#briana angst
lethal-amigos · 2 years
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Art by @my-gunpowder
Jose adores children very much. He bonds with Briana because she reminds him of his late-daughter, Sasha, who passed away from cancer.
When he hears a little girl crying out for her papa, he instinctively turns around thinking he will see Sasha again
Jose is gunpowder's OC
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rigginsstreet · 1 year
51. Does what you like to write differ from what you like to read?
Oh absolutely lmao cuz I prefer reading smut. And I’m surely not writing that/I do not enjoy it when I do cuz I think everything is cringe. I try to leave it to the professionals 😂
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bloatedandalone04 · 10 months
Bets & Bargains Masterlist
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Series Summary: Bradley Bradshaw was not one to put all of his free time into a relationship, and that is the exact reason his girlfriend, Briana, broke up with him. Despite things being pretty casual between them, he decides he wants her back and this results in him coming up with an idea that not only breaks your heart, but his own.
Warnings: frat boy bradley, college au, alcohol consumption, weed usage, drugs, swearing, insecurity, self-deprecating thoughts, bets, hints of bradley having anger issues, unwanted touching, public smut, pda, mentions of death, mentions of fighting, mentions of blood and injuries, terrible friendships, oral (f receiving), fingering, mentions of bad past sexual relations, car sex, protected sex, blowjobs, drugging, mentions of drugging, more as the series goes on
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
More to come probably
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lady-of-tearshed · 2 months
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Nessian & OC!Nessian daughter Briana
Cassian Week 2024
Day 5: Scars
Summary: Cassian's traumas comes back to haunt him when their daughter naively wishes for a real war, like the ones in her books.
Warnings: Angst, Pregnancy, PTSD/Panic attack description, Cassian raising his voice, flinching, mention of an explosion, mention of death, mention of war.
Word count: 1,687k words
A/N: Good luck with the angst. The lady of tearshed has striked again, hope your heart can bear this one! 💕 Love y'all! Xx
The pretty dividers are made by the very talented @tsunami-of-tears ❤️
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The sun was starting to set, but the laughter and excited shrieks of children were still roaring at the River House. They were all playing with the wooden swords Rhysand had gifted Nyx for his tenth birthday. 
Briana, despite being the youngest one of her cousins, was ferociously defending herself. But Cassian knew her bed time was coming, and that if he didn't put a stop to their game real soon, his little princess would be in a piss poor mood all day tomorrow morning. And with Nesta carrying their second child, he didn't want her to deal with Bri's grumpiness tomorrow. His pregnant mate didn't need that additional stress. 
He whistled, loudly, and Briana's eyes immediately shot to his direction, a broad smile spread across her face as she ran into his direction. Cassian opened his arms for her and she jumped into them, nuzzling her little nose against his. 
“Did my little princess have fun today?” Cassian said, kissing her forehead. 
“Yeah! I want the same gift as Nyx's for my birthday!” 
Cassian laughed. Typical Briana's answer, always wanting to be the same as her older cousin. “Your birthday is still ten months away, Bri. Don’t grow up too fast.” He chuckled. 
Nesta approached them, and Cassian slid a protective hand around her hip. His fingers stroked the side of Nesta’s still small baby bump, and bent down. “Hi you two…” He whispered in Nesta’s ear, before kissing her cheek. “Ready to go?” 
Nesta gave the pair of eyes that meant “Don't you dare throw a tantrum just now, please.” to her daughter, then sighed. “Princess… Baby and mommy are very tired. How about we invite Nyx at home tomorrow?” 
Briana huffed, looked at Nesta’s belly, hesitated. “Okay… I'll go say bye to Nyxie, Bastian, Emett and Poppy…” She mumbled, then hopped off Cassian's arms to run to her cousins, aunts, and uncles to tell them goodbye. Lingering and taking her time, obviously. 
Cassian held Nesta against her, watching their beautiful daughter chattering with their family, before turning his gaze to Nesta's. “How are you feeling?” He frowned, his Fae male instincts kicking in, telling him to check up on his pregnant mate. 
Nesta rolled her eyes, a playful glint shining in her eyes. “Pregnant, sweaty, and full with your child… Not much different than six years ago.” 
Nesta winked at him, and  Cassian's hrin grew even wider. Before he could get another taste of his mate's delicious lips, Briana ran in their direction, wiggling in their embrace. 
“I'm ready!” Briana proudly announced. 
Cassian was drained, exhausted. The three of them were tightly squeezed into Briana's “big girl bed”. Nesta was reading out loud a bedtime story about princesses, princes and soldiers fighting against cruel Nagas. 
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His calloused fingers were brushing through his daughter's dark curls, careful not to get tangled in any knots. He was starting to wonder which one of them would fall asleep first. 
Nesta closed the book shut when the story ended, and Cassian's eyes shot open. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and yawned. “Alright… It's time to sleep now princess…” He mumbled into Briana's hair, pampering her cheek with kisses. 
Cassian helped Nesta roll out of the bed, then softly tucked in Briana, just how she liked it, he even placed her favorite plushies to watch over her. 
“I wish there would be a real war going on…” Briana mumbled sleepily. 
Cassian froze, he kneeled beside Briana's bed, and his jaw clenched. “We don't wish for things like that. Ever.” He growled. 
Briana’s brown eyes fluttered open, and silver lined them when she took in Cassian’s furious expression. “B-But–”
“There are no buts,” He raised his voice slightly, panic surged through him, his stomach was churning. 
“Cassian…” Nesta warned from the door frame. 
“There are no buts!” He repeated, whirling his head to Nesta. “There are real people dying in wars. Faes, humans, male and females. Even innocent children suffer from the consequences of wars–” 
Cassian snapped back to reality when he heard a muffled sob. He looked over his daughter, he stared into those tiny eyes that looked just like his. His heart broke. 
“Princess… I'm sorry for raising my voice,” He reached out to stroke Briana's wet cheek, “I'm so–” 
Briana flinched under Cassian's touch. His wings dropped to the ground, and tears rolled down his own cheeks. He rose to his feet, stumbling back from the bed. He brushed past Nesta, and stormed out of the room. 
He headed to the bathroom, his breathing ragged. He closed the door, leaned over the sink and turned on the faucet with trembling hands. The walls felt like they were moving towards him, trapping him. The air became hard to breathe, Cassian felt surrounded by darkness. 
He had scared Briana, his princess, his daughter.
“I wish there would be a real war going on…” 
No, of course Briana didn't mean what she said. She probably didn't have a clue of what a war would occur, what ravages it would make. Cassian had overreacted, he had crossed the line by raising his voice at her. 
The way his touch had made his little girl flinch… Cassian would never forgive himself for that. 
“I wish there would be a real war going on…”
A war… Cassian had fought countless wars before Briana’s birth. He had devoted his whole life to assure the protection of the Court he was born in. He had served and led Rhysand’s armies for centuries before partially retiring once he became a dad. 
Cassian’s wings shivered at the thought of what would happen if another war would rise. He had too much to lose now to even think about it, he would do anything in his power for this to never happen. 
This stupid wish was the only thing he would ever deny his daughter. Anything but this. No one wants to live with the visible and invisible scars that a war can cause. 
Cassian had almost collapsed to the ground when he had heard Nesta's desperate cries as if she was standing right beside him. His face had snapped to her direction instinctively, and for the first time in his life, he had dropped the plan and shot through her direction. 
Cassian still vividly remembered the death-white light hurled towards him and his soldiers. How the earth shatyered from ghe explosion. Some of the most skilled Illyrian warriors had been turned to ash within a matter of seconds. The memory still haunted him. Cassian would've stood in the middle of the explosion with the rest of his soldiers if Nesta's desperate calls hadn't pulled him away. 
“Cassian, open your damn eyes,” Cassian eyes shot open at the urgency in Nesta's voice. The intrusive memory switched to the familiar decor of their bathroom. He hadn't realized how he had stumbled down the floor and crawled until his back had bumped against the side of the large tub. 
Nesta's hands were gripping his cheeks tightly, forcing his head to stop moving so his eyes could concentrate on hers. “Look at me,” She growled. Her eyes chased his and when they locked, she grinned softly. “Hi, Cas,” 
Cassian was breathless, his chest heaving rapidly. His lungs burned as they struggled to fill themselves with oxygen. He pressed his sweaty brows to Nesta's, putting his hands over hers. 
“Hello, Nes,” He whispered, swallowing the tight knot in his throat. 
He closed his eyes, and when Nesta cradled his head to her chest, he wept. His wings drooped and his whole body shook as tears escaped his eyes. 
Cassian hadn't lost control like that for decades now. He had naively thought that maybe this was it, that he was cured. That the invisible damages that his years as the Lord of Bloodshed had left were now healed. That the nightmares, the flashbacks, the anxiety had disappeared forever. 
Cassian clenched his teeth, overwhelmed by the guilt of letting himself get into this state by a simple mention of war. 
“Hey… it's okay to be scared,” Nesta gently ran her fingers through Cassian's hair. His hands were still tightly wrapped around her wrists, holding onto her as if she would slip away if he let go. “I'm right here,” She slowly removed one of Cassian’s hands from her wrist, and lowered it to her stomach. “We’re right here,” 
Cassian grip instantly eased away from her wrists. He slid his hands underneath the fabric of Nesta’s dress, resting his hands flat against her warm skin. 
He moved his head from her breast, rubbing his nose against the column of her neck. He inhaled deeply, taking in Nesta’s sweet scent. She was here, pregnant with their second babe, both alive and incredibly strong. 
“I thought I was getting better,” Cassian mumbled against the skin of her neck, his hands rubbing circles atop her stomach. 
“You are, Cas. Everyday you're getting better. But these wounds…” She placed a kiss on his forehead. “These kinds of wounds… they stay. Like scars, they'll become paler with time, but they'll never completely go away,” 
Cassian hummed, knowing she was right. But accepting this reality was hard, that he'll have to live with these mental scars forever were a massive blow to his male pride. He frowned. “I scared Briana…” 
“She would never be scared of you, my mate. I explained it to her,” Cassian lifted his face to meet hers. “She understands now,” 
“I still feel bad… I need to apologize-”
Nesta held him down firmly, keeping him from standing up. “She's asleep. Appologize to her tomorrow. For now, rest. You need it,” 
Cassian nodded, and pulled Nesta up onto his lap. “Thank you…” He whispered against the shell of her beautiful pointy ear. 
“What for?” She laughed silently.
Cassian looked down at her, at their babe growing beneath her skin. He had not enough words to describe everything he was grateful for. He didn't have a fancy way to declare his deep gratitude for how Nesta's presence in his life made it extremely better. 
“Everything,” He whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
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Acotar taglist: @mybestfriendmademe @lilah-asteria
Cassian taglist: @ladybookstan @acotar-lover
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imagineredwood · 7 months
Lie To Me
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Request: Imagine the song Lie To Me by 5SOS for Angel? Ez? one of those two
Pairing: Angel Reyes x reader
Warnings: Breakups, emotional pain, angst with no comfort 😬
Word count: 580
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Angel could feel his heartbeat in his ears as he watched you. Watching as you smiled and laughed. Watched as you took a sip from your glass. Watched as your tongue snaked out to lick away the drop that ran down your bottom lip. Watched as you fanned yourself, the alcohol warming you up in the stuffed bar. Watched as the man you were with took your empty glass from you when you swallowed down the rest of the drink. Watched as he ordered you another. Watched as you took it from him with a smile and wink. Watched as you leaned forward and offered him a kiss, the man indulging you and kissing you back in a way that showed it was not the first not the tenth time.
That was your new man. Angel knew. He could tell. In the way you touched him. In the way you enjoyed his company. In the way you looked at him.
Once upon a time, you looked at Angel the same way.
But not anymore.
Not since you left him for not giving you enough attention. Not since you left him for not being around enough. Too many late nights. Too many missed dates. Too many sleepless nights in an empty bed.
It wasn't his fault, not entirely. He tried. The club was just too important, and you were tired of waiting. Worried you were wasting valuable time.
'We won't be young forever, Angel.' you had told him. You wanted a man that would be around often, put you first. Not one you had to share with a club. And by the looks of it, you'd found him.
Angel tore his eyes away from you but continued to steal glances. On one, you looked in his direction at the same time and locked eyes. Angel felt his pulse quicken. But just as quickly as you had looked at him, you looked away. And you didn't look over again. You stayed focused on your friends and your man, and it killed Angel. He was falling apart. Barely ate, barely slept.
You on the other hand had never looked better. You were glowing. Eyes bright. Smile sparkling.
You were happy.
Without him.
Finally happy.
He didn't fault you; you deserved to be happy. It just hurt that you were when he was left in shambles, feeling like everything had crashed down around him. He couldn't move on it seemed. Couldn't forget you, no matter how hard he tried. No matter how desperately he tried to replace you or pretend you didn't exist.  He had tried to erase every trace of you from his life to try and heal, and all it took was putting eyes on you once to undo whatever minuscule progress he had made.
He watched as your man got up, making his way to the bathroom, a small line queued up inside. He'd be in there for a little bit. At least five minutes.
Maybe that was all he needed. Just five minutes. Five minutes to talk to you. Five minutes to see where your head was at. Five minutes to see if it was real, even though he knew it was. Five minutes to have some more of your attention, dirty looks from your homegirls be damned. Five minutes to ask you if you still loved him. And if that universe was in his favor, you would lie, so he could hear you say it one last time.
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General taglist
@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @gemini0410 @woahitslucyylu @my-rosegold-soul @that-chick212 @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl  @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast  @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114   @destynelseclipsa  @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben  @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @xonickibaby @cruzwalters @myakai13 @mrsstevenbuchananstark @lyly00 @kaystacks17 @cole-winchester  @alexxavicry  @savagemickey03  @fanfic-n-tabulous   @choochoo284 @xbloodyxangelx @carma-fanficaddict @gillysoldlady
Mayans MC taglist
@dazzledamazon​  @abunnykisses​ @briana-mishell24​  @wrcn9fvlcver​  @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @krysiewithak​  @appropriate-writers-name​  @blessedboo​  @megapeacelovemusic-blog​ @emoengelfurleben​ @blowmymbackout​ @abby-splace​ @kola95​ @black-repunzel99​ @redpoodlern​  @myakai13​
@cruzwalters​  @danimals1096 @po3ticb3auty​ @lyly00​ @im-just-a-mississippi-girl​  @angel-121​ @fanfic-n-tabulous​ @90sisthenew80s​ @lovelytricia @librarian1002
Angel taglist
@maciiiofficial @abby-splace @redpoodlern @justazzie @myakai13 @fanfictiontrash9
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myloversgone · 1 year
What Happens in Vegas…
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Summary: Dean and Donna are in a relationship and, when they go to Las Vegas on vacation, she makes a decision that can change everything…
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum
Warnings: +18 story! Do not read if you’re underage! Smut, descriptions of sex, oral sex (f and m receiving), p in v, dirty talk, little tiny bit of angst and body insecurities. Post series finale. 
Word count: 7,100~ (I’m sorry I have no self-control)
A/N: What inspired me to write this story was Briana Buckmaster’s Instagram post about JIBCon 2023. I used her photos for the header. I hope you enjoy it! 
A/N 2: This story can be read both as a one-shot or as a sequel to On My Way To You. Your choice ;)
A/N 3: I don’t own the song lyrics or the gif I used in this story. If you’re the owner of the gif, let me know and I’ll happily include the source. 
Since Chuck was defeated, monsters got more rare and hunting became more of a side job for the Winchesters than their main activities. For Dean, that also meant he got to spend more time with Donna.
They’ve been together for almost three years but, for most of that time, they would be away from each other for long periods. With the defeat of their biggest enemy, Donna kept her work as a Sheriff, while Dean became a mechanic, taking jobs mostly in restoring classic cars, and going on hunts from time to time.  
With his job being the more flexible one, Dean would usually go to Donna’s place so she didn’t have to ask for days-off and vacations all the time.
One afternoon, Donna got an early shift; the last one before her long-awaited vacation. She managed to take 15 days off, and she planned to spend each and every second of them with Dean, who had arrived in Stillwater that same morning. 
They didn’t have any specific plans for her vacation but, on the way home, Donna had an idea.
“Dean, I’m home!”, she yelled from the front door as she entered the house.
“Hey, sweetheart”, he greeted, coming from the kitchen to meet her.
“Hey you”, Donna smiled, showing her dimples. She wrapped her arms around Dean’s neck while his circled her waist, squeezing her body against his and giving her a long kiss.
Donna moaned into his mouth. She would never get tired of kissing him. He was so thorough, so passionate and attentive. He would put his feelings in the smallest kiss, and she could always tell how much he cared about her with the simplest touches. 
The woman pushed her fingers through Dean’s hair. It was longer now, for the first time since she met him and, according to Sam, for the first time ever. After a lot of convincing from her part, he agreed to let it grow a little. Everytime a strand would fall on his face, Donna’s heart leaped in her chest. It was the sexiest thing ever. She didn’t know how he managed to look better with age, but she found Dean sexier now than when she met him all those years ago. 
Dean was also sporting a beard, but stopping him from shaving so often didn’t take too much convincing from her part. All it took was one wild night where he ate her out like it was his last meal, and his scruff left burns on her inner thighs. The morning after, when he saw the marks, he felt convinced enough.
“Dang it, thank goodness I’m on office duty today, ‘cause walking and running around with my pants scratching my thighs would be a pain in the ass…”, Donna mumbled in front of the mirror, checking the red marks while getting dressed for work. She shimmied into her pants and Dean came to stand behind her.
“You know you look damn sexy with these burn marks, right?”, he asked, kissing her neck, exposed by the tight bun her hair was tied into. That day, she ended up getting late for work. 
Now, back in her living room, they broke the kiss, and Dean looked at her with bedroom eyes. “How was your day, beautiful?”
She blushed, like everytime he gave her a compliment. “It went fine, but I was counting the seconds to come home to see you, ‘cause I have an idea”. Donna said, smiling and placing a feathery kiss on his lips. She went past him, in the direction of the stairs leading to the bedroom.
Dean turned around to watch her climbing the stairs, openly ogling her ass. He loved that he didn’t have to steal glances anymore.
“Oh, yeah? And what idea is that?”, he asked, tailing Donna, taking two steps at a time to get to the bedroom’s door with her.
She looked at him over her shoulder, proceeding to take off her Sheriff uniform. “How do you feel about going to Vegas?”.
Dean loved the idea. It was going to be their first road trip together, the first time he was taking Donna on a long journey in the Impala. She didn’t even try to persuade him to fly to Las Vegas, because at that point, she knew all about his fear of planes. Plus, she loved the idea of being on the road with Dean and his beloved car. 
The whole trip took two days. They stopped in a nice little hotel to get some rest, and three or four times in secluded spaces on mostly empty roads to make out whenever the sexual tension inside the car was too much for any of them to handle.
The rest of the time, they spent singing along to old rock songs on the radio, eating snacks, or chatting. Donna would usually sit right beside Dean, her head on his shoulder while he gently caressed her curly hair. She would fall asleep sometimes, feeling comfortable and safe by his side, but she did her best to stay awake, keeping him company. 
Every once in a while, Donna would get lost in watching Dean drive. The way he owned that driver’s seat, how his long, broad body filled up the space, it was fascinating to her. 
One of those times, Dean caught her looking.
“Why you staring at me, sweetheart?”, he asked, stealing a glance at her, eyes coming back to the road a second later.
“It’s just that- dang it, Winchester, am I the luckiest lady or the planet or what? Still can’t believe you chose me, ya know”, she shook her head, feeling a little emotional all of a sudden.
Dean looked at her again and reached for her hand, intertwining their fingers together and bringing it to his lips to kiss her knuckles. “You chose me too, D. You could’ve kicked my butt when I flirted with ya, or I could’ve been just a one time thing for ya, but you gave me a chance when I was deep down in the hunter life. I had nothing to offer and you still believed in me”. 
Donna was again leaning her head on his shoulder, but she turned her face into his direction. “Watcha talking about? You stood by my side every time, during hunts, with my dickbags exes, you showed me I deserved someone good. You’re not just a pretty little face, Dean-o, you’re my guy”, she said, reaching up to give him a quick kiss.
He smiled against her lips, whispering “I love you, D-Train”.
She placed her head comfortably on his shoulder again. “I love you too, Dean-o. ‘Sides, Jody always told me you had it bad for me. I just needed to check if she was right”.
They arrived in Vegas before it was dark, and went straight to their room to shower and leave their luggage. The plan was to be quick so they could have dinner at the hotel’s restaurant and enjoy the casino. 
They ended up getting late because Dean decided to join Donna in the shower.
After dinner, Donna watched Dean playing poker for a while, then they went to play pool together. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, watching her moving in the tight black turtleneck and blue jeans that accentuated every curve of her gorgeous body. 
There were two guys playing in the other pool table right next to theirs and, apparently, one of them couldn’t take his eyes off of Donna too, Dean noticed. He would openly ogle her ass every time she bent over the table to play.
Donna didn’t seem to notice it. She took playing pool seriously. She wanted to win and Dean was a great player, so she focused on the game and her boyfriend. Also because he looked freaking amazing, and she couldn’t stop looking at him anyways. 
But Dean wasn’t about to let a random dude ogle Donna, not only because she was with him, but also because the guy was being a freak. So when it was his turn to play, he moved to her side of the table, walking behind her and sneaking one arm around her waist, hugging her. Donna leaned against him, and he gave her a kiss on the cheek. Her smile showed her cute dimples, and she returned Dean’s caress, kissing the corner of his mouth. He squeezed her tighter and said “I love you”, loud enough for the guy to hear. 
Dean played and sneaked a glance to the other table. The weird dude and his friend had left. 
Later in the night, Dean went back to playing cards, but Donna wasn’t feeling like it, so she stayed with him for a while and looked around the casino, observing other guests and thinking about what she wanted to do next. In one corner of the room, there was a karaoke machine.
Dean was focused on the game, but he noticed when Donna left his side. He followed her with his eyes. Her back was turned to him while she talked to a woman, an employee of the casino and, when she turned around, she had a microphone in her hands and a playful smile on her face. 
Suddenly, he forgot all about the cards. Donna had a great voice, but she would never sing in public. Only when it was just the two of them. He’d told her she was really good, but she said he was just being nice. So the perspective of watching her sing in front of strangers made Dean feel excited, proud, and aroused, all at once. 
When the song started, he knew which one it was before Donna could even open her mouth.
I love myself
I want you to love me
When I feel down
I want you above me
I search myself
I want you to find me
I forget myself
I want you to remind me
I don't want anybody else
When I think about you
I touch myself
As she sang, she ran her free hand on the sides of her body, moving with the rhythm of the music, shaking her head and her hips in an exaggerated but very sexy way, in Dean’s opinion. Cards completely forgotten on the table, he turned his chair around to have a better view of his girlfriend.
Donna put all of her powerful voice and confidence into the performance, eyes glued to Dean while she sang. She was doing that for herself, as an ego boost, just to prove that she could (with the help of a few drinks - baby steps), but it was also for him. Dean taught her that it was okay to speak her mind, to talk about sex and fantasies and how she wanted to be touched; how she wanted to feel. With that song, she couldn’t be more clear.
When the music stopped, the audience applauded and whistled. A few women went to the stage to compliment Donna, and even from a distance, Dean could see she blushed when a woman said “you should be a professional singer!”. When the ladies left, she walked back to him and he went to meet her halfway.
“So”, she started, staring at her feet and smoothing invisible wrinkles on her clothes, “what d’ya think about my performance?”, Donna asked, a dimpled smile adorning her features.
Dean was smirking, green eyes sparkling with delight. “Sweetheart, do you even need to ask? That was fucking awesome and incredibly sexy”, he answered, pulling her into a hug followed by a hot kiss.
She smiled against his lips. “Thank you. It’s true, though”, Donna stated when they broke the kiss.
“What is?”, Dean questioned, intoxicated with her taste.
“What the song says”. She watched his still confused expression. He really was inebriated. “I mean, when I think about you I do touch myself”, she whispered in his ear, standing on her tiptoes.
Dean felt her revelation going straight to his cock. If he hadn’t been already head over heels for her before, now he surely was. 
“Jesus fuck, Sheriff Hanscum, you cannot say those things and expect me to not drag you to our room and have my way with you”, he said, circling her waist with one arm and guiding her in the direction of the elevators.
“Oh, well, I’d say mission accomplished then!”, she giggled, excited for what was to come.
After the night of fun and games, singing and drinking, they were both a little tipsy and eager to be alone. Their room was on the fifth floor and Dean couldn’t take his hands off of her, not even during the short elevator trip.
When they reached their destination, Donna opened the door and pulled her boyfriend inside. She locked the door and turned around to look at Dean, who was standing at the foot of the bed, hands in his pants pockets, staring at her with the most sexy smile, strands of hair falling on his forehead.
She bit her lip, smiling back.
“I had so much fun, babe”, she said, approaching him seductively. “And you look so very handsome all in black”, she raised her head to give him a kiss, and Dean wrapped his arms around her, taking the moment to run his hands all over her curves again. 
“And you look hot as always, D”, he told her, squeezing her against his chest and lifting her chin to deepen the kiss, thoroughly licking inside her mouth, leaving Donna breathless. She threw her arms over his shoulders, sinking her fingers into the longer hair on the nape of his neck. 
Dean broke the kiss and nibbled and sucked lightly on her jaw, making her throw her head back to expose her neck to him. 
Between kisses and kitten licks, Dean would groan and nuzzle her, as Donna pressed her body further into his. 
When Dean’s hands went under her blouse, she stopped him. 
“Wait, Dean. I wanna take a picture. We both look fancy!”, she asked, excited, releasing him and searching for her phone in the tiny bag she placed on the bed when they arrived. Dean gave her a frustrated look, but she winked at him. “I gotcha, cowboy. We are not done. I just need to register this moment”, the blonde reassured.
She positioned the phone on the small vanity opposite to the bed. Dean came closer, resting his elbow on the back of the chair in front of the piece of furniture. When they were both ready, she clicked the button multiple times. 
Donna checked the photos. “Oh, my, we look too serious! Let’s try smiling, okay?”.
Four or five pictures later, Dean was done with it. “God, woman, my face hurts from smiling!”. His grumpy complaint made Donna laugh out loud, and seeing her laugh made Dean laugh too, which resulted in a cute photo of them with beautiful smiles.
“Okay, I think we have enough pics! Lemme choose one to send to Jody and the gals”, said Donna, stretching her arm to grab the phone. But Dean was faster, and he swooped her into his arms before she could reach it. 
She was laughing in surprise, and Dean threw her on the bed, laying on top of her, watching her amusement with nothing but pure admiration in his eyes.
“Damn, my girl is a bombshell”, he stated, taking in every detail of her, luscious, wavy blonde hair splayed on the pillows, rosy cheeks and dimples adorning her pretty face.
She averted his gaze, blushing with his compliment even after all those years. “Am not”, Donna dodged his comment.
“Yes, you are, baby. Beautiful, hot, sexy, all blonde and perfect and mine”, he insisted. She placed her hand on his cheek, thumb lightly caressing his full lips.
Dean leaned down and kissed her deeply, pushing his tongue into her mouth. She moaned underneath him and pulled back to take her top off, exposing her black lacy bra to his gaze. She worked on unbuttoning his shirt then, while he kissed the air out of her.
When Donna was done with Dean’s shirt, her hands traveled down to his pants, unfastening them. She could see the bulge of his erection stretching the cloth. Her mouth watered in anticipation. Her boyfriend was beautiful all over, and the excitement she felt the first time she saw him naked never really faded. It was still there, every time he got out of the shower or undressed in front of her. 
But Dean grabbed her wrists and pinned her hands above her head. By then, she was only in her lingerie. He had worked fast on removing her pants, eager to feel her skin.
Dean’s mouth went to her neck and collarbone, slowly working his way down. When he reached her breasts, he gently bit the meaty part right above the cups of her bra.
“Mmmm, D, your tits are amazing”, he said, voice muffled while still working his magic with his tongue and lips. “I could spend hours using my mouth on them and make you cum with just that”, Dean looked up at her, green eyes glistening, locks of hair falling over his forehead. He looked devilishly handsome.
Donna moved under him, opening her legs wider to fit Dean’s body in between and, hopefully, get some friction where she needed it the most. “I know you could, cowboy, but not today. You’re killing me here”, she pleaded, already breathing hard.
“Tell me what you want, baby girl”, he teased, releasing her wrists so he could use both hands to take off her bra.
“Want you in me, Dean”, she moaned, and the sight of her bare chest and her needy request made his cock twitch in his pants. 
He desperately wanted to fuck her hard and deep, make her scream and sweat under him, but he also wanted to tease her a little, enjoy her creamy skin and generous curves, get lost on her body, smell her, taste her as much as he could. Dean felt like he could spend his entire life with Donna and never get enough of her. 
“I wanna taste you, sweetheart. Can I?”, he kept going, mouth glued to her skin, releasing her left nipple and leaving it sensitive. He was kissing her navel, with his hands on her hips, arms hooked under her knees to keep her open for him.
“Oh, for goodness sake, Dean, just do it already”, she cried desperately, writhing under him.
He chuckled and kissed her lower belly, right above the panty line. “Do you know how much I love your skin, Donna? How soft you are? How the curve of your hips drives me crazy?”, his fingers were digging onto her sides, his huge, calloused hands holding her, then descending to the curve of her butt. “You’re so fucking hot, it’s unbelievable”.
“Stop teasing, dirty boy”, she asked, taking action this time. She freed her legs and got a hold of him with them, using her knees and heels to pull Dean up and reach his mouth, giving him a passionate, open mouthed kiss. She sucked on his plump lower lip, positioning her arms around his muscular shoulders. Dean still managed to sneak his hand between her legs, pressing over her mound with his palm, long, thick fingers easily finding her center.
“So wet for me, D. So beautiful”, he complimented against her lips. Donna sighed in relief and satisfaction, finally having him where she wanted. Well, she actually wanted Dean to fuck her, to fill her up in that way that only him could, but she wouldn’t deny being pleasured by his fingers, not at all. Especially because he knew exactly how to make her crazy with those massive hands of his.
“Oh, Lord, I need to feel you, Dean. Please, honey”, Donna gave him her best Minnesota drawl, knowing that her boyfriend couldn’t deny her anything when she spoke like that. 
She was right. Dean groaned and stood on his knees on the bed, ripping her panties off. Literally. The lacy fabric was turned into scrapes, making her gasp in surprise and excitement. They’ve been crazy in the bedroom before, but not rip-your-clothes-off crazy. She felt herself getting wetter, knowing that anything he wanted to do would be wonderful.
Dean wasn’t as willing to keep teasing Donna as he was before. She was driving him mad with her little noises and her begging, he was almost sending all the tease to hell and skipping right to the main attraction. She used to be so quiet and shy in bed, that having her leading him on was incredibly arousing. 
When she was completely, beautifully naked in front of him, her perfect wet cunt exposed to his sight, making his mouth water, he thought it was time for him to feel more of that amazing skin of her against his. Also, his pants were way too tight with how hard his cock was.
So he threw what was left of her panties aside and started to unbutton his pants. Donna sat on the bed and helped him with it, throwing the piece of clothing into a corner of the room when she was done. 
She kissed his naked chest and down, putting her mouth right where the line of hair started under his belly button. Dean knew what her intentions were, but he couldn’t take it now. Maybe later, definitely later, but first he needed to taste her. 
“No, no, not now. C’mere”, he pulled her up, holding her chin with one hand and taking her hand in his other one. He guided it to the front of his boxers, making her feel how painfully hard he was.
“Look how hard you make me. Lemme taste you now, lemme do it so you’ll be ready for me”, he said against her mouth, his face inches from hers, his hot breath forming goosebumps on her skin. 
“Yes, babe. Do it”, she whispered in response, squeezing and caressing his cock through the thin cloth. 
Dean gave her one more wet kiss, placing his hand on the back of her head and gently pushing her to lay back on the bed. He remained on top of her and between her legs, letting go of her lips and keeping eye contact while snaking down her body.
He started by kissing her pussy, right below the patch of hair she kept neatly trimmed. Then, Dean used his thumb and index finger to spread her lips and expose her clit, immediately putting his mouth on it. With the first contact of the tip of his tongue, Donna was moaning loudly.
“Ohhh, good Lord in Heaven”, she threw her head back, fists holding the sheets tightly.
Dean moaned, knowing very well how the vibration of his voice would increase the pleasure. He started sucking and licking on the little nub, adding a finger into her entrance right after, heart racing in anticipation when he felt how slick and wet she was. 
He licked her thoroughly, pressing his nose and chin into her, fucking her with his tongue and pushing her closer to the edge with every movement.
It didn’t take long for Donna to come, calling his name and holding onto fistfuls of his hair.
Dean stood on his knees again, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand while she recovered.  
He removed his boxers, giving her a full view of his perfect body and of how hard he was.
“Jesus H, Winchester. You have no business looking that good”, Donna stated between labored breaths, watching him. Dean chuckled and laid down by her side, supporting his head with one arm and circling her waist with the other to pull her body closer and kiss her.
Donna could taste herself and the whiskey they drank during dinner in Dean’s mouth. She sucked on his tongue, moaning. That man’s mouth was made for kissing, she had no doubt.
He ran his hands all over her curves, enjoying her softness and warmth. He couldn’t help but return to her breasts, giving both a good squeeze and pinching her nipples.
She gasped against his mouth, breaking the kiss. “I want you now, Dean”, Donna said, looking right into his eyes, the brown of her irises glistening.
“You have me, baby”, he answered, positioning his body on top of her and entering her slowly, just the tip first, knowing he was not small and even with how wet she was, he needed to be careful to not hurt her.
Dean asked if she was ok, to which Donna nodded, biting on her lower lip while watching the wide head of his cock stretching her pussy. 
He pushed further, halfway through his length, and she shivered, throwing her head back. 
“Ooooh, fuuuck”, Donna cursed under her breath, sinking her nails into his bicep, the feel of him inside of her too good to handle.
“It’s okay, beautiful, I’ll go slow so you can take all of me”, he grinned proudly, making her giggle.
“Gimme more, big boy”, she pleaded, shimmying her hips to pull him deeper.
He finally buried himself to the root. He could feel all of her, her walls constricting around him, increasing his pleasure almost to the unbearable.
“Wow, D, you feel so fucking good”, he said, kissing her again and pulling his cock almost all the way out, just to push it all in again, making her moan and whimper.
“You too, cowboy. You’re stretching me so good, it’s so hot”, she reached down his back, squeezing one buttcheek to take him deeper. At the same time, Dean angled his hips upwards, pressing right into her clit, and she cried in pleasure. 
Crossing her ankles behind his knees, she made herself even tighter, while Dean fucked her deep, long strokes hitting the perfect spot. 
Donna lifted her torso from the bed, arms around her boyfriend’s neck, and kissed him, pulling his plump lower lip between her teeth. She threw her head back and moaned loudly, and Dean softly nibbled her throat and snapped his hips harder against hers, fucking her into the matress. He could tell she was close and she could feel him too, deliciously pulsing inside her.
To make sure she would come first, Dean sneaked his hand between their bodies and pressed his palm over her mound, pushing her clit against his dick and keeping the upwards movements with his hips, knowing it would be enough to drive her off the edge.
“Open your eyes, Donna. Look at me when you come on my cock”, he commanded between his teeth, jaw clenched in an effort to keep going while she hit her peak.
Donna did her best to obey, even through the fog of incredible pleasure she was in. Her pussy tightened and Dean groaned louder. He buried himself impossibly deep and the angle of his hips was exactly what she needed to cum, shaking and trembling under him, digging her nails into his muscular back, her eyes open and boring into his, pupils dilated and face contorted as her body experienced the strong orgasm.
The tightness of her was enough to trigger Dean’s release, and he guided her through her orgasm while he throbbed inside her. He mouthed a throaty “fuck” when it was his turn to cum, flooding her with his warm seed.
Donna could feel Dean’s cum leaking down her pussy, her ass and the back of her thighs. He was fucking her so deep, keeping his cock buried like he wanted to plant his seed into her. She rotated her hips, adding to both their pleasures and milking him dry. Dean panted and grunted, face buried in her neck, and she knew he had an amazing ride too.
Once they were both done, Dean didn’t move, with half of his body still laying on top of Donna, his softening cock still inside of her. He gave a deep, exaggerated sigh and she chuckled, kissing his shoulder. 
“You ok, Dean-o?”, she teased, the hands that were around his neck now descending to caress his back slowly. 
“Oh, yes. I couldn’t be better. I might need a few hours to be back on my feet, though”, he muttered, face still buried on the junction of her neck and shoulder.
Donna chuckled, and decided to keep pushing his buttons. “Oh, ok. I was kinda expecting you to be ready for another round soon. I mean, I could be on top this time-”
Dean didn’t even let her finish talking and he was already holding her waist and quickly flipping them over, so she would be straddling his hips.
Donna left out a squeal and started laughing her ass off. “My lordy, Winchester, I really learned how to win you over, huh?”, she said, leaning down to give him a kiss.
“You know I’d do anything to have you on top of me”, he said after they pulled apart. 
He pushed her long hair out of the way and placed one hand on the side of her neck, guiding her into the kiss while his other hand was running up and down her thigh, the softness of her skin against his calloused palm a perfect contrast.
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“Anything?”, she asked, whispering inches away from lips and grinding her center down his cock that, she could feel, was getting hard again.
“Yes, baby. Anything. Anything to watch you riding me, those beautiful tits bouncing just for me”, Dean reached behind her, holding his cock and guiding it back inside her. Donna took him with a sigh of satisfaction. “I wanna appreciate all of you, D. Every perfect inch”, he stated, thrusting up into her as she grounded down, both of them finding that perfect rhythm, that push and pull that would once more prove how they were meant to be together.
“You’re so amazing, Dean”, Donna said, sitting back on him and guiding his hands to her breasts. “You make me feel beautiful”.
“You are beautiful, sweetheart”.
Her head was on his chest, and Donna drew lazy patterns on the muscles covering his ribs. She always loved the smell of him, but especially right now, when it was a mix of the cologne she bought him as a birthday gift, sweat, and sex. The perfect combination. 
“I love you, Dean”, she bluntly said, lifting her head to look at his face. He’d been toying with her hair, curling the waves between his fingers. He stopped and looked down at her; she was smiling.
He smiled back, thinking that the life he had now was so much more than he ever thought he deserved, that he never thought was even possible. “I love you too, D-Train”. 
She kissed his chest and started to move with the intention of getting up. 
“Where ‘you going?”, asked Dean, not happy with the loss of her body on top of his.
“I’ll be right back, cowboy, just gonna get the PJs I have in my suitcase and-”
Dean interrupted her explanation by moving fast, sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling her back to him by her waist.
She squeaked and giggled, having been caught completely off-guard this time. “Dean Winchester, whatta hell ‘you doing?”
With her on his lap, he kissed her shoulder and neck, nuzzling and inhaling her scent before answering. “I’m stopping you from getting dressed”.
“Why?”, she questioned, raising an eyebrow and twisting on his lap so she could face him.
“‘Cause there’s no point. I’m gonna undress you again, probably sooner than later. So, if you wanna sleep now, you better sleep naked and save me the trouble later”, he winked at her, and she pushed her fingers through his hair.
“Fiiine”, she rolled her eyes in fake annoyance and leaned forward to give him a kiss before they would lay side by side, falling in a peaceful, dreamless sleep.
Donna woke up in the middle of the night with her bladder so full she thought it might explode. Doing her best to not disturb Dean’s sleep, she got out of bed as stealthy as possible, walking to the bathroom but stopping halfway to steal a glance at her boyfriend. 
He was sleeping on his stomach, arms tucked under the pillow. She admired the round muscles on his shoulders and biceps, and how the dim light touched the dip in the middle of his back, accentuating the plain muscles she loved so much. He looked peaceful and so, so beautiful, she could barely believe he was real.
She smiled and resumed her path.
As she was washing her hands after peeing, she got lost in her thoughts, and the resolution to make a big decision settled in her loving heart. But first, she needed to talk to someone.
"Hey, Jack", she called in a whisper, looking up, uncertain of how exactly this thing would work. It's not like she had a personal, direct connection with God before.
Somehow, she knew he was listening, so she cleared her throat and kept going, still in a whisper, deciding it was better to say it out loud than just think.
"Okay, Jackie-boy, I hope things are okay up there and that you're not too busy right now. If you are, you can listen to this message later… or, whatever. Not sure if you have a voicemail or something". She shook her head, feeling foolish but needing to get on with what she wanted to do.
"I just wanted to say that I'm doing something life-changing in a few hours, and I want to ask you to help me with that. I mean, if what I'm gonna do is too crazy, can you please stop me before I do it?", she chuckled and tears filled her eyes.
"I don't think I need to go into much detail, 'cause you probably know what I'm talking about, since you're God and all, so… yeah, if you can just do your stuff and guide me through this, that would be great". Donna took a deep breath and some tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Oh, and I also wanna thank ya, by the way. Whatever happens- doesn't matter how life goes for me… if- if for some reason Dean and I don't… if we don't get to stay together", she stopped herself, the mere thought of being without Dean breaking her heart into a million pieces. "I just need you to know that I'm grateful for every single second I've spent with him so far. He changed my life for the best and I-", her voice broke in a cry of happiness and fear, all at once, "I love him very much. He's the best man I've ever met". She took another deep breath, closing her eyes and wiping away the tears. 
Donna opened the bathroom door and went back to the bedroom. Dean hadn't moved, and she really didn't want to wake him up, but she couldn’t help but curl up into his side when she laid down. Without opening his eyes, Dean turned on his side, making space for her and throwing his arm around her waist. She closed her eyes and went back to sleep, at peace with her decision and hoping for the best.
The next morning, Dean woke up to the sight of a naked Donna between his legs, lightly scratching his thighs with her fingernails. When he opened his eyes, she gave him a wet kiss on a spot dangerously close to his groin, instantly waking up his dick.
“‘Morning, handsome”, she sang, giving him another kiss, this time on his pelvis, right above the patch of hair framing his cock. 
“‘Morning to you too, Sheriff. What are you doing down there? Trying to murder me?”, he asked, voice thick with sleep.
“Nah, just wanna put my mouth on ya. Ya know, repay what you did for me last night”, she replied, kissing the root of his hard cock. Even though Dean recognized he had great stamina, the way his body reacted so fast to Donna was amazing even to himself. He felt like he was 20 and horny all the time.
“You don’t have to pay me back-”
She interrupted him by holding his cock and surrounding it with her mouth. Donna moaned and sucked eagerly, placing her elbows on the bed to support her weight and lifting her hips to give him a view of her round, full ass.
“God, woman”, he hissed, enjoying the feel of her hot mouth on him. He lifted his head to take a good look at her, the main character of each and every one of his dirty dreams. 
Donna was being thorough, sucking and licking him like a lollipop, taking him as far as she could, dragging her lips around his dick and using her nails on his belly and thighs, making his breath hitch with every move.
Dean couldn’t help himself, so he reached for the messy bun on the top of her head and undid it, holding her long hair in a ponytail and fucking her mouth while guiding her up and down his length. The noises she was making and the feel of her tongue on the vein on the underside of his dick were driving him crazy. He wouldn’t last much longer.
“Fuck, Donna. Fuck, I’m gonna cum”, he warned after a particularly satisfying thrust, feeling that familiar pressure building up.
She sucked him further down her throat and swallowed, and he lost it, thick ropes of cum filling her mouth. Donna drank as much as she could, enjoying Dean’s taste and scent. In the back of her mind, she couldn’t help but think of how much he helped free her from her inhibitions, showing her how good it was to have someone she could trust and feel comfortable to be herself around. 
Jody was the friend to first point out how Donna’s previous relationships hadn’t worked because the guys were assholes, and not because there was something wrong with her. But Dean was the first man to show her there were good guys out there, and how amazing it was to be treated with respect and love, to make her feel desired and sexy. 
She released his softening cock with a pop and started to get up to go clean her mouth, but Dean pulled her from the foot of the bed, grabbing her butt with both hands while he kissed her, shoving his tongue inside her mouth, finding the mess they made incredibly hot.
He licked and bit her lips gently, squeezing her buttcheeks and giving a light slap, making her gasp and hum. 
“God, baby, that was so dirty and sexy”, Dean said, hugging her waist with the intention of keeping her on top of him, but she shook her head, laying on her side of the bed and patting her chest, signaling that he should be the one covering her.
He accepted, placing one leg between hers and making himself comfortable on her breasts. Half of his body was on top of hers and they just stayed like that, in silence for a few minutes. Dean was listening to her heartbeats, while Donna was caressing his hair lazily, watching his post-sex doziness. His eyes were closed but he was awake, she could tell by his breathing. That seemed to be the right moment to put into action the plan she “discussed” with Jack during the night. She took a deep breath, gathering the necessary courage. 
“‘You awake?”
He chuckled, his deep voice resonating in her chest. “Yes, sweetheart. Ready for another one?”.
She giggled and shook her head. “No, that’s not it. I mean, duh, of course I won’t deny another round, but that’s not what I was going to ask”.
Dean lifted his head a few inches and tilted his neck to look at her. “What, then?”
She looked down to meet his eyes, the clear green making her heart skip a few beats. Donna opened her mouth to speak and blushed deeply, unsure of where to start.
Dean looked worried. “What is it, D? Something wrong?”
“N-no! Everything is perfectly fine! Peachy”, she assured, voice higher than normal. 
“Okay, so tell me”. Dean waited, watching her face.
“Well, the thing is… I love you. You love me. I mean, you do, right?”, Donna asked, suddenly unsure, regardless of Dean having repeated many times how much he loved her. 
“I do, Donna. I love you so freaking much”, he smiled, stretching his neck further to give her a kiss.
“‘Kay, so we love each other, we’ve been together for a while now, we’re here in Vegas… Oh, shoot, Dean, what I wanna ask is if you wanna marry me!”
He stared at her in silence, his mouth opened in shock.
Five seconds later Donna was on the verge of tears, sure that he would say no and/or laugh on her face.
But Dean smiled, and the smile reached his eyes, showing the wrinkles that she found so adorable.
“Are you seriously asking me to marry you in Vegas? With Elvis as a minister and everything?”, he questioned, the playful smile still there.
“Yes. Yes, I am. Please, just answer my question or I think I’m gonna have a heart attack”, she pleaded, frowning a little and bracing herself for the blow.
“And you really thought I would say no to that? Me, Dean Winchester, say no to getting married in freaking Las Vegas?”
It was Donna’s turn to just stare at him, not quite following if that was a yes or a no. Her mind was blank, her insecurities taking over.
“Ask me again, Sheriff”, he said.
“What?”, she shook her head, sure she didn’t understand his request.
“I said, ask me again”, Dean repeated, reaching for her face and lovingly caressing her cheek.
“Okay”, she took a deep breath. “Dean Winchester, do you wanna marry me?”
“I do, baby. I would love nothing more than to marry you”.
Later that day, after they left the chapel as husband and wife and went to celebrate over burgers and beers, Donna sent a few pictures to Jody. Some she kept only for herself and Dean, so they could look at them every once in a while and relive the memory of what happened in Vegas.
Taglist: @sexyvixen7 ​; @candy-coated-misery0731​; @dean-winchester-lover99​; @thoughts-and-funnies​; @avanatural​; @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior​; @eevvvaa​; @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes​; @djs8891​; @akshi8278​.
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
The Nanny, Chapter 6
Word Count:  1.5k
Warnings:  smut, angst, unprotected sex.
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“See, I told you everything would work out,” you cooed when both you and Jake picked up Alex later that afternoon.  Alex giggled, wrapping his arms around you with a relieved, but excited vigor.  Jake’s heart felt like it was going to burst through his chest as he watched the two of you interact with one another, “how was your first day, buddy?”
“It was soo good mommy! I made all kinds of friends!” he said in a bubbly tone as he hung onto you, “you and daddy were right!”
“Did you?” Jake asked, “how many friends did you make?”
“Uh huh!  I made all kinds.  Bajillions of them,” he smiled widely, “I can’t wait to come back tomorrow and the day after and the day after that!”
“Well, that’s just amazing,” you offered, “how about we go celebrate with ice cream?”
The little boy’s eyes widened as he looked at his father, “we can get ice cream, daddy?  Really?  We can go now?”
“Oh yeah bud…but you can’t tell sissy because we’re gonna get it while she’s in school.”
“Okay! DEAL!”
“Come on mommy,” Jake teased lightly.  He caught how you looked at him, your eyes blowing with lust as he wrapped an arm around your waist and led you to the car, “let’s go get some ice cream.”
Jake bit his lip as the door closed to his son’s bedroom.  It had been a picture perfect day with you, and he knew that there was going to be a ‘not so happy’ ending later.
Your eyes widened as you shot him a look, “So this is it…”
“We still have tonight…”
Wh-what do you mean, Jake?”
“You know what I mean, baby…it’s happening…”
“But Jake…we just-you can’t,” you all but whimpered, your gaze immediately going to Alex, who had run up to his older sister and was chattering excitedly about how you and Jake had taken him out for breakfast in celebration for his first day at school, “the kids….they-“
“Don’t know…”
He watched as the tears made your eyes appear glassy.  Your lip quivered, “y-you’re not going to tell them…are you?”
“I think we all just need one perfect day….together baby…” he whispered sadly, his own gaze leaving that of his girlfriend momentarily to see his children excitedly running back to him.  He gave you a pleading look, “don’t tell them baby…”
“Jake…th-this isn’t fair to them….the-they need to know.”
His heart ached as you gave him a sad look.  The two of you had talked about it while the kids were at school, and you weren’t looking forward to it.  Jake was given his first mission back with The Losers, and you were sick to your stomach.  Somehow you thought that the two of you would have more time before he left, “I-in the morning-“
“Jake…we don’t have to talk about it right now…”
“They’re going to be upset,” he said quickly, shaking his head.  The two of you had ignored it, choosing random times throughout the day when the children were preoccupied and not paying attention to either of you.  But it seemed like every time one of you was ready to discuss it the other hadn’t been; and so the back and forth had continued through into the evening, “I-I just want to make sure that we know what we’re telling them.”
“I know.”
“Make sure they know I stood here after I found out…” he asked in a pleading tone, “I mean, I know that I found out a few days ago…but just…m-make sure that they know that I didn’t just abandon them.  Tell them how we stood here until they fell asleep and then some…tell the-“
“They know that you love them, Jake,” you whispered gently as you went up to him.  He melted into your hand as you caressed his cheek, and his hands reached out until they wrapped around your waist.  Jake didn’t want to admit it, but leaving felt so much harder this time around, “they’ll understand…”
“Briana will…but Alex is too little…” Jake sighed, “I don’t want him thinking I abandoned him.  I-I remember what it was like for Briana after she realized I was her dad and then just left.  She-she was devastated…Dev tried to send me pictures and videos, but half the time she would have this sadness in her eyes.  I remember one time when she sent me the video announcement where she’d found out Alex was going to be a boy…Briana broke down, saying she missed me…she was his age.  I know he's going to feel the same way that she did.  I-I don’t want either of them thinking that I don’t love them!”
“I’m sure he won’t think that, Jake,” you offered in your best reassuring tone, “they know that you love them, just like they know that you were going back to saving the world with your military group.  They know that you were going to start taking missions after school started.”
“But this is the first day of school,” he muttered sadly, “tomorrow, they’ll wake up expecting me to be in the kitchen, helping make their breakfast, and I’ll be on a plane halfway around the world.  They didn’t expect for that to be happening, baby.”
“They’ll understand, Jake,” you tried again before pressing your lips to his, “just make sure that you come back to us…we want you to come back to us.”
“I-I love you, Jake…”
Jake’s breath caught in his throat, and he looked at you.  You looked like you were going to cry, and it broke his heart.  The full weight of what he was leaving behind had hit him earlier, when he thought about how the kids would feel, but he never wanted you to feel abandoned.  He hadn’t taken into consideration just how it might affect you.  He didn’t want to be the reason that you were upset, “Baby…don’t be sad..”
“I love you too,” Jake whispered, as he brushed some of the hair from your face, only to pull your face gently to his one more time so that he could kiss you again, “I love you and our babies…and I’m coming back to the three of you…and there’s not a thing in this world that can stop that.”
“I’m scared…”
“I know baby,” he sighed, “I’m scared too.”
“I-I don’t know what I’ll do if anything happened to you.”
“I’ll come back!” he promised yet again, “nothing can stop me from coming back to you and the kids, baby.”
“Can’t you just stay with us forever?”
“We both know that can’t happen,” he frowned, shaking his head, “you take care of our kids…and I’ll keep a roof over your heads.  I’ll be thinking of the three of you every single day, dreaming of when I get to come home and be with all of you.”
“Jake…what if something happens?”
He frowned.  He didn’t want you having to think about it, but there was a plan set up in place if something did go sideways, “Nothing will happen.”
“But Jake…”
“You and the kids will be taken care of, baby…”
“Don’t worry about it baby,” he assured you gently, “I don’t want you to worry about anything.”
“I’m worried about you.”
“You’re always worried about me though.”
You sighed, and he picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist, “Jake…what are you doing?”
“Going to show my favorite girl why she has nothing to worry about…”
“Jake, fucking me silly isn’t going to solve everything!”
“Isn’t it?” he smiled, sending her a teasing wink, “because I can think of a few things that it’ll solve.”
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You gasped, the breath leaving your body as Jake’s heavy cock dragged against your inner walls.  You fingers tangled in his hair, and you tugged hard on it.  He growled at you and his hips bucked. Your eyes fluttered closed as he hit the same spot again and again, driving you wild. 
When your eyes opened, you saw how he was looking at you.
How he was memorizing every part of your body.  He wasn’t just fucking you with reckless abandon, he was making love to you like he might possibly never see you again.  
Your eyes rolled back into your head as his cock nudged your cervix, “JAKE!”
He groaned as your lips captured his.  Your leg wrapped around him, your heel digging into his ass as you kept him pressed as deep as he could go.  You felt his chest tighten against yours, and his hips bucked out of rhythm, “FUCK!  Oh god.  Take it all, baby.  Take it all!”
Your eyes opened and you frowned as your hand hit the empty mattress beside you.  Your heart dropped a little, knowing that at some point in the night he’d managed to sneak out of the house without so much as saying goodbye. 
And you thought back to the look that he’d had in his eyes, your heart racing as you wondered if he knew something that you didn’t.
And you prayed that he would come back home safe and sound.
Chapter 7
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @sebsgirl71749, @patzammit
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*image from Briana Buckmaster's Instagram
If We Make It Through December
Summary: Donna is horrified to learn that the boys have never had a proper Christmas, so she invites them to her house for the holiday.
Characters: Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum, Sam Winchester, Jody Mills, Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves, Patience Turner, Alex Jones
Warnings/tags: there was no rebar, 18+ ONLY, fluff, light angst, domesticity, holiday celebrations
Words: 12K
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five
The Mud On Your Boots
Summary: Until Dean appears in Hibbing unexpectedly, Donna has been enduring a dry spell. Then, just as unexpectedly, they find something in each other and fall deeper into happiness and comfort - and, yes, love.
Characters: Donna Hanscum x Dean Winchester​
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, dirty talk, fluff, consent is sexy, forehead kissing, period sex, fisting, blood as lube, shower sex, fluff, face riding, drunk (consensual) sex, female ejaculation/squirting, Dean manhandling Donna, the L-word
Author’s Notes: The title is a line from Briana Buckmaster’s song “Better Than That.”
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six
Temporary Scars
Summary: Dean loves well and hard. Some day, he’ll reap the rewards.
Squares Filled: Trope Reversal, Touch Starvation, Polyamory
Characters: Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum, Dean Winchester x Benny Lafitte, Dean x Donna x Benny
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, angst, Donna has intimacy issues, Dean’s the sweetest, Benny’s swoony as fuck, Dean’s in love, pregnancy kink
Words: 4,600 - maybe more if I can get inspired again
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
Where Is My Shiny Gun?
Summary: Sam finds himself in a quandary when he realizes he has feelings for Donna by way of the obvious mutual attraction between her and Dean.
Characters: Sam Winchester x Donna Hanscum x Dean Winchester
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Sam is kinky, Dean is adorable, so is Donna, Dean likes to give Donna massages, voyeurism, Sam directing while masturbating, spanking + breast slapping, brief knife play - no blood
Word Count: 7785
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five
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sadaveniren · 2 years
First off I love hearing your thoughts and I’m so happy you unearthed that pink dress photo! I did want to add a little of my perspective on how much Freddie might understand, as a person raising a child Freddie’s age in LA. I agree with you that 5 is about the age a republican white parent from Calabasas would let their kid stay with family friends in the UK. But I do think Freddie understands a lot about what’s going on around him. It always surprises me the depth of conversations my kid and I have even though they’re a bit younger than Freddie. I certainly wasn’t capable of understanding so many adult things when I was their age, and I was a precocious millennial oldest daughter.
Even if Freddie and his parents don’t have a lot of trust or respect between them, I’ve witnessed many kids his age already having basically figured out how to run circles around the adults in their life. These kids have been using voice to text to google things since they were toddlers without their parent’s knowledge while the world literally implodes around them. Some of them already have the type of existential angst that a lot of us didn’t get until our 20s.
My biggest concern as a parent is trying to protect my kid’s innocence for as long as possible, but there’s only so much I can do once they go to school. A lot of my work is accepting how different their world is from mine and focusing on what I can control. All of this to say, I can easily imagine that Freddie already understands a lot about the world he’s growing up in.
Thank you so much for your insight! I haven’t worked with 6 year olds since 2018 when I left teaching and now I’m only waist deep in a damn almost threenager so I’m not completely up on what it’s like for a 6 year old post covid (Well 7 now cause he either just turned 7 or is turning 7) I will say that in teaching kindergarten from about 5-8 you can find a very WIDE range of maturity and development (I’ve had 5 year olds who barely spoke and I’ve had 5 year olds who have sat me down and tried to give me lectures on why whatever activity is NOT for them)
I definitely understand what you’re saying about him probably understanding more than we might think, but we also don’t know what Brett and Tammi are telling him. It’s LA after all. Maybe they’ve told him he’s an actor. Fandom has always talked about the idea that Tammi wants to be famous desperately. She tried herself, failed. Tried with Briana. Failed. Tried with Austin. Failed. Trying with her third kid? It’s something to think about when people do. Maybe he’s being told that occasionally he has to go act. We don’t know. And ultimately… that’s not OUR problem as fandom to worry about. And high key it’s also not Louis’. Brett and Tammi are his parents. I wouldn’t be surprised if when Briana fucked up Brett and Tammi were told “you either do things our way or you get nothing” and they made the selfish choice to do things Louis’ way because they sure didn’t want to get nothing.
Louis is trying to protect his closet. I think in 2020 if Brett and Tammi had said “you know what we’re not gonna be shitty parents there’s a lot of talk now about exploiting kids on social media let’s call it even now that Briana fucked up” LTHQ would have made it work and found a way to make it end with minimal damage to Louis. It would have probably cost Brett and Tammi a chance to ever monetize anything involving Freddie again though. I don’t think from what we have seen and learned about them that they would make that choice. Again. That’s not on Louis. He’s working with what he’s got.
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ao3feed-larry · 2 years
the love it takes, it's worth it all this time
by hemakeshimstrongx
“Both.” Harry says easily. “The point is it’s a dream, and I can think whatever I want.”
“Your mind is a wonderful place.” Louis tells him, and if Harry wasn’t already head over heels in love with him (head over heels about a billion times over by now) he would’ve plunged right over the cliff between liking and loving the second Louis says that.
[a timestamp fic between 2010 and 2022, told using snippets of harry's house. the album imagined from bottom to top, the moments little flashbacks in film reels. it's about love, and it's about keeping that love alive despite surmounting challenges.]
or: harry and louis' love story told at different points in their history. the soundtrack is harry's house. who he wrote it for was never really a question.
Words: 46463, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band), Larry Stylinson - Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, he's only mentioned sorry, Oli Wright, Anne Cox, Lottie Tomlinson, The Tomlinson Family, The Styles Family, that's easier okay, Gemma Styles
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Briana Jungwirth/Louis Tomlinson, (minor but it's mentioned)
Additional Tags: Larry Stylinson Is Real, Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, this is self indulgent, Drinking, Underage Drinking, Recreational Drug Use, Break Up, Post-Break Up, Getting Back Together, Flirting, Public Display of Affection, Kissing, bc of course, Louis Tomlinson Calls Harry Styles Pet Names, harry is louis' baby, Harry Styles Wears Louis Tomlinson's Clothes, and, Louis Tomlinson Wears Harry Styles's Clothes, Soft Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, they're tooth rottingly cute, Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, i'm using angst a lot but there is a lot of it, Babygate (One Direction), Closeted Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Album: Harry's House (Harry Styles), Time Skips, this is a time stamp kind of gig, New York City, Los Angeles, London, Louis Tomlinson Takes Care of Harry Styles, No Smut, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Established Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, trying to cover all my bases for once in my stupid little life, pls bear with me, they're saps okay, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson are Saps, Arguing, Making Up, Making Out, Album: Fine Line (Harry Styles), specifically, Song: Watermelon Sugar (Harry Styles), Songwriting, Jamaica, New Year's Eve, Emotional Roller Coaster, Harry Styles Loves Louis Tomlinson, &, Louis Tomlinson Loves Harry Styles
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/mgeMo53
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sombraxroja · 1 year
Be Honest, You Want This (4979 words) by SombraRoja Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Legendborn - Tracy Deonn Rating: Explicit Relationships: Selwyn Kane/Bree Matthews, Sel x Bree, Nick Davis/Selwyn Kane, Selwyn Kane & Bree Matthews, Nick Davis & Bree Matthews, Nick Davis & Selwyn Kane, Selwyn - Relationship Characters: Selwyn Kane, Bree Matthews, Briana Matthews, sel kane, Sel x Bree - Character, mentions of nick davis, Nick Davis, Felicity Caldwell, Sel's Hard Dick Additional Tags: head in the gutters, I know this is supposed to be a wholesome YA novel but I couldn't get this out of my head, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, explicit images, I have a growing folder of brelwyn coded images I am not proud of, PWP, but there's plot, Feelings, Infidelity, Emotional Infidelity, Falling In Love, Cheating, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Jealousy, this is filthy, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings, Lemon, Hair-pulling, Loss of Virginity, Virginity, First Time Summary: Sel couldn't help but smirk at the fire in Briana's eyes. He was used to being the one dismissing others with scathing remarks but realized he liked being on the receiving end of her hostility. She was breathtaking in all her glory. Set after Briana storms off and decides to blow off the whole Knights of the Round Table thing, leaving behind sad puppy eyes did-my-gf-just-break-up-with-me Nick and equally confused-devastated-in denial-emotionally invested Selwyn. She walks across campus all by her lonesome, but our favorite grumpy Kingsmage can't stay away. They're sad. They hug. They have sex. Throw in some angst for Nick, and I'm worried I just created a monster. Let go pop sum cherries. skip to chapter 2 if you just want the nasty, also I may be adding more chapters so feel free to subscribe
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ao3feed-j2 · 1 year
Rescue Mission: Impossible
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/zXALbDC
by sinnerforhire
A billionaire nanotech entrepreneur's experimental submersible goes missing in the South Pacific. The SeaQuest is called in to rescue the submersible and its 5-person crew. Jared is concerned that most of the responsibility for finding the submersible--which is invisible to sensors--rests on Jensen's shoulders. He's even more concerned when he finds out that Captain Morgan expects the mission to fail.
Words: 2450, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of SeaQuest DSVerse
Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) RPF, seaQuest
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Misha Collins, Samantha Smith, Briana Buckmaster, Mark Sheppard, Richard Speight Jr., Rob Benedict, Mark Pellegrino
Relationships: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fusion, Submarines, Military, Navy, Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Light Angst, Bottom Jensen Ackles
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/zXALbDC
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teenmomcentral · 3 months
Briana DeJesus learned a shocking truth about her mother Roxanne on the latest episode of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter.
Roxanne had been exhibiting erratic behavior ever since Briana, who previously lived with her, bought a house of her own and moved away.
Taking her young children with her, Briana relocated to a different part of town, over Roxanne's objections that her grandchildren are 'half mine.'
Now living alone, Roxanne began to spiral, even throwing water at her other daughter Brittany during an argument at a restaurant.
In a dramatic showdown with her daughters, Roxanne bared the traumas of her turbulent childhood when she had to inject heroin into her father's arm - and revealed a secret that left Brittany and Briana stunned.
The two sisters discovered methadone in her mother's belongings, showing Roxanne had suffered from addiction herself and was using the medication to recover.
Neither of Roxanne's daughters had any idea of her substance abuse issues, which finally provided an explanation for her past outbursts.
Right from the beginning of the episode, Briana and Brittany had a fraught equation with Roxanne over the latter's various deceptions.
Roxanne, it turned out, had concealed the identity of her daughters' biological father, letting them think their stepfather had actually helped conceive them.
‘Throughout my whole entire life, it was just me, my mom, and my sister,' Briana said in a confessional. 'We were always together. And my mom, she's been our rock.'
She added pointedly: 'But over the years, we started learning that our mom has lied to us about some pretty big things.'
Briana has a daughter called Nova, 12, by her ex Devoin Austin, and another daughter called Stella, six, by another ex called Luis Hernandez.
Having moved away from the support system provided by Roxanne and Brittany, Briana was relying on her friends to help her with childcare.
Briana told one of her friends about her mother’s strange ‘behavior’, saying: '‘She's been just, like, acting out. Like, she'll call us, cursing us out, crying.'
In order to finally get to the bottom of the situation, Briana called Brittany and the two of them arranged a confab with their mother.
On the appointed date, as Briana and Brittany waited for Roxanne to arrive, they expressed their joint anxieties about how the meetup would go.
‘Part of me wants to believe it's gonna be the best conversation we've ever had throughout our whole life, but then another part of me is like: "Hmm, we're not gonna get anywhere,"' Briana admitted. 'We'll figure it out.'
Roxanne blew in, declaring she felt '‘like I got hit by a truck. F***ing everything. Menopause, my anxiety is through the roof. Just everything hit me at once.’
Her daughters raised the possibility that being an empty nester - with Briana moving away and Brittany engaged - might be contributing to her state of distress.
Roxanne noted that she was also attempting to cope with her past, including ‘some traumas that you just don't come back from.’
Her angst was linked to the history of addiction in her family - a problem that was so severe that ‘shooting heroin into my father's arm was the least of my worries.’
‘So how do you feel if you can't come back from some traumas, this stuff that you've done to us?' Brittany retorted. 'You treat me like s. You talk to me like s. You always cross the f***ing boundary. And what if we can't come back from that and we just can't be around you?’
‘And that's the f***ng truck that's hitting me right now,' Roxanne candidly acknowledged. 'The fear, the anxiety for what I've done to you guys, what I've put you guys through, in particular you, those are the things that I have to deal with.'
Brittany mercilessly told her she must get help, because if she continued with her present course of behavior, she would not be asked to Brittany’s wedding.
Roxanne flew into a fury, incredulous that Brittany would resort to ‘such a low blow,’ but Brittany countered that she was only telling ‘the truth.’
As their confrontation reached a fever pitch, Roxanne finally decided to reveal that she was carrying methadone with her.
0 notes
lady-of-tearshed · 3 months
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A/N: I am THRILLED for this week! I've been planning these fics for a while now, and I'm so excited to show them all to you! 💕 So here's a Masterlist of my work featuring our precious Lord of bloodshed. A huge thank you to @cassianappreciationweek to host this event. You guys are amazing, good job!
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Day one: Flying
What defines you (Angst-Comfort) (X Reader)
Sumarry: Cassian and Azriel have been sent on a mission while Rhys is away. Cassian gets back from this mission injured, and the prognosis of his wings recovery is uncertain.
Day two: Hair
My rugged Illyrian (Angst-Comfort) (Fluff) (X Reader)
Summary: Cassian is about to meet your parents for the first time, and he is skeptical that they'll appreciate his rugged Illyrian's features as much as you do...
Day three: Family
Mother knows best (Fluff) (Nessian and their OC!Daughter Briana)
Sumarry: When Cassian encounters a hair issue with Briana, he can't help but wonder through his despair in this situation: "What would Nesta do?"
Day four: Lover
Lost in translation (Angst-Comfort) (X Reader)
Summary: Cassian is worried he's being too clingy since you don't seem to show him your love with physical touches... But maybe the two of you just got lost in translation.
Day five: Scars
Scarred (angst) (Nessian and their OC!Daughter Briana)
Summary: Cassian's traumas comes back to haunt him when their daughter naively wishes for a real war, like the ones in her books.
Day six: Birthday
Birthday... Cake? (Angst) (Fluff) (x Reader)
Summary: You tried baking a birthday cake for Cassian's birthday, but you overestimated your poor cooking skills.
Day seven: Free day!
Unprofessional duties (smut) (X Reader)
Summary: You and Cassian are both generals from different Courts. Him, the famous general of the Night Court, you, the skilled and strong general of Day Court. What would happen if Helion, nosey High Lord that he is, ordered you to take the night off and enjoy the festivities with your sexy general? 😏💕
Divider by @tsunami-of-tears 💕
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With Just A Little Effort...
Characters: Briana Buckmaster x Reader, minor characters
Word Count: 1,524
Warnings: some relationship/long-distance angst, but fluff at the end
Summary: Briana is always away on tour, and you’re stuck in the office at work. Will you two make it work, or will your relationship crumble under the intense pressure of long-distance relationships?
Beta: none
Author’s Note: If you have any requests, please send them in!
This is the December 3rd fic for my 25 days of RPF Christmas with the prompt: Won’t Be Home for the Holidays
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
Tags at the bottom
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There was a time when you and your friends went on your annual hike, and the mountain was so steep that it almost knocked the wind out of you. You came home after that trip with blood in your shoes from how much they hurt--well, it felt like your feet were bleeding. Now that trip was hard just like the time you ran a small marathon. It was nothing like the big leagues, but something small for breast cancer awareness that you absolutely loved even if you were so sore afterward. It was also very hard for you when you got into a minor car accident a year ago when some woman wasn’t paying attention to her surroundings and crashed into the back of your car.
There are many more events that have been hard for you, but all of those pale in comparison to what you’re going through now. Your girlfriend, the beautiful Briana Buckmaster, has been away all holiday. She’s on tour around the country with some of her good friends, and you couldn’t be happier for her. Hearing about her success over the phone brings a smile to your face, especially when you think about it. The hard part is seeing her smile on the photos she posts, hearing her laughter through the videos she sends and watching other people embrace her and tell her how good of a job she’s doing.
The hard part is realizing those people are doing what you’re supposed to be doing. It’s supposed to be you hugging her and congratulating her. It’s supposed to be you who gets to hug her and kiss her when something great happens. Instead, she’s with her friend and having the time of her life without you.
Sure, she calls and Facetimes every night, but it’s not the same. She’ll ask you about your day, and all you can say to her is how your boss said something rude, or how you had a computer jam and had to do all the paperwork by hand. You ask her about her day, and she goes off on a tangent about how fun it is to be on stage, how her supporters (she hates calling them fans) are always cheering her on, and how relaxing the end of the day is. You can’t help but get jealous of her. She can see it in your eyes even if you deny it all the time. You try to be happy for her, but sometimes it doesn’t show.
She offered you to come with her, and under any other circumstances, you would. However, your work doesn’t allow you to travel and keep your job at the same time. It definitely puts a stressor on your relationship, but you try not to let it win. The Christmas holiday is coming up, and soon she’ll be in your arms for a little longer than a month. She should be calling you about the details of her flight any minute now, so to pass the time, you start playing home videos of the two of you. Your favorite video is when you two went to the beach a few summers back in Malibu. It was sunny, the weather was perfect, and you had your lady with you.
“We’re here in lovely Malibu where the sun is always shining and the party just doesn’t stop,” Briana laughed into the camera she’s holding.
“All day and all night, motherfuckers,” you shouted from your spot in the background.
“And that foul-mouthed pretty lady over there is my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N,” she introduced you as she swiveled the camera to face you.
“Watch this!” you grinned and got yourself ready to do a cartwheel. You got into the stance and took off, landing on your hand the wrong way. You crumbled down to the ground with a groan that turned into laughter.
“That was terrible. Are you okay?” she giggled.
“I’m good!” you held out both your thumbs with a smile.
“I love you. Even if you’re not flexible.”
A tear slides down your cheek at the fond memory. Your phone binged which means you’re getting a Facetime request. Upon seeing your girlfriend’s name, you wipe the tear from your face so she won’t suspect anything is wrong. This is the call you’ve been waiting for, and honestly, you could use some good news. You connect your phone with the TV so you can see her on a bigger scale.
“Hey baby, were you crying?” Briana asks when she sees your face. You could never fool her no matter how hard you tried.
“Please tell me you’re coming home. I really need good news right now,” you plead.
“I… won’t be coming home for the holidays. We’re swarmed here. Y/N, I’m so sorry.”
Just like that, a new wave of tears flows down your cheeks. You fist your hair with your fingers and place your elbows on your knees.
“Please don’t cry, babe, I’ll make it up to you as soon as I can.”
“When are you going to be back?” you sniffle, pushing your hair back and crossing your arms.
“Sometime after January.”
“You’ve been gone since September, Bri,” you cry softly.
“I know, but I can’t leave now. Trust me, you know I would if I could.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” you sigh.
“Are you going to be okay?”
“No, but what else can I do? I can’t leave work, and you just said you can’t. I-I miss you.”
“I miss you too. More than you could ever know.”
“Hey! Briana! We ten five minutes until stage time!” someone from the background shouts.
“Y/N,” she trails off.
“Go, have fun. I’ll talk to you later,” you cut her off and end the call. It’s not fair to be treating her this way, you’re just upset you’re not going to be able to see her for the holidays. Work will keep you busy anyway, so you’re not staying at home all the time and just crying. At least at work, you get to work hard to pretend that everything’s okay.
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You walk into work the next morning sluggishly. There is no energy inside of you to deal with anything. You and Briana had a long talk once she was alone in her hotel room. She understood how upset you are, and despite this little kink in your relationship, you two still love each other dearly.
Work is going to be hectic, you can already tell by the way your coworkers bustle around the office and papers in their hands. At least the computers are working just fine so you don’t have to waste your time writing everything down. Last time that happened, you had a hand cramp for the rest of that day.
As soon as you set your things down on your desk, your boss calls you into her office. She normally doesn’t talk to you unless something serious happens, and you go over everything that you did this past week that might prompt her to call you. You hadn’t done anything wrong, didn’t say anything wrong, and you did all of your paperwork correctly with minimal mistakes. Why could she possibly want with you in her office? What did you do?
“You wanted to see me?” you ask when you knock on her open door.
“Yes, please, sit,” she smiles.
“Did I do something wrong?” you ask, doing what she told you.
“No, no, nothing like that. I wanted to run something by you.”
“What is it, ma’am?”
“I’m granting you the rest of the month off. Paid, of course,” she grins.
“Wait, what?”
“Yes, you heard me correctly,” she laughs.
“But, why? Did I fill something out wrong? Do you not want me working here anymore?” you ask when your mind goes to the worst possible situation.
“No, Y/N, you’re not in trouble. You’re a star employee.”
“If I may ask, why are you giving this to me?”
“Briana called me, and we had a little chat. I can see how much you miss her. Consider this a Christmas present. You’re cleared to come back the second week of January.”
“Are you serious?” you whisper.
“Deadly. She asked me to give you this,” she explains and hands you a plane ticket to where Briana was staying.
“I can’t believe this is happening,” you gasp emotionally.
“Have a good Christmas, Y/N. We can handle things around here without you for the month.”
“Thank you so much!”
“You’re welcome,” she smiles.
You get up and leave her office, grabbing your things on the way out. Briana must be doing a soundcheck or something big, which is why you decide to text her instead of call. Pulling out your phone on your way to the car, you sent her a quick text filled with love.
You’re something special, Briana. I love you so much. I’m heading to the airport now.
You don’t even care that you don’t have bags. You can always buy some more when you get to her. Your excitement of finally seeing her after so long clouds your rational side.
Anything for you, my love. Merry Christmas.
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Wanna get tagged? Add yourself to this document! If your tag doesn’t work, find out why!
there are no briana tags since i haven’t written for her but they’re up now! i’ll write more for her if you guys want me to!
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
The Nanny, Chapter 10
Word Count:  1.5k
Warnings:  angst, implied smut, implied unprotected sex, mentions of death. 
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“I’ve already told you guys that I don’t want to do it!”
Cougar frowned at his long-time friend as the younger man continued to look at things on his computer.
“You know, it’s a chance to get back there!” Clay pointed out, “to get back to your fiancé.  To those kids…I know that you want to see them again!”
“I can’t put them in risk, Clay!” he growled, angry that the leader of the group had suggested that they take Aisha up on her offer yet again, “The world thinks that we’re dead.  They second that they catch wind that we’re alive who do you think that they’ll go after, huh?”
“Well I want to see my wife and unborn child!” Pooch spat, glaring at Jensen, “I want to be there for my kid.  I’m not a coward!”
“COWARD?” he yelled, “that what you think I am, because I want to protect my family?  I proposed to her and fucking left!  I am putting them at risk by coming back into their lives as much as I may want to!  And I’m not going to fucking do it, Pooch!”
“Well…maybe you’ll want to reconsider after you see this!”
Jensen’s eyes shot to Cougar’s as he snatched the laptop away from him and began to type something in.
“Hey!” he called, reaching for him.  But the native Texan was just too fast for him, “give it back, Cougar.”
Cougar did just that, but not before opening up a new site on the laptop.   Jake’s brow’s furrowed, “what the hell?”
“Your sister’s kid…on the team, right?”
Jake nodded, “why do I need to see th-“
But he cut himself off. 
In the pictures from the last game was something he couldn’t ignore. 
You were sat next to Steph.  The ring that he’d given you was still on your finger, and while Bri looked like she was trying to cheer on her cousin with Alex, you were cradling something.  You had a decent sized baby bump as you tearfully spoke with Steph. 
Jake felt his throat tighten and dry up, “h-how do you know-when was this taken?”
“A few days ago,” he admitted, pointing out the time stamp, “one of my contacts got word that she was pregnant when we faked our deaths…she’s mainly stayed off the radar…but someone spotted her at your sister’s kid’s game…”
“She’s really pregnant?”
Clay nodded as he looked between the rest of the group, “does that mean that you’re in now, kid?”
Jake looked around to the rest of the group.  For months he’d been following their plan, he’d been pretending that he was dead so that he could make sure his family was safe, but seeing just how miserable they were was something he didn’t want to see, and was not ready to face. 
His own insecurities started coming together. 
He’d never been around when Dev was pregnant with Briana or even with Alex.  And now he was missing the pregnancy of his third child. 
“I-I have to make sure that they’re safe,” he said, shaking his head, “i-they’ll see that we’re alive and they’ll come after them.  They’ll assume that they know something.”
“We’ll be smart about it, Jensen…” Roque said quickly, “your family isn’t the only one at risk if we come out of this.  All of our families’ lives will be on the line.  But we can protect them by exposing this asshole.  We can clear our own names and take this fucker down from the inside.”
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You stopped, frozen dead in your tracks. 
“Y-you’re dead….I’m dreaming,” she said nervously, looking around the bedroom, “this isn’t real.  Th-this isn’t real!”
“I told you I’d come back, baby.”
He nodded, and you paled even more, shaking your head as you took a few steps back “no…no…this isn’t-”
“I’m here baby!”
“No…”  you whimpered.  He rushed you as your legs gave out from beneath yourself.  You broke down into tears, clutching his shirt in your fists, “this isn’t real…”
“I’m real baby,” he promised once more.  Your tears fell freely as you looked at him, your hands not wanting to let go of his shirt, for fear that if you did, you would wake up and he would no longer be there.  His large hands cupped your cheeks and he swiped away at your tears, “I’m home baby…it’s all okay.  I came back for you and the kids!”
Your voice cracked.  You were still in disbelief.  His lips pressed harshly against yours.  The pressure was slightly unwelcomed, but it let you know enough that it was real.  That as your hands released his shirt and brushed up his biceps and  up to his neck, that he was indeed in front of you, holding on to you.
Your lips worked needily against his own as you became ravenous.  It was like you’d been stuck in a desert, and were close to expiring, and his lips, his touch, was the only thing in the world that you truly needed.
He broke from the kiss just long enough to steal away some air.  But you didn’t care.  Your hands slid up his neck and to his face until you were cradling it and you pulled him back towards yourself.
You didn’t need air.
You didn’t need anything or anyone other than him. 
Your tears mixed with ones of his own that he hadn’t realized had made their way down his cheeks.
“Never leave us again!” you begged against his lips.
“Promise you baby…I’m done!”
It had been a year since he returned. 
And while the rest of the world knew of Captain Jake Jensen and the rest of the Losers being dead, he was going under a new alias, while working at a top government facility that helped weed out the darkest corners of the government. 
Theodore E Bear was something that Alex had come up with.
Something that Briana wholeheartedly agreed on. 
“Really guys?” Jake chuckled as he looked between his two children who were giggling at the island and you, who was behind the counter while you held your newborn twin girls, “that name is-“
“Don’t you get it, Jake?” you giggled softly, trying not to wake them up, “Ted E Bear.”
A look of realization crossed his face while his children began another round of wild giggling.  He sighed and shook his head before the smallest of chuckles passed his lips, “you really think I should go with that.”
“You have to daddy!”
“I agree with Alex…it’s too funny!” Briana agreed, looking back to you, “tell him mom…you always said he was your teddy bear.”
“That’s because daddy is soft like one!” Alex giggled, patting his dad’s stomach. 
Jake’s eyes widened in mild shock as he feigned a hurt look, “excuse me?”
“You have gained a bit of weight since Caty and Jillian were born…” Briana smirked, “gaining the sympathy weight so mom doesn’t have to?”
“You two leave your father alone,” you jested, “he’s not used to the idea of being in an office instead of the field so he’s got nowhere to work off those extra calories!”
“Are all of you against me?”
The twins started cooing, stretching along your arms and you passed one of them off to Briana.  Jake took Caty from you, giving you a kiss.
“Hey that’s my baby, thank you!”
“Caty, tell mommy you love daddy just the way he is…”
“I never said I didn’t love your extra little bit of fluff!” you teased lightly, your nails dragging down his back playfully.  Jake’s gaze caught your own.
“Be careful on your next words, Mrs. Jensen…baby number five is looming around the corner with those come-ons.”
“Ew dad, gross!” Briana sneered, passing Jillian off to you.  You giggled to yourself as she grabbed Alex’s hand, “come on little guy.  Mom and dad are getting weird.”
“So Mrs. Jensen…what would you say if I told you that I’ll be home early tonight…” Jake teased as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed a line of kisses along the column of your spine, “as in, early enough where the kids are still in school?”
“You did say you wanted to start on baby number five,” you teased, your hands going over his only to drag them to your sticky, cloth covered core.  You moaned as his deft fingers slid the panties to the side, already dipping into you, “what do you say we’re announcing it before summer break?”
“I like the sound of that!” he smirked.  You turned in his arms as he started to position himself over you, his weight being balanced on one arm while the other worked on spreading your sticky petals.  He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to your lips.  You moaned when his fingers prodded your entrance, curving into you, “though, at the rate we’re going, we may be looking for a new house in the summer…one with more bedrooms…”
“Sounds like we’re going to have a busy fall while we christen a new house then.”
“I like the way you think, baby.”
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @sebsgirl71479, @patzammit, @elbell20-blog
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