#also i skipped my other two graduations and at this point i probably won’t be doing a phd so this might be my last graduation
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Should I go to my graduation or not. Seriously
#if i’m going i have until friday to book my place. and i’ve been putting it off because i just can’t decide#pros: i’ll get to catch up with my classmates and tell them about how i have a job now#also i need a new fb profile picture & a better l*nkedin picture and if there’s one thing that happens at graduations it’s photos#also i think i’ll regret it if i don’t go. also it literally isn’t far. it’s like. a 20 minute drive#and it’s all over by about 1:30 in the afternoon and my body doesn’t accept alcohol anymore so i don’t have to get roped into drinks#and therefore will not experience sensory overload or social burnout because i can escape from everyone and go have lunch somewhere nice#or even just. go home#also i skipped my other two graduations and at this point i probably won’t be doing a phd so this might be my last graduation#and i really ought to go to one of them. seems wild to be a person with three degrees and not have any photos of myself in a cap and gown#however the cons are: i hate having my photo taken; i don’t like wearing anything on my head and i’m the clumsiest person on the planet#so i’m basically daring god to throw me offstage. also i don’t have anything nice to wear#also they keep putting graduation photos on billboards to advertise the college and i don’t want to be on a billboard. or a bus.#probably my biggest issue though is logistics. see i’m limited to two tickets; no exceptions. so WHO DO I BRING#obviously my mom. i have to bring my mom. but WHO ELSE#see i love my granddad to death but he wouldn’t be interested in going and i don’t want to bring him anyway because he’s a nightmare#at events. especially if my grandma isn’t there to screech at him for being silly. we went to the theatre last night and he managed to cause#trouble during an 11 minute intermission. which was like…….. how#so i guess i’d bring my grandma but the thing about that is she complains all the time. literally constantly. always#she would probably pay for lunch though 🧐 and i know she’d be upset if i went and didn’t invite her#that’s my main issue. my best friend offered to come with me but i don’t want to upset my grandma. i can’t upset my grandma man#the other thing is just that events make me nervous. i don’t like when i’m not in charge of stuff#there’s an itinerary and all but i still don’t know exactly what’s going to happen to me when and i don’t know my way around the place#and i’m nervous. and i know i’ll be snappy with everyone because of it. i’ll be a graduation-zilla#idk. let me know your thoughts i guess#no need to enlighten me on what graduations are like; i already know. i went to my mom’s & also my best friend’s#i just reallllly do not like being the centre of attention and i don’t feel like signing up for it for half a day. but i feel like i should.#personal
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maddie-grove · 2 years
Apologies if this is not your area of law, but how would you rewrite Legally Blonde to be more legally accurate?
The most glaring inaccuracy of the movie is that Elle is allowed to represent a client as a 1L. As a 3L, she could represent a client with the supervision of a licensed attorney (i.e., Luke Wilson’s character), but not in her first year. If I wanted to make the movie legally accurate, I would make the “Elle gets her shit together” montage cover a longer period of time, then do a time skip. This would also take care of the fact that she never seems to take exams or think about doing a journal/moot court. Because it’s a longer period of time, I’d show her making some friends (not including Vivian—that has to wait until the internship).
The second set of inaccuracies revolves around the trial; chiefly, Callahan fucks up so badly at uncovering facts before trial that, realistically, the rest of the movie should be about Brooke Windham persuading the court that he’s provided ineffective assistance of counsel and unraveling that whole mess so she can get a retrial. It’s one thing not to know about perms and engage an expert witness on hair care to expose Chutney’s lies. It’s quite another to fail to dig up the most rudimentary info on a guy who claims to be sleeping with your client. (He brings his boyfriend to the trial! A boyfriend who apparently wasn’t told and couldn’t pick up from context clues that his lover was lying about sleeping with a woman for what seems to be financial gain! Stereotypes aside, it couldn’t have been hard to figure out that he was gay!) I think the best way to address this issue is to have the action take place during the discovery phase. This would take care of the smaller trial inaccuracies and free Elle from most evidentiary concerns. It wouldn’t be as dramatic as a trial, and you’d have to find some other way for Chutney to make a public confession. An evidentiary hearing?
Lastly, I don’t buy that Warner would graduate without a job offer. He’s shown to be a mediocre but well-connected and ambitious law student; if his dad could pull strings to get him into Harvard and Warner actually managed to graduate, his dad would surely be able to get him a job at a golf buddy’s firm. Warner would have to be wildly incompetent, be personally hellish to work with, or just have not applied for any jobs for that to happen (probably at least two out of three). I get that he has to suffer for his heartlessness and unearned smugness, and it tracked for me when I was eleven, but as an adult lawyer, I’m just morbidly curious. Did he personally call every job lead and call them the c-word? Did he nobly go into public interest (public interest jobs usually won’t hire you until you pass the bar)? Did his dad tell people NOT to hire him, because unbeknownst to Warner he has a rare condition where he’ll die if he attends an arbitration? Questions abound.
Really, though, I like the balance that the movie strikes between telling an exciting story and portraying some of the realities of law school and legal practice. For example: the scenario where the real murderer confesses on the witness stand is basically a Hollywood fantasy, but I like how it’s set up as Elle poking holes in Chutney’s story about not hearing the gunshot. The point of cross-examination is to establish in front of the jury that the witness isn’t credible, or that her testimony doesn’t actually support what the prosecution is trying to prove. Callahan’s failures as a lawyer are also a nice illustration of how the attorney/client relationship can break down when the attorney doesn’t respect the client’s goals, dislikes her due to his biases, and is too arrogant to recognize his limitations. Law school really can be a snotty environment; I didn’t even go to a T14, but some people would look down on others for petty shit (like not having attorneys for parents) as well as out of sexism, racism, etc. The professors at my school weren’t that harsh when it came to cold-calling (some had a strict demeanor but asked relatively easy questions, some asked hard questions but were nice about it, some would only cold-call on pre-determined/assigned days, and some never cold-called), but I think law professors in general have become nicer in this regard, either because they didn’t enjoy being humiliated when they were in law school, or because they’re thinking “ugh it would be so cringe if I did that, do I think I’m in the fucking Paper Chase?”
Also, I used to think it was weird that Elle and Vivian live in a dorm. The only students who lived in campus housing at my school were the ones doing a semester abroad, and those dorms weren’t hall-style. But it turns out Harvard Law has dorms!
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shiraishi-mai · 3 years
"I will still always love you."
'I didn't say anything," you said, leaning against the brick wall. Your eyes were focused on the orange and red leaves that crunched under your shoes.
"I think I know how you feel. I know how I would feel."
You ignored the stinging in your eyes. How could he know when even you didn't know how you felt? There was a strange something bubbling in your chest. Why did you feel this way? Why did it feel as though your breath was knocked out of you when you saw the invitation with curly silver writing beautifully written on the white envelope. You were happy for him. He deserved the best the world had to offer and you always knew that this was bound to happen. After all, he was never yours to begin with.
"I'm happy for you." You tried to keep the hurt out of your voice and gave him a small smile. Suga walked over to lean against the wall beside you. His lips were pursed and you knew he saw right through you. After all, he was probably the only person who knew you inside out.
"You know, I imagined it before. Whenever you dated someone new, I thought about how it would feel if you got married." He exhaled.
"And it bothered me more than I thought it would. More than it should have. I think I would still mind, even now, in some awful, possessive way." He sighed and looked up at the night sky. "We've never been with each other in that way and it's not like we made any promises."
We both heard the 'but'.
"We knew this would happen," you finally said. "We chose different paths a long time ago."
There was silence. You thought about all the years Suga stood by your side. Always looking out for you, always supporting you. He was your first kiss, the shoulder you cried on many times, and the first face you looked for when you achieved something. He was your best friend and at one point in your life, he was home.
A familiar figure walked up to them.
"Y/n?" The boy wore a light, pale sweater with brown khakis and white shoes. His grey hair was a bit tousled and his confused expression mirrored yours.
You whipped around with an accusing glance at your friend who flinched a little under your gaze.
"So it turns out the guy's friend couldn't come...and you and Aera wouldn't come out unless we all went on a date together." Your friend had complained she would leave high school without ever getting a boyfriend and somehow organised this mess that you only agreed to to get her to stop begging.
"SO YOU CALLED SUGA?" you exclaimed.
"Standing right here," he said, putting his hand up. "I am also shocked, thanks for asking."
"You could have just told me he canceled," you muttered, "It's not like I was super excited to do this." Your friend's face was sheepish and her eyes slid over to Suga who had an odd expression on his face. He walked over in front of you and lowered his face, an impish grin replacing the expression.
"Aw come on, is going on one date with your best friend so bad? It'll be the same as hanging out, plus I'm a perfect gentleman." His tone was light and teasing. You rolled your eyes and let out a breath in relief that he wouldn't take this seriously.
Though, you still felt your heart skip a beat when his grinned widened as you agreed.
"Just this one time."
The girls stared at their respective boys, unimpressed. Your friend's date punched the air and they high-fived each other while Suga and Asahi stared at the ground in shame.
"How can you two of all people be bad at this?" You said flatly.
The scoreboard of the basketball hoop arcade game flashed a 60 while Asahi and Suga had made a measly 10 and 15.
"We're volleyball players, not basketball!" Suga exclaimed.
"I don't think your hand eye coordination should be THAT bad."
The boys grumbled and you and your friends giggled. Suga refused to look at you as you all walked outside of the building into the park after that. Exasperated at his silent treatment, you dragged him over to the ice cream cart as an apology for making fun of him.
"What did you get?"
"Chocolate. What about you?"
"Strawberry," you said happily. "It's really good! Do you want to try?" You held out your cone. He leaned down to take a bite and found himself with ice cream on his face instead.
"First you make fun of me, and then you attack me with ice cream." He shook his head. "Some date you are."
"That's what they always do on dates on TV. It looked fun so I wanted to try."
He gave her a sly grin. "You know, the guy usually gets her back."
You yelped as you attempted to scamper away but a strong arm caught your waist and you struggled to escape. You saw the cone get closer to your face and shrank back - closing your eyes and scrunching up your face.
But the cold sensation never came. Instead, you felt a soft pair of lips peck your cheek and your eyes widened as you turned to look at him.
"You scared me! I thought-" Ice cream was suddenly on your nose. Suga laughed, clutching his stomach. "Your face, oh my god."
You couldn't help but smile at the delight on his face.
When he finally straightened up, your eyes locked and he looked at you with a soft expression. You didn't know when he had started to make your heart pound and your face burn. Maybe it was when he had gently put on a bandaid on the scrape on your knee (he claims to carry a few since you're so clumsy) and briefly swiped his thumb over the plastic, or rubbed your hands and blew on them in the winter, or carried you to your bed when you fell asleep studying together.
He had confessed to you in your second year. You had frozen, unsure of what to do, before blurting out that you didn't feel the same before you could process his words. You had slid down your locker after he waved bye with a smile on his face, saying "no hard feelings", and went to practice. Your thoughts raced. You knew him for such a long time, it would ruin your friendship to date him, right? You couldn't bear to hurt him or end up fighting with him. And besides, when both of you discussed your futures, he had been surprised that you wanted to move out of Miyagi while you were surprised he wanted to stay.
Is this what it would have been like? You thought, as you both sat with your head on his shoulder and his on top of yours. You relished in his warmth and he had a faint smell of laundry detergent. Both of you stared out at the river, enjoying the quiet of the night.
Your hands were intertwined and placed on your lap. Every time you opened your mouth to say something, you found you didn't have the words.
"I made my decision. I'm going to leave after graduation." You finally said.
"Okay," he said softly.
"Like leaving the country."
"Okay." He repeated.
"I don't know when I'll come back."
You squeezed his hand tighter as your eyes suddenly filled with moisture. You peeked at his face to see he was staring at the bright bridge lights with a neutral face and you turned back to look at them too. You heard him quietly take a breath.
"I love you."
You pressed your lips together to keep them from trembling.
"Okay," you said.
"In the next life?" You finally turned to look at him. His grey eyes twinkled with humour and mischief. He may have grown taller and changed throughout the years, but his eyes always stayed the same. You both had joked about what you would do if you were born again and agreed that you would meet again.
"In the next life," you replied. "I promise I won't leave you. Ever." You clenched your jaw.
He chuckled. "I'll hold you to it."
The silence between you two as you stared at each other lasted for a brief few seconds but felt so heavy and your nails dug into your palms.
"Come on," he finally said, holding out his hand, "let's go back inside."
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spacexcowgirl · 3 years
I Think He Knows - F.W.
Fred Weasley x Reader
Summary: Y/N gets drunk, and decides there's no better time to tell her boyfriend she loves him than the present.
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: Alcohol usage/intoxication!! There’s a make out scene. Also food. Otherwise mainly just fluff!
A/N: This is my first fic I’ve ever posted on here and the inspiration for it was born out of a drunken anon ask to @lumosandnoxwriting​ sooo here it is. I’ll probably end up writing another part about the next day and them recouping, but who knows. Totally open to any critiques/criticism/help anyone has to offer! Pictures are taken from Pinterest.
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The flashing lights were bright and the music far too loud, but you didn’t care. You had liquid courage flowing through your veins and it was making it increasingly easier to lose yourself on the dance floor. Typically, you weren’t much of a dancer, but several shots of some pink liquid you had forgotten the name of had you abandoning all traces of your usual self. You swayed your hips to the rhythm of a song you didn’t know, giggling every time you made eye contact with Alicia or Angelina.
As the song playing came to an end, you gripped your best friends’ forearms and dragged them from the dance floor before another could start. You briefly heard their groans of protests but couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
“I want another drink!” You shouted over the music, pulling them towards the bar.
“We don’t need another.” Alicia pointed out, but she was now following you on her own accord, which told you she wouldn’t be protesting too much.
At the bar, you ordered another round of shots for the three of you—asking specifically for ‘whatever the pink one is called.’ The three of you clinked the small glasses together before raising them to your lips and throwing your heads back, allowing the liquid to leave a burning trail down your throat. 
“I’m going to call him.” You announced brightly, slamming your glass down on the bar.
“Y/N, we talked about this!” Angelina whined. “Tonight is supposed to be girl’s night. Plus, Fred’s out with his friends. You should give him his space.”
“Oh please, you act like that boy wouldn’t drop everything to rush over here and be with her.” Alicia rolled her eyes lightly, a knowing smile lighting up her face.
Her words caused you to blush furiously, which you attempted to hide by sliding your cellphone out of your back pocket and bringing it to your face. The screen was too bright, but as you fumbled around with trying to turn it down, you came to realize just how drunk you really were. You quickly gave up on trying to turn down the brightness and instead opened up the call app, clicking at the button that read ‘Recents’ before tapping the name right at the top. You barely registered Angelina’s disappointed groan as you brought the phone to your ear.
“Freddie!” You called out, a sweet giggle leaving your lips. You were filled with the most wonderful elation at speaking to your boyfriend, sending a flutter of butterflies alive through your stomach.
“Oh, hello, Y/N.” The voice chuckled. “This isn’t—”
“Where are you?” You interrupted him, rocking slightly on your heels. Angelina was people watching those out on the dance floor, while Alicia had taken up flirting with some bloke next to her.
“We’re still at Lee’s flat.” There was a pause, then he continued. “Y/N, this is George you called. How drunk are you?”
“I don’t think I’m that drunk. Let me ask Angie.” You paused, putting the phone on speaker so your friend could answer for you. “Ang, how drunk am I?”
“Very.” Angelina answered over the music, earning a laugh from George on the other end of the line. “’s that George? Lemme talk to him.”
Angelina took the phone from your hand, ignoring your pout as she did so, and switched it off of speaker mode. At first, you had tried to listen in on the conversation she was having with George, but you quickly got distracted. You hoisted yourself up into one of the bar seats, kicking your legs back and forth as you gazed around. After a few minutes, you were pulled from your drunken thoughts when Angelina nudged you with your phone.
“He hung up?” You pouted as you looked at the black screen. “Are they coming here?”
“No, they’re staying at Lee’s.” Angelina shook her head. “But they said they’d meet us back at your flat when we leave here.”
“Well, let’s go!” You quickly went to jump down from the stool, only for Angelina to place her hands on your shoulders and hold you in place.
“Uh uh, we’re gonna let you sober up a bit first.” She shook her head. “Don’t want you doing something you’ll regret tomorrow.”
“Especially when we know you’ll blame us.” Alicia now joined in, evidently blowing off the guy she had been flirting with only moments before.
Perhaps if you were even a little less drunk, you would have been annoyed by their statements. But currently, you were in a state of almost childlike happiness and wonder. You couldn’t help but let your mind wander to thoughts of your boyfriend, causing a cheesy grin to rise to your face. The past 6 months together had been some of the best of your life, and you often found yourself wondering why you two hadn’t gotten together sooner. You had always been friends during your Hogwarts years, but neither of you ever attempted to take that next step in your relationship until years after graduation. Now, you couldn’t be more thankful with the change.
“I’m going to tell him I love him.” You declared, saying the words out loud as more of a way to convince yourself than to inform them.
“What?” Alicia sputtered, shooting a worried glance to Angelina. “You mean, tonight?”
“I don’t see why not.” You shrugged. “I mean, I do love him. Why shouldn’t I tell him?”
“Y/N/N, don’t you think maybe you should wait until you’re sober?” Angelina looked at you hesitantly. “I mean, that’s kind of a big step.”
“You guys don’t get it,” You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest like a child being scolded. In your drunken mind, you knew that they would never understand the ins and outs of your relationship with Fred. The two of you had never put pressure on things that others deemed ‘the big stuff.’ Everything always had just come so naturally between you two, and you were convinced this should be no different. A small voice in the back of your head told you that the sober version of you would disagree, but you pushed it away. Your decision was made.
“This is like, exactly what we mean by you doing something you’ll regret and blaming us.” Alicia sighed. “So, you better not be mad at us tomorrow.”
“I won’t be, promise.” You affirmed. 
How could this possibly go wrong?
About an hour later, Angelina and Alicia had enough of the club environment and had decided you were sober enough that they could safely walk you back to your flat. The three of you gathered your things and your excitement bubbled inside of you at the prospect of finally getting to see Fred. You nearly skipped out of the club, Alicia and Angelina trailing close behind you, and into the cool night air. Almost immediately, your eyes were drawn to two heads of red hair, backs to you, talking at the edge of the sidewalk. Although they were nearly identical, there was something about one of their postures and energy, and you just knew that it was Fred. Before Angelina or Alicia could stop you, you were running and jumping on your boyfriend’s back, nearly sending him tumbling over.
“Freddie!” You squealed, attaching your arms firmly around his middle as your feet replanted on the ground. He swiveled in your hold, a bout of laughter leaving his lips, as he took in your presence.
“’s good to see you too, love.” He slurred, bending down at a slightly awkward angle to pepper your face with kisses. You giggled at the tickling feeling his lips left behind.
“Thought we were meeting you guys back at her flat?” Angelina questioned as she approached the three of you.
“That was the plan, but Freddie here has had one too many glasses of firewhisky and decided he couldn’t wait that long.” George rolled his eyes. “Said he’d go with or without me to find you guys, so we’ve just been waiting out here.”
“Great, so they’re both drunk off their asses.” Alicia feigned annoyance, but the small smile on her face as she gazed at her two friends public displays of affection showed that she wasn’t truly bothered.
“Alright, love birds, it’s bloody freezing out.” George clapped a hand down on Fred’s shoulder, pulling the older twin’s attention away from you for the first time. “Let’s get going, yeah?”
Fred nodded and held out his hand for you to take, which you happily accepted. The two of you lead the others, swinging your hands between you as you walked down the sidewalk. The entire time, you whispered and giggled back and forth, finding anything and everything to be the funniest thing you ever heard.
“Your hand is so tiny.” Fred giggled, halting your swinging motion to bring your interlaced fingers up and examine them. 
“Is not.” You pouted. You attempted to pull your hand from his, but his grip on you was firm. He used your conjoined hands to pull you closer to him, causing you to stumble slightly, which of course resulted in both of you giggling even more. Fred placed a kiss on each of your knuckles before letting both of your hands fall comfortably between you again.
“It is, but it’s cute.” He looked down at you dreamily, as if you were the most perfect thing he had ever laid his eyes on. In an instant, all of his drunk giddiness seemed to fade and he became uncharacteristically serious. “How did I get so lucky?”
“Hm.” You pretended to ponder the question, bringing your free hand up to tap your chin. “Dunno. I still think you must have me under some spell or potion.”
“Oh, right, how could I forget?” He grinned. “That reminds me, I’ve gotta make another batch of love potion before this one wears off and you leave me.”
“Wouldn’t want that, would we?” You teased back, knocking your shoulder into his.
“Never.” And you could tell, he was serious.
Up ahead you could see the familiar outline of your building. You hadn’t realized just how tired your feet were from walking in your heels, and you longed for nothing more than to slip them off and lie in Fred’s arms for the rest of the night. Nerves began to bubble in your stomach the closer you got, because you knew that meant you were just another step closer to finally telling him. While you hadn’t faltered in your decision, as you began to sober up slightly, you couldn’t help but be anxious for how he would respond. 
“Do we need to help you two get in?” George questioned once you finally were outside your building.
“We’ll be okay.” Fred shook his head. You cuddled into his side for warmth, causing him to raise your entangled hands and wrap his arm around your shoulder. He pressed a kiss to the side of your head, causing a dopey smile to rise onto your face.
“You’re sure?” Angelina looked between the two of you with raised brows. In response, you simply nodded. “Okay, well, call me tomorrow, alright?”
Both Alicia and Angelina sent you one last glance, one that you knew communicated how they didn’t encourage what you had told them earlier, before they all nodded and offered goodbyes, carrying on their way. Fred untangled your hands and removed his arm from your shoulder to open the door, dramatically bowing forward and extending an arm to allow you to enter first.
“After you, m’lady.”
You giggled loudly at his antics, skipping into the building and beginning towards the stairs. Fred  was hot on your heels, causing you to quicken your pace and run ahead of him, his laughter ringing out behind you as he tried to catch up to you.  Just as you turned on the first landing to continue up the steps, Fred’s hands caught your waist and began ticking your sides, causing your laughter to increase. You did your best to wriggle out of his grasp, which was much easier to do in his drunken state, and continued up the steps. Once on your floor, you quickly turned the corner and found the way to your flat, fumbling with your keys to get in before Fred caught up.
Unfortunately for you, you couldn’t seem to find the right key let alone slide it in to unlock the door, so Fred was able to catch up as you fumbled. You forgot your efforts and instead turned around and blocked the door, a drunken smirk on your face as you gazed up at your boyfriend.
“Sorry, you’re not allowed in.” You teased, crossing your arms over your chest.
“You’re really going to leave your sweet, loving boyfriend out in the hall, after he went out of his way to safely walk you back from the club?” 
“Mhm.” You nodded. “That is, unless you can tell me the password.”
Fred pretended to think for a moment, before he swooped his head down and pressed your lips together in a kiss. It was clumsy, both of your mouths seeming just a bit off center, but it was clear that neither of you cared. You tangled your arms around his neck, pulling him as close as possible, as he pressed your back against the door. He pulled back first, leaving you in lovesick bliss.
“Did you kiss the fat lady like that every time you forgot the password?” You teased once you were able to find your voice.
“Only sometimes.” Fred teased back.
You rolled your eyes playfully before unwinding your hands from behind his head and finally, successfully unlocking your front door. You pulled Fred into the flat by his collar, dragging him all the way to your living room before dropping down onto the couch and shuffling to let him cuddle up behind you. 
For a few moments, you both laid tangled in each other’s arms, listening to nothing but his heartbeat. The sound was rhythmic, and you knew if you didn’t speak up soon you’d fall asleep any minute. But, you weren’t ready to fall asleep yet. You wanted to stay up, to talk to him, to tell him exactly what was on your mind. So, you shifted awkwardly and held yourself up on your forearms to gaze at him.
“‘m hungry.” You declared, your bottom lip jutting out into a pout as you put on your best puppy dog eyes.
“’s too late to order something.” Fred sighed. “Lemme go look at what you have in your fridge.”
You sat up to let him get up, resisting the urge to sigh at his absence. From the kitchen, you could hear the familiar clatter as he riffled through your pots and pans and opened and closed various cupboards. Somehow the sound was like the sweetest melody. It was like a soundtrack of pure bliss, a reminder that he was there, with you, and that you were happy. In the simplest terms.
You shifted to lay down on your back and stare up at your ceiling, breathing in what you could only describe as domestic bliss. You were so wrapped up in your thoughts that you didn’t even hear him re-enter the room, your focus only being drawn away when the couch shifted from his weight. He lifted your legs to rest in his lap, his hand lightly rubbing up and down your ankle at a soothing rhythm.
“Got a quesadilla cooking.” He declared, his eyes tracing up and down your figure as you moved to sit up and look at him.
“Couldn’t stay away from me long enough to watch it?” You teased lightly.
“Can you blame me?” Fred grinned at you, giving your ankle a light squeeze.
You giggled at the contact before sitting up further, swinging your legs around to straddle his waist. You let your arms rest around his neck, a dopey smile on your face as you fiddled with the short hairs there. Fred leaned forward and nuzzled his nose against yours, causing you both to giggle further. 
“You’re my favorite person in the world, you know that?” Fred breathed out, bringing your foreheads to rest together. 
His words caused the familiar butterflies to erupt in your stomach, your smile widening even further. Some part of you knew this would be the perfect moment to tell him exactly how you felt. To tell him that your days are just a bit darker when he’s not around, and how he can make you laugh even when you want nothing more than to cry. You wanted to tell him how whenever he was gone on business trips, you could only fall asleep if you were wearing one of the old t-shirts he had left at your flat, or how you always seem to find something that made you think of him no matter where you were. But, your drunken brain was far from articulate, and your nerves seemed to have a firm grasp on your tongue, so instead, you simply pressed your lips to his.
Fred kissed you back passionately, and it was clear that neither of you minded that both of your mouths held the aftertastes of different alcohols. His lip glided along your bottom lip as his hands found your hips, steadying your movements. When you knocked your teeth together in the drunken kiss, you both pulled back for a moment to giggle, before the passion resumed.
Things seemed to carry on like that for several minutes, wanting nothing more than to be close to one another in every way possible, to be tangled up in anyway that you could, but having to pause every little bit to let out drunken giggles at the situation. You were certain no one had ever gotten you the way Fred Weasley got you, that no one could make you feel so comfortable, and that you were irrevocably in love with him.
Your sweet moment together was brought to a halt by the sound of a loud screeching coming from the kitchen. It took a moment for your brain to recognize it as the sound of your smoke alarm, but once it did you both were to your feet and rushing into the kitchen. Fred cursed under his breath at the clouds of smoke rising from the skillet and quickly set to turn off the burner. You grabbed a drying towel from the counter and began to wave it by the alarm, attempting to cease the godawful beeping it was letting out. After a few minutes, the sound did cease and the smoke cleared, allowing you to breathe a sigh of relief.
“It’s burnt.” Fred pouted, lifting the skillet to show you the blackened quesadilla. 
You weren’t sure if it was the childlike expression on his face or the fact that you both had entirely forgotten about it in the first place, but you couldn’t help but erupt into a fit of laughter. Fred looked at you for a moment as if he were offended by your giggling, before turning his attention the burnt quesadilla, then back to you, and beginning to laugh as well. It was all so absurd and truthfully far from funny, but in that moment, nothing could make you laugh harder.
Fred slid the quesadilla in the garbage before placing the skillet in the sink, resigning to washing it later. In the meantime, you had grabbed the bag of shredded cheese and hoisted yourself up on the counter, swinging your legs as you scooped out a handful of the cheese and began to eat it.
Fred turned and smiled fondly at your actions, crossing the kitchen to settle himself between your legs. He opened his mouth and you wordlessly registered what he was requesting, leaning forward to drop some of the cheese into his mouth. Both of you continued to giggle lightly, feeling nothing but elation as you remained in each other’s presence. 
You raised your hand to offer Fred a bit more of the cheese, smiling warmly when he opened his mouth to accept some. The two of you weren’t as in sync as you might normally be, considering your varying levels of intoxication, and as you dropped some of the cheese onto his tongue you were too slow to remove your hand and he was too quick to bite down, causing him to nip your finger lightly.
You pulled your hand back hastily and Fred’s eyes widened as if he had just mortally wounded you. He swallowed the remaining cheese in his mouth before speaking up, taking your hand in his to examine it.
“Did I hurt you? Are you okay? Merlin, I am so sorry. Are you bleeding? You must be bleeding.”
You weren’t. 
His rambling and concern for you caused you to tilt your head back and let out a loud bout of laughter. 
“‘m fine, Freddie.” You assured, leaning forward to press your lips to his and squash his worries. 
Fred brought your hand to his mouth and pressed a soft kiss to the finger he had just bit, nodding to himself after as if to convince himself that now you were fine. Truly, it was just about the cutest thing you had ever seen.
You spent the next few moments polishing off the bag of shredded cheese, Fred abundantly more careful not to nip your fingers anymore. You chatted lightly, talking about every drunk thing that crossed your mind. Once the cheese was gone Fred poured the both of you a glass of water, sloshing it around slightly as he tried to balance them both in one hand and extend the other to you. You hopped down from the counter and accepted his hand, allowing him to guide you back to your bedroom. He spilled nearly half of each water on the way, mostly on himself, but neither of you could find it in you to care. 
Once inside, you threw yourself down into the center of your bed, extending your hands out in a grabbing motion as Fred set the glasses on your nightstand. Neither of you could be bothered to change into pajamas, so you settled by kicking off your shoes and doing your best to get comfortable in the dress you sported. 
Fred kicked off his shoes as well before crawling over to you and collapsing nearly entirely on you. He laid on his stomach and wound his arms around your waist, his head finding the crook of your neck and pressing a few soft kisses there. You wound your arms around his neck, your legs tangling together. Truthfully, it wasn’t exactly comfortable, but you had him close, and that was all that mattered.
You listened to the sound of his breathing as he slowly drifted off to sleep. Your mind was screaming at you to say the words that had been plaguing you almost all night, before it was too late. Now was your chance.
But, then, you noticed that Fred’s breathing had shallowed significantly and light snores had begun to leave his lips. You breathed out a sigh of disappointment from missing your opportunity, mentally cursing yourself and your nerves.
As if the sleeping boy in your arms could read your thoughts, his grip around you tightened, holding onto you as if his life depended on it. The small action brought a smile to your lips as your eyes fluttered shut.
Perhaps you could wait to tell him that you loved him until the morning. Besides, some part of you was aware that he already knew.
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nugnthopkns · 3 years
i know you get deja vu
word count: 1.4k
warnings: explicit fem!reader, cursing, it's mild angst up in this b
recommended listening: deja vu | olivia rodrigo
a/n: wrote this short little ditty while avoiding my adult responsibilities lmao. it is not great but i really like the premise, maybe one day i'll do something more with it
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Your eyes have to be failing you.
There’s no way he showed up, let alone with another girl – who looks shockingly similar to you. She’s a more polished, more refined version of yourself, and anger bubbles in your stomach the moment you see him walk through the door with her in tow.
When your parents informed you they’d invited Pierre-Luc to your graduation party you shrugged it off. Their reasoning was he’d been a large part of your college experience, and it was sound enough logic. You stumbled across him in a coffee shop during your freshman year and quickly fell into a romance that lasted until a few months ago. The breakup was rather brutal, though your family doesn’t know that, so you didn’t expect him to stop by your parents’ house to congratulate you on completing your degree.
Much to your distaste he does make an appearance, with who you presume to be his new girlfriend. You don’t want to stare at the pair, but you can’t help it – they look good together, possibly better than you and Pierre did. However, you notice that the young woman has on a dress that’s identical to one hanging at the back of your closest. Pierre had bought it for you when you accompanied him to France one offseason, and the thought of him replicating the trip with her crosses your mind.
Finding it too much to be in the same room as him, you excuse yourself from a conversation with some of your father’s business partners and grab your sister by the elbow on the way into the sunroom.
“What’s the matter with you?” She grumbles, upset you pulled her away from a conversation with a boy she has a tiny crush on.
“He’s here,” you whisper shout, doing your best to inconspicuously point to the culprit of your dampened spirits.
Her expression softens, and it’s clear she feels sorry for you. “Shit. I didn’t think he was actually going to show up.”
You let out a rather strangled laugh. “Me either, but he’s here and I don’t know what to do.”
The two of you stay tucked inside for a few more moments, deriving a plan that gets your ex-boyfriend off the premises as fast as possible without him seeing you. She heads outside first, making sure to grab one of your cousins who’s obsessed with hockey on her way. Together they make a beeline for Pierre, who is beyond excited to catch up with your family. You slip through the door and into a conversation with some fellow graduates in the back corner of the yard. It isn’t interesting, just about future plans, but it keeps you occupied. You’re careful to keep you back turned and your voice low – anything to keep your existence inconspicuous.
Your sister keeps Pierre-Luc busy, chatting to him about how the playoffs went and what his goals for the offseason are. A small crowd gathers around him, mostly just extended family members who haven’t seen him in a while, and he indulges their questions with a kind smile. You can tell your luck is running out, that he’s finally going to spot you in the crowd and rush over to say whatever he came here for. The fates are cruel, and at that moment your mother calls everyone into a circle for a toast.
“I want to thank you all for coming,” she says, pulling you to stand beside her. You can tell Pierre is looking at you, but you avert your eyes and look anywhere but him. Your mother continues talking. “We’re incredibly proud of our daughter for completing her degree, and we can’t wait to see what she does next. If you’re here, we appreciate the role you played in her success. To Y/N!”
Your name is chanted like a chorus, and your eyes meet Pierre’s as he raises his glass. The intensity of his stare makes you blush, and you bury your head into your father’s shoulder, playing it off as being overcome with emotion. More toasts ensue, including one where you thank everyone for their continued support, and then the cake is cut. You try to slip inside, praying that Pierre-Luc and his date will leave, but the devil himself grabs your elbows as you open the back door.
“Congratulations,” he says softly, accent thicker then the last time you heard his voice. You can’t lie to yourself – he looks good. The sunshine has done wonders for his skin, and the tattoos peeking out from his shirt sleeve look new.
“Thank you.”
You offer nothing more to the conversation, which clearly upsets him, but he doesn’t do anything other than knit his brows together. It makes sense that you wouldn’t want to speak to him since the last time you did was the screaming match that ended your relationship. You go to make your exit, but the small girl hanging off Pierre’s side speaks.
“It’s so nice to meet you,” she smiles. “I’m Maisie. Luc talks about you a lot.”
“Pardon?” You’re caught off guard. Why would he talk about you to his new girlfriend?
The man in question shifts uncomfortably, like he’s going to get caught in a lie. “Yeah, it’s so nice that you guys are still friends.”
There it is. Saying that you split amicably is probably the only way he could convince her to attend this stupid party in the first place. “Ah,” you sigh, “Well not everyone is afforded the same luxury.”
Against your better judgement, you compliment her dress. Maisie thanks you graciously, explaining that Pierre bought it for her and once he’s cleared to leave Columbus they’ll be taking a trip to France, with a pit-stop in Portugal because she’s never been. Your insides churn, but you manage to keep a glaringly fake smile plastered on your face. The conversation shifts, and you find out that she also studies English Literature and expects to graduate next year. You laugh off all the coincidences, but it’s obvious to you and Pierre-Luc that Maisie is a substitute for the person who came before her.
“Why don’t you go get us some drinks babe?” Pierre asks, and the girl skips away after reaching on her tip-toes to press a kiss to his cheek.
You fiddle nervously with the hem of your dress, anxious to be alone with him. “It isn’t what it looks like,” he starts, but you cut him off.
“It’s exactly what it looks like Luc, and don’t you fucking dare say otherwise.”
He lets out a defeated sigh. “So what if it is? I think it’s glaringly obvious that I still love you.”
No shit you think, but you bite your tongue and say something more respectable. “I’d say so. She’s exactly like me, but hopefully she won’t mind being asked to put her whole life on hold.” There’s a bite to your tone that you can’t help, but it sets Pierre-Luc on edge.
“You can’t still be fucking on about that.”
You’re seeing red now, irate that he is still choosing to minimize your emotions. “I am! Because you asked me not to continue school, which is something I explicitly told you I wanted to do, just so I could be a more conventional NHL girlfriend. And then you broke up with me when I said I wouldn’t do it.” You inhale a deep breath before continuing. “I hope you have fun with Maisie in France. You should take her to that little café we went to, in Bordeaux, where we ate so much food we couldn’t walk back to the hotel. And I hope that every time she looks at you like you hang the moon, you remember that you’re recycling our entire relationship because you let it fall apart at the seams.”
Perhaps your emotions got the best of you, because the look on Pierre-Luc’s face is nothing short of shock. You’re taken aback too – your parents raised you better than to say hurtful things, but seeing him again brought up a myriad of things you hadn't yet dealt with. Without another word, you spin on your heel and head inside, slamming the door behind you. It shouldn’t upset you this much, after so many months, but for a reason you’re unwilling to admit to yourself it does.
You sit in the bay window of your childhood bedroom, wrapped in a blanket even though it’s the beginning of summer, and watch as Pierre-Luc presses a kiss to her forehead before thanking your parents for inviting him one last time. Just like him, every relationship you have for the rest of your life will be an attempt to replicate the love you had for Pierre – a never-ending circle of deja vu.
taglist: @samsteel @kiedhara @tortito @boqvistsbabe @iwantahockeyhimbo @himbos-on-ice @2manytabsopen if you want to be added shoot me an ask :)
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imkylotrash · 3 years
Pairing: Sky x reader
Requests: The reader is Stella’s sister but Sky is secretly in love with her and he confesses. Anonymous
Could you write where sky is with a princess of solaria (Stellas sister) and they attempt to keep it secret from Stella and set before the summer of the events on the fate the winx saga is set.
A/N I paired these request because they were so similar and would have the exact same plot line. Will be doing this to a couple of the requests since they’re so similar. 
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“Free at last!” you exclaim as you walk out the doors of Alfea with Sky in tow. You’ve finally finished your last exam and now it’s time to just enjoy the summer. 
“So, what’s your plans then?” Sky asks propping his arm around your shoulders. There’s nothing new in this but you still get butterflies. At this point, it’s just a given whenever he touches you. 
“Oh, you know. Travelling through the realms, visiting all my rich friends. I may even buy a yacht just to pass the time.” It’s a bit of an inside joke between you and Sky. He knows you’ll have to return to Solaria and face the dragon. 
“What about you? Will you be alright?” You’re a little worried about leaving him here. Stella had decided to dump him just days before the exams once again proving that the girl had no regard for other people. Needless to say, you weren’t the biggest fan of your sister. She always tried to live up to your mother’s expectations and acted more than royally around school whereas you had decided that the disappointed frown your mother wore every time you saw her actually suited her face. 
“Yeah,” he says shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans, “I’ll be fine. I have Silva.” It’s right then and there you decide that there’s a greater need for you here than hiding away back in Solaria. 
“You know, my mother is already profoundly disappointed in me. I don’t think it would make much of a difference if I were to stay.” Sky’s smile is brighter than the sun when he realises you’ll be staying right here with him. 
“Thank you,” he says hugging you tightly. He’s never been one to share him emotions easily but over the years you’ve learned to decipher his many facial expressions and there was just no way you would leave him right now. Your mother is as delighted as you expected when you tell her of your plans for the summer but you figure she’ll forgive you at some point. The way you see it, there’s a throne waiting for you back at Solaria and you want to enjoy freedom as long as you possibly can. Sometimes, you catch yourself wishing that Stella was the older sister. She’d be much more suited for the royal life but there’s a strict code of conduct when it comes to heirs and you’re the first born so the crown will eventually be placed on your head.  
“You won’t be returning with me?” Stella asks as she’s packing up her suitcase. Her tone in stern already setting you off. 
“I’ll be spending enough time there once I graduate.”
“Oh yes. The ever-repeating speech on how this is your moment of freedom and you won’t give it up for anything,” Stella mocks clearly upset to be facing mother alone. You feel a pang of guilt knowing what you’re sending Stella back to but the two of you have never been able to see eye to eye especially when it came to mother’s expectations of her daughters. 
“You’re welcome to stay here at Alfea if you’d like.” It’s an offer made to be polite because you know she’ll never accept it. 
“Please. Someone has to be responsible and return home. Our people look to the royal family for support. We can’t all pretend to be someone else.” 
“I’m not pretending, Stella. If I could give you the crown, I gladly would. If I had my way, I’d be just another fairy attending Alfea.” It’s a discussion you’ve had more than once and it’s always the same outcome. You don’t want the crown and Stella does but your mother would never allow the two of you to switch. Stella doesn’t say goodbye when she leaves and you’re okay with that. Instead you head out to find Sky. 
“Ready for the summer of your life?” you ask him and he smiles. It passes by too fast. The picnics out on the field, Silva training with you, walks in the forest at night. It’s nothing grand but it becomes the perfect summer on the final day when Sky pulls you aside as all the students start to arrive. 
“I have to tell you something. I’ve been wanting to all summer but I was scared I might ruin it.” Your heart skips a beat but you tell yourself that it’s probably not what you think it is. Rather than making assumptions, you stay quiet waiting for him to speak. 
“When this summer started, I thought I’d spend it alone and heartbroken over Stella but then you stayed. And I know it seems insane since you’re Stella’s sister, but I just can’t help but feel the way I do around you,” he smiles. It’s too good to be true. There has to be some kind of catch or problem in your way but right now everything feels perfect. You carefully take his hand and intertwine your fingers with his and Sky’s cheeks turn red. He’s always so gentle and kind so you know you’ll have to make the first move. As you stare into his eyes, you notice little specks of green mixed with the blue. You finally close your eyes, lean in and kiss him. Something you’ve wanted to do since you laid eyes on him the first time. You pull away with a huge smile plastered on your face thinking this moment is perfect and then you spot her. 
“Stella.” Thankfully, she hasn’t seen you but it’s only a matter of time before she’ll spot the two of you. Hand in his, you drag him with you behind a tree keeping you out of sight. 
“Of all the things I imagined you’d say after our first kiss, Stella wasn’t one of them.” He’s teasing you but you feel horrible. Despite your many differences, you do care about Stella and it would kill her to know that you’re dating her ex-boyfriend. You’re not even sure if she’s properly done with him or not and just thinking about her finding out about the two of you is enough to make your skin crawl. 
“She can’t know,” you plead looking into his eyes. He has to understand the importance of it. She’s not strong enough mentally to handle this. 
“Hey, relax,” he says cupping your cheeks, “how about we keep it to ourselves until we know what this is?” You know you don’t want to give him up but you don’t want to hurt Stella. His offer gives you him and keeps Stella blissfully unaware of the relationship which is good enough for you. 
“Okay. Just you and me, no one else can know.” 
“Please just kiss me,” he whispers leaning in and you don’t know how you could ever refuse him. Over the next few weeks, you and Sky have stolen moments between classes and nights spent wrapped in each other’s arms. You know you shouldn’t but you love him. One night you whisper it when you think he’s sleeping and he almost gives you a heart attack when he whispers it back. 
“I thought you were sleeping,” you whisper-yell trying to hide your face in his chest. 
“You’ve been turning around every two seconds. It’s impossible to fall asleep,” he chuckles wrapping his arms tightly around you. 
“I’m sorry, I have a lot on my mind,” you sigh. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asks turning on the lamp by his bedside table. It showers Sky in a golden light making him look more angelic than human. It’s not fair how some people look so beautiful without even trying. 
“Yes. No. Maybe. I don’t know where to start,” you reply sitting up and leaning your back against the wall. You want to tell Stella so you can be done with sneaking around. As much fun as it’s been, you’re getting tired of watching Stella try to flirt with him because she decided he was good enough after all. Of course, he’s been turning her down but it just doesn’t seem to click with her. But you also know it’s a risk telling her since she’s not likely to congratulate you. 
“I guess I’m just tired of sneaking around,” you finally say. He signals for you to lay down with him again and you have no reservation as you crawl into his arms. 
“I’m ready for it when you are. Frankly, I just want to tell everyone you’re mine so the boys leave you alone.” 
“Please, you literally have a whole fan club waiting for you at every corner giggling and blushing if you even look in their direction.” Sky has become very popular now that he appears single and you can’t blame them. He is ridiculously handsome and more importantly, he’s kind and patient and warm. Right about now, he’s your favourite person in the whole world. 
“I do not,” he protests but even he knows it is the truth. His face is serious when he says: “Maybe we should tell her. I know you wanted to protect her but we can’t hide it forever. You’re expected to marry at some point and so am I.” 
“I know. I know. I just feel like a horrible sister.” This feeling of guilt comes as a surprise. You’ve never been that close but you don’t want to be the reason she’s hurting. 
“You’re not a horrible sister. Everything you’ve done these past few weeks has been to make sure she didn’t get hurt. It’s not selfish to want to be happy, Y/N.” But that’s just it. You’re already far too aware of your own happiness. It’s the reason you always stay away from Solaria and the expectations of the crown. It’s why you’re lying in bed with Sky right now. You've always put your own happiness first and you’ve never had a problem with it until now. 
“I’ll talk to her first thing in the morning then.” He kisses you one last time before you both fall asleep. You wake up to a note from him informing you that Silva had added a morning practice which meant you had no reason not to march into Stella’s room right now and tell her about you and Sky. 
“Can I talk to you?” you ask entering Stella’s bedroom. 
“If you must,” she replies not even bothering to look at you. 
“I don’t know how to say this so I’m just going to say it. I’m dating Sky,” you force yourself to keep going even as she goes completely rigid, “and I have been for a while now. I’ve kept it a secret because I never meant for this to happen and I didn’t want to hurt you. But it’s getting serious now and I needed you to know. I promise I’d never ever go for him if I didn’t have feelings for him.” She’s quiet for so long you’re worried she might just never speak to you again. 
“I’m not happy you kept it from me but I suppose if he has to date someone else, it wouldn’t be horrible if it was you.” Relief floods your body as you realise that she’s not breaking and she doesn’t hate you. 
“Thank you.” This is about as heartfelt as it’ll ever be between you and Stella. You share a moment locking eyes with each other before she turns her back to you. 
“I’m going to go then,” you say slowly backing towards the door. Stella doesn’t say anymore but the fact that you’re still breathing is a much better reaction than you’d dared hope for. Immediately after you head to the training grounds to find Sky. Once you spot him, you run right into his arms and he lifts you from the ground. 
“I love you,” you say kissing him in front of everyone. It’s so freeing to know that the secret is out. 
“I love you too.”
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taeescript · 3 years
I Promise (I)
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𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 >> Some people have the gifted ability of music; others of mathematics; some perhaps as persuasive argumentators. You have a “gift”, if one would like to call it that. It is the ability to know when somebody is telling a lie. 
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 >> hoseok x reader; ?? x reader (the whole gang joins at some point) 
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢 >> mafia!au 
𝔴/𝔠 >> 3.1k 
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 >> mentions of drug use. nothing else much really it’s actually pretty tame right now 
𝔞/𝔫: would you believe be if i said this whole thing was inspired by this singular gif? I lost my old account (rip old fics) but here I am starting new and writing again. Nervous, but please show some love 
next part
The music is blasting in your room, and the bass rumbles causing your heart to beat to the rhythm of the song. However, your fingers are tapping to their own creation of a tempo while your other hand scribbles a note down on a piece of paper. It is the end of June and that means you have just received your paycheque.
  “$9.74,” you repeat after your calculation, “I’ve got an extra $9.74 to spend.” You lean back in your chair and continues to bob your head. The wall behind you thumps to its own tempo; not of the song that is playing but its own rhythmic pattern. Your roommate is at it again. You close your eyes and allow yourself to drift. $9.74. You could get an extra meal. Or an extra drink at the bar. Or maybe you could just put that into your bank account. But that’d be useless, just sitting there. In the very distance, you hear the thumping of your roommate stop and its door creaks open. Another set of doors creak a couple of seconds later. You get out of your seat and open the door to your own room.
  Seohyun, your roommate, brushes past you wearing only a pair of shorts and her favourite black laced bra. She walks to the door of the apartment and kisses the man on the lips before taking a drag of the cigarette she is holding in the other hand. He stands with a hand in his pocket and the buttons of his shirt undone. You watch as Seohyun bites his lip before ending the kiss.
  “You’re the best,” you hear the robust mint-haired female say.
Cue the all too familiar buzzing.
“Love you, babe,” he says, kissing her one last time before leaving.
The buzzing halts.
“Love you too,” Seohyun kisses him one last time before gently pushing him out the door, closing it when he leaves.
And there returns the buzz.
Seohyun turns to walk back to her room and notices you standing there. “Hey,” she greets.
  “You know, he actually does like you,” you comment, coming out of your room. You rub the back of your neck and rotate it once to get rid of the stress. Seohyun sits down on the brown couch in the small living room and takes out a tin box. She crosses her legs and rummages through its contents. A cigarette leaves its embers on the ashtray in the table in front of her. “Right. And I like him too,” Seohyun replies, taking out what she had been looking for, “Him and his drugs.” She shakes the white packet before opening it up. She sniffs the contents once and sighs. Making a motion towards you, she offers its contents to you.
  You shake your head. You return into your room briefly to turn off the music and grab your phone and jacket. When you walk back out, you see that the packet is empty and Seohyun is passed out on the couch, fingers still speckled with white dust. You make a quick stop into Seohyun’s room to grab a blanket for her before locking the keys to the apartment.
  Your apartment, technically. You had been the one to pay full payment and was content in living alone until Seohyun showed up one night, begging for a place to sleep. You couldn’t let her sleep outside so you agreed. That one night turned into a week and finally a year, where Seohyun still stays.
  It isn’t like you didn’t enjoy Seohyun’s company. She is nice to be around, always engaging in some next level philosophical topic, particularly when she is high. It is, however, slightly annoying whenever she brings her “boyfriend”, or boyfriends at times, to the place, but you have learned to drown out their voices and actions by blasting your music. But what you like about Seohyun the most is that she doesn’t ask questions. The buzzing in your head is also always strangely quieter around the other girl as well.
  You trudge up the stairs and immediately brings a hand to shield your eyes from the bright sun. It is about seven in the evening but still way too bright for your liking. You like the darkness night brought with it. Serene. Solemn. Locking the gate to the building behind you, you walk down the streets all the while rolling your neck due to its tense state.
  No matter how many times it happened, you’d still feel its pain.
  The lingering pain left as a reminder of your unique power; gift; thing. Whatever people wanted to call it.
  You knew whenever somebody told a lie.
  You would feel this strange buzzing at the base of your neck when a person said anything but the truth around you. The buzzing didn’t come every time you talked to somebody - you couldn’t catch all the lies that came out of people’s mouths - but it occurred often enough to be a nuisance to you. While the buzzing wasn’t painful in itself, it always caused your neck to be in sore pain. The pain was not indicative of how big the lie was, however. A lie that involved so many twists and turns that even its creator could not keep track would give you pain. A small white lie would give you the same pain. To you, it was just pain.
  You quickly turn the corner and made your way down the stairs into the subway station. The man at the window gives you a small smile in which you did not return but hastily walk through the gate. One hour. It took 46 minutes to get to the station and another twelve minutes to walk. You had one hour. The subway could not be late.
  You were not always a walking human lie detector. In fact, you had only been living like this for the past six years of the total of your twenty-six. At least consciously aware of this ability of yours for that time period.
  If you really had to pinpoint when it started, you would connect it to approximately four more years prior to that: first year of high school. The prime time of adolescence.
  You could hear the first subway leave, vibrations through the sole of your feet and its wheels screeching on the tracks. That left two minutes for you to make it to the opposite platform which was for the direction you wanted to go. You glance at the elevator you are currently standing in front of. It had not budged from “G” for a while now. You glance at the stairs just a couple of steps away. Sighing, you leave your spot and make your way down the stairs. One and a half minute.
  The first year of high school sucked. Your parents had always screaming at each other and your brother was constantly skipping school. You did not want to be a second disappointment to your parents so you spent all her time studying in the library. It was also an excuse to be out of the house. One day, you returned home and found your mother crying on the steps of their house.
  “Mom, did you and Dad fight again?”
  Your mother did not meet your eyes. “Are you okay?” you had asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, trying to console your mother as best as a fourteen year old could do.
  “I’m fine,” your mother answered. That was when you first heard a faint buzzing. It was strange for bees to be around their flowerless yard.
“You don’t look fine,” you had pressed on, “Will you and Dad be okay?”
  Your mother shifted her position and wiped her tears with the back of her hand. She looked at you with a bruised eye and said, “Your dad will be okay.” The buzzing seemed to fade.
  You patted the still damp cheek of your mother and hugged the fragile women. You slowly rubbed your mother’s back in small circles. “Mom, you and Dad will work things out. So promise me you guys won’t leave each other.”
  “I promise,” your mother had reassured you. That was when you cried out in pain as the buzzing attacked you. Your mother had been alarmed and you had laughed it off, saying that a bee had probably stung the back of your neck while she wasn’t aware. The duo then got off the floor and held hands as together, you walked back into the house.
  Your parents split a week later.
  You had never found it in herself to forgive your mother after that. You hadn’t even known that you had been lied to until you really thought about it in your years as an adult. You just hated the fact that your mother had promised something that she had been planning to break. When high school ended, you picked a college as far away from your mother’s house as you could. You poured all of your time into your academics and never bothered making friends. Throughout the four years there, you had occasionally felt the buzzing but did not really associate it with anything around her. It only became prominent when you started working at your first job.
  To any fresh graduate, this was a hire that was ever only dreamt of. It was a position with a high status in the company: Assistant Director of Internal Affairs. The company had been extremely impressed with your grades and all the extracurriculars you participated in. You had flown to three different cities outside of your own country as an intern and placed first in multiple conferences. It was no mistake that you had gotten in. You had been ecstatic when they spoke to you. You could finally move out of your mother’s house, in which you had temporarily been staying in while job searching; live in a city a thousand miles away from where she currently was, and was able to be somebody whom nobody knew about. It was your dream come true.
  That turned out to be a disaster. Every day you went into work, the buzzing would surround you and send you moaning in pain to the bathroom. You could barely speak to any of your coworkers without wanting to strangle them and tell them to be quiet. You could not attend any of the meetings and you had to call in multiple sick days within her first week there. Needless to say, this affected your work performance and after an agonizing four and a half months, the company fired you.
  Being without a job meant that you had no steady income. So, you moved out of the luxurious apartment you had just bought with your new salary and used the remaining money to buy the dank, run down one you were currently living in. You searched everywhere and finally found a waitress for hire at a bar close to the middle of the city. It was an hour from where you lived, but at least there you could dull the buzzing with alcohol. And this was how you lived for the past two years.
  You cursed. You missed it. The subway left you in its smoke as you got off the last step of the descending staircase.
The other man was slouched against the pillar of the building, blood running freely down the side of his head while his hand tried to keep in the rest of his blood from escaping out of the hole on his side. He panted, gasping for whatever oxygen was available.
  “Tell me,” the younger man towered over him, “Where did you hide the stash?” “I didn’t hide it, man. I swear. It’s where they asked me to leave it,” the bleeding man held his remaining hand in front of him in defense. “Please don’t hurt me.” There was a swish and cold metal sliced the air. He was not taller than the man, nor any stronger. But he had youth and a quick mind. More importantly, he had a weapon.
“Trust me. I wouldn’t want to hurt you, so don’t make me do something I don’t want to do,” he crouched and put his face close to the other man’s. He pressed the knife against his throat.
  The man whimpered as a thin line of fresh blood was drawn. “Please, I beg you. Don’t hurt me,” he said again, voice barely a whisper.
  The two stayed in that position until the younger abruptly stood up. “Fine, I won’t hurt you,” he stepped back, “But it’ll be on you when she gets hurt.” His movement is fast and he grabs the wrist of the single other person in the station.
  You stand with your back against the man, the knife held against your neck this time.
You dare not to move. You swallow once and glance down at the bleeding stranger. He is staring right back at you.
  From movies and dramas, you know not to fight back in scenarios like this. You also know not to scream as this would agitate both parties. You return the strangers stare: “Help me”.
  Your capturer’s voice rumbles through his chest and onto your back as he speaks, “Your choice. I can kill this girl and have it pinned on you, or you can just tell me where you put the stash.”
  “Please,” the bloody man pleads, “I’m just a carrier. I don’t know where any of the merchandise is. I… I admit it, alright? I disobeyed the instructions this time. I didn’t leave it where they told me.”
  You feel yourself being dragged closer to the subway tracks. Maybe you should kick or flail around a little. You try, but the man holds you steady. The blade is dangerously close to cutting your skin.
  The bleeding man can only watch in horror as the other man stands precariously on the edge of the tracks. “I’m going to push her down,” he is warned. His mind was frantic. He had been told that his task would be simple. He did not know that it would involve another human being to be hurt in the process. His mind flashes back to his little girl, probably still waiting for her father in their small flat.
  “I got another message right before I left,” he starts saying, “Please don’t hurt the girl. Please don’t hurt me. I’ve got a family.”
  “Don’t we all,” the voice behind you drawls in sarcasm, “Give me another excuse of why I need to keep listening.”
  You kick your assaulter. He grips you tighter. She look back at the bleeding man on the ground. He is still staring at you with wide eyes.
  “The message told me that the location had changed. I wasn’t sure if I should trust it, but an hour before the pickup time, another note showed up on my doorstep and said that if I brought it to the second location, I’d get an extra $150, so I did it,” he continues.
You feel the tension in your neck slightly subside amongst the chaos. You kicked your assaulter again.
  “Exact location. Now,” the voice demands.
  “Corner of 16th and Main,” he stammers.
  You kick a little harder this time, trying to wiggle out of the tight grip. It is really starting to hurt you. You feel yourself being pushed towards the bleeding man. Both you and your assaulter get extremely close to the man lying on the ground.
  You sniff once and instantly regret it. Mixed with the blood, you can smell the acidity of urine. The man is now crying and you think you could see the pool around him widen ever so slightly.
  “Please sir, I’ve told you everything that I know. I followed the instructions and left it there. I did not hide it. Somebody else must’ve used me to get it. I swear, Sir, I swear,” he holds his hands out and rubs them, a symbol of asking for mercy.
  The two of you stand up, or rather you are hauled up for the man. The knife nicks your neck and you swear under your breath. You can feel the two men stare at each other for a long time.
  “Scram,” the one behind her rasps. It takes a while for the bleeding man to stand, but adrenaline does wonders when the body is in danger. He limps out and up the stairs before he can be told twice. There is a rumbling in the distance to indicate that the next subway is arriving.
  “There’s a train coming,” you finally talk, “A train means there’s people.” Your assaulter still does not let go.
  “You’re hurting me,” you wiggled in his grasp. He loosens it and you finally get away. You turn and glare through your bangs at the man who has been holding you captive. You touch a finger to where the knife had nicked you, then examined it: there is blood.
  The man standing has put his knife away. He is studying you with eyes as intense as yours while bringing the lighter to the cigarette in his mouth. He takes a long drag and blows it in your direction.
  Standing only a few inches taller than you, he is of slightly above average height. He wears the iconic baggy shirt and jeans of the common gangsters that prowl the area. Even in the dim light of the subway station, you can make out the tattoo of a dragon spiraling up his arm. He does nothing to hide the fact that he is affiliated with the mafia.
  You are not particularly intimidating yourself. You stand at 164cm but wear a constant scowl. With your broken nose from a fall in your childhood, the feature makes your whole facial symmetry shift ever slightly to the left, accentuating the scowl even more. In a black t-shirt, black dress pants and black shoes, you wave her hand to rid herself of the smell of smoke.
  “So, was he lying?” the man finally speaks after a period of silence.
  “Fuck off, Jung Hoseok,” you growl.
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becaeffinmitchell · 3 years
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Fic: what i have (is who i carry home) (1/1)
Summary: Chloe, as it turns out, loves Valentine's Day.
Of course she does. Beca can't say she's surprised in the least.
aka, five Valentine's Days Beca Mitchell's had.
Note: After ten thousand years, I’m free! Or, you know, after eight years, I’m finally posting my first Bechloe fic. Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone 🥰  Gif credit goes entirely to @evenstars​ (thank you so much again!)
Words: 4,954
Read below or on AO3!
i. 2012, Freshman Year, Barden University
There are so many other things Beca would rather be doing.
Like go to the dentist. Actually show up for class. Spend time over dinner with her dad and the step-monster.
Okay, maybe not that last one. Nothing in the world would make her choose that.
But here she is, in that stupid red hoodie, holding that stupid bow and arrow, standing in front of people, refusing to sing that stupid song with Amy.
 Later, back at the auditorium where they have Bellas practice, Aubrey's voice is shrill and loud. (As always, Beca thinks.)
"Beca, you really need to be picking up the slack. We need every dollar that we can raise so that we have enough to cover our journey to the semi-finals, and you're dead last in our fundraiser right now."
Amy mutters something under her breath, soft enough for Beca to hear something about — the bus? The Trebles? She doesn't really know. Whatever it is, it's not something she wants to get in the middle of.
"Maybe we can think of something new to do." Beca's tone is dry, and she schools her expression into something neutral on her face, her head tilted slightly, knowing that Aubrey has to know she isn't just talking about the fundraising activity.
It's just — she can feel the potential of these girls, okay? And it's such a shame that they're stuck doing the same three songs, over and over. If she could at least try, show them her arrangements, maybe they'd have a fighting chance.
"I have the pitch pipe, and I say we do this exactly how we have been doing it."
Beca is about to say something snarky, something she knows is going to get under Aubrey's skin, when Chloe's voice rang out beside her.
"It's okay. I'll do it with Beca tomorrow."
She hasn't even noticed Chloe approaching them in the midst of this, so her head whips around so fast at the sound of her voice.
"Don't you have a class during that time, Chloe? That's the whole reason why we couldn't pair you up with Beca." There's something about Aubrey's clipped words that is super careful and controlled, like there's more that she wants to say but isn't.
Chloe shrugs, before turning to Beca with a beaming smile. "It's okay, skipping out on one Russian Lit lecture won't make a difference."
 Chloe, as it turns out, loves Valentine's Day.
Of course she does. Beca can't say she's surprised in the least. She thinks she doesn't know anyone who's more enthusiastic about everything and anything.
There's something about Chloe that feels like embers starting at the base of Beca's dead, cold heart, warming it up and turning itself three sizes larger.
It's not a thing she wants to unpack right now; she's not the type to get attached to people, and especially not when she's going to go through with her plan, and leave at the end of the school year. It doesn't matter if her dad helps her or not.
"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" Chloe's voice, melodic as it comes, breaks the silence as they walk towards the south quad. She looks ready to go through the entire residence hall, her angel wings bouncing behind them.
"It's a day corporations literally invented to convince everyone to buy cards and chocolates and flowers at jacked up prices, so..."
Chloe lets out a happy sigh. "Maybe so. But it's also a day to celebrate love! And love is so awesome. I love love. And I'm not just talking about romantic love, though that is nice. You can also celebrate the love from all relationships in your life. Like your best friends, or your parents, or your siblings."
Beca raises an eyebrow, because Chloe is just so goddamn earnest. She tugs at her hoodie. "Let me guess, you and shower guy have a date?"
"Who, Tom?"
"How many shower guys do you have?" There's a beat. "Actually, don't answer that."
 So here she is, still in that stupid red hoodie, still holding that stupid bow and arrow, standing in front of people, and singing a duet with Chloe Beale.
 The next morning, Kimmy unceremoniously drops a box at the foot of Beca's bed, a loud thud waking her up.
There's a sleeping mask, a whole clip of flash drives, two huge jars of peanut butter, and cans of Red Bull in the box. There's also a card, and her name is written carefully in the middle of an envelope.
Happy Valentine's Day, Beca!!!! I've said this before, and I'll say it forever: I'm SO glad that I met you. I LOVE that you love music like it's the one thing you can't live without. It's something that really resonates with me, too. You make us better. :) :)
 Beca drifts off to sleep that night, the music still playing in her headphones. She's wearing that sleeping mask across her eyes.
ii. 2014, Junior Year, Barden University
 The thing with Jesse is, he really loves these grand gestures of romance.
Sometimes Beca thinks that that's his favorite part. It's almost like he's in love with the idea of being in a relationship.
Worse still, in love with the idea of her, like she's this perfectly scripted character who exists for him.
Last year for Valentine's Day, Jesse had shown up at her dorm. Well, outside of her window actually, boombox on his shoulder. She'd tried not to wince, her lips pressed together into something resembling a smile (she hopes) to the strains of In Your Eyes, at the ungodly hour of dawn.
It isn't even that she had just gotten to sleep like, two hours before that. Or the very clear and enunciated "fuck off!" that her neighbor gave them, complete with a dramatic slamming of her window. At least she doesn't have to deal with that now, now that they've all moved into the Bellas house, newly renovated.
It was just a lot, right? And maybe she should have been a better girlfriend to anticipate it this year, or at least match some of that. Rise up to his level, or something. She just has a reservation to a fancy Italian restaurant in Midtown, and she made that way in advance. So maybe she gets points for that?
January rolls into February, and she dreads it. Every day is a countdown to The Fourteenth.
 Here's the more pressing thing: Chloe seems sad. Not all the time, but Beca catches it occasionally.
She presumes she knows her best friend pretty well by this point, until she's doing things like failing a single class on purpose so that she doesn't graduate. For the second year in a row.
And Beca gets it, at least on an abstract level. If she starts thinking about what comes after graduation — and that's in a year and some — she gets nervous, too. But in no version of her reality does she get so paralyzed with fear, that she would opt to repeat her senior year like it’s groundhog year.
She wishes she could know why, for certain. She can't help if she doesn't know what's going on in Chloe's head, but for the first time, it's Chloe's turn to clam up and switch the subject.
So Beca doesn't push. She hopes it's enough to keep her afloat as she works through whatever it is. She doesn't really know what that entails, but music? Music she can do.
She pours her energy into putting together a really solid mix for Chloe; it's all the songs that remind Beca of her, and their friendship. She picks songs and arranges them and removes them before she puts them back in, because it has to sound right.
Beca feels like the world's biggest dork for giving it to her the morning of Valentine's Day.
Well, second biggest dork, because she intercepts Chloe leaving the gift boxes in the room, for her and Amy.
"Hey, uh. Happy Valentine's Day," she says, handing her the flash drive — one of the many that Chloe has gotten her over the years, like she's her supplier — and hoping she doesn't look as awkward as she feels. "It's not anything like your, like, super thoughtful gifts." She gestures in that general direction. "But you're my best friend, so... here."
She gets pulled into a hug, and Beca can't be sure, but it sounds like Chloe's 'thank you' is strained and she's about to cry.
Beca hopes it's enough.
 "So, Jesse gave you just the one earring?"
Beca's back from the dinner. It was... nice? There was a string quartet and Jesse made them play John Legend's All Of Me, and Beca didn't actually die of embarrassment when he started singing along, so she'll chalk that up as a win.
"Yeah, it's like — symbolism, I guess. From the movie." Beca shrugs, chewing on the popcorn she's made that Chloe is currently stealing. She thinks about lightly smacking her hand away, but ends up shifting the bowl so that it's nearer to Chloe.
Does she regret putting Don't You (Forget About Me) in their setlist? Maybe.
Probably not, all things considered, because it worked well together with the other songs, and they did win the finals that year. But it elevated the movie to mythical and legendary status for Jesse, and if he does that arm raising motion one more time during squabbles he wants to get out of? Beca might lose it even harder.
"Is it symbolism or a metaphor? I could never tell the difference."
"I think it was a metaphor in the movie," Beca starts, a thoughtful expression on her face. "But more of a symbol for like, me and Jesse? Oh my god." She presses her free hand to her eyes. "You're such a nerd. Stop making me think deeper about this than I need or want to."
"I just think it's nice," she hears Chloe say.
Beca hums, tone neutral. "It's something, for sure. Wait." She whips her head to face her best friend. "You didn't go out tonight? Ms. 'I Love Love'?"
Chloe chuckles lowly, quietly. "I have all I need here in this house, anyway."
 When Beca goes to the kitchen in the middle of the night for a glass of water, she thinks she hears the soft strains of her mix playing from Chloe's room.
  iii. 2017, Brooklyn, NY
 It's apparently the warmest February in New York on record, but Beca is still fucking freezing.
The incessant chill envelops the air, and she pulls her coat closer to her. She's bundled under layers, but the radiator in their tiny little apartment is, as most things in it, almost completely busted.
Jesus Christ. It's cold.
 Amy is convinced she's cold because she's moping, because she's sad about breaking up with Jesse.
Beca knows she isn't, and it's not just the long distance thing.
They'd given it a fair go, and it sucked that he got busier with classes and she tried to solve all of the music industry's problems as an associate producer, working hours trying to make tracks sound... sonically unrotten.
It's not just the long distance thing, because if Beca was honest with herself, it was probably a sign that when he told her that he was thinking of completing his studies in California, her immediate response was that of neutral indifference.
So, she is totally fine.
 Beca hears Chloe singing softly before the door even opens, and she can hear it swing open too, and she knows Chloe is about to shrug her coat off —
"Don't bother, it's also cold in here," Beca says, from under the covers.
Then, her eyes track Chloe as she walks to the radiator —
"I checked, it's working. Supposedly."
"Aww." Chloe strides the distance — not that it's that long — and sits down on their shared bed. "You're so cute when you're grumpy."
"Aren't you freezing?" she chooses to deflect the comment, hugging herself petulantly. "Hey, how was your date with that guy at the clinic?"
Chloe hums noncommittally. "We went for coffee and he double-booked me with another girl."
"Dude. What a dick." Beca feels a flash of — annoyance? Chloe deserves the world. Chloe deserves everything she wants. "I'm sorry."
"I know. It's okay though." Chloe smiles at her. It's that smile that Beca catches that she thinks it's just for her, but she's also a logical person who knows that Chloe has that ability to make people feel like they're the most important person in the world. "I've got all I need right here."
Warmth pools at Beca's stomach, and honestly. It's a nice change from the freezing.
 It's 2 AM, and they're cuddling, because of course they are; because Chloe is warm; because Chloe is an embrace personified; because... Chloe.
Beca stirs awake, and she feels Chloe's breath tickle at the base of her neck. She shifts, not uncomfortably. Then, Chloe's hand drifts sleepily, and lands somewhere on Beca's hip.
And then.
And then.
There is a sudden, startling clarity in Beca's mind, knocking the figurative breath out of her. Her eyes fly open.
She loves Chloe.
And not in the same way where she loves the rest of her found family in the other Bellas.
Oh no, a voice sounds in her mind.
Oh, this is very bad, she thinks.
She can't believe how still she is right now, feeling the entire weight of Chloe's body in contact against her. Feeling her slow, steady breathing against her back. She's not even cold anymore.
Okay. So she loves her best friend. Cool, cool, very cool. That's totally fine. She can handle this.
Chloe's been such a fixture in her life, at every turn; in every note in between the downbeat and upbeat that is her life. Music is in Beca's veins, her whole life, but music flows right through Chloe. She's tucked warmly in the melody, a motif throughout the entire song.
Holy shit, Beca thinks. She's been in love with Chloe for so long, she doesn't even know when it started.
 Okay, so. There's a weird spot on the ceiling, right? And Beca just keeps staring at it, because if she closes her eyes, she will feel Chloe's presence so keenly, pressed next to her.
She can't do anything with this knowledge. She can imagine it now, Chloe giving her a comforting hug but tells her, sorry Beca, I love you but not in that way.
It's five whole years of friendship, of Chloe by her side no matter what, and that is the one thing that she's got that she doesn't want to risk, just because she had this stupid revelation.
God. It's so stupid. It'll pass. Right?
 iv. 2018, Los Angeles, CA
 What is really fucking weird, even in the grand scheme of things, is journalists asking her if she's doing anything for Valentine's Day.
Which, like. First of all, Beca's not stupid, she knows it's a way to suss out her personal-slash-love life.
She's kept that pretty close to her chest for now.
But also, there's literally nothing to tell. She's not being defensive because there's something to hide away. Beca is knee-deep in work all the time, and she goes home to an apartment that feels too big for just herself. It's a big change from the entirely too cramped apartment in Brooklyn.
Sometimes she finds herself missing that very specific part of her life. Not the struggling and being unhappy doing work with no integrity, obviously. But Chloe is now a message and three hours ahead, instead of being a daily fixture in her apartment, and it leaves Beca feeling off-kilter.
But maybe that distance is a good thing, after... you know. Revelations.
Her work ethic doesn't stop rumors. She's linked to every guy available — and some not — every single time one of them likes her Instagram posts. She's pretty sure she's had at least two full relationships, according to the National Enquirer.
Theo gleefully sends her screenshots. She tells him to fuck off.
 Chloe Look out, super star! I'm going to be in LA for a good friend's wedding in February!! If you think we're not going to hang, you're sorely mistaken.
 Beca is busy, but she sure as hell isn't going to miss Chloe coming to LA.
 Beca You have good friends outside of the Bellas? I am shocked, Beale.
 Chloe Don't be jealous 😉
 She's not. Not because of that, she catches herself thinking, and frowns at herself. Not because of anything, she decides. It's also exactly how she decides she doesn't have feelings for Chloe anymore, because Chloe is happy with Chicago, and Beca has work, and honestly? Best outcome out of every outcome possible.
Still, Beca offers up her apartment for the long-ish weekend that Chloe would be in town. She's not a monster, and Chloe has like, a mountain of student debt.
It's the least she could do.
 (Beca thinks back to that first performance at the Citadel, just under a year ago. Thinks of all the nerves she's never felt before, while she's walking to the microphone. She's always had the girls on stage with her, but not this time. Her family would be seated in the front row, supporting her no matter how far she goes.
She gets to bring them up on stage this time, of course, but it's also a temporary balm and she knows it. But that's fine, she can figure that part out.
It's the after that smarts a little.
After the performance, after the event, after she feels that pit, growing and clawing from her stomach when she sees Chloe lock lips with Chicago.
After she walks away with Theo, trying her level best to carry on a conversation as if she's not affected by what she'd just seen; trying not to think of all the what-ifs.
After, on the plane back home, when she directs a small smile at Chloe's direction. If she's happy then she's happy for her.
It's the least she could do.)
 Chloe's flight reaches the airport at 7 in the evening, and Beca's right there at LAX, waiting for her to emerge. She can see a couple of people with the big paparazzi cameras, training their lenses at her, but she doesn't care.
There's a flash of red as she sees Chloe running to her, and thankfully she catches her.
"Oh, I've missed you," Chloe says, so earnest and sincere as always; always, and Beca can hear her own heartbeat. She's almost worried that Chloe can too, like a traitorous Tell-Tale Heart.
"Yeah, well, regular sight for sore eyes, that's me." That's good, right? She hits jocularity right in the bullseye with that, as if she can't feel the top of her ears growing hot.
Chloe just laughs; like another kind of warmth. She draws her in again, hand rubbing up and down Beca's back.
Beca thinks she's stupid, for feeling like she's home.
 They get to Beca's place, Chloe appraising the place appreciatively as she wheels her luggage in.
"This is already at least fifty times nicer than our little shoebox in Brooklyn," she observes, and Beca shrugs, a little embarrassed.
"I mean, the label's paying for it, and it's like, it's — it's ridiculous." There's a voice at the back of Beca's head repeating, our little shoebox, and she wants it to shut up.
But it is ridiculous. She has so much space, and two rooms; she sleeps in one and the other one is where she works. She's pretty sure she spends more time in the latter than she does the former.
"Anyway, uh, so here's my sort-of office, it's a bit of a mess right now." She waves her hand around (god, why is she using her hands so much) at the room with her equipment and instruments, before stepping to her bedroom door. "And here's the bedroom, which, like. You should take the bed. My couch pulls out and it's really comfortable?"
"Don't be silly," Chloe tells her, looking back at the king-sized bed. "We've slept in way more crowded spaces. This will be perfect."
Beca swallows, hard. Perfect.
 Falling back into a routine with Chloe is scarily easy.
She's been here for less than three hours, and Beca's already back to being attuned to her. They put on some music in the background, she listens to Chloe talk so passionately about school and all the stuff she's learning, and Beca is so proud.
She brushes her teeth and changes into her pajamas after Chloe does, exactly like how they used to, and climbs into her bed.
"Oh, shoot, I almost forgot," Chloe's saying, and Beca cocks her head curiously to see what she's forgotten. Her best friend comes back with a box, and hands it over to her.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Bec. Also, I don't think flash drives are in fashion now," she winks. "So your Google Drive storage has been renewed, for all the audio files you need to back up. Don't worry, I didn't look at anything else."
"Wh — oh. Oh, right, Valentine's Day, gifts and all," Beca says, and looks at the box in her hand. "Wait, is this —"
"Chocolate from your favorite place in New York? Yessss," Chloe says, a laugh coloring her tone. She settles back into bed. "Not that you have a shortage of chocolate places here, but Amy reminded me of the time she ate most of the last box after how you were saving your favorite pieces, so I thought I'd bring some here for you."
Beca's heart clenches.
"Thanks, Chlo." She's pretty proud of how unwavering her voice is. "I miss it."
"It's been tough for me too, not having you in my orbit," Chloe says, bumping their shoulders together.
"Yeah? Must be extra tough, because Chicago's not around either." Then she's scrambling. "Not that I'm like, comparing myself to your boyfriend in any way."
She sees Chloe's mouth twist to the side. Beca's eyebrows knit together.
"He's not my boyfriend anymore." Chloe's words are slow, measured. Like she's afraid of setting something off.
Beca pauses, as she takes it all in.
"Oh. I mean — Are you okay?"
"Yeah. It's been..." Beca sees Chloe's furrowed brows as she thinks. "Three months, almost. Just right before Christmas."
Beca thinks back to Christmas; to the group messages, the online gift cards and food deliveries made in each other's names. Nowhere in her memory exists this piece of information, and she's pretty sure she's not been that shitty of a friend to miss this.
It feels a little bit like being hurt, actually.
"Oookay," she says, licking her lips a little, letting the air out of her slowly. "Okay. Well. Good night, Chloe."
 Beca can't fall asleep, and she's pretty sure she knows why. It's been an hour of staring at the ceiling, and she tries to will her stupid mind to shut down for the night.
She thinks Chloe must be asleep by now; her body clock must be three hours —
Beca pauses for so long that she thinks Chloe might actually think she's asleep.
She feels Chloe shift. "I want you to ask me."
Beca wants to be obtuse and frustrating; wants to pretend she doesn't know what she's talking about. Instead, the confusion and hurt win out.
She pushes herself up on her elbows, then into a sitting position. It doesn't feel like a conversation that they should have lying down. She waits for Chloe to do the same, before finding her voice and words.
"Why didn't you tell me that you and Chicago broke up?" Dimly lit by the street lights outside, Beca sees her shift in place, and she feels Chloe's hand reaching for hers. "I thought — well. You know. That we tell each other things."
Which is slightly rich, coming from her, she knows. But still.
Chloe sighs, just quietly. "Because I have feelings for someone else."
Beca blinks, taking that in. It's a weird feeling because she's simultaneously crushed and hopeful, and maybe it's the hour, or maybe it's Chloe's hand in hers, but as her eyes sweep across Chloe's face, Beca is emboldened.
She leans in, and time feels like it's slowing down as she closes the distance and presses her lips on Chloe's, roughly and then temperately.
Beca's not the most impulsive person. In the moments, though, when she is, they always leave her wondering if she'd done something stupid — like punching creepy middle-aged a cappella guys, like leaving in the middle of a fight, like pulling the girls up on stage during her solo set.
Like kissing Chloe Beale in her bed.
So she pulls back suddenly, as quickly as she had started it, an apology already stumbling out. "Fuck, I'm sorry, I just assumed, I'm so sor—"
Chloe makes a noise; something that sounds like no, her eyes so startlingly blue even in this light, and Beca freezes. She's sure her brain is working out some sort of rambling apology or excuse, maybe pass it off as a joke somehow?
But Chloe pulls her back in, both thumbs lightly touching Beca's cheekbones as she meets their lips again.
This second kiss is deeper, slower, more connected. It takes her breath away, as her hand curls at the back of Chloe's neck. Chloe tastes like mint and sweetness and sincerity, and a little like hopeless optimism on Beca's part.
A soft gasp escapes, and Chloe pulls away this time.
Beca has a tentative smile on her face, as she takes in a breath heavily; the questions written so plainly on her face.
Chloe's eyes shine.
"It's always been you, Beca."
 v. 2020, Los Angeles, CA
 Having your anniversary on Valentine's Day is good. And bad.
Mostly good, because it means that Beca has that to help keep herself honest and not forget it, because it's impossible to.
Also, she won't forget, but, you know. Just in case.
Bad, especially last year, because it fell right around the Grammys weekend, and apparently when you're nominated and win pretty much... every single category you're in, that's kind of a big fucking deal.
(It started with Best New Artist, and by the time she's on that stage a fourth time, she literally had no other words and nothing but so much gratitude.)
But yeah, so last year's Valentine's Day-slash-anniversary was overwhelming. People contacting her from all corners, wanting to congratulate her and get some sound bites; the internet pouring both support, and scathing critique on her and her music.
Beca wishes she could say she rose above it, that she was as cool as her publicist thinks her to be.
Instead, Chloe had to deal with her, a stressful human ball of anxiety and nerves. Amazing, wonderful, sweet Chloe, just happy to be around her during these exciting and utterly vulnerable times.
 This year, though. This year she's older and wiser.
This year, the day falls on a Friday, but they've decided to celebrate it the next day and through the weekend instead, because Chloe has a seminar she needs to attend for school, and Theo had packed Beca's entire day with a long meeting.
Key word: had.
At 7 AM, as she wakes up groggily and checks her phone, the invite has disappeared from her calendar, presumably rescheduled for some other time. She vaguely notes the message from Theo about entire teams not being available, and Beca's not going to question the reason why, because she's immediately looking up flights to Ithaca and books the first one out.
 (I'm not private jet rich, dude. Also, carbon footprint. Text to Amy, because of course.)
 Here's her plan:
She'll make a beeline to Chloe's apartment (Beca's been here plenty of times, in the past couple of years; met her friends here in Cornell, hung out with them, appreciated that they're her support circle while she's here), and she'll say something incredibly dorky, and Chloe will kiss her, and then, they will properly celebrate.
God, the things Chloe can do with her mouth; the sounds Beca can get her to make.
Beca doesn’t even bother squirming in the plane seat.
 Chloe I have a surprise!!!
Whereeee are you? 🥰🥰🥰
 Here's what happens instead:
Beca has to fly back home — noun, the place where she lives; noun, Chloe — because while she was spending six hours flying east, Chloe had done the same in the opposite direction; her seminar being canceled (something about the professor being sick?).
She can't believe it.
Okay, she can maybe believe it.
God, the Bellas are going to have a field day with this.
 In the group chat, Chloe's taken a selfie of herself in Beca’s apartment and captioned it: I flew here a day early to surprise Beca, but she flew to Cornell instead to surprise me too 😂
 Emily OMAG YOU GUYS that is SO CUTE!!!!!!
 Beca reads Emily's text, shaking her head, knowing that this is the younger girl's version of restraint.
 Flo One time I thought a guy was going to propose to his girlfriend on the plane, but turned out he was having a heart attack instead.
 Jessica&Ashley #justsoulmatethings
 Rush hour in LA is so horrible, and it's nearly 8 PM when she finally gets back to her apartment. She jogs all the way from the Lyft to her door.
Beca never jogs.
Her own door flings open, and she sees the smiling face of the woman she loves.
"Flying cross country for me is so romantic."
"You did that too," Beca points out, a small smirk on her face.
"Yeah, but you did it twice." Chloe beams, and kisses her again, and again.
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blueberry-sunghoon · 3 years
"meet me at the ice rink after school" | park sunghoon
words: 5.3k
genre: high school romance, fluff
warnings: none that i can think of
i hope you like this story :))
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☆September 2013☆
One late summer afternoon, you and your best friend Sunghoon were at the ice rink, your all-time favorite hangout spot. Of course, your skating skills weren’t nearly as stunning as Sunghoon’s, but throughout the years he had taught you enough so you could manage yourself on the ice. Sunghoon liked to show off new moves he had learned every time he saw you, and he loved to see how your face lit up with amazement when he pulled it off perfectly. 
You mainly liked each other’s company, though. When you both were skating with each other, you were free to tell each other everything from your joys to your worries, trusting that the other would laugh with you or be there to comfort you. To each of you, skating with the other felt like home. Today especially, you both needed that. It had been a long day for the both of you; it was your first day of fifth grade, which also happened to be your first day of middle school.
“Today was rough,” you said as you skated alongside Sunghoon. 
“Yeah. I didn’t think we would end up not having any classes together. Being apart from you for the whole day… ” Sunghoon sighed before he finished his sentence, “that’ll take some time to get used to.”
“By some miracle, we ended up in the same class every year from kindergarten to fourth grade,” you replied. “Obviously I didn’t think we would have every single class together until 12th grade, but I didn’t think about how hard it would be to be without you.”
“Me neither,” said Sunghoon. "After we got off the bus in the morning and I said goodbye to you, I only saw you once more the whole day. Unfortunately, we were in the hallway and you were way too far away for me to say hi to you. But sitting through eight classes without you in any of them felt really weird, like there was something missing.”
“I didn’t see you at all. All I could do was sit through all my classes, lonely because I barely knew anyone. I missed you, Sunghoon. I don't know how I’m going to do this,” you said with a cracked voice. 
Sunghoon noticed you were about to cry, so he stopped skating and hugged you tightly. He let you rest your head on his shoulder as you cried. “It’s okay, y/n, don't cry.” 
“It’s not okay!” you retaliated. “How am I supposed to survive middle school without you?”
“We won’t be without each other,” Sunghoon assured you. “I’m still alive, you know. We can still hang out like this after school. And once school clubs open up, we can find one we both like. In the meantime, I’m sure you’ll make some new friends; you’re good at that. You won’t be lonely for long, I promise.”
There was something so reassuring about Sunghoon’s voice that made you feel better. He was right; he wasn’t going anywhere. Even if you couldn’t be together in class, you would still see each other all the time. “Thanks, Sunghoon,” you said softly.
“Mm-hmm,” he said as he pulled away from the hug and wiped away one last stray tear from your face. “Are you good to keep skating?”
“Yeah,” you answered, and the two of you continued to skate. The two of you were quiet for some time, and then a lightbulb went off in the boy’s head.
“y/n, what’s your locker number?”
“56. Why?” you asked.
“Nothing,” Sunghoon said slyly as a sneaky smile crept up onto his face, “I was just curious.” 
The next morning in second period, you were daydreaming instead of paying attention to the teacher. Among many other things, you were thinking of why Sunghoon wanted to know where your locker was. I’m sure it was nothing, you reasoned, but for some reason you couldn’t push the thought away.
After what seemed like forever, the bell rang and the class was dismissed. Your locker was right outside of that classroom, so you went there to switch out your things. As soon as you opened your locker, however, you were surprised to see a sticky note posted on the inside of the locker door. You were more surprised to see Sunghoon’s handwriting on it. Sunghoon had written you a note. It read,
What do you call a factory that makes okay products? Satisfactory!
You playfully scoffed at the joke before you continued to read the note. 
Now you have this corny joke to remember me by all day so you won’t miss me as much. I’ll see you after school :)
From, Sunghoon your favorite person
P.S. My locker number is 179. Do what you will with this information ;)
You were so happy that your best friend had done something that special for you. You took the note and carefully placed it inside the cover of your binder so you would never lose it. 
179, huh? You made sure to write Sunghoon a note in reply and put it in his locker before the day was over. 
And so began a tradition between you and Sunghoon. Every day you would place a note in the other’s locker, whether it was a corny joke or a word of encouragement if one of you had a big test or a blank note on April Fools day. You never skipped a day; the only way one of you wouldn’t receive a note was if the other person wasn’t at school that day. This continued far beyond the fifth grade. You kept this up all the way through middle school, and now, almost all the way through high school.
☆March 2021☆
You and Sunghoon were now high school seniors, still each other’s closest friend. 
Friend. You now shuddered to think of the word. You didn’t regret being by Sunghoon’s side for as long as you both could remember, but over the last two or so years you had developed feelings for him. You wished so badly that you could be more than friends, but you never brought the subject up to him because you didn’t want to risk what you’ve had since you were babies. The sophomore version of you figured that it was probably just a phase, that soon enough your little crush would go away and you wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore. 
How you wished that was the case.
Instead, your feelings were stronger than ever, and you found yourself constantly worrying. High school graduation was only three months away, and after that, the two of you were heading off to different universities. Would I have missed my chance by then?
Sunghoon, who was sitting next to you in history class, tapped his pencil on your desk, shaking you from your thoughts. You whipped your head in his direction, confused. He then pointed his pencil at the teacher, who was looking at you and expecting an answer. “I asked you a question, y/n.”
You glanced around the classroom and noticed that the whole class was staring at you. Embarrassed, you mumbled, “I’m sorry, Mr. Kim, I didn’t hear your question.”
Mr. Kim sighed in frustration. “I asked you what year the French Revolution started.”
You hesitated for a second. “Um, was it 1799?” you guessed, unsure of yourself.
“No,” he replied sharply. “1799 would be the year it came to an end. The revolution started in 1789. y/n, this is the third time I’ve caught you daydreaming during my class this week. I suggest you start paying attention.” And with that, he continued teaching.
You heard a few snickers around the room and you felt humiliated. You felt more blood than you thought you had rush to your face and you slouched down in your seat in shame. 
Sunghoon glanced over at you sympathetically. He gave you a sympathetic smile as if to say, “I’m sorry,” and you reciprocated his smile.
You tried your hardest to pay attention to Mr. Kim for the rest of the class period, but it wasn’t easy. In fact, you were so far gone that the bell’s ringing at the end of class escaped your notice. As Sunghoon was packing up his things, he noticed you staring off into space, so he tapped his pencil on your desk once again. “Class is over, y/n,” he said. You saw that half the class was already gone and Mr. Kim was giving you an evil look. “Oh,” you said as you began packing up your things. 
By the time you started to pack up, Sunghoon had already finished. You were lucky that he was nice enough to wait for you. “I’m sorry, Sunghoon,” you said apologetically.
“Don't apologize, y/n. I have no problem waiting for you,” he replied. “I have lunch right now anyways, so it doesn’t matter if I’m late.”
What did I do to deserve such an understanding friend?
Finally you finished packing up your things. “I’m ready to go now,” you said to Sunghoon as you put your backpack on.
“Okay, then,” he said. “Let’s go.” You walked with Sunghoon into the hallway.
“Is it an A day or a B day?” you asked as you walked alongside him. “I’m either going to study hall or AP Bio right now and I have no idea which one.” You hoped it was an A day, because you needed some time to yourself after what just happened in history.
“Today is a B day. You have a double period for Bio.” 
You sighed in frustration. “Ugh.”
The two of you went quiet for some time. Then Sunghoon finally broke the silence. “y/n, are you okay?”
You quickly glanced at your friend, not knowing what he was referring to. “Yeah. What made you think otherwise?”
“You seem so unfocused lately.”
“Okay, Mr. Kim,” you said sarcastically.
“I’m serious, y/n. And I’m not just talking about history class. Like, you’re always on top of things. These days you seem so forgetful. For example, you’re the one to always remind me whether it’s an A day or a B day, yet today you had no idea. I know you tend to daydream easily, but these days you just seem so out of it. Is there something on your mind? You know you can tell me anything.”
I like you, Sunghoon. I like you a lot, but I have no idea how to tell you. I’m scared of ruining our friendship. I have the constant feeling of running out of time before we go to college, and I don't want it to be too late before I finally get the courage to tell you how I feel.
Of course, you couldn’t tell him any of that. All you could say was, “Don't worry, Sunghoon. I’m fine.” You felt a bit guilty because you rarely hid things from Sunghoon. He was aware of nearly everything that had ever worried you. But you just couldn’t bring yourself to tell him about this.
Sunghoon didn’t believe that you were as fine as you said you were. He thought that there was no way something wasn’t bothering you, not with you like this. However, he wasn’t the kind to pry, and he trusted that you would come to him once you felt comfortable. He said, “Okay. If you ever need anything, you know I’m here for you.”
You simply nodded, and the two of you continued to walk in silence until you approached the AP Bio classroom.
“I’ll see you later,” you said.
“Yeah. Um, I have ice skating practice after school today, but I’ll FaceTime you as soon as I get home. I’ll see you then.” He then smiled at you and said, “Keep your head up, okay?”
Once again, you responded by nodding your head. Sunghoon waved you goodbye and he was off to his next destination.
You watched hopelessly as he walked away, and you didn’t enter the classroom until he was completely gone from your sight.
As soon as you got home from school, you went straight to your room and onto your bed. You pulled your sheets over your head and closed your eyes, trying hard not to think about anything. You were mentally exhausted from thinking so much. Of course, your efforts to not think about the things that stressed you only made you think about them more. Finally, you felt yourself drift into sleep.
After some time, your eyes fluttered open and you checked your phone to see the time. You were out for two and a half hours. You wanted to face your problems instead of avoiding them, so you sat up on your bed and decided to call your friend Sunoo. Sunoo’s good with stuff like this, you thought as your phone rang. You bit your nails as you anxiously waited for him to pick up.
“Hey,” you heard Sunoo say finally.
“Hey Sunoo,” you replied. “What’s up?”
“Nothing much, how about you?”
“Well, I kind of wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Go ahead, I’m listening.”
You took a deep breath to get rid of the nervous energy before you explained. “See, there’s someone that I like. A lot. It’s been a while since I’ve felt this way, but I don't know how to tell him how I feel. We’ve been friends for a long time now, and the last thing I want to do is ruin our friendship right before we head off to different colleges.”
“Oh,” said Sunoo. “Sunghoon, right?”
You felt your heart skip a beat and you raised an eyebrow. That’s suspicious. That’s weird. I’m pretty sure I never told Sunoo that I like Sunghoon. In fact, I didn’t tell anybody… “Um, yeah. How did you know it’s Sunghoon?”
Everyone and their uncle knows you and Sunghoon like each other. I’m pretty sure you two are the only people who don't know. You guys make it painfully obvious, Sunoo thought. “Um, uh, well I know Sunghoon has been your closest friend for a long time now. I figured if there was anyone you liked, it would be Sunghoon.”
“I suppose so,” you said.
“You should tell Sunghoon how you feel.” 
You didn’t answer. You wished there was another way around this problem, but there wasn’t. The only option you had was to tell Sunghoon how you felt about him.
“y/n? Are you there?”
Shaken from your thoughts, you hopelessly said, “I can’t, Sunoo. I’m too scared.”
You heard Sunoo sigh before he responded. “There’s a chance he might like you too. But you have to shoot your shot, y/n. Because if you don't, one day you’ll be forty years old, wondering what might have been if you had told the boy you liked when you were 17 how you felt.”
You hated how right Sunoo was. “Sure, there might be a chance that he likes me too,” you started, not believing for a second the statement you just said, “But what if he doesn’t? I will have ruined our friendship.”
“I doubt something like that would ruin your friendship,” said Sunoo. “The bond between you two is incredibly strong, probably stronger than you realize. It’s gonna take a lot more than that to break you guys up. Of course, if he didn’t reciprocate your feelings, things might be awkward for some time, but eventually things will return to normal. Sunghoon would never leave you no matter what, and I know you wouldn’t leave him either.”
“Yeah, I guess so. But how do I even go about telling Sunghoon that I like him?”
“y/n, you’re way overcomplicating this. It’s a lot easier than you think. All you have to do is say the words: ‘Sunghoon, I like you.’ Repeat after me: ‘Sunghoon, I like you.’”
“Sunghoon, I like you,” you mumbled with clenched teeth.
“Louder, y/n, I can’t hear you,” Sunoo teased in a singsong voice.
You took a deep breath. “Sunghoon, I like you.”
“That’s more like it,” Sunoo said, satisfied. Then, all of a sudden he got an idea. “Don't y’all leave notes in each other’s lockers every day?”
You weren’t sure where Sunoo was going with this. “Yeah, why?”
“Slip a note in his locker asking him to meet you at the skating rink tomorrow after school. It should be easy to tell him then.”
You had to admit that it was a good idea. Wait. Tomorrow? “Tomorrow? That soon?”
“Mmm-hmm,” Sunoo answered without hesitation. “I don't see why not. Otherwise you’ll keep pushing it off and you’ll never actually do it.”
At this point, you were almost infuriated by how right Sunoo was. 
“Okay, bet. I’ll do it tomorrow.”
“You better. In fact, I’ll make sure I call you before I go to bed to ask you how it went.” 
You laughed a little. “I hear you laughing!” said Sunoo in a playful tone. “I’m serious, I will call you.” 
You heard your mom call you for dinner. “Yeah. Listen, Sunoo, I have to go now, but thanks so much for the talk. I really needed that.”
“No problem, y/n, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Okay, bye.” 
You put down your phone. I can do this, you said to yourself, feeling more determined than ever.
Not even five minutes after Sunoo got off the phone with you, he received another call. Who could that be? He thought to himself as he looked away from his homework and at his phone. A sneaky smile appeared on his face when he saw who was calling him. 
“Hi Sunghoon,” said Sunoo as he picked up the phone.
“Hey,” said Sunghoon. “Uh, I called because I need to talk to you about something.”
Sunoo could see where he was going. “Of course. I’m all ears.”
“Well, there’s someone at school that I’ve liked for a while, but I really don't know how to tell them. I’m also worried that I might ruin our friendship.”
The smile wouldn’t come off Sunoo’s face, no matter how he tried. Are y/n and Sunghoon really that oblivious? “Park Sunghoon, it’s about time you talked to me about this.”
Sunghoon was confused. “What do you mean?”
“It’s y/n, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” said Sunghoon, more confused than before. “But what do you mean ‘it’s about time’?”
“Sunghoon, everyone knows that you like y/n. I’m not sure you could make it any more obvious. The way you look and smile at them when they’re talking to you says everything. You’re obviously whipped. When I first noticed, I was so excited for you, and I wanted to talk to you about it. But I didn’t want to bring it up first because that might have made you uncomfortable. So I waited. It’s been two long years.”
Sunghoon could feel his face flush red with embarrassment. Sunoo really said “This you?”
“Oh,” Sunghoon replied softly. “Well, does y/n know? Do you think they like me too?”
No, they don't know. They’re just as oblivious as you. It kills me how unaware of each other you guys are. Sunoo took a deep breath and chose his next words very carefully. “I can’t say. The only way you’ll know for sure is if you ask.” 
“But I can’t tell y/n how I feel. I might ruin our friendship.”
Oh my god, thought Sunoo, it’s almost like they share the same brain. Sunoo assured Sunghoon that he wouldn’t ruin his friendship by telling you how he felt about you. Then, to spice things up, he decided to give Sunghoon the same suggestion he gave you.
“Wait, you might be on to something,” said Sunghoon.
“I know,” said Sunoo, “it’s a gift of mine.” 
“That’s actually a good idea, Sunoo. I’ll try it. I have to go now though, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Alright, see ya.”
Sunoo hung up the phone, feeling quite proud of himself. “I love it when a plan comes together,” Sunoo said out loud as he continued his homework. 
It was third period the next day. Calculus was your favorite subject, and the one you usually paid the most attention in. Not today, though. All you could think about was going to Sunghoon’s locker and putting the note in there. Once you did, there would be no going back. 
You pulled out the note you had written from your folder. Meet me at the ice rink after school today, there’s something I want to tell you :) was what you had written. You stared at the piece of paper as if it would eat you alive. Your hands became sweaty and you could feel your heart racing. How could something so simple torment you so much?
The sound of the bell ringing interrupted your thoughts. Calculus was over, and it was time to go to lunch. You packed up your things and left the classroom. This was usually the time of day when you would slip your daily note into Sunghoon’s locker, so today before you went to lunch, you started to make your way there. It was the same time that Sunghoon would normally do the same thing (except he was on his way to physics), so you two would cross paths in the hallway. 
Today when you crossed paths, you quickly said “hi” with a smile to each other. Of course, you both knew that you were going to each other’s lockers, but what you didn’t know was that you had the exact same message for each other. 
As you approached Sunghoon’s locker, your heartbeat quickened and your temperature rose, making your glasses foggy. With shaky hands, you put in the combination on the lock and opened his locker. You stood there for a moment, negative scenarios flashing through your mind. You thought about what you would be risking (which, by the way, was everything). We’ve built so much over the years. Do I even dare? 
You fixed your gaze on the small, blue, diamond-shaped magnet on the door of Sunghoon’s locker. Every day since fifth grade, you would use that magnet to attach your message to his locker. He had managed to keep the same one all these years. You were so used to seeing it everyday, yet soon enough you wouldn’t be seeing it anymore. That reminded you that you didn’t want to lose your chance with Sunghoon. It’s now or never.
You took a deep breath, then attached the note to the inside of the locker door. Before you could think about taking it back, you closed the locker shut and headed off to lunch. There was no turning back.
After lunch, you went to your locker to switch out your books. Once you opened it, you saw Sunghoon’s note... It wasn’t anything near what you were expecting. Your heart skipped a beat, and your eyes opened wider than you thought they could. "Meet me at the rink after school, there’s something important I need to tell you."
As if you weren’t more nervous today than you had ever been in your whole life, Sunghoon’s note sent you into anxiety overdrive. What could Sunghoon possibly have to tell me? There were endless possibilities. You thought for a second that maybe, just maybe, he wanted to tell you the same thing you wanted to tell him. But you immediately rejected that idea and laughed it off. Don't be ridiculous, y/n. 
You convinced yourself that it likely had something to do with his ice skating - he probably had been invited to a championship or something like that. It wasn’t the first time Sunghoon had invited you to the rink so he could tell you something important. It was just a coincidence that you both had big news that day. You switched out your books and walked to your next class feeling confident. 
When you made it to the rink after school, you saw that Sunghoon was already there, putting on his skates. “You’re late,” he teased. 
“Yah, no I’m not! Just cuz you got here first doesn’t mean I’m late. I’m here after school, aren’t I?” you said as you playfully punched his arm. 
Sunghoon burst out into laughter. “y/n, what was that? That didn’t even hurt.”
“I could have made it hurt if I wanted to,” you teased. “You’re lucky I’m nice.”
You went to get your skates, and a few minutes later you both were skating alongside each other. You and Sunghoon were talking to each other, but it was mostly small talk. It was obvious that you both were preoccupied with what you wanted to tell each other. 
“How’s your sister?” you asked.
“She’s doing good.”
A pause. 
“Have you decided on a topic for the English essay?” Sunghoon asked.
“I’m most likely going to do the Civil War. You?”
“I’m doing the Industrial Revolution.”
Another pause.
Sunghoon sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair, a habit you noticed he had when he was nervous. “Let’s get rid of the elephant in the room. We both have stuff to tell each other," he said.
You felt your heart rate go up and you found yourself playing with your fingers to ward off the nervous energy. “Mmm-hmm.” 
Sunghoon noticed that you were a bit uneasy. “Do you want me to go first?”
As much as you wanted to say yes, you didn’t trust yourself to not chicken out at the last minute. It took every nerve in your body for you to say, “I’ll go first.” 
“Okay. I’m ready when you are.”
“It’s definitely a big one,” you said. You stopped skating, and Sunghoon followed. You were so nervous that you couldn’t even make eye contact with him. I can do this, you thought to yourself as you began.
“Well, Sunghoon, we’ve been best friends since the beginning, you know? And, um, through all these years you’ve been there for me through thick and thin. You’ve honestly been the best friend I’ve ever had. Well, you see, it’s been about two years since I started feeling differently about you. I’ve been dying for so long to tell you how I feel, but I was scared that I might ruin our friendship. But I’ve been thinking a lot about my feelings lately, and I just can’t hide this from you anymore.”
Are they about to tell me what I think they are? Sunghoon thought to himself.
You took a deep breath before you continued. “I guess what I mean to say is,” you said as you finally looked up to make eye contact with Sunghoon, “is that I like you, Sunghoon. Could we be more than friends?”
At this point, you were insanely anxious. Your heart was beating out of your chest, and you thought you could faint. And it didn’t help that Sunghoon wasn’t saying anything, just staring at you. What you didn’t know was that he was just as anxious as you; he was just better at keeping it all in than you. He could hardly believe that he had just heard those words from you.
You immediately broke eye contact with Sunghoon and looked off to the side so he couldn’t see how embarrassed you were. “Or not,” you mumbled. “I mean if you don't wanna be more than friends that’s okay I mean we can still be friends that’s completely fine I just hope I haven’t ruined everything oh God who am I kidding what have I done-”
You were interrupted by the sound of Sunghoon sighing. Out of the corner of your eye you could see him smiling from ear to ear. You turned your head to face him and said, “What?”
“Stop rambling already.” 
Before you had time to process what he said, he leaned in and quickly, yet softly, kissed your cheek. You were in utter shock and disbelief, and you felt your face go hot. A tiny smile came across your face.
Sunghoon saw your glasses fogging up and that’s when he knew you were blushing. He decided to tease you. “Aw, I make you flustered.”
You became playfully defensive and flicked his hand. “Yah! No you don't.”
Sunghoon laughed. “Yes I do,” he said as he swiftly took your hand and intertwined it with his. He swung your hand up and down and his smile got even bigger as your eyes lit up. “You look like the pleading eyes emoji right now.”
You let out a nervous yet happy laugh. “Sunghoon, you’re killing me.” Never in your wildest dreams did you think this moment would ever come to be.
Sunghoon cleared his throat. “In all seriousness though, y/n, I really like you too.”
“I’m so glad I was able to get that out,” you said as you let out a happy sigh. “I’d been keeping it in for a long time. I was so worried about messing up our friendship and especially over the past few weeks I’ve been worried about once we go to college, we’ll be physically apart. Thankfully, though, yesterday I talked to Sunoo about everything and he really helped me muster the courage to tell you how I feel.”
Sunghoon’s heart skipped a beat when you mentioned Sunoo. There’s no way. “Oh, you talked to Sunoo? I heard he’s good with stuff like that. What did he say?”
“You know, he told me that it was better for me to shoot my shot so that down the road I wouldn't regret not taking a chance. And he was right. I don't regret this at all.”
“Well, I’m glad you told me, because I would really like to be more than friends with you. And, um, I’m not worried about going off to different colleges or being physically apart. I believe in us; we’ll find a way.”
“Then I’m not worried about it either,” you said, relieved. 
“I’m glad,” Sunghoon said. “Does Saturday work for a date? I can pick you up at your house around 7:00.”
“That sounds great, Sunghoon.”
“Perfect,” said Sunghoon, his smile bigger than ever. “You wanna keep skating now?”
“Yeah,” you answered. “I’d like that.”
You and Sunghoon continued to skate, and the rest of the afternoon was filled with happiness and laughter. The smiles never came off either of your faces, and neither of you had even thought of letting go of the other’s hand. The two of you were so happy in this moment and you didn’t want it to end. 
All good things must come to an end, though, and your afternoon with Sunghoon was no different. Sunghoon felt his phone vibrate in the pocket of his hoodie and he pulled it out. His mom had sent him a text. “My mom’s asking me where I am,” said Sunghoon with a twinge of disappointment. “I guess I can’t blame her; we’ve been here for almost four hours. I should get going.” 
“No problem Sunghoon. I should probably get home as well. I need to get started on my homework.”
You and Sunghoon left the rink, still holding hands. You two were parked next to each other in the parking lot, and there you said your goodbyes. Before you went in your car, however, you thought of something. “Hey, Sunghoon, did you have anything in mind you wanted to tell me when you invited me here? You know, anything not related to what I told you?”
“Nope. That was exactly it,” Sunghoon said with a smile. “Believe it or not, I also talked to Sunoo yesterday evening.”
“No way,” you said, a bit dumbfounded. “Did you actually?”
“Yeah. Looks like great minds think alike.” He gave you a wink, and before he turned around to get in his car, he said, “I’ll see you on Saturday.”
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 19/?
Word Count: 4.1k
Author’s Note:
Warnings: Mentions of the court system, fighting, swearing, no beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
 Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
Time Skip lol, February, next year. Finals.
She and Jason had been together for 6 months around February. When finals started coming up. The distance and tension between the two was fucking palpable. They hadn't fought or anything, but the stress between them had caused a slight riff. They just had space to focus on their studies.
They would see each other at work. She was his secretary. Everyone, all their friends, even their families, swore they just needed to bone. Which, considering they both heard about this from Bruce first, didn't mean they wanted to do it.
If you had asked Y/N, she would have said she wasn't dressing for Jason. But that was a lie. She was tempted to go with the advice everyone was giving them, especially before they went into their first finals exam. She walked into his office.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"Well, I'm your secretary. Seeing if you need anything."
"I don't."
She turned to walk out.
"That doesn't mean you can walk out."
She smiled to herself, "Alright." She sat on the chair in front of his desk, "I won't walk out."
She frowned, he didn't even look up from his computer. "What do you want me here for, Jay?"
"Close the blinds on all my windows, baby."
"It'll become dark."
"Your eyes will fry from the light of your computer."
"Trust me, they won't."
"Uh-huh," she doubted as she closed the blinds.
Jason walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head in the crook of her shoulder. She smiled and leaned her head on his.
"Exams fucking suck," Jason said.
"Couldn't have guessed from the riff in our relationship, really? You don't say?" she sarcastically retorted.
"It's not like we had it easy this entire time, either."
"Fuck you don't say? At least my attacker was admitted to Arkham and my friends got out."
"Can't catch a break," he paused because his buzzer went, "Can't catch a fucking break!" he exclaimed, exasperated. He went and answered it, "Jason Todd, who's using Y/N (Last Name)'s buzzer," he said, sounding annoyed.
"Hey, it's Dick. You two aren't fucking right, B will be pissed."
"Shut up. We aren't. What do you want."
"Someone's pissed. I need paperwork."
"Come and get it."
She crossed her arms and laughed when Dick entered the room. She slightly waved. He slightly waved back.
"You know, you two should bone. But not here," Dick joked. He walked over to one of the many, many filing cabinets to search for the paperwork he needed.
"You're really just riding the wave into Jason running you down, aren't you?" Y/N said.
"Well, we're always up for sparring."
"It probably won't be sparring, Dick. You know your brother. He's staring daggers into the back of your head."
"For Valentine's, I'll be giving Barbara the stress of taking care of me after Jason beats me to a pulp."
"At least you'll get one last Gala?" she joked.
"Will you be coming?"
"She will," Jason said.
"Amazing. Don't fuck on the dance floor," Dick joked.
"Fuck you."
"Love you too, Jase," he turned to walk out, "Love you too, Y/N."
"I'll be sure to tell you I love you at your funeral, Dick," she joked as he walked out. She paused before turning to Jason, "Gala?"
"Come, please," he said before going to hug her. "I miss you."
"You see me every day, Love."
"But we haven't been," he paused, "Well, a couple. In weeks. I miss you. The fun one who got me to run down the streets of Gotham on a skateboard."
"Dress code?"
"White tie."
"Dammnit. Guess I'm shopping."
"I'll give you my debit card?"
"I don't need it, baby. However," she joked, "I sure will take it."
He laughed and forked it over to her, "Don't spend my Ph.D. funds."
"I will gladly spend your Ph.D. funds."
"No," he laughed, "Please, I need those."
"I mean if you insist I spend it all," she said, laughing.
"The Gala's later tonight, you can take the rest of the day off."
"Kind of you to do."
"I know, I'm a gentleman."
"Truly," she kissed him. "I'll see you tonight."
"Can I come to get you?"
"Feel free too."
"Alright. I love you."
"I love you," she said before she left the office.
Getting into her car, she fumbled with the mirror a bit. She looked like a mom. The bags under her eyes and the formal get-up for an office job did her in.
They had said "I love you" for the first time around Christmas. She wished she caught the moment where they were fucking around and she just said it.
The Christmas lights surrounded them, hung in the trees. They had gone to see the New York City tree in Times Square. He was setting up a photo to take of the two of them and she just said it.
She could have sworn his fucking eyes lit up with green. Like they glowed.
Reminiscing on those small moments with Jason was something that would make her smile without fail. That man somehow unlocked a new set of feelings, stronger feelings. She was in touch with herself.
She went to her house first, to see how A/N was doing. To see her on the steps. She pulled into the driveway.
"Hey, you good?"
"Huh? Oh! Yeah, of course. Why?"
"I have to go get a dress for a Wayne Gala trademark, do you want to come to help me?"
"Of course I do!"
"I guess you could say we didn't narrow shit down about a dress," Y/N joked as she came out in the 16th dress she had tried on.
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"Okay, well, that one is the best so far," A/N said, seeming like they finally made progress.
"Wow, this is news, we've narrowed it down."
"Honestly consider it a miracle. Thank God Jason let you go from work early. Are you getting a full day's pay?" A/N asked.
"Probably. I told Bruce I didn't want a full day's pay if I wasn't there, but Bruce said it was in my contract. I think he's just being generous," Y/N said with a sigh.
"Did you not read your contract?"
"I did! That's why I think he's being generous. I don't think I'd forget something like that."
"Watch you did forget those words. You should ask him to see your contract, if he's disobeying it then the board members are probably at his ass about it," A/N explained.
"God, please no. I would hate being a contention point for the board members."
"They probably want you fired. And they're probably mad that you won't be fired because you're with Jason."
"Well, I'm also just a great secretary"
"See, each time you say that I assume it's because you give him a little something-something under his desk every day."
"I'll have you know we've never had sex in that office."
"Did you have sex in another office?" A/N questioned.
"I'm pleading the 5th to any further questioning."
"Wait, oh my god."
"Nope! Going to go try on another dress and ignore you now!" Y/N exclaimed with a joking tone.
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"This one's the best," A/N said.
"We're making progress! I'm thinking if I go with this one, I add gloves."
"God, are you trying to give Jason a hard-on?"A/N joked.
"I would like to plead the 5th to any further questioning on the matter," Y/N retorted.
"You're evil. If you're going to be evil, you might as well wear a suit."
"I wish. After all the shit I've been through, I want to stick it to the fucks who keep judging me. I'm already so jeopardized, though. Jason goes through a lot of shit dating me. I'll wear the dress."
"Old white people are old white people."
"Well, Bruce is nice at least. If he's judgemental, at least I don't hear about it on the news," Y/N said and twirled. "Yeah, this one. I like this one."
"I also like that one. There's something about silk. Always gets someone to look like 50 million dollars. Probably worth that too."
Y/N fumbled with the tag, "It's not pure silk, so it's less. Only 1000$."
"Only 1000$? God, that's like our rent."
"Rent is more."
"Well if we weren't in a house it would be the same. That's insane. That's like 3-4 months of groceries."
"I know it's a lot to us commonfolk, but Jason is rich. He wouldn't mind. We might, but he wouldn't."
"Yeah, but do you feel okay with spending that much of his money?"
"I have no idea. We'll see. I'll go try another dress on."
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"This is cute," Y/N said.
"Well of course it is, it's probably worth your college scholarship, though."
"God, don't remind me of prices."
"It's hard to forget prices when we're given a lot of money to spend."
"We can't spend all of it!"
"What's he using it for?" A/N asked in a half-joke.
"He's getting a Ph.D. in Criminal Psychology when we graduate."
"Okay, okay. So he needs it."
"Yeah, he doesn't let Bruce pay his bills, remember. He's making his own money, minus the working-for-his-dad part."
"Yeah, the working for Bruce part seems a bit counterintuitive."
"If he's getting paid, it doesn't matter to him."
"What's it even like working with his family? Especially with the tension between you and Jason?"
"It sucks. Jason and I haven't fought, yet. We have to act like we aren't fighting. Which makes everyone think we are fighting. Which makes both of us mad. Because apparently," she paused, "The way to fix fighting is having sex, apparently."
"So have sex?"
"Shut up."
"Family on your nerves?" A/N asked.
"They're so involved, but I love them all. I just wish we had a moment alone, I know it's hard to do in a fucking office, but still."
"Go try on another dress. Show up looking like a million bucks."
"You are simply so right."
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"I feel like this is the mature version of the black sparkly spaghetti straps one," A/N said.
"It's like you mashed a bunch of words together and suddenly I have to sell you my first-born son."
"Well, it's true!" She laughed, "It's a grown-up version, what someone, old white people, would expect of you."
"Old white people expect a lot."
"Jason's going to be one, one day," A/N joked.
"He's got not-white features," Y/N said, trying to picture his face. There was something about him. Something not-white. She had always picked up on it, but she could never tell what it was.
"Well, it's not like you can ask his mom her ethnicity."
"Jeez, that would be so rude of me to do. Let's just say it's... it's not my place."
"He's got secrets?" A/N questioned.
"Tall, handsome, mysterious. That's my Jason."
"A little bit of everything, all of the time," A/N said in a sing-song tune, specifically the "Welcome to the Internet" tune.
"Don't quote Bo Burnham to me, that album broke me," Y/N joked
"Who didn't it break? Oh, wait, probably Jason."
"He probably sobbed like a baby at it, I don't know where you got the "Emotionless" trope from, A/N."
"Can you blame me? He's a Wayne."
"Those are some of the most emotionally connected people I know? Like, genuinely, they're probably more in touch with themselves than you and I."
"Well, they don't exactly have the reputation for being able to discern their emotions, you know."
"You need to stop interacting with tabloids and their articles," Y/N said, seeming exasperated with the tabloids and the line of conversation. But that was nothing new. She hated the press, the articles, the paparazzi. She hated them all.
"Yeah, probably. You hate them for a reason."
"Do you not know about that time they made it so we couldn't get into our car?" Y/N asked.
"You did, you did."
"Fuckin' tabloids."
"Go try on another dress before you explode from rage."
"Valid," Y/N said, laughing.
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"God, if only this wasn't a white tie event," Y/N said and sighed.
"I mean, you could just wear it."
"I will get my ass handed to me, however," she said, taking a picture, "Maybe Jason will just let me get it if I pay him back?"
"You don't have the money right now?" A/N asked.
"I need to get paid and I'll have enough," Y/N explained.
"Don't tell me this is worth more than our rent."
"I will just simply not tell you."
"Girl, you can't."
"Money is dumb and I hate it."
A/N laughed, "Which one do you want to go with?"
"Uh, probably the silk one."
"I will literally buy and wear a corset to make Jason's life hard to get you off my back," Y/N laughed.
"I implore you to do so for the joke."
"Shut up," Y/N joked.
She still sent the picture of the last dress to Jason off-handedly. Asked him how he felt about it since she knew she loved it.
Why don't you just get it? He had sent back.
Can't afford it.
I can.
Please let me pay you back for this.
Just take me on a date.
I can do that.
You should.
I'll see you soon.
She laughed and grabbed both dresses.
"Jason's buying both?" A/N asked.
"Mhm! I have to take him on a fun date in return."
"You were probably going to do it both ways, honestly."
"You just know me so well."
They had gone and gotten the gloves before heading back to their house. Laughing and blasting rock songs the entire time. There was something about the bass running through the car and having the windows rolled down while screaming the songs. It was insane.
One of the songs they blasted was "I Think I'm OKAY" by Machine Gun Kelly and YUNGBLUD, switching out the vocals. It was fun to take breaks like that and, just enjoy each other's presence. Especially during finals season, where both of them were stressed because of their respective finals.
Everyone was stressed. Finals did that to everyone. Whether someone was in school or not, they felt the teenagers and college students lose their minds about it.
They got out of the car at their home and took the dresses inside. A/N went to go study in her room while Y/N went to go hang up her dresses. She entered her room and instantly remembered why she hated her laptop.
The laptop fan was deafening, it's why she barely had Jason over at her house anymore. She cleaned it constantly but, it kept going and going.
She brought it to the Wayne Manor over the Winter Break because she had work to do but wanted to see Jason, and everyone, everyone, commented on the thing.
They compared it to a screaming goat, an electronic mess, a horse-powered fan, anything they could put together with electronic, goat and fan, they called the laptop that.
Bruce even offered to buy her a new one, but she declined. She didn't think it was broken, so it didn't need to be replaced or fixed. If it was still in working condition, she was going to use it until it bluescreened on her.
Much to everyone's dismay.
She hated the fucking thing. So if she could drown it out with music, you bet your ass she did. She was grateful that her parents had sent it to her, but she assumed it was because they hated it too. She was right. No one liked that laptop.
She went to go shower. She figured if she fucked with her appearance and hair a bit, then the press would get off her back. She hadn't exactly tried to impress them thus far. But she wanted to just live her life.
She figured doing her hair, makeup, wearing the right clothes, she'd get harassed less. There was a lot of pressure dating a Wayne, she had realized.
She was constantly in the media, somehow she became an idol for little girls in the span of months. It was a lot for someone to take on. She embraced it normally. With open arms normally.
But A/N had told her that she started sleep-talking. Screaming about the eyes, the people watching her. She knew it was probably connected to the stress she was under dating Jason, but she really didn't want to deal with it.
If she ignored it, no one could tell her to deal with it. If she hid it, no one had to see it. She was looking into soundproofing her room so that A/N didn't have to see it.
Was it healthy to do that? Probably not. Probably far from the concept of healthy coping mechanisms.
She got out of the shower and started playing with her appearance. If she ended up with loud makeup and hair after this, she was going to just accept it.
She did end up with pretty loud eyeshadow. But her hair was fine, as acceptable as it could get for everyone judging her. Only nude lipstick that was just two, maybe three shades darker than her skin was what she needed. She kind of overdid the eyeshadow, so it had to be balanced.
Nerves by Icon for Hire was playing in her room. And in a way, that was how she felt. There was a lot of feeling in her, that she wasn't made for the life she was starting to lead. That being an idol was how she was going, but she couldn't do it.
She sighed and put on heels. White heels. It would be easier to put them on before the dress and gloves. The corset came on next. IT wasn't anything special, and she was capable of putting it on without help.
But then the dress.
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"She loved that dress, but it wasn't the other one. The other one sparked a little bit of joy in her, while this one just conformed to everyone's opinions of her.
She wanted to wear the other one, so, so, fucking badly.
And finally the gloves. It was an outfit she thought was cute but would be torn to shreds in the media. She knew that.
The media liked to eat her alive.
Part of her wanted a break from it all. The other part wanted to do an interview with the press, to shit-talk all of them and make them weep. She wanted to be the one to destroy them.
Revenge was best served cold though, and the rage was far too hot in her head to even begin a proper essay on why they sucked.
She turned off the music in her room and was greeted with the lovely sounds of her computer fan. Comforting, but hatred.
Jason was going to be there any minute. Was she even ready for a Gala?
They had been through so much.
She walked to his car. He brought one of the fancy ones.
"You couldn't just like, own a not expensive car?" she joked.
"Why would I do that?"
She laughed and handed him his debit card, "I don't know, to keep the press off your ass?"
"I think they'd find us no matter what," he said as he backed out of her driveway, "You look beautiful by the way."
"Thank you, Love. You're as handsome as always."
"Alas, I admit it," she joked as she turned on the radio. "I swear the media is going to have a field day today."
"When do they not?"
"That's fair."
"I'm sorry this school year's been fucking our relationship," he sighed, "We deserve better and a better chance than what we've been dealt."
"Unfortunately that's how school works."
"Fuck school sometimes. Not everyone gets as hit as badly as us."
"It's the psychology teachers. If any teachers are strict, they are."
"We still deserve a break."
"Well, there's always when finals are over."
"I swear we're doing something nice when finals end."
"That's not that hard to do."
The tension in that car was palpable. Truly, you could cut that with a knife. A diamond's edge.
They got to the Gala before anyone, except the Waynes.
"Hey lot," Y/N said.
"Y/N! Glad you could make it!" Stephanie said and pulled her into a hug, "The guys suck, so I like you the most today."
She laughed, "What did they do?"
"They won't play rooftop tag with me."
"Why do you even play that game?" Y/N asked.
"Agility! I'm a track star, duh. I drag them with me."
"Ah, how could I be so foolish," she laughed as Stephanie pulled her towards the other girls. Y/N waved at the boys while laughing. "You do know I have a boyfriend who wants to see me, right?"
"It's Jason."
"Good observation."
"Shut up. I claim you."
"You can't claim me!" she jokingly exclaimed, loud enough for the boys to hear.
"Steph, that's my girlfriend!" Jason yelled back.
"Not anymore!" She yelled as she pulled Y/N into the building.
"Explanation?" Y/N asked, "Do you have an issue or something?"
"I don't. Babs does."
"Go on?"
"Ask her."
Y/N sighed and walked up to Barbara and Cassandra, "I heard you have an issue or something?"
"Yes! You! Okay so," Barbara said, "We're all worried about you and Jason."
"Oh, Jeez," Y/N sighed.
"No no, listen. We can feel the tension. Have you been fighting?"
"I told you before, we aren't."
"Then what is it? 'Cause I'm known for being a detective, hello, I'm Jim Gordon's daughter. And even I can't figure it out."
"Probably exams. Exams suck."
"Oh! It's because you're not used to the fame," Cassandra said.
"Okay, Cassie. Listen, it's-"
"It is isn't it!" Stephanie exclaimed.
"Ugh. Yes. Are you happy now?"
"C'mon, it isn't that bad is it?" Barbara asked.
"It is. They've been at my throat with daggers ever since I met Jason."
"Who's been at your throat with daggers?" Jason asked.
"Don't worry about it," Y/N said before anyone could open their mouths and say to the contrary.
"Well, then. Everyone should be here soon," Bruce said. "Wish we had entertainment this time."
"Can't Y/N sing?" Tim asked.
"Uh, yeah?" Y/N said.
"So sing," Tim said.
"Tim. C'mon. Don't do me like this, man."
"Think about it," Bruce said and put a hand on her shoulder, "It could be fun."
She laughed and everyone scattered except her and Jason.
"So, the daggers comment?" he asked.
"Media reference."
He sighed, "You can always step out of the spotlight, my love. Step down, walk away from their eyes but still be in mine."
"I'll think about it."
He took her hands, "You should think quicker," he joked.
She laughed and he pulled her into the ballroom she knew all-too-well at this point. The first time she was there ran through her mind like no one was watching, the beauty in her memory for capturing it like that.
She knew once the pictures were released she'd probably attempt to paint it.
Galas were stuffy and full of people. She didn't like the people aspect. When strangers would come up to her and start talking, she'd get freaked out. They knew her, but she didn't know them.
She wasn't involved in getting to know people high-up in the world. She was a simple secretary who was dating one of the CEOs.
She'd get twirled around by people's sons. Stuck in dances and conversations. She almost always found herself with one of the Waynes after she ran from someone she didn't know.
She did figure if she sang she'd get away from everyone. So, in a fit of trying to get away, she found her way to Selina.
"Hey!" she said.
"Y/N! Are you running again?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Do you want to sing or something, Bruce said he asked you to."
"He did, and I figured, "Fuck it" so here I am."
Jason came up just as she said that, "Duet?" he asked.
"Now that's an idea and a half."
"You kids, always doing crazy stuff," Selina joked, "Le me see what I can do for 'ya."
"We're really doing this?" Jason asked as Selina slinked off.
"I guess so!" she exclaimed and he pulled her in for a kiss.
"Really saying "Fuck you" to the press today, huh?"
"Well, they're always saying "Fuck you" to me."
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moondustis · 4 years
one more time (m)
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pairing: jung jaehyun + reader genre: smut, angst, fluff / friends to lovers | wc: 9,4k summary: Maybe this right here is a story about growing up and finding yourself, or about finding love and being vulnerable. But it definitely is a story about friendship, skating, pancakes and Jung Jaehyun learning how to deal with his feelings. song rec: and july - heize ft. dean / i think - tyler the creator / thinking about you - frank ocean 
Jung Jaehyun is born on February 14 of 1997, valentine’s day. He is a cute and healthy baby, as he should be and cries from being outside the comfort of his mother’s belly for the first time. 
He grows up well, loved and cherished by the ones around him and filling his mother’s heart with joy and pride. He’s a happy child, then a smart teenager, just a little shy but still outgoing enough to be surrounded by friends all the time. 
He meets Seo Johnny at school and learns a lot of things from him, but most importantly he learns how to skate. And Johnny is a good friend, a good example as his mother says, because even if sometimes they skip school, he teaches Jaehyun that crying after he falls a bit too hard from a trick doesn’t make him less of a man. And Jaehyun embraces that, thinks that he always had too many feelings inside of him to begin with and he deals with all of them. 
And he’s okay, for the most part but somewhere along the way something shifts and it’s not as easy anymore. It’s not as easy as falling down on the hard concrete of his sidewalk and getting up again because college had a way of changing people, and it does a good job on him. He shuts down a good part of himself to other people, stays in his closed circle of friendships and leads his life like that, hoping that he can finally graduate and do something he actually enjoys, but at the same time dreading that day, because he wasn't sure if he was ready for the pressure of having to know exactly where to go in life. 
Maybe this right here is a story about growing up and finding yourself, or about finding love and being vulnerable. But it definitely is a story about friendship, skating, pancakes and Jung Jaehyun learning how to deal with his feelings. 
Jung Jaehyun is a fuckboy. 
Ok, not literally, but he fits the stereotype suspiciously well. For starters he’s one of the guys that like to skate around campus, and dresses like someone that probably listens to Mac Miller or Tyler, the Creator, with his vans and oversized t-shirts. To make matters worse he looks like a model, walking around with his perfect face and perfect body, making literally every girl in the class you share together swoon every time he walks into the room.  And honestly that’s all you have against him, because he doesn’t actually sleep around all that much and breaks girls hearts. Not that you have heard of at least and it was a relatively small campus. 
But see, Jaehyun is a confusing person, because even if he goes around the campus screaming as his friends do flips or whatever they’re called and sometimes wears t-shirts that say things like ‘fuck cops’, he’s also incredibly quiet and kinda shy from the interactions you had seen him have with your classmates. And on top of all that, he’s majoring in education to become an elementary teacher, like that isn’t the most adorable career in the world.
So yeah, he confuses you. Even more when your first interaction ever with him goes like this: 
You’re in the middle of Psychology 101, the coffee in your system being the only thing keeping your two eyes wide open as the teacher goes on with the lecture. You are not sure if you are really paying attention or just writing down whatever he says, because underneath all that coffee you’re actually very tired from staying up late writing an assignment, and soon the caffeine boost will go away, leaving you with the weird feeling of exhaustion. 
The ‘pssts’ start low. So low that you don’t even notice, but when a very insistent one is accompanied by a finger poking your back, you have to turn around to see what is going on, being met with Jung Jaehyun, cheeks pink, looking at you with a bashful look. 
“Hi.” Is all he says and nothing else, in a rushed whisper as the teacher continues on with the talking.
You blink slowly because the coffee doesn't actually make you think faster, before you’re whispering back “Uh, hi.” 
“Sorry for interrupting you.” That’s very considerate of him to say, your mind provides. “But I skipped the last class and was wondering if you took notes of it? So I can, like, copy them. Please.” 
He adds the last word quickly, as if he’s afraid you’ll think of him as rude otherwise. You haven’t done that much thinking about Jaehyun in the past, just the here and there thoughts, but none of them had been about him being anything but nice. And a fuckboy, but that’s beside the point.
“Oh.” You just look at him for a second before you’re snapping out of it, shaking your head as you turn to your notebook. “Sorry. You can, sure.” You flip your notes until you’re on the page you had messily written down the notes for last class, overreacting for a second that he would think you are stupid because of your terrible handwriting. But all he does is take your notebook when you offer it to him, quickly snapping a picture with his phone before he’s handing it to you again.
He thanks you with a smile that’s almost not there but that still makes your heart flutter involuntary. You had a thing for cute boys what could you do? So you smile back and it stays like that for another second until he decides to break the awkwardness. 
“Uhm, are you going to Taeil’s party this weekend?” Multiple questions fill your mind at that. Who’s Taeil? What party? Why the fuck was he asking you that? Are you hallucinating this from your lack of sleep?
“I’ll probably drop by to see how it is.” Is the lie you reply with, a shrug helping you play the unbothered act too well. It’s a little pathetic if you think about, but that’s the thing, you’re not thinking at all. 
“Oh, cool. I’ll see you there, then.” And that’s it, that’s the entire interaction and it leaves you confused for the remaining of the lecture, wondering if that actually did really happen because it sure felt a bit unreal. 
When you get to your dorm room after your class, the coffee high is completely gone and you feel ready to plop down on your bed and sleep for 5 hours until you have to be up again to finish assignments. But before you can do that. you see your roommate, Jungwoo, eating cereal on the kitchen counter and you can’t help but ask. 
“Do you know a Taeil?” Again, it was a small campus so there were probably not many Taeils around. That and Jungwoo actually knew a lot of people, from his connections, as he liked to say.
He thinks about it for a second, over a spoonful of cereal before he’s saying “Moon Taeil? Yeah he's in my class.” You can’t even be bothered by him speaking with his mouth full and the fact that you’re absolutely not sure if that’s the Taeil you’re looking for. 
“Nice. Do you wanna go to his party this weekend?” A bold invitation that makes Jungwoo raise one eyebrow at you. 
“What? Why do you wanna do that?” In all honesty you don’t know either, probably something about a really attractive man and your very out of usual interaction with him, but you won’t tell him that because facing Jungwoo’s teasing was exhausting. 
You shrug. “Just because.” 
That makes him squint his eyes at you. “Okay…. It's just that you don't go to parties.” In your defense, you do. You just hadn’t been to one since your freshman year, a whole one year and a half ago. 
“Jungwoo it’s a simple question.” You huff in annoyance because you’re tired and every moment that you spend in his presence is another step closer to just spilling everything about your short and weird interaction with Jung Jaehyun. “Do you want to or not?” 
“Yes.” He replies quickly, still giving you a weird look. “I can't miss the opportunity of seeing you drunk again.
“I'm not getting drunk.” You simply say before you’re walking to your room.
You get very drunk, smashed even, from something pink and slightly citrusy that you and Jungwoo had downed shot after shot of. The party was, well, a party. It wasn’t full but there was definitely more people than there should be at a house this small, and the songs playing weren’t exactly that bad, you even recognized one or two. 
And Jungwoo was as splattered as you, but he still offered to fetch you some water, with a promise of staying glued to the wall coming from you. And that’s where Jung Jaehyun finds you, barely standing still from how drunk you are. 
“___!” He says happily, catching you off guard and you wonder how he knew your name. But again you knew his and you shared a class together. 
He looks good, is the first thing you notice, with a snapback and a t-shirt that has a small bear on it and is too big for him. “Jaehyun!” You reply in the same fashion as he said your name and it makes him smile, a different one from the last time. 
“It’s nice seeing you here.” He says, moving to stand next to you on the wall and you’re just slightly overwhelmed by how good he smells. The world around you spins for a moment and you giggle for no reason. “Are you having a good time?” 
“Ugh!” First of all, a disclaimer. Drunk you was absolutely and completely stupid, a fool that liked to say nonsense and that’s why you say the next words. “Do we really have to do small talk right now?” 
He laughs at your childish whine, looking at you with eyes filled with amusement and appearing just a little drunk. Definitely less drunk than you. “What should we talk about, then?” 
Maybe he’s a bigger fool than you are for even entertaining your silliness. “I don’t know.” You look at him through hooded eyes, probably pouting from trying to think of something to say to a guy you just talked for the first time a week ago. “Don’t you miss, like, when we were kids and could just talk about whatever? Like what’s your favorite color, you know? Why did we stop doing that?”
In the back of your head, the sound of clown music starts playing. He on the other hand seems amazed by your blabbering. “Favorite colors?” His voice is just about teasing and you groan in slightly embarrassment. 
“You know what? Forget it. Shhhhh.” You drunkenly press one finger to his lips as if to emphasize your shushing. His lips twitch in the want to smile. “Let’s just do something else.” 
You don’t realize that your words sound suggesting but he does, raising one eyebrow and smiling at you. “Hmm, like what?” 
He moves closer to you but before you have the time to react, Jungwoo is coming back, water bottle on his hand and a look on his face that says he thinks you’re up to no good. He eyes you up and down before looking at Jaehyun and doing the same. He looks slightly more sobered up, but still tipsy.
“Jungwoo!” You exclaim, holding your hands out for the water bottle. 
He looks between you and Jaehyun before saying “Hello. Who are you?” It would have sounded slightly rude if it weren't for the cute tone he uses. 
You’re quick to say “This is Jaehyun, he’s-“
“I’m her friend.” He says it naturally and you wonder when you had gained that title, the giggle you let out against your own will, too drunk for you own good. 
Jungwoo says something to him that you don’t quite catch but then he’s dragging you away with a whine coming from your lips as you wave a sad goodbye to Jaehyun from behind your shoulder and he does the same with an amused smile.
“I leave you one minute alone and you try to act a fool in front of a man that good looking.” He whispers as you walk away and all you can do in return is laugh out loud.  You would probably not even remember any of this tomorrow, anyway. 
You remember everything, of course. And Jaehyun starts saying hi to you every time he sees you around campus after that, always with a smile and his dimples showing up, making you blush in a silly way. But it’s only after two weeks that you finally talk with him again.
You had met Taeyong on your freshman year and after finding out he was really similar to you, you had become friends quickly. He was someone that everyone immediately felt comfortable around, that’s why it was no surprise when you find out at his birthday party that he’s friends with Jaehyun too. 
When you arrive at the party, Jungwoo by your side, there’s not many faces that you don’t know and after you hug Taeyong with a kiss to his cheek, you spot him standing by the kitchen counter. There’s a beer in his hand and he’s wearing all black, a sight that you don’t mind looking at.
He doesn’t notice you at first, his focus on a taller guy talking to him, but when he does he greets you with a wide smile that is enough to turn your legs into jelly by itself, but then he’s making his way towards you. Your heart starts beating a tiny bit faster, your hand moving to fix your hair in habit. 
“Hello.” He greets and Jungwoo decides that’s a good time to leave you side and go talk to his other friends, not even sparing you an explanation. He knew what he was doing. “Didn’t know you were friends with Taeyong.”
You smile like a silly girl. “Yup, he’s like my soulmate.” 
His smile grows wider at that, a pair of dimples making their way to his face and you almost groan because there’s no way he could get any more charming than this. “That's how I know you are a good person.” He jokes and you let out a snort, giving him a funny look. 
“Our first interaction was me letting you borrowing my notes, that should've been enough.” You point out in a teasing manner, not really meaning the words. 
“You’re right.” The ghost of a smile graces his lips as he defends himself, the faint sight of a blush gracing his cheeks as he avoids your eyes.
He offers to get you a beer after that, leading you to the kitchen with a hand on your back that feels weirdly nice. You were never one to get stupid crushes but that’s exactly how you feel around him, like at any moment you will say or do anything really dumb because of your infatuation. You wonder if it’s because of his looks or the way he seems a little shy around you.
“By the way, you never told me your favorite color that night.” He says, eyes twinkling with mischief as he offers you the beer, which you gladly take after immediately letting out a groan.
“Ugh, shut up. Don’t remind me of that.” You are sure your entire face is red from embarrassment at just the thought of the things you had said that night. It wasn’t even that bad, Jungwoo had said, but you like to overreact, so you cover your face with your free hand.
“Why? It was cute.” His voice is filled with amusement and when you peak from under your hand you can see his face is as well. “I like how funny you are.” 
The words only make your face get hotter as you smile awkwardly. You were far from funny, your friends liked to remind you of that fact. But how could you be when you had friends like Jungwoo that absolutely made everyone in a room laugh without even trying. But still, his words make you feel a little proud, that at least you were able to make a pretty guy think that. 
“I don't have a favorite color, it always changes.” You say suddenly, going back to the previous subject to avoid making the conversation about you. Even if you had to talk about something like favorite colors. “I like when the sky turns pink during sunset, I guess you could say it’s that one right now. ” 
He hums, taking a sip of his beer before saying “It's a good one.” 
You huff, he was really trying hard for a conversation about such a stupid matter. Still, you continue to entertain it. “What's yours?”
He pursues his lips, think about it for a second. “I don't know… I like black.”
“Obviously.” You deadpan and it makes him laugh like you actually said something funny. 
Jaehyun stays by your side for the rest of the night, trying his best not to make small talk and it surprises you how easy he is to talk to. He asks you about your favorite everything, from animals to movies and it’s really nice to find out you two have more in common than you would ever imagine. By the end of the party you are glued to his side on a probably too crowded couch, his close proximity making you warm all over and only bothering the butterflies on your stomach more.
It’s when he lets out a loud laugh at something Jungwoo and Yukhei are going back and forth about, hiding his face on your shoulder as his whole body shakes with laughter, that you know for a fact you’re fucked. Completely fucked.
Jaehyun and you become friends very fast after Taeyong’s birthday. It’s almost weird, because both of you seem to be just a little too shy for you own good, but things just happen naturally when you are with him.
It starts with silly jokes passed around in notes on your shared lecture, with your face turning red from how hard you try not to laugh out loud and sharing your favorite songs with each other. Then it becomes grabbing a coffee after class, and sharing something sweet because you both deserve it after enduring such a boring lecture. It all leads to what it is now, two months later and your days are filled with Jaehyun’s comfortable presence, his laugh and late nights texts about any subject that comes to mind and sharing your biggest dreams and some of your fears with him. 
It scares you at the same time it makes you extremely happy, because you had never been someone who had many friends, letting people in and connecting was hard, so you decided very early that navigating life with a few close friends was enough. But Jaehyun makes it all seem very easy and it’s suddenly like you can’t imagine your life without him anymore. 
That brings you to where you are right now. You have both had a long week and decided that it would be nice to have a movie night, and after you had ate the chinese takeout you ordered, you settle on on his couch as romantic comedy movie plays. You’re both comfortable, his eyes stayed glued on the screen, laughing as a character makes a joke about oral sex. Maybe that’s why you ask your next question out of nowhere. Or maybe you’re just stupid. Probably the last one.
“Have you… Have you ever gone down on a girl?” The words are stammered out as you look down your lap, cheeks going pink. You immediately regret asking because you can feel his eyes on you as he searches for a response.
“Wha -- Where did that come from?” It’s even more unsettling that you can’t pinpoint exactly what he’s thinking. Sometimes Jaehyun was hard to read, and that bothered you. 
The small laugh that leaves your lips is fake. “It's a silly question, right? Sorry, I wasn't thinking.”You continue avoiding his eyes, picking at the nail polish that was already chipping on your fingers. 
“Its okay.” He’s quick to say, always making sure you’re not unsure of yourself.  “And, yeah. I mean, I have, of course.”
He says as if it’s obvious. As if it’s something that he absolutely needed to do and all you can say back is “Oh.” 
“Why?” It’s a good question, really. Because you have no idea where you are trying to go with this conversation, but now it got him to pause the movie and to look at you with expectation on his eyes. So you can’t do anything but continue. 
“I don't know…” You gulp down, slightly shaking at what you’re about to say. “I have never — No one has ever done that to me.” 
“Never?” He sounds surprised, annoyed even, but you wouldn’t know what he looks like because you continue to avoid his face, playing with the hem of you skirt instead now. 
There was no reason that you two should be having this conversation, because you were friends and nothing else. But again, friends talked about this all the time. Friends could talk about sex right? Friends could share experiences and joke about it without getting awkward or making a complete big deal out of something so normal. 
Jaehyun lets out a deep breath and then it’s silence for a second. You feel small and embarrassed, because deep down you know that you didn’t say this just as a normal friendly comment. It’s like somehow, you knew exactly that he would say what he does. Or better yet, proposition it. 
“I could…” His words are tentative, almost a whisper as if he wants to put the two of you in a bubble that no one can break in. “I could show you.”
Your eyes widen as you look at him “What? You — What?” 
And Jaehyun is so gentle, as he slides over the couch to be next to you, and give you the comfort you need, and as he cradles your cheeks with his hands. “W-We don’t have to.” He assures, but something on his voice that says he really wants to. “But I'll take care of you. If you let me.”
He’s too much, you think as you stare at his face with glossy eyes. There’s a line that’s been placed on your friendship, a very fine line between what it is now and what it could become. Right now that line is wavering, even more when all you can do is nod your head slowly, giving him all the agreement he needs to press his lips against yours.
It’s a sweet kiss, his lips molding to yours and you can’t help but sigh. It feels right, even if it maybe isn’t. He kisses you with the delicacy of someone who knows this could ruin something good, but at the same time with the determination of someone who wants this too much to care. 
He tilts his head, deepening it as he sucks on your bottom lip before he’s swirling his tongue on it, asking for entrance that you so gladly gives. And you’re not completely inexperienced, you had done this before and knows, how it feels to have someone on top of you, how it feels to have someone try to make you feel good, but when his tongue slides against yours you can feel your head spin and the arousal on the pit of your stomach only grows. 
It’s with slow and calculated moves that he gets you to lay on the couch, with him pressing kisses all over your neck and wherever he can. You watch with your heart beating too fast as he moves down, lifting your shirt a bit past your navel so he can kiss there too, and then he’s slipping your skirt off. 
It makes you antsy being in only your panties in front of him, even more when it’s just a simple cotton and pink material, but he pays it no mind. Instead he continues to press kisses all over your thighs, holding them apart when you try to close them and you shiver in anticipation.
“Are you nervous?” He asks, with fingers hooked on each side of your underwear, about to pull them down. 
You huff because isn’t it obvious? You’re about to have someone eat you out for the first time. Your friend out of all people. “Y-yes.” 
He smiles at you, a smile too sweet for what he's about to do but you still smile back. “Don’t be, I’ll make you feel good.” 
And you know he will because he’s a man of his words.
You close your eyes tightly as he slides your panties off, resisting the urge to completely close your legs because he’s so close and you feel so exposed. And he wastes no time, face just above you and when his fingers come in contact you jump a little. 
You feel as he parts your lower lips, a puff of breath making a shiver run down your body and then he’s pressing a kiss to your most sensitive spot. A whine leaves your lips because of the new feeling, and it only gets higher when his lips close around you, sucking like he has a purpose. It’s almost overwhelming, both because it’s him and because it’s the first time. He licks at your clit, with swirls of his tongue that are kitten like before he’s flattening his tongue down to your entrance, lapping at it and gathering your wetness so he can move to your clit again. 
You trash around and wail, too sensitive but too into it, even more with the way he grips at your thighs to keep them open. He seems to enjoy it, humming against you as he licks you like a starved man before he’s saying with his face still pressed to your center “Taste so good.” The words are muffled and they send vibrations to your core, making you blush as you let out a loud moan. 
You come easily, with laps of his tongue and the knot on your stomach getting tighter and tighter until it snaps completely and you cry out, a mess of curse words and his name and white spots blurring your vision. And he continues his ministrations, tongue pressing inside of your entrance as if he doesn’t want to let any of it to go to waste. 
When he comes up again his lips are red with your arousal making it and his chain shine. You don’t even have the time to feel embarrassed because he kisses you, a strong press of his lips against yours and then his tongue, that was just a second ago inside of you, invades your mouth and slides against yours. You can taste yourself on him and you can feel his hardness pressing against your exposed thigh, your head spinning as he moans in the kiss.
You try to move your hips to press against his in an almost shy movement, but he feels it. A groan escapes his lips as he breaks the kiss, looking completely disheveled. It’s a sight you would probably never forget. “Fuck, I don’t have anything on me.”  He breaths out  and you realize he’s talking about a condom and just the thought of him being inside of you is enough for you to close your eyes as a new wave of pleasure runs through your body. “I want to fuck you so bad. God, so fucking bad. Would you have let me, huh? Would you let me fuck your sweet cunt?”
He noses at your cheeks as you throw your head back. This is not something friends should be saying to each other, far from it. But you still nod, because you would without a thought. And maybe that’s your first mistake. 
Jaehyun fucks you for the first time on the first day of summer. Not that any of you knew that, it’s just something that if you were romantic enough you would think about. 
It’s hot inside his messy room, that you pretended not to notice for his sake. Even hotter with the way he presses kisses against your neck and thrusts into you in a pace that is as calculated as it is maddening. He’s good at it, not that it surprises you. 
He eats you out after he finishes inside the condom and you cry out his name because it’s like he’s trying to make sure that you should never settle for anything less than this. And he’s so willing, with his tongue pressing hard against you and with movements that make you grip at his hair for leverage. 
It’s as clear as day that he’s experienced at this, at least more experienced than you are, because your body count number doesn’t go higher than two and you had just gotten head for the first time a week ago. It makes you feel almost inadequate at the same time it makes a thrill run through your body, eyes glossy and wide as you stare at him practically devour you. 
Your second orgasm hits you with a loud gasp and your whole body shaking in his hold. He holds you like he won’t let you escape, and he doesn’t. 
It becomes a regular thing, the fine line you had drawn between your blooming friendship and something else completely gone as Jaehyun calls you on a thursday night, asking you to come over and then fucks you for the second time with the window open, because summer this year was almost unbearable and sweat clings to both of your skins as he makes you come with a shout of his name. 
It’s an unspoken arrangement, that when one of you needed it you could always call, be it because you’re so stressed from assignments that you need a way to let it all out or because you had a little too much to drink at a party and needed to feel it. 
It goes like this for the whole duration of summer and you think you don’t go three days without seeing Jaehyun. He basically memorizes everything that makes you shake and teaches you everything that he likes, and it’s good. It’s good and it’s easy, no strings attached and you’re fine with it. 
But here’s the catch, because there’s always a catch. You’re not really fine with it. 
You remember one time, when you were around 8, that a teacher made a joke about you and a classmate being more than friends. The mere thought of a romance at that age had made you cry out loud until your mother arrived to pick you up. 
The moment stayed with you, because even at high school, relationships were something you would rather not focus on, not until college at least. But when college came around you didn’t change, still putting your love life aside so you could focus on things that you considered more important.
Now at 21, and still single, it was easy to realize, even if it took some time to finally get out from the denial, that you were scared. Scared of commitment and of being completely vulnerable to someone, even if sometimes when you laid in bed you felt extremely lonely and when you saw your friends getting in loving relationships, it made you just the tiniest bit jealous. It wasn’t a great feeling.
You had never dated before, only had flings that didn’t last much. And you weren’t a romantic, not at all, didn’t think that a relationship would make you happy and definitely weren't willing to give up your dreams for one. But still, it hurtsj ust a little to see your friends settle in while you stayed alone and it hurts just a little that intimacy had become something you desperately craved.
And maybe at the begging of your relationship with Jaehyun you had thought that this would finally be it. And maybe you were also just stupid and too naive to let you relationship get to where it is, but it becomes something more. Somewhere between the first kiss your shared and him fucking you on the bathroom of some party, because you just couldn’t wait, Jung Jaehyun caves a place for himself inside your life and you let him, the feelings blossoming in your chest getting too big to handle every day.
And he is still confusing, because he is too nice, too gentle. He sends you silly pictures of himself during the day, tells you about the skate tricks he finally got right even though you have no idea what he’s talking about. He buys you sweets when you say you had a bad day and sometimes, the times you dread the most, he kisses you like he means something more with it. Sometimes he fucks you with unplaced gentleness that if you closed your eyes you could believe this was something more. 
But it isn’t because at the same time you hear whispers about a girl he was with at a party, you see his phone light up with texts that you don’t read, but your mind can’t help but overthink as something that makes your stomach turn.
But you let it happen, because in your mind maybe having him like this is better than nothing, at least for now. And maybe, even if you were craving for it deep down, you weren't ready to have it. So summer comes and goes and you wish your feelings went away with it. 
Watching people skate becomes an entertaining activity. Something about the movements and the sound of the wheels rolling on concrete made you extremely calm, putting aside the noises of screaming boys and all the curse words they said. 
Even with the direction your relationship took, Jaehyun still seemed to consider you a close friends, something you found extremely bittersweet. He still complained about his classes, still texted you stupid things during the day and he still took you to the skate park to watch him and his friends do tricks for hours. 
The only things that had changed were the sex and the fact you were falling in love with him. No big deal. 
You watch as Jaehyun’s tall friend, that had been introduced to you as Johnny, goes for a trick that involves him jumping and ends up falling, making everyone around him laugh and scream jokes. It was extremely amusing to see a bunch of 20 years old act so carefree and boyish, a small laugh escaping your lips.
Jaehyun helps Johnny up, a wide smile on his face as he says something you can’t exactly hear but it must be funny because it makes Johnny laugh. You’re so entranced with the scene that you don’t notice the red hair man approaching you.
“Whats up, ___?” Yuta says with a grin as he stands tall in front of where you’re sitting on a bench. He was one of the few of Jaehyun friends that actually tried to make you feel welcome when he brought you along to their skate sessions, always making conversation and offering to keep you company. 
“Hey, Yuta.” You smile back, shielding your face from the sun so you can see him better. 
“Just gonna sit here by yourself?” Shrugging you watch as he drops the skate he had been holding down and steps on it as a habit. “I can teach you how to skate if you want.”
He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, making you laugh. “No thank you, I've seen you fall too many times to consider that.” Jaehyun had already offered you the same thing too, but you had absolutely no interest in getting up that four wheeled thing and ending up with a broken bone.
“Please, I'm just falling to get your attention.” His flirty words are not a surprise. He had been like this from the moment you met, saying things that made a blush set on your face. At first it had made you confused but now you knew it was just how he was. “Besides, I never fall as hard as I'm falling for you.”
The last words are said in a sultry voice that makes you laugh even louder, hand coming to your face as you shake your head in disbelief. “Pfft, you’re so corny.” 
The sound of your laughter must have attracted attention, because next thing you know Jaehyun is approaching the both of you with his skate underneath one arm and a weird look on his face. “What’s up?” He asks when he gets close enough, dropping the skateboard down and lifting the snapback he has on to run a finger through his hair. 
Yuta rolls his eyes, feigning annoyance. “Jeez, nothing. Mind your business.” 
You laugh, giving him a pointed look that seems to amuse him to no end. “Don't be mean.”
That makes him smile and he winks at you before saying “Just ‘cause you asked nicely.” And then he’s skating away, leaving you and Jaehyun alone. 
He looks at you and smiles just shy from letting the dimples you liked so much show up. “Was he bothering you?”
You scoff. “Or course not, Yuta is harmless.”
“Yeah, right.” His tone drips in sarcasm as he sits down right next to you, legs spread open and an arm coming to rest behind you. Sometimes his actions screamed masculinity and it made you feel a weird thing inside of you. 
“He was just messing around, he says flirty stuff to everyone.” 
He huffs, looking around everywhere like he’s trying to avoid your face. “It’s just.. they keep talking about you. Pisses me off.” The words are barely audible, like he’s just saying it to the air and not to you. 
You’re confused, eyes dropping as you pick on the green polish on your nails. “What do you mean?” You didn’t think most of his friends even cared about your existence so knowing they talk about you in the way he’s suggesting is a surprise and it makes you antsy. 
He shrugs, giving a small laugh that’s merely another huff. “Doesn’t matter.” You want to ask more but just then he looks at you again, the sunset making him look almost angelic. He’s quick to add another question, as if to not give you the opportunity to say more. “Do you wanna go to IHop after?”
It catches you off guard, but you still nod. “O-Okay.” 
Jaehyun confused you some times and that’s what happens when he slides a hand to your cheek after nodding. The kiss he presses to your lips is chaste, not quick but also not long. It feels like something casual, like a couple would do out of naturality. 
It’s the first time he kisses you in front of his friends or outside of his room, for that matter. It makes the butterflies in your stomach go crazy but you’re not stupid and you would have to be to not realize what this is. He’s trying to show his friends that they shouldn't mess with you. 
It’s a bittersweet kiss, like most things seem to be these days with him. He walks away after breaking the kiss, with the excuse of saying his goodbyes before you can leave and you watch him with a twisting feeling in your stomach. 
The kiss is not mentioned again as you two walk side by side to the restaurant but the weird feeling sticks with you. Most days you try to act like nothing's wrong, because if you think rationally about it, it isn’t. But there’s something about the look on Jaehyun’s face when he talked about his friends, and there’s something about the way you want desperately to hold his hand but can’t, that makes you want to cry just a little.
He orders huge pancake pile that you both share, making you laugh when he stuffs his mouth too full and offering you the last piece because that’s just how he is. It makes you forget about the lingering feelings for a while, the warmth of having a friend like him settling in instead and you can’t help but wonder if it would’ve been better if it just stayed like this. 
When the pancake is over and you’re both too full to even have a conversation he slides his hand to where yours is placed on the table. It’s just a small gesture, him picking your hand up in his and eyeing your fingers before saying “I like when you paint your nails like this.”
He means the colorful setup you got going on, with each finger a different colors because you just liked how it looked and it made you happy. “Maybe I can do yours one day.” You say around a smile. 
And he agrees, of course he does. “That would be nice.” He continues holding your hand but you don’t think much of it.  “That movie we wanted to watched came out, wanna go watch it at my dorm?” 
In your mind you think that’s clue for something else so you just laugh, shaking your head. “I don't know Jae. I’m so full i don't think I can have sex without like throwing up.”
The laugh he lets out makes you heart feel full.  “We are just going to watch a movie.” He says while squeezing your hand softly. 
And you do end up just watching a movie, like old times. It’s fun and you feel happy, but the feelings in your heart come back in full force when you go back to your dorm and you can’t help to wonder what it would be like if you could just stay at his and cuddle like a couple would do. Then you wonder what it would be like if you hadn’t crossed the line.
If you cry yourself to sleep, then that’s beside the point.
Three days later Yuta asks if you and Jaehyun are dating, out of curiosity. The question makes your stomach turn, and when you say no he asks you out on a date. It’s weird, mostly because you think at first that he’s just joking as always, flirting with you to make you laugh. But when it dawns on you that he isn’t, you say you would think about it. 
You say that for two reasons. Just yesterday, you had to sit on a lecture while some girl whispered about how Jaehyun had a big dick and how she knew that was obvious. You had heard about people talk about him before, and it always made you feel weird but now, when every time you’re with him you can’t help but feel your feelings get stronger and stronger, it makes you feel almost sick. That’s reason number one.
Reason number one is that you have realized that you deserved to be on dates and have fun, and just feel like your feelings mattered and were reciprocated. 
So you say you’ll think about it and you do, and the realization you come to is far deeper than you expected. And in retrospect, maybe it was a bit out of impulse. 
You’re laying on Jaehyun’s bed, right after you two fucked, with you on top because he fell down and hurt his ankle. You’re wearing a big t-shirt of him and he has one arm across his eyes, recovering his breath and basking on the glow that is an orgasm.
You don’t know why you say it, but next thing you know you’re sitting up on the bed and letting the words out. “Yuta asked me out.”
His arms slides to his side as he looks at you, eyes swirling with something you can’t quite place yet. “What?” His voice gives it out, jealousy. “And what did you say?”
“I said yes.” You don’t take your eyes off him. It’s a lie because you didn’t know what you were going to say yet. But you felt like you had to say something to him before you made any decisions. Like you owned him something. 
“Why?” His eyebrows are furrowed and you can’t help but scoff.
“Because I wanted to.” You suddenly remember the girl from your class, and the other rumors and it just makes you feel bitter. He just mutters a low okay, like he doesn’t know what else to say right now and it just pisses you off. You wonder if it would be better if he protested against it. 
A lump forms in your throat as he avoids your eyes, and you decide that you need to be brave enough for once. “I think… That maybe we should stop doing this.” It’s tentative, the lump only growing as you watch him close his eyes tightly. There’s something you want him to say but you have a feeling he isn’t.
“Because of Yuta?” Your head drops as you shake it. He’s unbelievable. 
“No, what the fuck? Of course not.” You hiss, looking at him and wishing he would just look at you. Maybe that would make this better. “I- I just don’t think I can do it anymore.” 
It’s the truth. But why do you feel like crying? There’s a pain in your chest that makes you want to run from here and hide forever, a headache starting to form from holding back your tears. He takes a deep breath, finally opening his eyes but still not looking at you. “Okay. If that’s what you want.” He sounds pained but it’s all that he says. 
You get up from the bed slowly, gathering your things in complete silence and you know then that everything from now on will change. You wish he would say something, beg you to not leave, tell you that he doesn’t want to stop it. Wishes that he would just hold you and comfort you like he always does, but he doesn't. “We… We can still be friends.” You mumble out, because that’s the thing you’re scared to lose the most.
He lets out a sad little laugh that breaks your heart. “Of course. We’ll never stop being friends, ____.” 
And you can’t help but laugh quietly too, before you’re muttering out your goodbyes and leaving the room before you turn back on it like you want to.
Jung Jaehyun was not a big romantic, despite being literally born on the day that glorified it. It’s not that he doesn’t care about it, he’s still soft hearted after all, but the big gestures and all the dramatics that seemed mandatory to it just didn’t do it for him. He always thought that love should be something easy, that came naturally and without much thought not something that served to rip your heart of your chest and leave you restless.
That’s why he probably has so much trouble dealing with it, because it usually wasn't easy at all. 
He remembers when his parents got a divorce when he was in high school, something that he saw coming but still managed to mess with him. At the time he refused to cry about it or even acknowledge the whole thing was happening, instead staying out of home until late hours and deciding that some things weren't worth enough to bother about.
He went like that until Johnny said the words he thinks about sometimes even now. “You have to own your feelings.” He had said as they sat side by side on a sidewalk, sweaty from skating but with the adrenaline, that only feeling the wind as you go down a slope can make you feel, pumping on their bloods. “If you don’t you’ll never be able to be yourself. Or know what you want.”
Right now, as he thinks about that moment he gets a bit nostalgic, even feels like crying a little bit. Doesn’t help that he’s close to being high out of his mind. 
Johnny sits by his side, just like he did that day, only this time it’s at the balcony on the apartment they shared. He takes a drag from the blunt they had been passing back and forth for the last hour, watching the sunset and not really talking about anything in particular. 
“Do you think we can find love here?” He asks suddenly, the words escaping his mouth because he just couldn’t contain them anymore.
“What you mean here?” Johnny’s voice is slurred and he seems just as cloudy as Jaehyun is. If they weren’t high they would probably think this was far from a conversation to have in this state.
“In college I mean. I feel like every relationship that happens in this place is doomed to become just a passing thing.” He stumbles over the words, gesturing around with slow motion and it’s probably the deepest thing he has ever said, high or not. “Something to forget about after graduating.”
All his past relationships had gone away like wind, like something that never really even happened. It never felt important, like something that he would take him for the rest of his life. That thought bothered him for a reason and he always preferred to not think about that, but right now he feels like he can’t escape it anymore. 
His friend thinks for a second, the look on his face indicating he’s long gone as he stares outside. “I don't know man. I think you can find love anywhere if you are open to it.” He says simply and all in one breath. 
It’s silent for a moment and he watches the sunset, the sky a mix of orange and pink and it makes him think of you. These days his thoughts are all over the place, but your presence in them is constant. It had been just a week since the last time he saw you but it had definitely been getting to him, and it’s not hard to know why. 
“I think I’m in love.” It’s easy saying it than he thought it would be. “With ___. 
Johnny smiles knowingly. “Why do you think that?”
Because he can’t look at a sunset and not think of you. Because there are songs he can't listen without thinking about how you would probably like them. Because he catches himself thinking about the way you laugh with your cheeks turning pink when he makes a joke that is not even funny. Because of how you always have something smart to say back to his teasings. Because the thought of you being with someone else pisses off and because it feels safe and easy when he’s with you. 
“Because I miss her.” It’s what he decides on. “And I've never missed anyone like this before.” 
He feels like he has just let out a breath he's been holding on for a long time, his mind fuzzy and he can’t help but let a silly laugh.
“I think you should probably tell her that, then.” Johnny says simply, laughing too. 
“Yeah, I think so too.” 
You see him for the first time again two weeks after what happened. It had been enough time for you to get over it, but you don’t. Only further proof that your feelings ran deeper than you wanted them to. 
Even with the promise of staying friends, the need for a time to collect yourself was obvious, so you stay out of touch with him for these days and it’s hell. And you think about Jaehyun more than you want to, his face appearing in your thoughts every time you close on your eyes, no matter how busy you tried to keep yourself. That’s why your heart basically somersaults out off your chest when you see him on campus when you’re making your way to your dorm after a very boring lecture.
It’s cliche and something that would probably fit on a movie, the way his eyes go wide as he sees you all the way from where he’s skating with some friends, not even minding that Yukhei was in front of him and collapsing into him almost in slow motion. You watch as he falls down with your lips in a comedic ‘oh’, Yukhei coming with him as everyone around them falls into laughter. 
It doesn't seem to faze him, though. Because next thing you know he’s getting up, seemingly not hurt, helping his friend and picking his skateboard up. He practically runs to you after that, baggy clothes moving with him. 
“Oh my god, are you okay?” Is what you ask when he finally gets close enough to you that you can hear his heavy breathing. His cheeks are fully red as he pants. 
You look at him with wide eyes as he catches his breath, arms crossed in front of you. The antsy feeling on your gut only gets worst by the second. 
“Don't — Don’t date Yuta.” Is what he says after a while, the words rushed as if he couldn’t keep them in anymore and all you can do is gape, confusion painted all over your face.
He sighs deeply, hand running on his face. “I — Fuck. I know I sound like an asshole but I don't want you to date him, please.”
You narrow yours eyes. He hasn’t talked to you in over a week and this is the first thing he decides to say. “You’re making no sense right now.” 
He seems stressed, mouth opening and closing as if he really doesn’t know what to say. Like this is what it is, an impulsive action. “Listen, I’m not good at this relationship thing.” Is what he starts with, looking at you with eyes pleading and feet shuffling. “But I… I wanna try.” 
He pauses, taking a deep breath as you let the words sink in. Your head spins with his confession, to stunned to say or do anything but look at him with parted lips and softening eyes.
“Can you give me another chance?” He continues, voice dripping with something that sounds a lot like begging, but you know that’s not like him to do. “Just one more time. I promise I’ll do it right this time.” 
When his words finally settle in you can’t help but let out a laugh, shaking your head in disbelief. “Are you stupid?” His head drops immediately, ears turning red as he rubs the back of his neck.
“Come on please, don’t do that.” His bottom lips jut out when he looks at you again, you still smiling because he really is stupid. He really has no idea. “I- I’m in love with you. Fuck, I really am.”
He says the word in a sigh and it surprises you, catches you off guard because even if he just said he wanted to try again, you didn’t think that he was feeling the same way you were. You look at him for a second, eyes wide before your lips turn into a smile. “You really are stupid.” Another laugh and he looks defeated, until you continue. “I don't want to date Yuta. I never did.” 
He tilts his head, confusion gracing his features. “No?” 
“You wanna know why?” It’s a rhetorical question because you quickly add the words you have wanted to say for so long. The feelings that scared you but at the same time made you feel extremely alive. “Because I'm in love with you too.” 
It’s blissful watching his face turn into one of completely adoration as his lips turn into the biggest grin, dimples showing and you heart beats with all the love you feel for this stupid, stubborn and lovely man. “You are?” He asks, hopeful and around a smile.
You barely have the time to nod before he’s letting his skate fall to the ground and he’s coming forward to give you a hug that lifts you from the ground, a yelp coming from your lips but it quickly turns into a giggle as he twirls you around in his arm in pure happiness. 
For a second you forget about every doubt you ever had. You just let yourself bask in the wonderful feeling that is being held by him. 
He wastes no time to press a searing kiss to your lips when he lets you down, holding your cheeks in his hands and you kiss him back with as much passion. In the back you can hear the cheers of his friends, and even if you flip them over, you are still smiling.
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sanders-sides-fics · 3 years
Domestic Bliss
Hi @lala-the-rebel, I’m your secret santa for @sanderssidesgiftxchange‘s! Hope you enjoy and happy holidays! Thank you to @rubyredsparks for betaing!
Pairing: Logince
Warnings: food mentions, driving, Remus, Janus, and as always let me know if you need something tagged!
Word Count: 3084
AO3 links will be added in a reblog in the future and in my masterlist!
Roman glanced in his rearview mirror and smiled at his sons, one out cold in his car seat and the other excitedly staring back at him from his booster seat. Roman smiled at his older son, Patton, and turned his eyes to the road once more.
“Excited to see Papa?” Roman guessed, smile coiling into a teasing smirk.
Logan didn’t know his family was coming, but Roman knew their intrusion on his workday would be forgiven. His husband could only hold a grudge for so long and it never lasted long when Patton broke out his puppy eyes. Even if it somehow did, Roman had their secret weapon napping in the backseat. A sleepy Virgil wanting his Papa couldn’t be resisted, no matter how recently he had joined their family.
It wasn’t in their plan to adopt a second child, but neither regretted accepting his initial placement with them. And now, Roman couldn’t imagine their lives without their sons.
“Mhm!” Patton exclaimed. “Gonna see Papa working!”
Roman chuckled and turned on his blinker to change into the exit lane. He checked the rearview mirror to ensure Virgil was still asleep and not disturbed by his brother’s excitement. To his relief, the baby slept soundly. Virgil didn’t like being abruptly woken up and would cry nonstop if he were. Roman’s heart couldn’t take seeing those eyes filled with tears.
“We are! And maybe we’ll get lunch with Papa too. He said he wasn’t busy today,” Roman told Patton as he navigated the rest of the way to the university.
Roman was sure Patton would appreciate being able to eat lunch with both of his dads today. The two were going out on a date for dinner and wouldn’t return home until after his uncles had tucked him into bed. Though perhaps Patton would enjoy an evening with Remus and Janus while his fathers were away.
“So, we’re not gonna see his fishies?” Patton pouted.
Roman smiled sympathetically, “I’m sure Papa will let you see them when we get to his office.”
The first time Patton had gone to Logan’s office at the university, he had fallen in love with the large tank Logan kept in his office. Whenever he went to visit, he made sure to say hello to the fish. Roman found Patton’s commitment to making the fish happy endearing.
“Make sure to bat those big old eyes at Papa and he definitely will,” he promised.
“Okay, Daddy!” Patton agreed.
When Roman pulled into the university, he followed the direction signs to the staff parking outside of the building Logan worked with. Logan alternated cars he drove to work, due to weather mostly, so both of their vehicles had valid parking stickers. It made visits easier because Roman didn’t need to worry about paying for their spot while handling both boys on his own.
Roman smiled when he spotted the car Logan drove to work in that day. He parked a few spots away from the car and got out to help Patton out of his booster seat. Patton took his hand and patiently walked with him as he rounded the car to get Virgil.
“Can I carry the bag, Daddy?” Patton asked.
Roman smiled and nodded his head, allowing Patton to pick it up, “Just tell me if it’s too heavy. If it is, I’ll take it until we get to Papa.”
Roman leaned in and started to undo the buckles on Virgil’s car seat. The young boy opened his eyes with a whine and reached his arms up.
“You want to be carried, little guy? Okay, Daddy’s gotcha.”
Roman hefted the nine-month-old into his arms, where Virgil settled back in and rested his head on Roman’s shoulder. Virgil had woken up a bit early from his nap today, which was probably why he fell asleep in the car.
Roman reached down with his free arm and gently took Patton’s hand.
“Let’s go see Papa, yeah?”
Roman walked his sons to the building and smiled at the student who held the door open for them. Patton cheerfully thanked her and told her he was going to see his Papa. The student smiled and they continued their walk.
Patton walked at Roman’s side happily, adjusting the diaper bag every now and again. Roman thought that it might be too heavy for him, but Patton never said a word until they were outside of the office. Patton set down the bag with a huff and knocked at the door.
“Paaaaapaaaaa!” he called. “It’s Patty!”
The door opened after a moment and Logan stepped out, a mug of coffee in his hand. He gave Roman a quick amused look and set down his coffee on the table near the door to crouch down and hug his son.
“Salutations, Patton. Did Daddy bring you here?”
“He did! He did!” Patton cheered. “Brought Virgie too but he’s tired!”
Logan looked up from the hug to Roman and Virgil. Roman glanced down to see Virgil’s eyes had shut again.
“Someone skip his nap today?” Logan asked.
“Half of it, Starlight,” Roman answered. “I tried to get him to go back down but he wouldn’t until we were already in the car on the way here. An hour later.”
“Sounds about right,” Logan sighed, standing so that he could pick up their older son. “That’s the fourth time this week?”
“Counting bedtime, I think.”
Patton wrapped his arms around Logan and squeezed happily. Logan adjusted his hold on his son and smiled as Patton settled into his arms. He carried him into the office and sat in the chair behind his desk, next to the fish tank. Patton gasped and waved at the fish.
“Hi, fishies!”
Roman and Logan smiled at the greeting as Roman settled into one of the chairs on the opposite side of Logan’s desk.
“Did you get more fishies?” Patton asked, pointing at the tank. “The black one is new!”
Logan nodded, “Good observation, Patton. I have. The black fish belonged to a student who graduated last semester and couldn’t take the fish on their flight home.”
Patton pouted, “They couldn’t take their fish? Won’t the fish miss them?”
“Maybe, but he also has many new friends in the tank,” Logan promised softly.
Patton smiled, seemingly satisfied with the answer provided.
“Papa wouldn’t let the fish get lonely, Patton,” Roman added. “He’ll make sure they have a good home here.”
“Like Virgie and me?”
Roman smiled, “Just like that, Patty.”
“Papa’s the best,” Patton concluded.
“Daddy helps,” Logan looked across the desk to Roman fondly.
Roman fixed his hair in the bathroom mirror, straining his ear to listen for the sound of the doorbell. If it were his twin coming alone, he would be listening for the door to open, but he found that Janus preferred to ring the bell rather than walk right in. Roman appreciated the gesture, especially with two young children in the house.
The doorbell rang and Roman put down his comb.
“I’ve got it,” he called out to Logan, so he could continue getting ready for their evening.
He exited the bathroom and scooped up Patton as the young boy made a beeline for the door. Patton giggled and Roman poked his nose.
“What did Daddy say about answering the door, Pattycake?” he asked gently.
“Only do it with you,” the little boy answered. “Annnnd you’re right here!”
“I guess I am.”
Roman smiled at his son’s cleverness and set him down when they arrived at the door. He motioned for Patton to open the door and Patton swung the door open enthusiastically.
“Uncle Remus! Uncle Janny!”
“Hey, Squirt!” Remus exclaimed, stepping inside.
Roman wasn’t surprised to see Janus dressed in a suit, knowing he had come from the courthouse; just as he wasn’t surprised to see Remus in ripped up jeans and a t-shirt, both splattered in old and new dried paint stains.
“I’d better not find any paint stains on my couch, Rem.”
Remus grinned at his brother, “Don’t worry, Princey Poo, I’ve been done painting since before Jan got out of work.”
“I would’ve made him change if it were wet paint,” Janus promised.
“Thank you, Janus,” Roman said. “I’m just finishing getting ready and then I can run you through Virgil’s bedtime routine. I think Logan’s written it down somewhere though.”
Logan rounded the corner from their living room to the entryway with Virgil in his arms. He looked ready for the evening and Roman suspected he was soaking in a few more minutes with Virgil before they let Janus and Remus watch the boys for the evening.
“It’s on the kitchen counter,” Logan informed them. “I can show them what to do, this way I can get Virgil warmed up to them before we leave.”
Roman nodded, knowing that Virgil took time to get used to new people. It would be best that he felt more comfortable around his uncles before Roman and Logan walked out the door or the evening would be a nightmare for his uncles. It wasn’t that Roman thought Janus and Remus were strange, but he knew Virgil took a few weeks to like Logan too since he left the house to work daily when Virgil first came home with them.
“He’s met us before,” Remus said.
“He’s a baby, dear,” Janus reminded softly. “He’ll be used to us in no time. A few more visits perhaps.”
Roman smiled and took the opportunity to slip away from the door to continue getting ready. It would only take a few minutes to put on his deep crimson dress shirt and pick his cologne for the evening. Perhaps he would go with the cedar one, he knew Logan liked cologne a lot.
“Oh! Papa! Can I smell pretty too?” Patton stuck his head into the bathroom.
Roman smiled, spraying himself with the cologne, “Alright. But only if you promise to still take a bath tonight. Uncle Remus is running a bubble bath for you.”
Patton’s eyes lit up at the promise of a bubble bath and nodded his head, “Yes, please!”
Roman sprayed Patton lightly with the cologne and Patton sniffed his shirt to make sure he could smell it.
“Just like Daddy?” Roman asked.
“Mhm! Thank you!”
With that Patton ran out of the bath and in the distance, Roman heard his son shouting that he wanted to play with Janus. Normally Roman would correct this shouting, but for tonight he would let it go. Janus was working a high-end case and hadn’t been over to see Patton lately.
Roman checked his appearance in the mirror and adjusted the collar of his shirt. He smirked at his reflection and stepped out of the bathroom.
“Logan? Are you still ready?” he called.
Logan called back, voice trailing down the stairs from Virgil’s bedroom, “In a moment, Love.”
Roman went to the coat closet and selected his brown leather jacket to wear later in the evening when it would be colder. He grabbed his dress shoes and slipped them on, before sitting down on the loveseat to wait for his family to come back down the stairs.
It only took a few minutes for them to come down. Roman grinned when he noticed Virgil was in Remus’ arms, relieved and joyful to see Virgil warming up to his twin.
“Virgil likes his Uncle Remus?”
“He does!” Remus affirmed.
“Or he thinks you’re his Dad?” Janus teased, slipping past him with Patton.
Patton ran to the toy chest in the living room and started pulling out different toys. He offered Janus the rubber snake, knowing he preferred to use that toy. Roman knew Patton would be fine for the evening.
Virgil stretched his arms and looked up from Remus’ shoulder, drawing Roman’s attention away from Patton and Janus.
Virgil looked from Remus to Roman with wide eyes, “Dah?”
Roman snorted quietly and walked over, “Hi, Virgie, it’s Daddy.”
“Dah!” Virgil held his arms out.
Janus snickered from the couch as Virgil was transferred from Remus to Roman. Roman hugged Virgil close and gave Remus a sympathetic smile. He pressed a kiss to the top of Virgil’s head and rocked him back and forth.
“Virgil, this is your Uncle Remus. He’s my brother like Patty is yours,” Roman spoke softly. “He’s going to watch you, yeah?”
Virgil glanced up and hesitantly held out his arms to Remus again. Remus took him with care and allowed Virgil to settle back in.
“Finger painting okay?” Remus asked.
Roman nodded, “As long as you remember to clean him up.”
Roman trusted his brother not to paint anything too scary around the boys, despite knowing what his paintings looked like. Remus may not have cared when they were younger and constantly tried to scare Roman and his friends with his creations, but he had never done that with Patton.
“It’s bubble bath night,” Remus promised.
“Which is waiting on the counter for you, next to towels and a set of pajamas for both Patton and Virgil,” Logan said as he descended the stairs.
“Perfect!” Remus exclaimed. “Now, you two lovebugs get out of here!”
“We will, we will,” Roman promised.
Roman leaned in and kissed Virgil’s head again and looked to Patton in the living room, “Daddy and Papa are going now, Patty. You going to be okay?”
“Mhm! Buh bye!”
“No kisses? You won’t see us until tomorrow,” Logan added, knowing Patton would realize it later and become upset.
Patton gasped and set down the stuffed puppy he had, choosing to run over and quickly kiss both of his fathers.
“Have fun, we’ll call if we need help,” Janus stood from where he sat on the floor, stretching out. “Though I think we’ve got this.”
And finally, Logan and Roman were out the door.
Roman checked his phone after the waiter walked away from taking their orders. Logan reached across the table and gently lowered Roman’s phone.
“I am sure they are okay,” Logan assured him, offering a small smile. “Even if they weren’t, your phone’s volume is on, we would hear if they called.”
“You’re right,” Roman put the phone down.
Roman couldn’t help but feel nervous about leaving Virgil with a babysitter for the first time. He trusted Janus and Remus greatly, enough to leave them alone with his sons. But they hadn’t left Virgil with someone else since they brought him home.
Logan stroked Roman’s hand with his thumb and brought it to his lips for a brief kiss, “Janus and Remus are very capable. And you need a night to relax. You’re home with those boys all day.”
“Only because I can write from home,” Roman blushed at the feeling of Logan’s lips brushing against his knuckles.
“Meaning you care for them and still manage to find time for your novels, it’s very impressive, Love. And you deserve more breaks,” Logan spoke softly.
Roman looked up and met Logan’s hazel eyes, which were filled with adoration. Roman squeezed Logan’s hand and sighed happily. It had been a while since they went anywhere without either of the kids. He loved his sons but hadn’t realized how much he missed having time alone with Logan that wasn’t the moments before they fell asleep at night.
The waiter came by with their drinks and the mozzarella sticks Roman had talked Logan into. On the promise that he had a lactose tablet in his wallet that he could take before eating any. He looked to Logan and pouted before letting go of Logan’s hand to take out the tablet. He chewed it quickly and Logan smiled.
“Thank you for taking that, I do not like risking your health, even if it is something minor like a stomachache.”
Roman picked up a mozzarella stick and dipped it in the sauce, “You’re welcome, Lo… I wouldn’t worry you like that.”
“Oh, I believe you have before,” Logan teased, taking one himself.
“I didn’t want anything to ruin our time together tonight.”
Roman ate his mozzarella stick and grimaced at the leftover taste from the tablet. It was meant to taste like vanilla, and it sort of did, yet wrong. He swallowed and grabbed his lemon water to wash the taste out of his mouth.
“I hate the aftertaste of those things,” he whined.
“And the taste is already gone?” Logan asked.
“… It is…”
Roman reached for another mozzarella stick and took a small bite to test the taste. He found no hint of the taste or the grainy particles often left behind. He finished the stick and wiped his hands off on the cloth napkin supplied by the restaurant. When he was sure his hands were clean, he reached out to hold Logan’s hand again, at least until their meals arrived.
“I love you,” Roman whispered.
“I love you too,” Logan murmured back.
Their meals arrived and Logan thanked the waiter, briefly tearing himself away from Roman to do so. They let go of each other’s hands and ate their meals. Roman listened as Logan described the latest research from his chemistry lab. He didn’t care much for chemistry but loved the passion in Logan’s eyes when he talked about it.
By the end of the dinner, Roman was entirely lost but his confusion was worth it. He leaned around the table and kissed Logan on the cheek.
“Ready to go home?” Roman asked.
“I am. When our waiter comes back with my card, we’ll go… Perhaps go to the park first? The boys are already in bed.”
Roman smiled.
Roman and Logan were sat down at a bench in the park, leaning against one another. Logan shivered at a cold breeze as it blew by.
“Forget your jacket?” Roman teased. He shrugged off his leather jacket and put it around Logan’s shoulders, “Here you go. Can’t have my husband going cold.”
“Thank you, are you sure you don’t need it?”
“If I get cold, I suppose you’ll have to warm me up yourself.”
Logan snorted back a laugh as Roman wiggled his eyebrows in a teasing manner. He leaned forward and placed a hand on Roman’s cheek. Roman shivered under the chilling touch.
“Well… I do suppose I have to warm you up now, don’t I?” Logan teased.
“I guess you do.”
Logan moved forward and brought their lips together, moving to wrap his arms around Roman. Roman slipped his arms around Logan’s neck and kissed him again.
“I love you,” Logan whispered into the kiss.
“And I, you.”
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jjuzoir · 4 years
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request: Hello! Can I ask headcanons about being childhood!besties with Miya twins (about child and about adults)? (by nonnie!)
a/n: ofc baby!! sorry for taking so long 🤧 every time i try writing something happens it’s ridiculous 😔 anyway sorry if it’s bad ive been ✨struggling✨
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- Being friends with one of them is like, hard enough— but the two? Good luck.
- You three met via your parents— yes, it’s like that, you were the new kid and awkward as hell. Your parents were having none of that shit and made a playdate for you with the twins, it’s embarrassing, you were like 13 and that’s kind of embarrassing for you and you knew it.
- Like, here you were a newly turned teenager, sitting on a couch with two guys your age all watching a weird cartoon and you all want to die.
- But at some point, you three start acting like you had known each other for your whole lives. You three fight to this day on who cracked the ice, Atsumu swears it was him and his sense of humor but you and Osamu are not taking that shit, like with what humor?
- You start hanging out after school, since you three went to the same school it started bleeding into school time and your teachers hated you three.
- During middle school you three were known to your teachers for being insufferable— more like, Atsumu and you. You two were the type of kids to pass fake notes with the stupidest shit written on it, like middle school humor, “Miss Poopy Pants” and “ICUP” so the teachers would have to read it aloud.
- Osamu and you? Known to the lunch ladies, you two were the first to arrive and gobble down anything and everything especially onigiri. They even snuck you two snacks for class— yes, you were the kids who had a whole grill in the back. Always eating.
- You three didn’t skip class though— I feel like Atsumu might’ve tried to convince you but ultimately forgot.
- During gym you three would always be in the same team if you could pick but it would end with Atsumu and Osamu fighting about dodgeball and getting disqualified leaving you alone.
- They got into Volley around then and you became their number one cheerleader, you’d fight anyone who’d say they weren’t good.
- By high school you three were known for being kind of chaotic!
- You know your parent’s discussed what school they’d put the three of you together in, they joked about separating you guys and you almost cried no joke.
- So you three go to Inarizaki together and when I tell you everyone is annoyed by you three and your shit I mean it 💕
- Especially the volleyball club, you decided to become their manager at the same time the twins got in— they were happy, finally a manager and some new kids; good, good.
- Until they learned about how absolutely full of shit the three of you are, Atsumu and Osamu are already a handful together but you? You add a whole new spice to this shit and it’s ✨embarrassing✨ for them.
- You and ‘Tsumu always goof off and get lost because you two were fighting over something, it takes the whole team’s willpower to not let you stranded.
- “All I’m saying is since Osamu looks like Atsumu, would anyone really notice if we just dye his hair yellow?”
- But they are also thankful, you manage to bring a semblance of peace during their fights. It doesn’t take much for you to calm them down, so they keep you around even if you sometimes distract the two of them too much.
- You’re still their number one cheerleader! Whenever they manage to score you’re the first to jump around and congratulate them, they’d never tell you but it’s kind of sweet seeing you so proud of them. They’d rather die than tell you though so shh.
- You being there brings a new level of competitiveness, they gotta make you proud! You’re cheering your little heart out for them; they can’t embarrass you now.
- But you can't always win, so whenever they (unfortunately) lose, you’re always the first to comfort them. You all go to your house and chill for a while, they get kinda quiet and you can feel how tense they are but they’d rather spend the afternoon after a bad match with you.
- Bet your ass you three watch Power Rangers and you all fight about who the best Ranger is; Atsumu says it’s Red Ranger and Osamu is about to snap his neck when there’s a whole Black Ranger, but they can agree to bully you when you say you like Green the best.
- Back to you being their manager, I feel like they’re kind of better behaved? Like, they get into less trouble and are less likely to fight because Kita sends you to scold them and it’s embarrassing being scolded by someone who thought the Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters was also Michelin Man.
- Now to their individual quirks; Osamu loves it when you help him cook or cook for him, he feels all happy you take the time to make him something— especially when they’re practicing, he really appreciates you coming in with some food for him and the team. He likes the fact you take care of him in small ways!
- “Awww, the little bug cares about me~”
- “Shut up, next time I’m putting cyanide in your stupid Onigiri.”
- Atsumu likes it when you’re just there, not even talking, just vibing together. He likes how you two don’t have to always talk to know what’s going on, it’s probably what he loves the most about your friendship. The fact you just get each other is something he kind of loves.
- Sometimes ruins it by saying dumb shit but it’s okay ♥︎ No it’s not ♥︎
- “Do you ever think about Taemin Paula, like who’s Paula and why are they taming her?”
- “‘Tsumu go back to being quiet, please just shut up.”
- Oh, let’s talk S/O! The two of them are protective over you, you’re their best friend!
- Osamu is more vocal about what he dislikes, he flat out tells you not to go out with them, pointing out all of what he doesn’t like and why he gets bad vibes or why he feels like they’re just not it.
- Atsumu doesn’t say much, he’s got his fair share of flings and dates— good and bad, though, it’d be unfair of him to tell you what to do. But you can tell when he doesn’t like someone you’re seeing.
- This is only if they feel like the person isn’t good enough, it’s not like they don’t want you to date. They’re just careful of it, you’re like a sibling to them and they wouldn’t want you to get heartbroken.
- Speaking about heartbreak; they get very mad at the person, you’re amazing! Why’d they go and fuck you over like that.
- Atsumu would throw hands, it’s in sight with the other person; especially if he never got bad vibes from them, he’s so mad he wasn’t there to see the red flags.
- Osamu is behind him and he’s not stopping his brother, he knew something wasn’t right about them and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t give them a piece of his mind.
- But at the end of the day, what’s most important to them is making sure you’re alright at the end of the day. They care about you, dummy.
- They’d come over to your house and cheer you up, Atsumu would tell his jokes and Osamu and you would laugh at how bad they are 💖
- “I’m glad you feel better but I’m startin’ to feel kinda bad here myself-“ “Maybe get better jokes <3”
- Once you three graduate you still keep in touch, probably more with Osamu since he’s not always busy like Atsumu; in other words, even during your adult they torment you 💕
- You’re so proud of the two of them though? Like, you’re always bragging about them, it’s just so !! Seeing the kids you grew up with become successful? Amazing.
- “Have I told you about how my childhood best friend is a PROFESSIONAL, yes PROFESSIONAL, volleyball player?”
- “[Name], I am literally his fucking brother shut up.”
- Osamu and you totally make fun of Atsumu, it’s gotten to the point you always try embarrassing more each game. Your latest (very successful, much to Atsumu’s dismay) attempt was wearing shirts with ugly childhood pictures of Atsumu, I’m talking about the type your parents bring up to make fun of you and a banner that said “Tsu-Tsu our superstar!” or something like that.
- He almost cried on national television, he was horrified, the worst part? You were in front row seats meaning that everyone the camera panned in to one of the players you’d be in full view.
- “Atsumu, is that [Name] and Osamu?” “You were so fucking ugly as a child oh my god-“
- Sakusa is having a field trip with this, that thing won’t die as long as he lives— this man will film this shit, tape it and pass it as a family heirloom.
- “Kiyoomi could you-?”
- “Don’t talk to me you gremlin baby.”
- “This was months ago, let it die!”
- “You lived your whole childhood looking like that, I don’t think I will.”
- The three of you reminiscing about high school together at Onigiri Miya? Yes, it happens and it’s ♥︎
- “Do you remember when Osamu shoved a marble up his nose, stupid kid…”
- “Tch, rough words for a fucker who bit into a brick because it looked tasty.”
- “I was young!”
- “You were 16, piss head.”
- A lot of the time you just like spending time with each other, even during your busy schedules you always do your best to talk to each other at least once a month.
- Sometimes it’s just talking over the phone and other times it’s going to fancy restaurants that Atsumu pays, other times it can also be trying to make new recipes with Osamu as Atsumu just cringes in the back.
- They're just always there for you, yes you fight and yes they’re kind of annoying but you care for them and you don’t mind it. You’d rather spend a whole other lifetime having to endure their teasing than not have them at all.
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
Different but the Same (pt 3)
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tw: No warnings!
Word count: 6k
Rating: R18+/M
Omegaverse AU, Rating: 18+/M
Pairings: Iwaizumi x fem!reader, Ushijima x fem!reader
Summary: An unexpected encounter at the Inter-High tournament tossed you into a whirlwind. Being tugged between two males, two different packs, who will reign supreme in this battle for your heart?
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ch 3: Manager
It had been a really long weekend of heat. She grimaced as she could barely disguise her limp as she headed towards her school. On just that first night, he’d knotted her twice. Once after their shower, and another time when she’d woken him up due to her heat starting again. (E/c) eyes flitted up as she passed the familiar gates. Though all of her closest friends had all gone to Aoba Johsai, she had to attend Shiratorizawa. Her entire family had gone there, and so she’d had a place on the roster ever since she was born. It probably didn’t help that since they were such prominent donors. But, it gave her perks like a dorm in addition to her apartment and free food. She typically still stayed at her apartment, especially since Iwaizumi wasn’t allowed on her campus. Light steps followed the stone path up to her building as she made her way to homeroom. 
“(Name)!” She turned to face her classmate, Semi Eita. He made her way towards her, meeting her just outside class 3-1. “How was your weekend?”
A flicker of pain crossed her face as she recalled the tournament that had taken place, but just as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared. “My weekend was alright. My heat hit me early by surprise. How was the volleyball game?” She asked politely, already knowing that Shiratorizawa had won. Iwaizumi had been extra aggressive after that game, not even bothering to change out of his uniform when he got home before he took full advantage of her heat. A wince crossed her face as she remembered how sore her ass was after that. Semi just chuckled and the duo chatted about the volleyball game as they made their way into the classroom, taking a seat besides each other. She fiddled with her locks, adjusting it so it cascaded over her right shoulder. It contrasted with the white blazers that served as their uniform. Semi’s eyes widened as he took note of the fading bruises on her neck. 
“I don’t think you want anyone seeing those.” He shot her a pointed look as she flushed. She huffed, leaning back into her seat as she put her face into her arms. 
“I almost forgot those were there.” 
“You must’ve had a lot of fun,” he smirked, noticing another one below her jawbone as she turned towards him to glare.
“Let’s just say that alphas can get..possessive when they catch their mates with someone else.” His eyes narrowed at her words, about to say something but he was interrupted by the door sliding open and their teacher walking in. The class all shuffled, quieting as their school-day started. The young Omega wasn’t typically a person to discuss her personal life, especially since he didn’t even know she had a mate. He tapped his pen against his chin, he’d ask her more about it during the break. He sniffed the air, only catching the scent of pine wafting from her. 
A few hours later, the bell rang to dismiss them for their lunch. He turned towards her, only to see her furiously tapping on her phone, tongue sticking out. His chest rumbled and she turned to him, opening her mouth to ask him what was so funny when the door slid open and the room was filled simultaneously with mountains and the scent of cinnamon. She froze, slowly turning to face the two alphas that stood in the doorway. Olive eyes met hers again and her eyes widened, jaw slackened. Ushijima stood impressively in the door-way, Tendou at his shoulder peeking into the room. “Oh Semi-Semiiii, come get lunch with us!” Semi scowled, standing up as he made his way to his team-mates.
“I’ll see you later, (Name). We have to finish our discussion from earlier,” Semi looked over his shoulder to note that she was still in shock. He brushed it aside, stepping past Ushijima to join Tendou in the hall. “Oi, ace, you coming?” Semi called, shaking the Apex Alpha out of his trance. With a meaningful look at her, he followed the rest of his team-mates to the mess. 
“What was that about?” Semi nudged Ushijima as they sat in the cafeteria, a plate of sushi in front of him. 
“That was the Omega from the game,” Ushijima replied, picking at his food. 
Semi’s eyes widened. “But you came back smelling like strawberries. She’s always smelt like pine.” He thought about it; he hadn’t even known that she was an Omega. He’d always just assumed that she was a Beta since her scent wasn’t nearly as potent as an Alpha’s or an Omega’s.   
“Her mate is the ace from Aoba Johsai, he must be heavily scenting her before she comes to school.” Ushijima shrugged, taking another bite.  
“Ehh? You hooked up with the mate of Seijoh’s ace?” Tendou joined the conversation, placing his chin on his fingers as he rested his elbows on the table. 
“She was in heat.”
“I think I remember her now. Wasn’t the poor thing bundled up in his track jacket and sitting on the bench with the coaches?” Tendou tapped his chin, eyes narrowed as he attempted to remember. “She had an adorable black choker on,” Tendou smirked slyly at the alpha. Ushijima stood, picking up his tray. 
“I’ll see you both at practice. Don’t be late.” With that, he took his leave. Semi and Tendou both looked at each other as they surveyed the retreating back of his captain.
“Seems like our alpha might be playing with some fire,” Tendou leaned back, putting his hands behind his head as he looked up to the ceiling. Semi remained silent, reflecting on his classmate and captain.
Once again, she found herself pacing in the bathroom. She knew he went to Shiratorizawa, but she was really hoping that they wouldn’t meet again so soon after the incident had taken place. Another cold splash on her face as she tried to take deep breaths. Iwaizumi had been especially worried that they’d run into each other, despite them not having had an encounter until the tournament. It also didn’t help his worries considering that one of her closest friends was also on the volleyball team. Her mate had taken the extra step and decided to walk her to campus, scenting her every block or so. A soft smile made its way to her face as she looked at herself in the mirror only to be quickly replaced with a frown when she noted all the marks that marred her skin. Most were from Iwaizumi, but there were still a few fading marks that were from the mountain that haunted her memories. She let out an elongated sigh as she patted her face dry. There wasn’t much time left before lunch was over, and she still hadn’t eaten the bento that Iwaizumi had packed for her. She turned on her heel, heading out the door. “(L. Name)-san.” Her foot froze mid-step as the scent hit her aggressively. Stiffly, she turned slightly, (e/c) orbs meeting olive as her jaw clenched.
“Ushijima-san.” He suppressed a shiver at her voice; it was softer than it had been during the throes of passion. “Did you need something from me?”
“Yes,” he took his hands out of his pockets and took a step towards her. She looked down at his chest, unable to bear meeting his eyes anymore.  “I wanted to apologize for my behavior at the volleyball tournament last week. I couldn’t resist you and I knew that other people would also have problems. Please forgive my rash actions.” 
She gulped, letting out a shaky breath. “I...I appreciate your apology, senpai. That was the first time that something like that happened to me.” A flashback to what he said to her flared, a glow creeping up to her cheeks. She bowed, “I apologize for serving as a distraction.”
A deep rumble as his chest shook, a dark glow flickering in his eyes. “It wasn’t your fault, it’s just our biology.” They stood in silence, her fingers twisting and curling around each other as she stood in his shadow. Her eyes fell onto her hands, fingers twisting the cold metal band that sat on it. She hated that excuse. She hated that because she was an Omega that she had that type of affect on Alphas, and she’d always hated that Alphas would be able to dominate and control her so easily. He hesitated, noting the faint sour smell that clung to the air. “Where are you doing your Omega internship?” 
Her head snapped up to make eye-contact with the Alpha. “My Omega internship?” 
“Yes, I’m sure you’re aware that all Omegas are required to manage a club in order to better use their Omega skills. All third years of Shiratorizawa complete one in order to graduate.” 
Another gulp of his dizzying scent. “I was aware, but I haven’t decided what club to participate in.” 
He took a step towards her and her mind reeled as his scent got more intense. “Why don’t you manage the volleyball team? You seem to get along with Semi quite well.” His heart skipped a beat as he caught the faint smell of strawberry peek through. His alpha keened at the addictive scent, stirring a feeling deep in his gut. “I’m sure you’re more than knowledgeable about volleyball considering your mate.” His eyes roamed her skin, noting the red and purple marks that littered her throat that had been left by both him and Iwaizumi. The scent warmed, stinging at her nose. 
“I’ll...I’ll have to see.” Eyes refocused as he caught her teeth pulling at her bottom lip, his breath hitching at the sight. 
“Come to our practice today and if you don’t like it, then you can leave and I won’t bother you again.” He promised, his hand reaching out to grasp hers gently.
A sharp intake of breath as his calloused pads stroked against her palm, the sound of protest dying in her throat. “I’ll come. But I can’t promise that I’ll be returning.” The feeling of his skin oddly soothed the Omega that was pacing inside her.
He clasped both her hands in his, giving it a firm shake before releasing her with a nod. “Thank you for your kindness.” He turned to walk away. “I’ll tell Semi so that he can escort you to the gym.” As he walked away, she let out the deep gasp she didn’t know she was holding, the fog clearing from her mind. She was sure he didn’t mean to, but she could feel the unbridled Alpha power in each word and gesture he made. Another perk of being an Apex, she thought. Constantly being able to channel his Alpha. 
She let out another shaky breath, fingers anxiously twisting the ring that sat on her middle finger. It was too soon after her heat; being around an Alpha, let alone an Apex Alpha like Ushijima could trigger an artificial heat if she wasn’t careful. She’d need to take more suppressants if she wanted to make it through practice this afternoon. Thank god for the choker underneath her collar, otherwise her scent would’ve flooded the empty corridor by now. She shivered, silently cursing the gods for making her a target, for putting her at Shiratorizawa, and for letting her go into her heat at the game only to be caught like a mouse by the titan of an eagle. 
She headed back to her classroom, appetite lost as she brought out her phone to fiddle with it. It vibrated, a text coming in. “Did you eat lunch?” She smiled, her eyebrows unfurrowing from the text.
“No, I had to take care of some stuff.” 
“You know you have to eat in order to recover from this weekend right? Please take care of yourself sweetheart.” 
“I know, thank you love. BTW, I’ll be home late tonight. Have to start visiting clubs for the Omega program.” She tapped her desk, gnawing on her bottom lip as she waited. 
“That’s fine, I have to make sure Shittykawa doesn’t stay at school too late practicing. Love you.”
“I love you too. See you later babe.” She sighed in relief as he didn’t question her further. She wasn’t sure what to say about her circumstance at the moment, and was glad to have the rest of the day to think about it. A loud noise caught her attention as her classmate took his seat. “How was lunch?” She turned to greet the ash-blonde Alpha. 
He hummed in response. “Lunch was good, Wakatoshi—uh, I mean, Ushijima—was being weird.” His sharp brown eyes narrowed at her figure. “You didn’t tell me you guys knew each other.”
She brushed a hand through her hair, letting out a sigh. “We don’t...know...each other, not really. We just had an encounter that could’ve ended poorly.” 
His large hand reached over to gently grasp the one that was resting on her desk. “I heard what happened. Are you okay?” She blinked at the contact, another sigh slipping from her lips. What was it with all these Alphas randomly touching her today? 
“If I’m being honest, I’m not really sure.” She let the warmth of his hand comfort her, both sitting in silence. 
The alpha wasn’t sure what to say, it wasn’t often that he was around Omegas, and he didn’t know how to make her feel better. He changed the subject. “Well, I heard that you’ll be at volleyball practice today. I’ll take care of you, okay?” 
She turned to face him, a ghost of a smile gracing her features. “Thank you, Semi. I appreciate it.” His eyes glowed, his scent clouding the air. The bell rang, and he let go of her hand in favor of grabbing his pen. As the lessons for the day continued, she reminisced on her time at Shiratorizawa. She had met Semi in their first year when they got paired to do a history project together, and since then, they’d remained steady friends. It had helped that they continued to stay in the same class all three years. She’d just never been around the volleyball team at her school, saving her loyalty for the pack at Aoba Johsai. It wasn’t uncommon for her to show up to their practice after-school, arms loaded with bags of food as she helped out around the court. Her teacher called on her to answer a math question, and her mind refocused on the lessons. 
The final bell rang soon enough, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Her stomach had begun to feel uncomfortable towards the end of the lessons, churning with nausea. She packed up her stuff, hoping to hurry to the gym so that she could finally eat her lunch before practice started. “Ready to head out?” She turned to face Semi, sending him a curt nod.
They stepped outside, pace falling in line as they made their way out. “I didn’t get to eat my lunch today, so I was really hoping to eat before practice.” He patted her on the head.
“Don’t worry, (Name). You can eat while we’re all getting changed. That should give you at least 15 minutes.” 
“Semi-Semi, are you leaving without me?” A red-haired alpha threw his weight as he stepped towards them. Her nose stung, eyes watering slightly as the scent of cinnamon bit at her nose. Red eyes looked the Omega up and down, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Why hello there! You must be the Omega that I’ve heard so much about.” He leaned towards her, face getting aggressively close to hers. “Tendou Satori, but you can call me your new best friend, Omega-chan!” He grinned and Semi scowled, pushing him away from her.
“Shut up Tendou, leave her alone before you scare her off.” 
Tendou laughed, throwing his arm around Semi’s shoulders. “You’re so funny Semi-Semi~! Let’s head to the club room.” She tilted her head, surveying the interactions as the trio made their way downstairs. It almost reminded her of Iwaizumi and Oikawa. Just the mere thought of the duo sent a ripple of sadness through her. If she accepted the manager role, she wouldn’t be able to visit their practices for a while. Semi and Tendou began pushing each other slightly as Semi tried to escape Tendou’s grasp, but Tendou wasn’t having it. They stood outside the club room and Semi looked back at the Omega.
The ash-blonde alpha pointed at the gym. “You can just head in there. Our coaches shouldn’t get there before us, but feel free to eat your lunch and introduce yourself if they come in early.” 
She nodded at him, a smile playing on her face as the two packmates playfully wrestled. Turning on her heel, she headed to the open gym. The sooner this practice started, the sooner she could head home and rest. 
“You know...the point of the Omega internship includes using your pheromones to regulate the emotions, right?” She flushed at the taped fingers that were pointing at her choker. She’d changed out of her uniform into a loose maroon t-shirt and some black shorts that she used for fitness class.  
“I know that! I’m just used to wearing it,” she replied, hands reaching up to fiddle with the clasps. “I try to avoid taking it off just in case,” she sighed looking up at the middle blocker that towered over her. 
He tilted his head at her, red hair swishing with the movement. “Ehh? Why?” 
“Well, I’ve heard that my scent could be a bit...overbearing. And since I’ve already found my mate, so I figured if I could block it a bit, then I wouldn’t be bothered that much,” she shrugged. 
“You’re with us now, we take care of our own,” Semi entered, hearing the last bit of the conversation. “I promise you’ll be safe with us.” Her eyes met his as she gave him a small nod. A sharp snap of a metal clasp, and immediately the room was flooded with an intoxicating strawberry scent. The red-haired Alpha couldn’t help but lean in towards her as the other took  hasty steps back. “Jesus,” he mumbled, pupils temporarily blowing out as his hand jumped to his nose, “you weren’t kidding.” 
Tendou brought his face closer to her neck, inhaling deeply. The room had gone silent as all heads snapped to the trio. There weren’t many Omegas or Betas on the volleyball team, which is why they had so desperately needed another Omega to help manage their team. In fact, the only other Omega in the room was Reon, and the only Betas were Soekawa and Kawanishi. The rest were all Alphas, and they were drawn to the strawberry Omega - none were mated. Thank god she had taken extra suppressants while she was eating. Otherwise, she could have been in some major trouble. Again. Meanwhile, she stood still like a deer in headlights. She had never gone to school without her scent-blockers, and she wasn’t sure what to do about all the attention. 
“Get back to your warm-ups!” With that, everyone snapped back to what they were doing. Coach Washijo had entered and was making his way towards her. She flinched at the dark look on his face. “What is this Omega doing here distracting my team?” 
A familiar scent washed over her as a deep voice spoke behind her. “She was assigned to assist and manage the volleyball team according to the new Omega graduation regulations.” Her head snapped up to see Ushijima towering over her, his lips slightly curled hinting at a snarl. A black aura emitted from him at his coach’s accusatory tone.
The coach’s face cleared, though she could still smell the contempt from him. “Just make sure you don’t continue to distract them. They’re supposed to be busy training for nationals.” He turned around, barking orders to the team. 
A sigh of relief left her as she murmured her thanks. She turned to face him. He nodded down at her. “Thank you for coming. I appreciate you considering my offer.” He looked up at Semi and Tendou. Semi shifted uncomfortably as Tendou looked between the group members, still uncomfortably close to her throat. “Semi, Tendou, go do your warm-ups. I’ll teach our manager what we need.”
“Have fun, Wakatoshi~!” Tendou pulled back, his red eyes glinting as he propped his hands behind his head. “C’mon Semi, let’s see how our underclassmen are doing,” he nudged the alpha. Semi shot her an apologetic look before he turned to follow, scowling at Tendou. Semi was privately relieved that he could get away from her, he hadn’t been prepared for the intensity of her pheromones. Ushijima’s face relaxed as he watched the other Alphas walk away.
The pair stood in silence for a moment as she surveyed the room. She had set-up the courts while they were changing. Currently, the team was in the middle of their various warm-up exercises, though some still threw looks at her. Some were cautious, others were confused. They weren’t sure what to make of the Omega that stood so close to their captain. The team silently agreed that the Omega was already off-limits. 
Ushijima cleared his throat, and her head swiveled to look at him again. “I’m not sure how much volleyball you know, or what you know of a manager’s role, but we’ll need your help to set-up and take-down the nets every day. During practices, you’ll take notes on how players’ are doing.” She nodded, she honestly was used to it. After dating Iwaizumi for three years with a majority of their days either starting or ending in the gym with the pack, she was used to it. “It’d also be helpful if you have had minor first aid training as accidents can happen.” He pointed at the closets. “You’ll find everything you need there, from practice jerseys and towels to the first aid kit.” He gestured to his team. “If you couldn’t tell by now, our team members are primarily Alphas. We try not to fight and argue, but some—especially the younger ones— are still getting used to being around each other. You should speak with Reon about how to best serve as an Omega for this team.” Another nod as he pointed Reon out to her. “Any questions?” 
She shook her head. “I think I can figure it out if anything. Thank you, Ushijima-san.” He nodded before jogging out to join his team. The next few hours, she served as the perfect manager. Running around filling bottles, taking diligent notes on players’ performance, she had even earned a compliment from Coach Saito when she’d made an off-hand comment about Goshiki’s form. 
“You must know a lot about volleyball,” Saito commented as he stood besides her, looking between his clipboard and the players. Washijo was across the room yelling at the team.
She shrugged, “I’m just around volleyball a lot.” A smile pulled at her lips as she jotted down another mark regarding Semi’s serve. “Why doesn’t Semi set? Doesn’t he have the most experience setting?” 
“He’s a good setter,” Saito affirmed, “but he isn’t what this team needs now. His best use is as a pinch server.” She sensed there was something more to that comment, but she left it be. He glanced over at her notes as she wrote another one down. “That’s a nice ring.” 
She looked down at her hand, tilting her fingers as it caught the light. “Thank you,” she smiled at the coach. “It was a gift from my alpha.” 
“Your alpha?” He looked around the room. “Is it Ushijima or Semi?” 
She reeled, eyes widening, as her scent soured slightly. “My Alpha doesn’t go here,” she choked out, forcing herself to regulate her scent. “Why did you think it was Ushijima-san or Semi?”
His eyes widened slightly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it. I just assumed since I can smell their scents on you.” Her nose twitched at that, subconsciously sniffing at the air around her and she mentally cursed as she picked up the mountain scent and the maple scent that belonged to Semi. He turned back to the courts. “Forget I said anything.”
A soft sigh. “It’s not your fault, I didn’t mean to sound accusatory. I hadn’t realized that their scents lingered so much.
He chuckled at that. “Alpha scents do typically cling to Omegas much harder than you’d expect. Especially Ushijima’s scent.” They exchanged looks, both nodding slightly. 
“My Alpha actually goes to Aoba Johsai. He’s the ace over there.”
Saito nodded at that. “Ah. Iwaizumi-kun, right?” She hummed in acknowledgement. “He works well with Oikawa-kun. But, we only extended a scholarship to Oikawa-kun.” She turned to look at him puzzled. “It’s not that he isn’t skilled, we just already had Ushijima-kun and I guess Ohira-kun accepted his bid before we could offer one to Iwaizumi-kun.” 
“The stronger the better, right?” She swallowed; she knew Oikawa and Iwaizumi both didn’t want to go to Shiratorizawa though she would’ve loved it if they had joined her here. Silently, she wondered if he would’ve left his best friend for her if he had gotten an offer. Saito hummed his agreement, and they continued the rest of practice in silence. 
“Begin your cool-downs! Omega, come here and take the nets down.” Her head snapped up to look at Washijo as he waved his arms at the sitting Omega. She’d just finished refilling the water bottles and was sitting down at the bleachers to begin refolding the unused towels. A sigh slipped from her lips as she got back up. Though it didn’t seem like much, she was drained. Perhaps it was just some exhaustion from the aftermath of her heat. Her phone vibrated against her hip, but she ignored it as she reached the nets. 
“Here, I’ll help.” Semi appeared at the other end of the net, hoisting it up as she untied one end. She shot him an appreciative look, nodding as they made quick work of it. “How was being manager today?”
She hummed, shrugging. “It was nice. It reminds me of home.” His eyebrows shot up at that as she continued, “you play very well Semi. I haven’t had many opportunities to observe you before, but you’re a strong setter.” He blinked, her smile stopping him in his tracks.
“Thank you,” he muttered, looking away as his ears began to glow. A warm maple scent hung in the air. They finished their task in silence. “Are you going to your dorm?” 
She shook her head. “I left my things at my apartment, I didn’t plan on staying this late.” As she was about to hoist the net over her shoulder, Semi grabbed it from her arms. 
Her mouth opened to protest but was interrupted by him holding his hand up. “Let me change and I’ll escort you, okay?” She closed her mouth, eyebrows furrowed as she slowly nodded. “Great, I’ll be back in ten minutes!” He ran out, stopping to put the net away and he flashed her a smile before disappearing in the direction of the club-room. 
She made her way back to her bag, reaching in to grab the choker. It had felt slightly liberating to go without it, but she knew that she’d attract undesired attention if she were to go home without it, especially this late. Her phone vibrated again, and she quickly pulled it out, noticing a few text messages. She cursed; it was much later than she had anticipated. “Just finished with practice. Shittykawa almost hurt his damn knee again. Are you home yet?” That text was from twenty minutes ago. The newest text glowed brightly as her heart dropped. “I’m home already, where are you?” Ten minutes ago. Just as she finished reading it, another text zoomed in. “(Name)? Are you okay?”
She hastily sent him a reply, “Hey babe! Sorry, got held up with club. I’ll be leaving campus in a few minutes.” 
His response was immediate. “I was so worried, I was about to tear the campus apart to find you. What club were you checking out?” She froze, not wanting to respond to him quite yet.
“My hero,” she responded, deciding to talk to him in person. Loud footsteps caught her attention and the familiar maple scent wafted over. “I’m leaving now, I’ll see you soon!” She tucked her phone back into her pocket.
“Ready to go?” Semi smiled, adjusting his bag over his shoulder. A quick nod, and they left the gym. A shiver coursed through her from the cold air. The air in the gym had been stuffy, heavy with the scents of all the alphas and the stench of sweat. 
“I wish I brought a hoodie,” she complained, rubbing her arms as she pulled her bag up more. 
“Speaking of which,” he pulled out a volleyball jacket. “Courtesy of the Shiratorizawa Academy Volleyball Team!” Semi grinned at her. “We loved having you here as our manager, and we kinda unanimously agreed to keep you on, if you accept of course.” 
She hesitated. “I still need to talk with Hajime about it.” 
“That’s fine! Just take the jacket for now, and return it tomorrow if you decide you don’t or can’t do it.” He shrugged, “we wouldn’t want to cause issues between you and your mate.” Another moment of hesitation, but a strong gust of wind had her tugging on the jacket. “Sorry if it’s a bit big, we didn’t have anything smaller. We can get it tailored for you if you accept though.” 
“This is so soft!” Her (e/c) widened as a smirk slid onto her face, “though I think I prefer the Seijoh one.” She winked, causing Semi to chuckle as they crossed the academy boundary. A familiar scent washed over her as her head whipped around. “Alpha!” She cried, a wide smile breaching her face as she saw Iwaizumi walking towards the campus, his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. He must have changed before he headed out.  
Running at him, she jumped into his arms. He chuckled, his hands grabbing her waist as he spun her. “I was already halfway here when I got your text, and I figured I’d walk you home.” He froze, just noticing the other Alpha and the scents that clung to her. He growled at Semi, “what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
The other alpha just held his hands up, “I offered to walk her home, we kept her late and I didn’t want anything happening to her.” 
“Hajime, it’s fine. Let’s go home, okay?” She pleaded, eyes innocently blinking up at him. He sighed, squeezing his eyes shut. He knew that she was about to use her puppy-dog eyes on him and he could never resist those. Sending the other Alpha a curt nod as he spun, Iwaizumi headed back in the direction he had just come from. “Bye Semi! See you in class tomorrow,” she waved at Semi over Iwaizumi’s shoulder. The alpha returned it before he also turned back and headed onto campus. The pine scent was soothing after her long day; she buried her face into his neck. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, ‘Mega.” His grip tightened on her as a sharp pine scent bit at her nose. “So...are you going to tell me why the hell you’re in a Shiratorizawa volleyball jacket and why the fuck you smell like Ushiwaka?” 
She sighed, knowing there was no way around it. Reluctantly, she pulled away from the alpha, letting her grip around his waist go as she got back onto her feet. “The volleyball team invited me to be their manager for me to complete the Omega internship. If I don’t join some type of team, I won’t be allowed to graduate.” 
Pine burned as Iwaizumi absorbed her words. His teeth dug into his bottom lip. “Why do you need to help the volleyball team out? Why not some other club?” 
She carefully danced around the subject, not wanting to piss off Iwaizumi more or lie to him. “They figured that since you were my mate, I would be knowledgeable about volleyball.” He scoffed at that as she continued, “I also get along with Semi and I guess he pitched the idea.” ‘Though Ushijima was the one to invite me,’ she silently added, knowing that particular inclusion would spark a bloodfest. Sure she could try and search for other clubs, but knowing that she might not have friends - aka protection - in the other organizations made her reluctant. 
Iwaizumi wrapped a hand around her shoulder as they proceeded to walk, contemplating his response. He sighed. “I don’t like this. What if they take advantage of you babe?” She opened her mouth to protest, but he wasn’t finished yet. “I don’t like you being around Ushiwaka, and I hate him for what he did to you. If you’re their manager, you can’t promise me that you’ll be safe from him, and I can’t be there to protect you.” His eyes met hers, and she could see the flames of desperation, guilt, and frustration dancing behind them. “You’re the love of my life. I don’t want to lose you.” 
She couldn’t help it; she pressed her lips to his. “I’m yours, Hajime, for now and always.” He sighed again, his pine scent softening. “I promise I won’t hide anything from you, and I’ll limit my interactions with him, okay? I’ll do anything to make you trust me.”
“It’s not you I don’t trust, it’s your new team,” he muttered as they stood outside her apartment. She hummed as she unlocked the door to let them in. “I made dinner. Go change and we’ll eat.” 
“You’re the best Alpha!” She cheered, kissing him again as she hurried to her room to change. Stopping in the doorway, her face went blank as she faced him again. “Their pack may be full of Alphas, but I don’t think they’d hurt me or let anything happen to me. You know they’d temporarily take me into the pack.” She took a deep breath, eyes focused on his. “Semi promised to keep me safe, and I know you don’t hate him that much. You just hate that he’s part of that pack.” With that, she disappeared into their room. Iwaizumi made his way to the kitchen, setting up their meal. It was true that he didn’t hate Semi; he’d met the other Alpha a few times when he had picked her up from project meetings. He had to admit that he had a begrudging respect for the setter, and he knew that his mate also trusted Semi. One time in second year, Semi had stopped a group of first-year alphas from harassing her, and that’s what had spurred on a closer friendship between the two. Noises interrupted his thoughts as she made your way to his side. “Thank you for being the best mate and Alpha a person could ask for,” she purred, bringing his knuckles to her lips as she took her seat besides him.
A smile made its way to his face. “Thank you for being the love of my life.” She beamed at him. They proceeded to enjoy their meal and each other’s company in silence. As she stood at the sink washing the dishes and humming, he leaned against the counter besides her. A squeal escaped her lips as he snaked his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulders. “I don’t like it, but I trust you and I guess Semi. Promise me that you’ll keep me informed on everything that’s going on, okay? If Ushijima or any of the other alphas even tries to make a move on you, I want you to quit.” Gentle lips pressed against her temple as she murmured her agreement to his terms. “Oh, and you better not be spying on our pack.” He threatened, twirling her around before he captured her lips with his. 
She giggled, “you know I’m loyal to the pack.” Another breath-taking kiss that never felt long enough. “I love you.”
“I love you too, ‘Mega.”
Taglist: @sawamooora @kriswu46 @pantasticalcat
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bleachluna · 3 years
Ended up skipping day 2 of @hitsukarinweek as I had no ideas for it but here’s my fic for day 3! Also on AO3
Dear Toshiro,
Can you please explain to me how the hell Soul Society managed to copy mobile phones from humans, and even put hollow tracking technology in them, but didn't make them able to send stuff across realms? I know you explained that SS phones in soul society can only contact those in soul society, and when they're here in the human world they can only contact those here, but I only realised how ridiculously stupid that is until after you left. What if there's an emergency and you need to contact someone across realms for whatever reason? Surely you need to get this fixed, I cannot believe if I want to talk to you I'm stuck writing letters like it's the 1800s. I'm even writing more formally than I expected, apparently letter writing brings it out of me and I absolutely hate it. You've gotta fix it. Not to mention I'm not a fan of leaving letters for Urahara to pass on for me, I'm not totally convinced he won't read them.
Anyway, it's been a couple of months since I saw you last. That's probably a good thing, that a captain hasn't been needed here, but I'll admit I wonder about you sometimes, I hope everything is ok on your end! I don't know what it was about turning sixteen but all of a sudden all of this stuff about trying to figure out careers is on me constantly. Yuzu figured out years ago that she wanted to go into healthcare, she took to it way back when we were kids. She was originally planning to go into nursing but her grades have improved a lot recently, she might be a doctor instead, but she's also thinking about midwifery. So there's stuff she's gotta figure out for sure, but at least she knows what area she wants to go into? I don't even have that. I mean how do you figure out what to do with the rest of your life when you're sixteen? I haven't even figured myself out yet. How did you decide to become a shinigami?
Other than that though things are ok. School is a little stressful because grades suddenly feel so much more important, but the work's manageable at least. Hollow level seems to be stable at the minute too which is great, one less thing to worry about! And Urahara improved his reiatsu blocking bracelet thing, I've had this one for almost four months and it hasn't broken so even less chance of getting eaten! Always a plus. But anyway, I hope things are good on your end as well, and that you aren't buried up to your ears in paperwork. Let me know if you ever have any plans to pop up in the human world!
Best Wishes,
P.S. - I sent this on the 22nd of June, let me know when this gets to you/when you send yours, I wanna know what sort of delivery time we're looking at here.
- - - - -
Dear Karin,
I don't even remotely have the skills or know-how to fix something like that, that's what the Research & Development Team is for. I agree it's a little daft that our mobile phones can't send things across realms, but I'm sure said team knows this and is likely working on it, as you said, it would be unfortunate in an emergency situation. Plus I know Urahara can be a little eccentric, but do you really think he'd read the letters? I'm sure it's fine.
It is a good thing I've not been needed, the last thing Karakura needs is more trouble and destruction. Have they managed to rebuild that major bridge you were talking about yet? Everything is alright here, or at least in my division anyway. I've been kept busy recently, a set of students graduated from the academy last month so I've had 18 new recruits to introduce to squad 10. As for the careers stuff, I honestly assumed from the work you did here and there for the clinic that you were interested in healthcare as well, I take it that's not actually the case then? Do you at least have rough ideas of the sort of thing you'd want to go into? I'm not sure I'll be much help in that respect, I can't wrap my head around half of the jobs that seem to exist in the human world. In some ways I had it easier, the choice was out of my hands. My reiatsu was getting stronger and Hyorinmaru came to me before I even knew what was happening, I needed to go to the academy to make sure my reiatsu didn't become dangerous, therefore I became a shinigami. I never had to wonder what to do with myself in terms of employment.
I'm glad to hear things are going well with you, I'm certainly glad to hear you don't have to worry as much about the bracelet breaking. Is your reiatsu still increasing? If it's stabilising that might be part of why this new bracelet is managing better. I know you're not particularly interested in getting involved with shinigami stuff, which frankly I agree with, but if your reiatsu is still increasing I do think it's worth training you to hide it properly. I am unfortunately always at least a little buried in paperwork, particularly recently with the new recruits, but it's manageable. I don't think I'll be in the human world soon, but I will let you know if I plan to.
Best Wishes,
P.S. - I got your letter on the 2nd of July, I should be handing this letter over to be sent on the 4th, schedule permitting.
- - - - -
Dear Toshiro,
Well I hope you make sure that the research team are working on it, because this really is ridiculous. And you're kidding right? I trust Urahara about as far as I can throw him, which is probably all of three feet.
The bridge is still being rebuilt, but I think they're in the last stages now thank god. All the diversions needed really messed with the traffic, maybe I can finally stop leaving the house half an hour earlier just to get to my soccer club. It's supposed to be twenty minutes max by bus and it's been taking easily twice that. Let me know if you find out which shinigami it was that released their zanpakuto on that bridge, I have some choice words for them.
An entire class of students graduated and you only got 18 newbies at the tenth? Was it a small class or is that the normal kind of numbers you see? I assumed there's like, thousands and thousands of shinigami, is there less than I thought? Is that why I only ever see you and Rukia besides the dude who's currently stationed here? And I don't know about going into healthcare, that's my whole problem! I don't know what I want. Healthcare is fine but I don't feel like it's my life purpose to go into it either so yeah, I don't know. Healthcare would be alright, sports would be cool maybe? But I don't think there's a whole lot of sports careers outside of professional (which is definitely not happening) or teaching, and I'm not convinced I'm the teacher type. I just don't seem to have this strong urge to go in a particular direction like Yuzu does. But wow, I didn't know that, you basically HAD to train to be a shinigami? I didn't know that was a thing that could happen, that your reiatsu can go that far on its own. That kind of sucks though doesn't it? That you had no choice? I hope you enjoy being a shinigami at least.
To be honest I think my reiatsu probably is still going up. I don't think it's as quick as it was before, it's settled a little bit, probably because there hasn't been much danger around recently, but I do think it's still inching up. Is that a huge issue? Obviously it became a huge issue with you so now I'm kinda nervous. I'm not gonna get kidnapped into the shinigami am I? I can train to hide my reiatsu without actually becoming a shinigami right? Frankly I trust you more on this than Urahara. And you better let me know in advance if you can, Yuzu says she wants to make you those dumplings you liked again.
Best Wishes,
P.S. - I got excited at first thinking that sending these took less than two weeks, that didn't seem that bad considering we're sending them via Urahara whenever someone comes through realms, but then your letter took almost a month to come, it arrived on the 27th :( I'm handing this letter over on the 28th.
- - - - -
Dear Karin,
The Research & Development Team is not under my command, they belong to the twelfth, I cannot make sure that they're working on it, but I shall ask at the next opportunity I get. I think you're selling yourself short, I'm sure you could get at least five feet, but I do see your point, I can't say I fully trust him either, not on an individual basis anyway. I trust him to want the best for everybody, and to work towards that, but I don't think he pays attention to what that means for the individuals in the situation. More of a 'the end justifies the means' sort of person from what I've heard. And I'm afraid I have no idea who it was who damaged the bridge, but given they were fighting a powerful hollow at the time I imagine it was the correct course of action. Better on the bridge than in the middle of town.
I get the impression there is less shinigami than you think. Most squads have just over two hundred or so members, so 18 new recruits is actually a pretty good year. As for why you only really see me or Vice-Captain Kuchiki, it's a combination of needing a strong enough shinigami to deal with the sort of problems that crop up in Karakura, while also needing said shinigami to have a vague clue on how to navigate the human world. Vice-Captain Kuchiki presumably has rather extensive knowledge having lived in the human world for months, and I've been known to visit for years so they know I'm alright with being there as well. I think it's alright to not have an idea of a 'life's purpose' when you're in your second year of high school. Maybe just pick something for now as a sort of in-between while you continue working out what it is you want? Sometimes a job is just a job after all. You could always try a career in sports and see how it goes if it interests you now, and switch later on? I'm sure you'll figure something out. I'll admit I was definitely reluctant to train as a shinigami at first, it was never something I wanted originally, so it was hard to deal with to begin with I suppose, but I don't mind it these days. It's stressful, but at least I'm doing something where I'm trying to keep people safe, that suits me well enough.
Unfortunately yes, in my case my reiatsu continuously going up was an issue, but I don't think it's as serious with you. Firstly, you've not got a zanpakuto knocking on your subconscious as far as I know (the telltale giveaway is weird dreams where someone/something is trying to talk to you and tell you it's name, in case you were worried about that), and the people around you aren't vulnerable. You're unlikely to cause issues with your reiatsu because everyone around you has some degree of spiritual power already. As for the other questions, I certainly hope you won't be kidnapped into the shinigami, and I don't think your brother or even Urahara would let that happen, but it's possible you'll get Soul Society's attention if it keeps going unchecked. Of course with Urahara keeping on eye on it and keeping the reiatsu blocking bracelet on you, I'd argue that it's largely taken care of and shouldn't get other shinigami on you. There isn't much shinigami training you can do without becoming a shinigami, but you can learn to withdraw and hide your reiatsu even as a human so don't worry about that. I would say to ask your brother but he's never been very good at controlling his, Urahara is your other option, or possibly Vice-Captain Kuchiki if she's around. Or if those don't work out and your reiatsu gets to a point where you're truly worried about it let me know, I'll train you in it myself if it comes to it. Also, I appreciate the thought but your sister doesn't need to go to trouble like that for me.
Best Wishes,
P.S. - I got your letter on the 17th of August. I think it's safe to say they take anywhere from over a week to just under a month to arrive each time.
- - - - -
Dear Toshiro,
Let me know what the research team says! If they say they're not working on it please heavily suggest that they do, and if they say they are working on it, please ask how long they think it'll take them. Just think how much easier communicating would be if we could just call each other. The end justifies the means is EXACTLY Urahara's vibe, which is exactly why I don't really trust him. So yeah, it wouldn't even remotely surprise me if he's been reading these the entire time, better to assume the worst and be pleasantly surprised than the other way around. I suppose you have a point about the bridge being a better location than in the middle of a bunch of people, I'll put up with inconvenient travel times over unnecessary death.
Only a little over two hundred per squad? There is less than I thought! That's way less than your average university over here, that's crazy! 18 newbies is good in that case, your squad must be pretty popular. And no wonder I only really ever see you or Rukia, you guys clearly need to work on getting more people up to the speed with the human world or you're gonna end up over-worked! I guess I could just go for sports now and switch later? I don't know, you kinda get it into your head that you've gotta figure out what you want and stick to it, but I guess there's nothing actually stopping me from changing paths later. Once school goes back in I'm gonna get a meeting and talk to the careers lady, see what she says. I'm glad you're alright with being a shinigami now, hopefully it isn't stressful too much of the time.
Well, I'll take your word for it, you know more than me on this but I'm still kinda wary. You're right that there's no zanpakto trying to get my attention so far at least so that's something. If I do get kidnapped by the shinigami I'm trusting you to break me back out, but yeah that is kind of the whole point of the bracelet, that it blocks off my reiatsu from others so hollows can't find me so easily (and shinigami apparently, yeesh) so hopefully this won't actually be an issue. I don't really want to ask Urahara to train me but I will if I have to I guess. Asking Rukia's a good idea though! I'll ask whenever she next pops up, she seems like she'd be good at that sort of thing, maybe that'll solve this whole situation. Or you know, you, if you happen to come sooner, whoever comes to the human world next I guess! I'd feel better knowing that I myself could do the thing the bracelet's doing. Although I do have a question, how do you do it in your sleep? Or is it not possible and you're just vulnerable a third of the time? That seems unfortunate. Also you're kidding right? Cooking is the primary way my sister shows her care and affection, if she wants to cook for you there's no stopping her so you can at least give us notice so we can get ingredients and stuff.
Best Wishes,
- - - - -
Dear Karin,
I will let you know what the research team says as soon as it actually comes up. I can see your point, I suppose it is better to plan for the worst and be pleasantly surprised otherwise. Good to see you have your priorities in order, is the bridge finally finished though?
I remember being surprised by the size of your high school, I assume universities are even bigger? Must be an administrative nightmare to keep track of all those students, I feel like I can have a hard enough time with the 226 members I have. Squad 10 was surprisingly popular this year, the only other squads who had numbers like that were the sixth and the eleventh, both of which always have high numbers. We did have 'human world' classes at the academy at one point, but they ended up being scrapped a decade or so ago, any information learned was rendered almost completely obsolete within a few years, meaning the stuff the students learned was more or less useless by the time they were actually getting stationed in the human world. These days we just give a brief information pack about the human world before they leave, currently being updated semi-regularly by Vice-Captain Kuchiki. Meeting with a staff member whose job it is to deal with career pathways certainly sounds like a good idea, I hope it goes well if it hasn't already taken place.
Once again, I certainly hope Soul Society would try such a thing, it would be incredibly stupid considering I don't think your brother, who damn near took on the whole of Soul Society and pretty much came out on top, would ever let you get kidnapped in the first place. And I'm fairly sure me, a captain, breaking out someone Soul Society captured is probably considered treason of some kind, but I can promise I'll be in your corner one way or another. Not to mention, I don't think most shinigami would be prepared for you anyway, most are too used to sword combat, I don't think the average shinigami would handle your hand to hand very well. I'm sure you've got nothing to worry about. As for hiding your reiatsu in your sleep, generally speaking you just practice it enough that it becomes second nature, most shinigami do it subconsciously after a while, including in sleep, although nightmares and the like can interfere a little bit. Your sister has met me what, three times? She feels strongly enough to cook for me? It really is unnecessary although I'm sure the thought is kind. I did say I'd give you notice if I came to the human world though, our sensors are showing an increase in hollow activity in Karakura recently. We're currently just monitoring, we're holding off for now as it might be temporary, but if it gets worse I'm coming to monitor the situation properly and to make sure no incidents happen with the hollow increase. Judging from the current rate, if it keeps going as is I'll probably be there in two weeks or so. With any luck this letter will arrive before I do but if not, I'll make sure to meet up with you somewhere.
Best Wishes,
- - - - -
Dear Toshiro,
Your letter got here super quick, less than a week after I sent mine! Looks like there's increased shinigami activity to match the hollow activity, which boy, you're not kidding that its increased. My reiatsu's jumped up again and I couldn't tell you if it was a response to all the hollows around, or that the hollows arrived because of me. I really hope it's the former. Hopefully you'll be here soon! I think I could do with the training sooner rather than later and if I'm being honest I'd feel safer. But anyway, in response to your letter:
The bridge is actually finished! Just in time for the increased hollows to fuck it up again I'm sure! Most universities are like 10,000 to 30,000 easy, and I think some are bigger than that? So yeah, only two hundred or so shinigami per squad is insane to me. I'm pretty sure the universities have whole administrative teams just for the purpose, does your squad have an admin person at all or is it just you? When I first found out about the shinigami I didn't think I'd sit here wondering about the bureaucracy of it all but here I am. Oh wow I would've loved to sit in one of those human world classes, would've been hilarious I bet. At least you give newly stationed people something, I imagine the culture shock must be a bit much, I'm sure Rukia's information is very accurate given how much time she's spent here. And the careers meeting is actually in two days, I kinda nervous about it to be honest, but hopefully it'll be helpful.
Well I suppose when you put it that way Soul Society kidnapping me would very much be poking the bear huh? I'm extremely saddened to hear that you wouldn't commit treason for me though, what kind of friendship is this??? But I suppose I'll take comfort in you being 'in my corner one way or another', whatever that means. Does it mean in the event of soul society kidnapping me and forcing me to be a shinigami you'd immediately put me in your squad? That's the vibe I'm getting. But that's good to know about the hand to hand combat and the reiatsu withdrawing while still asleep, I'll bear those both in mind. As for your potential visit, given hollows seem to be popping up left right and centre I'm assuming you're probably coming in a week or so, I'll look out for your arrival! I get the impression this letter isn't going to get to you before you arrive in the human world but just in case it does I'll let you know, Yuzu added the dumpling ingredients onto her shopping list. That means you've gotta be at our house for at least one dinner! Consider it repayment for the training I'm gonna demand from you.
Hope you get here safe,
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keytomythoughts · 3 years
Perfection Imperfections | Chapter 1
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Chapter Index 
Finally, summer break. It’s been a while since I was able to go home. Having to attend high school rather far from my home in Seoul, I never thought that I’d adjust to the new environment. Fortunately, I wasn’t entirely alone, since I stayed with my aunt for the four years of my high school life. School wasn’t so bad, but the homesickness is what killed it for me. Even though it was my parents' idea to send me a rather vast distance—me not being too excited about it, but I knew I wouldn’t get my way in the end—there was some good that came from it. The two only good things, actually. 
I glance outside the train window, the buildings of Busan zooming past me. Sure, it may not be my home, but I won’t lie. I’m really going to miss this place. My phone suddenly vibrates in my lap, glancing down to see a text from my group chat, smiling as I respond.
R u still on the train?
                                                               Yeah have been for the past like 30 mins
Going back to ur parents? Or r u moving out?
                                                                        Yk I can’t move out, at least not on                                                                            my own. My parents won’t allow it
What about Jaehyun?
                                                                            Idk, they rlly dc what he does tbh
                                                                       They’re just hell-bent on me getting                                                                                    into the top schools and shit
Damn, rough
Try talking to them, u never know
They might change their minds?
                                                                 Nah, I already know how it’s gonna end
                                                                         Me crying and stuffing myself with                                                                           pints of ice cream
Doesn't sound so bad
Except for the crying part ofc
But c’mon it cant really be THAT bad
I’ve been over plenty of times, they seem nice
U’ve been to her house??
                                                                         Yeah him and oppa are friends too
Righttt forgot lol
                                                                  And that’s bc you were there dumbass                                                                    and half of the time ur either in oppa’s                                                                    room or out somewhere
                                                                  Interaction with my parents = minimal
That sounds awful ngl :( sorry Hyuna
But hey we should all hang soon!
I’ll be in Seoul for the summer too so y not?
                                                                                                           I miss y’all :’(
                                                                   Ok I should be there around like 5 ish                                                                     so I’ll text then
Aww I miss u toooo 
                                                                                           Shut up, ur just jealous
Me? Jealous?? Of what, ur face?
Yea no thx, Ive got a great face already
And personality 0:)
                                                                               Gr8, explains why ur still single
She got u there bro
Shut up
Ur talking as if u’ve got a gf
At least I didnt reject them as coldly as u did lol 
                                                                                             See? My point exactly
                                                                               Your fAcE scared off every girl                                                                                   in sight bc of tht pErSoNaLiTy
                                                                           I almost feel bad for them, u little                                                                             heart breaker
He made a couple of em cry I heard
                                                                                                               U MORON
Bin wtf
                                                                                    U JERK HOW COULD U??
                                                                                              Those poor girls omg
                                                                               Im so kicking ur ass when I c u
Me 2
Wtf?? Y???
No reason lol, just feel like it
                                                                                         And this is why ily Binnie
:D <3
                                                                                                        Can it u demon
                                                                                                         Read 4:02 PM
I snort, turning off my phone and placing it back down on my lap as I go back to staring outside my left-hand window again. Meet Cha Eunwoo and Moon Bin, my two best friends. The only reason I got through high school how I did without major setbacks. Sure, there was the occasional homesickness and all, but had I not met these two, I probably wouldn’t have even attended and graduated. 
Being so far away from the place I grew up never really suited me, and they saw it right away from day one how lonely and upset I looked. I didn't seem to fit in, especially since I skipped a grade and was placed in classes that were very advanced for me. Not that I minded the vigor, but it was hard for me to socialize, let alone make friends. 
That’s when I met them. Freshman year in homeroom before my first literature class. Moon Bin, a boy with parted, coppery-golden hair accompanied by his shy, puppy-eye smile and sweet nature, offered me an empty seat next to him in class, even going as far as to share his textbook and asking how I found the school. No doubt, I was embarrassed and immensely shy, stuttering over my words and failing to meet his soft gaze. However, he didn’t make fun of me nor find me odd. All he did was smile, laughing lightly at my slightly flustered state. He stuck his hand out, introducing himself (most people just call him Moonbin or Bin) with that smile of his, thus the start of our new friendship. Since then, he became someone who always knew how to cheer me up when I was feeling down. No moment was ever dull with him by my side. 
Eunwoo, the tall, brooding black-haired and charismatic student almost everyone knew (and crushed on) of, was usually with Moonbin when we hung out together, but he normally kept to himself. Though quiet and sometimes reserved with his intimidating looks, it didn’t take long for him to break the ice with us, the three of us becoming close friends. Promising to stay like this until we went to college and beyond. Regardless if we all diverge and tread different paths, we would always converge and come back to one another. 
Four years flew by and graduation was upon us. Just like that, the two became like family to me, my ride-or-die duo. The two who were able to turn my world upside down, finding solace in a time where I thought it was nearly impossible for me to.  
My thoughts are interrupted by my “Move” ringtone—yes, I’m a huge Lee Taemin fan—looking down at my phone again to see it’s my brother calling. I sigh, picking up the call.
He gasps dramatically. “Is that any way to address your loving older brother after being away for so long?”
I snort, shaking my head. “Loving my ass, oppa. How are mom and dad?”
“They’re fine, living. Didn’t you tell them you’re coming home?”
“Nope, I don’t even text them that often. You already know this..”
He sighs. “Yeah, I figured.” 
There’s a slight pause on his end, but he continues. “You took the three-thirty train, right? So you’ll be here around five or so?”
“Yeah, give or take.” 
I look out the window again to see the endless stretch of greenery and flowing springs, sometimes even children playing in the fields. I grin mischievously, deciding to poke fun at my brother when he doesn’t respond right away. 
“What, you miss me?”
He makes a sound similar to throwing up. “As if. I got so used to the peace and quiet. I’m not ready for it to go away.” 
“Yah!” I realize that I had yelled a bit too loudly and eyes were now trained on me, and I bow my head in apology. I lower my voice, “You’re such an asshole.”
“Oh, I know, but you still love me anyway.”
“Shut up.”
I can hear his laugh resonate through the phone and a smile unknowingly tugs at my lips. I wouldn’t say it out loud, but it’s true. When I lived with my aunt in Busan for the duration of high school, I missed Jaehyun a lot. Though two years older than me, he didn’t seem to alienate me the way my parents do. While I hate the notion that they spoil Jaehyun endlessly and let him do as he wishes, I won’t lie and say that he was a prick about it. He could’ve been, but he never came off as selfish. I’m really close with my brother, shocking as it may be. Sibling relationships are like that—one minute you want to strangle them with their intestines and the next you’re singing duets together. Crazy, but that’s how it is for us. My parents don’t really pay me any attention, so Jaehyun decides to do that instead. Not complaining though. I’d rather take his pranking and teasing over my parents’ demands and reprimands any day.
“Aight, I’m heading out for a bit. Text me when you arrive.”
I smile again. “Will do, but make sure to get me food!”
“Let me think…” He hums, and I can practically sense the smirk on his end. “Nope. Get your own.”
Jaehyun laughs. “See you in a bit, Hyuna. Get here safely. Bye!”   
He hangs up the call before I get a chance to retort, and I scoff. Typical of my brother. He knows how much I enjoy street food, and every time he goes out, it’s almost certain that most of the time he stops somewhere to eat. Did he ever bring food back? Sure, but by the time I’d get to it, most of it was gone anyways. That only lasted a little while before I had gone upstate anyways, so he had more food for himself, I guess.
As the train barrels down the tracks, I feel my heart racing in excitement, but there’s also a slight ounce of dread. I really don’t know why. I want to believe it’s because I’ve been away for too long, but part of me knows it’s the fact that I’ll have to face my parents again. Knowing that I only have two months to decide where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do, I know the bitter truth is that those decisions won’t be left up to me. Last time, I was sent to Busan.
God knows where I’d be sent to now.
“Final destination of the KTX Busan-Seoul train at Seoul Station is approaching and will arrive at 05:30 PM. The doors to alight are on the right hand side. All passengers are requested to dismount the train upon arrival. Thank you.” 
That’s my stop.
Gathering my bag and hand luggage, I patiently wait for the train to pull up at the station. Seeing the familiar shops and buildings around me makes my legs bounce up and down in both excitement and anticipation. 
Four long years away from Seoul...
Before getting off, I quickly text the group chat and then my brother, letting them all know that I’ve reached safely. Side-stepping the other passengers exiting the subway doors, I carefully land onto the platform with my luggage in tow. I breathe in the air around as I stretch my arms up into the sky, the grin widening on my face.
It sure as hell feels good to be back home.
I try my best to maneuver through the crowds, but it doesn’t stop the rush of people knocking into me. At times like these, I curse my genetics for favoring my older brother instead of me in terms of height. Eventually, I come to a clearing and when my eyes glance upwards, I spot a rather familiar dark brown-haired six-foot-tall male amongst the small crowd waving me over.
“Hyuna, over here!”
I gasp, my eyes widening. “Oppa!”
He smiles as I begin walking towards him, my feet hurriedly moving across the concrete. The distance between us shortens and I abandon my luggage as he opens his arms wide. 
Only for me to sucker punch him in the stomach.
He yelps in pain, grimacing as he holds his abdomen. “Shit, that hurt. What has Aunt Sua been feeding you up there? Rocks?”
I smack his shoulder, my blood slightly boiling in anger. “Yah, why didn’t you tell me you were coming?! Do you know how much money I blew off for the bus fare?”
He straightens his back before going to rub his shoulder, then behind his neck.
“Fine, fine. My bad. I wanted to surprise you, but I guess that didn’t work, did it?” 
I cross my arms over my chest, huffing in annoyance. He sighs, nodding.
“Okay, okay, I’ll compensate you. Dinner’s on me.”
At this I grin, blinking excitedly. I grab onto his arm and shake it vigorously. “Really? You mean it? You’re the best, oppa!” 
“Look at this brat..” he taunts, shaking his head. In a flash, he headlocks me and rubs the top of my head harshly with his knuckles, upsetting the neatly-tied auburn ponytail. 
“Yah! Quit it!” I smack his arms and flail in protest, but he chuckles, saying this is what I get for cunningly finding a way to exploit him the minute I stepped back into Seoul. 
What can I say? It’s a talent. 
He lets go eventually, and I try to smooth down my already-tangled hair. I grumble incoherently but Jaehyun pulls me into his embrace, wrapping his arms around me. His free hand gently pats the side of my head in comfort.
“Welcome home, sis.”
I stand there stiff for a second before hugging back. He squeezes me tighter and I find myself smiling into his shoulder. 
“Good to be back,” I whisper. 
We stand like that for a moment before he pats my back a couple of times, us pulling away from each other soon after. He reaches behind me to grab my hand luggage as he shoulders my bag. I tell him that I can carry them just fine, but he starts walking away from the platform to the parking lot. I call out after him as I run to catch up, and I can see the corners of his mouth twitch. Jaehyun leads me to his car, a sleek matte-silver convertible Mustang. My mouth drops open in shock at its stunning beauty, my body forcing itself to remain composed for the sake of avoiding public self-embarrassment. 
He throws my luggage in the back seat before he turns to me, smirking at my expression. “You like it?”
“Shit, do I like it? I love it!” I run my fingers over its metallic surface, the silver exterior gleaming in the evening glow. Grinning, I stare up at my brother who catches my gaze as I stand next to the driver’s seat, my fingers already curled on the handle.
“Can I—”
I pout as I pull my hand away and step to the side. Jaehyun chuckles, rubbing my head playfully before getting into the driver’s seat and starting the car. The engine purrs to life as my brother pulls out his shades and wears them. He looks at me and cocks his head to the passenger seat. 
“Don’t just stand there. Get in.”
Smiling, I quickly make my way over to the other side and slip into the passenger seat. I barely have time to buckle in before Jaehyun speeds off. I scream in fright, but he laughs heartily, telling me to let loose.
With the wind harshly whipping around us, I close my eyes and tilt my head upwards, absorbing the remnants of my childhood in a place I’ll always call home. A place where my heart always feels at ease.
My name is Jung Hyuna. I’m eighteen years old, and this is my story.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |  
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