#also i'm with eli
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sinful-karateka · 3 months ago
Fed, nourished, skin clear, hair luscious. This has to be one of their best hugs in the whole show.
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setmeatopthepyre · 3 months ago
i've just. been thinking about this scene from chimney begins a lot, especially in relation to the bucktommy break up.
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in this episode, the changing relationship between chimney and the general population of the 118 is shown through his (attempts at) interaction with tommy. so this conversation he has with eli is as much about 'the other firefighters' in general as it is about how tommy has been treating chim.
and there's... something there in the 'you don't name it until you know it'll pull through' and the 806 breakup in which neither tommy nor buck say the words i love you but they do say pretty much everything else. it feels like they've both been hurt before by this thing called love that might make it feel like they're pushing their luck to name it. and there's something there in tommy ending things before buck can hurt him.
and then there's this:
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and there's something there in buck looking at tommy and thinking, wow, he's so cool, he's so confident, (he has a cleft), he's so comfortable with who he is and that makes me feel comfortable.
eli tells chim: [switching to my quick attempts at gifs here bc the text is spread out over so many shots otherwise]
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and what eli's saying is: feeling like a hero isn't enough. it can be your motivation to start, but it can't be the only thing that keeps you going. you can't always be a hero. no one can. everyone is flawed and everyone's gonna slip up. there's a darkness, and if you don't account for that, you're going to run into the hard things, the things you can't solve by being a hero, the things you have to struggle through, change your perspective for. if you try to ignore those things, you're going to learn some really tough lessons really fast.
and I'm thinking about tommy and buck not knowing the details of each others' pasts, being maybe a little too comfortable with how comfortable they were, enjoying that honeymoon phase rush and thrill, not really having dug into the darkness. they learn some tough lessons really fast.
tommy leaves buck. they both didn't name the puppy. (it still hurts)
chimney loses kevin. he faces the hard, dark parts of this path he's chosen and he chooses to continue anyway. because of this, he's is in the right place at the right time to save tommy's life.
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olisgifs · 2 months ago
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COBRA KAI season 6 episode 6
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emloafs · 20 days ago
in honor of cobra kai coming to a close can we get sentimental? drop your fav memories or scenes or anything i want my heart to hurt
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meistwentyinchheels · 4 months ago
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having many thoughts about percy (he drives me insane) idk what the kf devs put into this man, but i swear i'm addicted. like the more i learn about him the more obsessed i become,,,i think i'm mentally ill
anyways since i think a lot about him (and my kf mc, may. might actually drop a lore post on her at some point) i will now be sharing some of those thoughts. also have a strong feeling this post is gonna end up pretty long just as a heads up lmfao
also a lot of this is just speculation on my part and me trying my best to analyze the little amount of information we have as of the moment. just as a disclaimer, anyways!
out of the three love interests i genuinely think percy might be the angstiest route for the following reasons (under the cut):
like first off, the devs have mentioned in the past that one of the routes will have a forced breakup to serve the greater narrative (this was mentioned a really long time ago tho so it might've been subject to change, but since we have nothing that proves otherwise i am running with it.) and i do not believe in any way that it could be elio,,,unless the devs decide to throw us a curveball lmao jamie is still an option and he was my first thought when i found out about the breakup route, butttt i doubt it'd be him. so from process of elimination that only leaves percy. he's also the only one out of the lis that has been in relationships before and judging from past asks i'm assumingggg that those past experiences most likely still affect him.
second, every single mention of his family has been vague at best and there's been ZERO mention of his mother. in the asks only his dad has ever been mentioned and also in the studying event if u go off with percy and elio, go to check out the polo club and choose to stay back with percy he'll mention that he moved to the states with his dad. normally people would mention both parents, but percy didn't so it's likely his parents divorced at some point? also i had a whole ass supposedly sound argument here, but it got disproven bc apparently his step-dad also came with them to the states??? like yes it does still prove that his parents r divorced, but it can also imply he has 2 dads. that's so funny i love it. okay moving onto my actual point!!! since percy is a child of divorce it's likely also affected his view of love and romantic relationships. possibly in a skewed way, but who knows so that does add to the angst factor QUITE a bit
finally, percy's avoidant and deferring nature. during the festival event if you split up and then go to check out the festival games you end up running into percy, which is when the game tells you that he tends to defer to what others want and seems to be perkier exploring the games by himself. there's also a few occasions in-game where if the mc tries to ask percy about himself he tends to either A. brush the topic off or B. push the attention onto someone else (usually elio?). so i'd assume that he dislikes talking about himself? which would mean it would take him a good while to open up. which isn't inherently a bad thing, but it can also cause communication issues so. sigh.
is this flimsy evidence? yes! but do i care? no! also i would do a deeper dive into this if i was actually good at analyzing character behaviors,,,and if not for the fact that at the time i'm writing this it's 1am on a school night. there's also so many other things i could have talked about!!! like his name!!! maybe some other day. so like. do with all this information what you will. bc i certainly will!!! i have so many ideas!! many angsty notes!!! be prepared.
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rustyelias · 4 months ago
Louis and photography
“Oh wrestling time to the ground, staring it into submission. Holding it your hand. I was there. This occurred.” - Louis
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Louis uses two cameras during season two a rolleiflex and a lecia both were the go-to cameras for photographers of the time! Speaking of the time period! post-war Paris is my personal speciality when it comes to film photography!!!
I think it's pretty clear that Louis's photos are based on brassaï works, night photography in Paris was brassaï thing! Both his and Louis's photos show us things the night reveals to us whilst feeling mysterious and intimate. The photos of the young men who armand fed on afterwards feels very brassaï other then the vampire thing (another really cool post by someone on brassai and iwtv)
“Night does not show things, it suggests them. It disturbes and surprises us with its strangeness. It liberates forces within us which are dominated by our reason during the daytime” - brassaï
”Then you can get mindful about it. Ask yourself what brought them here. What brought you here. Is it coming together random?” - Louis
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okay so in ep4 when Louis is talking with the art dealer the guy makes a big deal of Louis always shooting at night! and yeah as a night photographer myself it's hard to get right which I think we see in Louis photos!
“Do you know how many great shots I've taken, only to find out the lighting was insufficient” - Louis ep4. big mood!!!
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night photography is very alluring in nature and takes so much time. Film make you slow down and think before clicking the shutter release but doing it at night takes even more time!! a vampire who literally has forever is taking night photos will always be incredible to me
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Okay, I think I need to mention the humanist movement and how it links with Louis! Post war there was a massive increase in street photography which focused on more positive themes. Louis speaks very positively of the idea of Paris rebuilding itself at the beginning of the series and the progression to him taking street at night is super interesting to me! Because he really does sound like a humanist photographer like Willy Ronis or Robert Doisneau when he speaks to Claudia about Paris
“I don't know a suprise maybe. Something off. Like a hat that's to small for a head or someone realising they forgot to do something and they stop” - Louis
“To me, photography is the simultaneous recognition in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson
“It says paris is on the way back. give here a little time” -Louis
The vampire is watching humanity from close up, close enough to capture it but far enough away to always feel on the edge of it all. I also really like how Louis is clearly annoyed in ep4 about the fact he has to shoot at night! he doesn't want to sit around waiting for the decisive moment or meter the lighting which is so relatable!!!
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einelitas · 11 months ago
Hi! I really love your art!
Quick question: you've drawn fankids for all sorts of sonic pairings, some of which overlap (e.g. espilver, silvaze, blazeamy, sonamy, sonadow). So, I was wondering, do they all exist in separate timelines? Or do they all exist in the same universe and people are just exes?
Heyo! In my AU the only 2 canon ships as of now are silvaze and sonadow! The other fankids you have seen are from my friends, I drew them together cuz I thought they'd be cute :"D
Currently I got:
Sora - sonadow's son(?)
Nymph - silvaze's daughter
???? - silvaze's eldest son
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glitter-at-the-panic · 29 days ago
I'm finally watching Teen Wolf: The Movie for the first time and barely half an hour in, it feels like I'm watching a questionably written fanfiction play out.
But it's all redeemed by the single part of dialogue between Derek and Eli that goes:
Derek: ''It's who you are. You're a Hale.''
Eli: ''I'll change my name.''
Immediately and without hesitation. Sent me into a giggle fit in the middle of a shift. Idk why my friend didn't like his character he's adorable.
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ghostofjupiter8 · 6 months ago
I have come to the realization that most of the media I've been hyperfixating on for a while are all just various Sherlock Holmes adaptations (and/or inspired by SH) and I don't know what to do with that information.
Oddly enough the actual ACD books and related shows were the most recent addition to my silly brain.
I think that Holmes and Watson's dynamic just scratches an itch in my brain.
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killherfreakout · 4 months ago
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Said oh love There ain't a sharp enough knife To cut me out of your life
INHALER Your House - dir. Jovan Todorovic
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astcae · 1 month ago
okay, but how do you guys think eli would react if he met and EO with the same/similar ability to him?
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hedwig221b · 7 months ago
Heeeeyyy 💗💖💜💗💖💜💖💗
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I MISSED Y'ALL SO MUCH 😭 I'm back and I'm already elbows deep into writing sterek like they make me crazy with their chemistry I'm choking crying throwing up anyways this sterek brainrot never fucking ends I guess
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olisgifs · 3 months ago
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— were you freed within, did you leave your skin?
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netmors · 1 year ago
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Very serious and focused Grand Admiral...
Sudden night time sketches. I wanted to preserve the process of working on the admiral's "flying head". Contrasting lighting is always so mesmerizing. Especially when want to create pathos.
And I still can’t decide… Red eyeliners for the eyes or more “alien” eyes???
I really liked the idea of Chiss eyes from @kobadit ✨
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ditty-nightsong · 1 month ago
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i'm gonna be so fr this is probably my FAVORITE angelyse comm i've gotten so far... genuinely it is SO perfect. i have no words for this one other than that It Makes Me So Ungodly Happy. might make it my new icon tbh.
(artist credit: @chryzure here on tumblr!)
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heytheredeann · 8 months ago
Napoleon, who deep down is very insecure, being pretty tipsy and deciding that he wants to get himself hurt by the answer, decides to ask drunk Gaby which one of them (him or Illya), if forced to pick, she would let get killed
Gaby stares at him for a full minute, then proceeds to bite him. Napoleon isn't sure if that means she didn't like the question, or if it was a "I'm going to kill you of my own free will", or if she wasn't listening at all, but he finds it strangely comforting anyway.
Of course, once he manages to get his hands on drunk Illya too, he asks him the same question, who would he choose, him or Gaby?
Illya looks between the two of them a few times, eyes wide, and then he bursts out crying.
Napoleon has regrets. Gaby is probably going to kill him for real now. RIP.
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