#also no icons because I honestly have very limited expressions
frozenfischer · 1 year
Her touch is instantly grounding, and Gaster exhales slightly in relief. She’s here, and he’s here. He’s not just watching this through the haze of void, not interacting without actually being here. This is real. He wants very much to hold that hand, but he resists that urge, and fidgets with the end of his scarf to keep his hands busy. Left behind. He didn’t even have to actually say it. She just… knew. She has a remarkable way of figuring out how he feels before he could even begin to articulate it. ❝THE LACK OF CLOSURE IN MY LIFE,❞ he mutters bitterly, ❝DIDN’T EXACTLY START WITH THE VOID. THERE’S SO MUCH I’LL NEVER REALLY KNOW ABOUT FROM THE WAR…❞ Then again, did he ever move on past the war? While he managed to recontextualize Alex’s status as a mage to his feelings (he DID know kind mages in the past too; Asgore’s friend and…), and has managed to keep anxiety at work over being surrounded by so many humans to a minimum … has he ever left that tense, frightened mindset it instilled in him? Did he ever stop grieving what was? ❝I DON’T THINK I’M VERY GOOD AT LETTING GO.❞ The hug is a surprise, but one that he returns gratefully and immediately. He tries not to show his disappointment as she quickly pulls back, remarking on how tired he must be. ❝I DON’T KNOW THAT I SLEPT MORE THAN AN HOUR BEFORE…❞ he trails off, ❝I’M NOT REALLY FEELING IT YET THOUGH…GONE MUCH LONGER WITHOUT ANY…❞ He’s not even trying to make excuses this time. He’s still reorienting himself with feeling like this is real, and he’s all too used to being sleep deprived. So whilst he objectively knows he’s in dire need of some rest, it’s not registering for the way he feels. More than rest, more than something to eat, Gaster just wants to hold onto Alex and not let her go until every trace of the way the void makes him feel is gone. He follows her inside, nervously fiddling with his scarf again. ❝I GUESS I SHOULD HAVE JUST WOKEN YOU UP AFTER ALL,❞ he says attempting some levity, but a slight tremble to his voice gives his remaining… whatever this feeling is away, ❝IT WAS A VOID NIGHTMARE; I HADN’T WANTED TO DISTURB YOU, SO I WENT ON A WALK INSTEAD…❞
The returned hug prompted a soft sigh, relief flooding her that she hadn't further upset her friend with the unexpected touch. Then again, with the way he seemed to cling back almost immediately, perhaps it had been more welcomed than she'd feared?
That thought in mind, she offered her hand to Gaster, giving him another concerned frown.
“You haven't talked a lot about the war,” She observed quietly. “Outside of the fact that you were in it, and the fact that you have trauma regarding human mages because of it. Well, and also what happened prior to the war actually breaking out.” Mistral's death, in other words, though she was trying to put it more delicately.
Shaking her head, she glanced side-long at Gaster even as she gently guided him up the porch steps and towards the house. “I always assumed it had to have been pretty traumatic for you, so I didn't want to pry. I'm… I'm sorry that you were forced to endure that kind of thing, though. You didn't deserve it, I'm sure. None of you who lived through it did.”
How could they have, given the Monsters' reputation as being made of love, hope, and compassion?
Sighing, Alex guided Gaster to the living room, instead of dragging him up the stairs like she normally would have. “I know you say you don't feel like sleeping, but you should at least let yourself rest for a bit. I don't want to see you wear yourself out again.“
Her expression softened at Gaster's joke, and on impulse she reached out for another hug. “In that case,” she said even through the embrace, “you officially have my permission to come in and wake me in the future, should you have another nightmare, void or otherwise,” She assured him, giving him a small squeeze. “I promise not to get upset with you if you do. I'd rather be woken up so I can help, than for you to have to suffer alone.”
Caught by the earnestness of her own words, Alex cleared her throat, ignoring the heat rising to her face as she pulled back again. “Is… there anything I can do to help right now, at least?” she asked, hoping to help Gaster get more settled so that getting food and rest hopefully didn't seem so daunting a task.
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mr-gekk024 · 11 months
Ok so there's the first week!
I'm going to leave the links to the original posts to make them easier to find!
Honestly I don't like at all the drawings in this (Except the day 2, 3 and 8 of course). Because I feel like I limit myself in the art style and tbh I don't like that. It's currently very boring to me, so what better idea than to turn one of these boring drawings into an illustration!
Btw, the days that I didn't include are because either I can't find a way to improve them or I still love them! ^^
Day 1. Puppeteer
Day 3. Pedalo Race
Day 4. Favorite place
Day 5 and day 6. Panic!/Resolved panic
Day 8. Watching
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yesimwriting · 2 years
Hello, can I have Billy Loomis with a gn!s/o that deals with panic attacks?
A/n i promise i’m working on part 8 of final girl for anyone that’s waiting,, i just really love the series and tend to lose love for projects when i force it a little more and i really want to keep loving it so i’ve been trying to focus on smaller, less consuming fics while also balancing my attempt at writing a book! :) 
but part 8 is coming!! i promise 
anyways as far as this request goes, you’ve come to the right place bc i’ve relatively recently ended a period where my anxiety was super heightened and was having panic attacks over a lot,, so this one is for all my anxious icons 
also i wasn’t sure if you wanted headcanons or a fic,, so i’m doing both!! a few headcanons at the start and then at the end of this post there’ll be a little fic/drabble 
Billy Loomis with a s/o that deals with panic attacks headcanons: 
- He definitely gets better over time!! Like before you, he’s probably experienced bouts of anxiety (i definitely feel like he has abandonment issues and that his father makes him feel anxious) but would never think to refer to it that way or consider it that. 
- At first, he might be wary of the concept of panic attacks and might have even gone as far as to consider them some kind of ‘weakness’, but after getting closer to you, he becomes more aware of how hard it is to go through something like that. 
- He’ll make jokes about how tough you were,, and he does start to feel like it does show how strong you are, but he’ll always take it with a grain of salt. It’s not that he thinks you’re ‘weaker’ than others,, it’s just that he actually cares about you so he’s more protective.
-  In his mind, he might view you as a little ‘sensitive’, or at least more sensitive than him,, but his bar for sensitivity is extremely low. Like just knowing you’re not into murder would make you seem a little ‘sensitive’ bc of how he’s wired/his mindset. 
- This isn’t something he’s cruel about, just something he’s aware of and honestly just makes him more protective. Always being aware of where you are in social settings, not liking when you’re out alone, analyzing how people talk about/to keep them in check if you’re not the kind of person that instantly jumps to confrontation. 
- Billy isn’t always the best at expressing emotions through words, but when he cares, actually cares about someone, it’s easy to tell if you take a second to think about how he treats you because of how observant he is when someone actually matters. 
- He knows your triggers/can sense when a panic attack is about to happen better than you do. It’s a talent, the way he picks up on things and redirects in an attempt to either prevent or limit the extent of the panic attack.
- One time you had just started registering the beginning of that impending sense of doom in your stomach at a party and Billy was already guiding you out, firm yet limited contact in the form of his hand on your back. 
- Because of Billy’s family issues, he is the type to pull away from time to time for a few reasons that all connect back to him wanting to see how much you actually care about him. It’s rarely overly mean, it’s a little impulsive and subtle. Tiny comments, blowing you off from time to time if he felt like you seemed a little too close with someone else (even if it was just friendly--after all, he’s supposed to be your favorite person in all senses). But if this triggered your anxiety, he’d honestly feel guilt. 
- Okay, whether or not Billy’s capable of actual ‘guilt’ is something I go back and forth on, but with the very few people he actually cares about, especially you, he’s capable of feeling something close to ‘guilt’, only it’s a tiny bit warped in his favor. He feels bad about you going through that and feels like his actions causing it is unfortunate and he doesn’t want to hurt you, but there’s a separation between action and consequence that prevents him from feeling terribly responsible, especially if he comforts you during/after. 
- If you were to have a panic attack over him pulling away, it’d honestly feed his ego a little and calm him down. Like an ‘okay, you definitely actually care’ thing. 
- But don’t worry, Billy’s not intentionally causing panic attacks regularly! After he learns about your triggers, he teaches himself to keep his moodiness confined to them. Ideally, he’d never feel the need to pull away, but he is a serial killer with a sense of empathy that is both skewed and limited. You might be the exception to his general apathy towards most other people, but that doesn’t overcome everything. It’s not that he’s choosing to be moody and toxic from time to time, it’s instinctual. But at least he knows what the limits are and makes a conscious choice to not push past that in this case!
- Anyways,, during actual panic attacks, his ability to read your cues is extremely helpful. He can tell if you want space or some kind of reassurance before you ask, but he tries making a point of narrating what he’s doing. It’s so he doesn’t sneak up on you by accident (he’s gotten a little too good at moving in silence) and it’s an attempt to give you something else to focus on. 
- If you want reassurance, he’ll stay by your side as long as you want. Depending on the severity of the panic attack, he’ll stay even longer but never admit it’s to check in on you. 
- “I’m feeling a lot better now and I know it’s been awhile, so if you want to go to bed or something, that’s okay.” “I’m not still up for you, I wanted to watch this movie.” 
- If you want space, he’ll ‘give’ you space. Meaning that he’ll leave your side once you’re in some kind of safe space to get you a glass of water and/or meds if you need/take them. If you still want/need to be left completely alone for awhile he’ll stay outside the room you’re in, but just at the door to make sure you’re safe. 
- Honestly, he doesn’t love that arrangement. Waiting while you have a panic attack with a door between the two of you makes him feel a little uneasy (and at times a tad rejected, but he fights against that bc this is one in a few circumstances that he can at the very least rationally understand that it isn’t personal, but those intrusive thoughts don’t always listen). 
- He prefers when you let him stay around, even if you want no physical contact because just being in the same room feels like a high level of trust. 
- If you want/need physical contact, he’ll be on it in a second,, shedding any pretext of seeming clingy or his angsty persona to comfort you silently. He has a talent for knowing the right amount of contact too, knowing when you just need him to hold your hand or if you need to be pulled into a hug until you calm down. 
- Also, kind of random, but Billy for sure makes a point of noting who he believes is responsible for your panic attacks. Like if it’s over stress bc of a certain class, Billy will never forget the teacher. If it’s a result of going somewhere that a friend urged you to or someone’s mean to you, Billy will never forget them. 
- This doesn’t necessarily mean Ghostface starts calling them but he’ll find a way to “get even” in one sense or another. Maybe he’s a little meaner to them for a few days or he’ll get Stu to target jokes at them for awhile. It might be petty or crueler than that, but there will be some form of “pay back”. It doesn’t matter how accidental or innocent or vaguely connected that person was, they’ll be targeted in some way or another. 
- Another kind of random headcanon in the same vein is that if anyone ever called you dramatic or implied that you were making it up for attention or tried to make you seem/feel crazy or broken, well,, they’d get way worse than temporary meanness. That’d likely be enough for their number to end up on Ghostface’s radar. It might take some time in order to make it less suspicious, but we all know Billy’s okay with the long game when it comes to revenge!!
Here’s a little blurb of reader having a panic attack (i keep the details of the panic attack vague to avoid triggering anyone and also bc bc panic attacks can present themselves in different ways)
You’re pacing again, steps less rhythmic than before. You make it from one end of the bathroom to the other in a few long strides just to come back in short, uneven steps. It’s different than when Billy first got you away from the crowded noisiness of Stu’s party, when you just sat on the rim of the tub, practically frozen with a far off look in your eye. 
Billy isn’t sure if your ever shifting pacing is an improvement to the stillness, but he decides that it’s easier to be active when you’re moving. “Careful,” he mumbles, vaguely noting your reaction, “You’re one bad move away from slipping on the bathmat.” 
You frown, the expression a little too blunt for Billy to consider it natural. But if you’re together enough to try to humor him, that’s a good enough sign for now. “I’m not gonna--” Your breath hitches, getting in the way of your words. “Gonna slip.” 
Your voice is heavy and your eyes are glassy. “That bathmat’s taken out a lot of people. Last time Stu got drunk, he ran in here and almost hit his head against the sink.” 
At your shaky, scoffed laugh, Billy pushes himself away from the wall. He takes one step towards you, making sure that it’s audible. You’re staring at the ground, body tense and breaths uneven. He notes the tension in your knuckles as your hands become fists. There’s a chance that your nails are digging into the skin of your palm and Billy resists the urge to tell you to ease up before you hurt yourself.
He learned early on that asking you to do something isn’t the best way to get it to happen when you’re feeling like this, heart racing and breathing unstable. A softer approach with firmer guiding.
Billy takes another step forward, monitoring your expression. He extends his hands slowly, hovering them over yours. You nod, the motion rigid but all the approval he needs. He covers your fists with his hands, running his thumbs over both sets of knuckles. “Let me hold your hand?” 
An almost sniffle followed by the slow unclenching of your hands. Billy wastes no time in intertwining your fingers before you can seize up again. This close, the shift of warmth all that anxiety caused is even easier to see. Your undertones are off in a way that make you look like you should be tucked into bed and downing fluids to ward off a fever. 
“What are you thinking about?” 
The question surprises you. It takes you a second to answer. “Um-nothing--nothing.” Your eyes flit from the ground to your intertwined hands and then back to the ground. “Really--I just--” You sniffle, swallowing in an attempt to fight the lump in your throat. “I can’t think, I just--” 
“That’s okay,” he says quickly, voice a little harder than he means it to be. If you think his approach is aggressive, you don’t show it. You just let your angle your chin downwards briefly in what’s meant to be a nod. “Are you feeling better?” 
It’s a bit of an obvious question. He doubts that the feelings have truly been able to diminish. You’re not in the ideal environment. Though the bathroom door dulls the loud party music, the sound is still pounding. The guest bath is also kind of small and the florescent lighting is harsh and blinding compared to the dimly lit atmosphere Billy had shuffled you out of. But you’re no longer far away, divided from him and taken to that place in your head that he can never follow you to. 
“A little,” your words are hushed, hollow. “It just--there’s this feeling in my chest and it--it won’t go away.” 
Billy squeezes your hands briefly, a small pulse of warmth in an attempt to anchor you. “I know.” Your eyes are tearing up again, watery and red rimmed. “We’ll go to your place. You’ll feel better when you’re home, okay?” When you say nothing, he continues, “I’ll tuck you in, we can watch a movie if you want.” You nod again, the motion uneasy. “Your pick.” 
Your eyes meet his at that. The thought fills you with more warmth than you thought possible. It doesn’t melt away that impending sense of doom and dread that’s burrowed itself deeply into your chest, but it gives you something to hold onto. A light at the end of frightening tunnel. 
And then, the guilt sinks in. You’re dragging him away from his best friend’s parties. Sure, Stu does this pretty regularly and more often than not Billy’s happy to turn away early, but you��re taking away his ability to choose. “You know-the--the water helped. If you wanna...” You don’t want him to stay, you don’t want him to leave your side. Not now. Maybe never again. “I know that this is Stu’s party, so...” 
“Stu doesn’t care,” the defense comes out quick, “And if he did, he wouldn’t notice because he’s completely out of it. You saw him.” You don’t ease, so Billy continues, “And if he did, it wouldn’t matter.” 
The words take their time sinking in. “I--” You can’t get the words out. It all feels so dumb now and that overwhelming feeling hasn’t dislodged itself from your chest and you can’t think straight. You’ve had this conversation before--you always feel a little bad when this happens at times like this and then that allows your thoughts to spiral. Thoughts on how much better off he’d be if you weren’t here. 
He lifts your left hand to his lips, softly kissing your knuckles. “You know I--” Billy pauses, taking in the way your eyes widen. “You’re it for me.” The words are sandpaper, but the way you look at him makes it worth it. “And, you know not everything’s about you.” Your eyebrows pull together and Billy continues, “I want to go.” 
You nod, pulling one hand away to wipe the back of your palm across your face. “Okay.” You glance at your expression in the mirror and consider splashing some water on your face. It’d help how you look, but the party is so dimly lit and everyone’s caught up in their own world. “I’m ready.” 
Billy gently pulls on your hand, keeping you close as he unlocks the bathroom door. 
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I've been doing the thirty day art challenge with my character Red :} Along with the prompts I added that I wanted to do all of these with the limitations of doing them in MS Paint, to practice poses, expressions, and such and practice figure work/drawing a pose just by looking at it ! So have the first weeks worth of art! :D
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More information/rambling about the art provided under the cut!
The prompts in order were: - Random Pallet - Expressions - As A Magical Girl - Old Design - Aesthetic Swap - Different Species I had so much fun with this during the week after work, really getting my creative juices flowing! My favorite days HAVE to be, in order, Day 3, Day 5, and Day 1! Day 3 is my absolute favorite by far I am very happy with how it turned out but Day 5's pose and composition is very nice as well. Now I wanna drop some notes about each day :} Day 1: Pallet- SUPER FUN The pallet was from a generator website I just so happened to get one that looked SO GOOD TOGETHER. It reminded me of Red getting all shy and romantic thinking about his boyfriend Vitriol while out working in the field Day 2: Expressions- NOT MUCH THIS DAY ACTUALLY. Mostly just wanted to see how varied I could get his expressions while himself not being a super expressive character! Again another visit from Vitriol :} Worry and Relief: A story in two parts Day 3: As A Magical Girl- THIS DAY WAS SO SO FUN I've also been doing this with my fursona and I saw the magical girl prompt and my head went two places: Sailor Moon and Toyko Mew Mew. I went with drawing Red in Tuxedo Masks costume and decided to save the Tokyo Mew Mew idea for my sona :} Again I am super SUPER happy with the posing and perspective on this one, my favorite of the bunch. May make it my icon some places honestly. Day 4: With An Old Design- This one isn't my favorite. I really didn't know what to do with this one because Red's design hasn't changed very much, since I've only been drawing him for MAYBE a year or two! So just a headshot of how I use to draw him :} Day 5: Aesthetic Swap- ANOTHER SUPER FUN PROMPT!! Red is a country boy so naturally an aesthetic swap would be... Greaser/Bad Boy! He's got the leather jacket, the sunglasses, and he bakes bread :} Yes I absolutely ran with this idea because of The Bad Bread Boys. This is probably my favorite pose wise, I am SO happy with this pose especially cause it's without a reference Day 6: Different Species- This was a no brainer! Red is a feline minecraft origin oc and I'd already drawn him with a different origin as a one-off during a Gartic Phone game! So this is Red but if he was an ender origin ! :D And that's it! This was super fun, can't wait to do more!!
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fideidefenswhore · 2 years
🔥 whatever you like
So, there's been a few articles in the past decade or so that express distaste at the comparison of Princess Diana & AB (and a fair amount of umbrage in misc comments on social media at any parallels being drawn whatsoever, generally, I'm not gonna lie, from C/oA stans...Catherine was the Princess of Wales, Catherine was the one that was popular and beloved by the people, I think these are the broader strokes they believe should be associated with her more...that Catherine was the older of the pair does not seem to matter, that Catherine was, like Camilla, the one that knew 'the prince' the longest doesn't matter, because Camilla was Other Woman and AB was Other Woman, and as such they were both hated by the public, they will never see past any other elements of the story/stereotypes than those, esp. because ultimately they believe all the animus directed at both of those women was/is entirely deserved and justified);
But what's interesting is it's not even so much on the grounds that there are always pitfalls in sanctifying people in general, it's generally pearl-clutching about how Diana deserves sanctification, deserves every possible iteration to be made of her life, and AB does not...the answer to the 'moral quandary' presented in the The Times' BSR review, "Anne Boleyn is being rebooted — but was the tragic Tudor queen a whore and a witch or the Princess Diana of the Tudor age?" by Alison W/eir was basically that she wasn't a whore or a witch, but again, her oh-the-humanity answer of "she wasn't a very nice person" and deserved her "unpopularity in her own time", and was so far from Princess Di, woe to those that popularize AB, somehow she omits herself from that list, how stupid they are to ever believe otherwise, etc
The implication of the above is more what's funny to me... she shouldn't be treated as Princess Diana, because Anne 'had a mean streak' (using "words as one would not address to a dog", from a source no less than above reproach than that of an ex-flame)... but, Diana didn't? The woman who pushed her stepmother down a flight of stairs? The woman who confronted her children's nanny with an entirely personal, private (and leaked, to her belief, although it was later revealed it was another doctoring by Bashir) medical document? Diana was sanctified because she died tragically; if she were still alive today, she would almost certainly be "cancelled"; famous (women, particularly...they are generally judged more harshly) people have been cancelled for much less.
And then we have author Vanora Bennett, who did compare them, but not favorably, and rather misogynistically (to other women, as well):
[Anne] didn’t have the knack for self-reinvention that has brought modern celebrities such as Victoria Beckham long-term success, or the tight-lipped compliance that saw Kate Middleton claim her prize after eight years of waiting for Prince William to propose.
If anything, Anne reminds me more of Princess Diana – both of them charming and glamorous, yet unable to maintain smooth relations with the royals around them; manipulative and sometimes vindictive, yet posthumously elevated to icons of victimhood; dying too soon and leaving young children to cope with their tragic legacy.
Unfortunately this assessment has also been given academic gloss, but luckily this has mainly been limited to GW Bernard's asinine, quasi-profound remark that since Diana had sex outside of her marriage, AB probably did, too.
Idk, I've honestly just been thinking about this because I've been thinking about fan reactions as I watch The Crown, puzzled by how Peter Morgan is so good at writing those royals, but so bad at writing these royals...
Because, really, I think there are elements of both Camilla and Diana's stories in AB's? On the surface level, you have ebullient, charismatic, cheated on by her husband, husband dated her sister 1st, (honestly, never not going to be a weird thing, it must have been borne out of...I suppose, both the utterly limited society of 'acceptable' people to interact with for those of extreme wealth and the entitlement and belief you're above such provincial concerns as ‘That's Weird’), which is probably what led to that being motif in the Kristen Stewart as Diana movie.
And then, Anne was unpopular, but it was said basically, that...those who knew her, loved her, and those that didn't were, at the least, captivated by her despite themselves.
How much of her contemporary slander was from people that had only ever glimpsed her? I think we forget that when we forget how late the sixth-finger and other misc. deformities were alleged. 'Goggle-eyed whore' is the mark of someone who saw her from enough of an distance that the only feature of note was those infamous, large eyes.
Often people confuse charisma with popularity, very often they go together but they are not interchangeable, not synonymous. Charisma can only take effect within intimate contexts. As such, it's true that Anne had one but not so much the other.
Who knows how she might have fared, popularity-wise, if she'd had the powers of radio, TV, etc at her disposal...they're creative reimaginings out of her control/remit, but she has those now and seems to have done better on that front in immortality than she did in mortality/life.
What we have basically is two elements -- "royal mistress" and "threatening the image of the monarchy", and maybe even a little “marrying for love [when royal]”. These are all broad narrative stripes that are seen as “scandalous”, all seen as disruptive, against status quo, so they are always going to inspire creators. At the end of the day, the hand-wringing over that inspiration rings ... insipid? Naiive? Take your pick. 
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lv-iceprince · 1 year
♮...written ship...♮
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the way i literally stopped working on a synastry request to work on this ship. hi! so i am definitely rambling like a motherfucker but i am so nervous, you sound so amazing and the fact you threw in some korean 😭😭
내가 너무 어색하지 않았으면 좋겠어, 네가 내 블로그에 와서 나를 빛나게 해서 나를 어떻게 해야 할지 몰랐어
저도 음악가니까 음악에 대해 상의할 사람이 있으면 더 질문이나 메시지를 보내주세요
also i have limited time due to assignments so you get this one immediately!
and skz and (g)idle? and the fact you mentioned atarashii gakko, milli and yoasobi?! the taste?! immaculate xx
~stray kids~ changbin ♩
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I have no idea whether you knew I would ship you with Changbin or not, but I can definitely say that the reasons I ship you extend far beyond the fact that you are edgy and can rap. I just honestly adore this pairing, I will get into it but just know that you bring with you all the things Changbin needed or anything that had been missing in terms of friends and relationships.
Changbin adored you since day one, you fascinated him with your passion for music and the way you had chosen to express yourself. He saw you as a walking piece of art in the way that you were as beautiful as you were a message of self-expression at its greatest. Changbin never imagined that he would immediately want to shift some of the love and affection he gave his members to you. Which started a light-hearted inside joke about how Changbin was dressing up and working out for you, and some of that was true. He was so in awe at how talented you were despite how modest and shy you were, he was at the time, the most intuitive he had ever been. He just knew that you were someone special who he would spend a good amount of his life with.
Changbin has the ability to handle romantic relationships in a very good manner so while he isn’t as open with his pda nor does he do overly romantic acts he still does his part to build a relationship where you both know how much the other cares for you.  But first I want to mention how much Changbin will take to your personality once you start becoming more open with him, it started off purely platonic but he just loved how intense you were (in all the best ways of course). There is something fiery about your nature, you really seem to have so much charisma despite having introverted tendencies. This works so well with Changbin who is an open book who wears his emotions on his sleeves, despite being so passionate about your relationship both of you somehow maintain a very light hearted disposition.
It might be a cliché, but everyone loves a couple of musicians and producers. And probably the most iconic thing is the fact that you both love to perform for each other or create music together. He seems to understand you, at least creatively speaking. He knows how to work well with your creative style, and he will be the one encouraging the two of you to work on a song together so you can literally just flex how cool you are.  Though you both have faith in your relationship it’s definitely admired by many people, you really just enhance each other’s personalities in the best way.
Even though both of you don’t hide your relationship there are still very domestic or sentimental things that you do for each other that doesn’t make headlines. Things like dancing together, encouraging him to cosplay for you, skateboarding or showing him your favourite tabletop rpg’s. Literally nothing is off the table for him, he feels like he has found a friend, a partner and a deeper soul mate. In other words, you’re his favourite person to be around, but he never really says it. He prefers to do spur of the moment kind or cheesy things for you, just to see your reaction. Your strong personality actually inspires him to take a break from being the dom one in the relationship, you playfully put him in his place and he reacts by being soft, cute and lovesick.
Each time he pouts at you he’s internally swooning because you are the strength he needed to do great things with his life.
~(g)idle~ shuhua ♫
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Honestly, this ship just felt right. I mean I nearly shipped you with Minnie but after some more thought I truly feel like you and Shuhua would make a genuinely amazing couple. There is just something almost dreamy and ethereal about your personality description and niche interests, basically, you wouldn’t have to do much to have Shuhua falling hard. It would be one of those meetings where you are both so enamoured with each other, so obviously it wouldn’t take long for you to start dating. Both of you had come to accept the fact that you should act on the emotions you were feeling whenever you were around each other. In this instance Shuhua didn’t want to stress about the implications of wanting to date so soon, she wasn’t even focused on the future she really just wanted to experience life and a new way of going about things. You allowed her to feel comfortable in trying news things and dating new people. The entire time she was just appreciative of your openness and understanding, you were someone who he felt like she could confide in about many things she didn’t want to say to her other members.  Even if it did start off as her wanting something platonic both of you move quite quick in your relationship, at the end of the day it just feels right to both of you.
Now onto the rest of it!
Shuhua knows you can handle your own, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t deathly protective of you. She has some self-realisation and knows that she is being so extra, but Shuhua is such a huge fan of knowing that only she gets to have such an amazing boyfriend. She has some very particular personality traits where she will want to perform and make you proud, but she also wants people to know how you two are both content being with each other. It’s actually a bit of a possessive streak but she just really wants you to know that what you have is something special, and that she is so dedicated to being a good girlfriend.
Shuhua comes across as the very expressive, almost excitable maknae and this works very well with your partially rebellious ways. Both of you share so much in common and sometimes it may seem that you’re a bad influence on each other, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Similar to your other ship, I feel like in this instance both of you enhance each other’s personality traits resulting in such a vibrant and eventful relationship.
Shuhua has a huge soft spot for you and it seems out of the blue but she instantly turns into an almost maternal figure, she is so invested into who you are that she really wants to know you on a deep level. As a result of this she has a huge nurturing side where she is aware of how deep your emotions are, as well as anything else that has to do with your mental health and how to make you feel safe and happy. Both of you just work together really well, you share everything with each other and it really is a place where you feel like the other will never judge you.
Even if she is so nice to you, she playfully calls you a nerd, but in actuality she is in awe over just how intelligent and creative you are. Maybe she doesn’t 100% understand your interests or why you are so passionate about them nor will she want to even attempt some of them but she still respects you and will know enough about said hobbies to discuss them with other people.
In short Shuhua has found a soul mate in you, you came at a time when she truly needed companionship and in loving you, she found a way to truly love herself.
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awesomehoggirl · 2 years
Hi hi !! So recently Ive been trying to get more into clothing and actually finding a style I enjoy and I was wondering how you found your own style ? I really like the way you dress and express yourself through your clothing and I kinda want to understand how you grew to know that part of yourself so that maybe I can learn about myself too. So yeah, my question is: How did you discover the way you like to dress ? Trial and error ? Just getting pretty clothes and seeing what goes with what ? Sorry if this is weird ^^' Hope you have a wonderfull day !!
HIIIII!!!!!!!! this might be a long one lol. putting a readmore
ive been into clothes and styling since i was a kid, but started building my own personal style probably when i was about 13? ive always been HUGELY inspired by certain style icons -- first it was my mum, who is very very stylish, but usually its celebrities :) i think my style 100% developed around my interests! when i was 14 and into indie music i wore lots of band tshirts, when i was 15 and obsessed with 90s movies i was quite preppy (still have all these clothes now btw, and i rework them to fit my current style!). now my style has 'settled' ive learnt its better to pull your favourite bits from different places rather than aiming to dress as 'one thing' -- girlish lacy vampiric stuff from old movies, sparkles, sequins, metallics and leather from 70s rockstars, silhouettes from the 60s and 90s and unique cluttered embellishments from the 2000s. so there was an element of trial and error but it was more trial and improvement, and it wasnt so much random as shaped around influences i already knew i liked. wardrobes are always made up of your essentials and your statement pieces, and for me personal style is all about putting personality into essentials you wear often. a great way you can do this is by thrifting them or finding them vintage! i honestly swear by buying vintage and i really dont ever buy firsthand anymore because you find such unique stuff. colour palettes do NOT need to be strict either, but it can be good to limit yourself so you can mix and match everything you own! personally i like dark browns, dark greys, navy, cream and black, and i usually swear off cool white, yellow and neon (though i make exceptions very occasionally lol). DO NOT underestimate accessories they are a cheap and super easy way to add a personal touch to any outfit! same with layering, though i say this because i am a notorious maximalist LOL you can disregard that if you prefer minimalism.
Umm i definitely got off track here. basically build off stuff you like, pay attention to what specific parts you like (materials? silhouettes? accessories? patterns or motifs?), buy unique and second hand, have a little bit of a colour palette in mind, do not fear accessories and layering, DRESS FOR YOURSELF there is no need to adhere to one named 'style' or 'core' or trend! oh 1 more tip sometimes before i look for clothes so i dont get overwhelmed i make a list to remind myself what im looking for: this could be a specific brand or piece, or just a collection of visual bits i like (for me its guitars, black cats, stars, crosses, silhouettes of girls, sequins and interesting slogans!) ALSO DOWNLOAD PINTEREST it is sooo good for style inspo and i always look at my boards before i clothes shop!
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dramatisperscnae · 2 months
What are the trends when it comes to writing that you adore? And also which ones do you dislike?
[Mun Questions || accepting]
I'm...not sure? XD but I guess I'd have to say using icons. Illustration, when done well, can add emphasis to a scene and help to further convey the writer's intentions and the emotions in the text, and that's basically what icons do. Using multiple icons used to be a thing Back In The Day™ to show how a character's expression would shift within a post, especially for the really long [like 4+ paragraph] posts, and tbh I really kinda loved it. Also using italics or bold or colors [to a limited extent! see below!] for emphasis or to denote dialogue or something else important. Especially for comic-based muses it lends a very comic-esque flair to the writing that's honestly kinda fun XD
That said, I dislike the trend of heavy formatting [multiple text sizes/font types/colors used in the same post, odd paragraph breaks or spacing, etc]. Like, I'm glad y'all enjoy your aesthetics and some of them look really cool ngl, but there's a fine line between Nicely Aesthetic and Overblown that is very easy to cross if you're not careful. Heavy formatting can actually distract from the text for me, and chances are if you lean in that direction I'm not gonna write with you because I can't actually focus on what you're saying through your aesthetics. Also not a huge fan of Large Icons/Gifs used in rp threads, but that's mostly bc I'm so used to icons being 150px or less than anything larger in a thread is a little jarring and pulls me out of the moment XD
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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BABYNYMPH Bites Back Harder With 'Ice' At the intersection of militant hyper-femininity and ironic, performative masculinity lies the warped world of BABYNYMPH. Drawing on the sounds of deconstructed club, slut pop, Ibiza summer hits and SoundCloud rap, the rising talent has been quickly making moves in the hyperpop sphere, collaborating with the likes of Chase Icon, Basside and famously garnering a remix from the late great SOPHIE for single "clown shit" — and she's just getting started.Related | SOPHIE Sends BAYLI and BABYNYMPH's 'clown shit' Up the WallNow, BABYNYMPH is back with the lead single "Ice" off her forthcoming debut EP Pornopop - Abhorrence​, and she's going right for the jugular. Featuring a screaming UK bass-inspired bassline and screaming vocals, the track sees BABYNYMPH unleashing her full fury on an adrenaline-pumping instrumental with frenzied threats to "fuck you with a knife" for a manic, sexually-charged atmosphere. It's a song that you'll want to rage and throw hands to every time it comes on in the club.The first release off of BABYNYMPH's own independent label KUNTHOUSE, the forthcoming EP is set to explore themes of dysphoria, fear, aggression and how sexual trauma can impact sexuality, reclaiming those experiences and turning them into something positive. Finding refuge in the catharsis of the club, BABYNYMPH injects a sense of fun into her music in a big fusion of genres that sees the artist delivering serve after serve.Ahead of the PAPER premiere of "Ice" we caught up with BABYNYMPH to talk about the single, her upcoming EP and what's next for the artist.What was the inspiration for “Ice?”The main inspiration behind “Ice” was to create an aggressive “don’t fuck with me” type of anthem after going through a very negative sexual experience. I wanted to channel beast energy, making a clear statement that I bite back and I bite harder. An “Arm the Dolls” theme song in a way.What was the writing process for “Ice” like?I came up with the lyrics spontaneously while just playing around in a studio in Berlin. I wrote the beat first. At the moment I have been dealing with a lot of anger and negative emotions related to a recent unfortunate event. So I just tried to experiment with my vocals, pushing them to the limit and going full-on rage mode. It was not necessarily meant to make it to the final cut, but I ended up loving it so much, I made the decision to fully dive into that cutthroat and unapologetically literal, aggressive manic direction. The recording process itself has been more of a fun little silly play-around moment. Basically, random fun ideas accidentally turned into a very fitting lyrical context, refreshing the BABYNYMPH sound. There was also something very appealing about sounding as masculine and hysterical as possible on that record. I can serve you a hyper-femme doll with a bro attitude. I can serve you dyke with the most bimbo attitude ever. All these social tribes and binary behaviors are being taken too seriously and come with way too many expectations for something that is just a construction of humanity practically not based on any logical factors. I’m over it. I’m all of that.What do you hope people take away from the track?Honestly just go the fuck off to it, it’s a banger (lol) and, of course, to not mess up with the dolls.How do you see “Ice” fitting into the overall EP?Even though the execution of the track is an upbeat, fun and stupid expression of aggression, It is following the overall theme of the EP — expressing my associations with the violent aspects of sexual acts, a reflection of my own ways of coping and losing trust, which leads to being in a constant self-defense mode, which sometimes can totally limit the amount of potential positive experiences because you instantly exclude the chance for a graceful interaction. I always like to add fun factors in everything though, you can get the meaning and relate, you might not understand shit and just vibe to the music in the clubs. Both are fine with me.For the uninitiated, how would you describe BABYNYMPH?"Cunt."What does the future hold for BABYNYMPH?The whole EP is going to be released next month via my own independent label “KUNTHOUSE”. I wanted to have full control of whatever I do creatively without any limits or potential censorship, as I believe that no art should be censored. I want to create a whole universe and an ecosystem around my concepts, ideas and vision. I am very collaborative by nature as well, so including my friends and exchanging ideas collectively to come up with something even more exciting just makes the most sense to me. This is how cultural progress is being done. Gatekeeping is giving insecurity to me.Photo courtesy of BABYNYMPH https://www.papermag.com/babynymph-ice-2659606776.html
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clockworksteel · 2 years
Me again with more gender stuff. I did some reading about gender dysphoria and, well, it turns out I'm not okay, but that's nothing new (it didn't get worse).
Last night, I was thinking it would be good if I tried to more actively make progress on gender stuff and revisited https://turn-me-into-a-girl.com/.  The thing I looked at this time that had the greatest impact was a twitter thread that listed various less obvious signs of dysphoria. The end result can be described as "a bit of an oof". It seems I'm much more dysphoric than I'd ever thought. I also looked at “That was dysphoria?” 8 signs and symptoms of indirect gender dysphoria but won't be commenting on it directly.
Some of what I read wasn't even technically new information, just phrased in a way that was more striking and less deniable. Some things when put in general terms are kinda easy to blame on autism, like how I've previously been like "Oh, that wasn't executive dysfunction?". Actually, looking over The Null HypotheCis again as I write this, it calls out "It's just by asberger's" as a story of denial directly. Huh. Might've skimmed that part before.
Back on the subject of the twitter thread, the first four tweets about symptoms, all about clothing/appearance are sort of something I've remarked on before, but having them actually written out in this way felt laser-targeted in a way that seeing "doesn't care about appearance" doesn't. Like, yes, my self-grooming is just a shower and a shave, and I can't even be bothered to use preshave or aftershave. My clothes are entirely for comfort and are loose and baggy. I am merely relieved when clothes shopping ends. I'm maybe a little more neutral on dressing up than saying it's the worst, but I certainly don't like it. Honestly, starting off with 4 things that hit this hard probably colored the rest of the experience of reading the thread for me.
Also, one thing I've been aware of as something wrong for a while but wouldn't have connected to gender on my own is that my emotions do feel a bit dull or distant. I feel like if people were to associate me with an emotion it would be indifference. It definitely wouldn't be excitement. I rarely use exclamation marks to express my own emotions.
Anyway, without trying to go into every individual point, it kinda felt like around half the thread applied to me, while on some others I couldn't say it didn't. Like, I was missing information in some cases, such as not being able to recall experiences with very masculine men, and the fact that I don't pay enough attention to others' appearances to even think physical compliments let alone get worried about giving them.
I guess there really are 2 takeaways from this: 1. It's more evidence that suggests I'm not cis 2. Realizing that I do experience dysphoria increases the potential upside of figuring myself out (and the potential downside of just boymoding any trip to my hometown but let's ignore that for now)
I guess I'm gonna want to figure out my "winning image" soon, to make a Cardfight! Vanguard anime reference. Or to refer to an earlier post, I still haven't answered "But why? What seekest thee?"
Unfortunately, all this is just a little extra background and maybe some motivation, not progress towards answers, like I said at the start is why I started looking at more stuff. I probably needed that though. I was sort of starting to doubt myself despite enjoying everything I've tried as far as gender experimentation so far.
Anyway, some assorted stuff that is more fun to round out the post:
I spent some time looking at the Smash Bros wiki picking out a team for 5v5 Squad Strike mode in Smash Ultimate that makes a trans flag out of the icons. It's kinda limiting because a lot of the time the color choice barely affects the icon. I haven't actually put the game in my Switch to test, but I think a team of Yoshi 3 (Cyan), Greninja 3 (Pink), Samus 3 (White), Robin 8 (Female, Pink), Inkling 6 (Male, Cyan) will work and be mostly characters I actually play kinda. Would've liked more ladies on the team but oh well. A team based more on costumes than on icons would likely use Rosalina for one of the blues and Peach for one of the pinks, but their icons are mostly face/hair.
A memory surfaced about how surprised I was early on in Pokemon Sword/Shield when I found that a friend of mine who as far as I know is a cishet male actually chose the male protagonist. At some point I started seeing female as the default for any time one is given a choice in a video game, unless some game mechanic makes the choice meaningful. How I didn't figure out anything from that I may never know.
My knee high socks which arrived last week are very powerful. Kinda wish they'd been taller: they were sold as thigh high. Should've looked for sizing information despite them only coming in one size, I guess. Like, they can stretch that far but will work their way down if I start walking.
Speaking of sizes I kinda wish my oversized T-shirt was 3X instead of 2X, since I had the thought when shopping on the weekend that it extending down below my hoodie looked a little skirt-like but it was clearly too short. I'd already tried pretending before that even without the hoodie, but it was a kinda fun moment to notice.
I tried a basic voice training exercise, which is progress on “The Rubicon”, though it seems my mental one prefers moving over being crossed still. I think I was pretty much already making the adjustment says to while singing high, but it's nice to know a targeted exercise that can also lead into talking normally. If only I had any idea of stuff to say when it does get to the speaking part. Maybe I need some mantras. And a Djed Pillar, of course (#La-Mulana).
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thesims2comics · 2 years
any chance of rating the posters? cue eyes emoji
*cracks knuckles* let's GO!
(I've included some posters from the EPs and APs, otherwise this would be a very short list of like 4 posters)
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Engineered Angst Full poster: 5/10. what's going on here?? Is the person in front going to an eye doctor with funky walls? And why does she kinds look like a Urbz DS render? So many question, no answers
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Engineered Angst Red: 6/10. Better than the previous one imo, I like the sims' facial expression a lot! And this is a me problem, but it kind of reminds me of the promo clips of the virtual boy?? Y'know that nintendo console that only used red and black as its colors? Still pretty cool though!
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Searing Indifference: 7/10 Angsty teen poster number 3. Honestly? Iconic, this is one of those posters that I still remember from playing the game when I was younger. I've always thought it was a band poster though. Nonetheless, it's a very cheesy poster but I just can't rate this any lower
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"Civic Idol" by Adora Wall Arts: 7/10 AMAZING POSTER!! I'd say it's the best "emo/edgy" poster in the game. I'd only like to know what the hell that humanoid thing is. Also, the red thing looks wonky and apparently the white stripes are meant to say "Civic Idol". But the skyline and the moon look so great and the red stripe makes it look like dangerous and egdy. Kudos for the amazing composition of this one
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Pets poster: 5/10. Cursed. For some reason, this poster looks much more jankier and pixelated than the others, even the basegame ones. Kinda simple, but it sorta does the job (Fun fact: this is one of the few posters that have variants! Which redeems it)
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Revolutionary Rebellion poster: 8/10. Really cool! I love the hard red with the black and white and is much less crispier than some other posters. In the build&buy description it says that we should check out the Sim with the moustache but honestly, I have no idea what that's about. At least it looks pretty nice! Kent, Nervous and Moustache Mercutio is my fave rockband
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"It's Reggae, Mon" Poster: 9/10. Really pretty!! I love the posing of this guy and with the sun flare and background it's one of the most beautiful posters available! Also, seeing the previous music posters' description, I thought the devs would've made fun of the genre since they also did that with the teenage angst posters. But I think it's actually really nice and cool what they wrote about reggae music so I've included it for you to read
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"Fists of Bunny" poster: 8/10. I think this might be an anime reference or something? Or is this what the Social Bunny does when he's not with a sim? Just anime kicking in the Void? I don't get the reference, but it does look cool! Would I hang this up in my actual room? Probably yeah! And I like that it's the Social Bunny, we don't see the guy that often in the Build&Buy
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Inverted Vertigo, Cover art: 5/10. What the hell is going on here??? Hands??? light strokes? Some people? A face??? This reminds when I discovered blending layers in a drawing program for the first time honestly.
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All the alien posters: 8/10 Tumblr limits me to only upload 10 images, so these guys are getting grouped. Hell yeah! Alien posters! These look cool as hell, HD quality next to the pets poster. I don't know how to feel about the way too human alien head on the left though, it kinda freaks me out, because for the sims 2 this is far too realistic. And apparently the guy on the surfboard is PT#9 cousin, RT#66 surfing through the galaxy, good for him! These posters are rad as hell in my opinion, especially after some rather small and pixelated ones.
That's gonna be it for the poster review! There's an image limit of 10 and because I have the Super Collection I don't have all the posters, so there isn't gonna be a part 2 from me. If anyone else feels like completing this list with all the posters form the Ultimate Collection or make their own review with the posters, feel free to do so!
These were just my opinions on the posters, if you have others thoughts on the posters that's fine, your opinion is valid!
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sreegs · 3 years
Honestly, your posts have enough information to generate more goodwill towards Tumblr than I've had in years just because it's annoying to see only infrequent and minor acknowledgement of the damage done. Everyone can see the emperor's got not clothes.
I wish Tumblr would make an official policy of some transparency and taken the tack of having more of a spokesperson than formal press releases. People were always too harsh about staff (and forgot they're not just faceless demon entities) but also Tumblr's PR is bad.
For instance, I'm over at dreamwidth for the RP community there, which, while small, almost universally has everyone voluntarily buying paid accounts to A) try to keep the site afloat and b) have icons with different expressions. Denise and co are sometimes distant because it's a heavily volunteer based thing and shit comes up where they have RL, but the level of transparency they do have with problems or site technical limitations earns a lot of goodwill from the group of people that are paying as much money as they can spare.
I wish the current Staff would understand we don't want blog posts about crouching down and swirling meditation cups or whatever. We needed a) some transparency on just how dire things were to scare the people who care about staying into doing something (I personally knew it was probably baaad with that kind of loss but a lot of people were in denial and have a lot of magical thinking about the way corporations should work) and b) paid options that offered at least something reasonable, even if it's "a way to give money that doesn't opt me into something I find dumb and useless" (like post+). Going ad-free may not have a huge positive impact but it also isn't opting into something people have found very negative.
I really wish they'd understand they need to come forth with your level of frankness and also that they'd listen about some of things people have said would pay for. (Like a lot of people have said they'd also pay for minor cute cosmetics like the little hats you could have on your icon that they did with...I think it was April fools? It's been a while).
I believe that would work. I mean people like the little costumes they can put on the Among Us aliens. Many sites and video games make at least some money on little cutesy cosmetic perks.
Tumblr should be more transparent about things, I agree. However transparency at their scale is much harder than somewhere like dreamwidth. It's not quite as easy to do with the footprint Tumblr has. They're also a corporation trying to make money, not a community organization, so they purposely hold info close to their chest for "business reasons" (valid or not).
also amogus
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choptop-sawyer · 3 years
Ok, honestly and without romanticising, how do you think would it go if one lf the Sawyer boys fell in love with a victim? Like, would they kidnap them but convince the rest of the family not to kill them? How would the others react, would we get more of " ____'s got a girl/boyfriend"? It's just a question that has been bugging me for quite a while, as most of them don't really encounter any people outside the family, with the exception of victims.
Sincerely, the anon who thirsted over your icon
Hello icon thirst anon!!! Ohhhh... this ask has so much potential. I love digging into more realistic interpretations of the Sawyers. Of course, there's always going to be an element of unreality with scenarios where you end up with one of them. But close as possible to the source material, I mean.
But what source material? TCM 1 and 2 are obviously the superior movies (for me) and the best of the Sawyers are in them. No extended family or some shit, I can stomach a twin of Nubbins, especially since he's so fun. But they both have extremely different vibes, and different characterizations of the Sawyers. (Except Nubbins. RIP man).
It also, obviously, depends on the Sawyer.
Um... anyway. Sorry for going on too long. Under the cut.
TW: Canon Typical mentions of violence, kidnapping, unhealthy relationships
With Bubba, if we're going TCM 1 wise, I hope you're good at running. The only likely way he's going to meet you is as a victim, and if he meets you on your own at first? He's going to do his job, no matter how attractive you might be to him. Leatherface won't even acknowledge you as more than meat if you're in his sights. Run. And run fast. There's almost no chance Bubba would fall for you with the saw in his hands.
Now, if you were brought back as a VICTIM by another brother, then you have a chance. Bubba has time to see you as a "guest" for a while rather than simply meat. But your time window is limited. Once the others get tired of you, you're meat again. Most likely, Bubba would be attracted to your appearance right away. But that wouldn't be enough to save you, you could easily be another mask. The key is, the thing that would give you the highest chance of survival and a relationship, is to not scream. To not flinch away from his touch when he pets your head. Maybe even say some nice words to him.
Then, there's something that would be gone if you were butchered. That's how you get Bubba invested.
If we're going with the most non romanticized version, you'd still die. Bubba's desires never mattered much anyway to the rest, because he really never expresses it out of subservience. But... if there is something worked out, you'd be his pet of sorts. Drayton would be completely disinterested unless it affects him or the finances. Nubbins might poke at you for a while, then leave you alone once you become a normal thing. What business of it is theirs?
Bubba is the one who tries the most to love you. It might not even be love, at the beginning. More a fascination. But I do believe that he'd care the most. Being with him, I think, would feel the... most gentle? Idk. He wouldn't try to hurt you on purpose if you're in that situation.
Nubbins is hard to nail down, character wise. All of the Sawyers are pretty mysterious, but he's really up there in mysteriousness to the viewer. Franklin thought him an omen, the others thought him a freak, and the audience sees what the audience sees, but no one really knows for sure.
I imagine it would be like a mirage, meeting him. He definitely meets at least a few strangers, with his hitchhiking. You'd either be kind (or foolish enough) to pick him up, or if you were a local, you'd meet him in the endless expanses, terrible and shimmering in the heat. Maybe he'd be quiet at first, stammering out answers with a small smile, like he's trying to remember his lines, but if you excite him in some way, you're in for it.
It would probably just strike him out of the blue that he likes you, and he wouldn't waste any time. He's not really scheming and mischievous, despite his impression. He rolls with whatever he feels. Extremely realistically, you'd get hurt in some way. Possibly really badly. But if you were to be his S/O, it's gonna be a kidnapping. (You might be able to overpower him though. Twig.)
He wouldn't keep you in the house. He might not even think to introduce you to Drayton, because Drayton would be very displeased. But luckily, there's quite a few secret places he's found in his explorations. He might take you there.
It would be very odd. Once the initial terror wears down, you'd realize that Nubbins is a raw and open wound. Repulsive, but honest. He doesn't quite belong anywhere. You think he hoped you'd belong to him, and him to you. The only way out is to be locked in a death grip. I don't think it'd last very long.
The second movie' wacky atmosphere fits Chop Top very well, but we still don't know much about the details of his life. We know the backstory, that he listens to the radio every night, and that he has a love for music and smashing skulls. You could meet him anywhere, as long as you aren't looking for him. He seems to be the kind of guy who was everywhere wherever he was, at least once. If he invites you back to his place after some flirtations traded, don't accept. That would probably mean death for you, not at the hands of a regal and somber grim reaper, but the kind of death that not many wish to think about. He'll come back to the same place to see you again, if he likes you enough. And maybe, he'll even ask you out for real. Chop Top likes the idea of being in a relationship, because all the songs on the radio were written about it. He wants to live them. And you... you're perfect.
If he really cares for you, he'd keep you a secret from his family. There's two lives he leads, the one formed by radio and wild living, and the other formed by the tight, insular environment of his childhood. Chop Top might whisper about you to corpse Nubbins, giggling as he recounts how good-looking you are, and ain't he lucky? But that's it, unless you're foolish. If you get to curious well... he'll invite you to dinner. It's sink or swim then. Good luck.
Drayton is the least likely to find someone he cares enough about not to kill. He's thinking of self-preservation above all, and an S/O complicates too many things. But you'd have to be a local, he doesn't trust strangers. He's loathe to introduce you to his family though. As important as they are in how much they define his very life, they would throw off too many red flags.
He might try to deny his attraction to you at first, as a consequence. But if you won him over, he'd hide the Sawyer's "special diet" as well as he could. Drayton is used to painting over everything, throwing a rug over the mess. When you go to the house? Bone furniture has to be stashed away, hide the meat hooks, hide the horrors, hide away the brothers.
The twins would probably find out somehow, and mercilessly tease him. He feels shameful, somehow, when they do, and that makes him angry. He feels, deep down, that he's betraying the way of life. Don't expect much.
(Sorry if this was rambly)
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greensaplinggrace · 3 years
What Is There To Celebrate About the Darkling? (Part 4)
1 2 3 4
He’s calculating but impulsive. Gentle yet firm. Stubborn and adaptive. Just a real mess of contradictions that makes him all the more interesting.
He loves nature. He loves the forest.
Fond of luxuries and nice things. After growing up as he did, I think he deserves them.
Very socially awkward. Introvert just trying his best. Anything that isn’t manipulation and therefore something he’s planned in his head is just a social train wreck waiting to happen.
The way he pushes up Alina’s sleeve when they first meet. This man had zero compunctions about acting completely unprofessionally in front of his soldiers and I think that’s very sexy of him.
He’s constantly tired and exasperated with the people around him.
The way he says “quiet” with the softest voice imaginable and a room full of laughter instantly goes silent.
He had no interest in Elizaveta even though she was utterly obsessed with him and I think that’s hilarious.
Elizaveta: I have a plan to resurrect the Darkling Everybody Else: Oh the Darkling is so evil for trying to come back! The Darkling, who just wants a nap and is sick of this mortal bullshit: Why am I even here? This is such a pain in the ass. I should have killed Elizaveta when I had the chance.
How he asks if Alina “will have” his name like a man proposing.
Has his bedroom attached to the war room.
Constantly checking up on Alina just to know how she’s doing. Never pushing her beyond her limits as she’s training.
Very creative with his shadows and the extent of their abilities. So many of the ways he uses his powers are genius.
His ending in RoW is a tragedy and an injustice. He deserves better.
This old man pouting at Alina in episode seven as he says “please, I just want to talk to you 🥺”
There is a black kefta made for Alina after like two days in the Little Palace. He really was already planning their entire immortal futures together as Mr. and Mrs. Starkov wasn’t he?
His bed is covered in maps and notes when he’s plotting how to find Alina. Also before that, the way he’s poring over the notes at his desk and giving orders is 👌🥵
Him acting like a real General at all is simply amazing.
The fact that he trusts Luda with his life. That they have a whole intimidation routine set up around him purposefully getting himself fatally injured knowing she’ll heal him.
He looks like a vampire in the show and a fae in the books.
His favorite ABBA song is probably “Lay All Your Love On Me.”
Looks composed but that’s only a façade. Is actually an unhinged feral terror of pain and misery.
That scene where he tells the king she will remain in the Little Palace to train undisturbed and he puts his foot down. ON THE RED CARPET. the king’s carpet. and uses a commanding voice that’s just on the edge of an order…I’m surprised he didn’t get flogged for that. IMO nothing conveys the fine line he walks with those in power while wielding his own like this scene. Literally he should just be celebrated for this alone.
“‘Why won’t you leave me alone?’ I whispered one night as he hovered behind me while I tried to work at my desk. Long minutes passed. I didn’t think he would answer. I even had time to hope he might have gone, until I felt his hand on my shoulder. “Then I’d be alone, too,” he said, and he stayed the whole night through, till the lamps burned down to nothing.
Trapped a bunch of Saints in the Shadow Fold like a true amoral disaster villain. What an icon.
His barely concealed amusement and half hidden smile when Alina comes to put his kefta on. The way he finds Alina utterly hilarious and tries so hard to act like he doesn’t.
That small amused smile when Alina jokes about finding Volcra hilarious. Please he’s so adorable 😭
“‘I know what you feel when you’re with the tracker,’ he said. ‘I doubt that’ He gave a dismissive wave.” - My Malarklina obsessed self, vibrating at the edge of my seat: but what does it mean?!?
Mal and the Darkling’s entire fight in the Fold: dumbass on dumbass violence.
The way he stands with his back turned to Alina when she enters his tent the first time they meet and then does the slowest Godfather turn in history. 1999/10 - points removed for a criminal lack of cat petting.
“I may lead the second army, but the king is still the king.” - the delivery of that line. the implications, the history behind it and also the foreshadowing for his plans.
That slow turn face reveal in episode one though. Like okay we get it you’re pretty alkjsdflkj
Confused Old Man Face™ whenever Mal or Alina do anything remotely defiant in his presence.
How he tells Alina to come closer and she only takes the tiniest step and he doesn’t even react.
His little head cock whenever someone says or does something that just doesn’t vibe with him.
Darklina tumblr has now convinced me that the Darkling is a cat in human form.
“You’re an amplifier,” she said. He glanced at where Sylvi was pouncing on another helpless tree, oblivious, and gave a single, frightened nod. How could he have been so stupid? He would have to tell his mother now, and she would insist that they leave right away. If word got out, they’d both be in danger. Amplifiers were rare, hard to find, harder to hunt. Their lives would be forfeit. Even if they got away, word would spread. He could already hear his mother’s voice: Foolish, careless, callous. If you don’t value your own life, show some concern for mine. Annika touched his sleeve. “It’s okay,” she said. “I won’t tell.” Panic crowded in. He shook his head. She slid her hand into his. It was hard not to pull away. He should. He was breaking his mother’s fundamental rule for keeping them both alive. Never let them touch you, she’d warned him. - 😥 I just want to give him a hug all the time.
His strangled shout when Mal tackles him off of the skiff.
His smile when he’s summoning the sun. The expression on his face when he does so. Like I know I’ve mentioned this before but damn. If you ever needed a reason to celebrate him, this would be it.
“Shame, I’ll have to give that speech again now.”
The way he flips Mal over his shoulder in the Fold after Mal attempts to strangle him.
His little lecture on the Small Science to Alina when they’re going to meet the King. Info dump.
“You make it sound so easy.” “A bird makes flight look easy. But it was born to do so.”
When Alina looks at him for guidance on whether or not to remove her veil and he gives her a small nod.
The handhold in the throne room after Alina’s demonstration is absolutely precious, but it’s in a room full of people he should be keeping up a façade for and it’s so unwarranted and yet he does it anyway, I’m-
The way he says “welcome home, Ms. Starkov,” in the most tender voice I’ve ever heard and then goes “ok that’s enough emotions for one day” and then just straight up leaves without even a goodbye.
He has his symbol?? Sewn into Alina’s kefta??? bRo???!?!
Disaster Simp never gets tired of introducing Alina to other people or talking about how she’s the best thing that ever walked this earth.
The Darkling lying: honestly
“I have devoted my life to undoing the great sin of my forebearer, but I am never seen as the solution. Only as a reminder of the problem.” Sasha you were literally the problem. What a manipulative little shit. We love to see it.
The way he closes his eyes and kisses the coin before he makes a wish at the wishing well.
“I think the Grand Palace is the ugliest building I’ve ever seen.” - I love him your honor.
This man has the most intense lines for Alina. Like straight up I would have booked it when he said “you and I are going to change the world”. But then the head grab?! “I’ve been waiting a long time for you.” He’s so intense like sir can you tone it down a bit please I am begging you.
“I shall be right by your side.” / “We can do anything. Together.” / “For us.” / “You cannot do this on your own. And neither can I” / “I want you to know my name. The name I was given, not the title I took for myself. Will you have it, Alina?” - WEDDING VOWS
That scene in the war room when Alina comes to find him and he instantly drops his guard and lowers his arms and welcomes her with a soft voice.
“Am I bothering you?” “Not at all.” - girl you could be stabbing him in the chest and you still wouldn’t be bothering him.
This whipped disaster sounds like the proudest man on the planet when he talks about how much more his enemies fear Alina over him.
His shadows react to his emotions.
“YoUr’E nOt IvAn.” asjlkdfjs god he’s so embarrassing.
Local Dark Lord Sasha offering Alina the throne after she literally tries to kill him.
He gets so jealous of Mal.
Has a great relationship with his soldiers and his men. His men trust him implicitly and believe him to be an amazing general.
When he turns around after Alina puts the kefta on him and looks flustered/has to take a breath because she’s a lot closer than he expected. The way he’s breathless and literally can’t string a sentence together because he’s so distracted by her closeness.
His jokes are absolutely terrible.
GF: *jokes about throwing herself down the stairs to get out of an event* Sasha “no thoughts head empty only Alina” Morozova: haha I’d just have my healers heal you right back up again.
How genuinely touched he is by Alina admitting to wanting to help Grisha and Ravkans.
That scene in Demon in the Woods when he notices the intricate details of the politics in the Grisha camp after one meeting with the Elders. He has the Ulle pegged almost instantly.
Born to be a leader. Born to take care of others. Born to protect. Even in Demon in the Woods he’s protecting people. Even in Demon in the Woods he’s leading them and caring for them.
The way he cups his hands around Alina’s face when they’re kissing.
This man gets so starstruck by Alina walking into the Fete that he doesn’t even excuse himself from the King’s side to go to her.
Long haired Aleksander rights!
Ok I know the wig was kind of ugly but he looks pretty with long hair and I think it would look very good on him naturally.
The way he slams his hands together in the Winter Fete scene and instantly turns the room pitch black.
Literally any times he summons shadows is a blessing and we should all celebrate him for it. They are so beautiful. On god if I ever saw his shadows in real life I would be awestruck.
He asks Mal if he’s okay when they first meet.
The pure, barely contained fury directed at the Conductor for daring to harm Alina and kidnap his Grisha.
He always has to make a grand entrance.
This man is like a bloodhound when it comes to Nina. He is very invested in finding her and I feel like that’s never really talked about.
“I know exactly how she felt. The King’s soldiers treated me the same way. Because they knew- they knew that I was more important than any of them.” - the way he says it, like it’s something he has to remind himself of in his head constantly. a justification for the way he’s been treated, the fear he evokes in others. a way to protect himself from the hurt of being ostracized and reviled. arrogance and conceit as a defense against emotional harm.
Also the way his face instantly changes after that, like he’s said too much. vulnerability. lowering his eyes. shifting his eyes. literally just everything about this scene makes me love him all the more.
Dark carriage rides up to the Crows’ hiding place. Grisha circle the area as Aleksander steps from the carriage slowly, dressed all in black, floofy cloak high on his shoulders. Villain Entrance™
Him slowly pulling a knife out of his chest like it shouldn’t have killed him is hot as fuck and also totally badass. Big dick energy.
“I’ve had enough of your lies.” “And what lies are those?” - Alina, pulling out a fifty mile long scroll of grievances: Well, for starters-
This man is literally just an Alina Starkov compliments machine.
He cares so much about the Grisha and their protection. He loves Ravka and his people so much.
He had an entire cult dedicated to him.
“They would approach him. They always did. But he felt more anxious than usual. He’d stopped trying to make friends in the places he and his mother visited—there was no point when they moved on so quickly. Now he wasn’t quite sure how to go about it.”
Save a Villain. Murder the King.
Openly admits to staging a coup like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
He speaks so slowly. He moves so slowly. Everything he does has to have Purpose and Gravitas.
Theater Nerd™
He knew Nikolai for years and yet couldn’t recognize him as Sturmhond. We do stan an oblivious icon 💕
The Darkling after he gets his ass whooped in Siege and Storm: Mom can you please come pick me up? I’m scared!
He’s here to manipulate sun summoners and murder cities. And unfortunately he’s all out of sun summoners.
Would absolutely get drunk on real alcohol. This man thinks kvas is strong liquor.
Has his wrists exposed exactly one time in the most skin he’s shown all season and it’s when Alina visits him at night in the war room. WHORE!
Was too emotionally slutty and fell for Alina. RIP.
He’s passionate and cold and beautiful and hurt and twisted up in ways nobody could ever hope to understand and he’s stunning.
I would literally kill for this man 🖤✨
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
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I love how this conversation is bringing out the homophobia in y'all's eyes😌
'Yall are scared Jimin will stop looking like a submissive gay man if he builds muscles'
So y'all think Jimin looks like a submissive gay man without his muscles????????
Isn't this the very thing I'm ranting over in these posts? That people think he looks gay and a sub/bottom and that he doesn't look like a real man because of the way he looks??
Isn't that why they are fixing him to look more masculine in these ads????
Y'all think him building muscles will change his sexual orientation if he is in deed gay and a sub???
There is nothing wrong with being gay or sub or bottom or whatever any gay queer person might be into. THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT! Omg!
Muscle building is not for men only.
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This is Namjoon's cousin. What about her makes her less feminine??????????????
Should she get longer nails? Bigger hoops? May be a Brazilian butt lift? Botox? Fillers? In order to look more traditionally feminine?
If she decides to stop working out or drink stuff to lose muscles so she can be seen as more feminine do y'all not think that would be ??? because she is feminine regardless?
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What about these women make them less feminine????? They build up too and they are women.
Jimin with or without muscles is still an androgynous man. Building muscles does not erase his androgynousity. That is Jimin.
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He is an androgynous MAN not woman. Looking skinny is not what makes him androgynous. Putting on make up and wearing feminine clothes is not what makes him androgynous.
We've been calling him androgynous from day one when he debuted and it's not because he didn't have muscles. He had them in abundance. so I find it weird that you will think we gay people are worried he is leaning into his masculinity- when the question we are asking is WHAT AT ALL IS MASCULINITY?
Didn't he ask the same questions when he asked his band mates, man man man- what the heck is man- when they said men shouldn't wear rings on their pinkie?
That was an iconic moment and I wish I could write a dissertation on it. Super iconic.
Is he a sex icon? Absolutely. Is he a queer icon? Yes. But he is not a gay God. No body is looking up to him to liberate them from no damn queer oppression- love how you trivialize and make fun of LGBTQ issues.
Really sista? You had to go there? And you say you are a Jikook supporter?? Interesting.
I think Tae put it best when he said Jimin may look cute and pretty on the outside but when he takes off his clothes that's when you see he's more masculine. I think for some of us, we've always seen Jimin as very masculine in his expressions and very experimental in his expressions of femininity. I've always seen him as grounded in his masculinity than feminity- although he does suffer from toxic masculinity every now.
I'm simply saying this may be one of those times. Emphasis on may be. I'm over it. Just took note of it.
When it comes to exercising, the members have said he used to be the one who trained the hardest in dance rehearsals. Didn't RM say he and Jin used to look up to him and learn from him because he is well disciplined?
He's always exercised. Y'all think him flipping through the air and defying gravity comes from a lack of exercise?????
This is the few times he's talked about exercising as a social male bonding activity with his members and even encouraged Hobi to join them. If you think he will look more masculine climbing rocks and building muscles then you are part of the problem I am trying to address here.
Do y'all not watch Bon Voyage and Run and Winter package? Do y'all not see him "be manly" and "lean into his masculinity" in those contents? Did he not say he wanted to go do yoga with the others but chose instead to go to the brewery with Yoonkook?
Out of curiosity, let me ask- which is the two options was the least masculine activity? I'm genuinely curious.
And no, I am not uncomfortable seeing him lean into his masculinity. I am uncomfortable watching him straddle the line of toxic masculinity and it's not limited to him. I think I have expressed similar sentiments with regards to JK and RM and Suga and the rest.
And no. It's not toxic that he is exercising or wants to exercise. I question that he wants to build muscles and look a certain way as a man especially if that way is the only way he and y'all think a man should look like.
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I don't know about you but this looks pretty masculine and feminine to me.
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As does this. He can look like the incredible hulk and I'll still see him as androgynous.
Now don't get me started on his upper lips and BigHit constantly concealing his upper lips with make up. Don't get me started on that! 😡
They are always erasing and tweaking something when it comes to Jimin! Always! I HATE IT HERE.
Jimin is not the first androgynous man in Kpop nor is he the only androgynous man in kpop. He doesn't have to be gay or queer to participate in social discourse.
And I understand that queer and gender issues may not be of importance to y'all cis straight folks but it is important nonetheless and BTS have dabbled in the discussions and voiced out their opinions on it. They are advocates for the youth and that includes gay queer folks.
How many times have they talked about same love? That their BT21 characters are genderless, that clothing shouldn't be restricted to specific genders? Jk have said he hates oppression and Jimin talks about self love and acceptance for all- you think gay people are not included?
They don't have to be gay to be gay representatives and "Gay Gods." Heard of Allies?
And when you say BTS are human not representatives- you kidding right???
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Have you seen BTS issue statements on Black lives matter, on Racism and Asian hate crimes etc?
Yes, they human beings.... who care about other human beings and their oppressions. Y'all praise these men for wearing unisex brands and genderless fashion and praise them for when they voice out on certain issues... except when it comes to gay issues? I see y'all's colors.
Also you ship Jikook but it pisses you off that we say Jimin is gay??? 👀
Jimin gay. Jungkook gay. Jikook gay. Does this annoy you? 👀
They are fucking eachother. Do you wanna block me? 👀
JK fucks Jimin. Jimin fucks JK. Are you dead yet? 👀 Do you wanna kill me? 👀
I don't see them as straight honestly. If I did and I thought they were facing straight issues I'd be talking about those too. I see them as gay dealing with gay issues that we all deal with and I talk about that.
Credit to the artist. I think that photo of Jimin from On MV is one of my favorites.
I might have to frame it and hang it on my wall.
Don't have any hard feelings against you but I thought I would address certain problematic statements you made.
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nctsjiho · 4 years
Relationship with: SM artists
For JiHo’s relationship with NCT check out the pinned post on my blog. By no means are these all SM artists or is this very detailed and my knowledge in some of these groups is also very limited so please bear with me. If I wrongly represent anyone now or in the future feel free to let me know, but keep in mind all of this is purely fictional.
Super Junior:
Oh dear Lord help poor JiHo
She’s the victim of endless teasing from Super Junior
Since JiHo is pretty sociable she got quite comfortable with SuJu
They might not hang out a lot but whenever they see the girl they’ll approach her to at least greet her (and vice versa, of course)
SuJu also love to bring JiHo up during variety shows to tell a funny episode they had with the girl and “expose” her
Eunhyuk is a bit like an older brother to her, during her trainee days she once walked up to him asking him if he could critique her dancing. He was surprised at how bold she was and could only agree with her because she was so intriguing. He thought JiHo was a great dancer and since that time they became really close, even having each other’s phone numbers and JiHo having Eunhyuk on speed dial. When she was still under-age Eunhyuk became her guardian (not legally) since she has no family in Korea
Red Velvet:
They aren’t really close with each other for a few reasons (nothing bad though)
JiHo joined SM just after Red Velvet debuted and since the group was very busy with promotions and practice JiHo rarely got to see them
Though JiHo was very talented she didn’t have that much training and she was still a little too young when SM thought of adding another member into the group, Yeri had joined Red Velvet in march of 2015 which was clearly an amazing choice
SM also thought, pretty early on, that JiHo wouldn’t be a great fit for the group’s concept and overall look so they quickly stopped considering JiHo to become a Red Velvet member
Even after years passed, JiHo didn’t really get much closer to most of the members, but she respects them a lot as artists
Out of the whole group she’s probably closest with Seulgi and Wendy, who kinda see her as a little sister they want to take care of
Wendy checks up on JiHo every once in a while through text or invites her out to have dinner and drags Seulgi along with her
They look out for her and tease her a lot when it comes to being the only female member of NCT
“You need to be surrounded by a bit more oestrogen every once in a while, JiHo.” ^^
They will give her advice or just try to cheer her up when they catch the younger girl looking a bit stressed
JiHo would love to do a dance cover with Seulgi sometime in the future
Honestly who doesn’t love SHINee?!??
I’m not saying JiHo is secretly a Shawol, but I am saying SHINee is one of the groups that introduced her to kpop
She always had (and still has) so much respect for the group and they are probably the reason she accepted the scout’s request to come to Korea to become a trainee at SM
A possibility to debut under the same company as SHINee?? YES MA’AM
She has a very friendly relationship with the boys
Saying hi in passing or making small talk whenever they end up in the same elevator
Maybe even went to get something to eat together in the company cafeteria, but besides that there isn’t very much interaction
Taemin has mentioned her a handful of times after SuperM formed since he’s in the same group of some of JiHo’s members now
It usually about how he thinks JiHo’s really cute definitely during her trainee days when she was a little shy towards SHINee or that she’s a really great dancer/performer
Fans have wanted Key & JiHo or Minho & JiHo interactions for a while now, thinking they would make iconic duos (because chaos-), but some other fans have mentioned how she and Onew would make for a great duo because the girl tends to gravitate to the calmer members in NCT more often as well
Well Kai is her idol so...
A lot of teasing once again
Though funnily enough, some EXO members seem to be intimidated by JiHo or act awkward around her
JiHo has been pretty open about being an EXO-L and so many fans poke fun at EXO about them being awkward around the girl (they have adopted her into the fandom and she’s pretty well received there)
“She just has this aura around her~”
MTL to feel intimidated by/awkward around JiHo:
Most: Sehun, Suho & Kai
Least: Chen, Baekhyun, Xiumin (EXO-CBX ^^) & Lay (EXO-M <3, the former Chinese members were also not really awkward around her)
Not at all: Chanyeol & D.O.
JiHo’s fans are sad that her and Kai are so awkward around each other and blame EXO and NCT (mainly those in SuperM) for teasing Kai so much by mentioning JiHo looks up to him, that now he can barely look her in the eyes
People have also pointed out how funny it is that Kai and Sehun are especially intimidated by JiHo, comparing them to big dogs being scared of a little puppy (wait this is cute)
Chanyeol and D.O. get along very well with JiHo, Chanyeol mainly being kind of a big brother for JiHo, but a big brother who likes making fun of her and embarrass her
JiHo mentioned the group a lot in her first year of being an idol, after that she kind of stopped (theory: she got told of by SM for talking about EXO too much after getting a lot of mean comments from antis >﹏<)
Interactions between her and the group have also been insanely spares since mid 2019
(another theory: fans think that JiHo isn’t allowed to talk/interact with EXO anymore)
She has only mentioned EXO members when talking about SuperM, but it was mainly to support the group’s promotions
SNSD/Girl’s Generation:
NCT has teased JiHo before saying that she’s scared of SNSD
She defended herself by telling everyone that it’s because they are her seniors and she really respects them so she tends to get nervous around them 
Some of the members of the girl group have mentioned JiHo before and said they hung out a little
Hyoyeon has been very expressive about her fondness for the girl
She even said that she wanted JiHo to join her when she participated in Hit The Stage
It didn’t end up happening because the kind of dances she did where either “too mature” or “unfortunately we didn’t get permission (from SM) to let Jiho join”
Hyoyeon has posted some pictures with JiHo on instagram, either cheering her on during NCT promotions or just because they were casually hanging out
JiHo also really likes Sunny and Taeyeon and has been invited by the girls to attended their concerts a few times now
On the outside it looks like they have a very strict senior-junior relationship, but every once in a while the group tells them how they are actually closer to JiHo than people think, they just don’t have very many opportunities to show it
They also do NOT tolerate any hate towards JiHo (definitely from those who comment on her not deserving to be in a boy group or her skill as an idol in general) and WILL defend her and shoot down any comments
She trained with a few of the girls for a little while
But when it got announced that JiHo would be joining NCT instead of a girl group, she started training with the boys (NCT and trainees who’d join NCT)
Some fans speculated that JiHo and Aespa weren’t on good terms, but there was no evidence to back up their theories
More so, it was even revealed that JiHo knew the choreography for “Black Mamba” during a V Live
JiHo has openly supported the group by talking about their debut song and stages, but there aren’t really any other interactions between them
A collab between them would be LEGENDARY
When BoA visited NCT during their practise of Black on Black during the filming of Master in The House, she pointed JiHo out and complimented her for being able to be as powerful as the boys
JiHo looks up to BoA very much and during a variety show has revealed that she used to practise a lot of her songs/dances while she was a trainee
It happened a few times that the singer has expressed her faith in the younger girl’s potential and skill and hopes that JiHo will get to show of more of her talent because “Currently, I think she’s not able to show all her skills. She’s a junior I am able to trust to deliver (a great performance) if I asked her to work on a project with or for me.”
BoA’s comments about the younger girl only solidified the theories that SM is suppressing JiHo’s talent
JiHo has spoken out about it very subtly, saying that she’s happy where she is now as long as she gets to keep performing with the boys
In response to an international fan asking if JiHo ever thought about branching out to work on a solo project like a mixtape or even just solo dance videos to show of her choreographing skills:
“It makes me genuinely happy to perform with my friends right now. I think I still have a lot of learning to do. If ever my company reaches out to me to do something like that I will think about it, but I don’t really feel the need for anything like that right now. I’m happy (with the way things are) right now.”
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