#NOT post it. embarrassment be damned
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heeyyy gaaanggg
the pose and the background of the album version (left) are based on oingo boingos only a lad album art. not cause i think he has anything to do with it but just cause ive been wantin to draw that pose for like. weeks and i didnt know who to put there. so why not my latest bug man.
#my art#digital art#digital painting#fanart#resident evil 7#ethan winters#goddd PLEAAASEEEE#i havent known if i was gonna post this or not multiple times in the process of drawin this. but ultimately i spent too much time on it to#NOT post it. embarrassment be damned#but at the same time what am i even doin yknow. what is this what is goin on pleaaseee PLEASEEEEE#I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT RESIDENT EVIL!!! I DONT KNOW N O T H I NG I KNOW LESS THAN NOTHING#HOW?? HOW DID I GET HERE??? WHY DID THIS HAPPEN???? i know exactly the answer to all those questions but it still boggles me how fast this#happened. usually it takes WEEKS if not MONTHS for me to start makin fanart. this was faaasttttt TOO FAST and im like. genuinely constantly#thinkin about this game. im ALWAYS thinkin about this game. part of why this took me so long to do is cause i always wanna play re7 or thin#about re7 in a strange and deranged way. ive actually genuinely been SICK WHAT HAPPENEDDDDDD#im losing it!! anyways this took me a looonggg ass time and i redrew it soo many timmmessss#i did like. 3 lineart passes. the album version i did 3 shading passes. i really struggled!! and ultimately i dont know how i feel about it#like i kinda resent it. for takin so long and makin me suffer so much#never again. never again will i spend that much time on a drawing. i HATE when drawins take a long time. i HATE that. it makes me madddd#ive been insane. ive been so insane. and im not gettin better like i cant sleep sometimes cause im thinkin about this game and this guy and#that gal like i think about them!! so! so much!! oh my god!!#in the time it took me to finish this ive done like 10 sketches for other pieces like. and ive had like 3 ideas ive written down.#and like 50 that i havent written or sketched.#IVE WRITTEN POETRY!! P O E T R Y !!!#i write the occasional poem when im feelin some kinda profound emotion but i NEVER write poetry about media SOBBING#anyways thats the post i think this is the beginnin of the end so lets hold hands and pray. ugh sorry if i get sick. im shakin.
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soadscrawl · 7 months
i already posted abt this somewhere else but i was infodumping abt voltron to my best friend last night and went to rewatch the "i cradled you in my arms" scene so i could remember it properly and i paused right after lance said he didnt remember anything and im fucking pissing myself this is a man that is truly defeated like he wanted lance coming out of the healing pod to be like every fanfic where they have a crazy romantic reconciliation post healing pod and it simply did not happen. if i were keith here id flee the country. the look of simultaneous pain and confusion and emptiness is impossible to articulate. going thru every stage of grief at once. how they managed to fit this much anguish in so few lines is beyond me. and all over a man who listens to weezer and uses axe
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masayomi · 8 months
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can women post literally anything without a man making it about himself
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colonoscopys · 6 months
in my head
bucktommy (mostly...)
Everything about being with a man is—fucking incredible.  There are the little, tiny things, like how he gets to borrow Tommy’s products that he keeps scattered around Buck’s bathroom (except for the hair products. Tommy’s hair is frustratingly straight. Unlike him). How Buck gets to tug on his sweater after sex, and feel it lie loose around his collar and drag around his elbows. How he gets to sink into a chest at the end of the night that’s warm and broad, soaked with cologne, and run a hand down hard, toned muscles that quiver when he lingers for too long. And then there are bigger things. Things that don’t necessarily come with dating a man, but things that seem to come along with dating—Tommy. 
He’s frustratingly confident and suave, for one. Cool in ways that Buck’s always felt an indomitable pressure to be whenever he was with women he liked. All that seems to come effortlessly for Tommy, and it’s easy to see it in the way he holds the door open for Buck, one hand on his lower back, herding him into a restaurant with his own body pressed up against his back.
It’s easy to see it in the way he flies Buck around in his helicopter, hands grasped over the controls with ease, listening to Buck chatter and occasionally filling in with little tidbits of information that he knows Buck would like. And it’s especially easy to see when he’s in bed with Buck, eyes half-lidded like he doesn’t even need to see what he’s doing to him, hands fisted in Buck’s hair, in his mouth, over his wrists and down the waistband of his briefs he drives him insane and then kisses him, sweet, with an easy little laugh as Buck tries to tell him that. 
Tommy is…patient too. Patient when he stutters through an awkward explanation with Eddie on their first date. Patient when telling the 118 about them takes one week, then two, and then finally three until Tommy doesn’t have to take an awkward step away whenever they’re together at the station. Patient when Buck freaks as soon as he gets a hand around his dick. And patient—even when Buck swears he’s gonna fuck this up.
He’s calm—especially when Buck is catastrophizing in ways that mankind is probably unaware of. He just smiles and listens, and then soothes whatever Buck is saying with some one-line answer that Buck hasn’t thought of.
He’s tactile in ways that Buck’s never even known he’s needed—pressing a kiss behind Buck’s ear whenever he has to leave the room, putting a palm on some part of his body whenever they’re just standing next to each other, and slipping his hands into his when they’re walking to the car, to the movies, to dinner, to work—to wherever. He’s sweet, funny, an amazing cook, interesting, and kind.
And more recently, he’s really fucking hot when he’s worried. 
“Evan?” He hears someone say—and well, there’s only two people in the world who say his name in a way that makes Buck’s stomach churn something fierce, and thankfully they’re far, far away.
“Hey,” Buck breathes, his voice just a little low and raspy. He’s sitting with his feet over the edge of a hospital bed, waiting for the nurse to come back with the paperwork he needs to sign so he can get out of here.
“Jesus Christ,” Tommy says instead of a reply, stepping forward to look at the smudged bruises on Buck’s throat, abnormally bright simply because Buck is pale enough to wear a bruise like a fucking neon sign. 
“Not that bad,” Buck says, trying to smile as he spreads his legs and lets Tommy come close. He puts his big, calloused palm against the hinge of his jaw, tilting Buck’s head back to get a closer look, and then making a low tutting sound. 
He got off shift and went home for a couple of hours, if Buck remembers correctly, so the wet hair and the warm smell of body wash radiating off of him makes sense. Also makes sense why it makes Buck so goddamn woozy.
“How was work?” Buck asks, bringing a hand up to the side of Tommy’s waist to hold him there. He lets his ring finger slide underneath his shirt and rub against the smooth, warm skin.
“A lot less dangerous than yours,” he replies, finally finishing with twisting Buck’s head left and right and looking down at him in the eyes. “I was worried.”
He leans down and plants a kiss on Buck’s face, with absolutely no bite to it and all sweetness. Buck smiles into it and gives him another one before pulling back and looking back at him. He’s got a little wrinkle between his brow. Buck prefers it when he’s got the smile wrinkles anyhow. 
“You don’t need to be,” Buck says, stupid-soft. 
Tommy hums. “I’ll be the decider on that,” he says, and looks out the door. “What’d they say? How are you feeling?”
Buck shrugs, trying not to purr as Tommy runs his hand up the side of his face and starts making big, sweeping motions over the stubble on his cheek. “Just said to see if anything gets worse over the next few hours. I feel fine—just a little headache. Soreness in my throat.”
Tommy listens intently, scrunching in the brow still ever-present, like Buck is giving him instructions on how to perform brain surgery.
“Okay, we’ll—”
“Tommy,” a voice comes, just from the left. Eddie looks surprised to see the two of them, like he always does, even though Buck and Tommy have been together for more than a few weeks. “You came.”
“Yeah, man,” Tommy says, dropping his hand to put it over Buck’s shoulder so he can turn to face Eddie, still in between Buck’s legs. “Thanks for texting me.”
Eddie swallows. Buck still can’t figure out why he looks so fucking shifty all the time, like him and Tommy had some big falling out even though Tommy’s reassured him that they’re fine. “Of course.”
There’s a moment of awkward silence, another one to add to the collection because there have been a lot of awkward silences between the three of them lately, before Eddie starts, and then Tommy goes too with—
“So I’ll take—”
“I’m guessing—”
They pause. Take a stifling moment to take an awkward breath. 
“Tommy can drive me home,” Buck fills in, helpfully. He tilts his head towards him while Tommy rubs a thumb over his neck, so gentle he can barely feel it. “Thanks for offering, though.”
Eddie’s eyes flicker between the two of them. They’re so brown, Buck can’t believe it sometimes. He’s been looking younger and younger these days, with his hair poofy like the day Buck met him, and his t-shirts fitting him just the same way. Tight around his shoulders and fluttering around his abs.
Buck swallows.
“Yeah,” Eddie says, after a second, a smile pulling at half his face. “Let me know if you need anything.”
Buck nods, and Eddie shakes his head over at Tommy, some sort of man thing that Buck hasn’t really mustered yet. 
The nurse trickles in just as Eddie leaves, and Buck’s in the car in no time, back at his loft where he’s changing into the hoodie Tommy left over his chair the other night, plaid pajama pants, and wearing Tommy’s arms, too, as he curdles into him in bed.
“How do you feel?” Tommy asks, smothered into the back of Buck’s hair. His arms are tight around his waist, hand flat against his lower belly. Buck rubs a hand up and down his arm and feels the softness of his hair. 
His throat already hurts less and less, and he’d be surprised if he woke up with any bruising.
“Better,” he murmurs in the dark. “I feel better.”
Tommy smiles into his hair, and then shifts so he can press a kiss into his cheek. His legs tangle up with Buck’s under the covers, easily mixing themselves together. Buck sighs; feels himself relax. 
“You smell like me,” Tommy whispers.
“Gee,” Buck laughs. It only hurts a little. “I wonder why.”
Tommy snuggles into him, infinitely closer for a second, while Buck blinks in the dark.
Once, twice, three times. He tries to settle down. He closes his eyes and breathes, trying to will his heart down and to let the darkness of the loft wash over him. 
For some reason, he can’t get a shade of brown to leave with the light. 
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grassbreads · 1 year
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On a scale of Chang Geng to Luo Binghe, how well does your teenage protagonist cope with the realization that he has a massive thing for the guy that's basically raising him?
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ar-mage-ddon · 2 months
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keykid dump
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s0undsinmyhead · 2 days
If I see one more “they’re platonic soulmates 🥹🥰” comment on a tagged Caryl post I’m gonna go Carol on these mfs.
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If you don’t ship it move on. Creeps. Only thing worse is when they follow up with “she’s like his mother. They have a mother-son relationship.” Wtf show are you watching?! They’re the same age??? Carol has adopted many children. None of them were a middle aged man named Daryl who she flirts with a dreams about being married too.
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anarchopuppy · 11 months
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I hate to do this again, but I'm out of options. I have to pay my $350 power bill by 5pm CST tomorrow (December 7th, 2023) or I'll be disconnected, and my account is currently over $500 in the red from December's rent. I still haven't been able to find a new job and things are getting really desperate
If I can get $350 within the next 24 hours, I can pay the bill directly through paypal and at least keep my lights on while keeping my bank account overdrawn for now. If you're able to help out, my ko-fi is here, and you can DM me for my paypal or venmo if necessary. Reblogs are also appreciated. Thanks y'all <3
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springespronge · 4 months
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Blorbo part 1
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divorcedfiddleford · 11 months
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it is friday my dudes (little hearts added by @tazmiilly)
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valtsv · 11 months
hey you of course don't have to tell if you don't want to, but what was turned into a meme? i've been following you for so long but truly cannot think of what you're referencing. sorry that people were cruel to you either way :(
"this is such a raw line you'd think it was from shakespeare but it's actually from (more generally considered 'lowbrow' media property)". which is not even what i said in the original post that got me so much hate lmao. some of the jokes were funny but it was pretty depressing being misrepresented as some kind of bastion of stupidity and having posts written about me dissecting my personality and concluding that i was a waste of space with nothing of value to contribute to society based on one cringe post.
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
holding Bakugou’s face in your hands and singing the cheesiest songs to him and watching him try to complain about everything even though he can’t help but love how everything sounds and how pretty your mouth is and admire how your lips curve around that one word. gets so entranced at the sight and sound of you, he doesn’t even realize how heavy his head has gotten in your palm, how low his eyes are, and how red his cheeks have gotten <3
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fishyfarms · 2 months
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Happy August month to August specifically :) also to the three people who followed me after seeing buff August art I see you I support you so much here’s a little doodle…as a treat!
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If your WoL got an archon mark, where would it be but more importantly what was their thesis that earned it.
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incesthemes · 5 months
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the development here is so crazy. shadow is an episode about sam choosing his revenge (fate) over his family: when dean wants to "be a family again" sam shuts this down, saying he can't return to the way things were before. but in my time of dying shows sam repeating dean's words almost exactly: they were just starting to "be brothers again."
sam maintains a distance from dean throughout season 1 because he can't commit to him—revenge is too forefront in his mind, and dean is the opposition to sam's revenge. the more he pursues revenge, the farther he gets from dean. this is what azazel and meg want for him: they're leading him away from dean, deliberately so, and as they do that he gets closer to fulfilling his destiny.
it's not until devil's trap that sam chooses dean over his revenge once and for all, committing to his brother in a way that he hasn't been able to up until that point. he abandons his revenge and picks dean over his destiny and they achieve a deeper, more twisted and tangled-up relationship as a result.
and in the exact next episode, sam is quoting dean. it signifies that he's on the same page as dean now, or he's trying to be, and he's committed to the relationship they've developed over the fate he's supposed to be pursuing. it's a complete 180 flip from how he thought just 7 episodes earlier—their new relationship comes with new rules, and we see sam's definition of this relationship again across the next few episodes too, when he feels betrayed and abandoned because dean is keeping secrets from him and won't talk to him (compare to bloody mary, where he himself refuses to be honest with dean because "there are some things he needs to keep to himself").
in shadow he was adamant that he could never return to how they were before. in in my time of dying, he is begging dean to come back with him, reverse the clock and "be brothers again." it's character progression and development marked by codependency and unhealthy boundaries that will generate unbearable tension as they struggle to get on the same page with each other. it's an early glimpse of what being in a codependent relationship means to sam, what expectations he has and how he will conduct himself in this dynamic and how he expresses his devotion to his brother. it's such a fascinating emblem of his growth as he entwines himself into dean and latches on tight, never to let go again.
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kantraels · 2 months
fseer funniest behaviors
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#kind of embarrassed to admit how many times ive screenshot fseer lines so i can get the cadence down#fseer is so funny. ill say it.#they double down on repetition when they're unsure or concerned. they get very defensive very easily but only rarely get legitimately#angry and when they DO (see: shriek#friendly fire) it never lasts very long#for the MOST part people say mean shit to them and they're just like haha yeah!!#the one I wanted to include but apparently don't have is the one from commsplex in throneside where seer is like#i dreamed an entrance for us and here it is! aren't I nice. say it SAY IT#(sometimes teammates will use the 'thanks' bark. very funny)#but maybe bc i read too much into things it doesn't read as seer threatening their team but more of them fishing for reassurance#which tracks because fseer is so damn scared all the damn time.... as opposed to mseer who seems just the slightest bit more sanguine#and a lot more confident/MEANER?? to his teammates. specifically loose cannon veteran. their dynamic makes me chew glass they're so funny#fseer on the other hand does tease their teammates but it's a lot gentler#sometimes they appear to get stuck on words they're hearing and repeat them a couple of times#ex quibble quibble quibble but then uhhh the one mission with the servitor colony with buzz buzz/chitter chitter#augh.#text post#kenna#<- bc they donated the lines this is more meta about fseer as a whole.#darktide#psyker#fseers writer please ten minutes to talk i need to know everything#also please approximately 500 more lines with the zealots and ogryns#voice lines
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