#And sorry it took me so long to answer!!
smartzelda · 1 year
How do you think a female light and mello would turn out?
Sorry it took me so long to get around to this ask, anon! But I will give my thoughts as of now
In terms of "female Mello", most of my thoughts on that would actually be explained by this post:
But just in case, the tl;dr of that post is that I think "female mello" wouldn't actually end up all that different from canon Mello, given my interpretation of his personality and environment
But female Light? Good question! I'll put my thoughts under the cut
Okay, so in the post I linked above, I did some comparison between Mello and Light. Specifically, I said that Light, given his place in society and how he deals with his knowledge of societal standards, is more likely to change. I'll touch on this more later, but my general statement on this is that (in opposition to Mello, Near, and L, who are aware of societal standards in different places but use them as tools rather than subscribe to them or feel completely constrained to follow them) Light follows them (publicly at least) to the extent he has to to keep/raise his place in society and keep his image. Even if he doesn't actually believe any number of societal standards, he will uphold them to the extent he needs to (because he also cares about being a "good person" in the eyes of society).
Now, as I said in the previous post I linked above, I believe to get a much more accurate grasp on determining something like "how would this character be if gender swaped" (given death note's setting in Japan in the 2000s) would be to keep in mind *Japan's* societal standards, expectations, class differences, etc at the time. I am no expert on this, and I'm from the USA, so I can only do my best based on what I do know and from my analysis of the story itself. This is to say I'll do by absolute best, just keep all that in mind as you read further
So, to answer your question "How do you think a female Light would turn out?" I'll first have to break canon Light apart a bit.
Starting with his morals, his idea of what constitutes "good" or "bad"/a sense of justice is highly influenced by his father's ideals. Out of the members of his family, his father has the most rigid idea of justice and morality, accompanied with the fact of his occupation. It is not at all unnatural for canon Light to look up to his father (Chief in the NPA) as a "good" and "moral" person.
Light’s original goals for the future pre–the death note also build off of this concept (his relationship with and admiration for his father). He's an intelligent kid, and everyone knows it, including him. He's always far surpased his peers and worked through school unchallenged. Even if his father didn't particularly push for Light to follow in his footsteps, it's also not at all unnatural for others to see this intelligent boy who seems to take after his father and get to talking. Light’s smart, he already takes after his father, and he's even helped out the police a couple times himself, so it would be *natural* for him to follow in his footsteps, right? And, as far as I'm aware, the concept of potential still exists. So, even if Light doesn't necessarily pursue his father's occupation, if he doesn't make something of himself, go to a high end/prominent university, use that intelligence for something, use his gifts to do something most people can't, that's a "waste of potential" isn't it? So, to me, it's not at all unlikely that this mindset and Light’s boredom go hand in hand. Everything is the same, people are the same, society is going down the drain (yadda yadda), and he's taking a pathway (a pathway without the challenge and stimulation he so craves) because "he should".
Because what else would he do? It's not like he's interested in anything else, and anything less would "be a waste".
Now, as for female Light, it isn't impossible for all this to be similar. While it's easy to say that she'd be more like Sayu or Sachiko, and I can't say for sure that she would connect to her father the exact same way, I maintain that it's not impossible. While there is the idea that's it's generally sons who take after their fathers and seek their approval, this can still happen with female Light. Now, any aforementioned talk from before would most likely change a little bit due to the gender change, but even if more people doubt her due to this, Light is stubborn. If she already has it in her head that following in her father's footsteps is natural for someone as intelligent as her, giving up simply because someone said it would be hard to move into that position as a woman would be well...a waste to her. Plus, given that she would also rarely feel challenged intellectually, as canon Light seems to (given his reaction to finding a rival in L) she would most likely see a challenge in working up to high positions in the NPA despite her gender.
But, of course, given his knowledge of society, you may be wondering. *What if* she comes to the conclusion that surpassing her father is actually impossible to do (or impossible without compromising her current ideals)? Well, then I surmise if she's still helped out the police a bit and taking after her father, she'd find some sort of higher position connected to this idea of helping out the country/common people as adjacent as she can get.
After all, even if Light actually has no intrinsic passion in following in their father's footsteps, pre death note they NEED an endgoal.
That all being mentioned as well, I have no idea whether you would see women in the NPA at the time. Even in adaptations of Death Note that take place later in the 2000s or early to mid 2010s have maybe one or a few onscreen NPA members. So I can't tell you whether it's possible or how possible it is that female Light would get into it around 2010 or earlier. All I can say is that if it's not impossible, there's a chance she'll try.
BUT, whether "female Light" follows in her father's footsteps are not, there are some plot points we know that could still occur. Namely, Light’s getting into To-Oh university.
Luckily, Death Note delivered us Kiyomi Takada, who I personally believe to be a good frame of reference for a fem Light (it's no secret in my friend groups that I feel that Takada shares personality traits with him). Because of her, I feel comfortable saying that whatever fem Light chooses as an occupation, she will still inevitably end up at Toh-oh, still inevitably take the top score on the exam and outperform her peers (and still date men for the image of it, but most likely not more than one, given that dating multiple people most likely makes canon Light a desirable successful man in the eyes of society, but it would leave fem Light labeled as a slut, counterproductive to upholding her image. So while Light dates multiple before sticking with Misa, I think fem Light would try to stick with the same person for as long as possible).
Now in the Mello post, anon asked if I think that fem Mello would hate men, and I answered that she probably wouldn't more than canon Mello does. Would Light, though? I think so.
Now, the jokes about Light Yagami being a misogynist, we've all seen them. But before I explain why I think a fem Light would "hate men", I'm going to have to explain my take on Light being misogynistic first
The popular take on Light’s Misogyny is that he's always been like that, coupled with the idea/joke that he's gay *because* he hates women. In all serious, though, I find the former a bit more complicated, and I feel that the latter actually influences his growing misogyny.
Canon Light is very aware of his place in society, his presence, and how he can influence people with his looks and his talent for words. He's very intelligent (the most intelligent one in his class even), he's bored (given his absence of a rival/something to truly challenge him), and has always kept all his "friends" at arms length. We even find early on that he considers certain women (Yuri for example) as one of his "friends" as well. There's no proof that Light early on (even pre death note) hated women or thought of them as inherently lesser than men. In fact, I'd argue that Light Yagami is one of those "I hate you all equally types", or, in this case, "I treat you/think of you based on how stupid you are, and gender has nothing to do with it". My prime example is him having no trouble telling Misa AND Matsuda that they're being stupid in areas they can hear (and of course he doesn't nail Matsuda nearly as much as L does, but by comparison tbh L mostly nails Matsuda while Light nails Misa when it comes to "being stupid". It...evens out one might say)
So let's add this to Light’s file. He starts out being annoyed/more unfair in analysis of character towards those he finds to be "dumb", regardless of their gender.
Pre Death Note Light is also a "good kid" (heck, even post dn and Yotsuba arc Light tries as hard as possible to keep the emotions in and the mask showing out). He's not the type to needlessly insult people or tell everyone what he's thinking about them to their face. A little joke? Sure, but I think you're more likely to find him channeling his annoyance and using his words in such a way that they come off less as an insult and more as an observation intended to help them out. If he's tutoring his peers to help out and one of them makes a glaring error, he's more likely to think "they are so stupid", and more likely to act in such a way that "Here. This is the *right* way you should do it so you don't make stupid mistakes. Remember this. You don't want to make dumb mistakes". Basically...a kind of hidden insult if you will with a bit more of a constructive framing.
Now, second thing to add to his file. Superiority. He's smart. He knows it. He's never really been challenged or found a "true friend" because of it (and because he's constantly putting up that mask of the good moral teenage boy that requires him to look good in the eyes of society, which also requires society to not see and know the him without the mask). It's not unlikely that he would develop a sort of complex in which he values intelligence while simultaneously believing that he's above everyone for being the smartest (because no one can challenge him, right? And because everyone thinks so), so it’s not unlikely that he would place people in a metaphorical heirarchy based upon his analysis of their character (which is influenced by how intelligent he believes them to be).
Now, I also sort of hinted at a moment ago that I believe it's "he's misogynistic because he's gay" (if I had to reduce my take as much as possible down to a simple phrase) over "he's gay because he's misogynistic", or that his being gay is something that makes him more misogynistic as the series goes on. This is a pretty long post as it is, so I'm not going to make an entire breakdown on why I think Light being gay (for the record, I personally feel that he's gay and aspec) is a valid interpretation of canon. So if you don't agree with me on it, have fun. If you decide to keep reading, know that what I'm about to say is said upon the basis of this being true.
As mentioned earlier, Light is very aware of his place and influence in society. He's aware of how his looks affect others (and he has no problems using them to his advantage, even in canon. Adding that to the file), and he's combined them with his words in canon to win over characters no matter their gender. What matters (especially when he becomes Kira) is that society *sees* him as a good person, which means often that he can ignore his own actions/feelings that don't fit society's ideals of a "good moral person" as long as no one knows/can see it (because if no one sees it, it may as well not be real) or as long as he believes it *will* become accepted in society. It's a very pointed choice that Light Yagami does not date anyone (and in fact, canonically tells his family that he's too busy to right now) pre death note, even though he makes it clear that he has girls' contact information and COULD initiate a date if he wished to. This is why his jump from dating no one, to going to Space Land with Yuri, to dating a bunch of girls at once is...interesting behavior.
But he's under suspicion of being Kira. We know the lengths he goes to so he can come off as normal teenage boy material (like *cough* reading porn mags on camera), and dating all those women at once is no exception (because it's totally straight behavior to make excuses about why you won't date anyone to jumping to dating a bunch of girls at once so you seem like a totally normal girl crazy teenage boy /s).
He thinks that he understands society and how people act fundamentally (as shown with how he talks to Ryuk about how society will respond to Kira over time). And while there's no proof that he believes that junk that all women will inherently be drawn towards men (comp het, and some other things), given that he uses his looks to his advantage regardless of gender or romance, he is aware that he *can* win over people with his looks (and with society as it is, especially at the time, whether he has male admirers and knows it doesn't matter in terms of his dating life, because dating men will *not* contribute positively to his "good normal teenage boy" persona), it's true that he does use a lot of women in pursuing his goals.
So, let us set the stage, shall we? We have a man who doesn't respect very many people, nor does he find anyone worthy of his level intelligence wise. He makes judgements on people's character influenced by how smart he believes them to be. He's never had an actual close friend before. He's a man who likes men (who may not know that he likes men) and values intelligence, who surrounds himself with women (and women he dislikes at that)
Even if he needs this to be true for his goals, I doubt Light finds many people who fall for his manipulation of them (aided by his looks) to be very smart. He doesn't believe all women are inherently stupid or lesser, just that none of the ones he's met are worthy of him (not to mention that because he's not a woman himself, he doesn't fully grasp their place in society/how society affects them as much as he thinks he does)
Most people are stupid (no one is as smart as me) -> people are so easy to manipulate -> I keep manipulating women, women are easy to manipulate -> I dislike women being obsessed with me. Why? She is a bit stupid. I have to dislike her for a reason. I dislike her because she's stupid and therefore not worthy of me -> women are stupid
(And even then, as I said, he still doesn't really think women are inherently lesser in the end. I think his reactions are just heightened here by the fact that he just does not like Misa. I mean, heck, when he gets angry he throws men under the bus too (sorry Mikami). I think our perspective is a bit skewed given how much time he spends with her. Even if he was acting about it, it's telling enough that he recognized that Takada *is* intelligent)
So, what would this all mean for fem Light? Well, to keep her experience largely similar (or to keep her as close to the original as possible), let us assume that fem Light is a lesbian. Of course, given her status as a woman, she's going to face a bit more hardship and actually be impacted by misogyny herself this time around, but she has a supportive family. Light Yagami is a "good normal teenager" you see.
She may have told her parents she wouldn't date boys because she's focusing on her studies before, but when she comes under suspicion of being Kira by L, she needs to seem like a "normal teenage girl". She goes on a date with a guy who'd asked her out or a guy friend she knows likes her to initiate the bus jacking incident. She could still read porn mags on camera, although I surmise that just talking about how much she definitely likes guys or making collages of hot shirtless men from regular magazines could do the trick. She picks someone to date long term until getting into university (in which she'll tell people that it just wasn't going to work out because they were going different places after high school). She gets the highest score on the entrance exam to her university of choice (To-Oh of course) and finds another long term boyfriend from her university (or the equivalent of Takada, given that she was intelligent AND pretty, miss To-Oh herself). She already kind of doesn't like men based upon her experiences, but we enter into the second Kira event. Assuming the plot beats are mostly the same and our masc equivalent of Misa still demands to be her boyfriend, he becomes an obsessive obstacle in Kira's path, earning her ire for being an obstacle and because it annoys her "for some reason" that he likes her. It's so easy to get boys to do whatever she wants given her looks and charisma, so they can't be too smart. And of course all the ones she's surrounded herself with she has been annoyed at for them liking her so much. It can't be for no reason, so it must be something else. So clearly none of the men she's dated/dating are worthy because they're stupid and men are stupid.
You see where this goes.
Like I said, Takada happens to be a great frame of reference. She's smart, intelligent, loves Kira. If intelligence is why he could not love Misa, then surely Takada is his type, right?
Mikami is another great frame of reference. He's smart, intelligent, worships Kira obsessively (hmmm curious how similar he is to Misa in that regard and yet he doesn't find *him* annoying) , looks like L is very pretty. ...Light picks him after only seeing his looks on tv and doesn't appreciate any of his other pawns/allies just as much
Anyways, I digress. I've Light essayed you all enough
Tl;Dr, I think it's entirely possible that a fem Light could turn out largely the same (just maybe a men disliker instead of a women disliker or with a different occupation), just because gender would not really change his values morally or in terms of intelligence, nor how he interacts with society. Heck, even if she would have to be more wary of getting exposed about it, fem Light could very much be a femme fatale type (I think canon Light already has the vibes) given that she would use her looks to her advantage as well. She would face naturally a bit more or different hardship than canon Light, but it’s not impossible for her to turn out largely the same with a couple things swapped about her.
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sturgeonposting · 7 months
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Gingerbread sturgeon
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marvelsswansong · 9 months
Imagine corio seeing a woman flirt with r he’s so confused cuz he’s used to disgusting men after her only
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no but like seriously 🌞👉👈
Corio isn't oblivious to the fact that there is a price for dating someone as beautiful as you. Namely, that others - doesn't matter if they're complete strangers or close working colleagues - will secretly want you, with some of them even being bold enough to try and entice you.
This is all much to his annoyance, as he tries being very public about the fact that you're his. Think constant arm around your waist, aggressive kisses in public, loudly calling you 'darling' from across the room. But that doesn't seem to deter everyone.
Especially not the types of men in the Capitol.
If he's feeling calmer that day, he might just stop at glaring at the man whilst pulling you away by the waist, or knocking the breath of you by suddenly grabbing your face and kissing you fiercely for the crowd of men to see. If he's in a sour mood, or it's been a hard week, you have to be careful to keep an eye on the blonde in case he flies into a fit of rage and his mind starts to scan the room for whatever is sharp and capable of causing damage.
"Sometimes I feel as if I have to babysit you." you would tease after one particularly harsh night, where you and Corio get thrown out of a house party after he smashed another man's face into the wall and then proceeded to twist the man's arm to the point of almost breaking a bone. Granted, the man had been extremely aggressive towards you and making very inappropriate comments, but it'd been rather awkward to see the stranger be carried onto an ambulance whilst the head of the household ordered the both of you out.
Chest heaving and knuckles still bruised from the impact, he'd just kiss you again, his tongue tasting of copper.
"Can't help it. You're too pretty." he whispers, and all your criticisms of him would fly out the window.
But Coriolanus is always less guarded when it's a woman around you. After all, you have so many best friends who are women, you spend so much time around grandma'am and Tigirs, and so on. He just associates women being around you with platonic love and comfort.
So when you leave him to go get some drinks at the bar, a fancy upper east side bar you've been begging to go to, he's too busy searching the room for potential men who approach you to notice the red haired woman beelining towards you. She bumps into you 'on accident', pink champagne spilling over the tip of the glass just a bit - a light splash on your jeans, but nothing too bad.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." she quickly says, grabbing a nearby napkin to hand it off to you. Coriolanus watches the interaction from the back of the club, the specifics of your conversation with her unintelligble over the loud music, but he doesn't think anything much of it. Even when the auburn haired woman's fingers brush against yours whilst exchanging the napkin.
He watches as you smile politely at her, probably telling her that it's okay, before turning around to the bartender to make an order. The woman next to you continues to talk to you through out the exchange, which again doesn't raise any red flags to Corio.
After all, women are very friendly by nature. It's normal that someone, especially a stranger who feels bad for spilling a drink on you, wants to continue to talk to you.
You don't think much of it either on your end, other than thinking that she - Clara, she tells you her name after a soft giggle - is very nice.
It's only when the drinks arrive and the woman stops you, lightly sitting you back down and brushing away the hair from your eyes, that Coriolanus starts feeling rather odd. The sudden wide eyes on your face and the red haired woman's smirk, before she slides you a piece of paper from her back pocket and lets you go, raises a lot of questions in his mind.
His top options? Something along the lines of bribery or illegal drugs. Or maybe she's using you to get something from him. Or maybe she wants something from your family.
What he doesn't expect, is for you to come back totally speechless, fingers deftly hanging onto the small piece of paper. You look somewhere between embarrassed and shocked, refusing to meet your boyfriend's eyes as you sit down next to him. He frowns at that, patting his lap instead.
Normally, you'd sit on his legs without a second thought. This time though, you hesitate.
"What'd she want? Drugs? Mone-" he growls, only to be cut off by the stranger.
"So you weren't lying. You do have a boyfriend." the red haired woman cuts into the conversation, now sitting on the velvet chair across from you. Coriolanus swears his jaw almost drops when the woman laughs seductively, winking at you whilst uncrossing her legs.
"You can sit on my lap instead, honey."
"I, you- I just-" Coriolanus starts speaking in an attempt to swear or scare her off, but his mind totally blanks.
You've never seen your boyfriend this flustered. His pale complexion breaks into a dark shade of red, his usually stern gaze darting back and forth between you and the woman, his speech stuttered and jumbled. It's YOU who ends up having the composure to let her down gently, holding out the paper with her phone number out towards her and informing her that you love your boyfriend very much and you're not that interested.
She pouts at that, and it makes your boyfriend's jaw clench so hard his face aches.
"Aw... alright, darling. But keep the paper. You know, just in case you wanna play."
With a wink and a hair flip, she disappears into the dark crowd of sweaty bodies and loud music. It's only then that your boyfriend snaps into action, taking the paper into his hands and shredding it to pieces.
"She called you darling." he snarls, angry. "Only I get to call you darling."
You just giggle, kissing away his sour expression, before tugging at his sleeves.
"Come on, forget about it. Let's just dance." you say, the alcohol in your veins still making you feel buzzed. He complies, never being able to say no to you, but the entire night, he can't help but hold you very close and glare at everyone who approaches you or even looks at you.
Regardless of their gender.
Now, he has to protect you from everyone, he thinks.
BONUS SCENARIO (later in the night)
You've had one too many drinks and yell into Coriolanus' ear that you really need to go to the bathroom. You clutch your handbag and stumble into the corridor, leaving your boyfriend alone by the bar. A stunning blonde woman slides into the empty seat next to him, glossy lips parting to ask a question.
Thinking she's going to hit on him, he raises his right hand, stopping her on the spot.
"I'm not interested, sorry."
The woman scoffs at that, ordering a tequila shot and almost glaring at him.
"Neither am I, genius. I was just wondering if you knew the name of the cutie who just went to the bathroom."
The moment you come back, he practically drags you out of the bar and hails a cab back to the apartment.
He's had enough of women trying to steal you from him. At least for that night.
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a/n: hope you guys like this small type of blurbs too in between major fics hehe
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ask-queen-arti · 11 months
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(the ask box is open!)
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craykaycee · 1 year
*casually moves a pointy laser when Moon passed* 737 don't mind me, just checking if the gremlin have real cat senses
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I think he likes it
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nkogneatho · 4 months
Pasi come here. Who among the Haikyuu captains has the best cock game and why
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this question is so...OH MY GOD.
y'all will hate me for this but it's a tie between oikawa tooru and kuroo tetsuro. yeah yeah i know kuroo is a sex god and all but you cannot overlook oikawa's cock game.
oikawa flexes about shit a lot so you assume he was yapping about the shit he can do but when he had you on all fours, he was so determined to find your gspot and then hit it continuously till you came. he is mean too because he knows he is too good. he knows you feel too good. his balls be slapping so loud against your ass. and his mouth??? fuck he is filthy as hell. asking you to tell him how fucking good his cock feels. how you will never find any other man who's gonna ruin your pussy as he does.
kuroo on the other hand already looks like he has a good cock game. but you did not know that he loves to be in your mouth even more than your pussy. he looooves to slap his dick against your cheeks, telling you how good you look. he is patient with you when you suck it. however, when he is too close to his orgasm, he'll force your head down till his balls touch your chin, jerking his hips forward and making sure you enjoy every sip of his cum down your throat. but when he pulls out, a thick strand of your saliva and his semen connecting his dick and your tongue, he runs the tip along your lips, giving it a pretty gloss that dior could never.
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mosaixe · 1 month
I love the art you made of twilight princess link making bread and cheese.
What other food do you think he can cook? Fried fish, yeto's soup? Pumpkin bread, honey cakes, jam? Tamales?
yes, yes, yes and yes! (thank you!!)
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265 notes · View notes
lepitorus · 7 months
Old man furry yaoi
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glasspunkart · 9 months
Hello creator-chan I was wondering if we could see more interactions with jaegers transformers pls if no then ok
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Maybe the cross might help them
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arkaix · 1 month
consider: alex as a baker
that’s it that’s the ask
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Alex bakes and Mort decorates.
That's it that's the post
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cable-salamder · 3 months
HELLO so sorry to return from the bash of which I live.. but I'd love to request some Garmadon art possibly inspired by your ideas/predictions for Shatterpsin :)
Or maybe some s15 Garmadon and Lloyd "bonding time" or whatever they do instead of play nice :D
Please feel no obligation by my request and I hope you have a lovely week <3
Hello dear bog creature, I am here to give you your occasional weekly supply of Garmacontent
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Basically: The first one is based off of the first few new pages that were released, which means obviously I require some spinjitsu bro content (+ just some Garmadon idk). The second is literally just and only because it is fuckass hot everywhere and I want to die, so Garmadon gets to suffer too
On a more actual-predictions-note, I’m just generally hoping we get to see the actual fight scene with the giant scorpion that’s on one of the alt covers. I also don’t think that Garmadon would wear one of the masks/ get his goodness shattered, just because of the way it probably wouldn’t make much sense with the timeline— if anything I feel like the events in this comic actually make him even more inclined to fight for the good side in the Serpentine Wars
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mishacakes · 11 months
*gives Leo a laser pointer* Go have fun with your partner, bub.
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missviviii · 10 months
screaming over the idea of mizu with a reader who's super into mizu and often gets flustered around her, becoming stuttery and flushed, and just kinda sucks at hiding it... I feel like she might allow herself to be a bit of a tease then
a/n: y e s. 🫶
“Your face is adorable.”
warning(s): swearing and a little suggestive
summary: you suck ass at hiding the fact you get flustered easily and the fact that you are into a certain blue eyed samurai. mizu finds it adorable, amusing even. so much that she’ll even be a bit of a tease just for you.
A terrific healer, you ended up joining Mizu on her journey after you found her in the woods on one snowy day, badly injured yet somehow still walking fine and even holding her blade. You were a litttle reluctant on joining because A, She was awfully hot and you could barely hold a conversation, and B, you could not focus for the love of god.
Only reason Mizu finally gave in after Ringo tried to convinced her to was because “you actually had some usefulness to you and could defend yourself.” Ringo was ecstatic, finally having someone kind and patient on board with them.
Mizu could easily tell you were into her, hell everyone could. Besides Ringo, of course, he’s a little clueless. The samurai found it amusing, often purposefully trying to fluster you as a little joke. You knew you sucked at hiding it, and Mizu certainly loved it.
After Mizu had busted open her stitches again by another petty spar between her and Taigen, you were left with the task of mending her ripped up cloak. Of course you didn’t mind, it’s the least you could do while Ringo patched Mizu back up again. And you would get some peace while doing so alone.
Or..perhaps that wasn’t the case.
You were stitching up her clothes again peacefully, humming by the fire while you worked. You didn’t notice that door sliding open and someone entering. Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t catch Mizu creeping up upon you and leaning close to your ear. “Hm, what are you doing?” She murmured, causing you to immediately stop and swing your head around.
“Gah! Mizu!- shit, you sca-scared me,” you said as you took a sharp breath and put down the needle on the table. Mizu smirked, tilting her head to the side, amused, before sitting beside you.
“I scared you? Is that why your face is red?” You immediately closed your mouth, hands covering up your face and looking away while puffing out your lips. Yes she did scare you, a bit, but it was the fact her warm breath was on your ears, which were particularly sensitive—
“Or is it because I was close to you?” Mizu’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts, now she was leaning in very close and her rough hands were on your thigh. You felt your face burn even hotter. Why was she so close? And touchy?!
“You..you—wha-what do you need?” You managed to utter out. Mizu smirked before she yanked you over onto her lap so quickly you had no time to react or resist. You let out a squeak, embarrassed at the position you were in. Yes you were severely down bad for her but what is this?!?
Mizu’s lips ghosted down your neck, her warm breath trickling against your flushed skin and sending shivers down your spine. “I thought you liked me, no?” Well that managed to shut you up, and Mizu knew that as well. She began to leave kisses along your neck, and had decided to leave a few marks along the way.
You squirmed in her lap, softly moaning and also embarrassed at how easily you react. Your entire body was hot and your face was on fire. Mizu held you in place, one arm tightly around your waist to keep you still. She hummed, her blue eyes looking at the purple marks and the soft bite marks all over your neck. Pretty, right? Why not mark the entire body now?
“I think I might want something more..active. Up for it, Princess?”
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k4pp4-8 · 4 months
Do you have any tips on drawing Enid? She's my fav and you draw her so well! ❤️❤️❤️
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Thank you!!!💜 I'm not the best at explaining but I hope this helps you understand how I draw Enid :DD
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danieyells · 4 months
hey, can I ask for towa's lines? the flower boy is so cute and I love him so much
Towa is my favorite, I think! He's maybe second to Taiga. Maybe.
TOWA'S MIGHT BE A LITTLE FASTER SINCE HE CAN ONLY SPEAK AFTER 4PM. THAT MEANS HE HAS LESS LINES. But some of them are still. . .Towa's a bit of a trip sometimes. but that's why i love him.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.) (between 5am and 4pm)
"...! ~~~~♪ ~~~~♪"
(between 4pm and 5am)
"Ah! Dandelion, I found you!"
You've Got Mail: (between 4pm and 5am. whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Hmm? You've got some mail. Let me see it too!"
Default: (requires no affinity) (between 5am and 4pm)
(between 4pm and 5am)
"I can't see the stars from here... Come on, Dandelion! Let's go somewhere higher!"
"I picked this for you. It's a clover! Look look, it has five leaves!"
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"...! ...!"
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Huh? Where did Haru go?"
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I'm going out."
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"~~~~! ~~~~♪"
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"~~! ~~! ~~~~!"
Affinity 8: (between 8pm and 5am)
"...It's going to rain again tomorrow. I'll go tell Haru."
aren't you the one who makes it rain. . .do you wanna talk about it. . . .
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Where are you going, Dandelion? Take me with you!"
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Haru always goes off somewhere by himself around this time. He calls it "Grown-up R&R.""
Haru really treats them like they're his kids huh lmao. . . .
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"~~~~! ~~♪ ~~~~♪"
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"...? ~~~~♪"
Affinity 15: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Haru told me he's going patrolling again. I don't get it—they're all going to die someday anyway."
HARSH? Towa legit does not care about the wellbeing of these animals lmao. THE PLANTS WILL DIE TOO BUT YOU'RE STILL TAKING CARE OF THEM. . . .
Affinity 16: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I wish that Wolfsbane would go away."
i would like to add that based on Ren's voicelines he does not just wish he would go away, he may be actively attempt to poison him to death.
"Towa keeps trying to make me drink some kind of rice porridge with weird flowers in it... "
considering he calls him "Wolfsbane" and fed the player a Dandelion it's fair to assume the flowers in the porridge are wolfsbane. . .which are poisonous. He just wants to be left alone with Haru. . .he's yandere, just not for the player lol not that we've seen so far anyway.
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You're going to bed already? But I want to talk more! Stay up with me!"
it's not like he gets the chance to talk much during the day, so i get why he says that.
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Boo! Heh heh Were you scared?"
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You can't sleep, Dandelion? Come over here, I'll cuddle you."
Affinity 20: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Hm? Are you afraid of that carnivore? Don't worry—I'm the boss around here."
the beasts know not to fuck with Towa because Towa is Weather Incarnate and You Do Not Fuck With Nature.
Affinity 21: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Dandelion, come here. Let's tell each other more love stories today."
'dandelion read me your fanfiction! i'll read you mine too, don't feel embarassed!'
Affinity 22: (between 8pm and 5am)
"That tree on the hill over there says it's been waiting for a really long time. Can you hear it? It's crying again."
he speaks to plants! and plants speak back to him!! and the trees are sad. i wonder what it's been waiting for. . . . shit like this makes me think Towa is the spy, if it isn't Kaito. why can you talk to animals and plants and control weather to the point that animals are scared of you. why do you have such a strong lack of regard for the lives of others. why do you have perfect night vision. that's so much. it's a little suspicious.
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"When you meet your soulmate, it feels like getting struck by lightning. Did you know that? Have you felt it, Dandelion?"
'you haven't? (sky darkens) would you like to?'
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Heh heh ♪ Are you tired, Dandelion? You're so weak. It's cute."
what. what does that mean. what is that attitude about. . .although we've kinda seen that Towa has a bit of a power complex before, so him thinking you're weak and cute and finding it charming and valuing how much stronger than you he is kinda tracks. . . . that or my guy likes the asshole boyfriend type trope in his romance stories.. that or he saw how much other people liked it and followed accordingly. after Ed revealed that Towa used to be much more uncaring and cruel towards things that are small and weak this really hits different. . .do you think Towa gets cute aggression--
Affinity 25(max): (between 8pm and 5am)
"Do you like me, Dandelion? Because I love you!"
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"~~... ~~... ...!"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"...! ...! ~~~~♪"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"I love spring. It's when lots of flowers bloom. And did you know the Japanese word for spring is haru? Just like Haru's name!"
(between 8pm and 5am)
"This is a cherry blossom petal. It's for you! Look—they're sweet and yummy so I collected all these ones for my treasure box."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"~~~~? ..."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"....! ..."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Have you heard of cherry bombs before? Haru won't buy me any, so I'm looking for them on my own. If you see them blooming somewhere, could you tell me?"
this line feels a little more clear in japanese, if only because i didn't know what a cherry bomb is myself. Towa is asking for 'hanabi'--fireworks. 'hana' in 'hanabi' is Japanese for 'flower' so he thinks 'hanabi'/fireworks are a type of flower. Haru understandably doesn't trust Towa with fireworks, but likely doesn't realize what he wants is a flower. as for english, a cherry bomb is a type of firework! so it does work similarly, as in this case Towa is trying to plant what he likely assumes to be an anomalous fruit.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Look, you can see the Milky Way tonight. Did you know Orihime and Hikoboshi can only meet once a year? I could never wait that long to see my soulmate."
Orihime and Hikoboshi are from a Japanese myth about the Vega and Altair stars! They're separated by the Milky Way and can only meet one day each year. This myth is celebrated in the holiday Tanbata.
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
(between 11am and 4pm)
"~~~~! ...♪"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"These leaves are really pretty, but they taste bad..."
oh bby don't eat the dying leaves. . . . .
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Iris went home because he said it's dangerous to stay out in the dark. I can still see fine though, even in the caves!"
Iris is Zenji, btw! Iris are also poison flowers, so he likely doesn't like Zenji much haha. Also apparently Towa has night vision. another sus point. am i gonna make a post about everything suspicious about Towa? probably. why's he have like seven powers???
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"...? ....!"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"~~~~♪ ~~~~♪  ~~~~♪"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"I told Coriander I wanted to play in the snow, but he said no. Is it really true that you'll die if you play outside on cold nights?"
Coriander is Kaito! I have no idea why he calls him that lol
(between 8pm and 5am)
"What? Are you cold, Dandelion? I'll cuddle you, so come outside and play with me!"
'hey is it true you'll die if you play out in the cold at night? do you wanna come di--uh play with me?'
His birthday: (March 23, between 4pm and 5am)
"Yep, it's my birthday today! You want to give me a present? Okay, then tell me who you like!"
do you promise not to electrocute them
Your birthday: (between 4pm and 5am)
"Happy birthday, Dandelion! I picked this Aphrodite Orchid for you from a secret spot. Say "ah"!"
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it's pretty! and named after a goddess of beauty! And sexual love.
New Years: (January 1st, between 4pm and 5am)
"Haru told me that today's a special day in Japan. Are you happy, Dandelion?"
hey why don't you know what New Years Day is Towa. . .then again I guess Haru didn't notice it happened either. He just wants you to be happy!
Valentine's Day: (February 14th, between 4pm and 5am)
"I know what these are! They're Valentine's Day chocolates! They're Coriander's favorite food. You're giving them to me? Thanks...?"
Can he even eat chocolate considering he only eats plants. . .maybe you should've given him like. chocolate dipped rose petals. . . .
White Day: (March 13th, between 4pm and 5am)
"This is for you! It's a white rose! They only bloom in one special place on that mountain. It's for the chocolates you gave me."
Somehow he knows about White Day though! maybe he showed Haru or Ren the chocolates and they told him to make sure you got a return gift.
April Fool's Day: (April 1st, between 4pm and 5am)
"Haru's a dope! I hate liars! You won't lie to me, will you, Dandelion?"
Haru played a prank and Towa did NOT appreciate it huh. . .no jokes and no lies unless you wanna be given a poisonous flower. . . .
Halloween: (October 31st, between 4pm and 5am)
"Trick or treat! If you don't give me lots of delicious flowers, I'm going to play a trick on you! "
the trick is 'a storm large enough to flood your home :D'
Christmas: (December 25th, between 4pm and 5am)
"Heh heh ♪ Merry Christmas! I heard you're supposed to spend today with your soulmate! I can't wait!"
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (between 5am and 4pm)
"~~! ~~~~! ..."
(between 4pm and 5am)
"Are you done yet? I hate waiting. Come play with me!"
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?) (between 5am and 4pm)
"...! ~~~~♪ ~~~~~~~~♪"
(between 4pm and 5am)
"Where were you, Dandelion? I've been waiting here all this time. Come give me a sorry cuddle."
WHOO ALL DONE. I love him so much, he's just. . .he's actually kind of mean lmao! But I love that about him, he's so. . .he both is and is not what you expect. He's very childish but like. . .cruel in the way a child can be, sort of? I JUST. REALLY ENJOY HIS CHARACTER. He's such a loving sweetheart until something agitates him even a little bit lmao. . . .
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ohposhers · 8 months
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I drew your sona cus the design is so SILLY/VERYpos
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