#also i mean this goes without saying but don't ... send hateful things to people and abuse the anonymous function
timeflow · 1 year
good evening reddit users, welcome to the website. not seen one of these that tells you how to make this website bearable so here goes
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starting off with dashboard settings you want to turn off endless scrolling (it slows down the website after a while of scrolling), turn off shorten long posts because one of the main things about this website is the total lack of a character limit (as an alternative to this setting, you can press j to skip to the next post on the dashboard if the current one is kind of long). turning on timestamps is convenient because it allows you to check when a post was made (don't get me wrong: this website absolutely LOVES reblogging old posts, but there are times when it's worth checking if a post has very old news in it)
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turn off best stuff first right away. one of the main reasons cited for joining tumblr is because "there is no algorithm". this is not entirely true, we have one but we routinely turn off anything algorithmic that staff adds. turning off best stuff first means your dashboard will be reverse chronological no matter what, and turning off based on your likes and stuff in your orbit will get rid of the rest of the algorithmically-recommended content that appears on your dashboard
following tags is nice because you will occasionally see posts with tags you follow sprinkled into your dashboard. this is considered good because it's almost always recent, I personally recommend turning on include followed tag posts and just following a bunch of random tags that you think could be interesting (characters, media, topics, whatever)
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this one's a more personal thing but I would absolutely turn off any community labels because tumblr staff has recently been just putting a bunch of random posts under this despite being entirely sfw. if you ACTUALLY want to filter content, then go to filtered tags:
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unlike the community labels which are put arbitrarily by staff, tags are put on by the actual users and so you can MUCH more reliably filter out content you don't want to see by putting filtered tags. this also works for any kind of content unlike the community labels, meaning you can just filter out stuff that you don't want to see (a particular character, a particular piece of media, a certain topic, anything you want really)
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turn on custom theme immediately. the standard view of tumblr.com/url will give people who are not logged in a forced login wall, meanwhile url.tumblr.com will not. by doing this you also get access to your post archive at url.tumblr.com/archive, which lets you look through your posts more easily (the search function is awful). the main benefit of this, however, is that you get to have a custom look to your blog: going to edit theme brings up a menu that allows you to customize your css, add pages to your tumblr blog, etc. all very useful stuff
it's also worth taking the time to consider whether or not you leave your liked posts and list of blogs you follow public (most people have likes turned off, following is also commonly turned off but I personally don't care about others seeing who I follow)
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turn off the let people blaze your posts. blaze basically allows you to pay money to show a post to a random group of people by paying money, suffices to say that allowing others to blaze your posts without your consent will inevitably lead to one of your personal posts getting blazed by some prick and now hundreds of people have seen it
asks are one of the main ways of interacting with blogs so absolutely turn them on. whether you allow anons is your choice, anonymity allows people to say nice things without feeling embarrassed about how everyone knows who said that, but it also allows people to send hateful stuff with no consequence.
submissions are like whatever. I personally leave them on but in my 5 years of having this blog I've been submitted to twice.
to close off this post I'll leave my personal thoughts on reblog etiquette:
reblogging is great. reblog the fuck out of anything. does the post amuse you slightly? reblog it. go wild
that being said please don't put anything in your reblogs unless it's like a really important comment. your comment will be immortalized forever if someone reblogs the post from you and on popular posts I have to constantly go back a couple years to get rid of an annoying comment like "LOL THIS IS SO FUNNY" because that person didn't realize that their addition was wholly unnecessary
if you DO want to add something to say your thoughts on the post in a quiet voice that doesn't get permanently added onto the original, consider talking in the tags of your reblog. this is considered nicer since when the post is reblogged from you your tags are not going to stick around. there is also this process known as "peer review" in which if your tags are sufficiently funny one of your followers (or sometimes a random person browsing the notes of the post) will screenshot/copy and paste your tags into a reblog, which is a much more natural way of having your comment added into the post
tags are also nice to use or organizational purposes. clicking on a post with a certain tag on your blog will show you every post with that tag on your blog allowing you to find posts later, alternatively you can go to url.tumblr.com/archive/tagged/[insert tag here] to a similar effect.
that's all I have to say on this subject. have fun on our glorious website
edit: oh yeah also unfollow staff. it will make you look normal 👍
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mysteryshoptls · 2 months
SSR Leona Kingscholar - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Leona: Who'd've thought I'd get to lay my eyes on paintings that I've only ever seen in artbooks like this…?
Leona: That's the Land of Dawning's National Museum of Art, for ya. This'll probably be good for perusing.
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???: Heey, the King of Beasts's got a great lookin' mug in this painting.
Floyd: I wonder what's goin' on? Oh hey, Sea Lion-senpai, you tell me.
Leona: Huh? Why should I have to explain anything to you?
Floyd: 'Cause you're right here. But hey, if you don't know nothin' about it, that's cool too?
Leona: Tch… Fine, whatever, just don't start something annoying. You better get lost after this.
Leona: In order for him to establish his ideal nation, he required cooperation from the hyenas…
Leona: Once he came to that conclusion, he himself went to where the hyenas lived in order to negotiate with them.
Leona: There, he spoke at length as to how he could best utilize their strengths and abilities. This painting depicts that scene.
Floyd: Uh-huh. 'N so, what'd the hyenas do? They just went along with what the King of Beasts said without causin' a fuss?
Leona: The hyenas were already pretty hated. And the king was offering a trusted position directly under him.
Leona: It was a tremendous boon for the hyenas, from their perspective. So, of course they took him up on his offer.
Leona: He didn't let what society thought of them sway him, instead he gave jobs to each hyena as what suited their individual abilities…
Leona: This single moment shows just how accomplished the King of Beasts was as a ruler.
Floyd: You think so? I know I wouldn't like having someone sizin' me up and choosing what I gotta do~
Leona: It's the same with sports, ain't it?
Leona: Imagine having a good shooter stuck on defense, or a spindly guy on offense…
Leona: If the team goes along with a coach that gives asinine directions like that, they'd lose even the easiest of matches.
Leona: That goes for both you all in the basketball club, as well as us in the Spelldrive club.
Leona: Anyone can be useful, even if they don't have the constitution or strength.
Leona: For example, if you got a guy who's got nimble fingers, you just gotta put 'em where they can steal the ball or disc from the opponent.
Leona: Then, you use someone who can stay in control of game and send them towards the goal.
Leona: There's no need to have everyone rushing around the field. Any number of tactics can be used to score goals.
Floyd: I get what you're sayin, sure, but whaddya do if your teammates don't listen to what you say?
Floyd: See, I don’t like doin' anything if it's boring, y'know. There's tons of times I get bored in the middle of a basketball game, too.
Leona: Heheh. What, they not giving you any rewards over there in the basketball club?
Floyd: Eh, you saying the Spelldrive club gets somethin' for winning?
Leona: That's right. We get the finest reward one could ask for:
Leona: Victory.
Leona: Our club runs on the merit system. Anyone who can't show their worth during a match gets dropped from the starting team…
Leona: But with just a bit of effort, anyone can get their chance in the spotlight and even find their names on the lips of people outside this academy.
Leona: Plus, this school throws a lot of support towards the Spelldrive team, so even certain grades can be overlooked from time to time.
Leona: Essentially that means each one of our victories matter much more than any of the other athletic clubs' wins.
Floyd: Hmmm… I thought you guys in the Spelldrive club were a bunch of try-hards, so I didn't think I'd like it, but I'm likin' the sound of that merit system.
Floyd: Maybe I'll join the Spelldrive club too. Don'tcha think I'd be great at it?
Leona: No way, absolutely not. …Also, how long you plannin' on following me? I'm already done explaining things, hurry up and leave me alone, already.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Floyd: Mmkay, next. What's this painting?
Leona: [sigh]… This painting's showing the Thorn Fairy's men all celebrating their master's endeavors.
Floyd: They're, what… dancing around a green fire? Looks kinda like a campfire! Bet they're havin' fun~
Leona: True, they look pretty carefree. Seems like the Thorn Fairy's subordinates don't mind doin' menial tasks.
Floyd: Menial tasks…? Oh, right, there's a ton of cleanup to do after making a fire, or something like that, huh.
Leona: An astute observation, little merling. I'd expect nothing less from someone so naïve in the intricacies of fire.
Leona: Here on the surface, even the smallest flame can grow into a blaze with a little mismanagement.
Leona: Especially in places where the air is dryer… like where I come from in the Sunset Savanna.
Leona: It's not that bad during the rainy season, but there's gotta be extra caution thrown to the wind during dry season. As a precaution, we've enacted regular fire drills.
Floyd: Uh-huuuh. Didja do those fire drills too, Sea Lion-senpai?
Leona: Yeah. Like I said, fire can be a matter of life or death in my country. That's why those fire drills are essential services.
Leona: It's a pain, but the royal family's gotta do it, to set a good example for our people.
Leona: Since a majority of the country get together to observe, it's basically just another huge traditional event at this point.
Leona: Although… Let's just say there's been times that I've had other things on my plate that I completely forgot to take part.
Floyd: Mhhmm… And so, what all do ya do during those drills?
Leona: To be perfectly frank, it's basically getting practice in with handling water. A buncha people'll hold onto a large hose and put out a huge fire in real time.
Floyd: Wow, that's lamer than I thought. Doesn't sound like much fun to just watch happen.
Leona: Oh, not at all. It's not so bad if you're just there to watch it go down.
Floyd: Eh, whyzzat?
Leona: Because they get to witness the glorious scene of the royal family being tossed around by a giant hose.
Leona: You might think that'll invigorate the gathered public, seeing how willing we are to risk their life for the country…
Leona: But if you ask me, I think there's something more to it.
Leona: People can see them in regal attire caked in dirt, and their miserable faces all swollen from the smoke in their eyes…
Leona: They can even see those well-groomed manes completely sopping wet and pathetic. I bet it bring a gleam of joy to them all, heh.
Floyd: Heh, Sea Lion-senpai, I see right through you. You say you'd sometimes forget, but you def haven't been takin' part in it for a while, haven'tcha?
Leona: Well now, who can say?
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Floyd: Hey, I think this is a painting of when the Sorcerer of the Sands got his hands on a magic lamp.
Floyd: He looks like he's havin' the time of his life. Most of the Sorcerer's paintings are of him lookin' real smart and proper, so this one's kinda cool and different.
Leona: This tale is of one where he finally achieved his heart's desire after a long and difficult journey. No wonder he'd be ecstatic.
Floyd: You mean he worked super hard for that single lamp? Bet all the trouble he went through to get there was fun, at least.
Floyd: It's boring if you can just easily snag something you want. The more you want something, the more it's worth tryin' to get it.
Leona: Makes sense to me. So what, when I saw you slackin' off the other day, that was you trying your darndest to get class credit, or something?
Floyd: You're one to talk. 'Specially since you skip class waaaay more than I do.
Floyd: Wait, so you were in the botanical garden then too, huh. You shoulda said something, we coulda been skiving buddies~
Leona: Unlike you, I ain't all that impressed with conversation. I was taking a snooze in the tree shade.
Leona: I'd just found a good place to get some shut-eye, I ain't looking to waste time on idle prattle.
Leona: I prefer a quieter, cooler, more comfortable place…
Leona: Now, that would be a place worth sleepin' in.
Floyd: Ahah, that's some stuff to be picky about when you're just plannin' on sleeping there.
Leona: I ain't asking for much. At the very least, all I need is for you to not be there.
Leona: Trying to sleep somewhere noisy'll affect my sleep quality.
Floyd: What, you saying there's different types of sleep, now? Doesn't seem like where or how ya sleep really changes anything to me.
Leona: I am much more of a delicate being than you are, is all. If the quality of my sleep ain't pristine, then it'll slow down my thinking processes.
Leona: I ain't gonna be happy if I can't be quick on my feet and some conniving sneak tries to get the better of me.
Leona: At the very least, I make sure to increase the quality of sleep I can get in my room by taking precautions.
Floyd: Huh, like what?
Leona: I'd roll out a rug under my bed, for one. Even just doin' that'll keep the noise coming from the floor below to a minimum.
Leona: You got all the freshmen, four to a room. There's fighting and arguing over their personal space almost on a daily basis.
Leona: And it wouldn't do 'em any good if I were to intervene on their behalf every time they got in a tussle, right?
Leona: That's why I try a buncha different things to help keep the volume down. It's for all our sakes.
Floyd: You say it's for your underclassmen, but you're just doin' it to get some nappin' in.
Leona: Oh me, oh my. How absolutely wretched that you cannot even see just how loving and kind of an upperclassman I am.
Floyd: Uh-huh, sure… Anyway, I'm gettin' bored lookin' at all these paintings. I think I'll go look around elsewhere.
[Floyd leaves]
Leona: Yeah, yeah, get outta my sight already. Geez, his attention turns on a dime. Whatever, I guess I'll also… Hm?
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Leona: This artwork depicts the scene where the King of Lions introduces his newly born cub to his people. Well now, what an absolutely cheerful looking spectacle.
Leona: When their belief in a future filled with hope is suddenly overtaken by despair…
Leona: I feel like I would be able to say this from the bottom of my heart: …Long live the king.
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Requested by @farfalla049 and @sakurakudo.
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uninformedartist · 7 months
So hey long time no see, just popping in to say that this video by Official_TVC is bullshit.
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So summary + thoughts:
Video starts off with defintions on different types of stalking & they say Vivienne has experienced all this kind of stalking. Then goes on to say its 2 individuals doing this stalking and they we the viewer doesn't need to know them, Official_TVC has done a lot of research on them and we should should trust Official & their word without evidence because apparently they retweeted something on twitter & it was a tumblr post thats supposedly exposed Vivienne's siblings, personal things ect. All this is hearsay by you, it shouldn't make the average viewer trust your word. Yes I've seen things but that was from posts I've seen.
Aside -honestly Official should be questioning the anon asks we get on here, some of the asks contain some questionable info like how do you get that info. People get asks on here containing info, people don't go out & hunt all Vivienne's private life, we receive stuff thats how things come to light, OTHER PEOPLE SEND US STUFF.
All the background of the video is helluva boss/hazbin scenes coupled with music from respective shows. No evidence, not even heavily censored evidence to protect Vivienne, just Official_TVC talking & basically saying "trust me bro I did research, believe me". This is heinous accusations, individuals you are talking about & you give nothing. It could be lies for all people know, I don't even believe & I've seen the things you're referring to.
Continued, the stalkers, the 1st one is a "troll" according to Official_TVC & the second is supposedly so bad they were quote " has been 15 ft from vivziepop", no backing on that 15ft statement, Official_TVC just states this. All this stalking, entire pages made is because of a ship. Leaking show stuff (aside again, is GIVEN TO US VIA ANONYMOUS ASKS).
They carry on to say essentially all this hate talk on Viv on YT is cos she's popular, they got nothing of meaning to say on Viv cos they hate her so much they can't talk about her positively. They then mention a person has a never ending stream that just feeds misinformation other YouTubers & quote "on the precipice of wanting to strangle a woman (Viv) who made the crime of making demons gay". Wtf does that mean, who has this never ending stream of feeding misinformation to other YouTube, who & wtf are you talking about.
Anyway, goes on to compare spindlehorse workplace allegations to Amazon (yes ironic) & how Amazon treats its workers really bad... do I need to say more. Goes on to say everyone ragged on Viv because hazbin hotel is on Amazon, Amazon is bad & quote by Official_TVC is cos "everyone looks for an excuse to hate". Ok now I'm giving evidence on why people ragged on Viv for prime since you give jackshit.
Amazon/prime is currently being boycotted, its on the bds list why people were saying to pirate hazbin. Not some bullshit reason Official gave on it being mindless hate. Here is a video explaining why people are boycotting Amazon:
Vivienne also like this post from a fan, do I need to spell out how fucking disgusting this tweet is and the fact that she liked it.
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Official carrys on to say stalker 1 did 3 things, doxxed Vivienne, & in their words if you go to said person's page Official states "im pretty sure they know where vivziepop lives". That is speculation, thats your opinion cos no evidence is provided or can be for that matter cos this is what YOU think. Dropping as Official says "nuggets" of info on Viv's siblings University, their work (this info was from a sibling's linked in page, public info). Can I say aside, I know her sibling's names. Why, not from stalking but from them leaving comments on Viv's speeddraws and Viv publicly naming them on her PUBLIC socials. And if you know someone's name you can easily find out what uni they went to, if you know my name & search me up you know what uni I go to its in the public on their linked in, social posts ect.
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They go on to talk about how terrible leaking Viv's shows are, which idgaf. Amazon is a zionist corporation I'm pirating anything of Vivienne. Even invincible which I love, pirated it. Fans should too (since I see a lot of fans with free palastine in bio but still pay for prime). Anyway thats on them.
TW: talks of sexual harassment. So Official doesn't want to give more info on this individual which I respect & understand. However they say stalker 1 is sexually harrassing this person, sending content of a sexual nature all because the victim in this situation didn't agree with stalker 1 on the stalker's sentiments on hazbin hotel. I understand protecting the victim but my soul you're literally protecting the perpetrator. Expose them, you keep staying stalker 1 & 2 CALL THEM OUT. Protect the victims but expose the perpetrators.
They go on to stalker 2, who know stalker 1. Stalker 2 supposedly went to the hazbin premiere. They were there to keep an eye on vivziepop Official quotes. No evidence of this quote or info just them relaying it. Again this is all your words against what. Yeah that is concerning it really is but substantiate this evidence & quotes. This is the 1st time I'm hearing about this so I would like to know more on this & this heinous person. But you don't give any evidence. Official says " these people need to be stopped", how can they be stopped. You give no names, no info or evidence, its wishful thinking you saying this. I'm harping on and on on about Official gives no evidence but its so flipping frustrating hearing them spout all this WITH NOTHING to back their words.
TW again: Mentions of suicide and Shay a fan bullied by the fandom who then took their own life. Know a lot of people are still saddened by what led to Shay's passing why I mention this.
Official says stalker 1 is using the death of Shay to entice fruther harrassed on Vivienne. Its "apparently now", huskerdust fans went after Shay with heinous harassment & Shay subsequently ended their life, may they rest in peace. Official claims stalker 1 says Vivziepop is directly responsible for Shay's death. Shay's death was worded as "apparently" but stalker 1 using Shay's death to pin it on Vivziepop is stated as a fact. How disgusting can you be someone died & its apparently so to you but your word of mouth should be considered fact, fuck off. Official then goes on to say... sighs quote "we do not hold politicians accountable when they massacre people of other countries... bloodlines don't exist but we don't blame the politicians pushing the buttons".
Ok wtf, yes we do we blame Biden & other politicians & presidents for pushing the figurative & literally buttons on massacring Palestinians & other minorities, WE DO so wtf are you talking about. I honestly hate Official at this point because wtf are they saying. I don't blame vivziepop on Shay's death, even though when there was attempts to reach Vivienne on what was happening to Shay, maybe the channels they used like email didn't get the message across unfortunately. What I absolutely hate is when fans, like official now use Shay's death as a pawn in relation to people hating on Viv. No one that I've see & I'm saying it now I know who these stalker 1 & 2 are not even they were as disgusting as Official & fans to use Shay's death as to further hate on Vivienne. What Official_TVC is saying is bullshit.
And I disregard everything Official_TVC says after they hearted this comment, fuck you Official_TVC for hearting this vile comment.
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I link a screenshot of the outreach to Vivienne via email on Shay aswell as the document on Shay's.
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In all this video is a load of nothing, bullshit actually & just vile on the parts of Shay. They ended of once again reiterating they won't give proof because people just want names & evidence for the tea/gossip & they want to protect Vivienne, shoo shoo. Again trust me bro, I did the research so trust me.
I want to reiterate I condone no actions if provided true on stalker 1 or 2. But from what I've seen of them is all out of context, lies spread by the fandom & things just made up down the grapevine. I don't do this for likes, clout or other bullshit the fandom says. Wouldn't be of me on my nature and the work that I do. Come with substantial evidence, then we discuss & make conclusions but for now
I hate Vivienne and this fandom, bye all.
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xxkiller-muffinxx · 9 months
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I'll always be there for you
Clay x inventor! reader
Summary: You are an inventor from Putt Putt Village. Using the golf course for building things that can aid the trolls. You were the best! Until you moved to Pop village, where you have to impress all of the trolls to make a good first impression. Then with the help of Clay’s affirmations you wind up doing just that
Words: 1009
Warnings: All of this is fluff
A/N: I admit it, I hated trying to figure out Clays character without having to watch the movie again. I have watched so many videos just trying to get it right and it's been likean earworm, tearing me apart from the inside out. That's why at some point it feels a little more headcanony than other parts. (we dont get enough of Clay honestly.) Anyway this was fun to write, I can't wait for you all to read it! Happy New year everyone!
You groaned as you came out from under the machine. It’s a machine that doubles glitter. It was just to be a little in spirit of returning to troll society, but it’s turning out to be the hardest machine you’ve ever worked on.
You dust glitter off your arms and adjust your clothing. A part of you feels embarrassed to be working on a glitter machine like this. You have so many other projects and your working on this to be cool to other trolls? You’re close to giving up when-
“Hey! I’ve been looking for you! I asked around town and- What. Is. That.” Clay stopped in his tracks as he pointed to the large (but not too large) glitter-covered machine. You sigh and brush yourself off, inherently spreading more glitter.
You cover your face in embarrassment. “No, it’s nothing, just a thing I’ve been working on.” You say, not expecting Clay of all people to show up suddenly and notice your big “surprise.” Your cheeks flushing a deep shade of red.
Before you could protest, Clay was already inspecting the machine.
“It’s a party machine!”
“Clay, don't do this.”
“Or it’s a…sun bathing machine.”
“You’re not serious please just-”
“Ooooor it’s a Glitter doubler machine that doubles one piece of glitter into hundreds more.” Clay look at you as if he was correct and you groaned in embarrassment. He walked over to you and stood next to you. “Can’t hide anything from me, you know this. What’s wrong?”
You frown, crossing your arms. “I feel like I’m doing too much to impress these new Trolls, I mean glitter machine? Someone has to have already made that.” You say as you nervously bite your nails. Clay’s arm wraps around your neck and pulls you into his shoulder.
You lean into him, grumbling your grumbles that he loves so much. Clay shrugs slightly. “Well, if you’re doing too much than…they’d want you to do more.” Clay sends you a serious look and you instantly recoil, he can’t be serious. Clay interjects your thoughts “I know it sounds crazy but have you met Viva’s sister? She’s crazy when it comes to going big or going home. She never goes home.”
You snorted at the sentiment, but looked at your invention and frowned. “But what if it explodes when showing off? That defeats the purpose! Everyone will hate me for sure.” You we’re becoming a nervous wreck the more you thought about it,
Clay’s hand went over your temples, beginning to rub gently at them to stop any sights of an inventor's headache. “Okay okay, bring it back down. There you are.” He said, nipping your chin with his thumb and index finger. You laughed, mostly because your neck was ticklish, but also because you blush hard ever time he does it.
Clay looked you in the eyes and crossed his arms. “Let’s think about disasters; after you build it huh?” He offered, you rolled your eyes and he clicked his tongue at you. “That’s my girl, now let’s get to work!”
Now, you stood next to clay for your first test. When suddenly, glitter sputtered out the sides and the top. You groaned. Clay then pointed out that it's doing one thing they wanted, but not another. “Okay, we're doing something right and something wrong.” You look at the machine and feel a sense a pride in it now.
“Okay, well, obviously it's something on the sides. I have to cover those up somehow.” You'd deduce and giggle when Clay made a mock surprised face. “Alright let's do it!”
You laid on the ground stomach full after Viva brought you French fries and meat circles. You were halfway to a food coma when Clay asked “This isn't just about the machine right, the change is hitting you too?” he asked, looking at you with worried eyes.
You just nodded. “I understand change is hard, but this? This is crazy. Moving entirely out of Putt Putt Village for this? It's enough to make your skin crawl.”
“Well just so you know your are not the only one, every other troll is in some kind of tiff about it too. I mean I had to give up my admin house.”
“You hated living in that thing.”
“Quite the contrary, it was actually delectable beyond reasoning.”
“You always do the voice when I'm right. Just admit it alright?”
“Nothing to admit.”
“I sometimes hate that I love you.”
Finally, the moment had come, everything fell into place. You decided the go big or go home approach would be best. So now you had a small glitter volcano, it's small, adorable, and simple. However its just big enough to where you can't go home.
Surprise surprise, everyone adored it. Glitter trolls have already been caught bathing in it, but you only build the machines, you don't monitor them. You are in Poppy’s pod getting a mouthful about how great that glitter-cano is. Then when you came out you got more compliments! It wasn't until you and Floyd were eating lunch together that Clay even asked. “So, did everyone like the-”
“YES! They loved It! They all loved it so much that they told me they liked it and I've never felt greater!” You squealed as you looked at the pin Poppy had given you. It wasn't much, it just said “You did it!” even then you still were pretty stoked.
Clay smiled. Leaning on his hand as he looked at you. “That's awesome! I'm so proud of you.” he reached across the table to offer a high five, and you smirked and took his hand. He was confused until you pulled him to meet you in the middle to accept a kiss on the forehead.
He slapped a hand onto his forehead and you laughed softly. “Thank you for being my number one Clay.” Clay admittedly blushed, but he'd never say that he did. He waved a hand.
“It's nothing, you know I'll always be here for you.”
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Your answer is complete bullshit. What the dazai anon did is nowhere as serious as what you are doing. You want her personal life basically sabotaged, and all she did was send you a couple of cruel messages that made you have a bad day, guess what? That’s everyday for the dazai anon. She’s just fucking tired of the treatment her favorite character faces form this shitty fandom, even his own “stans” join in the hate against him but there seems to be some hypocrisy against chuuya or even the fucking pedophile mori.
All she did was send mean things out of frustration and anger, she deserves to feel that way. I don’t agree with death threats, but nothing about her behavior is “harassment” or “grooming minors” you’re all dumb fucking idiotic children and it shows seeing how you label petty internet fights as “crimes”, at the end of the day, did you lose your degree? did you lose your job? are you in constant fear and suicidal ideations because you’re scared you’re going to jail over THE FICTIONAL CHARACTER CHUUYA NAKAHARA of all things???? No! You are completely fine and living your life with no fears or anxieties as she is. Your blog is also completely useless btw! No one is gonna make a case on this, your parents didn’t which is why they asked u to delete the previous blog. Follow their advice again and leave the Dazai anon the FUCK alone and have the balls to actually face her without holding legal threats over her head. You pieces of shits.
What she does is tell people to kill themselves and say that she hopes they die, that their pets die, that they fail their finals, that their mental health/life gets worse. All over fictional characters, and we are just documenting it. At most she might get a fine, or have her Tumblr/Twitter privileges removed. I'm not sure how that second one would play out but I know people have been banned from sites.
As for the. having a bad day bit. I've mentioned this to her before but I have several disorders that make everyday hard for me too, most notably that I've been either passively or actively suicidal for the last 6 years. How do you think her damn near constant hate and harassment of me and my friends affects my mental state? I say it doesn't get to me because it doesn't incapacitate me and I don't want my friends to worry. The shit builds up. I have blocked her, I have reported her, I have ignored her, I have asked her to leave me alone. None of that has worked.
I understand the frustration she goes through, that's the whole reason I don't interact with the pjo fandom anymore. I was taking everything personally, I couldn't play nice with others and I realized that I was problem so I stopped interacting with it. That is my oldest special interest that has kept me alive multiple times. I do not post about it. Because it is unreasonable for me to ask everyone else in the fandom to only see it my way.
She has become the problem here and needs to deal with that. It is not fair to everyone else here for her to decide that her way is the only right way and everyone who disagrees is against her specifically. She absolutely has every right to feel angry or frustrated but she does not have the right to take that out on everyone else, if she doesn't want to block people and respect people blocking her she needs to leave until she can play nice.
As for the legal action, she can stop harassing people right now and case will likely go nowhere. And I have tried to talk to her about the things she does without "threatening legal action" and she called me a cunt and stupid and jobless and a dickrider and a doormat. She isn't willing to talk things out and treat others with respect, so we have this blog. And we have gotten a few asks regarding legal action, we haven't answered them publicly because Kavya tends to harass anyone mentioned here.
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imagionationstation · 1 month
Hi IS!! I seriously hope you're actually taking a break from Tumblr and social media instead of reading this haha, but I've been a follower for a few months now and couldn't help but send in a little post after seeing your rant. As someone who grew up with 2012 and adores it, and also as someone who respects Rise for what it is, I understand. 2012 is a huge comfort show to me and I've definitely gotten upset when all people do is go out of their way to tell you how horrible the show is without reason. 2012 is by no means perfect!! I am extremely aware of its flaws, but I don't believe that gives anyone permission to go out of their way just to ruin it for you. To target the one criticism that drives me a bit nuts, the "real brothers" thing. Rise has a very valid interpretation of brothers! But as someone with 3 other siblings, it is not sunshine and rainbows all the time. My older siblings would make me cry, we would fight and get hurt and hurt each other all of the time, my younger sibling would tattle on me, etc etc. But we also look out for each other, and have grown out of many of those things since then. I see a lot of my own sibling situations in 2012. Sure, it doesn't get everything right (and can be purposefully exaggerated because it is a cartoon!!), but it isn't wrong either. Everyone has different family experiences, and believing that Rise is the only correct interpretation of siblings would just be a bit narrow minded. I have many, many more points I could make in regards to the sibling ordeal (and other criticisms you mentioned!) but I'll leave it here for now. Overall, just enjoy what you want to enjoy! This goes for everyone. Someone is always going to want to rain on your parade, don't give them the power to do it. It's so much easier and less tiring to spend your time enjoying something you love over dunking on something you hate. :)
Thank you <3
As I mention over here, not really in a place to drop it yet, but I may sometime in the future. Your support is greatly appreciated!
As someone who grew up with 2012 and adores it, and also as someone who respects Rise for what it is, I understand. 2012 is a huge comfort show to me and I've definitely gotten upset when all people do is go out of their way to tell you how horrible the show is without reason.
Exactly! I have nothing against rottmnt. RISE is a great addition to the TMNT fandom. It has its highs and lows like anything else. It didn't deserve the dislike that many fans gave it in the beginning.
So why does 2012 deserve the exact same treatment after its time is over? Why doesn't it deserve the same respect for its diversity?
They experimented with some awesome and iffy things.
Some things worked and others didn't. Why can't we leave it at that?
I try and read the opinions that say "I like this, this, and this, but-" and ignore anything that is pure hate or comes from an account that has never said a single nice thing about the show.
But even then, it's often always the same old list of complaints.
And, like, Donnie is downright awful with his comebacks but sometimes I find myself doing the daily quote thing to the screen when I come across someone who is being supremely unreasonable.
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(Not that I'd ever actually say that to anyone. It's my stress vice.
But. I definitely think it. Very hard.)
To target the one criticism that drives me a bit nuts, the "real brothers" thing.
You hit the nail right on the head!!
My family dynamic is so similar to these boys. One of my siblings very seriously told me a few days ago that I am not at all attractive, but a few weeks ago, the same sibling also reassured me that I deserved a love interest so much better than any person the world has handed me. Freakin' Raph impersonator over here.
Literally, I have siblings who interact like Leo and Raph. Constantly trying to be the superior in the relationship and hating when the other bosses them around. But you'd almost never find them apart because they are the other's shoulder to lean on.
I'm not anyone innocent either. I've said lots of things that I didn't mean in the past and I still slip up from time to time. I'm the type of person to be annoyed with a sibling and smack/shove them. My siblings do the exact same! Teasing and mocking and crude words aren't anything crazy. It's just how our fam do family.
I have a sibling who is just as insane and annoying as Mikey, but it's so frustrating because he's either purposefully stirring chaos and then laughing when we get upset, or so innocent and confused when I'm getting mad at him for doing something similar a while later.
We get so tired of it. But it's not his fault. He's untreated ADHD and lives his life to the fullest. What you gonna do? Stifle that? Please.
We get so tired of each other.
But we're always the first to have each others' backs.
Overall, just enjoy what you want to enjoy! This goes for everyone. Someone is always going to want to rain on your parade, don't give them the power to do it. It's so much easier and less tiring to spend your time enjoying something you love over dunking on something you hate. :)
Thank you so much. I always try to remind myself of that, but some days it can be hard. I really appreciate your kind words! I hope anyone reading this is also making note of them.
I don't ever want to be a hater.
Going giddly over the boys being themselves is so much more fun.
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voidedaurora · 1 month
Now just to preface before her fans go crazy at me, I don't have a account in her server and I'm not specifically telling anyone to go out of their way to send me these things (aswell I do just get sent stuff in asks so there's that) DO NOT HARASS ANYONE MENTIONED/SHOWN IN SCREENSHOTS, I DO NOT CONDONE ANY AGRESSIVE, SPITEFUL, HATEFUL, OR OTHERWISE MALICIOUS BEHAVIOR!
Edit: I actually forgot to include a rlly important screenshot (her announcement about all of this)
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Alot of her fans groveled at her knees after this announcement despite it basically being "yea I might make sexual jokes but sorry YOU interpreted it that way" She doesn't actually take any accountability in this? "I genuinely did not mean for any of it to be deemed as grooming" that's not even denying its grooming or apologizing for anything, it's literally just saying "I didn't want you to think about it like that" Aswell with the last part I have underlined, what evidence? how are you going to disprove you're grooming khai after everything stacked up, your current visible actions will always speak louder than your words in a screenshot with something like this. Honestly do better mel, cut this shit out, and stop being weird with people significantly younger, and set BOUNDARIES. [you can have a best friend without being sexual around them, foreign concept I know!] Whether you like it or not you're growing up, you're not a little kid just making animation memes anymore, you're nearly 19 years old and need to wake up and be responsible about this and own up to what you've done instead of your ego getting to you. Not to mention you havent addressed literally any of the other things you've been called out for because you genuinely do not care apparently.
Altogether, bad response you didn't take any accountability and blamed everyone else for "seeing it that way". end of edit:
Anyway I wanted to touch on part of the convos that've been going on in her server and clear up (once again) my side on why this is an issue since people in her server seem to exist on a different dimensional plane, ignoring everything I've said only to make up their own incorrect interpretations of my feelings/why I've done what I have here on tumblr. The SS i'll be speaking on first:
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I'd like to state again for the record that while the fact she's 15 in a 16+ server is an issue (especially because its out of special treatment) It's not the main problem at hand here. The main problem with her being let in is the fact Mel allowed her to LIE about her age to get in and the fact that apparently she was also going to make an exception for another 15 yr old to be in from what I've been told? Coupled with her other recent behaviors it makes it all the more concerning. With Khai specifically/s past [that being lying to get into adult spaces to erp, draw/exchange nsfw, and a whole lot of other unsavory/inappropriate things] which again, Mel was and is 100% aware of, It's not okay for her to be letting this behavior slide and even encouraging it at this point. Khai has been lying about her age for years now and the fact she's being enabled and allowed to continue said behaviors is just not okay period, she already gets away with it but it's teaching her she can continue to do that without consequence having mel make an exception specifically just for her.
It's all genuinely so weird and just eugh, I'm extremely disappointed to see mel giving such special treatment to a whole kid just because they're besties now, especially with how she used to feel about/talk about khai before she became a wide eyed fan that looked up to her, genuinely what is up with her befriending the most parasocial fans ever. Aswell, whether you're best friends or not you shouldn't be letting/encouraging a friends bad behavior, this goes for both mels and khais actions respectively, from what I can tell they just gas eachother up and let eachother do bad shit just because, obviously khai cant really do anything to stop mels bad behaviors since she's a kid and that's not her job, but its still worth mentioning. Mel NEEDS to set boundaries if she insists on being best friends with fans/people significantly younger than her, she needs to learn what is appropriate and what is not, It's not hard to act normal around younger friends. [Imo someone 18+ honestly shouldn't be having 15 yr old best friends but that's just a personal opinion and my own morals]
And just to mention once again, I'd appreciate if the people in her server wouldn't just blatantly talk shit about me and especially would stop theorizing and prying into my mental health/BPD. I absolutely do not appreciate my disorder being used to push the idea that I just want to bring her down, just because I'm hurt from her actions doesn't make me speaking out on her blatantly terrible behavior any less valid, I can be hurt and truthfully talk about everything that's gone on simultaneously despite what a lot of people seem to believe. You've all made it quite clear you do not care about victims and would rather use "well I was (blank) and-" statements to discredit everything I or anyone else have to say about this, aswell as the whole "this should've been private!" argument as if I didn't try to handle this privately. Just because you've had an experience that went a certain way doesn't mean you have any higher ground to speak on when its about SOMEONE ELSES situation, sure you have input to give yes, but using your own experience to bring down someone else just because the one in the wrong just happens to be your #1 idol animation meme youtuber is disgusting and really makes where your priorities are at clear. Obviously everyone will believe what they're gonna believe, mels always gonna have her parasocial yesmen and there's nothing I can do to change their minds. Though I'd like so say, what has mel done to disprove any of this? Has she provided any evidence, has she given any meaningful statements?, has she properly addressed anything? the answer is no unsurprisingly. Take what she's said (or the lack of what she's said) into consideration before throwing yourself at anyone to defend her. And Fyi, Her essentially saying "nuh uh I'm not grooming anyone and I know I shouldn't be weird around friends but its a joke lol!" doesn't actually disprove anything, her actions have spoken way louder than her words ever have/will Here's a few notable screenshots/my takes on em bc auhh some of these are worded pretty rudely but I'd like to be transparent and honest.
[I originally did not censor names but I've decided to because I don't wasn't anyone getting ideas and harassing people]
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Also just to add on a bit, I really hope this doesn't actually happen because why is a whole adult having a 15-16 yr old fly out to see her, and a better question would be why would her guardians allow that??
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I don't think I have the full screenshot of this but reminder that mel actually was the one who refused to communicate like ever? I'd tried really hard to get mel to talk to me so we could have a private conversation about everything (her admitting to only sleeping with clover to be with me + a handful of other things) but she avoids talking things out like the plague, I gave her around 3 months before saying ANYTHING and there wasn't a single word until she'd got her friend to come up to me, only to refuse talking unless it was in a group which I absolutely was not comfortable doing (why would I ever feel comfortable having that conversation about sexual shit + personal stuff with other people around, let alone the same people who'd lied to cover for her before along with other things??) I'd like to note that I still don't have her blocked on anything so there's never been anything stopping her from reaching out other than her own ego/thoughts. same person sadly, they've got some interesting takes to say the least
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Just because someone says "I'm not being groomed" or says they aren't a victim doesn't mean they actually aren't a victim, Its extremely common for a victim to be unaware they are one or even go as far as defending the abuser. I myself even struggle seeing myself as a victim sometimes and need alot of reminders (my input isn't too important but I thought I'd mention that </3)
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Also khai, Idk what chronically online wording this is but I do not care about your "vrchat culture", cuddling and all that with someone significantly younger than you is weird regardless, does that "culture" also include being weird with minors in the handbook or is that just something mels added on? /gen
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With this, you can be a victim and a bad person khai, in my opinion you are both. I can wish you well in one situation and not like you because of another, just because you've done terrible shit doesn't mean I want terrible shit to happen to you
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Not much to say other than a 15 yr old shouldn't be "sleeping in the same bed" as an adult, let alone CUDDLING??
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All I have to say with this is that yes! you are a child khai and I'm not going to give you special treatment like mel does, I genuinely do wish the best for you and that you get out of this situation though, truly. And I'll share as much as NEEDED to prove what I've said because none of it is false [if ANYTHING, there could be misunderstandings, but none of what I've said is made up, bullshit because I'm "hurt", stuff just trying to make mel look bad, etc.] , I have nothing to hide unlike mel (who's proven/disproven nothing?) Reminder I wouldn't have had to share anything if she'd handled things in private like i'd tried to, but it's a little too late for that. Best thing she can do is admit her wrongs and make some sort of response HERSELF.
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Its the way she just doesn't care and is more focused on her animation memes and her birthday coming up, don't do bad things if you cant handle consequences, or just don't do terrible stuff period?
I'll state again DO NOT HARASS ANYONE MENTIONED/SHOWN IN SCREENSHOTS, I DO NOT CONDONE ANY AGRESSIVE, SPITEFUL, HATEFUL, OR OTHERWISE MALICIOUS BEHAVIOR! Sorry if this isn't worded correctly/comes off as aggressive at all, I definitely missed some stuff aswell but I don't want this post to be too crazy long (I am upset so it definitely shows through a bit, I apologize for that, my kindness with all of this has been stretched pretty thin, especially knowing how much shit her fans are talkin about me simply because I spoke out </3)
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lyrashifts · 6 months
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in my first post of tips they were on pretty general, so this one is more specific and based on my own experiences. these are things that i haven't seen around the internet as much BUT have definitely helped me! everyone's experience is different, though, so keep that in mind.
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change the time you attempt to ld. what do i mean? lots of people use a wbtb (wake back to bed) method as it disrupts the rem cycle allowing you to (hopefully) directly enter a dream, though this doesn't work for everyone! this may also be annoying if you have trouble falling back asleep or hate losing sleep. what i personally do is, if i wake up in the morning and have time to sleep in, go right back to sleep. this has actually allowed me to have a few lucid dreams in a day (though sometimes quite short)! another thing you can try is to use naps to ld. try not to get as much sleep as you usually do and take a nap in the afternoon. this (should) send you right into your rem cycle and allow you to lucid dream.
think about lucid dreaming thoughout the day. this probably goes without saying, but part of the reason reality checks and dream journalling are recommended it to essentially tell your subconscious, "look at this! this is important!". just keeping lucid dreaming on the forefront of your mind will dramatically help you do so.
have a good reason to ld. this kind of ties with the last tip. if you're trying to lucid dream, a good idea is to have a reason to or a goal to do within a dream that seems important to you. it can be as silly as flying within the dream, but that goal will both give you motivation and give your subconscious a reason to ld.
try lucid dreaming subliminals. these may not work for you necessarily, but they may help you set an intention to lucid dream which can greatly increase your chances. i don't tend to use subliminals as much anymore but i remember that one of my first (relatively) long lds was had when i looped a subliminal at night (note that looping isn't at all required). again, you just want to keep your mind thinking about lucid dreaming.
meditate. i haven't exactly done much research on this, but supposedly meditating can help you lucid dream. i find that a lot of breathwork exercises help me as well, like self-hypnosis and the wim hof breathing method. this is also just great for your own wellness and alleviating stress!!
trust in your ability to lucid dream. this may be more difficult if you haven't lucid dreamt before, but bear with me. the days where i've had back to back lucid dreams, i hardly did any methods at all just because i anticipated having a lucid dream anyway. contrasting this, there were times where i didn't have a lucid dream for a few weeks and seriously doubted myself, which probably only prolonged that time. you can lucid dream. trust in that to your best ability because it will most certainly help you.
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it can take time to gain good dream control. i personally struggled with this a lot because i doubted myself, and doubt in the land of the subconscious (aka dreams) leads to limitations. it took me a while to get a pretty decent dream control and i'm still working on it. if it comes easily to you, that's awesome! if not, just trust that the more you lucid dream the better you can get, and do your best to believe in your ability to control your dreams.
make a game plan. this can be written down, in your head, or however else you'd like to have it, but have a plan for what you'd like to do in the dream once you're in it. keep it on the forefront of your mind when falling asleep. want to make a portal? visualize (if you can) how it looks. if you want to change the dreamscape imagine where you want to go. the possibilities are pretty much endless.
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You know what I rarely see? In the show after wooing Alec, Magnus is not shown as overly invested and it always appears as Alec reaching/apologizing/moving the pair along. Which was definitely a writing/directing choice. But what I’d like to prompt if it suits you, is Magnus being the one to apologize or to reassure Alec that he is important and not temporary-I’m team immortal but this convo certainly should happen. I liked the way you had Alec be angry in that prompt fill about his birthday and Magnus had to own up to that. If this isn’t your thing no big deal! Hope the weather is nice where you are and nightshade has enough pets and treats for the day!
i believe in 'no partner is perfect' and while i don't tend to write the angstier couple stuff 'i like my malec happy' i don't mind occasionally dipping my toes into partner angst (with an immortal happy ending)
this particular fic isn't about about immortality but it's about haing two people who have fundamentally different lifestyles having a miscommunication that devolves and while the argument is based on the show scene, it doesn't follow it perfectly. nor is the actual argument written. just the aftermath.
my thoughts are that magnus tries to spoil alec in season two still but it's more intimate and offscreen and he sort of in season 3a but magnus relies heavily n his magic to spoil alec and he kind of is spiraling all of season 3 tbh. they just really were sprinkling angst on malec like it was salt and they realized the show was bland.
all they did was get oversalted content which got salty fans, since they forgot to add actual herbs and spices.
it's a bloody hot day okay. i love the sun as much -nevermind apparently this is a lie-
so i don't hate the sun okay. i enjoy sunshine in specific environments. the sun is not a tyrant devoid of compassion.
anyways i live in a desert because its whats best for the people i love but give me mist and foggy days and give me winters of waist deep snow i can fall in. oceans so cold your lips go blue and rivers so deep and clear and still cold with melting ice.
if people are going to send me 8-10 feet to the bottom of the lake because they lost their electronics. it better be cold and clear. not warm and murky. (this has only happened 3 times but i have a preference).
So I made Say breakfast and nightshade breakfast and then I made @saeths breakfast a few hours later so i made an extra egg for nightshade to tempt him to eat another bowl of kibble.
so i fed nightshade twice and forgot to make any eggs for myself ^_^ so he is plenty spoiled (don't worry his egg was made without cheese and salt).
also the reason i'm awake is because he needed snuggles and after that he wanted to play in the pool and then i was too awake to bother
but that's our wednesday so far and i'm getting my work out of the way so i can focus on writing and house things.
<3 lumine
Magnus is ready with another quick retort when Alec’s face goes blank for a moment.
The argument fades from Magnus’ mind in an instant, because while this is the perfect moment to land another barb, the words die and his sentence stops, ending with a snide comment he doesn’t really mean.
“That’s fine Magnus.” Alec says and he’s not angry, which is worse. He sounds tired and yet professional. His manner restrained and placating in the way he does when he no longer has any fight left and he just wants to retreat and lick his wounds.
Wounds that Magnus caused.
“Alexander—” Magnus starts, because he didn’t intend to get so upset but Alexander just shakes his head.
“You’ve said your piece, Magnus. I get it.” Alexander sighs and runs a hand through his hair as he shuffles. “I messed up, again.”
Magnus winces, because he’s begun to feel more like a scolding mentor than a partner.
“I need to get to the Institute—” which makes sense, the argument started as they both got ready for their days. “I’ll—” and Alec hesitates and then shrugs, “I’ll see you tonight.”
Magnus waits until it’s dinner time and then portals to the Institute, already preparing words to once again explain that it’s not Alexander, it’s just not time yet.
He opens the door to the office without knocking and steps in.
“Alexander—” Magnus starts and then he hesitates.
Because for once, Alexander’s eyes don’t soften when they meet his. They remain cold, devoid of the warm ardor they normally contain but once again, without anger. Only an empty tiredness that Magnus longs to chase away.
“Do you have an appointment today, Magnus?” Alexander asks, setting down his pen and turning off his tablet with a sigh. Even upset Alexander will still give him his full attention and Magnus steps closer to the desk when Alexander continues, “because I’m sorry, but I don’t have time for a meal, or a conversation if it’s not official. So, if you don’t have an appointment, it needs to wait until I’m off.”
Alexander doesn’t mention coming home like he normally does, and Magnus suddenly misses it, with a deep lonely ache.
It also reminds Magnus that despite how often Alexander drops everything to join him, his boy is being worked to the ground and also driving himself to his limits in his pursuit of building a better Institute. Alexander is struggling to create ties between an Institute and local downworld leaders that would be revolutionary, with a sincerity that is unmatched by anything Magnus has ever seen.
Of course, he’s exhausted, and Magnus feels hollow now, remembering their fight all over again with a new clarity.
“No darling, it’s nothing official. I’ll see you tonight—” Magnus pauses, wanting to offer to summon Alec something to eat or drink, but it feels too much like an emotional bribe with how shuttered his boy is. Alexander nods and gives him the same perfunctory, polite smile he gives his siblings when he’s too exhausted to deal with them and doesn’t know what else to do.
It cuts Magnus to the heart to have that same expression directed at him, when he’s supposed to be safe for Alexander.
Magnus can’t handle the idea of reaching out only to be shied away from, so he runs from the possibility and instead summons a tiny flower to land by Alexander’s pen when the door shuts.
No one in the Institute seems to notice anything is wrong. Magnus gets a few strange looks, but he quickly realizes that it’s because everyone expected Alexander to be leaving with him, like his boy usually does.
Magnus feels cold and it’s with determination that he sends out an emergency message.
“I became stagnant in my old, single age.” Magnus bemoans, “I spent so long on my heartbreak that now, with a man I adore over every living being, I keep pushing him away.”
“Truth potion?” Catarina offers but Magnus shakes his head. Alexander deserves Magnus explaining this without the aid of something to help his thoughts form, even if it’s a trick Magnus has used continually and without remorse on himself.
This is different though because Magnus wants to become aware of what is wrong, not rely on a potion to figure it out.
“He wants to move in.” Magnus starts, about to launch into it when Cat laughs, interrupting him.
“What do you mean he wants to, he already has. Or did you just move him in on the sly and forget to ask him if he wanted to?”
“Cat—” Magnus says hesitantly, “he’s never moved in. He’s the one who brought it up. I told him no.”
Catarina pauses and then she sighs, and she summons her favorite, light summer beer and pinches the bridge of her nose.
“Start from the beginning, Magnus. I need details.”
Magnus does, realizing things that he missed as he’s explaining so many details that he just assumed and took for granted.
“I did wonder that the Loft hasn’t changed much. It seems more like Alec’s an addition to your things rather than his own person.”
It’s that comment that drives Magnus into a frenzy the moment he’s home.
Magnus doesn’t go overboard; Alexander wouldn’t want him to. Also springing this on his boy after the prior rejection will be too much like whiplash.
So, Magnus starts very small.
He finally creates the foyer he promised himself and Alexander he would make.
Alexander’s never pushed but Magnus remembers the tightening of his shoulders and the way Alexander will be too tired for anything but cuddles — rarely even hungry — after barrages of people through the loft.
The kitchen he only summons when Alexander asks, which is rare, so he makes it a permanent fixture and makes sure to hang an apron with little angel wings up. It’s with a pained smile that he sighs and wonders when he got so old that he forgot to enjoy life, and instead spent all his time focused on the past, just like Ragnor always warned him about.
Magnus doesn’t want to regret any time with Alexander, and he finds that he already does.
Not the time spent with his boy, but the time he could have focused on him more.
Magnus has spent so long protecting himself from losing Alexander, that he hasn’t noticed that he’s pushing him away, stopping him from coming too close.
Except Magnus has also bound him tightly.
Alexander sleeps more often in Magnus’ bed than his own. He’s rerouted his own schedule so he can take the last patrol before shift change, come to Magnus’ loft, write his report there and send it in, and be in bed for Magnus to return to.
Except for work, Alexander spends the majority of his daily life either in the loft, or with Magnus.
There are signs of him, all over the loft, but Magnus can’t look at a single piece and think, “Alexander picked that out.”
It aches in way that is almost visceral, because now that Alexander isn’t here, it’s only more obvious.
Magnus is chest deep in a drawer when he becomes aware of his boy stepping slowly into the bedroom.
“Is this a bad time?” Alexander’s tired voice asks. “I noticed there was a new door and tried to knock but the door just opened.”
Magnus wants to say something except he’s furious with himself and everything and the idea that Alexander saw a new door and knocked instead of walking right in, tears something in him.
They stare at each other for a moment, Magnus with his hands still wrist deep in the dimensional dresser, sure he’ll eventually find more than the sparse offering of Alexander’s clothes that he has.
“Where are all the clothes that you leave here?” Magnus asks instead of answering because he genuinely doesn’t know, “I was cleaning, and I couldn’t find them.”
Alexander sighs and Magnus just knows that he’s gearing himself up to — once again — explain to Magnus that it’s not about the clothes, before his boy visibly gets too tired. Instead, he just shrugs and potions to the paltry pile that Magnus has found.
“You have more than that!” Magnus exclaims, frustrated because he knows Alexander does. “That green shirt I got you that you loved. And those pants, the black ones with the umber stitching. The cream sweater I adore you in! That suit I had tailored for you in Milan and the other one in Hong Kong.”
Alexander sighs and he rubs a hand over his face, the stubble he normally shaves away in Magnus— in their bathroom, shadowing his face.
“Magnus, those don’t exist anymore.” Alexander doesn’t seem upset, if anything his face softens into an almost reluctant fondness, “you tend to vanish all the clothing you get me, some way or another. Mostly before fucking me. I tried to ask you one time where they went and you waved a hand and said, ‘another dimension, nothing to worry about’.”
“Surely that’s not all I said.” Magnus protests weakly.
“Well, you proceeded to fuck me unconscious so no, it wasn’t the last thing you said. But it was the last thing you said abut clothes.”
Magnus gives a flat chuckle and then sighs, snapping his fingers to clean up the mess.
“Have you eaten?”
“I figured I could grab something from the cafeteria when I head back. It’s fine.”
It most certainly is not fine, but Magnus doesn’t think coaxing Alexander into eating is going to work this time, which means that Magnus has accidentally undone weeks of effort.
Magnus doesn’t press, doesn’t remind Alexander that he can here. Or that, if by normal standards Alexander stays until he usually leaves Magnus, it would be the early evening of the next day.
“So, you were cleaning.”
Alexander is looking around, voice faltering but face devoid of actual emotions.
“I realized some things, after this afternoon.” Magnus admits slowly, “you’re the first person I opened my heart to, Alexander. In a very long time, I’ve told you that before.”
Normally, explaining things is easier but all Magnus can think is he’s not explaining it correctly.
“I know. But Magnus, you’re the first person I’ve ever opened my heart to.” Alexander interjects and he sounds raw and broken, like he’s been torn apart. “Doesn’t that get to mean anything too, to you? Because I don’t know what I’m doing, and you told me that there was nothing wrong with that. That I had nothing to feel ashamed about but now, it doesn’t feel like that.
"It feels like I can’t do anything right and I thought, I hoped something was coming together with us but now—” Alexander gives a heavy sigh and shrugs. “Now I don’t even know what I am to you anymore. Where do I belong, in your life Magnus? If you tell me where to fit, I’ll make it work.”
And that breaks Magnus’ heart, because Alexander was never meant to feel like he had to cut off pieces of himself to ensure Magnus loves him, that he has a place in Magnus’ life.
“Oh darling, beloved.” He murmurs and Alexander flinches, like it was a knife to his side. “You belong. The entirety of you. You belong in my bed because it’s no longer just my bed. How can I say it’s my bed when I lay in it without you and can’t sleep? When I reach for you in the night and can’t find you?” Magnus moves across the room with slow, purposeful steps and then reaches out to carefully — only because Alexander allows it — cups his face.
“Alexander, I have no excuses. My heart is old, and it is scarred and it is a wonder that you love me with all the cracks you’ve seen exposed. I don’t fear men or demons or angels, Alexander. I fear my heart being torn from my body and leaving me alive, an empty hollow cavern where it should be in the shape of you.
“I’ve always been too much, Alexander. I put my own fears on you, not that you deserved any of it, sweetheart. You’re right. I am your first relationship, and you grew up and live in a shadowhunter society. The relationships you've witnessed aren't similar to ours at all.
"You trust me to guide our relationship but I’m always encouraging you to ask me for things and you rarely do. I’m sorry, that you finally trusted me enough to ask me for something and that I broke that trust.”
And Alexander breaks, his eyes filling with tears and he coughs, scrubbing over his eyes because he hates being emotional during talks like these. As if Magnus will use the crystal sorrow streaking his face against him.
“I don’t understand.” Alexander murmurs against Magnus’ shoulder, “I thought this was already my home, here with you. I don’t know what I did wrong, I’m sorry Magnus.”
“Oh sayang.” Magnus whispers, eyes stinging because his heart is lanced every time Alexander apologizes. “You did nothing wrong. My heart was too scared to admit that you already were home for us, I pushed you away because I panicked. I’m sorry, my darling.”
Magnus is as tender and sincere as he can be, because he doesn’t want Alexander internalizing anything over this. Especially not when he realized that for Alexander, the loft already was home and he just wanted permission, for it to be official.
It’s endearing and sweet and Magnus presses a kiss to Alexander’s temple, softly and then harder when Alexander pushes into the caress.
"This is already your home. Where ever I am, will be your home." Magnus promises, "that will never change, my love. This is our space, for us to grow together and live together in.
Instead, Alexander tackles him to the bed and just lays there, pinning Magnus to the comforter as he snuggles into Magnus.
There is no answer, just a soft, exhausted snuffle and Magnus wonders how upset Alexander's been, thinking he was deprived of the home Magnus gave him.
He uses magic to change their clothing. More conversations and decisions can be made after rest and well, Alexander certainly isn't going anywhere and neither is Magnus.
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utilitycaster · 10 months
Hi I’m a new critter and I love your account and both your meta and your takes on “drama” I genuinely want to know (if you don’t mind saying of course) what you consider to be the most egregious, bad faith cr take that you’ve ever seen. I just like reading your criticism because it’s both incredibly articulate and smart but also very satisfying
Hi anon,
Thank you! I do have to say this is a difficult question with a boring answer but I'll give you a tangential one as well to make up for it.
Obviously, the misogyny and death threats in C1 are the worst! Anything that rises to the combination of structural oppression and literal death threats is going to be the worst, even before you factor in how utterly tiny the stakes were here (and, frankly, you shouldn't factor that in; doesn't matter what the cause is, big or small! Do not send death threats!)
The reason I tend not to talk about that is because there's very little to say. It's misogynistic death threats. That's awful, inexcusable, and dangerous in any context. But if someone doesn't understand how terrible this is, I don't think I can say anything to add to that.
Anyway because that was true, but obvious and not terribly revealing, I have been thinking a lot about mean-spiritedness in the fandom and I'll talk about that here. It's something I try to be cognizant of, because here's the thing: I talk a lot of shit. I'm aware I talk a lot of shit. There's many reasons why I talk a lot of shit. But I do try very hard not to be mean-spirited. I think there is a very clear distinction between criticism, even harsh criticism, of things you don't like, whether it's in execution, concept, or they just aren't to your taste; and mean-spiritedness, which is much more based in a desire to do harm to others.
I think again the example I've mentioned recently of people harassing Liam until he took a song off a Caleb character playlist is the pinnacle. This doesn't have any real goal re: criticism - it doesn't address an issue with the character nor the narrative and the only personal preference it reveals is "I, a random fan, don't like that this song was used in this context" which is not really relevant and you can skip it. Harassment is never justified, and even behavior that skirted harassment really served only to be a dick to Liam. It didn't have a single result other than "Liam takes the song off and feels kind of bad for a while," which I suspect was in fact the goal for most people, and that's pretty abhorrent.
Harsh criticism is not necessarily constructive, but it is with the intent to reveal - either a personal preference, or what you believe to be a flaw (structural, thematic, etc) within the story. It might not have a goal - personal preference really is just "I don't like this guy" and that's fine. Mean-spiritedness, however, exists just to spew bile and do harm.
So the following (most of which are paraphrased, but all are things I've personally seen on Tumblr alone, and nearly all are from the last year or so) aren't per se the most egregious or bad-faith takes, but they are absolutely mean-spirited. They have all destroyed my estimation of the people saying them for the most part beyond repair, and in many cases, if they have not hurt my estimation of the ship or character they were intending to support, they have certainly increased my estimation of the things they were intending to oppose. (And it goes without saying: any harassment - any - is automatically mean-spirited).
"I hope Fjord and Jester have divorced [author's note: they were not married] and I hope it hurt."
"I hope Caleb and that floaty fuck have broken up by the solstice."
"I hate Ashton, and Campaign 3 wouldn't be any different if they weren't there."
"My wishlist for this episode is that Chetney hits on Fearne and Ashton cockblocks him"
"I hope Fearne makes that robot eat his stupid coin"
"I'm not surprised that Yasha missed, because Yasha is bad at everything."
"Funny how Vex goes against her husband but does everything that Keyleth says" [Author's note: later proved to be hilariously untrue]
"No one cares about Travis's characters."
"Oh, Liam meant that Essek's own guilt would still exist by 'It won't help the inside?' I thought he was just being a fucking twat."
I think some people go into fandom not because they want to talk about characters, but because they see it as an opportunity to hit someone. I think some people believe they are entitled to a "win" (not normal to want nor possible to achieve and often less about the story and more about the fandom agreeing with them) and will engage in any tactic no matter how underhanded if they don't think they're getting it. That's what mean-spiritedness is in the end. It's not a single opinion, and often it goes under the radar compared to more stupid but less clearly unpleasant takes - a lot of the above didn't result in a ton of discourse because most people see these and rightfully go "oh that person is a tar pit" and block them - but it's certainly, outside of bigotry (which is also frequently also mean-spirited) - the most bad-faith approach to fandom on the whole.
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allieebobo · 1 year
Hi Allie! If you have time to answer RO asks again, can I ask what Soulmate AU would be associated with each RO, and maybe how would they feel about it? Thank you! Good luck with your writing!!
I am so out-of-touch with my fanfic days, but I did get myself cross-eyed looking at this master-list of Soulmate AUs, and gave it a go:
(Soulmate AU premise, for people who are as clueless as I am: two people who are soulmates get 'hints' about who their soulmate is through various supernatural/unexplainable means) Hope I explained that well(?)
Soulmate concept: There's a number on their arm that counts down the distance to their soulmate.
Reaction: G has always dissed the idea of soulmates, saying that they don't believe in it, how ridiculous it is that in a world of 7 billion people, there's only 1 other person out there who's supposedly 'special' yada yada. So they've paid the counter no mind through the years, though they are slightly curious when the number (usually something ridiculously high, like 7,685km) dips significantly (to something like 700km) when they visit their mom when she moves to Quebec City. But then, when they meet MC, and the counter drops all the way down to 0, they're like. What the fuck? And proceed to spend the next few months denying that it's true, although it always, invariably, goes to 0 whenever MC is around, and G is, ultimately, a person of Science and has to admit there is something fishy going on with that.
Soulmates concept: They feel hotter when their soulmate's close.
Reaction: Like G, they've always scoffed at the idea, but unlike G, they've entered every relationship they've been in secretly testing if they do feel hotter with their partner around (even keep a thermometer by their bedside for "experiment"'s sake). But mostly tennis is their thing, and this whole soulmates business is something they indulge in more for curiosity's sake. When MC appears, Rayyan doesn't notice, and chalks how hot they feel to competitive spirit (and physical exertion) most of the time, until it just becomes... undeniable. Once Rayyan has figured this out, they refuse to go on away matches to any colder states without MC there. "I hate being cold!!" is their excuse.
Soulmates concept: Whenever their soulmate loses something/leaves something behind, it shows up in their possession the next day.
Reaction: Tobin is a romantic at heart, and ever since they've been a kid, they've collected every last piece of junk from their soulmate, putting it in a special corner in their bedroom, with a little scribbled note next to it with their analysis of the "clue", i.e. creating a little imagined constellation/patchwork of their soulmate based on these lost items. When they finally meet MC, they everything starts clicking into place, and as though they're in a giant game of cluedo, they finally confirm that MC is, indeed, their soulmate, and—for every year of Christmas after that, they gift MC one item from their collection along with the little note, and they compare notes about Tobin's imagined story, and what had actually happened to MC's item.
Soulmates concept: Every night you receive a message about a random sentence your soulmate has said that day. 
Reaction: Because of this very obvious hint, and the fact that Sam and MC spend so much time together every day, Sam has essentially figured out very early on that MC is their soulmate. In high school, Sam's more often than not, actually present when MC says the 'random sentence', so the messages are cute reminders more than anything—and on the rare occasion that Sam was not present, they immediately text MC in response. But after MC moves away to Cargill for college, these messages always send a fond smile to Sam's face, while also carrying a small pang of... longing, as Sam wonders what it was that MC had been doing/talking to.
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
If the bros worked in a nightclub, what roles would they have, along with their stage names? Oh, and today is my birthday! I just wanted to share it with you🥳💕
Happy birthday, anon!!
Um, so I might not be the best person to ask about nightclub related things... I haven't been to many of them. I am an introverted homebody lol.
I'm not sure what you mean by roles? Like what kinda jobs they'd have if they worked at a nightclub?
Because if that's what you mean, then I can tell you what I think they'd all do! And I'm gonna say that Asmo just came up with stage names for all of them because he felt like it, no matter what they end up doing.
Asmo is absolutely on stage. No question about it. Whether he's singing or pole dancing or doing drag or whatever, that guy's the center of attention! Stage name: I kinda think he'd go for the single name. It's just straight up ASMODEUS. Probably stylized all in caps like that, too.
Beel is the bouncer. Not working the door, but watching things on the inside. Big and quiet and can easily pick up rowdy demons and toss them outside without a second look. Stage name: I kinda think Asmo could talk him into doing pole dancing. Because you know, it's super athletic and requires a lot of strength. I kinda feel like it'd end up being something about his muscles. Mr. Buffington perhaps. LOL. I dunno how serious these stage names are. Beel would probably be like uhhhh I'm just Beel.
Mammon is the finance guy. Most of the time, he's just crunching numbers, but when the club is in action, he's out on the dance floor, just kinda bringing some ambiance with his enthusiastic personality. Yeah, he might be trying to get people to buy the most expensive drinks, but he's also having the time of his life so nobody minds. Stage name: I like the idea that Mammon regularly gets into his dame outfit. Either straight up calls himself Goldie or something like... Lady Grimm. LOL!
Satan is bar tending. I don't know why, but I just think he'd be good at it. And he's probably the most competent one to be handling all that booze anyway. Lucifer would probably do a good job, but he can't be trusted around the Demonus. Stage name: because Asmo makes him wear cat ears all the time, he's obviously going to be something like Kitty Meow Meow. Anyone who actually calls him this gets decked.
Levi is handling all the tech. Stage lights? Fog machine? Audio equipment? This guy is on it! Hides most of the time and plays video games when he's not needed. Hates being out in the main area so hides in vip lounges all the time. Stage name: Lord of Shadows! Asmo can come up with whatever cutesy thing he wants, but Levi won't go by anything else. It doesn't matter because he would never actually be on stage so Asmo lets it be.
Belphie helps out with bar tending. He's too sleepy to partake of too much alcohol, it'd just make him sleepier. But he's smart and he's good at keeping an eye out for creepers trying to roofie drinks. He looks like he's not paying attention, but he notices everything. Subtly lets Beel know when there's a creeper that needs to be escorted out. Stage name: because I like the idea that Belphie will also sometimes do the dame thing and then he just goes by Belle - simple, elegant, and Asmo approved.
Lucifer oversees everything. He's the manager, of course. Makes sure everybody else is doing what they're supposed to. Hires extra muscles for Beel when needed. Only has the best demons working the door. Books musical gigs when Asmo's not performing. Keeps himself away from the alcohol and the Anti Lucifer League lol. Stage name: only on rare occasions does Lucifer do anything that would require a stage name and then he goes by Morningstar. Asmo's so awestruck he wouldn't even dream of protesting.
OKAY well I did my best lol. I'm sorry if this isn't really what you were looking for! You can always send me another ask with more detail on what exactly you're thinking of. But yeah, my knowledge of this stuff is lacking in general.
Either way, I hope you had a fabulous birthday, anon!
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misspoetree · 1 year
So the lovely @haahka and I were talking about Tay and how it's a bit sad that the fandom only ever seems to send him on shopping tours or focus on his fashion (you guys know that I'm obsessed with the KinnPorsche Fashion myself, but it's just a little...unadventurous, you know).
And then I got waaay to deep into headcanons with the equally lovely @tumsa (I'm not even sorry for the spam 😌❤).
Now, there are two things I want to do: first, I'd love to hear more Tay headcanons - feel free to throw them at me (as an ask, in the tags, added to this post, whatever you prefer). Because I'm really curious. 👀
And second, I'm going to share a few of mine:
Tay is way more capable than anyone thinks. (But no one needs to know that.)
People treat Tay like a princess within the show - I mean, he isn't even allowed to help in the kitchen at Porsche's. But I don't think Tay IS a princess. I think it's a protective façade. Because letting oneself be underestimated is a (survival) strategy in a world of money and constant power struggle, and a smart one at that. Yes, Tay is really good at reading people in general, but I also feel like people tend to let their guard down around him. Because he's kind, and understanding, and compassionate - and he seems harmless, a bit spoiled even. His 'softness' puts people at ease, makes them talk, makes them more honest than they probably should be. He's not a threat after all. I bet he knows a lot of things he shouldn't. I bet he's smart enough to use that knowledge (to help other people, to help himself, if needed). And I bet Tay could be fucking dangerous if he ever chose to (and wouldn't that be exciting 👀).
I also like to think that Tay has a strong survival instinct that goes beyond 'pretending to be incapable'. He and Kinn have been friends for ages, their families know each other, he basically grew up surrounded by mafia. He probably witnessed Tankhun's kidnapping back in the day. The horror and trauma of it. Tay's family is rich. He's close to the Theerapanyakuls. To the future head of the family. But he DOESN'T have an army of bodyguards following him around. And the downside of 'being harmless' is looking like an easy victim. Tay is too smart to be unprepared. So in my headcanon he knows how to handle a crisis, knows how to deal with danger, knows how to survive. Knows how to get out of the country quickly, how to get money without leaving a trail, how to get an unregistered gun. How to land a mean punch even though he hates it, how to apply (good) first aid EVEN THOUGH HE HATES IT. (I do think that he really isn't a fan of physical stuff, so the princess image is not completely off. Or, well, he lets it work in his favour.)
Tay's reaction to being hurt, being really hurt, is to shut his emotions down completely.
I don't enjoy how Tay's often written as dramatic and over-emotional in his confrontations with Time after what happened at Hum Bar. He isn't sober when he catches his boyfriend shoving his tongue down another man's throat, and well, his boyfriend is shoving his tongue down another man's throat. So of course he's fucking angry. And emotional. Right then and there. But the thing is, Tay had time to think, time to cool off in those other confrontations. And that's just the way to describe Tay's demeanor then: cool, cold, like ice. I like to think that he just freezes over. Turns into a statue of neutral disinterest. Just imagine: someone like Tay, always so kind and compassionate, staring you down with an expressionless face, not reacting to anything you say, looking close to fucking bored. Imagine what that would do to Time, always so full of himself, always so used to getting reactions out of Tay. Walking straight into a wall of ice. Completely out of his element. Really forced to put the work in for once. And it truly is hard work to break through to Tay once he closes his feelings off from you. A little bit of grovelling might be necessary. (That said, dealing with his emotions like that isn't good for Tay either. Of course not.)
There's...'something' between Tay and Vegas, some kind of understanding
I never got over TAY asking after Vegas in the final episode. Or the way Tay watches Vegas as he passes him during the auction. So I'm having a lot of fun wondering about the 'relationship' between Tay and Vegas, or how potential interactions could have gone down.
I mean, Tay 'belongs' to Kinn. We know that Vegas wants everything that belongs to Kinn (I bet he thinks Kinn must have fucked a pretty boy like that at least once. Even though it's not his usual type. Why else would he stick around?). Tay's caring and understanding. We know how Vegas can react...to something like that. (Not him falling in love after one free therapy session or something like that.) Tay is really good at reading people, he is really good at reading Kinn. And we know Vegas is not so different from Kinn (in some ways), even though he would murder anyone suggesting something like that to his face. Or maybe that's exactly what Tay does. Telling that to his face. As Vegas tries to seduce him, in the earlier days. But Tay doesn't try to wound him with that, to be cruel or mean, it's just an observation, spoken in that calm and understanding tone of his. And a younger Vegas is so shocked by that statement that he just...stops? And stares at Tay who just keeps going with that warm look in his eyes and those observations that hit a little too close to home until he can't take it anymore and turns on his heel to...definitely NOT run away like a dog with his tail between his legs.
Vegas keeps his distance after that. That princess isn't worth the effort, he tells himself. Or maybe he doesn't. Maybe he stops trying to seduce Tay, yes. But they end up talking again. And again. Because Vegas desperately needs to know what Tay meant with those things he said. And there's just... something about their conversations that keeps Vegas coming back. Until (stealing some thoughts from @tumsa here <3) Tay tries to convince Vegas that the competition between him and Kinn is dumb. Vegas does keep his distance, then.
And Tay gives up trying to help, trying to make him see how futile all of this is because it's clear Vegas won't listen to anyone but his father. But he still cares about Vegas, and seeing all the things Vegas does to himself without realising, seeing that ever-growing self-destructive obsession with Kinn sits like a leaden ball in Tay's stomach. The knowledge that he can't do anything to help is a bit like its own form of torture.
Anyways, (stealing again from @tumsa) Tay definitely ends up going to the hospital to visit Vegas. In secret, of course. And seeing Vegas and Pete together, seeing Vegas being changed by love, seeing him try to be a better person for Pete, putting all this effort in to make it work - maybe all of this forces Tay to reflect on his own love life for once. To reflect on the things he wants. The things he deserves, after all.
Nearly everyone had a crush on Tay, one time or another
You guys know the thing we do with Vegas? Like how VegasPete is the holy grail of endgame ships but it's so much fucking fun to ship Vegas with everyone and to imagine all his possible encounters and escapades? Because he's manipulation, seduction and psychological issues stacked on top of each other and wrapped in a velvet shirt?
Well. I like to do the same thing with Tay. For more or less opposite reasons. Because he's understanding and warm and compassionate and smart (and really pretty). In a world full of violence and trauma and repressed emotions, only sharp edges. I mean, who wouldn't crave the warmth, who wouldn't want to bathe in the sunlight for a while? I'm pretty sure people are falling en masse for Tay. And I think Tay doesn't always know how to handle it. Or genuinely doesn't realise what kind of effect he has on those poor bastards for doing nothing more than showing them a bit of kindness. Or maybe he's simply choosing to ignore it because he only has eyes for one person and one person alone.
Anyways, a lot of fun directions to go with this last headcanon for now. (And I'm keeping it intentionally vague and without examples because otherwise, this would turn into a multichapter fanfic I don't have time to write just now. 🤡)
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goldenkamuyhunting · 11 months
I wonder if you still will answer an ask / question. My ask is Do you personally think / feel there is some character that's like ended up a waste ( in term development ) or just.. didn't need to exist / continue into the next chapter at some point ? Like example, in your analysis Ogata should just died in vol 19 something like that I think.. I suddenly think like.. Vasily is a big waste or maybe he shouldn't continue to be Ogata's rival because I personally dont see it, sometimes i really think he's just like a fan service character ? Vasily went to take revenge on Ogata and go as for to Japan for that, that sound kinda romantic or something someone said that and i really dont see that ( I think Vasily fans gonna hate me ). I think Tsukishima & Koito prolly the same case at the end how they ended up breaking their loyalty to Tsurumi. I'm sorry if it's wrong the end of chapter kinda confuse me a lot.
Yes, I do still answer, even if sometimes I'm really slow about it.
Should I warn everyone that this isn't a Noda apprecciation post and that the back button in this case might be your best friend?
I hope people will be intuitive enough to figure it out on their own so without further ado let's dig into this.
Do I personally think / feel there is some character that's like ended up a waste ( in term development ) or just.. didn't need to exist / continue into the next chapter at some point ?
Oh yes. I feel quite a lot got wasted and this doesn't include just characters but also plot points actually.
Before someone will say something, I'll clear up a couple of things about what I mean.
First of all, this is my personal opinion. It's not The Truth. It's just how I feel.
Second, for me a story has to fit with Anton Chekhov's advice: If it's not essential, don't include it in the story. Especially, I'll add, if you want to write only 31 volumes and then you'll end up rushing things to fit everything in them.
So, let's start.
Let's cut from the story Sugimoto's feelings for Umeko which go nowhere and supposedly ended when Kikuta told him he should let Umeko go. He could be just in the story to help a friend's wife. After all that's why he's in the story in the anime, which completely cut Umeko's role and, anyway, it seems that's what Noda wanted since Sugimoto supposedly wanted to marry Umeko solely because Toraji told him so.
Q: Sugimoto’s main motivation to participate in the gold hunt was to heal Umeko, the girl who was his childhood friend and whom he loved. However, in the last chapter, he gives his share of the gold to Umeko’s son, since her eyes were already healed. Why did you do that?
Noda: If Umeko had not remarried and her eyes weren’t healed, the story would have needed a few more chapters, which, considering that it was post-climax, would have made it drag on needlessly.
The reason for that is Toraji told Sugimoto to get together with Umeko before dying, and he is not the kind of guy who could have ignored that and return to Hokkaido with Asirpa. [Noda’s interview for Yomiuri online paper]
Actually also let's cut her eye problems. Let's send Sugimoto to get money for Toraji's son, so he can go to school. If the whole thing with Umeko becomes a bother that needs to be solved offscreen without Sugimoto's intervention, let's just not include it.
The same goes for Ogata's feelings for his grandmother. We are told that Ogata didn't kill Tanigaki because he was a grandmother's boy and so he didn't want to murder Huci even though not killing Tanigaki causes him plenty of troubles and then... it turns out in an interview he probably poisoned his grandparents and they're no more discussed in the story.
Q17: Are Ogata’s grandparents still alive? If not, how did they die? Noda: They both disappeared before Ogata enlisted. There was half-eaten food left on the table. [Q&A section from the Golden Kamuy fanbook]
Honestly I would cut also Tanigaki's tragic backstory with his sister because... it goes nowhere in the end. He completely forgets he was meant to go back home and tell his father how his sister died, he actually goes back home because he has Inkarmat and Tsurumi is hunting him.
And since we're at it, let's cut the whole "Huci might die of worry for Asirpa", since Huci gets all better as soon as they hand her a baby.
Note that those plot points were all things I liked when I assumed they would go somewhere... instead they are just brushed off, forgotten or solved offscreen. They didn't really serve to the story, Ogata could have not killed Tanigaki because too many in the village saw him entering in Huci's house and might attack him if he were to shoot at her, and Tanigaki could have gone after Asirpa because she saved his life.
Then we've characters like Svetlana, who served zero purpose, Ogata and Vasily that were kept alive for no reason at all after Vol 19, the whole subplot with Central that went nowhere along with Wada's murder, since Tsurumi has the support of Yodogawa and could have gotten the weapons from him instead than doing it from behind Wada's back and then killing him.
To have Wilk include, among the tattooed convicts, a well known child murderer and who cares if that guy would go on murdering children once free (even though murdering children is generally considered one of the most disgusting crimes even by criminals) and his daughter is also a child, makes a huge disservice to Wilk as a supposedly good father.
Saving Tsurumi was unneeded, and the same goes for the whole Tsukishima-Koito-Tsurumi plot that goes nowhere.
Sofia shouldn't have known she had no part in Tsurumi's daughter's death if, afterward, she was meant to die thinking solely at how regretful she felt for it, and not at how her men died because she thought trying to fulfil Wilk and Kiro's dream was a good plan.
And since Jack the Ripper was clearly so poorly researched about, Noda could have just turned him into some Japanese mad slasher, no need to toss in the story another murderer who kills because he's a Christian with warped beliefs like Sekiya... and talking about warped belief and psychological problems already seen, we've Heita who has warped Ainu religion beliefs and hears voices like Edogai... okay, he's actually worse than Edogai but still close enough.
And what about the fake skins plot? Noda even forgot one of those fake skins at a certain point and solved the plot abruptly.
Ariko didn't need to 'die' to be resurrected short after and then STAY OUT OF THE STORY and not even help Asirpa, despite his father being the one who triggered the Ainu massacre falling for Tsurumi's manipulation. Not that the guy knows so this too was unneeded.
And actually the story would have probably benefitted by having Inkarmat die due to her wound and Ienaga be killed once she saved Sugimoto.
And should we dig into Tsukishima's tragic backstory which also go nowhere?
Or the rather terrible story of the raped white bear?
The extra story of the roasted little bird?
The whole "Wakayama was the one behind the skin in Barato" plot with annexed the whole "searching for the skins is useless" which gets forgotten with a shrug?
And let's not forget the whole Central plot that goes nowhere. Tsurumi knew already of the gold, Ogata got involved by Central for unclear reasons (why pick him?) and Kikuta got in the game too late and contributed too little all for Central to do basically nothing in the story.
And, since we're at it, the whole Noboribetsu thing was also handled poorly.
I guess I could add more but that's what came to my mind as of now. I fear it's already way too much...
Now, I've basically rushed up through everything and I realize this instead would need to be expanded to be more understandable, as some plot points/characters might seem of relevance... when actually could have been solved way more quickly and efficently... especially since at the end Noda rushed through the story because he wanted to end at vol 31.
If one has a set a specific volume for the ending he should do well his math and not add extra that merely dilute the story for no real purpose.
If it's not essential, don't include it in the story.
But whatever, if you or someone else now feels the need for clarifications of why some plot points/characters felt useless/didn't deserve to live that long, you can write me.
If you or someone else feel they actually were important, okay, that's your opinion, I'm not saying you've to change it, just don't try to change mine. I prefer not to argue about things I didn't like of GK, it makes happy no one and feels rather boring.
Sorry if this wasn't what you were hoping for and thank you for your ask!
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art-the-f-up · 9 months
If I came across as snippy or trying to start something, I apologize, I'm barely holding myself together right now. I just saw some of the comments people have made about the situation on your Palestine AU and got frustrated. I want to be sure people have the whole picture, but whenever I try, people shut me down without really listening and blocking me. A guy got my original account deleted for "hate speech" when I posted my story just because they didn't like what I said. That's why I'm staying anon.
The truth is, I have someone over there who's being held in the middle of it all. She went on a school trip a few months ago and was reported missing. My family panicked not knowing what happened, and then a few weeks later all hell broke loose with this war.
My family was furious with Israel, and jumped to the conclusion it was like Russia & Ukraine, but later found out they were trying to take out Hamas, who had taken her and some of her classmates hostage.
No one knows what it's like to have someone over there, and no one seems to try to understand or even care. In their minds, Israel is the big bully and Palestine is the sole victim, but things aren't that black and white. Hell, Israel negotiating for hostage releases is the only reason a couple of her classmates have come home.
Meanwhile, everyone online seems to keep preaching about how Palestine must be free and how they need to stop supporting this war while offering no real alternatives to stopping Hamas, even going so far as to say they are a bunch of freedom fighters who need the support. Sometimes the only options you have are bad ones... But you still have to choose...
I'm not saying what's happening to the innocent people in Palestine isn't a tragedy, or trying to just brush it off, but men who kill without reason cannot be reasoned with. I wouldn't wish this on anyone; knowing those monsters have her is a living hell, and not a day goes by that we don't hope and pray that they'll be stopped, just so my sister can come home.
Sorry for rambling, I just really needed that release. I've said my peace, I promise I won't bother you about it again.
Hey, I completely understand your situation. But we have to admit this is a sensitive topic for many. NOT forbidden, just sensitive. You can expect me to listen to what you have to say and even understand your perspective, but you won't find many people like that when it comes to this topic and that is just what the internet is like. Just because I am understanding you doesn't mean other people are, and they each have their own right to being exhausted with justifications of crimes on any side. If there's anything I've learned it's that pointing fingers in an argument is not going to get anyone anywhere. I am someone who has been trying to hear out both israelis and Palestinians because like anyone else, after oct 7 I wanted to get the whole picture, as you say.
But your entire discussion started with being biased instead of trying to show the whole situation. You started with saying "israel is not the bad guy" but also said "Hamas is a terrorist organization" and I want you to really look at the use of words if you want people to see the "entire picture". Otherwise you ARE going to get shut down. The entire point of starting an argument online is that you first have to claim you've tried to study the complexity thoroughly. Chalking it up to Hamas being a terrorist organization and justifying a genocide is not going to cut that.
I am completely against trying to shut down someone's grief no matter how big or small it is. Everything comes down to the fact that we are all human, we all have feelings and every life matters. I can only send my condolences to the family that's going through this first hand. First of all, if you are actually someone who has been so closely impacted by this, trying to show the 'bigger picture' on the other accounts instead of your own is ALREADY a pretty dangerous thing for you to do, let alone to the art account of a local tribal artist in the north of some little country.
Now I really want you to evaluate your situation. Your family is tensed, is grieving, they are beside themselves with worry. Just thinking about it makes me sad and I sincerely hope that everything safely gets resolved for you and hopefully everyone is safe. But can you seriously say that as soon as your family found out "oh, Israel is just trying to eradicate a terrorist organization by blowing up the very place where the hostages could potentially be" they were…. okay with it?
I understand what it's like. I understand and I care. I grew UP on the stories of people going missing, people being blown up, people getting martyred in Palestine. Trust me I understand what you are going through.
I will never try to justify what happened to civilians on oct 7. it is horrible. What happened on oct 7 and what has been happening in Palestine for years makes no one but the innocent suffer at the hands of evil powers. But you cannot, with all due respect, try to say you're showing a 'bigger picture' when you clearly failed to mention the entire history.
Everyone living in Israel knows they are, first and foremost, living in an apartheid state. It is not that difficult for anyone mature enough to see the situation around them and look up and research to come to that conclusion. And many Israelis have. And many have left. Because they knew what living being such a place will entail for them.
And keep in mind I am also NOT in support of trying to make any Israelis leave, who have documented proof of any of their ancestors being from that land and/or don't have second citizenship somewhere else in the world. I hold them to the same level of rights as I do Palestinians.
I don't need to get into overcomplicated finger-pointing and yelling. You can look up Israeli soldiers shooting their own hostages in Gaza despite them shouting in Hebrew and holding up white flags. And the army only apologized because they were identified as Israeli citizens. How does that differentiate the Israeli army from Hamas? I don't need to pull up multiple sources or proof provided by the Israelis themselves. They are already everywhere. What I've heard and what I've seen from October seven, I'm seeing more and more of it being done by the Israeli Army. So we need to be really careful trying to call one side a terrorist, because that will automatically mean calling the other side the same. Which is true. In terms of definitions, what's happening in Gaza is blatant terrorism.
If Palestine was an apartheid state, you would see me speaking out against them. If Palestine was a colonizer apartheid and the people stood up to fight back against a powerful army with resources far more than that of them, you would see me calling them freedom fighters, not terrorists. Because I did happen to read a little bit about the international laws. I do happen to be from a family with a history of armed freedom fighters.
So yes, I am incredibly sorry that this is impacting you mentally, I hope you and you family stays safe and united, but if the impact is making you say biased things, it's better to go offline, take a break from social media, and spend this time trying to pray for your family and spending time with them.
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Helluva Boss Theory: Blitz's Exes Are Equal To Blame For The Break-Ups...Part 2
[Note of August 2, 2024: This Has Been Edited after noticing some mistakes that I didn't catch right away...also once more don't reblog this without my permission...]
[Note: Don't Reblog this without my permission. and I also want to say that I still loved the episode in Helluva Boss that has to do with the Apology Tour, but I'm still gonna be on Blitz's side but also hope that the misunderstanding between him and Stolas does work out even if they might end up with different people for a while before they do finally end up together. also if your fans of Helluva Boss, make sure to have watched all the episodes of the current Seasons before reading this. ]
not sure I will make this very long, but let's start this part 2 off with talking about Dennis...even if at first I might not of notice, but if you pause at the right moment when Blitz sends him away at Bee's Party...you can see the hurt and upset look on Dennis's face...
which I don't get why he would need to be upset about, well besides being hurt that Blitz not liking his name, that I can understand...
but Dennis needs to understand, that Blitz was freaking smashed, aka he was drunk, and it could be possible that only some people can still be fully aware and drunk, and Blitz might not of been fully aware but at the same time only half-aware what he was doing.
and it was a good thing Loona saw them and stop Blitz and Dennis from making-out anymore than they were...
I'm guessing the Imp Guy that came after Dennis left, was the "Alejandro"...
Dennis doesn't even know Blitz, and they only just met at the party...same goes for any of the other people who were possibly at both that party at Bee's and even the party that has to do with hating Blitz, and half of the people at that party were perhaps only half of his Exes while the other half were just friends and dates of those Exes.
plus Dennis was making-out with a emotionally hurt Blitz, who was trying to fill the void by drinking and making-out with every guy and gal and possibly nonbinary person at Bee's Party.
Blitz might of seem okay on the outside, but he wasn't on the inside, and he only let out that really sad part out once he and Loona got home.
even if both Blitz and Verosika are on better terms now, and are possibly frienemies now, while Blitz and Fizz are 100% friends again.
it doesn't mean that Verosika 100% understands Blitz, or why he pushes others away before they could hurt him...
if Loona said "I love you, Dad." she would probably be the only one that Blitz doesn't push away, because he does love her, which is a different kind of love from the ones that were like Fizz, Verosika and Stolas...
we do know it could be possible, that it isn't just Fizz, Ozzie and Verosika's fault for Blitz over doing it at Bee's Party and drinking so much as well as making-out with strangers who were possibly at that Anti-Blitzo party, and didn't understand they were making-out with someone who had his heart hurt at Ozze's.
both sides are equal to blame for the break-ups, but I don't think some of the people at that Anti-Blitzo Party, were even dating him.
and half of them were possibly just some people who got into their head that it was more than just a one-night/day make-out and there was more there, just like Dennis did...
Dennis wasn't even drunk, and he was making-out with a Drunk Blitz...
Stolas was possibly only a little drunk but also really sad as well, at least he met up with "Pretty Boy Who Thinks He's Better Than Blitzo."...(but he's not...)
both parties of course had alcohol, well possibly only the Hell version of alcohol, cause it could be likely that they wouldn't get drunk from the stuff that can effect humans.
it's good that Blitz wants to do better, and not hurt anymore people.
but he isn't the only one who hurt someone, because those people had possibly took advantage of the state he was in at Bee's Party, and Bee as well as Vortex probably couldn't tell how bad it was for him, even if Bee could tell from picking up on Blitz's feelings that he wasn't 100% okay but she didn't get too deep into what could be causing it, possibly to respect his privacy on what could be causing him to drink and make-out his feelings away.
Bee might of not known that Blitz got a bit too drunk at the party, and didn't know he was only half-aware of the people he was making-out with...and those people, even if it was only half of them and not all of them...were technically taking advantage of him.
it is possible when that Incubus Pretty Boy did end up speaking with Stolas, the said Prince ended up sobering up some and possibly became more aware when they danced together.
I still think that Blitz's Exes, and even ones who weren't really Exes like Dennis...are scapegoating Blitz, not everyone has to agree with me on that but it's pretty obvious that Blitz ain't the only one to blame.
for all we know, Blitz could end up in a Poly Relationship with Stolas and Verosika, like even if it might take some time for Stolas and Blitz to get back together and become more than they were before...
and well if Verosika is added in, it be like she is Blitz's Girlfriend, but is Stolas's Platonic-Girlfriend aka Girl-Buddy, and he would be Verosika's Platonic-Boyfriend aka Boy-Buddy and they are both the Boyfriend and Girlfriend of Blitz...
if Fizz was real, he would be the Perfect Platonic-Boyfriend aka Boy-Buddy I play video games with. XD
I mean yeah still have a small crush on him, but I think some of my feelings for him is also platonic as well, so I wouldn't mind being the Platonic-Girlfriend aka Girl-Buddy if he were real, and I'm still Gray-Aroace/Fictoromantic...
well the likely hood of Verosika and Blitz ending up back together might be very small, plus we all know she might end up with Wally.
Cherri is technically Angel's Platonic-Girlfriend, he does call her his Girl-Buddy...plus the whole "Platonic-Girlfriend/Boyfriend" would be way different than the other type which is still just called Boyfriend or Girlfriend...even if you could have your own romantic moments with your boyfriend and girlfriend that doesn't have to follow what some do that is viewed as normal...
and well you don't have to follow the same romantic way others do, you can just play video games together, watch a movie or even eat cake or pizza together, like it being a mix of platonic but still romantic.
Blitz's Dad, Cash Buckzo...is probably and possibly most obvious reason why Blitz has a hard time trusting others with his heart in a romantic level...(possibly being the reason why Blitz was scared of being rejected by Fizz)
Cash likely lied to Fizz, saying that Blitz was jealous of him when really he wasn't and Blitz had feelings for Fizz but was too scared to come out and tell him.
we don't know much about Blitz's Mother, or if she knew how Cash was treating Blitz...we just have to wait and see.
I do like the idea of viewing the Pilot-Tilla still being Blitz and Barbie's sister and being fully separate from Blitz's Mother.
we don't know if Blitz's Mother will still be called Tilla or not though.
even if Blitz might fully blame himself for what happen to Fizz, even if it was a accident. he wasn't the only one to blame.
plus I wouldn't be surprised if those fireworks that took part in both Fizz and Blitz getting hurt, was fireworks that belong to Barbie.
we only know so little about Blitz's past, but we might learn more later on.
Blitz did try to make his night with Stolas special, as he did put a lot of thought into it...but even that episode had some misunderstandings between those two, but we can only hope it does get better for both of them.
while I still like Stolas, but he needs to understand what he, Verosika, Fizz and Ozzie put Blitz through...
I mean Blitz has possibly forgave Fizz and Asmodeus on what happen at Ozzie's, and I guess after talking with Verosika, he did forgive her for that time at Ozzie's as well...
but Stolas, well that is another matter...
even if Stolas didn't mean for it to be misinterpret that way, he did make Blitz feel like he was ashamed to be with a Imp like him at a place like Ozzie's...
well if I was in Blitz's shoes, I would probably be hurt too...
I mean I'm a "purple blood" not fully "blue blood" I mean yeah I do have some royal ancestors, and well one of my ancestors are King David and King Solomon...
but if I did have a boyfriend that was fully royal and was brought up in some fancy mansion or castle or palace...and if we did go on a date to some fancy place, and he was teased about dating a "commoner" who unknown to the rest of the people in the fancy restaurant...actually has royal blood type heritage ( but not all my ancestors are royals, which I think it good. )
but if he hide his face with the menu like Stolas did, of course I'm going to assume he is ashamed to be with me...
Blitz possibly wanted to forget everything that happen at Ozzie's even how he misunderstood on the reasons why Stolas's was hiding his face with the menu.
and even if Stolas had no idea Blitz was also being held hostage by Crimson, and not just Fizz...he might not find out about that information until later on...even if Stolas still believed that Blitz and Striker were friends, but Stolas needs to face the fact that he isn't the only one that was a part of Blitz's life.
Loona is Blitz's daughter, and her well being had to come first, and Blitz had to make a choice between going to save Stolas himself or being there for his daughter, and the best choice he made was Loona.
and he did end up trusting Millie and Moxxie to go and save Stolas.
if Loona and Octavia did get closer, it could be possible they would form a bond like sisters and both come to understand that their Dads are only hurting each other by their misunderstandings and miscommunications with each other.
Blitz craving and rejecting love, might come from something that has to do with partly hating himself and believing he is unworthy of romantic love from any romantic-partner, and he wishes he had what Moxxie and Millie have.
it can also be possible that before Blitz and Stolas's affair, Blitz did have a Royal Ex who ended up hurting him pretty badly and made him believe that no royal could ever love a Imp romantically.
Stella's brother is a possible candidate...
okay now that I realize it, Stella's Brother Andrealphus does kind of sound like Pilot-Stolas...I think I should check the names of the voice actors for both Andrealphus and Original Stolas...
I'm not 100% sure if my theory about Blitz being the son of The King of Wrath himself will end up being canon, which would make Blitz a whole lot of a higher rank than Stolas, Andrealphus and Stella...
but it can still work in the fanon, even if it turns out not to be canon.
my new OTP is Cozy Glow x Button Mash from MLPFIM, the ship isn't canon and they might never meet but I don't care, I ship it.
sometime I will post a drawing that has to do with those two being ship together, but since it's also a Crossover drawing, it isn't 100% finished yet...I might finish it later though.
their ship name is "ButtonGlow" and even if the color of Button's mane, coat and eyes had changed later on in the future seasons, I decided to do the original colors.
also some things, are called "fanon" for a reason...which I ain't gonna get into right now when it involves something I found out about Button Mash...
I think it could be possible that the ship name of those two already is a thing, if some fans have already been shipping them...
in a Crossover Timeline in the Fanon Universe, Blitzo would likely try to adopt Cozy Glow...come on, you know he would if he got the chance...
just picture the look on Loona's face if Blitz came home with a talking filly with wings and Blitz calls the said pony "Loona's new baby sister"...
maybe the reason why Blitzo loved horse so much, is because they were the only ones who gave him love and attention while growing up in the circus, while his good for nothing Dad, Cash gave all his love and attention to Fizz as well as possibly Barbie...
we don't know what Blitz's Mom was like or if she even gave her son enough love and attention growing up, but we can make only guesses that it might of not of been enough or she may have pulled a Lilith and abandoned her kids to run off and away from the circus life, without thinking about taking her son, daughter and even Fizz with her.
even if Blitz loves his Mom very much, we don't know much about them, we can only make theories and wait until she makes a full appearance and see what she is like.
Blitz did mention before that he sees a therapist, so it could be possible he still sees them and talks with them about his feelings but probably doesn't get too deep into the really dark and traumatic type feelings, maybe only talking only about the small bits of bad stuff that went on in his life.
I wonder if the whole therapist will be brought up again, or if we will end up seeing Blitz at therapy and talking with his therapist.
Stolas and Blitz might not get back together right away, and they don't have to...there is no rush, they need time.
wonder if "Mr. Better Than Blitzo", is working for Stella...or her brother.
I wouldn't put it pass those two to find some guy to make Stolas forget Blitz...who might actually end up falling for Stolas, even if he was possibly paid by Stella and Andrealphus.
Blitz does have people that love him, even if Moxxie might try to deny it...but he does have Millie, Moxxie, Loona and Fizz.
we might not know the full story with Blitz, but we are learning as time goes on, we will learn a bit more when it is time.
and Blitz isn't 100% at fault for those Exes, with only half of them being Exes and the other half being just those that made-out with someone that was drinking too much of that Beezle-Juice stuff...
so technically even if Blitz did make-out with them, he did so in a not so great mindset, and we can assume that those who did make-out with him at Bee's Party and ended up at that Anti-Blitzo Party, weren't Exes and were in fact NOT drunk when they were making-out with a drunk Blitzo...
so half of the people at that Anti-Blitzo Party, like Dennis don't deserve 100% pity...maybe a 94% pity, but not any lower or higher than that...
but it wouldn't be a surprise if Verosika was the only True Ex-Girlfriend at that Anti-Blitzo Party, and Stolas not really being a Boyfriend, but could be in the future...
it could be possible that NONE of the other people at the Anti-Blitzo Party, were even his Ex-Boyfriends, Girlfriends or Partners...
like half of them could of been from Bee's Party, and while some were just one-night stands who misinterpret that they and Blitz were more than just a one-night stand...
Dennis being just like those one-night stands, well maybe only partly...even if both he and Blitz only kissed each other...
but Dennis wasn't even drunk when kissing Blitz, we don't know how drunk Blitz was, but it could of got a lot worse if Loona didn't listen to Bee and Vortex about what was going on with him and if she didn't go and check on him...
even Loona knew what was happening was wrong, even if Dennis seems like sweet and adorkable guy, he was kissing a emotionally hurt guy who got his own feelings hurt at Ozzie's and the one who hurt him the most, might of been Stolas.
Blitz does deserve to be loved, some fans do know this...
and some fans may already know that he isn't fully at fault and there is a reason he pushes others away when they get too close, like with Verosika...
Stolas will need to come to terms that it isn't always about him and Blitz, and there might be a reason why Blitz didn't return his text when he was in the hospital while recovering from what happen.
Loona is a part of Blitz's life, just as Octavia is a part of Stolas's.
Blitz and Loona are there for each other, even if they might not have a 100% perfect father-daughter relationship at times, it does seem to be good between them.
Blitz and Stolas might become more, like become boyfriends in the future, but they need time...and if that means Stolas dating someone else for right now, then I guess that is how it needs to be until those two get back together.
I do wonder if Bee and Vortex, might end up breaking-up over the whole Bee finding out about the whole Anti-Blitzo Party, and half of the people at that party were the same ones who were making-out with Blitz who was giving off bad energy vibes at Bee's Party...
even if Loona still has a small crush on Vortex, even she might feel that crossed a line and would be on both her Dad and Bee's side.
I'm not sure if Bee will ever find out about that party, but I don't think she would be cool with it...there might be a reason why Bee might not be picking up on Loona's energy, or if she did, maybe she ignores it or Loona hides it very well...
but if Bee can't fully like at all pick up on Loona's energy, it might be because she really isn't able to, maybe because of reasons we don't fully know...but if I remember right, Bee did mention about Loona being "sour" so maybe she can still pick up a little from her feelings.
Verosika likely pulled the same thing that Stolas did, but the difference being that her and Blitz were dating and were boyfriend and girlfriend, but she likely made Blitz feel like well, the same way Stolas made him feel...that he needed to "please" his partners for them to stay with him...
and from the words that Verosika used at Ozzie's, there is probably more to the story than just what she told in that little song of hers. like possibly Blitz waking up to the truth that how things were between them weren't okay, and she might never truly love him, and if she did use the "L" word with him, like told him that she loved him...
he likely thought it was a big lie...but at least things between them have gotten a bit better and they might end up being friends.
it can be hard for some people to trust others fully with their hearts in a romantic way, and we only know only half of Blitz's story, but we will learn more later on...
but the heartbreak he caused he does feel remorse for, he wants to try to do better and not do that again. but he got his own heartbreak as well, and it is possible that Blitz may have realized at that Anti-Blitzo Party, that he is in fact in love with Stolas, like maybe he only partly realized it but hasn't fully done so...
I'm not going to view Dennis or even that Alejandro guy that Loona punched in the face, as victims...because of obvious reasons.
and I'm not going to view Stolas as 100% a victim either...
Stolas is the one that called Blitzo (when he, Millie and Moxxie were on a mission), and made the arrangement that had to do with their deal that happens once on a full moon.
he was the one that made it seem all about the "snu-snu", and yeah Blitz wasn't originally going to sleep with Stolas, but technically he did accidentally guilt trip Blitz who could of ignored him and just left with the book...but he didn't, he ended up staying far longer than he was suppose to.
and let's not forget the whole Loo-Loo Land events, even if it was suppose to be just a day with Stolas and Octavia, it was probably and partly a excuse to be around Blitz and flirt with him...and Stolas might of not even fully realized it.
even if Stolas did the right thing in the end, and went after Octavia and comfort her and even agreeing to leave Loo-Loo Land...
Blitz isn't the only one who needs to work on himself, and become better...
Stolas needs to do the same, and we can only hope that both he and Blitz try to talk it more out even if it might be a while.
we don't know the full story on all of Blitz's Exes, and some of those so called "Exes" are probably not really Exes, since half of them were probably at Bee's Party over at the Gluttony Ring, and were probably not even drunk at all when they were kissing a vulnerable Blitz.
still not going to feel fully sorry for Dennis or that Alejandro guy...
Blitz was probably not even half-drunk but was probably close to being fully drunk when he was making-out with Dennis and half the people at the party, and that guy who knew Blitz and is possibly the adoptive father of that hellhound that was flirting with Loona.
he didn't really do anything to stop or protect Blitz when he was making out with almost everyone at that party...he just watched.
Loona had to go and find as well as witness what was going on between Blitz and Dennis, to see that what was happening was NOT okay, and what Dennis and what that Alejandro Imp was doing or tried to do with Blitz, was NOT okay, not in the state Blitz was in...
she did the right thing in stopping what was going on between her Dad and Dennis.
Blitz might be use to being blamed and showed fake-love by his father and even his possible Royal Ex-Boyfriend that was before Stolas.
the word "love" used in a romantic way, likely holds some form of trigger of trauma for Blitz, which likely shows at Ozzie when Moxxie starts his song for Millie.
Blitz may have no problem saying he loves his daughter, and would protect her from danger and making sure she goes to Sloth to see a Doctor...but he might be fragile when it comes to certain loves, like he is fine admiring the love between Millie and Moxxie, but when it comes to his own love life, it is a different story all together.
Barbie hating Blitz, might have a reason that we might not learn right away but could in a future episode...but in theory, it could be possible she was responsible for the fireworks that ended up causing Fizz not to leave that circus tent on time, and causing both Fizz and Blitz to get hurt...so yeah Blitz and that other Imp may have started the fire by accident, that ended up hurting both Blitz and Fizz, with Fizz taking the most damage physically and emotionally.
but Barbie might be even more link to it, but she keeps it a secret...and possibly doesn't view herself as being partly to blame for what happen.
she was likely going to use those fireworks, and maybe she was going to sell them to make some money, but she place them in a spot where Fizz would end up becoming too close to during the fire, and causing them to go off and ended up causing harm to him.
Fizz wouldn't of got so badly hurt and would of made it out on time, if it weren't for those fireworks, that I believe Barbie had played a part in...which might be hinted if we think about her first physical appearance and the whole firework incident with Jimmy.
one of the reasons why Barbie is so mad at Blitz, might have to do with the fireworks, because they went off too early and she was going to sell them behind her family and the rest of the circus's back.
Blitz ends up taking the full blame for what Barbie did to Fizz, even if Blitz is still at fault for the fire, well partly, while the other one is Wally...well the Imp that might possibly be Wally...
the one who might be fully responsible for Fizz getting hurt, when he could of made it out unhurt, could be Barbie's fault.
and the episode where she fully appears in, might hint to this, I'm not 100% sure if I'm right or not, but those fireworks in that episode and the ones in the flashback that shows how Fizz got hurt...
might actually hint that it was Barbie's fault that Fizz didn't make it out on time and is the reason he got so badly hurt...
and even if Blitz does still love Barbie, those feelings might change once he learns the truth, that he is only half to blame for what happen to Fizz, and he wouldn't of gotten so badly hurt if it wasn't for Barbie carelessly placing fireworks in a place where Fizz could accidentally cause them to go off when he was trying to escape the fire.
so it would mean that both Blitz and Fizz got hurt because of Barbie, and if that is true then maybe it will be revealed in the future.
Blitz might end up getting really mad at Barbie for making him feel like he was the only one who hurt Fizz during that time, when really, he wouldn't of gotten hurt and would of escape unharmed if it weren't for her.
and he has every right to be mad at her, if the theory is true, both himself and Fizz wouldn't of ended up getting hurt if it wasn't for her recklessness with the fireworks.
and it isn't like Cash did anything to stop her or keep a better eye on her to make sure she didn't place those fireworks where others could end up being hurt by them...I didn't think about the link between the fireworks in that episode where Barbie appeared in before and the fireworks that appear in the flashback that played a part in Fizz getting hurt...
but it just makes sense to me now, and probably to other fans when you think about it, even if not all fans have to agree about it.
but it might really be hinted that Barbie was responsible for Fizz getting hurt so badly, which wouldn't of happen if she didn't place fireworks in a spot where Fizz was trying to escape.
the fireworks thing, might be only half the reason Barbie never wanted to see Blitz again, and even if we do find that out later on, I'm still going to view that she was the reason Fizz and Blitz got hurt by those fireworks...
Blitz didn't just get heartbreak romantically, but also in the platonic way as well.
he should try not to worry about romance or even Stolas or his possible new boyfriend right now, he should just be around those who love him and will be there to comfort him, like Fizz, Loona, Moxxie and Millie.
he just needs time to heal and he needs to fully realize that he isn't the only one at fault for what happen between himself and his Exes, with only half of them actually being Exes and the others being like Dennis and Alejandro...those two weren't even Blitz's Boyfriends or even Ex-Boyfriends...so I'm not going to fully feel sorry for Dennis, who was kissing a emotionally hurt and vulnerable Blitz...
even if those Exes and those who aren't truly Exes at all, might think they are fully the victims of Blitz, they aren't...and I'm not going to feel sorry for all of them, not the ones who don't deserve it and use Blitz as the scapegoat for how things ended between them and him.
half of them took kissing advantage of him obviously, I mean he was drunk, and probably not like only a little drunk or half-drunk, but he was possibly fully drunk and those who were kissing him, weren't drunk at all...so Dennis has no room to talk about he is the full victim of getting his heart broken by Blitz.
I guess I didn't really think about it before until now, but if it is true then Blitz might really be the victim who was in a very vulnerable state.
and the people at Bee's Party, had ignored it and the reason why Blitz was drinking those feelings away as well as making-out with strangers, is because of what happen at Ozzie's and what those at Ozzie's made him feel, and Stolas being part of the reason why Blitz felt so bad and felt the need to drink and kiss strangers, even if it was his drunk self that ended up doing so...it was being led by pure sadness, as he felt the need to try to drown his sorrows and forget how much it hurts.
Blitzo, Angel and Adam might have a bit in common, all three of them try to escape through both food, drinks and you know what Angel uses...
Adam likely ate his feelings away, which he wouldn't of been the first...I mean before I lost so much weight because of that depression I had in 2015, where I didn't eat very much and well I know it was either 2016 or 2017 when I ended up getting that second depression, which I really didn't need...but it could be possible that Adam may have had depression, but hides it through well how he talks and treats others that aren't close to him.
still gonna view him as a bit of a Tsundere.
it might be just me that is going to view him as a Tsundere...
is it weird I like him a bit more than Lilith...?
I mean I already suspect that she isn't as great as Charlie makes her out to be, and there could be more to the story that had tells of the past between Lucifer, Lilith, Adam and Eve then we know...
I don't really fully respect or view Gran-Gran Lilith from our universe as a full victim anymore, not after realizing she could of stop her and Adam's eldest children from being hurt by those Three Angels...
and there is that whole realizing she was pregnant when she left Adam when they had that fight, and she didn't give birth to demons but humans who were both her and Adam's children, and at some point in the future when one of Adam and Lilith's surviving daughters grew older and became a woman, she likely met and fell in love with Cain and their descendant met and fell in love with a descendant of Seth's...
and I guess I don't mind much of Gran-Gran Lilith's Counterparts, and yeah being possibly both her and Eve's Descendant Granddaughter, and being part of a "Evalith Bloodline"...still not going to fully respect her, or even Eve...maybe Eve gets a bit of a better respect but not anything past a 98 or 99%, for some good reasons...but even Eve messed up by not trying to help Cain before things got out of hand, and both Eve and Adam share the blame for that, and not stopping Abel from getting a ego and thinking what he was doing was "okay" and ended up not doing anything when Grandpa Cain was going to go through a very dangerous breaking point...
I'm still going to view that both Cain and Abel were at fault and they were both victims.
Blitz is both at fault and a victim as well, and even he can ended up reaching a very dangerous breaking point...
I don't know what else to say about my thoughts about how both he and his Exes and those who aren't even Exes like Dennis...
but there could be a lot to the story of why Blitz is the way he is, and we can only make out bits and pieces and can only make some guesses and come up with theories as to why the whole "love" thing is a very sensitive thing for him.
those people, like Dennis and even Stolas, they would need to work on themselves and become better too, not just Blitzo.
because Blitz isn't the only one who is at fault, he might share part of the blame but he is also a victim, and he might feel bad for hurting those that appeared at that Anti-Blitzo Party, but it could be possible that only half of them do deserve to be felt sorry for, while others like Dennis, do not...even if they might seem like it, but really they might not deserve to be felt sorry for or any form of pity at all.
and whether Verosika openly admits it fully or not, she might of taken the first few steps into admitting that she had hurt Blitz just as much as he hurt her...and they might still take baby steps in having things get more better between them...but it doesn't mean it will be same for all of Blitz's Exes or even those like Dennis...
and who knows, maybe Striker will become a "Good Guy" and end up helping Blitz and Stolas, maybe...
and yeah, I'm going to agree with others on the possibility that Striker could be Ace, but we wont fully know for sure or the type of Ace he is.
it's a big umbrella...and there are some Aces that do have "snu-snu" with their respective romantic partners, and most people would learn this from looking it up and learning those facts...
and I haven't really flux in well, maybe since either 2021 or 2022...
it might be because the times when I did feel that certain way before, it was because it wasn't truly my own half the time, and it was because I was picking up on the Toxic-Lust energy of others who were in a different room from me...you can still have the V-Card and still pick up those energies...
I keep my gem bracelets on a lot for a reason, a few multi-purposes reasons...of course I have to use dream-catchers as well, because it turns out it isn't just the Incubus that scared me awake before that I have to worry about...I still think what scared me awake before, was a Incubus...and that happen way before those three close calls where I figured out I was dream-walking and was being lured by Toxic-Lust energy...I can maybe talk a bit more about it another time, and well it was just three close calls and lucky nothing happen, but it was only the two out of the close calls that were really scary for me.
so yeah even before starting to protect myself from certain energies and even protecting myself from another Incubus surprise, even if I didn't see the Incubus...but I know it was possibly one, cause the dang jerk scared me awake...I think I may have still been vulnerable...which is why the dream-catchers were needed.
to stop those dream-walking from happening, to stop that Toxic-Lust energy from getting through...if I'm going to "Dream-Walk" I rather it be to universes that are normally 100% fictional in this reality.
I'm not 100% sure if the whole dream-catchers thing will work for everyone, like for those who are Ace or not Ace at all who might of figured out they might be a type of Empath but weren't fully aware of it before but had figure it out later that the reason they ended up feeling that certain way at times, wasn't truly their own but was the energy they were picking up and it was mixing with their natural energies...
it could be possible some "Toxic-Lust energies" might of prevented me from figuring out I may have always been Ace, I'm not fully sure...
but I rather not go through that again really, it was maybe a bit of a nightmare...I mean those three close calls I had before were nightmares as well...
but it didn't really feel good at all...like when it became too much, like even if ya could try to ignore it and try to just sleep it off or maybe take your mind off with a movie or show or playing a video game or maybe read a book...I did hate it, I didn't like how it was starting to feel and it might of been before I started to use even more gem bracelets and well...I rather not go through the thing I'm not going to say again...because yeah, as embarrassing as it is...I had felt that way before, but I now know half of the time it wasn't fully mine, but the energies I was picking up in real life...and it might be part of the reason why I fell for the wrong guys, maybe both in real life and online...of course the guys I knew in real life and had crushes on had no interest in me or my feelings, and one of them was possibly the reason I had ended up over doing it before with the eating and ended up well...a bit overweight before, but like I said before I had lost a lot of weight when that depression happen in 2015...
and while I do snack at times, I think I do a bit better to not over do it now...at least I think I do...
I have no interest in trying to pursue any romantic partnerships currently, and while I still want to call dibs on Mammon's sorry excuse of a Apple Sugar Spice, because he needs to stop being a Apple Sugar Spice Honey Of Liquid Egg and stop amplifying humans own greed...but my wanting to call dibs on him, is not like the whole Millie saying that Moxxie's Apple Sugar Spice belongs to her...
but if I was allowed to and was able to, I would still want to slap Mammon...and I'm of course talking about the one from our universe...he freaking knows why probably why I want to slap him...and well my wanting to slap him, and calling dibs on him, is way different from my bad luck with the guys I had feelings for before, but it probably wasn't even 100% in love, probably like that crush that only feels like your "in love" when really your not...
Blitz might be right to be suspicious of the Mammon from the same universe as him though...but if the Mammon from Helluva Boss and the one from this universe were one in the same, I'm still calling dibs on his Apple Sugar Spice, because if it were possible and if I was allowed to and if it weren't just thoughts and feelings that might never happen...I would slap him...
once again, thinking and feeling like doing it, doesn't really mean you will...but I might still have the thoughts of wanting to slap him one...
anyway, I think that I can only go on with very little about Blitz and his Exes, and even those who aren't really Exes but are like Dennis.
and even if it wasn't really plan, maybe I will make a part 3 of this...
or maybe not, we will have to wait and see...
we might learn more about Blitz's past later on, and even if some people might of not liked that Apology Tour episode, I and others did enjoy it...even if it did have it's sad moments, but the episode was still good and had some interesting surprises, like with Mayberry and Martha...
anyway in a little bit, I will post another drawing up...and sorry if this theory isn't perfect, but I think I can only get so much ideas about well the whole Exes and Blitz thing, but I do believe that both sides are at fault, and Blitz needs to fully realize that he isn't the only "bad person" in what happen between him and his Exes...
maybe the sooner he realizes he isn't as terrible as others make him out to believe, like by both his Dad, Sister and half of his Exes...
maybe the better his heart and love for himself, can heal.
so long as he doesn't meet another guy like that Dennis, who I'm not going to view as being a true Ex or a full victim...maybe only a small bit of a victim because of his feelings were hurt, but he was kissing a emotional vulnerable Blitz...who was drunk, and I'm pretty sure Dennis was sober, so yeah...still not going to be fully on Dennis's side.
or even on the side of that Alejandro that Loona punched in the face, that guy deserved that punch...
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