#also is smiling friends a charity or a business because literally back to back episodes it was referred to/treated as both
friendlysmiler · 3 months
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i feel like ive never seen anyone talk about any of this why foes he have 3 burner phones, a chinese(?) passport, polaroid nudes, a poppet???? weapons are already onbrand but i need to know his lore ...
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Oh God
TimeTraveler!Son x Haikyuu!! Part 2
a/n: hehe i wouldnt put ‘x haikyuu’ if manager y/n ends up with that certain character. youll just have to,,,, wait for the end 😏
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he didnt want to lie but he had to so he could survive
hinata offered his hand to help him up and natsu winced at the scratches and the slight headache as he stood on his two feet
‘you okay?’
hinata asked and natsu nodded
‘yea, just a headache’
natsu tried to play it off as cooly as he could bc this must’ve been from the car hit before and he couldnt just say he got ran over by a damn car
‘where do you live? i can go and treat your wounds there’
natsu was about to respond but he remembers hes not in tokyo anymore and he cant just spout out his address
so he did the thing his mom told him to do whenever it was necessary
he lied
he fumbled for an excuse but he sighed to maintain the act
‘i got kicked out’
he mumbled and hinata had to make him repeat it twice because he said it so quietly
the tangerine boy gasped and held his arms
‘what?! why?!’
natsu sniffled
‘my dad,,,, he just,,, doesnt want me’
well, that was actually true
so a true statement could equal that lie, right?
thankfully, hinata bought it and he grabbed his arm to walk forward while his other was pushing his bike
‘i hit you with my bike so the least i could do is take you to my house and treat you!’
and that was what they did
natsu’s phone was dead even though he was sure he charged it from denki’s powerbank during practice but it remained its black screen no matter how many times he hit the power button
his surroundings was also something unfamiliar
his mother only kept him in tokyo and never took him to go visit her family because she was kicked out and had to go live with her auntie when she found out about him and his father refused to help her
‘so, sendai, huh?’
he mumbled and hinata looked at him confused
‘sounds like youre not from around here. where you from?’
he replied and saw hinata’s eyes brighten
‘oh?! you look like youre my age so you must have been in a high school in tokyo, right? what school?’
‘hah?! yuuei?! what is that?!’
natsu rolled his eyes and shrugged
‘a school’
hinata persisted though
‘do you know other schools?! any other school friends?! like nekoma?! or fukurodani?!’
natsu shook his head and he was supposed to be happy that he got to meet, even talk, to his idol yet his younger self was much more hyper than his mellowed out behavior on tv
‘i stick to my friends from yuuei’
‘but what are you doing all the way here?’
natsu’s throat dried up and he watched his feet kick the pebbles to distract him of his urge to just whine and throw a tantrum with the confusion from this mess
‘i dont know’
he choked out and he was so tired and confused and all he wants to do is cry in his mother’s arms like he used to but she doesnt even know he exists
hinata sensed the tension and sadness from the boy beside him and tried his best to stay quiet until they get home
to say his mom was angry was an understatement
‘kaa-san i was so angry and bakageyama was yelling at me and hit me and-’
natsu sat there on their couch awkwardly watching the black-haired woman yell at the human tangerine
he coughed in impulse and she turned away from her son and went to sit next to the h/c boy
‘dear, im so sorry for my son and his terrible biking. i didnt catch your name when you entered, what is it?’
even hinata forgot to ask his name but thats such a hinata thing to do though
natsu froze
if he was to say his mother’s last name, it would raise suspicion that he might know her in this time period and izuku has shown him enough doctor who to show him what happens when he messes up in time
again, he lied
‘kiri,,,shima,,, natsu. kirishima natsu’
he inwardly apologized to eijirou for using his last name
mrs. hinata raised a hand to her mouth with a surprised gasp
‘oh! my daughter’s name is also natsu! natsu, dear! can you come here for a second?’
natsu heard soft sounds from the stairs and she shyly walked down 
‘come say hi’
she softly urged her daughter to come closer and the little girl ran to hide behind her older brother who gently smiled and held her hand
‘well, thats her. she just turned 10 a few days ago. look dear, kirishima-kun has the same name as you!’
she waved slightly and natsu felt his heart swell at the sight of the adorable little girl
his mother never really had time for relationships so he was an only child and never got to experience a sibling, only hearing the experience of having siblings from his friend, shouto
mrs. hinata placed a gentle hand on his arm to revert his attention back to her
‘shoyo told me what happened and im sorry that this is all happening to you’
he felt guilty at the sight of her sad eyes because this was all a lie but he knew if he told them the real reason, they wouldnt believe him
so he had to continue with the lie
‘everything was falling apart and i wanted to leave everything behind. so i just took the shinkansen to nowhere and ended up here’
mrs. hinata felt her heart tug because he was just a little boy and he was too young to experience this so she offered him something he shouldnt have agreed to but again, survival
‘you can stay with us in the mean time. our guest room has been collecting dust so you can live here’
‘what? no! i can’t!’
natsu instinctually turned it down because he hated people giving him charity
but the woman squeezed his arm to give him a smile
‘i will not allow a child to live in the streets because of something he couldnt help’
‘arent you worried youre inviting a total stranger in your home?’
but she gave him a knowing smile
‘im a mother. i can trust you, boy’
in exchange for board and food, he promised to get a part time job so he could pay her back and get out of their house as quickly as he could
shoyo led him to the bathroom upstairs so he could treat the wounds from the ground
natsu sat on the closed toilet seat while his literal idol was putting cream on his boo-boos
he still cant wrap his head with everything
maybe it was because he was so busy trying to come up with lies that he wasnt able to fully sit down and think about the fact that he just TRAVELED BACK IN TIME and could accidentally change it
‘shoyo, what year is it?’
he mumbled
he answered and natsu sighed but his head perked up
oh god
thats a year away from 2013
the year he was born
that meant shoyo’s team manager was going to give birth to him next year
‘why? did you hit your head so far that you forgot?’
hinata joked but he paled when natsu didnt laugh
natsu shouted, equally surprised
‘whew, thank god. again, im so sorry i hit you’
‘shoyo, dont worry about it, okay? im fine, i swear’
during dinner, mrs. hinata told him about his school situation
‘you can go to karasuno with shoyo. what year were you in?’
‘perfect! shoyo is too so he could easily help you around the school!’
natsu nodded quietly, still out of it and his brain finally starting to accept this impossible reality
‘but i dont think i could help you with the entrance exams. im not the most-um-smartest, per se’
shoyo apologized but natsu already knew that
he was no extreme fanatic but he knew quite a lot about hinata shoyo, the player he watched during the 2021 olympics and the reason he started playing volleyball
natsu dreamed to join the msby jackals just like his idol did and eventually reach the national team like hinata did
it was during the olympics of 2021, he knew he wanted to be like him
this boy who sat next to him was the reason he came to love volleyball along with his other idol, oikawa tooru, from the argentina volleyball team after seeing that legendary match 
when oikawa hit that service ace, natsu wanted to be able to receive that
he was merely 8 and his neighbor, midoriya inko, was babysitting him and she placed him and her son who was his friend, izuku, in front of the tv where they watched the olympics match
‘someday, ill be someone great. ill be great like him’
he promised and from then on, he worked to achieve that goal 
‘natsu? hello?’
he was shaken from his thoughts as shoyo nudged him back to reality
mrs. hinata laughed
‘maybe you should head to bed early, dear. you must be tired after having a hard journey’
he nodded and was about to go and wash his dishes when she stopped him
‘no. go and sleep, ill take care of this’
‘i have to do my part in here, hinata-san. please, let me do this’
she finally agreed and he was scrubbing the plates when his mind wandered over to possible solutions on how he could go back
there was an episode that he watched with izuku that the character had to do something to go back
and he had a feeling that he would have to do the same thing
but what would that something be?
there had to be a reason he was thrown all the way in this time and it couldnt just be a coincidence that supposedly, this would be around the same time his mother would get pregnant
but who would it be?
he finished putting the plates on the drying rack and he felt really thirsty suddenly
opening the fridge, he found no water bottles and natsu had a very sensitive stomach so he couldnt drink tap water
his next favorite beverage was there and he pulled a glass from the cabinet
‘hinata-san, is it okay if i can have some milk?’
he called out and she shouted that it was okay
natsu poured the drink on his glass and started drinking it when hinata entered the kitchen and snickered at him
‘yknow, you remind me of my idiot teammate. none of my other friends drink straight milk except for him’
natsu placed the glass down and wiped his lips
‘chocolate milk make me sick and i hate the taste of flavoring in milk. but i just hate flavoring in general. except for gari gari popsicles, those are good’
natsu reasoned, watching hinata move across the room to get an apple
‘still ew. but come on! lets go to bed so i can show you around school early before practice tomorrow!’
natsu noticed his excitement by the way he bounced in place and he chuckled
it reminded him of his friends mina and denki
hinata led them both to his room so he could check his wounds again just to make sure
then something caught his eye
‘kirishima-kun you like volleyball?!’
that threw him off
partly because he wasnt used to being called by his friend’s last name
but also because of the question
‘huh? how do you know that?’
natsu asked, almost defensively
hinata shrugged
‘i saw your volleyball shoes in your bag’
hinata reasoned and excitedly pointed at them
‘you should play for us! im part of the team too! oh oh! what position do you play?!’
natsu stuttered out, slightly overwhelmed by hinata’s energy
hinata started circling him, inspecting his height and looking at him up and down
‘yanno, kirishima-kun, youre really tall. like much taller than the rest of my club. maybe not saltyshima but really!! youre so tall!!’
hinata whined in envy and natsu laughed
‘blame it on the paternal side of the family. my ma isnt really tall’
he laughs but then memories of his mother resurfaced and he suddenly felt gloomy, guilty, even, bc he doesnt know if time stopped there or it kept going and if so, shes probably worried sick
and he knew she was always one who blamed herself
hinata noticed his downcast expression and thought he probably remembers his dad and got sad since he got kicked out
so our baby sunshine freaked out and he frantically waved his hands around
‘oh no! gomen kiri-kun! gomen! i really didnt mean to make you think about him! gomen!!!’
he even bowed which surprised the h/c boy and made him stand back up
‘o-oi shoyo! dont! you didnt because i wasnt thinking about him!’
he fussed and patted hinata’s hair
‘i dont care about him. to be honest, there isnt much to think about’
he didnt think about what he said until he heard himself
natsu’s eyes widened, fearful of how hinata could take it but he flinched when the orange-haired boy’s eyes were filled with his own tears
then launched another series of apologies and natsu had to calm him down
oh dear
it was early in the morning like 5 when hinata bursted into natsu’s room
the loud shout of shoyo made his eyes blink open and he groaned before turning to the side
‘come on, kiri-kun! we need to go to take your exam!’
it was quite a battle for hinata to even just get natsu out of bed but he managed to bribe the latter with some milk bread from the bakery down the street
natsu showed his two fingers and hinata sighed before nodding
‘yes. now go hurry so we can leave!’
dressed in his grey sweatpants and a yuuei sweatshirt, natsu cursed as he only has clothes good for 2 days and he didnt want to bother the hinatas so he was at a loss
mrs hinata bid the two boys good bye and natsu was yawning and dragging his body to walk while hinata was skipping over to his bike
then he finally realized the problem
he nervously looked at natsu and the taller boy didnt understand why he was looking at him that way
shoyo pointed at the bike and awkwardly smiled
‘uh,,, you see,,, i dont think youd,,, fit,,, at the back seat’
natsu shrugged
‘then ill bike. ive done it before’
he sauntered over to the bike and swiftly lifted his leg before testing out the brake handles
‘its good and better than mine back home’
‘a-are you-’
‘sit down, sho’
hinata gripped on to the back of natsu’s sweatshirt as he told him the directions to how to get to the school
natsu remembered watching an interview of hinata talking about his high-school life and he remembered the star player talking about his dedication to go to karasuno everyday for volleyball
and the boy couldn’t believe hes doing that right now, with his idol literally behind him, and driving to the legendary karasuno high school
from the jackals to the adlers and even some other teams like the frogs, natsu cheered for them
there was a memory of his mother sitting with him on their couch during one of her rare day offs as they rewatched the recorded copy of the olympics
it has become natsu’s favorite thing to watch
‘with great talent comes great hardships. people don’t become good overnight and i watched those people suffer through it all but look where they are now’
natsu was snapped out of his thoughts at hinata’s shout
then it morphed into pure and utter confusion
shoyo laughed
‘since youre from the city, this must be a weird sight for you, huh? well, in the countryside, this happens a lot!’
but natsu didnt mind
in fact, he loved cows
he loved any farm animal in general
maybe it was his upbringing in the hustle and bustle of the city that he grew to love the countryside
shoto took him with his family to a trip to the country once and he remembered loving the smell of grass
they were able to do an activity in a farm where they worked in a rice farm and the peace and serenity was something he will always remember
his mother was lucky she grew up in a place like this
‘kiri-kun, ive been wanting to ask, how is your volleyball team in the city? are you a powerhouse?’
natsu felt pride bubble up in his chest
‘of course! we got second place in nationals!’
he boasted and blurted out before he could stop himself
then he felt fear
he shouldnt have said that because for all he knows, yuuei probably doesn’t exist at this time period
hinata had a different reaction and his eyes shone
natsu didnt know what to say because he had a feeling he definitely just did an oopsie
so he switched topics really quick to divert the attention away from his past
‘o-oi sho, once youre done being a pro volleyball player and stuff, we should have our own rice farm’
of course it was such a random idea but it distracted the orange boy
hinata shrugged
‘i mean,,, i have to be a pro first but i guess we can!’
‘hmm,,,, i dont think you have to worry about that’
@hartbeat-art​ @yakus-yakult​ @nerdyphantomlady​ @jollycowboysaladhero​ @cynicallychaotic​ 
a/n: oh god this sat in my drafts for so long and i really dont know what im doing like i kinda have a rough outline of what im doing but im just going with the flow but i dont think the flow is quite flowy 
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springday-aus · 5 years
Rich Kid!AU with Suho [Junmyeon]
moodboard link 
Group: EXO 
Member: Suho / Kim Junmyeon
Genre: romance + lowkey reality check 
Type: Bulletpoint AU 
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: Suho has a black card and what else was I to do with this information? 
yes, I am making Junmyeon into one of those rich ass fuckboys
you know the ones I'm talking about
the ones that have an endless amount of cars
(and prob names them)
the ones who you can literally tell has not worked a day in his life
despite having so much money, he's dressed like a hobo
but it's like the branded shit
like Supreme or Gucci or Chanel
(and whatever else is trendy)
so it’s “fancy”
unless he's gotta go to like a charity event that isn't really for charity
then he's like in a suit
hm.... when he gets dressed up
he gets dressed up
let's start from the beginning
he inherited his money from his parents, who inherited it from their parents, who inherited it from their parents.. and so on and so forth
so the Kims have like a shitload of money
like "I can swim in my own money" loads
except he tried it once when he was a kid
lots of paper cuts
also the gold coin thing
wow did that hurt
it was not a fun day for rich kiddo Suho
and this is very stable money, i.e. old money
so you can only imagine the amount of people who are practically kissing their asses to get partnerships and whatever else rich people want
oh my god, when his mother was supposed to get married—it was chaos, literally every man was throwing themselves at her feet
tsk, tsk, tsk—it was just sad
don't get mixed up, their parents are happy together
or at least they seem like it
lowkey it was an arranged marriage and, like all rich people, his parents like to call it a "partnership" more than a “marriage”
anyways back to Suho
if he's being honest about this whole thing, he doesn't know if he really wants to (or is going to) inherit the family business
he’s not even an official heir 
he has an older brother and Suho has watched enough dramas to know that the older ones are most likely to inherit the family business 
so what is he supposed to do? 
sure, they've been showing him what he's supposed to do
but does he actually know what he's doing?
or if he wants to do it?
he's been living the same life he's been living since he was born
wake up, eat, shop, go home, sleep
yo, speaking of which
he legit cannot stop buying anything—he sees it, he wants it, he buys it
you know those ugly ass Gucci slippers
yeah, he got those
he bought two of them because they came in two colors
he wore them each like once and then it was never seen again
granted, he was shopping with Taehyung, one of his company managers who Suho had taken underneath his wing
Tae literally encourages people to buying stuff they don't really need
but like
he can afford lots of impulse buys
it's not like he's doing anything else
okay, that's a lie
he's also working at the office, but does it really feel like he's doing anything?
anyways, let's get back to his horrible shopping habits
this is very important because this is how you come into the picture
he was out one day with Sehun, walking around one of the major shopping centers
just as they were leaving
there was a protest outside one of the department stores
the CEO had like 50+ charges of sexual assault and he was just let off
and wow
these people were angry
so where do you come in?
you….. you were in the front….
with a loudspeaker….
saying some things that…. no one should be saying with children present….
you were one of the people who’ve organized the event
because this asswipe was still working and got off with a warning from all of these assault charges????
you were not going to let this go
hence why you’re in the front, with your loudspeaker—spitting facts and roasting this man in front of his business
yeah, y’all were a bit of a smallish crowd
(a group of about thirty people)
but anyways
Suho saw you and
his interest has been piqued
you were cute—yelling into your loudspeaker and your fist in the air
you have so much passion
Sehun has obviously noticed Suho had been staring at you for quite some time 
it’s hard not to notice
just as Sehun was just going to push Suho in the order direction, that shitty CEO steps out
and……. in front of you……
you remained calm, letting his douche canoe spit as he rambles on about how these women were all over-reacting and that you were an idiot for spending your free time here and that you were nothing more than a liberal snowflake
at this point, people were all recording on their phones but this man clearly didn’t care and just went ham on you
and as he pauses to breath, you take your chance: “I’m the snowflake and yet you’re the one who needs to chill”
you see the anger just explode in his eyes and, as he continues to yell, he raises an arm
just as he was about to swing at you, Suho steps in
right between you and the CEO, blocking you and grabbing his arm
Suho: “and what is it that you think you’re doing?”
CEO: “let go of me”
Suho: “and let you hit this stranger? aren’t you just embarrassing yourself even more?”
for the first time, you can see him flush with embarrassment as he realizes the eyes and the cameras that are on him
but then he snarls at Suho: “who the hell do you think you are?”
Suho smiles, but it’s as fake as this man: “I’m heir to the Kim business, I could make you disappear in two phone calls, would you like me to show you?”
he freezes, before yanking his arm out of Suho’s hand and walking off
muttering something about millennials
he finally turns to you, as the crowd starts to disperse
Suho: “are you okay?”
You: “I could have handled myself, pretty boy”
Suho: “you think I’m pretty?”
**cue Sehun facepalming on the sidelines**
you sigh, tired from him already: “I can’t deal with this right now, that asshole is still out there and I’m not resting until he’s resigned”
you turn away, not even bothering to listen to his response and immediately head off
Sehun: “you really managed to blow that opportunity”
Suho: “shut up and drink your milk tea”
later that day, he may or not have used some of his family’s money for something other than meaningless shit
he was looking you up—you’ve done a lot of things and you have so many achievements
as well as enemies
he’s seen a lot of these people at the Kim’s charity auctions
and at business meetings
and the parties his family throws at their party mansion
oof—this is not looking good for him or these people
so what else does he do?
he does a bit more digging on you
is it creepy? yes
should he be doing this? probably not
so what does he find?
your fb, instagram, twitter—all the social media you’ve got
this is what happens when you have a lot of free time and you’re rich 
he’s not really sure these accounts are your personal accounts though
there are pictures of you and the causes you’re involved with
but they’re not about you
he will admit that he’s very impressed with all of the things you’ve done
you’ve managed to make some major changes
environmentally, socially, and lawfully
(local laws ofc)
it wasn’t done without a lot of damages and enemies
but (from what he’s seen) you’re tough
next week, you’re leading another protest against a makeup company because of their false claims of being cruelty free
and their microplastic beads that’s polluting the ocean
and the high water demand due to the large amount being used in their products
jesus you have retweeted so many scholarly articles
and they’re like 40 pages long
Suho doesn’t think he’s read this much since college
(well his family paid their son’s way through, but you get what I mean)
he makes a note to shop there on the way sometime next week
just do he can see you again
the next week passes, more slowly than Suho had thought
as it comes, he goes ham on his shopping trips—he’s going to ALL the makeup department stores
never really buying anymore because he’s too busy on the lookout for you
he says it’s a “business trip”
(ignoring Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Jongdae + Sehun’s side eyes)
these people are really kissing up to his asses
literally getting up to his face and trying so many products on his faces
it’s like the spongebob episode when all those perfume people are spraying shit in his face 
yeah... imagine that 
his vision is getting blocked and his face is getting caked with every passing hour he spends
just as he was about to give up
the days roll around 
and he finally spots you outside the shopping center with your loudspeaker and protest signs
you’re in a group circle, talking with some other people 
who Suho is going to assume are other organizers
he manages to kind of sneak over as y’all are discussing 
you were discussing the main points and what the game plan was
Suho was just…. there…. 
you didn’t even know until everyone was dispersed to their positions
Suho: “so what can I do?” 
your eyes narrow at him: “pretty boy?” 
he smiles, so stupidly bright: “yeah” 
you eye him up and down: “are you lost? don’t you have a department store to get to?” 
Suho: “this is a department store” 
You: jesus christ 
You: “okay, in case there was another misunderstanding on my abilities, I can handle this” 
Suho: “I understand, I just want to help” :) 
you nearly growl at him, what an idiot 
you don’t realize you’ve been staring at him for a while, until a friend of yours steps up next to you and give you a little nudge 
your friend whispers to you: “he’s a Kim, his involvement would mean more exposure” 
you let out a deep sigh and shoo her away to deal with the stragglers who’ve just joined 
You: “do you know why we’re here?” 
Suho: “false claims of the makeup being cruelty free?” :)
You: “lucky guess” 
You: “okay fine, we’re gonna be here for a couple of hours—he’s arriving soon and then he’ll leave, just as he always does and we’ll have to rally in case he gets aggressive”
Suho: “okay, got it” 
he gives another smile and is so compliant, you figure he’ll be here for a bit and then leave 
but, to your shock, he’s there the whole you’ve been there
which is like two hours longer than the others were supposed to be there 
and even after the whole thing, he asks you what else is coming up 
with another push from your friend, you reluctantly share the information with him from your organization’s website and facebook group and all this other stuff
but let’s be real, Suho already knew some of this stuff due to all of his internet stalking
it doesn’t mean he doesn’t appreciate you sharing the information tho 
he comes to the next one—just as you told him from last time 
and the other one
and another one
eventually, he just makes it part of his schedule to come and help out
at first, you didn’t really think he would show up
and when he does, you asked why
Suho: “I have a lot of free time”
somehow you don’t doubt that
the more he’s been coming, the more interested you were
not in the sense that “oh he’s so attractive for fighting for these causes alongside with me” interested
it’s more of the “what does this sneaky motherfucker want” interested
so you do some digging and it only confuses you more
shouldn’t be fighting his brother for that heir position for the Kim Incorporation?
why is he so interested in being part of this fight that involves… well, him?
isn’t he worried we’ll start attacking the Kims?
a lot of the other organization members notice it as well
because I mean, have you seen him?
(he is very attractive)
but also because this big name hot shot is at these small group protests, when he should be in a meeting or something
it doesn’t mean his efforts aren’t appreciated
he always gets the group things like food and supplies for strikes that last for longer than usual
for instance, you and your organization went to join teachers who were striking for a better contract with the school district
Suho came running with more posters, loudspeakers, shakers, coffee, sandwiches
the district teachers absolutely adored him—they even took pictures with him 
but, you will admit that it’s nice to talk to him, despite the differences in social class 
he likes talking to you too 
(maybe more than he likes to admit) 
it’s just 
you have this fire in your eyes 
the passion in your voice is clear 
and you know what you want and you go for it, without any mercy for anyone who gets in your way 
but you have that sensitivity and awareness and drive to help others that’s the whole point of you even being here 
he wishes he had that
but, these last few weeks
he actually feels good to help you out
whether it’s running for supplies or providing donations for causes you’ve told him about  
he feels purposeful
he feels good that he can help all these people and that his time is actually useful
and now, your organization is getting more exposure, which is nice
…. until the media gets involved and starts to paste Suho’s face on it
and that’s when you realize what he’s been doing
the Kim family had been using this whole thing as a reputation tactic
you feel stupid letting him into this
what you wanted to do was make a change for those who couldn’t advocate for themselves
and now all your hard work is being passed in the hands of some rich guy with way too much time on his hands
so, you did what you did best: dig some dirt on some filthy rich people
turns out there was a previous scandal with the family
they underpaid their staff
lots of people were getting low/little income and they were at a disadvantage because they were in a position where they couldn’t quit
when word got out, they said they would raise the wages
but some people say that these people didn’t
so you’re gonna find out—you snuck around their estate, talking to the staffers about the incident
most were unwilling to talk, but there were a couple of people who shared with you
they talked about they had medical bills, student debt, disabled family members, etc.
they had to work here and have to continue
apparently it was said that they would receive raises, but it isn’t livable—they only had 10 cent raises, but only after working for 5 years at a time
office workers obviously were higher up, but the servant staffers at the estate were taken advantage of
even after it was exposed, they didn’t really do anything about it
while you spent a couple of weeks snooping around
Suho had been at home
his parents were clearly upset because he’d been spending too much with the lower class
Mrs. Kim: “it’s good for our reputation, but you can’t keep spending your time with them”
Mr. Kim: “why can’t you be more like Dongkyu and spend more time in the office”
Suho: “I’m not even inheriting the company, why bother working?”
Mr. Kim: “of course you’ll inherit the company, alongside with your brother—it’ll be an even split”
Suho: “what if… what if I don’t want to inherit the company?”
Mrs. Kim: “what else are you going to do, if not a businessman?”
he doesn’t know why, but your face flashes in his head at that moment
in fact, you might get along with him better if he lost the inheritance
he wouldn’t be able to donate anymore
or get any supplies
maybe his support would be enough
the only question is to whether or not his family would cut him off
so, he speaks the truth
Suho: “I… I don’t know”
it’s been a couple of weeks since he’s seen you, so when he comes to the next meeting…
he was a bit excited
but when he comes
that fire is in your eyes once again…  but it’s towards him
Suho: “hey” :)
You: “so when were you going to tell me that you’re an absolute douche-bag”
Suho: “what?”
You: “your face is all over our hard work and now you get all the credit?”
You: “not to mention, you don’t say shit about all these people who you work with”
You: “also your family is garbage—really? underpaying the staff and lying about it?”
he’s…... speechless
on one hand, you’re right
and on the other…. you’re right
what is he really doing here?
is he actually making a difference?
you, on the other hand, you’re….
you’re amazing
you have been able to draw attention to all these issues
and you’ve been able to make these changes
you might not be filthy rich, but it doesn’t mean you don’t have any influence
Suho can’t really say anything other than…
Suho: “I’m sorry”
You: “you think that’s enough?”
Suho: “no, it’s not enough, I just don’t know what else I can say”
to be fair, you should be really pissed—you are pissed
but he looks so dejected
you remembered talking to him about his family ties and their family history… is not pretty
so you soften up a bit
just a bit
but only because it’s him
the one who always comes with a smile on his face
the one who comes with more than enough supplies because he wants to make sure everyone is comfortable
the one who hangs around you because he knows how tired you are
the one who stays and listens to you rambling for hours about a million different social issues
you put a hand on his shoulder
You: “you don’t always have to say it, sometimes it’s a matter of doing”
thanks to you, he decided to do something
for another couple of weeks he doesn’t see you
but you?
you def saw him
on the news
he got busy
he went on his usual schedule (like his parents wanted)
but this time
he wasn’t quiet about it
I’m talking about pointing out the environmental drawbacks of these products
calling out the people during the “charity” events
cutting of trade with those who don’t give fair wages
he’s even actually been trying to actually raise those wages for the servants in the Kim house 
(of course with the request of your help)
and wow
the news are just having a field day and eating it up
so that ultimately means his parents are seeing all of this
and what happens?
he gets cut off
he’s no longer inheriting the Kim fortune
Dongkyu is getting everything and he gets nothing 
but with your help, he’s a successful business consultant
turns out that business degree did do some good
he helps develop local businesses and the money he makes
not only goes to good causes
but also to help promote your organization
with the rightful faces on it
as for you two?
let’s just say, you’re a lot closer than before
seeing his drive to help others
the effort he makes to recover from his blissful ignorance
you’ve grown a soft spot for him
as for Suho
he’s glad he has you
you’ve made him a better person
made him realize all the different things he can do
you two working together + practically dating?
the organization members are eating it up
(and you’re pretty sure they were betting but no one would say anything to your face)
dating a former rich kid! Suho is a lot more fun than you would have thought before
lots of dates are at your (or his) apartment
mainly yours because he’s got a studio and has a roommate
(he is broke)
you spend a lot of time working on building cases against companies
it’s mainly work bc humanity is evil
but when y’all aren’t working
it’s cuddle timeeeee
you would put shows on, but y’all aren’t watching
you spend a lot of time in his arms
or him in yours
(he likes being a little spoon and isn’t afraid to admit it)
and, as his official partner, you are always supported by him
You: “omg it’s flipping an egg, I’m not receiving a medal”
it’s cute tho
and ofc you got his back
when he was kicked out of the house, you straight up wreaked havoc
all those people were spreading rumors, you shut that shit down
when he kicked out with nothing more than a duffle of clothes, you became his safe haven
you helped him get back on his feet 
found what he really wanted to do
and he was able to find someone really special
you ♡ 
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b0sscrew · 4 years
Pokemon au!
Another Ducktales AU! Shocker!
Welcome to the inevitable crossover! There are three versions of this (trainers, human trainers, and reverse gejinka) but we'll just focus on the human trainers first because I'm not comfortable with showing my Ducktales drawings yet! This is just for fun and not definitive. I'm going to be doing this like a real adventure! We'll be following the triplets as they travel the region of... Americaw... Sure, we'll go with that for now.
I want this to be a story in many parts. I also want all their adventures from the cannon to be here as well, except it's just the kids facing them most times. Like let's say all the battles are monsters and baddies they've actually fought in cannon. That would be fun!
Oh, let's bring characters into the mix. Let's say that Webby is the boys' rival and best friend. Violet is also their rival but on a slightly lesser scale(mostly to Huey). Boyd also becomes a rival of sort later on(mostly for Louie). So that only leaves Dewey, and to be honest, I'm not sure. I think Webby would be his biggest rival but he doesn't have a secondary rival. I might just make my own rival for him too be honest, but I wish I knew who to put that's around his age. (Also, I realize Boyd is Huey's best friend but Violet is literally his rival in an episode.) I already have an idea for Lena so I can't add her to the rival crew anyways.
Let's talk about the Duck family.
So I decided it would make the most sense if Della and Donald shared custody of the boys. Donald is still Uncle Donald, don't worry. But since Della is always busy with the league they decided it would be easier to just have them both raise the boys. Donald is basically a stay at home dad while Della is constantly working as one of the core members of the elite four. Della is a flying type expert and Scrooge's favorite relative.
Feathery is an amazing boy! He's constantly working with the elite four as the Regions main professor. He's so excited about all pokemon, but his favorite are water types, because they make him giggle like a little kid. He's Huey's favorite uncle and the only adult he can truly relate to. Feathery is still the biggest sweetheart but now everyone takes him seriously and hang on his every word, even if he doesn't realize it.
Gladstone is one of the sole reasons the champion is still the champion. Because of his luck no one has gotten past him and his grass types. If he didn't have his luck people wouldn't have this issue, but he's cursed with it so he literally can't lose. Of course every Pokemon he has ever caught has been a shiny because they seem to gravitate towards him. The only time he can't find one is when he wants to give one to his family. I guess that's just his luck.
Scrooge McDuck, the richest duck in the world. Despite being part of the elite four, he doesn't really have to do anything. Since he's challenged after Gladstone his battles are few and far between. So he began running his company's full time. Although he does have to leave his work to protect the region at least once every two week. He is the most loved of the elite four and also the most hated, with all his enemies. Good thing he's the best of the league.
Region time!
So, Americaw is based off the world of Ducktales and all the places they've been to by the time of the season three hiatus. I also decided you can find any pokemon in this region (even if characters share pokemon sO MaNY TIMES!), and some come earlier than we're used to. Most of the region is mostly forests with ruins but later on is more of the places we know and love, victory road and the league is even one of my favorite places in the entire series.
Gym leaders, baby.
Gym leaders are characters that are associated with the McDuck clan, mostly working for them in some way. I also tried to put a twist on everything and some of the gyms are ones you wouldn't expect for that character. Let's go over them real quick, shall we?
Owlson, the Normal type gym leader. I thought she was perfect for this because she does technically work for Scrooge now. There's nothing too special about her except that she really wants things to go right and she doesn't have room for silly things. I thought she would be fun as a first gym so the kids could get a taste of the adventure ahead of them. She uses a Hoothoot (to harken to her being an owl) named Natasha, and she has a Porygon (to harken to her being a buisness woman) named Charity.
Ludwig Von Drake, the Poison gym leader! As goofy as the man is he is very competitive. He works with Gyro and Fenton on many projects but has his own lab away from them. I think he works the best for poison because than he could be more of a chemist than the other two scientists. He's also the gym leader we see the least of. He's always in a rush to finish his project just to get on the next one thats probably even more dangerous. He uses a Grimmer (chemicals) named Paul, and a Toxel (science in general) named Corey. He also has a Rotom, named Walker, that just helps around the lab.
Fenton, the Steel gym leader. Since fenton is a superhero I thought he could take his typing from Gizmoduck. He's the main one out of the three scientists that makes weapons and items for the police force. The military forces also thank him very frequently. But since he has so many idea's there's no way for him to do them all. He usually overworks himself because of this and it's obvious to anyone who so much as looks at him. Even so he is the most optimistic of the gym leaders and goes nowhere without a smile. He uses a Pawniard (Gizmoduck) named Hero, an Aron (Robots) named named Titanium, and a Scizor (Gizmoduck strength) named Bromine.
Gyro, the electric gym leader. I thought Gyro fit best with electric because of presumably obvious reasons. Gyro is the wildcard of the three scientists and will do anything for science. He can't count how many times he's almost accidentally killed himself with an experiment. He might seem like he's the only one that slows down out of the three scientists, but you're dead wrong. He probably works the hardest and has the most unhealthy habits out of all of them. He's the best scientist in the region and refuses to give the spot up for anything. He's currently trying to find a way to turn his blood into coffee. He's as brutally honest as ever, and still full of himself, but will admit defeat. He uses a Magneton (robots) named Maggie, a Rotom (Lil' Bulb) named Tom, and a Vicavolt (robots) named Vic.
Duckworth, the ghost gym leader. He might be a ghost but that just makes him better at his job. He's extremely neat and gets annoyed if a picture is tilted. He doesn't hesitate to greet challengers with a smile and even give them tips during battle. When he looses he still acts like a gentleman. He loves his work and refuses to leave life without "good reason". He uses a Gengar (his demon form) named Káge, a Banette (being able to poses things) named Mary, a Polteageist (because he's fancy) named Green, and a Mismagius (just because he's a ghost) named Lady.
Lena, the psychic gym leader. I told you she had a job. But I also know this typing might not seem like it fits. But trust me, it does. Her magic is what I imagine when a pokemon is Psychic type, so I thought it was perfect. She's rough around the edges when you first meet her but she grows on you once you get to know her. She's loyal to her friend's and already knows the kids once they get to her gym. I believe she is the only one that doesn't work for Scrooge in the cannon. She's basically the same she was in the show. She uses a Hypno (dreams) named Dreamcatcher, a Hatterene (being trapped by magica) named Princess, an Espeon (her necklace) named Garnet, and a Lunatone (the eclipse) named Lunar.
Launchpad, the dragon gym leader. Plot twist! Let me explain before you start yelling at me. I wanted Della to be the flying type specialist, so I had to do something else for Launchpad. It took me forever to figure out what to give him, I even considered the option of repeating flying, before I finally remembered dragon. It hit me that it was perfect! The dragon type embodies everything he loves. Flying? Boom, dragons fly! Superheros? There's a dragon that looks like it was made for a superhero. Airplanes? There's plenty of those. Acting like a child? How about one that looks like a child's imaginary friend! The list goes on! The dragon type was perfect because it's so loose. Anyways, back on track. He uses an Altaria (clouds) named Fluff, a Salamance (superheros) named Comic, a Noivern (DW) named DW, a Flapple (childish) named Flapper, a Drakloak (Sunchaser/Cloudslayer) named Sunchaser, and a Duraludon (vehicals) named Crash.
Ms. Beakly, the dark gym leader. She's a freaking spy, of course she's dark type. She's the hardest gym to beat, even for final gyms. She's tactical and knows (almost) every trick in the book. She'll point out what you're doing wrong and still beat you if you do everything right. She doesn't go easy on anyone so you better be prepared. Despite all of this she is one of the kindest people you will ever meet. When you loose to her she has a plate of cookies for you to take with you when you leave, and if you beat her she gives you an item that'll help you the most with the league, plus cookies for your travels. She loves Webby so much, enough to teach her almost all of her tricks. She's a good woman. She uses a Tyranitar (strength) named Tyrone, a Pangoro (capabilities) named Gordy, a Grimmsnarl (I just thought it fit) named Grimm, a Malamar (that expression) named Mal, and a Honchkrow (spy) named Krow.
I love this idea and can't wait to expand apon it. I alread have so many ideas that it's hard to not spoil any plans I have. I just hope I don't overdue it. I want it to kinda be like a little more serious version of the pokemon anime. Not too serious, but I want it to be like what you'd find in ducktales (just maybe a tiny bit less kid friendly).
Well I hope you enjoy my idea and have fun with it. Well anyways, have a great day!
Also, here's a picture of the HDLW designs.
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memoirsofrkxjiyeon · 4 years
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full name: joo minhee
birthday: 3rd jan 1993
birth place: seoul, south korea 
zodiac sign: capricorn 
blood type: a
company: sphere
languages can speak: korean, english & japanese
Gadong Elementary School
Ilsin Girls’ Middle School
Yongsan’s International High School
Sungkyunkwan University [ Graduated with MBA ]
Father ( Kim Shin-Wook : 62 ) & Mother ( Joo Mi-Sook : 60) runs gogi-jip in Songpa-dong. It is always busy due to being located near most of the schools in the neighborhood. The parents live in a small traditional home not far from their shop. Minhee has promoted their restaurant a few times on her Instagram and spent some vlogs there too.
Older Brother ( Kim Sang-Min : 43 ) lives in Gangnam in a nice apartment and works as an operational supervisor at COEX MALL  He helped her young sister land a part-time job there as a sales assistant at a clothing shop. Also, he is a happily married man to Kim Eun-jung  ( 40  ) and has a baby girl named Sang-mi ( 7 ) who actually a big fan of ECLIPSE. Minhee also posts a lot on the social media of her close relationship with her sister-in-law Eunjung.
Older Sister ( Kim Yeong-Mi  :36 ) lived in New York, working as a publisher for a book company. Now she in charge of the Seoul office for the book company, the publisher is well-known and recently gathered a lot of interested. Minhee posted a vlog about her and sister spending time together because it tends to be quite rare. She gets her mindset about working from her older sister who’s workaholic too.
Older Brother ( Kim Dong-Wook  :31 ) lives in his own apartment in Gangnam, he is the lay-back music teacher who’s friends with a few of CONVEX members. He has his own band called  The Eodum pretty much new to the music scene, they tend to do a lot of covers instead of their own material. Minhee  even performed with them once at some gig covering her seniors Royal Pirates. He is also credited with being the cameraman for most of her youtube videos as he used to have a lot of free time but not as much anymore due to this job as a music teacher.
Cousins ( Hugo & Hakyeon ) both of her cousins recently debuted in PER_SE who fully supports them even though they aren’t the closest family members. It is known to the public they are related to each other. Hakyeon is relation on her father meanwhile Hugo is from her mother side. 
social media:
@juminhee is her instagram, she loves being on instagram out of the social media platforms and she posts a lot of content on there. It tends to be family, friends, herself and food orientated. the squad is mentioned a lot too showing off her group of friends which included public trainees& idols like hyuna ( k.arma ) , kangjoon ( de:code vici ) , gray, namjoon, wendy ( and*roma gyeoul ), jongsuk, aron and others like luda, eunji, juyeon, sua, shiah and luxe’s yena. 
@asomemini is her youtube channel where she posted covers monthly at least as she quite busy training so she can’t post them as frequently as she wishes to do. on this channel, you’ll find a lot of famous faces she has collaborated with including convex’s jinki, sehun, romeo ( two covers one before and after leaving convex ) , seungcheol under their real names, not stage names as it was before they debuted. not only that if watch the monday blues cover there are even more convex members appear in it including jihoon, ten and hyun among other friends too including kaeun ( and*roma’s kaeun ) who she did pole dance cover with too. and*roma’s gyeol covering davichi together  ,   k arma’s hyuna doing sistar medley, de:code’s vici having carpool karaoke to frozen showing their brother-sister relationship,  christmas grinch cover with seulgi showing her violin skills ( who’s now and*roma’s younggi ) and many more in the christmas collaboration series which minhee did involve many of her friends.
@aboutmini  is her youtube channel where she used to posts vlogs and streams mukbang every sunday 8pm. all her videos ( including asomemini ) are subtitled in english and japanese and korean so she can speak to a broader audience, she promises to learn mandarin too so she can make fans in china too and be able to communicate with them but she still working on japanese. this channel got a few familiar faces too including junmyeon who did the boy-friend make-up challenge and youngjae with chubby bunny challenge too  ( ex-public sphere trainees ). there are many streams featuring her famous friends who debuted now and some who are public trainees where they are enjoying life even playing pranks on another showing the friendly side of minhee making more approachable. 
fun facts
she is known to have a lot of idol friends who she openly supports on social media, in particular her brosquad which includes ktrookies johnny & aron, and*roma gyeoul, de:code vici, k.arma’s hyuna ( here is squad bbq insta pics 1, 2, 3 ) other than the squad she is friends with k.arma’s yeeun, and*roma younggi & kaeun, luxe yena & ashe, eclipse's ariel, convex’s pryhme, hyun, jace, jinwook, taeyong, royal, sehun, lay & seonghwa. ( basically convex are her little & big brothers ) 
she became a public trainee when samsung commercials were aired yet she was a group with sunmi ( and*roma darae ),  hyuna ( k.arma ) and yul so she wasn’t noticed that much especially when she was wearing waitress outfit too. minhee has expressed how nerve-wracking it was during live stream when someone asked about how she was signed during samsung c&t auditions and literally throw into deep end doing this commercial as she had no experience but she was thankful for that happening as she discovered the love for acting there.
minhee is the girl in the convex music video which every other fangirl wishes to be, she felt so lucky to get that role and all the boys are wonderful to work with. she never said who’s her bias or not in convex as she didn’t want people to assume things.
she attended convex showcase with her big brother dong-wook who’s friends with rome ( minho, ex convex member )  and woohyun ( royal ).  
minhee was known for being cold-hearted through her school years due to rejecting boys who confess to her without a second thought, girls didn’t like her either cause of it. her only friends she had at school was jieun ( npc ), minsoo ( npc ), kangjoon ( vici ) and dahye ( npc ) she was a good student barely got in trouble, her grades were average she wasn’t smartest or dumbest so she had to worked hard to do well.
minhee was center in sphere trainees flower touch opening performance for She’z at the end of year special samsung concert in jeju in 2019. she didn’t felt she deserve such a role as her dancing was only okay back then nothing to sing high praises but on the other hand she felt honoured to be the center for that performance.  
she expressed sadness about CONVEX members leaving since they were her friends and they did trained together however she got into trouble for posting this message on SNS since it caught the attention of the netizens and twisted into making out Sphere isn’t such nice company after all. 
it’s known she’s Hong Jinyoung fangirl and expresses that her jinyoung sunbae hard-working attitude aspires to be just like her she would love to be on a variety show with her since they would be good friends. Minhee also can do impression of her voice too since she adores trot music and it’s fun variety trick of hers. 
she’s very open about doing charity work and the fact she volunteered at dog shelter to overcome her fears of dogs. due to her busy trainee schedule, she wasn’t able to do much charity so when SPHERE did Green Ribbon Running & Busking Festival and she got perform at charitable cause it really made her really happy. Whoever saw that performance could really see Minhee was filled with joy. 
minhee is a host on SAMSUNG STATION SHOW IQs alongside Gahyeon Shiah & Chanyeol who is lucky enough to meet other idols like K.ARMA Kil & Doyeon, BERRY GOOD’s Daye and Sehyung and ECLIPSE Blue & Haseul. networking is important so she likes to befriend them as possible and excited to see who else she will met. [ Note: It will be public information about these people when the episodes are aired nothing earlier ] 
minhee is a friendly person, it has been well-recorded how pleasant she is when meets other people especially fans of her youtube channel. by the fact she got a lot of fancy friends around her made it even more obvious what type of person she is. 
#BEKIND became her brand after samsung c&t commercial since that was the theme of it, she carried that message throughout her social media posts stating how important it supports others rather than stepping over to get where you want in life. 
she can dance to any SHE’Z choreography without thinking since she always performed their songs under sphere and she is a fangirl of their discography. minhee always wanted to debut in a similar concept to her sunbaes. 
in her youtube streams, she always expressed that she suffers from anxiety and stresses it’s completely normal then goes on to explains coping methods she uses. minhee shared that she believed that she is not the best at anything but she is a hard worker so strives to always her best no matter what. She encourages her viewers to chase after their dreams as long they are willing to work hardest and they want it 1001% otherwise there is no point of trying your heart must be in it if they wish to succeed. 
When she goes on stage now, she is more comfortable and confident due to her practice and some experience doing little odd shows at clubs on Sunday evenings. She tends to quite sensual while performing yet throws in cute love hearts during the performance too with a brilliant smile. Minhee wants to embody the meaning of cute & sexy instead of being called cute since she is a grown woman after all. 
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scrapyardboyfriends · 6 years
Jenny’s Belated Live Blogging - 19th March 2019
- Look, before I watched the episode, my expectations of the Robron scenes were literally that they wouldn’t even speak except for maybe a congratulations and that they would just be there at the table when people found out and that would be literally it. So, I was actually really pleasantly surprised to see them have a scene before it coming into Wishing Well and joking with Paddy and then trying to eat the food and getting scolded and then Aaron stealing whatever that was from Paddy and shoving it in his mouth. It’s like the old days when we used to joke that Aaron had to be eating in every scene as part of his contract. In general, I just really love seeing them with the whole family, which so rarely happens because Aaron often gets forgotten about with the Dingles unless it’s directly about him so this was lovely. And having Robert there as part of the family always warms my cynical heart. I also liked that they bothered to explain where Liv was. I still wish that they would tie in their surrogacy struggles to this but there may yet be time for that. The only tiny issue I had was that Aaron’s ‘Get in!’ was so Danny it hurt. Haha. 
- I was surprised that it took so long for everyone to gather for that family meal though. But I guess when you’re trying to gather the Dingles and they’re involved in every plot, it takes a while. 
- Debbie smiled and said something nice. That was a miracle. 
- Surprised she only has 6 months to go. If she knows how far along she is, does that mean she actually went to the doctor off screen or something? Or is she just counting how late she is? I still really want to see her go to the doctor just so we can be sure it’ll be a happy pregnancy this time. 
- But it was nice seeing everyone so excited juxtaposed with Charity looking crushed thinking about Lisa. I wonder if Lisa will survive long enough to see the baby born. Oh...are they gonna do a birth/death in the same day thing? Are they gonna name the baby Lisa? 
- Anyway, I thought the Vanity stuff played out really well. Having the whole hour was good for their stuff. And since Vanessa has been frustrated for a couple days now, it actually felt like a real little conflict that wasn’t resolved instantaneously. I liked it. And their little chat on the sofa was good and I’m glad Charity does have someone to share that awful news with so she’s not alone in it. 
- The Rhona story continues to be well done. Poor Pete trying to be helpful and trying to sort of research and pay attention only to have Rhona shut down on him. And poor Rhona thinking she’s gotta deal with this all herself and being in denial about menopause and how much pain she’s in. This is probably going to be a hard road for her. I still really like having Pete and Vanessa and Marlon involved in this story. It’s great when things aren’t isolated. Plus, all this sort of ties into what’s going on with the Vets too. 
- You all know I love seeing a good work story, so I’m starting to kind of like this whole Vet/Farm money trouble thing. At least today I liked it. So happy Vanessa is finally back at work so that she has more to do. Having her have scenes there and with Rhona and in the bar and with Charity really makes her a much more well rounded character. Cutting her off from that for a year was such a mistake. But she’s back having a life, so yay! And since they weren’t fighting today, I loved having Moira hanging out with Vanessa at the bar offering advice to her. It’s almost like the show remembers they used to be friends. It’s great. And Kim offering the Vets her business was fun. Was Paddy around when she was there the first time? I forget. It seems like it since he said ‘old clients’. That sort of makes Kim actually feel more like a proper part of the village, which I like.  I wonder if Paddy will overrule Vanessa’s decision and take Kim as a client. 
- I quite enjoyed Moira vs Kim in the pub. That was good fun. That’s a Kim I could like and it was so nice having Moira not just existing to clean up Cain’s messes and play mafia wife. 
- I loved Priya standing up to Kim. More of that please. 
- I like that there are horses again. 
- Sheep! on Main St! Unfortunately, they stopped Graham from driving away forever though. But still...Sheep! (I blame @longlivethefreakinme for my interest in the sheep)
- I loved the Nicola stuff. Practicing her public speaking with Whitney Houston lyrics was amazing. And I love her and Jimmy and I love how excited Jimmy got when she said she listened to him..even if she took that ‘a stopped clock is always right twice a day’ jab. Haha. She loves him underneath. And I enjoyed everyone’s outrage at the 4 day week. I think this could be a fun story. And again, getting Laurel involved is great too. 
- The only thing I didn’t like today was that utterly painful Kim/Graham conversation where he was leaving and he was very slowly trying to say that this was it, he was really leaving (plot twist...he didn’t...shocker). God, the line delivery was just so bad. What even was that?!?! Couldn’t he just go run off with Joe? Kim is so much better with literally every other character than with Graham. 
- I guess it was nice they remembered that Noah existed and had once had that conversation with Graham about spending time together. But also...Noah...I know you’re desperate for any kind of attention but still...LET GRAHAM GO!
- I don’t like that Kim doesn’t want to tell Cain about Joe being alive either and that she wants to destroy him because there’s little point to it and I desperately want this dumb story to be over so everyone can move on. 
- but other than that bit, I really quite enjoyed this hour long. 
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Episode 31 Recap
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Get hype, SASholes! I’m Bren, resident SAStorian and manic goblin dream girl. Welcome to Episode 31: A Long Day’s End.
A Challenger Approaches!
With Mother (hopefully) vanquished and Kerti’s whereabouts unknown, our heroes hear fleeting whispers of ‘they’re coming, she’s coming’ whistling in the icy wind flowing through the cave. Sharing a Let’s-Put-A-Pin-In-That glance, the trio check in with each other because-- lest we forget-- they have just survived a run-in with an evil being who was masquerading as Kü’s mom. Sorry, did I say run-in? I meant battle for their lives. Anywho! They all seem to be physically unscathed, though that emotional trauma will last forever. IYKYK. Kü, of course, is the most affected, though his worries go straight to Kess, who Mother had just tried to strangle and not in the sexy way. Pearce attempts to make light of the situation by telling Kü it couldn’t have been too bad because Kess didn’t black out and see her friend, Ashe.
Which, speaking OF ash, the group starts smelling smoke. All of their combined hackles raise-- each probably thinking of a different entity. They really do be running into a lot of fire-related individuals, so this makes sense. When they actually SEE physical evidence of smoke trailing from further in the tunnel, they realize they might not be alone in this cave. Pearce elects Kü to lead them to the source, stating that he has darkvision and that will be to their tactical advantage. I mean, true, but this is also the helmetless kobold who just lost his ‘mother’ for the second time. I’m begging SOMEONE to give him a break. God, Lathander, DM, anyone?? As they go deeper, however, thin sheets of ice on the ceiling seem to be letting blue-tinted morning sunlight in. This literally lightens the mood until they come to a ledge-- one set up with a VERY recent campsite.
The party can tell right away that this is where the smoke has originated from, and looking closer, they spot a figure. A DANCING figure. What appears to be a four foot tall, staff wielding, gymnast built, olive skinned, winged individual is currently stirring an alluring pot of food while having the best time of his life. Understandably afraid, Kü attempts to summon his Blight Bow-- and nothing happens. Instead, he and Pearce decide to ambush the stranger, one going to the left of him and the other going right. Kü is spotted, and in defense, he grabs a broken liquor bottle (that he has been holding onto since the BEGINNING of this campaign, y’all), and chucks it at the head of his presumed assailant. In this instant, everyone braces for a fight, INCLUDING our guest star, Pongu, played by the fantastic Sonny-- who fans may recognize from the Hollaback Charity&D stream!
The Three Mardostateers
Kess instinctively heals herself as she notices her companions go into a fighting stance; having stayed away from the ledge. She was sure the humanoid meant no harm, but it’s hard to preach benefit of the doubt with a hotheaded gunslinger and a manipulated kobold. Instead of retaliating, Pongu tries to diffuse the situation. He laughs off the projectile Kü hurled and tells the group that they didn’t have to throw things if they wanted food; he has plenty to share. It’s then that the exhausted and hungry group smells the bounty for the first time. It is heavy with spices and looks like some sort of chunky soup. As we all know, food is the way to the heart, and apparently to the trust bone, too. Kess joins our apprehensive duo and the trauma of the past two days comes tumbling out of them.
Pongu listens intently, and when they’re done, calls over a beautiful, starry owl (named Nalani) over to him.  Kü startles, having instant predator flashbacks. With a smile, the fairy tells his companion that this group needs some extra love, to which the creature replies (only to Pongu himself) that they both have a lot to give. Pongu notices Kü’s changed attitude and requests that the owl take some time away from camp to reform himself into something less intimidating, like a cat. The kobold relaxes as the animal leaves, and Kess changes the subject. She begins to question Pongu about his presence in the cave-- and mentions that she thought it belonged to someone she knew. Pongu assures her that he is just passing through, and had chosen the cave to take respite in.
The fairy goes on to explain that he is from the Feywild, and that he has been searching all over-- sailing the seas-- and winding up on the material plane for the ingredients for a perfect fey wedding cake. He used to be an adventurer long ago-- now at an estimated 300+ years of age-- but now is a professional chef and ‘fixer of things’. This draws Kü’s interest, and he wonders aloud if Pongu might be able to repair his mother’s skulll-- but quickly has this hope dashed when Pongu asks if the kobold has all of the pieces. Pearce, feeling Kü’s disappointment, offers to go back and see if there’s anything left, but is denied. Having gotten Pongu’s life story, the group feels the need to share as well. They first attempt to lie (except for Kess) and say their names are Uk and Ferdinand [I will let you guys which one is which] and that they are all three from Mardosta. The truth quickly comes out, however, and Pongu takes it in stride, excitedly asking if Kess (the true Mardostan native) can get him rare spices from the area.
A Lesson in Bonding
Taking a moment for herself, Kess separates from the group and goes to the neighboring hot spring. She discards some of her clothing and jumps in-- drifting to the bottom. Once she reaches the soil there, the druid draws on her inner power and grows a flower. It is still black with a white iris, but the floret adapts to its watery surroundings-- taking on an aquatic formation. Kess takes no time to marvel at it, instead using the rest of her depleting energy to focus on the plant and attempts to contact Ashe. After a bit, she realizes there isn’t going to be a response. So, the changeling flips off the bloom and pushes herself to the surface, dressing once more and cursing under her breath.
In Kess’ absence, Pearce and Kü warn Pongu about Skugamor and give him a head’s up about Kerti (who we really haven’t gotten to know yet). The gunslinger sighs and half-heartedly complains that everyone has voices in their heads except for him. The fairy listens gratefully while taking out a Santa-Claus-worthy bag of toys to keep his hands busy. He explains that he likes to fix up old toys and give them new homes-- and Kü asks if he has a paddleball related plaything. Pongu brightly hands him a Bilboque (I really didn’t want to write cup-and-ball. But you guys made me anyway. Good job) and  takes to it instantly. 
Sensing how worn out the adventurers are, Pongu casts Tiny Hut, creating a dome with a starry ceiling and a light scent of flowers swirling through the air. Pearce sees Kess step into the space and he greets her, hugging her to him as she spirals in a panic attack. He tells her that everything is going to be okay, and that he feels that is true because he has not been this comfortable anywhere but Mardosta. The contact soothes the changeling, and she steps back from Pearce and truly looks at him for the first time after their ordeal. Her eyes widen at the state of his hair; and the gunslinger grabs his things to run to the hot spring himself to shower. Pongu stops him, saying that he thinks he could fix the dirty, snow-wet mess, and Pearce relents. The fairy uses Shape Water as a kind of gel to mold the unruly locks-- and when Kess lets Pearce check it in the shine of her canteen, the gunslinger huffs off; happy with his look but pissed that he has nothing to be pissed about.
Look at the Stars
Using his misplaced anger as motivation, Pearce begins to craft more bullets for Iris from the components he purchased at the Night Market. He ends up making fifteen functional bullets, only wasting one defective try at the beginning of the process. The gunslinger thinks of his father and how Pearce used to watch him go through the same activity, and the fire of his rage is stoked by the realization that he actually learned something from the deadbeat. What was it that Smash Mouth said? When the hits start coming they don’t stop coming? Whatever it was, I’m THERE in this DnD stream. Someone make them stop.
As Pearce is artificing the daddy issues away, Kü tries to bring his Blight Bow out one more time. When it still doesn’t happen, the kobold admits to Kess that he has Good News and Bad News. The good news is that he believes Mother to be truly gone, and the bad news is that this means that his powers seem to be gone. Kess reassures him that they’ll figure things out; and Kü distracts himself by catching Pongu up on their exploits so far-- from Evercrest’s dying king to the vampires of New Hexton. The kobold then switches gears and asks the fairy about his parents-- with whom Pongu seems to have a semi-okay relationship. Kü tells him that he’s just trying to feel out where his trauma is-- and that he wants him to be as broken as he is. Big ouch.
Kess takes over at that point, trying to explain LifeWell water to their new friend. A combination of exhaustion and frustration overwhelms her in the middle of it, however, so she excuses herself to sleep it off. She ends up under a constellation of a scorpion, and Pongu suggests to Pearce that he choose one that meant something to him to watch over him as he slept. The gunslinger curls up underneath an arrow (yes, weapons are soothing, just ask my barbarian) and  Kü doesn’t even bother looking up-- as soon as his head hits the floor, he drifts off into a deep rest. Pongu watches over them for the four hours they stay unconscious, making them a special (giving them ingame boosts!) bready treat. When they wake up, Kess eats hers and Pearce tosses Kü his-- who catches it deftly in his waiting maw. They take in Pongu now making pancakes for the group, and realize they have some decisions to make.
Case Closed
After throwing out their veritable to-do list, Pearce bangs the butt of his gun against the cave floor, commanding the attention of the other three speakers. He makes an executive decision that they should all go check on the Shadowmore family. They have no idea if they are still safe from Skugamor, and Kess needs to speak with them before they either stay for the Mardosta ball or move on to their next task. The Nobodies look toward Pongu, gauging his interest in joining them for a time. The fairy packs up the leftover food from the night before-- leaving a note that anyone who comes by it is welcome to it-- and agrees to travel with the trio. Kess warns Kü before she shifts back into her owl form, which turns out to be large enough to carry her humanoid companions. 
They make a long, cold flight back-- and all seems quiet at the Shadowmore manor. The group makes their way to the fourth floor (you remember, the PARENT wing) and finds it empty. Searching frantically, they finally see them standing in the greenhouse, marvelling over Kess’ new and hydraulic flower. Norse turns around and exclaims her thankfulness for her daughter’s safety, counting the number of still-alive-friends with her, and greets the sunny newcomer. OMG. Did you see what I did there? Sunny cause Pongu is a literal ray of light but also-- Sonny?? His player?! That was COMPLETELY UNINTENTIONAL! WITNESS ME! Fine. I digress. The party catches the elder Shadowmores up to speed just before Brienne, our lovely tabaxi detective, strides into the greenhouse. Pongu introduces himself as Brienne looks over him curiously, and the investigator sighs, grateful that she doesn’t have to question yet another for Xarus’ murder. Hearing of this foul play for the first time, the fairy looks over to his new friends and says, “There’s a lot of death around you three, huh?” 
The Nobodies stammer in unison, attempting to laugh off this outburst. Brienne pays it no mind, pushing forward to ask to speak with the group. She tells them that Xarus was found with poison in his system, and had a snapped neck-- probably from strangulation. The tabaxi had spoken with onlookers at the Underfrost as well as the cooking staff at the Shadowmore estate, who both told her that they experienced a similar phenomenon with shadow magic. It’s then that they come clean, handing the detective the page on Skugamor (which Brienne RIGHTFULLY chides Kess for stealing) and Kü recounts his almost-lifelong-ordeal under her influence. With a small, conspiratorial smile-- Brienne concludes that Xarus’ death must have been a suicide. She tells the group that if they did not take care of Skugamor that she would be unable to protect them-- but if the entity was really and truly gone, she was more than happy to close the case. She bids them farewell, and as they all let loose a breath they didn’t know they were holding (hello, YA roots) and Pongu smiles widely at them. He professes that he will be there for this courageous party until they no longer need him.
Give a BIG SAShole welcome to Pongu and Sonny! You can find him on Twitter: @SonnyPlays and tell him Bren sent ya!
Wait, where’s my starry owlcat!? How do you pspspspsps a fey being?!
Things are looking up for the Nobodies. Be a shame if something happened...
Don’t Pearce your pants in anticipation, but you can catch the next session over at twitch.tv/lochness on September 22nd at 7:30CST/8:30EST! If you’d like to watch THIS episode, follow the link below:
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sebstanimagines001 · 7 years
Everyday Hero (Bucky Barnes X Reader)
This is for anon, hope you enjoy!
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You didn’t want to go to this in the first place. And now, you were regretting ever giving into your best friend, Lola, and coming to this charity ball. I mean, you had no business here. Lola even had to buy you a dress that she deemed ‘fitting’, because not even the fanciest thing you owned was quite fancy enough for the place. Now, here you were, in a ballroom full of snobbish rich people eating weird french horderves, and sitting by yourself. 
Yup, after dragging you all this way to something you had no desire to be at, Lola abandoned you at your table because she saw a hot guy.  
Apparently you were not worth as much as a hot guy, to her.  
So now, you sat in an uncomfortable champagne-colored gown, twirling your glass of wine in your fingers, without really touching it. This has got to be the most uncomfortable thing you’ve done in a long, long time. Suddenly, you felt the urge to leave the ballroom and never come back. Your eyes searched for the restroom sign, which you found, pointing out into the place’s huge foyer. 
You sighed, relieved, once you saw that nobody was out there, and settled on leaning against one of the huge marble pillars. Closing your eyes, you cursed the itchy dress, and wretched heels you were wearing, and wished you were home in sweats, relaxing on your couch. The new episode of The Walking Dead was on, and you had to record it, because you had to be at this stupid party.  
“Hey there, sugar, what’s a pretty thing like you doing out here all by yourself?” As soon as you heard the voice, you knew could also hear the accompanying smirk. Of course, as soon as you found a little peace, some cocky idiot had to follow you and try a weak attempt at flirting.  
“Well, I was being alone, until you showed up and ruined it,” you replied snarkily, not even bothering to turn around and look at the guy. From behind you, you heard the indignant snort of a laugh come out of the guy.  
“Oh, honey, that’s no way to talk to a gentleman like me,” he responded, with a drawl to his voice that only self-righteous rich boys can obtain. You had to fight the urge to roll your eyes. Instead of arguing with him, or even responding, you opted to stay silent and ignore him, in hopes that he’ll get the hint.  
He didn’t. 
Before you knew it, an arm was leaning on the same pillar as you, hand adjacent to your head. You opened your eyes, quirking an eyebrow up at the humongous ego this guy obviously had.  
“Is it heavy? Your ego, I mean… must be, because it’s so big and all,”you looked him right in his eyes as you said this, in order to give it it’s full effect.  
“Oh, honey, you know what else is big…” he leaned in closer to you, and you had to resist the urge to laugh at the ridiculous comment he had just made.  
“Dude, seriously? Get the hint! I. AM. NOT. INTERESTED,” you spelled it out slowly for him, hoping he’d get it. Instead, he just put his hand on your waist, and leaned in even closer.  
“What are you doing? Get off of me!” You were shouting by now, and pushing at his shoulders, but to no avail. The guy was much stronger than you were; it was obvious he worked out a lot. All of sudden, the guy’s hand left your waist, and he was sprawled out on the floor.  
“Respect women, dude, and I won’t have to do it again,”a deep, male voice came from your other side. You turned and saw probably the most attractive man you’d ever seen. His dark brown hair was styled immaculately, and his piercing blue eyes matched the tie, underneath his black suit. The guy who was previously hitting on you, got up from the floor, and ran away.  
“Thank you,” you breathed, laughing a bit at the guy’s idiotic form running for the bathrooms, “ I’m (y/n), by the way.” 
“Yeah, any time. I’m Bucky. You know, I was actually on my way out, but if you’d give me your number, we could get to know each other better,” Bucky responded hopefully, and you nodded. You both exchanged numbers, and he left through the front doors. 
 -Five Months Later- 
You were sprawled out on one of the couches in the main living room of the Avenger Tower, lazily flipping channels on the tv.  
“Oh my god, you are so lazy,” A voice chuckled, which you instantly recognized as Bucky. You grinned, and replied without turning around, “Hey, I take pride in my laziness, Barnes. One day, you might achieve this level of laziness. But I doubt it.”  
The super soldier shook his head in amusement, moving your legs so he could sit under them, and try to help you choose a channel to settle on. That’s when Steve walked in the room.  
“Hey guys, what’s up?” He asked casually, sitting opposite us. 
 “Literally nothing. Look around, Cap, you ever see a pair of people as lazy as us?”you asked jokingly, stealing a glance at Steve, who was now chuckling.  
“No, I have to say I have not. Ugh, this is so weird,” He muttered, grabbing both your and Bucky’s attention. 
“What’s weird?” Bucky inquired, looking at his best friend.  
“You two! It looks like you’ve known each other your whole lives, when in reality you haven’t even known each other for half a year,” Steve screeched, but he was smiling.  
“Oh, yeah, you’re right, I guess. It does feel like I’ve known you my whole life,”You smiled at Bucky, who smirked in return. 
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Trapped in The Sandbox
Happy Valentine’s Day, @fitzsimmonsshield!!! Your prompt was not in my fic writing comfort zone, but I hope you like what I came up with! 
I tried to gift it to you on AO3, but it said it couldn’t find your username. It’s also not showing up on AO3, so I’m not sure what’s going on there. I may have to try to post it again later. In the meantime, you can enjoy the fic here on Tumblr!
Edit: It decided to show up on AO3, and I think I was able to gift it to you there. You’re fitzsimmonshield with one s between fitzsimmons and shield and not two?
Summary: When Mr. Coulson decides to send Daisy, Mack, Bobbi, Hunter, Jemma, and Fitz on a special episode of the game show Agents of Shield, Jemma decides it's the perfect opportunity to finally let her feelings be known.
Prompt: Fitzsimmons on some sort of ridiculous game show
Read on AO3
Location: The Sandbox
Local Time: Friday, 1:12pm
Jemma stared around her at the dimly lit room. A giant wooden box filled with sand was in the middle of the room. Fitz was busy digging through it, muttering a steady stream of curses as he still wasn't able to find the shield buried within. She sighed and sat down with her back against the wall. They were trapped.
Location: The Conference Room, Pleasant Hill Prosthetics
Local Time: Monday, 10:18am
Jemma sipped at her tea as her supervisor, a middle-aged balding man, spoke about the company’s latest numbers. She and Fitz had already given their presentation about the newest features on their latest prosthetic and were just waiting around for the meeting to be over with so they could get back to work.
“-and finally,” Mr. Coulson announced, and Jemma sat up a bit straighter. “I've noticed that team morale has been a bit low lately, so I've decided to book everyone on a team building exercise!” He smiled at them all as Hunter and Daisy let out groans.
“What are we going to do, sir?” Mack asked.
“I've booked the six of you to take part in a special charity episode of the game show Agents of Shield.”
“Is that the one with the freaky identical brothers?” Hunter asked.
“Yes, the hosts are identical quadruplets along with their older sister,” Mr. Coulson answered.
Jemma raised her eyebrows at that and glanced at Fitz who didn’t look as nearly impressed as she thought he should. Mr. Coulson continued talking about the game show, but Jemma had already tuned him out. She’d seen Agents of Shield before, but didn’t know too much about it. What she did know was that sometimes members of the team were trapped together. Maybe she could find a way to get herself and Fitz trapped? Maybe it would be romantic, just the two of them, stuck in a room, nothing to do but talk? Maybe Fitz would finally admit what she hoped he felt about her?
“Hey, earth to Jemma!” Fitz’s voice and his hand waving in front of her face pulled her out of her daydream. “Let’s get back to work.”
Location: Agents of Shield Green Room
Local Time: Friday, 10:30am
It turned out that there was a lot of paperwork to go through in order to appear on a game show. Then they had to go through makeup and have their outfits approved. Hunter’s DAMN THE YANKS t-shirt had been deemed unacceptable, so he’d been forced to change into a bright green polo shirt. Jemma stuck close to Fitz throughout the proceedings. She’d made sure to dress a bit nicer than her usual lab wear, but he hadn’t seemed to notice. He was tugging anxiously on his lip as he watched Hunter argue with the costume designer.
“It’ll be fun, I think,” she said.
He turned to look at her. “Yeah?”
She nodded. “Yeah. The premise sounds fun, anyway.”
The point of the show was to send in two team members to complete a task in a specific amount of time. If the task was completed, you earned a shield. How many shields you had equaled the number of spins on the Prize Wheel in Providence. There were four sections to get through in order to reach Providence: The Playground, The Fridge, The Labyrinth, and The Sandbox. They went to each section in an order decided by the Koenig hosts, and their team captain—Daisy—would choose who completed the task in each section.
“Okay, everyone, listen up!” the director called out and Jemma turned her attention to listen, though her eyes never left Fitz.
Location: The Fridge
Local Time: Friday, 11:37am
“Oooh, I think Agent Johnson’s got it!” Sam Koenig commented to the camera.
Jemma, Fitz, Bobbi, and Hunter watched through viewing window as Daisy pulled the red, blue, and white shield out of the pie. The kitchen set—and Daisy and Mack themselves—was completely covered in various pie filling. They’d had to find the shield that had been baked into one of 30 pies in less than two minutes, and Daisy had succeeded with seconds to spare. 
“Congratulations, Agents,” Sam told them as Daisy and Mack came out of the room. “You’ve won your first shield and therefore one spin of the Prize Wheel. We’ll let you go get cleaned up and then it’s time for you to meet Billy at The Playground!”
 Location: The Playground
Local Time: Friday, 12:23pm
Jemma giggled gleefully as she watched Hunter get knocked in the stomach by a piece of spinning foam. He fell off the platform and landed in a kiddie pool filled with shaving cream. Fitz laughed as Hunter stood up, completely covered in shaving cream. Above him, Bobbi let out a triumphant yell as she reached the shield they were trying to get.
The two came out of the challenge room and Jemma reached for Fitz’s hand. It would be their turn next. He glanced at her and smiled as he squeezed her hand. “Ready to prove yourself?” he whispered.
“Always,” Jemma replied.
 Location: The Sandbox
Local Time: Friday, 1:06pm
“All right, Agent Fitz and Agent Simmons, listen up,” LT Koenig ordered, looking sternly at them. “Shield number three is hidden inside The Sandbox. Your mission is to retrieve it in less than two minutes. If you fail, you will be locked in the challenge room until your team reaches Providence. Your team may release you from the challenge room, but the cost is one shield. Any questions?” Fitz and Jemma shook their head. “All right,” LT opened the door and they entered. “Your time starts . . . NOW!”
The door closed behind them with a loud bang and Fitz immediately ran over to the giant wooden structure in the middle of the room. “Hurry up, Simmons!” he cried as he began digging in the sand. Jemma moved to the opposite side of the sandbox and began to run her hands through the sand.
“You can do it, Turbo!” she heard Mack yell.
“Go Jemma!” Daisy cheered.
The timer on the wall grew steadily closer to zero. Fitz began swearing as the shield still failed to reveal itself. “TEN SECONDS!” she heard LT Koenig yell. They kept digging. “FIVE—FOUR—THREE—TWO—ONE—” a loud buzzer sounded and they heard a lock click. Koenig’s face appeared in the viewing window. “Agents Fitz and Simmons, you have failed your mission. Agent Johnson, as team captain, it’s up to you to decide if you want to release them now, or after you reach Providence. To release them now would mean giving up one of your shields.” 
“Sorry, guys,” Daisy said, “but we only have two shields. I can’t give one up, especially not when there’s still one task left.”
“It’s okay, Daisy,” Fitz told her.
“We understand,” Jemma added.
 Location: The Sandbox
Local Time: Friday, 1:13pm
“I don’t think the bloody thing’s in there at all,” Fitz commented, finally giving up his search and coming to sit next to Jemma. “I think they rigged it.”
“So what?” Jemma asked.
“So what?” Fitz repeated, sounding incredulous. “It’s not fair, is it?”
“No, but at least we’re together.”
“Yeah,” Fitz agreed, nudging Jemma’s shoulder with his own. “I’d rather be stuck with you than Hunter.” He sighed and fidgeted with his fingers. “So, what do you want to do?”
“We could make out,” Jemma suggested. She looked over to see Fitz’s reaction and was not disappointed. She’d never seen a literal deer in headlights, but she knew it must be pretty similar to Fitz’s current expression. He looked like his brain had frozen trying to comprehend her comment. “Fiiitz!” she sing-songed, poking him on his temple. “Do I need to turn you off and on again?”
“Jemma!” he squawked, and even in the dim light of the room, she could see the blush spreading over his face to the tips of his ears. “You can’t just say things like that!” 
“Why not?”
“Because!” But he couldn’t seem to come up with any reasons why.
“I’d like to make out with you, Fitz,” Jemma told him, “and other things, beyond that.”
“You would?” Fitz sounded so confused.
“Yes, you idiot. Haven’t you noticed me flirting with you for the past year and a half?”
“Er—but I thought you liked what’s-his-face from PR?”
“Milton?” Jemma sighed and rolled her eyes. “Ugh, Fitz! Milton is the worst! How could you think I liked him and not you?”
“Well, you know, I’m not so good with the social cues,” Fitz said with a shrug.
“Then let me make it clear,” Jemma said, turning to face him. “I like you, Fitz. You are my best friend. I want to go on a date with you. I want to kiss you. Do you want to do any of those things with me?”
“Yes!” Fitz said quickly. “All of the above.”
“I was hoping you’d say that.”
The door to the challenge room opened and an assistant came in. “You guys don’t actually have to stay in here the whole time,” she told them. “You’ll have to pretend you did when it’s time to film the ending, but you can go wait in the green room. There are snacks and drinks in there. Feel free to help yourselves.”
“Thanks!” Fitz said, jumping up excitedly at the promise of snacks.
“So,” Jemma said, taking Fitz’s hand as they walked through the set to the green room, “about our date…”
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scrapyardboyfriends · 7 years
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22 June 2017
[The Cafe (The New Mill) with Robert, Aaron, Victoria and Rebecca]
VICTORIA: Hey, I’m wearing butterflies today in an effort to get the fans to like me again because I know how much they liked your butterfly blanket. (Fandom: You’re going to have to do more than that Vic) Also...Look, I care about other people besides your unborn child. Harriet’s still in a coma as a result of your latest failed plan that I know nothing about.
AARON: I’m sure she’ll pull through. The Sun hasn’t announced that she is leaving yet.
VICTORIA: How did she even end up being involved in your scheme?
ROBERT: Look, Emma got involved with the Plot, okay! It’s not our fault. And my plan did not fail, it actually worked brilliantly. I just didn’t know there were actual drug dealers involved. So get off my back.
*Rebecca Enters* (Fandom: Sigh…)
ROBERT: *Oh god, not the Plot Face* I’m busy...doing literally anything else, but mostly enjoying a nice meal with my #BeautifulHusband and my sister who for once has other words coming out of her mouth other than ‘Baby’. I mean, we could have been having this meal in our brand new kitchen on that brand new set they built for us, but unfortunately we had to have it here because there’s no way I’m just letting you stroll into my new house ever again, so the cafe it is. But I’m really not ready for this Plot Point yet so, don’t ruin it yeah?
REBECCA: Sorry, due to the other Plot I’m tangentially involved in, I now really care about paternity. Also, The Plot gave me a heads up that Aaron is pushing you to talk to me. So, here I am, ready to talk about our baby’s future!
AARON: *I still hate this fucking Plot even if I’m trying to be there for my husband Face*
ROBERT: Wait...didn’t you want to do this on your own, on your own terms and all that? I thought everyone was content to leave me out of it. This Plot Baby’s not even born yet and it’s already taking over all of my screen time.
VICTORIA: Robert! BABY! - yep, I’m back to that again -
REBECCA: It’s no use Vic, your secret plan to get him to care by me suddenly doing a 180 on how I feel about his involvement didn’t work. Sorry. I’m just going to take my literal hat and go. - seriously, why am I just carrying this thing around if I’m not going to wear it? -
VICTORIA: Why don’t you care about the BABY?!
ROBERT: *Eye Roll*
AARON: No, she’s right Robert, we talked about this. I’m putting aside my own feelings to be supportive for you, so...get to it….oh fine...BABY! Happy Vic?
ROBERT: *Eye Roll* *Oh great now it’s both of them Face* Fine...if it will get both of you off my back for a bit, next time Plot contrivances put us in the same room, I’ll talk to her.
VICTORIA: *Well it’s a start Face*
AARON: *I know this genre doesn’t do time jumps but can we please do one so we can all move on Face*
[Main Street with Robert, Aaron and Finn]
*Robert and Aaron walk down the street together* (Fandom: Hold hands, you’re married!!!)
FINN: Have you seen Ross?
*Robert and Aaron keep walking* (Fandom: No really, why aren’t you holding hands?)
FINN: Stop ignoring me! I really need to ask you a question! Uhhh…..Cain! That’ll do it!
AARON: Cain? Now suddenly I care.
ROBERT: Aaron, I still don’t care. Let’s just go back to that set no one will ever see again...get some non Plot time for ourselves before our next scheduled visit to the cafe.
FINN: But he heard me talking about the drugs because I was an idiot and was talking out loud to a coma patient...yes, I know this isn’t the first time. Anyway, now Ross has vanished and I’m a tiny bit worried that maybe he’s learning a little bit more about how our dad died without any of us realizing it because that Plot is still dragging on.
ROBERT: Look, I already got scolded by my husband for going too far with that, so I’d just prefer to stay out of it from now on. Was that better Aaron?
FINN: Well, then you shouldn’t have stolen our stolen drugs in the first place then! Look if Cain’s involved, I’m hardly going to be able to do anything about it.
AARON: *Ugh why are we involved in any of these stupid Plots Face* Why do you keep going on about Cain? I don’t even understand how he got mixed up in this Plot?
FINN: I don’t know. There’s clearly something we’re all missing. But that’s par for the course. #LetTheTheoryLive
ROBERT: Come on Aaron, please, can we go back. We’re running out of non Plot time. I really just want to cuddle on the sofa at the Mill with you for a while. Maybe we can even make a reference to it at some point later down the line that we like to cuddle on the sofa and then the Fandom can be upset that they’ve never seen it.
AARON: Sorry Finn, I’m sick of all of these Plots and I really do want some non Plot time with my #AlmostQuiteFitHusband But if I hear anything, I’ll let you know.
[The Cafe (where else) with Victoria, Rebecca, Robert and Aaron]
VICTORIA: *Carrying Milk* - I’m sure this could mean something….- Sorry Robert isn’t as obsessed with the BABY as I am.
REBECCA: That’s hardly your fault. It must have been like whiplash for him, me all of a sudden wanting him to be involved. I know it is for me, my mind constantly changing all the time.
VICTORIA: I did tell him he needed to start caring. Are you okay? - at least I’m mostly speaking in my normal voice today -
REBECCA: This other Plot I’m involved in with Chrissie has really made me reconsider everything. It’s why this Plot sent me to talk to Robert. She’s so single mindedly focused on finding out about her birth father even though my dad is making it near impossible because he can’t figure out how to stop lying ALL THE TIME. It’s really messed her up, not knowing who her real dad is.
VICTORIA: And you don’t want that for the BABY? (Tinfoil Hat Fandom: Stop saying things like this! #LetTheTheoryLive)
REBECCA: I’m not going to force him into anything. I’ll leave that up to you. But I’m sure everyone, including my “BFF Aaron”, would be happy if he was just honest about how he feels about the Plot Baby already. I’m tired of seeing his Conflicted Face all the time.
*Door opens and Robert and Aaron walk in*
VICTORIA: Well that was impeccable timing. Robert, I trust you’re ready to talk about the BABY now if I leave you to it?
ROBERT: *Oh here we go Face*
*Victoria and Aaron awkwardly stand by the counter trying to remember that they used to be friends* (Me: Doesn’t that milk need to be refrigerated?)
REBECCA: Look Robert. I only came back because the Plot made me. I’m not trying to ruin your life with my Plot Baby. I promise!
ROBERT: Sure...So...let’s get this over with. We’re certainly not the A Plot in this episode, so we don’t have a lot of time to go in depth here.
REBECCA: We need to work out what to say to Plot Baby when it asks about its father. #LetTheTheoryLive #GetADNATest
ROBERT: Uhhh...we’re a few years away from that. Who knows if any of us will still be around. (Fandom: YOU’RE NEVER ALLOWED TO LEAVE!!!)
REBECCA: I want to put you on the birth certificate, make it official…
ROBERT: *Why didn’t I ask for a DNA test Face*
*Up at the counter*
VICTORIA: I’m going to use my normal voice and talk to you like we’re friends Aaron even though I’ve totally ignored how you feel about all of this. But look! They’re not throwing things at each other.
AARON: Yet. He’ll be alright though. The Plot wants him to care about this Baby so he probably will at some point.
VICTORIA: I hope so. Well...I should really put this milk in the refrigerator so it doesn’t go bad. Tell me all about his progress on the BABY front later.
AARON: Yep, that’s my sole purpose in life. *Smiles like we’re still good friends and you haven’t totally replaced me for Plot purposes with the woman who’s still potentially ruining my marriage*
*Back to Rebecca and Robert*
REBECCA: I know what lies can do to people (Tinfoil Hat Fandom: Seriously?!) I want my baby to know where they came from. (Tinfoil Hat Fandom: Stop it! But no, don’t stop! #LetTheTheoryLive) Even if it is less than ideal #UnderstatementOfTheCentury
ROBERT: Sounds like you really don’t need me in this Plot at all? Congrats on finally making a decision yourself.
REBECCA: But no wait, I need you to validated it.
ROBERT: Do what you like. I need to get back to my #BeautifulHusband
REBECCA: *Rapid Blinking* *Even I hate this Plot Face*
*On different sofas with Robert and Aaron*
AARON: So...how’s the Plot?
ROBERT: Sucks, like usual, but it’s fine, I guess.
AARON: Remember that time in my vows where I said I was going to be the best husband I could be and then I bought that world’s greatest husband mug, totally for myself, well I’m going to be proving those things right again. If you actually want to be a part of the Plot Baby’s life, I’m going to try really hard to be cool with it because I want to support you. You just need to let me know. I know, honesty isn’t your strong suit, but you have been getting a bit better with that lately.
ROBERT: *Heart Eyes* *Probably puts hand on Aaron’s thigh* (Fandom: What the hell, Cameraman?! Surely that was important!!!) Nothing’s changed, Aaron. I still want nothing to do with this godforsaken Plot.
AARON: *I’m nodding but I don’t believe a word you’re saying because eventually the Plot will make you care about this Plot Baby Face* but *Heart Eyes because I know you think you’re doing this for me*
ROBERT: *Looks at Rebecca* *I fucking hate this Plot Face*
[The Woolpack with Robert and Ross]
ROSS: Charity’s working so...we could be a while…
ROBERT: You’re not wrong there. Heard anything about the latest unintended consequence of one of my revenge schemes? - even if this one totally is not my fault -
ROSS: Yeah...Harriet will be fine. I’m sure since she’s been briefed on our Plot with Rebecca and has given you a lecture, that she’d be happy to hear from you once she gets out of hospital.
ROBERT: You look like you should have gone to A&E yourself. Cain?
ROSS: Yep. I’m okay though...thanks for asking. - I think that was supposed to be sarcastic but I’m off my game a bit today -
ROBERT: Could have been a lot worse...trust me, I’ve been there.
ROSS: Relieved you’re not getting blamed for this?
ROBERT: Yeah, but i guess none of us come out well on this one. I’ve already gotten the lecture from the husband on that one. At least this Plot Point is over now.
ROSS: Hardly! We could still go to prison, have Cain or those pesky drug dealers after us, oh, and we still have no money for anything and no business to help earn more! Thanks for that. #LetTheTheoryLive
ROBERT: *Yeah...sorry about that but the Plot wants what it wants Face* - I should know. Is Charity still not back yet? Aaron and I ran out of booze in our giant alcohol fridge. We need reinforcements for our non Plot time and the Plot made me come here instead of the Shop -
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scrapyardboyfriends · 7 years
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16 June 2017
[The Cafe with Victoria, Rebecca and a lurking Adam]
VICTORIA: Thanks for paying for this nondescript food item on my plate. (Writer’s Notes: Okay I don’t know what it is and it kind of looks like Toast but Toast is reserved for Aaron, so there.)
REBECCA: No problem. It’s my treat since you’re forcing me to stay here.
VICTORIA: Yeah, I know my house sucks and it’s not the mansion you’re used to.
REBECCA: It’s not just a house, it’s a home. #UnearnedSentimentality
VICTORIA: Well, you can stay as long as the Plot wants!
REBECCA: Sure you’re up to hosting the mother of the antichrist? - yes I did just refer to the baby I think I love as the antichrist. Just trying to resonate with the fans that call my baby Spawn of Satan -
VICTORIA: Well I’m the antichrist’s auntie so… (Fandom: And we’re pretty anti you right now Vic. Look we can do wordplay too!)
REBECCA: Great! So that means I’m going to let you into my secret baby club.
*Adam walks in*
VICTORIA: BABY! But I don’t want to be there for the birth. If I am, at this rate I’ll probably pull it out of you and run off with it.
ADAM: *Confused Face* - sounds about right -
REBECCA: Totally fine. I’ll probably be off screen for it anyway because the Plot doesn’t want to ever show me with a medical professional, so it won’t really matter either way. But, no, I’ve got my first scan. Yes, you heard that right. I still haven’t been to the doctor or had a scan, despite almost getting an abortion multiple times and actually being in hospital for stress. Also...do you like my super yellow dress that’s pretty tight on me so you would be able to see if I was showing but hey, guess what, I’m not. #LetTheTheoryLive
VICTORIA: Wow! This is a momentous occasion! I’ll text Marlon and leave him in the lurch so he can have a go at me later and we’ll go together because...BABY!
ADAM: *...the fuck is this Plot and why is my wife such good friends with the woman who is possibly still breaking up her brother’s marriage Face*
[The Woolpack with Robert, Aaron, Adam and Marlon]
AARON: Hey Robert, you’ve been proper weird since Rebecca came back - and by that I mean you’re super closed off and constantly snapping at me and I’m kind of getting sick of it. It really sucks that we haven’t learned to communicate at all yet except for those rare episodes where we actually get to talk to each other but they ultimately amount to nothing. -
ROBERT: How paranoid are you? - Sorry, I’m not coping and I’m really off my game so I’m snapping at you with January material, which is ridiculous because I get that you have every right to be paranoid now since I went and basically proved you right. Have I mentioned how thankful I am for those #QueenMaxine episodes that let us actually talk for a bit and let you go to counseling so that you could find it in your heart to forgive me...also our complete codependence -
ADAM: Hey boys! I hate your Plot so much. She’s been at Vic’s five minutes and already she’s ordering her around.
MARLON: She being? - hey just dropping into this Plot briefly for a moment. Sorry Aaron, I still can’t get involved properly but since Vic is firmly wedged in your Plot and god knows where Charity is, I’m the only one able to cover the bar. God I miss Chas! When’s she coming back? Anyway, I’m just going to casually drop in a few lines to prompt you to say things. It’ll be a fun game. I promise -
ROBERT: Vic’s problem since she’s decided they’re BPFFs, definitely not mine because I really don’t want to be involved in this Plot anymore. #LetTheTheoryLive So Aaron, movie night? Away from the Plot?
ADAM: Sorry boys, I doubt date night is happening tonight either cause I’m just going to keep talking. Pint please Marlon. I don’t get it though, Vic used to be such an anti when it came to Rebecca. She used to hate girls like that, all posh with glossy hair and stupid hippie hats. #SpeakingForTheFandom
AARON: I thought we were supposed to be going out. I can’t even keep track of what the conversation is anymore… *Confused Face*
ROBERT: No, apparently we’re not. The Plot wants us never to leave the pub.
ADAM: Rebecca’s got her wrapped around her little finger and now Rebecca’s getting her to drop everything to take her to hospital. None of it makes sense bro!
ROBERT: Hospital? (Ryan Hawley Should Do Audiobooks Subset of the Fandom: He said “hospital”! *Swoon*) *Conflicted Face*
ADAM: Yeah...I’m not supposed to tell you which obviously means the Plot wants me to spill so...Rebecca’s having a scan. Supposedly her first one and all...which...that just seems wrong…
ROBERT: *Conflicted Face* I really don’t want anything to do with this Plot or this Plot Baby.
AARON: *Totally knows my husband is conflicted and may eventually want something to do with this Plot Baby Face*
[The Woolpack with Robert, Aaron, Adam, Victoria, Rebecca, Marlon, Chrissie and Ross]
AARON: *Totally knows my husband is conflicted and may eventually want something to do with this Plot Baby Face* - yep, still. Just waiting for the Plot to make it happen -
ROBERT: *Conflicted Face* What?
AARON: Nothin’ - I really wish we could actually talk to each other. I miss having real lines -
ROSS: *Enters the pub* Hey everyone! I’m still involved in this Plot for some undisclosed reason. #LetTheTheoryLive
AARON: *Totally knows my husband is conflicted and may eventually want something to do with this Plot Baby Face* - it’s probably going to be my thing for a while
ROBERT: Stop staring at me! *Conflicted Face* - I hope we get to yell at each other or something soon again because I miss having actual dialogue too.
*Rebecca and Victoria enter*
ADAM: Hey! Look who’s here...what a shock.
REBECCA: Let’s just go somewhere else. - wow I actually sound reasonable and not like I’m trying to cause trouble...of course this is probably just because I’m standing next to Victoria -
VICTORIA: Nope! We’re stopping here. One prosecco Marlon! And a non alcoholic drink for my BPFF who is totally pregnant in case anyone in this pub forgot.
MARLON: *Wide eyed please don’t drag me into this part of the Plot Face* Please stop interfering in other people’s Plots. You’re supposed to be here, helping me...you know...your job.
VICTORIA: I’ll make up the time! It was an emergency.
REBECCA: All my fault. #SpeakingForTheFandom
ADAM: It’s his kid!
VICTORIA: NO! #LetTheTheoryLive IT’S HERS! And I didn’t want her going on her own, because then no one would believe that she went at all but again...I’m hardly reliable these days. That Baby Kool Aid is really strong and judgement impairing.
REBECCA: But don’t worry, the scan that no one saw was totally normal. Now I get to enjoy eating for two. And hey, maybe if I eat enough, it’ll sort of look like I’m showing because...well…
VICTORIA: We got a picture for the scrapbook if you want to see it Chrissie! Don’t you like how we’re best pals now even though you totally framed my brother for attempted murder and forced him to go on the run. Don’t worry, the Baby Kool Aid made me forget all of that.
ROBERT: *Conflicted Face*
CHRISSIE: I really don’t understand why we’re suddenly friends, especially since everyone else is reminding me all about the Andy thing this week. But yes, I’d love to see the picture!
REBECCA: Got a little wave, didn’t we Vic! (Fandom: Wait...what?)
VICTORIA: *Baby!!! Face*
*Wide shot shows that there’s literally no one else in the pub except for the people involved in this Plot* #LetTheTheoryLive
REBECCA: *Pulls out photo* *Keeps back side to camera* *Shot cuts away before photo can be revealed or Chrissie’s reaction can be seen* (Fandom: Are you kidding me?!) #LetTheTheoryLive
ROBERT: Time for a waz I think. #SpeakingForTheFandom
AARON: *My husband is super classy and totally conflicted about this whole thing and I wish he wasn’t because I don’t want to be dealing with any of this Face*
[The Woolpack with Robert, Aaron, Adam, Marlon and Ross]
ROSS: *Asshole Mode Activate* How’s it going Baby Daddy? Glad that Mummy’s back? I love getting to be a jerk for Plot purposes. Too bad it’s all going to backfire on me next week but your fan’s need for enjoyment trumps my need for a functioning business so…
REBECCA: *Conflicted Face*
ROBERT: *Conflicted Face* - no scratch that - *Revenge Face* I want that money back. All of it. The fans are tired of this Plot and they want me and my #BeautifulHusband to have some fun for change. They miss our smiles.
ROSS: Oh yeah, that time I blackmailed you for Plot reasons so you could whisk hubby off to Mauritius for five weeks so I wouldn’t tell him you slept with a woman. Good times!
ROBERT: *Revenge Face* *I’m bisexual, I slept with another person, doesn’t matter that it was a woman besides this whole irritating pregnancy bit Face*
AARON: Should we just go. I see your Revenge Face and while it totally turns me on, I know how your plans usually work out…
MARLON: Yeah, maybe leaving is a good idea. I can’t really get involved in this Plot, as you know, but I’m still trying to do my bit.
ROBERT: Nope. We’re totally staying. This revenge thing needs a bit more set up. And don’t worry Aaron, you’re going to have fun with it next week...at least till someone inevitably gets hurt.
ADAM: Ross, just do one will ya! Can I get in on this revenge thing too?
ROSS: What does he have to do for you to actually break up with him Aaron? Is this actually cutting it? Am I being enough of an asshole yet? I feel like I should be doing more.
[The Woolpack with Robert, Aaron, Adam, Victoria, Rebecca and Ross]
ROSS: *Stares at Robert, Aaron and Adam* *Shakes head* - it’s apparently really easy to rile them up -
ROBERT: Yep! I’m riled. If he so much as looks at me one more time. *Revenge Face*
AARON: Stop staring at him then. *Tired of this Plot Face* - I really hope I do have fun with this revenge thing next week. I could use a break from this misery. -
ADAM: Let’s just go back to yours for a few beers. People want to see the Mill set more and we can plan out that revenge thing.
ROBERT: He started it. #LetTheTheoryLive
REBECCA: Please...if we don’t have anymore drama, maybe this Plot can be put on the backburner again and we can all go about our lives ignoring it.
ROBERT: So...do one...that will end this Plot.
ROSS: Hey! Just so everyone is aware! I totally had sex with Rebecca in the bogs earlier this year! She was a real goer. Was she that way with you Robert? - somebody please tell me why i’m still in this Plot? - #LetTheTheoryLive
REBECCA: Remember that time you got your girlfriend’s mother pregnant… #LetTheTheoryLive
ROSS: Ex girlfriend.
REBECCA: I don’t need this. I’ll leave you boys to your revenge Plots. *Leaves*
VICTORIA: Where Rebecca goes, I follow! Grow up, the lot of ya!
ROSS: *makes more sexist comments* - hey, it’s what the Plot calls for -
ROBERT: Just shut up!
ROSS: Oh...defending your girlfriend. Bless.
AARON: *I fucking hate Plot Face* He’s not worth it.
ADAM: I know! I’ll get us more drunk instead...cause we haven’t been sat here drinking for hours already. You can tell by the fact that we’ve move from the bar to a table and there are actually extras in the background now. Besides, it will totally help us with those revenge plans. I do get to be involved right?!
ROBERT: I’m sorry Aaron. I really didn’t want any of this Plot.
AARON: Me neither. But Ross isn’t going to drop this either. He’s a slave to the Plot just like us. So...I guess maybe we can do the revenge thing.
ROBERT: Yes! You won’t regret it Aaron. It’s gonna be awesome! We’re going to have tons of fun with it and the fans will be happy because we’ll be happy. We’ll get to smile and be snarky and I think Rebecca’s going to be busy with other Plots next week so we’ll have this one all to ourselves...well...us and Ross...but we’re getting REVENGE on him! Yay!
AARON: *My husband is way too excited by the idea of revenge and I’m sure it will all end badly but I would like to have some fun along the way so I’ll go along with it Face*
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