#also I don’t think latin is a language she would know she just liked the sound of those words together grammar be damned
kellerybird · 8 months
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tfw when all you wanted to do was kill the guy who made your life hell and you fall in love with one druid who’s way too into his wild shape and another who is way too trigger happy with her lightning spells 🪄 (image base is an old ‘draw the squad’ meme)
(Reblogs ok!!)
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calisources · 6 months
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All sentences here were taken from different media about possessive love, the thrill of the chase, banter, and competition regarding one's affection. Some have foul language so please beware but most are fun, banter, possessive fun. All of these are made for roleplay purposes. Change names, pronouns, locations as you see fit.
I love you. You’re mine. I’ll kill any bastard who tries to take you from me.
I spend a quarter of every day inside you. 
I have never said this to anyone before.
But the idea of you with child is the most insanely arousing thing I’ve ever imagined.
Your belly all swollen, your breasts heavy, the funny little way you would walk … I would worship you. I would take care of your every need. And everyone would know that I’d made you that way, that you belonged to me.
You want to be free. You also want to be mine. You can't be both.
We can't possess one another.
Just because I can't have you right now, doesn't mean I'm okay with him having you.
I will be good to you, Myst. Please, I promise.
You are mine. And I protect what’s mine.
Of course I won't go alone. I shall take my maid.
No.You will take me.
The purpose of a knight is to protect. Why won’t you let him do his job to me?
I want you all to myself.
I can’t explain to you the joy I feel knowing it’s all mine. That you are all mine, that your body is all mine.
There is something in me that wakes up when I want something, a possession.
God knows he deserved you more than I do. 
Listen well, for you belong to me.
Good grief, you’re such an adorably greedy person.
And when you fall in love with her  just keep in mind that she’s mine. 
 She’s more than you could handle, anyway.
That almost sounds like a challenge.
I don’t need your permission to do anything.
Your hands will touch me and no one else, Meadow. That is final.
You chase off every man that’s ever been interested, and you do it without even trying.
You reject every suitor and yet, you keep entertaining me. I believe you want me too, and you are dying to be touched.
I don't own you, you just belong to me.
You’re my gold, your cunt is my liquid gold. 
I will have your mouth, you will give it to me. Then I will have your spirit, Circe. I will own it. Always.
By the gods you have never been more beautiful than you are right now, spread before me, wrapped in my wool.
Once I take you, you are mine. My woman. No other man can have you.
I do not belong to you, or to anyone else. I will talk to whomever I want, whenever I want.
Not if it’s some ass who thinks he can put his hands on you.
You didn’t have a problem with me acting like a caveman last night.
When it comes to you… I don’t like to share.
Most men prefer to do the eating.
Do you know what passion is?
Most people think it only means desire. Arousal. Wild abandon. But that’s not all. The word derives from the Latin. It means suffering. Submission. Pain and pleasure, Nikki. Passion.
You’re wearing my colors, love.
I’m going to put you on your knees, Ruby. You’re going to hate how much you love it.
He is my king, he is my warrior, he is my husband and I am proud to say above all… he is mine.
You have rare beauty the like I have never seen but you will be more beautiful heavy with my seed.
You are my golden queen. You are my tigress. You are my Circe. 
Never will I allow your gold to be taken from me. Never. Understand this, Circe, and never forget.
Maybe I fell in love with a version of him that didn't exist.
 I would have you right here if you would let me. Fear you? I exalt you. 
You could burn me a thousand times, and I would still want you for my own.
Everything has a price. The price, however, isn't always money.
You’re my scariest hell, You’re my perfect paradise.
Well, I admit my crib is pretty sweet. But a gold cage is still a cage, Harry.
I intend to the last. 
If I win, then you shall be mine. Tonight.
You are so sure of yourself.
The game is simple. The women run, the men chase. If you catch the one with your color. . .well, that’s up to you.
But women have been running all their lives, most men don’t catch that easily.
We are in a maze, lost, and your hand is up my skirt.
Aye, but I don’t hear any complaints. The maze will hide our secret.
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barblaz-arts · 3 months
Hi Barb
I seen your snippet and I have to say I look forward to it since not only you are a great artist but also a talented writer ! I wish something like this happened in the future (cannon).
Charlie jealous of the Carmines because she have Vaggie alone for around four years till the Carmines show up and take Vaggie away from her(not most of the time but still ) I mean she is an only child of powerful and richest being she have her things alone and spoils even when she move out of her parents place and spent her time alone she got Vaggie who also spoils her but not that much spoils compared to her parents since Vaggie have common sense and I headcanon that Vaggie discipline Charlie for years since they are together .
Imagine, you with yours girlfriend for ages you found her secret the she kept from you since the beginning now both of you make up and your bond is stronger than before but now her space is wider and have room for more people not only you and she spends less time with you because she give her time to others that she admire and found. Also she seems happy and more alive.
Charlie is a princess but She is a Hell’s Princess. She may better than people in both Hell and Heaven but she still a demon.
To be fair, I think Carmilla and Vaggie both have a lot of things in common (from my perspective I always open for another opinion I like to read yours since you don’t jump into the conclusion that Lilith is evil like some people here )
1.Both of them are Latina
Maybe came from different countries but still have Spanish(español) as their first language I can imagine if they are speaking in the heat or argument or a discussion they would speak in Spanish and nobody understands what the heck did they just say? also as someone that not having English as my first language talking in my language is help me expressing more than English specially when I let my emotions speak. I believe the same thing would happen to Vaggie and The Carmines. Maybe in the short time , She would open up to them more and quicker than Charlie or the crews.
2. Both of them are the worst liar.
In episode 3, I am certain that most of people in the room know Camilla was the one who killed that Exorcist look at her reaction in the meeting they just don’t know how. And Vaggie said that she herself is the worst’s liar .The only reason she can kept her secret that long because the person she live with is Charlie(Who don’t have a good observing skill and not the best as Zestial at confronting someone to give them answers ). I know Vaggie never lie to Charlie but she also not telling her girlfriend the whole truth which is still wrong , I guess.
3. Both of them are the Keeper and the Protector.
They have someone they love dearly and is their first priority if the threat comes to them ; Carmilla : Odette,Clara > Herself, Vaggie : Charlie > the Crew >…..>Herself(I think Vaggie will probably protect civilians or children and put herself in the bottom of a pyramid because she’s an Angel also a soldier that have common sense to serve and protect people not Country.
4. Both of them are Dancer .
I want more of their screen time in episode seven. Vaggie can follow Camilla after she gets herself together.
I’m not sure about Latin’s Culture about respect someone that older like Asian . I think Vaggie quite a well mannered person and respectful but it’s something that need to earned form her.
She don’t trust Alastor and his actions since theirs first impression I would say completely disaster. ( She may give him more respect after episode 8 since he fought with them)
About this makes me think if Vaggie meet Zestial when she visits Carmilla she going to like him . Zestial have little screen time but He show us that he’s a gentlemen that respect people boundaries even though he quite a gossip (He’s cute) but if he is someone that the Carmines open up for He maybe the first man that Vaggie feel comfort to be around (about Lucifer,that her father girlfriend and a king of Hell it might be awkward at first but they will get along in different ways)
She called Carmilla ‘Miss Carmine’ I know before She enter to Carmine’s compound she blackmailed her to enter but hey! they get along now.
6. Weapons and Training
I think Vaggie like exercise and enjoy training it’s healthy if you not use it for killing souls once a years. Even she in hell she still training (look at her shape and how she parkour) but she don’t have someone to duel with her that can point her mistake like Camilla (sometimes Clara or Odette )maybe that how they bound .
I can see Vaggie stop by at the Carmines place because she want someone to duel with(there is another word but I forgot) with people who can improve herself to be better.
Camilla is a business woman so when she busy she might send hers daughters to send the angel off but instead three of them bond and ‘play’ together (play: weapons test , duel , Vaggie being a 1st Angel Subject and test what Angel can do etc.)
In conclusion, we need Vaggie and The Carmines bonding time and Charlie being jealous in the background.
Thank you, Sorry for rambling.
It will be more,I promise.
P.S. here’s the sketch that describes my view about this (Also I have writing a some comic but I’m quite busy If you want more context or more sketches feel free to ask because I would love to share 😂)
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The bit about Carmilla and Vaggie both being terrible liars sure is interesting. I never considered that!
Their relationship seems to have always been planned to be quite important, if this previous concept for a Ball Episode is anything to go by("Maxine" looks a lot like a prototype version of Carmilla)
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I'd love it if they could bond more in the next seasons.
I love the idea of Charlie getting jealous of Carmilla too but for like the wrong reasons. Just to reference the fact that Vaggie and Carmilla's voice actors previously played lovers for In The Heights. It would be so funny.
And omg those sketches are adorable! What a cute art style!
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sanzaibian · 6 months
I'm loving the stories! I'm heading to Mexico in a few weeks with work, but hoping to immerse myself in the culture a bit. Can you help me out?
You find yourself in front of your local Spanish-language association. You thought that taking a few classes in Spanish would help you recover some of the long forgotten classes you took in high school… though in all honesty, it won’t likely do much. You’re quite old, now, so it means that your brain cannot learn new languages as easily as it used to...
As you enter, you see the Mexican flag front and center, along with flags of many other Latin American countries, as well as that of Spain. You walk up to the receptionist, and she tells you, directly in Spanish :
“¡Bienvenidos! ¿Cuál es el motivo de usted venida? (Welcome ! What is the reason you came here ?) - Er…” You try to conjure some of the very old memories, and only manage a “Hola !” Before going back to English. “I’m sorry, I don’t really know Spanish… I’m here to take classes, in fact.”
The receptionist nods, and thinks a bit before taking out a timetable.
“Okay, well, you see, I have a... beginner’s course of Spanish in a few hours… It’s not perfect because they already started in January, but I think you can still catch up if you work hard enough.” She says, with a perfect American accent. She is visibly bilingual. - Oh, in a few hours ?”
You are quite interested, considering that you did want some beginner-level courses, but in a few hours… That’s too short to just go back home and come back later, but that’s also too long to just stay here and wait without getting bored !
The receptionist notices your embarrassment.
“You know, we are also a place where Spanish learners and native speakers can hang out. If you want, you can go to the hangout room while waiting ?” She offers sympathetically. - Well yeah, I could do that.” You nod. It may be geared towards more hard-core learners, but you can always try to immerse yourself…
You go to the room she waves you to. It isn’t loud, but there’s quite a lot of people in it, all speaking Spanish. You go and find somewhere to sit, when, on your way, someone hails you.
“¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas? (Hello ! (...) ?)”
Your long-buried memories start churning, as you recognize the second sentence as meaning something like “What’s your name ?”. You think a while, and then, flash of brilliance.
“Me llamo Charlie.” You answer, giving out your name in the most American of accents.
Your conversation partner smiles, and speaks quite slowly to let you understand what he means.
“¿Cuántos años tiene?” You understand the sentence to mean ‘How old are you ?’ - Er… Soy… cuarenta y dos… años ?” You try, but he shakes his head. - No, ¡es ‘Tengo ventidós’ o ‘Tengo ventidós años’!”
You blush of embarrassment as he corrects you. Yes, you now remember that to mean “I am x years old” you say “Tengo x (años)”… you even remember the worksheets from way back when… Huh, it seems like it was less far of a memory than you thought.
“Lo siento…” You excuse yourself with sentence that came back strangely fast. - ¡Jajaja!” He laughs. “¡No te preocupes! ¡Hablar español es difícil! (Don’t worry ! Speaking Spanish is difficult !)”
You are surprised how easy it is to understand him. Visibly, you had more memories than you expected ! Then, that guy continues.
“¿De dónde es? (Where are you from ?) - Soy de… Mexico… Nuevo Mexico. (I’m from… Mexico… New Mexico.)”
You almost stumbled on yourself. There seems to be something wrong with that statement. You know you’re American, but something seems wrong…
“Ah, de... ¿Nuevo México? Pero tu acento no suena asi… (Ah, from… New Mexico ? But your accent doesn’t seem like it comes from there...) - Si, es verdad… (Yes, it’s true...)” You’re about to tell him that it’s because you’re American, but then you say : “La gente dice que tengo un acento de la Ciudad de Mexico. Sabes, Mexihco Hueyaltepetl. (People say that I have an accent from Mexico City. You know, Mexihco Hueyaltepetl (?).)”
Wait, why do people say that ? You never went to Mexico City ! Okay, yes, you did go there for the holidays, after all, your father lives there… Wait, your parents aren’t separated !
You get more and more confused as multiple versions of your history start competing with each other.
“¡Ah, tenía razón! Puedo verlo en tu cara que eres… eh… ¿mexiqueño? (Ah, I was right ! I can see by your face that you are… er… from Mexico City ?) - ¡Jajaja!” You laugh. “¡No se dice ‘mexiqueño’! ¡Se dice capitalino, o chilango si estás familiarizado! (You don’t say “Mexiqueño” ! You say “Capitalino”, or “Chilango” if you’re familiar !)” You don’t quite know where this knowledge comes from. It seems like something only locals would know… - Perdón, soy chileno, no lo sabía… (Sorry, I’m Chilean, I didn’t know...)”
You smile at him. Of course, he couldn’t know that, you’re familiar with these terms because you’re a Chilango through and through ! Born in the city, lived in the city ! Yet you furrow your brows, as something still feels off.
Somehow, you’re convinced that you’re American, even though it seems to be a more and more distant fact. Well, when you look down and see those tan arms, you know that you aren’t, like, a total gringo, you’re at least part Latino…
“¿Cómo es la vida allá? (How is life there ?)” The Chilean guy asks you, a torrent of memories coming back (?) to you. - ¡Es complicado de describir! Pero México es muy dinámico, ¡entonces siempre es interesante! (It’s difficult to describe ! But Mexico is very dynamic, so it’s always interesting !)” You think back to how frantic life is over there… and how much you love that. “Especialmente comparado con aquí, parece que esta citudad está muerta… ¡En México siempre hay un xochitzin con el que te puedes topar! (Especially when compared to here, this city seems dead… In Mexico, there’s always an xochitzin (?) you can run into !)”
As the Chilean nods, you keep getting quite confused. You know you’re from Mexico City, you know you’re American, yet somehow there is like… a piece of the puzzle missing. You keep on thinking strange words like “Mexihco Hueyaltepetl” or “ihni”, and you know it’s not Spanish, nor English – not that you would know too much of that language.
You continue thinking as your body starts feeling strange, as you feel it shifting. You put your hand on your forehead and sense your wrinkles relaxing. You feel quite queasy…
“¿Estás bien? (Are you alright ?) - Me siento un poco mareada… (I feel a bit dizzy…) - Sólo tienes que ir al baño. ¿Quieres que te ayude? (Just go to the toilets. You want me to help ?) - No, estará bien. Tlazohcamati. (No, it’s gonna be alright. (???)) - Okay… eh... ¿Eres indígenas? (Okay… er… Are you a Native American ?)”
You don’t answer the Chilean, only giving him a small wave to thank him. You find your way to the toilets, still queasy, and look at yourself.
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You’ve got your usual short black hair, your nascent beard that doesn’t want to come along, your brownish tint, as well as your light muscles. Nothing looks out of place, yet something seems wrong.
Is it the fact that you are so youthful ? You know you’re quite twinky. Is it the fact that your skin looks weird ? You know that it’s clearer than the other’s because your mother is gringo.
You feel even more queasy, as you feel your entire body tensing. Memories come back of your time in the gym, but also of the time with all your xochitzmeh (bros)… Yes, you now remember how you’re the son of an American linguist and a Nahua man. How you grew up speaking Nahuatl along with the other kids from around Mexico City. How you started going to the gym to prove that gays aren’t cuiltemeh (sissies/fags). How you now cringe to that line of thought, yet continue doing it to attract guys.
As the pieces of your life go back together, your queasiness dissipates, and you feel better. You drink a bit of water, and then you go back to the hangout room. As you go in there, the Chilean hails you once again.
“¡Charlie! ¿Esta mejor? (Charlie ! Doing better ?)”
Laughable, “Charlie” is only the nickname your grandparents use when you’re at their house… Why does that guy even know it ?
“¡Mi nombre no es Charlie, es Carlos! ¡Carlos Zopiyactle! (My name isn’t Charlie, it’s Carlos ! Carlos Zopiyactle !)” You say in a very matter-of-fact fashion. - Lo siento, pensé que te llamabas Charlie… (Sorry, I thought that you were named Charlie...) - No es nada. (It’s nothing.)” You answer with a very Mexican accent, aspirating your ‘s’. “Pero, tengo que irme ahora. ¡Adiós! (However, I need to go now. Goodbye !) - ¡Adiós, Carlos! (Goodbye, Carlos !)”
You leave the room, go past the receptionist who smiles at you a bit weirdly, and make your way back to your grandparent’s home. You don’t really like going there, because you’re not very good in English, but eh. Pleasing your mom is a good enough reason.
Suddenly, you hear a very familiar-sounding sound from your phone. You open it, seeing a notification, smile, and answer it before calling your mother.
“¡Cualli teotlaltzintli! ¡Amo niyaz tlacualpan! (Good evening ! I’m not going to be there for dinner !) - Pff… ¡Aic timotlamahzehua nanmonahuac! (Pff… You never come eat with us !) - Nomati, pero tengo cosas que hacer. (I know, but I have things to do.)” You say, switching back a bit to Spanish. - ¿Zannima tihual mocuepaz? (You will come back soon ?) - Quema. Nantli, nimitz nequi. (Yes. Mom, I love you.) - Ohuihqui nimitz nequi. (I love you too.)”
You finish the call and smile. She doesn’t have to know that you’re missing the family dinners to be pounded. Those jocks on Grindr don’t know what your pseudonym “Moiztactlaca” means, but it sounds foreign, and they love it.
Soon, you’re going back home to Mexico City, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t take advantage of all the hot guys here in the meantime !
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whoreseason · 24 days
CW for murder, drug use mentions, and discussions of trauma/implied child abuse
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I think he excels at doing cocaine. I don’t know how to explain what I mean though
He's done quite a lot of it in his life but no longer does, not only because his ass is dead and he can't get high but because such crass indulgences remind him of his younger days
He’d wear women’s perfume if it were more socially acceptable but his ideas around masculinity refuse to let him do this
His hair is naturally a bit curly and he has spent years gelling it into submission
Is 5'8 and rather small build-wise
Despite his size, he can really, really hold his own in a fight, though he fights very dirty. Hand to hand fighting triggers something in him and he does it with pure rage. His opponent will be on the ground before they know it and he'll probably have killed them before he realizes what he's doing
Is a bit resentful of his babyface, as well as his height, and wishes he were both taller and more mature looking
Growing out a mustache was influenced by this
Also deeply resentful of the phrase “prettyboy”, which he’s heard a fair amount
Either puts lifts in his shoes or wears slightly heeled ones. Do NOT bring this up
Has been smoking since he was 12 or so
His eye twitches just slightly when he’s annoyed. It’s often his only outward tell
His only two modes of expressing irritation/anger are “irritated but not showing it” or “literally screaming”
I feel like we as a fandom don’t talk about his canonical temper enough. This individual has probably thrown a fork into a maid’s eye because she got the placement of a napkin wrong
His original accent is lower class Boston, and while this may not be a headcanon, I feel the need to bring this up. His actual voice may sound more like Kit's than anything
Speaks a bit of French and Latin, largely in an attempt to fit in with the old money upper class
Started drinking pretty hard very young, maybe when he was around 12 or 13? And was basically an alcoholic throughout his teenage years
Barely went to school growing up and was more or less able to charm his way into university
Is embarrassed of his Irish heritage. He's a product of his time
Killed his first victim in a rage episode in an alley behind a bar somewhere when he was 16
His first victims were impulsive kills along these lines, but his motives switched from triggered anger to relying on it as he went on, and by the time he was in university he'd get tightly wound and restless if he'd gone a week without it
Took various traits from his first victims-- ways of lighting a cigarette, vocal quirks, body language tics, that sort of thing. As the number racked up and his designed personality become more fleshed out he stopped doing this, but he carries his first kills with him through certain mannerisms, though it's now subconscious
Also took various traits from movie stars and book characters. Spent a lot of time at the cinema as a young man finding things on screen to make a part of himself
Is so very, very fake. Has constructed basically every aspect of his presentation and outward personality
He hates being reminded of who he was before, who he truly was-- he’ll reference parts of his childhood in the context of who he is now and what he's had to overcome, but it’s more like he’s using pieces of his past to construct a story about himself. Anything vulnerable or authentic to that part of his life he won’t bring up, he doesn’t even let it cross his mind
Has worked very, very carefully to suppress his flinching instinct at sudden noise or movement, but sometimes it still comes out when he’s snuck up on
Used to wake up screaming sometimes when he was alive
Would just as often wake up crying, which he quite hated. He never remembered what those dreams were about
He’s glad that he doesn’t sleep anymore and can thus avoid all that. Which is what he loves to do with his memories or any sign of emotional vulnerability, avoid it. Good luck trying to get him to open up about anything
Love you grandpa
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philaet0s · 3 months
So I decided to start posting my social media AU here, in parts, and without the few bits that happen off social media that will be on the ao3 version <3
As an introduction, here’s a little bit of context:
Baz is an world-famous singer. At the beginning of the story, he’s about to go on tour for his 5th album
He and Simon are in a relationship but it’s not public. Simon asks Baz if he can make a twitter account where he claims to be Baz’s boyfriend because he thinks it’d be fun to see how people react
Baz’s albums, because I’ve thought about them a lot —except for the first one— lol:
Ergo, - 2019
→ he just wanted to be pretentious with a latin word honestly + the word “ergo” has this intrinsic meaning of consequence. for something to have a consequence, there *has* to be a something, but there’s nothing that comes before the album. it’s his first. it’s a sort of oxymoron with just one word, something contradictory at its core, Baz likes that
I don’t really know what Baz’s first album is like. the themes would probably be rather dark, but I don’t have a clear idea of what the album would represent like i do for the others. and yet i know there’s an album before those others. something that started it all
Flowers in the Water - 2020
→ a reference to Ophelia from Hamlet, who drowned surrounded by flowers. in this album baz explores his feelings after his break up. he was the one to leave his boyfriend who he was in a pretty toxic relationship with though he still had love for him. so he never had much agency during the relationship (as Ophelia doesn’t have agency during most of the play and her life) and the one time he acted on his own, he ‘ruined his life’ -the feeling of despair after a break up, when you think you’ll never find love like that again, even if it was bad (as Ophelia did when she killed herself). Cliché image of the break up as a sort of death, but you can be cliché when you’re heartbroken
baz’s ex used to buy him flowers, so there was this vase in their flat that for a long time always had flowers in it. after a while, towards the end of the relationship, baz noticed that it had been a moment since there had been flowers in the vase, and that was one of the things that made it hit that his bf didn’t care about him anymore
BUT the ‘vase’ is replaced by ‘water’ in the title of the album – a nice metonymy – to better fit the Ophelia reference.
Portrait of the Artist as a Madman - Feb. 2021
obvious reference to james joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Baz reread the book during lockdown so he had that title in mind. he used Madman instead of Young Man because we all went a little crazy during lockdown so that was his state of mind when he wrote the album
his most reflexive album, in which he writes very personal things about who he was and is, but also his persona as a singer and the way the music industry impacts him and his life
The Prophecy - Sept. 2021
baz really wanted to use the word prophecy in a title. it’s his favourite word in the english language. it’s a very meaningful word, prophecies were a huge deal for ancient civilisations, prophets are important figures in the abrahamic religions + he likes the idea of a prophecy, something being foretold, an inevitable end, no matter what one does. it’s very tragic, he likes that
this album is about his new relationship with simon, a romantic piece about how when they met, he felt like their story had already been written and all they had to do was play it out, he felt this inevitability that he associates with prophecies. simon is the love that was foretold for him
Metamorphoses - 2022
in reference to Ovid’s metamorphoses. Baz reuses some of the stories in the Metamorphoses while also applying them to his life, creating songs that are a blend of mythology and personal. (his fans love trying to guess what is merely his interpretation of Ovid’s stories and what is personal elements he added to the songs). the songs are ordered in a way that shows how baz was transformed throughout his life to become the version of himself he is at the time of writing the album. a sort of memoir told through a dozen songs
Paroxysm - 2023
paroxysm: a sudden sharp attack (of pain, rage, laughter, etc)
the meaning of the word is why baz chose it as a title. he thought it fit the album, which he wrote very differently from his previous ones –in bursts. his creativity was renewed after Metamorphoses, which was a project that felt to him more like writing a book than songs, and it expressed itself differently. in this album, the topics he writes about are all different, with nothing to give a coherent theme to the album… which is the theme in itself. all the songs are little paroxysms
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agentnatesewell · 3 months
hello lovely mar!! i just read "they saw you in my written words" for the first time and i just wanted to say what a wonderful writer you ❤️ i love how you write nate and suri is just an absolute goddess
a question! i have never seen bridgerton before, but that regency art of N & A got me thinking. do you have any thoughts or headcanons about if nate & suri had met in a similar setting? 😌
Bree!! I am literally just sitting here with my jaw on the floor! Thank you so much for reading ‘they saw you in my written words’ and sending me this very, very sweet message!
I am floored!! Blushing!
And thank you so, so much. Nate’s always been a little bit tough for me to try to figure out writing wise, but it was really fun writing him and Suri together. I think about them all the time, and it was nice to put them together. Especially in that sort of way 🥰
Ah Bridgerton! I loved season two, and I really love Anthony&Kate, and Benedict. So much that I also really love Benedict’s book because of his love, Sophie Beckett (who is a maid, and I really, really hope she’ll be on season four!)
As for Regency Nuri! I’ve had a few thoughts!
* Nate would be a member of the gentry, still. Surina would be the daughter of a dowager titled woman (Rebecca) and they both participate in society. While the others learned the more common second languages like French and Latin and Italian - I think they both knew Arabic (and he would know more, such as the tongue of his biological father — I assume Mama and Papa Sewell in this AU) . But that was a draw for them both (they would have known each other before the official debuts)
- And in true historical romance fashion, of course the titles and succession might be smudged, just a little bit
* For fun, because they knew they loved each other even before debuts, I imagine - in true historical romance fashion - they get up to some sneaky things, and do a lot of fun sneaky things. Do they get caught? Well, if they did, they were wanting to get married anyway!
* I went to a butterfly garden today in the afternoon and it was just lovely. It made me think that N’s family probably had a stunning orangery and grounds, and that’s also a headcanon!
* Before we were told that N’s family was part of the gentry, rather than the peerage (titled), I hc’d (with a friend) that Nate and Suri eloped because she quoted Violet Bridgerton saying that rakes make the best husbands and Nate agreed (not that he still couldn’t be a rake but I don’t think so at all)
One of these days, it is my goal to play around with a Nate and Suri historical/modern romance and see where that goes (actually the thoughts are very angsty but I’ve been enjoying doing some mental plotting)
Ah! Thank you SO much! You’re so sweet and wonderful to take time out of your day to send me such kindness! I am so, so glad you’re here with us!
I loved your Adam fic so much! We were on a road trip that day you posted and I couldn’t wait until we got to our destination so I read in the car! It was amazing!!
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olive-garden-hoe · 6 months
Tmnt 2012 hc:
I think that if the turtles were humanized they would all be black and/or blasian since they’re siblings and would have to have the same genetic tree (in 2012 I’m pretty sure they’re biologically related). However I love idea that they have slight differences between them since they hang out in different areas in nyc (a diverse city with a bunch of different cultures that I think would really interest them).
So anyways I hc that Splinter brought them all up to be bilingual, however Raph and Donnie aren’t as good at Japanese anymore since I think they aren’t as good with languages and they would consume a lot of English content growing up + Leo probably started translating Splinter for them and they kinda stopped needing to use it, so it faded a bit. I think Raph stopped speaking Japanese but can still understand it and could speak it (with some grammar and pronunciation errors) in a pinch. Donnie rarely speaks Japanese but he speaks it from time to time with Splinter, Leo, or Mikey. Leo is probably fluent in Japanese and English and I think her (Leo is transfem in my books) and Mikey can read Japanese while Raph and Donnie can’t. However, I think that Leo code switches and sometimes makes tiny grammar/pronunciation errors, with Mikey being the best at Japanese of all their (Mikey is aroace gender-fluid) siblings.
I don’t think Raph is a big language buff (unlabeled he/him non binary Raph supremacy), so he probably just knows English and Japanese. Meanwhile, I think Donnie knows code languages and probably taught themself (They/them for Donnie, source: me) obscure/dead/constructed languages like Esperanto or Latin. Leo probably can understand/read Spanish to some extent, though she’s barely conversational speaking it. She might also know certain phrases in a bunch of different languages since I hc that she wants to travel. Mikey, in my opinion, will be the best at picking up languages, probably fluent in Latin American Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, and Cantonese, conversational in Italian and Korean, and has begun to pick up some Haitian Creole (though her pronunciation isn’t good because she probably sounds either very American or has WAY to heavy of an accent). They also codeswitch and mesh together languages pretty often, so his siblings have begun to pick up a bit of their languages, especially Leo (how she learned Latin American Spanish)
I think they speak primarily English among themselves and Japanese/English with Splinter, who is plays a little game with himself when he hears music to guess the language it’s in
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mrsjavierp · 8 months
Where You Belong?
Chapter 7 - Torture
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Javier Peña x latin!f!reader
Summary: Running away from life as you always knew to start a new position as Head Chief on a DEA Office, far away, on Colombia. There, you'll face violence, as you never thought you could. There, you'll meet Javier Peña, your stubborn agent...
Warnings (to the whole fic): +18!, angst, smut, cheating, last relationships, drug dealing - Narcos Universe (not so accurate), bad spanish, english is my second language, use of Y/N and Y/LN. No physical description of the reader, only your clothes (sometimes). The POVs are shifting between reader (first person and Narrator - 3rd person)
(If I forgot anything, tell me, pls!)
Word Count: 2,6k
A/N: I'd love to know about you're thinking about it so far! Your opinion is really important! Tks <3 Btw, I'm tagging @pedrostories! Babe, let's show'em why we're so much in love for that man!
Obs: Oops, I did a "past x present situation" again, so, anytime you see something written like this, is past. If not, it's just Javi's memory about the night he won't (and can't) forget... And neither can you, reader <3 Let's be honest, how would we forget a night like that?
Narrator's POV:
Javier went to see how Steve was doing, after Connie left.
The apartment was a mess, with empty bottles all over.
If ever Steve were sober, it was before his girls went back to Miami.
He was so depressed... Made Javier think about his family as well, but in a different way: if it was him and Lorraine, would he try to do some or anything?
Steve sniffed and cleared his throat, handing Javier a beer, bringing him back from his thoughts.
"Have you, uh... Had anything to eat in the last 24 hours?" - he asked.
"About Y/LN..." - Steve ignored Javier. - "Do you think she's gonna send me back? Did she say anything?"
"To be honest, I think if she was going to send you back, she'd have done it already. We know she doesn't put up any shit."
Steve sputted.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Do you think I am out?"
"I don't know." - Javier answered.
"Well, I ain't ready to go home yet, Javi. I'll tell ya that." - Steve threw the top from his bottle away. - "Damn it! She's fucking..."
Javier got up, he needed to do some or anything.
"Take a shower. Sober up." - he suggested to the friend. - "I'll get back to you."
Steve sighted, sitting back down.
"Thanks for talking to Y/LN again, man." - Steve thanked, while Javier was driving to their new office. - "I mean that... You saved my ass."
"One more fuck-up, Murphy..."
"Oh, I know." - he responded.
"Is it gonna happen again?" - Javi asked, worried.
"I don't know. I really don't." - Murphy seemed lost in thoughts.
"Let's hope for the sake of our careers that is the first and the last one."
Shortly after they arrive, you show up by helicopter, wearing a black tight suit, heels and sunglasses. Javier was already shivering.
Making an effort to change his focus, he said to Steve:
"Get ready to get your balls snippet." - and they both smirked.
Steve and you sat down at your office, his expression was awful: sad, bitter, hangover.
“So Connie left… You’re upset, knocked a few back to numb the pain and then decided to take it out on some Wall Street pendejo”
“Yeah, something like that.”
“Isolated incident?”
“You still don’t trust me? That’s fine. But if I’m gonna have your back, I need to know that I can trust you. Otherwise, I have no problem sending you back to Connie in Miami… Am I making myself clear or do you need a drawing?”
“Loud and clear, Jefe.” - He sighed. 
“Dismissed, Murphy. Go to work.”
He got up and left your office.
He was just a ghost… A resemblance to what he was, when Connie was here. God, you felt sorry for him.
Hours later, you sat down at the bar, close to your office, after all those hours, alone.
You just wanted peace.
So much happened and you also got quite some happening.
Steve and his bullshit, Escobar on the run, Crosby up on your ass...
"A Dry Martini, por favor. Seco." (A Dry Martini, please. Extra dry.) - you order.
"¿Señorita, dry martini? ¿Seco? ¿Estás enferma?" (Miss, dry martini? Extra dry? Are you sick?)
"No, amigo... Soló necesito olvidar algunas cosas." (No, my friend… Just need to forget a few things.)
He knew your drink was a neat scotch, he never saw you drinking any other thing.
You hated how the gin burned while going down your throat. You could almost remember when Javier fucked your throat at the same time you used your vibrator because he wanted to see how you've done by yourself... He convinced you to pick it up at your place because he needed to ruin you, as you did to him...
"Díos mio... I don't wanna remember anymore, please, make it stop..." - you whispered like a secret prayer, closing your eyes.
About 2 hours later, taking off his tie, Javier walked into the same bar.
He sighed, so frustrated, so hurt, so pissed off.
Lorraine just had put the cherry on top: she wanted to leave Laredo to Dallas or Austin, because... He didn't even understand why. She asked for more money, his visit for a few days... The only good thing on that call was his baby boy, Lucas, who your so called wife insisted on calling Luke. Sometimes, he felt a little prejudice from her against his latin origin.
And she demanded again! Javier was trying to delay it, but she was coming on strong at him.
The worst part is… He didn’t care about Lorraine. Not that he ever did in the first place, but… 
In reality, he was just sad... 
Sad that he spent an intimate long night fucking you and... Nothing.
You just disappeared. Left him hanging.
Javier didn't even get to listen to you masturbating anymore.
He asked for a scotch, neat.
Just like he purred to you that night…
Sometime that night, you sat down on the armchair by his bedroom window, lit up your cigar, while he served you a glass of whiskey. You wore nothing but your red panties...
Javier kneeled down, again, for you.
There you were, smelling like your cigars, whiskey, sex... And Javier.
His hands worshiped your figure, opening you for him, again.
"Javier, I'm a little occupied..." - you said to him, almost purring.
"I don't care. I need to touch you. Go ahead with whatever you drink or smoke. It's sexy as fuck."
He loved that your scent was just like his. Make him feel like you belong to him, only him. 
“When I'm done with you, you're gonna smell just like me… Like my come, my perfume, my spit, my sweat… You ruined me, cariño. I'm just returning the favor.”
“You know where you belong, don't you?” - his index and middle fingers entered you again. You moaned. - “You belong with me, cariño. I'm not letting you go.”
“Oh fuck…” - you moan. - “You also smell just like me, Javi…” - his eyes widened, surprised. - “You also smell just like my french perfume, my spit on your dick, my sweat on your skin… My come all over you…” 
You were so distracted you didn't even notice when he walked in and sat across from you.
When he spotted you, Javier went up to you.
"Martini, Y/N? Gotta say, did not see this coming."
"Bite me, Peña." - you responded through your teeth.
"I wish I could, cariño, but you won't let me get near you. I miss you. Don't tell me that you don't remember or you didn't like it." - his mouth came closer to your ear and murmured: - "You came so many times in my mouth that shirt I wore still smells like your cum, even after I washed 3 times already... Wanna know where it is?"
You sighted slowly, catching your breath, eyes closed.
"My bed, cariño. Right where you left your red panties, where you belong. Where you should be." - he continued to whisper in your ear.
"No, not Peña. Call me Javi, babyboy, obedient soldier, anything but as if we were working… We both know that’s not under your obligations."
You looked at him, in pain.
"I-I-I can't. We gotta be a part, Peña."
He hit the bar with his fist.
"Bullshit! You may be an award winning actress, but you can't pretend any of that. I remember it all too well... I remember you telling me that was a fucking dream and you didn't wanna wake up! I remember you melting under my touch..."
You laughed.
"Peña, I quit smoking and drinking whiskey because of you."
"Because it tastes just like you." - aside from the scotch, he smoked cigarettes, not cigars. Your eyes are almost in tears.
He looked at you with those puppy brown eyes.
"Cariño... You don't have to..."
"Yes, Peña. I do... You don't get it, do you?"
"Actually, no, I don't. Enlighten me, then." - Javier responded, rude. He couldn't bear to be hurt one more time. He wanted to be yours and you to be his, only his.
"It was a mistake, Peña. You're overthinking what happened... I... We..." - you didn't know how to say or justify. You were lying and you were such a lousy liar... Javier could see right through you.
"Don't! Don't you dare to continue to say anything like that!" - it was his time to respond through his teeth. - "You don't get to do that! I won't accept these lies! You're not fooling me nor anyone… Days ago you were moaning and coming all over me... Now you want to take it back? News flash, you can't! You can’t change the past, you can’t change the fact that we fucked worse than rabbits, cariño. I told ya, I’m greedy as fuck." - his voice went from pissed to almost cooing at you.
You were feeling awful. Guilty. You shouldn't want Javier so badly, but you wanted.
"Peña, I'm your boss. We've got a job to do. I can't get involved with you, it was a mistake!"
Javier's heart was pounding. You couldn't do that to him.
You tried to get up, but your liquor betrayed you, almost throwing you on the ground, but Javi picked you up before you got hurt.
"Vamos, cariño. I'll take you home, vecina." - he said.
You only cuddled with him, holding up all you could.
Javier helped you get inside, paying attention to what you needed: You needed to eat, to take a shower and lay down, unfortunately, too drunk to do it alone.
First, Javier prepared a bath for you, a warm one.
"Peña, I just dumped you... You don't get to see me naked again." - you said to him, while you were sitting on the closed toilet and he took off your shoes.
He laughed. You were a cute drunk.
"Don't call me Peña. I already told you. Right now, I'm not calling you by 'jefe' or 'Y/LN' either. You're cariño, hermosa or even babygirl."
You began to take off your clothes, while he took off his jacket and folded his sleeves.
"I like cariño, Javi..." - you almost purred. - "I shouldn't. But I do..."
"Good. Cariño will be, Hermosa."
He helped you finish undressing and getting in the tub.
"Oh, it's gooood. Thank you, Javi..."
He remained outside it, just taking care of you, not letting you lay down too much or sleep.
When you finished, he covered you with a towel, leaving you alone for a few minutes to look for some medicine, as hangover prevention, and some food.
A little like him, your fridge only had whiskey, water and a leftover pizza.
You two were more alike than any of you wanted or expected.
He used the oven to heat it, at the same time you put a red and lacy nightgown.
"Oh, fuck, cariño... Had to be this one?" - he asked you, trying not to sound so horny.
"It was this one or none. Pick your poison, Javi."
He sighed. What a fucking brat you were, even drunk as a skunk.
"Sit, please. There you go, eat it. Where do you keep your painkillers?"
"My bedroom..."
"Finish your dinner, cariño. I'm going to give you some, we've got work to do tomorrow, you need to bring your A-game."
"Peña, I always do. Don't mess with me."
He snorted. Feisty one you are, as usual. He liked that about you.
You finished your slice and he took you into bed, made you take your medicine. He didn't lay down, he just sat next to you, observing.
"He never took care of me like that, you know?" - you revealed, almost sleeping.
"Who, cariño?"
"Who's Ben anyway?" - Javier asked, pretending not to be curious, but you were too drunk to notice anything in his voice.
"My ex fiance... A cabrón... Malparido." - you cursed.
"Remind me, cariño, why?"
"You know... All the cheating, all the lying..." - you yawn. - "I'm tired, Javi..."
"Sleep, cariño. Buenas noches, hermosa... I'll bring breakfast tomorrow morning, before we go to the office."
But you slept before he even finished his sentence.
Javier left you safe and sound, at your apartment.
However, he never felt worse.
He wanted to be with you, more than sex. More than he ever wanted to be with any woman. 
The problem is...
He's also a cheating bastard. He also fucked half of Medellin and Bogota.
He doesn't deserve you and he knows it.
Javier doesn't care.
He's not going to give up on you: on the contrary, he's going to solve all that he can before you ever find out...
But how? How is he going to keep Lorraine away? How will he manage his boy's custody?
Too many questions, no answers.
“One problem at the time…” - Javier told himself, crossing the hall and entering his apartment.
He looked around: all in order, but you were missing. He wanted to do it right…
Javier laid on his sofa… But it smelled like both of you. He got up and sat at the table in the kitchen, Lorraine’s letters organized in a box. 
Pandora's box, as he joked sometimes to himself.
“Fuck…” - he cursed. - “How am I going to pull it off?”
Next morning, he knocked on the door, anxious.
The seconds before you opened it felt like hours. He was bringing you breakfast from Mrs. Hernandez's café: arepas with cheese and eggs, mantecada, marquesa and, of course, black colombian coffee.
You open, holding back a smile, wearing a black dress and boots.
"What are you doing here? Something happened?" - you sound surprised.
Javi smiled, coming in as you let.
"Yes, cariño, I told you I would bring breakfast... I don't get the surprise. Wait, you don't remember? You were that drunk?"
"Oh, fuck! I forgot... Sorry, by the way."- you said as Javi entered your home.
He pulled you into his embrace, after putting the food at the table, and held you close, smelling your hair. - "I miss you so much, cariño... Don't push me away, please." - he begged.
You took a deep breath, Javier's scent was so good, so masculine and strong... You miss him too, but how can you manage it all?
You look deep in those puppy eyes.
Fuck, you hate that effect on you.
"Can we talk about it later? I'm very thankful that you brought food and took care of me last night... But things are not that simple. I don't quite remember, I was really drunk. But I do remember that I said I dumped you."
He laughed, stroke your hair.
"Not exactly... But you did reveal a few things, including that you quit smoking and drinking whiskey because of me."
You turn your face away. You felt a stupid girl, alcohol in and truth out. Your own mind betrayed you.
"Oh, fuck. Peña, I... Really, let's eat. After work we can talk, okay?"
He agreed and you both set the table. It was all delicious, he brought everything you like.
"Was Ben at least thoughtful during your hangovers?" - he asked, casually, with a smirk on his lips.
"Peña, what the fuck? How dare you? That's none of your business!" - you screamed towards him.
How and what does Javier know about my ex? - you thought.
"Cariño, you're the one who brought him up last night. I was just curious..."
"Peña, you have no right! Leave my home! Right the fuck NOW!"
"Y/N, what the fuck?! What the hell happened to you from last night to this morning?"
"I got sober, my senses got back to the right place. And you know what? I was only delaying what I was going to say. We're not getting together again. That night was a huge mistake!"
"Your car is in the garage, by the way. Keys in the ignition. See you later, jefe." - he picked up his coffee that was on the travel mug and left your apartment, not looking back.
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yosajaeofficial · 2 months
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Hey hey hey! Welcome back to the show, “The Monthly Jayce Myles Comics Updates!” Where I give obvious monthly updates to my followers about the progress for the hit series that hasn’t debuted yet, “ROTTMNT: The Jayce Myles Comics”! Sorry I haven’t posted this month, I was hella busy with college applications and other projects, but I’m delighted to get back into these updates.
Without further ado, let’s get the show running! I have some fun things to show ya!!!
The Comic
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The month was way too quick for my own good, the comic’s slow. Again, I was busy applying to college and doing other side projects I’m working on. I’m gonna be attending college next month so the comic will have its hardships but I really wanna pursue my education as well, but the updates shall continue like always with all of its fun content! Anyways, the comic: the debut has 20+ pages and my god it’s just insane on how many there are when I’m not even halfway there. I’m impressed with how many pages go by just to tell the story, older pages will be fixed up so it either might be reduced or even more but that’s for future Jae to decide; I’m learning as I go! It’s also better that I show instead of say that I’m just “working on it” since it’s easy to lie to be honest.
The turtles haven’t been seen since I haven’t got to drawing their introductions yet, I’m gonna shart in my pants because I’m scared but I’m literally an artist doing a comic so I gotta do them sooner than later. Maybe the next update you’ll see them? Don’t hold me too much onto that but it might be a cute goal to set, let me know what happened when the August update comes!
Jayce is so silly with her coat huh? She’s just a girl giving it her best, even if they thrift at the worst shop known to man (they’re gonna learn someday…) We also got Rogelio and Jayce being all cool together, I was proud of that page when first sketching it out. They both are so sweet to draw out, hope to see their finalized pages to see their true potential!
Bonus Content: Hidden City Mystical Crystals
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Silly reader, you’re scratching your nose and thinking, “what am I looking at?” You’re in luck! Cuz these babies are actually additional parts about the Hidden City’s lore/magic system. Magic system? Yes, a magic system. The Jayce Myles Comics is going beyond the original canon of Rise and creating many more original concepts and combining it with what was given by the canon. I wanted to show off more of the mystics from yokai because their potential was so much cooler to finally explore when drafting the ideas.
The Hidden City’s magic system is based off of the elements, not too complicated, but has some different rules when compared to other executions of the elemental magic system. That’s for another day, I’m only gonna talk about the crystals and show what they can do. You can reference this update and look into the JMC with this cool bit of knowledge! Let’s get started >:3
Origins of the Mystical Crystals
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These crystals were created based off of industrial flaws people have faced. Basically, I learned about the 1920s construction workers and their working conditions where it made me think “what would the have wished for when they worked?” I referenced from real people, history books, and my own personal experiences to create functions, and help base the crystals off of what I came up with.
The Netflix show, “Arcane” was a great inspiration to combine mystics with technology, the brand was called “Hextech” and it’s system was hella cool to me and it helped a lot when I was working on the crystal’s concepts. The mystical crystals are meant to be used as “tools to help the magic user”, where they can enhance their power, gain a temporary ability, create spells, or use in technology.
The names of them are based off of the Latin languages like, English, Italian, Spanish, and a hint of both Chinese and Korean if you squint really hard. I will go through each of the crystals in a vague manner for ya’ll to see what they can do!
Fire Magic
Fire magic is actually defined as: “The manipulation/manifestation of temperature” instead of just heat, it can be fire or ice.
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LA HEILMAQ: The crystal is based off of quartz in visuals and has the glow like a moonstone! La Heilmaq is the crystal that’s used to help air conditioning in modern homes and create weapons. They’re the most natural crystal to use to create weapons since it’s form holds up so well, it’s as common as bronze in real life! They’re pretty cold to the touch, so be careful and don’t hold them for too long if you’re 1. not a fire magic user, or 2. not wearing gloves. These babies are used for more attacks than defense since they’re pretty deadly if you’ve been penetrated by the crystal itself.
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EL HEILMAQ: This crystal is based off of colored glass from old alcohol bottles, tainted windows, and the power of friendship because this is the one that isn’t the most realistic looking since I made the shape up. It looks like the “BOOM!” shape for a reason~ El Heilmaq is the crystal which contains heat, it’s sealed by the actual gemstone itself so you’re able to touch with your bare hands without getting burned. The crystal can be used for restoring heat in homes, making artillery, and/or throwing them on the ground to create natural firecrackers. Most yokai use smaller bits of the crystal as distractions and the bigger pieces to help the industry by keeping their homes warm, they don’t need boiler rooms or to grab coal because El Heilmaq crystals can already do that for them without causing damage to nature.
The word Heilmaq was based off the English word “Hail” which is Ice, which is to hammer the idea that this isn’t just heat based. The word Maq is gibberish that's made to be another word for "kaboom", which brings more of the fire elements to the word itself.
Air Magic
Air magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of oxygen”!
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LA SENYÁR: The crystal is based off of diamonds and emeralds! La Senyár is a crystal that helps give the air magic user more of a boost, they can crash the crystal and it gives them a boost of air so they can jump higher, dodge quicker, or just blow a gust of wind at the enemy. The crystal itself is used by technology to give it more flight, used in planes, cars, and even shoes! Yes, shoes can also have the crystal, it helps the bird yokai give them a boost to use their wings to fly. The word Senyár is a word based off of the Spanish word, “Soñar” that translates to “To Dream”; it was named this way because the way how the pressure of the air isn’t as powerful or dense, it’s like if you’re walking on clouds, it feels like a dream.
Water Magic
Water magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of water and health”
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LA CANTÉM: The crystal is based off of pebbles found in rivers, ponds, and on rock beaches; there’s also influence by the topaz gemstone with it’s beautiful orange color. La Cantém is a healing crystal, where you’re able to use it on yourself to cool down injuries where it helps heal the wounds. It works both as a numbing solution and healing solution based on the water magic user. With these crystals, you always have to hydrate them in fresh water so the water can absorb into the crystal and used as energy; if it’s dehydrated, then the crystal’s will be weaker. The word Cantém is based off of the Spanish word, “Cantar” where it translates to, “To Sing”. It’s because singing can calm people down, and the crystal helps calm down the injured and lets the healing process go smoothly, it’s based off of my bestie where their singing really was like fresh water to my ears, a great inspiration for this crystal.
Earth Magic
Earth magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of nature”
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EL TERÉM: The crystal is based off of an amethyst visually, and yes, inside there’s a different color! El Terém is the crystal that most fighters use in order to manipulate rocks/boulders, build stronger architecture, or create rock shields when you throw them on the floor. It’s mostly rock based but still hella good to use in battle as a defense mechanism, the rock that’s formed is sturdy too, not weak for it to break easily. Shredder would have no problems breaking it but that guy’s insane. The word Terém is inspired by the word "tear" or "contain", any interpretation rocks! (no pun intended)
Yin Magic
Yin magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of darkness”
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MIE SIÑE: The crystal is based off of titanium black tourmaline and onyx. Mie Siñe is the crystal that contains shadows inside, depending on what the spell is, it either can produce shadows or fog. The usage for the crystal is much more unknown since Yin magic is banned from being used in Witchtown, but the crystal itself has been documented to be used to isolate the enemy when being used. It's also been used to cover the enemies eyes with darkness in order to distract them/become vulnerable sight wise. The word Siñe is a word based on the actual word "Sign" and "Sin", which holds a lot of significance into the story so I won't spoil.
Yang Magic
Yang magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of light”
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MIE PIRE: This dear crystal is based off of the Italian onyx, magnesite, and calcite. Mie Pire is the crystal that contains light inside, any kind of light, it's not just sunlight. It's a bit more tricky and dangerous to use since you can blind yourself with it more easily, so it's also not as used. However, Yang magic is also banned like Yin, but there has still been technological uses for Mie Pire like using it as an alternative for electricity (which saves the bills!) and also used as lamps for more conservative places like Witchtown. The crystal has proved itself useful as a light source, but it can still be used as a defense mechanism by blinding the enemies eyes for a good second of even minute. The word Pire is based off of the word "Pure" which means that this crystal is very raw hence why it's dangerous. Another word it's inspired by is the Latin word "Pyra" which means "Bonfire". Both interpretations are used for this one!
The word Mie is based off of the actual Italian word "Mie" which means "My". It doesn't truly mean mine, because it's also inspired by the Spanish "Mira" that translates to "Look". It can be interpreted any way you want!
Thank you for coming to this lovely update! I've been working really hard to get the comic rolling and to also balance out my personal life with it, but I'm proud of how far I've come in the span of a year! Lots of progress has been made and it's getting much more exciting to create for the JMC. Have a wonderful day/night and see ya'll soon.
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dangmelearner · 5 months
Hi! I’m a Finn living in Ghana and married to a Dangme. I live in an area where there are a lot of Fante speakers but at home we speak Dangme and Finnish. I lied. My family speaks mostly English. But we are trying to speak more Dangme and Finnish. Anyway…
Dangme is my main target 🎯 language. I really really want to be able to speak with my in-laws.
I rather reluctantly and passively learn Fante. Everybody speaks it at my workplace so I should learn it. But I don’t wanna. Don’t ask me why. I don’t know the answer. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Anyway a Fante teacher comes to our house every Sunday mainly to give my kids private lessons so they can catch up with their Fante peers. Fante is compulsory subject in their school. I’m so far behind my kids already.
Everybody keeps telling me to learn Twi instead because it’s somewhat of a lingua Franca here. I did at some point but it distracted my Dangme learning and also confused me because it’s so similar to Fante. I may return to learning Twi at some point. But I want to master Dangme first. This might be a dumb thing to do but…
I am very interested in Ghanaian Sign Language and American Sign Language too. So sometimes I play around with those two. But like I don’t have any pressure to learn them. I just want to be able to communicate with a lady who sells me fruits and honestly she is so sweet I wish to be her friend so hopefully 🤞 I can learn a few phrases at least to get started.
Ok so I was really burnt out and frustrated in Dangme for some time and kinda gave up a bit. So as there was a language vacuum in my life obviously I had to learn SOMETHING. I watched SKAM France and fell in love. It was Covid lock down and I had lots of time so I was learning that a bit. It was so easy compared to Dangme. Anyway I only did like very basics and then sifted my focus back to Dangme. But I do still follow some French media and books when I get a chance. Also my kids have to take French in school so I sometimes learn with them.
Yeah. I was supposed to learn Swedish in school. I mean, I think I can still read some simple texts but … I watched Young Royals and understood NOTHING. Ok maybe simple stuff like Jag älskar dig and stuff like that. If I had time I would revise Swedish. But alas, time is that one thing I lack these days.
Learnt it in school. I use it every day. Still not fluent though. I guess all I can do at this point is to read more challenging texts. I don’t really have a plan. I’m quite comfortable with my current level. I’m not a perfectionist.
Having lived 10 years abroad I sometimes feel my own language is a bit rusty. Still someone contacted me that I should start offering Finnish courses here in Ghana. I mean… I don’t think I’m qualified but if there are people who need a tutor I guess I can help. But Finnish grammar is a real bitch.
I think that’s all for now. I try not to get involved with any more languages. Though my husband was suggesting we move to UAE for a while. Arabic? 😅
Anyway, that’s me. I would really like friends. Especially if you also struggle with learning rare languages. Or want help with Finnish.
Edit: I forgot Latin. I took 3 courses back in upper secondary school. But I can only remember: Ecce Laura puella Fennica i vinea. 😆
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maibluemen · 7 months
ok while i'm working on which meta stuff i want to have on this blog, i do want to make a somewhat? detailed post on some name headcanons i have. so. some countries whose names i either tweak or change from the ones suggested by himaruya (arguably, there are no canon names. alfred is really the only one you could argue for lol)
🇷🇺 - ivan ivanovich morozov
hima doesn't give patronymics to the countries that would use them. ivanovich comes from ivan being very young and asked what his full name is, and the only male name he could think of was his own lol so he just stuck with it. and yes both sisters have teased him for this. morozov is derived from the russian word for "frost," which i find fitting; i wanted to find a non-jewish surname for him because i don't headcanon him as jewish and. of all the non-jewish countries to have a jewish surname.....well. no judgement on people who use braginsky and i doubt himaruya meant any harm or anything but yeah that's why i use a different surname for him lol
🇱🇹 - tolvydas jonas laurinaitis
shoutout to @hinotorihime who i believe was one of the first, if not the first person in the fandom to suggest tolys being a more accurate translation of トーリス (since japanese doesn’t distinguish between R/L sounds like indo-european languages do, and english doesn’t distinguish between I/Y the way lithuanian does, and tolys being an EXCEEDINGLY uncommon name, i don’t think “toris” is an unreasonable translation to have made after the game of language telephone from lithuanian->japanese-> english lol. トーリス would be directly transliterated like “to risu” for those unfamiliar with katakana. it’s worth noting that pixiv translates his character tag as “tolys”). uhh the source he gave me is a website that no longer exists and wasn't archived unfortunately, but "tolvydas" means something like "far seer" and tolys is a shortened form of it jonas is the name he added when he was finally baptized, and it's in reference to john the baptist anyway, here is an old post where she explains some name meanings!
🇪🇪 - eduard tamm
look i know eduard isn't really used in estonia but the guy simply gives off eduard vibes to me, sorry tamm, aside from being the most common surname, means "oak"
🇱🇻 - raivis bērziņš
bērziņš is, again, the most common surname and means "birch"
ed and raivis having the most common surnames in their countries i swear isn't me being lazy, i like the idea of all 3 baltics having tree names (laurinaitis referring to "laurel")
🇵🇱 - feliks mieczysław kazimierz łukasiewicz
who let the poles be catholic so. feliks has only been a name used in poland since around the 1800s? iirc, it was specifically brought over because of a fascination with french names but i might be wrong lol (and ultimately the origins of the name are latin, so variants of it are pretty old anyway). anyway. i've decided that his first name used to be mieczysław and he changed it around the time of the napoleonic wars to feliks, but kept the old name. kazimierz was chosen at his baptism and refers to st casimir, one of the many patron saints of poland (there's literally a wikipedia article dedicated to them all lol)
🐥 - gilbert maria beilschmidt
mary was just a hugely important aspect of gil's history as a knight (and the specific orders he represented also). he hasn't been catholic in centuries but he keeps maria in his legal name because that's his mom, guys
N. 🇮🇹 - felice luca veneziano
veneziano and romano being surnames (meaning "venetian" and "roman" respectively) i decided to just...assign the italy bros their uh. titles? as surnames. apparently siblings having separate surnames isn't unheard of for the nations lol, anyway. i thought it would be more fitting as i also headcanon that there's at least 20 italies (corresponding with each modern-day region though the actual history gets a bit messier, like my tuscany oc is more properly my florence oc.....that's another post, tho) and vene and romano represent. well. veneto (but originally venice) and lazio (but originally the city of rome...though i have yet to decide when he started representing rome because he's not an Ancient....anyway.....) felice being the italian variant of "felix" luca is a baptismal name referring to st luke, who is a patron of (amongst other things) artists
S. 🇮🇹 - lovino francesco romano
heh so lovino is in the category of not really a real name but i like it and have never really felt drawn to another name instead francesco refers to st francis of assisi who is hugely popular. well, in general. and is a patron of italy. i need to workshop some more headcanons about romano and religion because of....reasons lol, but this is definitely a name he took on relatively recently.
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antennaed-shidou · 11 months
Blue Lock: Preeminent Special
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♫ Blue Lock x f! reader
♫ Warning: not prof-read
♫ Extras: Word count 2k+ This is to Preeminent which is out on my Wattpad
♫ In which {Y/n} and the Blue Lock boys celebrated Halloween
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Halloween was just around the corner and {Y/n} begged Ego for everyone to get a day off. To which she succeeded and to was why she was eating out with her step-sister Anri. But {Y/n} wasn’t alone, no she was waiting for someone and didn’t want to wait alone which was why Anri came along.  
At first, she did try to get her Manager Hikura to go but he was busy doing whatever he could so that he wouldn’t have to go. Especially because he knew who she was meeting with. 
After a while of waiting the door of the cafe swung open. {Y/n} didn’t have to turn her head as a thick German accent entered her ears. Then another softer accent softened his words.
“Guten Morgen meine Lieben."
"Guten Morgen {Y/n}." How are you doing?” 
Anri left the table and said she’d wait in the car, even though {Y/n} knew she was lying. The two other people sat down, one beside her and the other sitting on the opposite. 
“You look great, Ness.” Her words were sweet and taken with no ill intent toward the man. 
“Thank you,” Ness's lips curl into a smile that stretches from ear to ear. “I can say the same for you.”
“Of course,  just look at me…”
As she was talking to Ness the male beside her grabbed her face and pulled her face to his. “Meine Lieben aren’t you cocky. Would you like me to help you?” The male's blond hair with blue ends fell in front of her face just perfectly to cover his blue glossy eyes that stared at her with contentment... 
“Kaiser, I’ll pull your rat tail if you don’t stop.” She threatens holding her hand behind his hair. 
He just started at her a smirk brought upon his face, “Go ahead, do it.”
{Y/n} pulls her hand away a disgusted look on her face. “Fuck off.”
Just in the nick of time the waiter came to the table and served the drinks and an appetizer that the female had ordered when Anri was there. 
The three ate the appetizer quietly and ordered their food when the waiter came by again. They stayed quiet, but there was something going on under the table. Kaiser and rubbing her leg up and down, and Ness on the other side of the table was playing with her feet with his. 
And {Y/n} had to endure it because she knew if she said anything the people around would jump to it and record her, though this whole interaction is probably being recorded by a few people. She had to think of the bigger picture of things. Also since the news got out that {Y/n} was meeting with football players from Germany, a lot of people speculated who it was.
Soon their food was delivered and Kaiser took his hand off her thigh, though Ness kept playing footsies. 
She sighed feeling relieved. She knew the reason the two were bothering her, cause she couldn’t do anything. Well, she could do something, but since she knew there were a lot of fans recording around she didn’t want to make rumors happen with the two of them.
“How have you two been lately?” {Y/n} starts up and conversation. Though it wasn’t in German or Japanese but instead in Latin which neither understood.
“What?” Ness asked looking up and her, his brows furrowed as he was confused and so was Kaiser.
“Quod non potes intelligere me? (What can you not understand me?)” This was a great opportunity to tease the boys and not a lot of people will understand her at the moment. 
An eerie smile was shown on Kaiser's face as she talked in a language he didn’t know, but one thing was for sure she sure was teasing the two of them.
“Por que não aprender uma coisa ou duas sobre línguas diferentes. (Why not learn a thing or two about different languages.)” A smirk appeared on her face as Kaiser got more angierd.  
Though Ness on the other end wasn’t too mad about it. All he cared about was she was talking now and he could hear her voice, even if he couldn’t understand it. 
Finally, after a while, she stopped doing it and it made Kaiser calm down. The three finally had a proper conversation.
“What are you doing today, since it is Halloween?” Ness asked wiping off his mouth and setting down his utensils.
“I was going to do some cooking and then organize a party with some people. And no you two are not invited 'cause you said you need to go home.” She responds taking Ness’s plate and putting it on top of hers for the waiter to collect. 
Kaiser puts his hand around the female while Ness and her keep on talking with each other. He also paid for the meal they departed. Kaiser and Ness were going to head home back to Germany and {Y/n} went back home where Anri was waiting for her.
“How was the meetup?” Anri asked helping her younger sister take her bag and jacket. 
“It was ok.”
From those three simple words, Anri pretty much knew what happened. “Oh, by the way, Loki said he would be here in about 7 minutes.”
“Oh, Shit!” {Y/n} panicked and rushed to her room to get ready for Loki. She changed her outfit to something more neat and not so outgoing and fancy. She brushed her hair and did it in a ponytail. 
As he was doing her hair to make sure it looked good, the sound of knocking on the door made its way to her ears. She rushed downstairs answering the door.
“Hello, Loki.” She moved to the side letting him in, “Again sorry for the late invitation, just glad you could make it. It’s been a while since I last saw you without being on a football field.” She was nervous and one could hear it in her voice. 
The guest could only chuckle at her antics. “It’s fine. I’m just happy to be here with you.” Loki made his way into the kitchen seeing everything already laid out and ready to be put together. “Looks like you’re a few steps ahead.”
{Y/n} walked into the kitchen with a smile on her face and nodded her head. She gave him an apron along with putting on herself. As she struggled to put it on Loki gave her a helping hand and tied the back for her. 
She turned around and gave him a quick thumbs up to which he smiled back. 
The two were going to cook a few things together for a party she was organizing for the Blue Lock boys. There were going to be cookies, cakes, and a variety of other candies and baked goods. And she told her guests to wear some sort of costume to the party. 
Just in time the food and baked goods were done cooking. {Y/n} and Loki took everything to the venue Ego rented out for them. 
"Again I can't stress this enough thank you for your help, Loki," {Y/n} didn’t look at the male. Good thing because when she felt hands wrap around her body the redness on her face spread. 
"No problem. Happy to help," a small smile on Loki's face. He reached for {Y/n}'s waist pulling her in for a hug. 
At that moment he didn't even realize what he was doing, his brain, more like his heart took over. It took him a while to let go, even then he didn't want to. 
"Hey {Y/n}." 
The female shook her head and she felt hands glide off her body. "Oh hi, Kunigami!"
He whispered something in the female's ear. Then it was time he took his leave home. 
Again she was stumped by his words. 
Kunigami walked over to {Y/n}. The female looked him up and down seeing him in a costume, though she could figure out what it was. “So, what are supposed to be Kunigami?” His outfit consists of an arrow that seems to be going through his chest. Red hearts all around it, along with a white shirt and white dress pants. 
“That’s for you to figure out.” He leaned on the table with a smirk on his face. “Then what are you supposed to be? Lazy {Y/n}?” 
The female stopped for a second, {Y/n} realized she wasn’t in costume. “Right, be right back, Kuni!” Without a second thought, she grabbed her bag and ran into the bathroom. 
‘Damit, Damit! Where is it’ She rummaged through her bag trying to find her makeup for the outfit, and her results were not great. Finally after almost what felt like ages she found her pink makeup. 
After she was done applying it, {Y/n} got in her skin color base outfit. Putting on a white corset with ruffles on top, and a white skirt to match. For the accessories, it was a red pair of wings, a necklace with a heart-shaped charm, another bracelet with hearts all over it, and finally a bow and arrow that had a heart-shaped point. 
For her hair, {Y/n} simply did a red ribbon as the tie. And shoes were red heels and white knee-high socks. 
With a few finishing touches she left the bathroom. When she walked out she was greeted with more people that she assumed had just arrived. Her [h/c]-eyes first fell on a pair of teal ones that seemed to be looking aggressively at her. 
{Y/n} walked over to him and she didn’t notice how fast Rin grabbed her and pulled her away into the crowd. 
“Ow, what the fuck, Rin!” She whined letting the male go. 
“Why is Sae here? You told me only the “Blue Lock boys” yet he is here.” Rin wasn’t really mad at the girl, but rather annoyed. It would be easy to take her away from anyone so he could have her. But since Sae was here, that would make it a little harder. Especially since all eyes will be on her tonight, whether looks up and down in good or bad ways.
“I didn’t want to leave him out. You know?” She shrugged her shoulders having no clue what to say. She wasn’t wrong but there was something in her telling to invite Sae, so she listened and sent him an invitation. 
“No I don’t know, {Y/n}.” He sighed seeing in the near future there was no way he could agree with her. 
She walked away though she didn’t get very far when she was dragged yet again, this time by a few people. 
“I like your costume, {Y/n}.” A go-lucky voice spoke. With a bright smile on his voice.
“And of yours isn’t better Bachira. A cute little bumble bee.” {Y/n} boobed his nose, a smile of satisfaction on her face. She looked over to Isagi a little confused as to what he was wearing. “And you Yoi? What are you?”
He was a little flustered not sure what to ay. 
Since everyone knew what {Y/n} was going to dress up as, a cute cupid, some people decided to match her without telling her. The people consist of: Kunigami, Isagi, Reo, and Hiori. They took different ideas of how they would dress up, but the ultimate goal was to make it seem like they were her arrows. 
“Why don’t you pick the name, {Y/n}. This party was your idea,” He rubbed the back of his neck a sweat bead trickling down his face.
“Fine, I’ll get back to you later. I’m going to talk to a few other people,” {Y/n} waves leaving the two alone. 
Isagi took a breather when he didn’t see the female in his line of sight anymore. It was hard to keep quiet about the costumes. But he had to, if Isagi said anything it could give any their whole plan. 
Back to {Y/n} who was making her way to the snack table. All the delicious treats she and Loki made all laid out in front for everyone to eat. Her mouth was watering at the thought of eating everything. {Y/n} averted her gaze from the table when she heard footsteps coming her way.  Turned around to be met with Pink eyes staring what felt like directly to her soul. The guy was dressed in all red from head to toe, with devil horns on his head. His blond hair which had pink tips was slicked back. 
“I thought you were going to be Spiderman this time?” {Y/n} question tilting her head a little to the right. 
“I am,” Shidou says a smirk on her face as he leans in closer. “But when I say what you were going to wear I changed my mind.” 
The [h/c]-haired didn’t seem too happy about Shidou's decision. She pouted her cheeks and crossed her arms looking away from the boy. 
Shidou didn’t seem to like this attitude of hers. The best thing he could do was pick her up, and pick her up he did. {Y/n} pouted and kicked trying to get him to let go, but let go did he not. Shidou took her to the men’s bathroom, not even the family one, what a shame.
He basically threw her down on the floor. Shidou bent down the her level, “I’m sorry, {Y/n}-chan. If you want me to be Spiderman that bad then I will change.”
{Y/n} nodded her head promising to not whine like a little baby any more than she already has. When Shidou was done changing his costume, he carried {Y/n} out like a princess making up for throwing her over his shoulder earlier. 
The party goes about as normal. Music was playing people talking, people trying to talk with {Y/n} though most of the time Rin kept a good few away. Though {Y/n} did keep a safe distance from Sae. 
Near the end of the party {Y/n} was going to announce the winners for the costume poll. 
“We have 4 winners–” She was stumped when reading the card Hikaru had prepared (he was also in on the costumes). She shook her head and read the rest, “We have 4 winners with us tonight.”
“4th place Hiori Yo.” He walked up by her and was given a headpat.
“3rd place Kunigami Rensuke.” He walked up to her and was given a small piece of paper that wrote “Get out for free with me ;)”
“2nd plce Isagi Yoichi.” Again he walked up and was given a small hug that meant dearly to him.
“And in first place we have… Mikage Reo!” He walked up by her, he got the most off all a small kiss on the cheek by your truly {Y/n}.
“She faced the 4 boys confused by their costumes. Then it clicked. “Wait, are you four supposed to be my arrows?”
Reo chucked, “Yes we are. We planned it when we saw you posted your costume on Instagram. You had four arrows and we thought it would be a great and funny way to mess with you.”
“Fuck you all. I’ll get you all your real gifts to you later.”
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Follow me on Wattpad :) (Antennaed_Shidou) get a look at other things I post.
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teecupangel · 2 years
i have no idea what's going on i just saw an au idea about dc and assassin's creed n suddenly all my senses are alerted hello hi please do let me know more about it hi
Join the club. I don’t know what’s usually going on, I’m just writing what my mind comes up with when I’m given all these absolutely fantastic fic prompts XD
For those wondering:
The “Desmond gets adopted by Batman” idea that started this.
The “Desmond gets punted into the DC ‘verse and follows Constantine because he has no other plans” idea that spawned from that.
Slightly connected: the "Desmond becomes BFF with the Devil" (the Netflix show) idea where I remind everyone that Edward Kenway’s mocap and voice actor is John Constantine which has this little addition.
(Since we can go anywhere with where the hell in DC lore Desmond gets punted to, we’ll focus this AU after John leaves the Arrowverse but we’ll be keeping everything vague-ish so you guys can decide which DC ‘verse you’d prefer this to be in)
More unorganized Desmond in DC ‘verse with special focus on John Constantine’s ‘sphere of influence’
John’s leading theory is Desmond is possessed by various demons, maybe even a legion, and he’s letting Desmond tag along because it’s obvious that Desmond is still in control (most of the time) so John’s curious about this ‘anomaly’.
Also, the fact that his name is Desmond and he used to be a bartender makes John believes this is some kind of sick joke orchestrated by a high-ranking demon or one of his many enemies.
He still believes Desmond is an innocent who got wrapped up in all of these so he’s trying to help… in his own John Constatine-ish way.
Which includes (from @escapism-and-disassociation) muttering Latin exorcism chants like it’s a normal conversation and Desmond (using the knowledge he got from his Bleeds) just stares at him tiredly and continues their conversation before John started doing his exorcism in Latin just to screw with John.
John also tried making Desmond read the actual exorcism chants and Desmond just reads them in a tone of a Renaissance noble so bored with learning Latin and just wanting to go outside and play.
Many of John’s allies also think Desmond is possessed and it doesn’t help when Desmond likes screwing with them by changing his language midsentence on purpose and getting them to believe he’s ‘speaking tongues’.
Desmond treats all these theories of him being possessed with a shrug and a “yeah, sounds about right” because, in a sense, that is what the Bleeding Effect feels like at times.
Desmond and Chas like to hang out whenever John does his thing and they have nothing to do. Chas’ wife thinks Desmond is a good influence on Chas. Desmond is absolutely not since he’s been teaching him Ratonhnhaké:ton’s takedowns.
Speaking of Chas, Desmond and Chas do wonder if Desmond’s laser beam would work on him. John had to forbid the two from trying it out “for science”.
Zed has been having premonitions of Desmond even before Desmond got thrown into their world. One of them includes her painting of the exact moment that Desmond died in his original world. Another is a painting of Desmond that she insists was the painting of a god.
John has a lot of theories about it ranging from the main demon possessing Desmond used to be an old god or a demon who once pretended to be an old god to maybe Desmond is destined to be a god and the demons inside him are stopping that.
Desmond believes the god thing is a reference to how he would have been seen as a god back in his world if he had let the world burn.
Either way, Zed doesn’t like to come into contact with Desmond because she always gets this intense burning sensation before her psychic abilities kick in and she sees visions of Desmond’s life back in his world.
John likes to use Desmond as bait. Desmond doesn’t mind. His Bleeds does though.
John thinks Desmond’s Bleed of Edward is making fun of him, having the same accent and tone as him but drunker.
John can’t stand Desmond’s Bleed of Altaïr because he mainly asks so many questions and still finds a logical ‘scientific’ explanation to every mythical thing they encounter.
On the other hand, Desmond’s Bleed of Ezio tires John because that man likes to ask about God and how heaven works and…
In a nutshell, John prefers it when Desmond takes control.
To be fair, John is okay with Desmond’s Bleed of Ratonhnhaké:ton because Ratonhnhaké:ton doesn’t bother with small talk and focuses on the task at hand.
John likes Desmond’s Bleed of Haytham the most though because Haytham is polite but with a sharp tongue.
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thatfrenchacademic · 8 months
ahh i should have clarified that i myself don't have a degree (yet). i'm not from an academically inclined background so when i didn't do well in my first two semesters of university (i failed some classes and only barely passed others), i got very discouraged and saw it as a sign that university is just not for someone like me. i then learned a trade and have been working in the field; but i'm interested in going to university as a mature student and i'm going to apply this year for a BA :)
still, precisely because i don't have a degree it really upsets me that someone who used the chatGPT shortcut is a teacher now. teaching high school students is an academic profession, and it doesn't sit right with me how common it is for teachers to say things like "i learned so much useless stuff in university; none of which i need as a teacher"; it's actually really frustrating. then why do you go to university/become a teacher? ??? ????? (i mean i know why, because it pays well here.)
in our country, MA/MSc degrees are required for a lot of positions, so grad school isn't quite as "you're here because you choose to be" but still.. his sentiment is basically, since he teaches high school students it should just be sufficient to be able to teach them, what’s the point of a thesis? like ok with that sort of logic i could have been a teacher with just a high school certifcate. i think tbh there is a wider discussion here about how people just don’t value knowledge too.
he also later said that he sometimes regrets not just paying someone to write it for him and save himself a lot of time and trouble 💀to me that is just the epitome of being so full of yourself. he has just decided that he has what it takes to be a teacher and making him write a thesis is a waste of time because of that. lmao??
also I would like to point out that this guy is not my friend, just someone i met through a mutual friend (and they’re not exactly friends either, they work together💀) i talked about this with my friend and she said that he isn't even the first person she knows who has casually admitted to using chatGPT like this. i guess they feel emboldened to casually admit to cheating because they know that their peers won't report them because that would then make them look like snitches
i'm sorry about venting like this to you; i just remembered that you spoke about the chatGPT problem before
Well first of all: fingers crossed for your BA applications !! Everyone got at their own pace, sometimes you need a few years to figure out how to best approach University!!
That is indeed upsetting that someone who does not value critical thinking and does not understand the point of research/research writing is teaching now. "I don't need it anyway/I did so much useless stuff at school/Uni" is such a dumb. dumb. Argument.
Like, I had to study German and Spanish and Latin and theology. I took the equivalent of AP biology and physics in school and learned how to use a soldering iron and identify rocks. I learned Roman Law, and company insolvency rules, and the procedure to contest a refusal to grant you a construction permit. During my PhD, I had to become proficient in advanced data-driven research methods and 2 different code languages. NONE OF THAT has anything to do with me job, whatsoever. I teach students about the International Court of Justice and some of them are Literature and History majors. I KNOW that their dazzling knowledge in embeddedness theories of international adjudication is NOT what will get them a job.
But it's not about the raw knowledge, it's about
1. Transferable skills: targeted reading, critical thinking, information gathering, writing for different audiences, time management, group work, self-reflection, project management, conflict resolution...
2. Learning how to learn: adapting to new situations, new rules and new logics; switching from one type of reasoning to another; picking up on new practices, new skills, as fast as possible, knowing how YOU best do that: on your own, with friends, listening, writing, visuals, with cues, independently, by teaching...
3. Putting your future work (and honestly, yourself as a person) in a broader context: knowing what the ICJ is to spot dumb and wrong info when you see it. Knowing that it MATTERS that we know different types of rocks, and therefore we should fund research on geology. Knowing quantitative research methods to know when they are used well and when it's bullshit. Knowing that Latin shaped some languages and not others, to understand the limits of translation itself. Knowing how 'generative' AIs work to understand that there is very little about them that is actually 'generative'.
I would evening argue that just being confronted with the sheer vastness of Things and Knowledge and Fields that are not yours has value in and of itself. It keeps you humble, aware that no matter how much you are knowledgeable on your one (1) thing, in the back of your mind, there is the knowledge that there is much, much knowledge you actually do not have and cannot claim to have. OR, in the wise words of Dan Olson on CryptoBros, to avoid being the kind of person that:
"assume that because they understand one complicated thing [...] all other complicated things must be lesser in complexity and naturally lower in the hierarchy of reality"
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gossipgirloff1 · 2 months
What I personally find weird or maybe sad about the whole Alexandra nationality thing is that she seems to almost be embarrassed of being Latina in any way but at the same time she mentioned it at the Mexico GP to perhaps get recognition/love from fans, and as someone who is also partly Mexican and French (amongst other things lol) and mostly raised in Western Europe I can confidently say that you will almost never be discriminated in France for having Latino heritage (you are much more likely to experience racism or xenophobia as a person of African/Arab/Asian descent) so like the excuse of “protecting yourself from discrimination” that an anon mentioned isn’t really valid in my opinion. On top of that us Latinos, especially if we grow up in a family that cares deeply about our culture and tries to transmit it onward, are very proud of our heritage and love to share it with people interested in it so using it when it’s convenient to brag about it but hiding it most of the time as Alexandra seems to do is honestly kind of unpleasant/embarrassing behaviour. Last thing, this is only my opinion and others might disagree but personally I don’t think you get to call yourself Latina (or belonging to any other nationality or minority) if one of your parents is but you dont know or appreciate the language, the culture or the traditions, in this case you are just from Latin American descent but you’re not really Latina you’re whatever other nationality you have (in Alexandra’s case that would be French, and she is typically French in the way that she presents herself to the public eye) //
If she lived in Spain she would have faced more xénophobia or racism from being Latino. And as a French person people will be racist with you if you look arab/Black or have some proximity to blackness. Being Latino there is more seen as exotic there. However, she would have faced a lot misogyny because they see Latina women as hot/sexy/easy
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