#hypothetically if this was what would happen
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brainscrems · 18 hours ago
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@slyandthefamilybook oh, am I jealous that u haven’t seen this. It’s a very common goy thing. Like. All the damn time. Basically we learn abt the holocaus and it’s like. It’s us. We’re the victims. What we would have done is run, hide, fight, comply, or die trying to one of those things. For the goyim what they’re hearing is, “This is you. This what y’all did.” And so, they all have to tell themselves that they wouldn’t have. That they’d have fought back. Hidden jews. Whatever. But, statistically, well. We saw what happened. Just about every goy thinks about themselves that they would have protected us. So, “If it was the holocaust, I would have saved jews!” becomes a sort of personal mantra for a lot of goyim when racial injustices come up which lets them push away their own failings in that regard with a sanitized hypothetical about a specific historical event they know is wrong and their confidence that they would have know to stand up. Much in the way people say, “No! I love jews! I just [insert classic antisemitic trope here]” and because they don’t understand bigotry on any level besides personal hate they truly believe their love for “jews” is enough to protect them from being antisemitic.
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Do you think leona ever asked his parents why he was even born? When he wasn't even destined to rule a kingdom and only exist in the background as a "prince", whose title meant nothing anymore when cheka was born.
(I want me some angst)
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Possibly? I think that Leona probably had to come to terms with a lot of not-so-nice truths about the world and his place in it as he was growing up. He's a smart guy, he'd put two and two together eventually.
Coincidentally, Leona asks a similar question (“How can I become king?”) to a butler in the second volume of the light novel (during his post-OB flashback sequence). The butler becomes deeply uncomfortable and cannot seem to muster a response. In that moment, Leona states that he knew it was considered inappropriate for him to covet the throne. And then he praises himself for being such a clever child LMAO—
Maybe there was no particular reason for his birth. On royal money, they can have as many children as they want and still have the means to support them. Family planning isn't as necessary. If you really want to go the angst route though, maybe the Kingscholar parents had a second child as a "failsafe" in case something happened to Falena or he wasn't able to sire an heir. If that's the case, the parents probably weren't thinking about how this might affect Leona's mental or emotional wellbeing; they were preoccupied with cementing their rule into the next generation and might have figured Leona would be happy serving in some other governmental position instead of taking up the throne (which now belongs to Cheka by birthright).
It's sad to think about little Leona working so hard in order to get recognized. He must have been so full of hope and joy back then, before he realized his efforts were futile and he would never get what he wanted most of all. Not just the crown, but the love and admiration that comes with having your skill and merit recognized. I wonder if Leona got his UM before or after he had his dreams crushed...? If it's before, it feels like a bad omen and a reason for others to hate him. If it's after, it only feels like confirming what people believe about him... That he's only capable of taking and destroying, never building or growing. That has got to do some damage to your psyche.
Leona may not have even asked his parents The Question directly, honestly. His mother is scarcely mentioned and his father is ill... and Falena is busy ruling in their father's place, which makes me think that it was mostly Kifaji raising and taking care of Leona. Maybe Leona pipes up one day and asks the Grand Chamberlain why was he born if he has no purpose? And that startles Kifaji, who tries to reassure him, only for Leona to grow increasingly frustrated and accuse him of being evasive or lying to avoid telling him the ugly truth. If they're playing chess at the time, I can picture little Leona knocking all the pieces off the board with an arm and then storming off somewhere to sulk.
We still don't have the origins of his scar. Leona talks about it very casually in his Dorm Uniform voice lines, stating that scars are seen as marks of bravery in his home country, but never explaining how he got his. It could be that there's no grand story or meaning behind it--but I've also seen fan theories that the scar was the result of Leona doing something dangerous at a young age in a desperate attempt to be seen and praised by others. That detail could fit very well into this angst hypothetical.
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witherby · 3 days ago
Hiya, i have a question!
What would happen if, HYPOTHETICALLY speaking, Flittermouse didn't like Conner back.. (I just want the unrequited love trope angst lol)
HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING....Conner would be fucked! He's imprinted on Mouse! They're IT for him!
If they can't be lovers, Conner will do everything in his power to be their friend. If they can't be friends, then he'll be coworkers. He'll ask to join the Justice League so he has excuses to be in their proximity. He'll apply to work at Truce Juice.
If they can't be coworkers... he'll be extremely upset. He would try to move on, maybe even succeed, but his Kryptonian DNA will always yearn for them. He will never love anyone else as instinctively and as powerfully as he loves Flittermouse. Other romantic interests will always be rebounds.
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mitsy-thesheetghost · 1 day ago
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Guys idk if the ninjago Fandom is still alive on here but if it is I need your help.
Okay so I can't write for shit but I can give so many ideas. These two are my favorite ship I live laugh love lava and I have so many ideas for cute little like at least oneshots or like parts that can just be added to fics. So let me give you guys my ideas and if you know of any fics with these ideas or if anyone writes fics based around my ideas (I don't need the credit unless you want to give it to me idc) please please please tell me or something like comments tag me idc I love them and I need more of them.
Apologies for my god awful grammar and all that. I suck at it just be glad I used periods. I don't when I text people rip my friends.
Okay so here are my ideas!
1. Okays so I don't think Kai can handle the cold like at all. I mean he's the elemental master of fire so he's gotta be warm just strictly based off his element. So hear me out. Idk how exactly you wanna do it or if there's even actual seasons in ninjago (because we don't really ever see any we see like rain and different parts on ninjago have different climates) but like either they're in a place with snow or it's just like snowing where they live and Kai can't do it. He's freezing but he tries to act all tough and strong but his fingers are going numb. Anyways poor boy can't do it and so Cole decides to warm him up. Like I have a couple ideas for that. So if they're out in an area with snow like not the Monastery and hypothetically they're like camping out for the night they just cuddle together under a blanket. Or like if they're at the Monastery and it's too cold for Kai Cole would like make him hot chocolate or something. (Yea ik the whole bit is that Cole can't cook but how badly can one mess up hot chocolate??) But they'd drink hot chocolate together and cuddle.
2. Okay so in my brain the ninja are all close with each other. Like that obvious but like specifically Cole and Kai. They're stupid and in love with each other but don't know it. (Stupid love trope idc it's cute fight me.) Everyone else knows and they're trying to get them together but the duo are just like "no he doesn't like me I don't want to make things weird." But like Kai and Cole are so much closer emotionally and physically than they are with the rest of the team. They're always leaning on each other or hugging. All because they both like each other but are too stupid to realize the feelings are mutual. (This one has probably been done before but idc if you have fic recommendations pleaseeee.)
3. The next one is in a way partly based off the first one (Kai not handling the cold). So basically it starts with Cole letting Kai borrow a hoodie or something because he's freezing but then it turns into Kai just stealing Cole's clothes constantly. Like they could be dating but I think it would he funnier if they weren't (yet). So Kai would just be sitting on the couch playing games with Jay or someone and Cole would walk in and see Kai in one of his shirts and he'd just kinda stare before going "Dude is that my shirt?" Kai would just shrug and be like "yea it's comfy." And go back to the game. Secretly Kai just like wearing Cole's clothes because they smell like Cole.
4. Okay so we all know Cole loves cake right? (Omg first one more based around Cole?? Crazy! (Sorry Cole love you king Kai is just my favorite)) But from what I remember (I don't fully remember the original seasons. There's a lot of seasons and they're still making more there's so much to remember.) Cole doesn't always like to share his cake. (Listen I could he very wrong and I'm sorry if I am but go with me here.) Which is so valid because me too. Anyways Cole doesn't always like sharing his cake but whenever he likes a person enough he will. And Kai just so happens to be that lucky person. Unfortunately for Cole and Kai (headcanon time sorry guys) Kai doesn't really care for cake. Like sure it's not bad he just wouldn't eat it a lot. I have this headcanon because of this one fic on ao3 called A Burning Heart by Theseus_Katsuki. (Its a rewrite of the seasons and it's really good. Oh and there's lava sooo.) Anyways in the fic they tall about how Kai raised Nya and how they couldn't really afford sweets and stuff like that so Kai never really got to eat cake so he didn't really see the hype. I really like that idea so I'm adding it to my headcanons thank you pookie! Okay so anyways Cole really wants to share cake with Kai because he likes Kai and trusts him but Kai isn't a big fan of cake but he eats it anyways just because he loves seeing Cole's smile it gives him butterflies.
5. Cole has nightmares! Nightmares about a couple different things. So here's the small list of things I think he would have nightmares from: So obviously losing or disappointing his mom (Rip Lilly Brookstone we miss you queen). Like his mom seems to be his inspiration and the reason he fights and protects people. She told him to stand up for people and he is dammit. Another one would be being stuck at that preforming arts school doing something he didn't enjoy for the rest of his life. He didn't want to be a dancer. But his dad wanted him to be. He was going to do it for his dad but he couldn't stand. So he has nightmares about being stuck there. Another one would be getting turned back into a ghost. I refuse to believe he took being a ghost well. And I think he might be a little nervous around water now. Not like how Kai was (no I still think he is especially after Seabound). But just because that's ghosts whole big weakness. Plus he was legit see through and couldn't hold things. He could barely use his powers half the time. I just like think he would have nightmares of being a ghost again and his friends slowly forgetting him.
6 (part 1). Angst time! It's not bad just like them crying and being sad. Okay so Kai doesn't cry. We've seen in season 11 that when Kai has strong emotions it just makes his power stronger. He doesn't handle emotions well. He's got anger issues and he's over protective of everyone on the team but especially Nya and Lloyd (RGB siblings I love you so much!) So in one of the random times that specifically one of those two get hurt or kidnapped or something big happens (*cough* looking at you seabound *cough*) he will shut himself off from everyone else in order to not snap on them. Kai raised Nya you can't convince me otherwise. Their parents left when they were 3 (Nya) and 5 (Kai). He wasn't taught how to handle his emotions. So he blocks them out because he couldn't just sit around and be sad. He had to step up to take care of Nya. But anyways. Kai will shut everyone out or he will go crazy on "training" in all actuality he's just trying to get his emotions out in the only way he knows how. Cole hates this. He hates seeing Kai this upset and now being able to do anything. (This can be platonic or romantic idc i just love them.) And Cole feels like he needs to help. Jay and Kai are close sure but they're not going to sit and cry together (well maybe because of seabound). Zane (love him dearly) still isnt great with emotions. That's not his fault. And with Lloyd that's his little brother if Kai refuses to cry in front of Nya do you really think he'll cry infront of Lloyd? No of course he won't. So that means Cole is left. Cole wants to help so badly but Kai won't let him in. Kai yells at him to go away and walks off but Cole will talk to him in his gentle tone and try to get him to calm down at least a little bit so Kai's not yelling. Kai will try to walk away again and Cole will stop him by grabbing his wrist and pulling him against his chest and just holding Kai there. (Another trope I know. Fight me) Kai will eventually break down in Cole's arms and cry and tell him everything that has been building up.
6 (part 2). Angst but Cole's version. Cole's a crier but only when he's comfortable with someone. That someone is Kai. The amount of times after the end of rebooted (The Titanium Ninja episode) that Cole cried is Kai's arms. Cole and Zane have like a special relationship (I'm a glacier enjoyer as well and a bruise and well a lot of Cole's ships besides like ones with Lloyd and Nya) but it's platonic. (At least in this set up. Listen I wont hate on you for shipping them because me too but I'm just a really big lava enjoyer and a really big Pixal and Zane enjoyer.) They're basically best friends. (Yes I know Cole and Jay call each other best friends but I'd argue that Cole is close with most of the ninja.) At least in the early season like 1-4. Anywaysss he sobbed like ugly sobbed over losing his best friend for days. (As he should because I ugly sobbed when I was younger when I watched that episode and Zane isn't even my favorite.) And Kai was always there. He would hold him and let him cry and run his fingers through his hair and whisper soft words telling him is going okay and it's okay to cry. Kai had to learn how to help other people deal with their emotions because he raised Nya but he never really figured out dealing with his own.
I might leave it there if you guys want more let me know!!
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put-me-on-a-hitlist · 2 days ago
A theory I have about shifting and how religion may help
I’m not great at explaining or putting my thoughts into words but I will try my best.
Some things we have already established is that anything is possible. Anything you can think of and the things you can’t happen somewhere in the multiverse. With manifesting, what you believe is what is true. Well something that I’ve always grappled with growing up in a Christian household is how so many people have accounts of meeting the Christian god and so many people have accounts of meeting gods of other religions when they die before being revived. How could that be possible if there is only one true god? Then when shifting found me and I learned more about manifestation I started to wonder if all religions are real. It just depends on which you believe in. If someone believes in the Christian god, then when they die, they will shift to either heaven or hell. If someone believes in the Greek gods, then when they die, they will shift to the underworld.
I believe this is how all gods and deities are created. Depending on what you believe, it’s what you are manifesting into being true. Every religious person does it without realizing.
I feel like this could be something people who have been trying to shift for a long time could use to their benefit. This is in no way a requirement needed to shift but we could create our own god or religion around shifting.
I’m going to need you to hear me out about this. I could be completely wrong so take what I say with a grain of salt but in most scriptures, their god is seen as an all powerful being that can do anything. A god could hypothetically make someone shift. If we created a god that can do that, we could just rely on that.
“But that’s just overcomplicating it!” Okay? I’m someone who’s been trying to shift for two years now. I’ve tried just about everything under the sun and it hasn’t worked for me yet. Everyone over complicates shifting and it’s not always that easy to undo that. Sometimes over complicating it even more might be the thing that helps someone finally shift. This wouldn’t be for everyone, but it might be for some. I just figured I would share my thoughts.
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merisms · 2 days ago
I have several problems with the antipsych movement.
1) It is a lot of white people comparing involuntary inpatient stays with prison and using a lot of the same prison abolitionist language and terminology for something whose effects cannot be wholesale compared to prison. Because a) your 72 hour-2 week stint in the ward is not comparable to people spending years in state wards is not comparable to being in or having a prison record. These are all 3 different experiences with different effects, though they may share some similarity and be interconnected. After a psych ward stay you are still going to be employable and still going to be able to find housing for example--nobody automatically sees psych ward on your record when they go to hire you the way they do prison records. b) it ignores and muddies the very real issue that mentally ill/ND POC have a DIRECT connection between exhibiting MH symptoms and prison because Black and Brown people are more likely to get thrown behind bars (or killed! Btw. Since we are on this topic) for exhibiting the same or even milder symptoms that would get a white person a wellness check. Like you cannot be saying these are the same carceral experiences when a white person went to the ward and a POC went to prison for the same symptoms. This is NOT saying there is nothing bad about psych wards but I wish people would stop just comparing Everything. Not everything is the same. Experiences can be different. You can talk about your harm without using somebody else's harm to hold it up. This also goes for using ACAB about literally ANYBODY else but the police. Tbqh.
2) It tends to ignore levels of functioning, independence, and ability. There are suicidal people who can be talked down. There are suicidal people who cannot be. There are homicidal people who can be talked down. There are homicidal people who cannot be. There are people with eating disorders or severe forms of harmful obsessive or compulsive behaviors who will not stop just because you are nice to them and tell them you're there. There are addicts who Will drive intoxicated and kill or hurt other people. Like peer support is a neat concept and many people benefit from it but within the current framework and within the current existing world there are people who are not able to make rational decisions in the moment, and in the current existing world there is no way to employ the right to die without it being eugenicist and affecting very specific demographics. In order for right to die to exist WITHOUT it affecting primarily poor POC, you would first have to dismantle everything else. And preventative care with preventative social support systems to make sure people DON'T get to those specific points is good conceptually but it does nothing for what happens when people get there. And I am tired of primarily people who CAN be talked down, CAN be assisted socially saying there is no need to discuss what happens when people get to that point because we can just prevent it. You can't prevent it entirely. Nobody ever has an answer for me on this topic and I recognize that it is a difficult topic with a lot of nuance, because it deals with autonomy and the lack of it vs harmful behaviors. And I am not using hypotheticals; I will be the first to say that nobody has ever once been able to stop me by offering me social support and nothing else if I'm suicidal, self harming, using substances, or restricting.
3) The really odd and false idea that mental health is a solely Western concept and/or is solely a result of capitalism. I don't know where you guys got this from but unfortunately as a cunt from the global south whose mother is just slightly older than the psychological association of my homeland, people are mentally ill everywhere and they were mentally ill before capitalism too. This is sort of just social model of disability issues 2.0 with a dash of romanticizing nonwhite cultures--just because there are specific issues that were caused, exacerbated by, or are symptomatic of societal ills doesn't mean everything would be some pristine utopia without those social ills. We can say that certain nonharmful behaviors that are just perceived as "odd" are punished by a conformist culture, and we can talk about the racial implications of that wrt diagnosis and treatment of POC, without acting like every symptom is ONLY seen as negative because of conformist cultures. There are many symptoms that would still cause distress whether or not capitalism exists and whether or not we are in the West.
4) A lot of the people who are talking about anti-psych have contradicting beliefs that seem more self serving than an actual conviction, with many (not all) seeming to have very little personal experience with the psych field and do little but spread fear. You will get people who will say they're anti-psych and then they'll talk about how their therapist is refusing to diagnose them with x disorder and that's why all therapists are bad and why they're anti-psych when many therapists refuse to diagnose specifically because therapists are social work degree holders in most cases in the USA and many of them are anti-diagnosis because...they are anti-psych. 💀 This isn't the only reason of course but it is a fairly common one, especially for diagnoses that therapists know are stigmatized. Many therapists will straight up list that they do not like formal diagnoses because they are opposed to how it is used systemically on their websites. The critique of mandatory reporting is also confusing because therapists and psychs aren't the only mandatory reporters. Teachers, religious leaders, non-therapist social workers, daycare staff, regular doctors are all mandatory reporters. There are people acting like you immediately will get conservatorship and shoved into group homes if you have a diagnosis when that isn't how that works *and* there are people for whom, while group homes/conservatorship do hold quite a lot of potential for and commonly involve abuses, a group home/conservatorship is the only way that they can live. There is in general a lot of fear mongering from this side of things and if there is one thing I have always hated it is people who incite fear where education would be better. This goes again back into ability and independence as well--some of you have the ability to go undiagnosed and still be independent, still function in life, still exist. Some of us do not. And until you come to terms with that and start giving people resources they can use instead of telling them all these bad things will happen to them 100% guaranteed and they have no hope, I do not consider you someone who cares for our rights and well-being.
5) Antipsych is the only thing taken seriously in "left" spaces for saying that because psychiatry has a background in eugenics, racism etc that therefore psychiatry is fake and mental health is fake. On the other hand, the same people also make fun of and disparage antivaxxers despite the fact that Black and Indigenous people have very very real reasons to distrust vaccines, and when the history of medicine and eugenics, genocide, forced sterilization, medical experimentation, and establishing race science as a whole is extremely well documented. Like you realize that the tech that obgyns use right now exists because of the shit they were doing to Black and Indigenous women experimentally. I find this sort of inconsistent politic to be irritating, disingenuous, and to be exploitative--using the history of black and brown bodies as some sort of morally superior gotcha without actually having consistent beliefs about what you do and do not find acceptable about our treatment.
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valzhangism · 9 months ago
frank is destined to die by his firewood burning out, so what about other methods of death? the logical (and probably canon) answer to this would be that if he dies by something else, then the firewood also spontaneously burns up.
but okay. look. listen. what if. frank could survive anything that would otherwise kill him, but every time he heals it burns his firewood more and more. what if he could shapeshift back lost limbs and organs but at the cost of his life energy, sapping him bit by bit. what if he destroyed himself in the pursuit of duty.
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arthur-lesters-right-arm · 2 months ago
Here, i'll help out with the *starting shit*
Do you think if Arthur touches his eyes it gets John off?
Alright Starting Shit is cancelled everyone go home.
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unfamiliaris · 3 days ago
anyone saying stuff like "I could NEVER get severed I don't know how ANYONE could do that" is wildly missing the forest for the trees. WE know that it's an abusive procedure that ultimately gives you more trauma than just doing the unpleasant things would have ever given you, because we've watched the innies in their environment this whole time. your average person in the literal town of Kier, PE, would have no way of knowing this. you might like to think that you'd remain morally superior were you ever to find yourself in this universe, but severance isn't a show about watching what happens to other characters and coming up with better ways to do everything so you can win at severance. the show is a cautionary tale about the dangers of compartmentalizing your grief, and a reminder that every minute of every day takes up the same space in our lives. severance says that fracturing yourself from all negative experiences is essentially separating yourself from humanity, refusing to allow your life to be balanced with experiences you can't be bothered to feel. you can debate the reasoning for anyone's decision to get severed if you want, but to be very clear, no one decided to sever themselves because they knew they'd be getting tortured for 8 hours a day and thought "yess this is awesome"
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ricky-mortis · 9 months ago
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Curtwen Week Day 6: Happy Ending
#I like to believe that there is a universe where they get to grow old together#just one#look once upon a time I read a fic that had me bawling my fuckin eyes out where they get to grow old together#I do want to say that I believe in personal growth and I think that Curt can 100% have a happy ending without Owen- where he can grow#away from that experience and where he can healthily cope with the trauma he ended up with#where he can find solace in something other than alcohol and where he can find it in himself to forge new relationships and build his#connections with people like Tatiana#etc etc#I just want to make it known that this is one of many happy endings that could happen#(amongst the several sad ones that I know also exist)#ALSO I wanted to draw the old men and I do what I want#but yeah something something if the universe is infinite /ref#maybe this is a universe where the banana incident never happened and they were able to retire together#ough#the curtwen feels are really getting me today#I adore them#also I used a new brush ive been having fun with this past week#doesn’t it look cool?#I really like drawing with it and I like how it looks so#we might be seeing more of this one in the future#although 6b is still my guy#damn y’know hypothetically- if Owen (depending on the au) and Curt lived to be in their 60s (at least) they would witness the first Pride#god can you imagine that?#At the very least Curt being around for stonewall and everything that came after that with queer rights#FUCK anyways#fun fact: a group of frogs is called an army#isn’t that cute#reminds me of that one person on TikTok that raised like a thousand frogs- they had a literal army of frogs#crazy#curtwen week
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hychlorions · 1 year ago
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they match :')
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hidingoutbackstage · 1 year ago
The poor quality songs releasing solely on Spotify with no rhyme or reason to them…literally all other EAH and Mattel social media not saying anything about it…Allison Bloom not knowing what the hell is going on…MATTEL THEMSELVES CALLING THE SONGS AI GENERATED???
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total-drama-brainrot · 8 days ago
All I'm saying is Chris could've let Sierra swap teams, but had her swap positions with Cody instead of Izzy as a twisted form of karma for thinking she could manipulate him through his ego like that. Even though Chris absolutely can be and is easily manipulated via his ego.
Does she get what she asked for? Yes. But does she get what she wanted? Absolutely not, and I think Chris would find that outcome the most entertaining.
Also, we'd have a much more powerful Team Amazon. Which would justify them winning the majority of the time despite their tumultuous team dynamic.
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connorsnothereeither · 11 months ago
What if I said that hypothetically Brink and Caught Between Collapsing Skies take place in the same universe. Just for funsies. What’s stopping me. Maybe all my fics are secretly in the same universe, who knows. Maybe it’s all connected. Maybe it’s all part of a plan- /j
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dnpbeats · 4 months ago
I have this vision its not even a dream its like sth I feel has happened or might happen...it's them playing that dating game again or another version of it and reading the q "who kissed who first". And dan looking straight into the camera and saying "don't pretend you don't know". Then they both laugh and move on to the next one
LMAOOOOOO NO 💀😭 honestly the only reason I think that wouldn’t ever happen is bc there are ppl who wouldn’t know and I don’t think d&p would wanna prompt ppl going to find out lmao
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anderfels · 1 month ago
rook qotd: what is their least favorite thing about being a part of their faction? what is their favorite thing? if they went back in time and were given a choice, would they join their faction again?
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