#also not me trying to follow the a3! style
emilycollins00 · 1 year
In the end I succumbed bc making ocs really looked fun, thanks for the encouragement!! definitely needed, sharing this is something else
I'm a simple girl so there had to be one oc for each troupe/season:
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Haruna (19) medicine student at Yosei
Aki (22) fitness instructor at the gym autumn troupe and + usually go to
Natsumi (16) teen voice-actor
Fuyuka (24) kindergarten teacher
Tiny mash-up I thought of while doing this!!
Aki has the biggest and most humongous crush on Omi. She's very vocal about it too
Natsumi comes from the same company as Tenma (she also voices one of Itaru's most favorite characters)
Sakuya works part-time at the same kindergarten as Fuyuka (she's also a former classmate of Tsumugi/Tasuku back in college)
Natsumi and Fuyuka are sisters! Natsumi ADORES her big sister
I'm having Tsuzuru and Haruna have the longest slowest-burn ever
Don't know if I'll do anything more with them (But hopefully bc I like them <3) in any case this was fun on its own! Want them to become friends with everyone's oc too hoho 💕
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Ok, I have a request based on your new prompt list. The names got me thinking, and I was wondering if you could do just the Gladers x Fem!Reader who joins them and is a total badass, and has a title, like in the books, and she’s “the warrior.” And she’s named Joan after Joan of Arc. Could be a fic or just headcanons, whichever is easiest for you. Thanks!
Ooo this is a really fun idea. I'm gonna do some headcanons simply because that is easier for me to do.
Also, not my normal headcanons with separate sections for each boy - this is about your life in the Glade and relationships with the Gladers.
Also, fem!reader, so no romance with Newt as specified on my masterlist, but y'all are buddies.
And I've decided to use another one of my ideas, so you're even more of a pain in WICKED's ass :).
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SUMMARY: See above. Book based fic.
WICKED stole your name and called you Joan - and there's a good reason for that. You were a test Subject and WICKED prodigy that broke into the Maze to help your friends - and WICKED couldn't really do anything about it.
(If you're actually called Joan, congrats, this is for you, I guess.)
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, actually follows the naming canon so no (Y/N), awkward Glader flirting. I fully don't how I'm gonna write this so prepare for me to butcher this prompt. This is a bit of a different layout so I decided to have some fun with it.
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SUBJECT NUMBER: A3 "The Warrior"
NOTES: Subject A3 shows signs of rebellion and aggression. This is not surprising considering the means she went through to enter the Maze Trails. Though, her efforts may have been beneficial. Due to being the only female Group A Subject for the majority of the Maze Trails, she is volatile and untrusting. However, A3 does display close relationships with several other Subjects.
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You had an eventful first week in the Glade.
As eventful as a first week can be, really.
Initially, you freaked the fuck out.
You woke up in a dark box with nothing but your name and the smell of burning oil.
And then the Box opened up and you weren't the only one freaking out.
Surrounded by a couple dozen boys - no one knew what to do.
Unbeknownst to you, not only were you the only girl the Gladers had ever seen - but you'd also shown up between Greenie days.
They weren't due another Greenie for another week and a half.
Confusion spread through the Glade like wildfire.
The first person you met was Newt.
He seemed to be one of the few boys that weren't going absolutely savage at your presence.
He offered you a hand, which you refused to take at first.
Until the Box jolted again, and started to move with you still inside it.
"Oi, come on! Jump!"
"What's happening?!"
"I don't shuckin' know! Jump!"
With the help of several other pairs of hands, you decide to jump, and Newt yanks you up.
And you see the the Glade for the first time.
And the opening in the Walls.
You don't even have to think about.
When Newt tries to talk to you, you clock him square in the face and book it towards the exit.
AKA. The Maze.
Which results in a kind of stampede as you rush to escape.
Which, is where you meet Minho.
It's late in the day and Minho has finished his route early so he's coming back to chill out for a bit.
Except that doesn't happen because you come whizzing past him.
"Minho! Stop her!"
"Stop the shuckin' girl!"
Admittedly, you are faster than he expected.
But not faster than him.
You manage to get around a corner before he tackles you, rugby style.
He manages to restrain you, and Alby and Newt come to help and wrestle you back to the Glade.
You're put in the Slammer.
The Gladers use the time you're locked up to figure out what to do.
Alby puts a very strong no touching rule in place and threatened to Banish anyone that dare break it.
After that, he goes out of his way to try and calm you down and explain what's happening here.
Eventually you oblige.
And Alby shows you the place.
He introduces you to people of note - Winston, Zart, Gally, Frypan and the other Keepers.
And he reintroduces you to Newt and Minho.
You learn things about yourself over the next following weeks.
You're feisty and forward.
You have a short fuse.
You're somewhat skilled at hand to hand combat and could probably put up a good fight against most of the Gladers.
You're sarcastic and quick witted.
Though, you remain level headed and fast thinking.
You try out all the jobs.
You settle on being a Builder for a while.
Which Gally is thrilled about.
You, surprisingly, actually get along with Gally quite well.
Sure, he's a bit of a dick and has far too many opinions.
But, he's a good boss.
He's strict and hard-working; pushing his men to the bets of their ability, and in your opinion, what they need.
This lands you in Gally's circle, which includes Frypan.
Gally isn't well liked.
Which is fine with you.
It means the boys leave you alone.
And, you get the opportunity to build your own little hut.
You like working as a Builder.
This also leads to the first of the boys developing a crush on you - Gally.
Frypan is quick to second that.
The third is Minho.
It's not like the pair of you are particularly close, but after Newt suggests you be a Runner - that changes.
You're fast and resilient; both of which Minho is looking for in his men.
You decide to try out, which makes Minho your boss.
Gally isn't very pleased, but you work where you're needed.
It's not that difficult, the worst part being not getting lost.
But Minho isn't going to leave you alone until you're ready.
Spending time with you, he learns you have a similar sense of humour.
And you've forgiven him for flooring you.
So, he starts crushing on you too.
As in my other headcanons, Alby really doesn't care about you.
Well, he does.
But just as another Glader.
Though he does appreciate the hard work you do, and the fact you keep the majority of his most problematic men distracted.
Newt is probably the person you're closest to.
Mainly because you never catch him staring at your ass or tits.
He's respectful.
And not attracted to you.
Because he's gay.
You're a fully fledged Runner by the time Thomas shows up.
You don't really think much of him at first.
Because absolutely no one did.
But he admired you.
He thought you were cool and skilled, very much the same way he looked up to Minho.
You were devastated when Thomas, Minho and Alby got stuck out in the Maze.
Gally tried his best to comfort you, but he didn't get very far.
"If anyone can survive the Maze; it's Minho."
"No one survives a night, Gally - we both know that."
Frypan's attempts weren't much better.
Newt was too busy figuring out how the heck he was going to run the Glade without Alby.
Yet, somehow, they both survived.
You don't think you've ever hugged someone as hard as you hugged Minho when you saw him.
Everyone's jealous of Minho for that.
Oh yeah, Teresa.
She showed up the day after Thomas.
You were thrilled to have another girl.
And then she wasn't conscious.
You kinda forgot about her after that.
Until she woke up, and everything went wrong in the Glade.
The sky disappearing, the Doors not closing, Grievers taking someone every night.
Including Alby.
And Gally disappeared.
A devastating blow.
You became one of the faces of the escape.
Cracking the code wasn't easy, but you all managed.
Thomas and Minho's theory about jumping into the void had you skeptical but you didn't have anything better to do than throw rocks off the Cliff for hours.
Thomas then gets stung.
And once awake, tells you how you were never meant to be in this Maze. You broke in, presumably to help your friends.
No wonder Newt and Minho wanted you to become a Runner.
Anyway, you escape.
Gally pops up again.
Kills Chuck.
Thomas flips his lid.
And you escape.
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Definitely not my best work but I really didn't know how to do this.
I'm stressed and I tried my best lmao.
Hope you're cool with that. Kinda.
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yurayura-kurage · 1 year
A3! Troupe Event: MY WORST WEDDING | Event Story Translation (8/11)
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Neither Japanese nor English is my first language so please forgive me if I made mistake. However, feel free to point me out, I’d love to hear your feedbacks on the translation ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
Translation under the cut
Sakyo’s mother: ––Oh my, so this is what the bride’s makeup room looks like. It’s princess-like.
Azami: I’m sorry for being selfish. The one who stirred Sakyo up is me.
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Sakyo’s mother: It’s alright. Because there is no doubt that you guys will never be able to persuade me unless doing this way, Sakyo said this just then, right.
Sakyo is also a stubborn child, isn’t he? He really inherited my personality traits well.
…I’m sorry. Now that you guys have had things done for me, maybe I should just honestly and happily receive it…
Azami: I know. Look at this first.
Sakyo’s mother: ––
Azami: This dress was made by Yuki-san, our theater troupe’s costume designer after asking Sakyo’s younger sister to check your size. 
Sakyo’s mother: Eh, you guys went out of your way just to do this for me…?
Azami: When I asked, he was excited to prepare the dress.
Sakyo is always stingy to pay for the fabric for our theater troupe’s costume, but when he asked Yuki-san to make the dress with the highest quality clothing materials, Yuki-san was pumped up. 
Sakyo was the one who paid for all the materials to make the dress. He also said that he’d pay for the designing and tailoring cost too, but Yuki-san told him he enjoyed making the dress, and it was for Sakyo’s mother so he’s gonna make it for free.
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Sakyo’s mother: So that’s it… This dress is so beautiful.
Azami: Sakyo also said “If she doesn’t want to wear it, then that’s fine. It’s just the same as the hair tie I gave her back then.”
Sakyo’s mother: That child… He still remembers that story.
Azami: This is the dress that Yuki-san made only for you, so it’ll definitely look good on you. And I’ll make sure that you can wear it with confidence after I do the makeup and style your hair.
So why don't you give it a try and then decide what to do? Please, I beg you.
Sakyo’s mother: …If you insist, then I guess I can’t say no anymore. I’m counting on you.
But why does Azami-kun have to go this far?
Azami: It’s gonna be a quite long story, so I’ll tell you ���bout it while putting on the makeup.
*Short timeskip*
Azami: I grew interested in makeup when helping my sick mother with her makeup.
Sakyo’s mother: Your mother is…
Azami: She passed away when I was still a kid.
Sakyo’s mother: I see…
Azami: After my mother passed away, Sakyo came to my house. My dad was busy, so Sakyo has been taking care of me for a long time…
Dad brought Sakyo to my house when I was 6 years old.
“Sakyo?” “Right. From now on, this guy will take care of you.”
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Ever since I was a baby, there were lots of young folks (*) coming in and out of my house frequently, so it’s not strange to see newcomers in my house, but among them, Sakyo was very young.
Until then, it was the young folks taking turns to pick me up and drop me off at the nursery school. But since that day, Sakyo has been in charge of all those duties.
“Oi, Sakyo. I’m thirsty." “What did you just call me… Here, drink some water.”  “I want orange juice.”  “If you only drink sweet things, you’ll get cavities in your teeth.”  “Orange juice!”  “You can drink it only when you eat snacks.”
“Then, I’ll have some snacks.” “Only after you’re done learning how to use the abacus.” “Annoying.” “It’s gonna be useful if you can memorize it.” “No one does that.”
“Then what are your pals doing?" “Don’t know. I’ve never hung out with them.” “...Do you want to play with bubble wrap.” “That’s boring!”
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He’s naggy, and looked like a cold person at first, but he kept following me because it was his responsibility to watch over me.
I even spent more time together with him than with my dad, we started to open up with each other gradually, and it slowly became more fun playing with him.
When my mom passed away, I pretended to look fine in front of my dad, but deep down in my heart, that was a huge shock to me.
It was undoubtedly thanks to Sakyo that I was able to truly get over my mom’s death at that time. 
*Back to present*
Azami: Our relationship is different now, but we used to be close in the past. Thanks to Sakyo, I was able to pull myself together and regain my energy, even when I was in elementary school––.
That’s right. Actually I wanted to say thanks to you for this when we met last time.
Sakyo’s mother: These cards are…
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Azami: When my dad banned me from playing the popular card game when I was in elementary school, Sakyo made these cards for me and played with me.
You’re the one who originally created this right?
Sakyo’s mother: That’s right… So that’s it… Sakyo gave them to you… 
Fufu. How nostalgic.
When I was making these cards while waiting for Sakyo to return home, I was disappointed with myself that I couldn’t buy him a popular toy. 
But that child looked really happy playing my handmade cards, and I was saved by that. It was hard to make a living back then, but thanks to his presence, I was able to overcome many hardships.
He has grown up now, but he’s still a little shy and cute, isn’t he.
Fufu. This is nostalgic. I wish I could hug that small child again… There’s no way he will let me hug him now.
Azami: Speaking of hugs… People seem to do wedding hugs these days.
The thing you do after taking the oath, t-that’s too shameless but… it’s okay if it’s just a hug right?
Sakyo’s mother: That’s right… Then maybe I wouldn’t feel embarrassed even in front of my children.
…But that child and Azami-kun are pretty similar. His father also passed away because of illness when he was little…
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Azami: Perhaps Sakyo is doing his best to support my dad because he can’t show filial piety to his father anymore.
I’m also the same. I want to do something for you, and for the part I couldn’t do for my mom. It’s completely my own self-satisfaction though…
Here, it’s done.
Sakyo’s mother: It’s not your self-satisfaction. I’m pleased, too.
…I don’t look like myself. It’s like Cinderella’s magic, isn’t it.
It would be a waste if I don’t take photos when putting on this wonderful makeup and wearing this special dress that you guys prepared for me. 
If I don’t keep this as a commemoration, I may regret it for the rest of my life.
Azami: That means––.
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Sakyo’s mother: I wonder if I can fit into this dress though.
Azami: It seems that it was made to be easy to adjust the waist and so on.
Sakyo’s mother: As expected of costume designer-san.
Azami: I’ll call someone to help you change costumes.
Sakyo’s mother: Ah, wait a minute––
Azami-kun, thank you for always taking care of that child.
Azami: ––No, as I told you earlier, it was me who has been taken care of for a long time…
Sakyo’s mother: Even this time too, I now understand Sakyo’s recent place to belong is–– I realize how important and precious the theater troupe and your house are to Sakyo.
He sometimes told me that he was looking after you when you were a kid… That child, he seemed to be having a lot of fun while complaining all the time, didn’t he.
Ever since he became your caretaker, the atmosphere around Sakyo has changed, he even became softer.
He worried about you so much that he couldn’t put his mind at ease as if he had a child of his own.
…That’s why you are like a grandchild to me.
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From now on, please continue taking care of that child.
Azami: …Yeah.
Translator’s note:
(*) He was using the word “若い連中” here, which literally means young folks, and as far as I understand, this also refers to the young people who don’t have a certain rank in a yakuza group.
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everwisp · 1 year
hi there! i've been following you for quite a while, originally for a3, but i see you also enjoy poto. i've been meaning to get into it for a long time now, but im not sure where to start (so far, i've only ever read the book). do you have any recommendations for poto content to either start out with or to prioritize in general? thanks a ton!
Hi there anon!! this was a pleasant surprise to see in my inbox and I wasn't expecting to get questioned about POTO at all tbh! I'll try my best though 😊
I think starting with the musical would help, that's what actually lead me down the rabbit hole.
The most well known one would be Andrew Lloyd Webber's. This one is pretty similar to the book, if I recall correctly, having a some changes here and there (one of them being that the Persian isn't actually present in the musical.) I'd recommend either watching/listening to the broadway or the 2004 film, the latter being what introduced me to POTO in the first place hehe
There's also another musical by Maury Yeston and Arthur Kopit (which I've only discovered this year), though it is loosely based from the novel, and kinda shows the Phantom in a different light. I actually watched the 1990 miniseries first before listening to the musical, and I gotta say that the Phantom was very charming in this one, made me swoon a bit 🙈
Their music style is pretty different from one another, now I'm not that good with music terms and classifying the styles, but Yeston & Kopit's is more opera like compared to Webber's which is a sort of mix with opera, classical and a bit of rock maybe??? They are both bangers though, I swear.
I'm pretty sure there are other retellings and musicals based on it, but these two plus the book are the only ones I've consumed so far.
Webber actually made a sequel to his POTO musical called Love Never Dies and boY IS IT A RIDE. I think the fans have mixed feelings about it, it has great songs though omg. So so basically, it's ten years after the original musical and is set in an amusement park called Phantasma, and w/o saying anything about the plot, basically our main trio come together again and we get love triangle 2.0 with so much drama. Was honestly flabbergasted the first time I saw it ‘cause I went in blind but as I rewatched it for the 3rd time and listened to the soundtrack over and over again, I admit it's pretty good. In a trashy way. Do I recommend that you watch it? Honestly, yeah, it was a pretty wild ride and I was entertained, it was a good time despite everything about the plot. You don't have to though if you don't want to!!! Some people actually described it being fanficy or something along those line
But yeah, that's all I have to recommend, I hope this helps you somewhat!! Even though I was just rambling most of the times haha.
If you have anymore questions or if you ever do get around to getting into it more I would love to hear about it, don't be afraid to pop in with your thoughts or screaming or complaints, it would be nice to talk about it with others aside from me just ranting about it to my siblings 🤣 No pressure though!! But i genuinely hope you enjoy it 🩵🩵
Wishing you all the love, softness, and good vibes anon!! ✨🩵
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icharchivist · 1 year
a while ago I tried getting into a3, funnily enough because of following you and seeing you post a bunch. I don’t remember the reason I followed you in the first place, though it’s still pleasant to see you float around my dash every now and then. I never did end up becoming big on a3, but the art style reminds me a lot of the stuff I used to read when I was younger. so thank you for the nostalgia, I guess. I hope you have a nice day. (also i see you thirsting for that summer crotch boy, i don’t remember his name but honey you are so right)
omg nonny 🥺
First of all, super honored that you've been here for such a long time. Considering i've only been really blogging about a3 and gbf in those past 4 years, it means you've been here for a reeaaally long while!
And i'm very touched that you're still enjoying seeing me around enough that it made you want to try this out <333
Even if it ended up not working out for you, it makes me happy that you gave a3 a try. I'm really touched that you got interested enough because of my ramblings that you decided to try it. And even if it didn't end up grabbing you, i'm glad it gave you a bit of this nostalgia feeling <3 if anything has been worthwhile in this journey for you and you got any positive emotions out of it, then it makes me happy.
so, thank you so much for this sweet message, and i'm really glad you can at least look to the mess that is my blog with some fondness even if it didn't click with you then <333
As for the summer crotch guy. Jesus he really is becoming my Brand these days and it's all the gbf anons's fault i can't believe it. But also wOW on remembering his crotch over his name while i literally has his name in my bio and posts about him like 10 times per day, this is the funniest thing ever i can't stop laughing. I'm sure he would be very proud of this, and that's what truly matters.
So huh i'm glad at least my blog can give you nostalgia (?) or "sexy trashcan of a man who at least gives you sexy things to look at" (????)
the only two blog goals 😎
jesting aside, thank you still so much for this ask, i'm glad you shared this with me, and i'm glad that you can still get some fun stuff from my blog despite not really being into the things i'm blogging <3
Thank you for the sweet message, and i wish you well!
Take care <3
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WEEK 23: Card Cutting & Monday Group Session
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Let's start by appreciating the clean cut cards. All dry and shaped up they feel amazing and expensive in my hands. The hope is that they are interesting to touch and memorable in design so that they won't be thrown out as easily as some flimsy, cheap alternative. And if someone does throw one of these away I think they'd feel at least a little bit bad about it. I'll probably bring them with me to networking events and job interviews to be able to give people a little something to remember me by and make it easy to find my work + get a feel for what my style looks like.
Scott did an amazing job in cutting the cards with care and great attention to detail. As per Tony's request I left some behind for the technicians to use for teaching future generations of students. So if any prospect UAL, LCC students read this - you might see these again if you're trying to litho print some business cards yourself, haha!
*definitely DM me if you do see them irl though! That'd be CRAZY!!*
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Now to the Monday Group Session. I have a love-hate relationship with them for a number of reasons but first, let's look at my attendance: Before the Spring Break I attended 4 or 5 Monday sessions (to be honest I lost track but I wasn't there for all of them):
-I'm pretty sure I was there for the FMP official brief but at that time I was still working on my EC dissertation submission so it's a haze and I had no time to think about the FMP at that point yet.
-On the 16th of January a few of us were waiting in the usual room only to get an email by our year leader 30 minutes into when our session should have started saying the following:
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Everyone who was waiting in D305 left after we saw that email, myself included but as it turns out later a substitute tutor apparently came to get us but we were gone at that point. Very odd how that all went. I think we should have been contacted sooner and actually been made aware that there was a substitute tutor in the email they sent out. Kind of annoying cuz I have a 1.5h journey (one-way) to uni and that day I wasted the travel expenses basically. But oh well, scheduling errors happen. [I was also using a temp pass at the time cuz it was right when I had lost my student ID]
-There was one time I attended and the session was with our regular tutor, where we shared our FMP ideas in small groups and gave feedback to each other. At that point I was sharing my idea-mind map with the group and making up my mind about whether or not I should make my projects on Cryptids.
-The next session was with VJ instead of our usual tutor. At that point I was playing with the idea of making a comic book for the FMP in which the Cryptids were everyday-people in our society. Remember the idea of Mothman as a window cleaner? That was also when VJ told me better not to try out smth new for the big project and rather to stick to something familiar - print making in my case.
- The last Monday session I attended before the Spring Break was with our year leader, substituting for our usual tutor, and at that point I had pretty much figured out what I wanted to make for the FMP:
- a Cryptozoology Zine including 2 cheesy quizzes(Digitally Printed)
- Cryptid Posters A3 or A2 (Digitally printed)
- Criptid T-shirts (Screen Printing on fabric)
Our year leader liked the idea, which was great and I felt motivated.
I know there is at least one Monday session right before the Spring Break that I missed because of my stomach issue, that had me going to a walk-in clinic, as mentioned in previous posts. And I think another Monday session might have been cancelled because of the OXO exhibit or smth.
I don't have a 100% attendance rate but when I show up, I'm participating and enjoying talking about my work with the tutors.
Now let me tell you why I have a love-hate relationship with Monday sessions: On one hand I love seeing and hearing about everyone else's projects and work because it's really motivating to hear other people who love the same stuff you do talk about what they are doing and how and why. On the other hand, there have been times where the amazing work of everyone around me left me feeling like a damn failure. I think it's a double edged sword. Because you are rooting for your peers and boosting each others inspiration but at the same time they are your future competitors and if you don't thing you're measuring up, you're left feeling like garbage. So there have been times where I nervous cried on the way home or on a quick bathroom break because I was feeling like my work was waste.
Secondly I love talking about my projects but I know I am slow to find a grip and get started (especially in case of EC submissions, other projects deadlines are cutting into new projects beginning and you're starting out on a delay). So when I talk about my projects I am excited but also super anxious, thinking I should have done more, I have nothing to show and everyone is judging me and it can get all very overwhelming. With the Cryptid project especially I have run into issues of people in my group and tutors not really knowing the topic and I can explain what Cryptids are and bring examples like Nessi and Bigfoot, which most people recognize, but it's still unfamiliar territory and so the feedback sometimes reflects the unfamiliarity of the others with the topic. Thats fine. It just adds to my insecurities of - oooh maybe this is a bad idea.
My third point is the PDFs and briefs we are being presented on some Mondays. Because I'm a terribly anxious bean I am always on moodle, looking around and re-reading briefs so by the time we are being briefed in person I most likely have read the document like twice before. So during the briefing I am doing work on my ipad or smth and that can make me look quite unapproachable, which brings me to my 4th point: I can seem like a dick. Because I am anxious about the quality of my own work compared to others, intimidated by everyone's amazing work and selfconscious about being behind, I'm usually quiet until asked to speak. I don't think I come across as very likeable in class because I keep to myself and am nervous. But I like helping people with questions in the group chat and giving and getting feedback in group rounds is great. I just never really found a friends group in my course.
Now, why am I going about such a rant on Mondays?
This Monday I felt really overwhelmed by the amount of work that has yet to be done for the FMP and I emailed my tutor that I'd rather just return home after my appointment with Print Finishing (cutting and picking up my cards) so I can work for the rest of the day rather than stay for the group session between 2-6pm.
My tutor said she hasn't seen me in a while and I should come to the session so we could catch up. I mean I'm not NOT going if she tells me I should. So I went.
My appointment for the cards was at 2 so I came to the session about 40minutes late but it was alright because the brief that was going on was about PDFs and slides I had found on Moodle and read over the Spring break already. Then there was a 10min break and our tutor went around talking to everyone. I sat kind of secluded so it took her a little while to get to me, which made me nervous on one hand because I was freaking out about the work I needed to do but on the other hand it gave me some down time to sketch and I enjoyed that very much actually.
When it was my turn with our tutor she opened the conversation saying she hadn't seen me since before Christmas break and that she knew nothing about my project, which threw me off because I remembered clearly the session where I was narrowing down my ideas and I explained Cryptids to her. As I mentioned Cryptids she remembered the session and agreed I had seen her once since. Maybe I was overthinking it but I felt put on the spot and low-key called out for not attending more. I was however at meetings with other tutors and made an effort to attend at least once more, the day we got that email and all went home because after a 30minute wait still no one had come to get us (this is not meant to be salty, it was a scheduling mistake I'm sure, but I made the effort to show up that day and I want to note that). Also the doctors appointment on a Monday right before Spring break was annoying but I'm glad I went there instead of to uni in pain.
Anyway, I don't want to linger any longer on my attendance.
I told her my project idea, showed her my business cards and told her about the matching tissue paper i had printed. They aren't exactly final outcomes that fall under the Viable Practice brief but they are part of it and she agreed that i should mention them in connection to the Viable Practice chapter in my final PDF. We discussed how much space each of us would have at the end of year exhibit (max 2 x A2 sizes on a wall OR smth to put on a table) and I a bit sad I wouldn't be able to show off both, my Cryptozoology zine AND a few posters. Most likely it'll be have to be a singular Cryptid poster and one of the Quizzes only. This brings me to our next talking point, the quizzes. She liked the idea of them but we had a quick back and forth about whether or not it should be one or 2 quizzes. I am heart-set on 2 separate quizzes but because we didn't quite agree I will whip up 3 options (2 separate and 1 full one) for her to review next Monday. My concern is that if i make one tree-diagramm quizz for 8 cryptid-outcomes the writing would be too small on an A5 sized page. She said I could have the quizz fold out but that would complicate the whole Zine layout and finishing process and with the lack of time I really don't want to overcomplicate things. She liked the idea of the screen printed t-shirts and agreed that if I couldn't print them in time, I could make online mock-ups to put in my submission PDF instead. - Glad to have that solution work, otherwise it'd mean more stress!! Regarding the posters I came up with the idea of adding descriptive arrows, which would describe their features, to the creature Illustrations so that they'd be a bit different to the zine illustrations. Now to the illustrations themselves I told her I hadn't decided on a color palette yet and she gave me the homework of finishing at least 2 Cryptid illustrations and in 3 different palettes each so next week we could decide on one combo. She asked for a zine mock-up and i told her i had made one for each, the research zine and Cryptid zine already but hadn't brought them in that day. I had however layout sketches on my iPad but I didnt end up showing them because our conversation drifted off to the research zine and it turns out I misunderstood that a bit. The focus was more on the resaerch methodology we used than the fruits of our research. A different approach than what I was going for with my mock-up. I was focusing on the research outcome, not HOW I WAS DOING THE RESEARCH. A shift of focus and I had understood what was asked of me. Still I think the research zine is the scariest part of all the FMP.
To conclude my homework for next week is:
- 2 Cryptid illustrations in 3 different color palettes each
- Write 3 Quizzes
- Don't forget to bring the Zine Mock-ups
+ I want to make a list of different research methodologies I used so I can check with my tutor if it's enough for the research zine.
As panicked as a I was about this Monday session, it was helpful. The start was a bit rocky because I felt kind of put on the spot and and indirectly accused of not attending enough, which added to my anxiety in that moment but we had a productive discussion and I'm glad my tutor took the time to go over everything with me. I like talking to her and the other tutors, even if it's scary sometimes.
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Week in Review
01/21/2024 – 01/27/2024
Manga Sunday is back in full swing and to start us off, it’s Girl Meets Rock! Nice to know that gay people exist in this story, and the art is still super charming. I like how bad Hatocchi’s band is, but it feels like we’ll soon cross over into “chasing your dreams and being rewarded for it” territory so it won’t be exactly what I was looking for…but I’ll stick around and see how it goes.
Undead Unluck was super good, as usual. I love getting these little hints about what each Master Rule is, and the main guy is particularly interesting.
An interesting dissection of parasociality in the latest Oshi no Ko chapter… Truly, Ai and all celebrities like her are made up of the perceptions of everyone else in the world, which leaves little room for their true selves. Not to mention the purity streak of the Japanese idol industry… I’m glad Ruby is eking out her own way in contrast to her mom, though, and understanding why Kana did what she did. Hopefully everyone will be alright by the end…
Dandadan: Oh, so that’s Zuma’s design… I mean, it’s certainly different from the other boys, but I don’t know if I necessarily like it. It’s mostly his hair that I think is a little stupid lol but his personality’s fun, it’s about time we got a stoic guy in the group. I’m pretty fatigued with all these “oh no we lost the ball again” shenanigans but whatever, I’m just looking forward to when this arc ends and Zuma joins the friend group.
Magilumiere was fine, I wish Shigemoto developed his own feminine style instead of just emulating that clearly fridged woman from his flashback, but oh well.
One Piece was great, this is the most I’ve been invested in the manga in ages. I’m glad Kuma has a chance at survival and this Buster Call feels like an exciting and exhilarating end to the Egghead arc.
SpyFam was…okay. The side characters trying to lean into the Detective Conan-esque murder mystery and the protagonists’ overpowered abilities thwarting that immediately made for some decent comedy, but nothing too special.
I checked out the first episode of High Card… My history with this franchise is somewhat interesting (to me, anyway) – I followed this one Japanese artist on Twitter for their Yowamushi Pedal fanart way back in the day, and over the years they’ve become an actual character designer in the anime industry. High Card is one of their projects, so I’ve been hearing about it for a while… And recently they announced a stage play adaptation starring one of the guys I like from A3! and one of the girls I like from Revue Starlight, so I figured I’d finally get around to watching the anime to see if the rest of the franchise is worth checking out. All that preamble aside, I stopped watching the episode about eight minutes in LMAO My suspicions that they wouldn’t be able to capture the character designer’s style in animation were confirmed, and the story is just a juvenile mess… As a kid I literally wrote stories about fantasy kingdoms based on the different card suits, and here it’s being presented in all seriousness with haphazard style and zero substance. I didn’t look into anything beforehand, so I had the impression it was some sort of crime drama with a dash of heist shenanigans? But the magic element is just too goofy and nonsensical to take seriously. I don’t know, maybe I’ll still check out the stage play because they’ll have singing and acrobatics, but the anime will be a hard pass from me.
With the Twitter timeline abuzz with the news of more Monogatari, I figured it was as good a time as any to actually watch the whole series and catch up before the new anime starts. I first watched Bakemonogatari as a kid and didn’t really get it, but after I fell in love with Cipher Academy I wanted to get into more of Nisioisin’s work, so I rewatched Bake and had a fun time. Today I finally started chipping away at the movies, and I watched Kizumonogatari: Tekketsu. What I liked the most about Bake, and Monogatari in general, was the unique and heavy sense of mood and atmosphere that I haven’t really seen in any other anime. The surreal and almost liminal locations, the odd and staged way characters move through them, the unique directorial flourishes we now call SHAFT-isms, I really vibe with all of it. The story itself hasn’t gotten far enough for me to get attached to anyone yet, but we’ll see how that goes as I work my way through the series. This first movie was a fun dive back into Monogatari mode and all its eccentricities, even if the story felt like it was moving painfully slow at times. But the walk down into the station and the slow lead-up to Kiss-shot was great.
Shamefully, I must admit that I read Vtuber Confucius. It’s a deeply stupid premise that’s not even executed that well, and once they started shoehorning in other philosophical teachings as Vtubers I truly lost interest. This is something that should’ve been a shitpost Tweet at the most.
Things in Oni to Tengoku got resolved a lot quicker than I’d thought – I was definitely expecting a dramatic rescue by Manabu, but I can also get down with Oni to Tengoku’s usual realist approach. The way that the story uses these conventions to actually explore the main couple’s relationship in depth is what’s really engaging… The high schooler had a nice bit of a characterization too, with all the trappings of insecurity that come with a high school romance. What I love most of all about Oni to Tengoku is how a lot of things go unsaid/communicated non-verbally and are presented through illustrations alone – I feel like most manga tend to have their characters over-explain things, as if the mangaka isn’t confident that their drawings are conveying what they want to convey, but Oni to Tengoku lays it all bare and leaves it up to interpretation. And the drawings are so gorgeous in the first place, too… I love just how this work uses the medium to the fullest. I’m really looking forward to seeing how Manabu responds to Aoki’s proposal.
A Second Goodbye to You: Lol oh nooo the university student got stabbed to save Hiroki huh oh nooo whatever shall he do? Yeah I’m just sticking with it to see how it ends at this point.
Next I tried reading this BL called OΣG!!! = Oh My God =, and while I like the art style, the compositions and character designs are just such a busy mess that I didn’t want to read any further.
I finished reading Akuheki volume 3…and it’s really good… I love how this BL started off seeming like a dark BDSM sex manga, but it’s become a genuine exploration of how trauma can shape your beliefs and affect your relationships as an adult… ALSO, THE EX JUST HAVING A SIDEPLOT BL PREMISE WITH THE COWORKER????? I really respect the mangaka for actually going there because it’s sooooo funny (but also cute! And had thematic relevance!). The detailed look at Kojima’s backstory was so chilling and illuminating – it’s dramatic, but in a way where it still feels believable, and you can really get a sense of why Kojima turned out the way he did. I’m sure that he and Daimon can work their twisted relationship out somehow, but it’ll take some effort.
Last on my BL binge today was this manga called We Won’t Call It Love, and it looks like it’ll be an angsty ride. It’s interesting to start the main couple off with one of them just starting a comphet marriage while the other realizes his feelings, but we’ll see how it goes.
I don’t know what’s going on with Amazon Prime, but I guess sometimes they just lie to you about what’s leaving the platform because Downton Abbey’s back after a short absence from the service. It’s all the typical soap opera shenanigans with a dash of war drama, but it’s fine as background noise. As ever I feel really bad for Edith, and as ever the sense of time is so weird in this show…one scene Ethel’s announced that she’s pregnant and the very next she’s already had the baby. I loved that little scene where Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes talk about his move to be with Lady Mary, I think Hughes is the only person who could call Mary a minx in Carson’s presence and not be reprimanded for it. Their closeness to each other is so sweet and comforting. I’m annoyed that the show tends to cheat on the difficult decisions facing the characters by having the problems resolve themselves, like “Patrick” leaving on his own or Matthew’s legs miraculously healing or Lavinia conveniently dying. I almost wish the Lord Grantham and Jane plotline had gone on for longer – I find master/maid stories to have a more interesting dynamic than lady/servant ones. And given how morally upright Lord Grantham’s been up to this point, it was fun to see him engaging in some actions that torture his conscience.
Chainsaw Man good.
I guess ghosts are now canon in Downton Abbey? It’s a little lame that they drudged up Lavinia’s corpse to bless Mary and Matthew’s marriage with a blank slate of morality but whatever. It’s also a little lame that they’ve written in a new thing for them to argue about all season but also whatever. Thomas and O’Brien’s hater alliance finally collapsing is funny, at least. I’ve noticed that on Downton, they tend to leave a lot of important moments implied/off-screen, like characters telling each other information or even things like Matthew and Mary actually saying “I do” to each other at the altar. It feels like some lost opportunities.
Wow they really can’t stand Edith getting even a moment of happiness, huh? Mary gets all the bells and whistles and the whole town cheering for her as she drives up to the church for her wedding, meanwhile Edith gets left at the altar… Also I’m just now remembering that Carlisle’s threat has yet to come into light…I hope it does, because otherwise that’ll be another bullet that the Crawleys dodge by deus ex machina and make all that tension surrounding Mary’s conundrum a moot point (lol I looked it up. Guess it was all for nothing). God the Swires are just tools to absolve the living of all their guilt, huh? Sure, they’ll get to hem and haw about it for a couple scenes to cause drama, but then the hand of Swire reaches down and clears them of all their hang-ups so that they can do what’s most convenient for them anyway. Meanwhile, Anna and Bates’ romance is so filled with misery after misery that I’m actually getting bored of it. Branson is also majorly getting on my nerves, and I don’t really buy his and Sybil’s relationship.
…I’ve been complaining a lot, so I will say that the Mrs. Hughes cancer scare plotline ended very cutely, with Carson being relieved about her health. Those two are really the highlight of the show for me. And I’ll also say that I’ve been enjoying Thomas’ slow redemption arc from gay villain to mischievous over-achieving failgay (girl why did you think the black market thing would work…or the dog thing…).
God it’s so ghoulish and stomach-churning to watch the doctors argue while Sybil’s pregnant when you know what’s about to happen… Oh I just thought of another thing that annoys me about this show lol but by and large it feels like people catch feelings each other for literally no reason other than the writers want them to. Whenever a new character enters the scene they always have a knowing glance at their prospective paramour so that we in the audience know that they’re going to have relations, but there’s seemingly no rhyme or reason to why the characters are attracted to each other in the first place other than physical attraction, I guess, but that’s such a shallow basis to a relationship. It really feels like the writers know they want certain characters to date but have no idea how to actually naturally lead them there, so it just jumps to them declaring their love for each other when we’ve barely seen them hold a conversation or have any sort of dynamic or romantic chemistry.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been slowly working my way through the A3! Blooming Live 2022 livestreams and having a grand old time hearing the seiyuu’s actual voices, and I’ve finally finished them today. As suspected, Tasuku Hatanaka and Shunsuke Takeuchi are the steadiest of the bunch, and their duet was so amazing… Kentarou Kumagai and Toshiyuki Toyonaga were other stand outs, and I have to commend Chiharu Sawashiro for hitting those Bb4’s in chest voice (!!!??) and Daisuke Hirose for doing all that actual dance choreo on top of singing. Junta Terashima also made me emotional with Hisoka’s solo, Shake the Shape and Road to Manjuu Master were incredibly hype, and Tooi makes me cry everytime. My only gripe was with Shintarou Asanuma…he didn’t sing half of his lines…they just played the recording while he passionately lip synced…it was especially painfully obvious in his duet with Chiharu, which just ended up sounding like a solo song… It’s just so jarring when Chiharu is literally singing his heart out while Shintarou is miming… I wonder if he had some throat issues…? But they would’ve had to prepared all this audio in advance so like?? I don’t know, maybe he had other circumstances, but this was a really disappointing showing for me. The live as a whole was fun, though, and it’s was funny to catch all the errors they made that got covered up in the Blu-ray version.
Finally, after months of stalling, I’m bringing back Movie Roulette……….but for my ever growing list of live shows instead. Today’s selection was Liyuu’s koii concert tour, and I watched the Shanghai leg because of course I did. It’s really funny to hear her talk to the audience in Chinese, as it’s a lot different from the kind of semi-prepared MC you’d get in a Japanese idol concert. She’s truly going off the cuff here, and the venue is small enough that the audience is yelling stuff at her and she can respond right back. Liyuu’s a lot more brusque in Chinese – it’s like a special side of her that only we Chinese fans get. The concert itself was cute, it introduced me to two Chinese songs of hers I hadn’t heard anything about?? And they were both bangers too… I was also impressed by her pitch control – her tone isn’t always my favourite, but at least she can usually hit the notes.
As I’m finishing Downton season 3 this morning, I wanted to gather my thoughts before watching more. Overall, a fairly dark season, huh? I know it was the actors’ decision to leave the show, but having Sybil and Matthew die right after each other was a huge shock when I watched it for the first time, and it’s dreadful watching it happen all over again now. And then we had Bates in jail for most of the season, Anna miserable, Edith left at the altar only for them to write in yet another older gentleman who loves her but can’t be with her “for her own good”, Thomas failing every scheme he concocts and being subject to homophobia, Downton nearly going bankrupt…it seems like no one on this show can ever catch a break.
Despite all my griping about the writing on this show, I do care for a lot of the characters… Thomas and Mary have become so soft and sympathetic despite their slyness, and Edith has really endeared herself to me in how she tries to strive forward on her own path. (Strangely, I remember liking Anna and Bates on my first watch, but now their relationship bores me).
I will say though, season 4 hasn’t been impressing me thus far, as I don’t really care about any of the storylines… I don’t care about Mary tussling with her dad over how to run Downton, I don’t care about the love square between the footmen and the kitchen maids, I hate what they’ve done with Anna, Edna is annoying as hell and just another carbon copy “evil woman character” and I had to look her up on the wiki to make sure that she’ll be gone soon, I don’t care about Mary or Tom finding new romance, I Really don’t care about Rose, and I don’t really care about Edith’s romance either (the editor guy has as much personality as a paper bag)… It’d be faster to say what I am interested in, and that’s Carson/Hughes and Thomas, I guess. Hmmm okay I think I do also care about Mary and Tom’s awkward little friendship/in-law relationship, since they have some stuff in common now. And Tom’s definitely lost his edge after everything that’s happened, so he’s become more likeable in my eyes. I also like the elderly trio, as Violet and Isobel’s rivalry/begrudging friendship is always fun, and Dr. Clarkson provides some valuable wisdom to the ladies when they need to be knocked down a peg or two. Plus, after Dr. Clarkson’s weird little failed proposal to Isobel, I can’t help but read him as still interested in her, which adds some nice flavour to their interactions.
Took a break from Downton to travel to DunMesh. God it’s so good to eat food while watching this show. The episode was perfectly serviceable, but it’s a testament to Kui’s writing and considered world building that it’s still fun and engaging throughout.
Okay back to complaining about Downton. Rose is so annoying…with all the tragedies and serious problems going on in this house, her teenage fancies are so grating… I like Jack Ross, but I don’t care about their relationship, and also the actor’s American accent is so stilted that I can’t take him seriously. Great singing, though! It’s so funny that Thomas is still being vaguely threatening even though he’s just asking Baxter to keep an eye out for information. It’s not like he can do anything with most of it anyway. (God if Thomas, Violet, and Mary ever interacted…category 9 motherquake on the cunter scale).
New episode of Undead Unluck! Despite it being a pretty major turning point, the episode itself was just sort of perfunctory, with some odd janky animation here and there. I can only hope that the production team took it easy on these episodes in preparation for the big fight coming up (if I’m remembering correctly…?)
Also watched episode 15 of Kusuriya, and the first half was just fine and unnoteworthy, but once Lakan entered the scene I liked how they tried to vary up the visual style and compositions. This stretch of mysteries is just a little boring to me, though, so I’m not really looking forward to it.
Drag Race was also pretty uneventful – I never care for the improv challenges, but Plasma, Nymphia, and Sapphira’s skit was fun (actual singing and three-part harmony on Drag Race…wow). I don’t think Mirage should’ve lip synced…a really heartbreaking elimination.
Weeks later, I’ve finally read another chapter of Strange Beasts of China by Yan Ge and…it looks like my quest for an adult fiction book I enjoy is still unfruitful. The beasts themselves are decently interesting and I love cryptozoology, but I don’t like or care about the narrator and the romantic stuff they have going on, and their investigations are pretty shallow and boring. There just aren’t any real stakes for me to get invested in, and the writing feels so lethargic. I long for a book where things actually happen. (Meanwhile, every BookTuber I come across is recommending their 500th character-driven introspective study on the human condition and I’m sick of it!!! Where are the books with plots!!!!)
0 notes
currywaifu · 2 years
[ OLD BLOG NAVIGATION - Writing & Edit Masterlists ] [ GOOGLE DRIVE FOR MY A3! PHONE WALLPAPERS* ] * currently incomplete since i have some more saved on a different laptop, but there should be around 100 there in the drive... so at least more than half of what I've made
Hello! I think it's already obvious I've long quit creating content for this blog. If you're curious about why's and where i am now, as well as what'll happen to this blog feel free to read under the cut. Otherwise, thank you for having followed me 💗
Q: Are you quitting creating content for A3! for good?
A: Most probably. I have plans to edit my older works as I find myself dissatisfied with the writing style, as well as now having a better idea as to how to make my writings more gender neutral and POC inclusive.
I also have some unfinished works I want to finish, although I feel I don’t know these characters as well anymore (specifically if they’ve gone through more character development, knowing a3 they probably have) so I’m delaying due to not wanting them to be OOC
I plan on posting some unposted edits though when I… find where I hid them omg...
Q: Why did you quit creating content for A3!?
A: The number one reason was probably staying away from social media in general? Specifically content creation and posting on social media about it (I was still on SocMed, just not creating anything). I was in a bad place mentally and physically so I distanced myself from fandom and some online friends. I also had to focus on university. 
I won’t go in depth since it’s personal, but old mutuals can feel free to ask through DMs/Discord.
I also just lost interest in A3! in general. It mostly had to do with me starting university (around 2020) and not having the time to read any of the stories or do events, so the less I was caught up the more it discouraged me from playing. Mutuals being less interested in A3! and A3! EN servers being taken down probably contributed.
The last part is just... really being unhappy with the stuff I was putting out, unfortunately :(
If I were to give a TLDR it was a combination of health reasons, school reasons, and dissatisfaction. It feels sad to say this but I’m not very happy with most of my A3! writings.
Q: Are you deactivating your blog?
A: No, she can stay, though I have no plans of logging in anymore unless it’s to post something.
Q: You’re going to edit your older works?
A: Yes, it's my goal. When I have the time + get myself familiarized with the characters again. I look back at my old writings and it hurts a bit to read. So much I could have done better. I wish I did these characters more justice. It sounds like I’m being hard on myself but that’s just how I see it. The more we write, or do things in general, the more likely we are to improve.
I also just feel a lot of regret over how I treated writing. I’m obviously the only one to blame but I should have written things more for myself. I wish I could finish the rest of the requests I had left over even though I know a lot of people probably don’t even care about it anymore, but it sucks how I just up and left honestly.
I’m more likely to edit straight to AO3, though I’ll try to log-in when I can on currywaifu.
Q: Can I use your wallpapers/edits as profile pictures/banners/etc. on (insert social media here)?
A: Yes. You do not need my permission, and feel free to use it even without credit. For the record, I'm very glad that a lot of people still enjoy them. I feel like, same with my writing, my skills with editing have gotten better but I feel a little nostalgic looking at them.
Q: Can I find you on social media elsewhere?
A: You can. You can ask for my Discord if you want. I also have a new Tumblr. If you know, you know. If you can find it, you can find it :) 
Kidding. My new tumblr is @zgvlt. Feel free to bother me there, even if it's just to say hi and not to stick around or anything.
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artistic-endchamber · 2 years
"Emotion Magic: Shockwaves of Love and positivity!!"
eheheheheheeee... I'm just a lil' Dyslexic, Nuerodivergent, person with a mix-in of ADHD <33
-Also-- https://en.pronouns.page/@Aarii -
A New book of mine just dropped! Playlist and Book link included in this post!
! Note,, I have specific tags for characters so if you wanna know one lmk!!
[ If I followed you and you’re a rp style blog, it’s probably an interaction from one of my side blogs!!
@the-giananator - Black Clover OC
@singing-dueling - Yu-Gi-Oh! DMs OC
@ripoffhermione-bnha - BNHA OC
@snowwyqueen - General OC !!]
-𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠-
Under the cut !
♥ Fandoms:
Assassination Classroom
Black Clover
A3! [Newly Added!-]
And more-!!! [Not sure? Ask-!]
♥ Kinds of fics:
Chapter books
Series' Books
etc {Not sure? Ask!]
♥ I will write:
Suggestive content
Angst [No sad endings please-!!]
♥ I will Not write
Incest (Any kind.)
Rape/ non-con (It's a little Different if it's a CNC kink or such..)
Bathroom-related kinks (No specific, you know what I'm going for.)
♥ Kinds of readers allowed:
Trans! reader (Uhm, I'm not very comfortable with a Trans! Reader that didnt get surgery for smut stories soooo-)
Male! Reader
Female! reader
Gn! Reader
Genderfluid! reader
[Any kind of gender reader really.]
♥ Extra info:
Yes, I will allow A sibling reader pairing, but there will be no romantic relationship established.
"Thats a wrap!"
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shinwhoohoo · 3 years
i'm so sorry i am back again 😭 the fan who made a comback here helloo
I need an opinion on whether or not bana twt is any good? I've followed a few on there and two followed me back lol but I haven't been that deep in bana twt to actually see the discourse/interactions regarding the split and those "ot5/jy forever" tweets. I saw on your answers (I am so sorry if it seems like I'm stalking you but you're literally one of the only ones who show up on tumblr when I search B1A4 hsjdhs) that you don't use twitter but for those who do? Should I do it? I'm doing it half to join once twt and half to join bana twt but only coming back bc I really missed stan twt (marvel b4). Anyways yeah I'm really just letting all of this B1A4 bana energy I've been keeping in and burrowing for so long that I just really want to find my people (cliché lol) and so far bana tumblr seems like the better bet bc it's a small tightknit community where many have solid opinions on the split and have a firm drive to see A3 succeed no matter what huhu I honestly just miss being a cnu bias and I'm glad he has the best intentions for chandeul as their hyung like the way he said in one interview that the songs he writes are for b1a4 and b1a4 only made me think "the shade towards jy omg" but also so soft because his songwriting is finally shining now? I mean I didn't like Nightmare at first listen back in 2016 but revisiting it now (w/o knowing it was cnu who wrote it yet) I found it so well written? Also Seoul? Basically just went through their entire discography in one week the past week and whenever I heard a bop I was so happy to sometimes see cnu in the song credits because the way he wrote/composed them is so full of heart and sincerity like he really puts it all out there and I feel so proud to be a cnu bias since the start like wow I have good taste.
Rambling again omg. But anyways Gongchan's growth from having like 4-6 lines in A Lie to being the opening to many present B1A4 songs is just so cool of cnu to give to him and for Gongchan to let himself have like we have Mr. Falsetto and Mr. OST here but Gongchan is SHINING in Origine like wow I only thought he was visuals back then but the split gave this positive shift to the group tbh. Like for sure I'll miss Jinyoung's hit bops and Baro's very very cool raps (A Lie was so cool I'd honestly do the hand-go-down-beat-drop things in the hwandang part of his rap like wow the power lol) but seeing B1A4 grow with CNU, Sandeul, and Gongchan going forward feels just right? Like I can imagine their songs still being hits and them being a legendary "surviving" band if they continue as 5, but the way the 3 of them now just fits? But tbh it's really sad that I don't see much raving about them as much as I did back in A Lie PLUS the fans who are clawing for ot5 like damn please show some respect? The 3 of them are great in their own subunit-style way like I really love seeing them coping with the split (even if it's been 3 years I bet it hit them again when the 10th anniv happened), and the way that you can clearly see CNU trying his best to keep it together and them together for their and the fans' (the real fans) sake. Also I hate how he has to apologize for not being able to keep them as 5 like no please don't carry the burden of the other twos' personal decision like,, I get he's the eldest but it just hurts to see someone blame themself for something that couldn't really be stopped (I read that the two of them brought it up unexpectedly) also about that unexpectedly part the least they could've done was to inform them at least a few months prior?? Like isn't that the meanest thing you could do to people who see you as a brother? Like yeah it might've broken their hearts during a comeback/fanmeet to appear as 5 but know that it won't be the case two months later... I mean I don't wanna dictate a person's actions but the least they could've done was let them down slowly so that the heartbreak didn't hit them like a truck so abruptly. AHHH I've been rambling so randomly for the past hour omg but yeah I'm on "protect them at all costs" mode right now with A3, they're doing so well and I hope CNU and Gongchan have fun bonding as eldest and maknae I can't wait for their vlogs and appearances together. Also can't wait for the time when I'm 30 and B1A4 still going at it like Super Junior/Koyote like yeah I'm 30 but I will wave this lightstick and scream out lyrics like a teenager if they ever concert where I am (or maybe I'll just go to SoKor for that lol) anyways if you've read all three of my lengthy and totally random ramblings I thank you so so much and I hope you have a wonderful day over there in nyc 😁💚
heehee hello again~
so from what I understand, I think we have a closer knit group here on tumblr vs. twitter. I think there's also more overall freedom in expressing opinions here? But I think users @cybercnu and @banacafe are fairly active on twitter and can give you a better idea? (lol sorry Emma and Chrissy to call you guys out haha I just really have no idea what the fandom is like on twitter since I only go on to get updates 😅-- or if anyone else is more active on twitter please feel free to respond for anon!)
But yeah, compared to Jinyoung, I think CNU divides the lines up much more evenly which has been great in allowing Gongchan to really step up and get his much deserved time. They've had so much growth though, so I think a lot of the 'ot5' comments you see on twitter come from the fact that there's more 'casual' fans on there that haven't followed closely the statements that CNU and Sandeul (and Gongchan, to a lesser extent) have made regarding where they stand with the split and how they felt blindsided by it.
There's been a few statements they've made about the 'unexpectedness' of it, Sandeul literally went onto the fancafe within hours of the initial news breaking that he basically was just as confused as the fans and was sorry for not being able to clear things up. And again during the fanmeet before CNU's enlistment-- they expressed how shocked they were with how things turned out so 😕
haha but you're in good company with the 'protect them at all costs' mode we def are all like that here as well lol and I think they'll be going strong now for a loooong time hopefully 🥰
edit: you can read banacafe’s thoughts here and anon’s thoughts here on bana twitter :)
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 years
Hakuoki SSL - Hakuo Gakuen Q&A
This is my last post of the month, so I’ll end by asking you to please support me if you can through my ko-fi, and paypal or patreon which provides access to my hakuoki blog translations and early access to my postings. Also, please let me know if you have any hakuoki drama cds that you’d be willing to share that are on my Lookout List since i either do not have audio for those cds or do not have audio that I can share.... and if you are able to remove watermarks from a video, please contact me.  
Anyway, for some odd reason, ive been thinking about how lazy i am with editing sometimes, and it really shows on some of my older posts (alternatively that just might be fatigue since i used to mostly translate in the late evening/extremely early morning [like 3amish])... tho i will say that the degree to which i edit something relies heavily on what the content is. Like, I will be pretty thorough when I’m working on a subtitle file, but when I’m working on something else... my interest in properly communicating the English language plummets like a rock..... lol. 
one day, i should probably go and edit my older posts.... also, i havent been working on any videos lately since im trying to fill up as much of my queue as possible before things get busy...
Hakuo Gakuen Q&A
This translation is for content that was originally from the Dengeki Girl's Style 2014 April issue.
Translation by KumoriYami
Q1. Why did you enroll at Hakuo Gakuen or chooses to work there?
Q2. What do you think are the benefits of enrolling/working at Hakuo Gakuen?
Q3. Which course from the school do you recommend?
Hijikata Toshizou
A1. Because Kondou-san said that he was going to establish a school. I just couldn’t let that go could I……
A2. When I knew that this school would be promoting a traditional school spirit among the students, I thought this was fairly good.
A3: Of course that'd be classical literature.
Okita Souji
A1. Of course that's because Kondou-san is here.
A2. Although Hijikata-san is skilled, Sano-san and Shinpat-san who are excellent swordsmen, have also gathered here.
A3. I'd recommend all of the courses aside from classical literature.
Saito Hajime
A1. I was first attracted by the campus atmosphere, and I admire Kondou-san and Hijikata-san who are also here.
A2. To foster the students ability to think independently the corresponding penalties for students have also been established.
A3: Classical Literature.
Toudou Heisuke
A1. Since there a lot of teachers that I know here, I felt that I would have an easier time here, and it's also close to home.
A2. Although the kendo I was involved with before going to this school was quite different, the kendo club's activities are very interesting.
A3. What makes me the happiest is physical education.
Harada Sanosuke
A1.  Well, although it was a long time ago, while I was in the process of becoming friends with Shinpachi..... that ended up happening.
A2. This isn't just a place for teaching, and is also a place where the independence of students has great importance attached to it [gave up on rewording].
A3. Well...... Otori-sensei's English class is surprisingly interesting.
[ tn: that was the first time i saw Otori’s name in CN... was only able to translate it since one of the translators i’ve bookmarked translated all the Zuisouroku sakura ephemera stories and i was able to reference it from that.]
Kazama Chikage
A1. Of course that is to find my wife. Although this is a Kazama family tradition, it's made me wait for so long...... far too long!
A2. Aside from [needing to meet/]meeting my wife, there are no other problems.
A3. I believe it is necessary to use the power of the student council president to have courses on tea ceremony offered.
Sanan Keisuke
A1. When I heard that Kondou-san would be opening a school, I wondered if I would be able to help with something.
A2. Naturally…… it gives me a place to freely do my research.
A3. Ito-sensei's music course, it's quite decent.
Nagakura Shinpachi
A1. When I was closing to graduating from university, Kondou-san invited me to work here as a teacher.
A2. The food at this school is great! Since I came here, I haven’t needed to worry about having three meals.
A3. It goes without saying that it's naturally math!
Nagumo Kaoru
A1. Because my younger sister has to go to school anyway, since I'm her elder brother, it's natural for her to follow me.
A2. That'd probably be the disciplinary committee here. Hehe...... it's so much fun.
A3. A course? All the courses are boring.
Yamazaki Susumu
A1. Although the school's philosophy is a bit old-fashioned, I heard that the students' independent thinking is emphasized, so I decided to enroll at this school.
A2. Meeting Hijikata-sensei, you can say it's that.
A3. I'd personally recommend the classical literature course, but the science courses are also hard to turn away from.
 mwahahhaa ive got 2 dramas done for may~! 
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also i translated track 6 of shinsengumi oni-tan lol. sorry but it was a lot shorter than tracks 3, 4 and 5... 
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chiaki-translation · 4 years
New Year! Red and White Kakushigei Tournament! Event Translation Ch5-8
Urgh, I wanted to do this earlier, but I had to go for a medical checkup earlier this week and the people there messed up my queue number. I ended up waiting the whole day just for them to say they only open half day...
But whatever, I’m back, the next few chapters are here, enjoy~ The rest should be up in a few days too, I hope that I can clear this event before Christmas~
New Year! Kakushigei Tournament Ch1-4 / / Ch5-8 / / Ch9-Epilogue
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A3! is owned by Liber’s Entertainment
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The snow bunny is done.
Ah, thank you so much.
Yup, they’re not that consistent…
Well, that doesn’t really matter, this is good.
Anyway, why the snow bunny.
There’s a legend for it.
Once upon a time, snow fell on a certain village, to pray for good weather, the villagers made a statue of a bunny made of snow. But the snow statue is fragile, and the villagers accidentally broke it one day.
Following that, heavy snow fell, the villagers have to suffer through the extreme weather.
It is said that in the end, the villagers danced endlessly to wish for the heavy snow to stop… It’s that kind of legend.
A legend from the past huh.
The dance that everyone will be performing this time is also a tradition of the past… Please do your best to show its value.
Ugh… What pressure.
Hmm. I’m going to do them perfectly, the performance and the dance too.
<Shifts to Stage>
Be graceful with your fingertips, feel the flow! 1,2,3…!
You over there, I told you to look more courteous right!
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The spartan style doesn’t change…
Express your prayer! The hand should be like this!
Move forward over here and turn around. Match the time with the movement properly!
Alright, understood.
Like this.
Should be like this, let me try it one more time.
Hmm… Most of you are experienced from the moon-viewing party…
Those who participated for the first time, you’re also doing quite well.
I don’t see much hardship here, that’s too bad.
Why would you want us to be full of hardship in the first place…
<Shifts to Shrine>
Good work for the practice.
That was quite tiring.
Well, we ended up practicing for quite long.
Kid A:
Kid B:
Woah! I won’t let you get away!
Take this!
Kid C:
A snowball fight huh…
They’re so energetic.
Kid A:
Over here-!
Kid B:
Wait wait!
Kid C:
Take that!
Kid A:
The snow bunny-!
Kid B:
They’re broken…
What should we do…
Ah… Those are the one we made, don’t mind it.
Kid C:
We’re sorry…
Everyone properly apologized. It’s alright.
It’s getting dark soon though, everyone should make your way back soon.
Tenma, what happened.
Nothing, I just remember about the legend that the priest told us earlier.
Ah… The one about the heavy snow.
It’s just a legend isn’t it, it will be fine if we just remake it.
That’s exactly the flag.
… I’m hungry.
Since we’re already outside, why don’t we go get dinner together to celebrate the kick-off of this dance team.
Oh, nice idea.
Fufu, it’s fine to do this kind of thing once in a while right.
<End of Chapter 5>
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Then, where should we eat?
The practice was tough, I’m pretty hungry.
How about Chinese food.
Nah, sushi is better isn’t it.
You want to fight?
No, don’t start fighting here!
If it’s sushi, I know a good place near here.
Azuma-san’s recommendation huh.
Sounds like an expensive one…
It’s alright, I won’t let you guys spend on it.
Right, Chikage.
… Well, I guess so.
… Thank you.
What are you saying.
You’re also a working adult, don’t be spoiled.
… Stingy.
Juza’s fine with it right?
There are delicious Japanese sweets there too.
… Yeah.
<Shifts to Sushi Restaurant>
Oh, it feels like a great place.
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It looks more luxurious than I thought…
I wonder how much it will cost.
Alright then, what should we eat.
Speaking of which, we haven’t called about dinner today.
Then, I’ll go ahead and LIME Director.
Oh, a reply.
She said that she wants us to go shopping on the way back.
Shopping for?
It seems to be the tools for the cleaning day. I got the list.
Ah, it’s going to be that time of the year huh.
Will the storage room finally be cleaned…
After the cleaning day, shrine event, and the new year party, everyone will be going home for the holiday right.
You’re right.
Speaking of which, how does the dorm feel like on New Year’s Eve?
… It’s peaceful.
We watched the new year show, arranged the new year soba made by Omi and eat together.
There were times when we got too excited watching the variety show and it ended up becoming a no-laugh competition.
I see.
It’s unusual for you to want to listen to such story, Banri.
Nah, actually, I’m not going home this year.
Eh, is it that you can’t go home?
My family suddenly told me that they are going on a trip to Hawaii.
I refused to go because I have practice for my university’s performance right after new year.
I go home every year during new year, I just never thought that I won’t go home this year.
I see… I guess it’s unavoidable if you already have plan beforehand…
… Are you sure you’re alright with it?
Well, once in a while I can celebrate new year in the dorm too right.
<End of Chapter 6>
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…Hmm, it’s good.
Everyone, you did well enduring the rigorous practice.
The dance came out perfect too.
Thank you.
Thanks to you, Mr Priest.
What’s left is the weather of the event day, but I’m quite worried.
During this time, the snow has accumulated slowly.
Well, it will work out somehow.
When we’re back in the dorm, let’s make some teru-teru bouzu.
You’re right.
<Short Time Skip>
Good work for practice today.
Good work.
Eh? Where’s Chikage?
I thought he was here earlier…
It’s Chikage, maybe he has something urgent.
What should we do, should we go back first then?
I’m going to look around for a bit. You guys can go back first.
<Shifts to Shrine>
This shrine is quite big…
Oh, found you.
So you were here.
Ah, Banri.
I was asked by Misumi to take pictures of Mr rabbit so I came here, but…
… Eh, it’s empty.
It seems like he ran away.
… Seriously.
Well, we’re talking about that rabbit, I think he’ll be back before anyone realized.
But Misumi asked me to take some pictures, I can’t just leave him alone too, so I’m going to look for him now.
Then, I’ll tag along with you.
Thank you, that will help.
<Shifts to Forest>
… Can we even find him in this kind of place?
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We searched for that run-away rabbit in this forest before.
I thought he would generally go to the same place—
Woah, it’s pretty quick on its feet.
I’m going to catch him.
Then, I’m going from this way.
Yeah, I’ll leave it to you. I’m going to the other side.
It’s that bush huh…
Banri is over there.
That means, from here…
Oh, it’s a signal from Chikage-san.
I see, understood.
Turn around, and come here…
Caught it.
We managed to capture it nicely.
It’s just like the usual interaction for an ‘escape game’ isn’t it.
You’re right.
Ah, what a good timing, let’s take a picture of Banri holding the rabbit.
Huh? Well, it’s not that I mind…
I’m sure Misumi will be happy too.
<End of Chapter 7>
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The rabbit has been returned to the shrine safely, mission complete.
Returning him is one thing, but if he keeps running away even the shrine will be fed up with it.
But, for Misumi’s sake aside, it was honestly surprising for Chikage-san who is not good with animal to go that far.
… That rabbit was separated from his siblings suddenly and it seems that he’s still looking for them to this day.
The priest knew about the situation and he said that he would cooperate and search for his siblings too, but it seems that he’s been too busy for it.
Hmm… I see.
Because of that, I guess I feel a bit of sympathy for him.
… Chikage-san, did something similar happen to you before.
About that, I’ll leave it to your imagination.
Banri too, you were talking about not going home this year…
Next year’s new year, it’s not certain that you will be able to spend it with your family like before.
… What is it, so suddenly.
It’s just a possible scenario.
Of course, it can also be said for other events in general, like birthday and Christmas, but—
Here, you’re not doing anything in particular, like watching the new year show, eating new year soba.
I don’t mind spending my time like that, Japanese new year feels like a family event more than any other events,
… Well, I only know that after joining the theatre troupe, I can’t say that I’m very knowledgeable about it.
Like that rabbit, there’s a possibility that you will get separated from your family without any warning.
That’s why, Banri too, I thought it would be better for you to at least show your face at home.
Did I meddle a bit too much.
Nah… It’s fine.
<Time Skip>
It’s finally the day.
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Everyone, are you ready?
We were worried about the snow, but it seems that it won’t fall tonight.
We did some promotion for the event, the number of audiences here seems to be good too.
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It’s pretty crowded.
First up will be the Kakushigei tournament right.
I’ll show you the result of my training.
Yeah! I’m looking forward to seeing the Kakushigei tournament too.
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Director-chan, I’m going to surprise you with some amazing tricks.
Of course, the winner will be the red team.
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I won’t lose to you.
The white team will win.
Stop with the bullshit.
There’s no way I’ll lose to the likes of you.
Huh? What was that.
You want to go.
Calm down, it doesn’t matter who win or lose, it’s a Kakushigei performance!
<Shifts to Stage>
Then, please enjoy the Kakushigei performance by members of MANKAI company!
Homare’s Doll:
“La la la, a happy bunny, a refreshing harmony! Behold, let’s have our tea time!”
It’s just a cheap marshmallow…
Arisu is stingy.
Homare’s Doll:
“Hmm hmm, what did you say! Such a selfish  guy!”
Amazing! The doll is talking!
Male Audience:
Ventriloquism huh!
The voice is totally different, it really sounds like he’s talking to a doll…!
Phew! ... There!
Female Audience A:
Cigar box! So cool…!
Female Audience B:
Damn, the boxes look like that they’re attached to each other with a magnet!
Male Audience:
Is he going to pull that tablecloth?
Female Audience:
Even though there’s a glass tower on top!?
Female Audience:
Amazing!! He pulled it so beautifully!
Male Audience:
That was wonderful!
Take a look at this card in my hand.
The folded card is… 1,2,3!
Female Audience A:
Eh!? It turned into a fan in an instant!?
Male Audience:
What!? It was just a normal card a second ago.
And when you look up on this fan…
Female Audience B:
Woah! The colorful confetti pop out of nowhere…!
It’s so beautiful~! Just like real magic!
(Both teams are amazing with their Kakushigei! The audiences’ cheers are so loud too)
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I have no other choice!
I must go quickly!
Citron-san, it’s not your turn yet!
<Short Time Skip>
That was fun!
I was very impressed by everyone.
Yeah, me too. I got completely absorbed in it.
Everyone practiced so hard before we even realized.
Female Audience A:
Red team or white team… Both are great, I can’t choose.
Female Audience B:
I know, everyone was so interesting!
Male Audience:
Alright, I’ve decided. I’m going with this!
I’m going to choose this one!
Everyone’s voting now.
Fufu, I wonder who will win… I’m quite excited.
I’m glad that the audiences are satisfied.
Next will be the dance performance…
<Short Time Skip>
… It’s snowing.
The snow starts falling.
Actually, isn’t it getting heavier?
If it continues, it’s going to be a heavy snow soon.
What a splendid flag retrieval.
This is not the time to say such thing.
Male Audience:
The snow is getting heavier.
I guess it’s time to go home soon.
Female Audience:
I wanted to watch the dance, is it going to be cancelled?
Everyone’s going home.
If it stays this way, it’s going to be cancelled for real.
(Even though everyone practiced so hard for this, I don’t want it to be cancelled. Beside, I want to be able to meet the priest’s expectation…)
It’s a bit early, but…
Let’s start earlier so everyone can see the dance!
You’re right.
Alright, let’s go.
<End of Chapter 8>
Translator’s Note: About the flag that Chikage mentioned. I’m sure it’s Itaru’s influence since it refers to a flag as in an otome game flag. I don’t know how to explain it nicely, but the broken snow bunny serves as an indication that heavy snow will fall like the legend (thus the flag), and it did happen during the performance (thus the flag retrieval). Do correct me if I’m wrong though~
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jumukus · 4 years
A3! Event: Re: Tag Match Halloween Episode 4 Translation
It’s time to try out the Halloween costume, as Muku decides to talk about Veludo Land with Tsumugi.
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Muku: (I'll try discussing Veludo Land's promotion with Tsumugi-san after this.)
*door knocks*
Come in.
Yuki: Muku, can you come to the practice room to try out the costumes? They're almost done.
Muku: Wow, really? Okay, I'll be there soon.
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Yuki: How's the size?
Citron: Perfect, perfect, perfect!
Omi: Mine too.
Izumi: Seeing you guys wear your costume like this makes me feel like Halloween is near.
Kumon: Totally! I'm super pumped about it!
And this Hyde costume is so cool! I expected no less from Yuki!
Yuki: Of course it looks cool.
Kumon: You also look super cool as Jekyll, Omi-san!
Omi: Thanks. You too, Kumon.
Kumon: Ehehe, thank you! It sure is nice to see that we have different styles even though we're wearing the same costume~...
Sakuya: The ghosts in our costumes also have different expressions.
Citron: Oh! My ghost looks really mean!
Yuki: Meanwhile, the ghost in Sakuya's costume looks gentle.
Sakuya: I think your ghost is cool, Citron-san! It looks powerful.
Citron: With this costume, I'm gonna act as a super powerful ghost during our Etude!
Hey, you there… Yes, you, the one with Halloween candies…
Hand them all down to me~!!!
Kumon: Ahaha!
Omi: Looks like the ghosts pair will be popular among children.
Yuki: Hmm, I don't see any problem with your sizes either. Okay, you two look great.
Muku: Ehehe, is that so? Thanks.
Yuki: By the way, Muku, I'm gonna arrange your hair as well for the event. I'm discussing it with Azami.
Izumi: Oh, really? I can't wait to see that.
Tsumugi: You look cool as a vampire, Muku-kun.
Muku: You also look really great, Tsumugi-san.
Tsumugi: Thank you. You can bring different kinds of vibes just by wearing a costume, huh.
I'm pumped up to come up with an idea for our Etude. Let's do our best to win the event.
Muku: Yes!
Oh, right. Tsumugi-san.
There's something I'd like to talk with you…
Tsumugi: Is that so? Let's move to another place after this, then.
Muku: Okay.
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Tsumugi: So what do you want to talk about…?
Muku: You see--.
--I want to promote Forest Gramps' Veludo Land so that more people will know about the place.
It's such a beautiful place, so I hope a lot of people will go there.
Tsumugi: I see. I didn't know we have that kind of place nearby.
And to think that you were with Haruto-san, it's such a mysterious coincidence.
Muku: Yeah, I'm surprised too…
Tsumugi: That aside, fufu… It's just so like you to follow a cat and arrive at a new place.
I think it's a great idea to promote the place during Halloween. Don't worry, I'll help you out.
Muku: For real!? Thank you!
Tsumugi: But first, I'd like to visit Veludo Land.
Muku: I actually want to visit the place again, since I didn't get to look around today.
Tsumugi: How about we talk this out with the others while we're at it?
I'm sure they'll gladly lend a hand. I find it interesting and fun, after all.
I'll help you explain it to them.
Muku: Tsumugi-san…
Thank you!
< Episode 3 | Masterlist | Episode 5 >
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yurayura-kurage · 1 year
A3! Troupe Event: MY WORST WEDDING | Event Story Translation (6/11)
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Neither Japanese nor English is my first language so please forgive me if I made mistake. However, feel free to point me out, I’d love to hear your feedbacks on the translation ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
Translation under the cut
Sakyo’s mother: The pudding parfait here is filling and delicious. How about you Hyodo-kun?
Juza: Thanks. Itadakimasu.
Azami: …
(Indeed, Sakyo’s mother really looks like him… She’ll look better with makeup. If I were to style her hair to go well with the wedding dress, I’d rather tie all them up into a bun…)
Sakyo’s mother: Azami-kun doesn’t like sweets that much, right?
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Azami: Eh? Ah, yes.
Sakyo’s mother: Since you like black candy, how about this black sugar jelly? It’s slightly sweet and easy to eat. (*)
Azami: ––Thanks. But why do you, know I like black candy…
Sakyo’s mother: Sakyo talked about that, something like “Eating black candy is essential while in the run of performances.”. He often orders this delicious black candy, so he recommended it to me. 
Azami: (That guy, did he tell her that…)
Juza: …Sorry for taking your time.
Sakyo’s mother: No, thank you for inviting me. I always see Azami-kun at Autumn Troupe’s performance, and hear about you from Sakyo, but this is my first time I can properly have a talk with you so I’m really glad. 
I’m Hyodo-kun’s fan, but I’m also an Autumn Troupe stan. Is it the word you use to call an Autumn Troupe’s fan? Miyako taught me this. (**)
I also received a lot of souvenirs from your father, so please let him know that I really appreciate them. (***)
Azami: Eh–– Is that it.
(I didn’t know anything at all. Dad goes easy on Sakyo for some reasons)
Sakyo’s mother: Thank you for always taking care of my son.
Azami: Ah, no–– I’m the one that should be saying that?
Juza: Ma’am too, thanks for always sending me food and supporting me.
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Sakyo’s mother: Don’t mind it. I’m also glad to hear from Sakyo that you enjoyed eating them. I’ll send you some delicious food next time. 
So, is there something you want to talk to me about today?
Juza: It is. It’s from Azami––
Azami: Actually, Sakyo’s sister came to our dorm the other day…
Sakyo’s mother: Eh? Miyako came?
Azami: I just happened to be there listening to the story with Sakyo, but about the wedding photoshoot, why don’t you want to do it?
Sakyo’s mother: That was why Miyako came to your dorm? I’m embarrassed…
Of course I’m happy to know that child’s feelings for me but… Even if it feels like celebrating a wedding ceremony when taking a wedding photoshoot now, my embarrassment will seem to win over joy. 
Most of the time I don’t know what to do, even when taking photos with the wedding dress on. I’m so embarrassed that I can’t stand just staying there.
Juza: This wedding photoshoot, is kinda similar to a wedding, then they’re gonna do stuff like vowing or like… Ki-kissing right?
Azami: Ju, Juza-san, have you ever seen it?
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Juza: I���ve been to my relative’s wedding before…
Azami: Really…
Sakyo’s mother: Fufu. I’m too old to do things like wearing a wedding dress and kissing after taking the oath. That’s impossible. It’s embarrassing, and I can’t do that in front of my children.
But I appreciate your concern. You came all the way here instead of that clumsy Sakyo, right? 
It seems that that child also wants to be filial to me in his own ways but… He has shown me enough filial piety just by him doing his best standing on stage with such kind companions like this.
Azami: …
(If she says so, then we won’t be able to say anything. But even if it’s just a little, if she still has a longing for wearing a dress…)
(I think it’s better for both Sakyo and his mother not to regret doing nothing after all. It’s just that me butting in their story is kinda…)
Juza: …It’s true that you wanted to try on a wedding dress before, right?
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Sakyo’s mother: That is true. However, if I were young, I might be able to wear a dress following the momentum.
But now I really can’t imagine myself in a dress, and there is no dress that will look good on me then. For now, I don’t have the courage to wear it. 
Juza: A dress that suits you…
Azami: (Shall I talk about Yuki-san’s advice then…? But is it right to impose my sympathetic feelings for my Mom on Sakyo and his mother without their permission like this, I’m not sure…)
Sakyo’s mother: You really don’t need to worry. I’m happy enough that you thought about it for me after all.
*Shifts to train*
Juza: How to say… She is such a stubborn one. 
I can understand the feeling of wanting to give up ‘cause you’re inappropriate for something. I also had that feeling ‘bout the stage a long time ago. 
No one told me anything, but I overthought so much on my own that I couldn’t even take a step forward. But now I know that it’d be a waste to think you can’t do such things, and to not be able to do something you really wanna do. 
If you might regret doing nothing later after bottling up your feelings, I think it’s definitely better to take the plunge and give it a try.
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Azami: About that, I also understand…
(But I couldn’t say a word earlier… About the advice Yuki-san told me, and the cards too… I couldn’t say anything.)
*At Mankai dorm*
Azami: Director, do you have a moment?
Izumi: Azami-kun, is there something?
Azami: I’d like to try a new makeup plan, so could you lend me a hand as the practice model?
Izumi: Sure! Here, you can come in.
*Shifts to Izumi’s room*
Azami: …
Izumi: …How was it, being the lead after quite a long time?
Azami: …Everything feels different from when I played the lead in DEAD/UNDEAD. At that time I was inexperienced, so I was just trying as hard as I could, but it’s fun and also tough that I understand lots of things now.
Izumi: You’ve become more reliable. By the way, I heard that you went to meet Sakyo-san’s mother with Juza-kun today, right? 
Azami: Yeah, but why do you––
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Izumi: To be sure, Juza-kun informed me in advance that he would meet someone outside the theater troupe today.
Azami: Is that so…
(Juza-san is amazing when it comes to things like this…)
Izumi: By any chance, did you talk about what the younger sister said the other day?
Azami: …Yes.  Sakyo himself plainly refused her, and I know it’s not something that I should stick my nose into but… I couldn’t help but remember my mother. Because she also said that she had yearned for a wedding dress back then.
Izumi: I see…
Azami: With Yuki-san’s advice, I also searched for dresses with a calm impression that might suit her age.
I met her in person today, and then ended up coming up with the makeup plan for her even though no one asked me to do it… I couldn’t say a thing in the end because I thought it might be intrusive for her, if I do say so myself.
Maybe, instead of Sakyo’s mother, I was just thinking about what my Mom couldn’t do when she was alive. But it’s just my ego being selfish.
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Izumi: …But I think that Sakyo-san’s mother will be happy about how Azami-kun feels too. 
It’s true that everyone has things that they want to do for someone but cannot do it, right. About that, I don't think it's wrong to think of doing things for someone when you have a chance. 
In order not to regret this time, let’s try our best to be more kind to someone–– 
In that way, if you keep conveying your compassion to person after person, you will grow as a human being, and such feelings will be reciprocated and keep being conveyed, just like a circulation. 
Rather, perhaps for that reason, people will always remember their regret of things like “If I had done it back then” or “I should have done it that time”.
Even if it’s just your ego being kind to a certain someone, isn’t it able to be considered as a great love. 
Azami: Love…
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Izumi: If there is something that Azami-kun wants to do for Sakyo-san’s mother, I think it’s alright to follow what your heart says. However, you should talk to Sakyo-san about it. Sakyo-san’s feelings also matter, right.
Azami: …But he wasn’t too interested in this either, and he told me not to do anything.
Izumi: Then why don’t you carefully ask him whether those words were spoken from the bottom of his heart or not? 
Azami: …Understood.
Translator’s note: 
(*) She was talking about Azami’s favorite food - kuroame (lit. black candy). Kuroame is a kind of hard black sugar candy.
(**) The word Sakyo’s mother uses is “秋組推し” (Akigumi oshi) so I translate the “oshi” part into “stan” (which is a term from Kpop). 
(***) Reference to Sakyo’s MANKAI Memory backstage
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marksinn · 3 years
Type Specimen Poster - Inform
In my initial foray into InDesign I was incredibly proud of my first mockup. Given the brief to create a poster with no graphic input, only using the words available, I was proud and impressed with how I was able to use the type to tell a story. The letter o jumped out at me in the title of the brief, and so I chose to use that as my focal point, showing the letter rolling out of place every time it was used in a word. I enjoyed having the restrictions put on us to not use any graphics but found myself urged to adapt the words into some kind of image.
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As a hangover from this, I started trying to tell the story of my typeface using ‘type as image’. Trying to create arrows, attempting to mimic the design shape the font came from and blatantly just using rectangles to allow the type to get a message across simply didn’t work for me. I had written my copy out as a large paragraph and the cut it into three main chunks, but breaking it down further caused the final product to seem sporadic and very hard to read.
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But I had been inspired by own writing to further the analogy of travel, and started to formulate the idea of an airport conveyor-belt. Itself a means of travel, I hoped I’d be able to allow the reader to follow my narrative along the curved path of the conveyor, as one’s eyes follow their suitcase travelling slowly towards them.
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Essentially, I was trying to draw a conveyor-belt and force my text into it. I was really proud of my work though. It looks like a conveyor belt, almost to its detriment as the writing didn’t follow the path, stuck as I was in the traditional “left-to-right, top-to-bottom” mindset when I was putting the words into place.
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Story of my design life really: I was just trying to make a pretty picture, and had put the brief to the side. The last design looks like a piano surrounding a clown’s face. I had forgotten what I was doing this for, I was showing off what I had learned to do with InDesign - I was supposed to be showing off my font. So I stripped everything back (again), and even deleted my rambling copy where I was asking myself questions then boasting about the answers. At this point I also changed the font that I was typing with. I had been using Grilli Type’s Haptik as I felt it helped to carry on the curve-aspect of Suitcase, but it had started to distract me, forcing everything to seem very circular. As much as I wanted to use the Suitcase font, my experiment with Calligraphr had shown me that it would have been a little too intense to be utilising the tapered version in paragraphs. I then came across Prompt, by Cadson Demak - I feel this is round enough to continue the theme from the D-shape, but also has a squatness that linked to the length that many of the shapes utilise.
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I put the name of the typeface to the side (literally) and put the facts into words. 1 - I was inspired by the handle on a suitcase 2 - That shape was really cool and incredibly adaptable 3 - I designed a font using that shape
Once I had this copy, I chose to highlight a few parts of the text, before playing with kerning and line-spacing in order to have a nice spread across the A3 sheet I would be printing on. At the bottom of my poster I had a lot of space, but I resisted the urge to fill it with pictures. I brought back the breakdown of my image, only showing half of it to allow room for imagination (and to steer clear of any salacious feedback). And I wanted to acknowledge the useable font, so the watermark-style reference in the bottom corner made sure there wasn’t just an abundance of negative space, but it also allowed me to showcase the number-forms I had created.
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icharchivist · 2 years
hi icha!! I just finished the anniversary event lol ,, three ヽ(´▽`’)ノ for mankai!! (yes that’s actually what cheers on my phone autocorrects to). ummm I think this event was so sweet. I don’t have too much to say since a lot of it reviews stuff that had already happened and if I talked abt every a3 character moment that had gone in since the beginning I would never bc able to move on with my life. so this’ll be disjointed.
I liked how everyone got izumi a present individually and how they surprised her with the message book and she surprised them back! it was so sweet and izumi performing all of the plays they did was so good… like man. felt like it rly demonstrated her passion!
this is also the second time I’ve seen some other game localized ad red rover, a game which I’ve also never played. two nickels! (the first is for eng translations of poker face ft. gumi and prod. yuchaP that translate hana ichi monme to red rover)
rly loved the re-mention of citron wanting to leave bc he was being followed. runaway prince. also guy seems like he’s successfully followed him,, and tenma!! him being like. well I’ve got the best guys and izumi to back me up… even if they’re sometimes annoying…. no, they’re ALWAYS annoying as hell. and tenma trying to pick out a cute sticker from yukis collection as yuki thinks of how he used to get made fun of for having his collection… yeah. the way yuki and tenma BOTH have a moment where they go like … in the middle of bickering and r like. well I’m thankful this guy is by my side. it’s sweet.
I also forgot muku gave up track and field bc of an injury!! that rly sucks… in other thoughts muku joined the troupe right after spring which makes perfect sense since he loves princes so much I think the fairy tale style of spring troupe would appeal to him so much! whenever muku gets his prince role it’ll be an Moment for sure.
the banri and juza filling out pages was fun I think. the way they introspect as each other does their page is a neat detail. also izumi supporting juzas acting growth will never not warm my heart. I like to think she sees herself in him just a bit. sakyos message was so sweet…
the best part of this event I think is the interplay between roommates like. tasuku and tsumugi fondly reminiscing over like elementary school or whatever. and tasuku only submitting a “thank you” at the end for that! that’s so. Him. also gosh. tasuku and tsumugi’s gratitude towards like being able to act as they wish and with each other… it gets me every time
”I was taught to lie low and recover my stamina when I’m weakened” uhhh here’s a hisoka quote I don’t remember. more assassin points. and azuma talking abt him as a kid observing everyone having fun from a distance… don’t be so relatable. I’m glad that we saw sakuyas message in full! since it was so sweet. guess we saw tasukus full message since it was so short lol,, that’s abt all I had to say! just one event left
YOU'RE ON A ROLL!! HI THERE!!!! omg you're really getting closer in closer to act 2, that's so much help.
The Cheers event really was very cute!! it's a lot of reviewing but after one year of content it's really sweet to have a review of it all. It's so so good. On this event there was a SR for every single characters and the backstage are a little more detailled about how each character feels about Izumi and stuff and it's honestly pretty sweet. It's where Hisoka gifts her the cat pillow and i still have been crying over it ever since.
I honestly love how everyone really wanted to thank Izumi and it shows also the impact she really had on their lives. When you think most of them ran into the theater by chance, none of them would have expected just how much this would change their lives and now they're growing in ways they would never have imagined and it's so much. And i love Izumi giving it back and performing all the plays, it's really so sweet and i'm just, so happy everyone was so happy about it.
and ooh that's so cool about the localization :ooo so nice.
YEAH Citron's whole deal being reminded is really neat imo, it really shows you just how far he's come by accepting staying here with everyone. THE TENMA BIT IS SO CUTE YES. He loves them so much he forgot for a second that they annoy him ALL the time. (on that note there's a series of backstage called the "One Day Leader Swap" (you can search for them) for each leader where they have, well, what it says on the tin. All of them are really funny, but i esp remember how Tenma's was soft because he had a pretty good experience, then came back to his troupe being annoying and yet he still smiled and went "well. I wouldn't have it any other way." and it's just. Them being annoying isn't a bug it's a FEATURE!!!! And god the Yuki bit too it's so much. When you remember how much they didn't want to room together too it adds a layer.
And yeah god, Muku… He mentions in the summer first chap that he wanted to be a track runner because it was like a hero of one of his manga and he was always bummed when he had to quit and now he has to cheer on his old team, probably feeling guilty of not being able to still be there and helpful for them and probably adding to his anxiety to not being able to keep up with acting… Poor sweetie. Instead he found something that really helped him. And yeah, the fact he just loved RomeJuli so much being what inspired him to join is really so sweet. Cheering for our sweet prince, always.
Banri and Juza's were indeed very sweet, and the fact they introspect that way does bring this layer of their growth being interwinded. Especially Banri who wouldn't have been there without his obsession with Juza and ended up finding something that makes him so happy instead of it all. All the messages are lovely.
Tsumu and Tasu are so cute on all of this sobbbsss. They're so good.
And oh boy. yeah Hisoka says that line when he's having his fever at the end of the Winter first chapter. It's because of this philosophy he got lured to the unopening door and why Izumi and him got locked here until Hisoka had his delirious dream about apologizing to "August" for something Hisoka has done. The next morning Hisoka didn't remember anything about this fever dream, including what he commented on for his stamina and stuff. It's really indeed… very worrying at least.
And god the Azuma line; bites fist that guy. man.
The whole thing was just. so nice. I love them all so much. Events usually focus on a handful of people so it was nice to see all of them just, talk about how much all this time there was good to them. It really drives home just how much of a home this whole family became.
I love them so muchhhh 😭😭😭😭
Congratulation on getting this far :3c
Valentine's Magic next. And then. Ooooooh boy. :3c can't wait to see you back there eheheh
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