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very-gay-poet · 2 days ago
Scapegoats are a person or a group of people that are blamed for anything bad happening in a space (a country, state, town, family, etc).
In between the first and second World War, Germany had a terrible economy, so bad that parents regularly gave their children stacks of money to play with instead of toys. Soon, Jews were to blame for the economic crisis, with the help of Hitlers campaign. He pointed out a demographic for people to blame so they don’t start blaming the government.
I also want to highlight that in 2023 alone, there were almost 10,000 reports of antisemitic incidents in the US, comparing that to just the year before, 2022, with around 3,700 reports from the US, and under 2000 reports in 2008. Over the course of just a year, the oppresion of jewish people had risen at over 100% in just a year. Antisemitism beliefs are rising again, Jewish people are being met with hostility again, and it’ll just keep on getting worse if we do nothing about it. Especially with Elon Musk's little “stim” at Trump's inauguration. I’m no conspiracy theorist but It feels like him doing the Nazi Salute, Trump signing an executive order to make it legal to discriminate against people and canceling all D.E.I programs (also mentioning that the KKK were spotted recruiting people in Kentucky) seems to be a whistle to Neo-Nazis to let them know that they’ll get away with whatever they do, and give them the confidence to be more bold than they already are.
I don’t believe that this is a coincidence, and, I really hope I’m wrong here, I don’t believe that these people (Trump, Elon) are above antisemitism, saying it’s for not promoting christian values or something stupid like that. I’ll be getting into weaponizing religion later, but I feel that this is important to mention, considering that the stats mentioned above were of 2023, God knows what that number was in 2024 and I don’t think we’ll be getting the true number anytime soon. This is all my personal speculation so take this with a bit of salt, but I find it concerning with how we’re all calling the right and Elon Nazis and Trump a Hitler reincarnate (which is justified don't get me wrong), but aren’t mentioning all the antisemitism as a result of the rise this type of bigotry. Jews were the main target of the Nazi party, don’t forget that.
So the next time you hear that the reason why people can’t get a house is because immigrants are taking them, the Chinese made COVID 19, minorities are taking jobs away because they tick a diversity box, remember who's truly to blame. The Chinese didn’t kill all the people who died during COVID, your government did, because they didn’t take COVID seriously as they should’ve, saw the consequences, and don’t want the responsibility that comes with it. They base it on preexisting stigma to magnify it, many Asian people in America were treated with more hostility than ever during COVID, because the American Government needed someone to blame, and what better than a group that aren’t white and are "commies".
It’s acceptable discrimination so that no one will turn an eye on what the government really wants to do; be discriminatory. They base it on their own prejudice so they can get away with bills and laws further normalizing the prejudice in the country, and thus get away with it. We’re already starting to see this now, with the plane crash; Trump blaming diversity and “the right people not being hired”, is the perfect cover story to take away rights of minority workers, and publish it as acceptable discrimination. Remember, not being hired because of your race (including skin colour) , religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, national origin, age, or disability, is illegal, unless they have an agenda to push and have an excuse to make it “the right thing to do”.
If you find yourself feeling hatred for a certain group– ask yourself: will anyone benefit from this anger? The answer is always no. No one benefits from prejudice or discrimination. No one, except the rich pigs at the top. America is already turning into a plutocracy and it hasn’t even been a year yet, so remember: if you’re not already a billionaire, you’re never gonna be a billionaire, so don’t act like you ever will. Division is their favorite game, don’t let them win it.
this is a snipit from an essay I'm writing that's taking longer than I thought it would. So now I'm going to post some snipits of it in hopes that it can help people.
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unsolicited-opinions · 23 days ago
If you want to better understand leftist antisemitism in the West, watch this:
If I'm understanding this correctly, the Western Left feels guilty about what it is and in order to relieve that guilt, it has decided that Jews are the authors and originators of all Western values and failings...and it needs to demonize/punish Jews in order to relieve its guilty feelings and self-loathing, making the Jews a collective scapegoat for the failings of the West.
Right wing Jews don't think or say that Jews are the sole authors and originators of the values and failings of the West, right?
Prominent Jewish right winger Dennis Prager:
Okay, but right wing antisemites don't believe this, right?
It turns out that right wing antisemites are fond of quoting Prager:
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year ago
How triangulation works
Triangulation is a form of abuse, often associated with narcissistic abusers, which works in a way that gets the abuser what they want, by involving other people into the relationship. It will usually happen when you and the abuser are in some kind of conflict, and want different things; the abuser tells you what they want you to do, and you know you don't want this, so you say no, and stand your ground.
When the abuser realizes they can't persuade you, threaten you, force or pressure you into doing what they want, they go a roundabout way about it, by convincing other people to go and pressure you instead. Now how does that look like?
It can go multiple ways, they can come and cry to other people about how incredibly cruel, insensitive and selfish you are, not wanting to do this one thing to them, and how it's killing them, and ruining yours and everyone else's life. They'll often sprinkle in some lies about you, make you look cruel and twisted. They can come to your siblings, friends, relatives, family, and tell them something along the lines 'I know it's only right for them to do x, but they won't listen to me. However, they really value your opinion, and they might listen to you, please tell them to do x, it would be better for everyone.' This will make the person feel important and happy to be valued both by the abuser and you and to be given this important task of changing your mind, they'll become willing to do it. Or, if they go the crying and complaining route, the person will become annoyed that they're being vented on feel like it's your fault they're now having to deal with this. The abuser might also add imagined disasters and catastrophes that might happen, if you do as you want, and not follow their idea of how things should go.
This person, having been manipulated into thinking they're doing something good, will go and try to tell you that you're wrong for wanting to do what you want, sometimes they'll accuse you of being selfish, yell at you, defend the abuser's idea, pressure you, accuse you of being responsible for abuser's "upset" by acting this way, and will wholeheartedly try to convince you that following your own free will is a horrible, disastrous idea.
And for you, this now means you have to consider, and reconsider over and over again, if you have the right to make your own call, because now everyone in your life seems to be on the abuser's side, and insisting that what you want is stupid, selfish, inconsiderate, hurtful, wrong, potentially disastrous. This, of course, is not true, but the abusers want you in that spot, where everyone you know is against you and on their side, convincing you to just do as you're told, or else. This can sometimes create intense pressure and feeling like you're all alone in the world, like nobody cares about you, and that any decision you make will be beaten down by everyone involved. It can also make you pull down your own choices after having to consider over and over if it's possible that this choice could be selfish or in any way hurtful, and this is not how people normally make calls, it's something you do under intense pressure and scrutiny, which is there only because the abuser wanted it.
These choices can be anything from where you go to school, work, where you live, how you dress, who you date, what you buy, how to respond to others, what you do, how you act. Often they'll be about whether you give the abuser what they want from you, and whether you agree to talk to them or not. The biggest triangulations I've experienced in my life were done when I've refused to talk to the abusers, then they felt it was necessary to lie and manipulate every person I knew to pressure me into extending contact  - and all of those people have been lied to, and have been brought to a heavy emotional state in order to do a crazy thing like telling someone what to do. Normally people don't do such things, they understand it's not their place to dictate someone's personal decisions, not their call to make in somebody's life.
This is partly what makes the abusers so dangerous, not only they're willing  to cross that line themselves, but they're capable of making others cross it too, making their every whim seeming like a life emergency where all rules of freedom and privacy are null. This also puts you in a position where you're forced to doubt yourself, your every decision, and even your senses, to figure out if you could possibly be right, when everyone you know is telling you that you're wrong. They want you to be in that desperate mindset, doubting your own senses, memories, decisions. It's almost like a form of gaslighting, that everyone participates in.
Your choice is, of course, never wrong. You always have the freedom to make your own decisions, even if the entire world decides to attack you for it and to tell you that you're wrong. The entire shitshow is happening only because the abuser thinks what they want is more important than your free life and your quality of life, and they're willing to lie and push people into doing their bidding, just to bypass your free will. You don't have to doubt any of these decisions, because any choice you make is right, as long as you're the one who made it.
Being trapped in that space where it feels like everyone is against you, and on the abuser's side can be extremely isolating, painful and emotionally heavy. It can put you in a state where you feel abandoned and like you're wrong and evil for every decision you try to make. However, this isn't true, all of the people who are telling you that you're wrong, actually have no clue what's going on, and have been fed lies. Not that it hurts any less that they've betrayed you despite not even understanding the situation! It hurts badly. They've been naive enough to fall for a manipulation, and their moral standing weak enough to try and infringe on your freedom, and you didn't deserve that. They've aligned themselves with a person who has hurt you and is attempting to control you, and that feels terrible, like you're alone and helpless against a whole horde of people.
One thing you can do is point out how it's not their place to make this call, and ask them what they've been told in order to come and tell you something as inappropriate and hurtful like this. I can't claim it's going to work every time, but some people were taken aback when they were informed of some of the stuff the abuser just 'forgot to mention' when sending them into action. Sometimes even that won't make them back down, because it's embarrassing to accept that you've been manipulated into being someone's tool, and they'd rather insist they're completely in the right. It's a messed up game where you essentially can't win, the best you can do is stick to your decision and inform everyone who comes to pressure you, that you're not in fact, doing anything illegal and if they want to change your decision they'll have to bring out an army to force you.
Triangulation goes hand-in-hand with scapegoating, and will make you feel like a scapegoat. Even if a lot of people will fall for the abuser's manipulations, not all will, and this is not something that you'll need to endure all of your life, especially if you manage to cut contact with people who are easily manipulated – you don't owe them a presence in their life if they're aligned with an abuser. There are people out there who cannot be manipulated easily, and will stick to their morals and refuse to infringe on your freedom, even when told a bunch of lies.
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melblogsgfreethruptsd · 1 year ago
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“We’ve tried everything “ 🤥
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kuiperoid · 1 month ago
AndrewToWorld on the scapegoating of trans people by politicians
original link
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creature-wizard · 24 days ago
Looking through my notes on the work of Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler once again reminded me that one of the main purposes of Project Monarch mythology is denying and erasing the ways fundamentalist Christianity is inherently abusive and traumatizing, deny that mental illness and chronic health issues are a fact of life, and scapegoat literally every perceived failure to be a hale, hearty, obedient Christian conservative onto an external source.
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generalelectionmusings · 1 year ago
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honeybeeshepherd · 1 year ago
We don’t talk enough about how the reason that the whole “Jews as Christ Killer” trope exists is because the Romans were actually the ones who Killed Christ, but that gets kind of awkward if you’re trying to, say, convert Romans, especially powerful Romans. And it gets especially awkward if you make your official state religion the one based off a guy you killed to keep the peace in one of your colonies.
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traumatizedjaguar · 1 year ago
So what I learned about myself by researching these topics about abuse, collected from experts and therapists who work with complex trauma patients:
Betrayal Trauma is the name of what I went through in my household
Scapegoats are often betrayed by parents and I fit the scapegoat role
Scapegoats are often “truth tellers” and fight the family narrative
Scapegoats can be betrayed by one family member OR they can be betrayed by the whole family in which the family narrative is “we are all okay and right, and you (the scapegoat) is the crazy/wrong one.”
Scapegoats often have DARVO used against them (when the abusers in the family call the scapegoat the abuser, and the real abusers/parents call themselves the victims)
Scapegoat may feel betrayed, rejected, shamed, become a people pleaser, overly forgiving, may avoid relationships and end up isolating yourself from others
Some become dependent on the abusive family as an adult, slow to get ahead in life
Toxic shame is not just feeling ashamed, but YOU ARE shame (not really true, your brain lies to you). You think You Are Shame walking around on 2 legs. (How I feel and doing my research I understand it’s the trauma brain talking but I genuinely believe the lies). “I feel humiliated when I speak in front of others” “I feel humiliated for existing and taking space”
You could have had a fight response, challenge the abusers distorted, twisted view of reality. It causes exhaustion from challenging the family false narrative growing up. You may identify with being the “fighter.”
Family Systems expert Rebecca C. Mandeville explains adult survivors of Family Scapegoating Abuse (FSA) are impacted by Betrayal Trauma. She also explains the consequences of being rejected, shamed, and blamed by the people who were supposed to love and care for you the most.
Dr. Erin Watson’s article: The Duel Layers of Betrayal Trauma for Survivors of Family Scapegoating Abuse.
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indelibleevidence · 1 year ago
Gotta love how it's always 'people on benefits get too much money' and never 'governments need to legislate so that businesses pay employees enough money to live'.
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"Because without someone dying for your sins you might have to take personal responsibility for your own actions. God is not great. Religion poisons everything."
Believing that a magic man washes away your responsibility on behalf of the people you wronged is immoral.
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Helluva Boss Theory: Blitzo Might Be Panromantic & Ace, And Stolas Doesn't Deserve Him...At Least Not Yet.
[Note 2# : I had to edit this and add something at the bottom...cause of reasons, cause I didn't want any misunderstandings...]
[Note: Please Do NOT reblog this without my permission, also this theory is for Mature Audience Readers only...also will be talking about my thoughts about Emberlynn from Helluva Short Series in the Short Episode 3...don't read if you haven't watched it yet, cause spoilers.]
okay even though we know that it has been confirmed that Blitzo is Pansexual, but for all we know it could be possible that while Blitz is in fact Pan, he might actually be Panromantic and Ace...
there are different types of Aces in the Asexual Spectrum, but it is possible that either Blitz hasn't figured out he is Ace or he has but he stays in the closet because of how some people in Hell in Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel's shared universe, react to others being Ace with possibly only a few like Rosie who is accepting.
but even I know there is the possibility that Rosie might not know that some people who are Ace, do in fact have boyfriends, girlfriends and romantic-partners and they can choose to have or not to have "snu-snu" time but both parties will have to be okay with it.
it's kind of gross about some info I read before, I was curious and wanted to see if there was a name for something that is a mix of Platonic & Romantic, but then I found some gross info about how some people view "romantic partnership" seriously, it is just so misinformed and gross.
as if sexual attraction is the only thing involved, and love doesn't always involve that "snu-snu" at least Fizz and Ozzie have it a bit more together and balanced because they know their feelings for each other are way beyond the physical stuff...
also thinking about the times when Blitz in the past episodes had pointed out how uncomfortable he felt with how Stolas flirted him, because no matter if your Ace or not, that could make some uncomfortable.
but when Blitz gives Stolas a taste of his own medicine, Stolas of course replied back with "I don't like how your speaking to me!"
even some fans have figured this out, and while we can probably still see the good side of Stolas, but it doesn't change the fact he is the one in the wrong.
even if there were miscommunications between Blitz and Stolas, in the episode where that Anti-Blitzo Party had first appeared in.
but Blitz never wanted to have that first affair with Stolas, he just wanted the book...but Stolas technically guilt trip him with his "sweet but heartbreaking words"...
Blitz might still need to work on himself, to try to be better...
but he might be the true victim, and some of his Exes who only half of them weren't even Exes at all but just some jerks who were making moves on a emotional hurt by the events at Ozzie's, DENNIS.
plus Vortex was there at his girlfriend Bee's party, so he shouldn't play a part in labeling Blitz as the "one in the wrong" and the "bad guy"
I guess Verosika is in the friend zone and is in a better place with Blitz, but it is possible that when she was saying "love" it might not really involved what we originally thought, and it might not have to do with the whole saying "I love you" to Blitz, not 100% sure.
but whatever it might be, it could be hinted in Verosika's song at Ozzie's that it is linked to the words she used that had her saying she "loved" but it isn't fully explained, which leaves fans guessing it was her telling Blitz that she loved him, but we aren't 100% sure if that is what had him dump her.
but if Blitz is Ace, well Panromantic-Ace but is in the closet when it comes to being Ace...
it's possible he isn't truly comfortable with romantic-relationships that aren't like Millie and Moxxie's relationship, because those two have a balance and don't make it all about the physical stuff.
even if they still do that, but their love for each other runs way deeper than that.
it might be possible only some fans are seeing signs on victim blaming and scapegoating going on, I still liked the episode where the Anti-Blitzo Party took place.
but while we can feel sorry for Stolas for being married with Stella, with the only good thing coming out of it being Octavia.
but with how he was at Ozzie's Club, and how he acted during the whole taking his book back for good which also had a misunderstanding because Blitz had no idea what was going on.
but Stolas had to be a Apple Sugar Spice Honey Of Liquid Egg to Blitz, who was possibly only acting like a Apple Sugar Spice in trying to get back together, but in the wrong way, might be from the idea that it is "normal" with those like Stolas, but it isn't.
just because Stolas was being a insensitive Apple Sugar Spice Honey Of Liquid Egg, doesn't mean Blitz had to play the same game as him.
and yeah, with some who are clueless to the situation between those two, will likely take "poor sweet and vulnerable Stolas's side" but I'm not sure if he 100% deserves it at this point, not unless he figures out he is more in the wrong than Blitz is, and they both would have to start in the friend zone.
I already view Mammon being Panromantic-Ace, even though it would be mostly Fanon, while in the Canon he is fully Asexual.
plus it could be possible maybe, there were always hidden hints that Blitz might be both Pan and Ace.
but what type of Ace he is, we don't know for sure.
and even if it might be a while before Vassago appears in a episode, but I kind of want to OTP Ship him with Blitz.
I think if Vassago did have a boyfriend who was Ace, he would be a bit more respecting and loving and NOT make their relationship into all about what Stolas had made it between him and Blitz, but it is possible Stolas might not fully understand there are more ways to show love and he could of been the one to ask Blitz out on a REAL date for the first time, even if the reason why Blitz asked him to come to Ozzie's was for a different reason.
Blitz isn't the one to make it all about "snu-snu", plus Stolas did kinda caught him in a bad time with Martha's Family trying to get him, Moxxie and Millie...
Stolas is the one who came up with the deal and favor for the book, NOT Blitz...and I don't think Stolas gave Ozzie the full story as to why he needed a Asmodean Crystal.
and if he did, it might be possible that Ozzie wouldn't give Stolas the Asmodean Crystal, cause the Prince of Lust has apparently more sense than Stolas does when it comes to "mutual love & lust" and not being for "forced lust"...
Ozzie would possibly still do it for Fizz, as well as for his new rekindle friendship with Blitz....BUT NEVER for Stolas.
Ozzie's words about "artificial love" and how "lust shouldn't be forced"
might have more meaning than what it appears, because Stolas might of been forcing the lust he was feeling before...
he had to make it all about him and not fully get why Blitz was upset with him after the incident that happen at Ozzie's.
or the fact what happen left him emotional vulnerable mess that those like Dennis, will take advantage of...
Dennis is a Apple Sugar Spice Honey Of Liquid Egg.
Blitz was NEVER fully in the wrong, but he was made to believe he was.
he may have messed up in life, and I still think Barbie was responsible for those fireworks that caused Fizz to not make it out in time and become a cyborg in the first place.
it's good that Blitz wants to be better, but he isn't the only one who is at fault...
and if the fan theory about Blitz being Panromantic and Ace is correct, then he does not need to be fixed, cause he will always be loved by both his daughter and even M & M.
also I can't remember the name of the video or the channel on Youtube that talks about how Blitz is the true victim.
but I can't help but be happy someone else sees that Loona should be made Blitz's top priority when it comes to getting her help at the hospital at the Sloth Ring first, but trust Moxxie and Millie to save that sorry excuse of a Apple Sugar Spice of Stolas's.
and Stolas still has to make it about him, how "Blitzy his knight didn't come to safe him from Striker."
dude, he had to be there for his daughter...
the video had pointed out the reasons why Blitz couldn't be the one to save Stolas, because he had to help his DAUGHTER and couldn't drop everything for him, and had to send people he was close to and trust to go save his spoiled bird apple sugar spice.
and if I remember correctly it had pointed out how Stolas was the one who first made Blitz uncomfortable with the unwanted flirting and advances at Loo Loo Land.
but when Blitz did give Stolas the same treatment, Stolas is of course saying he doesn't feel comfortable on how Blitz is speaking to him, even though he did the same dang thing to him before.
maybe Striker is only half-right about blue bloods, I'm still going to identify as purple blood, also I may have found out why my Mom had Evening Sickness with me before I was born, and well I don't think I will talk about it fully on here right away...cause it is best that I don't.
still going to be weird and still call myself that self-nickname "The Eveningstar Princess"...and I think I'm still a weird defective earth angel who's blood type is O RH D Negative, and I shouldn't take Sugar Honey Ice Tea from Toxic-Religious people.
even ones that made a offense video that seems to have a problem with Pride Month, well excuse me if my being Gray-Aroace (who is also Fictoromantic) insults that jerk, who I'm not going to say the name of or the video...
maybe later or tomorrow I will listen to the song "F*** You" by Lily Allen.
also Blitz shouldn't take Sugar Honey Ice Tea from Stolas or him playing the "victim", but even if those two did get back together...it should be Stolas begging on his knees for Blitz's forgiveness.
also my thoughts about Emberlynna Pinkle, is that well the episode short was funny, I couldn't help but laugh.
but seriously Emberlynn, you NEVER take off a charm that protects you from demons!
I mean even if I might have small crushes on Ozzie and Fizz, but would rather I be in the friend zone, like being the platonic girlfriend aka Girl-Buddy...but even I know that in this universe, ya can't just you know do what she did...
the reason I had started to wear gem bracelets to sleep, and even keep them on almost all the time now and only take them off when I have to...
is because of a possible Incubus scaring me awake, and I rather not go into full detail how that went, only that I was on my back and it was dark and I might of been fully aware in the dream...and I didn't see the Incubus but I felt them and it felt too real and it scared me awake.
of course it isn't just Incubus I have to worry about now, but also humans who give off too much Toxic-Lust energy, and gave me about three close calls, four if you count from the residue left over that was still in their now former room, but they had moved out.
and it only got into my room and caused that small 4th close call, because it possibly jump on to someone else who I have some trust for, and when they open the door to my room to tell me something it let that little monster residue in.
which is why I had to put some bag of salt in that other room...
but yeah, besides me having to protect myself from both Incubus and Humans with toxic-lust energy...
Emberlynn should of kept that charm on, would of kept her safe...even if she was creeping Blitz out...but as funny as that episode is, going to have to feel sorry for Blitz.
one of the things I hope, is that she wasn't foreshadowing about the King of Wrath having concubines, and well even if Bee sees him as a brother figure but also thinks he is hot, is still too much info for me.
and I'm not really a fan of the one from our universe, but who knows how the one from Helluva Boss will be like.
and as weird as it might be to some, when Innocent souls who end up in Hell because of some Toxic-Satanist crossing lines.
it might of been last month, when I realize that those innocent souls who were hurt, they are MY people.
and like Charlie's words said in the song "More Than Anything"
I need to save my people more than anything.
the Sinners that Charlie is trying to help save and redeem, are her people.
the Innocent souls that ended up in Hell because of some Toxic-Satanists, those are my people and I will never be okay with Toxic-Satanists crossing those lines.
and if it were possible, I still want to give Abel the cold hands to face punishment for the lambs, and put Grunkle Abel and Grandpa Cain in a time-out box, Grandpa Seth doesn't get the same punishment, cause for all we know, he might be the more likely not make the same mistakes as those two.
Cain wasn't given the proper help before it got worse and he had a very dangerous breaking point.
I don't care if Abel is way taller than me, I still want to place my hands on both sides of his face...but only when my hands are cold, and sometimes they are.
those lambs deserve justice...plus it is one thing to make animals into food or clothes but as for what Abel was doing...
I can't be the only one who finds it messed up, what happens to Abel is still messed up too...but both Abel and Cain were in the wrong and both were victims.
but back to the whole Emberlynn Pinkle, even if she isn't alone in her romantic interest types, some might handle it a it more better...
I wont say too much about that episode 3 of Helluva Shorts, but I think Emberlynn should of kept the charm on, she could of had a charm place on her room that kept Blitz from coming into her room...
but sadly she didn't, also Blitz likely didn't know what he has unleash upon Hell...
may Roo have some form of mercy on Blitz.
also I can still feel some forms of attraction, but just not a certain one very much anymore, maybe because the times when I did feel that way, it wasn't really my own and I was just the energies I was picking up from another person in another room...
too bad Mordin Solus can't be romanced in Mass Effect, like maybe instead what normally happens when you are able to fully romance a character and become romantic-partners with them.
there is just this tender and sweet moment between Mordin and Jane Shepard, where she just kisses his forehead and just hold hands with him and they just spend the night together just talking and after that romantic cut scene, they become romantic-partners.
but yeah, too bad that isn't part of the Mass Effect game.
anyway I'm not 100% sure if the hallucination that Blitz had in one of the episodes and even in one of the newer episodes when Blitz said sorry to Verosika about not falling for her or anyone else at that party...were hinting that he might be Panromantic and Asexual, and there are different types of Aces.
and the whole "falling for Verosika and everyone else" could of implied in a physical love, and not the emotional deep love that Ozzie x Fizz and even Charlie x Vaggie have.
but even if it is kinda good between him and Verosika now, doesn't mean he should be made to be the bad guy when really he was never truly that and his Exes and Dennis are just being Apple Sugar Spice Liquid Eggs.
plus for all we know, while Blitz was driving that vehicle in that art that was for Pride Month, while his chest may have had Pan Colors (like both Pansexual & Panromantic) but for all we know he could of been wearing shorts that couldn't be seen that had the colors for the Asexual Flag.
still can't believe that Striker was half-right about Stolas...
and it is possible if Stolas was fully honest with Ozzie, it would be possible Ozzie would of got really mad at him and even if he did listen to him and got his help with making sure not to sign the wrong paper to get Fizz back safely, even after finding out the full story and truth...
Ozzie would only listen to him, for Fizz's sake.
and Fizz could of still told Ozzie to give Blitz the Crystals anyway, even after telling Fizz the full story on what Stolas told him...
and instead of Blitz returning the book, it is Ozzie instead who gives Stolas the book back as well as a much needed scolding for how he treated Blitz.
and Ozzie could of decided to have a restraining order placed on Stolas that says that he isn't allowed to get too close to Blitz and must stay a safe distance from him.
Octavia can still come to the IMP office and even Blitz and Loona's home, to hang out with Loona, but Stolas is not allowed.
Octavia and Loona are more of the "I Fam it" and "I sib it"
cause remember, when it comes to non-romantic ships you do NOT use the word "I ship it" or call it a ship, it should be a unspoken rule between every person who does ships but know that not all are romantic types and some are in fact more platonic.
but as much as I would love to see Blitz and Stolas get back together, it might be a good idea to keep them from getting back together right now, because of how Stolas treated Blitz and act like he is the "victim" when really he isn't...the only times he was when he was badly hurt by Striker and from the cruelty and verbal abuse he got from Stella.
Stolas needs to get his Sugar Honey Ice Tea together, and admit that he is just as almost as bad as his soon to be Ex-Wife.
Blitz had a good reason to be upset and he had every right to point out the obvious to Stolas after the bad date at Ozzie's.
the truth hurts Stolas, and you better get a clue and try to win Blitz back the right way and not be such a self absorbed narcissistic apple sugar spice honey of liquid egg prince anymore....
for both Blitz and Octavia's sake.
I'm not sure if my theory about Blitz being Panromantic-Ace is correct but we will have to wait and see.
but I think until Stolas admits that he was fully in the wrong, and not Blitz...
I don't want them to get back together yet, and Stolas can just be with that "Better Than Blitzo" guy, and Blitz and Vassago can be together.
even if Blitz x Vassago are just together in the Fanon Timeline but still, they are becoming my OTP and I had started to ship them maybe yesterday well make that around August of last month, before I found out others are also shipping them as well, too bad they can't be a canon ship.
I think I can like the ship of Blitz x Stolas as another OTP, but most Fanon versions of Stolas seem to be my favorite right now.
I guess my feelings to Stolas from the canon, is like bittersweet.
also I'm going to re-watch all the first season of Helluva Boss and the other seasons so far, to see if there really are hints and signs that Blitz might be both Pan and Ace...but I'm still not 100% sure if he is Ace but it could be possible but we wont know unless it is confirmed or debunked.
anyway I hope some understand my thoughts and feelings about the whole Blitz and Stolas shouldn't get back together right away.
cause I think before they do get back together, Stolas needs to admit to his flaws and how he hurt Blitz at Ozzie's and even when he didn't explain things better when trying to break his and Blitz's original deal.
also is it weird I hope Bee dumps Vortex if she finds out about the Anti-Blitzo Party...
the Bee x Loona HoneyMoon ship seems interesting, so maybe at some point they could end up together after Bee dumps Vortex after finding out about what happen at that party...
anyway we might not fully have all the evidence that might prov that Blitz is Ace, cause Ace or not, anyone would be feeling the same way Blitz was feeling with how Stolas flirts with him and belittles him even if Stolas doesn't know he is accidentally belittling Blitz.
I know that it is just a Fan-headcanon about Blitz being possibly Ace, but it is also a theory and we just have to wait to see if it is true or not about Blitz being Panromantic-Ace.
plus it can be possible some fans, not just me, who have come to the same thoughts and theory about about Blitz being Panromantic-Ace.
and for all we know, his research he was doing in one of the episodes where we ended up seeing Chaz for the first time, could be important.
what kind of important, who knows but maybe we will find out in the future either in a episode of Helluva Boss or in one of the episodes of the Helluva Shorts.
and we can try to hope that Blitz and Stolas do get back together...just not right away, not until Stolas stops being well, how he has being that isn't good for his daughter Octava or even for Blitz.
also not everyone has to agree with me that Blitz might be Panromantic-Ace, it is just both a Fan-headcanon and theory.
and not everyone has to agree on the theory that Blitz might be both Panromantic and have a Asexuality and is one of the type of Aces, just not 100% sure which type of Ace Blitz is...and I can only make guesses.
Editing This In...
I want to say this...I know what Stolas was doing was messed up and wrong, but let me make this clear, STOLAS as a self absorbed and clueless prince that he is, probably didn't know, there is probably a lot of things he is naive about, which he NEEDS to work on to be better and not make the same mistakes again if he is going to work things out with Blitz...and I am seriously not in the mood for...misunderstandings, I'm not agreeing what Stolas did was right, I'm saying that he probably didn't know what he was doing was wrong, but he still ended up hurting Blitz by not getting that half of the reason Blitz was emotonally hurt at what happen at Ozzie's was because of half of the reason was because of Stolas.
I do not want my words to be misinterpreted or twisted,
and it is possible Stolas didn't know what he was doing was wrong, and he didn't understand the damage it might cause later on when he tried to break the deal...I'm still not happy with Stolas, but he needs to understand that he isn't the only one in Blitz's life, and his daughter Loona came first, and at least he send Moxxie and Millie to go save him...
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melblogsgfreethruptsd · 1 year ago
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clatterbane · 1 year ago
The drive to tackle “welfare spending” is less about solving an unemployment problem or even making vast savings and more a wink to voters: the Conservatives are on the side of the “hard-working” middle classes, not the scrounging benefits claimants stealing their taxes. Meanwhile, ministers can frame Labour as being a “soft touch” – or as Hunt cynically put it, a choice between making the sick work or more immigration.
This rhetoric is not an accident, of course. It is designed to cause resentment, to give the incendiary impression that hordes of benefits claimants are buying widescreen TVs and nightly takeaways while already squeezed taxpayers toil away to pay for it. In reality, the basic social security rate (now universal credit) is the lowest in real terms for 40 years, while our unemployment pay is the the stingiest in western Europe. This meagre support is worth even less now that food prices are up by 30% over the last two years and energy prices are two-thirds higher. Forget a bloated safety net that needs to be reined in. Many relying on social security can’t afford soap.
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fuckyeahmarxismleninism · 1 year ago
By Gregory E. Williams
With Nikki Haley out of the race, Trump and Biden are officially facing off in a presidential rematch. Both of these deeply unpopular politicians are attempting to get ahead by scapegoating migrants and refugees at the U.S.-Mexico border. In dueling publicity stunts, they both went to the border on Feb. 29., hundreds of miles apart in Texas. Despite the polarized rhetoric, there is little substantive difference between their approaches to immigration. 
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joe-england · 1 year ago
Watch "Let's talk about what fiction can teach us about politics...." on YouTube
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