#what would the differences between thier abilities be?
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astcae · 2 months ago
okay, but how do you guys think eli would react if he met and EO with the same/similar ability to him?
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redfoxwritesstuff · 2 months ago
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Garden Kisses
Summary: As humanity's first year comes to a close, you spend the night watching the only two humans pass their time. The courtship of humans moved faster than that of angels but perhaps tonight the two of you could court at the speed of humans.
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“Did you like the ducks?” Lucifer asked, bright blue eyes looking back at you as he fluttered his six pure white wings, floating suspended in the air easily. “I love when they’re still babies.” 
“They’re adorable,” you laughed, smile wide as you scooted toward the trunk of the tree, giving him room to settle next to you. “I loved them most.” 
“Oh, good.” Lucifer sat, reaching forward to rock the round fruit of the tree, where it was hanging from the branch. 
No matter the season, the fruits from the two sacred trees hung, ripe, tempting, and ready to eat. The fruit if neither the Tree of Life nor the Tree of Knowledge of Good And Evil held no temptation for either angel, though the two humans walking in the distance sometimes would look just a little too long at the trees. 
“Do you ever feel bad?” you asked, poking the fruit yourself. 
“For what?” Lucifer asked, watching a fruit fall to the ground where it would rot, untouched, as each fruit that fell had throughout the first year of humanity. 
“Putting these trees in the garden?” You ran your fingers reverently over the trunk of the tree. 
Within the fruits was the cognitive ability to weigh what was good or bad, the simple ability to question and think for one’s self. It was an ability you and Luci had, the angels had, but the divine father had decided that humanity could not be trusted with it. 
“Father wanted the trees here,” Lucifer said obediently. “So, I created them here.” 
“It seems…” you hesitated before continuing. “It seems like it’s setting them up for failure.” 
“My stars,” Lucifer’s wings fluttered as he slipped off the branch, hovering in front of you. “We must have faith. Our Father knows what is best. He created man and woman in His image. They’ve resisted thus far- a whole year!” 
“You’re right.” A bright smile spread onto your face, the shadows of questioning and doubt washed away. “The humans are doing well, yes?” 
“They are,” Lucifer nodded, looking back at the two figures in the distance. Long blond hair ran down the woman’s back, shimmering in the moonlight. “I think they’re still doing thier courtship dance.” 
“Oh!” You leaned forward, nearly slipping off the branch yourself. “What does human courtship look like?” 
You were well versed in the courtships of many of the animals Lucifer had created. There were things that sounded harsh at times, but each step of the different processes accomplished a task, ensuring the animal continued to reproduce as the Father wanted and as Lucifer designed. 
“I’m not sure.” Lucifer looked down, his own bright smile faltering before he pushed it back on his face. “Our Father saw to the designs alone.” 
“Really?” This news had your wings fluttering anew. 
Lucifer was the angel of creation. Everything he made was inspired, beautiful in its own way. He was the Father’s favorite son. Lucifer had been the architect of all you had seen in the living world. The very idea that something existed in this realm that his fingers had not touched had your mind spinning. 
“They are not your children, then?” Your eyes flickered between Lucifer and the woman, how she was pulling away from the man. They had been yelling at one another most of the night. 
“No,” Lucifer’s soft hair shifted as he shook his head. “They’re our brother and sister.” 
“Does it bother you?” you whispered, once again toeing the line you both knew existed. “That you didn’t get to make them?” 
“Oh, no!” Lucifer laughed, a bright, clear sound that always reminded you of heaven’s bells. Would humanity discover bells? “It’s been fun to watch them as they discover the world and how to court.” 
“Is it much different from us?” You and Lucifer had danced around the early stages of angelic courtship for decades now, though to beings like you that was hardly more than weeks. Soft touches, lingering smiles and the simple, godly act of sharing time together had dominated the stage the two of you were at. 
“They do things faster.” Lucifer spun around, dancing in the air with the simple joy of learning about a new creation. “Courtship that takes us decades- they do much faster. They’re more physical than much of my creations have been, too.” 
“Oh?” You danced through the air with him, robes brushing against his as you drew close but never touching him. Touching was far beyond what one did at the point of courtship that you and Lucifer were at. “How so?” 
“Well,” Lucifer reached out, taking your hand up in his. 
He was touching you. His hand wrapped around yours, warm and soft. Blood rushed to your face, casting your skin in a golden glow as you looked at where your bodies touched with wide eyes. “Luci?” 
His hand dropped yours as if something stung him. “I’m sorry-” His voice came out in a high pitched squeak, his face joining yours in the burning glow of embarrassment. “We’re not- we’re not there yet. It’s too soon, isn’t it?” 
You wanted to tell him he was wrong. You didn’t mind him grabbing your hand. It surprised you, that was all. Heat burned in your hand, driving you to rub it as you timidly looked up at the man, your mentor, and crush, as he did the same. 
“What if…” You took a long, slow breath in as you tried to will the next words to spill from your mouth. 
“What if what?” Lucifer prodded. 
“What if we were there?” Your voice came out in a soft whisper, face flushed golden as you looked everywhere but at Lucifer. “What if we courted the same the humans are, at their speed instead of…” 
“Oh,” Lucifer fluttered back, unsure. 
“I’m sorry,” you quickly settled back onto the branch. “I don’t know what I’m thinking.” 
“Do you want to…” Lucifer settled on the branch next to you again, eyes trained straight ahead as he looked at the two humans. “Do you want to court like the humans?” 
Your eyes flickered, darting between the moon and stealing glances at the angel next to you. What you wanted to say was ‘yes’. The word was stuck in your throat, like some gummy piece of dried fruit. You opened and closed your mouth, trying to dislodge the word from your throat while he kept his gaze pointedly on the two humans in the distance. 
After what feels like a lifetime, you give up on making the word come out. Instead, you inch your fingers closer and closer to his. He jumped, startled, as you initiate contact. Wide eyes, as blue as the oceans he had created for your Father, snapped to you. 
“What happens now?” you timidly asked. 
“I don’t know,” Lucifer admitted, mind working. “Adam… he kisses Lilith after he touches her hand.” 
“Oh,” you couldn’t help giggling. “It takes angels a century to consider such a display.” 
“Right?” Lucifer laughed. 
“Luci?” You chewed on your lips, not really sure if you were brave enough to ask what you wanted to ask.
“Yes?” He answered simply, fingers wiggling under yours, not resting until both yours and his weaved together. 
“Have you- have you ever kissed anyone?” You kept your eyes on where your hands touched, where his fingers and yours wove into a small fleshy fabric. 
“I haven’t,” Lucifer admitted. “I’ve never even courted another before you.” 
“Never?” You breathed the word out. He was the Morningstar, the oldest among his kind. He was the Father’s favorite. How could he have not courted at least once?
“Why not?” You prepared your heart to break, to be told that none were good enough, though you knew full well that what the both of you had been doing was courting. 
“Never wanted to before.” Lucifer looked down, taking in the perfect vegetation below for a few long heartbeats. Then he looked at where your hand was intertwined with his. “How long do you think is left, until humanity’s first year ends and thier second begins?” 
“Oh.” The change in subject left you feeling off kilter. Looking up at the moon and stars above, you walked through the calculation to determine the time- not that time particularly mattered for humanity just yet. It was little more than one of the many ways the angels logged and cataloged the events of the universe. “It’s just a minute or two, maybe less, I’d say.” 
“I know what I want out of the next year of humanity.” Lucifer ran his thumb softly along your hand. 
“What do mean?”
“I want to experience live as they do,” Lucifer nodded his head toward the humans in the distance. “I want to experience the things they do. I want to court like they do.” 
“Does that mean you want to be them?” 
“I want to do the things they do. Sometimes, I want to do the things how they do it.” Lucifer was making no more sense the more he talked. 
“Are you saying you want to kiss… someone?” You finally forced the words out, sending a prayer to your Father that you were not making an incorrect assumption.
“No,” Lucifer said quickly, crushing your heart without a moment of hesitation. 
“Oh-” you tried to take your hand from his, only to have his fingers tighten. 
“No, no- that’s not what I meant.” Words flowed from Lucifer’s lips quickly. Each word blended into the other, threatening to lose their meaning. “I don’t want to kiss just anyone. I don’t want meaningless kisses. I don’t- I don’t know if kisses can be meaningless but.. I don’t want to throw them away.” 
“Then who-?” 
“You!” Lucifer rushed to answer, turning to face you with his face a bright, radiant gold. “I want to kiss you. I mean, can I kiss you? Will you let me kiss you? Oh, golly- that’s too much. I’m asking for too much.” 
“Yes,” you said simply, face glowing hot and heart pounding against your chest. “You can.” 
“I can?” Lucifer asked one last time. “Are you sure- we’ve only been in early courting for- for three years and I just touched you- things, it’s too fast for you.” 
“Please?” you asked sweetly. “You wanted to do things like the humans are. I’m in. I- I want to too. Please, kiss me?” 
“You’re sure?” He asked one more time, eyes dipping down to look at your lips. 
“I am,” you promised. 
Lucifer leaned forward, both your and his body twisting to face each other. Your eyes fluttered shut as Lucifer’s did the same. It felt like it took forever for his lips to softly press against yours. 
The kiss was short, a sweet, chaste moment shared between two innocent souls. Though you didn’t know it at the time, the kiss had started the man you loved onto the path of learning, exploring, and experiencing things through the eyes of humanity. It was a path that would lead him away from you and to his damnation. 
What you didn’t know at the moment, had no power to hurt you. 
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ratherbefangirling · 1 year ago
Mi casa (2)
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Genre: Omegaverse AU, Angst
Pairing: Ot7 x alpha!reader
Summary : Namjoon wonders if letting you in thier home will destroy it? He hopes it won't but if it does. He will start from scratch again because for his soulmate there isn't anything he wouldn't do.
Warnings: past mentioned abuse.
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Yoongi sits in his office working. After his comment about you possibly being Namjoon's mate. Namjoon sweared at him and left. Before Yoongi would have made a fuss about it but now he knew better, understood the more nuanced sides of his packmates including Namjoon.
Yoongi and Namjoon had both gone to the same middle school and high school and hated each other to the core. Or Yoongi hated that Namjoon was more alpha like and smart, always at the top of his academics. Namjoon on the other hand was jealous of Yoongi's more omega like features and his ability to not care about anyone's opinion.
They had gone to different colleges. They had met once again when Jin and Namjoon's pack had decided to introduce them. They surprisingly melded well. At that time Yoongi and Jin had already decided to form a pack and Jungkook and Namjoon were roommates.
Yoongi had a rough time accepting Namjoon as his future pack. The first time they met again had been, for a lack of better word disastrous.
Still even though they had their differences most of the time they could put aside thier petty personal grudges for the sake of the pack.
Yoongi still remembers the day they had come to the conclusion to put the people they cared for before thier frankly childish behaviour.
Working for the shelter was a tough job. In a day Yoongi sees more terrible things than most people do in months. As much as he finds his job fulfilling it makes him tired and angry and it's made worse for having to show up at a job where everyone else is also tired and angry and there's nothing he could do about it (not to mention dealing with officials, lawyers and policemen most of whom are entitled and haven't suffered a day in thier lives.)
Despite the majority of their time together being spent in arguments both firm in their beliefs (which is why they often seek each other out) he actually hates fighting with Namjoon.
In the pack he is usually agreeable with Jin and Hobi, Jungkook is his baby, Taehyung and him may have different world views but usually the younger one is very doting taking full advantage of calming Yoongi after riling him up because they are pack. He does bicker a lot with Jimin but its nothing like how Namjoon and him fight.
Thus only Hoseok or sometimes Jin who ends up using his alpha command can interfere. The alpha command (which Jin uses sparingly and in absolute necessity) is reserved between the pack and only works towards the pack. It has no effect in ruts and only the pack alpha's command has any noticeable effect.
Just like the other times the matter of concern hadn't been huge. Towards the end of the winter Jungkook had fallen sick. Incidentally everyone was busy. Hobi and Jin had to leave to Hoseoks close cousins wedding. Jimin and Taehyung had to give finals of their masters degree. Which left Yoongi and Namjoon.
That day Namjoon had an important meeting for the project he had spent months working for.
"I'm leaving hyung." Namjoon said picking up a bun to have in transit.
"Namjoon. Stay and help. You know I have to start with a lot of work.
"Hyung can't it wait. I have an important meeting." While the statement wasn't meant to be dismissive but Yoongi felt anger bubble through.
"What do you mean can't it wait"
"I said what I said hyung." Namjoon says irritated. "I have an important presentation I can't miss."
"Are you trying to say my work isn't important."
"I didn't say that hyung but you work in a shelter when I have an actual job." Later Namjoon would feel immense guilt because of his careless words. But then he was one tracked towards his job. Not ready to back down at all. Corporate wasn't kind to omegas.
"I'll stay back." Hoseok says.
"But your cousins wedding." Namjoon mumbles.
"Taehyung and Jimin will be done early because of their exams." Jin says.
"Yes we can come early don't worry.." Jimin says.
And that was that. Namjoon and Yoongi resolve their fight and treat the pack to a nice dinner. Making a pact to be more careful in the future.
It might be a little irresponsible but Namjoon needs to think and he hopes Yoongi won't tell on him to Jin.
But it's not very simple for Namjoon to decide.
Namjoon has a soulmate. A real soulmate.
Namjoon remembers vividly being alone. So alone that it ate him inside. For a long long time he felt unlovable. Unwanted. Being part of the pack helped alleviate some of those feelings. But being part of a seven member pack sometimes someone felt like a seventh wheel. And he would rather it be him than anyone else.
But having a soulmate. His soulmate meant nobody would be lonely. He would have his own person. He didn't doubt the packs love no but he was ultimately selfish and he wanted something that was entirely his. Someone that was his.
His alpha.
He got butterflies just thinking of it.
He knew it wasn't going to be easy. The pack may not approve but he wasn't going to abandon her. No matter what. You were his. Only his. His own Alpha.
And if he had to fight the world or his own pack to have you. Namjoon realised he would. Because you needed him too. He would take care of his alpha. He would make everything okay again.
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The atmosphere in the house is tense, Jungkook notes. Yoongi is irritable and in one of those moods where he needs to be left alone. Namjoon has gone camping with his friend Jackson. Jin seems antsy and Hoseok looks like he's waiting for a bomb to drop. Jimin and Taehyung are as clueless as him.
The Maknae line decided to have a sleepover trip. A staycation at a nearby hotel. Its partially to give the hyungs space and and partially because its been a while since the three hung out together.
They spend part of the night gaming into the late hours of the morning together. As the morning sun rises Taehyung nudges Jungkook.
"Go get food. Junkookie.."
"I dont want to you get it if you're hungry" Jungkook says still busy in his game.
"Rock paper Scissors the Looser gets the food."
"Fine." Jungkook agrees. He ends up loosing against Taehyung who hi fives Jimin happily and they continue with the game.
Jungkook stretches. His muscles aching since he's been in the same position for so long. He grabs the car key and drives to a convenience store nearby.
He spots Namjoon and Jackson talking and goes near them.
"Are you sure Namjoon? Don't you think you're taking it way to far?" Jackson asks Namjoon.
"If I have to leave the pack I will."
Jungkook's mind blanks. Everything seems immaterial. He leaves the cart He was holding to run back to the hotel. This couldn't be happening.
When Jungkook more or less storms in both Taehyung and Jimin look up.
"What's wrong? Where's the food?" Taehyung asks.
"Namjoon's going to leave the pack."
"What the hell Jungkook?" Taehyung swears.
"What? Tell me clearly what happened?"
"He was talking to Jackson. He said he'll leave the pack."
"But that makes no sense." Jimin said.
"I'm not lying I swear." Jungkook says.
"Is that's why the hyungs are so on edge." Taehyung pointed.
Silence fell.
"Surely they wouldn't hide things from us right?" Jungkook asked tearing up at the thought of their family breaking.
"Maybe it's a misunderstanding and it'll sort itself." Jimin tried to reassure the maknae and hugged him.
"You must have misheard it. There's no reason to leave the pack." Taehyung reiterates.
"But I heard him"
"You must have heard wrong." Taehyung says anger evident in voice.
"Taehyungie calm down. You too kookie. It could easily be a misunderstanding like taetae said there's no reason to leave the pack" Jimin says.
Jungkook nods sniffing. The thought of Namjoon leaving scares him to death. He wonders if Namjoon feels unloved or unwanted. He decides he's going change Namjoon's mind.
"Let's just order room service OK?" Jimin says
Taehyung nods and calls. Making sure to order extra icecream because he thinks they'll need it.
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So yeah that's it. It's been a while since I wrote anything. I just can't seem to these days. I miss the boys terribly. I hope you liked this. Mostly I'll try to finish this in the next part. I felt I had to end this part because it would go way too long though it ended up in the shorter side and feels slightly unbalanced to me. Tell me what you think.
Taglist : @kaceypdf ; @ghostlyworld ; @thelilbutifulthings ; @hijabae2019
Permanent taglist : @exfolitae ; @cryingpages ; @outrobtsnd
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bu-blegh-ost · 1 year ago
Let's analyze Captain Rose's final message (ep. 113 spoilers!!!)
I have transcribed the entire thing into my notes, and there are few parts that I believe give us some subtle hints to important lore bits. So let's take a look at these fragments, shall we?
"Even with the Emperor’s gracious accommodations, I can never feel at ease unless I’m sleeping on the sea. Tomorrow, we depart this beautiful country for one last ride."
Nothing that crazy here, but now we have a better grasp at the timeline. So this confirms, that the last place Black Rose Pirates have been to, before they departed for the final adventure led by Hendrix's map was Onowa Country, and judging by what comes next, the chest was also created and left there during that last stay.
"But…if you’re hearing this, it means we all died."
If you recall, Drey mentioned few episodes back, that thier final excursion was of little significance, barely worth remebering. But here Rose is, about to embark on it, his last adventure before he retires, and he believes that he's going to die. That they all are. Rose must have hidden the true importance of this adventure from the rest of his crew. He KNEW that it's very likely they are not coming back from it, he KNEW he is not actually retiring. So, the question is, did Rose truly meant to leave life at sea for his wife and children, or did he chose to retire cause he knew he was about to die and he needed an excuse, to tie all the loose ends before he goes without alarming anyone?
"Even so, freedom can look so different for the individual. Not every pirate’s gonna play fair. I’ve been prepping for this moment a long time. The day I’d be outmaneuvered."
Something happened to Rose before that. If you ask me, something must have been put on Rose. A spell? A deal perhaps? Something must have happened between Rose and Hendrix (I can't be sure it was him ofc, but I feel like it is pretty obvious at this point). The map he gave him was a final retirement gift. Whatever happened, Hendrix surely did or offered something that made Rose unable to refuse the last adventure. Rose was forced to open the Hole in the Sea. He was forced to attempt to free the Nameless Prince, and he knew, he is bringing his crew to possible death. He knew they may not make it out of the sea in time, before whatever he had to do takes effects, before the sea turns black. I don't believe he would do this if he could find another way. This line makes me feel like he was tricked, finally cornered by Hendrix. It would also make sense why Rose never listened to Finn's warnings when he told him abt Hendrix hiding his true arcane ability. It's possible he knew already. It's possible he was already chained by it.
"Now I fear, we’ll be remembered for something we didn’t do."
The hole in the sea. The one thing people always mention when Black Rose pirates are concerned. He was right. But it only proves, that Rose in this entire game was a tool. Just a person forced to do another's bidding, to be at the right place, at the right time. A sacrifice, but not a player. Niklaus told Chip it was Rose who opened the Hole in the Sea. And he was right, kinda. TECHNICALLY it was Rose. But he was not acting of his free will. He was forced to do it. And who made him? Well, probably the one person who knows that it was him.
"Anyways, I think I should have cared about how my friends would remember me. My family…"
A beautiful comparison between Chip and Rose. Rose sought fullfillment, legacy, Chip sought to recreate his childhood, but they both realised that what they always wanted in the end was family. Rose realized it too late, Chip did so on time. And he did manage to create a family he can feel content about, be proud of. Rose's story is a reminder for him, of how things could have ended.
"If my wife is still alive, tell her, tell our child, her child, I’m sorry."
Rose left Onowa knowing he will not retire. He knew he lied to his wife when he told her that he'll raise their child with her. Did he ever mean it? Did he know that he is doomed from the start, or was there a true intention of going back to her, before Hendrix came and his fate was sealed? Also, that makes me think that Reuben is not Rose's biological son. "OUR child" refers to the kid they had together, "HER child" might refer only to his wife's son, to Reuben. Still, he must have cared for him enough to decide that he also deserved apology.
"Thanks for coming to look for us. I knew you would.
Take care, Chip. "
I wonder if he actually knew. Could Hendrix promise him that Chip would be saved? He didn't seem to expect anyone else to make it, so it's possible that either Chip was supposed to play a special role in some way, or maybe he already did, or he was guaranteed to make it out alive regardless of the circumstances to make the journey he is on now. That could mean that Riptide Pirates were truly always destined to meet.
Okay, that will be most of my thoughts! Feel free to share yours!
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marvelstars · 11 months ago
The Jedi Stans engaging in mental gymnastics *yet again*. There are so many assumptions in @pheonixyfriend post it almost hurts.
First of all, we don't know how the financial and taxation system worked on Naboo, and we don't know if the monarch actually had the ability to raise taxes or whether that fell to another branch of government entirely.
They just hear the word "Queen" and assume Padme was some monarch with absolute power. She wasn't. The Queen of Naboo was a temporary, elected office more akin to President than that of a monarch.
That actually makes it more likely the Queen did not have much power over laws and taxes, because you don't want to entrust your entire government, legal and financial system to someone who is only gonna be in power for a few years and doesn't have much experience.
So no, Padme could not just raise taxes to buy back Shmi. What about using her own money? Well that raises its own issues. I mean its possible she could do it as a personal project - but its unlikely she could get official government endorsement.
Now say she does do it as a personal project: why is she buying a slave? Slavery is meant to be illegal. A Senator involved in the purchase of a slave on Tattooine? Involved in slavery? Huge scandal and her reputation destroyed if anyone found out.
Makes much more sense for the the religious organization with care of the child to do it. Call it an act of philantropy, free a few other slaves too just so it doesn't look like favouritism. Even say you're setting up a charitable foundation on Tatooine for the relief of slave children and their families. A religious organization had more reason to do that then a politician. Especially when said organization had a slave child in thier care.
Yes to all this, we don´t know how taxes on Naboo and Tatooine work, sure they are close in location but their governments are extremely different.
Naboo has temporal Queens and Kings with a Congress and a galactic Senator representing them on the Republic.
Tatooine doesn´t have any representation on the Republic and doesn´t have a government, it´s been ruled by the Hutt Clan for centuries and their word is law there, as well as their money. They don´t answer to the Republic or anyone else, they are very much a mafia.
That said I don´t see the need to use taxes, anybody be it Padme, Qui-Gon or the Jedi Council, could have asked Watto for Shmi and ask his price, they could even have given him a star ship in exchange for her, just like the money for Anakin was taken from winning the boonta eve classic, if Cliegg could save enough money to free Shmi then so could anyone else but the matter wasn´t even discussed, it isn´t there, it´s just wasn´t a priority.
It´s canon the only ones interested in freeing slaves were Anakin, Shmi, Beru, Cliegg and Owen in movie and novels, in novel Anakin gave his friends Kitster and Wald his money to help them buy their freedom and his self-made detector of slave chip to his Mother. Shmi and Beru and Owen became active in freeing slaves on Tatooine secretly, all on their own. Qui-Gon was the only Jedi in canon to free a slave but he didn´t do it because it was the right thing to do but because he wanted to take him to the temple.
The total absence of dicussion over the matter of slavery from almost everybody except those directly affected isn´t an accident, it´s a character clue Lucas included to picture the kind of Republic and Jedi order the Prequel Trilogy had. In fact he made the casual comment when he and Filoni were doing the clone wars that only Anakin cared for Shmi´s death.
A republic that would allow an entire planet be taken hostage can´t be expected to enforce it´s anti-slavery laws, a Jedi whose only comment over slavery was "We didn´t come here to free slaves" in the main canon can´t be expected to free slaves unless they happen to be force sensitive and on Shmi case, from the Jedi pov, the less contact between her and Anakin the better.
This Republic is going to become the Empire and this Jedi Order had become blind to what the Sith were doing given their dettachment from the galaxy besides the matters talked at the Senate.
Of all of them I blame Padme the less because she gave Anakin refuge when he didn´t have anything on Coruscant and if Anakin was rejected by the Jedi Padme would have given him refuge on Naboo until she could arrange for someone to free Shmi or adopt Anakin into a temporal family. Padme could have done something for Shmi but I don´t blame her for believing the guardians of peace and justice when they said they would take care of her friend when they took in Shmi child and she had a recently destroyed planet to rebuilt and people to free and heal from their own concentrations camps, that´s a herculean task even for an adult politician, let alone a 14 year old.
This is my take on this.
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gotskamstuff · 5 months ago
I think people are forgetting the show is called Outer banks and not Jiara. Jiara has gained a ridiculous amount of popularity over the last few seasons especially since last season, and I’m sick of what seems to be new fans dragging the show because it doesn’t seem to be centred around jiara? They’re happy with the lack of jiara or they’re not happy with the interactions we got. It’s glaringly obvious who’s not been here since 2019 and doesn’t understand the characters. Madison has literally said in an interview the difference between jiara’s dynamic and John b and Sarah for example. I’m just so fed up with the negativity. A must watch https://x.com/jjandkie/status/1845350890766729633?s=46&t=_D7fZV0T1iOtwwqM0INzQA
I 100% agree!
Although I have only recently started being active in the fandom, I’ve first watched the show and started my obsession (yeah let’s call things by their names lol) ever since S1 aired during lockdown and we saw basically Jiara be born from nothing but fans love and deeper understanding of the characters!
I LOVE Madison’s way to describe Jiara in their relationship ‘cause it’s exactly how I would expect them to be, especially for thier past on how they got there, with the weights that JJ carries on his shoulders and how their personalities are!
And I honestly couldn’t agree more with the statement “I think people are forgetting the show is called Outer Banks and not Jiara” ‘cause it’s literally how I have been feeling all the time even during the shooting of S4 while we were getting spoilers. We can’t expect for them to be the center of attention in every subplot and in every scene and also in every season CONSIDERING HOW MUCH FOCUS THEY ALREADY GOT LAST SEASON!!
I mean if you’ve seen from the way I’ve been clearly spamming the tags in the past days I think it’s pretty obvious how much of a massive Jiara shipper I am but at the core of it all I LOVE THE SHOW and I love everything that makes it special with Pogues dynamic and the storylines around their adventures, THAT’S WHAT OBX IS with a bonus of the amazing ships we got!!
Also if we want to be real the TRUE ship robbed of its screentime it’s Cleo and Pope, compared to both JJ and Kie or John B and Sarah, they are literally getting the bare minimum!!
I actually think that part of all this “it wasn’t enough” goes deeper into the fact that we only got HALF OF THE SEASON and people are not used anymore to wait for a story to unfold and for the story to be told gradually, streaming platforms have destroyed a bit that patience for the audience to take in the story piece by piece and elaborate the elements as they come, we got too used to just binge watch and devour entire seasons in one sitting and get the answers to our questions straight away that I think viewers have kind of collectively lost the ability to dig deeper into the stories and let those unsolved points simmer down.
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canon-undertale-au-facts · 1 year ago
Unpopular opinion: The concept of 'balance' can apply to the Dreamtale twins and the some of the Reapertale cast, but NOT Ink and Error.
As much as I love thier fanon rivalry and how they clash over opposing views, they weren't created to be eachother's counterbalancing force like Dream and Nightmare. So, applying the idea of some cosmic balance to their roles seems to undermine what they are and what makes them interesting; powerful and kinda selfish individuals with issues and unique morality, using the abilities they have to chase two very different ideals. Error destroys AUs because he thinks there should only be one universe, and would destroy himself if he realized his own hypocrisy. Ink defends and encourages creation in the name of the honoring creators' wishes... and keeping them active in the fandom to enssure his own survival. Also, in the context of their canons, creators will still create, maintain, and abandon AUs _regardless_ of Ink and Error's actions. So, these are roles they've adopted on their own, not because anybody told them to keep eachother in check.
However, I will say I don't mind if _charathers beileve_ there is a balance between them. But as far as like, the reality of those two, there's not really a balance, they just get in eachother's way constantly.
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nightmare-the-cat · 9 months ago
War Dogs
I do a bit of world building
Gen does a bit of pining
The sunlight was fading in the distance, colder weather bringing longer nights. Gen had taken to leaning on the railing of the old playground to observe this phenomenon once its timing began lining up with his walks back home.
Beni called him sentimental. Gen thought she was talking out of her ass. Watching the light fade from the world at this vantage point was breathtaking, the skies bleeding into ever darker colors until the pitch black of night completely took hold…
Made some of those more painful Corrupted raids worth the trouble.
“Why am I not surprised to find you here?” Gen stiffened as a warm hand landed on his shoulder to accompany the rhetorical question, before Guren emerged at his side to share in leaning on the old metal bar. He was staring ahead, indigo eyes focused on the setting sun in the distance. His expression itself was soft, relaxed-a rarity these days. Warm light kissed his tan skin, giving him an almost magical glow, like something out of a fairy tale. “Still, it’s as beautiful as I remember. The view from here”
Gen wasn’t really looking at it anymore, though.
A comfortable silence filled the air, Gen having to resist leaning into the warmth radiating off the shorter boys body. The sun continued sinking below the horizon, evening winds of autumn tugging at their clothing and hair. Gen could hear the silent melodies these seasonal winds produced, a symphony of life preparing to endure the coming winter. It was then when the winds were their most intense, their songs harsh and commanding, a stark reminder of how much power nature still held over all life on the planet.
Gen had a feeling he was the only one who truly understood the wind, to experience these melodies in their purest form. An invisible power that impacted all, no matter how big or small, gentle enough to provide a cooling breeze in summers, or raging tempests in temperatures below freezing.
He once tried to explain these concepts to the other knights, and Beni, but Guren seemed to be the only one who truly understood what he meant. Toxsa was far too calculative in mind, Chooki, too energetic and straightforward. Ceylan didn’t care much for the whimsical, and Beni was too logic oriented to wrap her head around the concepts-assuming he was just waxing poetic at the time.
Guren was different-never dismissing the abstract, but never trying to force it to conform to logic either. He accepted things as they were, preferring to take them in at their purest, in a sense. He asked how the winds sang about oncoming storms, or thier melodies during dry spells. Gen could never really give him a logical answer, but Guren understood anyway.
Even without the weird ESP being in play.
In fact, Gen was ninety percent sure Guren grasped abstract concepts better without direct contact with thoughts of the person explaining them.
It was probably why Guren viewed that ability as a curse. As he explained it, he never had peace when it switched itself on-the thoughts of himself and the other knights spilling into his head unobstructed. Even the thoughts of Beni, the lucky one between the two of them, who managed to sever her connection to Vanetta’s Core before the merge with her soul passed the point of no return, sometimes slipped through, though much quieter than those of the knights. Guren would get no peace unless he was completely isolated from those he held dear, but tended to show up to school with those telltale green eyes anyway. It was a silent suffering-one that may have stayed a secret if Guren wasn’t so open with the team.
Unlike someone else they knew…
“Maybe we should use this place for the next meeting” Guren murmured, breaking the silence as the last light of day sank below the horizon. “It’s better than those abandoned buildings, at least-and much more quiet than the main park”
“Meh-I’d say the roof of my apartment complex is better suited. Nobody cares to go up there” Gen murmured, their current problem of displacement having forced many relocations in the past month. “I’ve been monitoring it for a while-even set up a weird little chair sculpture a few weeks ago. It’s been left undisturbed”
“Maybe… this search for a new meeting place has been nothing but a drag” Guren mused, his expression having tensed a bit from talking about the teams situation. It was an understandable discomfort-he’d been the one who discovered the truth. The fact that all their souls had been sold and butchered-forever bound to servicing the balance of energy in the universe…
It felt like a sick joke.
Gen hadn’t believed it at first. He’d so desperately wished it was a stupid half-baked prank conceived by Ceylan or Toxsa that had pulled Guren in. The crushing pain in his chest when Guren had snatched his Core Brick and smashed his boot down upon it-that was impossible to deny.
Gen wasn’t sure what happened next-he’d been in shock. He only knew Guren had taken the other three Knights somewhere, and when they’d returned…
Well, the scorched beret clutched in Guren’s shaking hand probably said enough.
“I have to ask…” Gen found himself speaking, the memory having brought the words to the surface. Guren tilted his head in Gens direction, his gaze not really leaving the skyline, even though the sun was long gone. “The old man… what happened that day?”
“… He was in on it” Guren answered after a moment, his expression unreadable. “ALL of it. He viewed this fate, of our souls split clean in two, our humanity stolen away, an acceptable price for the continued existence of mankind”
His expression hardened.
“We decided if that choice wasn’t ours to make, then destroying the Guardian’s Portal wasn’t his” Guren spat, lips curling back into a snarl for the briefest of moments, before smoothing out into something more neutral. “If it isn’t obvious, that thing stopped being necessary a long time ago, we were only conditioned to use it so the Gaurdians could keep an eye on us-and call upon us whenever it struck their fancy, should their planet not do so itself”
Guren finally turned his head to meet Gen’s gaze.
“White tried to stop us-and he ended up hospitalized from the incident” there was a slight tug at the corners of Guren’s lips, almost as if he was suppressing a smirk, but there was no way of confirming it. “Dad visited him-told him to leave the city and never come back, or he’d take a monkey wrench and finish the job the portal failed to do himself”
“… Your dad really said that?” Gen asked, a bit disbelieving, considering how mild and kind Guren’s father had been in their interactions before. “Wait-why would he even-“
“Dad was the guy who built the back up plan in Benham Tower” Guren explained, gesturing in the direction of the glimmering spire, bathed in artificial light. “The Gaurdians told him the bare minimum to gain his trust, so he would do their dirty work for them here on earth. If he had known everything, I’m quite sure he’d have never brought me here”
“…. So the Black-“
“Yeah, the Black Key lock was also him” Guren chuckled, positioning himself so the railing was at his back, still supporting his weight. “He knew a lot-just not the most important bits. Well, not until he found me right after I’d given myself a nasty shock-dropped my Core Brick in the tub while wrestling a certain cat of mine into his yearly bath”
The redhead chuckled again, the sound entirely devoid of humor.
“I can’t imagine that was pleasant” Gen muttered, a bit concerned with how detached Guren seemed from such an experience. “You must have been drowning on air-how on earth did you piece together what was happening while being deprived of oxygen?”
“I didn’t. Max did” Guren hummed, a bit of amused relief seeping into his tone. “Turns out those old wives tales about cats being able to see human souls may have had a nugget of truth to them-otherwise I couldn’t tell you how he figured out that my Core Brick being submerged was behind my sudden asphyxiation. The little bastard actually dove into the bath for the first time EVER to get me out”
Gen couldn’t help but snort at the story, embarrassing as it was morbid.
“Yeah, I know, hilarious. Dad found me gasping for air on the floor, dry as a bone and clutching a wet Core Brick, and put the pieces together” Guren hummed, his smile becoming much more genuine. “He was PISSED, and stayed mad. I was genuinely surprised when he actually came back from that hospital visit-I was SURE he was gonna be arrested for murder”
“All of us should be so lucky-to have a dad like that” Gen chuckled, the image of Guren’s mild mannered, bespectacled father caving the old man’s face in with a wrench tickling the funny bone in the most morbid of ways. “I guess we know where that temper you developed came from”
“HA! No. That came from mom” Guren replied, amusement spread across every bit of his beautiful face. “She threatened to strangle a guy with his own intestines once, when I was real little. Nobody saw the rage coming, she had such a kindly face…”
The smile vanished. Quietly, Guren turned back around, bangs obscuring his eyes as the moon, a waxing crescent, began to emerge in the inky black sky. He produced his Core Brick in a practiced, fluid motion of the hand, running his thumb down the side.
“It’s probably for the best she never had to see me become this” the redhead murmured quietly, a gentle night breeze lightly tousling his hair. With minimal hesitation, he drew his arm back and flung the brick as hard as he could into the darkness. The telltale glimmer of red light came a moment later, and Guren produced the brick again, like it had never left his grasp.
“How much do you think that would hurt if the Core hit the pavement?” Gen asks as Guren wound up another throw.
“A lot, if I had it my way” the redhead muttered, flinging the Core into the darkness once again, this time with much more force. “Dropped it off the school roof once-it’s just inside the “respawn” distance. Stupid things are somewhat immune to fall damage”
“Not shock resistant though-that boot you slammed into me hit like a truck” Gen murmured, watching Guren repeat the throw again. “You’re pretty reckless when it comes to your own well-being, you know that, right?”
“Better I experiment myself and report results than letting you all learn the hard way” the redhead replied, twisting his wrist and flinging the brick like a frisbee that time. “Toxsa’s been experimenting too-pairs up with Ceylan for it sometimes. He’s much more shock resistant than the rest of us”
“I would’ve assumed it was Chooki” the dark brunette hummed in an attempt to lighten the mood, bringing a little smile to the other boys face.
“He can certainly give you a shock with those knuckle stingers” the redhead joked, producing the Core again and tossing it up in the air. “Beni suspects they might be venomous-she’s getting pretty pissed he won’t give up a sample for verification”
“Not surprised-Beni’s always been fascinated with poisons and venom. I’m pretty sure she’d make a killing in pest control with what she’s concocted with her dads old chemists set” Gen muttered, shuddering at the memory of the feral rat who’d made the grave mistake of ripping into Beni’s favorite cookies. “She made a mouse EXPLODE-even keeps the skeleton on display as a kind of trophy”
“I always wondered why she had that thing on the tea table-she puts it in goofy poses every time I come over” Guren chuckled, catching the Core and tossing it up again. “Ceylan likes glaring at it from the upper level”
“Better that than a repeat of the whole gerbil fiasco” Gen hummed, smiling a bit as he saw Guren’s expression soften again. “Or worse-that squirrel thing. I’m pretty sure you traumatized those kids”
“Yeah-having a prey drive is NOT fun, I don’t know how you haven’t snapped” Guren chuckled, subtly licking his lips. “I will admit-the squirrel tasted pretty good. I don’t think dad would approve of me experimenting with rodent meat in the kitchen, though”
“You’re always welcome to use mine-it’s practically untouched” Gen hummed, stretching luxuriously to loosen up after standing in the same position for so long. “Just-don’t pop the eyeballs like tic-tac’s, I only needed to see that once”
“Dude, you’re missing out. I’ve been eating eyeballs since I was six-there pretty good after a good broiling” Guren argued, pushing off from the railing, tucking the Core back away as he motioned for Gen to follow him. “They’re like if chocolate was a type of meat-“
“Guren I swear to Christ I will throw up if you dare finish that statement” Gen chastised, trotting after the redhead and giving a little slap to the back of his head. “Oh fine-I swear you’re such a baby when it comes to gore…”
The pairs voices faded away after that, leaving nothing but the sliver of moon as company for the forgotten playground
@skittykat501 @kazumahashimoto
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luonnon-varainen · 2 years ago
Some doodidle dudadle of "put here name of this constellation from the boiling isles, don't know what it's real name, I guess Glyph but not sure" and trivias about my headcanon of the collectors race.
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This pinkish big "boy" is definitely not a himbo you would like to deal with. Powerful decomposer with lack of empathy to anything made of carbon is a slippery slope to or being collected or being used as sweety little source of energy. Both options are not very nice to experience. General, warm and subtel appearance with a wide smile is only a disguise for theirs love of "teasing" new exhibit before catching it. It's not like they are bad guy - sadistic monster without remorse, they just like being entertained and enjoying thiers job.
1: The collector's earrings is their name. In the comment under one of the post I've reblogged, I mentioned that in my headcanon their names are impossible to spell for any planetar being and that they gain names after something they did. So to communicate with mortals and to show their achievement their names are made into an earrings. These earrings not only helps indefinite collector from others, let mortals know name of their new god/devil/angel/whatever they think the collector is, but also shows their first conquered constellation, first victories and proof of their strength and power. This earrings may contain parts of original stars chemical composition so when there is a need they may use it's heat.
2: Collectors tend to have a pretty nasty trait/habit of kleptomania, which basically means if they find something appealing for them, they'll just take it without permission. No matter whether it is an object(np. A cool vase), building(np. cute cottage) or a living being(np. Somebody's fluffy cat). The difference between collecting and kleptomania here lays on the fact that they collect things that meets very specific requirements and only in very specific amount of examples and all collected things go to archive, things that was just taken out of kleptomania can be absolutely random(just looking fine for specific collector) and ends up in private collection. Usually in private collections are small buildings, totems, sculptures and favorite person from each planet they visit. Conclusion, don't look to fancy around collector if you want to die one day in peace.
3: When a collector is on the planet they often walks around with closed eyes and covered ears. It caused by the fact that they natural habit is void without a lot of stimulus: no sound, much less light, no air, only one type of smell, less physical contact with literally anything. When they is on the planet all this stimulus start to get in contact with their receptors causing overstimulation. Closing eyes and covering ears just let them work normally, even if they feels a lot of discomfort out of other stimulus. (The worst one is definitely air, not only they are constantly touched from the outside of their bodies, they also are touched from the inside, truly horrible experience for any void being)
4: Collectors have ability to glow, main reason is their diet. It consists of radioactive elements like uran or pluto and rare gases like helium or krypton. This elements under specific circumstances starts to glow, gases when they are under electrostatic influence and elements like uran in chain reaction of atomic reactions. They set these elements under conditions usually during travels from one planet to another, which prevents them from hardening in midway to destination(this reactions release heat which keeps glass and wolfram bendable and elastic so they can move). Other circumstances are strong emotions, "spells" which need a lot of energy to be catalysed or keeping stable temperature of offspring, whose ability and magazined amount of those elements are not enough to warm up wolfram. Also it helps in proper size development of young collector as heat "makes things bigger".
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im-totally-not-an-alien-2 · 3 years ago
Au where Danny is Damians twin. He had gone on countless solo missions since the time he was six and niether he or his brother had ever failed. This time however, was a bit different.
Dr's Jack and Madeline Fenton were playing with forces beyond thier comprehension and endangering the entire world with thier actions. They were clearly aware of it too if thier sketchy work with the government was taken into consideration. Daniel's job was to infiltrate thier lab and copy all thier data into a flash drive before killing the parents and destroying everything. Simple enough, but he made a crucial mistake.
He got curious.
Isn't that always how the eldrich and unknown gets you? You start asking questions and before anyone knows it you're a raving lunatic.
Once he had completed his first three tasks, Danny had put on one of the suspiciously numerous white and black and child sized hazmat suits and went into the beckoning maw of what was mentioned to be the portal. He looked down to step over a bundle of wires and in his momentary distraction hit a button on the wall with his hand.
The next thing he knew everything was tinged green and he was screaming.
Awaking to find his form had changed, leaving him with glowing green eyes, pale skin and white hair he was confused. Mother and Grandfather did not have a meta-gene and according to mother thier Father-the Batman- also did not have it.
Then It clicked. The scientists were studying the afterlife, more specifically the spirits of the dead and how to invade thier realm. Daniel, at the tender age of eight, had died. Whats worse is that he apparently had the ability to flop between life and death at will. Fearing what kind of experiments his Grandfather would no doubt subject him to he finished his mission by rigging the place to blow far more spectacularly then planned and fleeing into the portal.
The resulting explosion could be seen for miles. Upon seeing it from her place on a park bench with her friend, Jazz had immediately knew something terrible had happened.
Three years later Daniel- now going by Phantom- found that the portals maw had survived even if the portal itself did not and it was reactivated by a pair of nosy teens. Amity Park was being attacked by ghosts and the Justice League, a group of famous heros lead by his Father, Wonder woman and Superman, refused to even answer thier calls for help. Odd.
Phantom stepped up and began fighting them both with his powers and his training from the League of Assassins. The people hated him for being dead. The dead hated him for stopping thier rampages and his annoying ability to just disappear. (He's so glad he kept the half living thing to himself, even if it meant he often had to sneak away to living realms to get human food)
As it turns out, the Fentons had a back up location that niether he or the League of Assassins knew about where they stored notes on thier theories about the nature of ghosts and how "evil and mindless" they were. A government based group eventually formed called the Ghost Investigation Ward, or as the locals called them, The Guys In White who then passed a set of laws called the anti-ecto acts.
Daniel had grown up hearing tales of his Father. A paranoid man who thought of everything and had eyes and ears in every sector of the government. He and his League of Justice would never allow this...and yet days passed since the announcement of the acts. Then weeks. Then a month with no words speaking out againsts laws that essentially stripped the rights of an entire species. Did Father believe the lies and slander from the government and the remnants of the Fentons "research"?
If he knew about him would he think he was a monster? A threat to be eliminated?
Daniel fiddled with his domino mask as he began applying the weekly dose of phase-proof paint to the metal of the portals blast doors. He loved his mask. It made him feel just a little bit safer. Yes, he knew logically no one would ever think that a dead child would ever secretly be a living one, but facial recognition software was a very real thing and it wouldn't be long before the GIW modified it to work the blurriness out of ghost photos. Even if they didn't (which they might never considering the groups overall intelligence) people have eyes
Daniel wasn't technically living in Amity Park. At least not legally. He stole whatever he needed and stayed hidden away in abandoned houses and underground caves. Not the most luxurious life, but better than a scapel and rib shears. He shuttered at the thought.
It was almost a week after his and Damians birthday that he saw his parents again. They were fighting in the streets near Polter Heights, the rich side of the city. He wondered what they were there for. He had long taken the portal deep underground where no one could access it without intangibility and Amity really had nothing to offer otherwise. They couldn't possibly know who he was, could they?
He flew closer invisibly, listening to mother state that she planned on recruiting this "ghost child" into the League. Interesting. She didn't know it was him.
Batman. His own father argued that she knew nothing about these creatures and that they were dangerous but handled by the local authorities. Daniel couldn't fight back his sneer. The GIW did nothing while Phantom did all the work and he highly doubted any of the living considered him an "authority". Nevertheless, this proved to Daniel his fears of his Father hating him was well founded.
He did however, find himself surprised at the familiar chill of a blade at his throat. How? Then his brother, his beloved twin ordered him to surrender. Not a chance. Not even for him. Phantom fought his brother that day, no matter how much it pained him. The GIW have been chasing him relentlessly since thier founding and would do anything to get thier grubby little paws on him. If he was taken into custody by any form of law enforcement or was an immediate Game Over, even if it was the Justice League.
Daniel managed to escape but Damian left knowing he recognized that fighting style.
Damian ended up telling the rest of his family about his twin, Daniel and how he had died and how he suspected the ghost protecting Amity was his lost brother.
Unfortunately, Daniel had overheard what Batman had said to his Mother and believed his change of heart and attemps to get him to come home with him were a ruse to get him to let down his guard.
Thus begins the chaotic time in Amity Park where his Mother and Father both try to convince Phantom to live with them.
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cvntdracvla · 2 years ago
Ok sooooo ummmm penny for your thoughts on all this???
okay hello! hi this shits All Over the place so forgive me for this mess
sooo we all knew what we were getting ourselves into right. we knew what this was. a toxic relationship between Vampires. not ur run of the mill romcom. a gothic romance. this is a regular sunday for gothic romance enjoyers lol
lestat punched through a mans HEAD in the first episode & then turned around n gave a Beautiful heart touching speach ab how much he loves louis. hes has never shied away from violence. they r vampires. they feed on ppls blood n kill to survive so why is this such a big suprise to everybody ???
yeah i was suprised they would go there n really lean into the gothic part. but this is not a relationship between two men. they have supernatural abilities, speed, strength etc. n can do all kinds of shit. this is not exactly a shocker now is it ???
louis has self-admitedly been poking n proding lestat. constantly reminding him of claudia, being cruel to him n ignoring him. lestats love is all consuming, encompasing. hes a hedonist who lives to indulge himself. n they have been baricading in the town house for 7 long years. louis wouldnt even speak to him, has been feeding on animals so u can imagine what kinda company he was for lestat whos longing to be loved n to feel his love. ppl have been saying that there are "two brothers" living in their house. am i justifiying lestat beating louis to a pulp ??? no. but he did have his reasons to snap.
claudia has been Real stupid w her kills, acting like a child, which she only looks like n has not been for a while. n when lestat has to deal w louis n claudia constantly moping around screaming ??? i would have been a bigger bitch than him. he only made her a vampire on louis request, nay Begging. he never wanted to be a father and honestly cant blame him. its not just family drama n nuisance now police r lichrally Monitoring them. n then claudia blames him for everything n somehow louis is absolved of his crimes cuz they have a special connection lestat n her dont. his parenting is sadistic but on the other hand, louis' is too human. when none of them are humans anymore and the human rules no longer apply.
so she goes out into the world, sees that independence is not All That its cracked up to be and then comes back to take louis from lestat ??? n now lestats panicking cuz he sees how louis suffered & longer for her & suddenly shes asking him to chose between him and her. so hes reasonably affraid that louis will leave him for her. especially after the downfall of their relationship cuz its been Rough babygirl.
and then they start speaking w thier minds n he goes crazy cuz he could never do that w them. so hes helpless n resorts to violence. backed into a corner so what r u gonna do? when claudia says "let him go. its me you want." n its like No baby its exactly the opposite. he only wanted louis for himself. he never wanted tou and he never wanted to share his love and he says it himself.
and THEN he hits us w "i have waited... i have patiently waited in vain... for you to love me... as i love you" he basically said reject me so i can move on lol.
also "all vampires are created from trauma" when u think ab the way lestat has been created........ hits different
so TLDR what im saying lestat is a cunt but not for no reason. emotional abuse can hurt just as bad as physical can and when its all said and done they All have their fucking problems (lestat most lets be real), but thats why we love them n thats why i tune in for the fucking drama & the poetry & beauty & horror this show gives me. they understand love is pain, its complicated and its all consuming etc etc
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thetravelingmaster · 3 years ago
Hypno Talks: Mind & Body
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Let’s talk about hypnotic triggers and suggestions.
At the very core, a hypnotic suggestion is the root idea to create a very specific reaction to a given stimuli. The most common form of this is:
I say the “sleep” and you fall in a trance.
From there, the possibilities are only limited by 2 things:
1 - The hypnotist and subject’s creativity.
2 - How the subject’s mind reacts and accept the hypnotic suggestion. And to some extent, the patience / work a subject and hypnotist are willing to do achieve any given hypnotic suggestion.
The scale on which this ability is measured is vast. Each person is different and carries their own mental baggage that can either help or hinder hypnotic suggestions.
It’s completely natural.
For some subjects, a simple trance trigger can come almost instantaneously while for others, it can take months of sessions to accomplish it. 
One does not make you a good subject and the other doesn’t make you a bad subject.
We are who we are and as a subject: YOU CAN ALWAYS TRAIN YOURSELF AND IMPROVE.
But that’s for another Hypno Talk.
Today I want to focus on something I find fascinating: the link between mind and body.
Hypnosis is a truly infinite playground when it comes to influencing one or the other. What I found most fascinating in my explorations is that the influence a hypnotist can exert on this link can, surprisingly, flow in both directions.
Let me explain.
The most classic form of this flow is: Mind influencing the body.
A good example of this would be that every time the hypnotist says the word ‘Tickle’ followed by a body part, the subject will feel a tickle on that body part.
This is the mind creating the illusion of a touch sensation tickle the body. The effect can be as light as just starting to laugh or as profound as feeling an actual feather on the skin. 
The suggestion is straight forward and the conscious mind can immediately project on what is about to happen to them. Belief is already present and the body just responds.
For some subjects however, the mind has to actively BELIEVE in the words of the hypnotist. They have to actively think about how true their words are. If they simply listen and wait for the tickling to start, not much will happen.
But if their minds actively agree with the suggestions and ignites belief, then the mind will eventually, with time and sessions, create that sensation without the subject having to actively believe in it. 
It will just happen. 
Having an open mind, for a subject as well as a hypnotist, is essential to create incredible sessions and experiences. And to some extent, that is why most of the time, you will hear us saying that ‘all hypnosis is, at it’s very core, self hypnosis’.
You have to engage for hypnosis to be effective. It’s not magic.
In a way, that was a true revelations for me as I started to explore hypnosis.
But here is what I find even MORE fascinating.
When the flow of a hypnotic suggestion reverses and the body reacts on its own. Affecting the mind and creating belief. 
When a hypnotist spends a lot of time in a subject’s mind, they can truly speak to the subconscious, their influence can built over time and give life to a hypnotic suggestion. 
Sure, it is still the mind affecting the body. I’m not arguing. 
There is no belief or active mental play for the suggestion to come alive. 
It just... Does.
For example, on less susceptible subjects, hypnotic triggers won’t work the first time around. Maybe it will take 3, 5, 10 sessions before it starts to even have an effect. A true effect... 
Let’s say that the suggestions was that every time the hypnotist says ‘lift’ followed by a body part, then the subject’s given limb will rise. Maybe it works well in a trance. The hypnotist and the subject work together to build on the trigger and create a repetition for the suggestion to latch onto. 
But some have a lot of difficulties when the trance has ended and thier minds aren’t as focused on the task.
What fascinates me is when it DOES start to work.
Maybe it’s been 10 sessions and their arm never lifts once the session is done and they’re truly awake. They can ‘play along’ and work hard to breath belief in the power of those words, but they know, deep down, that it’s not working like they saw on stages or videos. 
Doubt can be a powerful inhibiter. 
But that’s ok because a subject can train and learn to be better as they discover their own minds. All it takes is the will to make it work and the patience to do it.
But then... After the 11th sessions...
The ‘lift’ commands come at a moment where the subject isn’t paying attention, but is fully awake. Then... Voila.... 
The arm lifts all on its own.
The body moved without conscious effort as it responded to the hypnotic suggestion. The face the subject makes in those moments is truly priceless. 
The awe... The astonishment... The pure delight and joy... The excitement...
All of it.
In that one singular moment, they BELIEVE.
Their body reacted and create a belief that is stronger than anything I’ve witness. It’s an affirmation of the possible. For a novice subject, that moment is golden.
It can come after a single session or after 100. But it always inevitably comes to those that strive to experience it.
Before you point it out, yes I know, it’s the subconscious doing all the work therefor, it’s the mind. YES. I agree.
But that’s not how it FEELS.
To the subject, it feels as if their minds were disconnect from that limb. It feels like their body is now under the hypnotist’s control. 
An through their open and accepting subconscious, they are.
And so, the flow for them is reversed. They don’t have to bend their minds to the task of making their body respond as the suggestions commands. Now their body acts on it’s own, re-enforcing the belief inside their minds and in essences, making them grow as a subject.
I’d love to read what others think of this incredible link and how they’ve experienced that unique moment of awe as a subject. 
And if you are a novice subject and are wondering when that might happen for you, don’t worry. If you are eager to experience hypnosis and you seek out hypnotist and files you are comfortable with, then you most certainly will experience that one day.
Because EVERYONE can become a subject.
Of course, I don’t have all the answer so feel free to argue to your heart’s content.
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yoshiintheweb · 1 year ago
I'm currently playing a Durge who is a little goodie too shoes currently (She's a Paladin with the Oath of the Ancient) and it's honestly wonderful. I wish I didn't knew spoilers for this playthrough even if i know very very little of them (I know that Durge is a bhaalspawn and the Isobel thing and the whole deal with Gortash either by puzzling things together in my first playthrough [i read every book i saw] or stright up read something over here in Tumblr dot com). So i could go completely blind into it. The whole gimmick i have for her is that she woke up in Paladin's clothing (presumably one she killed) and assumed she was a Paladine so she especially cosplayed till some god granted her actual abilities to have all that Paladine skills in some sick experiment to see if she will gives in or do some good. IT'S WONDERFUL I'm finishing Underdark at the moment and she is crumbling, almost broke her oath twice, and on a spiral with essentially no support as everyone is not really sure what is happening (I try to not tell everyone about the urges till i had to and that went horrible!) Can't wait to see where it's gonna go bc like you said, here we have this dichotomy of a past you do not remember, something covered in blood and guts vs what is now and what you think you should be. She's a Paladine, she should be lawful, kind, merciful, charitable. But when they go through goblin camp she smells a horrible oddor, a dwarf meat being roasted over a campfire. And her mouth starts to running wet, shes getting hungry. She doesn't know how she knows it's dwarf, she doesn't know why she knows it's gonna be so tasty when it's done, but she cannot stop thinking about how violating it is how disgusting she feels bc of that. THE STORYTELLING IS GLORIOUS, you could slap some many spiraling into her chef kisses.
Anyways back to the topic! Yeah! Dark Urge is quite whatever you want them to be, I focused more on a goodie too shoes type of character in the previous post cuz you mentioned the Folk Hero background which kind of indicated it. But honestly one can do literally whatever - I think that you could even play a little bit more murderous character and still regret Bhaal and make it make sense in character - as there is a difference between old good fashion murder and all that FUCKED UP things Durge was doing before thier memory loss. And the idea of shifting the background would stay - instead of a goody to shoes Folk Hero, Durge can as easily become sneaky assassin who channels the murder into thier own benefit not just to whoever comes across (perhaps, as you said to avoid harming someone close to them) becoming, (or staying) a Criminal. Or they could learn one or two from the vampire, start to be more cunning and develop into a Charlatan, or perhaps don't really pay attention to the people around choosing to isolate themselves instead of taking any risks becoming an Outlander or a Hermit. Lots of possibilities with lots of different ways to play! Or perhaps do all of it and still stay as Haunted One woth the weight of thier past is being that inescapable and even when it's behind them, and Bhaal cannot reach them, it still plauges and defines them this time in a different way - to as a compulsion but a memory of something you won't truly remember and something that will haunts you forever.
And a chaotic neutral character can really go in whichever way you want, really. I always saw chaotic neutrals as characters focused on themselves - not really benevolent or malevolent but something in between following a path they deem correct. My first Tav was Chaotic Neutral and they basically did all the "good" deeds the game presents but not bc it was the good thing to do, but bc it personally alligned with thier moral compass (it was total accident i didn't knew a lot of BG3 back then so i accidentally made a character whos morals almost always alligned with the conventionally good choice 💀). She was a tiefling who had this mantel of protecting her own no matter what was the price but at the same time they had a great fear of mindflayers. So she protected the refugees as they were tieflings - her kin. She bonded with the group as they were in the same position - tadpoled - so she saw some resemblance there. The great way to show it was Wyll's dad actually! She didn't care if he lived or died, she was even hoping he will perish (disowning your underaged son? Over a misunderstanding? Mx. "Your own comes first everything eles second" had non of that, Not on thier watch) He lived in the end, but not bc of her it was all Wyll's efforts (that get him killed actually and i had to for the first and only time take Withers on his offer). Or the murder investigation in act 3 - the one in the temple, i was soo in character when i encountered it that I MYSELF had no interest in this plot up until i realize they are blaming a tiefling for it.
MY POINT IS, that whatever you want to play you can spin it whatever you want and the choices in the game doesn't need to fully define the character you play. People can call you a hero all they want, but you don't need to be one, you can be the biggest scum in Fearûn, an asshole who just did whatever was deemed right in the moment. And it's fun! I would say it's the best part of any role play based game (let it be video or tabletop), so do whatever, be creative, it's all made up anyways so who cares
I'd like to preface by exclaiming that i would like your (yes your) opinion on this.
Below is a quick thought about DURGE that evolved into more than i originally intended. Also pls don't kill me for the run-on sentences and what-not. I will be referring to durge with she/her pronouns because that's what her pronouns were in my playthrough.:
Ascending Astarion fit my durge playthrough, but I'm over it. I'm not sure if i will do it in another playthrough or not. It depends on the backstory and personality of my character... But when I was in the head of the Bhaalspawn dark urge, I sort of felt like the way she saw murder was scarily casual.... I think it was sort of a misinterpretation on my part, though.
I think now that she probably felt like murder was more akin to how me, as a child with autism and ADHD, felt when i was in a rocking chair or ripping the holes in my nylons bigger. It is the dark "URGE", not the dark "thought."
I actually am not sure if the dark urge /would/ ascend astarion because i think she much prefers to get her hands dirty (at least when she blacks out and kills). Although the actual writer(s) for the character The Dark Urge kinda left her as a blank slate because she had her memories erased, so any behaviors she has outside of when she blacks out and kills can really be anything????
Like you (as durge) are someone who randomly ended up on a nauteloid with no memory of your previous self. The only thing you really are beginning to know about yourself is that you have these dark urges, and then you find out that you seem to be the only one in the group that gets like that. You (as the player) get to choose the personality of Durge beyond that.
After being purged of her powers, if she resists during the quest line in act 3, she still has no memory of her past, and now she no longer has the dark urges. So, who she is at her core would not change. I guess if you want, you could play it like that was the case. Like if after her urges are gone, she suddenly becomes folk-hero like. Idk.
This is a lot of thinkin I've been doing on this. Anyways , idk if anyone will read this, but just LEMME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS.
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rainydaysandhappydays · 3 years ago
Okay! What about a ally that have some mirror related powers? Like, they mirror have they one mind and personally, they can create small pocket dimensions, manipulate reflections and travel between mirrors/reflective object?
I assume this is for Creepypasta headcannons? Because that's what I did. I'm also going to make the idea that the power set you are describing is similar to Charlotte Brûlée from One Piece. So I'll be using her ability set for a basis for these headcannons. I'm also going to use my previous headcannons here that state that an ally is different than the proxies or of any romantic interest. If you wanted something else please send in another ask being a bit more specific!
CPs with an ally that has mirror abilities
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He finds your abilities very useful. Since you are able to appear to nearly any reflective surface he makes sure to have you be a spy in some way.
He's not too worried about you being able to take care of yourself because you have an easier time reflecting other's abilities and being able to run away than most other pastas.
Though he does make sure that he rarely, if ever, sends you on high combat missions because while you have great tacticle value, your abilities alone are not that great for fighting.
He also makes sure to tell you the exact location of any targets you may have, or as close as he can confirm to be thier whereabouts, because he's learned that in your mirror pocket dimension where you're able to move about freely between mirrors, you have to remember or learn where each and every mirror leads to. And that's not the easiest task. So he tries to be a bit more accommodating on that front.
Other than that, he sees you in just the same light as he would the other allies. Not a threat, but also not someone he would rely on too much. You may be working with/for him right now, but humans are always unpredictable so he's not making any bets on where your loyalties lie.
Jeff The Killer
He finds your abilities dope af!! Please try and scare the other creeps!! He'll even pay you if you can get (E)Jack or Maskey to scream!
He tries to get you to use your powers for evil(pranks) and cruel machinations(stealing other's things and keeping them in your dimension as hostage). He is such an edgefest it's actually almost adorable if it weren't for the fact that he has a knife and knows how to use it.
If you ever use your powers to pull pranks on him or steal some of his things to hold hostage he will become the most over the top pouty bitch about it.
Kind of like that. It's extremely annoying. For everyone. Even for people not involved because he will go out of his way to complain and pout around the others so that they will eventually get sick of his shit and tell you to fix the problem.
As irritating as it is, he has the amazing(?) ability to get what he wants. Through being a whiny bitch about it until someone else steps up. It's both fascinating and incredibly disheartening to watch.
Eyeless Jack
Doesn't really care all that much sorry.
He does think it's an interesting ability don't get him wrong. But compared to all the other wacky shit the other pastas are capable of doing your power set is just another to add to the books.
If you are able to surprised him with something you're able to do that he didn't originally anticipate, then you will get his interest pinned to you until he sees every ability you are capable of. You won't be able to hide anything after his sights fall on you though. Even the embarrassing or tricky things. He has his ways to find out. So be prepared for that if you ever want to get his attention.
Outside of that he will only make sure to document your abilities like any other pasta for the reason that it might change or affect any healing or medical thing. So he keeps up on everyone's powers and abilities just the same.
I hope that means you will be one less person for him to worry about dying. If not expect him to hover over you. He will make sure you won't die. Either from others or from yourself. He will keep up his watchful eye until you show him you're capable of taking care of yourself. If you are never able to satisfy his standards for survivability in the Manor he will more or less adopt you. In the most scoffed tired old man way possible.
Even if you are not a child he will somehow make you feel like you are one again. And always one that is in trouble with thier parent somehow.
Did you burn your food? Well he's there to make you something edible to eat, but he gonna huff and puff about it without ever actually being upset.
Did you prank Laughing Jack, Jeff, or BEN? He will be there staring at you with the largest more defeated sigh he can muster as he brings you to his room to hide in while your victim calms down.
Did you see something you didn't want to while looking through mirror after mirror and now you're scarred? He's there and he will give you an awkward hug if that helps. Or he will do better just lending an ear and possibly a helping hand if necessary.
All in all if you're able to take care of yourself he'll treat you like any other creep, if not he will become the world's most tired and overworked dad. Just don't call him "dad" or "father" because he will get extremely defensive and might actually leave you out in the cold without help in your (minor) times of need for the immediate future. At least until he calms down and goes back to being the helpful tired dad he is.
Can you reflect a punch? Can you reflect a bullet? Can you reflect someone else's magic/not normal abilities? Can you reflect illusions? Or would your ability cut through the lie? He wants to know.
You think you know every capability you have? Think again. Brian is Curious✨ and on a mission to see just the extent of what you can and can't do.
Hoodie only exasperates this because he wants you to be useful on the field. And trust me, if he does end up finding you useful for something, he Will make sure that you will help him. Whether that's just asking or going as far as to blackmail you. It's entirely dependent on both you and the situation involved.
At least you have the mercy that Brian doesn't like to be cruel or excessively mean, so he will try to reign back Hoodie some. Not fully, but enough that Hoodie doesn't actually resort to more physical measures to get you to do what he wants.
You are screwed either way though. One wants to know just how far you can be pushed because he thinks it's fascinating, and the other wants the same thing, but only because he wants to use you in the best way he can. Good luck.
Can you teach him at all or is that only something you can do? Either way he tries to be involved with your abilities as much as he can.
If you don't know if you can bring other people into you dimension yet or not, he will happily be the first volunteer to test that. Thankfully Maskey told him to at least find someone else that wouldn't be bad to die in case it's not habitable to anyone else but you.
Though if the test goes well and you can actually bring him into your dimension without hurting or killing him, he will constantly be begging you to bring him with you to any mission you may have.
Thank fuck mirrors don't project sounds. Because even though you are supposed to be a spy, Toby just can not shut up long enough to actually let you be stealthy. But since you are in a mirror you and him are free to talk and make as much noise as you damn well please.
Though if your mission is to be outside of the mirror, either to pick something up or to kill someone real quick without anyone else knowing, he will pout. He wants to talk and have fun even while on missions, but he can't do that if you aren't in the mirror with him. And he can't leave the mirror without your help. So he's always in a catch 22 where he needs you to free him, but also that he doesn't want to not leave without you.
Please be nice and indulge him some. As best as you can. Just be warned, the more you indulge him, the more he will ask and beg for your attention.
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enigma731 · 2 years ago
This might just be my perspective but one of the reasons I'm only minimally concerned about Gamora's arc and what will happen between her and Peter is because Gunn seems to have a consistent approach to the guardians and their relationships. Once he established the different core relationships he then progressed to the element of the the team being an actual family and he's never altered that trajectory or approved anyone else altering it. The relationships get a foundation and then grow deeper from vol 1 through Endgame. Even the holiday special is more about consistency and growth rather than changing what's already been established. I don't see him removing Gamora from that pattern of storytelling while every other character gets to end their arcs with the same kind of love and connections they've been allowed to build throughout the story. That would be a really crappy way to handle her and I don't think that's what he's out to do. Same for Peter. Everything he's been in since Infinity War has been unwavering in making it clear how important Gamora is to him and how her loss has been devastating. He's not bringing them back together just to tear them apart or move away from what's been firmly established as one the most important relationships in gotg. I know some filmmakers are big on subverting expectations in thoughtless ways but Gunn isn't one if them.
Also everything I said above goes the same for Nebula and her relationship with Gamora. I know some people get worried about them too but I don't see Gunn tearing apart that hard fought for bond. I think thier ability to defy what Thanos wanted them to be and how he wanted them to relate has been one of the strongest overcoming abuse aspects of gotg. Their sisterhood is far to important to their arcs for Gunn to toss it all away at the end.
Yes. And her whole arc is very cohesive. There's no reason that would change now.
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May I request Nuada with a human reader that is a new witch. Something fluffy maybe?
Again, no access to my laptop yet, but I will try my best to do the request through my phone, and again I am so sorry for the errors!
I was planning for this to be simple and fluffy story but my imagination went a but wild but it still has many fluffs!! Please enjoy!!
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You closed as you held your hand forward to the fire bowl in front of you, clearing your senses you tried to connect with it but was unable to.
"Concentrate, (Y/n)." Said your teacher, and you tried but still felt no connection to the element. "Most witches can manipulate fire, you are just not trying enough."
Her words made you angry, which made your determination to proof her wrong rise. You took a few steps forward, believing that maybe the problem is with the distance, but you quickly stopped and pulled away when you got too close and almost burned your hands. Your teacher let out a disappointed sigh as you checked your hand for any injury.
"What am I going to do with you?" She said getting your attention. "You can't manipulate objects, or teleport, or control a simple human mind, and now not even control fire!"
You said nothing only held your hand in front of you and kept your head down in shame.
"You are a good Brewer, I admit that." She said. "But any other witch can be a Brewer, even humans even they had the ingredients!"
"I'm sorry... " was all you could say.
"Saying sorry without accomplishing anything doesn't make you any useful to the King!"
"What is the meaning of this?"
A familiar boming voice called making both you and your teacher tense as you turned to the double doors. Right there stood Prince nuada, his signature frown showed on his face and he made his way towards the two of you.
"Your royal highness!" Exclaimed your teacher who quickly bowed and you followed her action. You kept your head down until you saw his shoes standing in front of you.
"Raise your head." He ordered and you did. His golden eyes met yours fir a brief moment before looking to your teacher.
"What honor do we have that his highness decided to visit us?" Your teacher said with a smile, you'd have believed she was in a good mood if she didn't just yell at you a few moments ago.
"I came to see the progress of your students, but only could hear yelling from the end of the hall." He said in a very displeased manner making your teacher tense.
A few months ago the Elf King had extended a hand to the witches, asking for thier aid against the human and offering protection and ressources as an exchange. Your Cover was one of the few who agreed to stand by the King. However, unlike your sisters you weren't as talented as them, they could conjure spells to fight and defend against humans but you could do none of that. So your teacher had decided to use the King's ressources as a chance to give you better education, hoping your power would awake, but it didn't.
"My deepest apology your highness." She said bowing again. "It's just one of my student is being... Difficult."
"Difficult?" He repeated in question. "Elaborate."
She then went onto this rant of how you can't do anything, how you can't manifest one spell that could benefit the King or your self at that matter. The more she talked the more you wanted to dig a hole into the ground and hide yourself in it, you clenched your dress, fighting back tears of frustration. You were doing your best, and she doesn't even giving credit for that as she continued saying your were lazy. It only took for the Prince to lift his hand up for the elder witch to be silenced.
"I will be dealing with the young lady personally." He said but you kept your head down, missing how troubled your teacher looked.
"that's... That's very generous of you your highness, but I can't imagine letting you-"
"You said that this young witch is wasting resources, time, and refusing to learn. " he cut her off. "So I need to personal make her understand the wrongs of her actions."
It was a short while until your teacher finally walked away to leave the room. The Prince stood right in front of you but said and did nothing until both of you heard the double doors shut. It was silence between you two, only the cracking of wood in the fire behind you could be heard. Nuada reached forward, placed his hand under you chin and gently lifted your head so your sad eyes could meet his affectionate ones.
"My little witch, why do you look so sad?" He asked concerned. You pulled away from his hand.
"My teacher is right I can't do even one simple spell." You said. "But I swear it's not because I'm lazy!"
"I know my dear." He assured, and even though you are grateful to know that he was at your side, it still didn't make you feel any better.
You and Nuada had started this secret friendship of yours when he found you wondering around the royal library, which later you found out it was forbidden for anyone else but the royal family to enter, that day to apologized none stop, which amused the Prince. After that he kept finding you, always saying that he wants to make sure you won't be going to any forbidden areas, and from that some kind of a friendship blossomed between you two. But you wanted to keep it a secret, because if anyone found out of the kind of treatment he is giving you they'd think he is picking favorites.
"Let's go to the garden." He said pulling you out of your thoughts.
"But we can't be seen in public together. " you said. "Everyone would get ideas."
"What ideas?" He asked raising a brow.
"That there is something between us." You answered with a shrug.
"And what is wrong with that?"
his question made look up to him with confusion, but you couldn't see the look he had for he was already making his way to the double doors, obviously not taking a "No" for an answer and with a tired sigh you followed. As expected your teacher was right outside waiting, when she asked nuada simply answered that he needs to show you just how much they are giving hoping it would motivate you to work hard, which was an obvious lie but your teacher seems to believe him as she continued to thank him for his "merciful" choice of a lesson for you. You just repressed rolling your eyes as you followed nuada to the royal Garden.
When you first arrived to the Bethmoora clan palace, King Balor has welcomed you, as well as other covens with open arms and provided a tour in the palace so you may know where to go and where was what, and so far, Your favorite area was the garden. You walked side by side with Nuada in silence, he had his hands behind his back, his posture straight and head held high like a true Prince, while you wondered around at almost every touching it and smiling them, except for those, which were poisonous but admured from afar.
"You truly love nature don't you, little witch." Said Nuada breaking the silence.
"I do very much so." You confirmed. "I used to go on walks in the woods when I was younger, just find a beautiful tree with plenty of shade to set beneath and read... "
You paused as your smile slowly turned into a frown.
"It all changed when humans started hunting us down." You sighed. "We had to hide away, which means no going outside, I was very depressed being stuck in for walls with nothing else to do but practice, practice practice!"
Your last outburst made nuada chuckle.
"Glad to know my pain amuses you." You said with a pout.
"Never, my dear." He said with a smile. "You can simply be too adorable I can't help it."
His statement made you blush and your turned your head away pretending to inspect the flowers below. After knowing the Prince for a few weeks he started saying these complements that left you beaming red, you just assumed it was his nature to do so, but whenever he was with other people he'd be the scary intimidating Prince who's no-one dared to address him in less than his given title, but when the both of you alone, he insist on you calling him by his name.
"(Y/n), I have a question for you." He said having your full attention.
"Yes?" Whenever he called you by your name it's serious.
"Witches can have different powers an abilities, correct?"
"Yes, every Witches Coven is different than the other, for example I heard of those who can use dolls, which is strange yet intriguing."
"And you cannot do the same things your coven does, am I Correct?" He asked again.
"Yes... " Your shoulders slumped and as your brows furrowed in a sad manner.
"Then have you ever considered that maybe you do not share the same abilities as your sisters?" He finally asked and you gave him a look of bewilderment.
"What are you trying to say?"
"What I am trying to same my dear little witch, is that you cannot do the things your sister can do easily... " He said and you almost gonna retort angrily but he continued. "Because you do not carry the same ability as them."
"Are you saying that I carry different abilities?" You asked looking down at your hands.
Nuada started to lead you to another part of the garden a more private part near the palace walls where vines stretched high against the wall. And you would have questioned the location if you weren't already questioning yourself.
"Set down." Said nuada breaking out of your train of thoughts.
"Where are we?" You asked looking around confused as nuada lead you to set in a clear spot with no plants just grass.
"This is my secret place." He answered. " no-one knows of it except Nuala."
"Why did you bring me here?"
"To do this."
He said before pinning you against the wall. Your eyes were widened in shock, your (E/c) eyes met his golden once, he started to slowly lean down, and move brought his mouth closer to your ear.
"May I steal a kiss?" He asked almost timidly,and a blush crossed your face at the request.
You would be lying if you said you didn't dream about your relationship with Nuada to grow more of that of a friendship,but to happen so suddenly and finding out he to desired it, in such private place like this made your heart beat fast. You lowered your head and gave a timid nod giving your consent. The Prince delighted,he lifted your head up and chuckled probably by how tight you kept your eyes closed, but that didn't stop him as he leaned down and pressed his lips against your own. The kiss wasn't agressive or passionate, it was a simple chaste kiss that still made you feel as if your spirit has flown to the heavens and came back as he slowly pulled away. that was your first kis but it left you in such daze that you didn't hear what Nuada said.
"huh?.. What?" You asked quickly looking uo to him. He smirked at your reaction.
"I'm happy to see what kind of effect does my touch have on you.. "He said making you want to look away but he quickly stopped you and made you look above you. "However, you too seem to have a special touch of your own."
He was correct, because the simple green vine that was behind you has many white flowers blooming on it and you were speechless because they weren't there before. You pulled away to have a better look and the flowers seems to go as much as the vines, even the vines seem to have taken even larger parts of the palace.
"I... I did that?" You asked in wonder.
"You did, my little witch." He said with pride as he wrapoed his arms around you and hugged your from behind. "Yes you did my darling (Y/n)."
Nuada was waiting at the end of the hall where your teacher's chamber were, he could have waited right outside but he didn't want to draw attention. He heard the doors open and you bowing one last time to your teacher before closing the door and leaving. You had entered empty handed but got out with many different books in your arma that you struggled to lift. Nuada hurried by your side to carry them from you.
"What did she say?" He asked, and you gave him a big excited smile that brought his own.
"You are looking at the very first green witch in our coven!" You almost screamed.
"A green witch?" Nuada asked confused.
"Yes, I can't manipulate or create fire like my sisters." You started to explain. "But I can and will be able to manipulate plants, rocks, animals, the earth and weather!"
"And these books will help you?" He asked looking down at the books that talked about different plants, herba and history of green witches.
"Yes, and I can't wait to read them all." You gave a shy smile to nuada. "Thank you for helping me realize my true powers."
"Why are you thanking me?" He asked genuinely confused.
"You knew in was a green witch." You said. "You told me how I can be different kind of witch than my sisters and took me to... That place."
You blushed at the memory of that kiss.
"You are mistaken my dear, for I didn't know you were a witch of nature." He confessed.
"But... The kiss... " you trailed off.
"I kissed you because I wanted to do so for a long time now." He said with a mischievous grin. "And judging by the way you reacted you wanted the same thing."
Your face was pure red as you snatched the rest of the books from his hands and ran away to your room, being embarrassed made you forget how heavy the books were and hearing Nuada's amused laugh from behind didn't make it better, but for some reason you couldn't help the smile on your face for you just found out that Nuada returned your feelings.
Again sorry for any errors, or if it's too long and I hope you enjoyed it!
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