"You're just a nuisance."
466 posts
Profile picture is by qwiopty on tumblr.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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mephopheles · 3 days ago
There’s this really common assumption that Silver is physically weak, clumsy and un-athletic because he’s just reliant on his psychic powers to do literally everything. This has never been indicated by Sonic Team and we’ve seen the opposite multiple times like how he physically fought Shadow to a stalemate in 06, plays sports all the time and when he becomes a top ranking figure skater in Otherworld Comedy he actively avoids using his powers in order to be fair. 
Silver can’t even use his powers endlessly or else he’ll run out of energy and pass out like in Rivals 2 and the Pumpkin Trigger Sonic Channel comic. His powers are actually more draining than regular physical activity.
seems like another case of flattening characters into easy-to-understand archetypes, I fear. it's the same as Sonic being characterized as hyperactive because he has super speed, a rather clichéd and unoriginal expectation that Sonic actually subverts by laying around doing nothing in his free time and taking relaxing vacations. I'm thinking of this interview with Iizuka where the interviewer has the same false assumption that Sonic must hate kart racing because it's slower, only for Iizuka to say Sonic doesn't mind it at all and he likes driving in cars.
also... people think Silver is physically weak?
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mephopheles · 4 days ago
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mephopheles · 6 days ago
Cunt <3
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mephopheles · 6 days ago
True Blue Quill: a Sonic the Hedgehog discussion server on a free, open-source Discord clone!
I made an SFW server for critically discussing Sonic('s) characterisation in different media with a preference towards his depictions by Sonic Team JP - it's stiff and rough around the edges at the moment, but it's open to members now!
Invite to True Blue Quill (Revolt server)
I heard about Revolt as a young but better alternative to Discord (free, open-source, GDPR-compliant) and, having never really made a Discord server, got into making one - come and check it out if you're interested!
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mephopheles · 6 days ago
So, Discord has added a feature that lets other people "enhance" or "edit" your images with different AI apps. It looks like this:
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Currently, you can't opt out from this at all. But here's few things you can do as a protest.
Go to Roles -> @/everyone roles -> Scroll all the way down to External Apps, and disable it. This won't delete the option, but it will make people receive a private message instead when they use it, protecting your users:
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You should also make it a bannable offense to edit other user's images with AI. Here's how I worded it in my server, feel free to copypaste:
Do not modify other people's images with AI under ANY circumstances, such as with the Discord "enhancement" features, amidst others. This is a bannable offense.
There's few ways to go around this. First, you can go to , select Help and Support -> Feedback/New Feature Request, and write your message, as seen in the screenshot below.
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For the message, here's some points you can bring up:
Concerns about harassment (such as people using this feature to bully others)
Concerns about privacy (concerns on how External Apps may break privacy or handle the data in the images, and how it may break some legislations, such as GDPR)
Concerns about how this may impact minors (these features could be used with pictures of irl minors shared in servers, for deeply nefarious purposes)
BE VERY CLEAR about "I will refuse to buy Nitro and will cancel my subscription if this feature remains as it is", since they only care about fucking money
Word them as you'd like, add onto them as you need. They sometimes filter messages that are copypasted templates, so finding ways to word them on your own is helpful.
ADDING: You WILL NEED to reply to the mail you receive afterwards for the message to get sent to an actual human! Otherwise it won't reach anyone
This is what they care about the most. Unsuscribe from Nitro. Tell them why you unsuscribed on the way out. DO NOT GIVE THEM MONEY. They're a company. They take actions for profit. If these actions do not get them profit, they will need to backtrack. Mass-unsuscribing from WOTC's DnD beyond forced them to back down with the OGL, this works.
This impacts their visibility on the App store. Write why are you leaving the one-star review too.
Regardless of your stance on AI, I think we can agree that having no way for users to opt out of these pictures is deeply concerning, specially when Discord is often used to share selfies. It's also a good time to remember internet privacy and safety- Maybe don't post your photos in big open public servers, if you don't want to risk people doing edits or modifications of them with AI (or any other way). Once it's posted, it's out of your control.
Anyways, please reblog for visibility- This is a deeply concerning topic!
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mephopheles · 6 days ago
this month’s commissions! thank you to everyone who reached out for a comm 🥹 incredibly grateful that i get the opportunity to do these!!
comm info here!
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mephopheles · 7 days ago
didn’t expect to get tagged for these sorts of things but hm……
Mephiles (my little princess obviously)
this was hard to make I fxiate on 06 so much I dont have set opinions on alot of the other chars lmao…. Suppose ill tag some people but im extra shy; @quarzy , @curlz-zy , @brutussecondincommand @niko-jpeg, or whoev.
Alright everypony, here's my top 10 favorite Sonic characters
Metal Sonic
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mephopheles · 8 days ago
Opinions on Sonilver:
I ship it
I like it
I dislike it
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Thanks anon! Polls for the Sonic fandom on just about anything. Share polls you like to get more data. Asks and submissions always open.
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mephopheles · 8 days ago
was waiting abit to post this out of shyness but I wanted to show this beautiful art of my little au guy that I commissioned from @qwiopty !!!! Kakajsisjs im still abnormal about it and I wanna show it off here because jwjsjjsj look at him augh I am Agressivly headpatting him really am so thankful!
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mephopheles · 9 days ago
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finished the blaze drawing !!!!!!! im far out of my comfort zone with the colouring but its going really well i think :]
also WOW yall really liked the werehog drawing. thank uuuu
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mephopheles · 9 days ago
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mephopheles · 10 days ago
Rah finally an deciding to upload the two rewrites I have so far for my meph&elise au! (Hand in unlovable hand). Might aswell link them here maybe for more reach..hope these are better than the originals!
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mephopheles · 10 days ago
Rah finally an deciding to upload the two rewrites I have so far for my meph&elise au! (Hand in unlovable hand). Might aswell link them here maybe for more reach..hope these are better than the originals!
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mephopheles · 11 days ago
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Now, I must fight for the future!
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mephopheles · 11 days ago
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I think he'd look neat in some eliza poses
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mephopheles · 13 days ago
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wesołego walenia tynku
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mephopheles · 13 days ago
projecting my period cramps onto mephiles as we speak sorry my little princess but im not in the mood for my period right now!!!!!!
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