#briana fanfic
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brianaluvschris · 24 days ago
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matt commenting on this is so funny to me
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worth-this-and-more · 4 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Legendborn - Tracy Deonn Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Selwyn Kane/Bree Matthews, Selwyn Kane & Bree Matthews Characters: Selwyn Kane, Bree Matthews Additional Tags: Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Flirting Summary: a small drabble where bree can't fall asleep so selwyn takes it upon himself to relieve some of that stress. they're not fucking. they're fighting. Disclaimer: i am relatively new to the writers side of ao3, please pardon any mistakes it’s either creative liberties or im just dumb.
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goodomens-girlie · 6 months ago
mommy? SORRY!! Mommy? Sorry! MOMMY? sorry
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cleighwrites · 17 days ago
Seek Shelter
SPN Fanfic
Characters - Briana x Jensen
Summary - Briana gets caught in a sudden downpour and seeks shelter under a bus stop awning and gets some unexpected company
Word Count - 1,556
A/N - This was written for the @spnfanficpond’s Valentine’s Day Writing Challenge. I chose the “caught in the rain” prompt. Beta’d by @candygramme 
Warning - Mutual pining, almost PDA. *They are both married to their spouses in this, but they’re in open relationships and both partners are aware of their relationship.* 
Read it on Ao3
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Briana had woken early and decided to take a run to ready herself for a busy day. She had a day full of recording for her new show and then doing a photo shoot with Matt as promo for their new movie. She liked keeping busy, but she had to be in the right mindset to get through the busier days. Some good cardio would help with that. 
It was pleasant and wasn’t raining when she set out, so she decided to forgo the gym in favor of fresh air and a new route. After about thirty minutes, she was quite a few miles away from her place, and the sky had darkened ominously. She was in an industrial part of town, no shops or people were around. she’d thought it quaint until the sun disappeared. 
As the first, fat droplets hit her forehead, she began looking for shelter. At the end of the block stood a bus stop canopy. Before she could get there, a thunderclap sounded closely overhead, and then a fuck-ton of water started to fall all at once. By the time she got to the small awning, she was soaked through. 
Checking her pulse, she marched in place to cool down instead of just stopping after her strenuous run. From the looks of it, she would be hunkered down for a while. 
“Shit!” someone shouted as they ran under the shelter, bringing some of the rain in with them. “Oh, sorry.” 
“Jensen?” Briana asked, shocked. 
“Hey, you.” He smiled a crooked smile at her, then went in for a soggy hug. 
She responded, not caring that she was getting even wetter. The feel of his arms around her was more comforting than the water was displeasing. “What are you doing here?” 
“Just working on a few things, you know how it is,” he responded cryptically. 
“Uh huh… but what are you doing here?” She gestured to the practically abandoned part of Vancouver they were currently seeking refuge in. 
“Oh, well, I was checking out a new breakfast spot around the corner and decided to walk a new route to get to set. Then the bottom fell out and I saw this bus stop and ran like hell.” 
She pursed her lips and nodded. “Well, fancy meeting you here!” 
They both laughed. Jensen sat and pulled a partially dry bag out from under his jacket. He withdrew a bagel with cream cheese and held out half for Briana to take. Taking a look out at the darkened sky still sluicing rain, she nodded, sat beside him, and accepted the bagel. The cream cheese was thick and creamy and tasted of fruit, and the bagel was still warm from being toasted. It was refreshing and perfectly cozy given their circumstances. 
“So, what have you been up to?” Jensen asked around a bite of bagel. 
“Recording, shooting a little project with Matt,” she said with a shrug. 
“I heard about that, that’s awesome!” His responding smile was warm and genuine. 
“It was a ton of fun, it was great getting to work with him on something like that.”
“I bet, I’m glad it worked out for y’all.” He paused as he took another bite of his bagel. After a moment, he asked in a low voice, “How’s José?” 
Briana bit back a smile. “Good. How’s Danneel?” Her voice was light, in contrast to the feeling in her gut. 
“Good, and the kids are great,” he added. 
“Valentina is as well,” Briana confirmed. 
Bringing up their families was always how things started. Like they needed reminding that they were involved with other people, had families that they worked hard to provide for. That never seemed to deter them from doing what they were drawn to. They’d had a connection from the first time Jensen shoved that damn powdered donut in his mouth; meeting Briana’s slapstick beat for beat. He was genuine and thoughtful, not to mention too handsome to look at for very long. She’d been smitten from the start, and when they started spending more and more time together, things naturally escalated. 
They were both swingers, José and Danneel were both very understanding people and had their own exploits when the opportunities arose. There was a mutually beneficial agreement. But just because everything checked off on paper, didn’t mean that feelings didn’t get hurt. 
“I didn’t get to see much of you in Jacksonville,” he said, almost too quiet to be heard over the downpouring rain. 
“I was busy,” she said, not unkindly, then reached out to grab his hand to further the point. 
He froze for a moment, eyes flicking around to the torrential downpour around them as if a pap was waiting across the street for them to do something stupid. Of course, there was no one around. And even if there was someone out there, the rain was coming down in sheets and was nearly impossible to see through. The entire time they’d been sitting there, not one car had driven by. They were alone. They were also soaked and cold. 
Ever so slowly, his eyes drifted down to where she held his hand, then raised his eyes to meet hers. “I’ve missed you.” 
She smiled again. “It’s been a while since we could catch up properly.” 
“Why don’t we go for dinner while I’m in town?” His emerald eyes shone with possibility and promise. 
“You know I’m a sucker for a good dinner.”
“Name the time and place.” 
“I’ll text you,” she promised. 
“Alright,” he smiled. “It feels good to be back in Vancouver.” 
Just after he finished speaking he shivered. Briana laughed. 
“Poor choice of words, my friend.”
“Well, it did feel good, until I got caught out in the rain,” he said with a good-natured chuckle. 
She loved that he didn’t put on his faux-grumpy façade with her. They were past that. She’d seen it for what it was from the start, he could never fool her into thinking he meant half of what he complained about. She’d called him on his bullshit and he’d dropped the act. There were a few people that he didn’t put on his go-to act for, and she considered it an honor that she was one of them. 
Unable to control herself, Briana reached over to wipe a strand of waterlogged hair from his forehead. His eyes bored into hers, and she felt her stomach tighten at the look. She let her fingers trail down his face and trace over his strong jaw. Even dripping wet, he was stunning. 
The sound of the rain pelting their awning thundered around them, almost blocking out the rush of blood in Briana’s ears. It was thrilling, being with him in public like this. Although they weren’t doing anything scandalous, it was an intimate moment. Were it to be caught on camera, they’d both have to deal with their PR people to get it toned down or swept under a rug. Regardless, Briana felt herself pulled toward him. 
His eyes flicked down to her mouth, and his leaning toward her was all the permission she needed to close the distance between them. She slammed their lips together with needy urgency. He hummed into the kiss and met her push for pull. It had been months since they’d been able to slake such urges. 
His hand wrapped around the side of her head, holding her in place as they tasted the sweetness of fruity cream cheese from each other’s mouths. His tongue flicked over hers and reminded her of just how talented he was with that particular muscle. She pressed her thighs together to relieve some of the pressure that built at the memory of his tongue flicking something a little more sensitive. 
A horn honking made them jolt away from each other with surprised gasps. 
“Fuck me,” Jensen said, laughing and running his hand over his face. 
Briana busied herself making sure her top was on straight. “Damn,” she said on a shaky exhale. 
“Yeah, we don’t look like two guilty people, at all!” 
They both laughed again. Just then, Briana realized the rain had let up considerably. The sky had lightened and it was sprinkling gently. A bus pulled up to their shelter and stopped, opening the doors. The driver looked down expectantly at them. 
“No, thank you,” Jensen said, waving them on. 
Briana smiled at the driver, and they smiled back at her, closed the doors, and then drove off. 
“Well, I guess I’d better get to set,” Jensen said after a moment. 
“Yeah,” Briana agreed, checking her phone for the time. “I have to be at the studio in about an hour.”
Jensen stood and shook out his jacket, Briana did the same. 
“Text me about dinner,” he said looking her over. 
“Will do,” she said with a smile. 
Jensen put a hand on her shoulder, then leaned in and placed a kiss at the corner of her mouth. Briana leaned into the touch and pressed her lips to his cheek in return. They maintained eye contact for a moment before Jensen cleared his throat. Putting her music back on, she took off at a jog, back to her place to get ready for the day. She didn’t see Jensen watching after her until she rounded the corner, a smile plastered to his face. 
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justbrainrot · 1 year ago
No one asked for this, but here we are again 😈
The Oathbound/LB4 news has thrust me into a full-on Nick bender. I’m super freaking excited for blondie to turn it tf out in OB. I’m sure he has some secrets to reveal, vengeance to rain down, & a King to romance. I am ready.
For some reason this has manifested itself as writing lots of smut from his pov 🤪😆 so here you go. First chapter of 2? 3? Idk as of yet.
PS: my reference for Sel in this is from this image by @gremlinddrawss which has lived rent free in my brain since I saw it months ago. What could be hotter than babygirl in a fishnet top? Well… 🥵 there’s an answer but not until chapter two.
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sometimes-almostnever · 1 year ago
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It is done. 👹
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multifairyus · 2 years ago
Brelwyn Story Playlists Volume II: After Dark
Hey! Haven’t heard the Brelwyn Story Playlists Volume I: Rise and Fall, Of Our Own Volition (O3V) and Demonia’s Descent (DD)? Interested in my explicit content disclaimer/behind the scenes for Volume II? Wanna read about my canon BM timeline divergence headcannons that inspired this fanwork?
You’re up to date with all that? You don’t care about any of that and came for the spice? You appreciate the dynamic between Briana and Selwyn and want to see it explored in musical medium? You’re grown and sexy? You like expanding your music taste? You’re a fan of my playlists (@ficnoire2 @poisonousflora @thoughtfulbearpanda @justbrainrot @sweetestblacktea 😘)?
Excellent, then you’re in the right place 💖
Start, Stop…
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Summary: In which a King and her Kingsmage fight and make up with each other.
Continuity: Directly follows the developments of O3V. Directly proceeds the developments of AEIB. Features a couple tracks from DD and familiar phrases and concepts from O3V.
Genre: Heavy R&B and neo soul, with a hint of pop for emphasis.
Duration: 2 hours, 40 minutes (I’m sorry)
Transition: Exclusively Joel Sunny violin covers. Denotes emotional shifts in relationship status.
Prologue: First five tracks.
Epilogue: Last two tracks.
AO3 Tags: #aged up characters #kiss and make up #but not before they roll in the hay a bit #mature content rating #dream sex if you squint #established couple #for realsies this time #Nickbree/OT3 shippers…are you lost or? #lol but fr no Nick disparaging but it is addressed and resolved sooo #avert your eyes sorry not sorry #if I had a nickel #for every time Beyoncé heralds a fundamental shift in Brelwyn’s relationship in these playlists #I’d have two nickels #which isn’t a lot #but it makes perfect sense that it happened twice #BeeHive 🤝🏾 BreeHive #I swear O3V wasn’t a fakeout #I just forgot I was dealing with two stubborn idiots oml #does their fight in this make sense? #do their canon fights make sense? #sort of and sometimes #but whatever the arguing is foreplay regardless #I do think she won lowkey #Rihanna is not the one or two to play with and neither is Bree #speaking of which #hello there demonia Sel #you’re sounding awfully angsty and sappy in this playlist #wanna play the long game #and let her do what she wants #until she begs you to come out and play? #excellent, good, good…
Apple Music
YouTube Playlist
…And Everything In Between
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Summary: A playlist in which a King and her Kingsmage fight are willing to take turns, as long as it’s with each other.
Continuity: Directly follows the developments of SS. Heavily features an artist from DD in particular.
Genre: Mix of R&B, electropop, and urban contemporary with a pinch of rock and pop for seasoning
Duration: 3 hours, 33 minutes (I am so sorry)
Transition: Power Haus violin song covers denote the start of a “turn” while Joel Sunny violin covers denote the end of a “turn”.
Prologue: First two tracks.
Epilogue: Last four tracks.
AO3 Tags: #aged up characters #explicit content warning #kink #BDSM #switch4switch #power dynamics #edging #erotic asphyxiation #bondage #just because I’d fold like fresh laundry for Sel doesn’t mean Bree would #Selwyn Kane is a slut first #part incubus second #and a dramatic Gemini classics major third #of course he’d sub for Briana #you can read (hear?) it as bratty bottom4service top too ig #Janet and Abel really deserve to be co-curators as much as they feature in this #this curator disavows any and all references to infidelity along with certain honorifics used within tracks #shhh just ignore those lines for immersion’s sake #they are in love, fucking, officially together and trauma bonded #this could have been even more intense believe it or not #even still #if I made the aftercare more than one song each #it would be over the 4 hour mark #the epilogue covers the tonal range in Brelwyn’s sexual dynamic in a nutshell #in case the whole “taking turns” thing flew over your head somehow
Apple Music
YouTube Playlist
~ Fairy 💖
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I need motivation to write, so I’m sharing all my fic ideas with y’all-let me know which ones sound good so I have a reason to open Wattpad again and actually get started. I want to write, my brain just refuses to give the happy chemicals until I have an excuse to weave those words.
Fairly long timeskip, 4 years at minimum, and just kind of exploring how everything’s changed. (Also Willark would be 100% canon and I’d probably kill off Tor for my own enjoyment.) May or may not end with a ruby ring and our favorite Merlin on one knee.
Let’s take that fluffy energy and run with it-a mixed bag of scenes that are post-kiss and pre-Mageguard, in that perfect universe where there is occasionally time to relax. Inspiration drawn from several ‘what would they do if they had the time’ posts.
Time to ruin everyone’s lives with a Sel death and Bree pleading with her ancestors to let him in, please, do whatever magic you have to, I just need to see him again, I would do anything. Unsure if Order spirits/non-blood relatives could access Mediums in the same way, but I feel like if anyone can it would be Selwyn.
Alternative BM ending of Sel not fully succumbing-I don’t know exactly what would have to change but basically he finds out about Bree’s deal (which would still happen-in this case it’s probably something close to demanding protection/stopping the hunt for her friends, idk-) and… let’s just say Nick and William don’t do a very good job of explaining anything to a Very Emotionally Unstable cambion and it goes badly for everyone involved. Partially because there’s a lot of bloodlust once Sel learns it was Erebus that took her.
Traumafluff at an Order event-probably a Selection Gala a year or so after BM/Camlann, everyone having to pretend they haven’t seen their friends suffer at the hands of the Order, it’s very much ‘we murdered SO many demons look at us isn’t this so awesome’ so I’m sure all those traumatized teens won’t be at all upset… fortunately, it doesn’t last forever, and the physical manifestation of you’re safe here doesn’t leave her side.
Alice being Alice. Just oh my god, Matty, are you even trying to be subtle you keep running off with the damn incubus-do what you want but you don’t get to be surprised when I ask if you two are a thing now-
And that’s most of them. Again, lmk the one(s) that y’all are most interested in!
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spncreatorsdaily · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Kim Rhodes, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Briana Buckmaster, Alaina Huffman, Richard Speight Jr. Additional Tags: Crack, The cast is just having fun, idk what i was doing here, One Shot Summary:
Misha got in trouble, dragging Jensen and Jared along. How will the SPNFamily take this? And why can’t Kim stop smirking?
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brianaluvschris · 23 days ago
very real
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brianaluvschris · 1 month ago
guys go hype this up
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A Letter On Why We Should Date
When friends, Chris and Y/N, finally tell the truth about their feelings, Chris rejects Y/N, in fear of hurting her for not being committed enough into the relationship. To convince Chris to date her, Y/N decides to write a letter on reasons why they should date.
Chris Sturniolo x fem! Reader
Angst, fluff, friends to lovers, right person wrong time
Author's note: First post, part 1
On a Thursday night, Y/N and Chris laid on the floor of Y/N's room, Laughing at each other's takes on their perception of charisma.
"Would it be considered charisma if I told a girl her hair looked nice?" Chris began. The moonlight seeping through one of Y/N's windows seemed to shine on Chris' face, enhancing his features. "Depends, is it a genuine compliment or just to make her feel good." Y/N replied, smiling at him. "To make her feel good," Chris shrugged. "Well, maybe not charisma but an okay compliment." Y/N responded as she looked at him. He didn't reply for a second, then looked down, then at her. "Your hair looks nice then," he smiled. Y/N's smile then turned into a smirk as she looked at him. "Gosh, you're such a flirt." She scoffed sarcastically as she got up off the floor and stood in front of her dresser. "I know," Chris smiled as he got up from lying down and rested his back against the wall.
They didn't talk for a minute or so, just looked at one another. "So," Y/N broke the silence. "You still hosting that party with your brothers?" She asked ad she leaned against her dresser. "Uh, yeah, maybe. Why?" Chris replied. "I just think it'll spark up my life so more. I mean, my life feels so lame right now." Y/N explained. "Lame?" Chris scoffed as he got up and looked at her from across the room. "You aren't lame, Y/N. You're cool and pretty, and smart and funny." Chris complimented her. "You think?" Y/N asked. "No, I know. Okay?" He smiled warmly at her as she smiled, stunned. The truth was, Y/N had deep feelings for Chris Sturniolo, it was moments like these, where Chris would show signals of feelings for her too, that were the highlight of her day. Y/N didn't begin talking until a couple seconds. "That's really nice of you, Chris. W-" but before she could finish, Chris interrupted her. "How's that as a take on flirting?" He smirked then chuckled. Y/N's smile dropped as he said that. "Horrible, never toy with a girl's feelings like that. Now get out." Y/N replied, she shook her head while her smile replaced with a serious expression. Fuck. It was times like this that made her question if she really liked Chris and if he really did like her back. He would tell and show his love to her, which she knew he was genuine about, but then take it back quickly, the mixed signals drove her insane. She walked towards Chris as she began to guide him out the room. "Hey, I was just kidding!" He responded in defence, as he stopped to turn around and face her. "You are pretty and funny." He began as he looked down at her. "I'll see you later," he added, smiling at her as he turned around to leave her room. "Bye, Chris," she mumbled, smiling and holding the door as he went downstairs.
Y/N was found entering the Sturniolo's house, all dressed up for their party. She wore a pair of baggy, dark denim jeans and a black top. "Hey, Y/N," Chris greeted as she entered. The smell of alcohol and people filled the dim yet bright home. "Hey, Chris," Y/N responded as he wrapped an arm around her. "Surprised you aren't drunk yet," she added. "No, I'm not going to drink tonight, just going to enjoy it." Chris replied, grinning deeply at her, "That's good for you, I will be doing the exact opposite." Y/N replied, plastering on a smirk. "Just don't drink too much, I'll drive you home if you need me to," Chris answered, his grin replaced with an expression of worry. "I'll be fine," she responded. Chris nodded and smiled back at her, "Good," he began. He leaned in and kissed her cheek softly, "Have fun," he added and left.
That kiss left Y/N in a confused and dazed state. Does he like her not? It didn't matter to her now though. She was in a house party filled with booze and smoke, and sweat. She was going to have fun tonight.
An hour later Y/N was already in an overwhelming state of ecstacy. Taking shots, getting drunk, talking to randoms, that.
She slowly approached Chris, a red cup in hand. "Christopher Own Sturniolo," she slurred as she walked towards him. "Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, you seem pretty wasted." He acknowledged as he looked at her. "I am, I really am, Chris." She mumbled as she stared at him awkwardly. "How are you enjoying the party, Chris?" She added, elongating each word. "Alright. You should go home though." Chris suggested as he grabbed her waist. She rolled her eyes at him and gave him a smug smile. "You don't mean that, I'm having fun, Chris." She mumbled as she leaned in closer to him. "I do mean it. I do want you to have fun and stuff, just not in this state." He replied. "Why not?" Y/N asked, pouting. "Let's go, I'll drive you home." Chris spoke, completely ignoring her question. "Fineee, I'll go, just 'cause you said so, Chris." She replied, stretching out the 'e' in her 'fine'.
Chris smiled warmly at her then lead her towards the door. "Good." He responded. "Let's go," he added as he opened the door for her. "Thanks, Chris." She replied then let out a smile. He nodded then walked her to his car, opening the door for her then getting in the driver's seat.
"Y/N, Y/N," he mumbled to himself as they began to leave the driveway. "Thanks, Chris." Y/N mumbled as she looked at him, grinning. "Yeah, no worries." He replied with a solemn expression, keeping his eyes on the road. "You know..." Y/N began as she leaned closer to him. "Yeah?" He asked in suspicion as he ran his hand through his hair. "We've been friends for a while, Chris." She stated as she looked at him. "Yeah, few months. Pretty long," he replied, glancing at her. "What about it?" He added. "Nothing, nothing, it's just..." Y/N mumbled. They got closer and closer to Y/N's home. Chris eagerly waited for Y/N to add something to what she had just said. "We're here," Chris spoke as he pulled into her driveway. They both got out of the car and stared at one another for a moment.
"Look, Chris. I really really like this boy, and I want him to be my boyfriend" Y/N gushed. "Really? Who is it?" Chris replied in eagerness. He tried to act happy and interested in what she had to say but just couldn't. The last thing he wanted to hear was Y/N talking about another guy, why? Because he liked her too. He could never tell her though, she always acted as if he was a brother to her. "Y/N, do I know him?" He asked as Y/N looked up at him. "Yeah," she smirked then giggled. "He's about as tall as you, brunette, funny, caring, that." She replied. He looked at her for a second, was she talking about one of his brothers 'cause it sure seemed like it. "You're fucking kidding, one of my brothers?!" He scoffed. He thought for a moment and came up with the conclusion that Y/N had had to like Matt. "You like Matt?" He asked in suspicion. She chuckled then shook her head. "No, silly, I like you." She immediately gushed as she playfully hit him in the arm.
This came as a shock to Chris. "Are you being serious, Y/N? 'cause please don't toy with me like that." He hurriedly spoke as he brung his hand to his pocket. "I'm not. I like Chris Sturniolo and the only flaw he has is that he keeps sending me these signals and I'm fucking confused, Matt." She spoke as if talking to Matt. She must've forgotten that it was Chris she was talking to. Y/N sighed before continuing. "I'll see you tomorrow, Matt. Don't tell Chris, please." She asked in favor before leaving to enter her house.
This confession left Chris in a stage of disbelief. 'fuck.' he thought to himself before getting into the car and calling Matt. The phone rang for a bit before the call was finally picked up by Matt.
"Matt, Y/N just confessed to me, telling me she liked me. I don't know what to do, I like her, a lot but you know how I feel about relationships. I'm scared of getting hurt, and hurting her." Chris immediately spoke to Matt. "Wait, back up. Y/N confessed to you?" He confirmed. "Yes, yes! I don't know if she'll even remember telling me this. She was pretty wasted tonight," Chris added. "Why don't you ask her to be your girlfriend? You never had one." Matt suggested. "What did I just fucking say. You know how I am with relationships, Matt." He replied. "Right, but Y/N's been in one before, and I know she'll treat you right." Matt reassured. "No, I don't care about if I'll get hurt anymore. I'm scared that I won't be able to fully commit and leave her hurt, I don't want to fuck up anything." Chris replied as he looked at her home. "You should tell her you like her back then. That's one thing," Matt suggested. Chris didn't reply for a moment but sighed. "I'll tell her tomorrow." Chris spoke in seriousness. "Yeah, yeah, do that." Matt replied. "I'm on the way home now, I'll see you." Chris spoke before hanging up. He sighed for a moment then started the car, beginning to leave Y/N's driveway.
Y/N and Chris were now in Y/N's bedroom, the next morning. They sat in front of each other, criss crossed. "Y/N," Chris began, thinking of how to ask. "Chris," Y/N repeated. "Do you remember yesterday? Anything from yesterday?" He asked as he looked at her. He wanted to ask Y/N if she remembered telling him she liked him. "Not really, I was drunk as fuck now I'm hungover as shit." Y/N replied looking attentively at him. "Do you... at least remember telling me that... you liked me?" He asked awkwardly, looking at her. Y/N shifted her gaze away from him for second. "Fuck. Did I really confess yesterday? Out of all days too," she thought for a second then looked back up at him. "Did I?" She asked quietly. Chris nodded his head in response as Y/N looked down, away from him. "Fuck. I-I'm sorry, I was drunk as fuck and you know I was. I-I hope this doesn't change any-" Y/N began to hurriedly talk, avoiding Chris' face. "I like you too, Y/N." Chris immediately spoke, interrupting her.
Y/N stopped talking the second he said that. She didn't react until it finally registered to her. The mixed signals and confusion, she was overthinking it. He did like her. Her mouth slowly curved into a smile as she slowly got herself up from her criss cross position to stand. Chris did the same expect the second he got up he grabbed her waist leaned in closer, for a kiss.
They both leaned into each other as their lips curled into a smile the second they touched. Chris' hands found their way up from Y/N's waist to her hair, his hands getting lost in Y/N's Y/H/C hair. Their kiss turned from passionate to soft to pulling away from one another. "Fuck, Chris. I've wanted to do that for so long. I like you a lot," she gushed as he has one arm on her waist. "Please tell me you'll be my boyfriend," Y/N asked, grinning from ear to ear as her gaze locked with Chris'.
Chris averted his eyes away from her, sighing. "Y/N," he began, "I'm really sorry but you know how I am with this relationship stuff. I don't do well with it." Chris added as he looked at her. Y/N's smile slowly faded into a look of worry as she brung her hand to his face. "N-no, I'll treat you right, Chris. I swear. You deserve to be treated right and loved and I-I can do that." Y/N immediately protested. "Y/N, I truly do like you and I don't care if I'll get hurt anymore. I'm scared I won't be able to fully commit and leave you hurt." Chris replied. "Then we can date, we just both agree to treat each other amazingly," Y/N suggested as she backed away from Chris. "No, you don't get it. What if this," Chris began, pointing at both him and Y/N. "What if us dating ruins everything. We're more than friends but less than a couple." He added.
Y/N didn't respond for a second but just looked at him, her expression turning into anger. "Okay then, fuck you, Chris." She began, staring him down.
"Get out."
"Wait, Y/N, I'm sorry."
"No, who does that? Tell someone you like them, kiss them, then proceed to not date."
"Quite a lot of pe-"
"No, get out, Christopher."
Y/N marched towards her door and grabbed the handle opening it for Chris. Chris glanced at her for a second then at the door. "Y/N, we can still be friends okay. Please understand," he mumbled quietly to her. She didn't reply but Chris could notice her expression had changed. It was softer, she looked hurt. He waited for a response and when he didn't get one, he left.
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imagineredwood · 7 months ago
11. Brushing dirt off their face
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These prompts are super cute i love them 😭
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Coco’s eyes are lit up the moment he sees you getting out of your car and walking towards him. He smiles and so do you.
“God, she’s got him whipped already. Look how quick he gets that goofy fucking look on his face.”
Coco gives Gilly his middle finger as he ducks out from under the hood of the car he’s working on, ignoring the boyish banter between him and Angel as he wipes his greasy hands on a rag. He meets you half way, his grin permanent.
Your smile is just like his, happy and stuck in place. He leans his face towards yours and somehow your grin broadens, kissing the very corner of his mouth twice. He’s patient with you. Lets you take your time. It’s all still so new. He knows in time you’ll kiss him directly and he savors the build up until you do.
“How was your day?”
You nod and clasp your hands together, his interest in you and your day always making you feel warm.
“It was good. I got off a little early. Wanted to come see you.”
Coco feels like a high schooler again, butterflies fluttering in his tummy that he hasn’t felt in what feels like forever. He reaches for your hand and brings it up to his lips, kissing your knuckles adoringly.
“Thank you. I was gonna stop by and see you when I left here. Once I got cleaned up, you know.”
He feels maybe a little self conscious, sweaty and dirty and greasy. But you’re not looking at him any different. Same tenderness as when he’s all cleaned up and smelling of cologne.
You smile again and use the hand that he isn’t holding to reach up to his cheek, using your thumb to brush away some dirt that’s close to his eye. You brush at his lashes and he closes his eyes and lets you. It’s then you can hear the kissy noises coming from the boys that makes you feel somewhat bashful. You almost forgot they were there.
Coco rolls his eyes and keeps hold of your hand, leading you away from them and towards the clubhouse, brushing away any dirt that may be lingering on your fingers as he does.
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General taglist (tagged in all work)
@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @woahitslucyylu @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114 @destynelseclipsa @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben @all-the-boys-to-the-yard @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95
@cruzwalters @myakai13 l @lyly00 @Zsakaystacks17 @cole-winchester @alexxavicry @savagemickey03 @fanfic-n-tabulous @xbloodyxangelx @carma-fanficaddict @gillysoldlady @choochoo284 @whitetxilwxlf @ravennaortiz @flowercrowns-goodvibes
Mayans MC taglist 
@dazzledamazon  @briana-mishell24 @wrcn9fvlcver @thesandbeneathmytoes @krysiewithak @appropriate-writers-name @blessedboo @megapeacelovemusic-blog @emoengelfurleben @blowmymbackout @abby-splace @kola95 @redpoodlern @myakai13 @cruzwalters @po3ticb3auty @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @angel-121 @fanfic-n-tabulous @carma-fanficaddict
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sheepstiel · 7 months ago
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deansbbyx · 2 months ago
I know this isn’t my usual program but I thought I’d reflect on what has happened in the last year for me. 2024 was the year filled with conventions & a lot of traveling. Whether it was a road trip to New Jersey for a supernatural convention or flying overseas to Portugal to say goodbye to my family’s home. I am truly grateful that I have been able to travel to meet my idols. It has been such a blast not only meeting them but I am lucky enough that my friends got to be there with me. Making memories with each other and seeing one another’s experiences.
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SpnNj24- This was my second con I have ever gone to. These are some of my favorite photos I took that weekend. The experiences I had this time around were truly out of a fanfic. Jensen Ackles the man that you are 😩😮‍💨 (I’ll never be able to normal abt him…ever) Briana & Kim my comfort people. They are the moment, they are the light at the end of the darkest tunnel. Misha Collins…After meeting you idk if you were in character when you portrayed Castiel raising Dean Winchester from perdition. Good god man you got a GRIP 😏
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FWB OTH turns 21- I was in Portugal when I found out Danneel was going to be in Wilmington NC a month later. The day I flew back home I bought my tickets and went. This was my first time properly meeting her. (Briefly met her at Hilarie’s book signing back in 23) She’s so funny and sweet. We talked for a good time during autos. Been a fan since I was 14 prior to my spn days. So this was very surreal. (I loved you first)
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BostonExpo, Fwb OTH turns 21, & RICC- If little Carina could see me now she would think I’m the coolest girl ever. Meeting the people who have been apart of my childhood healed something within me. Grey was the cutest human ever. She was so excited that someone dressed as daphne. (Apparently I was the only one that day.) I wish I had more time with her but she had such a long line. Peter…Carlisle….THAT MAN!!! I love him your honor. So respectful and so sweet. The man asked if he could hug me….HELLO?! Matthew is an amazing hugger. Asked him for a bear hug and he squeezed me so tight. I regret nothing. Ending my night by being the last person in Giancarlo’s line AND him calling me beautiful was something I never expected. Meeting Hilly from Hillywood, Shantell (My Quinn) & Emmanuelle (beloved Madison) was such a fun experience too! Can’t forget Sam Witwer my favorite vampire.
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SpnOrl24-Last but certainly not least! I am so happy I got to end the year with this convention. Everyone that we took pictures with were such troopers. (I’m looking at you Jensen & Jeff) We had a lot to do; between photo ops (almost missed two), outfit changes, meet & greets…we made it through. I admire and respect these men so much. They are conscious of putting in the effort to make sure they’re there for us. I am so grateful. I love them dearly. This one for sure going down in the books. (I mean cmon smooches knows my name now 😵‍💫)
Thank you 2024 for letting me grow & heal. Cheers to 2025, I’m manifesting that I’ll get to blossom and shine after all the hard work I did last year.
I hope you all get to live your dreams this new year (even if it’s just for a little.) and heal that inner child of yours.
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justbrainrot · 1 year ago
Roots That Nourish
Chapter two: Bree POV
This week has been fun in the Legendborn fandom, no?
all commence unhinged screaming!!!!
I got a bit inspired lol & wrote a second chapter for RTN, plus I’m working on another multi-chapter OT3 smut fic entry in my Post-Canon series, the first chapter of which should be out later this week.
Enjoy! 😘
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sometimes-almostnever · 11 months ago
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New chapter posted. And something is changing with our trio 🤭🤭🤭
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