#also my doctor asked yesterday if I was talking to someone in my family
windfighter · 8 months
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No butterfly today because I got another idea :P I didn't get it out as great as it was in my head but the important thing is that I arted something *nods*
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autisticlee · 5 months
having some sort of chronic pain and tiredness issue and joint problems and whatnot but not knowing exactly what the problem is is really good at leading you feeling like you're faking it or making a big deal out of nothing or making it up. especially if there's a good day where it's not as bad and you can walk straight without limping for the first time in a year. but then you can wake up the next day and can barely walk and wonder why you can't just walk normal. it's hard to not guilt trip yourself into dealing with pain by trying to ignore it and force yourself to walk "normal" all the time
#chronic pain#chronic exhaustion#idk what else to tag#another day of why was lee walking normal and barely pain at work yesterday but then today so much pain and exhausted#wish i knew what was exactly the problem. was diagnosed with “generalized hypermobility” but doesnt do much#not a real diagnosis. basically just a thing to tell me “theres nothing wrong. exercise more” but how???? i keep trying but hurt myself#my job is physical labor and therefore exercise. it hurts. is exhausting. no energy to do more. walking is exhausting#have to focus so much energy on not popping hips out of place and twisting knees and ankles and falling. never hurts less#still think about how failed the heds test by 1 point but had several people with heds or who have close friends/family with it who told me#they think i have it and should go het diagnosed or just ask me if i have it because they recognize the symptoms#and every time i tell them the doctor i saw about my joint issues and stuff denied it they get super confused and tell me to try#another doctor. unfortunately i have to go through my designated health system and they dont have multiple doctors of each specialty#and i in general have no clue how to navigate health stuff or how to advocate for myself and have no help or support system at all so 🤷#anyway. it makes me wonder if i *do* have that or if my floppy bendy joints are just similarly bad and exercise will cure me#and im just bad at it because i have no clue what is right and wrong movement unless someone watches me and corrects me the whole time#and no i wont learn or get better. im so disconnected from this body that i will never learn what feels right and wrong.#still cant even tell when im hungry until i almost pass out!!!!!!! of thirsty!! or even have to pee until its emergency level piss!!!!!!#so no way to tell when hypermobiling joints when exercising or when form is slipping and not correct anymore.#been trying things to get better at that but still hasnt improved at all#what was i talking about......right. dont think ill ever get heds diagnosis since cant pass the test for that. so cant get much support/help#am on my own with youtube tutorials and hoping i dont keep hurting myself wishing exercise will cure me and “good days” become permanent#also why are video tutorials SO HARD TO FOLLOW AND LEARN FROM. im sk bad at it yet everyone tells me its the best and only way to learn but#its SO HARD FOR ME 😭😭😭😭😭 MAKES ME SO FRUSTRATED AND UPSET
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minniiaa · 6 months
Hehehe, I was hoping you'd like that idea though I don't think I ever saw your puppy Law post, I'll look for it at some point lol
As for the reason behind Law's sudden shift in affection… I didn't think about it until now. I woke up with a mission and nothing more! But now that you mention it, I have formulated a few of my own theories and also have chosen to take one of yours and run, sprint even.
I really like the idea of Law, who's been surrounded by death since he was barely double digits, suddenly gets hit with the weight of mortality. He never got the time for a grieving process, his parents and little sister died while he was trying to survive exactly what killed them and I doubt a 10 year old of any academic achievements could process that by himself. Cora died as soon as he was given a chance, a reason to hope again, Law was beaten and scorned at 13, he was tired but he couldn't bring himself to disrespect Corazone's last wish by allowing himself to die. He lived for years not for himself but for a man who risked it all for him, for parents who never got to see their son become a doctor, for a sick little sister who waited in a closet for her big brother, Law grew up living for anyone but himself because if he did he would find no reason behind it. So while he sits in a secluded corner of the hospital after that day's butcher's bill surpassed yesterday's, his mind slows down to try remembering some of those faces and names he couldn't save but for some ungodly reason all that comes to mind is Lami, Cora, his parents and suddenly the familiarity of death is no longer *just death*. Now it's a crooked smile that would need braces in a few years, grey hair, and that welcomed, looming figure behind him no longer being so tall, but none of that happened and Law, for the first time in 18 years, realizes he was robbed. Maybe it's a bit silly for a doctor to feel the weight of mortality at 28 years old, it's a feeling he needed though, that feeling sending him into an upward spiral quicker than he ever thought possible.
My own first thought, however, involved a play on the interaction between Law and Sengoku at the end of Dressrosa. Law's a surgeon known for having direct correlation with one of the most cruel crime families in the country, and while he has earned the legal trust of the police, one too many of them remember Law when he was that dickhead teen, so Sengoku tries saving as much face he can with his fellow officers by catching Law alone and briefly (Sengoku is holding back a lot) tries to bestow some grandpa wisdom onto him because his boy died for the one in front of him now. Sengoku wishes he could invite Law to his empty home for rice crackers and tea, or maybe coffee, Cora preferred coffee too. Law wants to know the man who raised the one who saved his life. Did Cora get his smile from Sengoku? They could both talk each other's ears off about one man but only Law gets answer before parting ways because above all else, Sengoku wanted Law to know that his son, his Rosinante, did not save him to fulfill a mission or some savior complex, he saved Law because he saw the life in a dying boy's eyes.
Second thought features, get this, living Cora!! I actually don't care much for angst, I want angst the way I want a bandaid on my arm. I know ripping it off is more beneficial but has anyone ever considered that I'm a little bitch? I digress though. Cora is fucking estatic when Law, very begrudgingly, admitted to be seeing someone. Sure Law has been in relationships before, however Law never let him know about said relationships until well AFTER they broke up, so to hear Law talk about his current partner at all automatically has him rooting in this mystery person's corner. The long awaited question finally can be asked, “When can I meet him?”. First of all, how did he know Luffy's a guy, Law hadn't said his name yet, second, never ever in the history of ever. He can't give up though, and Cora pushes Law to introduce him, saying he'll even wait a few months into the relationship so they don't feel rushed. Luffy and Law had been dating for AT LEAST a year at that point. Cora chooses to ignore that in the moment when Law breaks that news to him. Law is, honestly, a little flabbergasted by Cora’s investment in his love life, probably tries joking about showing Cora how to use tinder before it boils down and Law has to genuinely ask Cora why he's being so “weird” about Law's romantic life. Cora… Cora kinda just deadpan stares at Law out of complete shock at the realization that Law is being serious. With a tone akinned to one you would use when explaining to a child why Fido had to go to “the farm”, Cora absolutely dumps everything Law has done that's made him worry since learning of Law's romantic life. He recognized some of the names of Law's past partners, and he recognized them for a reason. It wouldn't have taken much from Cora to make Law realize just how stupid his question is, but Cora also wants Law to know just how special this person is for them to be having this conversation now. Law has always known how special Luffy is in comparison to his past relationships, but he's never had the right words to describe such facts, thanks to Cora of course.
Overall, the idea is that someone/something happens to make Law actually process his life/mindset which in turn makes him see clearly just how much Luffy has always meant to him. I dunno if I properly expressed just how little introspection Law has had to have done for him to break at 28 but my hands hurt from typing so I pass the baton to you in this relay race.
Yes, amazing anon! This is my personal favorite of the three (probably due to the expansion of my previous idea). I love your description of Law's relationship with mortality through the deaths of his parents, Cora, and Lami. How he doesn't realize until he's so much older and instead of making him feel downtrodden and even more sad, he almost feels relieved knowing that death is no longer looming behind him. Perhaps he's realizing his own mortality and knowledge that his life can be taken from him just as quickly as theirs. Now that this has finally clicked in his head (he knows it should have years ago he's a surgeon for fucks sake he watches people die everyday) he wants to live his life and love Luffy the way they both deserve to be loved because it could be over tomorrow.
This conversation with Sengoku is something I always wanted to incorporate into one of my stories and will probably do one day when I find the right one. I wish we knew more about Cora and Sengoku's relationship, they are both such fascinating characters and perhaps Law is understanding that Sengoku helped Cora grow some of his more admirable traits, like his desire to do the right thing and his ability to love so deeply. I firmly beleive Sengoku is a good man he just is not on the side of the story that we root for in One Piece and thus we see him as a villain but that's a topic for another day. But yes, the revelation of Cora saving him simply because he wanted to see Law live and be happy is something that can allow Law to truly move on. He's always been worried about making Cora proud and doing something with his life that is of value but maybe he realizes now that all Cora wanted for him was to be happy. Now he has someone in his life who makes him happier than anything in the world and it's high time he makes sure Luffy knows it.
Living Cora is the best and I used a conversation with him in one of my fics to help Law overcome his fears and tell Luffy he loves him so I am on board with this idea fully. Cora's totally invested in Law's love life, he wants him to be happy and knows that his little guy needs more love than even he can give him. He's been quietly watching from the sideline as Law dates and doesn't even tell him. He sees Law was in clearly unfulfilling relationships and he kept his mouth shut because he knows Law needs to experience life and that some people can't find their prince unless they kiss some frogs. However, now he sees the small changes in Law since he's been in this new relationship. He's less angry, he smiles more, he just overall seems more relaxed than Cora's ever seen him even if he is still the same uptight cranky Law. So he wants to meet Luffy not just to get to know him, but to thank him for finally being the person who can make his adopted son happy. As Cora explains how different Law is from Luffy and how he can just see how much he cares for him, Law sees it too. With a little encouragement from Cora about letting himself bask in the glow of this beautiful love he gets to experience and allow it to overtake him, Law finds himself seeing his point. There's no use in trying to hold back anymore, Luffy is already his and he knows more than anything Luffy just wants Law to give him every piece of him in return. So he does. Shout out to Cora for making Law's blockhead ass stop being so stubborn.
I think Law definitely needs SOME intervening person/event he's just a man so set in his ways whose mindset rarely gets changed. He cares about Luffy more than anything but he's never allowed himself to just let go and embrace what it really means to love and be loved. Once he does, there's no going back. :)
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imzsuzsis-blog · 6 months
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"On behalf of my family, Lando Norris, I'm asking for the full truth now!" I stood behind him while he threw himself into the bin, because sightseeing was the obligatory program today and this was the third bin he threw into. "I'm saying that I'm not pregnant with some kind of virus. You're just imagining it, I won't deny that. That I'm gay and that Ollie and I had a rough time, but we're still a couple." I smiled back at Alex and shoved the test back into my belt pouch. Don't let him see that I lied to him. "Shit, did you see Lando?" George became serious and became engaged to his girlfriend." "What were you gossiping about?" "Congratulations, man, that's a big word." "Thanks, Lando, when did you tell our little three that you were probably pregnant?" "Lando, I told you that's what you said yesterday in Swedish, you flat idiot!!!" "It's good that I'm pregnant from Ollie, but the breakup was very rough, the boys don't want to talk about it, let's sit down somewhere and celebrate the engagement."
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"I'm a fool, I let the boy I love go." I twirled the racket and at least tried not to throw it, but once I almost managed to hit Logan in the face. "Ugh, I'm sorry, my thoughts wandered somewhere else." "Paul is your boyfriend, that is, the one with whom you made the news." "Logan, it's not true, you made this up and you spread or spread the rumor about me, it's not false." ,.I have no relations with the f2 field, they said that you were dating him and he was quite angry about the kiss, who did it happen to?" "Fuck you that me and Lando kissed, you fucking have nothing to do with it, you Florida bastard!!!!" I ran out in anger, laid down on the floor and could hardly breathe. Logan freaked me out, he's the gossiper, but I really can't stand it in that field. "Paul pick it up!!!!"
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In front of the cattle, I was in the hotel room and I was video chatting with my girlfriend who was there with Bali Carlos's girlfriend and they say that they really like each other... They can't stand each other. Apparently, one of the queens of OnlyFans reached out to Carlos. He is already sick of this app, as are many of us in the field, especially Lando or Alex, although Lando tried it, but he thinks there are so many whores and cock-hanging him prostists up there that he deleted it, so he doesn't date here if he wants someone for himself, he also tried the apps, but they failed miserably there more than once he walked out of the date himself, the subject wanted to kidnap him and drag him out to make him a prostitute, but he was also transgender, he keeps in touch with him to this day, but unfortunately most of them were whores who only wanted Lando's money, so that's all about Tinder. "Sorry, but that was really optional." "Charles can't go without throwing up." "I'll leave you... Calm down, Lando, it will definitely be over one day, don't worry about it too much." "That's not the problem, but Kelly, you know. DR Yin said she started to worry if I didn't only have acne in the morning anymore. Now it's half past two and I've been throwing up for half the day and I don't even know how many Tokyo trash cans are full of what I had for breakfast today." "Fuck it, I'll call the ambulance then, it's bad, not only your health is important now, but the health of the people inside is even more important!!!"
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In the hospital, I didn't even understand what the doctor was talking about. I looked at her, then at Charles, who was shrugging because I think he thought the same thing as me, he thought I was pregnant by him. We started pointing out that no, I am not from him, but from another boy who is younger than me. I felt that someone other than Charles would hold my shoulder and bring me heart trouble. "My mother Loki, the heartache that hit me was terrifying." ,,Lando will say hello if we already dated yesterday..." ,,Hi, I've only vomited for almost half a day, you poor trash, and you know I'm afraid that my beans will hurt. I'm about five weeks pregnant, but that's not fixed either." "Thank you, he said that he can tell you at any time that you are seven weeks old, not five." ,,MR Norris calm down, thanks for the information about you now deep air guys from outside..." I looked at him, I couldn't believe it. "Fetus, fetus?" "Tears of joy or sorrow?" "Ecstasy is more there, my little one." "Look at one there and the other there, but wait with him if it doesn't get absorbed by the twins, but it seems to me that it won't." I held my face at the news, my brain couldn't place the news, it was good and bad. "Do you hear?" "Yes, I can hear their tiny heartbeats." I wanted to go out and nyakuba fell over, but I didn't go, I took the little rest I had, I saw how he was wiping the jelly from my stomach, I stood up, took everything and went out. "Why did you send us out?" Silnetly fell to the necks with a tearful face, I couldn't say what to say, "Gemini, now the other is not willing to give up."
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idkelly · 1 year
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• Lalo salamanca x fem!reader, with some nacho too (best of both worlds), HEAVY on slowburn, and i love hurt comfort so bear with me
The casino was a safe space, for (Yn) at least, because it was her favorite skill—gambling and playing with predictions and percentages. She was known for it, and everyone knew her hands always pulled the best cards in the game.
Yes, the new Mexico casino was nothing like the one back home in Mexico, but business is business. Walking in, she didn’t grab any attention, which was better for her sake at the moment.
Only her father and brothers knew of her existence right now, plus Mike and a few others. but to the outside world, the new family was long gone from the public’s eye.
She hummed along to the music as she made her way to the back office, opening the door slowly, "Pa?"
“Hola bonita," as always, a cigarette was between his fingers and a book was spread in front of him. The lights were pretty dim, and the doctor told him it was better for his eyesight.
"I found him."
"Hmm, when’s the next step?"
It was perfect. The plan and her needs were aligned. Her car needed a checkup, and she herself needed to check up on someone.
She found herself at the front desk of Ignacio's dad's workshop, and she was quite surprised he had some good business going despite his age.
 “Hola," the old man greeted her as soon as he heard the bell ring.
 "Hola.  ¿Cómo estás?" 
"Welcome. How can I help you?" He switched to English so fast, do I really look that white-washed?
"I was hoping to get a checkup on my car."
He nodded and turned to the back, where he yelled his son's name, telling him to go up front.
(Yn) couldn’t help but smile when she saw the look on his face when he recognized her; his steps slowed for a second as he gathered his thoughts as to what she was doing here.
The man brought his son only to be a translator between the two; therefore, Yn  didn’t need to show her ability to speak Spanish.
 In the middle of talking, the dad was called back in. with an apologetic look, he said, "I'm sorry, Senorita. My son will help you, okay?" and with that, he walked off.
 "How’d you find me?"
 (Yn) scoffed, looking to the side, though she could feel Ignacio's stare burn holes through her skull.
"Why are you here?"
"I can't get my car checked out now?."
 The man kisses his teeth in annoyance. What the hell was she doing here? "We both know you’re not here just for that."
 "Well, a little birdie told me that not only you’re a drug dealer, you’re also a card thief. I mean, shit, if you wanted some, I would’ve given you my Pokemon collection; it’s very exclusive."
 If someone were to animate the view from (Yn)’s eyes, they would’ve drawn steam out of Ignacio's ears.
 "I'm just saying you underestimated how big of an idiot you were. He went to the police for those cards, and now they’re snooping around."
 "Sounds like you have a problem, young lady," he said, taking a step back, ready to leave.
 "First of all, it’s an us problem; second of all, I'm pretty sure I'm older than you," he continued along his way until she stopped him dead in his tracks.
 "Are you really not that scared of Tuco Salamanca?"
 And there he is again, right in front of Yn, with his hands crossed over his chest.
 "I know you don’t play ball, so to speak, and Tuco finds out about your little side business. I think we both know the end to that."
 "Who are you?" he finally asked; that question had been on his mind for the whole day yesterday.
 "Me? I'm nobody," same dumb smile she always uses.
 "To put an end to this before it even starts, you give me the baseball cards, 10,000 in cash, and you net roughly $60,000."
 Ignacio chuckled then went back to his serious face, "And how exactly does that work?"
 (Yn) stayed quiet for a bit, saying, "Before I continue, you really have amazing eyelashes, im jealous."
Well, that took him by surprise; he didn’t show it obviously, but still, it startled him. However, his thoughts were soon interrupted by her continuing her speech.
He was impressed by her plan, and more so by her way of convincing him so easily to take part in it.
What stood out about her to him was the way she held eye contact; sure, it was common in the business to establish power and shit, But with her, it was almost more to get even with whoever she was looking at. He couldn’t put a finger on how he felt about it, her.
(Yn) wasn’t there when the final deal was happening, but Mike was, and she told him about the plan as she dropped him off near where he worked; it wasn't hard to find that one either.
The rest of the day she spent at the casino with her brothers; her father was now back home. The place was her brother's, where she was carrying out her business, which was her casino back in Mexico.
Here, the family was invisible, though; it wasn’t common knowledge who owned this place.
After a few hours, Yn  finally decided to head back home to her cat and maybe watch a movie while cuddling. The woman’s schedule was really, really empty; she could do as she pleased day and night.
As she unlocked the door, she could hear her cat calling her through the kitchen, but instead of coming to her, she had to fully realize who was sitting down on her sofa.
hard eyes.
 "Do you want coffee or tea?" she said as she kicked off her shoes and walked over to the kitchen.
 "Is this really your response to finding a stranger in your home?"
 "A stranger is someone you don’t know."
 A scoff could be heard, along with footsteps indicating he followed her to where she was; to his surprise, she was already making dinner, pasta, he presumed. with two plates set on the table.
 Was she serious? "Well, I don’t know you."
"So you willingly barged into a stranger's home, pretty clever," she laughed. "Did you follow me?"
“No, I dug a bit and found you," she couldn’t help but laugh more at his attempt.”I noticed the van that was following me yesterday, plus, if you dug around about me, you wouldn’t be here."
"Why are you here, anyway?" she said as she filled up the two plates with salsa and set the remaining in the middle if either of them had wanted seconds.
 He sat down, examining the dish. It was nicely made and fairly appetizing, especially after a long day of work. On the other side of the table, she sat leaning over to him, and there it is,  her stare.
 "Why do you do that?"
 "Do what?"
"Does it bother you?"
 It was definitely a no, but he couldn’t say that, and on the other hand, he couldn’t say yes either.
 "Does Tuco not pay you enough so you make money on the side?" With that, Ignacio let out a big sigh and set his utensils aside.
 "The problem isn’t my salary or anything; Tuco is a ticking time bomb; he didn’t mind putting a bullet between a guy’s eyes just because he got a weird look from him, let alone me."
 "Your face has good bone structure; keep it that way," she said as she slipped the pasta into her mouth again. He didn’t know if these were compliments or not; she didn’t say them in a flirtatious manner, definitely more like she stated facts from a powerpoint presentation.
 After a moment of silence, he said, "Your cooking is amazing; where’d you learn it from?" She could tell he liked it by how he was devouring what was presented in front of him.
"My father’s an amazing cook, but I was the only one who got his talent; my two brothers
They learned to gamble from me instead."
 So she does have a family. Though she was an orphan or something.
"Yes! My favorite hobby is real. I could do it for hours, plus I know all the tricks."
"okay show me sumn' "
 "I’m in a good mood today, so I'll  show you a few."
The rest of the night was filled with laughter and jokes. (Yn) gave the guy a lesson on games and cheats while his eyes filled with interest in what she was showing him, but either way, they both knew the night had to come to an end.
As Ignacio was at the door, ready to step out, he looked back to the woman who had greeted him goodbye a few seconds earlier, sitting on her couch peacefully petting her cat while watching TV. He really forgot why he came here in the first place.
Yn'’s mind filled with what she could do now to avoid her boredom, but as soon as she received a certain voice call from a specific person, she knew the next few days were going to be eventful.
She watched as Krazy-8 walked out of that door looking like his legs were about to give out at any given moment, yet he was sure fast enough to drive away in his vehicle. giving Yn her moment to shine.
She dresses nicely for the occasion for once, letting her hair down and doing her makeup, just taking care of herself before this whole shitshow goes down.
Parking her car next to Tuco’s and purposely bumping into it a little bit was the easy part; now she has to go in and embrace what’s going to happen.
Tuco was already staring at her in disbelief; he definitely saw what happened through the big classroom window, looking absolutely furious, while Nacho turned around after a few seconds and did his heart drop— is she everywhere?
"Hey!" She heard Tuco call out when she walked by their table to the register, but she pretended she didn’t hear them.
"Hello! Um.. can I get the number four, please, on the go?" She said this while smiling to the man before her, who went to work right away in order to avoid the scene that was about to happen.
"Yo chica, hey," she felt a hand guide her to turn around as she was met by none other than Tuco, who stood beside him, Ignacio. "You just hit my car."
"Huh? I hit your car?" Tuce chuckled at Varga. This bitch’s acting dumb.
"See, that car that you parked your piece of shit next to?" That’s mine, and you’ve just run into it."
"Oh well, I guess I could’ve and I didn’t notice, so my apologies, sir," she smiled and turned around, collecting her order and mumbling a small thank you before rushing out.
She could hear Tuco yelling not to get away from him, but the altercation needed to happen outside.
"Don’t you walk away from me!" Ay, puta!"
All the talking was done by the salamanca, while Varga stayed awfully quiet. Even Tuco noticed a slight change in demeanor on his end.
"You see that! You did that!" he said, pointing to the tiniest dent known to mankind.
"That’ll buff right out, now if you’ll excuse me—
As she was getting ready to open her car door, she felt a hand grab her by the shoulder and swing her all the way around, face to face with Tuco.
"You’re not leaving until you pay for this."
"If money is all you need, I've got great insurance."
Once again, with his hand that’s still glued to her, he shakes her to stop talking that nonsense.
"I ain’t messing around with no insurance, bitch, cash."
"Listen, I've barely got cash on me, so if you just give me your information, I’ll send it to you through insurance."
Thud.  Now (Yn) was sandwiched between Tuco salamanca and a wall; her head began to hurt already; maybe doing this herself was a bad idea, but she knew Mike would follow up with the deal, and she couldn’t let that happen; it won’t help her in the long run, and she needed all the salamanca alive.
So she'd have a black eye from one of them—not a big deal.
"You’re pretty, but a pretty awful liar." "I saw your wallet earlier; you've got plenty."
"That’s for my rent; it’s due today, and I can’t— ugh
Tuco’s ring was sure to leave a mark on Yn'’s cheek. Her head is already spinning. Why do I do this to myself?
"Just give him the money." This time it was Ignacio who spoke; no emotions were displayed, though his voice was almost like a whisper.
(Yn) looked at him and then forward to meet the loco eyes of Tuco Salamanca. she chuckled.
"I ain’t giving you shit."
The police sirens could be heard coming this way. "It’s time to bounce," Ignacio said, but his partner didn’t budge; instead, he ordered Nacho to leave and let him finish this business.
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taehyungday · 1 year
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𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀…𝗃𝖾𝗇𝗈 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
𝗀𝖾𝗇𝗋𝖾…𝗒𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝗎
𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗍…954
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"Your boyfriend gave me unsettling vibes."
After my birthday party, this was the first thing my father said.
"However dad, he is such a great guy, and I love him." I said.
"Your father is correct, Y/n. I didn't you likeyour man, either." My mum commented.
"Jeno is shy and awkward around people at first, but once you get to know him, he is incredibly lovely and amusing. He is also a really caring person." I replied.
"I don't believe he is the right person for you." My father said and then walked out of my room.
"You should reconsider. I didn't feel safe in Jeno's presence." Before leaving my room, my mother said.
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"So, what are you going to do now?" . Sana wondered.
"I'm not sure. I have no idea how Jeno will respond." I responded.
I was perplexed as to why my family disliked Jeno. He's a real darling.He is my first love . I'll never forget when he asked me to be his prom date. I couldn't believe such a famous gentleman had asked me to be his date.
Our two-year anniversary is coming up next week. My parents also urge me to end my relationship with him. Jeno hadn't contacted or texted me since yesterday, which was odd. He hadn't returned my calls or read my messages.
"I believe you should speak with him about it." Sana remarked.
"Yeah. Perhaps I should "I responded.
My phone suddenly began to ring.
Suddenly my phone started ringing.
"Hello. Is this Y/n L/n?" A female voice asked.
"Yeah." I replied.
"Your parents are involved in an accident."
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"I'm sorry to tell you this, but we were unable to save your parents." the doctor said.
This is how I'm now feeling.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I didn't want to trust what I was hearing. They had vanished. I let go of my body and let it fall to the ground. I began to sob uncontrollably. I couldn't hold back my tears. I was feeling a little low.
Someone suddenly raised my chin with their fingers. Jeno was standing there when I looked up. I simply pounced on him and began crying on his shoulders. He returned my hug and began patting my head.
"Do not be worried, doll. I've arrived." He began to speak in hushed tones.
"Everything will turn out alright." He stated.
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"Will you marry me?" I asked her.
As she bobbed her head, she had tears of joy in her eyes.
"Yes," she replied.
I pushed myself up from my knees and grasped her waist, kissing her fiercely.
"I love you." She murmured this as she leaned in for another kiss.
"You know doll, that I love you more."
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Being the son of a wealthy CEO was not easy. People had high expectations of you. When I was born, my mother passed away. My father was usually occupied with his business. I was constantly surrounded by servants who served me. I had a lot of dishonest pals who only befriended me for the money. No one cared about me. I desired someone who would simply adore me.
But then I met her one sunny day. L/N  Y/N She was everything I was looking for in a partner. She was flawless in every way I knew that she was the one for me. I noticed her while getting McDonald's food. And that turned out to be the best decision I've ever made. While taking people's orders, she appeared vulnerable and beautiful. I felt compelled to defend her from those individuals.
She even gave me a friendly grin. She was also interested in me.
I told my bodyguards to look for her the next day.
I wanted to know everything there was to know about her.
They divulged her personal details to me. For her, I changed my private school. For her, I went to a low-cost school.
I killed all the boys who tried to talk to her for her. I killed all the scumbags who tried to bully her for her.
I even killed my father, who tried to prevent me from going to school, for her. Yes, managing a billionaire firm at the age of 17 was difficult. However, I did. I only did it for my doll. After we got married, I wanted to treat her to several luxuries.
I finally worked up the guts to ask her to prom. And she replied with a resounding YES. I had a feeling she wished for me as well.
I asked her to be my girlfriend on my graduation day. And she, of course, said yes.
She, on the other hand, was adamant about not telling her parents about our romance. As a result, I had to sneak into her house late at night in order to cuddle with her. I also hid some cameras in her room so I could keep an eye on her at all times.
Everything was well until she expressed an interest in telling her parents about our relationship. Her parents were attempting to persuade her that I was not suitable for her. My doll even attempted to defend me, but they only wanted her to end our relationship.
As a result, I assassinated them as well. And paid the doctors to declare their death an accident.
My Y/n was simply too young to realise that I was the one who had messed up her parents' lives.
But she'll never know about all the wrongdoings I've done.
"Now you're mine officially, doll. I'll never let you go cause I love you more than anything."
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foster-the-world · 1 month
I want to start exploring ADHD medications for baby boy. We were planning to wait until he was 6yo but I'm not sure that's realistic anymore. We made the cardiologist appointment for an EKG because we don't know his family history of heart issues. I want to research the options. Has anyone done the gene testing to try and understand what meds may work best? I'd prefer to skip the "test out a drug to find out it makes him behave worse" phase. Not sure how reliable the test is but have seen it recommend. Thanks to the shitty American healthcare system I can't call his development pediatrician to ask her to send over options before the appointment. If I knew what she was thinking I could make sure we are on the same page.
Was walking into the weed store when my daughters classmate and her mother came by. I was planning to get the 1906 chill pills. First time ever visiting such an establishment and of course I run into someone I know. Not a big deal. Its legal. Not sure they even noticed. I was happy to see her as I'm hoping her daughter will do the ice skating program with Rebel/Bee. Sent the info to a bunch of their friends today. The program said they would provide transport if we can get 8 kids at the school signed up.
I love how my kids live in the neighborhood with all of their friends. I love that they walk down the street and people regularly yell their name AND three times in the last week I've seen people on the street and walked out of my way so I didn't have to say hello. I'm not up for small talk all of the time. I'm sure they don't want to talk to me either. Sometimes you just want to go home.
Went to a school families apartment yesterday. The Dad is a Columbia Professor whose previous full time job was polling. He said in the last Presidential election in our precinct more people voted for Jill Stein then Donald Trump. Not surprised and happy to be in good company.
T-4 days to vacation. Found out the kids camp field trip to Coney Island is on Friday. We have to pick them up early to go the airport. Luckily we are flying out of the airport near Coney Island so I think we can just pick them up there.
Rebel has a very bizarre looking rash on her leg. One small spot, maybe one inch around. No itching/pain. Did a telemed appointment. The NP was like "Yeah, that doesn't look like anything I've ever seen." Told us to take her in sometime this week. Luckily, she already has an appt to get her finger prick tmrw morning. Not too worried about it but did wish it was more typically looking. Its always something.
Started baby boy on Steroids' Friday night. The cough is so much better. Thank God. Also good to know that may work in the future. Our doctor never mentioned it in the past. I need to get him into a Pulmonogist but as he has eight doctors appointments (6 Neuropsych + cardiologist + Dev Ped) in the next month I simply cannot add another one right now.
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i think 13 and yazs dad would get on like a house on fire. she actually loves his pakora and hes like FINALLY someone who understands my VISION. he periodically sends yaz pictures and videos he took of the newspaper or the news on tv with the request to show it to the doctor and dutifully but skeptically yaz always does and the doctor always wants to check it out because even if it isnt really something hakim always sends stuff that seems specifically chosen to pique her interest, which it isnt, they just have similar opinions on what counts as interesting. and like 60% of the time it actually IS something. and the other 40 they have a nice day out seeing sheffield under the guise of “investigating” and report back to hakim at the end of the day what theyve found. it’s like a little holiday. if yesterday they saved three civilisations and also got a cat out of a tree then today they’ll check out one of hakims hunches.
sonya i think would take a while for 13 to warm up to. sonya clocks whats going on within two minutes of seeing them together and takes it as her duty as a sister to tease yaz and her weird girlfriend until the end of time. she treats the doctor with that same abrasiveness that covers affection that she does yaz and it takes the doctor a while to figure out what to do with that. but as they spend more time together she starts to see through the teenage posturing how much sonya cares about yaz and how much yaz cares about sonya and she recognises herself in sonya as much as she does in yaz. recognises the insecurity and fragility behind the big mouth. approaches sonya when she sits in a corner on her phone at family gatherings and starts telling her stories of everything she got up to at school (hotwiring warp drives) and slowly but surely she gets sonyas guard down and there grows some genuine affection between them. a relationship thats more than the initial I See You Care About Yaz As Much As I Care About Yaz And I Respect You For That But I Dont Really Get You
they all get together on birthdays and holidays and yaz brings the doctor and sonya brings ryan and ryan brings graham and yaz is like damn. damn it. this is what i was trying to avoid. this is what i didnt want to happen. wasnt sure what i DID want to happen but it sure as shit wasnt this situation that is unfolding right now in front of me. as the doctor is offering pakoras her dad made to two people whove been sort of father figures to her, one who was also kind of an inferior to her in a flat team structure dont question the math there and also her best friend for three years in what were at times definitely traumatising circumstances that she hasnt dared to look too closely at yet, and another who was basically an honorary grandad to her and actual grandad to ryan who sits across from her holding hands under the table with sonya and they both definitely definitely are very sure in what they think is happening between her and the doctor and have no reservations smugly hinting at it in front of her parents and okay fine maybe they are a little bit right and okay yes probably her parents do also know but that doesnt mean we need to acknowledge anything or talk about it thanksss :):):):):)
but she gets over it. and the doctor, who was very much resigned to never seeing graham or ryan or dan ever again, is overjoyed and after every party yaz has to convince her of the joys of delayed gratification and also the fact that if she skips right to next year right now she’ll have to wait two years for the next time.
najia takes a bit to come around. she has missed years of her daughter’s life and it’s hard not to blame the doctor for that. it’s hard to trust her or be okay with all this when she was deliberately kept out of the loop since the moment yaz met her. the doctor feels like this threatening force, fell into her life calling her on her husband’s phone mysteriously knowing her whereabouts and asking about her daughter. knows her name but never introduces herself. only has “it’s a long story” to offer in response to “who are you and how do you know my daughter”. and while not being forthcoming with whats going on in her life or head is hardly new or surprising behaviour coming from yaz, it’s still concerning in combination with this stranger who yaz seems very familiar with and the sentence “i owe the doctor my life”. it’s suspicious. it’s weird. and it doesnt help that after that chaotic first impression, her second impression of the doctor will be yaz telling her “i ran away with her travelling through time and space and i lied to you about it for years” and conspicuously not telling her “your impression of whats going on between us was right that first time when you’d only seen us together for like half an hour”
but because yaz is clearly happier than shes been in years and also because all these other people seem to trust the doctor too - especially the adults, she probably discreetly questions dan and graham about her some time - she does come around eventually. because especially with 13 i think it’s hard not to love her once you get past the initial suspicion about the Weirdness. especially because with yazs family she’d dial the Im Nice Im Friendly Im Not A Threat Ive Never Murdered Anyone In My Entire Life Please Love Me mask up to 11. and najia is a mother and shes a mother to yaz and if yaz is even slightly her mother’s daughter and the doctor is a lot like yaz, najia will be kind to her i think. she’ll become a little bit of a third daughter. once najia’s been convinced of the Im Not A Threat thing. and the doctor and yaz get the same thousand yard stare sometimes. which she gets angry about too. and yaz and her fight about too, a couple times. but in the end the doctor seems like a net positive on yazs life, and even if she isnt, it’s unlikely shes gonna leave anytime soon so better make peace sooner rather than later. though i do think the doctor will charm her. and she’ll have a relationship with najia like she will with hakim and sonya.
the doctor always sits in the same spot on the sofa whenever they come over and eventually yaz is like “you know we can just buy a sofa? for at home? could even be a purple one” and the doctor Lights Up like she hadnt thought of that and they get a purple sofa and they sit on it every night because nobody dies. happily ever after. the end
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aeoki · 4 months
Blackjack - Santa Will Not Come: Chapter 8
Location: Underground Family Residence Characters: Shinobu, Souma, Mayoi & Hitsugi Season: Autumn
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< At that time. Yumenosaki premises (unknown location). >
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Hitsugi: …………
Mayoi: Umm, Hitsugi-kyun…?
H–How about some tea? This is something grown at my place, so it may not be to your liking…!
Ah! Please rest assured! I haven’t put anything strange in it!
Hitsugi: …………
Mayoi: Umm, you’re awake… aren’t you?
(Hmm… What should I do? He isn’t reacting at all. He hasn’t been since I “picked him up” yesterday.)
(I remember him being an oddly energetic boy, but it looks like he’s a different person.)
(It seems he has hurt his head but did he suffer damage to his brain…?)
(If that is the case, then I must have him examined by a doctor. He frantically told me not to take him to the hospital or police, though.)
(Just what on earth happened…? He definitely did not seem normal.)
(When I found Hitsugi-kyun, he had collapsed and there were bullet holes around him… Is he caught up in some sort of trouble?)
(I want to ask him but I can’t! Frankly speaking, I don’t even want to be involved! But I can’t leave him alone. Uuu~!?)
Hitsugi: Ayase-senpai.
Mayoi: Huh? Y–Y–Y–Yes! What is it?
Hitsugi: Let me show my appreciation once more.
Thank you for saving me.
Mayoi: It’s quite alright – I haven’t done anything in particular.
Hitsugi: That’s not true. You tended to my wounds and even took me to a safe place.
I always wanted to come here, so I’m really happy. This is actually a blessing in disguise.
Mayoi: Uuu. I’m sorry for bringing you to such a gloomy place… But this is the only place I could think of where no one would be able to find us.
Thinking back, I shouldn’t have done that. Under normal circumstances, I shouldn’t be bringing outsiders here. The Leader will scold me…
Also, the rule here is that you’re not allowed to leave once you’ve known about this place.
There are rules and laws here.
Oh, but don’t worry. I’ll let you go once there is an opening!
Hitsugi: You don’t have to be in such a hurry~ This situation is perfect for me.
It’s just that Anzu-senpai will probably be worried since I disappeared all of a sudden…
No, maybe she got tired of me a long time ago.
I betrayed her trust, after all…
Mayoi: Ahh, don’t force yourself to speak! You’re badly wounded, Hitsugi-kyun. Please calm down and rest!
Hitsugi: Alright. I’ll do as you say~ Boy, am I glad you were the one who found me.
Let me thank you again. I won’t forget your kindness even when I’m dead.
Mayoi: (...Just as I had thought, he does seem like an entirely different person. Perhaps he cannot muster the energy after suffering such an injury?)
Hitsugi: …I’m sorry. Could you let me sleep for a bit?
Mayoi: Oh, right. Please sleep as much as you like. Umm, I shouldn’t tell anyone else about what happened to you, right?
You seem close with Anzu-san, so I’d think she would be worried about you.
Hitsugi: That’s precisely why I don’t want her to know. We finally have nothing to do with each other, so it’s better that we say goodbye like this.
No, it was a miracle for someone like her as bright as the sun to be friends with someone like me in the first place…
The time – my youth – that I spent with her was just so dazzling and bright.
So I ended up dreaming, thinking that even I could lead a normal life.
But everyone has to wake up from their dream, don’t they?
Mayoi: …………
Hitsugi: Oh, my big sister might start talking when I’m asleep, but just ignore her as much as you can, okay?
Unlike me, she grew up in a pretty decent environment so, how do I put this? She can’t really sense danger.
So I’m worried she might go outside without a fear in the world.
There isn’t a place for us outside anymore – we don’t belong anywhere now.
Mayoi: …Um.
Hitsugi: Ah, I’m seriously getting sleepy. Goodnight, Ayase-senpai.
It looks like you’re not able to go to school because you’re looking after me…
But you should meet up with your friends and let them know you’re fine.
It’s important to treasure those relationships.
I don’t have anything like that anymore.
Mayoi: …………
Hitsugi: *Zzz… Zzz…♪*
(...He fell asleep. His sleeping face is just adorable.)
(That’s not what I mean. Hmm, it really does seem like something is off about him. I can’t understand a word he’s saying.)
(What should I do…? I’d like to ask someone who knows everything but, unfortunately, I don’t know anyone like that.)
(And I don’t want to get the “ALKALOID” members involved in something like this.)
(Ahh! I’m such a terrible human being! There is someone who is in trouble right in front of me, but there are other things on my mind…!)
(I’m sorry, Hitsugi-kyun – I’m sorry it was someone useless like me who took you in.)
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vminizzle · 2 years
SERIES || My destiny
Chapter 6 : medical escape
pairing : taehyung x f.reader
genre : angst
warnings : sickness?
words count : 1.1k
A/N : damn, no comment.
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You sighed happily as your body made contact with the soft mattress, your muscles instantly relaxing as you breathed slowly enjoying the silence the night had to offer.
You finished your call with Momo reassuring her that you were good and all.
Today was a pretty good day, well, not the morning but at your brother's work.
You had the chance to meet his best friends that he considered like his family.
They were really nice gentlemen, really respectful and friendly. Some of them were really funny.
I like them, you thought to yourself.
You admired the way your brother worked. He was so serious, just an hardworking man. You wanted to be like him one day. You wanted to succeed in life so you could make him proud. And you could feel independent.
But there was something, more like someone that got stuck in your head.
You were just in awe in front of him.
The way he talked about what you loves, what he also loves made you feel something but you didn't know what exactly.
He was so attractive.. you could felt butterflies dancing in your stomach as you thought about him.
The way he smiled when he was listening to you talk attentively, the way he would looked away when you find him staring at you, well that what you assumed you're not sure, maybe you were just overthinking.
Oh and his hands.. they were so warm. His touch was just.. there are no words to describe it.
You covered your embarrassed face with your hands.
"what am I thinking gosh." you groaned as you realized you were smiling like an idiot.
"he's my brother's friend, what the hell y/n stop it. he's just a friend now. he was just attractive. nothing else.. yea nothing else but that's the first time I'm feeling like... arghhh no y/n stop you stupid." you scolded yourself as you turned around on your bed.
"ok time to sleep." you sighed heavily.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
"oh fuck no.. no no-" you put your hand over your mouth as you threw your blanket on the side, getting out of your bed hurriedly.
You ran to your bathroom, hand rapidly pressed on the light switch to light up the dark room as you dropped on the floor near your toilet.
Your eyes watered as you threw up like yesterday's morning.
Hearing your brother's voice you wanted to stand up from the floor but couldn't, nausea taking over.
"y/n, I'm entering so if you're naked put your clothes on real quick I give you 10 seconds before I open that door!" Yoongi warned.
Yoongi opened the door, seeing you in your current state he rushed to you, kneeling near you but not too close.
You tried to stand up as he helped you.
Flushing the toilet and closing the plate so you could sat on it, Yoongi stared down at you, arms crossed in front of his chest. You looked up at him, seeing his poker face.
"ew just look at you. you seem dead. you're fucking sick let me take you to the doc, this time you're gonna listen to me you unconscious kid." he scolded.
"I give 15 minutes to get prepared. brush your teeth, and change your clothes. I'll wait for you downstairs, call me if you need help. " with that Yoongi exited your room letting you alone as you looked blankly to the floor.
"can you eat something or you still feel nauseous?"
"I don't feel like eating." you replied as you sat on the chair next to him.
"Did you take some medicine yesterday? last night?" you shook your head making him nod.
"ok let's go." he grabbed his keys ready to leave as you followed him.
"don't you work today?" You questioned, your head resting on the car's window as you looked outside.
"day off." he answered making you hum.
"hi doctor." Yoongi shook hands with the tall man standing at the door as he greeted you and your brother.
You both sat down on the chairs facing the man as he started asking a few questions.
"oh I'm y/n's brother, Min Yoongi." he introduced himself nervously.
"so can you tell me what's happening Miss Min" the doctor took a pen, probably to write what you would say.
"since yesterday I started feeling sick. My head is spinning and I have this need to throw up time to time. It happened that I suddenly feel hot and start sweating." you explained making the doctor nod.
"Sir may I ask you to leave the room for a few minutes please."
Yoongi looked at him confused.
"And may I know why?" He asked slightly annoyed.
"I have personal questions to ask to your sister." he replied.
"oh.. hm I'll wait outside then." he touched your hand reassuring you.
"ok Miss. I want to know when was the last time you got your period please?" You thought for a while before answering him.
"it's been a few weeks now, I'm actually late. But it happens often." the doctor nodded before continuing "do you take any contraceptives?"
"huh? what?" you panicked.
"no no I don't, why would I?" you started bouncing your leg nervously.
"I want you to be honest Miss Min, you don't have to be scared or anything I'm here to help you, I'm a doctor so don't be nervous to talk about these type of things." he smiled politely making you gulped.
"when was the last time you had sex?"
"Oh I've never had s-" you stopped suddenly, heart beating rapidly, your hands getting sweaty.
no no it can't be it, no , you repeated to yourself.
"Miss, are you ok?"
"No! I mean no.. I've never had sex." the doctor stared at your for awhile and was about to talk when you interrupted him.
"oh hm, I think It's nothing, you know I think it's because I'm very stressed these days, exams and all those stuff y'know. Sorry for d-disturbing you, yea. hm.. good bye I need to go. Have a great day sir. Thank you." you rushed to the door, grabbing Yoongi's hand as you ran outside making people looked at you weirdly.
"No need to thank me.. i'm just doing my job Miss Min." the doctor trailed out watching your figure disappear abruptly before sighing.
Getting into the car, Yoongi looked over at you confused and worried.
"what the fuck happened in there? did he do something to you? Don't be scared, tell me what this dude did to you I'll go break his bones if he-"
"no it's not that at all, calm down please." you breathed heavily.
"It's just.. I-I need to go to the pharmacy please." your voice getting low.
"y/n tell me what happened please I'm super worried.. I just want to help you." he put his hand on your shoulder.
"I need to take a pregnancy test.."
TAGLIST : @shescharlie @heyjiminnie @starstruckfangirls @bxcndd @0funsite0 @boredban @kungsoonie @bluekim2130
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monfixity · 5 months
Monster - Song Hangyeom
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Summary: Nightmares are always an awful thing to experience, but the younger you are the worse they get. Your daughter has a nightmare in the middle of the night and Hangyeom tries his best to comfort her.
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Six years since you said yes to the man you love. Six years since your life had changed forever. It was a spring day – the cherry blossoms were blooming everywhere you looked. It was a breathtaking view, but nothing was compared to the man who stood there waiting for you at the altar while you walked down the aisle. The cherry blossoms were disappearing into the background when you met Hangyeom’s eyes to seal your love with a vow. It was not that your love ever needed it, but you wanted to be Hangyeom’s wife, especially before you delivered him the news he had hoped for so long.
Six years ago, the day after your wedding you told your husband that you would have a family. At first, he did not get it, but when he saw the positive pregnancy test and the baby clothes next to it, he knew what you meant. You were expecting a child, and you could see how much Hangyeom was looking forward to it.
Not a single day had passed without Hangyeom by your side. He had joined you for every doctor's appointment, he was with you whenever you went shopping just to buy some clothes for your child, your daughter. He was by your side when you went into labour and had not left when you were holding your daughter. Hangyeom was crying seeing his two girls, he was so incredibly proud of you, but also so excited to be a father. And you knew back then that he would be the best father someone could have asked for.
And he did not disappoint the past six years, he was there when his daughter went to kindergarten for the first time, he was listening to his daughter talking about how awful boys could be, and how she liked this one boy. He was there when she had a dispute with her friends and cried. He had always been by your daughter's side. No matter how busy he was, everything else was not important when his daughter needed him.
Today was a day when you all were home after spending some time in the zoo. Your daughter Haewon went to bed early because she was tired after the day in the zoo. Hangyeom looked at you while you were reading, and you felt his gaze on you, so you looked over your book at him and smiled. “What are you thinking about?” you asked him.
“She grew up so fast. She will go to school soon.” he pouted. You put your book aside on the table, crawled over to your husband, and sat close to him, stroking through his black hair. “I know, time flew. I still remember her crawling to us, or taking her first step.” you reminisced.
“I remember the first time she said Daddy as if it was yesterday.” he played with some material on his jeans. You looked at your husband, smiling. It was really not easy for him to see his angel grow older, not depending on him as much as she used to. “Soon she will come home from school and talk about her math homework, or come home and have her first heartbreak by a boy,” Hangyeom said. “I want my angel to stop growing.” you saw tears in his eyes. He always got so emotional whenever he talked about Haewon.
“I wish we could stop the time as well,” you admitted. “I want to go back to when she was gripping my hair or my finger.”
Hangyeom nodded. “Or when we had to put everything out of her reach because she would randomly grab items.” he chuckled. “Do you remember when I had to run after her in the garden because she grabbed a worm and wanted to eat it?”
 You laughed as the memory came back.
You were sitting on your Hollywood swing and read a book, while Hangyeom and Haewon were playing in the pool. It was a very warm summer day, and Hangyeom was not looking for one second when his daughter held up a worm. Just as she was putting it to her mouth, Hangyeom said ‘No don’t’ and ran to her, but instead of listening to her dad, she ran away as well. Thinking her father played with her. You were laughing as your husband desperately tried to stop Haewon. After they ran for ten minutes your daughter stopped in front of you and held up her hands. The worm was gone. You laughed at the shocked face.
“Did she really eat it?”
You shook your head. “She dropped the worm about five minutes ago.” you laughed, kissing your daughter's face. “She got that mischievousness from you.”
Hangyeom sat down on the Hollywood swing, and you laughed as he ran for no reason.
“It was very lovely and funny,” you remembered. “For you, I was running for ten minutes. Half of it wasn’t necessary anymore.” Hangyeom smiled. “I miss that so much.” he went back to the sad expression.
“Have you ever thought about a second child?” you asked him.
He looked up to look into your eyes and nodded. “All the time, but I am scared to neglect her,” he admitted honestly. “Perhaps when she is older, less depending on us, we could think about it again,” he added, smiling at you.
You smiled back and gave him a short kiss. “I love you,” you told him and put his arms around you. “I love you too.”
Just before he could give you another kiss, you heard your daughter's soft voice. “Daddy?” suddenly your six-year-old daughter, looked like the four-year-old daughter. Small, and scared. Hangyeom removed his hands from you and stood up to go to your daughter, kneeling in front of her, hands on her waist. “What’s wrong, my angel?”
“I dreamt there was a monster underneath my bed, and now I am scared.” she sobbed.
“Shall Daddy come with you?” he asked, and Haewon nodded. No matter how tall your daughter has gotten, he still picked her up in certain moments, just like now, when your daughter clearly needed her father. He walked with her into her room and laid her down on the bed, and you heard him talk with her. It sounded like he was telling her a story, but the more you listened you realised he talked about how you two met. He used smart character names for you, and it made you smile and fall in love with him even more.
As it got quieter in the bedroom you got up and tiptoed over to the room and looked inside. There you saw your daughter cuddled on your husband's chest. You smiled as you realised that Hangyeom had fallen asleep as well. In an uncomfortable position, he might regret it tomorrow morning.
You quietly took a blanket from the sofa and put it above your husband's body, and also put a pillow under his head, to make his neck more comfortable. You kissed your daughter’s head and stroked through her hair and then you kissed your husband’s head and smiled. You walked out of the room, closed the door quietly, and went to bed.
Omega X Masterlist | @kbookshelf
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makorays · 5 months
How has therapy gone for you so far? I know you mentioned it a few months ago, but I haven't been incredibly tuned in as of late.
it's...been a bit of a mixed bag, but mostly good. therapists can't help you with everything, but they can recognize when you're making poor choices with how you handle your issues, they can teach you strategies to not let your mental problems ruin you as much, they can help you gain new perspective from someone who hopefully knows more about how to effectively treat mental health than your friends or family, etc.
but also there's come a point for me where we've both pretty much talked about everything there is to talk about with me, and my therapist is powerless to help me with the thing i actually need more than anything, proper medication. so powerless, in fact, that when i told them i wanted a psychological evaluation, they had me set up an appointment with their in-house psychiatrist in which the psych spent about 20 minutes asking me super basic questions only to prescribe me SSRIs after i told them i'd rather try something else because both SSRIs i had tried at that point only made things worse. then i got another psychiatrist, who i also asked for an evaluation from, and it was only on our second appointment just yesterday that they told me i'm apparently supposed to be looking for a psychologist who can give me "neuropsychological testing" if i actually wanna figure out what's wrong with me, rather than just a psychiatrist. which is really cool, i'm super glad i spent the past year and a fucking half writhing around in suicidal ideation trying to figure out what's wrong with me and asking like four different doctors to help me evaluate what's wrong with me only to find out i was using the wrong goddamn search terms and not a single one of those irresponsible motherfuckers ever took a moment to inform me of what i should actually be looking for.
which is to say: america's healthcare industry literally makes me want to smash my own furniture to pieces in rage, half the people you're going to talk to are morons, and even the smart people you talk to are still going to say or do stupid things that do you more harm than good. but this does NOT mean you're better off without them, it just means you need to develop the skill to recognize when you know better than a professional so you can stand up for yourself (without overstepping your boundaries and ignoring all their actual good advice).
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celiaelise · 6 months
I guess I already knew this, but it's always kind of astonishing how little medical providers seem to feel the need to communicate with their patients!
Like, my mom had surgery yesterday, and her doctor hasn't even committed to her getting to stay in the hospital again tonight. Even though she's expressed her desire to do so several times, and to several people, we're still not certain we won't have to take her home today. And it's almost 1pm!
Even disregarding the simple rudeness of that, and the stress the uncertainty could cause for the patient, (which, like. Shouldn't be disregarded.) there's also the logistical issues! Someone else has to take her home, and take care of her! People have jobs, and commitments!! Some people (though luckily neither I nor my brother) have children to take care of!! You can't just expect a whole family to be put on hold indefinitely, and if you DO expect that, you need to clearly communicate that expectation!! (I made sure my schedule was clear for 3 days, but it's the principle.)
And they don't tell her much about her schedule for the day, or anything. The nurses have mostly been very nice and polite, but it's difficult for her to get definitive answers to her questions from them. She hasn't even been told whether it's okay for her to use the shower in her room, even though she's expressed that not having showered is making her uncomfortable. They all act like the decisions are up to someone else, but no one seems to know who the "someone else" is. I mean, I guess it's the doctor, who spent maybe a total of five minutes talking to my mom early this morning. I'm told he mostly said, "we'll have to see how you do", which would be more understandable if he had actually made an appearance since. Like, how are you going to "see how she does" if you haven't even seen her??
I will grant, my mother is very passive and deferential and will not ask follow-up questions, but, like, so are many other people??? That doesn't mean they don't deserve information about their care! And communicating with patients who are reticent to communicate should be a skill and a priority to these providers, not something they can neglect.
Also, she specifically told us before her surgery, "was I nice? I want them to like me so that they are careful with me." She was scared!! They put her under and cut her leg open and apart, and she was nervous about that, and was aware that they would have all the power when it was happening!! She hasn't told anyone here that they're all mispronouncing her last name for the same reason. She doesn't want to ruffle any feathers, because she knows that these people are in a position to, very literally, hurt her if she does.
And, yeah, personally, I don't share these fears. I believe in advocating for myself, and, if I can't trust in my providers' compassion for me or their pride in their own work, I'm willing to put my faith in the power my money has over them, and the power I have to potentially make life more difficult for them in the future. But, like, my mother's not wrong, either!
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
Prompt 11 for León and Simón?
Cousins are shit-talking their family members during a family event
Wohoooo! Someone who is a fan of my Simon x Leon cousin hcs!
"Hey, Simon!" Simon turned around when he heard his name called. His cousin Leon Vargas was standing next to where they were sitting, "These seats taken?"
It was beautiful midday at Cancun beach, a perfect day for a wedding. Well, that was the reason they were there. Simon's brother Julio was getting married, a day that Simon thought he would never get to see, but here they still were.
"No, all yours," Simon gestured to the seats next to him, "Where is Violetta."
"Wardrobe malfunction," Leon shook his head, "She'll be here soon. It gotta say, I am surprised to see you. I thought you'd be a groomsman."
"I was asked, don't worry. We haven't fallen out or anything," Simon chuckled, "But, I can't saddle Ambar with Ivory the whole day." Simon bounced his knee where the one-year-old Ivory was happily sitting on.
"So this is Ivory," Leon held his hand out to her, "Hello miss. Might I say, you look lovely in pink."
"Takes after her mother," Simon smiled toward Ambar who was sitting on his right and fanning herself with a fan. A month before the wedding they had found out that Ambar was in fact four weeks along on her second pregnancy. She had had couple cases of severe morning sickness. Simon had told her that she didn't need to come to the wedding but she had insisted. They had a room in the same hotel as the reception was being held so she could up and rest of necessary and Simon would be taking care of Ivory.
"Another summer, another Alvarez wedding," Leon sighed, "It feels like yesterday when you got married."
"Trust me, sometimes it does. Sometimes It feels like I had had my girls all my life."
"Simon is convinced that this one will also be a girl," Ambar said gesturing to her stomach.
"By the way, congratulations.! Leon exclaimed. The news had been shared with Simon's close family two weeks before the wedding so accidental reveals would not happen, even if Ambar was not yet showing.
"I'm here, I am not late am I?" Violetta Castillo suddenly ran up to them and sat next to Leon.
"Just in time."
"Good. I had to go with the backup shoes." Violetta shook her head and them nodded her head toward Simon and Ambar. "Oh hi Simon, Ambar. And this must be Ivory.
"We are gonna need make sure she doesn't steal the show," Simon laughed, "Otherwise the bride will hate us." Ivory way to small to have been part of the wedding party. Valeria was going to be the flower girl and her little brother Garen was the ring bearer. Julio's bride, Lina, didn't have any children in her family.
"Just don't let Aunt Mariella close to her." Leon remarked.
"Don't worry, I won't."
"She is the worst."
"I know. We didn't invite her to our wedding. I though I'd never need to see her again."
"Who are you talking about?" Violetta questioned.
"She is a cousin of our mother's," Leon explained, "A full nightmare."
"She's Julio's godmother." Simon continued, "She basically believes that is you are not a lawyer or a doctor, you are basically unemployed. This is especially the case with the entertainment industry. We better not let it slip what we're all doing."
"She hates pop musicians," Leon rolled his eyes.
"If I need to talk to her today, I will just keep repeating that Ambar's a lawyer and that my friend is a high-ranking engineer at the Castillo corporations and their daughter is our god-daughter. Maybe that should make her forget to ask what is my job." Simon explained.
"Good idea," Leon laughed, "I have Castillo's daughter here, so Vilu can serve as the distraction."
"Leon! I don't know anything about engineering, that won't work." Violetta gave Leon the murder glare. "You know I shudder to think of the day the whole company is mine, you know, once Dad dies."
You are welcome! Girl Dad Simon and Leonetta and Simbar interactions in one story.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
What happened yesterday (if it's not too personal to ask)? Not trying to be nosy or anything, just offering a sympathetic ear - or eyes, I guess- for venting.
i'll share a little bit just bc i need to talk to someone that isn't my family (since they're the story).
and by a little i guess i mean the entire thing lol
this is sincerely, extremely long. i don't really expect you to write anything back - especially with how much shit happens in this story. but thanks for lending your ear. i honestly needed to talk this out.
my mom has chronic pain, on top of heart problems, anxiety, and needing sleeping pills. her primary doctor is out for a month or so, so they had someone else fill in. this guy is a complete and utter dickbag. first off, he doesn't "believe" in anxiety medications and argued with my mom about whether or not she even needs to take them. and then he said that he wanted to wane her off of them slowly bc he doesn't want her on them.
mind you, he is only filling in for her primary doctor.
so he was supposed to fill the scripts on tuesday. she calls, he never sent them to her pharmacy, but said "oh by friday you'll get them." mind you, she was already out of her medicine by tuesday.
my mom, for a couple months now, has been taking advil pms when shit like this happens (usually bc the pharmacy has fucked up tho bc her actual primary doctor is a really good one) bc they somewhat help her sleep (and don't really do anything for her pain, but that's not surprising). for the past couple days, she has been anxious as hell, ready to fly off the wagon at any second, and hasn't been getting much sleep.
she also is disabled, so her ability to walk is very small. she's can't walk far and usually at night falls a lot bc her balance isn't fantastic at night, especially after just waking up.
friday morning, around 4 am, i heard a loud bang come from her room. i heard her door open first and then the bang, so i thought at first maybe the dogs had to go out since they sleep in her room, and then she just accidentally fell or knocked something over.
both me and my brother found her, and she was completely out of it. she didn't know who we were, who she was, what the dogs' name were, and she was riving in pain. we thought we would have to call 911. miraculously, she snapped back to reality. or at least somewhat. we have now chalked this up to her most likely sleep walking (which is something she's never done).
but the rest of the day was not good. first off, from wednesday - friday around 12 pm, my mom had maybe slept collectively 10 hours, if that. that's being extremely generous on my end. after everything that happened at 4-5am on friday, i stayed with her until 6ish and then went back to sleep. i woke up to my brother yelling at her bc it was 12 and she had not slept. he was telling her that we needed to take her to the hospital.
and it was like that the whole day until 4 pm.
not only was she just not sleeping, we believe now that she took too many advil pms (bc of how exhausted she was) and it snapped something in her brain. that piled on top of her anxiety, her chronic pain, her breathing (which is also an issue) being bad for a couple weeks now, and about a million other things on her mind caused this break to happen. this was all keeping her awake. bc when she spoke, she wasn't making complete sense. like she could hold a conversation, she wasn't slurring her words, but she would go on tangents and loop back to certain talking points, regardless of what we were talking about.
like my mom was on oxy for a long time. didn't abuse it, but around the time of my father getting sicker, her doctors were taking her off of it after having her on such a high dose. but that was four years ago, and she was bringing it up yesterday. she kept talking about how it was an addiction and that she doesn't even believe she was actually in pain, she was just addicted to the pills. she also talked really badly about herself, which i won't get into.
now i need anyone reading this to understand: my mom is not an addict. she was prescribed pills that she never abused for 20 years. she has chronic pain, and will have chronic pain the rest of her life. i've seen her fall to the ground from pain, i've heard her cry out in the middle of the night. she's not making it up. there are way too many times i have seen her cry after going to doctors begging to not be on pills anymore bc they weren't working anymore. she doesn't want to live this way, but this is just reality. i have seen the way she has been abused by doctors that don't care, have no time for her, and just see her as an addict bc she was on oxy for so long. anytime she has mentioned about wanting something for pain, they act as if she's begging for pills bc she's a druggie. SHE PHYSICALLY CANNOT WALK FAR BUT THEY THINK SHE IS DOING THIS ALL FOR PILLS. she got discharged from a hospital years go after falling down the fucking stairs bc they saw she was taking oxy and just thought she was a druggie when in reality it was a combo of some medication that was doing it to her - which she was PRESCRIBED. she had a doctor that was giving her shots in her back (which is another thing that has been damaged in her body) that said to her "if i was you with all this pain and taking all these pills, i would have just killed myself. why do you stick around?"
but for some reason yesterday, all of her insecurities and all of the shittiest things my mom has been told over the years came to the surface and she fully believed them. it wasn't just about the pills either, it was about herself and her personal worth too.
and on top of all of that, she just wouldn't go to sleep. and she couldn't tell how much time had passed. she would lay down for not even five minutes, shoot right back up, and think hours had gone by. that's why we were ready to take her to the hospital if she couldn't sleep.
but finally at 4 pm, she went to sleep. and slept until midnight. she barely moved the whole night and we kept checking on her to make sure she was breathing. my brother fell asleep around 10ish, i woke her up at 12, and we talked for a bit. she didn't really remember what had happened friday.
which brings us into today. she's a lot more coherent. but her frame of reference is completely off. the things she did on tuesday she thinks of as a week ago. she doesn't remember talking to certain ppl on the phone that she did on wednesday, she feels like everything we tell her that happened yesterday happened in a dream. we'll ask her what she remembers, she doesn't know much, but when we tell her certain things she goes "oh yeah i remember that". she's not completely better, but she's way more coherent than yesterday.
me and my brother have no clue what happened. we don't know if it was a psychic break, psychosis, withdrawals from her medicines, taking too many advil pms without realizing it, lack of sleep, delirium, the starting signs of dementia, everything and then some - we're not sure. we're keeping an eye on her, and if anything seems worse, we're taking her to the hospital. but so far it feels like things are okay.
just bc this is something else i want to say - not too long ago they had her on xanax. which mind you, for someone her age, basically melts your fucking brain and liver. and for a while there when she was taking them, she was somewhat like this until she finally got this primary doctor who took her off of them bc she knew better than the psychologist or whoever that prescribing them to her. and also, in case anyone reading this is curious as to why we didn't just take her to the hospital: first off, she didn't want to go, and we would rather not take an ambulance which won't take her to the hospital she likes and then on top of that is $1000+ we don't really have to spend. second, we are not doing the best financially so the fewer hospital visits the better. third, we know that bc it was about to be the weekend, unless she was literally dying, all they would do is put her in a room and not do anything to help her until monday bc that's happened before.
if you're wondering how i'm feeling: i'm completely drained. i more defeated than anything else. i hate situations where i feel completely helpless in, and this was and continues to be one of them. i just want my mom back. i want her to be okay, and i'm so tired of her having to go thru shit like this with her fucking doctors. do they not realize they are taking her life in their hands when they act this way?? my brother is about ready to kill this guy, and i mean that very seriously. bc this asshole doesn't """""believe""""" in a medicine my mom takes, he almost fucking broke her brain. and i pray that this is just a fluke and not a permanent problem. bc if it is, i'm taking every single dime this man owns, and i mean it.
i just want things to go back to normal. to even 48 hours ago at this point. things were okay. or at least a certain stress level i'm used to. but the idea of losing my mom rn… i won't be able to manage it.
it really is always one step forward and 12 steps back.
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terephintik · 2 years
Unbound(Illumi zoldyck x reader) Chapter 2
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You were sitting on the edge of the cliff looking over the horizon, eyes back to its normal (e/c). You have sitting here for two hours after killing all the employees of the firm you can get your hands on. Now, you were waiting for Illumi to show up.
After few minutes of waiting, you turned your head around as you sensed his aura despite him using zetsu. He was covered in his victim's blood, evident that he had just killed hundreds of men. But he didn't looked fatigue owing to his harsh training since birth.
"You're here, finally. "He wasn't shocked to see you this early as he has already gotten used to your inhuman strength and nen ability. "Now as you said you'll be answering my questions,"Illumi stated, he was a bit relaxed to see you, as your eyes were now (e/c) and you were surrounded by a soothing aura around you, which he could sense without his gyo.
"Alright, you may ask, but I may not be able to answer all your questions, as you see I have recently been acquitted." you said sitting down on the grass.
"Fair enough, "he also sat down beside you, "Why are you here?"
"You may already know that this island and firm is infamous for conducting numerous experiments on human beings, I was a lab rat of one of their experiments."
"Which experiment was a part of?"
"I was exposed to unfavorable condition, harmful gases and was injected with chemicals, which as far as I can remember were composed of minerals from a place called, 'beyond the continents'. These things were brought to this side of the continent through unofficial voyages." You told him truthfully as this assassin is the reason you are able to talk freely.
"How do you know about all this, despite been a lab rat?" he asked while staring emotionlessly at you.
"People love to gossip," you smirked, closing your eyes and remembering how the guards outside the cells were used to talk.
"Okay. So are you the one they call 'Hela'?'
"Yes," you said with annoyance.
"What was the occasion for yesterday's party? I was only told that there would be a party, but they themselves didn't know the cause, "he asked trying to gather more information.
This party was special, this was one of those parties were all the board members and the higher-ups were supposed to be present. You knew that all the questioning Illumi was doing was for the sake of the mission, but you answered knowing that the secrets of this place would remain a secret, that you would remain a secret from the rest of the world because of the arrangements you've made. So it wouldn't hurt telling Illumi as he was someone who remains in the shadows.
"This party was thrown in-order to celebrate me, their first successful experiment."
"Why were you experimented on?"
"Now that I don't know, that information was extremely confidential, only the doctor and board members knew."
Illumi was now thinking, trying to come up with a revelation to solve this mystery. He was snapped out of his thoughts by your voice.
"Hey, look Illumi! Hunter association's blimp. "You pointed in its direction. Those were still faraway, only the blinking light of the logo can be seen. There were only two airships.
"Did you call them?" He enquired.
"Yes, so they can rescue all the test subjects."
"You will be going with them, right?"
"No, I've had enough of this experiment game."
He hummed in response, taking out his family communicator, to call his father and inform him about the soon to be arrival of the hunter association. He informed him about the experiments, the party and reporting him about everything except you. His father told him to stay put and not say a word to the association until he arrives.
"Why did you ask me if I was the one who killed that guy?" This question caught you off-guard, as you were expecting mission related questions. Truth be told Illumi was curious about you, and he was masking his curiosity by asking professional styled questions from both you and him.
"Until he was alive, I didn't have the freedom to act on my own free will, I was like a puppet but with emotions on which I wasn't able to act upon." you paused for a minute to look up the early morning sky, the sun was rising slowly.
"But you got rid of him, finally freeing me, so I guess, I owe you big time" you turned you head around, smiling softly. Your eyes met his; they were already staring at you.
"I have one last question for you, why were your eyes glowing green last night?"
Your smile turned into a sad one as you answered, "I don't know."
You didn't even know your own nen ability, heck you didn't even knew what nen really it. You were only told to do things without any explanations.
So you did know how to do things but not how.
The blimp was nearing as the sun was now visible. Illumi phone rung, alerting him that his father can arrive any minute now.
"I want you to have this, so I can contact you in the future, "he handed you a spare phone. You looked at him with wide-eyes, accepting the device in the process. Looking at your expression, he realized what he said.
"For that favor, don't get any funny ideas, "he said turning his face to look at the blimp, which wasn't so far away. You giggled a bit at his antics, also looking but not at the blimp rather you were looking at the male sitting you.
You had an urge to kiss him so; you leaned quietly and pecked Illumi's cheek, giving him a chaste kiss. His body tensed up and he looked at you, who were giving a sweet smile.
"I wanted to thank you for freeing me. I didn't know a better way to so, sorry." You said sheepishly.
You looked at the blimp, which had already landed on the shore. You immediately stood as this was your cue to leave if you didn't want to get caught. Illumi was just sitting there dazed, his hand on his cheek, still registering what happened.
You went to the edge of the cliff, seeing the ship that was docked by the harbour. You turned around to look at the boy one last time.
"Hey, Illumi," he looked up at you, dropping his hand." My name is (y/n) so don't call me Hela next time we meet."
With that you fall off the cliff, landing successfully on the ship, and Illumi was left with his thoughts all alone, as he saw the sun-rise.
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