#also diana tries to make friends good for her
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tracedinairlwa · 2 years ago
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After 3000 years, Fiction is back! Thanks to everyone for being patient during the sort of unannounced hiatus, and even bigger thanks to my good friend @ryuucaro for the wonderful art for this chapter! In which Akko (FINALLY) sends her cosplay selfie to Diana
Who reacts VERY normally about it.
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mothram · 1 year ago
#diana's music diary#good morning#i slept early#it was nice#very cozy#I only slept like 4 hours though cause I had to get up for a delivery... also I'm posting this a couple of hours after waking...#as is becoming usual for these... I've been kind of vibing to music pretty much...#anyway yesterday was good but so exhausting... played lethal company with friends like I'd said which was really fun!! was a little bit of#process getting my bearings in it since I'd seen maybe one second of gameplay before but after a day or two in game I picked it up I'd say!#I mostly just ran away when I saw something scary but I tried scanning a monster and it opened the door which made me scream once ahaha#after that I was a lil tired but we ended up having a session of the project moon ttrpg I'm in kind of out of nowhere#it was short but v fun to play Frei again he kind of completely shut down the distortion singlehandedly which was surprising considering he#has no combat capability.. incapacitated them and read its mind which helped us figure out what we needed to do to resolve the distortion#-peacefully! my partners character did the actual resolving cause Frei is terrified of going near anything as gross as that distortion was#(it was a giant gross greasy burger monster. who was just bob from bobs burgers. he ended up in a polycule with linda and teddy after.)#Frei also read my partners characters mind a bit and maybe upset him a little by mentioning his daughter (her character is divorced lol)#anyway yeah... I was tired after both of those so I kinda got in bed and passed out quickly while listening to music...#idk what I'll do today I'm a bit sore still and I'm v sick and tired rn so I'll probably just relax a bit...#let's make today nice and cozy and good... love u friends thank u for reading <3
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months ago
im kinda curious, in your freelance inventor au does the rest of Bruces exes know about his affection for Danny? since he hasnt been with anyone since meeting Danny? because id figure some of them would be chill about it but others would probably be jealous.
oh, they know.
Talia has actually tried to take him out (mostly because she worried he would eventually sire an heir with Bruce using science and Damian would lose his inheritance). She does respect him for his mind and skills, showing genuine remorse that she has to kill him. Then fails. For years.
Seline had a more on-and-off relationship, so she took the loss gracefully when he fell for Danny. They meet on the field and no longer flirt; it's more taunts between old friends. She offers to babysit whenever they go on dates, but the kids know it's just her attempting to steal from the Manor.
Vickie only cares to make a story out of it. She has been sniffing around for years with the theory that all his dates and his playboy image being behind him are to cover up his actual lover. She's right in the sense that Danny is unaware they are lovers. She's very bitter about how Bruce didn't want anything serious with her and is very jealous whenever a fake story about Bruce's new date pops up.
Harvey and Bruce were each other first boyfriends with the understatement that it was to try to figure out their sexualities with someone they trusted. Their relationship was more friends with benefits, but they did care for each other greatly. When he hears about Danny, he asks Bruce to visit him in Arkham to talk about it like good old times. Two-face even interrupts them to say that Danny is fortunate to have Bruce like him.
Bruce is very open about his bisexuality, but people think he's straight enough that it doesn't matter. They only focus on the women he's seen with, even if it's nothing romantic- like having a coffee with Diana when she visits or treating his PA to lunch with the rest of the team. Danny doesn't mind these stories because he knows they are fake. Bruce is not a playboy, and he thought his friend was also Ace for a long time.
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wonderjanga · 3 months ago
Hello!(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Yeah, this is just a random thing that I suddenly came up while browsing some Shazam fan arts
What if, Shazam can control his pulse and/or heartbeat/heart rate. Like, a JL league could check his pulse while he's asleep(For no reason or fun) and it's absolutely zero. So, it's hard trying to tell if Captain Marvel is asleep or dead. And about him controlling his heartbeat/heart rate, he can literally control how fast it goes. Sometimes it's just so slow that it's like a dying person, and sometimes it's so fast(I kinda want you to write a story about this...😔😔 If you have time, and have a good day!🫶🏼)
I’ve actually already done this before. Or, I at least had a little tidbit of it in one of my earliest posts. (Marvel Messing with the JL post) I think I also touched up on it a bit in my Barely Human Cap post too, but I’m happy to expand on it though!
Billy can control his heart rate as Marvel. It’s something he found out he could do after Solomon happened to let it slip one time. So, he uses it to his advantage.
Like, the time Junior and Marvel were talking at a little get together thrown by the JL. Then for whatever reason the room just happened to go silent as Junior said what was probably the worst and most embarrassing sense Billy had ever heard. The silence was so loud.
Marvel and Junior: *just standing there as the JL stare*
Thankfully though, Billy and Freddy came up with a plan if anything would ever happen like this.
Marvel and Junior: *lock eyes*
Marvel: *sighs for what he’s about to do, slowly lets his heart rate start to increase and stumbles to lean on a nearby table*
Freddy: “Cap?” *fake concern*
Marvel: *let his hand clench at his chest as he lets out a groan*
That’s right. He’s faking a heart attack.
Marvel: *lets himself fall, continuing to clench his chest*
Supes: *can hear his heart rate and looks horrified* “OH MY RAO!?”
There was a lot of screaming and yelling and all that. Freddy got them out of there thankfully without having to take him to the medbay.
They’ve pulled this move several times.
Anyways, another way he’s used this move before is lying. Since Supes can detect lies based on heartbeat, it’s kinda easy for Marvel. Don’t get him wrong, he’s completely screwed if Diana uses her lasso though.
Marvel: “It’s true!”
Supes: “It is not!” *smiling cause Marvel is a funny guy*
Marvel: “But it is! I fought a giant purple magnifying glass that tried to burn the earth to a crisp!” *making sure his heartbeat is steady*
Supes: “No way…”
Though, he has faced some problems due to this skill. Like the time he went to sleep in one of the medical cots. Just face down, ass up, sleeping without a care in the world. After all, these guys are his friends so why would he care?
Unbeknownst to Billy, because, of course, he was sleeping, Martian Manhunter came in, saw him, laying motionless on the bed and thought he was injured so he went over to check his pulse. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Not a single beat. He panicked and alerted the other members. That’s how they held a funeral service with a coffin they got from somewhere.
Marvel: *stirring awake*
Flash: “Can we at least call somebody? I know he has no listed contacts or relatives, but surely we can call someone.”
Wondy: “Flash, it’s highly likely any of Marvel’s relatives would probably be deceased, considering the fact that he’s a demigod.”
GL: “What about that Junior kid? Crap… did any of us call him?”
Marvel: *sits up* “Junior?”
The JL proceeded to let out the loudest culmination of screams ever heard. Canary even accidentally used a bit of her powers.
Supes: “Captain!” *flies over checking Marvel over*
Marvel: “Yeah?” *scratches head, a little too groggy to register the casket he was just in and instead floats out and lands on the ground*
They proceeded to dog pile on him.
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downthe-f4ndom-rabbith0le · 11 months ago
Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) - Prologue
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Word Count: 7839 Warnings: death, violence, fighting, bloody wounds, angst, infuriatingly oblivious love interest, slowburn Spoilers: Young Justice Seasons 1-3 plot partially, but it ended in 2022 so catch up.
Y/N Prince - miracle daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor - and Dick Grayson - first adoptive son of the Batman himself - have been best friends since day one. They went to school together, trained together, kept each other's alter ego secret from everyone else, and they founded the Young Justice alongside their friends together.
But as time progressed, Y/N and Dick grew up and Y/N found herself wanting more than friendship with Dick. But he never seemed to indicate that he reciprocated her feelings. And when Wally died and Dick abandoned the team, Y/N realised he never would. So she heads to the one place she knows will help her become a stronger warrior so that one day she can take her mother's place: Themyscira.
Two years after his leave, Dick reaches out to his old friends to help him with a mission. But when he finds out Y/N left too, he chases after her in the hopes to bring her back.
However, when the two finally reunite, it isn't as warm as he hopes. Not to mention Themyscira becomes under siege as they go to war against Echidna, the Mother of Monsters in Greek Mythology, and her army of monstrous children.
Will Dick and Y/N be able to put their past behind them and save the Amazonians' homeland? Or will they fall, unable to tell one another their true feelings?
Long summary I know, but I'm attempting something that I haven't tried to do in a long time and I've had this thought in my head for ages so I've just got to get it out now. This story will cover the plot from Season One to the beginning of Season Three. Apologies if anything is vague or inaccurate, I haven't watched the show in a while and cannot be bothered going back to get it right when the main plot of this story is entirely of my own design and not canon. Also, for the sake of the growing-up-together part, I've brought Dick's family's death up so he is taken in by Bruce earlier than 12 years old. I've always loved this version of Dick Grayson (Nightwing) in Young Justice and I hope I do him justice for those of you who also loved the show and him xx
(10 years old)
'Don't worry, my beloved,' Diana said in a soothing voice, patting her daughter's head gently as the car pulled up. 'It's not so scary on the inside.'
Wayne Manor was made of grey columns and dark shadows it seemed to little ten-year-old Y/N, who couldn't shake the feeling that the house was full of ghosts. It was an imposing structure, making her wonder how anyone would choose to live in such a cold and lifeless place.
'I want to go home, Mother,' she whimpered, backing away from the car window.
Diana turned her daughter's head to face her, giving her best reassuring smile to alleviate some of her daughter's worries. 'We will, but I need to take care of something first and I can't leave you at home alone. My very good friend has kindly offered for his butler to look after you while we sort our business out. He has a son that I think you will get along with quite well.'
Y/N couldn't believe that a child lived in the scary house outside, but she knew when not to question her mother.
Her mother was always busy, it didn't matter what time of the day or night. Y/N didn't quite know what her mother did, but she knew it was dangerous, as her mother would come home with cuts and bruises, exhausted from whatever she'd just been doing. The partial truth of it all came out just last week, as Y/N and her nanny had been attacked in their small apartment in Washington DC. The nanny had locked Y/N in the bathroom when the men attacked so Y/N didn't see what happened to her. But Y/N had heard her screams, had heard the men laughing at her anguish. She'd heard her mother finally arrive and slaughter the men. And when Y/N was finally let out of the bathroom, her mother's red, white, blue and gold metallic outfit was covered in blood, as was the sword she'd dropped as she pulled Y/N into her arms tightly.
Whatever kind of work her mother and her mother's "good friend" were involved in, if she said Wayne Manor was the safest place to be when she worked, then Y/N wouldn't argue.
It didn't stop Y/N from squeezing her mother's hand to the point of cut off circulation as they walked from the car into the scary house.
'Miss Prince,' a man in a tuxedo said in welcome. He was partially bald and his moustache twitched when he spoke.
'Alfred,' Diana said, giving the older man a warm smile. 'So good to see you again. And please, I am Diana to friends and family.'
'Of course,' Alfred said, a cheeky smile on his face, 'but forgive me if I prefer to be a little old-fashioned, Miss Prince.'
'Very well,' Diana said, turning her gaze down to Y/N. 'This is my daughter, Y/N.'
Alfred smiled warmly down at Y/N, crouching ever so slightly to hold out his hand. 'A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Y/N. Welcome to Wayne Manor.'
Y/N hesitated in taking his hand. She'd always been taught to be cautious around strangers.
'Come on, Y/N,' Diana insisted. 'Don't be rude.'
Y/N, with her free hand, accepted Alfred's outstretched one, giving it a firm shake like she'd seen her mother do with people she had meetings with at work and at home.
'My, you certainly have your mother's strength,' Alfred commented as he stood back up, shaking his hand a little. 'I'll be sure not to mess with you when you grow older.'
Y/N didn't have time to process what Alfred meant when two dark figures walked down a grand staircase into the lobby they stood in. As they drew closer to the light, Y/N distinguished one as a tall and broad-shouldered man with dark hair, neat attire, and a stern face. Beside him was a small child close to her height, also with dark hair and flashing blue eyes. Unlike the taller man, though, his face was bright with intrigue and mischief.
'Diana,' the tall man said by way of greeting as he reached the ground floor with the boy.
'Bruce,' she replied, walking herself and Y/N over to him and the boy. 'Thank you for offering to look after Y/N tonight.'
'Well, it won't be me personally,' Bruce replied, 'but I'm sure Alfred will be able to look after them while we're gone.'
'If I could raise you to be the man that you are today, Master Bruce, I am sure two beautiful children won't be much of a task,' Alfred called out casually as he closed the front door and exited the room.
'I've contacted Clark,' Bruce continued. 'He says he'll meet us at the rendezvous point. We should leave soon.'
Diana nodded. 'Okay.'
To her surprise, Y/N found Bruce's gaze on her, and his stern expression softened as he looked her over. 'This must be the famous Y/N I've heard so much about.'
Y/N remembered her mother's lessons on etiquette and nodded politely. 'Nice to meet you, Mr. Wayne.'
Bruce surprised her again as a small smile broke out, making him look younger and less intimidating than before. 'It's nice to meet you too, Y/N,' he said, looking down to the boy beside him. 'This is my ward, Richard.'
The young boy groaned in annoyance. 'It's Dick, Bruce. You know I don't like it when you use my real name.'
Bruce sighed, but conceded. 'Sorry, this is Dick. I hope the two of you get along tonight, Y/N.'
Before Y/N could reply, Dick stepped forward so that they only stood a step apart. His blue eyes were so bright as they scanned over her, and it took all of her will not to hide behind her mother.
He squinted sceptically at her. 'Do you like sparring, Y/N?'
'Dick,' Bruce exclaimed, eyes wide with horror. 'That's not something you should ask-'
Y/N ignored Bruce's protests as she locked eyes with Dick. She saw the challenge in them, and whatever fears she had about coming here faded away. A fire sparked in her, and she couldn't help herself but grab Dick's unsuspecting wrist and flip him over her and land him on his back. Before he could get up, she pressed a knee to his neck softly as she held him down.
'Y/N!' Diana exclaimed. 'That is not how we treat-'
She was cut off by the sound of Dick laughing, a sound so pure and light it brightened up the gloomy interior of the manor. Dick looked up at Y/N, not even bothered by the fact she was an inch away from cutting off his airway. 'Oh yeah, we're going to get along just fine, Bruce.'
The last of her apprehension to the arrangement disappeared as she released Dick from her death grip and helped him to his feet, a bright smile gracing her features.
'Where'd you learn to flip like that?' Dick asked.
'My mother,' she answered proudly. 'We've practiced for thirty minutes everyday since I was eight. I've also been taking classes back in Washington in judo and karate.'
'Cool!' Dick said. 'Maybe you can teach me some moves?'
'Sure!' Y/N answered.
Without even hesitating, Dick grabbed Y/N's hand and took off running to who knew where, words falling from him like a dam that had just been broken. 'Awesome! And then I can show you some of the cool gymnast tricks I picked up in the circus.'
'You were in the circus? That's so cool!'
The two of them were lost in their own world as Bruce and Diana remained in the lobby, looking after their children lovingly before they disappeared completely. When silence filled the room once more, they turned to each other.
'How much does she know?' Bruce asked.
Diana sighed. 'Enough to know that she will never have a normal life. Not after the incident last week. I thought I had a bit more time.'
Bruce placed a hand on his friend's shoulder comfortingly. 'I'm sorry, Diana. Truly. It's hard enough protecting a child who isn't your own. At least Dick has known death before. He knows everything.'
Diana nodded her appreciation, patting Bruce's hand before he let it drop. 'She will know, one day, what all this means. What her destiny is. Until now she has shown how much of Steve she has in her.' Diana paused at the memory of her fallen lover, feeling the tears rise up whenever she thought of him. 'But I fear she will grow to inherit my power, my responsibilities. I don't know if I'm ready to let her become that for the world. Not yet.'
'Diana,' Bruce said softly, 'she might not have a choice one day. I fear the same thing for Dick. You and I won't be around forever. The world will look to them to help, one day.'
Somewhere in the distance, Y/N and Dick's laughter resonated through the manor, giving it a warmth Bruce hadn't felt in a while. He smiled at the sensation. 'But for now, they have a choice. They can choose to be kids. Until the world no longer needs us.'
(11 years old)
'Uuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhh,' Y/N groaned as she flopped onto Dick's bed, textbook flattening over her face in defeat. 'I give up. I'm never going to pass this infuriating maths exam next week.'
All Y/N received was an amused laugh from the dark-haired boy, resulting in her throwing her textbook at his head where we sat on the floor. But Dick had always been quick, dodging the book easily. He was even more quick since they'd started training with each other since she moved to Gotham permanently for school.
She was enrolled at the same school as Dick: Gotham Academy. It was the best school in the area, and when she'd received her scholarship, her mother couldn't refuse her wishes to move. Y/N stayed in the boarding house for the most part, but being friends with the Bruce Wayne's only son certainly had its perks. Such as getting out of the boarding house whenever she needed to study and train without prying eyes.
Dick laughed again. 'Come on, Y/N,' he said, picking up her strewn textbook and offering it back to her. 'It's not so bad. We're just trying to find x.'
Y/N rolled over onto her stomach so Dick wasn't upside down anymore. 'Yes, and it is impossible! I mean, they give us nothing to try and figure out a and b, but we need them both to find out x. How?!'
When Y/N didn't take her book back, Dick put it on the ground and shuffled forwards. He did so until he was half an arm's length away from Y/N's face where it rested in her hands.
'All right, let's have a break,' he said. 'Focus on something else. How about... Ooo, I know! What would your vigilante name be?'
Y/N's eyebrows furrowed. 'What?'
'Your vigilante name,' Dick reported. 'You know, like a code name for ordinary people to refer you by. Like Bruce for example, he's Batman.'
'So like my mother too, who is Wonder Woman,' Y/N added.
Dick nodded. 'Correct. When we start fighting bad guys - and we will some day - we will need alter egos so villains don't pursue us outside of an ordinary mission.'
Y/N sat up as Dick jumped to his feet, pulling out all kinds of ninja-karate moves, many of which Y/N had taught him herself over the last year. 'I think I'll be something winged too. Batman needs to be accompanied by another flying animal, don't you think?'
'That is... logical,' Y/N admitted, though not understanding his motives for the specific topic. 'I haven't given much thought to the matter, honestly. I'm too busy trying to find this dumb x value.'
Dick landed a slam kick against thin air before he took up a normal standing position in front of Y/N. He smiled down proudly at her. 'I was thinking of just bird,' he confessed, taking a seat beside her on his bed, 'but then I thought that was boring. Batman and Bird, yeah sooooo intimidating. So I was thinking maybe Hawk, or Sparrow-'
'Why does it have to be intimidating?' Y/N asked.
Dick paused for the first time in the conversation and looked at her as if she was crazy. 'Because Batman is intimidating. I don't want to be seen as a sissy when I rock up beside him to fights. I defs won't feel the aster, then.'
'But shouldn't a hero be giving people reassurance and hope when they come to save people?' Y/N countered. 'Why would you want to be something that all people dread when you enter the door. I think a hero's name should be strong and encouraging. Something like my mother's.'
Dick rolled his eyes. 'You're just saying that because she's you're mum.'
Y/N shook her head. 'No I'm not. I've seen it first hand. When my mother shows up to lend a hand, the people cry with joy and relief because they know she will do all that she can to save them. I'm not saying Batman - Bruce - doesn't do the same thing, but I just know that when I have to be a hero, I would hope my name inspires people to keep hoping. Not fear me.'
Y/N watched Dick process her words, saw his piercing blue eyes grow distant as he looked down at his hands. For a moment, Y/N worried she'd ruined everything. That she'd overstepped. Dick and Bruce's relationship - it was more of an arrangement, in her opinion - was tenuous to say the least, the two of them always dancing on a very thin line that could snap at any moment when push comes to shove. Either way, it wasn't her place to comment on how Dick should handle his relationship to Bruce.
However, when Dick looked up to Y/n again, she was relieved to find he wasn't angry at her. In fact, a soft smile had bloomed on his lips.
'You're right,' he said softly. 'I don't have to be scary. Bruce has that all covered.'
'Glad to hear it,' Y/N replied with a a reciprocal smile. 'So... anymore ideas on your name?'
'Well, I still believe it's got to be a bird of sorts,' Dick answered. 'But let's steer clear of the birds of prey, shall we? Maybe Jaybird, or Bluebird. No, that's stupid. Raven? Nah, that's going backwards...'
'How about Robin?' Y/N suggested, and Dick's smile broadened to the point Y/N was scared he'd split his mouth right open.
'That's perfect!' he exclaimed, bringing her into a hug. 'Batman and Robin. It's got a nice ring to it, doesn't it?'
'It sure does,' Y/N said, grateful to have helped.
When Dick let her go, he said, 'Now how about you? What do you think your vigilante name should be?'
Y/N thought about it for a moment, but could only come up with one name. 'I like Wonder Woman, but mother already has that. I don't think two of us would make it easy for the public, especially if she is still working.'
'That is true,' Dick replied, turning away from her as he delved into deep thought. Y/N could tell he was thinking deeply as his tongue was poking out ever so slightly - the thing he always did when he was concentrating really hard. Y/N always found it amusing since the day she met him.
Y/N jumped a little when Dick suddenly cried out with excitement. He turned back to her and grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to look directly at him. 'How about we take inspiration from your mother? Use part of her name to create yours. Like Wonder Girl!'
Y/N shook her head. 'No, that's really lame, Dick.'
'Wonder Kid?'
'Wonder... Child?'
Dick snapped his fingers and his eyes brightened as Y/N assumed a great thought popped into his head. 'I've got it: Wonderess! You know, like Wonder Woman and goddess put together!'
'Wonderess...' Y/N tested it out on her tongue, and she smiled at how easy it rolled off. It was simple, it was to the point. She could just hear the world now, shouting and screaming and crying her name for joy, for help.
She couldn't stop her smile from widening and matching Dick's. 'I love it.'
'Great!' Dick slid back down to the floor and grabbed the forgotten textbook she'd thrown at him earlier. 'Now, oh mighty and powerful Wonderess, time for you to conquer the alluding and difficult enemy that is mathematics.'
Despite her earlier anguish, Y/N felt rejuvenated and took the book from Dick and opened it back to the page she'd failed to understand. 'Then conquer mathematics we shall, oh sneaky and charming Robin.'
Dick flashed her one of his dazzling smiles. 'Oh yeah, I can see it now. Robin is going to be popular with the ladies when I'm older.'
Y/N rolled her eyes, but couldn't contain her smile. 'Don't make me throw this book at you again.'
Dick raised his hands in mock surrender before they both dove back into their respective homework. But after five minutes of work, Y/N had another thought.
'Dick. What does "aster" mean?' ~~~
(13 years)
When Y/N had walked into the Hall of Justice earlier that day, she never imagined that she'd end up helping her best friend and the sidekicks of the Flash and Aquaman break into a top secret and highly secured lab centre, get captured by the mad scientists running the show down there, break out and now be standing in front of the Justice League as a Superman look-alike (that they'd broke into for and out of with) stared down his creation's inspiration.
'Start talking' Batman said, finally breaking the tense silence.
Between Kaldur, Wally, Dick, and Y/N (Superboy, Y/N realised early on, didn't talk much), the story of how they ended up at Cadmus and pretty much destroyed it was eventually told. Afterwards, the blockbuster monster they'd fought was taken away by Green Lantern and some other League members. Y/N couldn't help but peak at her mother as Wonder Woman herself conversed with Superman and Martian Manhunter. For a brief moment, Diana looked her daughter's way then quickly averted her gaze. But Y/N knew from that one look that her mother was unimpressed by her actions today.
'Cadmus will be investigated,' Batman said, after Superman said a frosty goodbye to his younger clone. 'All fifty-two levels. But let's make one thing clear-'
'You should've called!' the Flash finished, crossing his arms, clearly disappointed in his sidekick's efforts.
'End results aside, we are not happy,' Batman continued. 'You hacked Justice League systems; you disobeyed direct orders; and you endangered lives. You will not be doing this again.'
Y/N's heart faltered at the very notion. Despite the wreckage and the stress and the struggles they had faced, Y/N very much liked working with Dick, with Kaldur and Wally too. Even the Superboy was enjoyable at some points. To never work with them again was not something she expected she would miss after one mission.
Kaldur and the other boys must've read her mind, as he stepped forward, standing tall and speaking with a strong voice well beyond his years. 'I'm sorry,' he began, eyes never leaving Batman, 'but we will.'
'Aqualad,' Aquaman started, stepping up behind Batman. 'Stand down.'
'Apologies, my King. But no,' Aqualad replied. 'We did good work here tonight. The work you trained us to do. Together. On our own. We forged something powerful. Important.'
'If this is about your treatment at the hall,' the Flash started, 'the four of you-'
'The five of us,' Wally corrected, looking directly at Superboy as he did, 'and it's not.'
'Batman,' Dick said, stepping to the front of the group. 'We're ready to use what you taught us. Or why teach us at all?'
'Why let them tell us what to do?' Superboy interrupted, pushing past Dick to take the lead. 'It's simple, get on board. Or get out of the way.'
Y/N joined her friends in staring down the heads of the Justice League. It was an intimidating figure they all posed, but Y/N knew she was doing the right thing. That her and her friends had done the right thing tonight.
Diana joined Batman, the Flash, and Martian Manhunter, her face unreadable and voice monotone. 'Are you sure this is the path you would like to forge, Wonderess?' she asked, her voice echoing in the crater they stood in.
Apart from Dick and Bruce, no one else (to Y/N's knowledge) knew that Wonder Woman and Wonderess were related in any manner. Not that either disguised themselves like other heroes did - purposefully hiding their faces to conceal their identities like Batman and the Flash - but neither outwardly acknowledged their true relationship either.
However, Y/N could tell her mother wasn't just asking her as her sidekick, but as her daughter. Was Y/N really prepared to risk all she had trained for, for some... strangers?
Y/N eyed the golden lasso that hung at her mother's hip, and opened her hand to summon the seemingly never-ending rope into her hand. It wrapped around several times, then glowed as Y/N clenched a tight fist around it.
'I am more certain than I have ever been, Wonder Woman,' Y/N replied, feeling the lasso urge her to speak all her truth. 'While I still endeavour to one day be your successor, my place is with my friends right now. We need to walk this path together, wherever it leads. I know this to be absolute truth.'
Y/N sucked in a breath as she let go of the lasso, feeling slightly drained from the power it had over her. Dick put a hand on her back to brace her as she recovered. Once Y/N had caught her breath, she spared Dick a grateful smile, which he reciprocated.
Just as it had been from day one, they would ride this wave together. No matter how rough.
The very next day, the five of them were taken to Mount Justice, the backup facility for the Justice League as Batman explained. Upon arrival, they met M'gann, Martian Manhunter's niece, and soon after Artemis was brought into the mix.
Soon, they were the Young Justice.
(13 years old)
'Congratulations team, you have won the day,' Red Tornado said as he laid dismembered on the ground.
The rest of the team had just reconnected as the Justice computer phased a date and time code onto one of the glass walls of the Watchtower. It read: January 01, 00:00 EST.
'Happy New Year, Justice League,' the computer announced.
To no one's surprise, Wally picked up Artemis and pulled her in for a long-awaited kiss. M'gann and Connor paired up, so did Rocket and Aqualad surprisingly.
Y/N felt uncomfortable watching them all making out, so she turned to her best friend so they could give them all some privacy. 'Hey Dick, let's go-'
But as she turned around, Y/N saw that Dick had also paired off with someone: Zatanna. This time, Y/N couldn't help but stare as the two of them made out.
Since day one of Zatanna joining the team, Y/N had noticed Dick had a thing for her. Who wouldn't? She was beautiful, she was just a year older than them but that just made her more desirable, and she was good with magic!
Something stirred inside Y/N, something that twisted her guts to the point she thought she'd throw up. Was it jealousy? No, she wasn't the jealous type. Besides, Dick was her best friend, no one could change that. He could kiss whoever he wanted to kiss. At the end of the day, they'd still talk and laugh and spar and go get ice cream together.
'Human customs still allude me,' Red Tornado said from his place on the floor.
'You're not the only one...' Y/N mumbled to herself, standing all alone.
(16 years old)
Y/N was just sparring on a test dummy when Dick entered the training ring looking a little worse for wear, his usual mischievous smile not visible.
'Hey,' Y/N said, finishing up her combo of kicks and punches, heaving in deep breaths. 'What's up, bird brain?'
He didn't reply straight away, instead standing on the edge of the fight ring as if afraid to step out of the shadows and into the light. Y/N raised an eyebrow in confusion. 'Dick?'
When he didn't respond again, Y/N walked over to him. And when she got closer, she realised why he remained in the darkness.
'Have you been crying?' she asked softly, scared to speak too loud in case he ran away.
Dick wasn't an emotional guy. He just wasn't. He was the mischievous gremlin who kept the team together with his witty remarks, charm, and sheer intelligence. And even though Kaldur had been the leader of their team for years now, Dick always wanted to be a leader like Bruce was for the Justice League. He never gave himself room to be emotional.
So for him to stand in front of Y/N with red-rimmed eyes and tear marks streaking down his face, whatever had just happened had to be so impactful it finally broke his resolve.
He averted his eyes. 'Zatanna,' he started, biting his lip to suppress sobs falling out between the words. 'She broke up with me.'
Subconsciously, Y/N had been dreaming about hearing those words for a long time. She didn't quite understand why, as Zatanna was a close friend and Dick was by far her best friend so of course she only ever wanted happiness for them. But now that Dick stood in front of her so broken and sad, Y/N only felt sorry and remorse.
'Oh Dick,' she said. 'I'm so sorry... How can I help?'
Dick shook his head vigorously, eyes still averted from her. 'Can you just... Can we spar please? I think I really need that right now.'
His tone was restrained, as if he were holding back what he really thought. Y/N had half a thought to suggest they just talk, but when he finally looked directly at her, how could she refuse her best friend? After all, she was the only one he never wore his glasses around. Even after all these years with the team, he trusted no one else but her with his identity.
The original members knew, but even then he still wore his shades around them half the time if he wasn't in his vigilante suit. But not around Y/N, though. Never around Y/N.
'All right,' Y/N conceded, walking with him back to the centre of the fighting ring. She stood in her usual starting position, hands raised and feet split ready to fight. 'Same rules as last time?'
Dick nodded. 'No flying from you, no gadgets from me. Just us.'
Y/N launched into a heated sparring match, much more heated than any other match she'd had before with him. Sparring matches are usually to practice a skill, usually some punches can be pulled. But not now, Dick was throwing himself into everything, becoming sloppy, opening himself up. While the first few jabs Y/N got in were small victories, she soon grew worried as he grew more and more reckless as the match progressed.
'You're opening yourself up too easily, Dick,' Y/N commented between heavy breaths. 'Tighten up your stance.'
Dick groaned with frustration in answer, throwing another punch at her which she easily ducked and palm-punched his abdomen hard. He stumbled back as he caught his breath, but Y/N took it as her chance to end the fight as she charged at him, crash-tackled him to the mat with a bit more super-strength than she'd been using and pinning his limbs to the ground.
Dick struggled under her, but she refused to let go. 'Concede, Grayson. Now,' she demanded.
She rarely used his last name, only when he was in serious trouble or when she really needed him to listen. So he stopped, and he looked up at her and he nodded. 'I concede,' he said between huffs of air.
Y/N nodded her head in acknowledgement before stepping off him and helping him to his feet. For years they had been the same height, but once Dick had hit fourteen, he shot up fast. He was still lean and more on the skinny side, but he was toned in certain places and he now stood a head taller than Y/N. But she didn't let his new height stop her from locking eyes with him.
'Do you feel... somewhat better now?' she asked cautiously, feeling that Dick was on the brink of an explosion, she was just unsure what kind it would be.
To her surprise, Dick's piercing blue eyes welled up with tears. 'No,' he said.
Y/N immediately wrapped her arms around him, and Dick fell into her and wrapped himself around her as if she were a warm blanket on a cold night. They stood like that - with Dick crying silently into her shoulder and Y/N rubbing soothing circles into his back - for who knew how long. A minute, two, an hour maybe. It didn't matter, Dick needed Y/N'S help so she would stay there as long for as it took.
'She said she couldn't do it anymore,' he said finally, tears finally finished running, but he still didn't break from Y/N's embrace. 'The long distance.'
'Being promoted to the Justice League is a huge commitment, Dick,' Y/N offered.
'It's not just that, though,' he said. 'I think she couldn't take me anymore. Ever since Jason-'
His voice cracked on the mention of his fallen brother, the next ward Bruce had taken under his wing. When he joined the team, Jason took over the Robin mantle, giving Dick freedom to explore a new path of vigilante identity. One outside of Bruce's shadow and the dynamic duo of Batman and Robin. He'd settled upon Nightwing - another name Y/N helped come up with - and he'd taught Jason everything he knew about being Robin and how he could find his own meaning for the role.
But Jason never got the chance to do the same for the next Robin, who Bruce mentioned would never be found after Jason's death. Jason had been killed on a mission with the Batman himself only a month ago, and Dick had secretly been a wreck ever since. He'd learnt from his sponsor who to hide his emotions, but Y/N assumed he had to let it out to someone or someones every so often. Those people were herself, and no doubt Zatanna.
Despite her bubbly and adventurous personality, Zatanna knew death, knew grief. It suddenly angered Y/N at the thought that Zatanna had dumped Dick because he was grieving and couldn't give her the attention he had become known to give her daily.
Y/N held her tongue as she pulled him tighter, though. Now was not the time to rub salt into his open and bloody wound.
'You don't have to explain yourself to me, Dick,' Y/N reassured him. 'I understand.'
He squeezed her tighter. 'First my family, then Jason, now Zatanna. Promise me you won't leave too. Promise.'
'I promise, Dick,' Y/N answered. 'I'll always be here if you need me.'
Dick finally pulled away from her, but only far enough that he still held her in his arms and she had to angle her head harshly upwards to look him in the eye. Despite the redness, Dick's eyes still shone a blue that didn't seem quite real - like the colour of the purest, cleanest ocean.
So beautiful.
'You're my best friend, Y/N,' he said softly, a grateful smile finally breaking through his sadness. 'You know that right?'
Once upon a time, Y/N wouldn't have hesitated in answering. Yes, she would say, because it was the truth. It was the truth still, but a discomforting feeling in her stomach squirmed at the words "best friend". What he meant to her went past the simple label, at least in her opinion. But she just couldn't quite put it into words yet.
'Y-Yeah, I know,' she stammered out quickly. She had paused way too long to answer. 'Just like you're mine, bird brain. Don't think a bunch of tears is going to scare me off so easily.'
She was so glad to be the one to make him laugh then. It was the most melodic sound she'd ever heard, even though she'd heard it a thousand times before. Dick could never be tiring to her.
Finally - and thankfully - Dick stepped out of her arms, allowing her to suck in air that had previously been missing from between them. But he stole it all right back when he flashed her that charming smile of his.
'Guess I'll see you tomorrow, Wonderess,' he said. 'Thanks again for the sparring. I'll be sure to tighten up for next time.'
'G-Great, good, excellent,' Y/N stumbled over her words, unable to breathe when he smiled so causally yet so beautifully at her. 'See you tomorrow.'
Dick gave her a tiny wave as he left the room. As he left, Artemis and M'gann strolled in wearing civvies. They greeted and farewelled Dick before continuing to walk to Y/N, who stood frozen where Dick had left her staring after him.
'You okay, Y/N?' Artemis asked, waving a hand in front of Y/N's face. 'Helloooooo. Earth to Y/N?'
'Maybe she's fallen into a hypnotic state,' M'gann suggested. 'Or worse! A mind ant has taken over her brain! I'll have to go inside her mind to weed it out.'
That finally disrupted Y/N from her stupor. 'No! No need for that. No mind ants here,' she frantically said just M'gann was about to enter her mind.
'Then why were you looking like Medusa had risen from her mythical death and frozen you in place?' Artemis asked, deadpan.
'First of all, Medusa was a real person. Greek Mythology is real, or therefore my mother and I wouldn't be here today,' Y/N countered. 'Second of all... I think I a have a crush on Dick.'
As soon as she said the words, she knew them to be true. She didn't need to discuss it with the girls, she already knew.
Y/N Prince, daughter of Wonder Woman, had a huge, fat crush on her best friend, and son of Batman himself, Richard 'Dick' Grayson.
'Shit,' all three girls said at once.
~~~ (18 years old)
Y/N watched with sad eyes as two of her closest friends walked away under the cover of darkness. Again. Kaldur and Artemis - the latter now legally dead - waved farewell before they entered a small submarine, on their way to continue infiltration of the Light on Kaldur's father's ship.
Two figures stepped up beside Y/N. 'Well,' Wally started, 'I guess that's that.'
'For now,' Dick said. 'I promise, Wally, we'll bring them both back.'
'Yeah, whatever,' Wally said, turning to leave. 'You're my bro, Dick. But if Artemis is really killed because of this, I will never forgive you.'
Wally's footsteps resounded through the empty fishing warehouse as Y/N continued to stare out at the ocean. Soon, it was just her and Dick.
'We should head back to headquarters,' Dick suggested. 'Someone might start to wonder where we are.'
But Y/N didn't turn to leave, still transfixed by the ocean. 'I thought I was okay with all this,' Y/N admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. 'I convinced myself that this was for the greater good. But now I'm not so sure.'
'What do you mean, Y/N?' Dick asked.
'The lying, Dick,' she answered, finally turning to him. 'The secrets, the faking of deaths and undercover betrayals. If we keep this up, it'll tear the team apart.'
'It won't,' Dick reassured her, his voice so certain and sure. 'When this is all over and we explain it all, they will understand. I expect some disappointment and hostility for a while, but one day they'll understand why we did what we did. But this team we've built, Y/N, it is stronger than all this. I know it.'
Y/N shook her head, wanting to believe him but unable to put aside the horrible feeling in her gut. 'I know they are strong. I just wish there was another way for us to win.'
'Trust me, if there was, I would've taken it,' Dick said, and even with a mask on, Y/N knew he was telling the truth. 'I want all of us fighting this together. For now, we've just got to trust in Kaldur and Artemis that they will succeed.'
Y/N nodded, her gaze returning to the flat ocean waters where her friends had long since left behind. 'Maybe you should've sent me like I suggested,' Y/N said half-heartedly. 'You're a great substitute for leader, Dick. Truly. But the team took Kaldur's betrayal heavily, and Artemis and Wally were out of the game. We shouldn't have brought them back in. Wonder Girl is trained up enough to take my place. You don't need me.'
'Don't say that.'
Y/N could barely react as she was grabbed by her shoulders and forced to face Dick, who had crouched so he was eye-level to her and leaned in so she could see the slightest gleam of his pupils through the white mask.
'Don't say that,' Dick repeated, his grip on her shoulders firm and grounding. 'We do need you. You're a founding member too, Y/N. Regardless of if it were Kaldur or not, the team would've struggled without any one of us. And the only reason I was able to lead this team this past year is because I knew you had my back the entire time.'
'Really?' she asked, the one word a struggle to get out.
His expression softened and he loosened his grip. But Dick didn't release her yet. 'Y/N, you are always the one giving hope to the team whenever I can't raise their spirits. You were the one to console them after Kaldur leaving. You are strong and brave and you never give up, especially when the chips are down. And they have been down on us a lot lately.'
Y/N caught her breath as Dick released one shoulder to use his pointer finger to hold her chin up, making her look directly at him. 'It kills me that you don't see yourself how everyone else sees you. Which is amazing, Y/N. Amazing and wonderful.'
Y/N swore Dick could hear her heart thudding rapidly against her chest. In the two years since realising it, her crush on her best friend hadn't faded like she'd hoped. Instead, it had grown and blossomed but Dick still couldn't see how much she absolutely adored him. She'd resigned herself to the fact that he would never feel that way about her, and also if they were to date, then it would just make working together all the more complicated. She couldn't compromise on the team's relationship.
But as Y/N looked into Dick's eyes now, a little spark of hope flickered inside her. He was so close to her, he had to feel her heartbeat. He had to know... right?
A wind of doubt blew out the spark and she stepped away from Dick so her head would stop spinning. 'You just had to get a pun in there, didn't you?' she said, surprised at how calm and casual her voice came out all things considered.
Dick took a moment to gather himself, as if he too had been lost deep in thought. But soon that infamous smile of his stretched his lips and Y/N knew she could never say no to him. 'What can I say? I'm an opportunist.'
'I thought you were a gymnast.'
'I am also your best friend, and so I am legally obliged to slip in puns about you whenever possible.'
'Oh, do you now?' Y/N asked, lightly shoving him as she made for the warehouse door. Dick was right, they needed to head home before anyone started questioning their whereabouts.
Dick quickly caught up. 'I mean it Y/N. You are my best friend.'
'I know,' Y/N said nonchalantly, trying not to let the words sting too much. But she managed a soft smile as she said, 'And you are mine. Always have been...'
Dick flashed her a genuine smile, no charm, no hidden agenda behind it. He held his pinky finger up, to which Y/N linked her own with. '...Always will be,' he finished.
As they went home, Y/N felt better about Kaldur and Artemis' mission, as well as her place in the team. But she was now even more confused about Dick and how he felt about her. They were best friends, had been through so much together, it wouldn't be wise to ruin all that now.
But the way he'd looked at her, maybe there was a chance after all.
(18 years old)
'You're leaving?'
Y/N and Kaldur couldn't believe what they'd just heard. One minute, the three of them were discussing the team's next move after foiling the Reach's invasion plans and splitting the Light in half, and the next...
'That's correct,' Dick said. 'I just... I think I need to take a break for a while.'
'For how long?' Y/N asked, finally getting over the initial shock of his announcement. It had been a hectic day, full of surprises and sacrifices nobody saw coming. Right now, in her opinion, everyone needed to band together, not... leave.
Dick shrugged his shoulders. 'I don't know. But it definitely won't be quick. This team has been my whole life for five years now. I think it's time I stepped away, let Kaldur take the reins again.'
'The team will not be the same without you,' Kaldur offered.
'The team already isn't the same,' Dick said solemnly, and the slightest crack in his voice indicated to Y/N what he was referring to. 'You, me, Y/N, Wally. We founded this team. Without him...'
Dick didn't need to finish. Y/N had felt Wally's absence since the moment he fazed out of existence. He saved the world, but he'd been too slow to combat the chrysalis' energy. Not even the Flash or Impulse could save him. It made Y/N so mad, because Wally must've known he wouldn't come out of it alive. He knew he was too slow, having been out of the game for so long.
And yet he did it anyway, because that was who Wally West - Kid Flash - was.
'I understand,' Kaldur said, placing a comforting hand on Dick's shoulder.
'Thanks,' Dick said, then looked to the boom tubes of the Watchtower. 'I should probably go.'
'What? Now?' Y/N asked. 'At least see the day through, Dick.'
'There's nothing else for me to see through, Y/N,' he countered, already making his way to the boom tubes to make his exit. 'Kaldur is back, and so is the Justice League. I am no longer needed.'
Kaldur didn't follow Y/N as she chased after Dick. 'At least let the team know personally you'll be leaving. Don't you think they deserve that much from you after all we've done?'
'All I did was sign Wally's death sentence,' Dick answered harshly, not even bothering to turn around and face her. 'Yeah, the team really deserves that from their substitute leader.'
The two of them stopped before the boom tubes, facing each other one last time. Y/N grabbed Dick's wrist before he could dial in his code to exit the Watchtower.
'Dick, please,' Y/N pleaded, voice tight with desperation. 'I know you're hurting right now. We all are feeling Wally's death. But the team needs you right now. I need you...'
It was a last ditch attempt at convincing him that he meant more to her than just a friend. That he was her glue, that he was important to her and the team. That, even if he was nothing else, he was her best friend, and she was his.
Always have been... Always will be.
Don't go, she wanted to say, but the words never came out. It's like Dick had always been a part of her life; she now couldn't imagine her life without his witty remarks, without his odd use of words like "aster" and "traught", without his charming smile and kind eyes. She couldn't imagine life without him. Please, don't go.
Dick's sad expression told her he'd made his mind up before he even spoke the words.
'I'm sorry, Y/N,' he said softly, pulling her into a gentle embrace where he pressed a feather-light kiss to her forehead. 'But I can't deal with this right now.'
As if in a dream, Dick stepped out of the embrace and dialled in his code for the boom tube.
'B:01 - NIghtwing,' the computer announced as the boom tube activated.
Dick was a step away from leaving Y/N behind when she called out, 'Don't be a stranger!'
She knew he had already made his mind up. But that didn't mean the two of them couldn't still be what they had always been. Best friends.
To her joy, Dick stopped and turned back around, a melancholic smile on his face as he held up his pinky finger. 'Always have been...'
Y/N reciprocated his smile as she too held up her pinky finger, imagining hooking it with his. '...Always will be,' she replied softly.
And then he was gone, and Y/N was left standing alone in the Watchtower.
She didn't realise she was crying until Dick was gone, until her senses had returned fully and felt the sensation of tears rolling down her face. That's when she acknowledged she was truly, utterly, hopelessly sad.
Because for the first time in seven years, Dick was no longer by her side. She didn't have Dick to fall back on when things got tough; she didn't have Dick to talk to about her issues with the new recruits; she didn't have Dick to laugh with after a night out at the arcade where he had failed epically at every game; she didn't have Dick reassuring her that everything would be okay, even when the world was telling them otherwise.
Dick was gone, and that was something Y/N had never expected to deal with.
Y/N wiped her tears away before she turned to see who had called her. It was Kaldur, and based on his sympathetic expression, she knew he had heard everything.
'Batman and the rest of the Justice League wants to speak with us all,' he said.
'Right,' Y/N said, composing herself before walking over to join her friend.
Dick was gone, but she was still an integral part of Young Justice, and they needed her more now than ever. Whatever was to come their way now, they had to be strong, a united front.
Even if her heart yearned for someone who had completely abandoned her.
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iiannabxth · 2 months ago
Something I think is neat about Eden’s Garden is that everyone has an animal that represents them.
For example, Wolfgang’s animal motif is a sheep, therefore, sheep are associated with his character. (Ex: his blackmail is a play on “a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”) That being said, I don’t think Wolfgang is a sheep, rather, he is a shepherd. Wolfgang is quickly established as the “leader” of the group. As a lawyer, he’s used to defending the helpless, so he steps in to protect a group of people who he thinks need his guidance.
I’ve seen people debate about the motivations behind Wolfgang’s optimistic approach to the killing game, but I believe they were entirely wholehearted. Something I’ve seen a lot is the idea that “Wolfgang was blindly leading the group because he didn’t even seem to believe what he was saying.” While it’s true that Wolfgang didn’t entirely believe that no one in the group would possibly kill another person, I think he wanted the others to believe that.
Going back to the shepherd metaphor, Wolfgang was trying to convince the group— his “flock”— that everything would be alright. He knows that they are in a dangerous situation, but he wants the group to believe that they can trust each other, which allows them to make bonds and friendships. He also tries to eliminate any feeling of inferiority between the ultimates, as he insists that everyone’s ultimate is important and can possibly benefit humanity. Through all of this, the creation of relationships would hypothetically prevent a murder from occurring because there would be a feeling of harmony among them.
This mentality is why characters like Eva and Damon quickly get singled out. The majority of the group is receptive to Wolfgang’s encouragement because they want to believe him. However, Eva and Damon immediately dispute this and blatantly state what everyone is secretly thinking: that they really can’t trust each other. They also think that some ultimates, such as their own, are more valuable than others. (Ex: Damon thinks his talent as the Ultimate Debater is more important than Diana’s or Cassidy’s.) Because they disagree with the group and are disrupting Wolfgang’s attempt to cultivate peace, he allows them to be ostracized by the others. Even though it creates discourse, it protects the rest of the group.
However, there’s a difference between Eva and Damon. While both Damon and Eva are initially singled out from the group, Damon manages to reintegrate. Unlike Eva, Damon works to form relationships with the other ultimates and proves that while he doesn’t entirely agree with Wolfgang, he’s not a threat to the harmony that Wolfgang is trying to create. Eva, on the other hand, maintains her beliefs that she does not trust the others and isn’t going to play nice with them. (Ironically, she proves Wolfgang’s philosophy by trusting Damon, but that’s a whole other rant lol.)
I disagree heavily with the idea that Wolfgang is egotistical and is leading the group solely because he wants their praise/admiration. I think that he genuinely wants to protect people he views as his “friends.” He gives them the benefit of the doubt when he logically shouldn’t. This is why he goes to meet the person who wrote the letter, but he brings a weapon just in case. Wolfgang is not naïve and he knows that every single person in their class has the potential to harm another, but by placing trust in them and setting the expectation that they won’t harm anyone, he helps them to believe in each other.
— Side note: I think that his tendency to believe in others comes from something to do with his past/his father. (His hallucinations/delusions when talking to Diana suggest that he is actively trying to rise above someone else’s shadow and break a harmful cycle, likely to do with his parents.) I believe his blackmail is a dig at him, as he is possibly trying not to be like his father by attempting to be a good person?
Anyway, I think that Wolfgang’s sheep motif is incredibly important to his character and I think it really reflects his personality and philosophy ^^
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years ago
DC high school au… mayhaps…..
I’m not sure if anyone’s done this before
But I’m doing it now
So the JL, right. These are famous alumni who made school history and now obvi they’re billionaires and reporters and museum owners but they’re not superheroes— just regular people
Liiike Clark Kent was the best quarterback the school has ever seen
Oliver Queen essentially revolutionized the archery team
Diana Prince convinced the school to start a fencing league
Barry Allen slayed both track and any and all chemistry competitions thrown his way
Arthur Curry… I shouldn’t have to say anything about his swim team career. That’s where he met his wife
Bruce Wayne was one of the smartest people probably ever, especially to grace that building
And so on and so forth
Anyways so these people are famous, and they’re up on the walls and display cases and shit
The staff!! Was so thrilled!! To be getting their children!!!!
(The principal counted down the days on his calendar after the news hit that Brucie adopted his first kid)
Dick and Barbara are seniors. Dick is the cheer captain and Babs WAS on the team until a fun little accident that has her wheelchair-bound. (It’s fine, she discovered she actually likes computers better. She’d hacked the entire security system one day at lunch because she got bored)
Dick is kind of the queen bee of the school, which is hilarious, because he KNOWS but refuses to let it get to his head. This man will start water gun fights in the hallways for fun
Jason and Cass are juniors
Jason is one of the drama club’s absolute best (singing and acting). He played Billy Flynn in Chicago, Prince Charming in Cinderella, Aladdin in… yeah. He slays pretty hard
Cass is on the dance team and regularly misses class for some competition or another. Sometimes, when cheerleaders and the dance team collab on stuff (like assemblies), she actually likes the pompoms. She does not like the skirts.
Tim, Steph, and Duke are sophomores— people are s c a r e d of these three
Tim is known for constantly having a stockpile of energy drinks in his locker; sometimes a few of his friends get access to it. He’s also terrifyingly smart. And he’s got a bike. SOPHOMORE YEAR. TIM WHAT
Steph’s whole entire TikTok presence is lifting/ workout challenges against any poor scrub who tries to go up against her. She can lift the same amount as Jason Todd. That gives her a very confident “don’t fuck with me aura” around school, which is good, because she’s got zero interest in any guy there anyways (bi f pref queen)
And Duke… Duke is the golden boy, so the first time you see him in a sparring match with any of his siblings (they do that for fun at lunch), you’re very shocked to see him holding his own against Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown. He also slays
Damian is the only freshman in his family. Jason and Tim make fun of him endlessly
It is pretty impressive that a freshie organized the biggest fundraiser the school has ever seen— and it was for local animal shelters. Nobody knows how he did it. Probably intimidation. You never know with that kid
Now the superfam. Ohoho, yes, these legends go to that school too
Kara is a junior, Kon is a sophomore, Jon is a freshman. They’re all on the football team (their dad comes to every game🥰)
Did anybody expect a woman or freshman to land on the varsity team the first year either of them tried out? No. But they made it anyways. Good for them
And football is just so different from their day-to-day personalities, sometimes it gives people whiplash
Kara pretty much runs the broadcast and yearbook teams, and she does it along with dominating the football field and gym
Conner looks like he’d deck you for looking at him wrong (I mean he might but like he won’t… probably), and he’s like. He makes good fashion choices. He’s the Bad Boy, which is funny considering his nerdy bf is the one with the motorcycle
Jon is fluffy?? So nice?? Sir who let an actual decent person on the varsity football team?? When someone spots Dami wearing his letterman at some point, they become the most popular couple at school. As freshmen. Slay for them tbh
Donna Troy is a senior. Fencing and beauty pageants is a weird combination. But she knows she’s pretty and she’s gonna make damn sure everybody else knows too
Cassie is a freshie, but she’s already on the fencing team as well and several people have seen her sparring with Damian (wHERE did he get KATANAS), and it looks like a couple of war gods who happen to be fifteen are fighting to the death for a few yards of shitty grass behind the school
Conner Hawke, Artemis Crock, Emiko Queen, Roy Harper, and Mia Dearden are the archery team captains. Yeah, there’s five of them, yeah, the coaches couldn’t pick because the kIDS ARE BETTER THAN THEM
(Ollie laughed so hard he fell out of his chair when they came home and told him that)
Roy is a junior and definitely brings his bow everywhere he shouldn’t. He also “accidentally” shot Jason once. Whenever someone asks about their meetcute they just laugh until the person gets scared and runs away
Conner is a sophomore but a bitter old man in his soul. What a king
Artemis is also a sophomore and everyone thinks she’s Ollie’s favorite because she’s like a mini-him, but Ollie doesn’t actually HAVE a favorite and she finds this claim hilarious
Mia, third sophomore, has a very strange attraction to the color yellow. She LOVES it. And she actually pulls it off, how awesome is she
Emi is a freshman but gets along with Dami pretty well, which isn’t surprising considering their matching deadpan humor and lowkey murderous rage constantly
Jackson Hyde broke Arthur’s record for fastest lap on his fourth try. He spends more time at the ocean than literally anywhere else
Wally West and Bart Allen are technically not related?? They’re like. Cousins. But Barry ended up officially adopting Wally (long story)
Anyways they’re actually cousins with Jesse Quick
The three of them DOMINATE track and field/ cross country/ physics club (yeah you read that last one right don’t even with me)
Wally is a senior and working towards becoming a forensic scientist for the cops. When someone asks why the fuck he wanted to do that to himself, he always jokes, “I’m not fast enough to be a serial killer so I guess I’ll help catch ‘em” and everyone is scared
Bart is a sophomore but should be a freshie, because he’s almost a full year younger, except that he skipped fifth grade and went straight to sixth. Tim and Kon pretend to be his adoptive parents and it’s like a soap opera watching these three act out a dramatic divorce arc
Jesse is a junior (alliteration go brr) but a younger one (summer birthday WOO) she definitely takes after Barry, especially in speed
SO people call their friend groups chaotic. What are you gonna do, go up and fuck with any of them? Bad idea
For fun, these assholes run a fight club after school with betting and rosters and everything, with anyone who signs up. FOR FUN. Once the batkids learned their dad has a black belt in like six different martial arts, it was all over
They say it’s a good workout
They’re probably not wrong, but still
Who the fuck wakes up and chooses violence on all their friends and family all in good fun to make MONEY OFF OF BEATING THEM UP
The most viral videos taken from their school is a push-up contest with all eight batkids, seven competing, Babs filming
Cass won.
LET me know if you want more for this. Because I’m gonna write more. But if you had specific suggestions or characters or scenarios or questions, I would love to write them
Good morning/ night/ 4am!! (PS BACK TO SCHOOL WOO)
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confusedhummingbird · 11 days ago
Remaking this post because my previous one got flagged
I wanna talk about an underrated and lesser known character named Vanessa Kapatelis.
Vanessa Kapatelis for those who don't know was introduced in George Perez's Wonder Woman series. Diana, who was new to man's world and a new hero lived with Julia Kapatelis, an architect and her young teenage daughter, Vanessa "Nessie" Kapatelis.
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Both Julia and Nessie are important to Diana in so many ways. Diana views them both as her family and especially views Nessie as her little sister. She was someone who was around for 100 issues and through those issues being around Diana brought her both joy and pain. Because Diana didn't have a secret identity and was Wonder Woman 24/7 and was very public with her identity and the knowledge that she lived with the Kapatelis's. So their lives were constantly threatened especially with Doctor Psycho. And another issue was Nessie also dealt with was her best friend committing suicide partly because she felt very self-conscious and jealous of Nessie being able to have such a good life with her Mother and Diana. And she is only about 13-14 at this time so dealing with all of this at a young age and she's not powered in anyway. She's just a normal girl.
Eventually Julia suggests that Diana should see a former student of her's Helena Sandsmark to further help her. And there we meet Helena Sandsmark and of course the second Wonder Girl, her daughter Cassie Sandsmark.
And shortly there Cassie works to become Wonder Girl first by stealing magic artifacts to save Diana and then later going up to Zeus and asking for real powers. And after that she's shortly granted the official Wonder Girl named and even Donna's old costume.
Something Nessie was never able to have (For Infinite Crisis retcon reasons but still) And after Cassie becomes Wonder Girl we see very little of Nessie or Julia as time goes on.
This leads to after Diana misses a meet up with Nessie, she's kidnapped by Doctor Psycho and Circe.
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And she's brainwashed by Doctor Psycho using her feelings of abandonment and her jealousy of Cassie and augments her into the third Silver Swan
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Where she attacks Cassie's school, home, and Helena's work because of her anger and hatred. Diana tries to talk her down but she's hearing none of it.
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Eventually after a few encounters Diana is able to defeat Vanessa and sends her to a hospital in the hopes they can heal her injuries however she's stolen from the hospital and augmented even further.
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And is sent to fight Diana again and again Diana is able to beat her and break through her brainwashing after Doctor Psycho is shot dead.
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And she takes her to sister Amazons to save her life and get rid of the implants.
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After this Nessie is able to go back to a normal life and graduate and her and Diana truly make up and forgive. She's able to have her happily ever after (Til Rebirth)
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briarmoon1015 · 11 months ago
Have some headcanons of the league being genuine friends with Bruce to combat all the aus and headcanons that the league know nothing about him and his family :))
Barry and Bruce get along super well. Bruce and Barry often compare cases and love talking about detective stuff together. Both go to each other to geek out about cases, more so Barry than Bruce, but either way they enjoy it. They are also the most introverted on the team, so they often will have moments when they need a break and find the other doing the same thing. They both find a lot of comfort in silently being able to enjoy each other’s company. Dick and Wally get along so well because Bruce and Barry were always down to hang out with each other.
Hal and Bruce obviously don’t get along super great, but they respect each other massively. Bruce actually took advice from Hal about the Batplane, and has even let him fly it. Their birthdays are also a day apart, so the league often throws shared parties for them. They have a friendly competition to see who can make a better cake everytime. They both lose, of course, because neither are good at baking. Luckily Barry doesn’t seem to mind finishing them off for everyone else.
Diana is very close to Bruce as well, but out of everyone, is mostly likely to actually touch him without losing a finger. Diana has a habit of picking up the closest person when excited and swinging them around, and when Bruce happened to be said person, all the other leaguers nearly lost it. They are also each others favorite sparring partners, as they both feel as if they learn something new every time.
Clark and Bruce are clearly besties, but are super competitive with one another. They often compete to get each other better gifts, Clark’s being insanely thoughtful, and Bruce’s being insanely expensive, as well as trying to mess with the other while at work. Clark will help the daily planet write about how Batman fell off a roof during a league battle, Bruce will post on Twitter every time Clark makes a spelling mistake. It’s all in good fun, but the league totally takes advantage of it to get the two off their backs.
J’onn is also one of Bruce’s favorites. It took a while for Bruce to warm up to J’onn, mostly because the mind reading thing put him on edge, but as soon as Bruce saw the tactile advantage, he was all over it. J’onn loves exploring Earths culture, and often enjoys watching movies with Bruce, who is somewhat of a movie buff for the classics. Bruce’s tendency to over analysis them is very enduring for J’onn, as the constant chattering is informational, as well as remind him of the constant telepathy on Mars.
Oliver and Bruce have known each other the longest, as their families wealth has caused them to run into each other before they were heroes. They often like to tag up at undercover missions and during business deals, as the familiarity is quite nice, especially in such a secretive occupation. Being able to cancel a meeting because Scarecrow just decided to go gas downtown Gotham is much easier to explain when your business partner gets it. They also have a one sided competition, but it’s only on Oliver’s side. He ties hard to outclass Batman both as Queen Industry’s and as Green Arrow, but it never seems to work. However, Oliver is a surprisingly good sport about it.
Dinah is one of Bruce’s other favorite sparring partners. Her skill is similar to his, and fighting someone who also can’t lift up a bus is a nice change of pace from time to time. Dinah often tries to tell him gossip, of which Bruce always denies wanting to hear, but gives in quite quickly. Often times people chalk up Bruce knowing what’s going on as him being Batman, but he’s actually just getting the information from Canary, who is much better at reading social cues than him. He knows when he needs to outsource lol.
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mzannthropy · 18 days ago
Anne of the Island Chapter 12
It's all about writing!
I never understood why Anne asked Mr Harrison to be her beta reader, but since he is actually talking sense, he must be quite literature-savvy and Anne must know it. Was LMM making fun of herself with the dig against descriptions? I must say I don't like descriptions that go on for too long (I have a poor attention span), but LMM does it just right.
Diana's line about liking crying in the middle, but wanting everything to turn out alright at the end has always been one of my favourites. It's so relatable! Though I don't cry over fiction, one needs a conflict, tension, to make a story good. Diana gets the Dark Night of the Soul concept! (Which is not strictly speaking in the middle, but I don't think she was being literal anyway.) It's good to see Diana come into her own in this chapter. She's a good supportive friend to Anne, though, truthfully, probably not the best of critics, though there is no way she could be.
I love how both Diana and Mr Harrison prefer the villainous Maurice Lennox. This judgement of Mr Harrison's stayed with me for many years.
I don’t see why Maurice Lennox didn’t get her. He was twice the man the other is. He did bad things, but he did them. Perceval hadn’t time for anything but mooning.
I mean, this alone makes me prefer Maurice already. (Side note, I take it 'mooning' in this sense means being a melancholic hero, but it has also quite a different meaning, which would make it... interesting, let's say.) I can't stand characters who do nothing, even if they're positioned as heroes. None of my hated characters are villains; I don't hate villains bc I understand their role in a story. When I hate a character it's bc they're annoying or stupid. Villains at least do shit.
There’s one place where that Dalrymple chap talks even on for two pages, and never lets the girl get a word in edgewise. If he’d done that in real life she’d have pitched him.
I agree with him. I picture the heroine completing all her chores and doing her weekly grocery shopping while he just stands there talking.
“Perceval is too good. He’s aggravating. Next time you write about a hero put a little spice of human nature in him.” “Averil couldn’t have married Maurice. He was bad.” “She’d have reformed him. You can reform a man; you can’t reform a jelly-fish, of course.
The guy's just killing me with all these bangers. She can fix him, you say?
you shouldn’t have laid the scene among rich city people. What do you know of them? Why didn’t you lay it right here in Avonlea—changing the name, of course, or else Mrs. Rachel Lynde would probably think she was the heroine.
I picture Mrs Harrison being like: "could you at least pretend to get on with Rachel, dear?"
Anne lives in a city now (or a town at least) and has one friend who is rich, so it's not entirely true that she doesn't know what she's writing.
I forgot that Anne actually told Gilbert she was working on a story, but not let him read it until it got published. He is close enough a friend for her to confide her literary ambitions to him. Yet she wouldn't want him to know what she wrote unless it was good enough to be published.
I don't have much to say about the story being rejected--I suppose that has to happen at first. I write sometimes but I never tried to publish (other than my writing blog, which is my own space)--but I think I can relate to Anne feeling so defeated. I like how encouraging Mr Harrison is; he never found her foolish for wanting to write, which the rest of the village likely would. Writing woes are better depicted in the Emily series, but of course, at this point LMM didn't know she'd write them.
I don't know what's so bad about Mr Harrison's language, but Anne would be wise to take note of that--she could use it in a story! It's exactly what his advice was: write characters who talk like normal people.
To conclude, I wonder if LMM was referencing herself here. Her early work does suffer from melodrama. Kilmeny, anyone? And that short story A Strayed Allegiance. I read it from time to time bc it's absolutely hysterical. But that's what it is, like Mr Harrison said: keep writing. You will get better. Maud's first attempts at writing might have been poor, but she kept going and in time found her own style and became the author we know and love.
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1moreff-creator · 2 months ago
With the release of a thrilling and VERY shocking Chapter 1 for Project: Eden's Garden, I'd like to resubmit my "What would make them laugh?" inquiry, but for the P:EG cast instead.
Yeah, I feel like we kinda need that one after everything that happened over there :'D. I've been wanting to write for this fangan anyways, so this is as good a place to start as any! Let's go!
Spoilers for Eden's Garden CH1
(Also, is the "shocking" description a pun on the murder method? Very funny if so xD)
Cassidy: We know she enjoys extremely horrible puns and referential humor, and the strength of her laughter correlates to how much the people around her either groan or enjoy the jokes alongside her.
Damon: He'd never admit it, but he enjoys silly jokes about niche topics he's researched for debates, provided he remembers enough about them. He particularly enjoys deadpan and sarcasm, and teasing other people.
Desmond: With how chill he is, he enjoys sweet and wholesome jokes the most. He can chuckle at anything if he's in a large enough group where everyone is comfortable, though.
Diana: She enjoys watching her friends engage in goofy antics and have silly discussions. Anything that makes them laugh, will make her smile, at least, and she'll usually laugh along too.
Eloise: Very odd and awkward sense of humor that not everyone gets. However, if someone matches her energy, she can very easily become a giggling mess. Very into inside jokes.
Eva: She'd rather not admit it, but really nerdy jokes and overly convoluted wordplay amuse her more than anything else. She also enjoys teasing the very few people she can call friends, and laughs when they get flustered.
Grace: Making fun of people and sexual innuendo are the easiest way to get her to laugh. She really enjoys slapstick and silly misfortunes, and flustering people like Wolfgang with her innuendo.
Ingrid: Laughs whenever she finds something cute, and generally, she finds other people's laughter cute. In other words, she laughs when others laugh, so she tries to make that happen.
Jean: Will readily and heartily laugh whenever he's having fun with friends, no matter what that fun looks like. Particularly enjoys anything that reminds him of the sea, like puns about the ocean and the like.
Jett: Similarly to Jean, if he likes the people he's around, a quick laugh will always precede all his sentences. Other than that, high intensity bits where there's one joke after another in quick succession are the best ways to hear his laughter.
Kai: Internet memes, "brainrot" humor, references to popular media... Just the most "chronically online" sense of humor you can possibly imagine. Also likes teasing people occasionally.
Mark: He's the hardest to get to laugh in the entire cast, but the best way to do it would be catching him off guard with a really ironic or unexpected joke. Self-deprecating and generally depressing humor go over particularly well.
Toshiko: She really likes weirding people out with her odd stories and grandiloquence, because it makes her feel smarter than them. But when she's not teasing others, she can also be seen giggling at absurdist jokes she's embarrassed to admit she likes (finds them childish).
Ulysses: He enjoys smart history references, so his sense of humor can certainly be described as "nerdy as hell." Very big fan of deadpan humor, too.
Wenona: Also a big fan of deadpan, she and Ulysses have fun together. She also likes making fun of people, and finds it particularly funny when they fight back on whatever point she makes.
Wolfgang: Likes playing along with other people's antics, like Grace's. In other words, he laughs when someone is being super silly around him and he can "yes and" his way into a funny bit.
Tozu: Human suffering and overly dramatic puns.
Mara: Clinically unable to laugh, or so she says. Secretly loves cute animal videos.
Cara: I guess it depends on what theories you believe about her. However, I don't know the full range of theories around her, so I'll leave it at that :p
Hope that was good enough! Thanks for the ask, it's always fun to think about this! :D
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missvelvetsstuff · 4 months ago
The Situation Room
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: After a mission almost gone wrong, Tony brings back Bucky's former assistant, who is also Bucky's ex. Can they work together without hurting each other? Will the whole truth about their break up finally come out?
Avengers AU where Thanos never happened.
Chapter 9
Warnings: swearing, angst
Radar tossed and turned all night, the session with Raynor had brought back so many memories that she had worked for years to bury.
Even Bucky didn't know many of the details of her past, just the major plot points.
She still believed deep down that she bore some responsibility for all of her troubles. That she could have done something different, or not done something, to have a better outcome.
Bucky didn't know that either and Dr Raynor had only reinforced that belief, making her feel like she was weak and a coward for leaving when things went bad.
At 3am she gave up and took a shower before going to the kitchen for something warm to drink, hoping it would help her relax. Of course, Bucky was already there.
Without a word he poured some of the cocoa he made into a mug for her, topping it off with some whipped cream.
Once she sat down and took a sip, he broke the silence "Are you ok, doll?"
Radar looked at him sadly, shrugging as she nodded "Sure. I'm still here, sometimes that's the best I can do."
Bucky nodded in understanding "Nightmares?"
"Yeah, your shrink is kind of a bitch and brought back a lot of memories I've tried to force down."
"I'm sorry, doll. She's got some tough love act that seems to make things worse before they get better. I shouldn't have asked you to come with me so soon."
Radar shook her head "It's not entirely on her, I have a lot of baggage. Most that you don't even know about."
She sighed "I don't know, it's stuff I've never told anyone else about but maybe that's part of my problem."
He nodded, "I understand, I'm not good at sharing my shit either, don't want to be a burden. But I'm here and I'll listen, anytime you need me. I know I fucked up taking John and Sharon's word about what I thought happened and I won't let that happen again."
She gave him a small smile "Yeah? I guess that's a start."
Then proceeded to fill in all the blanks that he didn't know about her past.
Her father died in a terrible car accident when she was 7, or so they said. When she got older she realized there was something off about the whole situation, they said his brakes failed but he'd just had his car serviced.
It didn't take long for her mother to finish mourning him and find someone new. Not even a month.
Her half brother, Christopher, was born less than 6 months later. Y/N didn't understand the implications of the details until she was older.
The abuse from her stepfather, Rick, was just as much emotional as it was physical. Until she was 14 and it all came to a head.
It was a Friday night, her mother having a girls night out with her drinking buddies. Rick was working, he was a bartender at the local police watering hole. Her little brother, Christopher- 4 years old, was asleep in his room.
Y/N had a friend sleeping over, Diana, and they were hanging out, listening to music and talking about the boys they liked, Dave and his friend Will. When there was a knock at the front door, Y/N looked thru the peephole and saw the boys in question, making her giggle. She looked over at Diana, nodding with a grin on her face before opening the door.
The boys entered the house, hugging both girls.
"I'm not supposed to have boys over when my mom isn't home but you guys can hang out for a little bit."
They talked and Y/N danced with Dave while Diana and Will chatted on the couch. Dave leaned in to kiss Y/N when the front door slammed open, making her jump. It was Rick, spoiling things like he always did.
Rick looked at them and started yelling at Y/N before chasing Will and Dave out of the house.
When he came back inside, he pushed her up against the wall "Just wait, you little bitch. I'll tell your mom about this and you'll be grounded until you graduate."
He then went into a rant, telling her how awful her father was and how she'd be a loser like him.
Y/N was near tears as Rick threw every vile name and insult he could think of, at her "Why can't you just leave me alone, Rick?"
Rick laughed "I'll leave you alone when you get the fuck out of my house."
She shook her head "It's not your house, my dad bought this house!"
He scoffed "Details. I'm the man of this house now and you goddamn well better listen when I gave you an order. Now. Get. Out! Or I'll pick your ass up and throw you out."
She went to her room and filled her duffle bag with her clothes and her favorite items from the bathroom, she didn't have much. A plush Winnie the Pooh that her father had given her when she was little and a few pictures of him were the most precious. Then she drew a crayon stick figure picture of her and her brother with a heart around it and hid it in his favorite toy truck.
Diana's dad was waiting out front for them, having hurried over when his daughter called him.
Y/N spent the night at her friends house and woke up to hear Rick yelling at Diana's dad, Ernie. Ernie let Y/Ns mom inside to talk but stayed outside with Rick. An hour later her mother left with Rick, after telling Y/N that she wasn't welcome in her home anymore.
After that, Diana's parents took her in and took care of her until she finished school. She graduated high school and completed an associates degree online before enlisting at 19.
She hadn't told Bucky the whole story. He knew she had an abusive stepfather and enabler mother and that she enlisted to get away. She had told him bits and pieces of her childhood but said they had all died in the crash that killed her little brother, Christopher.
Her mother and Rick were still alive, still together to this day. His drinking and cheating were all out in the open because after he had served almost 10 years for DUI manslaughter in Christopher's death and her mother had been waiting for him he knew she would stay no matter what he did. Besides she had a decent job and it was hard for an ex-con to find work. He stayed home drinking and watching TV except when he was out drinking and taking random women to cheap motels. Often returning home reeking of alcohol and other women but his wife said nothing.
Radar's friends back home always gave her the local gossip and her parents were always one of the top 10 subjects.
Her dreams had been full of her little brother and the accident that killed him.
Her mother had been holding Christopher in her lap in the front seat, no car seat, and the airbag broke his neck, killing him instantly. Somehow her mother and stepfather had survived barely harmed but she only hated them more. There had been charges filed and her mother spent a short time in jail but nowhere near what Radar thought she deserved. The jury fell for her crocodile tears, even though Rick went down for it.
It would have been bad enough if the trauma ended there but she often felt like it followed her around, her own black cloud.
Y/N hadn't told Bucky all of the cruel and humiliating things John had done that lead to her leaving the Army. Drugging her wasn't a new thing for John when he helped destroy her relationship with Bucky, except it had been worse.
When they were together, he would drug her, then take advantage of her and let his friends have a turn. She didn't know until she found the pictures, that were so much worse than what Sharon showed Bucky.
John insisted that if she loved him, she would do whatever it took to make him happy.
Their C.O. had waved it all off as normal couple issues that were being exaggerated by a hysterical woman.
Then Radar had been passed over for a promotion that was promised and past due, and another, making her realize that making a complaint about her unit's golden boy had put a target on her back.
After they broke up, she received orders for her new assignment in the Arizona desert and had enough. As soon as she moved there, she spoke to the C.O. about resigning when her current enlistment term ended in 18 months. Her new C.O. was a woman and understood, regretfully accepting her letter of resignation and writing a recommendation for the CIA.
The CIA had been great for her, feeling like she was still serving the people and being useful, until her back injury. She wasn't made for desk duty and hadn't intended for her friendship to become romantic but the thrill of keeping an affair with her supervisor secret gave a similar rush to putting herself in danger in the field. Until they were discovered.
Of course her supervisor was given the opportunity to keep her job and title but Radar, being lower in the pecking order was let go.
Looking back she knew she was lucky that her service record kept them from blackballing her completely and she was recruited by Nick Fury to help rebuild SHIELD into SWORD.
***END Flashback***
Radar was exhausted after spilling the details of her past but she felt somehow lighter for having shared that burden.
Bucky held her as she cried, rubbing her back and murmuring softly into her hair "its ok, doll. I've gotchu. I'm right here."
He pushed down the rage inside him, wishing Steve hadn't pulled him away from Walker. He didn't want Rader to feel it and put it aside to deal with later.
When her crying calmed, Radar looked up at Bucky with red eyes "You see? Raynor is right. I'm a coward who runs away when things get rough."
Bucky shook his head "No! That's not true. You tried to fix things, make them better and when it didn't work you were brave enough to walk away and start over. Sounds like real courage to me."
They talked for a short while longer until Radar fell asleep against his shoulder. He tried not to chuckle when he heard her soft snores and stretched his legs out before falling asleep himself.
@unaxv @calwitch @buckitostan @cjand10 . @vicmc624 @sandrab02
Chapter 10
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anna-mariadragon · 10 months ago
I adapted my Poppy Playtime OC Millicent Legrand to the Space Rider AU of @onyxonline
I plan on maybe doing a drawing of her friend Diana in the future, but first I'll move on to Aurora's other outfits before starting another drawing.
I'm not used to drawing anthropomorphic characters, so she might look a little strange (I think I looked at the drawing for too long because now something about it bothers me and I don't know what it is).
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Full name: Millicent Colette Legrand
Preferred name: Aurora/Venus
Age: 20 - 25
Pronouns: Any
Gender: Female (Genderfluid)
Sexuality: Pansexual, ambiamory
Height: 165 cm (5'5") - 185 cm (6'1") (changing)
Species: Fennec Fox/Nymph
About Aurora:
Aurora is the crown princess of the planet Galatea. Her job is to ensure the safety of her planet and ensure that other planets' ecosystems can recover after a disaster.
Her mother, Queen Cybele, currently holds the title of “Mother Nature,” which is passed on to Aurora upon completion of her training and studies.
Although she is not a Rider fighting against the Cult of the Prototype, she cares deeply about other planets and will help them (and their ecosystem) recover after a major disaster.
Aurora might not be good with close Combat, but she has enough experience with magic that it makes up for it. (She does her best in hand-to-hand combat training, although she probably needs a few extra sessions.)
Aurora is a sweet pacifist that is willing to see the best in everyone. She is very respectful of other people and loves learning more about planets and their traditions.
While she behaves elegantly and gracefully towards her subjects or in her princely duties, in private she is very lively and cheerful. She loves taking care of the royal garden and even talks to the flowers when no one is looking.
She is currently doing her training on a spaceship while visiting other planets from time to time. She is very dutiful and tries to make a good impression when visiting other planets, as she is the representative of Galatea.
She doesn't like confrontation and tries to settle disputes rather than escalate things. But don't underestimate her because she doesn't hesitate to act when a fight breaks out.
When Aurora needs to fight, she much prefers to stay at a distance, as she is more suited to ranged attacks than close combat. When defense is needed, she creates a wall of thorny vines and heals her injured teammates.
She usually helps with the clean up after fights, such as capturing the cultists.
Power Capabilities:
Aurora is directly connected to the natural world and thus can communicate, influence, manipulate and control nature: all living beings and plants and natural phenomena, such as the weather and geology of the Earth, and the matter and energy of which all these things are composed. She can survive in any natural environment on different planets. She can control animals and plants and mimic their abilities and forms.
Because Aurora can communicate with nature, she becomes instantly familiar with her surroundings, the connection is so deep that the earth can respond to her emotions and desires (blossoming with flowers and calming weather when happy, making skies stormy or cause earthquakes when angry, shifting the landscape to gain the advantage in a fight, etc.)
Aurora can purify, heal and generally influence the health of nature, and considering the fact that they're helping the environment, plants and animals act favorably towards her. They have access to every living species of animal and can also draw strength from them and acquire their abilities. Nature obeys Aurora's every command and operate on a "hive mind", meaning Aurora can control an entire army of animals.
Power Limitations:
Control, discipline, and restraint are extremely important. Unconscious, emotion-influenced, impulsive, or reckless use of this power can be catastrophic.
Since the user's emotions affect nature directly, control is essential.
Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.
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reno11037 · 2 months ago
My Live (kinda) P:EG Chapter 1 thoughts
I thought it be fun to make a post AS I play chapter one, like literally writing this as I play, I’ll also do this when the other chapters come out
Some time later I’ll make another post discussing some things in better detail
With all that out of the way, let’s begin
Downloading now
Launching and loading now
Chat I am not fucking ready for this lmao
Starting the chapter now
Opening looks so fucking sick, chat they cooked
Here we go, I’m so not ready 😭
Dorm rooms aren’t soundproof lmao
Damon’s room looks fucking sick, I love the layout of it
THERES A FUCKING REFERENCE TO DAMIAN, HES ON THE CALENDER LMAO (who if you don’t know is a cut character)
Damon called him sexy, Damon gay confirmed/J
A stage?
Bitch just called me a chicken
Neverminds all the girls got horses and the guys got Damian
Cool we got a map now
Lmao the name alpha sanctuary
Opp Wolfie don’t trust Damon or Eva
Diana to the rescue :D
Lol Eloise calling him a villain
We got the rules
Desmond called him ‘Goat Guy’ lol
The shutter door opened
Exploring time
Nice looking room
A pharmacy?
And old looking pharmacy
lol Kai just worried about someone (or him) getting high on the drugs (good thing I use paint thinner/J)
Aww Ingrid’s not mad at Damon 🥺
Ok I love Ingrid omfg 🥺 she called Damon cute (she called his suit cute but still)
Ok I guess I’m helping her with laundry, i didn’t mean to click, I thought Damon would answer for me 😭
A back room? It looks like the store from DR2
Cassidy called Damon Damie, I love that nickname
Damn this area fucking large
Marabucks mention
One of Cassidy’s lines is ‘better zip up my fly, my genus is showing’ and I don’t know if I love it or hate it
Medical bed room 👀
Toshiko is scared of needles, she’s so me
Great another lab
Tozu plushies? I hate him but FUCK I want one
Ooohh Ingrid found a pin pad, has anyone tried 11037?
Never mind it’s only 4digits
Oooh we all got profiles now
Oh so they all can see each others profiles
Eva’s profile?
Ultimate Mathlete
lol everyone’s on Eva’s ass
Why the fuck is she so upset, it’s not that bad??
Opp she left
Welp back to the dorm
Someone’s at the door
A lot of people, everyone
So everyone’s lock is broken
Oh now I feel bad for Eva, she don’t look okay
oooohhh Toshiko playing matchmaker
Opp never mind
Splitting by gender
I hate Kai’s fucking room, WHY IS IT SO PINK AND FLAMMABLE
Dividing the room I see? I’ve read this fanfic before lol
And back to the stage with Chibi Tozu
Cats and dreams?
Ooh letters
Wolf in sheep’s clothing?
Oh it’s his dad
Oh everyone got a letter
Oh it’s everyone’s secrets, I wanna know what Damon is (he’s gay lol/j)
Opp the first motive
Damon trying to get Tozus attention, trying to meet up with him
Oh his profile got updated
Opp it’s time to meet with Tozu
Here we go
And Tozu ain’t here
Nevermind he’s here now
Why Damon got Wolfgang’s secret
It was literally darts lol
Like father like son, wolf in sheep’s clothing…
Is his Wolfgang’s dad a killer or something?
Welp back to Kai
Oh Graces is swapping with ulesses (idk how to spell his name nor do I care cuz idc bout him lol)
Back to the stage with Chibi Tozu
Oh boat ships
Boy with cream colored hair? Damon? Idk if his hair is cream colored but idk who else
Tozu built a ship? So did his friend?
Opp knocks on the door
Hello Ingrid ☺️
Laundry day and Kai is coming with
Oh Wolfie and Grace are here
I love Ingrid 🥺, she’s so gonna die tho lol
Lmao Wolfie putting the entire bottle of detergent in
Oooh getting breakfast with Kai 👀
Oh Eva
She wants to talk to Damon?
Oh it’s Desmond’s secret
Oh Eva trusts Damon🥺 cause we took her side earlier
Oh she apologized to Damon 🥺
Now we showing her Wolfgang’s
So Wolfies dad did something bad and Wolfie is like him, like father like son
Eva lied about her talent cause she felt powerless??
Oh, oh Eva🥺 baby SHES PRECIOUS
Yea Damon and Eva are trusting each other 🥺
Opp Grace is yelling at Eloise
Opp Wolfie is upset at Damon and Eva for being late
Oh Cassidy and Jett
Oh she got games
Oooh a game tornament
Tomorrow at 9
Ok so Eloise, Wolfie and Diana won’t be there
I don’t have anything for Wolfgang so I’ll go spend it with Eva
Found her! Finally!
She liked by gift ☺️
She looks so depressed 🥺 my baby🥺 omfg I love her, I didn’t like her at first but now I love her
And her profile got updated
Back to Eva I guess
She liked my present
Oh Damon is allergic to dogs
Oh so Eva was forced into her talent, poor baby 🥺
Oh she was bullied too 🥺
And her profile got updated again
Oh Diana,
She wants to know how Damon is but the song Isolation is playing? TF does she really want?
Oh she is SO sus
She wants to know if Eva said something? Thank you Damon for not telling Diana
Kai trying to convince Damon to go to the tournament 🥺👀
And he succeeded and in return
Back again with the stage and chibi Tozu
He had a dream
In class
Idk what he’s saying and idc lol
All I heard was Swiss Army Banana wtf is he on and how do I get some of it lol
Oh Kai is waking Damon up
They slept through the morning announcement
To the tournament
Only Damon, Kai, Eva, Cassidy, Jett and Mark are here
Oh Eva helped set it up
Oh she’s a fan of the game, people are totally gonna ship her and Cassidy now aren’t they cause I am a little lol
Jean is supposed to be here but he ain’t
Eva likes video games, she’s SO getting shipped with Cassidy. Damn now I need fanart
Oh Kai’s back
Jean is here
So is Grace
Oh Mark doesn’t want to talk about his talent?
Uh oh powers out
Using the trinkets as flashlights, smart move Jean
Ok Eva coming up with a plan to turn the power back on
Damn this looks like a horror game now
Searching in pairs and Damon is with Kai again
Aw poor Kai is scared🥺
Opp someone just ran past
Opp the boiler room, are we gonna see a dead body?
It’s silent
And can’t see shit
Oh the power is back on
Lights on, dead body?
A body has been discovered
Well time to investigate I guess, I’m so fucking sad I can’t believe Wolfgang was the fist victim
And Kai ran off screaming
My first guess is that he got electrocuted, there doesn’t seem to be any blood
Here comes everyone
Here’s Tozu too
Oh Toshiko is crying, GURL SO AM I 😭😭😭
We got the Tozu tablet
He was in the water in the boiler room so he did get electrocuted? At least it was quick😭
Bye Tozu
Oh Diana already looking sus
Investigating time
I’m not gonna say a lot, I’ll do that in my later post about the chapter
I wanna completely focus here cause I’m stupid lol
Investigatings over, trial time and I have no idea wtf happened lmao
All I know is Wolfie got electrocuted
Class trial starting, I probs won’t say a lot till it’s over cause I wanna focus
I’m so fucking confused lmao
I fucking hate rebuttal showdown, I DONT KNOW WHAT TF IM DOING 😭😭😭
Oh nevermind she just watched him die?
Teatime with Tozu, I lowkey want that art as a poster ngl
Bring her back??? TF IS HE GOING ON ABOUT??? HIS MOM???
So Diana used the taser gun on Wolfgang and then watched him die?
Opp nevermind
Is Wolfgang drugged or something??
Oh so Diana was framed
OH so Wolfgang was hallucinating, so he WAS drugged
Ingrid just said something sus…
Oh Damon said ‘that guy’ so it’s not her, is it Jett??? I LEGIT DONT KNOW
Oh no it’s not him, killer just took something from his room
Oh wait, WAS IT SOMEONE FROM THR TOURNAMENT??? Throwing the battery through the vent???
Oh no the battery was suspended over the generator nvm
I still have no idea who tf killed Wolfgang tho
The cord was tied to the vent, SO IT WAS SOMEONE FROM THE TOURNAMENT THEN???
Oh no
SHE USED THE CAMRRA?? Also did her accent change??
She used her game console, that’s fucked
Comic recap time, I still can’t believe it was Eva, I JUST STARTED TO LIKE HER, I KNEW I COULDNT TRUST A BITCH
Eva’s motive…
It was Tozu?? Tf you mean he ‘made you’?
She’s a traitor?? We got a traitor reveal THIS EARLY??
Oh nvm
So Eva approached Tozu
They made a deal??
To begin the killing game??? WTF EVA
So she did it to get a perk??
So the life or death secret about the pharmacy was the perk??
So Eva solved the life or death secret, got into the pin pad room and got the perk. Damn
and the pin is being changed again so possibly someone else could get it
The perk lets you used the cameras, damn that’s a good perk
Tf you mean you had no choice Eva??
So she did it so she could escape and leave everyone for dead
😑 I knew I fucking disliked you from the second I saw your ass
‘I’m always the one…that people hated’ oh Eva
Tf you mean you still would have died cuz of the perk??
So if Eva didn’t kill someone then she would die
Opp voting time
Execution time!
Opp Eva getting dragged away like Leon in THH
At least she’s putting up a fight
Opp nvm
So far it doesn’t look at that bad
I was wrong
Opp she running now
Raining math stuff
And she tripped
And she stabbed herself on the math stuff
And nails
She’s crying 😭
Oh Cara’s puppet there giving her a hand, and her hand came off
And Eva fell
Oh Damon, seeing him cry watching Eva die HURTS
Everyone’s crying now
Diana lying to herself again??
She blames herself for nay saving Wolfgang, oh sweetie 😢
Oh she’s gonna live for him, cute 🥺
Oh Diana, I fucking love you holy shit
Everyone leaving
Damon I love you but tf you mean Diana pissed you off??
Damn that was wild holy shit
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vide0-nasties · 2 years ago
Going to be rambling insanely about Ghost and probably what his feelings on the monarchy would be, coming from one deeply damaged povo to another.
Anyway, specifically around the time the parasite in chief in her idiot hat (thanks Eccleston lub u) died and passed said idiot hat on, I was seeing a lot of (fun and gentle-ribbing, mind you!) posts about Ghost getting razzed about the queen croaking and maybe him being sad about it or something - I don’t really remember bc I have shit for brains and I just latch onto what bits my adhd will allow.
SO. I really don’t think Bruv Innit gave two shits about Liz buying the farm, bc he grew up working class in a working class town to a drug addicted, drug peddling dad, and a fairly nondescript mom who likely didn’t have a way to get her and her kids out of that shit situation (per ‘09 MW lore and some presumption). I imagine dude was dragged around a shitload of council estates and his dad’s friends’ shitty crash pads, no stability whatsoever, where food insecurity was a big ass forever-looming deal, mom had no idea if her 20 year old vauxhall was going to make it another trip to her minimum wage part time job, and school was forever on the back burner bc when it came to school supplies/trips vs eating and keeping the lights on. You can guess which one won.
If we’re also going with him being about 35-40ish, he would’ve been 10-12ish or so around Diana’s divorce and then her death. So, here’s this starving, horrendously abused kid, with his starving, horrendously abused mother and little brother, drowning in a system that is pretty much just letting them sink to the bottom, nothing is being done about the evil sperm donor that ruins everything for them, and he’s obliterated constantly by TV coverage and tabloids and radio DJs talking about this goddamned family’s stupid fucking drama. Charles cheated, Diana left, her poor boys in their fancy private schools with their endless wealth and glowing skin and brand new clothes that don’t stink of consignment shops are sad.
Sorrows - sorrows, prayers. 🫶
It’s a story he’s seen countless times, the only difference is money and coverage. And, realistically, the women in the stories he knows aren’t killed in car wrecks, they’re killed by their infuriated husbands who think they’re owed something catching up. Maybe that’s why his mom doesn’t leave the cocksucker that trapped her, she could’ve ended up another council house Diana that no one gave a shit about.
He grows up, becomes a butcher’s apprentice, joins the army. Straightens his brother out, makes sure his mom is set up nice, finally beats the shit out of his dad. And all the while, there looms the most fucking pointless, parasitic family in England: living off taxes taken from the public, god knows how much land and how many castles, even owning all the fucking swans on the island.
Relics, vampires, leeches.
But, you know, twenty years down the road, he’s pushing 40, his services to the country are done in the dark, the family he tried so badly to save were brutally cut down anyway, and when he goes to Tesco, the price of a fifth of piss Smirnoff is insane, and he’s still got Soap swimming in his head mid-rant bc his mam’s fucking knee replacement appeal has been denied for the third time and she can’t even walk anymore, Gaz is moving for the second time in a year bc he just can’t afford to live close to his parents even on his salary, meanwhile there was a stretch where it looked like Philip was surviving solely by being pumped full of virgin blood and straight stem cells.
So, yeah, if anything he probably said cheers when the news broke and cracked a couple extra jokes that day.
“What d’you call one dead Windsor? A good start.”
Edit: This is picking up some traction. @50cal-fullauto-astarion is my CoD blog if you like my Call of Bullshit stuff, this is my main and I don’t really go into CoD here
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that1emowitch · 5 months ago
Okay just imagine Bruce, Clark, Diana, Ollie, Hal, Barry, Dinah, Shiera, Carter, the Johns, Ray, Kyle, Guy—ALL OF THEM in the same high school, each of them just starting off as a hero. Except. The others don't know.
I'd imagine Bruce as the one guy everyone thinks is an emo kid (in canon he only became *Brucie* after coming back from Batman training). He doesn't talk to anyone except for these two smart kids Harvey Dent and Harleen Qunizel. But this one popular cheerleader (who's secretly a kleptomaniac), Selina, keeps trying to ask him out. Bruce, on the other hand? He's obsessed with becoming Batman, spends his time trying to find the location of LoA so he can convince them to train him.
Clark. Beloved boy, plays basketball, lacrosse, soccer, football, is on the student committee, helps out his Ma and Pa. And in his free time, he stares at Bruce Wayne. His best friend, Diana, calls him out on it many times, a teasing smile on her face. And Clark absolutely *hates* that bald rich boy who acts like he's better than everyone—Lex.
Diana, she's recently been sent to Man's World to learn their traditions, expand her horizons and shit. Kinda like Diana from dc super hero girls. She plays all the sports Clark does, the main reason they ended up as friends. There's this one popular girl—Selina's friend—who ticks her off, for some reason she can't figure out. Barbara Minerva. But Diana's friends, Shiera and Dinah, stop her from acting on it. The three have confided in each other—they know Diana is an Amazon, know Shiera and Carter are Hawkman—but Dinah doesn't know she has powers, yet. She only knows that powers run in her family.
Dinah, meanwhile, is on-and-off dating the playboy rich kid, Oliver fucking Queen. He's... stereotypical, at times. He buys her roses and shows up to every one of her choir concerts, buys her Starbucks every morning... then on weekends, he brings her to his private shooting range, shows her his "mad archery skills". At this point, Ollie is debating whether or not to become Green Arrow. Dinah, she's currently a singer. She's in the choir, she's going to do a solo at her school's talent show. Little do they know, *that's* when her powers will show up. While she's screaming into a fucking mic.
Barry Allen. Has a crush on this girl, Iris. Like, he's down BAD. Iris and her friend Lois Lane, they both run the school paper, so Barry decides to do something they'll want to cover. He starts working on something he hopes will get their attention, but it blows up, Barry is hospitalized... and wakes up with powers.
John Stewart and Guy Gardener are upperclassmen, both seniors, so close to graduating when they find out a freshman (Kyle) and sophomore (Hal) have been given the rings. Of course, they don't have a choice but to mentor them, and, yk, make sure they don't die. John tries his best to be a good mentor, pointing out mistakes and making time for Hal and Kyle, while Guy is a little shit as always. Oh yeah, Guy and John r both also studying for their SATs while being green lanterns.
Carter and Shiera? Power couple. Been together since freshman year, will always *be* together. Plus, being Hawkman and Hawkgirl is prime bonding time. They're literally destined to always be together.
John Jones. Everyone always thinks there's something... *different* about him. When John notices that *Clark* isn't like these humans either, he approaches him, helps him realize he's Kryptonian. The two randomly becoming friends makes Bruce suspicious... and that's how Batman figures out that they're not humans. (Side note, when Bruce starts asking Clark tons of questions out of no where, instead of being suspicious, he reads it as a love language)
(...is it too obvious that I'm a SuperBat shipper)
ANYWAY yeah that's all I have for now. Just vague ideas of dynamics and stuff, with no actual storyline... but if you guys have any more ideas or things you'd like to see, PLEASE let me know! I rlly rlly rlly wanna read this and write this fic but I don't know what to writeee 😭
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