Kin Requests, for kin of all shapes and sizes!
193 posts
Requests are OPEN! current request count: ??? ! Hello and welcome to Any Kin Requests, for kin of all shapes and sizes!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
any-otherkin-requests · 3 hours ago
Do you think you can do a feminine Six from Little Nightmares? Thank a bunch!
Hello! If you are still around can you please clarify what type of post you want? Let me know!
- Mod Heather
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any-otherkin-requests · 3 hours ago
Hello! Can I get a dark purple/blue with silver accents (if possible) fem-aligned alienkin please? Emphasis on space itself instead of a home planet (I just floated out there, if I had a planet I don't remember it). Many thanks!
Hello! If you're still around could you clarify what type of post you are requesting? Like a moodboard, playlist, fashion etc. :) Let me know!
-Mod Heather
*for future reference these types of asks will be tagged "lost and found" if clarification is needed :)
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any-otherkin-requests · 3 hours ago
I was wondering if you accepted requests for hobbitkins from lord of the rings?
Hello! I realize this ask is old but yes! I do requests for *all* kintypes, otherkins, therians etc. folk, from ANY source no matter how problematic, obscure or "weird".
That was the whole initial point of this blog way back in 2016 because- while I understood and respected people's boundaries, I imagined it would be disheartening to constantly have to scour blacklists and DNIs to figure out of you could request your kintype from a blog.
This does mean that sometimes I deal with sources I personally do not endorse or enjoy but that is worth helping people be seen to me :)
Lmk if you have any more questions!
- Mod Heather
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any-otherkin-requests · 1 day ago
Hey everyone, it's been awhile huh! Life has been crazy, I finished college, got a new career, went to college again- moved across the country and all sorts of shit happened to me. Frankly, I want to be back here again. And I can see that there is some life left in this beloved blog of mine but I am conflicted.
I have requests from 4 years ago in my inbox. Should I finish these (hello! Is anyone still here?) or focus on new requests?
Let me know, if no one votes I'll just do my own thing ig.
Lots of love,
Mod Heather
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any-otherkin-requests · 6 months ago
Shoutout to adults in the kin community, whether you also identified as kin from a younger age or not. So often this identity is seen as a phase or something only younger people identify as, but there are those of us out here in our 20s, 30s, 40s, and older living our lives and existing out in the world.
To those of us who grew into it, to those of us that grew with it, I see you and love you.
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any-otherkin-requests · 4 years ago
Hey! Just a heads up that my posts are basically getting “shadowbanned” from the search for having so many links! Please check out the blog and tell me if you can see the recent 2 fashion and 1 self care post I’ve posted :/ not sure what I can do about this unfortunately! - Mod Heather
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any-otherkin-requests · 4 years ago
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Self Care for Snitter from The Plague Dogs for @i-make-my-world
Hope you enjoy! It was a bit hard to choose stuff but I hope you enjoy! Links and bonus under the cut! - Mod Heather
Bear Bath Bomb - $17.13 | Candle - $8.50+ | Tazo Juniper Tea - $3.39| Green Bath Bomb - $3.50 | Mug - $24.99 | Fox Socks - $9.95 | Blanket - $22.27 | Fox Plush - $5.99 | Lab Plush - $24.95 | Flopsie Jack Russel Plush - $15.49 | Book - $4.00 | Journal - $21.37
BONUS: Bigfoot Balls Bath Bombs - $9.99 | Lit Tea Walt Whitman - $11.99 | Island Soap - $7.50 | Duck Hunt Candle - $18.99 | Hunting Dog Candle - $16 | Dove Hunt Candle - $13.49 | Sherpa Blanket - $24.99 | Enamel Pin - $16.50
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any-otherkin-requests · 4 years ago
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Masc Coyote Fashion for @i-make-my-world
Howdy Howdy! This was a very fun request I had a really clear vision of what I was going for with this one! Hope you like it! Links + bonus under the cut! - Mod Heather
Keychain - $12.00 | Plush - $29.99 | Pheasant Hat - $19.99 | Boots - $135.00 | Coyote hat - $19.99 | Socks - $5.00 | Bag - $17.99 | Shorts - $29.99 | Pants - $??? | Wildlife Sweater - $61.00 | Flannel - $37.00 | Coudoroy Jacket - $41.95 | Looney Tunes Shirt - $43.95 | Turtleneck - $3.90 | Rugby Sweater - $59.00 | Fresh Vibes Tee - $17.99 | Capital North Tee - $20.00
BONUS: Totem Bracelet - $35.00 | Tail (CW: Taxidermy) - $12.50 | Tooth Bracelet (CW: Taxidermy) - $9.99 | Fur Bag (CW: Taxidermy) - $25.99 | Coyote Shirt - $16.00+ | Coyote Short 2 - $28.00 | Hunting Longsleeve - $34.29
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any-otherkin-requests · 4 years ago
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Aesthetic for Wilson P. Higgsbury from Don't Starve with themes of hidden knowledge/electricity for @w-higgsbury
hello hello!! Hopefully, this is sufficient, I had a bit of a hard time since I don't know much about Don't starve but I hope you still enjoy! - Mod Heather
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any-otherkin-requests · 4 years ago
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Fashion for Abby from Back at the Barnyard for Anon
Howdy anon! Hope you like this! I tried to include everything you asked for! Hopefully, you enjoy! Links + Bonus under the cut! - Mod Heather
Roundup Brown Cow Earrings - $24.00 | Lace Knee Highs - $22.00 | Boots - $179.00 | Floral Flap Jeans - $104.00 | Flecked Nail Polish - $14.00 | Purple Nail Polish - $9.82 | Cow Hair Bows - $5.00 | Straw Hat - $14.99 | Pink Bow - $8.35 | Blue Bow - $8.95 | Lacy Bow - $18.50 | Neckercheif - $29.99 | Jean Jacket - $35.99 | Purple Flannel - $11.99 | Purple Sweater - $32.95 | Blue Lacy Shirt - $25 | Denim Shirt - $39.99+ | Pink Shirt - $38.07 | Lace Jeans - $69.99 | Shorts - $49.99 | Skirt - $20.00
BONUS: Cow Earrings - $8.50 | Daisy Nail Decals - $4.50 | Nail Decals -$2.50 | Pink Flannel - $31.97 | 80's Shirt - $26.00 | 50's Gingham Dress - $48.00 | Racoon Shirt - $45.00 | Skirt - $39.99
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any-otherkin-requests · 4 years ago
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Aesthetic for Lev from Last of Us Part II for Anon
Heya! Hopefully this suits you! I don't know much about Last of Us but Lev is a really cool character and I had lots of fun reading about him on the wiki lol, enjoy! - Mod Heather
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any-otherkin-requests · 4 years ago
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Androgynous Hyena Punk Fashion for Anon
Hope you enjoy! Sorry there’s not much here! Links under the cut + extras!  also since tumblr hates links I couldn’t link some of the items so let me know if you want links and I can give them to you separately- Mod Heather
Hyena Mask - $10.00 | Strappy Pants - $53.99 | Punk Choker - $39.09 | Bracelet - $13.59 | Brown Pants - $40.89  | Leather Jacket - $160.00 | Hyena Shirt Brown - $20.00 | Tank Top - $16.99 | Black Shirt - $18.45 
BONUS: Punk Hyena Sticker -$2.50 | Patch 1 - $8.45 | Scavenger Patch - $5.00 | Enamel Pin - $10.11 | Vest - $35.00 | HA T-Shirt - $25.99 | Tie Dye 1 - $43.00 | Hyena Shirt - $24.99 | 
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any-otherkin-requests · 4 years ago
Another one (Update)
Sorry for the lack of posts this week! Classes start on Monday, I’ve been working 30 hour weeks and my roommates r moving back in tomorrow so I’ve been very busy lol! Love you all though! Thanks for being patient! <3
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any-otherkin-requests · 4 years ago
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Bob from Animal Crossing Fashion for Anon
Howdy howdy!! Hopefully you like this! Since he’s a lazy villager I went with a very casual approach, laid back. The red is bc of his original red shirt lol. Hope you enjoy! Links under the cut! - Mod Heather
Purple Cat Hat - $11.00 | Mask - $20.00 | Nook Miles Hat - $24.99 | “Inside Cat” Shirt - $22.99 | Sherpa Jacket - $49.99 | Purple Joggers - $25.49 | Lilac Hoodie - $17.99 | Red Cat Beanie - $8.99 | Red Hoodie - $15.99 | Blind Bag - $11.99 | Backpack - $44.99 | Socks - $26.99 | Boots - $69.95 | Colorblock Joggers - $59.95 | Vans - $59.99
BONUS: Goth Kitty Hoodie - $39.99 | Bob Hat - $19.50+ | AC “Water My Plants” Hoodie - $54.90 | Bob Baseball Cap - $31.50 | Bob Denim Jacket - $ 155.00 | Bob Hoodie - $57.95 | Ankle Socks - $9.99 | Leaf Backpack - $22.99 
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any-otherkin-requests · 4 years ago
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Clark Kent Self Care for @azirashell
Howdy! I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to include outright ‘Superman’ stuff but it was easier for me to find! But if you would prefer a more ‘Clark Kent’ themed set just send in another ask! - Mod Heather
1. Bath Bombs - $5.00
2. Fidget Cube - $5.99
3. Superman Socks - $5.00
4. Superman Blanket - $23.00
5. Clark Kent/Superman Heat Mug - $28.35
6. Superman Water Bottle - $14.99
7. Daily Planet Journal - $17.49
8. Superman Soap - $5.60+
9. Clark Kent/Superman Flip Plush - $7.00
10. Fortress of Solitude Candle - $13.00
BONUS: Superman Slime - $4.00+ | ID - $5.99+ | Beanie - $10.00 | Coffee Mug- $12.99 | Gym Hoodie - $30.00+ | Necklace - $18.42+ | Daily Planet Figure - $6.00 | DC Logo Prop - $28.62 | Memory Crystal Soap - $10.00 | Kyrptonite Soap - $9.50 | Bottle Opener - $12.00 | Cape Socks - $7.95
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any-otherkin-requests · 4 years ago
Little Update(?)
Just letting everyone know that the reason I’m doing most of the self care requests rn is because they’re the only ones I can do while I’m at work lol. Come the weekend I’ll get started on the ones with heavier photo editing (outfits, moodboards ect) Thank you for your patience! - Mod Heather
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any-otherkin-requests · 4 years ago
charlie kelly from its always sunny in philadelphia pls!! 🐀
Hey! If you’re still around could you please specify what type of request you’d like! Thank you <3! - Mod Heather
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