lost in a dream
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moondustis · 4 years ago
gurl i will miss you so much!! your stories give me my daily dose of serotonin. :(( wishing you goodluck in the future!
stopp i will miss you too 😭 i’m glad the stories i wrote gave you some of that good stuff lol have a bright future babee
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moondustis · 4 years ago
as a new year approaches i wanted to make a “formal post about the future of this blog. as many of you may know i have been inactive for the past months and now i feel like it’s finally time to say goodbye. i know, i know... that sounds so final and dramatic, but i’m a virgo and i like when things have a closure.
i opened this blog almost four years ago, writing very short fics that weren’t really that good. as i started writing more, my works got better and became some sort of escapade for me, a place i could talk about my emotions and experiences in a way that was almost detached from myself. it was amazing, and as my pieces got more popular and i got many messages from people relating to the stories, complimenting the emotions and thanking me for writing something that made them feel good things, i felt like i had accomplished something very important. i felt seen, and glad that i had made other people feel that as well.
when i started being more inactive, it really surprised me that people kept reading my work and sending me such lovely messages. and i wish i could keep giving you guys these stories, but i feel that as for now i have said everything i had to. every story i wanted to tell has been told and they have been given to you. this blog will not be deleted, neither will any of my fics. it’ll be some sort of archive, for when you feel like rereading one of your favorites.
sadly, i’ll not be logging back on this blog once the new year starts. like i said, i like closure. maybe someday i’ll log in for nostalgia, but other than that there’ll be no new content posted, or updates.
i want to thank all of you for following me, for reading my work and for sending me such nice messages. every word i have written, every sweet message i have recieved was extremely important to me. this experience meant a lot and putting those feelings out there was very freeing to me. i can only hope that reading them was just as important for you, or that it will be in case you are a newcomer.
other than that, i hope all of you live great, beautiful lives. you’re all so important and so wonderful that i’m sure great things are waiting for you.
if anyone would like to follow my main account, that i sometimes use, feel free to send me a message asking for it.
that’s it. endings are good. and remember, the moon will always be there for you 💖
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moondustis · 4 years ago
as a new year approaches i wanted to make a “formal post about the future of this blog. as many of you may know i have been inactive for the past months and now i feel like it’s finally time to say goodbye. i know, i know... that sounds so final and dramatic, but i’m a virgo and i like when things have a closure.
i opened this blog almost four years ago, writing very short fics that weren’t really that good. as i started writing more, my works got better and became some sort of escapade for me, a place i could talk about my emotions and experiences in a way that was almost detached from myself. it was amazing, and as my pieces got more popular and i got many messages from people relating to the stories, complimenting the emotions and thanking me for writing something that made them feel good things, i felt like i had accomplished something very important. i felt seen, and glad that i had made other people feel that as well.
when i started being more inactive, it really surprised me that people kept reading my work and sending me such lovely messages. and i wish i could keep giving you guys these stories, but i feel that as for now i have said everything i had to. every story i wanted to tell has been told and they have been given to you. this blog will not be deleted, neither will any of my fics. it’ll be some sort of archive, for when you feel like rereading one of your favorites.
sadly, i’ll not be logging back on this blog once the new year starts. like i said, i like closure. maybe someday i’ll log in for nostalgia, but other than that there’ll be no new content posted, or updates.
i want to thank all of you for following me, for reading my work and for sending me such nice messages. every word i have written, every sweet message i have recieved was extremely important to me. this experience meant a lot and putting those feelings out there was very freeing to me. i can only hope that reading them was just as important for you, or that it will be in case you are a newcomer.
other than that, i hope all of you live great, beautiful lives. you’re all so important and so wonderful that i’m sure great things are waiting for you.
if anyone would like to follow my main account, that i sometimes use, feel free to send me a message asking for it.
that’s it. endings are good. and remember, the moon will always be there for you 💖
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moondustis · 4 years ago
not surr if i ever told you how perfect n side is... i love how “simple” your writing is but how you capture emotions and moments perfectly, you don’t need to overly describe to get whole vibe. honestly that’s my goal, when i’m writing i feel like i need to explain every little thing and i’m trying to cut back on it. till then i’ll just read your fics and enjoy the warmth i get inside reading them 😌
thank youu oh my god 💗 i used to feel like it always had to be super detailed, but i realized that most of the time emotions are very simple and small gestures say a lot more! i’m glad you get nice feelings reading my work! it means a lot
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moondustis · 4 years ago
i meant malamente!! i accidentally did a typo and pressed ask too fast <3
haha i got it, don’t worry 🥰🥰
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moondustis · 4 years ago
i don't know how to explain this but somehow all of your works hit something very deep inside of me and i think about this feeling for weeks. you have no idea how LONG and intensely i thought about malement! idk bro it just amazed me in some way? you're truly so good in what you do and write whatever!! just had to get this off here and wish you an incredible start in the week!
i feel like crying reading this because you described the exact feeling i get after finishing something i absolutely loved. thank you so so much??!! this really means the world to me and i’m incredibly glad you enjoy my writing so much 🥰💗 i hope you too have an amazing week!
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moondustis · 4 years ago
You're right, idk about you but I get caught up in society/familial expectations of what I should do and when I should do it but at the end of the day it's my life and I just wanna enjoy the ride lol. Thanks for your condolences, this year has been rough for everyone and I feel like I've been chewed up and spit out but it's ok bc it's life I guess 🙂 I'm definitely going to take it easy and just try to enjoy the holidays! Do you have any special holiday plays this year? 😊 -💙
yeah both things can put a lot of pressure on us, but as you said it’s your life so live it as you want! and that’s great, do you have anything planned? i’m not really into end of the year festivities so i usually just stay at home hahah but i am excited to get away from work for a little for sure!
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moondustis · 4 years ago
i wasn't intending to request a second part don't worry,,, i just wanted a lil hope i guess?
aah okay hahah i just wanted to let you know so there’s no expectation or anything sorry, if i was rude! but yeah, be as hopeful as you want! i like leaving endings kinda open so the readers can then make their own stories after that
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moondustis · 4 years ago
hi!! one the way was so amazing!! i really loved reading it and it'll definitely go on my favourites lists :D have you thought about johnny and reader coming together anytime? or will it always be no future for them?
hii! thank u omg i’m glad u think so 💖🥰 as the readers says on the ending, they meet again for a reason! i don’t have plans to write anything else for that story, but i can say that they definetely have good things happening for them in the future
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moondustis · 4 years ago
'On the way' got me weak really fast. You really exposed how fwb/ situationships can make you feel lol. It was such a relatable story that I had to pause and breathe. Definitely took me back to my first year of uni and to my first almost relationship experience (which was a whole new level of drama for me). Genuinely loved it 💚💚 you should be proud of yourself. You take people on emotional journeys just by reading your works. And that's very special, hun 😘
hahah that’s what i was aiming for, because when people look at those relantionships from the outside they tend to be like “oh why dont they just date? just talk to each other!!” but in reality things just happen and you have no control of it lol. also why freshman in college always get into this kind of drama? hahaha the same thing happened to me (i should have just focused on classes tbh)
i’m very glad you enjoyed reading it! thank you for saying those kind words, really means a lot 💖
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moondustis · 4 years ago
I'm glad to hear you're doing ok; it's been rough but hopefully 2021 is kinder to all of us 😰 it does feel weird the year is ending, I feel like I haven't had time to do much or accomplish anything which is a bit unsettling but I'm sure next year I'll be able to hit the ground running lol. I haven't been up to much! Honestly I've been through some shiz lately and I'm just trying to take it easy for my mentality's sake 😥 I hope you have/had a good day! -💙
yeah, i feel the same way but there’s still plenty of time accomplish and do things on the years to come, the feeling that we’re running out of time is just capitalism making us feel bad! and i’m so sorry to hear you are having some hard times, i hope it gets better soon and you’re absolutely right, you should take it easy and take care of yourself 💗
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moondustis · 4 years ago
im new to tumblr i was wondering why you repost your fic so often?
so people can see it :]
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moondustis · 4 years ago
on the way (m)
pairing: seo johnny + reader genre: angst, smut | word count: 10k summary:  “There’s a few ways you could tell this story. The tale of how you met one Seo Johnny, and how it all went down. But maybe there’s no better way to do it than from the beginning.” or A love story told in 5 acts.
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moondustis · 4 years ago
why do you make me Feel things 😭😭 i swear every fic of yours strikes something inside me. on the way is Good good, i loved how some parts were so relatable, thank you for writing it and sharing it with us! i hope you’re doing well and that you come back out of your hiatus! i also only discovered your fics after you were already on it, but i’m still happy you have so much amazing content!! :)
hahaha i'm sorry, but it's good to feel!! it makes me really happy that you enjoyed 'on the way' and that you found it relatable, thank you for reading it!! i am doing a lot better, i still don't know if my hiatus will ever completely end but i still log in from time to time to talk to you guys! again, thank you for reading my work and i hope you enjoy the fics i have put out already! stay safee
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moondustis · 4 years ago
I really am thankful for finding your fics and I'm slowly reading my way through them! Blue Lace and New Things: Day Dream are *chefs kiss* and I'm thankful that through your fics I get to transport into a perfect world, even if it may just be for a little while ☺️ I am staying safe, and again I hope you are also! How have you been though? Anything new? I know we don't know each other but I'd love to be able to talk to you :) for now I'll just call myself blue heart anon 💙 hehe
that's really nice to hear, i'm glad you enjoy them and that i get to bring you a little happiness even for a little while! 
i am staying safe, not going out unless needed and all that! other than that i have been doing ok, a lot better than some months before. it's been some weird days tho, like it feels weird that the year is already ending right? i've also been reading a lot to fill in my free time and it's really nice because it had been a while since i really took time to read. what about you, what have you been up to? i would love to talk to you too 💙 💙  
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moondustis · 4 years ago
omg that johnny fic is so good bby!!!
aaa thank you angel, i'm glad you liked it! 💖
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moondustis · 4 years ago
on the way (m)
pairing: seo johnny + reader genre: angst, smut | word count: 10k summary:  “There’s a few ways you could tell this story. The tale of how you met one Seo Johnny, and how it all went down. But maybe there's no better way to do it than from the beginning.” or A love story told in 5 acts.
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a/n: hello! yes, finally a new fic and yes it is college!au with a hint of fwb. i have been writing this for around 4 months now and i haven’t read some parts in awhile so it’s probably all around the place. if something doesn’t make a lot of sense, well... it is what it is lol. but yeah, hope you guys enjoy it! 
act 1: messy affairs 
See, there’s a few ways you could tell this story. The tale of how you met one Seo Johnny, and how it all went down. But maybe there's no better way to do it than from the beginning.
It’s a friday night, just like any other that happens after a mixture of weekly stress and the weird need to let it all out. It’s common, routine even, how you apply your makeup, pick your best outfit and scroll mindlessly through tinder in wait for your friends to arrive for a pre-game. It's common but not that usual, at least not until recently. 
Your last year of college had brought a lot of feelings that you didn't think you were ready to deal with yet. A nostalgia that arrived too soon, when you would catch yourself thinking that a moment shared with roommates would be the last one. An uncertainty of the future and a constant stress between writing a thesis that somehow is supposed to summarize the entirety of the knowledge you had gotten in the last year. 
And lastly, the reason why you're doing this: the unwavering fear that your life is just about to start. The same feeling you got when college just started, of freedom and new beginnings. But now, instead of the excitement and thrill, it's replaced by anxiety and the heavy weight of adulthood about to start.  That's why you look into the mirror, again, applying your lip gloss with the screen of your phone still illuminated by a picture of a person just waiting to be swiped left or right. You just need to have fun, like you never will again. 
It's that a too harsh way to start this? Well, back to Seo Johnny. 
It's a friday night and your friends arrive, flavored vodka in hand, the cheap kind that tastes like it's not alcoholic at all. A shot for each and then you are all laughing and joking to pass time. 
"Why do we have to pre game? I'm sure there will be plenty to drink." Sarah, a blonde girl with friendly cheeks asks. She tips the shot on her hand back anyway, despite the question. 
"Hell no I'm not going to drink frat booze again, they are cheap." Ela, tall and smart and majoring is Social Politics, says. 
You hum and Sarah asks "And we are not?"
"No, we have our dear friend making us drinks." Ela gestures wildly at Nicole, the bartender of the night who's wearing a dress that only battles your own in the matters of shortness. "We are fancy."
"She's mixing vodka with sprite." These statements make you laugh loudly. 
Tinder is just a distraction as you all sit on the couch, a good way to find an easy date for the night and when the he in question shows up, a black and white picture on the illuminated screen of your phone, it earns a shriek from your friends that go on and on about how hot he looks. 
"You should swipe right." Ela says, eyebrows dancing but you don't see it because you're busy rolling your eyes at your phone. Johnny stares at you. 
"He's my friend." You say as if it's obvious but it's really not. The word friend feels a little weird in your mouth but how else could you describe it? College was good for you in the social aspect, you have a lot of friends, people you talk to in class, or that you meet at parties because you ran in the same circles. It usually doesn't go deeper than that, than a blunt shared or a joke about a teacher, but that's friendship anyway you conclude.
And Johnny , well, he was someone you knew, not well, but sometimes he would text you a joke that made you laugh, ask for help with an assignment, talk to you about anything during a party. He was fun, a friend, and an acquaintance. Whatever, that didn't matter and honestly neither did the way you met, through a mutual friend at a kickback. It was that and nothing more. 
"Please, he flirts with you every chance he gets." Ela rolls her eyes right back at you. 
"He flirts with anyone, I think." You argue, because it's true. Johnny is one of those people that just have this aura to them, that can make anyone interested with just a few words. He's naturally flirty, that's something easy to point out. 
"Well he's hot." That too. 
"True." Nicole says and it earns a deep sigh from you.
Acting on impulse or peer pressure, you don't know exactly, but you swipe right and then nothing happens. So you shrug and throw your phone away to down another shot. 
When you get to the party, it's already absolutely trashed, with freshmen spilling their drinks on the floor as some annoying EDM song blasts loud enough that you’re not very sure the thin windows of this house can handle. Frat parties were always the same, mildly boring and filled with people that didn't know how to act. It often escaped you the reasons why you continued to attend them. 
You and your friends dance a little, laughing when the songs change to one that is even worse than the first one. Ela, despite her words from earlier, finds a bottle of vodka and proclaims loudly that a night can never end badly when it starts with shots, a statement you strongly disagree with but you down it anyway when she offers it and then another one just for good measure. Because it’s a friday, you deserve a little fun, right? Right.
Too tired of dancing you had found a place on a couch that was probably too old. Johnny finds you there when the shots just start to hit and you feel bubbly, like you're on a cloud. 
"Hey there." He says with a blinding smile and if you weren't out of it you'd probably find it weird that he came to you, because most of the time you talked at parties was because you somehow ended up bumping into each other. 
"Hi." You reply, elongating the word more than necessary and it seems to amuse him. 
"Why are you sitting here by yourself?" He asks.
"Don't feel like dancing anymore." You say shrugging. "And what are you doing here sitting with me?" 
You watch as he laughs slowly and fishes for his phone in his pocket. "See, I wanted to show you something." 
It’s endearing, really, even more when his hand starts to wander, fingers barely ghosting your skin as he keeps his gaze glued to your face. 
He kisses you deeply, head tilted to the side as he holds you close with both hands on your cheeks and you can’t do anything but let him take control. Is when he sucks on your bottom lip that you have to let out the moan you had been holding, embarrassingly too soon and only urging him on even more as he licks at your lips, asking for entrance that you so gladly give, letting his tongue slide against yours slowly. The feeling of his hands moving to your leg makes your head spin and want for more.
He kisses the breath out of you, quite literally, and you both have to part to catch it back with silly smiles, gasps of air and pecks still being pressed on your lips. 
In your drunken haze, you smile when he rests his palm on your naked thigh, squeezing just slightly to test your interest. And you’re crazy, absolutely out of your mind because you show it by parting your legs just a little, just to tease, the smile never leaving your face as he mimics it with a subtle raise of his eyebrow. 
And god forgive you for being such a stupid horny girl that just falls gives in so easily, taking Johnny’s wandering hand in yours and dragging him to the closest place you can find, which happens to be someone's bedroom. How nice and polite of you. 
There’s not much beating around the bush. He pushes you into the bed, hovering over you and finally kisses you again, with hunger, hands on your neck and tongue sliding against yours in movements that are not shy from being desperate. And you love it, enough to have your mind swimming with the need to have him touch you anywhere that will make you feel good. 
When you grip at his hair a little too harshly, he lets out a moan that goes straight to the bubble of arousal on the pit of your stomach. He’s a sight, with puffy lips and hair a mess as he drops to his knees in front of you, something you weren’t exactly expecting but will definitely not complain about. 
He looks up at you, hands moving to rest at your thighs and oh, so gently parting them so he can fit in between. “Can I?” You almost die at the voice he asks for your consent in. 
You nod, head spinning a little when you move to help him get yours panties off, the offending cotton fabric being thrown somewhere inside this poor person's bedroom.
A couple of things happen afterwards. Johnny parts your legs further, placing a misplaced kiss on your inner thigh. Then he goes for it with a tentative lick, as if testing the waters and just slightly as if he’s a little unsure of himself. You blink slowly in expectation. 
“How do you like it?” The question makes you confused until you realize that he’s teasing you, a grin splattered across his face when you groan and try to move your hips but he keeps a grip on your legs. 
“Asshole.” You mutter in what sounds more like a whine. 
Which is a complete lie, because you’re already shivering in your skin and he knows that by the raise of his eyebrow in defiance. But still, your words spark something and he finally goes for it. 
The first press of his tongue flat against you has your hands moving to grip at the bed sheets. He works in a pace that clearly shows that he knows what he’s doing, swirling his tongue a little to tease and then licking a stripe from your entrance to your clit to gather the wetness there. 
He kisses your cunt the exact same way he did your lips, messily and desperate with the squelchy noises filling the room and setting your cheeks in heat from embarrassment. You don’t even need the long fingers he adds, slowly and then matching the pace of his sucks. 
It’s a very quick orgasm, in the sense that it doesn’t take you half the time you thought it would to happen. He does a little thing with his tongue, flicking your clit and you’re crying out with your body arching from the bed as he continues to eat you out as your body trembles. 
“Was I good?” He asks afterwards, words muffled because he’s still pressed against your bare center. He’s grinning, you can see it as well as the wetness that drips on his chin. 
You don't reply, instead you push him upwards and kiss him again, tasting yourself on his tongue. You can feel his erection press against your hip when he brings you closer and it makes you want more. 
He breaks the kiss then, palm comes to rest on your cheek, thumb on the other side of your face as he keeps you looking at him. He likes being in control, you have realized that even in this short interaction, and you apparently liked giving it to him. 
You shiver when he brushes his thumb on your lips, getting them to part for him. “There you go, open your mouth.” He whispers, eyes glued to it. “Be good." 
Parting your lips, you lick at his thumb before you’re sucking it, earning a grunt from him that almost makes you smirk. You put on a show, trying to get him as worked up as you are, your eyes not leaving his face.
“Fuck. You’re so hot.” He mutters, pressing his thumb on your tongue and you moan a little over it. “You want my cock on your mouth?”
You nod, smiling as he removes his wet finger from your mouth. “Yes.” Your voice is breathless, eyes glassy as you stare at him.
That earns you a smile and you feel a little pride in your chest. “That’s a good girl.” He taps your face. “Get on your knees then, baby. If you want it so bad.”
You do, positioning yourself in the middle of his parted thighs when he sits down on the bed and your mouth almost waters from anticipation.
Lifting his shirt a bit, you start by pressing kisses to his navel and he lets out a deep breath. Reaching down to unbutton his pants, you help him pull them down alongside his boxers and the sight of him hard for you is what really makes your mouth water. He's big in a way that you're sure you won't be able to fit it all inside without putting in some work. 
You tease him just a little bit, placing just the small kiss at the tip before licking it slowly. He’s far less patient then you are, hand immediately moving to grip your hair. “Put it in, baby, don’t be bad for me now.”
Parting your lips, you put him in your mouth, going as far as you can go, wrapping your hand on what you can’t reach. He moans lowly, curses falling from his lips.
He lets his head fall back when you swirl your tongue around, bobbing your head slowly the way he likes. “That’s it, baby. Takin’ me so well.” You hum around him, earning yourself another moan.
You try to get him as far as you can, swallowing when you reach your limit and he grips your hair tighter. You can feel him pulsing inside your mouth and it makes you squeeze your thighs together.
He comes on your face, painting your cheeks and making you gasp a little in shock. "Fuck, I'm sorry." He mumbles, quick to search for something to clean you up with. 
"It 's okay." You say, throat feeling sore and you try not to think about how that was the first time that ever happened for too long. "I liked it." 
That makes him give you a look, and then he's saying with a laugh "You'll be the death of me." 
act 2: ungodly hour
Maybe the fact that nothing really changes should be a sign by itself. 
Johnny still nods to you when you pass by him around campus, and still asks you to ‘help a guy out’ by sending him pictures of your notes like you guys are nothing but good almost-friends. Because, well, that’s what you are and that’s good enough for you. 
His face stays there on your tinder matches, no acknowledgement of it beyond his stupid joke back at the party happens and the only reminder you have of that night is the insatiable thoughts that cross your mind in the middle of a boring lecture. Because why would you pay attention to whatever your teacher is saying when you could remind bit by bit of how Johnny fucked you on his tiny dorm room, while maintaining a resting face.
Weirdly those memories don't hit you the next time you see him, because you’re too busy thinking about strawberry milkshake. 
The line behind you is not even that big, considering it’s 3am and most drunk college kids prefer to go to the burger king, but the cashier has an annoyed look on his face as your friend slowly reads the menu as if there’s plenty to choose from at a place like Mcdonalds. “Hmm, we’ll have two large fries, a coke and...” 
“A strawberry milkshake!” You try to go for whispering but it comes out louder and the cashier just hums. 
There's just something about being slightly shit faced at this hour and at this place, that makes it all seem like it's not actually happening. Like you are in a dream that only gets better when the server calls your number and you are sipping on the milkshake you kept on talking about since leaving the club you went on.  
Funnily enough, if this was in fact in a dream, it wouldn't be the first time Johnny showed up on one of yours.
He's sitting in a booth by himself, scrolling at his phone. His hair is pushed back by a snapback and your mind twirls for a second with the thought that he looks too good for someone who's here in an hour like this. 
Maybe it's the remnants of alcohol still buzzing on your system. Or maybe it is the fact that you seem to have been losing your self consciousness more and more these days. Whatever it is, it leads you to the stand in front of Johnny with a smile on your face and your hand freezing from holding the milkshake.
It doesn't take long for him to notice you, a smile that makes you feel warm inside ready on his lips as you take a place right across from him like it was meant for you all this time. 
"Hey there." He says, voice playful and you wonder if he had a few drinks himself before coming here. He must have had. "What's up?" 
You shrug, a smile painting your own lips. "Nothing much." You say and for some reason you feel silly, in a way that makes you want to scream a little from excitement. Like a teenage girl with a crush.  "Strawberry milkshake. You want some?"
Johnny laughs a little when you offer him the cup with the slightly bitten straw. "No, thank you. But it looks good."
"It is." You smile with lips closed around it. 
For a moment, but not an uncomfortable one, you two just stare at each other. The sweet taste of your drinks fills your mind and makes you feel a little less dizzier. 
"Had fun night?" 
"Hmm, not really. Sorority parties suck." He nods in agreement. Most parties sucked anyway, that's why everyone had to get so wasted to be able to enjoy it while the high lasted. You liked feeling pretty after getting ready more than the whole rest of it.  "What were you up to?"
"Got to DJ at this party with Mark, it was nice." He says it like it was no big deal, like it was something he did every other day. You had never actually seen Johnny play before, but from the way his instagram page was filled with posts about it and links to soundcloud songs, anyone could figure out it was at least a bit important to him. 
You found it weird, that you didn't know much about this or anything else about Johnny besides what he would let you know. And vice versa. But at the same time it's nice getting to know it bit by bit, without a rush.  
"That's really cool." Your voice is a little more excited than you expected it to be. "I really wanna see you play someday." 
"Sure." He smiles sideways. Bashfulness doesn't really suit him. "I'll let you know the next time."
You nod, then you share a look. Someone screams at their friend about something you don't really care about because you're too busy watching Johnny as he watches you finish your milkshake. Is it chemistry that people call this? Because there is nothing very appealing about the drink you're having, or about the white light at this place, but there's tension in the way you can't really look away. 
He looks like he wants to laugh but is too scared to break whatever is happening. You finish your milkshake with one last swallow of artificial sweetener and lick your lips. He finally breaks. 
"Stop looking at me like that." He says it in a way that suggests something that it's already as clear as water. 
You bat your eyelashes. "Like what exactly?"
He laughs, sweet and deep, then raises one eyebrow in challenge. "Like you want me to fuck you in the middle of this mcdonalds."
The scandalousness of the statement makes you laugh too, your words sounding half joke half true between smiles. "Well, maybe I want to."
"You don't really strike me as the type." He says it like he's unsure of it, like in the back of his mind he could actually believe you would do something as shocking as that. Truth be told, you don't even know it yourself. There's not a lot you have done when it comes to this and sometimes you even think back to him coming on your face, like it is the wildest thing that has ever happened. 
"I could be." He raises his eyebrow again, this time not as a challenge but as genuine curiosity. You would like to know whether that is true or false as well. 
Deep down you know that there are not many things you wouldn't let a guy like Johnny do to you. 
He laughs, then pauses for a second and taps his fingers on the table as if looking for something to say. "You should let me take you out someday." Is what he decides on. 
For some reason you don't think much of that at the moment. "You gotta take someone out before fucking them in public place?" You continue the joke, earning a low laugh and a head shake. 
"I'm being serious." 
How serious can someone really be at 4am with some alcohol on their system. This time you are the one raising your eyebrows, in pure doubt. He doesn't seem like the type who dates girls they fucked at a party once, or the type who dates girls like you. But thinking about it you don't really know what type of person Johnny is. Or what kind of girl you really are. 
You click your teeth before smiling. "We'll see about that."
act 2: la petit mort 
It’s not a text you get but instead a facebook invitation. It makes you laugh because men are truly all the same. Liking an old instagram picture, reacting with an emoji to something you post on stories. Never a message being straightforward, it’s like they are all physically incapable of that. You wonder if it’s because of fearing rejection. 
See, dating it's not really your thing, never has been and the proof can be found in your few failed attempts. It just made you nervous, constantly on edge because it always involved a lot of confusing moments, of not knowing where it's going or what the other person is thinking. People are usually bad at the most important thing when it comes to this, communication. And you hated to be either on the side of conflict or of creating expectations too early. 
But Johnny, well, he has got you interested. In a way that’s dangerous because it doesn’t happen very often, at least not with someone who seems interested as well or even the slightest bit possible.
And danger is not your area of expertise, not as of lately, but still you click on the green button and when saturday comes you’re walking inside a very underground party outside of campus. 
You know it's the right place because there's some people outside smoking and the door is slightly open. You walk inside the two floor flat, the small bottle of wine you had brought shaking a little in your bag while you pass some people.
There's music playing but the sound of conversations is louder than that. The scent filling the room is undeniably familiar and it makes you wonder if there's a least one sober person in the room at the moment. You had been to parties like this before, not nearly as loud as the ones that happened on campus and  with a lot less people. An amount that by the end of the night will have shrunk and the ones left will gather around the very old looking couch, share one last blunt and say unnecessary deep things and profess their deep affections for each other.
They were fun parties.
You don't talk to anyone because no one really attempts to talk to you first. That's just how you worked, social interactions never came as easy as it seemed to other people. You usually waited for people to approach and if they were nice you would cling to them. Sometimes you even practiced smiling in the foggy mirror after you showered. You practiced saying an icebreaker, smiling fakely after it, but you never really put it in practice.
You see Johnny before he sees you, surrounded by two boys that look particularly close. He looks effortlessly good, like he always does, with a black sweatshirt and light blue jeans. It makes you want to go there and hold his hand, lean against his chest, feel him loom above you and then kiss him in front of everyone as if it was normal, as if it meant nothing. You got this feeling a lot.
When he sees you he smiles big and makes his way to you with long and quick steps that don't take longer than three blinks from you.
"I thought you were going to DJ tonight." You say when he reaches you holding a bottle of beer. 
He shrugs, standing very close to you now. "Nah, this is not that kind of party." 
His eyes stay glued to you and you fight the urge to fix your hair. You wonder if he thinks you look good on the dress you chose. 
"Hmm, it's not the kind of party I thought I would ever see you on." You point out, looking around as someone screams asking for them to play some song by an artist you don't know. 
"To be honest this is much more my scene." He explains and this small piece of information he gives you about what he's really like makes you feel giddy for some reason. "The only reason I go to frat parties is because of Jaehyun."  
Jaehyun was a dude that played on the football team and looked too good for his own good. Him and Johnny were always together, like they would break if someone separated them. "So that's who you got this weird frat boy aura you got from." 
He laughs loudly. "Sure. But what about you? What's your scene?" 
You pretend to think for a while. "I don't really know. I like very specific things that I only know I'm actually enjoying at the moment." It's a pretentious reply that you hope he finds funny. 
He seems amused by it. "So, a moment type of girl." 
He takes a sip of his beer and you take that moment to get the bottle of wine out of your bag. He laughs at it, as if the thought of you carrying wine around is very funny to him. 
"Sure." You take a sip of your own.  "You seem very keen on figuring out what kind of girl I am."
You enhance your question by raising your eyebrows as he starts leading you to a small empty couch.  "Well, you're mysterious so I got to work with what I get." He says while sitting down and you follow, laughing because the last thing you would consider yourself is mysterious in any way.
"Trust me, you would get a lot more information if you just asked."
He nods, doing a whole scene of thinking of something to ask.  "Ok then, why psychology?" 
You almost laugh at the question because does anyone actually know why they chose their major? "I guess I like that the mind is the only thing that can understand itself." You say it in a pompous way so he knows you are not really that serious about that.  "What about you? Why did you choose business?" 
He looks forwards and moves as if to get more comfortable on the couch. It makes him get closer to you and your legs touch. "I don't know. Money, status, easier to get a job later on." 
That makes you snort. "I don't think right now getting a job is easy in any area." You pause to drink some and then say,  "You don't seem like someone who cares about those things, anyway."
He laughs just a little. "My parents do."  
By his voice you can tell he doesn't really want to talk about that. Not right now at least. 
"Well, at least when you are a famous dj the gossip magazines will be able to mention that you got a business degree you never used." 
He leans into you when he laughs.
The rest of the party is fun. You meet some of Johnny's friends that are too high to keep an actual conversation but are fun enough that you have a good time. 
Johnny makes you laugh a lot and by the time you finish your wine you feel more drunk in his presence than on the alcohol itself. 
There’s just something about Johnny’s presence that makes your legs go a little weak and your heart beat just a little faster, like you have a silly crush. He’s just funny, in a way that comes natural to him, and he makes you feel special, seeming interested in the things you say in a way that has your heart swoon. And on top of all that, like he couldn’t get any more perfect, he’s a whole 6’0 of man, all broad shoulders and always looking down at you with cute smiles.
It doesn't take you two long to reach his dorm, or for you to get on his bed. And when it’s like this, with him hovering over you, thrusting into you in a pace that has you seeing stars, the effect he has on you becomes painfully obvious.
It’s kind of embarrassing, really, how having him on top of you makes you feel so small and safe. How him hitting so deep inside when he gives you a sharp movement of his hips turns your inside into jelly. And all you can do in return is look up at him with glossy eyes and parted lips.
“God, I dreamed of fucking you.” He knows what he’s doing. Even worse, knows how to get to you with just a few words. “Do you like it, baby?” He asks, voice hoarse and lips turning into a barely not there smirk.
“Huh?” Is what you can reply with because you’re way out of it to make sense of his words. It just makes his smirk grow wider, hands moving to grip at your thighs so he can get your legs to open wider.
When he fucks into you faster, his cock hitting the spot that has you absolutely and completely losing your mind, he tries again. “Do you like how — Fuck— How big I feel?” His words are barely a groan from being just affected as you are. He sounds cocky but in a way that makes your eyes cross.
And you nod, enthusiastically so, because you do. It makes you shy, saying it out loud, but he seems well aware how much you love having him inside of you, the feeling of being full, the only thing that swims around your mind.
“Hmm, can you feel me here?” This time the question is accompanied by his palm on your lower belly, where a hint of a bulge forms when he gives you a deep thrust.
“Y-Yes.” You practically wail, body tingling from being so close. “You feel so —- Ughnnn.”
His chuckle is a mix of laughter and a moan, his lips coming down on yours in a kiss that’s as messy as it is desperate. “Are you shy, hmm? C-Can’t even say you like my cock inside of you.”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head. “Ah. I like it. I like it so much.”
He groans deep in his chest, hips still working. “You’ll drive me crazy one day, know that?"
What he doesn’t say but you know it’s true, it’s that he likes it as much as you do.
What it becomes, is something you don't know exactly how to describe. All you know is that you spend a lot of time in Johnny's dorm these days. So much that you decorated every detail from it, from the fancy music equipment to the posters on the wall.
He fucks you in every way possible and it's weird that someone could know exactly how to please you, how to get you screaming. And then the two of you talk for hours, something putting on something to watch on his notebook while sharing ice cream, other times just laying down in silence until you fall asleep. 
It's something you're not quite sure to navigate. How easy it feels when you are with him, and how right it feels. You two navigate this uncertain thing very smoothly and the need to put a name to it, asking the 'what are we' question escapes you often. 
Right now you two lay down on his small bed, bare legs touching and the thin sheet on top of you barely covers anything. It was a rare thing to feel this comfortable with someone. 
He's talking about something his mother said to him on the phone, about drinking green tea and you just listen, enjoying the sound of his voice until he stops and looks down at you with a small smile. 
"Every time I talk about my parents you get this look." He says and you make a weird face at him. 
"No I don't." You defend yourself and he chuckles. 
"You do." He accuses. "Are you analyzing my parental relationship?"
You scoff, turning around to face him better. "No. I'm just friendly, feeling sorrow because of the fact you didn't get to choose what to study." 
He looks back at you, looking soft with the late afternoon peeking in from his half closed window. "It's fine, really. I can study engine sound later on, there's no expiration. Besides, they did so much for me this is the least I can do." 
You fight the urge to point out that he doesn't really owe them anything. It was hard sometimes to make sense of the way other people navigated their parental relationships. So all you say is a small "Yeah…"
"What about your parents? What are they like?"
"I don't know. They are divorced, so I haven't really talked to my father in a while." You hope he doesn't see this as weird. Every time he talks about his family they seem so normal, that it makes you envy him a bit. You always think that if you talk about your parents, people will think you're somehow messed up because of it, so you always keep it short. Johnny doesn't seem to mind it. "My mom is cool, I guess. She's funny."
He hums "I would like to meet her someday." It sounds like a bold statement. Something that means something, but he says with an ease that makes the thought of it seem pleasant. You realize you would like that to happen as well. 
"She would like you." Is what you say with as much ease as he did. 
A comfortable silence feels the room then, with only the low sound of the fan turning filling your ears. You don't think about how the room smells like sex, or about how summer is approaching and you'll probably not be able to see each other for a while.
"Are you going home for the summer?" You decide to ask. 
 He turns to look at you again. "Yeah, what about you?"
"I'm gonna start my internship. Work on my thesis." You had talked about both these things before, how important they were for you and the mention of it makes him smile. 
"That's really nice." He says and you give him a tiny smile. 
You swallow a lump in your throat then, the 2 months you'll stay apart hitting you and you just let the words escape your mouth. "I'm gonna miss you. Really."
He says it back by kissing you, softly and then with meaning. It happens naturally after that, like there wasn't anything else that made more sense than being as close to each other as possible right now. 
When he enters you, you look up at him in what you think is awe. Your eyes hazy, barely able to keep open and lips parting in yet another moan. 
It’s a nice view, in your defense, of Johnny hovering over you, looking so big  as he fucks you so well you’re sure your second orgasm of the night is already approaching. You’re not embarrassed to say that most of the times this happens you go a little dumb in the head, your mind swimming in the gooey feeling of pleasure and all you can think about is him. Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. 
“Oh, oh… oh my god.” You sigh dreamily yet broken enough that it makes him smile when a sharp thrust makes your hips raise a little. He’s always proud of being able to get you like this, to be the only one who does so.
He hums as if agreeing with a very thorough statement, moving his arms so he can press his chest to yours as he fucks into you with calculated thrusts . You can barely move with his weight on top of you, with how he seems to lock you in place with his hips and it’s enough for another broken sob to fall from your lips.
“Good?” He asks in a groan and with a nice slide of his cock inside of you to punctuate the question. You nod frantically because he’s as deep as he can get, knows this very well, and the feeling is something that makes you flutter around him in the desperate need to come. 
He kisses your cheek then, two sweet but filthy enough with his heavy exhales against it. His pace never gets too fast, just hinting at it but he maintains a speed that leaves you on the brink of your release. But, you only reach it when he pinches your clit with his fingers, circling it until your lips part in a silent scream and you’re coming again.  
And the sounds he makes when your walls squeeze just a little more than he can handle are something else. A deep groan and a pained little sob that you find extremely endearing and hot at the same time, his face contorting as he quickened his pace just enough to push him over the edge, finally coming inside of the condom. 
“You look so pretty like this.” He’ll say afterwards when he’s still inside of you, too lazy to move as you brush the hair out of his face. 
And you’ll smile, in the way he seems to like so much, and say “You look pretty all the time” just to get him to smile at you.
 act 3: yellow light  (hit the brakes) 
The rain was predictable. It had been raining every other day the entire month, on your way to work early in the morning you always ended up stepping on a pool and ruining your entire day because of your wet socks.
Not a lot of the people you knew had a car, or would willing to go out of their way to give you a lift. Your finger had hovered on top of Johnny’s contact for a while, not out of confidence that he would help you because you knew he would. But you hadn't really talked since summer started. There were random interactions, like replying to one of his instagram stories commenting on how intelectual posting pictures at The Louvre made him look and him making a joke about it or sharing a trivia about french people. 
Besides, bothering people made you uncomfortable, as if that somehow put you in debt and in a state of vulnerability with the person.
But Johnny doesn’t look like he’s going to hold a grudge against you over a lift. Instead, when you apologize for making him come all the way there, he says “I was in the area anyway.”
Which you doubt, but you don’t say anything so you just smile and thank him again.
It's somehow weird that you don't even expect him to mention what happened last term. You fight the urge to say it out loud, mention a small detail about the whole thing  just for him to laugh and somehow confirm to you that it really happened. It scared you sometimes how things were so momentary, as if life was supposed to be just a collection of things you would remember about and feel sad about. 
But it’s easy with Johnny, had been from the start. In a way that makes you think that some people are really meant to meet if only for a moment.
You had expected the casual friendship you had with the other friends you had met at college to fade slowly, which had happened. Without the bond of parties and fun there wasn’t much left there, and that was fine, you were never really lonely because you didn’t have a lot of time to be. Your mind was also set in a routine and state of tiredness that anything out of that seemed to set it in a frenzy and it would just shut down, making it hard to make conversation naturally.
Work was usually quiet, but sometimes the girl that was also accepted for the internship would try to strike conversation about her thesis and while she was talking your gaze would be focused forward while your mind went somewhere else. She never pointed that out, probably because she just wanted to talk and not really listen. You were fine with that.
But with Johnny the silence is not the kind that makes you wonder if you should say something. You think that if you were to get in a daze right now he would try to pull you out, ask what you were daydreaming about, or maybe that’s you building your other life, the one you think about before going to sleep.
You watch the window wipe, swiping away the raindrops as Johnny picks a song. It’s just a little past 6 but the clouds make it look much later.
“How is the internship going?” Johnny asks after he sets on a song you don’t really know.
You shrug. Not long ago you had told him how excited you were for this, as if you thought your life would start with this idealized career you had created in your mind. At the time having to watch people your age sign forms about how depressed they are didn’t seem that bad. “It’s fine, not that busy at night so I get to work on my thesis when they give me those shifts.”
That involves a lot of reading multiple times the same page of articles written by pretentious men that think using difficult sentences makes them smarter. You think your advisor expects the same from you, fancy nomenclature but the human mind is already complicated enough by itself.
“And how is that going?” Johnny has no idea what you’re writing about, no one actually does. Sometimes you even doubt yourself, does it really matter to talk about something that feels so specific to your reality? Because it does seem like everyone else is doing a good job at living and not feeling like they are disconnected from reality.
You scoff and shake your head missing the way his lips corners lift just a little. “The best way it can, I suppose.”
“Good enough.” He says in his cheerful voice. “When are you going to become that kind of person that can't stop talking about what they are studying?"
That makes you laugh a little. If there was something you were familiar with, it was people who loved to talk about their thesis as if they would come up with the solution to all of the world's problems. "I don't think that really suits me." Just mentioning it made you actually a little sick.
"Yeah, because you are mysterious and all."
And there it is. Just this small reference to a past conversation you had with him, alone in your small dorm room, makes you feel giddy. You could even blush if you thought hard enough about it. 
"Exactly, a box of surprises." You say, in a funny voice and his laugh makes you smile. 
Outside the rain is still going strong and you can see students running around trying to find shelter while laughing and using their backpacks as improvised umbrellas. The sky is completely dark now and it makes you want to be in bed, safe and sound. 
You go to ask Johnny about his summer in France, but he beats you to it. He had always been better at conversations, anyway.
"I saw that friend of yours, Ela I think." He mentions casually.  "She's dating a friend of mine."
You knew that because of the numerous pictures on your instagram feed, but for some reason you pretend to be mildly surprised "Oh really? I haven't really talked to her in awhile." A shrug. "We don't have much in common, turns out." 
He hums sympathetically. "Yeah that makes sense. But they both seem happy."
"Yeah." The topic doesn't really interest you. You can't barely remember a time where your past friends' love lives had any affect on you, now it's just a piece of information you'll forget about in a few hours. 
"What about you, seeing anyone at the moment?" The question makes you raise both your eyebrows as you let out a laugh that sounds suspicious. It's a weird thing for him to ask but at the same time not really. 
You sigh and he looks at you with a funny face, as if he's amused. I don't think I have the energy for that. What about you?" 
He shrugs, turning his face to the front again. "Not really."
Months ago you think you would have made a flirty commentary about that. Something along the lines of 'That's good, I get jealous easily.' and it would have made him laugh. But now you just hum, not out of interest but because you are not sure how you would react to the potential outcome. 
It should've felt obvious that he would somehow mention your relationship. You always thought that when you two talked about it, it would be bringing up the months you would see each other every day, and how you spend more time at his place than at your own. But what he says is, "Remember when you refused me?" 
He says it in a funny voice, like old friends reminiscing on the past. You get confused with the pace of the conversations and ask "What?" 
"At McDonalds. I asked you out and you said 'We'll see about it.'" He says it laughing, which means he's not hurt by that. 
"I didn't think you remembered that." You mutter, because you really didn't. "And please, I wasn't rejecting you." 
The last part is a lie. At the time you didn't think he was serious about it. Now, you don't know exactly what you think.
"Right, right. When you put me down nicely."
That makes you roll your eyes, laughing alongside him. "Yeah, right." 
When the laugh dies down you watch as he taps his fingers on the steering wheel. You feel a weird sensation in your chest. 
"Why did you?" He asks, voice not much more serious but the question has weight that his past sentences didn't have. 
You could tell him the truth, of what kind of person you thought he was and how that changed. You definitely couldn't open up about what kind of person you were. So you settle for this: "I don't know, I think.. I mean, I'm not sure we would have worked out back then." 
He hums loudly, then clicks his tongue.  "Yeah. I don't know either." His voice is soft then, mixing perfectly with the muted rain sound and the song still playing. "You can never know."
You turn your face to look at him. There's no way to do it without him noticing that you are staring, but you do it without a hint of shame.
If you thought about it hard enough, about everything that happened, you would still not be able to point out exactly what would have happened if something more serious took place. And that's a weird thing to think about, because there was never a point in your relationship where neither of you decided it was meant to be casual, that's just how it turned out to be. 
Later at night you will think about how there's nothing really casual about the way you can perfectly picture Johnny when you close your eyes, laying on your bed shirtless, hair a mess and face illuminated by the sun peaking out your window. How there's nothing casual at all about the fact that it has never felt like it did with anyone else.
But now, you just look at him with your heart ready to burst and you say. " We should watch a movie together someday."  
He laughs, looks at you for a second and says "Yeah, we should."
act 4: what’s going on? 
You didn’t feel particularly fond of mondays. Having to let go of the leisureliness of the weekend behind and welcome another week ahead never felt like a good idea when your phone alarm would start ringing at 7am.
It's not that the weekend was much better than that. All you ever did was read books that made your head ache for hours and then write never ending paragraphs that you hoped would make sense for anyone besides yourself. It was easy to become some sort of alienated when you stayed focused inside your room for so long, and having to remember that there was a whole life outside was a little painful. 
When you walk inside the clinic the sound of the coffee machine being turned on reaches your ears and you mutter a small good morning to the psychiatrist that usually took the morning shifts. She was tall and always looked put together with a blazer jacket and red lipstick. Her friendly face made you suspicious for some reason. 
"Good weekend?" She asks as you place your things on the front desk and you spare a smile to make her think you are interested in talking about your weekend. 
"Yeah, sure." You turn on the old computer they got for you to use. A blue screen greets your eyes, then it glitches for a second like it always does. "What about you?"
It might sound like you're not a very nice person if you say you don't really care how her weekend went. Or that you would wish the conversation would have stopped at the greeting. But you really don't. These days talking to people takes a lot of effort and most of the time you wish you'd be just swallowed by silence and left alone. 
"It was great, thank you." She says while adding sugar to her coffee. You are sitting down now and she turns to look at you with a sympathetic face. "Listen, I have a free spot this morning, if you'd like to talk a little." 
You blink slowly, taking a moment to process the words she said, but it really doesn't take a genius to understand she's offering you counseling. Most likely because she thinks you need it. 
And you're not about to argue that you don't, because you more than anything else know that you do, but you feel like you're not ready for it yet. As if you have things to figure out first. "Oh, that's very nice of you to offer." You say, uncertain how exactly to handle this. "But I have some things to get done."
The lie is accepted easily but she still raises her eyebrow a little. Still, she says. "Alright, then. Just remember I'm one door away."
You thank her, smiling politely until she finally leaves to her office. The computer is still loading and you let out another deep sigh, considering drinking a cup of coffee but deciding against it to not trouble your anxiety any more.
What happens next couldn't possibly be predicted. You take your phone out of your bag and open instagram out of habit, to pass some time. Johnny's profile is still the first one that shows up on the stories board, probably from all the time you spent messaging each other in the past. 
It had been a while since you two talked to each other, but you kept up with his whereabouts from looking at the pictures he posted with friends and of random things. More often than not you fought the urge to reply to them, as if you didn't really know each other anymore. 
You don't expect to see him with a girl when you click on his photo. But there he is, with arms around her and a single heart. You tap on to the next one and it's a repost from someone else's instagram, of a picture of him and the girl kissing while laughing. 
There's a few words you can use to describe how you feel. Your heart drops and you go cold, blinking very slowly as the pictures change to another person's stories and for a second it's like it didn't happen. Like it was just a trick of the eye. 
Would it be silly to cry over this? You think it would so you take a deep breath and try to not think about it anymore. 
It wouldn't take a genius to figure out that you probably loved him. Or at least felt a deep kind of infatuation. Sometimes at night you lay in bed and wonder what exactly went wrong and you can't really find an answer to that. It just naturally happened. 
Maybe you should have said something, maybe if you did things would've stayed the same. You wish that at the time you knew what to say but now it was a little too late. 
You stare at your blank ceiling, your skin tingling where it touches you sheets. Looking at couples always made you feel weird, with jealousy maybe because you never thought that was something for you. Being in love has always been something that other people got to experience, and you got to watch it but never try it for yourself. 
Maybe there was something wrong with how you worked, how you viewed this whole thing. You wish you knew what so you could fix it.
Sometimes when you close your eyes you imagine someone wrapping arms around you, with a familiar cologne that makes you feel at home. the person doesn’t complain when you hug them tighter, probably knows this is what you need.
You think of all the men you had dated, the ones who disappeared out of nowhere and the ones who treated you like shit because you allowed it. You didn't really know how it really had to work until you met Johnny.
It had never felt like that. Gentle and soft and easy. 
How to separate true loneliness from the mere need to feel something, to have someone want you? That’s a trick question and you think about it until you fall asleep.  
For you last month in college, you don’t do much. 
The internship ends with the old lady that was in charge of the clinic telling you what an amazing job you did, and how she knows for sure you will exceed in the area. She writes a beautiful recommendation letter, mentions a few professional names and then sends you away. 
A week before its deadline you send out your finished thesis to your advisor, after spending half an hour staring at your email until you can press send. You got a reply two hours later with pleasantries and a date for your final presentation. 
As you wait for it there's nothing a lot to do. Some days you walk around campus without a real destination in mind, stopping by the cafeteria and the library on your way. There's not many people around this time of the year, most have gone already and the ones that stayed spend time rehearsing for presentations or hanging out with friends.
You get texts from people you haven't talked to in months, wishing you good luck and inviting you to parties that you attend once or twice just to get one last taste of it. 
It’s weird that you don’t feel the deep sense of realization you thought you would. You lay down on the small bed you slept on for two years, stare at the empty walls of your dorm now that you’ve put all your things away, and you feel almost normal. Sure there’s a little ball of emptiness and excitement on your stomach alongside pride for finishing this and for having grown up so much since freshman year. But besides that you just feel normal. 
Maybe this is what being alive is, experiencing life changing moments and not feeling like they mean much. Maybe some moments are just meant to be remembered as special, and not lived as such. 
Your presentation goes well, you don’t trip over your words and your teachers compliment your great work afterwards. You cry, in front of a bunch of people you don’t know, and let out a deep breath of relief. 
Ten days later you graduate, wearing the usual attire and walking on stage with a smile on your face when your name is called. No one screams your name or cheers loudly because plane tickets were too expensive for your parents to attend. The claps from your classmates are still nice. 
You don’t expect to see Johnny there, but he shows up wearing a suit that looks alien compared to the clothes he wears daily. He looks good, familiar and it makes a lump form on your throat.
You hadn’t really talked to each other in a while. It had been a natural thing to happen, for the two of you to fall a little apart. But still, when he waves at you, you make your way to him easily. 
“Finally got your ticket out of this place, huh?” He jokes with a smile on his lips that you can’t help but mimic. 
“Yeah, I’m finally free.” You joke back. 
You inhale softly when he hugs you, so close that you can hear his heartbeat. He surrounds you with him and you think you would drown right now if he allowed you to. “Congratulations, ____.” He says quietly, almost whispering your name.
You’re both smiling when you part. “Soon it’ll be you.” 
Before he can reply a familiar face makes her way to where you two are. Johnny circles her waist when she gets close enough and you fight as to not let your smile fall. He introduces her as his girlfriend, a biomedicine student that smiles big when she congratulates you on graduating and expresses how she can’t wait for her turn to come. 
She’s very pretty is what you keep thinking about as you make small talk that feels a little painful. 
After some time Johnny says “Well, we should leave you to go talk to your family. It was really nice to see you, ____.”
His words sound genuine and you smile when he hugs you again. 
You don’t tell them there’s not really anyone you know for you to talk to. Instead, you walk to your dorm with your heels clicking on the asphalt. 
act 5: old friend / late spring
Your feet hurt a little from standing too much and not even the coldness of the beer you’re having can make you ignore it. 
The truth is that you really wanted to be home right now, eating leftovers while you watched a movie. But instead, you’re in the bar your colleagues always attended after work to share a laugh and complain about mundane things while enjoying the 2 for 1 deal they had on friday for happy hour. 
Working in an office with people wearing suits hadn’t been what you had envisioned  yourself doing two years after graduating. You had always dreamt of having your own clinic, becoming a therapist or even working at a hospital. But times were hard and the human relations department of a marketing company had been what you had to go for. 
It’s not as boring as it sounds, and you get to know about every gossip firsthand so you settle for it very easily. But having to be at a bar after a whole tiring week was not on your favorites list.
You excuse yourself from the group when they start talking about something you were tired of hearing. A gossip about the boss sleeping with someone from the finance department that you knew about months ago. 
You walk to the bar, cursing your heels until you finally sit on a stool, ordering another beer that you know is gonna be your last before you decide to escape. There’s loud conversation happening all around you and a song playing over it. Your back hurts a bit and you wonder when life has become so mundane. 
Lost in your thoughts, you don’t notice the man that sits right next to you until he’s ordering a beer and the voice seems familiar. 
Your heart jumps out of your chest when you look at him and Johnny stands there in all his glory, with blonde hair and a very fancy suit. “Oh my fucking god.” Is the only thing you manage to mumble.
For a second you think you might be dreaming, but when he turns and looks at you his face contorts in the most amusing expression of surprise. 
Maybe this is what being alive is, experiencing life changing moments and not feeling like they mean much. Maybe some moments are just meant to be remembered as special, and not lived as such. 
The two of you hug while laughing and he keeps muttering something that sounds like a ‘no way.’
“I can’t believe this! What are you doing here?” You ask excitedly and he laughs. 
“I’m working on a office a few blocks from here.” He explains. “Just started a few days ago.” 
“I work around here too.” You exclaim and it’s like you could buzz from how excited you feel about this. 
You talk about things easily, both sharing what you have been doing for the past years. 
“This is crazy. I haven’t heard from you since college.” He says and it makes you freeze, blinking slowly but it doesn’t last long until you are covering your surprise by chuckling. Suddenly you’re hit with memories from those years and everything that happened between the two of you. Your eyes meet his and it strikes you that he’s probably thinking the same thing as you are. 
You shake your thoughts away, leaning on the counter with one elbow and then resting your face on your palm. “Who would’ve thought we would reunite after those years in a sketchy bar.” You joke, in a playful tone to keep the conversation going. 
He chuckles, bringing his hand to his face before he replies. “I would have never guessed this was your kind of scene.” 
The way he says it makes you snort. “It’s definitely not.” 
“Yeah.” He nods while laughing, “Still a moment kind of girl then?”
You nod then, making an amused sound while you take a sip of your beer. “Seems to me like you still got me all figured out.” 
“Do I? I used to think that I did but after all it happened I wasn’t so sure anymore.” He says avoiding your eyes a little and a lump forms on your throat. “To be honest I don’t really understand what happened.” 
You nod, turning to face him. “I think it wasn’t the right time.” It’s what you decide to say and he hums. 
“When is ever the right time for anything?” He asks and it makes you laugh loudly. 
You share a look then, one that says more than you could ever do with words. He smiles and then you smile back, like old friends would. “Maybe we met again for a reason.” 
Deep down, you know this is one of those moments happening. One that you’ll look back on the future and remember that it is where it all began. Again.
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