Unless I'm wrong, which, you know, I'm not...
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Hi, I'm Emily. In my 20s. Autistic. Gray-romantic asexual. AchillesMonkey on AO3. I'm into: Agents of SHIELD musicals/Broadway Brooklyn Nine-Nine Psych Harry Potter and other various shows/books/movies My Tumblr username comes from the TV show Monk. Icon by @cardb0rdeaux
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they’re both old ‘cause they keep us waiting for more representation like goddamn fools
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I finished binge-ing all 3 seasons of One Day at a Time today and now I need autistic Elena Alvarez headcanons/fics in my life.
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syd: “elena, there’s no rush. we can do it next month, next year. we can never do it if that’s what you want. no matter what happens, i love you.”
elena: “i love you too.”
asexual sapphics:
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While I love to see platonic heterosexual relationships I also love seeing really well built relationships. That’s why I can’t help but ship Penelope and Schneider. Not because they are two straight people so I want to see them together but because Penelope trusts Schneider more than anyone else! I mean for a while he was one of the only people who knew about her panic attacks and the only one who could calm her down. When Lydia was mad at Penelope for taking meds for her depression she straight up went to his door at night. This is just a few examples! She never had this level of intimacy with any of her boyfriends before. He is her confident, her rock. That’s why I ship them because their relationship just makes sense to me. I mean even the support group of Penelope thought that they were together for a moment.
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Coffee and Ice Cream
Square: Who Can Sell More at a Bake Sale Pairing: Daisy Johnson/Robbie Reyes Warning: autistic Robin Summary: With a thousand dollar grand prize for the best seller at the school’s bake sale on the line… Word Count: 680 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17683187 Created for @marvelfluffbingo To @fiery-sky
“Really? This is not a good plan,” Daisy said, throwing herself into the folding chair behind a card table and nearly toppling the whole thing.
“What’s not?” Robin didn’t look at Daisy. She rarely ever did, but that was okay. The fact that Robin had asked a question that had anything to do with what Daisy had said at all meant that Robin was more aware today. She turned her wood carving over and over in her hand. Most of the red paint had smeared off with the constant touching and inspecting, but it wasn’t yet time to repaint. Robin’s robin was only repainted on her birthday. It was a tradition.
Melinda was unloading the baskets of wrapped, homemade treats onto the table, putting them into their nice, organized rows, each tagged with the cost. Two brownies for a dollar, a slice of pie for two. A whole pie for ten. Which didn’t make sense, because there were eight slices in a pie.
“They’re making it a competition, honey,” Melinda said. “Some bigshot donated a thousand dollars to the school.”
“And rather than splitting that evenly over all the clubs and functions,” Daisy continued. She was supposed to set up the coffee pot, which would sell for two dollars a cup, and probably be their best seller. No one else had a coffee station set up, at least. But not… just yet. Right now, she wanted to complain. “They’re giving the whole lot to whoever sells the most at the bake sale.”
“Don’t that person already have the most?”
“That’s very astute, Robin,” Melinda said. “We’ll be fine, Daisy. Prize money or no prize money.”
(more under the cut)
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Character: Josephine Barry 
From: Anne the Series/Anne With an E 
Representation: Lesbian
Their Importance: Josephine Barry is introduced toward the end of the first season of Anne the Series, a CBC/Netflix collaborative retelling of LM Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables. At first, she is a bit cold, staying with her brother and his family after the death of her dearest friend and roommate. She quickly warms up to the main character, taking her under her wing and, by the end of her first episode, revealing that she is actually in mourning for her life partner, Gertrude. While she is not a main character in the show, Josephine’s appearance is never insignificant, as she shows herself to be a compassionate individual: assisting friends in financial difficulties, encouraging the creativity and independence of her niece and friends, and providing a safe haven for other LGBT members. 
Not only do you still rarely see older, LGBT characters in media but to see one in a period piece is especially unusual but also so welcome.
Thanks to @mimblulusmimbletonia95 for the write up! 
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Hot take but what if, rather than Jake not knowing he had a boyfriend during high school, he totally did and was super open about it. Problem is he’s only ever dated women when working with the 99 (because, hey, he’s got a preference, girls are A+) and he’s always been very clear about finding all people attractive, which everyone usually just chalks up to his boyish and flirty charms, so when John Mulaney walks in to report a crime and Jake awkwardly introduces him to everyone (while also constantly reaffirming his love for Amy because he’s a bi disaster as we all know and forgot how hot John’s character was), everyone is massively shocked (except Holt. And Rosa. And Gina obviously).
Cue the flashback scene after Jake’s confused “but I was totally open about it!” which shows him at like three points with the rest of the squad:
Terry and Charles while on an undercover mission at a gay bar: “This reminds of the time one of my friends from college - Roger - dragged me to one of these and I got super wasted and passed out before the guy I was going home with could actually get me to his house. Roger had to pick me up on the side of the curb with a corndog hanging out of my mouth. Neither of us knows how it got there but it was a fun night.” Charles is enraged by the thought of Jake having other friends and Terry is too focused on the mission at hand to actually take in what Jake’s saying.
Amy while standing behind the glass as Rosa interrogates someone: “You know if he wasn’t definitely the guy we’re after, I’d probably follow him into a creepy van too. I mean, those lips, right?” Amy assumes this is Jake just joking around and rolls her eyes.
Hitchcock and Scully while they’re all standing outside of the same hot dog vendor: “Shit, shit, that’s my old high school boyfriend. Hide me behind your massively hideous forms. Our breakup was okay but it still hurts, you know? Oh shit, he’s looking. Don’t say anything!” Neither of them are paying any attention as is their character.
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hi! there's been a picture floating around tumblr. it's black and white, and depicts an asian girl and a white boy standing in front of a poster that's titled "yeah its a heavy trip but this is a chance to choose your owj label" and "asexual" is written on a list below that. i was wondering if you knew the source and origin of that picture? people are claiming it was taken in 1973 or something and i'd just like some verification i guess.
Yes, I absolutely know which one you’re talking about! You can read about it here: https://makingqueerhistory.tumblr.com/post/175708014234/historicallyace-a-place-to-be-panace and/or here: https://asexualagenda.wordpress.com/2018/08/29/asexuality-in-early-radical-feminism-part-1/
https://www.jstor.org/stable/25783532?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contentsThe source of the photo is: Off Our Backs Vol. 3, No. 6 (February/March 1973)
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. / Overlord
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friendly reminder that if you’re not enjoying your fandom or if you’ve fallen out of love with your show, it’s okay to leave
fandom is about fun and enjoyment and if it’s become draining or stressful then you’re allowed to walk away and find something better - whether that’s a new fandom or something else entirely
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An AU in which Jemma Simmons met, not rugged astronaut Will Daniels on Maveth, but his nine-year-old son Cody, born and orphaned all on the blue planet.
One Step at a Time: Three New Chapters
~4k new words
I want it to be perfect - in which Jemma stress bakes over Cody’s second birthday on Earth and has a heart-to-heart with Daisy about parenting. 
Mom - in which Cody tries out the Mom label before Jemma’s quite ready to hear it. 
I come in peace - introducing Fitz’s mother Anna, coming to check on Jemma and Cody in the tumultuous aftermath of the Framework.
More on the Cody Verse
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who wants to tell him
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messy ~ an autistic!skye fic
AN ~ So the dawn of time ago, I got a handful of prompts for autistic!Daisy including one more specific one where Skye has a meltdown when everybody gets mad at her about Miles. A lot has happened with my life and writing since that prompt, but tonight I finally came back to it and realised where I had stumped myself before. I’m so happy to finally untie this knot! So, without further ado, autistic!Skye ft S1 Bus Family, especially the Bus Kids (and yes, there’s found family feels) (but they’re fluffy feels I swear)
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