Trapped in The Sandbox
Happy Valentine’s Day, @fitzsimmonsshield!!! Your prompt was not in my fic writing comfort zone, but I hope you like what I came up with! 
I tried to gift it to you on AO3, but it said it couldn’t find your username. It’s also not showing up on AO3, so I’m not sure what’s going on there. I may have to try to post it again later. In the meantime, you can enjoy the fic here on Tumblr!
Edit: It decided to show up on AO3, and I think I was able to gift it to you there. You’re fitzsimmonshield with one s between fitzsimmons and shield and not two?
Summary: When Mr. Coulson decides to send Daisy, Mack, Bobbi, Hunter, Jemma, and Fitz on a special episode of the game show Agents of Shield, Jemma decides it's the perfect opportunity to finally let her feelings be known.
Prompt: Fitzsimmons on some sort of ridiculous game show
Read on AO3
Location: The Sandbox
Local Time: Friday, 1:12pm
Jemma stared around her at the dimly lit room. A giant wooden box filled with sand was in the middle of the room. Fitz was busy digging through it, muttering a steady stream of curses as he still wasn't able to find the shield buried within. She sighed and sat down with her back against the wall. They were trapped.
Location: The Conference Room, Pleasant Hill Prosthetics
Local Time: Monday, 10:18am
Jemma sipped at her tea as her supervisor, a middle-aged balding man, spoke about the company’s latest numbers. She and Fitz had already given their presentation about the newest features on their latest prosthetic and were just waiting around for the meeting to be over with so they could get back to work.
“-and finally,” Mr. Coulson announced, and Jemma sat up a bit straighter. “I've noticed that team morale has been a bit low lately, so I've decided to book everyone on a team building exercise!” He smiled at them all as Hunter and Daisy let out groans.
“What are we going to do, sir?” Mack asked.
“I've booked the six of you to take part in a special charity episode of the game show Agents of Shield.”
“Is that the one with the freaky identical brothers?” Hunter asked.
“Yes, the hosts are identical quadruplets along with their older sister,” Mr. Coulson answered.
Jemma raised her eyebrows at that and glanced at Fitz who didn’t look as nearly impressed as she thought he should. Mr. Coulson continued talking about the game show, but Jemma had already tuned him out. She’d seen Agents of Shield before, but didn’t know too much about it. What she did know was that sometimes members of the team were trapped together. Maybe she could find a way to get herself and Fitz trapped? Maybe it would be romantic, just the two of them, stuck in a room, nothing to do but talk? Maybe Fitz would finally admit what she hoped he felt about her?
“Hey, earth to Jemma!” Fitz’s voice and his hand waving in front of her face pulled her out of her daydream. “Let’s get back to work.”
Location: Agents of Shield Green Room
Local Time: Friday, 10:30am
It turned out that there was a lot of paperwork to go through in order to appear on a game show. Then they had to go through makeup and have their outfits approved. Hunter’s DAMN THE YANKS t-shirt had been deemed unacceptable, so he’d been forced to change into a bright green polo shirt. Jemma stuck close to Fitz throughout the proceedings. She’d made sure to dress a bit nicer than her usual lab wear, but he hadn’t seemed to notice. He was tugging anxiously on his lip as he watched Hunter argue with the costume designer.
“It’ll be fun, I think,” she said.
He turned to look at her. “Yeah?”
She nodded. “Yeah. The premise sounds fun, anyway.”
The point of the show was to send in two team members to complete a task in a specific amount of time. If the task was completed, you earned a shield. How many shields you had equaled the number of spins on the Prize Wheel in Providence. There were four sections to get through in order to reach Providence: The Playground, The Fridge, The Labyrinth, and The Sandbox. They went to each section in an order decided by the Koenig hosts, and their team captain—Daisy—would choose who completed the task in each section.
“Okay, everyone, listen up!” the director called out and Jemma turned her attention to listen, though her eyes never left Fitz.
Location: The Fridge
Local Time: Friday, 11:37am
“Oooh, I think Agent Johnson’s got it!” Sam Koenig commented to the camera.
Jemma, Fitz, Bobbi, and Hunter watched through viewing window as Daisy pulled the red, blue, and white shield out of the pie. The kitchen set—and Daisy and Mack themselves—was completely covered in various pie filling. They’d had to find the shield that had been baked into one of 30 pies in less than two minutes, and Daisy had succeeded with seconds to spare. 
“Congratulations, Agents,” Sam told them as Daisy and Mack came out of the room. “You’ve won your first shield and therefore one spin of the Prize Wheel. We’ll let you go get cleaned up and then it’s time for you to meet Billy at The Playground!”
 Location: The Playground
Local Time: Friday, 12:23pm
Jemma giggled gleefully as she watched Hunter get knocked in the stomach by a piece of spinning foam. He fell off the platform and landed in a kiddie pool filled with shaving cream. Fitz laughed as Hunter stood up, completely covered in shaving cream. Above him, Bobbi let out a triumphant yell as she reached the shield they were trying to get.
The two came out of the challenge room and Jemma reached for Fitz’s hand. It would be their turn next. He glanced at her and smiled as he squeezed her hand. “Ready to prove yourself?” he whispered.
“Always,” Jemma replied.
 Location: The Sandbox
Local Time: Friday, 1:06pm
“All right, Agent Fitz and Agent Simmons, listen up,” LT Koenig ordered, looking sternly at them. “Shield number three is hidden inside The Sandbox. Your mission is to retrieve it in less than two minutes. If you fail, you will be locked in the challenge room until your team reaches Providence. Your team may release you from the challenge room, but the cost is one shield. Any questions?” Fitz and Jemma shook their head. “All right,” LT opened the door and they entered. “Your time starts . . . NOW!”
The door closed behind them with a loud bang and Fitz immediately ran over to the giant wooden structure in the middle of the room. “Hurry up, Simmons!” he cried as he began digging in the sand. Jemma moved to the opposite side of the sandbox and began to run her hands through the sand.
“You can do it, Turbo!” she heard Mack yell.
“Go Jemma!” Daisy cheered.
The timer on the wall grew steadily closer to zero. Fitz began swearing as the shield still failed to reveal itself. “TEN SECONDS!” she heard LT Koenig yell. They kept digging. “FIVE—FOUR—THREE—TWO—ONE—” a loud buzzer sounded and they heard a lock click. Koenig’s face appeared in the viewing window. “Agents Fitz and Simmons, you have failed your mission. Agent Johnson, as team captain, it’s up to you to decide if you want to release them now, or after you reach Providence. To release them now would mean giving up one of your shields.” 
“Sorry, guys,” Daisy said, “but we only have two shields. I can’t give one up, especially not when there’s still one task left.”
“It’s okay, Daisy,” Fitz told her.
“We understand,” Jemma added.
 Location: The Sandbox
Local Time: Friday, 1:13pm
“I don’t think the bloody thing’s in there at all,” Fitz commented, finally giving up his search and coming to sit next to Jemma. “I think they rigged it.”
“So what?” Jemma asked.
“So what?” Fitz repeated, sounding incredulous. “It’s not fair, is it?”
“No, but at least we’re together.”
“Yeah,” Fitz agreed, nudging Jemma’s shoulder with his own. “I’d rather be stuck with you than Hunter.” He sighed and fidgeted with his fingers. “So, what do you want to do?”
“We could make out,” Jemma suggested. She looked over to see Fitz’s reaction and was not disappointed. She’d never seen a literal deer in headlights, but she knew it must be pretty similar to Fitz’s current expression. He looked like his brain had frozen trying to comprehend her comment. “Fiiitz!” she sing-songed, poking him on his temple. “Do I need to turn you off and on again?”
“Jemma!” he squawked, and even in the dim light of the room, she could see the blush spreading over his face to the tips of his ears. “You can’t just say things like that!” 
“Why not?”
“Because!” But he couldn’t seem to come up with any reasons why.
“I’d like to make out with you, Fitz,” Jemma told him, “and other things, beyond that.”
“You would?” Fitz sounded so confused.
“Yes, you idiot. Haven’t you noticed me flirting with you for the past year and a half?”
“Er—but I thought you liked what’s-his-face from PR?”
“Milton?” Jemma sighed and rolled her eyes. “Ugh, Fitz! Milton is the worst! How could you think I liked him and not you?”
“Well, you know, I’m not so good with the social cues,” Fitz said with a shrug.
“Then let me make it clear,” Jemma said, turning to face him. “I like you, Fitz. You are my best friend. I want to go on a date with you. I want to kiss you. Do you want to do any of those things with me?”
“Yes!” Fitz said quickly. “All of the above.”
“I was hoping you’d say that.”
The door to the challenge room opened and an assistant came in. “You guys don’t actually have to stay in here the whole time,” she told them. “You’ll have to pretend you did when it’s time to film the ending, but you can go wait in the green room. There are snacks and drinks in there. Feel free to help yourselves.”
“Thanks!” Fitz said, jumping up excitedly at the promise of snacks.
“So,” Jemma said, taking Fitz’s hand as they walked through the set to the green room, “about our date…”
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vlantar · 4 years
My Quarantine Crew: 😂🤣!! Please try it without cheating. I want to see if I come up for anyone else. Make sure you follow the directions at the bottom. **I DID NOT pick the names. *Tumblr did*
My roommate: @myvulcanboyfriends-moms-necklace
Licks the window: @leopoldjamesfitzs
Asleep in the corner: @agentlukaofshield
Shouts at everyone: @spockuhuralove
Removes hair weave: @ready-to-kick-some-ass
Padded room occupant: @psicygni
Distracts the attendant: @dailycaestridge
Kicks the nurses: @kinggranny
Believes they are a unicorn: @benslie
Sneaks in the juice boxes: @somefitzsimmonsfan
Fights an imaginary elf: @fitzsimmonssource
Escalates the situation: @eclecticmuses
Gripes and complains: @garden-of-vegan
Puts on dinosaur costume for protection: @pryde7
Freaks out when others cough: @fitzsimmonsshield
1. Copy-paste the entire message above to your on your own blog.
2. Delete the names I inserted.
3. Type @and the first letter of the first word from each line. (My roommate: @M) Select the name of the FIRST friend that shows up. (If one is already used, use the next one). ***Please don’t cheat either. 😳😄😝😂😜
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ismaelmyblogisamess · 5 years
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Thanks to @memorizingthedigitsofpi for the banner, who is also on this list
Since AoS is coming to an end, I'll be doing appreciation post for everyone who brings something to the fandom
I'll be doing tagging fanfic writers, even those who have left the fandom or/and stop writing.
@awwcoffeenooooo @sunalsolove @libbyweasley @agentpolarbear @chidi-anagonye @nerdlove4thewin @accio-the-force @drdrdrfitzsimmons @agentcalliope @hanorganaas @leopoldfitz @besidemethewholedamntime @jewishfitz @marvelthismarvelthat @agentverbivore @dilkirani @plentyofmalk @bigbysnows @jemmafitzsimmons @eclecticmuses @antoine-triplett @agl03 @aretsuna @blancasplayground @theartofbeinganerd @kienova66 @ughfitz @consoledacup @ohifonlyx33 @theclaravoyant @pleaseletmeshowyou @leopoldjamesfitzs @amanda-rex @fitzsimmonsshield @shipping-n-handling @jemmaswan @jeemmasimmons @bookishandbossy @plentyofmalk @unbreakablejemmasimmons @fitzsimmonsftw @chinesebakery @perthshirekisses @karasimmons @queensimmons @iain-da-cheesecake @drsfitzsimmons @recoveringrabbit @whistlingwindtree
Sorry if i miss anyone, i do appreciate your fics, you bring to the fandom
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agl03 · 5 years
I’m confused who’s Doug?
Hi Anon!
Staying true to our tradition of getting attached to super background characters Doug has only appeared on screen once.  In Season 3 when Daisy was practicing her fight and Fitz was told “He comes in on the heels of Doug”.
Well the fandom ran with it, @fitzsimmonsshield and @agentcalliope wrote fics about him where he was this number one Fitzsimmons shipper wanting to lock him in a closet and get them together.  And just some fun fics from his perspective.  
So Deke asking about the “non existent” Agent Doug with Sarge last night was a bit of a scream worthy inside joke.
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welldonefitz · 7 years
~1k appreciation post~
Soooo I’ve hit a big follower milestone so I wanted to make an appreciation post!
Without doubt I first gotta thank my ride or die @agentcalliope - we’ve been messaging ever since I first got into the aos fandom and she’s become a really close friend, she’s great at helping me with gifset ideas and I don’t think I’ve ever posted something without running it by Casey first (with the exception of this post)
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I’m gonna list the next people I want to thank and even though I haven’t talked to some of them much, their gifsets/edits/graphics/fics/blogs in general are amazing and they’re the level I try to have my own live up to so…
(in no particular order) @whatlighttasteslike @jewishfitz @antoine-triplett @leopoldjamesfitz @jemmasimmonsy @agent-084 @jemmablossom @jemmasimmons @reymanova @iainsdecaesteckers @electricmuses @agentsphilinda @elivent @clearascountryair @yourfitzsimmons @catchylove @daisyfitz @0hcicero @etoilesdeglace @recoveringrabbit @somethingmarvelous @buckysbears @the-bloody-cosmos @leggypeggys @grapehyasynth @hemnalini @leopoldjamesfitzs @hpmad @plentyofmalk @youarealmosthere @unbreakablejemmasimmons @mayorsamwise @jemmannesimmns @autisticdaisyjohnson @chinesebakery @theclaravoyant @shieldsil @sciencebabies @i-have-zero-chill @agl03 @werecursed @agent-85 @jemmasimmouns @spider-boy-parker @fitzsimmonsshield @daisysjohnson @memorizingthedigitsofpi @leopoldfitzsimmons @maoshield @ifwehadamonkey @nerdlove4thewin @fitzcamebacktome @littlesciencebabies  @fzztsimmons @agentverbivore @fitzscurls - thank you for having such amazing blogs (I’m so so sorry if I forgot anyone)
Also special shout out to @ughfitz because it was her tutorial that taught me how to make gifs so a big thank you to you!
Lastly thanks to all the peeps who follow me! Stay golden
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maoshield · 7 years
✨  maoshield 4k Follow Forever ✨  
I recently made it to 4k followers and I honestly couldn’t have done it without you guys and I thought it would be nice to do a follow forever to show you guys that you mean so much to me <3 The aos fandom is a magical place and i love you all. 
special shoutout to @yourfitzsimmons (pls go follow her if you aren’t) - she’s my closest friend irl and on tumblr and she’s my partner in crime. 
@@adamlynchs @apple-grass-and-smiles @aosdinnerbiatch @bidoctor @complimentandasmile @everyl1ttleth1ng @ffftzsimmons @fitzsimmonsshield
@hermionesimmonss @honeylavendertea @improbable-pond @incorrectfitzsimmonsquotes @jemmasimmons @jemmahearteyessimmons @jemmaleopoldfitzsimmons @jemmasimmonsy 
@@@@leo-fitz-is-a-gryffindor @leopoldfitzsimmons​ @lightwelost @lily-aldrin @madalayna @memorizingthedigitsofpi @msdevindanielle   @nerdlove4thewin @nikohlhaught 
@@ravenrreyes @tashonix @unabashedlylovingthings 
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Today’s recipient is: @fitzsimmonsshield!
September 4, 2017
If you’re an official squad member or if you just want to show some love, go and leave a comment on one (or more!) of @fitzsimmonsshield‘s creations, new or old!
To join the squad, drop off your email address here. Then you’ll be able to see the whole upcoming calendar!
don’t want to see these updates? block the tag #commentsquad
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ao3feed-fitzsimmons · 8 years
What's It Feel Like to Be a Ghost?
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2miQqc7
by Fitzsimmonshield (fitzsimmonsshield)
Jemma and Daisy have now joined the Framework and are tasked with waking their fellow Shield agents up to fight against Aida. From the very beginning, Jemma realizes this world is very different and there are more factors at play then just getting to her team to save them.
4x15 Self Control Spoilers
Chapter titles are all pop punk/emo songs/lyrics from my glory days. :D
Words: 1782, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Fitzsimmons - Character, Daisy Johnson, Skye, Grant Ward, Melinda May, Phil Coulson, Mack, radcliffe - Character, Aida
Relationships: Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz & Jemma Simmons
Additional Tags: FitzSimmons - Freeform, post 4x15, Spoilers, Agents of SHIELD, AOS, tfsn, Self Control, mcu - Freeform, Canon Compliant, Canon Divergent, AU, Framework, Angst, Dark
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2miQqc7
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shes-an-oddbird · 8 years
Hello! It is I, your FSSV! I'm still on anon cause otherwise I'd be on my primary blog and I didn't want to confuse you. But tis me, Fitzsimmonsshield! I posted your gift last night and had tagged you in the post, but in case you haven't seen in it is on Ao3 and you can find it under my handle (fitzsimmonsshield). I hope you enjoy it!
I did see it! Thank you so much for such a lovely fic. And thank you for being such a great secret valentine! I’ve been so busy lately I had to read it in chunks but I did finish it and I absolutely love it. I couldn’t have asked for a better response to that prompt. 
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karasimmons · 8 years
Start of 2017 Follow Forever!
I wanted to start this new year off well and as a part of that, I wanted to spread a little love to some of the spectacular people here. So here is a list of some of the truly amazing blogs that I follow that you should all check out! (I’m SOO sorry if I forgot anyone! I made this after work and while sick so I promise any ommisions are unintentional)
bolded = my fave rays of sunshine
@accio-the-force​ | @agent-85​​ | @agentttremors​ ​| @agentverbivore​ | @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713​ | @annytecture​ | @aosficnet​ | @aosladies​ | @aospositivitynet​ | @bioforensics​ | @bobbimorxe​ | @bookishandbossy​ | @boyfriendhook​ | @braveheartpond​ | @brighttestwitch​ | @captain--kitten​ | @captainmeerkat​ | @cardb0rdeaux​ | @chinesebakery​ | @coffeeclara​ | @complimentandasmile​ | @consoledacup​ | @eclecticmuses​ | @ellaosnes​ | @etoilesdeglace​ | @euphoric-melancholyy​ | @eveharlow​ | @fitzsimmmonsy​ | @fitzsimmonsinthetardis​ | @fitzsimmonsshield​ |@goodnightpond​ | @grapehyasynth​ | @hanorganaas​ | @honeylavendertea | @hook-come-back-to-me | @hookedarkswan
@impossiblyamelia | @jemmamaximoff | @jemmasimmonsy | @jemmasimmouns | @killians-dimples | @killiansaviors | @leggypeggys | @leiasorganaas | @leofi-xed | @leosimmons | @littlesciencebabies | @lostgirl966 | @lovestruckswan | @memorizingthedigitsofpi | @missmorgana | @mockingswan | @mrsdecaestecker | @msdevindanielle | @msgenevieve447 | @naturaldaisaster | @ohcaptainmykillian | @omgfitzsimmons | @peggyyswan
@rebeltwelve | @sheriffchiselchin | @shieldsil | @siimmons | @smoakqueenz | @somethingmarvelous | @superirishbreakfasttea | @thecrazycatmage | @thedoctordances | @thesassywitchofthenortheast | @ughfitz | @unbreakablejemmasimmons | @welldonefitz | @widowshulk | @writeonthrough
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fitzsimmonsshield · 8 years
Happy Valentine's Day! I've been working on your fic and should hopefully have it finished by the 17th when I'm posting it. It might not be until the evening on the 17th though. Do you have an AO3 account so I can gift it to you there as well? Have a great day! -Your FS Secret Valentine
Ah thank you! I hope your Valentine’s Day has been filled with lots of chocolates, sweets and good times! I’m a busy gal myself so it is no worries with posting it later in the day on the 17th :)I do have an Ao3, it’s the same as on here (Fitzsimmonsshield)
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lavendergaia · 9 years
I believe it is your birthday today! Happy birthday!! I hope it is filled with lots of happy AU's. Have a wonderful day! [p.s- Icould only send this to you from my personal and not my fitzsimmons blog fitzsimmonsshield] =]
It is my birthday!! Thank you so much for remembering.
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jemmasimmons · 10 years
fitzsimmonsshield reblogged your post So, second real life person I convince... and added:
that’s so sad! i introduced 3 people, one loved it to fanatical proportions and the other two liked it. they all just needed some encouragement to get through the bulk of the first season.
yeah, they were all ok with getting through it, they just seem to have very differing opinions from me. it's fine, obviously - people are allowed to have their own opinions. it's just kind of a bummer when you try to get someone into a show so they'll be excited with you and they're just not.
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ao3feed-fitzsimmons · 8 years
What's It Feel Like to Be a Ghost?
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2miQqc7
by Fitzsimmonshield (fitzsimmonsshield)
Jemma and Daisy have now joined the Framework and are tasked with waking their fellow Shield agents up to fight against Aida. From the very beginning, Jemma realizes this world is very different and there are more factors at play then just getting to her team to save them.
4x15 Self Control Spoilers
Chapter titles are all pop punk/emo songs/lyrics from my glory days. :D
Words: 1782, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Fitzsimmons - Character, Daisy Johnson, Skye, Grant Ward, Melinda May, Phil Coulson, Mack, radcliffe - Character, Aida
Relationships: Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz & Jemma Simmons
Additional Tags: FitzSimmons - Freeform, post 4x15, Spoilers, Agents of SHIELD, AOS, tfsn, Self Control, mcu - Freeform, Canon Compliant, Canon Divergent, AU, Framework, Angst, Dark
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2miQqc7
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msdevindanielle · 10 years
Get to Know the Blogger
I was tagged by fabibrizola and fitzsimmonsshield. Thanks, guys! :)
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged you are supposed to answer the questions. (The original post said answer 92 truths but there are not 92 questions, so.) At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
Last beverage: Raspberry iced tea Last phone call: My mother Last text message: Gaby Last song you listened to: In My Place - Coldplay Last time you cried: Hahaha a few hours ago. I finally went and saw Big Hero 6 and basically bawled my eyes out. I hate Marvel.
Dated someone twice: No Been cheated on: Not to my knowledge Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes Lost someone special: Yes Been depressed: Yes Been drunk and threw up: No
LIST THREE FAVOURITE COLOURS: Lavender, sky blue, and light yellow
Made a new friend: Yes Fallen out of love: No Laughed until you cried: Yes Met someone who changed you: Yes Found out who your true friends are: Not particularly in the last year, but I'm at a place in my life that I do know who my true friends are. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes Kissed anyone on your FB friends list: No
How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life: All of them except the few I've connected with on Tumblr. But honestly it feels like I know them better than a lot of the people I'm "friends" with on Facebook.
First best friend: Gaby again. Being cousins, we've been best friends since she was born - even if it did take her a few years to warm up to me. ;) 
First sport you joined: Swimming
First vacation: I asked my mother, because the first vacation I remember going on was to Sunset Beach, North Carolina, when I was around six years old. Apparently that was the first one my mother can remember too haha, so I suppose that was my first vacation. And now we go back every summer. It's honestly one of my favorite places. :)
First pair of trainers: I think I'm going to have to echo Fabi and say this survey seriously overestimates my memory.
Eating: Chips & salsa Drinking: Cranberry ginger ale (my sister was drinking it and I thought I'd try it but it's just kind of meh) I’m about to: Dive into my ask box Listening to: Baby Love - The Supremes Waiting for: Nothing really specific, I suppose. Maybe for my life to get itself together?? haha
Want kids: Yes Career: TBD (Probably something to do with chemistry, since...that's what I have a degree in.)
Lips or eyes: (It took me a while to figure out that these questions refer to a potential significant other. It makes so much more sense now omg. Most of these are going to be the first one that comes to mind, because I really don't place that much value in appearances and I wouldn't dismiss dating someone if they didn't fit this criteria. So. Just as a disclaimer.) Eyes Hugs or kisses: Hugs  Shorter or taller: Taller Older or younger: Older Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic Nice stomach or nice arms: Nice stomach Sensitive or loud: I don't really get this one?? Like I don't really see how it could be one or the other?? Sensitive, I guess?? Hook-up or relationship: Relationship  Trouble maker or hesitant: My head says hesitant but I fall for the trouble makers. It's kind of a problem.
Kissed a stranger: No Drank hard liquor: Yes Lost glasses/contacts: N/A Sex on first date: No Broke someone's heart: Yes Been arrested: No Turned someone down: Yes Cried when someone died: Yes Fallen for a friend: Yes
Yourself: I hate these kinds of questions, for more than one reason. But whatever. Yes, I suppose. Miracles: Yes Love at first sight: Not in the traditional sense, no Heaven: Yes Santa Claus: No Kiss on the first date: Depends Angels: Yes
If anyone would like to fill this one out, go for it! :)
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