#also my vibe for 2021
robinfollies · 9 months
caught in the rain 🌧️
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keefechambers · 5 months
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vladimir wants better employees.
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sesamenom · 9 months
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Gothmog, Thuringwethil, and bonus Tevildo
i was digging around in my files and rediscovered some really old silm art of mine, including my original angband trio designs (mostly traced off heroforge models lol):
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and they're actually pretty cool! thuringwethil's tail is maybe a little questionable of a design choice (how are you supposed to fly with a giant tail flopping around...) but it looks really good on gothmog.
i don't really remember what i was doing with sauron (he looks a little like early curufin for unknown reasons) and idk what the wrist things are supposed to be, but Original Flavor Thuringwethil was actually a corrupted maia of manwe (eonwe's sister?), hence the feathers instead of traditional bat wings. for Original Gothmog i am less sure about his origins but he is possibly a corrupted maia of ulmo (originally a sea serpent, hence the tail and ulmo style ear-fins) who basically dried up into a more stone-based serpent
anyways i think I might keep thuringwethil's face/wing design and gothmogs full design for future use
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rabbitoid · 9 months
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
George sees Dream through a thick fog
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The whole world used to be theirs, now only a shed of memories remains.
(The scene that Popped into my head from the prompt is like. One of those dramatic confrontations. Accusations, tears, yelling, a heartbreaking last word from Dream. George left standing there, Dream’s old broken mask in hand. The two of them know this won’t ever leave the fog)
My lil thing for the @sixteenth-day-event 💕 just a tinyyyyyy bit late
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heich0e · 9 months
am i rly going to go back to a fic i havent updated since december of 2021 and edit it into present tense just so that finishing the last chapter doesn't feel like such a drag? maybe
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leondaltons · 1 year
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Meet ROTTEN GRACE [Playlist] | @infamous-if
Mia Lennox [x] | Rowan Hart | Iris de Luca | Devyn Powell | August Pierce | Orion Quinn
Only Mia belongs to me, the rest of the characters belong to @infamous-if​
Credits: x | x | x
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bleachbleachbleach · 8 months
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[Bleach 083]
I have never really identified this in myself before, but I am kind of maybe a little obsessed with Ganju. A lot of this has to do with my general superinvestment in Rukia and Kaien and the whole Shiba-Kuchiki situation. But I'm also just into Ganju himself? I think it's the 4WD boar. SUBARU FAM.
Also because it's interesting to think about what we can draw from these panels, in terms of how Ganju is thinking about himself. I'm pretty sure we don't yet know that the Shiba are former nobility (though now I'm not sure in what future context that, specifically, would come up? if I had to guess Byakuya brings it up on the bridge, because literally who else would). Regardless, they have this whole cannon situation, and they are adept enough at the spiritual arts to know/invent kidou. In this chapter, the ceremony of the cannon is a huge deal (and requires use of what we might assume is Kuukaku's zanpakutou?). Even if we don't know the specifics, we know these are not your average Rukongai konpaku by any stretch of the imagination.
From Rukongai
But Ganju has still narrated a version of his brother that excelled in the Academy "despite being from Rukongai." The Shiba are absolutely not "from Rukongai" in the way that, say, Parakeet Kid is, even if they have always lived outside the Seireitei walls, pre- or post-demotion. Despite that distinction, and their linage, Ganju still thinks of himself--and by extension, Kaien--as being of this place, this non-Seireitei place. I mean, he rides a boar, he has fully embraced the bogan lifestyle.
My point is, this distinction of being from Rukongai matters to him, in his calculus of the world. Being from a noble family, it's probably only as surprising that Kaien is as innately talented as he is, as it is that Byakuya would be innately talented (relative to other Kuchiki as well as relative to other shinigami). The reach isn't as extreme as it would be for some literally random Rukongai konpaku. But that's not how Ganju sees this.
My brother who's in the Gotei
As far as determining Gotei norms, Ganju gives us a lot of cool info, provided we take him at this word as someone who would be intimately familiar with how the Gotei works. SURE, everything I've said thus far suggests we shouldn't. But I also feel like his pride in Kaien--and the kinds of weird things grief makes fixations out of--would suggest that even if Ganju knows nothing about the Gotei, he knows these little Kaien-shaped pieces to the letter:
Perhaps obviously, it is unusual to have lieutenant-class levels of reiryoku on entry into the Gotei
This does not automatically qualify you to become a lieutenant (even if there are slots available, which it kind of seemed like there were, re: Ukitake)
Kaien makes lieutenant within 5 years of joining the Gotei, which is also an exceptionally quick ascent. Given that Ukitake is nudging him in that direction during TBTP, this gives us something of a timeline on how long Kaien had been in the Gotei at that point (not very!).
"I was just a kid"
Then, between 40-110 years later, Kaien dies.
It's wild to think about Ganju being "a kid" when this happens. When was Ganju born???? Given that neither time nor aging are linear here, that's an impossible question to answer with certainty. Plus, I think "a kid" in this context could mean a whole lot of things that don't necessarily mean "I was exactly seven years old."
Even if I don't think I buy it entirely, I'm into the possibility that Ganju really is BABY, and was born after Kaien was already a shinigami and living apart from the fam (are the Shiba parents still alive and living and even weirder and more itinerant life than even Kuukaku--perhaps on the high seas??).
I'm also into the possibility that, honestly, Ganju has had a hard life, and that Kaien's death fundamentally separated his sense of who he was prior to that moment and who he would become, and that this is what he's referencing when he says his memories are dim because he was "only a kid" then. He had to grow up fast, at the same time as he's in no rush to grow up (running around with his boar gang, self-proclaiming things, rushing home for supper, acting the dutiful little bro to Kuukaku). Regardless, there's a lot of trauma surrounding Kaien's death, for sure. Which isn't to say Ganu's entire and only personality and reason for anything is his trauma, LOL. But it's not like Kaien's death and absence isn't a huge part of what's made him. It's not until this moment with the cannon, and the Hero Garb he made himself (using the Shiba crest) that he really says, okay, let's get some real info. Let's move forward.
DIY Regalia
Even the fact of his making his own Hero Garb really intrigues me. There is a long history that the Shiba are a part of--and again, we see this in the ceremony of the cannon, and perhaps even in Kuukaku's clothing and tattoos. It's not as though the Shiba don't already have regalia. And we could take this as Ganju finally fashioning literal, specific garments for himself as he takes up more of the mantel of his family's legacy, in the style of their usual regalia. I totally buy that.
But I also feel like the focus on this special getup being self-made goes back to Ganju not necessarily having access to the full picture of who his family was as a Great Noble House, and what all that history really is. We know that sometime after Kaien's death, the Shiba ceased to be a Great Noble House. If Ganju really was that young when Kaien died, there's another disruption. Like his memories of Kaien or his notions of who Kaien was, what the circumstances of his death were, Ganju is kind of piecing these things together without a map. ...Not unlike Ichigo!
(Must run in the family.)
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glitter-andgold · 9 months
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"I wanted you to see what you made me. A monster."
- The Devil Within (Digital Daggers) ("I'm underneath your skin, the devil within") - Unstoppable (Disturbed) ("Vengeance is coming, believe it now, you won't survive") - Choke (I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME) ("If I could burn this town, I wouldn't hesitate to smile while you suffocate and die.") - Haunted (Diamante) ("I've got a hold, you think by now you'd know that you'll never be alone") - I'm Your Nightmare (The Brains) ("I'm the creature that hides inside your brain, and I will always haunt you, you'll never sleep again") & more! Image Sources: x/x/x/screenshots from the film -------------- One of the big cosplay projects I'll be working on in 2024 is Gabriel May from Malignant so here's the (still growing) playlist I made to listen to while I work on it! I don't know if anyone still talks about this film but it's one of my all time favourites (I could talk about it for hours, I even have a tattoo of Gabriel's trophy knife). Needless to say I'm super keen to get started on this project!
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coconut530 · 6 months
Penumbra MESSED ME UP last week, so I thought I’d animate the like three words they say
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br1ghtestlight · 5 months
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this is so funny to me actually bcuz this is 100% how i talk abt my characters ages. i know what YEAR they were born and i know what rheir ages are supposed to be at the start of the story but i dont actually know when it takes place?? im really bad at math. There was a moment where rainbow was supposed to be 23 and i somehow accidentally made her 17 lmfao
#theoretically it would take place in 2021 bcuz thats when i created my object ocs but the more time passes#the weirder it feels to have it take place years in the past#i considered moving up their birthdays by a few years but like. idk i like their birthdays theyre cute :3#bubblegum is SUPPOSED TO BE 15 and she was born july 2007#watermelon is supposed to be 7 and he was born june 2014#etc etc#starr is 27 and she was born september uhhh 1995 or 1997 i actually dont remember. whichever one makes sense#also that would mean building block was born in 2020 and since she's always gonna be a baby the furhter away we get#it means that she wouldnt have even been born when the story is actually supposed to take place. Like#i know their birthdays and their ages and what year they were born everybody else has to do the math#to figure out wtf is going on because I DONT KNOW#also that means that building block would be a pandemic baby lmao 😭#what was rhe vibe in nigeria in august 2020 during the pandemic. well i say that like it even happened in their universe#which there really isnt any reason for that to be true#it isnt historically important to mention like..... world war two or slavery or whatever. fucking obviously. in the context of objects#it gets messy so its better to just Not#also the months the characters were born really fuck me up bcuz jayden was born in late december#so for most of the first year that they met he would be.... younger than he actually is being born in 2003#but since building's block birthday and exact age is the most important timeline-wise#and she was born august 14th 2020 and she's seven months old when they first meet#then it canonically would take place in march 2021 which was my original intention#bcuz that is the actual date that i first created my object ocs#ANYWAY. boring character age ramblings#but its hard to keep track of so i dont even blame the author!!!! birthdays are weird and hard to keep up w/#when you dont know exactly when your story is supposed to take place#assuming its in a normal-ish world im sure fantasy ocs dont have this problem#txt#object ocs
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xianyoon · 8 months
i miss 2021 genshinblr sm im ngl 😞😞😞
#the vibes were like no other actually AHJAHJJHAHJA#ik that it was like that because of the pandemic but there was really that sense of closeness in the community that you couldnt#get anywhere else.#and 2021blr was where i met most of my besties who (some) eventually bcame my irl friends!!!!#and all the character anons rp blogs events tag games everything#was quite lovely! i loved talking to people sm back then#people interacted with each other despite being part of different cliques and you'll see ppl reblogging from others and it felt#like a crossover episode of a multiverse sometimes LOL#and i remember cranking out fics every single day that was crazy i was truly in my writer period#but i just remember having fun. literally just having fun and not caring that my works were “not good” at all#because i was writing every single day out of the love for it.#and that's what matters the most#and also the theme changes every single week dude that shit was crazy#if anyone is here and remembers the ol syrup discourse of genshinblr 21 teheee#it was such a cute community though. loved it to bits and i love it to bits#genshinblr 22-24 is great but idk i feel like once the pandemic kind of settled down there was that detachment#maybe i miss being chronically online and not having to deal with anything HJAAJHJHEJHA#2021 was the year before my national exams and i remember attending online lectures and studying with my friends and idk i rmb so much ac#AHH AND ALSO dalgona and bbt at home omg#and everyone started learning guitar..#im going insane over this HJAJEJHJAEHAHJEHJEA to q k a a k c e s t j g b l y p s l t you know who u are#im grateful every day that you guys are still here and thriving#and i love u all sm hehe#― ying talks.#thoughts over AHAHAHA ty for dealing with me
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Winx Characters as Fake Poptart Flavors Part 2
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eggmeralda · 1 year
overcome with the sudden urge to listen to songs my friend likes...what does that mean
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hirazuki · 1 year
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Hanging out (ha!) with Maedhros today!
(This is "Maedhros" ⬇️ XD We're shooting in public so figured that an almost completely naked, bloodied elf would probably not be welcome on property lmao; especially since we're going the forgiveness rather than permission route.)
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And Eonwe, as my sister graciously agreed to throw on a robe, lend her limbs waist-down to the cause, and step on me. She doesn't cosplay but she's such a good sport ♡
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non-un-topo · 1 year
Something about listening to the Quest for Camelot soundtrack that just makes me smile and wiggle like I’m six years old again
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champagns · 1 year
did  i  spend  my  entire  off  day  working  on  my  theme  ?  well  …  yes  !
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