#also gender swaped
satan-is-obsessed · 2 years
my biggest flex is my friend group is like gender swap marauders from au ff where pete is actually an angel
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I'm gen surprised to see? no one has done this?? Where instead of the God of Death, Nari is the God of Life.
I think in this au, the Lamb actually lived a very fulfilled life and did so good, life herself had her eyes on them, so once they died, instead of being reincarnated as a new soul, they are guided to her and she basically asks if Lamb is willing to guide her siblings through earth and help them perhaps make their own followings? I'm not sure what in specific they would represent, but maybe it would be something like the seven virtues and they gotta learn how to be good gods and not bad ones? idk!
I think it would be interesting if the Lamb was actually very uninterested and then perhaps comes around because erm of course there's gonna be Narilamb erm... I also really like the idea that 'Life Nari'(temp name) is actually unable to leave the life void or where ever she is? So the Lamb does betray her so she can come to Earth and live with them. Could make some tasty angst twirls hair
idk if everyone is gender swaped but life Nari is a fat woman sorry not sorry/pos
Narilamb yuri is real /hj
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ccrisntok · 1 year
genda swaping
So @greyzanticz made a genderswap au a while ago, and I. also made one. but i didn't finish it and only did 2 characters.
he genderswaped men to women, so I genderswaped women to men.
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Vernon Grebenshchikova!
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Mion Jeung! (min is a gender neatural name so I wasn't gonna change it but. i did anyway.)
I randomly picked these 2 via randomized wheel, but I think I did an ok job. I mean, with Mion, I literally just. Gave Min pants and shorter hair. But whatever.
Their personalities are the same, I don't really think a change would be necessary there.
i might do more of these one day, maybe.
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theconfusedacorn · 5 months
OC content? Me? NEVER!!
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Okay- so I got this idea that: One of Charlie's exercises early on was what she called "Decade Dress-Up", where she had all the sinners pair up randomly and go shopping for an outfit that fit the other's decade/personal style when they were alive. Then they do a little fashion show at the hotel showing them off!
Anywho, this is how I imagine Singe and Pentious first got acquainted. Singe was alive around the 2010's, and (to my knowledge) Pentious was alive durring the victorian era, so I based their outfits on those time periods. MANY shenanigans ensued whilst trying to purchase their outfits. They ended up also gender-swaping (wardrobe-wise), because... you can't stop me. Singe wanted to be a dapper little gal, and Pentious looks STUNNING in fem clothing. So yeah, they ended up becoming besties after this! I'm so glad nothing bad ever happens to EITHER of them! ^w^
I actually want to do this with more of the Hazbin gang, so PLEASE OH PLEASE, leave pairings you want to see this done to in the notes!!! (Can 100% include Pentious, and they don't HAVE to be characters living at the hotel)
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totalswap-official · 10 months
Main account:
Total Swap Island is obviously a fan project that is inspired by the Total Drama series.
In this alternative universe, the participants of the first season: Total Drama Island, are swaped and fused with participants of other seasons, principally the 2023 reboot.
(Also, the swaps and fusions aren't literally, in this universe all the events of the canon total drama timeline never Happened and all the participants of all the seasons don't exist, it only exist they contra-parts/fusions/swaps)
And when I mean swaped or fused the characters aren't like just a normal cringy swap au like under swap, the characters actually change. And mostly of the time what change is: they personality, design, clothes, gender and principally the names, some of them are fusion name of the two certain and others are totally original. Also, all the participants are 18 - 20 years old
And let's start with the ACTUAL sinopse:
24 problematic and queer like teenagers in a island trying to get 1 million dollars! But while they try to get they hands on the money, they need to eliminate and beat each other till one is left, and this person might be the chosen one, the most loved one, the villain that snicked into the final or... Just a person that everyone forgot to eliminate.
They will have 8 weeks to one of them win the money, almost every day will have a challenge to they beat and Normally, when a team win a team lose. And the team that Losed need to send one of their most useless player home, or just someone that they don't think is THAT useful anymore.
Ah, and also...
In this reality show we just accept interesting people! Pretty, disturbed, famous, well known people, and if you didn't fitted in any of that categories, than darling you aint famous, you're not iconic you're just like them all, DONT ACT LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW!
Hunf, thats it. Anyways blame Briteney
Erm, slay and period
created by: deimos breakfrost
Xoxo (kisses n hugs) by Dan
What will I do in this blog?
Giving y'all the information/gossips about the TSI cast
Post some TSI drawings
Post actualizations about Tsi
Giving some spoiler, leaks, headcanons (it will not be BIG stuff okay? It will be things that won't Spoil the entire season)
Adm: deimos breakfrost
@ferocioustrout @sharkyrandom
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kajaono · 2 years
“Benedict can’t be bisexual”. I have so many problems with this statement for so many reasons.
1. The biphobia. “If Sophie would be gender-swaped to be a man, the whole story would change and it would be disrespctful to Ben/Sophie fans.” Bi man fall in love with women. Thats the whole point of bisexuality. Benedict doesn’t need to fall in love with a man to prove hs bisexuality. This is so problematic because it again plays into the “Bi men are actually gay men who haven’t realized it yet” prejudice
2. “Benedict can not be bi because it is regency era and he is part of the ton” This is not how sexuality works. Your social status has no influence on your sexuality. Sure it would be compliacted for him because all eyes are on him because he is from a previliged family, but on the other hand, he married a maid out of wedlock, this is also a scandal. So who cares? definitly not Benedict. Queer people also lived happy and long lifed back then, you know? And it would be beautiful to see that...
3. Benedict being bi is not something that just starts and ends with him. Try to be creative, think outside the box. Trans Sophie? How does that sound to you?
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ananglishliker · 9 months
A further step with Anglish
Folk like Anglish for it doesn't brook the borrowed words, for it is a lutterer English. But there's something that unformithely comes along when swaping out ellandish words with those from the same tongue kinfolk: foroldness.
And this seems to be something Anglish-followers like, for I found an almost fulwrought foroldening of English staffcraft. And I'm not going to hide that I'm one of those who like foroldening, and that I liked to know about this deeper back-to-the-roots.
I'll be talking about was changed in this forolder Anglish here. I'll be reckoning the links to a more throughgone writ in the end of this writing.
Staffrow (Alphabet)
Only two bookstaffs are eked: Ƿƿ (/w/) and Þþ (/θ/, /ð/). Yes, it's not that gripping, but things truly get started with the switches!
⟨c⟩ as /s/ > s (cinder > sinder)
⟨ch⟩ & ⟨tch⟩ as /tʃ/ > c/ce (chin > cin/choke > ceoke)
⟨dge⟩ as /dʒ/ > dg (bridge >A curious mind is a terrible curse bridg)
⟨gh⟩ as yoreloreish [x~ɣ] > g (high > hig/night > nigt)
⟨ie⟩ as /i/ > ee (field > feeld)
⟨le⟩ as /əl/ > el (neetle > neetel)
⟨o⟩ as /ʌ/ > u (son > sun/some > sum)
⟨ou⟩ & ⟨ow⟩ as /aʊ/ > u/ue/uCe (hound > hund/sow > sue/loud > lude)
⟨ough⟩ as /aʊ/ & /ʌf/ > uge (plough > pluge/tough > tuge)
⟨qu⟩ as /kw/ > cƿ (queen > cƿeen)
⟨sc⟩ as /sk/ > sk (score > skore)
⟨sh⟩ as /ʃ/ > sc (ship > scip)
⟨th⟩ as /θ/ or /ð/ > þ (the > þe)
⟨u⟩ as yoreloreish /ju/ > eƿ (hue > heƿ)
⟨u⟩ as /ɜ/ > e/i (bury > berry/burden > berden)
v as /v/ > f (leave > leaf/over > ofer)
w > ƿ (water > ƿater)
⟨wh⟩ as yoreloreish /hw/ > hƿ (whelp hƿelp)
y as /j/ > g/ge (yes > ges/yore > geore)
⟨z⟩ as /z/ > s (graze > grase/fizzy > fisy)
Retchings for why it was switched to that in the link reckoning below.
Can you already see the forolderlooking from this? Here's a wordset I'll be brooking as forebisen:
Unforolded: The tough errand to dodge through the crowded boughs of a fern oak tree thared skill and lastingness. Forolded: Þe tuge errand to dodg þruge þe crueded buges of an fern oak tree þared skill and lastingness.
That truly pleases me and is aslaking seeing English truly looking like a Germanish tongue. I thought about writing in a more and more forolded way as I reckon the changes, but, for the sake of a flowsome reading for the reader, I'll leave this list aside, but, if you'd like to read wordsets looking as such, there are sere in the from leaf at the end of this upload.
This switching might be enough for some, but there are those, like me, who would like to go even further and see, too, a forolded speechcraft.
Theedness and some throughnesses (Conjugations and some details)
Before we get started with theedness, we understandendly will be brooking the forename "thou". A forolded theedness may be known for all, since it can be outlined through the twoth and the third atell:
Twoth: anward > -est; forthwitten > -edst
Third: anward > -eth
And that's all, hence you can make any wordset:
"The man giveth the boy a book"
"A woman walketh through the woods"
Underyet: there are some sunderly shapes: doth (does, spoke /dʌθ/), hath (has), saith (says, spoke /sɛθ/).
To make asks, we will leave out the ask markers "do" and "does". Instead, we'll put the tideword in the beginning of the wordset, as one does in Deutsch:
Does he know the answer? > Knoweth he the answer?
Where do you live? > Where livest thou?
Ofolder and chirten.
Also in naying wordsets "do" and "does" swind. Instead, we use "not" after the main tideword:
I know not.
He came not.
With wrayingly, the ea is putting "not" after a wrayingly forename, but before a meanname:
I love him not.
I have not the book.
If the wordset has a underwordset, "not" will be right before the latter:
The king thought not that he was in any danger.
Byings and kins (Declinations and genders)
Here is the knottiest thing to learn, though not the hardest - you'll only need some time. Byings and kins are a widegale ken, which, for me at least, is the most gripping thing in speechcraft, for it's where the tongue shapechanges the most.
The first thing we need to know is that English wonted to have kins: werely, wifely and neither. And byings: nemmeningly, wrayingly, streeningly and forgivendly. And it turns out not only the meannames, but also the beckoningly forenames, lithwords and ekends had their own kin and bying bendings. Although Anglish doesn't brook the forgivendly bying.
Unheeding the thoughts of how these bendings would have grew and going right to the retching way English would look like today, we have:
Markoff lithword
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Unmarkoff lithword
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But ekends are not that ofold though. It's said the strong-weak shed would have likely been kept. So ekends can be either strong or weak, and their bending changes for it. Although we can overlook the weak one and brook the strong one only, I'll be brooking both for the sake of a rawer forolding.
On the other hand, the ea to bend it is easy: weak ekends are those whose meanname is with a lithword, kithing forename or it's in streeningly; strong ekends are those that are unmarkoff. Here is the bending:
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With these changes, let us take a look at what our bisen wordset looks like now:
Unforolded: The tough errand to dodge through the crowded boughs of a fern oak tree thared skill and lastingness.
Forolded: Þe tuge errand to dodg þruge þe cruededen bugen annes fernes oakes trees þared skill and lastingness.
Dealnimmends (Participles)
Dealnimmends are like the ekends, and as such they would be bended with the same endings, if there were not an unbiseniness in them:
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Kithings (Demonstratives)
The kithings, since they are also ekendish, also are bent:
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Rimes (Numbers)
Believe it or not, rimes wonted to be bent in the past. The rimes "one, for some ground, were the only ones that are bent. Rimes are either mainly or endbirdly. And, since they can be brooked with lithword, they can also be either strong or weak. The mainly's benting is:
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The endbirdly's benting is:
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Ownerly forenames (Personal pronouns)
And going even further, we forolden the ownerly forenames:
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The shapes "mine" is now brooked before words beginning with a clepend as "a(n)". The same for "thou", which becomes "thine".
And, alongside with it, the askinglies are also bent!
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Kinshiply (Relatives)
Forget we not the kinshiplies:
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And since "that" and "which" have now a streeningly bying, there's no more anyet in brooking "whose" for unmanly words, so:
Þe dog hƿose oƿner is far aƿay > Þe dog þas oƿner is far aƿay In þe ƿoods þere ƿas a birdling, hƿose huse was red > In þe ƿoods þere ƿas a birdling, hƿices huse was red.
There are still other changes that make it even more forolded, reliving raw shafts of the tongue, but I think this is enough for now. It's not like you would be wrong brooking only a stitch of the forolding anyway, since it's clearly underfangendly to not fully forolden. I shall likely make another upload on these foroldenings in the toward.
Staffrow: https://anglisc.miraheze.org/wiki/Anglish_Alphabet
Theedness: https://anglisc.miraheze.org/wiki/Archaic_grammar
Byings and kins: https://anglisc.miraheze.org/wiki/Archaic_case_%26_gender
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deimosbreakfrost · 10 months
Total Swap Island Sinopse:
Total Swap Island is obviously a fan project that is inspired by the Total Drama series.
In this alternative universe, the participants of the first season: Total Drama Island, are swaped and fused with participants of other seasons, principally the 2023 reboot.
(Also, the swaps and fusions aren't literally, in this universe all the events of the canon total drama timeline never Happened and all the participants of all the seasons don't exist, it only exist they contra-parts/fusions/swaps)
And when I mean swaped or fused the characters aren't like just a normal cringy swap au like under swap, the characters actually change. And mostly of the time what change is: they personality, design, clothes, gender and principally the names, some of them are fusion name of the two certain and others are totally original or a music reference. Also, all the participants are 18 - 20 years old.
And let's start with the ACTUAL sinopse:
22 problematic and queer like teenagers in a island trying to get 1 million dollars! But while they try to get they hands on the money, they need to eliminate and beat each other till one is left, and this person might be the chosen one, the most loved one, the villain that snicked into the final or... Just a person that everyone forgot to eliminate.
They will have 8 weeks to one of them win the money, almost every day will have a challenge to they beat and Normally, when a team win a team loses. And the team that Losed need to send one of their most useless player home, or just someone that they don't think is THAT useful anymore.
That's it for now and
I am a jjba fan, so it will obviously have alot of musical references
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maelathemenace-old · 1 year
Last night I dreamt that I gender swaped a fish with fish oil flavored ice cream, did it to myself but stayed female but with bread, and ate lunch. All of this happened in a grocery store that was also a school cafeteria and there were fabrics in the freezers
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smartzelda · 1 year
How do you think a female light and mello would turn out?
Sorry it took me so long to get around to this ask, anon! But I will give my thoughts as of now
In terms of "female Mello", most of my thoughts on that would actually be explained by this post:
But just in case, the tl;dr of that post is that I think "female mello" wouldn't actually end up all that different from canon Mello, given my interpretation of his personality and environment
But female Light? Good question! I'll put my thoughts under the cut
Okay, so in the post I linked above, I did some comparison between Mello and Light. Specifically, I said that Light, given his place in society and how he deals with his knowledge of societal standards, is more likely to change. I'll touch on this more later, but my general statement on this is that (in opposition to Mello, Near, and L, who are aware of societal standards in different places but use them as tools rather than subscribe to them or feel completely constrained to follow them) Light follows them (publicly at least) to the extent he has to to keep/raise his place in society and keep his image. Even if he doesn't actually believe any number of societal standards, he will uphold them to the extent he needs to (because he also cares about being a "good person" in the eyes of society).
Now, as I said in the previous post I linked above, I believe to get a much more accurate grasp on determining something like "how would this character be if gender swaped" (given death note's setting in Japan in the 2000s) would be to keep in mind *Japan's* societal standards, expectations, class differences, etc at the time. I am no expert on this, and I'm from the USA, so I can only do my best based on what I do know and from my analysis of the story itself. This is to say I'll do by absolute best, just keep all that in mind as you read further
So, to answer your question "How do you think a female Light would turn out?" I'll first have to break canon Light apart a bit.
Starting with his morals, his idea of what constitutes "good" or "bad"/a sense of justice is highly influenced by his father's ideals. Out of the members of his family, his father has the most rigid idea of justice and morality, accompanied with the fact of his occupation. It is not at all unnatural for canon Light to look up to his father (Chief in the NPA) as a "good" and "moral" person.
Light’s original goals for the future pre–the death note also build off of this concept (his relationship with and admiration for his father). He's an intelligent kid, and everyone knows it, including him. He's always far surpased his peers and worked through school unchallenged. Even if his father didn't particularly push for Light to follow in his footsteps, it's also not at all unnatural for others to see this intelligent boy who seems to take after his father and get to talking. Light’s smart, he already takes after his father, and he's even helped out the police a couple times himself, so it would be *natural* for him to follow in his footsteps, right? And, as far as I'm aware, the concept of potential still exists. So, even if Light doesn't necessarily pursue his father's occupation, if he doesn't make something of himself, go to a high end/prominent university, use that intelligence for something, use his gifts to do something most people can't, that's a "waste of potential" isn't it? So, to me, it's not at all unlikely that this mindset and Light’s boredom go hand in hand. Everything is the same, people are the same, society is going down the drain (yadda yadda), and he's taking a pathway (a pathway without the challenge and stimulation he so craves) because "he should".
Because what else would he do? It's not like he's interested in anything else, and anything less would "be a waste".
Now, as for female Light, it isn't impossible for all this to be similar. While it's easy to say that she'd be more like Sayu or Sachiko, and I can't say for sure that she would connect to her father the exact same way, I maintain that it's not impossible. While there is the idea that's it's generally sons who take after their fathers and seek their approval, this can still happen with female Light. Now, any aforementioned talk from before would most likely change a little bit due to the gender change, but even if more people doubt her due to this, Light is stubborn. If she already has it in her head that following in her father's footsteps is natural for someone as intelligent as her, giving up simply because someone said it would be hard to move into that position as a woman would be well...a waste to her. Plus, given that she would also rarely feel challenged intellectually, as canon Light seems to (given his reaction to finding a rival in L) she would most likely see a challenge in working up to high positions in the NPA despite her gender.
But, of course, given his knowledge of society, you may be wondering. *What if* she comes to the conclusion that surpassing her father is actually impossible to do (or impossible without compromising her current ideals)? Well, then I surmise if she's still helped out the police a bit and taking after her father, she'd find some sort of higher position connected to this idea of helping out the country/common people as adjacent as she can get.
After all, even if Light actually has no intrinsic passion in following in their father's footsteps, pre death note they NEED an endgoal.
That all being mentioned as well, I have no idea whether you would see women in the NPA at the time. Even in adaptations of Death Note that take place later in the 2000s or early to mid 2010s have maybe one or a few onscreen NPA members. So I can't tell you whether it's possible or how possible it is that female Light would get into it around 2010 or earlier. All I can say is that if it's not impossible, there's a chance she'll try.
BUT, whether "female Light" follows in her father's footsteps are not, there are some plot points we know that could still occur. Namely, Light’s getting into To-Oh university.
Luckily, Death Note delivered us Kiyomi Takada, who I personally believe to be a good frame of reference for a fem Light (it's no secret in my friend groups that I feel that Takada shares personality traits with him). Because of her, I feel comfortable saying that whatever fem Light chooses as an occupation, she will still inevitably end up at Toh-oh, still inevitably take the top score on the exam and outperform her peers (and still date men for the image of it, but most likely not more than one, given that dating multiple people most likely makes canon Light a desirable successful man in the eyes of society, but it would leave fem Light labeled as a slut, counterproductive to upholding her image. So while Light dates multiple before sticking with Misa, I think fem Light would try to stick with the same person for as long as possible).
Now in the Mello post, anon asked if I think that fem Mello would hate men, and I answered that she probably wouldn't more than canon Mello does. Would Light, though? I think so.
Now, the jokes about Light Yagami being a misogynist, we've all seen them. But before I explain why I think a fem Light would "hate men", I'm going to have to explain my take on Light being misogynistic first
The popular take on Light’s Misogyny is that he's always been like that, coupled with the idea/joke that he's gay *because* he hates women. In all serious, though, I find the former a bit more complicated, and I feel that the latter actually influences his growing misogyny.
Canon Light is very aware of his place in society, his presence, and how he can influence people with his looks and his talent for words. He's very intelligent (the most intelligent one in his class even), he's bored (given his absence of a rival/something to truly challenge him), and has always kept all his "friends" at arms length. We even find early on that he considers certain women (Yuri for example) as one of his "friends" as well. There's no proof that Light early on (even pre death note) hated women or thought of them as inherently lesser than men. In fact, I'd argue that Light Yagami is one of those "I hate you all equally types", or, in this case, "I treat you/think of you based on how stupid you are, and gender has nothing to do with it". My prime example is him having no trouble telling Misa AND Matsuda that they're being stupid in areas they can hear (and of course he doesn't nail Matsuda nearly as much as L does, but by comparison tbh L mostly nails Matsuda while Light nails Misa when it comes to "being stupid". It...evens out one might say)
So let's add this to Light’s file. He starts out being annoyed/more unfair in analysis of character towards those he finds to be "dumb", regardless of their gender.
Pre Death Note Light is also a "good kid" (heck, even post dn and Yotsuba arc Light tries as hard as possible to keep the emotions in and the mask showing out). He's not the type to needlessly insult people or tell everyone what he's thinking about them to their face. A little joke? Sure, but I think you're more likely to find him channeling his annoyance and using his words in such a way that they come off less as an insult and more as an observation intended to help them out. If he's tutoring his peers to help out and one of them makes a glaring error, he's more likely to think "they are so stupid", and more likely to act in such a way that "Here. This is the *right* way you should do it so you don't make stupid mistakes. Remember this. You don't want to make dumb mistakes". Basically...a kind of hidden insult if you will with a bit more of a constructive framing.
Now, second thing to add to his file. Superiority. He's smart. He knows it. He's never really been challenged or found a "true friend" because of it (and because he's constantly putting up that mask of the good moral teenage boy that requires him to look good in the eyes of society, which also requires society to not see and know the him without the mask). It's not unlikely that he would develop a sort of complex in which he values intelligence while simultaneously believing that he's above everyone for being the smartest (because no one can challenge him, right? And because everyone thinks so), so it’s not unlikely that he would place people in a metaphorical heirarchy based upon his analysis of their character (which is influenced by how intelligent he believes them to be).
Now, I also sort of hinted at a moment ago that I believe it's "he's misogynistic because he's gay" (if I had to reduce my take as much as possible down to a simple phrase) over "he's gay because he's misogynistic", or that his being gay is something that makes him more misogynistic as the series goes on. This is a pretty long post as it is, so I'm not going to make an entire breakdown on why I think Light being gay (for the record, I personally feel that he's gay and aspec) is a valid interpretation of canon. So if you don't agree with me on it, have fun. If you decide to keep reading, know that what I'm about to say is said upon the basis of this being true.
As mentioned earlier, Light is very aware of his place and influence in society. He's aware of how his looks affect others (and he has no problems using them to his advantage, even in canon. Adding that to the file), and he's combined them with his words in canon to win over characters no matter their gender. What matters (especially when he becomes Kira) is that society *sees* him as a good person, which means often that he can ignore his own actions/feelings that don't fit society's ideals of a "good moral person" as long as no one knows/can see it (because if no one sees it, it may as well not be real) or as long as he believes it *will* become accepted in society. It's a very pointed choice that Light Yagami does not date anyone (and in fact, canonically tells his family that he's too busy to right now) pre death note, even though he makes it clear that he has girls' contact information and COULD initiate a date if he wished to. This is why his jump from dating no one, to going to Space Land with Yuri, to dating a bunch of girls at once is...interesting behavior.
But he's under suspicion of being Kira. We know the lengths he goes to so he can come off as normal teenage boy material (like *cough* reading porn mags on camera), and dating all those women at once is no exception (because it's totally straight behavior to make excuses about why you won't date anyone to jumping to dating a bunch of girls at once so you seem like a totally normal girl crazy teenage boy /s).
He thinks that he understands society and how people act fundamentally (as shown with how he talks to Ryuk about how society will respond to Kira over time). And while there's no proof that he believes that junk that all women will inherently be drawn towards men (comp het, and some other things), given that he uses his looks to his advantage regardless of gender or romance, he is aware that he *can* win over people with his looks (and with society as it is, especially at the time, whether he has male admirers and knows it doesn't matter in terms of his dating life, because dating men will *not* contribute positively to his "good normal teenage boy" persona), it's true that he does use a lot of women in pursuing his goals.
So, let us set the stage, shall we? We have a man who doesn't respect very many people, nor does he find anyone worthy of his level intelligence wise. He makes judgements on people's character influenced by how smart he believes them to be. He's never had an actual close friend before. He's a man who likes men (who may not know that he likes men) and values intelligence, who surrounds himself with women (and women he dislikes at that)
Even if he needs this to be true for his goals, I doubt Light finds many people who fall for his manipulation of them (aided by his looks) to be very smart. He doesn't believe all women are inherently stupid or lesser, just that none of the ones he's met are worthy of him (not to mention that because he's not a woman himself, he doesn't fully grasp their place in society/how society affects them as much as he thinks he does)
Most people are stupid (no one is as smart as me) -> people are so easy to manipulate -> I keep manipulating women, women are easy to manipulate -> I dislike women being obsessed with me. Why? She is a bit stupid. I have to dislike her for a reason. I dislike her because she's stupid and therefore not worthy of me -> women are stupid
(And even then, as I said, he still doesn't really think women are inherently lesser in the end. I think his reactions are just heightened here by the fact that he just does not like Misa. I mean, heck, when he gets angry he throws men under the bus too (sorry Mikami). I think our perspective is a bit skewed given how much time he spends with her. Even if he was acting about it, it's telling enough that he recognized that Takada *is* intelligent)
So, what would this all mean for fem Light? Well, to keep her experience largely similar (or to keep her as close to the original as possible), let us assume that fem Light is a lesbian. Of course, given her status as a woman, she's going to face a bit more hardship and actually be impacted by misogyny herself this time around, but she has a supportive family. Light Yagami is a "good normal teenager" you see.
She may have told her parents she wouldn't date boys because she's focusing on her studies before, but when she comes under suspicion of being Kira by L, she needs to seem like a "normal teenage girl". She goes on a date with a guy who'd asked her out or a guy friend she knows likes her to initiate the bus jacking incident. She could still read porn mags on camera, although I surmise that just talking about how much she definitely likes guys or making collages of hot shirtless men from regular magazines could do the trick. She picks someone to date long term until getting into university (in which she'll tell people that it just wasn't going to work out because they were going different places after high school). She gets the highest score on the entrance exam to her university of choice (To-Oh of course) and finds another long term boyfriend from her university (or the equivalent of Takada, given that she was intelligent AND pretty, miss To-Oh herself). She already kind of doesn't like men based upon her experiences, but we enter into the second Kira event. Assuming the plot beats are mostly the same and our masc equivalent of Misa still demands to be her boyfriend, he becomes an obsessive obstacle in Kira's path, earning her ire for being an obstacle and because it annoys her "for some reason" that he likes her. It's so easy to get boys to do whatever she wants given her looks and charisma, so they can't be too smart. And of course all the ones she's surrounded herself with she has been annoyed at for them liking her so much. It can't be for no reason, so it must be something else. So clearly none of the men she's dated/dating are worthy because they're stupid and men are stupid.
You see where this goes.
Like I said, Takada happens to be a great frame of reference. She's smart, intelligent, loves Kira. If intelligence is why he could not love Misa, then surely Takada is his type, right?
Mikami is another great frame of reference. He's smart, intelligent, worships Kira obsessively (hmmm curious how similar he is to Misa in that regard and yet he doesn't find *him* annoying) , looks like L is very pretty. ...Light picks him after only seeing his looks on tv and doesn't appreciate any of his other pawns/allies just as much
Anyways, I digress. I've Light essayed you all enough
Tl;Dr, I think it's entirely possible that a fem Light could turn out largely the same (just maybe a men disliker instead of a women disliker or with a different occupation), just because gender would not really change his values morally or in terms of intelligence, nor how he interacts with society. Heck, even if she would have to be more wary of getting exposed about it, fem Light could very much be a femme fatale type (I think canon Light already has the vibes) given that she would use her looks to her advantage as well. She would face naturally a bit more or different hardship than canon Light, but it’s not impossible for her to turn out largely the same with a couple things swapped about her.
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#ZableFable #Janet #Oc #TraditionalArt #RealmJumper #RoboSloth #Translator #PoodleArtMyArt
This is my oc Zable Fable and she is a realm jumper.
Her job is to interview characters from different realms and explore the worlds for vacation spots.
She's 25 and speaks in Shiften her native tongue.
She needs Janet to translate for her.
She wears a fake toy ring from the dollar store but since she has been realm jumping has secrets inside of it.
She makes her own clothes and she tends to wear different outfits depending on what she finds in thrift stores and outlet markets.
 She is wearing her complementary color outfit she made from different clothes scraps.
She loves collecting weird shaped mugs and eating strange and unique foods.
She does food, snack, drink, and weird mug reviews when she is not realm jumping.
She is a college nerd and is far too busy to make friends until she met Zericon.
She is single and 25 years old.
This Zable 6"2 and Janet is Super Poo-chi robot dog sized so medium sized.
Every Zable is different in each encounter.
There is even a gender swaped Zable.
Zable has a steps watch on her right wrist and a monster shaped messenger bag with a mini early 2000's bedroom portal inside with clear plastic chairs and clear items.
Once she reaches 10,000 she can do up to ten attacks but the watch gets to decide what attack she uses.
If its a random summoning of up to two characters it eats up 5 attacks.
It depends on how big the character is that is summoned.
Sometimes her watch might glitch out and not work or shock her.
She tries to do at least 20,000 steps for 20 attacks.
Her watch is charged by her body by food she eats and the energy she produces.
The watch is also waterproofed.  
Zable works for the Zerphra Company which is for shifters that she jumps to different realms to find the best places to hang out or to eat.
She writes down the history of each place on her blog and she live streams her adventures.
If she sees a realm as safe she will put a teleport sticker somewhere around the realm then takes a picture of it and if it's not safe she will revisit the area to give it another chance.
If the place is too dangerous she has a skip realm on her realm jumper click that can be only used 3 times.
A realm jumper clicker is a crystal pen like device each realm jumper has and it personalized.
No one can break it but the realm jumper workers but they have to say " I quit to leave this company."
Her mom is named Monique and is the mayor of realm 12.
She has a older brother called Marcus and he is a coding and computer programmer.
 Realm 12 is where shifters called huemans which are colorful humanoid shifters, humans, and humons which are half shifter and half human.
Everyone in realm 12 has a different art style.
From clip art, 3d, traditional, collage, even realistic to live action. Even Illbleed low poly people.
Zable's lives in Realm 12 is like a sitcom like world since it was cursed by YipYop a Topsy Turvy Chimera shifter.
Sometimes a laugh track will play or sound effects will play and she will randomly say a catchphrase against her will.
All Zable's are born on April 1 which in realm 1 it's shapeshifter history month.
Different clothes Zable would wear with the realm jumping bags with the inner realm inside.
davo89o-aef71b06-7505-4e57-b1a1-6be0dc0ca6fc.jpg (307×512) (wixmp.com)
cool_goodwill_jacket_by_beautychao7_daclzzu-fullview.jpg (600×450) (wixmp.com)
dacmax4-21c1f7a5-4978-474e-8c23-fdb444e15871.jpg (120×246) (wixmp.com)
Her many Inner Realm Bags
images (259×194) (gstatic.com) s-l1600.jpg (1200×1600) (ebayimg.com) s-l1600.jpg (1200×1600) (ebayimg.com)
Viv Tray is a fluffy chimera and human hybrid and is Zable's video editor. He wants to become a realm jumper himself and make his own videos. He has lava lamp parts on his arms/legs and tail that glows. He was also Zable's college friend.
Her realm's theme before the curse > Ennio Morricone: L'alibi (Belinda May + Fantastic Plastic Machine Rmx) - YouTube After the curse > Tatsuro Songs From L.A. ~ (1991) -DISC2- (AOR, WestCoast, Melodic/Rock) - FullAlbum - YouTube
Art Trade from labirynth iota @Falsevanity (Twitter) and LabirynthIota (Deviantart)
F0XlmAtWAAUmfKO (510×680) (twimg.com)
Art Trade from Chara la Cuchara and @Chara_cuchara01)
F2uZ6HwWYAAM1lc (675×900) (twimg.com)
GSZvsuZWEAAq3al (680×510) (twimg.com)
This is my oc Janet she is Zable Fable's translator for her since Zable speaks a different language then the people/beings she meets to be on equal terms when interviewing.
Janet is a parody bootleg Robo-chi toy from Zable's ring.
She's Zable's Bootleg Robot Sloth that comes out her ring she always wears.
She has a groovebox on her back that she uses for battle and is based off the Robo-chi line of robots but mostly the rare blue and purple Bot-ster Robot toy but the colors are swapped.
Zable seemed to realm across a certain realm that made her bootleg ring contain Janet by accident.
Janet is always recording sounds and saving them for mixes for future battle.
Her sensor is on her small heart shaped symbol on her chest.
Janet can stop, pause, fast forward, record, and rewind time kind of similar to Blinx but can make up to 4 clones of anything with it for puzzles. Janet can eat anything but fruit is her favorite.
She has two heart heart shaped speakers and can talk in multiple languages but sometimes chooses to make sloth noises. Janet hates being picked up like a gamecube by her handle on the top of her head but "don't be gamecube shaped you dummy".
Zericon finds Janet to be interesting but creepy at the same time. You can feed her the plastic leaf like Bot-ster and the other Robo-chi's toy food items.
She can eat real food, charge herself, use solar power for energy.
She can also translate other languages for Zable to understand.
I just wondered if Tiger kept making other animal robots and kept going with more unique ideas. 
(Spoiler Alert: All Zable's are part human and shifter but it is dormant until if she is close to death then it will unlock. Her shifter species is called a Funny Fellas which are clown like and super rare. Since the villain that cursed her world basically killed all the Funny Fellas except one. )
What inspired me to make Zable and the realm jumping thing. I really liked this game and the music is pretty good.
I just wanted a character to visit this place and know the history of this place.
Video not mine but link is there.
Dog of Bay (JPN) For Playstation 2 - YouTube
All Zable's will sometimes change form to fit the realm they will visit in case human's don't exist there or try to match the art style of a realm.
A shifter's power is endless so a new power or abilities might show up. Especially if a newly formed shifter starts attacking.
It's like a newly hatched snake has very dangerous venom.
Like the slogan in Realm 1 for shifters.
Anything not possible is possible.
Funny Fellas can only be stopped by distractions like juggling objects and other clown like things. Or just food if they haven't eaten.
They smell like circus foods like cotton candy or caramel corn. The bone weakness doesn't work on them.
Funny Fellas tend to break the fourth wall a lot like.
For example messing with a language a person is saying, and pulling objects from other places randomly.
Or just messing with you. They are pretty powerful when focused.
That's why the villain in my lore killed all but one.
A newly formed shifter is required to go to shifter school since late bloomers are a danger to everyone.
Late bloomer shifter's can't control what power they have and it's randomized.
Zable's fav candies are Boston baked beans, different flavored candy corn, weird gummies, and chocolate covered circus peanuts.
But each Zable has different things they like.
Viv Tray's Beta Design. (He was based on a good version of Jeff the Killer but was changed. I drew the beta sketch before I knew what John Doe is. I drew him when I was bored doing homework while The Hub Network was still on. It was when the batman Tygrus episode was playing in the background.)
dacm7p6-381dfcbe-9b38-48bb-86b2-53d3317be1f0.jpg (214×468) (wixmp.com)
smiley_guy_sketch_2_by_beautychao7_dacm7vn-fullview.jpg (600×450) (wixmp.com)
smiley_guy_sketch_3_by_beautychao7_dacm7zg-fullview.jpg (600×450) (wixmp.com)
Beta Zable
Zable's beta job was owning a store with her mom that rhymes with Zable like table, fables, and labels.
Zable's beta design was originally going to be a undertale character that was a shapeshifter but pretended to be human so the human's wouldn't notice her but later was caught then thrown underground.
The running joke was Papyrus would bring her to Asgore to be the last soul but have Papyrus get told it wasn't going to work.
She would only appear on April 1 next to the Gyftrot.
Her battle animations would be shapeshifting her body like her arms and legs into weapons then swings them around at the player. Picking up the UI box and shaking it around while eyeing it and the stop/go blue/orange spikes glow swapping.
They would talk about not belonging.
To spare her you need to calm her down and chat with them. At the end you exchange phone numbers and you meet her in a special place where you just dance with her.
The special place is the abandoned meat factory but they don't know that.
Music's and game not mine but link is there.
Undertale - Meat Factory Arrangement - YouTube
Undertale OST: Meat Factory - YouTube
Exploring the Meat Factory - SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day - YouTube
All of this beta stuff was in my head for the longest time.
Before I saw Doe and Nimona but both media brought it back since it was locked up for so long.
If beta Zable had a theme.
Music and video not mine.
Ghost Fight (Extended Version) - Undertale - YouTube
She/Thon Zable would take off their eye glasses to reveal nothing underneath and throw it at the player but then do the velma where my glasses at pose.
The glasses are the eyes.
It's a rare attack.
Yeah I like to draw monsters since my art style isn't the best so I have a ton of shifter oc's.
But most of my roleplays I do which are a few like the base character more then for the character to change form.
When you defeat beta Zable.
She would smirk and say "I guess you were more of a monster than me and I was the human all along." "Crazy right?"
Then turns to dust and you win only one gold but it's fools gold.
You can't sell or throw away the fool's gold and is stuck with you in your inventory till the end.
Sometimes beta Zable would mirror match fight the player but only in the killing all monster route.
Beta Zable got caught shifting her arm to make a tool she needed and someone caught her changing her hand then told someone.
The humans sent her underground since they were scared.
If Zable's fool's gold body reaches the Amalgam area then it will try to fuse with each Amalgamate for one unique battle animation for each one then fade away.
This is the only way to get rid of the fool's gold.
I imagine some of the cutscenes in the fool's gold battles will be a random gold hand assisting in the Ui battle.
Like for example the gold hand shooing away the moths or butterflies then string puppeting the Everyman to attack the heart player.
Like this.
Video not mine but link is there.
Undertale - Reaper Bird's Everyman Screaming - YouTube
Newly shifted Zable Fable (Funny Fella)
The last song a realtor hears before Zable Fable changes from her human form to her dormant funny fella beta shifter form.
(A meme explaining the shifter mist change from being spooked.)
Empty House - Undertale - YouTube
In her newly shifted form her attacks are randomized and she can't control what happens but distracting her is her weakness.
Bones are not her weakness like the others.
She tastes like expired clown meat bologna mixed with their least favorite food to beings that try to eat her.
She has a forehead mouth like her dad and one of these as counter symbol on her back that randomizes a number.
The number is where the random attack comes from.
If you distract her she will forget why she was fighting and leave.
Her stepwatch was absorbed in her body is another part of the random attacks.
Not much is know about Funny Fellas since the villain of my story wiped all of them out but Zable since she didn't know she was a funny fella.
Images not mine but links are there.
Meat clown. : r/ofcoursethatsathing (reddit.com)
Clapper Board Vector For Movie Or Film Vector for Free Download | FreeImages
Inspiration is this and those old bloopers from Disney cartoon movies that are bloopers.
Video and game not mine but link is there.
Mario Power Tennis Bloopers (Full Reel) 2015 Update - YouTube
Zable Fable can't control where she realm jumps.
So she can appear anywhere since her realm jumper clicker is randomized to where she goes as a starting point.
Like for example just appear in the a house or in the vents of a apartment.
When Zable Fable changes back to her human form she will forget what happened and you need to record it to jog her memory.
If you don't she will keep reunlocking her shifter side with a different shifter mist song.
The last words a tricked realtor will hear from her is "This house has people in it."
Then will use a random attack like for example freezing the "windows" of the house then tossing the lure body out like someone crashing through a real window.
Janet will try to warn you by trying to warn Zable that it is dangerous. But Janet is trying to warn the monster or being trying to warning about Zable being dangerous.
Janet knows of this but is too scared to record Zable in this form and needs to hide in secrets spot so Zable won't find her.
But Janet kind of wants to know what song plays out of her next.
So don't spook the beta shifter close to death.
How this happens is if Zable were to "die" she would lay limp on the ground and not move but if you get close you hear a song within her body then mist protrudes out her body.
Music and video not mine but link is there.
F-F-Fire! (Alpha Mix) - MOTHER 3 - YouTube
If you kiss her like for example in ending 2 of John Doe you will get some of that shifter mist in your mouth but it tries to harmonize with Zable's shifter mist.
Then she will slowly get up.
(John Doe/ Realtors are from Mortisfox.)
Video and music not mine.
F-F-Fire! (PAL Version) - MOTHER 3 - YouTube
How to successful kill a Funny Fella is pretty hard since each one has a different weakness.
Since Zable is the last one it's a mystery.
Distraction and proof that she shifted is key to defeating her but she might not own up to it being true.
She does still do her glasses boomerang trick as a random move similar to zora link's fins cutting down tentacles like for example a lure cord.
Reminding her being like.
Video and cartoon not mine but link is there.
"It's Not My Wallet" 🤤 SpongeBob + Patrick Meet Man Ray | Full Scene - YouTube
More shifter songs that Zable could play.
Music and videos not mine but links are there.
Astral Observatory (Beta Mix) - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - YouTube
Start Screen - Hasbro Family Game Night - YouTube
In her randomized attacks that are constant is -1 is self destruct where it doesn't hurt her but does hurt the enemy and 0 is to teleport out of there or flee the scene then revert to her normal form.
She won't remember nothing but the enemy will.
(When Zable Fable newly shifts form it's kind of like sleep walking but sleep fighting.
Remember human Zable is dormant now since she "died" and her shifter side is protecting the vessel until the enemy flees or dies.)
Basically when Zable Fable newly shifts forms and the attacks are randomized be like.
Mixed with Special Move: Judge from Mr. Game and Watch.
Image and videos not mine but links are there.
Evolution of Bowser's Big Blast in Mario Party (1999-2021) - YouTube
Smash Bros. DOJO!!
Some random attack numbers.
1 is where both parties get shocked like her stepwatch's random chance shocking her and higher the number the more elaborate the attack will be.
(If the randomized lands on 7 she will pull off the number 7 and use it as a scythe to attack. If it lands on 8 she will figure 8 dance fight you or remove it to make a infinity symbol. You need to run away until it wares off. )
(She is unstable after all and is a fail safe of her species. But if you are truly bonded to her then their is a chance you can snap her out.)
(You can try to reason with shifted Zable but it won't work since her human half is in a dream like state. You can trap her first.)
She can also shift her arms/legs into weapons.
She tries to make herself be too weird to be eaten by monsters/beings on her realm jumper travels.
Mostly making jokes about how awful she tastes like saying she tastes funny or that she's realm jumped to better places to eat and she saved them on her phone so we can try it.
Unstable Zable Fable.
If it randomly lands on 66 then she summons either 2 cars or a huge truck and they target the enemy so you can try to dodge it but it's hard. You will also get tired from dodging.
No attack happens when it lands to 69 or 420 she would either shrug and have a small chuckle.
(If it lands on 22 that's the weakness stare.
It's where Fable is not attacking but is scanning the enemy with their eyes to find out the enemies weakness then attack at a later date or sooner if attacked first.)
(Zable is the human half and Fable is the shifter half. But they swap who is dormant.)
(Excitement and fear bring up Fable and Zable can return with both being trapped, calmed down, and video proof.)
(How the random attacks works it's like Zable dreaming up the attacks while Fable does the attacks in real time to a enemy.)
(666 is roleplay where Fable Zable and the enemy bodyswap but the new host can't take this new body due to it being unstable.
It's a perfect time for Zable to record the footage and show it to the newly swapped host to reverse it.)
(You can try to interview Fable but they would be confused and would rather fight. Mostly talk about the 4th wall or clown things and how the human side is weak while also holding them back.)
(Yeah the villain of my story has a randomized weakness so Zable Fable has to guess the weakness. That's the reason why the attacks are randomized.)
(Once she gets proof she can slowly control her new form if she shifts again but her powers will be halved to give a enemy mercy. She will even let them go and try not to fight a enemy unless they did something horrible then that can change.)
200 is Voidcuum where Fable summons a giant vacuum cleaner and when anything is sucked in it goes into a void is trapped there.
Also can be used to clean up really messy places easily even when trash reappears.
It's also used to clean up after the boss fight with the main villain of my story and fixes the broken buildings/things from the battle when the vacuum is reversed.
There is a water version of the Voidcuum.
13 is interview its where Fable takes some of the interviews Zable has done then changes into that person or being and has all their attacks. The weakness is the same for them.
Example. I interviewed a werewolf the other day. Then she slowly turns into a werewolf and attacks you.
300! (Boo!)
Spoo key
Fable does a hiding something behind your ear trick to the enemy and makes a spooky key appear.
Then uses it to unlock the person's lifeforce or soul out their body then swap it out with a random one like a pest or a tree.
You need to beg Fable to put everything back to normal before your physical or non physical body is destroyed.
This effects ghosts, beings without souls, beings without ears.
It's up to Fable to feel like giving you back to normal and you may need to state your case on why in a courtroom where they are the judge.
Fable can understand animals and plants but is rusty on inanimate object language.
There is a high chance you might be a object like a toy robot or a plush with a string cord you have to pull.
She can store items in her monster bag and most of the items Zable has are from her realm jumping excursions.
Also while just exploring before a interview Janet hangs out in the inner bag realm early 2000's room with clear plastic furniture.
If she was in smash she and the other versions of Zable can hold up to only three items.
One big item, one medium item, one small item but not the fake and real smash balls.
It messes with her inner bag realm.
The final smash only works when Zable gets hit first to unlock Fable. On April 1 all the songs are slowed down with a reverb effect.
A example.
Music and video not mine but link is there.
Super Smash Bros. Melee - All-Star rest area {Slowed + Rain ambience} - YouTube
This was another inspiration for both Zable Fable's realm jumping, steps mechanic, and exploring different places.
The adventure mode from Melee, the F-Zero with the Underground Maze stages, and Roy.
Images, game, and video not mine but link is there.
Super Smash Bros Melee: Adventure Mode with Roy (Very Hard) - YouTube
If Zable Fable was idle she would walk in place to gain more steps and her recovery would be Janet using her jet pack on her back to fly Zable up to safety.
But you need to remove big items to get more air for the recovery. Small and medium items won't affect this.
Her/their grabs will be hitting the character then pushing them if it's a right or left grab then throwing them in a random direction.
But all Zable's hands are cold to the touch due to them exercising so you would get grab damage at first.
I always wanted a character in smash to calculate how many steps they would take in real time.
That would be what Zable's stepwatch would do in the corner and reaches 10,000 steps then gets 10 randomized moves.
All Zable's victory poses probably showing how many steps they all take on the stepwatch to the camera which actually saves at the end of the battle then walking away.
All Zable's peeking out their realm jumper bag the zip it up to put a do not disturb sign on it.
Have all Zable's holding Janet then speak something in Shiften like they are interviewing the camera.
All Zable's sleep animations would be them in their realm jumping bags resting up.
If Zable had a smash entrance it would be Zable Fable dropping in a random area on the stage or on top of the character at the start of the battle damaging both characters in the beginning of the fight but it's rare chance the equal damage at the beginning happens.
I can see Zable throwing their tiny microphone long distances like in break the targets but has a breaking chance with a cool down.
Maybe having a animation when throwing a tiny microphone with it being gone then accidentally throwing out Janet instead while freaking out.
Have the over ledge animation of Zable being curious at what is at the bottom with upside down blue heart necklace glowing bright slowly pushing the model back.
Ban Hammer
The words Ban Hammer form into a useable hammer and it acts similar to the smash bros hammers.
Video not mine but link is there.
The Hammer Parry - YouTube
58 Pro Skater Turns the five part into a skateboard and the eight is the wheels.
Can skate like a pro skateboarder and it's a good weapon for fleeing while also doing tricks with the character's eyes closed. 
This would play.
Video not mine but link is there.
Sk8er Boi - Elite Beat Agents (NDS) - YouTube
Adventure Mode/Mouse Trap
Fable teleports the enemy to a random world to go through a gauntlet challenge that challenges the body & mind.
It's similar to Melee's adventure mode in feel and if you complete it you return back but Zable Fable might have left the area.
If you die in the gauntlet you get added to the adventure mode as a enemy or just part of the background and you either get a clone to replace you or the world just erases you like you never existed.
Fable ignores the enemy and starts making a elaborate trap to trap the enemy with.
Fable will do math to get the trap to work right but might be off by a little bit to give you a false sense of security to let your guard down this never misses.
You can't damage Fable you just have to watch and if you help Fable during this they will push you away unless you fixed the trap right.
It's best to just run away from this move but the trap might still get you from far away.
Clone Madness
Fable makes multiples of 2 clones of Zable but it's all the different versions of the character from other realms then will take turns either grabbing you, punch you, then toss the enemy around like a ball.
Each one has different moves so each one attack is a mystery to the enemy.
Might be the weakness of the enemy.
It's kind of like the move beat up in Pokémon and this mod. Videos not mine but link is there.
[TAS] Super Smash Bros. Melee Four-Player Adventure Mode Mod - YouTube
Move Guru - Beat Up - YouTube
Fable will stare at the enemy and copy them authentically which includes the weakness.
This form will disappear when the enemy says they will leave the vessel alone, die, or say sorry.
Begging for mercy may help or distracting Fable with a trick to make them laugh will help save you.
The more weird you act the safer you will become and having a gimmick or something special may help also.
Fable will teleport themselves and the enemy to a tennis court and just play a game of tennis.
Win or lose your just their to have fun and forget why both parties were in conflict but if Fable gets bored then they just leave and it's up to the enemy to find a away home. Fable will turn Zable's hand and arm into a tennis racket since Fable hates holding items to either attack or just play games. It's a shapeshifter thing. The vessel's eyes are closed when playing and relies on instinct or the feeling of the enemy's moves trying to guess and like being a few steps ahead. If the enemy wants to summon a friend just shout a name, sign language, or just write it down and the person will appear. Fable will make a clone of the true funny fella version of the character that is hiding in vessel Zable's human body. Fable is stuck as a sealed entity within Zable to stay safe from the villain and remain hidden since they are the last of their species.
If Zable has a strong bond with a lover or a friend but they accidently spook or excite Zable enough to knock the character out to wake up Fable.
Fable will cross vessel Zable's arms and sense the area for threats with their eyes closed then ask what happened to the vessel.
Also if they need something but Fable hates being swapped out randomly but you can talk to them while Zable is sleeping.
The more you talk to both parties equally to gain both their trust.
Once Zable and Fable are in sync they will be free to both be awake and separate.
If Zable has a strong bond with a lover or a friend but they accidently spook or excite Zable enough to knock the character out to wake up Fable.
Fable will cross vessel Zable's arms and sense the area for threats with their eyes closed then ask what happened to the vessel.
Also if they need something but Fable hates being swapped out randomly but you can talk to them while Zable is sleeping.
The more you talk to both parties equally to gain both their trust.
Once Zable and Fable are in sync they will be free to both be awake and separate.
When Fable first gets in control Zable's face it will be stuck and move like a low poly human similar to Illbleed but that's Fable trying to adjust to being waken up after a deep sleep.
Being in a flesh mecha is hard.
This character needs to rub their vessel's face to make it work normal or this character will talk without emotion or mouth movement so they move the vessel's body to convey emotion.
When in sync Fable will see the true version a character by using Zable's glasses to find things hidden like items or people.
This is good since in Zable's story the villain has a little underlings that are trying to find Fable and are hidden.
Zable Fable tends to dodge okay but tends to trip up if each version is dodging attacks for too long.
If in real danger this character will jump high in the air.
A reference to the jumping moments in Illbleed.
A few examples of Fable taking control of Zable's body to jump high. Images not mine but links are there.
Illbleed Stage 5 - Killerman - YouTube
Snek plays Illbleed (No Commentary) (Sega Dreamcast 2001) Part 6 (Toy Hunter, Inda Goes to Hell) - YouTube
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The Past Prank War
Fable in the deep past like the beginning when their were more Funny Fellas and Topsy Turvy chimera's had a few of them around.
Most of the Funny Fella played tricks on all shifter types since they were clown themed shifters.
This made YipYop angry and decided to prank back.
The pranks slowly became more dangerous and this is before all shifters could adapt to being badly hurt or bones being all shifters weakness.
YipYop decided to makes a lava wave to wipe all them out but only Fable survived barely but was dying until Fable met Zericon.
Zericon was friends with this genderless shifter and Fable says to keep it's lifeforce in a necklace that was later given to Zable as a present on her 18th birthday this later made this character randomized and separate into different versions when realm jumping.
Each Zable is different and unique.
They are only linked by blood and realities not in one body.
Fable is referenced by the upside down heart symbol each Zable in their design.
Sometimes the stories are different like it's Zable's mom Monique (Meriza) that is the shifter and Zericon is the human mayor named Juleius Jackson.
Fable was the first shifter to adapt then later gave it to Zericon and then later taught the other shifters in a school to adapt but later found out bones were a shifters weakness after trial and error.
To test what the species can and can't adapt too which makes sense.
Since most shifter are boneless but are more slime or cartilage like so they can easily change form without bone breaking.
Topsy Turvy chimera, Fable, and defective ones have few bones.
After the prank war on April 1st YipYop was defeated by being tricked by Zericon to be amber sealed in a volcano lava rock that was later found by humans to be put in a museum in Realm 12 where Zable Jackson worked.
Zericon teleported there to steal YipYop back to be safely put back in a location where they can't wake up and get revenge.
So Zericon changed into a human to try to bypass security but when trying to shift his hand like a key got caught.
Then was shot with bone bullets and tried his best to scratch and push out the bone fragment before he turns to dust because if a shifter is a 1000 years old or older they will turn into dust if all bone fragments are not removed quickly.
He panicked and changed into his back sword symbol to shake the rest out but was later knocked out by a dart from the security and is now displayed in the museum in a cold room to prevent him from shifting or teleporting.
Later Zable Jackson was on the night shift to check all the museum exhibits to see if no one was there after hours but sometimes reads up on the info of the museum exhibits.
Then later found a weird sword and the weird lava rock next to each other with a made up info from the staff.
Then noticed the sword was like the story her mom read to her in shiften and wanted to touch it with her gloved hands.
The warmth of Zable's hands helped wake up Zericon then his sword form floated in air then telepathy asked her for something to eat.
Zable Jackson was making a decent living but not enough to go traveling.
She digged in her pocket and gave the sword shifter a spicy chocolate limited edition bar and that was enough for Zericon to be in his true form.
Zericon was pretty tall for a shifter and it was due to shifters using being tall for intimidation but Zable was pretty tall while her mom was short and her brother was in the middle in size.
Zericon noticed the necklace Zable was wearing and wants to take it but decided not to due to not wanting to anger his mate which was the mayor.
Zable Jackson was 24 years old at the time and Zericon is older than 1000 years old but decided to make his age stuck at a 1000 years to prevent the bone weakness dust from quickly killing him.
Zericon doesn't have a determined height but 6'7 is his favorite height in human form.
Zericon asked if Zable wanted a better career that paid more and you can travel while also meeting people.
Zable wasn't sure who this person is and why he was so nice to her since she wasn't good at making friends let alone keep them but she did have one college friend.
She decided to take this person's offer but they need to get to know each other's names and what they like.
Also wondering who and where her dad is.
Zericon wanted to tell Zable that he was her dad but was interrupted by the lava rock sealing YipYop breaking like a egg and finally being free to have revenge.
YipYop created a portal in the sky and flew in to make the world revert realm 12 to 1990s sitcom world with a intro, forced catchphrase, and everything.
YipYop was being watched by people in the museum and now the Realm 12 is now in a sitcom being watched by them and others.
This curse also made Zericon just be Zable's friend and not her dad since it is a spoiler that will unlock the sync with Fable.
Fable knows about Zable but is just a body to them but later after Zable does her interview and seeing the many versions of the character then they slowly started caring about Zable.
Not only as a vessel to the physical world but needed to protect all versions of the character from YipYop or enemies that try to harm them all and will separate to give up itself if needed to protect Zable.
Zable arrived in the Zerphra Company with Zericon.
She recently turned 25 and now is stuck at that age because of the curse but the longer she is away from her realm the more normal while comfortable this character will be.
Zable was told by the boss chimera to not use her real last name so Zericon suggested Fable.
It was pretty hard for her to translate other beings languages so sometimes Zericon tags along to interviews to translate.
Zericon tends to be in a form similar to the locals in the realm they visit.
But one day Zable realm jumped to a world where both her stepwatch and bootleg toy jewelry ring acted weird.
Her toy ring was glowing when she returned home and out popped this robo toy sloth.
This toy sloth wanted to be called Janet and just started eating the fruit in her kitchen.
Zable was interested on where Janet came from so she checked off a list of realms she visited and still couldn't find where Janet came from.
Seems like a outside force brought them together.
Zericon when first seeing Janet found her strange but not a threat.
Zericon uses Janet as a way to be free to do important things like checking up on the mayor to chat with her and get a plan together.
Years past since Realm 12 and everyone figured out when 2012 hits and it's new years YipYop reappears from the portal to search for Fable maybe unleashes their underlings to find that shifter.
Once midnight strikes then Realm 12 reverts back to the 1990s again. The technology also reverts.
The longer Zable is in the Realm 12 the more sitcom corny this character will become and everyone around them.
There is a laugh track from nowhere but outside the realm some of this curse does drip out without control randomly.
Zable when realm jumping is trying to look for someone who can take down YipYop and this curse to finally move past all of this.
Dating Zable's
If any version of Zable gets hit on by someone they will be oblivious at first and respond by just telling the character they like them instead of trying to skirt around it.
Some might not like big announcements like a flash mob or a huge party.
Every Zable is different some may have relationship experience and some won't.
But the Au for Regular Zable knows how dating works while the Zable Au with Doe was too busy or never dated at all.
Never even went to prom because this Zable found it not important to go.
If Zable would date Heim Baile from House Hunted 2 they would probably go out on a burger date and eat inside of his house body.
Zable would ask to do a fancy limited edition food review with Heim if he is okay with it.
Zable would ask Heim in a interview on Realtor lore.
Zable asking questions like. "Why do some of you REALTORs hunt humans?" "While some are like oh boy real food and still survive."
"If Realtors can't get jobs but have hobbies then how are you getting burgers?"
"If Realtors can't control what your lure bodies look like."
"Then do some Realtors try to outward change their appearance like wearing normal clothes instead of the ones they sprouted with over their "clothes" ?"
"Also do some Realtors feel like they are not in the right lure body?"
"Like a pollinator house wanting to be a seed bearer."
"Are their any Realtors that are both?"
Basically that quote from the beginning of the game explains Zable Fable.
The last funny fella fused with her by her dad and her stepwatch she can't take off are making her unstable.
Music and video not mine but link is there.
CHILLBLEED - Illbleed title theme remix - lofi beats to lower your pulse - YouTube
Party Stronger - Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - YouTube
#JohnDoeGame #YousonaQuestion #ZableFable
My art isn't that great but I can answer these questions.
Maybe make a AU where Zable is a yousona that can either follow the game rules or just winging it and do their own thing.
(Zable Fable is not really a Yousona but just my oc that just hops realms for interviews or deliveries if this character arrives in the same place.)
Zable Fable
2. 25
3. (For the Doe Au) Metallic colors like copper, gold, and silver.
4. My oc would call Doe unique and would be curious on what is this person is.
5. Randomly realm jumped their for their job so the realm jumper crystal clicker brought this character here.
6. Has a older brother, a mayor mom, has a dad but Zable doesn't know him yet due to the villain of my story's curse.
7. Spam Musubi and pasta salad with olives.
8. Depends on what the surprise is.
Zable might fight back if the surprise harms the user.
9. *John Doe animal crossing gifted Zable Fable a censored meat gift and Zable gifted him a tooth mug with beef jerky in it*
10. Maybe the arcade, the movies, bowling, maybe revisiting cool locations Zable has collected on her camera phone that are safe to return too.
11. Zable would accept but they need to meet Zable's mom first and Zericon (Zable's Dad) would be protective.
12. Love what? Me?
13. I like the beta design John Doe with the pointy nose but all forms are cool.
14. Zable Fable would like cuddles or holding hands maybe kissing.
15. Surprise me with the T-shirt design but I hope it is funny.
Zable Fable's Table Talk
Zable Fable would rarely stop time like how characters in sitcoms stop time to explain stuff the audience.
It's direct address or fourth wall breaking.
For example.
Zable sees a villain monologuing and thumb pointing at them while freezing time.
"You see this fool blabbing."
The fourth wall breaking theme sounds like a Balan Wonderworld bootleg sounding of the Got To Be Real instrumental but it's just the background but it's has this fool be real crazy mixed in it.
Cheryl Lynn - Got To Be Real (Instrumental Edit) - YouTube
Balan Wonderworld Soundtrack - The Firefighter with Heroic Aspirations (Main Theme) - YouTube
Videos not mine but links are there.
This zone is called Zable Fable's Table Talk and this character answers questions while the villain or person is paused.
This only happens once so Zable saves it for the right time.
Times Zable would use this. Maison Talo monologuing about how Realtors work inside his house is before "death".
Ending 4 to John Doe where he says you can never leave his house with his hands up.
What it sounds like when Fable is making the trap.
Madness Combat 3 Soundtrack: Cheshyre - Calliope - YouTube
Video not mine but link is there.
This song reminds me of the old CN powerhouse era ads. Video not mine but link is there.
Cartoon Network Powerhouse (Both short and long versions) - YouTube
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transmascrage · 2 years
i think trans men not only are hated because people think we should be emotionless or we're not real men but more because so many people are chugging radfem juice that makes them think any type of masculinity or maleness is inherently bad. they're swaping the old sex essentialism with gender essentialism, where men and masculinity are automatically the evil and oppressive people/force that need to be shamed or even destroyed.
the thing is, they think like that because they automatically equate any type of masculinity with CISHET male masculinity, something that only cishet men have. sure, people can copy and adopt toxic behaviours from these types of men but it doesn't mean masculinity itself is bad or is a clear, universal thing. masculinity differs from group to group and from person to person. so claiming that, say, gay men or butch masculinity is the same as cishet men's masculinity that is based on oppression and patriarchy is fucking homophobic and also just absurd.
Yeah, totally! What I was describing on that post is gender essentialism, too.
It's just that it's seen as more acceptable, also because of the r*dfem juice they've been putting in the city's water system, for lack of a better analogy.
(And frankly, I don't even think cishet masculinity is necessarily inherently toxic, it's just been this way for literally thousands of years.)
So many people, even in the queer community think that trans men become entitled and oppressive the moment we come out, like the male privilege just seeps into us like Venom to Eddie.
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corhore · 4 years
Whats your opinion on race and gender swaping? Personally i think as long as the actor can play the part then it shouldn’t matter
I don’t really mind it personally as long as the character is the exact same character and not drastically changed for no reason.
If a character doesn’t have the same hair color then that pisses me off more than race changing. Like if every red head comic character are going to be “blackwashed” then at least let them have the same hair color for Pete sake.
But on the whole if it was up to me no character would be getting race swapped or gender swapped. What that does is delude the character identity. I’d rather bring the spotlight to actual poc characters rather than race swap white ones. Yeah its because of diversity, but at the end of the day your still prioritizing white characters over actual black ones. Also and if the race swapped version becomes the popular version then it becomes a problem for the comic character.
For example Heimdall in the movies is black, but in the comics he’s white. So what marvel does is they constantly put his face in the shadows to make his look black.
Another example is Valkyrie. In the movie she’s black. Now thats fine because its not the same character in the comics, but since the movie version became popular the comic version got killed off (by Jason Aaron because he wanted to prop up his fav character Jane) and the movie version (or some iteration of it) is gonna be introduced in the comics. Even with the Return of the Valkyrie’s story og Valkyrie might not be coming back. If she doesn’t then Marvel essentially retired her character in favor for movie synergy. Thats pretty bad and sets a dangerous precedent. 
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dachi-chan25 · 3 years
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Haven't done this in a while but I had the time so why not?
1.- Pizza Girl by Kyoung Jean Frazier
I really did like it, reminded me a lot of "Convinience store woman". Like clearly our protagonist needed thrapy ASAP to help her deal with her dad's death, her pregnancy, her attraction to women and hell just for existing as an Asian woman in the USA, but I liked how messy and obsesive she was and how the author allowed her to be fucked up and take bad decisions, I love to see female characters simply exist, it's also a pretty short read so I definitely recommend it.
2.-The Authentics by Abdi Nazemian
Daría is a persian teen who is really involved in her cultural background and feels that the most important thing one can be is authentic, so that's the name she and her friends take for their clique. But everything comes crashing down on her when she discovers she is adopted, and soon follows an identity crisis. I loved it so much, it felt pretty realistic, like Daría could be self absorbed and unlikeable at times, but who wasn't as a teen? And we get such beautiful heartwarming moments between Daría and her family and friends. Totally recommend it.
3.- The Mall by Megan McCafferty
Cassie has her life completely mapped out but nothing goes quite as planned, first she gets mononucleosis and after she gets better gets dumped and fired almost simultaneously. Determined not to let it get the best of her, Cassie gets a brand new job, reconnects with an old friend and even finds a hidden treasure. This one is so much fun, all the 90s references and the growth Cassie goes through is amazing, honeslty i would love to see this as a Netflix movie.
4.- Luster by Raven Leilani
This book was hard, Edie is a very raw character, at first she seems flippant even when describing disturbing facts about her past or details about her relationship with a much older man she seems to be talking about something that happened to someone else all this to cope dealing with her solitude, her trauma, her self hate. And gosh it was so intresting to see her interact with Rebecca and Akila, especially Akila as Edie finds kinship in this young girl not only cuz they are both black but because they are both lost and afraid.
5.- Lakewood by Megan Giddings
Lena decides to participate on a financially compensated medical experiment so her mom can get proper medical care and to lessen their debts after her Grandmother's death.
So I had many mixed feelings about this, on one hand I liked that we are adressing how sistematical racism has permited experiments on black people with no consequences at all and how it has been happening for decades, but there were certain parts of the book that I couldn't enjoy as much because they were very trippy like I get we are on Lena's mind as things are becoming muddled up because of the medications and all those mind games and the words they have her memorize and repeat but all of it took me a bit away from the story. Still I do recommend it just be aware there is quite a bit of body horror in this so if you are sqeamish better skip it.
6.-The Voting Booth - Brandy Colbert
Marva and Duke meet on election day as she helps him find the precint he is registered on.
This is very enjoyable, the story is very straightforward, and it insists on our right and responsability to vote even if we feel our vote alone can't possibly change all the injustice we see in the world. And also the romance was cute and developed slowly as Marva and Duke are just knowing each other. Really cute and quick read.
7.- Such a fun age - Kiley Reid
Emira works as a babysitter for the Chamberleins' . She loves her little charge Briar, although she feels preassured to seek a 'real job' by her friends and by her own economic troubles. Emira soon finds herself in the middle of a tug of war between her boss Alix who tries to befriend her, and Kelley the guy she is dating.
So much drama. This is a great example of what performative activism looks like, first Alix is completely nuts, from her obsession to be seen as this wonderful understanding girl boss activist and the down right creepy sense of entitlement to Emira's friendship and intimacy. Like it doesn't surprise me she chose to victimize herself instead of recognizing it had all been a misunderstanding. And even then she still wants to seem atractive to the man she feels victimized by. Girl no.
Kelley is the ultimate fake woke ally. Dude Robbie was wrong period, he had no business inviting people over to someone else's house no matter the color of his skin. You don't get to talk over Emira on matters of what a person of color should do or feel on certain situations. That said it was so funny when he and Alix called each other out for their fetishization of people of color and yet none of them actually gave a damn about what Emira thought/felt/percieved. They just wanted her stamp of approval so they could pat themselves in the back for being such good allies.
8.- The Life and (Medieval) times of Kit Sweetly by Jamie Pacton
Kit is working as a serving wench at the Castle, medieval themed restaurant run by her uncle, though she really wants to be a Knight, not only cuz the better pay would help around the house but because she really admires Joan of Arc, problem is the Castle management doesn't allow for anyone who is not a cis male to be a knight. Kit is set on changing that.
Ok so I feel a bit lukewarm toward this. Kit in my opinion doesn't get much growth, it seems she just can do whatever and her friends have to be ok w it, her romance w her friend feels pulled out of nowhere like Jett at one point tells her he is not intrested in dating her and then he is ???, those GoT references killed me, I get it I watched the show and sometimes even enjoyed it but it's not representative of anything medieval and Kit was always talking about how much she liked the actual history of the medieval times so...
Also as much as this book was about feminism and how we should fight for equal job oportunities, it feels as though Kit only cared about medieval woman who fought physically and not on the badass medieval woman, like idk it feels as a rejection of tradicional feminity like even the girl playing the Princess is a jerk. But I did like some parts, like her decision to confront her asshole dad to help her mom and the girls training together.
9.-Cien años de soledad de Gabriel Garcia Marquez
En Macondo, una población Colombiana a un lado del río, vemos como una de sus familias fundadoras crece, se expande y cambia a través de cien años.
Me encanto, hace mucho tiempo que no leía una novela de realismo mágico que me provocará tantos sentimientos. Creo que todos los personajes reflejan aspectos de la humanidad tan diversos y complejos que sería inútil tratar de enlistarlos todos.
Ultimadamente siento que lo que condenó a la familia Buendia a cumplir las profecías de Melquiades fue sus propia naturaleza que ellos nunca tuvieron intención de pelear, siempre sucumbian a las locuras o pasiones que los inundarán sin mesura alguna o consideración por las consecuencias. Y creo que aún así lo prefiero pues es lo que hace a cada personaje por confuso que a veces llegue a ser la repetición de nombres (que para mi es el simbolismo de una naturaleza y destino continuos) único e intrigante. En verdad espero que se den la oportunidad de leer este libro por lo menos una vez en sus vidas.
10.-The Monsters of music by Rebecca F. Kenney
This is a gender-swaped modern retelling of the Phantom of the Opera.
It was creative to make Mel, our Phantom, a true magical creature, and the singing contest was also cool. Like don't get me wrong I did have fun reading this but it also felt pretty unpolished like most characters were teens on the contest and that kinda made me roll my eyes a bit, like unless it's the Voice Kids age ranges are quite ample on this kind of shows, also kinda clumsy the addition of the magical elements with the modern setting, Kiyo didn't make much of an impression with me even when Christine is my fave on the original book. Still if you are a Phan like me you might wanna check this one out.
11.- Anna K by Jenny Lee
This is a modern americanized ya retelling of Anna Karenina.
Not gonna lie this made me cry so much at the end. I really liked Anna and Vronski together so much, and I don't like the love at first sight trope, but here it felt so inevitable. Anna was so self contained until she met him and could truly explore being herself and they really loved each other so much. Also I liked the treatment of the side characters Kimmie and Dustin were well developed and I really enjoyed this one can't wait to get to the second book.
12.- Wonderland by Zoje Stage
It was ok, but I was actually a bit disappointed cuz I had such high expectations for it. Like for about half the book I was really into the atmospheric vibe the book pulls you into, but as we get the reveal it started to go down hill for me, and the ending left me feeling meh. But maybe it was just not my cup of tea.
13.-Home Before Dark by Riley Sager
This book is so well crafted!!! I love how it goes back and forth between past and present , first it feels as if history is repeating itself, then as both narratives unfold we start to question and discovering things and the twist at the end was chillin and masterful, I truly and wholeheartedly recommend it.
14.- The Girl with the louding voice by Abi Daré
Adunni, a teenage girl, flees from her husband to work as a maid in Lagos, though everything she has ever wanted is to study.
This broke my heart, as it reflects how people coming from rural backgrounds get taken advantage of in the City, like similar things happen here in Mexico, but also it made me glad to see Adunni fight and keep her spirit so no one could ever silence her.
15.- The Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson
Immanuel does her very best to fit in Bethel, follow the scriptures and the Prophets words, but nothing seems to be enough to erase her mother's sin especially when the Darkwood seems to pull her in. As a plague starts to ravage Bethel, Immanuel has to face her past to save her people.
So frickin' good !!!! This story is great, mainly about the explotation of woman and young girls by people in power (in this case a church), the atmosphere is always tense, Ezra and Immanuel 's relationship is very well developed and one can really see how loyal they are to each other. A great option for horror fans.
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rotten-carcass · 4 years
Holy cow that was the first time I was noticed anyway 😃 what would happen if the killer were gender swap
Ugh, tough question. I guess there would be a bigger difference between how the kills are executed. Take OG Michael Myers as an example:
• OG Michael is 1, 78m (5'10") which is actually the average height for males in the US. The average height for women is 1,63m (5'4"). So there would hypothetically spoken be already a height difference of 6 inches and with this a disadvantage.
• on average men also have 12kg more skeletal muscle mass and a higher upper-body and lower-body strength than women
•also men have (again on average ) a stronger grip
Source: https://www.livescience.com/52998-women-combat-gender-differences.html
So in conclusion a female Michael Myers (Michelle Myers?) would maybe face genetically factors which give her a harder time killing,  even though if she would be fit and strong. That would in a long term require better planning and execution of kills. Maybe more traps and luring of people, alot of use of the element of surprise, so she could overpower her (bigger) victims efficiently and more safer for her.
Synoptical gender swaped Michael Myers would be a very sneaky, cautious, unpredictable person, which would heavily relate on better thought out kills.
She still would be scary af and shouldn't be taken lightly. 
Hopefully that is a good enough answer 🙈
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yanderecandystore · 5 years
Everywhere [yandere bully - short idea]
They were everywhere, in your nightmares, in your thoughts, in your school, in your classes, in the halls, in the streets, even when you were simply walking back towards your home from school, you can feel them.
You, however, never understood why they were always there, making fun of you, mocking your mare existence. It was making you incredibly paranoid! To the point you would make double sure that you weren't being followed.
But you didn't know that you weren't the only one confused in this situation, they didn't know why they kept following you.
Targeting you.
Mocking you.
Despising you.
Following you.
Spending as much time with you as possible.
Forcing you to be isolated.
Thinking about you 24/7.
Dreaming, fantasizing about you. Your laughter, your body, your eyes always so full of hope (until you notice they are looking at you). Of your little contagious ways.
You and your addicting self.
At first it was simple, they took one glance at you and thought that you were another target as usual, but you started to corrupt their mind, god you're annoying! But also so loveable? But so stupid and yet so funny, what was wrong with them, they kept wondering, that they managed to fall for someone, for something, like you?
It was your fault, it had to be! Someone like you should be underneath them. . .
Or at least, that was what they thought about you,
Or at least, that was where they wanted you to be, underneath them and in their control. They wanted to love you and make love with you and poison you and corrupt you like you did to them! So selfish you're, however, to never realized that. Or even more selfish, you don't share the same affection.
They knew you were afraid of them.
But that didn't matter now, they could fix that.
They will, fix that.
After all, you were everywhere.
In their dreams, in their thoughts, in their school, in their classes, in their favorite stores, you would even appear in their house as an illusion just to tease their sanity.
You were everywhere in their mind,
They just hope,
That you were thinking about them as well.
Hi, this is a little short fic about a concept that is a guilty pleasure of mine, and I see that there isn't so much about it (although, I can see why, it is a really hurtful topic).
I will make it more complex fanfics and headcanons about it but for now just a little tease. The ideia is that you, reader, are a student at a surprisingly good school, where your parents really wanted to put you in so you could get a decent education, the only problem however, is the fact that one of your classmates is a big meanie, who wants to make your life a living hell just because they can't get over their crush on you. Reader gets a bit more paranoid them their normal selfs and it is oblivious to the bully's true feelings.
The type of bullying that I was imagining was more verbal than physical, but that can change if the yandere starts to get more agressive.
About them, I thought that it would be interesting to have two characters represent this concept, a female and a male, so that when someone request a yandere bully, they can choose what gender they want (but I'm don't know if the characters will be too different from each other, they will probably have the same personality, and the same characteristics and background, just gender swaped).
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