#alright :') HOO
valzhangism · 4 months
frank is destined to die by his firewood burning out, so what about other methods of death? the logical (and probably canon) answer to this would be that if he dies by something else, then the firewood also spontaneously burns up.
but okay. look. listen. what if. frank could survive anything that would otherwise kill him, but every time he heals it burns his firewood more and more. what if he could shapeshift back lost limbs and organs but at the cost of his life energy, sapping him bit by bit. what if he destroyed himself in the pursuit of duty.
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valewritessss · 2 months
I hate it when people want the actual books to have some non-middle grade appropriate things in them.
Like, yes, I get wanting some dark Percy or whatever but realistically, Rick would never make Percy do some vile shit because it’s a middle grade book. And I’m talking about the really vile things people have written in fanfics that would make the book 10x darker.
I understand that most of us are past middle-grade ages but that age category is still the main target.
“Rick’s a coward for not doing this” or maybe he’s writing age appropriate stuff for the age range he specializes in. Don’t get me wrong some things would actually be cool if they happened but others, are actually too much.
This especially goes to people who want Rick to actually write ~things~ happening with percabeth and other popular ships. THEY ARE MINORS. RICK IS AN ADULT. THE BOOKS ARE FOR MIDDLE-GRADE.
Rick didn’t write “they had sex to have babies” when he was writing a book about how Greek gods came to be, what makes you think he would write something even more descriptive for his usual stories.
Yes, there are some mature topics in different stories, but they are topics that are addressed in a way that doesn’t surpass the middle-grade line.
Write fanfics about it all you want but complaining because Percy murdering his whole family in a fit of rage(I’ve seen this before okay) is not actually canon is crazy.
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sunshines-child · 2 months
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figure skater teehee
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magiturge · 5 months
spin around
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yonemurishiroku · 11 months
Headcanon Jason is a workaholic but he never lets his work keeps him up too late because Nico can’t sleep well without him.
Nico often gets nightmares etc whenever Jason’s not near despite being desperately in need of resting, so Jason makes sure to put his work aside and go to bed in healthy time no matter what to maintain Nico’s sleeping schedule. 😤🤗
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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i wanted to post both my pre corruption and post design version at once so here you go!
they might be subject to change in the future, but i don't think i wanna go overboard with detail for nightmare's passive form; cause not only would her fancy princess clothing be stolen or ripped and torn ages ago with all the bullying and blood staining it, but also the twins have to change their clothes every once in a while to clean them or at least when they get too small to fit, so the outfits have to be replaceable/easy to mend and sew back hhh xD
also no crowns for this version of mine, but a crescent moon hair clip turned necklace for night, and a sun clip turned belt for dream! her design coming soon (hopefully :'D)
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bayetea · 13 days
rereading the lost hero and oh my godddd the way drew is written is so BORING rip drew tanaka u would've loved not being a bland antagonization of hyperfemininity by a misogynistic author
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freddie-77-ao3 · 6 months
malcolm: hey so i've been thinking about what drew said earlier, and um, are you gay? connor, actively wearing a pride flag and a shirt that says "i <3 kissing boys": connor: was that in question???
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m-for-now · 5 months
I love it so so so so much when a character is like the Smart One in the group, who is always the one who remembers the details, analyzes every piece of informationen, makes the plans and is always the first one to understand or notice something. And then I love it when that same character is so incredibly oblivious to one thing. (Especially people being nice in any way.)
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marsconer · 9 months
mr.d claiming percy for the funsies and the wine and now he has to actually parent the little shit
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shittyutmv · 11 months
Your blog. tastes like. marshmelow. And cracekrs but not saltines. Like. graham cracker. and. Water from the washing machine (moldy). And. and yellow. Yellow things. Peeps. Flowar. Your blog tastes like flower on a field in sunny day while the birds chirp and it's raining but not hard enough to be umbrella worthy. And there is a rainbow in the sky just because. And. Picnic blanket with the little basket, and it has fruit inside and sandwiches. And. The sandwiches aren't really that good but it's good because you're with someone you love and they made it for you
Does any of this make sense
hey. hey anon??????? this is my silly skeleton joke blog and you’re not allowed to make me feel like baby crawling into a woodchipper. ok.?
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vinnyandthephenomena · 4 months
bouncing off the walls giggling kicking my feet tearing up spinning like a ballerina exploding blowing up whenever i see tim wright
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
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We them boys or some shit idk(Percy is a girl though)
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nicoathogwarts · 6 months
No one alerted Nico of the incident until McGonagall walked into arithmancy looking more tired then usual. "Mr. di Angelo you are required in the hospital wing at once."
Everyone watched him grab his stuff and leave before they started speculating on what was wrong.
Nico listened as McGonagall briefed him on what happened. "This morning while preparing for his first class of the day professor Hagrid found a girl under a heavy tree branch bleeding from the head. When she woke and was told she was here, she asked for you."
"Did she say her name?"
"Thalia Grace. Kindly escort her back to where she came from, before the rest of the student population finds out about this and I get a hundred howlers about the lack of security."
"Sure professor."
Nico stalked into the hospital wing. "Why are you here? How are you here? You're supposed to be in like, Maine or something."
Thalia smiled "nice to see you too. I have a head injury you know, you could be nice to me."
"You could be in Maine like you're supposed to be."
"I am supposed to be here! The centaurs asked us for help with the overabundance of monster. And seeing you're here, I see why they asked."
Nico considered hexing Thalia, Madame Pomfrey was right there. "Come on, I"ll walk you down to the edge of the forest and you can go back to your cult."
Thalia jumped out of bed, grabbing her bow and quiver from where they'd been set against the wall. "Not a cult."
"It literally is. How'd you get hurt?"
Thalia fell into step besides Nico. "I called stepmother dearest a bitch because I tripped on a root. She did not appreciate it."
"Why would you do that."
Thalia waved off Nico's concern. "I didn't break anything this time. Besides, pretty soon there'll be a few dozen babies she can take her anger out on, I'll be old news."
"I pity your siblings."
"So do-" Thalia paused at the staircases. "Why are the fucking stairs moving di Angelo?"
"Oh, yeah, they do that. Come on, it's not dangerous, just looks dangerous." Nico said, grabbing Thalia's arm to drag her down the steps as she grew impossibly pale.
Everything was alright, slowly but surely they made their way down the steps. Until Thalia stepped on a fake step and fell with a scream, taking Nico down with her.
"What the fuck was that?!" Thalia asked when they were both safe on the real steps.
"False steps. Now come on, McGonagall wanted me to get out of here quietly. So let's go, we can take the stairs, I can levitate you down or we can take the short cut."
Thalia laughed, on the edge of hysteria "am I blonde? Do I have a scar from trying to eat a stapler? No? Then don't you dare think about floating me down. No shadow travel. Just tell me where the fake steps are and if I survive, I won't punch you in the face."
They managed to get down the staircase eventually and Nico lead Thalia to the edge of the forest. "Now fuck off and don't come back, you'll ruin my cover. If you haven't already."
She smiled and pulled him into a tight hug. "Don't die."
"You're the one hunting monsters every day. I hang around mortals all day. I'm more a danger to them then they are to me, magic or not. Now get out of here before someone sees you." He pushed her towards the forest.
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wild-flowerhoney · 28 days
The Relinquishment of Logic - cabin13
“Hill House, not sane, stood by itself against the hills, holding darkness within.”
Twenty years ago, Hades and Maria di Angelo move into Hill House to renovate it – with them, their two children, Bianca and Nico, and their niece and nephews, Thalia, Jason and Percy.
After just two months, the family flees, one member short.
Brought back together by another loss, two decades after the first, they struggle to understand their memories of the place and the impact it left on them.
Everything seems to point to one solution: going home, back to the house that made them what they are.
“Silence lay steadily against the wood and stone of Hill House, and whatever walked there, walked alone.”
chapter one: PERCY SEES A GHOST
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Aphrodite is a regular shipper - she would put her OTP through challenges designed to build up their relationship so that their ending would be even more secured.
Cupid is me - who fixates on one character, builds only said character from sorrows and anguish, and can’t careless about whoever they end up with as long as the journey is satisfying.
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