#also i think there's a part (a big part) of jim that feels very good about the idea of ethan hating himself for not following jim's orders.
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ethanhuntfemmefatale · 2 years ago
ok i have orchestra in the morning the rest of my unhinged mi1posting will be delayed until tomorrow....last thought for the night. it never ceases to amaze me how the entire team-murder plot is lovingly constructed around ethan. there's this deep knowledge of ethan's instincts, his reactions, his decision making, that goes into the minutiae of the plan. im just thinking about jim sitting dreaming this up and knowing what it would to do to ethan--there's such a theatricality to it! he's putting on a show, ethan learned how to do that from him! he's literally creating this Experience that ethan will go through like a fucking theme park ride, first he goes here, then he goes here. In order to get Sarah alone Jim has to make sure Ethan knows that his (Jim's!) life is in danger, and then Ethan will choose to come find him personally, send Sarah after Golitsyn. it's so INTIMATE
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man-down-in-hatchet-town · 7 months ago
As promised, some initial thoughts on the things I loved about seeing this show. Spoiler free, since most of us haven't gotten to see it yet, and under the cut since I do wax a bit poetic...
Cinderella’s Castle is, in a strange way, an exercise in irony. The show is a retelling of an ancient story that is beloved and recited throughout so many cultures, and yet somehow feels completely fresh. The modern take on glam-punk lighting, a score infused with styles from 80s synth to anime, a high fantasy set with the costumes to match, the spirit of Jim Henson lingering through both the puppets and some larger and intangible vibe, a script combining that Starkid humor and Hatchetfield darkness with a whole different style of speaking… all of these beautifully executed elements melted together into something that I’ve never before seen. To take a tale as old as time and make it unique is no easy feat, but Starkid did so with magic and charm to spare.
Like any good Starkid show, Cinderella’s Castle is relentlessly dynamic: fun and tragic and exciting and just-plain-silly, with many twists and turns and character moments will make you gasp or cheer just as often as you laugh. It simply rollicks. The story clicks right along, especially in act 2, but the characters are so distinct and fun that I found myself almost wishing the Langs had sacrificed their plotting and pace just to spend more time hanging with every single member of this ensemble of personalities.
And that’s also a tribute to the actors themselves. Jeff is David Bowie reborn as the impish and fabulous narrator. Jon and Joey bring Hop A Lot and Crumb to life with so much charm and presence that they practically had the audience eating out of their hands from the very first second. Like, seriously, you will not believe how invested you will immediately become in these talking animals. Kim’s Fairy Queen is as radiant and terrible as promised; her portrayal of immortal inhuman power compels and commands and stands fully distinct from the Lords in Black. Lauren and Mariah are delightfully disgusting as the vile but deeply lovable troll step-sisters; you can feel the fun they’re having practically radiating off of them. Curt’s Tadius is dryly funny and put-upon, but also provides a vitally grounding and centering presence in the larger-than-life world of the Lands That Are. His big scene with Bryce is probably my favorite part of the whole show. James Tolbert is nothing short of an absolute STAR as the Prince, stealing scene after scene after scene with ease and charm and more jokes about genitalia than I think any of us expected. Angela once again displays a completely different facet of her never-ending range, exuding such elegance and control even in trollish filth that I do fear that the kids on the internet are going to start calling her “mother” with greatly increasing frequency. "Facade" was an absolute highlight of the night. And of course Bryce anchors, propels, and heightens every scene she’s in with such apparent ease you forget she’s been rehearsing for weeks and isn’t simply Ella herself. Ella is this world’s bruised, brave, and angry heart, and you will absolutely root for her every step of the way as she wrestles with who she is and learns what it means to claim her own power.
This was Starkid’s biggest budgeted show to date, and you could tell. This group of Michigan Wolverines and friends have accomplished incredible things since the Very Potter days of a single door and some cardboard columns, and I’m so proud of how far they’ve come. And yet Cinderella’s Castle, the fifteenth musical in the fifteenth year, still retains some of that core Starkid magic that I’ve always believed boils down to love. You can so often see that love emanating from the performers on a Starkid stage: love for the show, for their friends, for their craft, for the audience’s energy pushing them through. And the sense of love and support and community radiating from the audience is just as palpable. The man sitting behind me last night was at his first ever Starkid show, and afterwards he remarked in awe how that was the best audience he’d ever been in. And all that love isn’t unearned—it is built and it is nourished by a proud history of creativity, of song and of dance and of laughter and tears. And Cinderella’s Castle, I think, is going to prove an installment worthy of both Starkid’s past and future.
Starkid family, Bogs Hollow grants thee Starlight.
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fortemelody · 6 months ago
here’s some things i noticed/wondered/loved:
- i think in that scene where tom is on the ground yelling for sonic, he is wearing a special forces suit. maybe he upgraded from cop to working with gun?? if so i think that’s a really good use of his character actually! he wanted to save a life and raise a family above all else yes, but he still got his previous dream of doing more serious cop work!
- shadow just. has a big ass portal?? like holy shit he’s just suckin the life outta earth and ig that’s one way to do it (or maybe it’s just a ring and i’m stupid idek)
- i’m sure we’ll learn more about this in the actual movie so i’m not too worried, but i’m super confused at the very beginning scene. apparently sonic didn’t change his heart…but he did tho? like he learned what being a true hero meant in the last movie. tbh i feel like that’s enough but hey i’m not against more character development for our boy so!! (also that bit where he’s like “in my lungs” was actually really funny to me, ben schwartz’ awesome delivery caught me off guard)
- GERALD ROBOTNIK ALIVE HUUUUH?! tbh i would’ve preferred if maria was alive, i feel like that would be an interesting dynamic. but also ig that would make it harder for shadow to learn anything so i totally get it. anyways i’m just glad they’re putting a little twist on the story, it keeps it interesting. they already sorta did that with the knuckles and iblis thing actually! (even if that show sucked ass and although that probably wasn’t intentional 😭)
- even tho bro only got like… 3 lines, i really think keanu fits shadow. he’s very soft spoken in comparison to the rest of the case which feels nice. also he’s like the “really bad” guy so ofc he’s not gonna be yappin on and on like sonic or robotnik and he’s gonna take things uber seriously.
- where was my girl maddie :( i think she was only in like a singular frame. hope shes in the movie a somewhat significant amount. i heart pretzel lady!! could live without wade tho like pls im so sick of his bowling soap opera 💀
- FAT ROBOTNIK FAT ROBOTNIK FAT ROBOTNIK!!! after fucking 3 movies they finally fulfilled jim carrey’s wishes!! let the man get creative like please i love jim carrey sm aughdfhfnfmschxj. also love how we got so much stobonik content within that short scene like jesus come get y’all’s food
- shadow at one point says something along the lines of “when we’re done, there won’t be anything left.” maybe i’m reading WAY to into this but what does the “we’re” part mean?? is he working with others? i feel like this is either gonna be team dark or some new movie exclusive character(s). edit: someone made a valid point that he’s actually probably referring to gerald (look at reblogs!)
-CHAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lowkey wonder if the room therye in is like an amusement park or somethin like that
- no sign of amy :( but honestly my prediction now is that she’s gonna be the post credit scene teaser cus they always do a new character reveal there. first tails, then shadow. and honestly now i think it might be better that way so shadow can have a chance to breathe and show his story in full. i’m pretty sure i vaguely remember colleen (tails’ VA) being kinda mysterious about amy’s appearance when asked, and also the fact that it was confirmed that this isn’t the end of the movie franchise/universe. but ig we’ll just have to wait and see!
so sorry i stated this yesterday morning to give my initial thoughts but then got busy and completely forgot to post/finish it. and today i started (and am close to finishing) a very long edit of the trailer, so be on the look out for that too!
genuinely i feel like this movie is gonna somehow be even more record breaking than any of the previous movies and i am so here for the hype 🙏
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blakbonnet · 5 months ago
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*DRUM ROLL* This AOTW is the podfic edition of our beloved weekend celebration of great artists in this fandom, and our featured artist this week is none other than @lindie-kninjaknitter ✨ If you're a lover of podfics, you've definitely heard at least one of Lindie's 265 fics either on your commute or because their voice is just so calming. Lindie also agreed to answer some questions for me:
Let's start with the technical: what are the programs you use to create your lovely podfics?
I use GarageBand to record with a ShureMV7 microphone, and I use Audacity for processing and post on SoundCloud.
How did you get into podficcing? Is this the first fandom you've tried it for?
I got into podfic making I knew what a podfic was. The story “No One Would Riot For Less” by sacrificethemtothesquid was a retelling of season one from Ed’s POV. I couldn’t put it down. So I recorded into the Voice Memos on my phone so I could take it with me on walks. When I found out that this was something that people do, I asked the author for permission to post and they said yes, and with the encouragement of some generous kind pirates in the comments I recorded more.
What made you fall in love with narrating stories?
This is the only fandom I’ve recorded although after I did a few stories, I auditioned for some books on audible and have recorded two stories there. It was not as rewarding or enjoyable as recording fanfiction. I love that the audio out there helps people in the ways it does. Folks tell me they listen while they do boring tasks or enjoyable art or their commute. I feel like I get to sit in the corner of a room in so many peoples lives, reading these awesome stories and it makes me very happy.
Any tips for beginners who wants to give podficcing a shot?
Tips for beginners! There are some good resources on AO3, the sapphires project, tree change project… These were designed to try to support new podfic makers as well as get those stories to audio. But I think the most important thing is find a story you want to live in! Something you really, really love, and then record it on your phone or whatever you have. I didn’t have a microphone until I started Hell or High Water.
Sound quality wise the two big things you need to do are to get your voice through a recording device and onto your DAW (digital work station – mine is GarageBand) While at the same time, eliminating other noises as much as possible. Echo is not your friend so a bathroom is your worst option… a place with soft walls blankets carpet on the floor in a quiet corner works great. Or a closet.
What is your favourite podfic that you've narrated?
My favorite podfic is which ever one I’m working on right now! There are some I am particularly proud of the vocal performance. Throat G.O.A.T. stands out… Constellationism, Baddy Zaddy have such sense of place! Captive of the Pirate King was the first one in which I really felt part of a community. I’ve made… 260 so far… each one was my favorite as I worked on it!
What are your personal challenges when it comes to narrating podfics?
I always want to do more than I can reasonably actually record. In choosing one it means I’m unchoosing several others.
I have dyslexia… sometimes I cannot get into the flow of reading which is frustrating.
There are some topics and materials I find difficult to narrate. Often that discomfort is offset by many other things that I love about a story and so I will narrate them anyway.
When I am approaching difficult material, I do a lot of journaling. I take breaks. I record sentences in pieces, then stitch it together and I am pretty sure you can’t tell in the finished recording.
We have a wonderful community of narrators who are there to listen and help each other with things like this.
Why OFMD? ��
Why OFMD? I think the underlying story of figuring yourself out later in life really appeals to me. I see myself in many of the characters, Ed, Stede, Jim, Izzy, Lucius… This story and the crew have really helped me understand myself better… feel less broken? (Chapter 25 baby!!!) feel less of an outsider? To recognize that parts of myself that I’ve had to tone down my whole life are worthy of being loud about.
Please head on over to @ofmdlovelyletters to leave your love for Lindie 💕
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One of the things about Stede that absolutely kills me is that I don't think we ever see him defend himself.
Stede has such a negative view of himself, and it's clearly gotten to the point where he thinks everyone else is justified in assuming the worst, too. He acts so confident that it's almost something you can miss, so I can't even blame Ed for not noticing just how bad Stede's self-image is.
Stede never tries to explain his behavior. He just nods along when other people tell him how they interpreted his actions.
S1E3: Stede, about to be hanged, says "I deserve that" when Jim calls him "the worst pirate captain in history." Now, yes, he's been just the worst pirate ever up until this point, but he's literally about to die and he doesn't even try to get sympathy or reassurance.
S1E9 - Stede never even bothers trying to explain that Nigel's death was an accident, he says he stole Nigel's sword and jammed it through his head. Part is obviously to make sure he takes the blame instead of Ed, who already confessed, but he could have given the true account of events.
S1E10 - Stede seems bummed but definitely not surprised to see Mary and the kids are doing so well without him. Never explains himself or tells Mary that he'd been feeling so trapped and terrible. When Mary tried to skewer him, his biggest cricitism was about how maybe she should have tried smothering him or using a pillow instead.
S2E1-E3 - Stede can only assume Ed's behavior at the beginning of the season is his fault alone, but he never, ever tries to pass blame. He never even thinks about blaming Ed or any crew members' actions. As far as he's concerned, the responsibility is his alone.
S2E4 - I think it's very natural that Stede's explanation to Ed wouldn't include the fact that Chauncy dragged him out of bed and shot himself in front of him. It might make Ed feel better to know Stede wasn't just panicking about their relationship moving too fast, he'd also just been through a very traumatic event, but Stede doesn't think of it like that. As far as he's concerned, he has no excuses and Ed is right to blame him entirely.
Always, every time, Stede assumes everyone is always working with the understanding that Stede fucked up big time and he deserves complete blame for everything that happens as a result. He never tries to contextualize his actions. He assumes the worst of himself and thinks everyone else is right to do so too.
I'm glad Ed's started to pick up on how much Stede is desperate for approval. I hope he realizes how much Stede needs reassurance and how much good saying "you're not the worst person alive and you're not irredeemable" will do for him.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
The omegaverse post is getting. VERY long- so I’m swinging into here-
At two-three ish years old, i think Damian would be on solid foods at that point, granted- he did just come from a cloning tube, so he wouldn’t have had any solid foods- but nonetheless, I don’t think Bruce would start producing milk.
Also, Pit rage + Dynamics?
I can see either that the Pit Rage is almost completely removed from the equation due to Jason having grown up with unnatural instincts, (There is a Lazarus pit in Gotham after all, he could have immunity due to being raised in the hellpit that is Gotham) or it’s so much worse.
Jason will either be almost completely uneffected except for being a bit more feral, or will drop into angry ferality at the drop of a hat.
And you know that Tim will end up being smothered by both Jason and Bruce- though, most often it’s Jason because Jason now has a little brother- one that needs his help and protection from his clearly neglectful parents.
Tim has no idea how dynamics work- and While very much annoyed by it, Atleast Jason can teach Tim how to be a proper pup with Steph’s help. (I can see Jason having helped taught Dick when he first came to the manor in a similar way)
And Steph will want to join in. This pack is a mess, but she she still wants to help. While She’s not full Wayne pack, she is definitely on the fringes of the pack. Not as much as Jim, but still there. ‘Sides, it’s fun playing with a big pack like the Wayne Pack! There’s so much chaos and Bruce makes amazing nests.
Also- Dynamic Headcanons time, in order of hierarchy cus why not.
Bruce - Head Omega
Alfred - Elder Beta
Dick - Alpha (Defaulted to Head alpha due to being the only adult alpha in the core part of the pack)
Jason - Pup Omega (Presented)
Tim - Pup Beta (Unpresented)
Damian - Puppy
Steph, Jim, and Barbara are on the fringes of the pack, so their rank in the pack often changes depending on what’s needed. But they default right above the pups more often than not.
Also, I can see all three of them being alphas.
Good idea lol- I'll add links to the previous ones too. 1 2
First of all, yesss. Tim is slowly brought out of his shell and encouraged by the combined might of the entire pack. No, Bruce and Jason are not almost sobbing in relief the first time Tim actually responds like a pup should.
Omg, I absolutely adore the idea of tiny pup Jason helping Dick learn how to pup. Dragging him into wrestles and gnawing at him until he asks him to stop.
I feel like Steph tries to stay on the edge of the pack but slowly gets sucked in lol, not helped by the fact that she's Spoiler. And getting dragged into the Batman's side of a pack too. It is inevitable at this point.
Gosh, what if the pit rage like, he's fine and completely in control as long as there's a Lazarus presence- which is thankfully all around Gotham. But like, if he leaves an area that hasn't had any sort of death-juice corruption he loses it a little bit. Like he has to learn how to control it before he can properly leave Gotham- outside of emergencies where he has a pendant or something with a tiny bit of the Waters maybe?
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tubbytarchia · 9 months ago
hi im watching the slime rancher vod in preparation for. the next slime rancher stream. important parts (to me):
jimmy "i love to suck" solidaritygaming
he calls the pogofruits pogfruits and idk how to feel about it. he yearns to be a twitch streamer
he noticed his character woke up at 6am and made this face and i think its one of the best jim expressions vvv
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chat mentions tango and the multiplayer mod. he says it seems the kind of thing tango would like (RANCHER SLIME RANCHER STREAM PLEASE)
he was picking up every single pink slime. its only when he reached 50 pink slimes that he realised he might have too many
he looks at the moon and makes a moon big reference. yes this is incredibly important
"i didnt suck the fruit off" ok. ok
he fully admits hes loving the game........... rancher jimmy is still real. he compares it to stardew valley
he completes a mission and receives a new kind of chicken + rooster. a slime eats the rooster before he can pick it up and i think its the closest hes come to swearing on stream in a WHILE
he refers to the gold slime as "the spenny one" STOP BEING BRITISH
all in all good stream. even chat isnt super annoying. top tier. not really any "lore" stuff or whatever but its jimmy. he didnt die at all but his closest death was to his own rock slimes
THANK YOU FOR THE STREAM RECAP I am still happy for this even if it's nothing significant for Jimmy's character. That sounds so cool and awesome I'm so happy he likes the game. Can he stop talking about sucking. The "moon big" reference is so cute, I figured Jimmy knew of HC8 but I never expected him to reference it... And him collecting pink slime specifically is also very cute....
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 1 month ago
Save Her! (Kirk/Spock)
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Description: Kirk sends his and Spock’s girlfriend on an away mission without them due to a meeting.....
Word Count: 1,935
Request:Hi, if you’re comfortable, could I request a star trek fanfic where both Kirk and Spock are y/n’s boyfriends (poly relationship). Maybe they’re on an away mission together and their girl gets into trouble and they have to save her. Thank you <3
Author’s note: I missed the part about them being on the mission together but I feel like it’s still pretty good
Lying in bed Y/N was nervous for this mission. It was a big one and not just because of the description but because her boyfriends were not gonna be there with her. Kirk hated that he couldn’t reschedule the meeting that he and Spock had but he trusted her and Bones so he had hoped that everything would be okay.
Spock also was worried but didn’t show it like Kirk did. Y/N was cuddled against Spock while Kirk spooned her. He was still asleep but Spock and Y/N were wide awake dreading today. Even with Bones and Scotty there Y/N couldn’t help but feel scared. She needed her boyfriends there but it was not possible.
“It will be okay.” Spock told her like he could tell she was scared. “I hope so.” Kirk stirred in his sleep and Spock checked the clock. Kirk had 5 minutes left of sleep before he had to get up. “I must get up and get ready.” He told her and she nodded. She leaned up and gave him a kiss on the lips before letting him get up.
Her moving caused Kirk to wake, “Good morning.” He mumbled to her and she giggled. “Is it a good morning though?” She asked. He sighed and pulled her closer, “I hope so. I’m very nervous about today.” He told her and she agreed. “You must get up Jim. We have that meeting.” Spock tells him and Kirk mocks him. Y/N giggles and pushes him out of bed. “I’ll be fine.” She tells him. But would she? 
She was shaking in her boots and it wasn’t just from the coldness of the planet. Bones, Scotty and her were covered in blankets and coats as they went on a hunt for shelter. “You think we are getting closer?” She yelled over the wind to her friends.
Bones grumbled something and Scotty pointed ahead. It looked like a cave. They were miles away from it and she hoped they would make it before they couldn’t walk anymore. It was that cold. “Good thing we came prepared.” Scotty yelled and that was the truth.
Time was slowing as they walked to the cave. It felt like hours but it was only 20 minutes until they reached it. All three were shaking and colder than the planet itself it seemed. Bones was dragging the wood into the cave which was heavy. “Either of you could have helped.” He told them as they walked into the cave. “Ey you were the one to find the wood.” Scotty told the man. “At Least we can light it now.” Y/N told the men and they agreed.
Y/N looked around and scanned the cave for anything. The cave was quiet and cold but maybe that was a good thing. With it being daylight out they could still see some of the cave. “Guys light the fire.” She told them, still shaking from the cold. “Wanna come over here and help?” Bones asked with a little sass. 
They all sat around the fire and talked a little. Y/N wondered how Spock and Kirk were doing and hoped that they weren’t worrying like she was. “Guys, we left the food by the entrance.” She said as she looked for it. “We left it outside the cave. It might be frozen by now.” Bones said and she sighed. She got up and started walking. “Want us to come?” Scotty asked and she told him No. She was a big girl, she had this.
But she thought that too soon because once she was outside to grab the food she got attacked by some creature and screamed. Bones and Scotty stood up and looked at each other in terror before running to the entrance of the cave. They saw the creature carrying an unconscious Y/N and yelled out. “We have to get in contact with Jim and Spock.” Bones told Scotty. 
The meeting was over and they were back in their quarters. Spock who was more calm then Jim watched as he paced the room. “Pacing will not help.” Spock told him and Jim chuckled, “Yeah well sitting here won’t help either.” Kirk was more than nervous. He wanted to find them right now and just make sure that everything was okay. He couldn’t lose her, they couldn’t lose her.
Spock was about to say something when the comms went off. Kirk ran over to his and picked it up. “Bones to Kirk.” It was breaking up but luckily he could understand it. “Kirk here.” He said as his heart beat. Spock joined him as they tried to listen to what Bones was saying. “And she’s lost.” Was all they heard. “What?” Kirk nearly yelled through the comm. She was lost?
“Some creature took her and we need help!” Kirk felt his heart drop, this was his biggest fear and why he never had her go on a mission without him or Spock. “We are coming.” Spock said and though Kirk could sense nervousness in his voice he masked it very well. 
“Beam us down right now.” Kirk demanded the ensign as Spock and he ran to the transporter. Cliche as it was, it didn't work and Kirk was freaking out. Spock had never seen him act like this but they also have never been in this situation before. “We need to take a shuttle down there.” He was spewing ideas and Spock placed a hand on his shoulder, “Jim, we will get to her.” He told his boyfriend.
Jim knew that Spock had better control on his emotions but during this how could he? “How are you so calm right now? Our girlfriend might be dead and you are just acting like it’s fine?” He yelled at Spock who raised his eyebrows. Spock was not acting like it was fine or to him he wasn’t but Kirk took his calmness to heart. “Jim I am not trying-” “I am freaking the fuck out right now and I don’t need your comfort! I need us down there looking for her! And I need you to act like you give a shit.” That set Spock off.
“I do give a shit, I just know that acting illogically won’t help the situation.” He yelled at Kirk. Kirk’s eyes widened at the outburst and they were beamed down onto the planet. They looked around and tried to ignore the cold. They had a coat and blanket but that was it. They should have more but they both were freaking out. Jim used his comm to let Bones know that they landed and were on the hunt for Y/N. “The cave I see it!” Spock said and the two, cold as can be, ran like hell to the cave.
Scotty saw them halling ass to them and waved them over. Thankfully they got transported closer to the cave then Bones, Y/N and Scotty did. “Where the hell is she?” Kirk asked Scotty. “The creature took her to an underground cave a few miles that way.” “Bones?” Spock asked. “By or inside the cave.” They nodded and followed Scotty to where the creature was. Kirk had never looked more pissed and nervous than he did now.
The cave was more creepy than the one that they were in. “She’s in here?” “Should be.” Kirk, without a thought, went into the cave. Spock followed but hated that they didn’t come up with a plan. The cave was darker than the last one and more silent if that was possible. They could hear soft cries of what sounded like their girlfriend. “Y/N?” Kirk whispered and ran to the noise. Spock followed knowing how illogically it was.
“Please don’t hurt me.” She cried to them. Kirk felt his heart break at that. Spock leaned down and shined the light on her. “It is okay t’hy’la. We are here.” Spock told her. “We’re gonna get you out of here.” Kirk told her. “He’ll be back soon.” She whispered. “Who will be back?” Kirk asked and Y/N sighed. “The creature that took me.” Kirk looked around, “Maybe we can get you out of here before that.” Kirk had hope but Y/N didn’t. “He’s strong hun, he knocked me out.” Y/N told him and they heard a noise.
Hoping that it was Scotty. “We will get you out of here and then after we will get married.” Y/N looked at Kirk like he was crazy. Married? “It is something we have talked about.” Spock told her and the footsteps got louder, it was definitely not Scotty. Kirk and Spock kissed her before hiding. “Jim, is that you?” A whisper asked and they turned to the noise. “Bones?” Jim felt like a terrible friend cuz he forgot about him.
“Yes it’s me. I managed to sneak past the creature before it left.” “Why did you not attack it?” Spock asked. “My phaser broke and Y/N no longer has hers.” Bones told them. Kirk hit the two as he noticed the 8 foot tall creature that was moving towards Y/N. She was whimpering in fear as the creature stalked towards her. Was it going to eat her? Kirk was thinking of the worst. Could the three of them take it? Spock noticed it was limping towards as if it was attacked already.
Scotty! He wasn’t in the cave with them. “Please.” Y/N whispered as it leaned down and sniffed her face. Kirk had to act now before it was too late but only had a phaser. Spock was looking for something to kill it with. Jim aimed the phaser at the creature with shaky hands. It hit the creature but didn’t kill it. The creature yelled in pain and stepped away from Y/N.
Jim kept hitting it with the phaser hoping it would kill it eventually. Scotty must have heard it scream cuz he ran forward with a piece of wood and hit it. Jim watched as it barely affected the creature but got an idea from it. They needed to make it into a sphere or light it on fire. “Spock, I have an idea.” 
Kirk ran over to Scotty who nearly screamed in fear until he realized it was Kirk. “We need to set the wood on fire.” Scotty nodded. The creature saw the two and tried to attack but Spock hit it in the foot that was injured. It nearly fell as Kirk used the phaser to set the wood on fire. It burned and he threw it at the creature. For once the entire cave was lit up and everyone stared as the creature caught on fire.
Kirk and Spock ran over to Y/N who was quivering and helped her get loose for the chains. Y/N quickly hugged them but Bones was yelling, “We have to go.” They quickly got up and Spock carried her out of the cave leaving the screaming creature behind. Spock wrapped Y/N in the blanket with him as they got away from the cave.
“5 to beam up.” Kirk called into the comm and thankfully this time it worked. Y/N looked around and sighed in relief that she was back on the enterprise. Kirk sighed in relief that she was okay. “I need a hot shower.” She mumbled into Spock’s neck and he chuckled, something he didn’t do often but he was happy. 
Y/N showered in the hot water and sighed. It felt amazing but even more amazing cuz her boyfriends joined her. “I’m glad you’re okay.” Kirk told her and Spock agreed. She smiled and pulled them closer under the water with her. “Now about that wedding?”
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angel-princess-anna · 8 months ago
Hugh Bonneville promises 'new elements' and 'thrills and spills' in Downton Abbey 3
The actor tells Yahoo UK that he thinks the new film is the "best" of the franchise
Downton Abbey made some big changes on the big screen with 2022's A New Era, but Robert Crawley star Hugh Bonneville assures Yahoo UK that the upcoming third film will be even bigger and better than anything that has come before it.
Speaking with Yahoo UK for a Role Recall interview, the actor shares that the film feels like a "lovely coming together of people". Fans will be rivetted by what is to come for Robert and the Crawley family because the film is full of "spills and thrills" according to Bonneville, who took a break from production to promote his new ITV series Douglas is Cancelled.
"For my character, I think the usual [can be expected], which is that he's a sort of dinosaur trying to be led into the future reluctantly, and then eventually he stumbles forward a bit," Bonneville teases.
"So as always, there's that rhythm of things changing with glacial slowness, and Robert finally accepting that things [are changing] — it's time to move the story on, so to speak. It's got the usual tropes, if you like, of thrills and spills in a very Downtown [sic] way, which means spilling a tea cup pretty much!
"People who've watched the show over the years and have loved it will miss Maggie Smith's presence. She doesn't step out of the shower and it's all been a dream, she is gone.
"But, I think there's so much warmth and fun to enjoy, and new elements as well — which I won't spoil — that I think it'll certainly be the best iteration of the film versions yet."
The third Downton Abbey film will see the original cast return including Michelle Dockery, Elizabeth McGovern, Jim Carter and Laura Carmichael, while A New Era's Dominic West will also reprise his role as Guy Dexter. They will be joined by a host of new characters played by Paul Giamatti, Joely Richardson, Simon Russell Beale, and Alessandro Nivola.
Details of the story have not yet been revealed, but Bonneville's positivity about it seems like a good sign. The actor also spoke of how it still surprises him that the franchise has become as beloved as it has since the show first premiered in 2010 because it didn't originally seem like it would.
"It never ceases to amaze me, it did when it first started in 2010 and here we are, 14 years later, we're making a third movie," he explains. "At least one of our producers said, 'well, it's never gonna last beyond seven episodes anyway so don't lose too much sleep about this', and here we are all those years later still together.
"What's been really interesting is there's a whole new generation of people watching it and still finding it engaging, and also what's been rather touching, particularly over the pandemic, [was] when people were stuck at home and they revisited a show that had finished five years before.
"Each of us have had lots of letters from people saying: 'I used to watch it with my Gran', or 'my son who is now married', or 'my husband, who's now passed on', or whatever. It had an emotional resonance for the period of time that it was on, and people find comfort in it, and revisited it like a warm bath.
"I'm not complaining because it's been a wonderful part of my life and we're filming the third film at the moment, it's a lovely coming together of people I care deeply about, and that's just the fictional characters."
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chaoticpolarity · 2 months ago
Ok, I just saw Sonic 3, and I'm gonna talk about it under a Keep Reading, so spoilers ahead on the movie and my thoughts
I'm still a little insane off the adrenaline, so my thoughts may change later, but this is what I think fresh off the experience.
It was REALLY GOOD, but I'm not going to lie to myself and say that it was incredible and met all the criteria. I'm gonna get the negative-ish out of the way first, then I'll rave, okay? Okay. Gerald Robotnik also played by Jim Carrey basically fell into the trap I was worried about, in that he was kind of just another Eggman in a slightly different coat of paint. The two Robotniks are very different flavors of insane at the point in which we meet them in SA2, so, while I hoped Jim Carrey may prove he has some range as a Robotnik, I was a bit let down, but not entirely surprised. He wasn't BAD, per se, but he sort of shone a spotlight on how I'm not the hugest Jim Carrey Eggman fan anyways. That's my opinion, of course; I know some people really like Jim Carrey as Eggman, and again, he's not bad.
Also, I know we as fans were told that Shadow and Maria's story would play a big part in the movie, but...I have to say, that's the real sticking point for me with this movie, especially with Shadow Generations to compare it to. Did anyone notice that Maria's influence on Shadow was really muted? It was there, and he clearly cared about her a lot, and I did like how they showed Shadow was alienated from the scientists and had doubts about his potentially being a monster. But Maria wasn't portrayed as sick, she didn't show any love for the Earth (probably because they changed the story and location of the lab, cuz that wasn't the ARK), and so she didn't really influence Shadow's taking care of the Earth after she was gone. Which sort of made her loss...pretty generic, in all honesty. Like, I know Maria was fridged in the canon material, but the movie actually made her feel MORE fridged in not giving her as much of a voice for Shadow to be influenced by and for Gerald to twist around and ignore.
Anyways, I think that's the negatives out of the way; let's get more positive now, shall we?
Compared to the previous movies, the dumb silly moments were actually weirdly enjoyable despite the cringe. Like, during the Eggmen's laser light show dance, I said, out loud, "I hate that I kind of like this," lol.
I was actually kind of surprised at how they subverted some of my/our expectations on how Sonic and Shadow interacted, especially near and at the end of the movie. To make Shadow be the one to Sort Of talk Sonic down, and then Sonic talk Shadow down, and then have Sonic be the one to lose his Super form and plummet to Earth, while still having Shadow "die" in the end...lots of twists and turns there! I did like their little quiet moment on the moon, admittedly. I knew it would probably happen, cuz Shadow needed to switch sides, and Sonic was gonna be the one to do it with the absence of the girls, but it was still nice.
The "Talk about a low budget flight" moment TOOK ME THE FUCK OUT??? Like, I did not expect them to go full reference at that moment, but OF COURSE SONIC WOULD SAY THAT THERE.
Anyways...now let's talk about the part where I actually screamed...which was, of course, the mid credits scene. Here's a play-by-play of how I reacted: "Oh shit, Metal Sonic! ...Hmmm...I'm a little disappointed, not gonna lie, since that's technically another "guy" character, and I was hoping for at least Amy...wait...wait a minute, weren't Amy and Metal Sonic introduced in the same game? wAIT-" *Amy appears, busting up the Metals with her Piko Piko Hammer* "YES!!!" But yeah, like, holy shit, fears of it being a trilogy averted! Also, since the end-credits scene confirmed Shadow didn't die, and is in a different locale than everyone else...and Amy Rose is introduced next movie...that means there's a VERY real possibility that Rouge is coming along too!!! YAY!!! Anyways, I rate the movie an 8/10 as a Sonic fan (different rating if it was for being a movie). Better than the previous two, which were a 6/10 and a 7/10 respectively. Not exactly what we all hoped for out of a Shadow story, but not bad in any ways, just sort of diluted compared to the source material.
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spaceofentropy · 7 months ago
The fic has been out for a few days already, but I can finally make my own post and inflict it on y'all, and nobody can stop me, bwahahahahahah!
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*cough* So, I took part in the Stranger Things Big Bang (2024 edition) and was so lucky that @lemonhitsu claimed my fic and made some amazing art for it, and also this banner up here! I'm so honored to have his great art on my fic, and proud to have inspired him even just a tiny bit! T^T Look at what he made! So pretty! So sad! So perfect!
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My fic is a story about pining boys, with a big dose of angst and fluff, and a happy ending (and some smut just at the end). It's titled Flesh for Fantasy (thank you for the title, Billy Idol!) and you can find it here on ao3.
It's inspired by a Teen Wolf fic that I have reread a bit too many times and never fails to give me all the feels thanks to so much delicious angst and I'm a sucker for good angst, oh, yes I am! But I digress.
I loved writing my story, and mixing reality and Fantasy was a fun way to stretch my writing muscles. I was very lucky that @dragonflylady77 beta-read it for me, and that she and @medusapelagia patiently listened to me ramble while I was still writing it.
Anyway, here's the link to the story once again, and here are the info about the fic itself:
Flesh for Fantasy Rated E; 32000 words; no archive warnings Relationship: Billy/Steve Characters: Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Billy Hargrove, the Party, Maxine Mayfield, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Neil Hargrove, Susan Hargrove, Steve's parents The big tags: no Upside Down AU; Neil Hargrove; Child Abuse; car accidents; hospitals; blood and injury; broken bones; touch-starved Billy Hargrove; fluff and angst; emotional hurt/comfort; Platonic stobin; hopeless crushes; eventual smut; homophobia; non-sexual intimacy Synopsis: In a world where if you Fantasize about someone, that person feels it on their skin, someone starts Fantasizing about Steve Harrington. But instead of being sexual Fantasies, it's for cuddles and soft touches, so restrained that Steve has no idea who his phantom hugger is. All he knows is they must have a good reason to keep hidden like that.
I also have a little (?) snippet, but it's under the cut so the post is not too long on the timeline :P
"Do you think I look lonely?" She's taken aback by what must feel like a sudden change in subject. "Uh… No. I mean… sometimes, maybe. Babe, what does this have to do with anything?" "The Dreamer. It's never, like, a sex thing." "But that's what Fantasies are for. For sex!" "I know, okay, but this is… It's hugs. This person, whoever it is, hugs me." Steve gives Robin a couple of seconds to look at him in stunned silence and digest his words, then he asks her: "Do I look like I need a hug that bad that someone feels it's their duty to provide one?" "How long has this girl been giving you Fantasy hugs?" Robin asks, her tone poised somewhere between bewildered and worried. "Aside from the fact I don't even know if it's a guy or a gal, it's been… uh… weeks? A month? Maybe more, I'm not sure." "And you never told me a thing?!" she shouts, outraged. "I just did!" Robin smacks the back of her hand on his arm in an offended gesture. "That doesn't count and you know it!"
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about-faces · 10 months ago
I'm still loving Gotham Nocturne and I wish it was getting the love/respect/attention is deserves. I've spoken several people who haven't been reading the current Detective Comics run because they're Batmanned Out (good lord, do I get it) and they see it as just another attempt at some kind of "ultimate Batman story with Batman fighting the ultimate evil," which I strongly disagree with.
THAT SAID... as time has gone on, and the story seems to be reaching its finale, there are a few things that stand out of me as problems with this epic storyline.
1.) It's one of the most egregious examples of "writing for the trade paperback." This simply isn't a story that's meant to be read month-to-month. It's too slow, with too little "happening," at least on the superficial level. Paradoxically, it's NOT a story that should be binged! The best comparison that comes to mind is Better Call Saul, since that's the only other example of serialized media that's meticulously slow-paced yet INCREDIBLY RICH for those willing to engage with it on its level rather than expecting it to be Breaking Bad (or in Nocturne's case, a typical Batman story.) Ram V is capable of writing super-engaging monthly issues, as the fantastic Rare Flavours proves, but that brings us to...
2.) The story is sprawling. Maybe even TOO sprawling. When it comes to people who are sick of Batman, I try to sell them on the fact that this story is about GOTHAM AS A WHOLE, right down to the villains who call it home, and how everyone there is as intrinsically a part of Gotham as Batman is. But ensemble stories like that are tricky, and it makes the focus feel all over the place at times, with alternately too much and too little attention being paid to the main players, Batman included. It's a balance that was handled beautifully with Batman: The Audio Adventures, but it seems a bit more awkward here. Again, it's hard to pull off!
Like, we have characters pop up and then vanishing without explanation. We got Azrael back in the AzBats armor for the first time in decades, like, holy shit! That should be a HUGE development! And then, poof, he vanished! There's simply no time to explore Jean-Paul's character because there's so many other things the narrative needs to explore.
This feels like it would have really benefited from a companion series, something to focus on the characters the way the backup stories have done, but just more so. I think about how Peter Tomasi would write companion books to the main big storylines written by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, and Scott Snyder, and how he'd focus on character, which always enriched the greater "big important storyline." Which, in turn, also brings me to...
3.) The backup stories have really lost a lot of their punch since they stopped being written by Si Spurrier and were taken over by Dan Watters. Watters is incredibly capable, make no mistake, and his Cheshire/Lian Harper story is one of my favorite parts of this entire saga. But by and large, his tales focus more on the spooky and weird sides of what's happening with Nocturne, whereas Spurrier's stories were more focused on characters navigating the weirdness of the events. As a result, Spurrier gave us what I consider to be some of the very best stories about Jim Gordon, Harvey Dent, and Victor Fries ever written. I really miss those, and how they enriched Ram V's (possibly overly-ambitious) narrative.
Ultimately, Gotham Nocturne feels like the Batman equivalent to an arthouse film, which means it's going to be appreciated by a handful of nerds while leaving most other fans cold, and I can't really blame them. If anything makes me sad about all this, it's how all this incredible character work with Bruce, Harvey, Victor, Talia, and others is going to be ignored. Hell, it already is, given the complete lack of acknowledgement we've seen in other Bat-books for what's going on in Nocturne.
At this point, I just hope it sticks the landing in the finale, because I want to be able to have a complete, satisfying epic to recommend to people who want something a bit richer than the typical "guy in Bat costume punches clown" stories we usually get.
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theslayerbrother · 1 year ago
So there is a lot of Saying of how Jim changed characters Such as Draal Strickler Angor and Nomura to name a few but not that much of how the character changed him (especially his friends and family ) outside of bein Supportive.
edit - there Amazing headcannos by @albentelisa and by a few more so maybe i would return on Something that people already Said
Also i am not a Writer i'm so not calming it's 100% (well Claire mabye hehe) jk.
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Let's Start with the easiest and Probably the most loyal person to Jim and the first Person after Jim that was introduce was his BFF Toby. Toby Represent Jim mortality the fact that he Can be hurt and injured because toby very easily get hurt and injured because he only human and not in the best of shape but besides that he is able to Keep going Which is Why Jim kept going able to do things despite being only human.
(i am well aware that Jim was the one who push to toby to Keep going as well was the first but Jim a lot of the time felt a moment of weakness that he isn't good enough and toby Should him that isn't true it Kinda go visa versa)
another thing about toby is his happiness and he have a Positive out Look of things toby and Jim become friends a short time after his father Left Which is Why Jim able to Keep going as much as he did because toby was always being besides him.
that's Also Why the rott movie was bad because it tainted that idea.
but isn't canon still hunts me a lot of the time.
overall Jim became much more happy and Much less angsty that he Should've been without toby.
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moving on to Jim's Crash and Jim's Soulmate the Lovely but dorky Claire.
Claire represent Jim's fear especially the ones who relate to Losing his Loved ones and become evil Plus Lacking in Self belief.
thanks to Claire Jim able or have much easier time overcoming his insecurities his Lack of believing in self to do Something risky Such as the final Push in the bathtub Scene (Part of it obviously is the fact that Claire herself is a bit of a Dork lol).
the thing that Claire gave to Jim was her Love and acceptance that she trust him and he totally deserve the Love and care that Claire give him. as he doesn't need to be fear that he always feel accepted with her.
She is also extremely Smart So she can her only Second to Blinky so she help Jim with things that aren't trollhunting related and Very Powerful So She can Protect Jim when ever he need a hand.
Claire is Jim greatest Love and i think that Jim feel a lot more confidence and accepted because of her.
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even tho Jim Claimed that he doesn't care about his father but he def need one and Blinky was the Answer. i believe that Blinky Represent Jim desire for family and being a Leader because both of them becomes Leaders Jim become a Leader at part 1 of Season 1 and Blinky at the end of Season 2 after the Death of Vendel both were hurt by a close family relative Jim by his father leaving him and his mother as a little kid. and Blinky by his brother Joining the Side of gunmmar both able to make their own family Jim found toby as best friend and brother then Blinky became his troll Dad and ARRRGHHH his troll brother. Blinky befriend ARRRGHHH and Adopt Jim as his son.
Blinky made Jim the best trollhunter change him and give Jim a Parent figure that's all the Most wholesome.
Jim need a father figure to guide him in trollhunting world and Also being a father in general. Plus Someone to share his Knowledge with.
so Overall Jim need a guidance of mentor and a father and Blinky answer that call
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ARRRGHHH is everyone favorite wingman i do think AREGGGGG represent Jim entering a role that can be very well take your whole childhood away. both were enter the role of a Warrior in a young age i believe that ARRRGHHH form @albentelisa worlds he understand Jim as a role of trollhunter the Most and Probably Jim has much better time dealing with being a trollhunter thank to ARRRGHHH
Also his big heart and Adorable Personality help Jim have much better time entering a Strange world of the trolls well and Blinky and Draal Obviously.
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Draal is Jim troll brother one of my favorite relationships in the Series
Draal represent Jim defined by his father both were defined by their fathers until they able to break it Jim but overprotecting his mom and have carry all the responsibilities in the house and Draal by following his Dad's Job of being a trollhunter which is Why is He was a rival to Jim at first
Fun fact - i thought that Draal would be an Antagonist for Jim after he defeated him but i glad that he didn't became one and instead became an ally.
Draal was a role model for Jim because Jim understood honor of a Warrior and Also build confidence in Battle as well. Draal was Protector so much that Jim carried his wish and Kill gunmmar by his name and his death consider to be the best one in the Series.
Draal was able to Change Jim make him better as a Person i feel lIke because of Draal i believe that Jim is even honor then he used to before (he had a lot of honor before that but still) better Adjust to the troll world because he had a troll for a brother.
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@pinkytoothlesso11 and @rexnanorum @yavannah  @seekerofblades idon't know about the following two these following ones your expert not mine so i feel free to add up if i miss Something.
Barbara is Jim's mom and i think she represent his heart Barbara is Super Compassionate and have a Similar heart to Jim by being a Doctor and helping people both Jim and Barbara were hurt by Jim's father when he let the both of them down.
the Desire to help people so no one will be left out is Something that they both share Jim by being a trolhunter and Barbara being a Doctor.
Jim Learnt form Barbara that he doesn't need to be afraid to share the burden that you carry with your Loved ones. and that lies not matter what the intention behind it can and will damage your relationship with your Loved ones like what happen with them in Season 1.
Thanks to Barbara Jim become more honest Person who will have better time sharing his burden with his Loved ones and put his trust in them.
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now to everyone favorite avocado troll nerd dad Mister Strickler. Strickler is one of the few relationships that is more antagonistic cuz Jim and Strickler butt heads a lot in trollhuntes in Season 1.
i feel Like what Strickler represent in Jim is the Desire to be Loved and accepted Sure Jim have toby and Barbara but he bullied and for the first part of trollhunters by the trolls because he was a human and Strickler by being a Changeling both however fortunately get the acceptance and Love Jim by Killing Bular and getting together with Claire and Building a family with Blinky ARRRGHHH and Draal
and While Strickler by getting together with Barbara and creating a family with Jim.
Strickler give further Knowledge about troll history and Changeling history to Jim teach him Combat Moves that Blinky won't teach because they cross his Limit.
Also i feel Like the Credit goes to @pinkytoothlesso11 i feel Like when Jim has a half troll Strickler is one who can understand him the most.
Which is Why at the end thanks to Lovely nerdy Strickler Jim is much easier time handling and Seeking things that others might won't understand.
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mysterycitrus · 1 year ago
Do you mind elaborating what you mean by the cool girlfriend archetype in your Barbara Gordon post? What do you feel about James Gordon (Barbara’s brother)? Do you think he was a good addition or not a good addition to that family? When you think about the Gordons they really would be a very dysfunctional family but admittedly I kind of wish he wasn’t portrayed as some serial killer. I know Jim had sons before the creation of Barbara and then later Barbara had an older brother and then it kept changing, but I would have liked to have seen the Gordon have a much bigger family especially since the Gordons play a part within Gotham. Barbara just having a lot of brothers and comics centered around their dynamic.
i actually disagree — babs is surrounded by enough men in her life, and i don’t think having a lot of brothers would be helpful in her development as a character. her smaller immediate family is a good point of comparison to bruce’s family. additionally, having a lot of brothers immediately encourages a specific character beat, being the tomboy who’s a competent physical fighter “because i have x number of older brothers,’ etc, which is not babs at all. she’s entrenched enough with the bats, and i greatly prefer that most of her significant relationships are with women. id also say that she has very powerful only child energy, imo.
that also ties into what i was talking about with the cool girl thing — babs as she’s often portrayed in current comics (especially nightwing) reminds me a lot of amy’s monologue from gone girl. babs pre-2011 was a very difficult person for a lot of reasons. she was very loving, very opinionated, and very controlling. i actually really enjoy their relationship from this period, but only because there was equilibrium and they were both allowed to be themselves. in the new comics, tom taylor doesn’t give babs her personality, and as a result she’s a sassy, flat, hot woman for dick to date. she’s just very tepid, and the fact that she’s still batgirl just makes it worse.
for ur other question, when ur looking at the gordons as a unit, it’s important to remember why they arent a big family. jim gordon cheated on his first wife with sarah wesson in batman year one, just before his son is born. in post-crisis continuity, babs also isn’t jim gordon’s bio daughter, she’s actually his niece (although their relationship is clearly that of a parent + child). honestly, i like their dynamic as a father and daughter duo, and i don’t think adding more kids would improve it. i do also really enjoy black mirror, but jim jr being a serial killer can be lazy writing, although i also like his dynamic with both dick and babs and his dad. he could be an interesting angle for jim gordon to examine his own violence, and how jim justifies the actions he’s taken in his life, but i don’t have much hope of that happening.
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weirdly-specific-but-ok · 1 year ago
pt XII good omens sEAsOn 2 (the non-traumatic part) episode 1
Alright yes I know, I know, it's been two days since the livestream. I was reading fanfiction. Don't blame me, love made me crazy, and all that. I'm enjoying myself as much as I can before we get to the season 2 finale. But here we go, season 2, episode one, maggots:
[on reading this back after finishing, a lot of text is my being in love with Crowley. mainly, points 3, 4, 9, 14, 17, 18, yes I have issues, feel free to skip that for an absolutely concise and precise summary]
Before the livestream starts, everyone decides that there will be no spoilers whatsoever on the chat, even hidden with the black, because I have a tendency to keep clicking and revealing them. I'm sorry, temptation and all. I have emotional support fruit, an apple, two kiwis, two sapotes and two bananas.
When the livestream starts, it has to be restarted, because I am an incompetent nincompoop and have somehow managed to muck up my settings. And it is absolutely imperative that I watch the opening scene.
So then I do. And immediately have to consume my emotional support apple because I am so fucking in love with Crowley. Already? someone asks. Yes bloody already, I need that apple.
Thanks, guys. I'm broken. Crowley. Just. She looks so peaceful and untraumatised, so delighted with the plans, so full of wonder at what she's creating. Let there be light, she says, and rather than seeing Crowley turn off a streetlight with a flick of his fingers, we get to see her create nebulas. Aziraphale looks at her and he's just instantly so spellbound, and who would bloody blame him? His wings just do a slight dip of realisation that he's fucked when Crowley says the gorgeous line. Look at Crowley. Worried about the apocalypse. Smiling at Aziraphale, and we can see Azi's concern because something as pure as that has to be protected and Aziraphale knows what Heaven will do to Crowley if she dares to ask questions. Crowley is angelic and filled with light and Aziraphale sees that and tries to keep her safe with his words.
Hey spoiler alert, it doesn't work, Crowley's wings are greying even as she protects Azi and Crowley falls and I hate everything and I am filled with unbridled rage.
I am speculating how much pain and torture Crowley went through when she fell into Hell that first time. I am told to not ask questions I don't want answers to.
Maggie sells records, Aziraphale is a cutiepie, and Maggie is very gay for Nina.
Crowley is lounging on a park bench, suit and skinny tie, just being all sexy and demonic and probably contemplating nihilism.
Crowley spreads awareness about duck health. No bread, guys. Frozen peas. He also angsts a lot to Shax (whom I keep mixing up with Michael) about the meaning of life. Someone points out that this is very Barbie of him. "do you ever think about death". Ah, Crowley.
More lesbians gaying. I would kill for Nina's hair.
Aziraphale, ah I love him, absolutely fucking panics and has the loading symbol over his angelic little head at all times. FINALLY, THIS SHOW IS A COMEDY.
Crowley is leaning on his Bentley and mmmmhm his arms and his lounging and his personality I am back to crunching on my temptation emotional support apple.
Sorry back to the summary. Jim finds Aziraphale funny and says he loves him. Someone points out that this was the fandom upon encountering my dumbass self. "You're funny Asmi we love you."
Aziraphale is a little bitchy babygirl, really just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing. Just absolutely slaying through every Jimbriel scene. 100000/10.
Six shots of fucking espresso in a big cup. Crowley, I love you. Can I love Crowley any more than this? Yes I can. My love for Crowley is like the universe, infinite and yet ever-expanding, explosive with entropy.
Crowley holds the door open for Aziraphale and holds his plate and honestly what absolute husband (gn) behaviour.
Coffeeshop AU lesbians time.
Heaven is horrible.
There is an ethereal paper file.
Beezlebub beezles their way into Crowley's car and is very concerned in Hell about finding Jimbriel.
Nina's partner is a toxic ass don't worry about it.
Sulky Crowley says he's back and apology dance time mmmhm.
Miracle hide Jimbriel time, but they've got to be subtle. They do the miracle. Jim is glad to have friends.
They are very proud of themselves for their subtle miracle.
End of episode one. Take this screenshot.
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moviewarfare · 2 months ago
A Review of “Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (2024)”
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It is crazy to think about how this movie franchise originally started on such bad footing with that ugly Sonic design. However, they listened to fans and altered the design to a more game-accurate one. Now here we are with 2 surprisingly good Sonic movies. The 3rd one finally introduces the iconic Shadow the Hedgehog! My favourite character! Is this another great Sonic movie entry or is another in the 3rd movie curse?
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Firstly, Shadow is handled wonderfully in this film. The film does a great job of illustrating Shadow's strength and making us feel like Sonic has met his match. Keanu is just doing a Keanu voice but it does work very well for Shadow. Thankfully, they keep the core of his character and backstory in the film. He is menacing but also sympathetic which I find the most important aspect of Shadow which the director also understood. Our main trio is great as they have always been. We do finally get more of them working as a team and I like that the story shows how each of the team has different strengths and weaknesses. They all have incredibly fun chemistry!
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Jim Carrey also returns but this time, as two different characters. He returns as Dr Ivo Robotnik but also plays the grandfather, Gerald Robotnik. It seems like the director gave Jim Carrey more freedom to go nuts because Jim Carrey goes full Jim in this film. He steals every scene with his wacky performance! There is an amazing makeup design that makes Gerald look very different from Ivo. However, Jim helps differentiate the two by giving Gerald a distinctively different voice as well. The movie does a great job of making it feel like both characters are there at the same time. Funny enough, both characters have great chemistry which means that Jim has great chemistry with himself!
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The movie has some fun action set pieces as well that really show the speed! The first 30 minutes contains many excellent ones including a Team Sonic vs Shadow fight and an awesome chase sequence too. The final act set piece feels like it was pulled right out of Sonic Adventure 2. My one gripe with previous Sonic movie entries was the lack of actual music from the games. This entry remedies this a bit by including a fair amount of notable songs such as "Live and Learn". There are a lot of jokes just like previous ones but this one thankfully is less pop-culture reference galore. There are a fair amount of jokes that actually gave me a chuckle. I think the one standout is how much heart there is in the story. There is the obvious one with Shadow but there is a surprisingly great arc with Dr Ivo Robotnik and his subordinate Agent Stone that might tug on some people's heartstrings.
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There is less human character involvement in this entry, which is for the best. However, that doesn't mean the human characters aren't involved as G.U.N is a big part of this story. Krysten Ritter joins the cast as a high-ranking officer in G.U.N but her character is bland and under-baked. Her character leaves the story in a weird anti-climatic way. Gerald Robotnik is also a very one-dimensional villain which is a shame as there was a lot to him in the games. The movie doesn't explore the extent of his grief or even show enough scenes of him with Maria to make him interesting. The pacing also drops a bit in the second act when it becomes exposition heavy and the plot slows down to reintroduce Dr Robotnik and introduce his grandfather.
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Overall, it is crazy to see the Sonic movies get better with each entry. The movie is respectful of the source material and provides enough fan service to please fans while telling a solid story. There is an exciting mid-credit scene that is making me look forward to the inevitable 4th entry. I hope it continues to be this good!
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