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pixiealtaira · 6 years ago
Becoming We
Hummel Holidays prompt 15 - traditions
Pairing- Kadam.
Summery: Kurt wants this relationship to last.
Adam considered laughing when Kurt sat him down in September for the first annual “Hummel and Crawford” relationship maintenance and planning meeting.
Until Kurt spoke about it, then Adam smiled and kissed him on the top of his head and asked when Kurt would like to have it.  How could he have any other reaction after “I think I love you and I want this to last a long time and one of the most dangerous things about relationships is navigating expectations, especially around holidays. I need this, Adam.  I need to know what is important to you and you should know what is important to me. I don’t want to mess up.”
Kurt chose a Sunday Morning over a huge meal.  Kurt had spent the night and got up early and when Adam got out the table was covered with food…and notebooks and calendars and pencils and boxes of tissues.
“I guess mostly we need to talk about holidays and traditions,” Kurt started out. “I mean, if we ever moved in together, we’d have to have one to set household rules.  So maybe we should have relationship house rule rules?”
“Like what?”
“Hmm…well, at home they were things like ‘if you break it you replace it or at least tell someone about it and work it off’ and ‘chores done before 10pm, unless a reason is already noted on the calendar or you don’t get paid’. Not sassing too much and no name calling too much and don’t throw things at each other and no pushing, hitting, kicking, shoving or biting.  We didn’t start with no biting but Finn bit me when I told him Rachel was a banshee and not allowed to haunt near my room because he couldn’t kick me anymore.  I bit him back. I left deeper marks.  Curfews and things like that.”
“I thought you became family when you were already 17?” Adam asked.
“We were seniors when that happened.” Kurt replied. “I can’t explain it.  Finn made me revert back to being three…maybe even two.  Don’t relationships need rules?”
“Well, maybe we could set some….like, If you are running late you should call and tell the other that you are if it will be over 15 minutes.” Adam said. “That way I wouldn’t worry you and you wouldn’t worry me.”
Kurt smiled and relaxed a little in his seat.  “And we should decide how to do clean up for dinner.  I mean, I feel bad not helping.”
“How about the cook does dishes but the guest can set and clear the table?” Adam said.
Kurt beamed.
“Do we need more of those yet?” Kurt asked.
“If we realize we do, we can remember to talk to each other and make a list.” Adam said.
Kurt beamed.
“I guess that brings us to Holidays.  What do you celebrate and what has to be done?”
“What do you mean?” Adam asked.
“What would you like to do for Valentine’s Day?” Kurt asked.
“Spend some of it with the one I love.” Adam said.
“What type of gift do you need?  Chocolates? Flowers? And outfit? Dinner out someplace where meals cost more than 50 bucks and need reservations months in advance? Jewelry?” Kurt asked.
“None of that is needed. Maybe a card would be nice, that I could look at over and over again.” Adam said.
“A card?” Kurt asked.
“I wouldn’t say no to chocolates.” Adam chuckled.  “Kurt, close your eyes and tell me YOUR perfect Valentine’s Day.”
“Breakfast with someone I love and who loves me. We have strawberry or cherry and whipped cream filled crepes. We exchange cards.  My dad always gave me a small box of Chocolates at breakfast, and when I got old enough I gave him one, too…so an exchange of a box of chocolates picked out just for the one I love. We spend the day texting each other little notes or messages. We spend the evening together, or as much as we can if someone has to work.  Dinner would be nice, movies are too crowded.”
“Dinner out at someplace expensive?” Adam asked.
Kurt hummed. “It doesn’t matter.” He said quietly. “I just want to be with who I love.”
“Open your eyes, love.” Adam said.  He smiled at Kurt when Kurt looked his way. “None of the rest is important.  Time with my loved one is.  Could that time be a fancy dinner and dancing?  Might be, but not having that won’t break my relationship.  Might also be a pub and karaoke, or the Lover’s Charity ball, or dinner at home by candlelight at midnight because my love worked a late shift. If my love can’t afford lavish gifts, I don’t expect anything lavish.  I would like a bit of warning for lavish gift giving…as I know you would…as neither of us like getting if we don’t have a gift to give in return.”
Kurt smiled.  He had tossed a bit of a fit when Adam bought him the steampunk top hat he’d been looking at but hadn’t saved up enough to buy the month before.  Adam just shrugged it off and told Kurt he wanted Kurt to have it but he knew the boutique they’d seen it at sold limited pieces and often things didn’t stay long.
“New Year’s Eve?” Kurt asked.
“I’ll go with you to Time’s Square ONCE, if you feel some bizarre need to do so.” Adam said.
“If I wanted to stay home and watch the ball drop on TV?” Kurt asked.
“I’m good with that.” Adam said.
“Host a party where we play card games and board games and sing all night long until the sun rises?” Kurt asked.
“That sounds fun.”
“Even if we didn’t have any alcohol?”
“Have I struck you yet as a big drinker?” Adam asked.
Kurt smiled. “No.  You generally get one beer or two when we are out, but only if it’s good beer.  I’ve seen you have a cup of wine here or there.  We had those daiquiris at that one bar.”
“I don’t care one way or the other, but if we have alcohol we’ll switch to non-alcohol as soon as the ball drops and everyone will stay for another several hours, if not all night.”
Kurt beamed.  “Ok, St. Patrick’s Day?”
“I’m not Irish.  I can take it or leave it.”
“Ehh…we need peeps and chocolate covered marshmallow eggs.  Blame the Apples for those. The rest…Easter was a Religious holiday in my family and I’m not religious right now.”
“If I wanted an egg hunt and Easter basket?” Kurt said.
“I’d make you an egg hunt and Easter basket.  We can also do a Grand Easter Dinner if you’d like, but you’d have to tell me what YOU eat at one.”
Kurt shrugged. “Really, the only thing that was a must was deviled eggs made from the eggs we had dyed.”
Adam smiled. “We can dye eggs and you can make me your best deviled eggs for Easter.”
“Birthdays?” Kurt asked.
“Whatever we want to do.” Adam said. “I do love birthday gifts though.  My favorite was you asking me to coffee.”
Kurt laughed. ”Seriously, though, what type of things do you like for your birthday?”
“One year we went to a show in London.  One year my mum bought me a new suit.  Once I got a new bike.  I’ve received books or clothes or movies.  There isn’t a set recipe for Birthday gift giving.  Unless it’s an American thing I’m missing.”
Kurt sighed. “I have a feeling I just know too many people with extreme expectations.”
“To quickly cover it, there isn’t really anything from home I celebrate here, although last year I did find a bonfire to attend in November for Guy Fawke’s night. Also…I’ll go along with whatever is important to you for your American Holidays.  Just tell me when and where to be and what is needed.”
Kurt laughed. “I might just stick you with the Turkey with that attitude.”
“Bring it on, love.” Adam said.  “I’ve never made one yet, but I could certainly try.”
Kurt nodded.  “I guess that leaves Halloween and Christmas time.”
“I appreciate a good Halloween party.  I’m a theater lover, darling, we live for dressing up.  As for Christmas, my mum had a rule of gift giving we all followed. A game or toy, something we needed and something we’d wanted really bad, something to watch, two new books…one that was fiction and one that wasn’t, and clothing.  Always socks, underclothing, and a knitted jumper.  Father Christmas brought new outerwear, sweets and coins, and something for hobbies.  Often he also brought new outdoor items, like a sled or skates…or tickets to a museum or something that we could do over the holiday.  For us kids, we had to give each other gifts.  Right now we have to spend more than 15 but less than 100. On Boxing day we went to my grandmother’s and had a huge family party there where we exchanged gifts…small things like puzzles or comics or marbles or such…Aunt Emily’s family always got each person a cookie tin and filled it. My father’s family gathered for twelfth night and we exchanged gifts then…there it is was always hobby related. Neither of those days are big here. I send my mum a box to take to each gathering.”
“What about Christmas Eve?” Kurt asked.
“We hung stockings and went to bed.  Father Christmas prefers mince pies and mulled wine.  Currently, I wake up, open my box from my mum which has Father Christmas gifts and a stuffed stocking, eat breakfast, and open anything from other people. Then I do whatever for the rest of the day. How about you?”
“I did an Advent Calendar…we actually did about three. I had one for activities so things would get done. I started that when I was nine. My mom made one when her and my dad got married.  It hung on the wall and you put little things on it each day.  Then I had a treat one.  Most years my dad would fill it, some years I filled it myself…like last year and senior year. I lit advent candles.  Dad did them when he was little, but not when he got bigger.  My mum didn’t do them growing up as they were too tied with religion. When they got married they started the candles up again. She used the themes…love, hope, peace, joy…but not the religious aspects of it.  On the love week we focused on finding love and spreading love in our lives, on peace week we focused on finding peace and balance, on joy we focused on sharing and finding joy, on hope we focused on goals and looking to the future. I still do that, but only by myself and not where anyone can see me.  We also burned Christmas smelling candles all month long...and had a candle in the window.  We did a solstice thing. I bake all month long.  I go see the Nutcracker…doesn’t matter where.  I’ve been to some spectacular small company shows. We listened to Christmas music all the time and watch Christmas shows…there is a list.  We opened a gift Christmas Eve…pajamas and a book.  The rest we opened Christmas day, Santa left a full stocking and presents…but Santa didn’t leave big things. My dad shops much like your mom, but probably a bit less. Dad was big on experiences.  He left a lot of family things under the tree, things we could do together.  He always gave a ‘memory’ gift.  The day after Christmas we always went shopping. I get one or two memory ornaments each year; we had the tree in the living room and a memory tree. When my mom was alive we just had the one tree, but it made Dad sad, so we had two for a long time. After he married Carole that all changed. Everything changed.  Because we did it all wrong.”
“Wrong?” Adam asked.
“Yeah, because it was just me and my dad for so long, so we got everything wrong about Christmas and even Thanksgiving.” Kurt said.
“Wrong according to who?”
“Carole and Finn, Rachel, Quinn and Blaine and Santana.” Kurt said.
“I don’t understand. How can you get it wrong?” Adam asked. “And isn’t Rachel Jewish?”
“Well, if you have multiple trees they all have to be properly themed and coordinated. You must have only baking days…you cannot bake all month.  If you bake all the time it is not special and therefore can’t be holiday baking.  Advent calendars cheapen the holiday, as do anything else like that. Candles are either pretentious or just for poor people…I’m not sure which one. Christmas Music will get too old too quickly if listened to in the house, so must be reserved for in the car. Solstice is only for devil worshipers…”
Adam snorted and Kurt stopped and looked at him.
“I’m sorry but just because your traditions were different didn’t mean yours were wrong.  I know you realize this in your head…you said you still do several of them.  So how did you end up managing?”
“We did things Carole and Finn’s way or not at all.” Kurt said. “In the loft we did things Rachel and Santana’s way or not at all…mostly Rachel’s way.”
“Tell me about it more.”
Kurt sighed. “Christmas to Finn and Rachel was about what they got.  They wanted big things and lots of them.  Newest, biggest, best. Finn told his mom what he wanted and he expected it under the tree.  Rachel gave people lists and she was to have received it all. Santa brought big things…like TVs and such.  To Finn. Carole let Finn open whatever he wanted that was under the tree from Christmas Eve day on…if he got bored. Even things not to him were fair game because things under the tree were supposed to just be to Finn, as it had been that way since he was little and he couldn’t be expected to look at tags when excited. Rachel was the same way.  Everything under a tree where Rachel lived was obviously to her.  The trees had to be themed and everything on them had to ‘go together’.  Carole bought new stuff every year and gave what she had used to her Aunt to do with whatever she liked.  There were to be colored balls and lights and maybe a few other things but not much, except that first year when she decided since she had Dad who could afford it she could do her dream of purple and pink Victorian.  That involved lots of lace and fake roses and satin cones filled with treats and dolls and shoes and old fashioned hat boxes and tassels and puffs and it was horrid.  She also spent like 800 bucks on it and then went and tossed half it out. I was allowed to bake just five days in December. Finn could not see the advent stuff at all…and dad could not put it together for me, it wouldn’t be fair to Finn.”
Adam moved over to Kurt and pulled him up and off the chair and then sat down and pulled Kurt into his lap.
“I want a relationship that is even, darling.  I don’t want you to do everything MY way and I will not do everything just YOUR way. We will find OUR way and do it together. Sometimes OUR way might be doing things your way, because it works best.  Sometimes we might do things my way, because it works best.  But we will figure it out together and it will be what is best for us.”
“Even my night time ritual?” Kurt asked.
“When I stay over do you do your nighttime ritual the same as when I don’t and do you regret it if you change it?”
Kurt leaned his head on Adam’s shoulder. “I do everything I normally do, but I do it with you there with me talking to me and I talk to you.  It is a great sharing time.”
“So…we do it OUR way…a way that works for both of us.” Adam said.
“I’m being silly about this aren’t I?” Kurt asked.
“No.  I don’t think so.  You had a relationship start up and because of that had to give up traditions and listen to how wrong you had been about them.  To me it sounded like many you were told off about had been things you shared with your mom.  That hurt and left scars, even if you got over the initial hurt.”
“And then there was Blaine.” Kurt said.
Adam hugged him tight. “Yeah, and you haven’t even talked about that.”
“He never got me anything. I never got a Christmas gift from him…or graduation gift or birthday gift or Valentine’s gift. However, I always had to buy him gifts and give them to him.  If I didn’t get the right thing or give it at the right time or with the right amount of flair…it was an issue.”
“It was all about him, then. Not surprising…everything always was.” Adam said. “I want us to be about US…both of us.  We’ll work traditions out as we go.  They will change as our circumstances change.  We will make it a mash-up of epic awesomeness, though. Especially doing it together.  Now, tell me more about your advent treats…”
Kurt launched into descriptions of different ways he’d done his advent treat calendar and his activity calendar as Adam held him. Adam made note on Kurt’s papers and thought about all the ways he could bring some of the traditions Kurt had not been able to enjoy back into Kurt’s life…and what to introduce him to from his traditions. He was looking forward to mending some old wounds.
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lady-divine-writes · 7 years ago
Kurtbastian one-shot - “Backseat Retreat” (Rated NC17)
When Kurt wakes up and finds his husband gone, he goes searching the house for him ... and finds him in the last place he'd ever think to find him ... (1155 words)
Notes: This continues the theme of Kurt being gloomy over Christmas. Inspired by the @hummelholidays prompt ‘vacation’.
Part 35 of my Daddies verse
Read on AO3.
“Oh … oh, Kurt …”
“Oh, yes, baby … j-just … just like that … oh G-God …”
“Se---Sebastian?” Kurt yawns, winding trembling arms around his torso as he steps into the cold, dimly lit garage. “Sebastian, are you in here---oh.”
Yup. Sebastian is there, all right, in literally the last place in the house Kurt had thought to look.
And, from what Kurt can see through the fogged windows, he may be partially naked.
Kurt had decided to check on a whim to see if either his husband’s SUV or his Mustang were still there. It’s not uncommon, if Sebastian can’t sleep, for him to take a run to the gym. They have a membership at a 24-hour spot not too far from their home. But Kurt didn’t dream that his husband would be sitting in the backseat of his Mustang, parked in the garage, doing what he’s doing.
But, unlike his high school days, Kurt isn’t scandalized to find his husband masturbating in the back of his sports car. He doesn’t sneak back into the house and pretend he doesn’t see. Sebastian is his husband. They have no secrets, and besides, it’s not like Sebastian is going to be embarrassed when he finds out.
Modesty was never one of his stronger suits.
Kurt walks up to the rear door and opens it without knocking. The cold outside rushes in, pushing the intense heat out and God, does it feel good against Kurt’s tense and tired body.
Almost good enough to lure Kurt in.
Sebastian, eyes squeezed shut and head thrown back, stops what he’s doing. He slumps down in his seat with a heavy sigh, shivering as the temperature around him drops.
“Hey, babe,” he pants, breathing clouds of heat into the rapidly cooling air.
“Hey. Testing out your shocks?”
“You can say that.” Sebastian chuckles. “Can’t sleep?”
Kurt shrugs. “Yes and no. It got harder after you left.”
“Yeah?” Sebastian smiles, giving his dick a gratuitous stroke. “I wish I could say I was having the same problem.”
Kurt glances down at his husband’s hand caressing his erection. The man is hard, flushed red, obviously aroused, but Kurt knows his husband. He’s nowhere near an orgasm. Even with all the moaning he was doing, his car rocking back and forth like it was preparing to take flight, it didn’t sound like his heart was too into it.
“We’ve got a guest room for that, you know,” Kurt teases. “Or the bathroom.”
“Uh, kinky much? Your dad and your stepmom are currently asleep in our guest room.”
“Oh, yeah.” Kurt laughs and yawns at the same time. “I forgot.”
“Besides, you’re seriously underestimating the hot factor of a good backseat make-out.”
“Well, I had a bad experience in one once-upon-a-time, if you remember.”
“Oh. Yeah. I forgot.” Sebastian gulps, his erection withering an inch at the memory of the story Kurt had told him back before they’d started dating, when Sebastian was still a little envious of Kurt over having tapped Blaine.
The story of what happened in the Scandals parking lot after he and Blaine left.
“At least you were moaning my name,” Kurt adds, attempting to erase that memory from both their heads.
“Always.” Sebastian winks. “Are you mad?”
“No. Because I have a pretty good idea why you’re here.”
Sebastian stares down at the hard-on that, regardless of his lackluster performance, doesn’t want to die. But that’s probably because Kurt is standing there. “I came out here because I didn’t want to risk waking you. I didn’t want you to think I was trying to pressure you or anything.”
“And I’m grateful for that. I really am.” Kurt leans against the door frame, too tired to stand but at odds with climbing in beside his husband for fear he might pass out the second his butt hits the seat. “I’m sorry if I’ve been unavailable. Like I said before, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m just so damned blue.”
“That’s okay, babe.” Sebastian tucks himself away (which helps only barely because he’s tenting his pants in a manner so obscene, it’s laughable), and scoots down the seat to get closer to Kurt. Kurt tries to maintain a serious demeanor because he feels the conversation warrants it, but he can’t help snickering as he watches his husband’s dick bob with each move. “Take your time. I’ll give you all the time you need.”
“Yes, really. Sheesh! I have changed, you know, in the however many decades we’ve been together.”
But some things haven’t changed, and thank God for that - namely how head-over-heels the two of them are for one another. How they know each other so well.
Kurt looks at his husband – at his sincere expression; his bright, green eyes, filled with worry; his hands gripping his knees, torn between staying where they are and taking his husband’s hand, probably kissing it to offer comfort …
… all slightly tainted by the erection that refuses to be ignored.
Yes. Some things never change.
It’s been a long week. Between Kurt’s case of the holiday blahs, his dad and Carole driving up earlier than normal, and all the Christmas hubbub down at Thomas’s school that they volunteered to help with, they haven’t had an intimate moment alone.
But here and now, in their garage at two in the morning, when the possibility that someone might walk in and interrupt them is next to nil, and Kurt can feel himself smiling – genuinely smiling – for the first time in days, might be a good time to give it some attention.
“Whaddya say we go back inside?” Sebastian suggests. “We’ll cuddle under the blankets, get some sleep, and then tomorrow we can ask your folks to watch the munchkin so we can go out on a date.”
“That does sound nice, but since I’m here, and since I don’t think I’m going back to sleep anytime soon (which is an eggshell-colored lie because he’s about dead on his feet) would it be alright if I joined you? Maybe … went for a ride?” Kurt bounces his eyebrows, and Sebastian smirks, happy to see a bit of his old husband peeking through the veil of sadness that’s been his constant companion since the holidays began.
“Like … to the store?” Sebastian kids. “Because I think Vons is open 24 hours.”
“That’s not quite what I had in mind,” Kurt admits, climbing carefully into his husband’s lap.
“Oh, well, if this is what you had in mind, then absolutely,” Sebastian moans when Kurt rubs up against him, his entire body shuddering as a previously non-existent orgasm rises from the depths of his groin. He reaches out to shut and lock the car door, praying that he lasts long enough to make this good for him. “Why don’t we see if we can give my shocks a run for their money?”
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kurtbastian-land · 7 years ago
Midnight Kiss
Pairing(s): Kurtbastian
Warning(s): N/A
Summary: It was Sebastian's and Kurt's first official New Years Day together. Sebastian couldn't help but reminisce the night before that led to today.
A/N: I couldn't help but write something small to end the Hummelholiday prompts thingy and end the year with something. I just want to extend my deepest gratitude to everyone who have liked, reblogged and took the effort to drop a comment on my fics. It honestly means the world to me that someone out there is enjoying something that I wrote. Thank you for sticking around this year and hopefully you'll continue to stick around in 2018 <3 Now off to this little ficlet!
Sunlight peeked through the window pane, lighting up the bedroom where two intertwined men were sleeping soundly, without a care in the world. Empty bottles of alcohol were thrown haphazardly across the bedroom floor, alongside random specks of glitter in every imaginable colour. Polaroids that were strung across the cork board near the opened, swung slightly to the breeze that was gently blowing into the room. Despite the state of chaos the room seemed to be, there was nothing but peacefulness and serenity in the atmosphere.
It was the taller and tanner man of the two that decided it was time to wake up. Slowly stirring up from his deep slumber, Sebastian scrunched his face as he cracked open an eye, not appreciating the sunlight on his face one bit. He lifted his head up for a quick second, only to lie back down when he decided that he wasn't ready to commit to a hundred percent consciousness. Instead, he pulled the man wrapped in his arms, closer, placing a chaste kiss on the latter's forehead. With one hand wrapped around his lover's waist, the other slowly making way to his hand.
Kurt stared nervously in Sebastian's eyes, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by everything, the dinner, the confessions, the promises, the man himself. It probably didn't helped that he consumed what he was pretty sure to be 4 bottles of alcohol throughout dinner.
"I don't want us to be a one time thing Kurt," Sebastian pleaded, effectively preventing Kurt from escaping by backing him to the balcony.
"This isn't the alcohol talking."
"Or the fact it's New Year's Eve and I want to be the one you're kissing to end and start the year."
"Or my friends conspiring against me that you are a good thing."
"But you are a good thing that I want and need now, tomorrow and the day after."
"I want to be the one that going to be cleaning up all this shit in my apartment with you tomorrow morning."
Kurt stared Sebastian, heart beating wildly in his chest as memories and images quickly started flashing in his mind as it races to make a decision. Unofficial dates, a second longer lingering of hugs, handholding, staring...
Sebastian felt himself being pulled towards Kurt, a hand around his neck, another gently caressing the side of his face.
Mumbling softly against his lips, Sebastian heard a muffled "Happy New Year" before he himself cupped Kurt's face, deepening the kiss.
Smiling at the memories of last night, Sebastian gently squeezed the hands in his, three times as he went back to slumber, his heart for once feeling full yet light at the same time.
"Happy New Year Kurt."
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vcg73 · 7 years ago
Hummel Holidays 2017: It’s a Date
Hummel Holidays Prompt #2: Baking
Rare Pair: Kurt and Elliott
“Oh m’Gaw! Dese’r amaving!  Wemom?”
 Kurt rolled his eyes and passed his friend the glass of cold milk he had been sipping from as he worked. Elliott had walked in and made a beeline for the array of fluffy golden cookies sitting on the cooling racks, promptly popping one into his mouth with no regard for the fact that it had come out of the oven only ten seconds earlier. He was currently attempting to chew the hot cookie without touching it to his tongue or the tender roof of his mouth, but still taste it and talk at the same time.
 “Lemon, yes, and you might want to give this next batch a minute to cool before you try one,” Kurt advised, placing a second pan full of generously chocolate chipped dough balls into the oven.
 Chugging the remainder of the milk down along with a second sample from the racks, Elliott licked his lips and grinned as he handed back the empty glass. “You didn’t tell me we were baking today.”
 He snorted. “We, huh? I’m pretty sure baking involves more than just scarfing down the end result. And stop eating all my cookies! I’m making these for the homeless shelter.”
 Elliott’s greedy fingers paused halfway to grabbing another, cheeks flushing a little. “Oh, yeah, sorry. Guess I should’ve figured that since One Three Hill is providing the entertainment for tonight’s party. Uh, well then, pass me an apron and point me toward the supplies. I’ll mix up a batch of snickerdoodles while you pour us some more milk.”
 Unable to resist the winsome smile that came along with this offer, Kurt nodded and rummaged through the plastic packing crate that held his glassware. Picking one with tiny flowers frosted into the glass that Rachel had picked up at a flea market, he opened the fridge to pour their drinks and said, “I didn’t even know you knew how to make snickerdoodles. I haven’t had those in years.”
 “Oh, man, they’re the best! They’re my mom’s specialty. She taught me the recipe when I turned ten. Her family has lived in New England since, like, the Mayflower and this recipe has been handed down through generations. Today only a handful of people in the entire world know it!”
 Kurt grinned, strongly suspecting that his leg was being pulled. “Well, then!” he said, handing over a fresh glass of milk. “Should I leave the room? Put on a blindfold? Pinch my nose shut so I don’t accidentally guess the secret ingredient?”
 “I think I can trust you. But just to make sure…”  Elliott’s face went solemn, but his eyes continued to sparkle with fun as he held up his right hand and offered Kurt’s recipe book with the other, waiting until Kurt obligingly placing his own right hand on the book and raised his left. “Kurt Hummel, do you solemnly swear upon pain of burnt cookies and fallen layer cakes never to divulge this secret to The Food Network, or any other for-profit entity?”
 Struggling not to laugh, Kurt forced his features into an equally solemn set and nodded. “I so swear.”
 “Great!  Okay then, we’ll need a cup of butter, a cup of sugar, half a cup of brown sugar, two eggs, three cups of flour, baking soda, salt, cream of tartar, and cinnamon. I’ll also need a saucepan and a couple of mixing bowls.”
 With a nod, Kurt gathered the requested items. Most were already on hand since he had been baking for the past hour. Since his favorite mixing bowl already had chocolate chip dough in it, he quickly washed up the bowl he’d used for the lemon cookies and dug out a large but slightly worn out spare one that he’d brought from Ohio. “Pan’s over the stove. What do you need it for?”
 “Because that is the secret ingredient,” he explained, wriggling out of his leather jacket, leaving himself clad in an artistically ragged gray sleeveless t-shirt, and throwing on Kurt’s borrowed apron, which bore the words ‘Sit back and relax.  You must be exhausted from watching me do everything!’ Glancing down at the words, he laughed. “Feeling a little passive aggressive, were we?”
 Kurt blushed. “Just a little. It made me feel better, but the others didn’t even get the joke.”
 “Figures,” he grunted. “Okay, so we start with the butter.”
He measured out a cup of butter and transferred it into the saucepan. While Kurt watched with interested eyes, he turned the stove on to medium heat and began whisking the butter with slow even strokes. He continued this patiently for three or four minutes until the butter was melted and slightly frothy, emitting a pleasant almost nutty aroma as it browned. Then he poured the butter into the larger bowl to cool and began mixing in the sugars, cream of tartar, and eggs together with it. In the second bowl, he blended his dry ingredients together, then gradually blended the two.
 “You’re good at that,” Kurt commented, not even bothering to pretend that he was not admiring the play of strong muscles in Elliott’s exposed shoulder as he beat the dough together with firm pressure, preferring to stir the ingredients by hand rather than borrow Kurt’s hand mixer.
 “Thanks.” Preening a little, he deliberately flexed his arm a little more. He and Kurt had never dated, but a little flirting between friends was always welcome. “Could you sprinkle some white sugar and cinnamon onto a sheet of waxed paper for me?”
 Kurt nodded, pausing a moment to take his baking batch out of the oven as the timer dinged and transferring them to the racks. He quickly shifted the lemon cookies into a waiting tin lined with a paper towel, leaving the lid off to allow them to finish cooling. Once that was done, he quickly cleared a space and laid out the requested waxed paper, covering it with a small amount of cinnamon sugar. While this was done, Elliott had been molding the cookie dough into little walnut sized globes. He took each dough ball and rolled it through the sugar, setting the finished ones in a neat row until they could be baked, since Kurt still had another two pans of chocolate chip ready to go and there would be no more baking sheets available until one of them had hands free to wash the newly emptied one.
 An hour later, the two-man baking team had finished their creations and sampled at least one of each variety of cookie, leaving dozens for the enjoyment of those attending tonight’s party.
 “Dani will be so sorry she decided to meet us at the shelter instead of coming by early,” Kurt said, dipping a snicker-doodle in his milk, frowning a bit at the resultant spice decorating his drink, then shrugging and simply belting back what was left to wash down the last of the treat.
 “I know, man. She missed out,” Elliott agreed, licking his lips happily.
 Kurt held out a hand for Elliott’s empty glass, taking them to the sink to finishing washing up the last of the dishes. Kurt was a ‘clean as you go’ baker and his kitchen was far from the disaster area Elliott’s would have been had they done this project at his place.  The application of a wet sponge and a little scrubbing, and the counters were also immaculately clean. Only the waiting tins of warm, neatly arranged cookies gave proof of the afternoon’s activity.
 Elliott shook his head, admiring the almost military precision of his friend’s baking style. “You know, we should do this again,” he said. “Maybe cook something next time. I mean, I don’t really know how to make anything except stews and curries, but I’ll bet you could teach me. If you were okay with that.”
 A big smile met this suggestion. Kurt looked like he’d just been given a wonderful present, clasping his hands and bouncing up on his toes with sudden excitement. “Of course! I have loads of cook books with recipes we could try. Some of them I’ve wanted to make for ages, but there never seemed much point in going to all that effort just for myself.”
 “What about your roommates?”
 He shrugged. “I’ve offered, but Santana isn’t a very adventurous eater, and I never know from week to week whether Rachel will be vegetarian, or vegan, or protein only, or all carbs. One week she decided out of the blue that she was going to do a liquid-only cleanse that she had read about in a magazine. It was supposed to last for a month, but three days into it, I was awakened in the middle of the night by the sounds of her going to town on leftover Chinese food, three different kinds of chips, and my newly purchased pint of strawberry-cheesecake ice cream.”
 Elliott laughed. He could picture that easily. For such a tiny woman, Rachel could really pack it away when she was in the mood. “Well, I’ll try anything once. Let’s make a pact to get together once a week and try out a brand new recipe. Something neither of us has tried before.”
 Kurt beamed. “How about Fridays?  Friday Night Dinner was a staple in my house growing up. We would always make the time to get together, no matter what, to have a sit down meal together on that night. I tried to bring the tradition back with my friends, but it only lasted a few meals before everyone started begging off for various reasons. Do you want to try it?”
 Pleased that Kurt was willing to share a special tradition with him, perhaps in return for sharing his own family recipe, Elliott said, “It’s a date.”
 Unexpectedly, Kurt blushed and turned away. “It’s getting late. Maybe we’d better get all these cookies packed up. I was planning to call for a ride instead of trying to get all these safely to the shelter on the subway.”
 “Good idea,” he said, wondering at that sudden mood shift. Kurt’s reaction to his flippant use of the word ‘date’ had given him pause. He considered just letting it go, but . . . somehow he did not want to let it go. “Kurt?”
 Elliott took a deep breath, hoping he was not about to make a mistake and cause the rest of the night to become horribly awkward. “I had a really good time today.”
 “Me too,” he agreed with a smile.
 “Uh, yeah, so I was thinking. That is . . . I mean, I always have a good time when I’m with you.”
 Kurt’s expression softened, becoming almost wistful. “So do I.”
 “Right, so . . . do you think it’s weird for best friends to . . .”
 “To . . .” Kurt repeated, brows raising as he encouraged Elliott to finish the thought.
 Elliott paused. It was now or never. He wasn’t seeing anyone, and Kurt had been single for a decent enough span of time not to seem like he was pouncing on a vulnerable heart. He had always told himself that Kurt wasn’t his type, but Elliott knew that the sheer number of times he had given himself that reminder pretty much proved it a false claim.
 “Would you be willing to go out with me some time?” he blurted. “Not as friends. Or, I mean, of course we’re still friends, but . . . as more than friends?”
 Kurt blinked, looking as though he was not quite sure he was hearing correctly. Then he smiled a little shyly and said, “You mean, you and me; like a, go out together, do something fun, kiss at the end of the evening . . . type of thing?”
 Elliott grinned, liking the idea a lot now that he was hearing it out loud. “Exactly. Maybe not Friday, because I’m already having recipe night with my best bud on Friday, but how about Saturday?”
 Laughing at his words, but clearly touched that Elliott did not want to chance losing their friendship by throwing dating into the mix, Kurt ducked his head and said, “That sounds great. You told me you’d been wanting to visit the Museum of Modern Art, right? Maybe we could go together. Or, is that a dumb idea?”
 “I think it’s a great idea,” he said, already picturing the two of them strolling slowly hand in hand through the halls of the great structure. “And maybe get some coffee and take a snowy walk through Central Park afterward.”
 Kurt’s eyes shone at the mere mention of something so unabashedly romantic. “I’d love to.”
 “Then we definitely have a date.” Wondering how he was going to contain his sudden giddy joy all evening, Elliott reached out and took Kurt’s hand, giving it a little squeeze before letting go and returning to the task of packing up the goodies for tonight’s party.
 Stepping next to him, so that they stood side by side at the counter, Kurt accepted the cookie tin he was offered and settled it into a bag he’d brought out earlier for transporting. One by one, they packed the bag in this way, taking their time.  They did not say anything more about their sudden change in status from best friends to possibly-more-than-friends, but the silence that stretched between them felt comfortable. Every so often, their arms would bump and they would exchange a smile that somehow felt both feel warmer and closer than it ever had before.
 “I won’t do it until Saturday night,” Elliott remarked as the last tin was packed and the bag was closed up for travel. He pulled his jacket back on and accepted the warm blue scarf that Kurt held out with a scolding little cluck of his tongue, tucking it into place around his neck and down the front of his coat as he zipped the leather securely. He then lifted the strap of the cookie bag and settled it on his shoulder without asking, giving Kurt a chance to don his own coat and scarf and lock the door behind them.
 “Do what?” Kurt asked as they started down the stairs together. His building had an elevator, but it was a risky proposition at the best of times.
 Shifting the bag from one shoulder to the other, Elliott reached over and threaded his fingers through Kurt’s. “I was just thinking back there that I’d really like to kiss you, and that I felt kind of stupid for not realizing before today how much I wanted to do that.”
 Kurt smiled and ducked his head. “Oh, that.”
 “Yeah, that, and then I thought that I can’t do it. Not until Saturday night when I take you home. Or you take me home, whichever way it ends up. Because I’ve never been very good at the whole dating thing, but I want to do it right with you.”
 He tipped his head, looking up at Elliott’s face with a fond smile. “That’s really sweet. I don’t really have a lot of experience at dating either. I have a weird habit of pining, then sort of falling in love without thinking it through, then moving in with people.”
 Elliott laughed a little. “Sounds like we both have some catching up to do.”
 “Agreed. So no kisses until Saturday,” Kurt said, still smiling as he checked his phone for the status of the car service driver he’d called. “How do you feel about hugging?”
 “Friends hug,” he said, swinging an arm around Kurt’s shoulders in demonstration. “I could get into some serious post non-date hugging with you tonight. By Friday, we may be all the way up to snuggling.”
 He laughed and squeezed Elliott’s waist. “I could be okay with that.”
 Turning his head, Elliott looked down into Kurt’s eyes, noticing how pretty they looked in the light of the setting sun, shining blue with little flecks of green and gold.  Before he could be tempted to break his own promise to himself, he planted his lips on Kurt’s hairline, pressing the soft skin fondly.
 “Me too.”
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hummelholidays · 7 years ago
HummelHolidays Prompts 1-3
My apologies for not posting the prompt as a reminder! Remember the prompts can all be found here! 
Day 1 was/is Lights!
Day 2 is Baking
Day 3 is Movies
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leydhawk · 7 years ago
Anyone reading my @hummelholidays stuff on AO3 knows why I’m searching Kelliott. Sorry to everyone else!
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ao3feed-kurthummel · 5 years ago
Let It Snow
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XGXaFE
by pixiealtaira
Hummelholidays Day 4: Snow
Snowed in...again.
Words: 1089, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Hummel Holidays 2015
Fandoms: Glee
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Adam Crawford, Kurt Hummel
Relationships: Adam Crawford/Kurt Hummel
Additional Tags: Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XGXaFE This is an automatic feed of all new stories posted to the Kurt Hummel tag on AO3. Because of that, it is not guaranteed that Kurt is the main character in the story. There is also no judgment made as to ships, length, or warnings. Please verify content upon clicking through to AO3.
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ao3feedkurtbastian · 7 years ago
Documented and Recorded
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ri2zEn
by Starlight_Daylight
Kurt and Sebastian are watching their wedding video - filmed and edited by the one and only Artie Abrams (something the latter would have never imagined)
Words: 595, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Hummelholidays 2017 Prompts
Fandoms: Glee
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Artie Abrams, Sebastian Smythe
Relationships: Artie Abrams & Kurt Hummel, Kurt Hummel/Sebastian Smythe
Additional Tags: friendship fic, side kurtbastian, AU
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ri2zEn
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quinnmorgendorffer · 4 years ago
@katsstratford tagged me to do this and it seemed fun! ty ilysm <3 
why did you choose your url?
I’ve always loved the character Quinn Morgendorffer of Daria fame and was also always compared to her by my family and such so I just naturally have wanted this url forever and finally got it :)
any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them
i have a couple saved urls and also ran puckurtchrismukkah exchange and helped run hummelholidays and a hudrose based blog and a rp search blog but nothing that’s really active as of now.
how long have you been on tumblr?
......a bit over 10 and a half years. about a year less on this blog :/
do you have a queue tag?
“#[kju]” - it’s “queue” in ipa :)
why did you start your blog in the first place?
I saw a whole bunch of stuff for g/lee spoilers led back to here soooooo yeah I joined lol
why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I love Charlie/Kelly McGilis as Charlie in Top Gun especially in this lesbian power outfit (I’m team Maverick and Charlie were mutual beards, hence the lack of chemistry in their love scene, and that’s that on that!!!)
why did you choose your header?
It’s one of HUNDREDS of iconic quotes from Quinn and it cracks me up lol. Before I had this url/was using this url, I wanted to expose people to Quinn/that line as much as possible even if you couldn’t see the line....oh well.
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what’s your post with the most notes?
I think this dumb set of screenshots i took of bob’s burgers years ago like it’s not even a nice gifset or good quality WHY IS IT SO POPULAR?? ugh. beyond that back when I made gifs this one from a cute moment at the rent anniversary was i think my first post over 5k
how many people do you follow?
have you ever made a shitpost?
what am i but a shitpost generator?
how often do you use tumblr?
too much. but whatever, whatever
did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? who won?
girl, i was in the g/lee fandom and i didn’t ship k/laine what do YOU think???
I also got into a heated fight with mutuals at the time over the video for avril lavigne’s “hello kitty” and that was the dumbest thing ever and I guess you can say i lost because they unfollowed me but honestly it’s a win because they  were being way too performative woke in their response. and literally speaking over japanese people... 
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post’?
i almost immediately don’t reblog anything with that shit or like any post that has anything that’s some sort of guilt trip, like yelling at americans for being all ~ignorant~ and not reblogging xyz about other countries like, fine, i’ll be an ignorant american now just to spite you! ha!
do you like tag games?
I really love them a lot!!! I don’t always do them but I really enjoy them and being tagged in them <3
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I think a few of them have famous posts and some might be infamous (no, you mean notorious) but I’m not sure any of them are tumblr famous
do you have a crush on a mutual?
all of y’all
last song i listened to
............technically “baby one more time” since I try to get 250 steps an hour during my work day and i normally do that by dancing and i’ve learned that one so......
my phone bg and lockscreen
it literally hasn’t changed since last time i was asked (or the time before or the time before that....my lockscreen is melissa benoist at the women’s march holding a sign saying “hey donald, don’t try to grab my pussy—it’s made of steel”. it’s really big so i don’t wanna put it up lol. but here’s a pic from the last time I was asked for my background because it’s hilarious
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i tag… @gobbluthbisexual​ @gobbluthlesbian​ @bethecowgirl @mexashepot @halles-comet @anthonyperkinssexlist​ and anyone who wants to do this!
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pixiealtaira · 6 years ago
On Why Kurt Should Always Get Details On Isabelle’s Schemes First Before Agreeing To Anything
Hummel Holidays day 21: sexy Santa
Pairing: Kadam
“Adam, I know I told you about last Christmas.” Kurt said looking at the outfits lying on the bed waiting for them to put them on.
“You did.”
“Then why is a Santa outfit like that on the bed!”
“Because…you are going to dress as Santa to auction off Santa’s Elves for the charity auction.  Isabella sent them over.  This is the theme they finally decided on…apparently last night. The costumes arrived after you left for school this morning. I don’t know how that place gets things up and published, so often big decisions seem so last minute.”
“It’s Isabelle and Vogue. I’ve learned not to worry, it just always works out. Well, usually it works out. I’ll look stupid in this. I think this last minute idea of hers will not work out well.”
“You’ll look hot. Your chest is marvelous and your arms are stunning.  You are very much like a sculpture of a young nubile lad just ripe for the taking. Your legs are so strong and gorgeous and wrap around me so well.  And I certainly have a difficult time keeping my hands off your scrumptious ass.”
“But…” Kurt tried to counter, his cheeks flushed red as they always got when Adam started touting his appreciation of Kurt’s physical form.
“But call Isabelle. I don’t know who they could replace you with, though.  You said you didn’t want to be auctioned off, but were willing to do the auctioning.  Every other male employee is being auctioned.  I’m being auctioned.  Every guy we know, you talked into this…”
Kurt sighed.
“I’m still going to look stupid.”
Kurt left into the bathroom with the bottom half of the costume in tow while Adam got dressed in the bedroom.
“Oh My God.  Adam, I’m not sure I can leave the house looking like this.  I have dance tights that are less revealing.”
Adam walked in where Kurt was standing in the pants and boots for the sexy Santa outfit.  The red stretch velvet looked as if it was painted on and the black riding boots looked like they were sculpted to Kurt.
“I’m tempted to call Isabelle myself. You are divine in those.  You know I would do anything for you and follow you anywhere when you are in your dance tights, and that just magnifies that reaction tenfold love. I shall have to not even glance your way.  I’ll drool. I’ll show too much appreciation. And I do hope you have boots like that that you own, if not we are investing in some immediately.”
“You are looking scrumptious, love.  I am in tights, too.  This could be an issue, you look edible and I do love the taste of you.”
“Your tights have shorts over them!”
“Not that they could hide anything, least of all my desire for you. Besides, this and candy cane striped suspenders are it for the costume, dear.  At least I am not that self-conscious about my chest.”
“My God, what was she thinking?” Kurt complained.
“That a whole bunch of men in near nothing would bring in a great deal of money...and she is probably correct.  Now finish dressing so we can head out.”
Kurt pulled the Santa jacket up so he could pull it on and squeaked.
“There is no way to fasten it closed…and this is more like a smoking jacket…like almost a robe!”
Adam laughed.
“You can duke it out with Isabelle when we get to the venue.  Put it on, grab your real coat and let’s go.  I do realize the real reason she sent a car to bring us to this event though.  She didn’t want you to disappear before you auctioned off her elves.”
Kurt grumbled as he got ready to leave the apartment.
Isabelle was going to so owe him for this round of favors.  So owe him.
He also hoped she remembered to make sure his proxy bid for Adam was up to par. Elf Adam had better be his. His man was too scrumptious in that get-up to be leaving with anyone else.
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lady-divine-writes · 7 years ago
Kurtbastian - “Quite the Stir” (Rated PG)
A Friday night family dinner goes humorously awry when a series of unfortunate circumstances turns the Hummel-Smythe family meal from gourmet to gruesome. (1930 words)
Notes: I wrote a similar piece for Klaine, and even though the bare bones premise of the story is the same, there is a very different dynamic at play, and a very different reason for Kurt's angst. Written for @hummelholidays prompt “family”.
Part 33 of the Daddies verse
Read on AO3
“How does this look, Kurt?” Sebastian asks, standing puffed up and proud in front of the concoction he’s been helping his husband create.
Kurt peeks over Sebastian’s shoulder and into the pot on the stove, assessing his progress. He checks it against his iPhone screen, and the gif playing of the meal that they’re making. The two look identical. Kurt gives him a pat on the shoulder, then one to their adorable son beaming beside his father, mimicking his pose of pride.
“Looks good, everybody! It looks, dare I say, scrumptious?”
“Yes! We’ve reached ‘s’ word status! High-five!” Sebastian wipes a hand on the apron wrapped around his waist, then raises it so his son can give him a high-five - which Thomas does, hopping down from his stool so he can leap into the air and smack his dad’s hand with all his tiny might.
“Ouch!” Sebastian teases, shaking out his hand. “Careful there, kiddo! I’m gonna need that hand later.” Sebastian glances over at his husband and gives him a wink. Kurt rolls his eyes.
“Only if you’re good,” Kurt replies with sarcastic sweetness. Thomas snickers, completely out of the loop but instinctively knowing his Daddy said something that got him into trouble.
“Okay, Papa!” he pipes in, eager to join the part of the conversation he does understand. “What do we do next?”
“Next” - Kurt scrolls down the page and continues reading the recipe - “fold in three egg whites and one egg yolk separately, careful to incorporate each one fully before adding the next.”
“Got it.” Sebastian holds out a hand to Thomas, gesturing for the eggs. Thomas hands them over one at a time, slapping each one perilously into his father’s hand.
“I’m glad we got the ‘s’ word,” Thomas says, causing his fathers to choke on their laughter, “but is it supposed to smell like puke?” Thomas peeks dubiously into the pot, a frown curving his small lips.
“Considering the amount of parmesan cheese we put in this sauce, I’d say that yes is a safe bet.” Sebastian deftly rescues the last two eggs before they crack in his hand. “But look on the bright side - it probably doesn’t taste like puke.”
Thomas looks at his fathers, then back into the pot, taking another skeptical sniff. “Are you sure we can’t just go to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner tonight?”
“We can go to the Rat Pizza Palace when it’s not family dinner night,” Kurt declares. “Friday night dinners are a tradition. Tonight is our one night for togetherness, reconnecting with each another, and a family cooked meal.”
“But we eat dinner together every night!” Thomas giggles.
“Yeah, well, who knows what might happen a few years from now,” Kurt mutters, feigning fiddling with his phone so that he doesn’t have to see the concerned faces of his husband and son.
So he doesn’t’ have to explain why he’s been in such a mood lately.
He could blame it on the holidays. A lot of people get blue in December. But that’s not it – not entirely.
In their family, Kurt is considered the strict parent. The disciplinarian. In reality, he’s not. He has maybe five hard and fast rules, but everything else is pretty much negotiable – especially considering the fact that if someone in their house is going to break a rule, it’ll be Sebastian, not Thomas. But this rule – this one is too important. Being together as a family, sharing a meal, talking about their week, was the cornerstone of his and his father’s relationship after his mother died. No matter what went on in their lives, no matter how many late night rehearsals or overtime at his dad’s shop took them away from one another, they always had Friday.
It was sacred.
There was a time during high school when Kurt took Friday night dinners for granted and ducked out. Not too long after, his father had a heart attack. Kurt regretted those missing Fridays for the rest of his life. Thank God his dad recovered, because if Kurt had squandered that time and didn’t get a second chance to …
Anyway, that didn’t happen. But it could have. And it’s because of that that he made the decision when they adopted Thomas that Friday night dinners would be sacred again.
He usually doesn’t think too hard about it; it’s simply part of their schedule. Yes, they eat dinner together every night, but Friday night is “family dinner night”.
No, it didn’t strike him as redundant at all.
But it hit him out of nowhere this year, because this year Thomas turned eight – the same age Kurt was when his mother passed away. And since then, he’s spent way too much time reflecting on what his life was like after that day … what Thomas’s life might be like if he lost Sebastian or himself. He’s already lost his own mother. Thomas doesn’t mention her much anymore, doesn’t have the nightmares he used to have when he first moved in, but Kurt knows he still thinks about her.
And Kurt knows how that feels.
Family dinner night won’t really make an impact until Thomas reaches high school, possibly junior high, so maybe Kurt is taking this Friday night home-cooked dinner thing a little too far. But he doesn’t want to make the wrong decision and regret it later. The older Thomas gets, the more he foresees that happening. All he can do is find a happy medium between his heart and his head, and hope for the best.
“What’s wrong with Papa?” Thomas whispers to Sebastian after several minutes of silence.
“Oh, don’t worry about him, Tom-Tom.” Sebastian smiles sympathetically at his husband. “He’s just feeling a little low.”
“Oh.” Thomas looks at his Papa struggling with his phone, distracted by his attempt at appearing okay. “Is there any way we can help him?”
Sebastian sighs. That’s a good question. He’s been trying to help Kurt for days. He’s no closer to an answer tonight than he was a few days ago. “How about we finish making dinner and go from there? Maybe we can go out and get a cheesecake for dessert. That might cheer him up.”
“Gotcha!” Thomas gives his Daddy a thumbs up. “What’s next, Papa?”
Kurt sniffles, looking at his phone with his back purposefully turned. “While slowly raising the heat, stir vigorously to get your sauce to thicken.”
“What constitutes vigorously?” Sebastian asks.
Kurt shrugs. “I don’t know. Just stir it fast. It needs to thicken, right?”
Sebastian lifts the spoon from the pot and watches the sauce drip. “Yup. It’s about the consistency of water right now so the thicker the better, I say. Right, Tom-Tom?”
“Maybe we should use the hand mixer. Or something else with a motor.”
“Like my remote control car?”
“Or my car!” Sebastian suggests, imagining the chaos that would ensue if they hooked up his Porsche engine to their hand mixer and let her rip.
“Yeah!” Thomas cheers, hands raised above his head. “That would be awe--- um … Daddy?”
“Yeah, kiddo?”
“Is the sauce supposed to be doing that?”
“Wha---?” Sebastian looks at the sauce he’s been stirring non-stop and sees not a thick, creamy sauce, but a frothy foam expanding with each turn of his spoon, rising steadily to the top of the pot. Sebastian is reluctant to stop stirring but not sure he should continue. “Uh … Kurt? Can you read what comes next, please?”
Kurt looks over from the salad he’s been throwing together to the recipe on his phone. “Don’t stir too vigorously, or that may cause your sauce to thicken too quickly and rise.”
“Uh …” Sebastian and Thomas share a look. Thomas hops off his stool and takes a cautious step away, dragging his service dog, who’s been watching them silently this whole time from the foot of Thomas’s stool, with him. “I think it’s thickening too quickly! And rising!”
Kurt turns to look, startled by the foaming head rushing to the top of the pot. “Jesus!”
“What do we do!?” Sebastian asks.
“Stop stirring!”
“Won’t it burn!?”
“Turn off the heat!”
Sebastian moves the pot to a cold burner and switches off the flame. Dad, dad, son, and dog gather around the stove, watching the pot, waiting for the sauce to settle. But their dinner suddenly takes on a life of its own, burbling and bubbling, overflowing at an alarming rate.
“That didn’t help!”
“It’s getting all over!”
“Lay the spoon across the top!”
“That only works for pasta!”
“Put the pot in the sink!”
Sebastian runs the pot to the sink. The contents slurp over the sides, leaving a trail of white spots on the floor, each one doubling in size after it lands. “It’s not stopping!”
“It has to eventually! There’s only so much sauce in there!”
“It doesn’t seem like it!”
“What now!”
“Dinner’s ruined!”
“I don’t think that’ll matter if it drowns us first!”
“God, I’m hungry,” Thomas mumbles.
Kurt looks at the mess that was their dinner and sighs. They followed all the directions exactly. Up until the point his screen froze and he took a moment to make a salad, everything was going fine.
Except it had stopped going fine because Kurt had gotten lost in his thoughts, completely consumed by the past and a future that has yet to happen.
That probably will never happen.
He and Sebastian are strong, healthy men, and barring anything out of their control, they both intend on being around for their son for an awfully long time.
He had gotten bummed and, in turn, he’d made his favorite people on earth bummed. And now, dinner’s ruined.
He looks at the pot spewing its contents onto the counter. No … the food is ruined. Dinner is what they make of it, and wherever they eat it, all that matters is that they’re together.
He can’t live in the valley of what if’s forever. It’s a good thing to plan as if he’s going to live forever, but there are some days he should live as if he might die tomorrow.
And, unfortunately for parents, that sometimes means leaving a gourmet, nutritionally balanced meal behind to eat subpar, greasy pizza promoted by a giant Rat.
“Run!” he says.
“Run where?” Sebastian asks. Thomas doesn’t need to be told twice, heading for the door to grab his jacket.
“Where is Chuck E. Cheese again?” Kurt asks, internalizing a groan because, as much as he loves his son, it’s still Chuck E. Cheese – a cardboard crust, tomato sauce out of a can, and cheese whose authenticity he can’t vouch for.
His stomach objects just thinking about it.
“Yes!” Thomas cheers because kids’ taste buds are underdeveloped, and their stomachs are lined with lead.
“What about the mess!?” Sebastian asks, not actually worried about the possible destruction of their kitchen because duh! He can just hand Kurt his AmEx card and let him re-decorate.
Who knows? A little retail therapy might put him on the road to recovery.
“It looks like Hepburn has that handled!” Thomas laughs, watching his service dog lick up the drops left along the floor.
“Ugh! That can’t be good for his digestion.” Kurt reaches for a dish towel to wipe away the final few before Hepburn can get to them, but the animal is attacking them at a phenomenal rate. He’ll just have to hope the poor dog doesn’t vomit in Sebastian’s Porsche on the way to the restaurant. “Oh, nuts! Just grab him and go!”
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kurtbastian-land · 7 years ago
Pairing(s): Kurtbastian
Summary: Kurt thought he was going to watch his all-time favorite vampire, werewolf movie but clearly Sebastian isn’t cultured enough for the greatness of it.
Warning(s): N/A
Author’s note: Thanks for sticking around :)
Rolling his eyes as he watched the man in front of him, folded his arms as a sign of refusal to take a seat.
"You're really going to be difficult right now?" Sebastian asked, without a look of impressiveness on his face, "on our first date, really?"
Kurt's original stance, faltered slightly when Sebastian pointed out a fact that he kinda forgot. But refusing to back down, especially when it involves ruining his new outfit, Kurt snapped back.
"I'm not making us stay here, unlike someone," Kurt snorted as he gestured at the opened mat on the ground, with a picnic basket and Sebastian's jacket on it, acting as a temporary weight until the two men settle down on it, "and trying to force me to sit on that mat - which I'm pretty sure hasn't been cleaned out in awhile, when I'm wearing my new outfit."
Sebastian pinched the bridge of his nose as he struggled to keep his temper in check. It doesn't help that he was working against time right now and it was their first official date and he wasn't going to ruin it by starting an argument.
"Babe," Sebastian protested, whining slightly as he decided to change tactics to win Kurt over, "I said I wanted to watch twilight with you."
Kurt couldn't help but gag a little at the act Sebastian was putting up. Patting the man on his cheek lightly, "Bas, I'm going to puke. You can stop trying to act cute to win me over."
"And I thought you meant the movie with the vampire and hot werewolves! You know, in the comforts of your home!" Kurt argued, "I wouldn't be wearing anything close to this to a park if I knew you meant like the sky twilight!"
Breathing out hot air, Sebastian glanced behind Kurt, seeing that the sun was already beginning to set, he mumbled under his breath, "sorry babe, I don't mean to get this physical on the first date but..."
In a flash, Kurt found himself stumbling to the ground but not really the ground but kinda on a person that happened to also be a Sebastian. Obviously bewildered at the last few seconds of his life, Kurt managed to refocus his eyes to the sky in front of him. The once blue sky was slowly filled with clouds in shades of purple - specifically lavender and indigo, covering up the first stars of the night as the ball of light slowly sank into the horizons.
"Wow," Kurt breathed out at the sight in front of him. He felt Sebastian placed his chin on his shoulder, effectively placing his head next to his, arms wrapping around his waist.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Sebastian softly murmured, sending chills down Kurt's back when he felt a breath of warm air on his neck.
The two sat in comfortable silence as they watched hues of pink and purple in the sky slowly faded away into the night sky. Nothing but their quiet breathing and crickets chirping, Kurt turned around slightly to look at Sebastian. Running his fingers through the latter' hair, Kurt gave him a soft smile, "that was breathtaking Sebastian. Thank you for bringing me here for our first date."
"No regrets for your outfit?" the latter teased as he tightly hugged the latter when he felt a slight breeze in the air.
Kurt noticed that their sitting position was not solely because of Sebastian's obsession with touch but it also allowed him to sit back comfortably without having to do so on a tree and that was also sitting on Sebastian's jacket that protected his jeans from the mat caked with slight mud and dirt.
Snuggling closer to the warmth Sebastian is providing, Kurt shook his head and he laughed slightly under his breath, "not with you protecting them."
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leydhawk · 7 years ago
I’m willing to give it a try. I’ll be posting on AO3, though. And since I may look at @hummelholidays prompts, too, there will probably be a mixture of Klaine and Kurtbastian (or other Kurt pairings), but I’ll keep the Klaine fills separate for the folks who only read Klaine.
I’m just hoping that my muse cooperates: I have barely been able to write at all this year.
Hey everyone! Spaceorphan18 here!! 
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It’s coming to be that time again - and looks like there’s enough interest to continue this season - and our lovely @slayediest is stepping up to the plate to help out!  If anyone is interested in pitching in this year - please let us know - the more the merrier.  
More details to come… 
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vcg73 · 7 years ago
Hummel Holidays 2017: Happy Solstice
Prompt #21 – Winter Solstice (also includes Movies, Candles, Traditions, and Family)
Rare-Pair: Is a trio today.  One Three Hill.  :)
 Sitting side by side on the living room sofa, hands folded in their laps like obedient schoolchildren, Dani and Elliott exchanged bemused glances.  Dani flicked the fluffy white faux-fur ball at the end of the red stocking cap she wore and said, “Thoughts?”
 Elliott played with one of the jingle bells dangling from his own red and green jester’s hat. “Santa had an opening for new elves and Kurt got us try-outs?”
 She laughed. “He’s in one of his fabulous hat design phases, but all the mannequins already had jobs at Macy’s?”
 “Someone forgot to pay the bills and this is Kurt’s way of warning us that the heat and power may go out at any second?”
 “No, that would be your apartment,” Dani said, flipping the long knitted scarf around her throat so that the fringed end smacked him in the face.
 Elliott fluffed his own fleecy red scarf with great dignity. “That only happened once.”
 She held up two fingers.
 “No, the first time was in summer and we just had a brown-out. That doesn’t count.”
 “Whatever.  So, back to subject number one. Why are we sitting on Kurt’s couch in the middle of the afternoon wearing silly hats and scarves?”
 Elliott shrugged. “Because he asked us to. And we’re both complete suckers for that big-pleading-eyes thing that he does.”
 She nodded. “He looks like a little puppy when he tucks his hands under his chin and gives you the big eyes. What can I say? I’m weak.”
 Shaking his head to make the little golden bells jingle, Elliott grinned crookedly and Dani laughed, acknowledging that she was not alone in that.
 “Oh, you guys look great!” Kurt interrupted, walking back inside his apartment from wherever he had disappeared to twenty minutes earlier after welcoming his two friends inside with a big smile, handing them each a hat and a scarf, then instructing them to put them on and wait for him. “Here. This is for you, Dani. And, Elliott, this one’s for you.”
 Elliott and Dani each accepted the gift bags Kurt handed them. Like them, Kurt wore a hat - a blue conical item with silver lace around the base and a silver bell at the tip – and a matching blue and silver striped scarf, and he carried a third larger bag. He set the bag on the floor in front of him as he helped himself to a cozy seat in between his two confused band mates.
 Looking from one side to the other, he smiled sweetly at them both. “Over the last year and a half, the two of you have come to mean a lot to me. You’ve been more than friends. You’ve stood by me when people I thought I could count on turned their backs. You’ve supported me and encouraged my ideas, even when other people said they were dumb. You’ve given me space to grow and support to change, when everyone else tried to keep me rooted in the past. And when the going got tough, you two just got closer and that means the world to me. You’ve become family to me, and so I thought it might be nice to share a very special tradition with you.”
 Dani and Elliott were both touched. Elliott cleared his throat and said, “Aw, man, that’s really . . . it was no more than you did for us, y’know?”  
 Dani did not even try to find words, she just latched onto Kurt and hugged him like she’d never let go. Finally, she dabbed carefully at the corners of her heavily made-up eyes and said, “So, what’s with the hats? Yours is awesome, by the way.”
 He grinned. “Thanks! I made it myself.  I’ll explain in a second. First, open your bags.”
 Eagerly, the two dug in, looking even more puzzled at the contents. The two were identical, each containing a candle, a gingerbread man, a brooch shaped like a pumpkin, a small basket filled with assorted snack foods, a bottle of wine and a plastic wine-glass.
 “Happy Solstice!” Kurt said, pulling a similar stash from his own bag, along with a dozen or so dvds, which he spread on the table in front of them.
 The other two grinned at the array of choices. “This is awesome,” Elliott declared. “I never participated in a Solstice party before.”
 “Me, either,” Dani said, picking up a video case to examine. “What gave you the idea?”
 Kurt gestured at the presents and said, “Well, as you know, I happen to be an atheist. My dad isn’t, but he also isn’t much of a church person, so he always encouraged me to go my own way with stuff like that. We continued to celebrate Christmas every year, but when I was about ten years old I read a magazine article about ancient pagan religions and how they influenced a lot of our modern-day holiday traditions. Rites concerning bounty, sacrifice, renewal, and so forth. Masquerades to disguise one’s self from evil spirits was also a big deal, but it’s too hard to watch movies wearing masks, so we went with funny hats and scarves instead.” He flipped the end of his in demonstration. “One of the biggest pagan festival times was the Winter Solstice, so that first year I talked my dad into figuring out a way to celebrate it, and we had so much fun with it that afterward we did it every winter that I lived at home. Until Dad got married again and we decided that having a pagan festival in our living room might seem a little too weird for Carole and Finn.”
 Dani picked up on the unspoken part of that statement. “Wait, so you’ve never shared this with anyone else before now? Other than your dad, I mean.”
 Kurt looked down at his hands, which were rolling the little apple-scented jar candle they held. “No. I kept thinking that maybe I would share it with Rachel one day, or with Blaine, but it just never felt right somehow. I think if Adam and I had lasted longer, I would have shared it with him but, well, things happened and . . .” He sighed, the sound filled with regret for what might have been.
 “And now you’re in a different place in your life,” Elliott said, voice filled with encouragement, not willing to let Kurt dwell on sad thoughts. “You’re giving single life a try, and concentrating on other things. You’ve started living without constant reminders of the past, and moving on with other people, and other things. So basically, this year you have a bounty of friends, a sacrifice of old dreams, and a renewal of going after the things that make you happy, instead of just going along with whatever makes everyone else happy. Am I right?”
 Even Kurt looked surprised at his easy summation. “I suppose you are. I hadn’t quite thought of it like that.” He picked up one of the movie cases and waved it. “At any rate, most of our family tradition involved eating and drinking; though it was sparkling cider when I was a kid; and watching non-traditional Christmas movies together.”
 Dani laughed. “Is that what these are? I’ve been trying to figure out what ‘Die Hard’, ‘Lethal Weapon’, ‘Trading Places’, and ‘Meet Me in Saint Louis’ all had in common.”
 “They all take place during Christmas, that’s right,” Elliott said, nodding and making his hat ring merrily. “And you said you started this tradition with your dad. Having met Burt, I can totally see why you would have some ‘80’s action movies in the mix.”
 “And the older movies are to honor my mom, who adored the classics,” Kurt explained as Dani picked up an old Humphrey Bogart film called ‘We’re No Angels’, raising an eyebrow as she read the description on the back. “That one’s a comedy about murderous convicts, believe it or not.”
 Elliott snorted. “I think I need to see that one. Oooh, you have ‘Gremlins’! I love that movie. Oh, geez, and ‘Batman Returns’. Isn’t that the kind of horrible one with Danny DeVito as the Penguin?”
 Dani snatched the box from his hand. “And Michelle Pfeiffer in the skintight leather cat suit!  I vote we watch this first.”
 Both men laughed, but Kurt obligingly got up to put the disc in. He paused to set up his laptop on a TV tray nearby, plugging in the charger and then pulling up a waiting website showing a continuous loop of a log burning merrily in a fireplace. “Yule log,” he said.
 Kurt offered no further explanation, but the others just nodded and started divvying up the goodies as their movie began to play. Scented candles were lit, wine was poured, and snacks were evenly divided as the three of them piled together on the couch and happily spent the first of what they all secretly hoped would be many happy family Solstices together.
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hummelholidays · 7 years ago
Author: Ledyhawk Description: My fills for the 2017 Hummelholidays prompts from tumblr. An ongoing Kelliott story. Chapter 1: Lights
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ao3feed-kurthummel · 5 years ago
Shine On My Someone Tonight
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VstclW
by pixiealtaira
Hummelholidays Day 1: Lights
Words: 1370, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Hummel Holidays 2015
Fandoms: Glee
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Burt Hummel
Additional Tags: Slice of Life
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VstclW This is an automatic feed of all new stories posted to the Kurt Hummel tag on AO3. Because of that, it is not guaranteed that Kurt is the main character in the story. There is also no judgment made as to ships, length, or warnings. Please verify content upon clicking through to AO3.
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