video is when you two went to the beach a few summers back in Malibu. It was sunny, the weather was perfect, and you had your lady with you.
“We’re here in lovely Malibu where the sun is always shining and the party just doesn’t stop,” Briana laughed into the camera she’s holding.
“All day and all night, motherfuckers,” you shouted from your spot in the background.
“And that foul-mouthed pretty lady over there is my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N,” she introduced you as she swiveled the camera to face you.
“Watch this!” you grinned and got yourself ready to do a cartwheel. You got into the stance and took off, landing on your hand the wrong way. You crumbled down to the ground with a groan that turned into laughter.
“That was terrible. Are you okay?” she giggled.
“I’m good!” you held out both your thumbs with a smile.
“I love you. Even if you’re not flexible.”
A tear slides down your cheek at the fond memory. Your phone binged which means you’re getting a Facetime request. Upon seeing your girlfriend’s name, you wipe the tear from your face so she won’t suspect anything is wrong. This is the call you’ve been waiting for, and honestly, you could use some good news. You connect your phone with the TV so you can see her on a bigger scale.
“Hey baby, were you crying?” Briana asks when she sees your face. You could never fool her no matter how hard you tried.
“Please tell me you’re coming home. I really need good news right now,” you plead.
“I… won’t be coming home for the holidays. We’re swarmed here. Y/N, I’m so sorry.”
Just like that, a new wave of tears flows down your cheeks. You fist your hair with your fingers and place your elbows on your knees.
“Please don’t cry, babe, I’ll make it up to you as soon as I can.”
“When are you going to be back?” you sniffle, pushing your hair back and crossing your arms.
“Sometime after January.”
“You’ve been gone since September, Bri,” you cry softly.
“I know, but I can’t leave now. Trust me, you know I would if I could.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” you sigh.
“Are you going to be okay?”
“No, but what else can I do? I can’t leave work, and you just said you can’t. I-I miss you.”
“I miss you too. More than you could ever know.”
“Hey! Briana! We ten five minutes until stage time!” someone from the background shouts.
“Y/N,” she trails off.
“Go, have fun. I’ll talk to you later,” you cut her off and end the call. It’s not fair to be treating her this way, you’re just upset you’re not going to be able to see her for the holidays. Work will keep you busy anyway, so you’re not staying at home all the time and just crying. At least at work, you get to work hard to pretend that everything’s okay.
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You walk into work the next morning sluggishly. There is no energy inside of you to deal with anything. You and Briana had a long talk once she was alone in her hotel room. She understood how upset you are, and despite this little kink in your relationship, you two still love each other dearly.
Work is going to be hectic, you can already tell by the way your coworkers bustle around the office and papers in their hands. At least the computers are working just fine so you don’t have to waste your time writing everything down. Last time that happened, you had a hand cramp for the rest of that day.
As soon as you set your things down on your desk, your boss calls you into her office. She normally doesn’t talk to you unless something serious happens, and you go over everything that you did this past week that might prompt her to call you. You hadn’t done anything wrong, didn’t say anything wrong, and you did all of your paperwork correctly with minimal mistakes. Why could she possibly want with you in her office? What did you do?
“You wanted to see me?” you ask when you knock on her open door.
“Yes, please, sit,” she smiles.
“Did I do something wrong?” you ask, doing what she told you.
“No, no, nothing like that. I wanted to run something by you.”
“What is it, ma’am?”
“I’m granting you the rest of the month off. Paid, of course,” she grins.
“Wait, what?”
“Yes, you heard me correctly,” she laughs.
“But, why? Did I fill something out wrong? Do you not want me working here anymore?” you ask when your mind goes to the worst possible situation.
“No, Y/N, you’re not in trouble. You’re a star employee.”
“If I may ask, why are you giving this to me?”
“Briana called me, and we had a little chat. I can see how much you miss her. Consider this a Christmas present. You’re cleared to come back the second week of January.”
“Are you serious?” you whisper.
“Deadly. She asked me to give you this,” she explains and hands you a plane ticket to where Briana was staying.
“I can’t believe this is happening,” you gasp emotionally.
“Have a good Christmas, Y/N. We can handle things around here without you for the month.”
“Thank you so much!”
“You’re welcome,” she smiles.
You get up and leave her office, grabbing your things on the way out. Briana must be doing a soundcheck or something big, which is why you decide to text her instead of call. Pulling out your phone on your way to the car, you sent her a quick text filled with love.
You’re something special, Briana. I love you so much. I’m heading to the airport now.
You don’t even care that you don’t have bags. You can always buy some more when you get to her. Your excitement of finally seeing her after so long clouds your rational side.
Anything for you, my love. Merry Christmas.
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Wanna get tagged? Add yourself to this document! If your tag doesn’t work, find out why!
there are no briana tags since i haven’t written for her but they’re up now! i’ll write more for her if you guys want me to!
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javocjovian · 6 years ago
The Road So Far...
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Sarasaurussex’s Masterlist
• Bingos • Bangs • Holiday Events • Other Works • Art
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A Supernatural Menagerie A collection of short smutty Supernatural stories! Mostly for Kink and ABO Bingo, plus a few requests. | Chapter | Title - Ship , Kink/Tag/Prompt | ʟɪɴᴋs | Ch 1 | Dress for Success - Destiel, Clothing Sharing | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 2 | Work, Work, Work - Sabriel, Rimming  | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 3 | Bondage Therapy - Wincest, Bondage | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 4 | Fully Loaded - Sabriel, Breeding Kink (non-ABO) | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 5 | Two Feet Under - Sastiel, Footfetish/Breathplay | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 6 | Blood and Flesh, Mind and Soul - Mooseley (Sam x Crowley), Coming Untouched | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 7 | Sensory Overload - Sastiel, Scent Kink | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 8 | How To Make Sammy Sleep - Wincest, Domestic Kink | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 9 | Two Veils To Hide My Face - Wincest, Scent Marking (ABO) | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 10 | Wet Dreams May Cum - Debriel, Sleeping/First Times | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 11 | Getting To Know You - Sketch (Sam x Ketch), Friends to Lovers/Face Fucking | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 12 | An Angel and Demon In Us All - Meg!Sam x Castiel | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 13 | Exorcising Those Demons - Balthazar x Rowena, Fake Relationships | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 14 | Heaven and Hell - Megstiel, Squirting | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 15 | The Trap - Destiel, sub!Dean/Sex Pollen | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 16 | Ride ‘Em Cowboy - Destiel, Sexuality Crisis | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 17 | Ramble On - Destiel, Oral | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 18 | How To Train Your Demon - Dain (Dean x Cain), Caning | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 19 | Natural Born Leader - Calthazar, Societal Role Reversal (ABO) | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 20 | Whiskey and Spice - Dean x Ketch, Tattoos/Accidental Scent Bond (ABO) | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 21 | You’re Mine - Wincest (Demon!Dean x Boyking!Sam), Teasing | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 22 | Blueberry Pie - Wincest, Restraints (ABO) | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 23 | Down Boy - Wincest, Petplay | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 24  | It’s A Farcical Life - Sabriel, Sam Wesson | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 25 | Table Manners - Wincest, Voyeurism (ABO) | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 26 | Saving Grace - Castiel/Michael/Lucifer | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 27 | First Blood - Demon!Dean x Boyking!Sam, Bloodplay (Freespace) | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 | Ch 28 | BONUS | Dress For Success with Art by Purgatory-Jar! | ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ | ᴀᴏ3 |
A Close Shave | tumblr | AO3 | Square: Orgasm Denial Ship: Michael!Dean x Sam, implied Wincest Rating: E Word Count: 5,803 Tags: Orgasm Denial, Forced Orgasm, Aphrodisiacs, Multiple Orgasms, Edging, Teasing, Denial, Oral, Anal, Bondage Summary: Michael!Dean returns to his prisoner and has some fun. Part I not necessary.
Wherever I May Roam | tumblr | AO3 | Square: Roleplay Ship: Destiel, Cockles, Dean Winchester x Misha Collins Rating: E Word Count: 11,432 Tags: Angst, Hurt, Comfort, Heartbreak, Idiots to Lovers, Relationships, Emotional Sex, Realism, Condoms and Lube, Caught in the Act, Jensen & Misha & Dean & Castiel, Jared & Sam, Rejection, Arguments, First Time sex, Happy Ending, Fluff Summary: Sam and Dean get sent to another TV Land that’s slightly different than the last. In this version, Jensen and Misha are dating. Can Dean keep it together long enough to be rescued and avoid ruining his precariously platonic relationship with Castiel? (cue Sam laughing in the background)
Show Me Your Moves - sequel in progress | tumblr | AO3 | Square Filled: Neighbors Ship: Destiel (18yo!Dean x hunter!Castiel) Rating: E Word Count: 12,436 Tags: Top Cas/Bottom Dean, technically legal, age gap, enthusiastic consent, porn with plot, hand jobs, blowjobs, rimming, anal, fun positions, coming too early, multiple orgasms, cum licking, mentions of masturbation, lots of lube usage, horny teen Dean, mentions of abusive John, angst, apologies, Castiel is bad at talking, protective lil Sam, after-care, comfort, fluff Summary: While on a hunt, Castiel the slightly-OCD hunter keeps running into a cocky, sarcastic, drop-dead gorgeous eighteen-year-old named Dean Winchester. Turns out the kid is pretty good at punching ghouls, eating all of Castiel’s food, and getting dirty ;D Also appearing:sassy teen Sam (who volunteers at an animal shelter), Ellen and Jo, and a bunch of dogs. Mentions of John, Mary, Bobby, and Castiel’s angel family. 
| SPN Kink Bingo Masterlist (ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ) | SPN ABO Bingo Masterlist (ɪɴ ᴘʀᴏɢʀᴇss) |
Catch the Wind - Wincest Big Bang 2019 | tumblr | AO3 | WBB post | Ship: Teencest, Wincest, Wincestiel (at the end) Rating: E Word Count: 21,521 Tags: Flashbacks, Timetravel, Action, Angst,  Hurt/Comort, John Winchester, OC villain, Choices, the Butterfly effect, Changing the past, Wound Care, Making out, Don’t wake dad, Guilt, Healing Sex, Threesome Warnings: Teenaged Wincest (Sam16, Dean20), canon level gore/violence, emotional parental abuse Summary:  When a rogue angel Castiel once spared begins murdering angels on the West Coast, Sam and Dean help Castiel hunt the angel down once and for all. Along the way they find themselves in a place, they stayed in as teenagers. It brings back memories of Sam’s 16th birthday when he was being hunted by a delusional friend of John’s who was determined to stop the next King of Hell. Unbeknownst to Sam, Dean, or Castiel, the past and present are inexplicably intertwined, and sparing the angel in the past has unfathomable consequences for Sam and Dean’s future. Fate, chance, and redemption must all be confronted for the trio to move on.
Lost and Found - Supernatural Trope Celebration 2019 | tumblr | AO3 | STC post | Ship: Sastiel Rating: M Word Count: 12522 Tropes: Amnesia/Memory Loss, Reverse Sex Pollen, Deathbed Confessions Warnings: Mental Heath Issues, Mention of Suicide, AKF Summary: When Sam starts acting strange, Dean’s faith in his brother comes undone, and after a bad fight causes Sam to leave the bunker for good it seems impossible they’ll ever be able to reconcile. But Castiel suspects something more is going on. He finds Sam, only to discover his worst fear: Sam is not himself, and it might be too late to save him. Castiel enlists Rowena to help solve the mystery of Sam’s condition, cure him, and reunite the Winchesters.
Red and Gold - SPN Canon Big Bang 2019 | tumblr | AO3 | CBB post | Ship: Sabriel , Crowbriel (GabrielxCrowley), Crowsabriel (SamxGabrielxCrowley), background Destiel Rating: E Wordcount: 25,906 Warnings: Dub-con Summary: Back from the dead and acting strange, Gabriel finds himself in debt to Crowley. In order to free himself he must fulfill a contract by spying on the Winchesters, who are trying to shut the Gates of Hell. But after Sam catches Gabriel spying on him in the shower (naturally), the contract is voided and Gabriel finds himself enslaved to Crowley as payment. Sam figures out Gabriel’s deal with the devil and tries to help, but ends up caught up in it himself. Eventually, Sam and Crowley discover the cause of Gabriel’s strange behavior, and the unlikely trio of heroes and villains come together to save their favorite feathered frenemy from an even greater threat.
Black Mountain Side - Team Free Will Big Bang 2019 | tumblr | AO3 | TFW post | Ship: Wincestiel, Wincest Rating: E Wordcount: 7,792 Summary: Castiel gets injured on a hunt, causing tension between himself and Dean. Sam is forced to play mediator, but even he can’t predict how the night unravels. Held up in a shack in the mountains, the trio discovers how far they’ll go for each other.
Holiday Events:
Chill Me, Thrill Me: A Supernatural Halloween Story Supernatural Trope Celebration (Halloween Edition) | tumblr | AO3 | Rating: T Trope: For Halloween, I’m Going as Myself Tags: Halloween Party, Costumes, Mystery, Monsters, Hunting, minor Sam Winchester/OC, Making Out, Humor, Holidays Summary: Sam and Dean Winchester get invited to a party on Halloween night, but they have no idea what kind of tricks and treats are in store for them.
What Really Matters Galentine’s Day Fic for @mrswhozeewhatsis​ | tumblr | AO3 | Ship: Castiel x Dean x Reader Rating: E Tags: Grace Healing, BAMF Castiel, Vulnerable Dean, Protective Dean and Cas, Bunker sex, Threesome, Dean in the middle, Sub Dean, Top Castiel, Power-Bottom Reader, Humor, Fluff, Smut Summery: Dean blames himself when you get injured in a fight. Luckily, you and Castiel know just how to bring him around.
A Very Supernatural Christmas Party | AO3 | Ship: Destiel, Sabriel, mild Crowlthazar Tags: Christmas Smut, Destiel Angst (with a Happy Ending), Humor, Pranks Rating: E Summery: Gabriel and Castiel need dates to Metaron’s annual Christmas party. 
Secret Santa Illustrated Fic | AO3 | Rating: G Summery: Crowley comes across a certain celebrity soul in Hell. Written for a fan.
Guess Who’s Coming to Thanksgiving Dinner | AO3 | Rating: G Summery: Sam, Dean, and the gang hit a roadblock on their way to Jody’s for Thanksgiving
Other Works:
Wet Dreams May Cum Debriel Creations Challenge @debrielcc​ | tumblr | AO3 | February Theme: First Times My Prompt: Sleep/Sleeping Ship: Debriel (Dean/Gabriel, Dean/Gabriel/Dream-Gabriel) Rating: E Tags: Somnophilia, masturbation, wet dreams, embarrassment, first time anal (Dean), hand jobs, prostate milking, wings, consensual, mild pain enjoyment, grace sex, grace bondage, induced sleep, bondage via induced sleep, soul fucking, dream control, dream sex, mind-reading, time-loop Summary: Dean has a wet dream about Gabriel, so Gabriel turns it into reality.
The Angel Who Would Be Human | AO3 | Ship: Gabrizar (Balthazar x Gabriel) Kinks: Shower Sex, Bath Sex, Blow Jobs, Sass Rating: E Summery: Balthazar becomes human for a week. Gabriel give shim a place to stay.
It’s Not Gay If You Don’t Hold Hands | AO3 | Ship: Mooseley, Destiel Kinks: So many. Crowley addicted to Sam’s blood, BDSM, Bondage, Shibari Rope, Cock Cages, Destiel Angst, Wing Kink Rating: E Summery: Set in an alternate universe following the conclusion of Season 9, Sam finds Crowley before he joins up with a newly awakened demon!Dean, and Castiel finds Dean before he can run off on his own.  Note: This is my most popular SPN Fic from a few years ago, it’s an unfinished RP
Supernatural x Marvel Mini Bang | AO3 | Rating: T Summery: Mobster AU Crossover featuring the Family Business (Supernatural), the Avengers Assembly (the Avengers/Spiderman), and the L.A. Guardians (Guardians of the Galaxy). Also, Deadpool shows up uninvited.
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Withheld - DeanCas Reverse Bang Art Withheld - DeanCas Reverse Bang Master Post
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I’ll Always Be There - Wincest Reverse Art I’ll Always Be There - Wincest Reverse Master Post
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Snowbound - Wincest Reverse Art Snowbound - Wincest Reverse Master Post
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The Good, the Bad and the Fluffy - Wincest Reverse Art The Good, the Bad and the Fluffy - Wincest Reverse Master Post
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pixiealtaira · 7 years ago
Hummel Holidays 2016 prompt 12: gingerbread
Pairing: Kurt/Adam
Note: see another cheesy title....
“Kurt, remember when you told me your dad took you to a festival of trees and the Nutcracker Suite? There is a festival of trees here that is matched with a gingerbread house festival.  Everything will be up for bidding and the proceeds go to various youth arts programs around the city.  They are looking for people to volunteer and to make creations.” Adam said as soon as Kurt answered his phone. “There is a poster up here at NYU.”
“Would we have time and what size for items?” Kurt asked.
“If I call and get details, will you work together on something for it with me?”
“It sounds fun.” Kurt said. “I’d love to.”
Kurt tucked into his class and instead of concentrating on set design from script reading, Kurt drew Christmas Tree themes that could be done for not too much and gingerbread houses.
Adam called just after Kurt’s class ended to tell Kurt he’d started the gingerbread and that tree had to be at least 4 feet tall or they could do a garland and wreath set.  He told Kurt had had red, white, green and black four inch wide ribbon that would work for either and he knew someplace that he could get either trees or wreaths and to bring what Kurt thought would be fun to decorate with when he came.
Kurt stopped at the candy store on the way home and bought runts and chocolate rocks cotton candy in various colors and gum and all sorts of other little candies and candy’s like starbursts and gummies that could be molded.  Then he saw an idea that made him smile and he knew what he wanted to do. He left with a bunch of starlight mints as well.
A stop at a craft store for plastic bulbs in various shaped and sizes, various colored boas and pompoms, googly eyes, felt, white yarn and big darning needles, cookie cutters of all shapes and sizes and smaller ribbon later and Kurt was on his way to Adam’s apartment.
Adam’s apartment smelled divine when Kurt arrived. Adam was behind the counter mixing another batch of gingerbread and Kurt went right to him.
“I’ve got an idea for a tree or wreath, I think it would work for either, but it is a bit odd.” Kurt said
“And that is?”
“Sesame Street.” Kurt said. “Mainly the monsters.”
“That could work.” Adam said. “Do you want to do a wreath or tree?”
Kurt sighed. “I think a tree.  I also bought cookie cutters which we could use to make cookies or just hang on the tree and I thought we could make little candy containers as well…I figure we should have hot glue and heavy cardstock paper from making Christmas decorations earlier.”
Adam smiled. “Alright, let’s spill out all our treasures and see what we have that works. Draw up your ideas.”
Kurt drew out his ideas for the characters they would need and placed bulbs with each.  
“I’ve got Big Bird, Cookie monster, Elmo, Grover, and Oscar.” Kurt said.
“How about Bert and Ernie?” Adam asked.
Kurt nodded. “We could do those.”
“How about Henry, the Count, and Kermit?” Adam asked.
“And Telly. And Zoe. And Rosita.” Kurt added.
“If we can make all those, we could then see what else we would need to make a tree look full.”
“We can google other monsters to add.  I’m sure some have been added since I watched it much last.”
Adam laughed. “I know some have because when I watched it with my nieces last year I didn’t know several of the characters.”
“We’ll have enough, I’m sure.” Kurt smiled. “I need the hot glue gun. You draw out your gingerbread house plans. I’ll look up each monster so we can get the faces decent. I wish I could think of a way to do snuffy.”
Adam put on Christmas music and Kurt got to work on ornaments while Adam baked.
They chatted and sang along with songs and talked about baking with family and watching TV when little and what things their families had always done together.
It was a perfect way to spend the afternoon and evening.  
Adam made dinner and they ate between putting up the walls of the gingerbread grocers.  While they let the icing set on those, Adam dragged Kurt down to the dollar store and Kurt met Percy, who helped Adam start up the Apples when Adam was a first year at NYADA.  Percy had the connections to several smaller fake Christmas trees. His sister had just had a winter wedding and was donating the trees they used to decorate with. He actually sent Kurt and Adam back to Adam’s place with two trees and enough lights to light them. Kurt gave Percy and his sister ornaments…the first set of Oscar and Henry which weren’t quite what Kurt wanted but was good enough to know which characters they were.
They built the front food stands for the grocers, little boxes and tables and bins to put under the awning Adam was making out of a fruit roll up.  Kurt and Adam filled the crates and bins with runts and other small candies formed into veggies and fruits.  They created a cobblestone type pavement for the front.  They made roof tiles out of gum.  While Kurt was piping the windows details, Adam strung lights on the tree and wrapped it in the green ribbon.
They had ended up with twenty monster and puppet ornaments.  They had both heads of the two headed monster and Prairie Dawn and Abby and Guy Smiley, Ruby, and baby bear.  They had extras their favorites…Oscar and Cookie Monster and Bert and Ernie and Big Bird and Harry, which Adam tucked into a box for their tree.
Kurt couldn’t help beaming when Adam called it their tree.
They decided to hang a dozen cookie cutters and then make two dozen treat tubes.  It wasn’t a packed tree, but it was a full enough tree that both Kurt and Adam thought it might make the charity some money.
Kurt stayed over.  He had come to love staying over at Adam’s.
Not just for the sex, like his roommates insisted.  Oh, they had sex.  Kurt hadn’t made them wait long once they got back together, since that had been one of the buttons Rachel and Blaine had pushed to get him back with Blaine for that brief time during March and April and May, before Kurt came to his senses in summer and broke it off again.   Often they didn’t have ‘full out’ sex, as Kurt put it.  
Kurt liked sleeping cuddled next to Adam, he liked midnight frottage and morning wake-ups via blow jobs. He liked the constant touching they engaged in at Adam’s, hands caressing as they passed each other, or held as they sat and watched something.  Adam loved pulling Kurt’s feet into his lap as they sat together on the sofa, or tucking Kurt into his side for snuggles.
He liked watching things he liked to watch with Adam.  He liked watching things Adam liked to watch.
He liked sharing space with Adam…and their lives.  He hadn’t ever felt like things were evenly shared with Blaine…or even ever at the loft. It was wonderful.
And Adam was constantly coming up with things like the Gingerbread house to do.  It made Kurt feel a part of where he lived. It was nice.  And Kurt was ever so glad he had not messed it up completely.
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froggydarren · 7 years ago
(Maybe) Secret Santa
Hobrien || G || ~1k || AO3
Summary: Tyler always sent a whole bunch of holiday cards to people he'd worked with before, to friends and colleagues from projects he'd been in. He didn't expect replies, though he was sure some would come. Then, a package arrived at his door, sender unknown.
Written for the Full Moon Ficlet challenge on Livejournal - prompt #255: surprise
A/N: Happy Holidays to all who celebrate! And if you don’t, here’s a treat anyway ;) 
The whole show had been filming on and off for almost eight years. In all those, they weren’t always around for any of the holidays. In fact, it was rare that they were anywhere near the set just before or after them — everyone has families of some kind, after all — so the people involved were not normally included in festivities. Especially not Christmas, when they made sure that everyone had time to fly home, to have their own traditions.
Tyler’s, of course, had always been very traditional. Now that there were kids around that weren’t just extended family who wouldn’t visit until after Christmas Day, his parents went all out, more so than usual. When he was young, it was the one time he always looked forward to: everyone together, no commitments, no schedules, no rushing from training to filming and back to training again.
So when the hype around Teen Wolf ended, for him it was just another thing that went back to normal. More so than in the two years before the series wrap, because he expected fewer cards as everyone went off in their own directions. He himself only sent a few cards the year after, mostly generic ones — with the exception of Colton and Ian, because he couldn’t resist finding the most glittery and bright cards along with the cheesiest socks and novelty wine-related gadgets for both — so when the cards started appearing in his mailbox, he couldn’t help but feel a little guilty about those whom he forgot.
There was one from Ryan, a “family” portrait that included his cats. Melissa somehow dug out vintage ones, because of course she did. A few others, from cast members he remembered but hadn’t thought of tracking the addresses for.
But then, a few days before he officially clocked out from socializing and drove his bags to his parents’ house, a small package arrived at his doorstep. There was no handwriting on the unassuming label, no return address, nothing to tell him where or who it was from. Only a small note that told him to not open it until Christmas Day, alone.
There was a limited amount of people who had the exact address for his place, the one he moved to after leaving the apartment he’d been renting after Everybody Wants Some. He’d only texted it to one list on his phone, to the people whom he trusted as much as his family. Because of that, he knew it wasn’t anything he should worry about, but the mystery still haunted him for days.
It was also — not that he’d admit it — the reason why he woke up early on the 25th. Too early, if the silence of the house around him was any indication.
The package was on the bottom of one of his bags, stashed away in the closet in his old room where he was spending the holidays. Tyler dug it out, and lingered over the tape holding the sides of the wrapping paper together. Then, unable to contain his curiosity any longer, he slid a finger under the tape and tugged.
While he was making his way through the layers — there were three — of packing and wrapping paper, he kept running the possibilities of who was the sender through his mind. He’d have guessed Ian, had he not received a card and a gift weeks ago. Not Colton either, since they made arrangements to meet before New Year’s Eve to exchange gifts.
It wasn’t until he pushed aside the last layer of paper, and revealed a card on top of a gift box, that it suddenly became clear. The card was handwritten, and that was all that Tyler needed to see.
Of all the people Tyler knew, of all the possibilities he’d been considering, Dylan wasn’t even a consideration. Sure, Tyler sent a card to him, or rather to the whole family, since he was not sure if Dylan had moved out or not, for all the talking about his own place he’d been doing for years.
Tyler stared at the card for a few beats, mind running through the memories. Over the course of the show, they had been on (for as much as they could with Posey living with them) then off (Dylan returned from filming The First Time firmly attached to Britt), then on and off again through the years. When they left the final wrap party, Tyler firmly ignored the limbo that their relationship and friendship was in. They’d done everything they could to keep their communication between them, enough that the majority of their fellow cast members didn’t find it suspicious that they didn’t make an effort to be seen together.
Just before Tyler had left the party though, he found Dylan, and he pulled him away into a private corner. Emboldened by the few drinks he had that evening, he found the courage to ask what he’d wanted to for years.
“If there was a chance to make this work, would you?”
But Dylan got pulled away before he could answer. Not that Tyler could blame him for jumping at the chance to get away. For days after, he beat himself up for putting Dylan on the spot like that, for pushing the issue. He thought that Dylan simply didn’t remember that moment, because their texting and calls continued as they’d been before the wrap party only a few days later. Until Tyler opened the package.
Because there, right on top of the box that he didn’t dare open yet, was the note that changed everything.
I would. If you asked me to, if you wanted it to work, I would.
Finally, with noises starting to trickle in from the rest of the house around him, Tyler opened the gift box. There, in a setting fit for a piece of jewelry, was a single key under another card with an address that Tyler didn’t recognize. He turned it over, and found another handwritten note.
Door’s open anytime. Finally got a place. D.  
Tyler was still stunned in surprise when Tanner burst in the door to drag him out for opening the presents.
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girlwsoftsound · 8 years ago
New Year, New Feelings || Ross MacDonald Oneshot
Word Count: 2,924 Warnings: A big ol’ mix of smut and fluff. Summary: When you are introduced to Ross by your boyfriend, you find something special within him. A chance meeting at a party on New Year’s Eve between you and Ross makes you have a revelation about your relationship, and exactly what has been missing in it.  Author’s Note: I got a request for Ross smut, and then a fantastic prompt following after that that I decided fit wonderfully together. I’m in love with how this turned out, and I hope you are, too. Please feel free to send more requests here! Enjoy!
You and Ben had been dating for three months. 
Over the three months, you came to be rather fond of the guy. He treated you well, and you never found yourself upset around him. If you ever grew upset, he was quick to remedy it with a hug and a binge watching montage of your favorite shows. He really cared. He was a gentleman in all senses of the word. Friends of yours even found themselves jealous of your relationship with him. To the world, you were the perfect couple.
However, something was missing. It kept you from perfect, and you could not simply put your finger on what it was for all three months. You had no reason to be unhappy, and yet you found yourself at times less than pleased. You would kiss him, and it would be nice, but not breathtaking like you imagined each kiss to be with the man you adored. It always kept you at arm’s reach, no matter how close you found yourself growing to him. Something just did not click. You were not sure you would ever find where the disconnect was.
Around the time you came to that conclusion, you were introduced to someone by Ben. His name was Ross, and he was a good friend of Ben’s who he had met through other mutual friends. Ross was in a band, a fairly successful one, and he loved music. It was his life. Being a fan of music yourself, you found yourself drawn to him immediately. You conversed at length with the bearded man, and in doing so, you realized something about him. You two appeared to click. At that point, you summed it up to be in the way you and your friends clicked. You could tell them anything, and they would support you and come back with conversations that were just as open and interesting in reply. That was all it  was with Ross.
Or so you thought it was, until Ben decided to throw a party at his flat. It was meant to celebrate the New Year that approached. You had helped Ben decorate, helping string lights throughout his small two bedroom apartment and even grabbing the food for the event so that he could tidy up before people arrived. It looked to be a very exciting event, and you were nearly convinced that it would run smoothly for the duo of you and Ben. Things were not perfect, but he was in a good mood, and the holiday provided a chance for the relationship to start on a new leaf. New year, new love. You were eager, hopeful for that even. That was before, however, Ross walked through the door as a guest and sideswiped those plans all together. You floundered.
He looked dashing. He wore a tight fitting, plain-black tee with jeans and stunningly white sneakers. It was such a simple outfit, but it stood out to you on him. It complimented him in all the right ways. You could not help but also notice the way it contrasted the rather complicated patterned ensemble your boyfriend dawned. He was different. You liked different. You mosied on over to his side once the party grew larger and more lively, and it did not take long for you both to get into a conversation.
You barely realize yourself being more flirty with Ross than usual. It happened naturally, unbeknownst to your head. Ross picked up on it though, and you did notice him be a bit more flirty back. Your hands just so happened to accidentally brush up against each other. His knee accidentally bumped yours when sitting. You faced him more directly when speaking. You laughed a bit more than you perhaps should have at his jokes. Had someone not known you were dating Ben, they would have easily believed you and Ross were an item. Perhaps that was what you wished were the case. You took a big gulp of your wine as the thought crossed you.
All was innocent, until fifteen minutes before midnight. Ben had slipped out to barbeque, leaving you to have your full attention on Ross. As if it had not been before. By this point, a few drinks in each, you did not care how you looked together, Ross’ hand on your lap, your eyes staring into his brightly, both of your eyes staring at the other’s lips. You felt a sudden burst of courage knowing Ben was gone, and in that burst decided to lean forward and kiss Ross. It was short and sweet and followed by a drunk giggle, but it changed something in Ross. As soon as your giggle had left your lips, Ross was back kissing them, this time not as sweet and more fierce. It took your breath away. Ben never had kissed you like that. Your heart raced.
It was wrong. You had no right to cheat on your boyfriend with his best friend, in his house, when he was a couple feet away outside. You should have felt terrible. You can’t seem to care enough to feel terrible though, because Ross’ lips are on yours, and it’s something magical and wild. In the moment he moves to your neck, you realize your disconnect with Ben. There was no chemistry between you and him. Sure, he was a good boyfriend, but he never blew you away. He never did spontaneous things like kiss you silent, or talk to you about your favorite things, or take your breath away. Ross opened your eyes to that more and more as he filled each unchecked check box of yours. By the time he asked you if you wanted to go into another room, you did not hesitate one bit in telling him yes.
You stumbled into the guest room, Ross shutting and locking the door with a fumbling hand as he tried to keep your lips against his. He moaned into your mouth as you made that an opportunity to move to kiss at his jawline, and he returned the favor as he all but pushed you onto the bed and sent your mind spiralling. He mentioned something about you looking beautiful, but you were too distracted by the scruff of his beard against your skin to hear it in full. God, he was something else.
After a bit longer of making out, you found yourself yanking off Ross’ shirt, the black tee you admired so deeply before being discarded as if it were nothing. He took the discarding as a opening to do the same for your own blouse. He mentioned something about how beautiful you were again, and this time you acknowledged it with a smile. You really were doing this. Ross really was yours to love in that moment. He really wanted you. The thought alone was enough to keep you smiling for a week. Hearing him actually say ‘I want you’ moments later made you feel like smiling for the next year.
More clothing was discarded until you were both only in underwear, lazy and kissing each other between giggles. It was so lovely, and you wondered briefly why it had never ended up this way before when you had spoken to Ross. Everything felt so natural with him. How did you not dump Ben the moment you met Ross? Why did it take so long for you to realize how good he was? Ross reached to cup your cheek, bringing you back into your head as his eyes, gorgeous eyes, stared into yours. It might have taken so long, but damn, you were glad you finally got it right with him.
His hands reached to make their way exploring you, not leaving an inch of your skin untouched. You shivered as they made their way lower, finally causing a hitch in your breath as they settled at your hips. His hand deeps beneath the lace of your underwear, and you let a moan escape you to his delight. He slipped a finger into you, starting a good pace, and you felt any inhibitions left over from your thoughts of Ben momentarily fly away. The pleasure you felt was too good to question. You simply went with it.
He listened to your little noises, the gasps and the moans combined, and adjusted his work to fit however you reacted. His attentiveness unparalleled by Ben, you found yourself quickly squirming and having to muffle yourself in the sheets of the bed. Ross seemed all too pleased by this. You wondered briefly what was going through his equally as hazy head. Did he feel any bit of guilt for essentially stealing away his friend’s girlfriend, or was he as high on the spark between you as you were and free from care? You decided it was the later as his lips crashed onto yours, his hand driving you to nearly cry out against him. God, he was intoxicating.
Panting as you came down from the little slice of heaven Ross brought you through, you watched him bend over the side of the bed and pick up his jeans. A condom was pulled from the wallet residing in one of its pockets, and you found yourself gain a chill down your spine from anticipation. A beautiful smile spread across his face at the sight of you. It made your already fluttering heart nearly fly out of your chest.
“Has anyone ever told you how utterly ethereal you look?”
Fuck, what a word. “Ross, I-”
“Yes, love?”
Your heart swelled. Maybe it was the way he spoke, or the raw passion you could feel emulating from the words he chose to say, but you found yourself falling fast. “I...t-thank you.”
He chuckled. “Do you always thank people after they finger you?”
“No,” you wailed, and you found yourself laughing along with him, covering your face with your arm draped over it. You always were a sucker for a man who made you laugh. You struggled to remember the last time Ben made you laugh so carelessly. “Though, I suppose I could thank you for that.”
“I suppose I could accept that thank you.”
“What I mean is, thank you for...for being so lovely to me.” You sighed, fighting to find the right words. “I...Ben and I, we-”
“He told me you were going through a rough patch.”
You smiled sadly. “The spark just isn’t there, ya’ know? And I fought so hard to try and make it happen, and I think he did too, but it never was there. I never realized how dumb it was for me to keep fighting after that until I met you and felt something more. He’s lovely, but it’s not there. Feeling it here with you...it’s breathtaking. I just have to thank you for opening my eyes up to how silly I’ve been, we’ve been, for prolonging something so subtly detrimental at the sake of our mutual happiness.”
Ross leaned down to kiss you. “I should really have you meet my friend Matty. The two of you talk the same way.”
You smirked. “You wouldn’t be scared that I would run off with him, would you?”
He shook his head and leaned down to steal another kiss. “You said it yourself. There’s something here. I love the bloke, but Matty would never have that with you. We’re on some level meant to be, I suppose.”
“God, we sound sappy.”
Ross laughed. “We do.”
“Weren’t we just about to fuck?”
“I think so,” he replied, bringing you close to plant a passionate kiss to your lips. A minute or two more of making out brought the context of your current states back into vision. Sappy words were put aside for moans once more, and you faintly could point out the noise outside the door growing louder as the new year approached and the atmosphere grew more rowdy. It gave the matter at hand an equal opportunity more rowdy, you thought. More noise out there meant more noise could happen in the room with Ross and you. Ross must have gotten the same idea, for as he dragged you closer to him and spread your legs, you swore you heard a low growl escape him. Shit.
You did not look away from Ross’ eyes as he took the moment to fully undress you, your bra and underwear being discarded off the side of the bed to join the other clothing. They only strayed when he went to rid himself of his own undergarments. You had a much more exciting and new image to behold than his eyes at that point. Ross smirked.
“Are you going to sit and stare, or do you want to actually do something about this?”
You rolled your eyes. “I thought we were done with words, Ross.”
“How else am I going to let you know how gorgeous you look when I’m fucking you?”
Blushing, you reached to shove at his chest. Clearly, the alcohol in his system was making him quite blunt with his word choices. “You can’t just say things like that.”
Smirking, he tore open the wrapper to his condom and put it on. You bit your lip, making his smirk only grow wider. “I hardly think you’re in a position to question that sort of stuff.”
His lips met yours as he entered, not leaving until he was fully in and sure you were relaxed and ready for him to kick things off. It began slow, the two of you adjusting to the feel of each other, the way your bodies moved against one another, but then gradually things picked up. Ross grew more confident, you grew more relaxed with the feeling of his lips on your neck, and you both grew more needy. It was the perfect combination. It did not take long for the intense feelings you both felt to manifest themselves in moans and whispered words of affection. After one particular brilliant move of his that makes you briefly see stars, you could even hear him mumble something about loving you. You brushed it off as the alcohol and pleasure talking, but the warm feeling it brought you did not dissipate.
It was not long before the pleasure started to become a lot to handle. You could only let out so much noise as Ross picked up the pace. He could only drink in the beautiful sight of your face twisted in pleasure for so long. The end was near. You gasped, Ross’ mouth flying to your neck and biting down. It would for sure leave a mark. That thought only excited you more.
“You close?” Ross asked as he pulled away, his voice sounding more wrecked than you had ever heard. Nodding, you rubbed at his arm.
“I need-” You got the word almost out, but Ross did not need the full phrase to know you needed more. He dropped his hand down to your clit and drove you wild at the command of your moans. It was a headrush, and a large one at that. You went from content to losing your mind in the matter of a minute of his work on you. The fierceness of his lips capturing yours as your moans got louder showed he acknowledged this. You gasped against him.
“Ross, I-”
“Shh,” he whispered, silencing you with a kiss and even faster pace. The heat rushed into your abdomen faster than you could keep up with, and with a few more thrusts, you found yourself moaning loudly and carelessly against Ross’ lips as pure bliss pooled throughout your body. It was exactly what he needed to join you in such a state of sated pleasure. He called your name as he stuttered against you, and you rewarded him with kisses to his neck and cheekbone. God, he was really handsome when he came.
For a moment, only your shared panting could be heard in the small guest room. And you both liked it that way. Something insanely intimate laced the silence. For that moment, all you two could do was stare at each other. As cheesy as it was, you both had to acknowledge that something big had happened while you were together. It was more than sex, plain and simple. It was magical.
Then, that silence was broken by loud cheers of ‘Happy New Year’ and corks popping off. You faintly find a pang of guilt hit you at the thought of Ben, unaware of where his girlfriend was in the moment supposed to be marked with a kiss between lovers. But then you look up, you see Ross’ eyes staring so lovingly down at yours, and you realize that well...he probably had seen this moment coming.
As much as it would hurt him to know about you moving on with his friend, he would be alright. He would find some girl to kick the new year off with, and she would make him forget any heartbreak he felt from you. She would make him feel the love and deep-set connection he deserved, much like Ross did with you. And it would be alright.
Looking to your left where Ross had ended up catching his breath, his chest still rising and falling faster than normal, you smiled and moved to kiss his cheek. He turned to look at you with just as bashful of a smile.
“Happy New Year,” you told him gently. Moving to kiss you properly on the lips, Ross sighed contently.
“Happy New Year, {Y/N}.”
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