serenity-and-style · 20 days
Serenity, Style, and a Dash of Chaos – Where Have I Been?
Well, well, well… look who’s back! I know, I know—I’ve been MIA, and you’ve probably been wondering, “Did she run off to an exotic island? Start a new career in international espionage? Or maybe just get swallowed by an avalanche of fabulous throw pillows?” All valid theories, by the way.But let me put those wild imaginations to rest. Life, in all its unpredictable glory, decided to serve up a…
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serenity-and-style · 1 month
It's just me!𝘈𝘳𝘵𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘣𝘺 𝘙𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘢 𝘛𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘙𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘥 𝘊𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦.
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serenity-and-style · 1 month
The Great Church Adventures: From Childhood Boredom to Adult Salvation
Growing up, Sundays were for two things: cartoons and church. One of these was undeniably the pinnacle of the week, and the other involved sitting quietly in uncomfortable clothes while an adult talked for what felt like an eternity. Guess which one was church?Every Sunday morning, my Daddy would engage in a ritualistic battle, yelling for me to get myself and my little sister my sister into our…
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serenity-and-style · 1 month
Thrift Shop on a Mission and with a Heart ❤️
Hope Closet: A Thrift Store on a Mission and with a Heart ❤️Nestled beside Celebration Church in Metairie, Louisiana, Hope Closet stands as a beacon of hope and generosity, embodying the essence of community-driven service. More than just a thrift store, Hope Closet is a testament to what can be achieved when faith, compassion, and dedication unite under the leadership of Cherise Deeley. Her…
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serenity-and-style · 2 months
He Is the Vine, We Are the Branches: Rooted in His Love
Have you ever watched a vine weave its way through a garden, its branches spreading out in every direction? It’s a sight of beauty and strength, a perfect picture of connection and growth. In John 15:5, Jesus gives us this very image, saying, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.”Starting with a…
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serenity-and-style · 2 months
The "Feels Like" Madness and Surviving Louisiana Heat
So, today was one of those days where you step outside and feel like you’ve walked straight into an oven. You know, the kind of heat where you question all life choices that led you to live in Louisiana. The temperature was a “comfortable” 93 degrees, but then there’s this little thing called the “feels like” temperature, which decided to hit a sizzling 112. Let’s talk about that for a second.…
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serenity-and-style · 2 months
Answering the Call: How to Serve as Everyday Ministers in Your Community
As Christians, we are all called to be ministers, reflecting Christ’s love in our daily lives. Whether we have specialized skills or simply a desire to serve, there are countless ways to shine His light in our communities. Here’s a guide to using our gifts to minister to others and practical suggestions for finding opportunities to serve.Specialized Ways to ServeFor those blessed with specific…
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serenity-and-style · 2 months
A Dedication to Carl Thompson, 1961-2022
To my beloved husband, Carl Thompson,From the moment we met, we were inseparable. Our love story was not without its challenges; there were times when anger and pride kept us apart for weeks. Yet, love always found a way to bring us back together. Within a couple of years, we knew we were meant to be married. Because of our parents’ objections to us being together, we moved to Florida with just…
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serenity-and-style · 2 months
Jewels of Drool
Let me tell you a story about Miss Widener. She was such a funny lady—a little bitty thing with really short hair. She was kind and smart as a whip. She really told it like it was. We’d spend time with her kids in the summertime. She had three boys, and I especially loved the youngest, Paul.One summer afternoon, we were home with my dad. We lived in a tiny trailer. Daddy had just quit drinking…
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serenity-and-style · 2 months
Just Do It
Growing up, my little sister was the bold one. She’d say and do things I would never dare to. It was like her filter was missing, or her “don’t-do-it-ness” was just nonexistent. She’d ask over-the-top questions or make outrageous statements, leaving me cringing because I knew trouble was looming. It was pretty funny, in retrospect.My dad, who raised us two girls by himself, had no patience…
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serenity-and-style · 2 months
Embracing Style, Class, and Faith: The Southern Christian Woman's Guide
Being a southern Christian woman is a unique blend of grace, charm, and unshakeable faith. It’s about embracing a sense of style and class while reflecting the love of Christ in all we do. Whether you’re attending church, hosting a dinner, or simply running errands, there’s a way to carry yourself that speaks volumes about who you are and Whom you serve. Let’s explore how to intertwine our…
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serenity-and-style · 3 months
Attitude, Style, and God's Humor: Embracing Summer with a Smile
Hey there, friends! I’ll admit, I’ve been a bit AWOL from my daily writing routine lately—blame it on a pesky summer cold and a dance with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. But fear not, I’m back with a renewed sense of humor and a few style tips straight from the heart.Staying Cool in Every Sense of the WordAs the New Orleans heat cranks up, let’s talk about staying cool—both in fashion and attitude.…
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serenity-and-style · 3 months
This is for Charity and That's No Bull!
San Fermin in Nueva Orleans, commonly known as the “Running of the Bulls,” is a playful and unique twist on the traditional Spanish event held in Pamplona. This New Orleans version takes place from July 12-14, 2024, and involves participants dressed in white with red accessories being “chased” by roller derby players wielding plastic bats…
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serenity-and-style · 3 months
It's Free
“It’s free!” 💯“Free? What do you mean ‘free’?” 🥴“I mean totally free.” 💯“That sounds too good to be true. It must not be very good.” 😑“No, it’s the best thing you could ever have, and you could never pay for it!” 💯😯We see “free” everywhere: Buy 1, get 1 free. Buy 2, get 1 free. Free with coupon. Free with purchase. We either undervalue it and pass it up or overvalue it and take everything we can…
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serenity-and-style · 3 months
A spoonful of sugar ..
Hey there, beautiful readers,Today, I want to dive into something that’s been a constant theme throughout my life. It’s a truth that many of us, especially women, grapple with daily. It’s the idea of how we’re valued based on our appearance and the double standards that come with it.You can be smart, and you’re valued for that. You can be energetic, and you’re valued for that. You can be…
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serenity-and-style · 3 months
Hot minute, Hot Mess, Staying Cool in this Weather...
Hey there, fabulous readers,I know, I know. It’s been a hot minute since my last post. The truth is, I’ve been down for the count with my lovely, constant friend, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and a cold that decided to crash the party. So, yeah, I’ve been pretty much wiped out. It’s like my immune system threw a wild bash and forgot to send me an invite. Yesterday was the first time I managed to…
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serenity-and-style · 3 months
Hot minute, Hot mess!!!
Hey there, fabulous readers,I know, I know. It’s been a hot minute since my last post. The truth is, I’ve been down for the count with my lovely, constant friend, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and a cold that decided to crash the party. So, yeah, I’ve been pretty much wiped out. It’s like my immune system threw a wild bash and forgot to send me an invite. Yesterday was the first time I managed to…
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