#also mountains and shit
gatogotica · 1 year
sometimes i miss living in the forest sheerly for the fact there are no lights
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 199
“Where the fuck are my legs?” 
Danny wasn’t happy. It wasn’t funny! Usually he just had a ghost tail when flying really fast, like super speed, not all the time! It’s not funny Clockwork, you’re used to having a tail, he isn’t! 
What do you mean it’s permanent?! He needs his legs! Clockwork!! He wouldn’t have agreed to the adoption if he knew he’d lose his legs! 
…Okay, that was a lie, Clockwork was a great parent who encouraged his chaos and enjoyed screwing over assholes like the Observants. But still! He looks like some sort of snake person now! No he doesn’t want a nap, he’s not a baby! 
Clockwork, why are you being quiet? He’s not a baby! He’s not a baby, right? What do you mean all ghosts are babies until they’re a hundred years dead!? But he’s a halfa- what do you mean it takes longer for Ancients?! 
No he doesn’t want that nap, he’s having a midlife crisis here several years too early! 
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nopefer-art-tu · 2 months
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Home is where I want to be, but I guess I'm already there
I come home, she lifted up her wings. I guess that this must be the place
I can't tell one from another—Did I find you, or you find me?
There was a time before we were born
If someone asks, this where I'll be
Where I'll be
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dragonskulls · 9 months
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the sun is stained with the blood of others
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densewentz · 11 months
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In His Spot Day 10 (Fursona) and 11 (Yandere) got lumped together and shaken into some Dreamling fluff! (feat. some particularly unfortunate grad students)
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mesugakl · 1 year
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ronithesnail · 11 months
i cant explain it but this moment is so gay of them. just look at em. standing next to eachother and posing like that. synchronized and on cue exactly at the same time without hesitation or needing to communicate. they just know. Its a reflex its so natural. gay as fuck
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coquelicoq · 3 months
i love how everyone close to "jiang li" at some point or another has their moment of "girl i KNOW you're cooking up some shit and you are not going to tell me anything about what it is but that's okay. do what you gotta do, i gotchu." like everyone goes dang this girl is up to something...no idea what it is but it doesn't matter. this 18yo who spent the last 10 years in a convent knows what she's doing and i am just gonna follow her lead on this. i am yours to command, recently former teen nun. no questions asked. you got this.
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necrophiliak · 7 months
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
Hi. So, I saw Mikey feed Odyn a bottle of (presumably) milk, but what other things do the turtle tots like to eat?
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It was indeed milk!
We don't truly know how exactly ronin Mikey grew up but I'm assuming that in like most iterations of the turtles, food and a place to stay were hard to come by when growing up, specially when Mikey and his brothers were babies. Because of this, Mikey knows what is like growing hungry and not letting any food they had the luck of having go to waste.
In the comic Mikey is shown growing his own crops and harvesting them So in the au Mikey grows his own vegetables and fruits making it easier for him to prepare food for the babies. He tries his best to make a large variety of dishes for them because he wants them to try as much they want and never go hungry. Since Mikey is a turtle mutant himself he tries to makes dishes that would appeal to their turtle cravings too, like algae! In addition to this, in the au Mikey sells his harvest to nearby towns to manage with money or stuff he and the babies need for the house! (like ingredients to make homemade pizza :] )The people from the towns he usually visits don't really mind him or the babies because they are aware they are Hamato clan members and the people from the towns actually like having the little turtle family around! (Since Mikey can't really leave the babies on their own yet (not like he wants to either), the towns knows of their existance and they love them)
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fruitsofhell · 10 months
Yall, its time to ramble about visual/environmental storytelling cause this is silly article is driving me insane.
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I won't argue for if the game should have had more constant and involved cutscenes like Robobot or Star Allies, but what I will say is that this game is VERY rich in story through the world design. The Forgotten Land as opposed to say the Land of the Sky in TD or the entire galaxy of Star Allies is like, DROWNING in writing and narrative. It builds so much mystery and intrigue through the theming of every world and even individual levels, with exploring both how the people of the land originally lived and how it's being reclaimed by nature and the animals.
I think the closest things maybe is Robobot and Halcandra in RTDL, the former having great little designs that key you into WHAT Haltmann is doing and what makes it so toxic. Halcandra though is the ultimate grand-daddy, the contrast between it and the Lor, and Egg Engines and Dangerous Dinner is full of theming and clues about the nature and history of the planet. AND THAT IS STORY, THAT IS WRITING! Especially when compared to say Star Allies, where most of the levels of the levels are just ye average Kirby themed fluff with little to say about the Jamba or the state they've left the galaxy in. But when you play through the casino levels of Robobot, as well as delightful theming and level design, you see that Haltmann is erecting literally the most predatory entertainment centers imaginable. When you step off the sleek futuristic Lor into the scrapyards and wastes of Halcandra, you get fun intimidating final worlds, and a good grasp on *why* the people who made the Lor aren't around anymore, and may even start questioning why Magolor made such a great fuss of dragging you to this horrible place. Music is also deeply important to this storytelling. Each of the factories/towers erected in ever world of Robobot's theme is a remix usually of themes related to older mechanical levels, subtly clueing you into where Haltmann go their technology from. Outside the Lor rather than the comfortable motif of Green Greens is this almost comically suspicious and disoriented theme once you're stuck on Halcandra and returning to Magolor with more doubts about his words. The final level inside of the volcano house a theme that is teasing the twist to come, and the theme for fighting Landia before the big reveal is less triumphant, and more majestic and pensive. Possibly trying to evoke more hesitance than confidence, even if most people wouldn't catch on to that on a first run.
But the cooler thing, is that while Robobot has this cool theming at key levels, and RtDL does at the end, this type of shit is pervasive ALL throughout Forgotten Land. Every world and nearly every level is a unique, well thought-out set piece! You get to see abandoned towns, cities, malls, stores, factories, resorts, and an amusement park, each which serves as more than just a fun location, but a clear picture of the world and the state its in. This intent is made clearer through the music and tone that goes out of its way to not highlight the destruction of these areas but their beauty, wonder, and mystery through the eyes of an clueless animals and our favorite pink alien. The abandoned Alivel Malls theme is a track as upbeat and peppy as what must've played over it's speakers in it's hayday, because the hustle and bustle breathed back into it by the animals and Kirby just exploring this mysterious complex is just as lively. The theme of the Everbay Coast is peaceful and sunny despite the Holine ruins because it's as part of the scenery to the animals and Kirby as the picturesque palms and sands. And Wondaria!!!!!!!!! OMG WONDARIA WHERE TO EVEN BEGIN WITH EVERY FUCKING LEVEL AND THEME IN WONDARIA!!! THIS IS WHY I CAN'T TAKE THAT CLAIM SERIOUSLY - y'know when I cried at Forgotten Land? In world 3. Not because of a cutscene or a line of dialogue, but just from the sheer emotion the setting evoked in me. The sweet, laid-back, starry-eyed wonder that it expressed from Kirby mixed with my own sense of nostalgia being aware of what that place was, and how beautiful it was to see it rediscovered and adored by Kirby and the animals of the Forgotten Land. It evokes such a strong feeling of bittersweetness, of existential dread comforted by the knowledge that the simple joys and memories we create places like amusement parks to share will continue on as long as there is life in the world. And unlike some of my musings about past games, this was explicitly intentional. What truly brought the tears to my eyes was remembering an interview where the devs were explaining how they were trying to keep the tone light and Kumazaki said specifically they wanted to evoke peace and beauty rather than loss.
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LIKE THIS IS WRITING! This is storytelling, this is intention. It's just subtle, but not at all unimportant, and it ties into the more overarching plot. It raises the question constantly of where the people went that is answered by Forgo, and expresses the dichotomy between the simple innocence of the animals compared to the ambitions of the people who abandoned them and that is now possessing their leader. It creates stakes for Elfilis and Forgo's intentions to destroy everything so beautiful and pure about the current world, but as it absolves the current world of guilt, it puts into perspective JUST HOW LONG Forgo must have been locked away that things changed so much. And as softly as the exploits of the original people are portrayed by the game, knowing their treatment of Eliflis and Forgo as a thing of entertainment and tool for innovation is sickening placed in contrast with it. Like back to Wondaria, the way it shows how much space travel must have pervaded the imagination and escapism of the people either before or after Forgo's arrival is insanely smart. And it gives me chills in the best way seeing Kirby run around images of cartoon aliens from a civilization who would never meet him. Of Kirby, Elfilin, and Bandana sticking their head into a cardboard cutout of an astronaut meeting an alien, with the text "wish you were here" above in a script they don't even understand. A SCRIPT THE WRITERS MADE FOR THIS GAME SO THAT THEY COULD ADD MESSAGES LIKE THAT INTO THE WORLD FOR KEEN PLAYERS TO NOTICE AND MAKE CONNECTIONS. Like it's insane. The dedication the Hal Labs has to stuff like this is maddening! It's so sweet and heartfelt and crafty, I'm so pissed off how little respect it gets because people don't understand visual storytelling!!!!! Saying Forgotten Land is light on story is preposterous, it might just be one of the most finely crafted stories the series has had to date, and is just a really solid piece of science fantasy writing in general honestly. It is packed with environmental storytelling that drives me Up The Fucking Wall, Man.
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thepachy · 2 months
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So um...
i just killed Jacob...
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dkettchen · 3 months
Brennan: in the mountains of Luxembourg
me, from Luxembourg: *gets jumpscared*
me: mf we ain't got mountains in Luxembourg
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Crack theory:
So, between 1x01 where Wukong puts a seal on MK to limit his powers, and 1x09 where Wukong says "Look kid, using that much power—your body can't handle it." I'm wondering if the seal (which lowkey I'm kinda waiting to be brought up again) ALSO sealed away MK's Moneky form, and I'm wondering if MK broke it in 4x07 Pitiful Creatures.
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maxellminidisc · 6 months
Perhaps mean but idk I find it very funny the way white people who turn hippy dippy conspiracy heavy always end up believing in some new age utopia bullshit but it's never grounded in the idea of ever doing anything in this world to do better for others, tellingly that free love never extends to unlearning racism. It's always about some white ass idea of enlightenment to get somewhere they deserve to be for being big brained and "aligning the right chakras" aksdkdkdl. And that's like not even getting into how so much of it always has some white supremacists basis if you scratch the surface even a tiny bit.
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cringelord6000 · 5 months
never get in between a man and his childhood best friend 🤦‍♂️
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This is a reference to that one TikTok audio jsbhdgsgf
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